Daima - PART 2: Sheikha
Introduction to Part 2
"Mashallah. That is, indeed, excellent progress," said the Emir.
"Alhamdulillah," the Finance Minister agreed, feeling a satisfied glow.
His gamble had paid off. The data science algorithms installed by his
finance team had increased profits for the Emir by over 8 billion
Dirhams, over 2 billion US dollars, per year. All by changing the timing
and collection of payments and the prioritization of monetary assets
across investments. Paul, now Daima, was the goose which laid golden
And now he was a she: a devout Muslim woman and a citizen of the UAE.
Safely secured and forever under the Emir's control.
"I am surprised," said the Emir, "that a white devil, a man, would
debase himself in this way. This is the influence of the west, is it
not? A culture which feminizes men and masculinizes women, and this is
the result. Men easily coerced to become women and enslave themselves to
our superior culture."
"Yes, your highness," agreed the Finance Minister. "It is most
remarkable. We were fortunate that it worked out so well."
"Alhamdulillah," said the Emir.
"Alhamdulillah," agreed the Finance Minister.
"An admirable return on investment. How much more profit margin can we
"We are getting close to our theoretical limits. As you know, our goal
is 10 billion Dirhams, and I am confident that we can get there. Beyond
that," the Finance Minister shrugged. "Already the models are decaying
and require attention."
"Yes, your highness. The models need to be continuously tuned or
retrained to maintain our advantage. The model predictions guide our
actions which themselves act as market moving forces."
"But I thought you said that there was no large action that could be
"Indeed, that is true, your highness. All of the adjustments are
transactions so minor, one is astonished that they add up to such an
improvement in profits, but they do. The problem is that the actions
when taken collectively act as an invisible hand."
"The invisible hand of Allah," the Emir said, with a feeling of awe.
"Perhaps this is how Allah works upon us," the Finance Minister agreed.
"With billions or trillions of small moments, always hidden, which in
aggregate move his people and show them the way. In our case, the market
reacts, slowly, and over time, responds, if you will, to our actions in
such a way that the models decay and no longer provide accurate
predictions. By acting on the predictions, we create a feedback loop
that causes the system change."
"Can't the models simply be retrained?"
"Yes, Your Highness. Although, sometimes remodeling is also required."
"And for that we need the asset."
"Yes, your highness."
The Emir stood up and stared out the window at the sun and sand and
glass which was Dubai, deep in thought, stroking his beard. He had
expected this. He had hoped it wouldn't be necessary, for it involved
additional risk. It would have been so much cleaner to simply extract
the knowledge from the asset and then terminate the program... and the
asset. But now, that was no longer possible. It was planning for this
eventuality that the asset had been converted to a Muslim woman.
It is all part of Allah's plan, the Emir thought to himself, wondering
how this would all play out. He felt like that Daima had an important
role to play, beyond merely data science, but could not imagine what it
"Then let's proceed with the next phase of the plan," the Emir said,
"Yes, Your Highness."
Chapter 9: Two Muslim Girls
Over the next few months, Aliya seemed determined to do as many
touristic activities as possible. Every weekend, she dragged Daima and
one of her brothers or uncles around the UAE visiting sights, praying in
beautiful mosques, shopping in the most expensive and luxurious
establishments and as well as all manner of outdoor activities.
They spent an overnight in the desert on a women-only safari where they
did "dune bashing", rode camels, stayed in tents, and had the BBQ dinner
buffet and even tried some belly dancing, and where all of the servers
and attendants were female.
They swam in pools and went to the water parks during women-only times,
clad in burkinis. Daima was careful to wear skirted burkini, because she
was still concerned that her small bulge would show. Aliya and Daima
rode inner-tubes together down lazy rivers, hand in hand, their burkini
covering them from head to foot like wet suits (with skirts) and a
hoodie so their hair was covered.
Even in the pool I feel protected, Daima thought to herself. Even in the
pool, I still feel Allah's presence guiding me.
For the first time since arriving in Dubai, Daima felt like a part of
her country, a true citizen. Like a true Arab Muslim in an Arab country.
She and Aliya would walk, arm in arm, dressed in their flirty skirts and
blouses, covered by Abaya, wearing hijab, through the streets of Abu
Dhabi or old Dubai, having coffee at small pastry shops, trying on new
clothes at the boutiques, going to the movies, and doing all of the
other touristic sites like the Dubai frame (a big 35 story free-standing
golden frame with a clear floor), and indoor skiing at the Mall of
Emirates (where they dressed in bulky snow pants and down jackets, their
breath coming out as steam in the freezing temperature as they awkwardly
worked their way down the slopes a few times before stopping in the
middle for hot chocolate at the indoor chalet).
And oh, the mosques! They made a special effort to find and pray at as
many different mosques as they could.
They were so beautiful, with their gorgeous domes, graceful minarets,
geometric stained glass windows and serene reflecting pools. Daima was
impressed, over and over, at these beautiful monuments to prayer and to
And Aliya seemed determined to pray in mosques as much as possible.
Always, of course, they were separated from the men and had to use the
women's entrance. They would often arrive early to get a good spot and
would be just two of hundreds, sometimes thousands, of worshippers, all
praying together, all breathing together.
"There have been studies," said Aliya, "that people who pray together...
their heartbeats become synchronized."
"Really?" asked Daima.
"wAllah" [I swear to god], replied Aliya. "Think of it. Hundreds,
thousands, of souls, dedicated to Allah, all hearts beating as one."
"How beautiful," said Daima, with awe in her voice.
"This is your community now," said Aliya, squeezing her hand.
* * *
They also spent a lot of time with Aliya's family, which was now Daima's
family as well. But the first time they were invited to a private dinner
(hosted by Aliya's parents), just a week after her Shahada, Daima got a
They were standing in the entryway, and Aliya had removed her hijab and
Daima was about to do the same when she was stopped.
"You need to stay in hijab," Aliya said, blushing slightly.
"But..." Daima sputtered.
"My brothers and sisters are still ghayr mahram, non-mahram, for you."
Daima just stood there, her mouth open.
"But..." she said, feeling her eyes well up. "But why did I get adopted
then? Is my father, not really my father? Do you mean... that there is
no man... who is mahram for me? That I can not be in any man's presence?
That I have no proper escort? Aliya!"
Tears were streaming down Daima's cheeks and it broke Aliya's heart. She
grasped Daima's hands, and held on tightly. Aliya realized again about
how they - everyone involved from the Emir on down - were playing games
with this poor girl's heart and soul. This poor devout worshipper of
Allah who was so trusting but was forever being led into deeper and
deeper caves from which she would never be allowed to escape.
"Daima," Aliya said, trying to calm her sister. "I will put my hijab
back on so you will not feel out of place."
"Aliya," Daima sobbed. "Please answer my questions! Is Baba... not my
"Of course I am your father," said Hajji Al Muhairi, stepping in at that
But then, just as Daima reached out for a hug from her Baba, he stepped
back, out of reach.
"I'm sorry, my daughter," he said.
"Baba? Please! I need you."
"We are not mahram," he said. "We can not have physical intimacy."
"But... you are my father."
"Your adopted father, yes," he said. "It is unfortunate, that Islam
considers you to be ghayr mahram to your adopted family, but that is the
Islamic view. 'Call them, adopted sons, by the names of their fathers.'
Allah is quoted in the Hadiths. It is intended to preserve the original
family line of adopted children should disaster strike their family, but
it has the unfortunate consequence of creating this barrier between
adopted daughters and their new family."
"So... I have no mahram family in all of the UAE?"
"We may not be mahram family, but we are still your family!" Aliya said
fiercely. "We will protect you! Father promised to protect you and to
make sure that all of the men in our family protect you as if you were
his natural born daughter."
"Promised? Who did he promise?" Daima asked. She could feel that
something was not right.
Aliya looked quickly at her father. Of course, her father had made these
promises to the Minister of Finance, when the adoption arrangements were
"To Aliya, of course," said Hajji Al Muhairi. "But I wouldn't have it
any other way, Daima. You are my daughter. "You will obey me, and in
return, I will open my house to you. I will find for you a suitable
husband. Only once you are married will you finally have a mahram man on
whom you can depend."
"Is this haraam?" asked Daima, that I am here unescorted. Her voice was
so defeated that it broke Aliya's heart. "Should I just leave?"
"No, this is not haraam. You are not alone. You are a guest in a
household of men. As your guardian, your father, I have given you
permission to be here. By the strict rule of Islam, you must be
accompanied by a mahram only when you travel over night. As long as you
are home before curfew, midnight, then this will not be haraam. Do you
understand, my daughter?"
"Yes... Baba. I understand," Daima said meekly, not sure what to think.
Then why did I get adopted? she wondered to herself. If all of my
adopted male relatives are ghayr mahram? What was the point?
"Come," said Aliya, leading Daima deeper into the house. Instead of
turning left into the main dining room, she turned right, into a smaller
dining room to the side.
"Kyla," she said, to a Filipino servant setting up something in the
room. "Daima and I will have dinner here so that Daima can enjoy our
company without hijab. Can you inform Mama?"
The servant nodded and rushed out. Aliya encouraged Daima to remove her
hijab and abaya, which she did, reluctantly, and hung them from hooks on
the wall.
Just as she did, Aliya's Mama burst in the door.
"What a good idea, Aliya!" she said. The then turned to Daima. "Welcome
to our house!" She pulled Daima into a warm hug and kissed her warmly on
both cheeks. "Baba told me all about it. I'm so sorry you were not
informed ahead of time. Can you ever forgive us?"
Tears sprung to Daima's eyes. "Oh, yes, Mama! Of course!"
Soon the room was full of women, including Aliya's sister, some cousins
(grateful to remove their hijab), aunties and sisters in law, dressed in
all manner of clothing from tunics with jeans to gorgeous patterned
kaftans, all looking beautiful and animated and all chattering away and
snagging food from plates brought in by a virtual army of (all female)
Filipino servants. Daima looked around, amazed, as women and girls
hugged her and kissed her and asked her questions and suggested she try
delicious new tidbits.
Daima turned to Aliya and gave her a fierce hug.
"Thank you, my sister," she said. "I love you."
"I love you too, Daima. And I will always be here for you. Remember
* * *
All this time, Daima still had her penis, although thanks to her intense
hormone therapy (she was still receiving injections once a week from
Majed, with Aliya in attendance and careful to only uncover her arm for
as brief a time as possible), it was soft and small and unusable for
penetrative sex.
But it was still a source of pleasure.
At first, Daima would lay in bed in her nightgown and think about the
day and would try to rub herself, usually late at night, after evening
prayers. Unfortunately, this was often not satisfying because her member
was so soft.
Then one night, she discovered the pleasures of her bolster pillow. This
was a long, fat, cylindrical pillow which was placed against the
headboard after she made the bed. It was just under two meters long and
a half meter in diameter.
One night, dressed in her long, nylon nightgown with panties and no bra,
Daima discovered she could hug the bolster, straddling it with her legs,
and then rub herself, humping against it, to a very satisfying
conclusion. She realized, of course, that this was exactly what a woman
would do, spreading her legs for a man as they made love.
I'm a horny Muslimah, Daima thought to herself as she got into bed and
arranged the bolster to be her lover. The rough, ridged and expensive
fabric of the bolster rubbed deliciously against her nipples and against
her small and flaccid member inside her panties (now with panty liner
stolen from Aliya to prevent staining).
* * *
"Daima, can I talk to you? Girl to girl, as Muslims?" Aliya asked, one
"Of course."
"I've noticed that you've been showering before fajr prayers all this
week. Is that because you needed to perform ghusl?"
Daima blushed.
"Yes, my sister," she said. Daima had taken to calling Aliya 'my sister'
when they were alone.
"And is that because you've been masturbating at night?" Aliya asked,
placing a hand gently on Daima's arm.
"I... yes," Daima admitted, staring at her hands, clutched together in
her lap.
"And are you proud, or ashamed of your masturbating?" Aliya asked.
The word was said in such a clinical way that it doubled Daima's
embarrassment. Daima felt her face flush bright red and burn hot.
"Ashamed," she admitted.
"That is good," said Aliya, taking on the tone of a parent or supervisor
for a wayward child. "Your shame is Allah telling you that your
masturbation is not right. My sister, now that you're Muslimah, you
should know that masturbation is haraam."
"It is?" Daima asked, looking up at Aliya, her eyes wide with shock.
"Yes. Mama explained it to me a long time ago when I reached puberty. It
is prohibited all the time according to the Maliki madhhab, which we
ascribe to because we are Emiratis."
"I see."
"But none of that really matters, does it? Your shame is your answer.
Your embarrassment is your answer. That is the sign from Allah that
masturbation is forbidden. Allahu a'alam." [Allah knows best]
Daima said nothing, but just stared down at the floor, wringing her
"Don't you agree?" Aliya asked, gently.
"Yes, my sister," Daima said, humbly. "Allahu a'alam."
She had never, to her knowledge done anything which was haraam before.
Of course, she had only recently converted. This was a new experience
for Daima, having unintentionally sinned.
"So... I am only allowed to have sexual pleasure...?"
"With your husband," Aliya confirmed.
Daima felt her world collapse around her. As a devout Muslimah, I'm only
allowed to have sexual pleasure with my husband? she thought to herself,
feeling trapped and constrained. Is that how much freedom I've given up?
Until that moment, Daima never seriously thought she would have a
husband. She thought she would just live as she was, as Aliya's sister.
But now it seemed that Islam and Arabic culture had other plans for her.
It looked more and more likely that she would someday be married,
despite her best wishes, and the thought scared her. Living with... a
man? Being... a wife? To an Arab husband?
But if that was the only way to sexual pleasure...
Ever since arriving in Dubai, gradually more and more constraints had
been placed on her. Paul had been able to browse porn sites, at least
when he first arrived. Many were blocked by the Emirates government, but
he could still browse sites like Tumblr and get to other sites through
VPN. Of course, all of these accesses had been carefully observed by his
handlers, unbeknownst to Paul, because he was using a specially hacked
browser that recorded all of his encryption keys.
But then, once his computer was locked down by the Royal Arabian
Corporation, even these sites were blocked. That was when Paul had
started dreaming about his conversion, wearing hijab, and becoming a
Muslim woman.
And now that he was a true Muslim woman, Daima felt the walls move even
closer, the trap closed even tighter, restricting her movements and her
daily activities even more. Whenever she left the house, she had a male
escort and had to wear hijab. She could no longer travel to the US
without a visa, not to mention a passport from the UAE government which
would require her male guardian's permission. And now she could no
longer masturbate? She would feel no sexual pleasure at all... she had
to save it all... for her husband?
Aliya quoted from the Qur'an: "Did you think that you would enter
Heaven without Allah testing those of you who fought hard In His Cause
and remained steadfast?"
"Allahu Akbar," [God is greater] said Daima. "Allah has saved me. Allah
has shown me the way. Without Allah, I wouldn't have you as a sister, or
Baba as a father. Allah is responsible for everything that I am and all
that I have in this world."
Daima paused, strong feelings flowing through her, wanting desperately
to be the most devout Muslimah possible, a deep devotion and desire to
do everything 'by the Qur'an and the Hadiths' as is only found in the
recently converted who are desperate to fit in to their new-found
religious community.
"I submit myself to the power of Allah and to his infinite wisdom. I
place my faith in Allah and His plan for my salvation. You are right,
Aliya, I know it is wrong. I know that..." Daima struggled to say the
word, "masturbation... is haraam. I can feel that it is wrong. I
understand now that this is Allah in my life, trying to show me the way.
I so desperately want to be a devout and obedient servant to Allah, and
now I realize that I have committed haraam. Oh, Aliya, what should I
"The help of Allah is always near," Aliya quoted. "And, Daima, you must
return to God through tawba [repentance]. You must be sincere and full
of faith in Allah."
"But what should I do?"
"There are six steps. One, sincerely regret what you have done. Two,
carry out any divine duties you missed. Three, return anything you
gained improperly. Four, ask for forgiveness from anyone you have
harmed. Five, do whatever you can to avoid sin in the future. And six,
to give your obedience to Allah, in same measure as you previously
disobeyed him. "
"Do I... do I need to find a Mufti or something?"
"No. Your repentance is between you and Allah alone," Aliya said.
"Although, of course I am always here to help."
"Thank you."
They sat in silence.
"Maybe we should pray for guidance?" Aliya suggested.
And so they went to the musalla and prayed the prayer of guidance,
Salat-l-Istikhar. When they were done, Aliya gave Daima a hug and then
asked her if she truly regretted what she had done.
"Yes, my sister," said Daima. "I regret it very much. I very much want
to be a good and devout Muslimah."
"Very good. That is step one. Now I have a suggestion for some of the
other steps."
"Oh, thank you! Please help me," Daima begged.
"Allah is merciful, and he teaches us that we can repent with good
works. Since there are no divine duties that you have missed, and no
property you have to return, perhaps you could give a donation?"
"A donation? Of course! I have plenty of money. I'd be happy to donate
it in the name of Allah. But to whom?"
"Maybe the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children?" Aliya chose that
charity because they do work to prevent human trafficking, which she
felt was an uncomfortably accurate description for what they had done
with Daima. Perhaps a donation to help others from a similar fate would
help ease her conscience.
"What a wonderful idea!" Daima said. She did a quick calculation in her
head. "How about 200,000 Dirhams?"
"Oh, Daima!" Aliya said, shocked. "That is so much money!"
"I have plenty," Daima said, shyly.
"Well, that should be more than enough. Now there are two steps left,
and I think I know how to fix one of them, because I feel that I have
sinned as well. I have enjoyed our time together these last few months
so much! I never want it to end. But also," Alia looked to the side,
ashamed of herself, "like a bad daughter, I told our Baba that I wasn't
ready for him to fix me up with find me a husband. But now I realize
that this was wrong. And so, I'm going to ask his forgiveness and tell
him that I am ready.... that *we* are ready, to accept husbands. To get
married. Do you agree?"
Daima gulped. Get married? Agree to let Baba fix her up with find her a
husband? Did Daima really want that?
She had certainly thought about the idea. But doing it was another thing
entirely. She loved Aliya and desperately wanted to spend the rest of
her life with her sister. But she knew that was impossible. She and
Aliya were both too devout and too obedient to Islam.
So... she would need to take a husband.
"I... I agree," said Daima, at long last. She felt something shift
inside of her. She was agreeing to become someone's wife. She was
agreeing to become a Muslim wife to a Muslim man.
"I know this is hard," said Aliya, giving Daima a hug, her lithe arms
comforting around Daima's waist. "But it is necessary. Now for the final
step. Making sure that you don't sin in the future. Do you have any
ideas about that, Daima?"
"I do," Daima said, her hands shaking. "I... I think that I should have
bottom surgery.... gender confirmation surgery. So I can become fully a
woman. And then... I feel that will... I don't think that... I mean....
I think it would be best. I think that..."
Daima took some deep breaths.
"I think it's time. I think that this is how I can fully repent for the
sin... of masturbating."
"Oh, Daima, what a brave and wonderful idea! And I completely agree! It
seems very appropriate. Shall I arrange it?"
"Yes, please."
* * *
Like As before, the Emir paid for specialists to be brought in, this
time from America, to do the best possible bottom surgery available in
the world for Daima. As before, Daima went with Aliya to the private
clinic to receive her pre-surgery checkup and blood-work.
Only later would Daima discover that this was the Emir's private clinic,
as in, he actually owned the entire building and the clinic itself.
Further, in a collision of her two worlds, the financial transactions
(purchases, invoicing, collections, payments) of the clinic were under
the control of Daima's own data science algorithms.
The surgery itself went smoothly and the recovery was not as difficult
as Daima feared. After two days of complete stillness she was allowed to
move. There was some pain (especially when the catheter was removed) but
it was not unbearable.
Much worse were the occasional waves of panic when she realized what had
happened to her genitalia. It took all of her willpower to settle her
mind in those moments and return to breathing normally.
Prayer helped.
"I am a Muslimah," she would say, to herself, before and after her
prayers. "Allah yahdina [Allah, guide me]."
And, oddly, her dilations also helped. They were performed with a series
of plastic dildos, each one a bit larger, which she lubricated and used
to gently stretch her new female parts. She was required to do this,
initially, five times a day, and so, naturally, she decided to do them
before prayers.
And so, in this way, penetration by the plastic dilators, the most
intimate expression of her new femaleness, became inextricably tied to
her devotions to Allah and her commitment to Islam. And as her
connection to her female self grew and deepened, so did her commitment
and devotion to Islam and Allah also grow and deepen, until the two
became one and the same.
"I am female, thanks to Allah," she thought to herself. "I have
submitted myself to Allah, and Allah has brought forth my womanhood."
"I am a woman. I am a Muslimah. I am... forever... Allah's humble
Finally, after three months, Daima woke and felt, for the first time,
fully settled in her new consciousness. A woman. A Muslim. A citizen of
the UAE.
"I am complete as a woman," she thought to herself, gently exploring her
new female parts. She was amazed at how different they felt. After a
period of numbness, they now seemed much more sensitive. And oh, how
horny she felt! She so desperately wanted to play wither herself to
completion, to masturbate, but new knew it was haraam. In desperation,
she would force herself to perform extra prayers whenever she realized
she was playing with herself with an intent to self pleasure.
As far as her recovery was concerned, the surgeons had examined her and
had given her the thumbs-up. After all of the surgery, the hormone
therapy, the hair removal, everything.... she was complete.
But more importantly, she was ready in her soul. She was truly a woman.
And horny woman.
* * *
"Haha!" Khaled laughed, sneering. "The kus has a kus now."
"Indeed, she is fully a woman now."
"I'm surprised the Finance Minister let it go this long."
"If patience is bitter, the result is sweet," quoted Majed.
"I think you love the kus," Khaled taunted.
"Bluster is but a front for shame," Majed retorted
"I should kill you right now!"
The two men jumped up, staring each other down. While Khaled's face was
red with anger, Majed maintained an icy calm.
"I see how you look at her," Majed said. "I know what you're thinking.
Remember that you are her brother. Remember your duty to Allah and the
Emir. And remember this, if you so much as touch a hair on her body, I
will personally remove your testicles from your body."
"You're bluffing."
"I know my duty. I follow the orders of the Emir."
Khaled pulled back.
"What do I care," he said, trying to save face. "She is of no
consequence to me."
* * *
Chapter 10: Dating, Sort of
"What's it like to date an Arab man?" Daima asked, as the car pulled up
to the restaurant.
Daima was wearing a cute, knee-length A-line dress with pantyhose and
high-heels under her abaya and hijab. Her face was carefully made up
with Aliya's help to give her eyes and especially alluring, Arabic look.
She could feel her lipstick when she talked and could smell the delicate
perfume on her body.
"Dating?" Aliya snorted and giggled as they got out of the limousine.
"There is no such thing as dating. That's a western concept."
"Then... what do we... I mean..."
As they entered the restaurant, Daima could see this was a much bigger
gathering than she had expected. The whole family was there! Along with
two strange men, both looking very proud of themselves, one younger and
one older.
"Ya rab! [Oh god!]" Aliya said, grasping Daima's hand and quickly
turning away.
"What? What's the matter?"
"It's... it's..." quickly she pulled Daima to the ladies room. "It's my
old boyfriend," she explained.
"Your old boyfriend?" Daima asked, eyes wide. "What do you mean?"
"We became friends in high school, and messaged each other all the time.
This was before Baba learned how to lock me out of the internet. And
then after high school, he asked Baba for my hand, and Baba refused!
Sent him away! And then I was sent to America to an all women's college
for school. Oh, Daima, what is he doing here?"
"Are you..." Daima felt a lump in her throat. Why are my eyes watery?
she wondered. "Do you still have feelings for him?" she got out, feeling
her heart hammering.
Aliya reached out and grasped Daima's hands. Aliya's hands were warm and
soft. Daima could feel them shaking.
"Yes," she said, breathing hard. "Yes, I do. But what does this mean? Do
you think that... that Baba...?"
The question was left hanging in the air.
"There's only one way to find out," Daima said, the ache in her voice
was completely missed by Aliya. The two ladies quickly touched up her
their makeup (Daima using some lipstick to touch up her lips), before
arm in arm, they exited the bathroom and joined the rest of the party.
The entire family was looking at them with barely concealed excitement
as they approached the table. The two new men were both wearing
traditional thawb [white robes], white ghutrah [head scarf] and black
agal [black rope head-band which keeps the scarf in place].
"Ah, here come my beautiful daughters," said Hajji Al Muhairi, Daima's
adopted father. "After having first gone on a lovely tour of the the
ladies' facilities," he teased.
"Baba!" Aliya hissed, turning bright red.
Hajji Al Muhairi laughed heartily. "Now, I would like to introduce you
to our honored guests. Aliya, I think you may already know Mohammad
Daima looked over and could tell that Aliya's heart was beating a mile a
minute, as Aliya bowed her head and said, humbly, "it is a pleasure to
see you again, Mr. Qassimi."
"Oh, Aliya," Mohammed said, bowing his head. "How I have ached to see
you again." Mohammed smiled a puppy dog grin at Aliya. Daima could see
instantly why Aliya would be so smitten with him.
"And Daima, let me introduce you to Ahmed Al Nahyan of Abu Dhabi."
"A pleasure," said Al Nahyan, bowing.
"The pleasure is all mine," Daima murmured, bowing back.
Ahmed was an intelligent looking man, fit, in his mid thirties, with a
carefully cropped beard and piercing black eyes. His face was jagged and
handsome, with a strange angular scar which went from his left eye down
and then back to his temple. His lips smiled, showing bright white
"Everyone, sit! Let's eat!" commanded Hajji Al Muhairi.
* * *
Aliya, Daima and the two men were sat boy-girl, side-by-side, across the
table from each other. Daima watched and copied Aliya as she sat humbly,
looking forward, never looking Mohammed directly in the face as she
talked to him in low, humble, and submissive tones. Although outwardly
calm, Daima could tell that Aliya was nervous and bursting inside, just
from her eyes, and the way she barely ate anything.
"I hear you work as a data scientist," said Ahmed to Daima.
"Yes, for the Royal Arabian Corporation."
"You must be very smart."
"All of my humble talent I owe to Allah," she said, lowering her eyes,
but enjoying his praise none the less.
"And very modest too, I see," said Ahmed. "That is very important in a
Daima felt unwanted butterflies in her stomach.
"Tell me about yourself," she said, desperate to change the subject.
"I am a wealth manager for Abu Dhabi Wealth Investments," he said.
"That is very impressive." Daima looked over and noticed a gold Rolex
peaking out from the long white sleeves of his thawb.
"It is the family business," he replied. Daima briefly got caught up in
his radiant smile and elegantly trimmed mustache and beard. He felt like
such a *man* to her. Of course, Daima used to be a man herself, but
never had she felt this radiation of manhood as she did with Ahmed.
Always she had felt different inside, not a man. And now, thanks to
Allah, she understood that this was because she was, in fact, not a man,
but a woman. And now she was fully a woman, and it was made official by
the fatwa, although, of course, a woman with limitations.
But looking at Ahmed as they talked about his job, how he helped to
manage the investments of various members of the royal families of Dubai
and Abu Dhabi, and how he himself was a third cousin to the Emir, she
felt to herself, this is a man. This is a real man. This is a man who
has never had a moment's doubt about his manhood... about his abilities
to be a man.
Ahmed reached over and briefly held her hand, giving it a warm squeeze.
His hand was warm and soft. She looked into his eyes and felt her heart
give a little thump.
Daima looked up, at Aliya who was staring at her with a mirthful
delight. Ahmed withdrew his hand, hurriedly.
"Sorry!" Daima said, quickly, blushing furiously. The whole table
"Mohammed was saying that he would like to see Nassif Zeytoun at the
Dubai opera. Of course his father and mother would chaperone. Would you
be interested in going, too? Perhaps with Ahmed?"
Daima's flushed with the heat of the attention of everyone at the table.
Her robes suddenly felt hot and sticky. She glanced quickly at Ahmed
before casting her eyes down. She had no idea who Nassif Zeytoun was,
probably some Arab singer.
She ached to say 'no'. She ached to just stand up and beg Aliya to just
go home with her and the two of them could just watch TV or work on data
science or just hang out or pray together like old times. But she could
feel that those days had already passed. Aliya, the love of her life,
was already gone, her heart had already been recaptured by Mohammed, it
was obvious, and now here Daima was, facing a life of loneliness, a life
of a single, unattached Muslim woman data scientist in Dubai with an
adopted family, and a sister who she could now see was eager to start a
family of her own. Of course they would always love each other. But now
as sisters... living apart. Daima felt an ache in her core.
She breathed a couple of deep breaths and looked up at Ahmed, this time
not afraid to look at him, judging him, trying to decide. Ahmed looked
back at her, a friendly but amused smile on his worldly and manly face.
The whole table held their breath.
"Yes, that would be wonderful," Daima said, finally, knowing it was the
only answer she could possibly give. "If Ahmed would agree to accompany
"Oh, I would," he said eagerly, to general laughter. "It would be my
* * *
"Of course he knows," Daima's adopted father said, when she called her
Baba afterwards. "Do you think I would leave something like that to
"Of course not, Baba," Daima said, feeling weird alternating waves of
shame and relief flooding over her.
"He's divorced and older and has two grown children which live with his
ex-wife, but then, a girl in your condition can't be choosy, can you?"
"No, Baba," Daima said, feeling her face flush.
"But, on the other hand, he comes from an excellent family, and he has a
good income, a beautiful house and a steady job. It is a propitious
match. You are a very fortunate girl."
"Yes, Baba."
"Now Daima, I expect you to be a good and obedient daughter. You must
promise me that you will give this man every opportunity to win your
Daima gulped, looking down at Aliya who's head was asleep in her lap in
the living room. "Yes, Baba."
"Do you give me your solemn promise, Baba, that you will open your heart
and your mind to this man?"
Daima sighed. She knew her duty.
"Yes, Baba," she said.
* * *
"Come! This way!" motioned Aliya.
They were in the ladies' bathroom at the Dubai Opera. Mohammed's father
and Aliya's uncle, their chaperones, were waiting for them outside.
Aliya pulled Daima into a closet full of cleaning supplies, then pulled
out a key.
"I got this from Ahmed," she explained, as she unlocked the door at the
far side of the closet. "Who bribed the janitor."
She opened the door into a hidden back hallway with floors of bare
cement and cinderblock walls.
"Mohammed?" she called out.
"Aliya!" And there they they were! Coming out from behind a corner. "We
weren't exactly sure which door--" Mohammed never finished his sentence
as Aliya attacked him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him
into a deep kiss like a woman drowning.
Daima felt a hand in hers, gently pulling her to the side.
"Let's give the love birds some privacy," Ahmed said, pulling her around
the corner. Daima tore her eyes away from Aliya, ashamed that she was
"Oh!" she said, feeling his arm around her waist. Ahmed pulled their two
bodies close.
"You are so beautiful," he said, stroking her cheek. Ahmed smelled
strongly of cologne and cigarette smoke. To Daima, it was intoxicating
and manly. He smiled, his face a rocky surface.
"Daima?" he asked, lifting up her chin to look him directly in the eyes.
"Could you ever imagine yourself as my wife?"
Daima heard soft moans and murmurs of love from Aliya and Mohammed from
around the corner. She looked into Ahmed eyes and felt herself get lost
in them for just a moment, imagining herself with this strong,
successful, confident man, held in his arms, her naked feminine body
wrapped up in his as he made love to her, and forced her into pleasure,
and protected her and kept her safe as his Islamic wife, part of a
larger extended family. With a husband, finally, she could participate
in true unfiltered love, the love between a husband and his wife, the
love a man for a woman, as written in the Qur'an
"Yes," she whispered, a moment of weakness and fantasy sealing her fate.
"You have made me so happy," he said, the arm around her waist pulling
her in, pressing her body against his, and when she looked up, there he
was. With a gasp of shock at his forwardness, Daima felt his hand slip
underneath her hijab. His fingers stroked intimately against the bare
skin of her neck, making her shiver. And then they were kissing, his
mouth tasting of mint, his lips and tongue soft, wet and tender.
And, remembering her promise to her baba, Daima opened her mouth and
leaned into Ahmed, giving him the signal to continue, and they kissed
for real, Daima's first real kiss with either man or woman, her eyes
closed, her nipples tingling and her sex aching for his touch, a fog of
pleasure and submission taking over as she tentatively, placed her hands
around his body and neck and melted, ever so slightly.
"Daima," Aliya giggled, tugging on the sleeve of Daima's Abaya. "We need
to go! Our escorts are waiting!"
Flustered, Daima extracted herself from Ahmed, who couldn't resist
giving her one last kiss, his hand running down her body and boldly over
her bottom, before the two women ran, giggling like schoolgirls, back
into the closet and then into the lady's room.
"What took you so long?" Mohammed's father harrumphed, rolling his eyes
as the woman finally exited the WC.
"Oh, you know," Aliya said, glancing at Daima, her eyes twinkling with
delight. "Woman's business."
* * *
After that evening, all thoughts moved quickly to the wedding. It was
decided to have a double wedding, so both couples could get married on
the same day and share the same reception.
"I can't wait," enthused Aliya. "It will be so beautiful! And it will be
a hundred times more special because we will be betrothed together."
Although not responsible for the plans, Daima still got caught up in a
whirlwind of wedding activity. She helped as best she could, always by
Aliya's side, sampling sweets and providing her opinions on every aspect
of the ceremony and reception.
"We are such lucky girls," said Aliya, squeezing Daima's hand. Aliya was
clearly in love, glancing over at Mohammed with starry eyes whenever
they were together, and mysteriously disappearing now and then. Daima
was caught up in the excitement as well, following Aliya through
unmarked doors or turning corners to evade their chaperone, only to find
Mohammed and Ahmed there waiting to hold and kiss them.
Daima came to enjoy Ahmed's attentions, feeling secure and cared for.
His close cropped beard was scratchy when they kissed, but that only
emphasized his manliness for her and made her feel even more feminine.
'I have a boyfriend,' she told herself over and over, not sure what to
think, but often feeling a giddy sense of butterflies. 'I have a
boyfriend and he loves me.'
Although, come to think of it, Ahmed had never actually said he loved
her. But his attentions were always so affectionate and caring that of
course he must.
* * *
"Daima, I need to talk to you," Ahmed said, arriving at Aliya's family
house as the ladies were busy finalizing the guest list and addressing
wedding invitations (with such gorgeous Arabic calligraphy, does
everyone in Dubai have such beautiful writing? wondered Daima).
"Of course, Ahmed," Daima said, lowering her head submissively like she
imagined a good girlfriend (soon to be a good wife!) would do.
The two moved to the far side of the room where they could talk
privately while still being observed for propriety, Daima took a moment
to adjust her hijab so it would drape beautifully around her neck.
"Yes, Ahmed?" she asked.
"I understand that you are inviting your mother to the wedding."
"Yes, Ahmed."
"She can not come to the wedding," Ahmed said, on the edge of angry. "I
will not allow it. You must call her now and tell her that she can not
"But Ahmed!" Daima pleaded, tears springing to her eyes "She is my only
guest, my only family! My mother has already bought her ticket!"
"You have plenty of money to refund her ticket," said Ahmed. "I will not
allow her to come. Now be an obedient woman and call her and tell her
she can not attend."
"But why?"
"I should think the reason would be obvious."
"Because... because of my past?" Daima asked, shaking now. Aliya looked
over from the far side of the room with a questioning look. She could
tell something was wrong. Daima shook her head to indicate that Aliya
should not come over.
Daima and Ahmed had never discussed or mentioned her past as a man.
After assurances from Baba that Ahmed knew the details, Daima had not
felt the need to bring it up. And moments alone were rare and brief and
were mostly spent in kissing and caressing each other.
"Yes, because of your past," Ahmed said. A wave of anger crossed his
face before he took a second to master it and return his features to a
placid calm. "Daima," he said, tenderly, "I know of your past and I
accept it. But others will not be so understanding. Right now you are
Daima Al Muhairi, adopted daughter of a respectable Emirati family. It
is clear that you are not of Arab blood, but that is acceptable. People
can know that you are from America. American brides are very desirable.
But people can not know that you were..." Ahmed scrunched up his face,
with a look of profound distaste. "They can not know any other details
of your past. Do you understand? We would become outcasts from Emirati
society. Dubai may be a tolerant, modern city full of the rot of western
ideals, but I can assure that Sharjah and Abu Dhabi are not. They are
much more conservative there and your... past condition... must be kept
secret. Even in Dubai society, I can assure you, if your condition
became well known, it would bring shame down on my family and yours."
Ahmed looked meaningfully over to Aliya and her mother who were busy
addressing invitations.
"Now, will you tell your mother to stay in America, or will I need to
call off our wedding?" he asked.
Daima felt lost in a vortex of emotions. Her face was red with
humiliation. She felt sad and angry over what Ahmed was telling her.
Would she really be forced to cut off her mother?
Just then, she felt a comforting hand on her shoulder and looked up to
see her adopted mother.
"It's time for Asr prayers," she said, gently.
"Asr can wait," Ahmed said, curtly. "I need for Daima to answer me."
Daima's eyes welled up with tears, her internal emotions too turbulent
to think about anything at all but raw emotions.
"We will pray, and then Daima will come out with her answer," said Mrs.
Muhairi, firmly.
"Fine," Ahmed got up with an angry glare and stalked out of the room,
presumably to walk to the local Mosque. They could hear, softly, the
haunting call to prayer over the local loudspeakers, just like in
Daima's dream.
Daima, Aliya and her mother performed wudu in the washroom and then went
to the musalla to pray. Daima felt herself become wrapped in the
invocations to Allah and Mohammed, their comforting rhythms serving to
settle her mind and her heart. Mrs. Muhairi led them through the
raka'ah, taking her time and doing all of the optional prayers as well.
By the time they were done, Daima had reached a decision.
"Has Allah helped you through your crisis?" Mrs. Muhairi asked, gently,
as they walked back to the dining room where the assembly line of
invitations was set up.
"Yes, Mama," said Daima, feeling sad.
And so, when Ahmed got back, Daima sat with him again and held her hands
in her lap, looking down at them, she gave him her answer.
"I submit to your will, Ahmed," she said, a tear running down her cheek.
"I will call my mother and tell her not to come to the wedding."
"Thank you, Daima," Ahmed said, tenderly. "I understand that this is
difficult for you, and I apologize for my earlier behavior. I promise to
be more compassionate in the future."
"Thank you, Ahmed," Daima said, looking into his eyes, grateful for the
attentions of this sweet man. After all, given her background, she
should be grateful that a beautiful, confident man such as Ahmed would
even be seen in the same room as her. And now here he was, sorry for his
previous behavior, and promising to do better. Yes, she was a lucky
woman to have such a caring boyfriend.
"Thank you very much," she said. "And I promise to always be dutiful to
you and your needs."
* * *
Chapter 11: The Wedding
On the morning of the wedding day, the first nikkah [religious ceremony]
was for Ahmed and Daima.
Daima dressed in a beautiful, white modest dress with a lacy veil. The
skirt was made of shiny white satin with gorgeous lace trim down the
fitted bodice which draped down to the floor with a minimal train. The
sleeves were long and she completed it with loose white satin gloves and
a snow-white hijab.
She was delivered to the ceremony by her adopted father, Hajji Al
Muhairi, and her two adopted brothers, Khaled and Mohammed Al Muhairi (a
different Mohammed than Aliya's fianc?). Aliya was also there and Al
Shaykh Sayyid performed the ceremony at the Emir's request (unbeknownst
to Daima). The ceremony was held in the living room of the Al Muhairi
The first part of the ceremony was the signing of the marriage contract.
The contract included the negotiated mahr, the payment from the groom to
the bride which itself was in two parts. The first part was the payment
at the ceremony, which Ahmed produced and handed to Daima: a single gold
coin, to match the gold coin recommended by the prophet Mohammed. Daima
would later realize that this was a shockingly small amount for mahr.
Aliya would later receive nearly 1.6m Dirhams (about $400K) for her mahr
before the wedding.
The second part of the mahr was the deferred amount [the mu'akhar], to
be paid to Daima from her husband's estate should he die before her, or
if he should divorce her for no reason. This second amount was unusually
high, over 8 million Dirhams, about $2.2 million US Dollars. Daima had
no idea why the amount would be so large, and just assumed that it was a
consequence of Ahmed's rich family.
What she didn't realize was that the amount was set by the Emir, who
required such a high amount as a kind of financial handcuff, to ensure
that Ahmed would not skip out of the marriage. The Emir wanted to ensure
that Daima was safely married to an Arab man, and that the marriage
would be permanent.
All of the mahr would belong to the bride, as would Daima's own money
(her earnings from the Royal Arabian Corporation) and, by sharia law,
could not be taken away from her by her husband.
After reading the contract aloud, both Daima and Ahmed said "qabul" [I
accept] three times, and signed the contract along with Hajji Al Muhairi
and her two adopted brothers.
'I am being given away by a man in a ceremony officiated by a man, to
another man, as his bride,' Daima thought to herself, watching as the
men contracted the business of transferring her from one household to
another. She felt vaguely like property. According to Islamic law, the
mahr was given directly to her and was hers to do with as she pleased,
but she didn't realize that there was also a substantial bride price,
paid for by the Emir, as part of the final payment for Hajji Al
Muhairi's role in the whole affair. In this way, she really was
property, a valuable asset to be exchanged between men. All of this
financial negotiation and transfer of funds in relation to Daima and
Ahmed's wedding was kept secret from Daima as well as Aliya, who was now
considered to be 'compromised' now that her role Daima's capture and
conversion was complete.
Once the contract was signed by all parties, Ahmed and Daima shared the
traditional sweet date.
"Your veil," said Ahmed.
Daima had promised her Baba to obey her husband in regards to wearing
the veil, and Ahmed had made it clear that he wanted her to be veiled
once they were married. So now that they were officially married, it was
time to put on the niqaab.
Aliya held the niqaab and helped Daima put it on. It was a white, "three
layer niqaab", which meant that it contained three long squares of
fabric in a complicated arrangement, attached together to make a mask.
"Nice and secure," Aliya said softly, tying the mask very tight behind
Daima's head using two fabric strips and then double-knotting it with a
To Daima, the mask of the niqaab was pressed against her face, as if
hugging her head, in a tight grip.
"It needs to be tight," Aliya had said earlier when the practiced,
"because it will loosen during the day."
Aliya then arranged the first layer of the niqaab (attached to the
bottom of the mask) down her front where it draped down to just below
her bosom. The second and third layers, attached to the top of the mask,
were then draped over her head and down her back.
Daima was now completely hidden from the men, with the exception of a
narrow strip across her face, maybe an inch at its widest point, which
exposed her vulnerable eyes, carefully done up in beautiful Arabic-style
makeup at the salon that morning.
Aliya fussed with the niqaab making sure that everything looked
beautiful. Looking Daima in the eyes, she carefully adjusted the mask so
that the string which spanned the slit from top to bottom lay directly
in the center, across the bridge of Daima's nose. The panels draped down
her back billowed out slightly, giving her head a graceful shape.
"There," she said, finally, with a sad smile. "Your eyebrows are
modestly covered."
For the first time in her life, Daima was now completely covered, except
for her eyes.
Her wedding dress draped on the floor, covering her legs and shoes. The
long sleeves of the dress covered her shoulders and arms and ended well
past her wrists. She wore white satin gloves, shiny and loose as to not
show the curve of her fingers. The dress was a draping style which
obscured the contours of her body. She was wearing a white hijab which
carefully concealed her hair (carefully styled in the salon for her
husband) and draped elegantly around her neck and shoulders.
And now, the final covering, the niqaab, a mask which hid the rest of
her face and further contained panels which draped down her front and
back, further obscuring her shoulders and frame from sight and leaving
only her eyes, moist with the tears of the emotion of the moment, barely
visible. In front, the niqaab draped down from the top of her nose
(covering it) like an angled column, all the way to past her breasts,
hiding completely her neck and shoulders.
'I am hidden, I am invisible,' Daima thought to herself. 'My body
belongs to my husband now. It is for him that I keep it hidden, so that
it is precious to him.'
Like before, she felt enclosed and comforted. Safe in her anonymity and
shielded from the world by her clothing and by her faith in Allah.
But now...
She also felt submissive. Submission to Allah was one thing, but this
was submission to her husband. Submitting to him and saving herself for
him. She was desperately horny, and had been for months now, desperate
for sexual relief. The more she was covered, the more layers that were
added, the more she keenly felt her body, as if her other senses were
being removed and all she could do was to feel her new curves. The
gentle swell of her large breasts carefully cradled in the white lace
bra. The motion of her hips in the tight, low riding panties. The flow
of the slip and skirts around her legs. The sway of her hips and bottom
as as she turned towards Ahmed, her abaya flowing around her like a
dense, clingy mist. Her entire skin tingled as she looked into his eyes.
He smiled back and grasped her hand. Ahmed's eyes looked at her like a
man who owned her. Like she was property. Like she had been something
valuable that he now possessed.
The look in his eyes made her realize, suddenly, what she had just done.
She had signed over her life to this man! This man who now possessed
her, both spiritually and legally. She was now legally obligated to obey
him, by sharia law and by her devotion to Islam. A very conservative man
who would control all of the intimate details of her life, including
when she could leave the house, what she was allowed to wear, where she
could travel, who she would be allowed to see, and who would be allowed
to see her.
The thought left her breathless.
"Cover her eyes," said Ahmed, coldly.
Daima's eyes widened in shock, but she stood, obedient, as Aliya took
the middle of the three panels of the niqaab and gently draped it
forward, over her head, obscuring her eyes from the world. This second
panel was gauzy and see-through, but only for Daima. For the rest of the
world, her entire head was now covered by three layers of wedding-white
crepe fabric. Now even her eyes were hidden.
Daima could now see only an obscured and veiled view of the world. Now
she really was in her own world, a closed-in cave of fabric that she
carried around with herself, only able to see the outside world through
the veil of fine silk crepe. It was quieter too, with her ears covered
by (now) multiple layers of fabric. The sound of her breathing and
swallowing, the blood coursing through her veins, the synapses firing in
her brain, all these sounds were more present now. She became acutely
aware of the inner coursings of her body.
The outer world retreated. She felt no longer a part of the world but
now set apart from it. She was no longer in the world but now, somehow,
viewing it from afar, like a disembodied soul floating and observing but
unable to affect it, unable to truly live in it.
And she felt submissive. Submissive to Allah, but most especially
submissive to Ahmed. Her husband, for whom she had given up her freedom.
After she was veiled, Al Shaykh Sayyid read the first chapter of the
Qur'an [the Fatihah or The Opening] as symbolic of the opening of Daima
and Ahmed's new life in marriage, followed by some additional blessings
and a small sermon on the meaning of marriage and their responsibilities
to each other.
Finally, Ahmed wanted them both to say vows to each other. Daima had
agreed and went first.
"I, formerly Daima Al Muhairi, now Mrs. Ahmed Al Nahyan, offer you
myself in marriage in accordance with the instructions of the Holy
Qur'an and the Holy Prophet, peace and blessing be upon him. I pledge,
in honesty and with sincerity, to be for you an obedient and faithful
wife until death do us part."
Daima looked at Ahmed, feeling love and submission, her eyes wet with
tears, thankful for the veil after all, which hid her emotions.
And then Ahmed said his vows.
"I pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and
helpful husband."
That was it? Daima wondered. Nothing else?
But before she could ponder it more, she felt Ahmed lift her veil, not
so much as to expose her to anyone in the bridal part, but just enough
for him to kiss her. She felt his carefully cropped beard, could smell
his now familiar combination of cigarette smoke and cologne and could
taste the cigarette smoke on his lips as he kissed her, his lips warm
and soft.
* * *
After congratulations and hugs, the Al Muhairi's served everyone a
massive lunch full of Middle Eastern delicacies from kebabs to delicious
yogurt dishes and saffron rice with raisins. As the lunch celebration
continued, more and more Al Muhairi family members arrived and joined
All of this time, Daima sat modestly next to her husband, her hands in
her lap, nervous because she had never eaten with a niqaab before. How
does one eat when you have two layers of fabric hanging off your face
and down to your breasts? How does one touch food when wearing fancy
gloves? Is that even allowed? Do you put the glass under the veil to
drink from it?
She looked nervously from side to side and graciously accepted the
congratulations that each newcomer to the party offered to the married
Ahmed was stiff and not very comforting, sitting up straight and
accepting the complements and congratulations with sharp nods of
acknowledgement. He also ate sparingly, as if the food was beneath him.
"Here you go, dear."
Daima looked up to see her adopted mother place a glass of pineapple
juice in front of her with a straw.
"Oh, thank you, Mama!" Daima said, grateful for her mother's
understanding. Daima reached out and grasped her Mama in a hug, feeling
tears spring to her eyes.
"It gets easier," her Mama said, hidden behind her own (single layer)
veil. "I promise."
Daima carefully grasped the glass in her satin gloves and, after some
fumbling, brought it to her mouth under the veil where she was able to
sip it. The sweet liquid was a life line.
* * *
Aliya's nikkah ceremony was a more family affair, with large wedding
parties on both sides. On the bride's side, only Daima was veiled. All
of the other bridesmaids were in hijab but nothing more.
For the ceremony, Daima changed from her formal wedding dress to a dusty
rose-pink colored bridesmaid dress, covered with lace, which she wore
with matching hijab and niqaab.
Aliya wore a gorgeous, ball-gown style wedding dress with a long train.
It was champagne colored, with beautiful gold embroidery. As always, she
was wearing a matching hijab, which carefully hid her hair so that only
the oval of her face was visible.
Aliya's contract called for a mehr of $3.2m dirhams, about $800k, half
of it which was delivered at the wedding and the other half deferred. Of
course, she knew of the contract details ahead of time, but still Aliya
beamed with gratitude as she signed the contract with her new husband
The happy couple kissed and the ceremony continued with the Fatihah and
a completely different sermon by Al Shaykh Sayyid. And then the couple
kissed and everyone slowly exited, chatting and heading to their rooms
to rest up and change for the reception.
"But, Aliya is not wearing niqaab," Daima remarked to one of the
"I know!" The bridesmaid next to her, a childhood friend of Aliya's,
responded. "She promised her Baba that she would follow her husband's
instruction, and Mohammed told her not to! He said it was old fashioned
and misogynistic. Can you believe that? Who knew Mohammed had such a
spine! Baba was furious of course, but what could he do? They'll be like
any other modern couple in Dubai, now."
Daima watched from across the room as Aliya and Mohammed kissed and
hugged, her face hot with embarrassment, feeling like a big, pink-
colored fabric lump, a ghost clinging to ancient, outdated customs as
all of the other young ladies chatted with each other, their eyes
flashing and faces animated with delight in their shared companionship.
Just then, her adopted mother showed up at her side.
"Come," she said, gently leading Daima up stairs and to her private
bedroom where she took off her veil and convinced Daima to do the same.
"Oh, my daughter," she said, seeing tears streaming down Daima's face.
"And on your wedding day!"
"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry," Daima sobbed. "How did you know?"
"How fortunate is the veil for those of us who grieve," she said. "But
us Muslim women can tell. Why are you crying?"
"I... I don't know."
"Are you missing Aliya? Is that it?"
"Yes... But no. I don't know. She's so happy... so free... so... in
"Oh, my darling. You can also be all of those things."
"I don't think Ahmed will allow it."
"Lack of niqaab does not equal freedom," Daima's adopted Mama said,
sensing what the problem was. "Many women wear the niqaab and are just
as free, if not more free, than those who don't."
"I... I guess."
"My dear, would you like to pray with me? It is time for Asr."
Daima looked into her mother's eyes, suddenly overcome with gratitude.
She remembered Aliya's stories earlier about how she prayed with her
mother and how those were the most precious memories of her life.
"Yes, please," Aliya said.
Daima was led to a private musalla just off the main bedroom where they
went through the Asr prayers together. As they performed each raka'ah,
Daima felt her heart settle, felt her mind bend towards Allah, felt her
soul settle into its new position in life.
"Allah provides," said her Mama. "Let His wisdom guide you. Obey Allah
first, then obey your husband. If your husband wishes you to wear the
niqaab, then realize that he is just helping you along your path to
"Alhamdulillah," Daima agreed.
* * *
Chapter 12: The Wedding Night
After Asr prayers, Daima followed her adopted Mama to the lady's
reception and removed her hijab (including her abaya and niqaab) to
reveal her reception dress, a gorgeous cream silk slip dress underneath
a beautiful lace and embroidery over dress. She and Aliya were dressed
exactly the same, the two sisters who were now both married women.
Finally free of her niqaab, Daima brightened up. 'Just a year and a half
ago and I was a man,' Daima thought, amazed. She reflected on her
journey as she enjoyed the women's company, laughing with them. Someone
turned on some music, a pop song from a modern Emirati singer, and
several women got up to dance.
"Come dance with me," Aliya said, her eyes sparkling and her face
flushed. Daima looked at her, giggled and allowed herself to be pulled
'My god, she's...' Daima looked at Aliya in wonder. She was *glowing*
and laughing and on the top of the world. Somehow, she's already had
sex, Daima realized, happy and flushed with pleasure for her friend,
wondering when they could have snuck away together. Of course, the
ceremonies and the reception were in the Al Muhairi compound, so no one
would know it better than Aliya.
Daima danced with her friend, grinning wildly as they twisted and jumped
and shook their bodies together, their matching dresses flying out as
they twirled to the laughter and applause of all of the assembled Arab
* * *
"Where were you?" Ahmed growled.
"What... what do you mean?" Daima shrank back.
She and Ahmed were in his bedroom at his Al Nahyan compound. She had
pulled off her niqaab and hijab and was standing before Ahmed in just
her abaya.
Ahmed stepped forward and grasped Daima's arm, roughly shaking her, his
grip bruising her.
"After the ceremony, you disappeared. I looked all over for you. Where
were you?"
"I was changing, into my bridesmaid dress."
"NOT THAT CEREMONY. The Al Muhairi ceremony," he shouted. "I thought
that, at a minimum, someone in your condition, I thought I could trust
you not to run out on me."
Daima had never seen Ahmed so angry.
"I was with with Mrs. Al Muhairi!" Daima cried. "She took me to her room
and we prayed Asr together! Please, Ahmed! Please believe me!"
Like turning on a light switch, suddenly Ahmed's face became calm.
"Was that all?" he said, loosening his grip and holding Daima gently.
"Yes," she sobbed. "Yes, that was all."
"You pray five times a day?" he asked.
"Yes, Ahmed, I pray five times a day."
"Such a good muslim you are." Ahmed pulled Daima into a hug. "And so
Daima looked down, not sure what to say. She was freaked out by Ahmed's
outburst, but hopeful now that he had calmed down. 'I'm sure it's just
that we don't know each other that well,' she rationalized to herself.
'He'll be better once he knows he can trust me.'
Daima looked up and was surprised when Ahmed gently held her face and
kissed her, his lips soft and gentle.
"So beautiful," he said again, boldly stroking her body.
Daima's skin began to tingle. She had been abstinent of all sexual
pleasure since before her bottom surgery and was desperate for sexual
relief. She had, of course, used the dilators on her new parts and could
feel her arousal and so she knew that her new parts 'down there' were
fully functional.
But she was also nervous. Would her body please Ahmed? Of course, thanks
to the Emir and a small fortune in surgery, she was as perfect and as
womanly as modern medicine was able to achieve. But still...
Ahmed's hands stroked down her front, grasping and kneading her breasts.
Daima moaned and found herself pushing into his grasp.
"I... I need to slip into something... more comfortable," Daima said
shyly, smiling at him.
"I'll be waiting."
She grasped the shopping bag she had brought with her and went to the
en-suite bathroom where she changed into her wedding lingerie, an
angelic concoction of lace and satin panels which plunged low,
highlighting her breasts and cleavage, a wedding gift from Aliya. She
also took the time to generously lubricate herself, "down there", so
there would be no impediment.
Makeup enhanced and hair tidied, Daima shyly presented herself to her
new husband.
"Come," Ahmed said, patting the bed next to him. She climbed into bed
and the two kissed for a while. He slipped a hand under her dress,
stroking her pussy, making her sigh and press against him.
"Make me hard," Ahmed instructed.
Daima opened his pants and discovered, to her disappointment, that Ahmed
was still soft. So she grasped his balls and stroked his penis, making
small circles under the head where she knew it would be most sensitive.
"Suck it," Ahmed commanded.
Daima had thought a lot about this ever since she had accepted Ahmed's
proposal. Would she be able to suck his cock if asked? She knew it was
allowed by her religion, and also she wanted to please her husband.
After a while, she began to look forward to the idea of exploring each
other's bodies, and maybe even giving him pleasure that way. She
fantasized about how he would be so grateful for it, and how he would
come to love her even more as a wife and sing her praises that he had
made the best possible choice.
But here it was, soft in her hand.
"What are you waiting for?"
Quickly, Daima bent down and drew him into her mouth. Gently, she sucked
on his member. He smelled musky and sweaty. It had been a long day. She
used her tongue and stroked at his member.
Gradually, Ahmed got hard and as he did, Daima was able to do a better
job, sucking down his shaft and then lifting up and using her tongue to
stimulate beneath the helmet of his member. She looked up at him with
adoring eyes.
"Teeth!" Ahmed growled.
"I'm sorry, my husband!"
"Enough," Ahmed roughly pushed Daima to the side onto her back. Fumbling
beneath the skirts of her lingerie, he pulled her panties aside, prodded
at her vagina opening a couple of times, found the opening and thrust
Daima gasped at being penetrated so quickly and so suddenly. She had
lost some of her ardor as she pleasured him with her mouth, so she
wasn't ready or especially horny.
Fortunately, Ahmed was not especially large, and so his urgent thrusting
didn't hurt as he looked to the side, eyes closed, and fucked her. Daima
clung to his arms, her chin bumping against his shoulder as she grit her
teeth, feeling him inside her. It was a strangely clinical feeling. Like
it wasn't exactly happening to her, but instead to a body part which was
not hers but just happened to be attached to her.
Finally, Ahmed thrust forward, twitching, and orgasmed.
"Alhamdulillah," he said. "I wasn't sure I could do it. But there. I've
consummated our marriage. Now go."
"Go?" Daima looked at him, confused.
Ahmed looked at her for a second, trying to decide what to say and what
not to say.
"Yes," he said finally. "This is my bedroom. You have your own."
"My own... we're not sleeping together?"
"Of course not," Ahmed said, turning over and turning out the light.
"Now leave. Find someone in the kitchen to show you where to go."
"Ahmed, please," Daima pleaded. "You're... you're my husband. This is
not how I want to live. Can't we share a bed?"
Ahmed jumped up, grasped Daima by the arm and marched her to the door.
"If this is going to work, you're going to have to respect your
husband!" he shouted, thrusting her into the hallway, where Daima
crumpled to the floor. Ahmed grabbed her reception abaya and niqaab and
threw them on top of her, slamming the door behind her.
Daima stared at the closed door, stunned. This was her wedding night?
The night with her new husband that she had been dreaming about and so
looking forward to? The night when they would finally be able to become
intimate with each other?
And now here she was, on the cold floor alone. Daima huddled against the
door, staring out into the courtyard from the second-story colonnaded
walkway which led to Ahmed's room, trying to figure out what to do. She
felt his sperm leak out and drip down her leg.
I feel so stupid, she thought to herself, over and over. What have I
done? She realized that she barely knew her new husband.
But maybe, once he sees how dutiful a wife I can be...?
Daima wiped the tears from her eyes and got up on unsteady legs,
gathering her clothes from the ground and brushing them off.
* * *
After some exploration around the house, she found a female Filipino
servant having a late dinner who was able to show her to her bedroom.
The house itself was beautiful and elegant, built as a square around a
central courtyard with two trees and an octagonal fountain in the
Sharjah district. Around the courtyard were four wings, three of them
with two stories and one wing with just one story but with a tower in
one corner. The ground-floor contained all of the public areas (kitchen,
dining room, den) and the second floor contained all of the bedrooms.
Rugs, carved stone and hardwood surfaces were everywhere.
Daima's room was on the second floor off to the side. There was one
small window with a view of the blank wall of the building next door,
but it was covered by an ornately carved privacy screen and also
protected by wrought iron bars set into the concrete.
Her bedroom suite contained a small en-suite bathroom, a twin bed, a
chest of drawers, a small closet, and a large desk with all her monitors
and keyboards so she could continue her data science work for the Royal
Arabian Corporation.
Daima sat on the bed for a while, not moving, still shocked by what had
happened with Ahmed. Obviously they would be sleeping in separate rooms,
which was okay, she supposed. But what did he mean about giving him
space? Would they ever become a real couple?
She thought again, jealously, of her adopted sister Aliya and her
Mohammed and how happy and affectionate they were at the ceremony. Of
course, she never expected that from Ahmed, he was always too serious,
but... she had heard that Arab men treated their wives like queens and
were always wanting to take care of them. Was that too much to ask?
Since it was getting late, Daima showered and performed her ritual
cleansing [ghusl], discovering that the bathroom had been thoughtfully
outfitted for all her needs (by Aliya and her mother). After her shower,
she dressed in a simple kaftan and wandered into the courtyard to find
the musalla for her isha prayers before going to bed.
"Daima." It was said like a curse.
Daima turned to face an old, gnarled woman who stepped forward and
slapped her hard in the face. Crying out, Daima backed away, stumbled
and fell down on the hard, tile floor, banging her elbow painfully.
"It's because of you my son will have no more children," the woman
snarled in Arabic. She kicked and continued to slap and hit Daima who
backed away until her back was against the fountain, hysterical and
desperate, trying to shield herself from the bows.
Finally, the old woman tired, but not before giving her one last vicious
kick in Daima's crotch.
"Worthless Western whore," she said, coughing up a noxious ball of
phlegm and spitting it directly into Daima's tear-stained face.
Sobbing, Daima scrambled to her feet and ran back to her bedroom where
she locked the door.
"Allah," she prayed fervently that night. "What have I done to displease
you? Is this a test of my obedience? Please guide me!"
* * *
Chapter 13: The Visit
"Where in hell are we headed?" The Emir looked grumpily out the window
of his armored limousine.
"Cousins in Sharjah," his wife, Sheikha Fatima, said, looking up from
the Qur'an she was reading. She kept it with her always and she read it
especially at times like this when she was headed into what she knew
would be a difficult situation.
The Emir grunted and turned back to his phone call with the Finance
Minister. His wife required that he go visit family twice a month, as
was his responsibility, she continually reminded him, as leader of the
Al Nahyan clan.
The Emir was not in a good mood. The results from their special project,
after peaking out at 16 billion AED in annual revenues had recently
undergone a precipitous decline, and now were barely holding steady at
around 4.5b AED.
"How could it have gotten so bad, so quickly?"
"The models, they need to be continuously tuned and adjusted, your
Highness. The recent releases have not shown the results we are used
"Then switch back to the old models," the Emir said, only understanding
that something called a 'model' was 'trained' so that the machine could
make him more money by optimizing his financial transactions. It was all
no better than djinn magic to him.
"We did, Your Highness, but those models are now performing even worse!
Aliya and the experts in our business optimization group believe that we
need to refactor the entire approach."
"Then do that!"
"We are trying, but these things take time."
"The expo is fast approaching!" he said hotly. "And there's a bank in
Switzerland you keep telling me to buy. We need that money or the deal
will fall through."
"Yes, Emir. Inshallah."
But as they hung up, the Emir could already tell that his Finance
Minister would be unable to deliver. He could hear it in his voice.
* * *
They arrived at the compound of Ahmed Al Nahyan and were greeted with
"We... we weren't expecting a visit!" said Ahmed's mother.
"No?" Sheikha Fatima, the first and senior wife of the Emir said,
raising an eyebrow. Her face was veiled since she ran her household
under strict purdah rules and since Ahmed was too distant a cousin to be
mahram. "I humbly apologize! Our social secretary must have forgotten."
"Of course, of course," said Ahmed, inviting them into his and his
mother's home, knowing that to not do so would have been an act so rude
as to be forever unforgivable. "Please come in!"
Ahmed's mother rushed to the kitchens to yell at the help to gather some
food for the Emir and his wife for this highly unusual and unexpected
Ahmed could feel the pricking on his skin. This was not right. Something
was up. But as he escorted the Emir and his wife to the courtyard
sitting area, the Emir commented abstractly on the architecture and the
decorations in a bored way that made it seem like nothing was amiss.
Ahmed's mother returned and assured everyone that some tea and tasty
treats would soon be available.
"Where is your lovely wife, Ahmed?" asked Sheikha Fatima, innocently.
"You've been married now, for what? Six months?"
Ahmed looked at his mother, quickly giving her a look.
"I should see to the tea," she said, jumping up and quickly stepping out
of the room.
The Emir's wife watched all this with a sharp eye.
"Y-yes," Ahmed said, stammering. "It has been six months since we got
"Newlyweds!" said Sheikha Fatima. "Such a blissful time. Don't you
agree, my husband?"
"What? Oh, yes. You are a lucky man."
"Indeed. Thank you, Your Highness," Ahmed bowed.
"And where is your wife?" Sheikha Fatima persisted. "I would very much
like to meet her."
"She's... ah... upstairs. Resting." Ahmed said, feeling a sweat break
out. "She's not feeling well," he explained. "So she won't be able to
join us."
"Oh, poor dear!" Sheikha Fatima said. "Well, it just so happens that I
have the perfect thing. A special ginseng extract which was given to us
by the Chinese Ambassador. I happen to have a spare bottle right here."
The Emir sat up and looked at his wife. They had never received special
ginseng tea from any Chinese Ambassador. What was his wife playing at?
"I should like to give it to your wife, in person," Sheikha Fatima said,
standing up.
"Oh, that won't be necessary!" Ahmed rushed to say, starting to panic.
"Not necessary at all! Just... just give me the bottle and I'll give it
to her later."
"What was your wife's name again?" Sheikha Fatima asked, innocently.
Ahmed looked back and forth between her and the Emir.
"Daima," he said, his voice almost a whisper.
"What was that?" the Sheikha asked, "I didn't quite catch that."
Ahmed cleared his throat. "Daima," he said.
Suddenly, the Emir understood. Daima. His data science asset. They were
in the house of the man she had been married off to. She was supposed to
be safe. Safe and productive and happy and in love. But now the data
models had crashed and his income from the data science team had dropped
by over 60%.
The Emir looked at his wife with intensity and their eyes locked.
"I think you should let Sheikha Fatima see your wife," the Emir said.
"Y-yes, your highness," Ahmed bowed, knowing he couldn't refuse a direct
request from the Emir, of all people. He led Sheikha Fatima to the far
side of the courtyard where they ascended the stairs and then turned
right and walked around the covered walkway to Daima's room. He said a
silent prayer to Allah that his mother had gotten there first.
The two entered the room and found Daima and Ahmed's mother sitting
together on the bed. Daima was wearing full modest wear, including her
abaya, hijab and niqaab. It looked rumpled, as if hastily put on.
Daima's niqaab was a black, three layer niqaab with the first two layers
draped over her face so that even her eyes were covered.
"Sheikha Fatima, allow me to introduce you to my wife, Daima," said
"Your Highness," Daima bowed, her body completely covered. "It is my
honor. I apologize for not meeting you in the courtyard."
"Why are you veiled?" asked Sheikha Fatima.
"I..." Daima hesitated.
"She wanted to protect Your Highness from getting her illness," Ahmed's
mother butted in, the old gnarled lady looking about with wild eyes.
"Oh, goodness!" Sheikha Fatima laughed. "I've had 12 children! There is
no illness in the UAE I haven't already been exposed to multiple times.
I'm as healthy as one of my husband's horses. There is no need to veil
yourself for me. Now come, Daima, remove your veil."
"No," Ahmed said.
"Why, Ahmed? Why no?" Sheikha Fatima asked.
"Because... I command it," he said, unable to come up with a better
Sheikha Fatima walked over to Daima and grasped her hand. Ahmed looked
at her, astonished, trying desperately to figure out what to do. But
there was nothing. He couldn't assault the Emir's wife! He began to
"It's okay, dear," she said in a soothing voice, as she reached for
Daima's veil and slowly pulled it up and off her head.
* * *
The Emir waited nervously on the sofa in the courtyard, watching the
room upstairs and hearing the exchange above. There was a moment of
silence, followed by a piercing screech. It was Ahmed's mother. Looking
up, he saw her being forcibly ejected from the room upstairs by his
wife. Ahmed rushed to help his mother and the door slammed behind them.
* * *
"Oh, my dear," Sheikha Fatima said, her heart breaking for this poor
soul. The bruises on Daima's face were of many different colors,
indicating a pattern of long term abuse. She had a cut on her lip which
was still bleeding. Hair had been ripped out of her head on the left
"I'm so sorry," Daima said, tears leaking out of her eyes and dripping
down her cheek. "I'm not a good wife. He needed more money, but I didn't
have any more to give. I told him that my prize winnings were not
accessible, but he didn't believe me..."
She started to sob softly.
"I'm okay," Daima continued. "I know that Allah is watching out for me.
I pray and I know that Allah... I know that..." she gasped for air,
"that Ahmed is my husband. He says that he loves me. I must be a bad
wife, for... for this... I try to be obedient. I do my best... And I
know that he loves me. I know that... that he has important plans and
this is temporary..."
"Shhh," Sheikha Fatima said. "Close your eyes."
Sheikha Fatima pulled out her cell phone and took some quick pictures.
"Now, come, let's put your niqaab back on." She helped Daima restore her
veil. "And now you're coming with me."
Sheikha Fatima slowly led Daima out of her room.
"Stay away," she said, curtly, to Ahmed and his mother.
The Emir watched as a fully robed woman in all black was led by his wife
down the stairs and across the courtyard.
"We're leaving," his wife said.
"What?" The Emir looked back and forth between his wife and the others.
"You can't be serious?"
"We're leaving," his wife said, in a voice which the Emir fully
understood to be her non-negotiable voice.
"You should know that she's a nasty, disobedient wife," Ahmed snarled as
they walked out of the front door. Suddenly, he turned on Daima in a
rage. "You are a viper!" he shouted. "I know you told them!"
"A foreign whore!" shrieked Ahmed's mother. "A perversion! Good
riddance! Her stench made me nauseous! She was a stain on our
"I will get you!" Ahmed shouted, his face red with fury. Quickly, the
Emir's body guard blocked Ahmed's path. "There is no place where you
will be safe! I will find a way to kill you all--" His yelling was cut
off mid-threat as the door to the limousine was closed by the security
personnel with a soft *thunk*.
Daima was in a daze, not knowing what was happening, wincing as her
husband verbally abused her. She just followed Sheikha Fatima, trusting
her firm guidance and... hoping.
"What have you done?" the Emir gasped, looking back at the man running
after the limousine as it smoothly pulled away. "You stole Ahmed Al
Nahyan's wife away? He's my cousin! We'll never hear the end of this.
This is not how--"
The Sheikha Fatima pulled out her phone and showed him the photographs.
"Ya Allah," he muttered, shocked and revolted.
And now, finally, it all made sense. They had found a man who was
willing to marry Daima, but only for the money. And that man and his
witch of a mother had beaten the poor girl into submission, so badly
that she could no longer be the data scientist that he needed.
And that's why the models had suffered. It was not because of market
forces, or because of the financial feedback loops.
It was because Daima was being beaten by her husband.
"So what do we do?" The Emir asked. He knew that, in social matters like
this, his wife's unerring instincts were best.
"We take her to the hospital."
* * *
Chapter 14: A Safe Place
"Broken nose, improperly healed. Fractured skull. Hairline fractures on
both arms. Multiple bruises. Bruises to her groin. Bruises on her
bottom. A broken rib. A broken finger, improperly healed."
The Emir and his wife Sheikha Fatima listened in horror as the doctor
read out the results if his examination.
"Ya Allah! Will she... will she be alright?" Sheikha Fatima asked, close
to tears.
"Inshallah, she will be fine," the Doctor assured them. "Nothing is life
threatening. We'd like to keep her here overnight to check for internal
"Of course."
"Alhamdulillah," the doctor said, bowing. "Salaam [Peace be with you],
Your Majesty."
"Salaam," the Emir said, as the doctor retreated. "You were right to
intervene," he said, turning to his wife.
"You would have done the same had you but known," Sheikha Fatima said,
careful to be deferential to her husband. She knew there were more
difficult conversations coming up, and she needed her husband to be in a
generous frame of mind.
"My lawyers have more than enough for the divorce. Ahmed Al Nahyan lost
all his parent's fortune on bad investments. Even after..." the Emir
struggled to find the right words, "a recent windfall, he still had to
spend his wife's money to keep the creditors at bay. The divorce will be
finalized by tonight."
"He is a stain on the family name," Sheikha Fatima shook her head.
"Agreed. But now what do we do with Daima?"
Sheikha Fatima closed her eyes and said a brief prayer. She then reached
out and gently grasped her husband's arm.
"She needs to be married," Sheikha Fatima said. "So that she can be safe
from that madman, and so that she can heal her heart in Islam."
"Married? Are you sure? After what just happened?"
"And you must become her husband."
The Emir stared at his wife, stunned, momentarily at a loss for words.
"What?" he shouted, standing and flinging her hand away. "You can not be
"I am absolutely serious." Sheikha Fatima clasped her hands together and
lowered her head, humbly, but did not waver from her position. "Is this
not exactly the reason why Allah has commanded men of means to have
multiple wives? So that those women could be taken care of and
protected? Should we not live as Mohammed lived? Is this not your
requirement, to marry the woman who needs your protection and support to
be safe and secure?"
"But you can't expect me to... you know what she is!"
"No, my husband, I do not know. Tell me, what is she?" Sheikha Fatima
looked up at her husband with eyes full of challenge, daring him to say
the words.
The Emir stared at her, the words on his lips, but he knew he couldn't
say them out loud. Because if he did, then he would be admitting that
not only did he arrange for her to be married, sold, essentially, to a
wife abuser, but also that he had a role in her kidnapping, coerced
conversion and gender reassignment. He suspected his wife already knew
about those things, but it would be much, much worse if they were
brought into the open.
"She's... a commoner," he said, finally. "She has no royal blood in her.
She is not descended from the ancient tribes of the Emirati."
"Did you know that her mother died? It happened just two months ago. And
Daima doesn't know. Ahmed and his mother kept the news from the poor
"Allahumma ajirny min al-nar [O Allah, save me from the fire]," muttered
the Emir. Somehow, the thought that Daima's mother had died, and that
she didn't know, and could not have attended her funeral... somehow that
was more devastating a betrayal than all her bruises and broken bones.
The Emir wondered if Ahmed had kept the news secret so that he could
steal Daima's inheritance as well. He would have the lawyers check on
"Which means she's an orphan as well, since her father died when she was
a child."
The Qur'an was very deferential to orphans, the Emir knew that very
well. Of course, Daima was too old to be an orphan by the Sharia
definition, but still...
"You are responsible for this woman," Sheikha Fatima stated, standing
up, unfastening her veil and facing her husband so he could know how
serious she felt this was. Sheikha Fatima felt her husband's soul was in
the balance. That if he didn't repent to Allah for what he had done,
then he would surely go to hell.
"I've talked to her adopted family," she continued, "and her adopted
sister, Aliya. You are responsible for her current situation more than
any other. You need to repent for how you have treated this woman, and
all for what? Greed!"
"Careful," the Emir warned.
Chastened, Sheikha Fatima sat down and refastened her veil. "I
understand that the matters of state weigh heavy upon you," she said,
speaking humbly. "I understand how hard you work to ensure the
prosperity of your family and your country. But you have a
responsibility for this girl, Daima. You *must* marry her. You know in
your heart it is the only path which will keep her safe and the only
path by which you can repay your debt to her welfare. It is the only way
you can heal your soul."
Sheikha Fatima had said her peace. The rest would be up to Allah.
* * *
"Daima!!" Aliya burst through the hospital door, Mohammed trailing
behind her.
The two sisters hugged and cried, not having seen each other in person
since the wedding.
"I am so sorry," Aliya kept saying, over and over. "I am so sorry."
"It's not your fault, it's mine. I should have been a better wife. I
should have tried harder..."
"STOP THAT," Aliya said, her voice brooking no debate. "You are *not* to
blame. You are the only one who is completely blameless in this whole
disgusting affair. Look at you! Oh, my poor darling! Oh, my poor sister!
I... I abandoned you! Just when you needed me the most!"
"But you have your own husband," Daima said. "Of course you need to
spend all your time with him."
"Do you really think that is what Islam is? That women have to obey and
cater to their husbands while their best friends and sisters are
suffering? No! That is NOT what Islam says! We are duty bound by the
Qur'an to take care of our family! And especially those who are most
vulnerable, like you. My husband is bound by our religion to see that I
fulfill my duties to my family."
"But Ahmed said..."
"Oh, Daima! Forget everything that Ahmed said! Please, I'm begging you!
He and his awful mother are Shaytan, pure and simple."
"I'm sorry, Daima. I'm sorry you had to come all this way!"
"Shhhh," Aliya said softly, cradling Daima's head. "I love you, Daima. I
will always love you. You are my sister. I can love both you and my
husband. Love is an inexhaustible, self-reinforcing resource."
"Like neural network training?"
"Yes, like neural network training," Aliya laughed, seeing some of the
old spark come back to Daima which she had missed so much. Just hearing
her joke like that made her burst into tears.
After the wedding, Aliya and Mohammed had gone on a long six-week
honeymoon. Aliya had a lot of vacation saved up from her intense work
for the Royal Arabian Corporation.
When she finally got back to work, Aliya could immediately sense that
something was wrong. Daima refused to use her web camera for video
calls, claiming that it was broken. And she kept all of their calls
short and stuck strictly to business.
At first, Aliya had assumed this was because Daima was hurt about her
marriage to Mohammed. But as the months went by, she began to get
suspicious. Daima's voice sounded sad and depressed. She became
unresponsive. Her productivity dropped. Finally, she began communicating
entirely via e-mail.
Aliya constantly asked if everything was okay, and Daima always
responded in the positive. Things were fine. Ahmed was wonderful. She
was enjoying married life. The house was beautiful. Ahmed's mother was
very caring and attentive.
Finally, Aliya couldn't stand it anymore. She contacted Majed who got
the RAC security department to install a program to capture video from
Daima's computer camera (it was not broken, after all).
And what they discovered horrified everyone. The videos were stomach
turning. Video of Ahmed and his mother shouting at Daima, punching her,
kicking her, making her sign checks and documents. Daima falling back
and hitting her head on the bureau and having to stanch the blood
herself. Video of Daima praying to Allah in a piteous voice, asking for
his help and guidance.
"But what do we do?" Aliya asked Majed. "How do we handle this?"
"Call this number," Majed said. "Tell her that Majed said to call and
tell her everything. From the very beginning."
"But whose number is this?"
"Sheikha Fatima."
"Ya Allah," Aliya murmured.
"Inshallah, Sheikha Fatima will know how to handle it."
And so, Aliya called and poured out her heart to Sheikha Fatima, leaving
nothing out, and Sheikha Fatima assured her that she would take care of
it. She then called the Finance Minister and got the full details of her
husband's involvement, and that was when she knew exactly what needed to
be done.
Meanwhile, Aliya sat on pins and needles until finally Majed called her
and told her that Daima had been moved to the hospital. Immediately, she
called her husband in tears and they rushed to the hospital to see
And here she was in person, looking so much worse than she had in the
videos. Such a poor wretch, having suffered what no woman should ever
have to suffer at the hands of a man.
"I love you Daima, and I promise, I will never, ever, leave you. Not
even for a day. Promise me that we will talk, every day, and that you
will tell me *everything*. No more secrets. Do you promise?"
"Oh, Aliya!!" Daima broke down into sobs, finally feeling the release
that she had missed this whole time. "Yes! My sister. I promise. I
promise. I promise."
The two hugged and kissed.
"And because we have no secrets..." Aliya said. She stood and pulled up
her Abaya, placing Daima's hand on her swollen belly.
"ALIYA!" Daima shouted, squealing like a little girl. "YOU'RE PREGNANT??
That is so wonderful! I am so happy for you! Oh, Allah! Oh Allah!
Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah!"
"Alhamdulillah," agreed Aliya. "I'm over six months now."
"That means..." Daima said, in hushed tones.
"Yes, I got pregnant the day of the wedding. So you see, since it was a
double wedding and you were there, it's really like the baby is your
baby too."
"Oh, Aliya," Daima said, descending into tears again, at the thought of
being an auntie to this little life growing inside of her pregnant
sister. "Although shame on you for not telling me sooner! Shame on you!"
"I know," Aliya said, toeing the ground. "I'm sorry. We didn't tell
anyone until after the first trimester, you know, just in case. And
then, well, I was worried about you and I didn't want to act like I was
bragging because... you know..." Aliya shrugged.
But Daima understood.
"How could bringing a new life into this world ever be a worry? I am so
happy for you, and it makes me happy when you are happy because I love
you more than anyone. Oh, Aliya, no more secrets?"
"No more secrets."
* * *
Daima and Aliya were both in hijab for the meeting with Sheikha Fatima.
Aliya had bought Daima a new dress to wear since Ahmed refused to
release any of her belongings.
The meeting was held in a lady's sitting room in the hospital. Aliya and
Daima were sitting on a sofa and holding hands when the Emir's wife
entered. Mohammed and the Sheikha's eldest son waited outside.
"Daima," Sheikha Fatima began. "Your husband... it is shocking and
horrific what you have suffered at his hands. Fortunately, the law is
quite clear in such cases. You are entitled to a divorce, and you do not
need your husband's permission. I have the papers here for you to sign.
They have already been approved by the courts, so as soon as you sign,
your divorce will be final. Will you sign?"
Daima looked at Aliya, who nodded.
Daima looked at the papers. To Daima, they were both an admission of her
failure as a wife, but also a gateway to a new life, free of fear and
"It is not your fault," Aliya said, grasping Daima's hand. "He is a bad
man. He is Shaytan. You need to be free of him and don't ever look
"Sign it," Sheikha Fatima said. "Don't allow that man to have any more
power over you."
"Yes," Daima said, nodding, "I know I need to." She picked up a pen and
carefully signed.
"But now what do I do?" Daima asked, her voice so plaintive and lonely
it finalized Sheikha Fatima's decision.
"You can come stay with us!" Aliya said.
"Aliya," Sheikha Fatima broke in, "I'm afraid that we can't let that
happen. We know that Daima's husband is a dangerous man. He has made...
threats against her. UAE police have investigated these threats and have
found them to be credible."
"Ya Allah," Aliya muttered.
"Yes, we are all very concerned," agreed Sheikha Fatima. "This is all
the more concerning because of your mahr. There was quite a lot
deferred, do you remember, Daima?"
"Yes," said Daima. "8 million Dirhams".
Aliya's eyes went wide with astonishment.
"It was supposed to keep you safe," Sheikha Fatima said. "It was
supposed to ensure that your husband treat you well, so there would be
no cause for divorce. But clearly, it had the opposite effect. We now
suspect that, once your accounts had been drained, he would have
murdered you."
"Ahmed?" Daima asked, feeling like she was falling down a pit.
"That's horrible!" Aliya said, hot with shame. It was Hajji Al Muhairi,
her father, which who had arranged the marriage. "Can't you send someone
to pick him up? Throw him in jail?"
"We did. He is no longer at home. His mother doesn't know where he is,
or she's not telling."
"Ya Allah!"
"Yes. It is a frightful situation. And so, Daima..."
Sheikha Fatima took a deep breath. This was it. There would be no going
back after this.
"The Emir and I would like for you to move into our family compound. It
is guarded 24x7 by the state. There is no safer place in Dubai."
"Oh, Daima!" Aliya exclaimed, astonished. Daima live with the Emir's
family? At his wife's insistence? Would the wonders of Allah never
cease? Who could have envisioned such a thing?
"Are you... are you serious?" Daima asked, her eyes wide.
"Yes, very serious. I want you to come stay with us. I will help heal
you and take care of you and make sure that you will be treated with
"Oh, Your Highness!" Daima cried, a hand over her mouth.
"But how would this work?" Aliya asked. "A strange woman? Living in your
home? With no family? She would need to be covered all of the time."
"Exactly," Sheikha Fatima said. "Which brings me to my last... request.
Daima, I have arranged for you to marry my husband. You will become his
third wife."
There was a long moment of silence.
Daima tried to parse the words in her head, not quite able to grasp what
Sheikha Fatima was saying. Marry? Again? So soon?
Marry... her husband? The... Emir? Become...
"Eep!" A small squeak escaped from Daima's mouth.
"Your Highness, you can not be serious! I can't! It's not possible!"
"Why not? There would be no expectation of intimate relations. This is
strictly for your safety and well being."
"I... I'm from America. I'm not of this land."
"Are you a UAE citizen? Are you an observant Muslimah? I believe you
"But shouldn't the Emir marry, you know, a princesses from Europe or
"Why does Islam ask men to take on more than one wife?" Sheikha Fatima
asked. "It's simple, so he can take care of her welfare. So he can keep
her safe. Because women in this world are not safe from men like Ahmed,
and if a man can afford it, Allah says he should take on a second,
third, or fourth wife as his means allow. You are a textbook case,
Daima! You have been horribly abused by a member of our Al Nahyan
extended family, and it is our responsibility to take care of you. And
there is no better way, no other way to guarantee your safety, than for
you to marry the Emir and become his third wife."
"But he can't marry me!"
"Whyever not?"
"Because.... because..." Daima struggled, but ultimately decided she had
to say it. "Because I was born a man," she said, "and a Christian. My
name was Paul J?sus Christiansen. I was born in Maryland."
"That's interesting, what you say," said Sheikha Fatima. "Because I have
seen official papers which say that your maiden name is Daima Al
"Well, that is my new name."
"I've also seen a fatwa which states that you are, in the eyes of Islam,
a woman."
"Well, yes..."
"Allah makes no mistakes, Daima. If your name is Daima and you are a
woman, then does it matter how long was the journey which brought you
And then Sheikha Fatima quoted the Qur'an, "O you who believe, seek help
through patience and prayer. Surely, Allah is with those who are
"It seems to me that your journey is not yet over, my dear," she
continued. "Allow me and my family to take care of you and to ease your
burden. Come stay with us. Agree to be married to the Emir so that he
can protect you and keep you safe and provide for you."
Daima looked at Aliya and the two sisters hugged for a long time. She
knew she wouldn't be safe just anywhere in the UAE with her husband on
the loose. She could feel his violence and wasn't surprised about the
report from the police.
But to actually stay with the Emir's family? To become... a third wife
of the Emir?
Daima closed her eyes and said a quick prayer to Allah for guidance.
"Yes," she said, opening her eyes.
"Yes?" asked Sheikha Fatima, feeling a sense of relief, a sure sign from
Allah that this was the proper path.
"Yes," said Daima. "Yes, I will come with you and yes..." Daima took a
deep breath. "And yes, I will marry your husband, the Emir."
Daima felt a rush of emotion. Am I really doing this? she wondered. Is
this really happening to me? Am I going to be... a wife of the Emir?
* * *
Sheikha Fatima didn't waste any time. She was worried for Daima's safety
and the police and the Emir's security had both said that they shouldn't
spend time in public or semi-public places. So, both she and Daima put
on their hijab and veiled themselves with niqaab and followed her son
and the two security guards down the hall and to a back door to a garage
where the Emir's limousine was waiting. Quickly they all got in, the
garage doors opened and the limousine smoothly moved out onto the
streets of Dubai.
That evening they held the marriage ceremony in a private room in the
Emir's compound with just the Emir, his wife, and the Emir's religious
Sheikh. The wedding contract was very simple and stated that the mahr
was waved. It was already signed and witnessed by Hajji Al Muhairi,
Daima's father, and his eldest son. Daima was still unfamiliar with gulf
state wedding customs, and so didn't realize that this was incredibly
disrespectful to her. Sheikha Fatima had argued for some minimum mahr,
anything really, but the Emir had flatly refused. He had already felt
pushed into this arrangement, and knew he would not have a moment's
peace from his senior wife if he did not go through with it, but he drew
the line at mahr.
And so, they both signed the contract, the Sheikh said a few words and
Daima was now married, for the second time in a year.
"I hope you will find our home, now your home as well, a safe place to
heal," the Emir said, bowing and then immediately leaving the room.
Daima hadn't expected any affection on his part, she knew that this was
a marriage of convenience, but still his departure was abrupt.
"Welcome to the family," Sheikha Fatima said, giving Daima a hug. "Now,
let me show you to your quarters."
* * *
Chapter 15: Living in the Palace
"Are you Baba's new wife?"
Daima turned away from her computer to find a 12 year old girl sitting
on her bed, swinging her legs back and forth.
This was the first time Daima had opened the door to her room to the
courtyard (one of four courtyards in the Palace) to get a breeze, and
now already here was a child.
Since being brought to the Palace, she had stayed entirely in her own
suite which was basically a hotel suite with a bedroom, living room,
office space (with a brand new computer and monitors connected by fiber
to the RAC data centers) and kitchen area all combined together in an
open floor plan. She had spent the first week just recovering, praying,
crying, and talking to Aliya (who visited several times). Food was
brought to her by servants and her refrigerator was kept stocked. She
spent her spare time reading the Qur'an, finding comfort in its now-
familiar words.
Finally, after a week, her headaches lessened, her bruises, while still
gross, had lessened begun to fade, and she felt well enough to return to
Daima had no idea how to answer the girl's question. Was her wedding to
the Emir supposed to be kept a secret? Aliya had said she had been sworn
to secrecy. Aliya couldn't even tell her husband, Mohammed. Even her
Baba and her brother, even though they had signed the wedding contract,
had no idea to whom Daima was married.
But what was the story inside the palace walls? Was she supposed to
pretend she was the Emir's cousin or something? Was it okay to tell
other family members that she was married?
"Mama says you are," the girl repeated. "And if you are, I hope you're
nicer than Baba's second wife, Mama Cosima. No one likes her."
"I... I guess I am," said Daima, looking down at her hands.
"Why don't you join us for eating?"
"I... I don't... I'm wasn't sure I was invited," Daima said, blushing.
"Of course you are! We're all wondering when you'll finally come to join
"Also, I'm not sure I'm ready," Daima finished.
"How did you get your bruises? Do they hurt?"
"I..." Daima turned her head away, embarrassed. "A bad man did this to
me," she said, finally. "They used to hurt, but they don't anymore."
"Yasmin!!" Daima looked up to see a Filipino maid motioning for the
little girl.
"My name is Yasmin," the little girl said quickly, her words tumbling
over themselves as the maid tried to pull her out of Daima's bedroom.
"Like the Princess in Aladdin, only I wasn't named after her. I was
named after my grandmother. I wish I had a tiger, though, although I
would give him a good Arab name like Khuram and not an Indian name like
Raj. I like you! Bye!"
* * *
"I hear you have met Yasmin, our little gossip," Sheikha Fatima said.
"She's adorable," Daima smiled. "I confirmed to her that I was His
Highness' third wife. I hope that was the right thing to do?"
"Of course it is! You are his wife. You should not be ashamed of that."
"I'm not ashamed, I just..." Daima trailed off.
"Daima?" Sheikha Fatima asked.
"I just don't want to cause any trouble."
"Hush," Sheikha Fatima gave Daima a hug. "I don't think that you could
ever cause anyone any trouble, you are such a gentle, devout, humble
soul. Everyone knows how much you pray."
Daima blushed, wondering how they would know that.
"Will you join us for dinner?"
"Is it because of your bruises?"
Even after a week, her face still had cuts and ugly purple and green
"I'm hideous," Daima said.
"They are not your fault. You should not be ashamed."
"I..." Daima shrunk back. "I'd rather eat here," she said, timidly.
"Very well. But I will expect you to join the family for lunch tomorrow,
right after Druhr prayers."
Daima felt like a little child being chastised and managed by her
mother. It was not a wholly unpleasant feeling.
"Yes, Your Highness," she said, humbly.
* * *
The next morning, Daima got another visit from Yasmin.
"What you doing on the computer?" she asked.
"I'm doing data science for the Royal Arabian Company."
"That's Baba's company! He says I can run it when I'm older, but only if
I study hard."
"The Royal Arabian Company is owned by... the Emir?" Daima asked.
"Of course, silly! It's his favorite company."
"I... I never realized that," Daima said. "It makes sense."
"Come! Mama sent me to fetch you for lunch. Everyone's going to be
Daima carefully put on her full hijab and niqaab before going down.
Feeling safely covered, she followed Yasmin down the stairs, and the the
next courtyard where they entered a long dining room with a large buffet
lunch set out.
There were so many people! Daima counted over 30 for lunch. There was
Sheikha Fatima and what looked like all her children, ranging in ages
from 25 to 8. The older ones had spouses and there were a few matrons
who were clearly sisters of the Emir or his wife. There was no one who
looked like his second wife. Daima assumed she must have her own house
someplace else.
"Daima, I'm so glad you decided to join us!" Sheikha Fatima said, coming
over and giving Daima a hug. "But you don't need to be covered up. We
are all family. Take off your veil and your hijab and join us for
"Oh, I don't think..."
"Daima, don't be ashamed. Take it off."
Suddenly the entire room fell dead silent, looking at Daima. They all
knew she was the third wife, and here she was already being scolded by
the first wife! As well as appearing to be inappropriately modest.
There's no reason to cover up inside the house, of all things! Was this
some sort of misplaced devotion?
Looking around the room, Daima realized she couldn't refuse without
causing a scene, so she slowly slipped the niqaab off her head, and then
pulled off her hijab, handing them to a servant who hung them up on a
coat rack in the corner.
There was a collective intake of breath and horror as everyone saw
Daima's bruises.
"Everyone," Sheikha Fatima said, "I'd like to introduce you to Daima.
She was married to a bad man who beat her and would have killed her, but
thankfully our father, the Emir, rescued her, and not a day too soon!
And then, His Highness, as commanded by Allah, his charity above all
others, has taken Daima as his third wife, so that she may be kept safe
and cared for. I hope you will all welcome her with open arms into our
Daima looked at Sheikha Fatima, shocked, as she told everyone the
details of her failed marriage. How dare she? Daima stared at the
ground, her face flushed hot with shame, feeling like a failure all over
again. A failure for agreeing to marry Ahmed, and then a failure for not
being a good enough wife for him, and a failure for not being strong
enough to stand up to him.
Just then, she heard a hush fall over the family.
Daima looked up to see the Emir enter the room. Suddenly, she was taken
by how handsome he was, standing tall with his close-cropped beard in
his white robes, his intelligent and piercing eyes looking out from his
wire-rimmed glasses.
"Ya Baba!" Yasmin jumped up and hugged her father. "You are so
wonderful! Rescuing Daima from that bad man! You are such a hero!"
Daima looked on, astonished, as people congratulated the Emir for his
bravery in rescuing her while Daima also accepted some hugs and
sympathies from the women in the group.
Daima and Sheikha Fatima locked eyes for a second and Daima quickly
realized the social genius of the Emir's first wife. In one fell swoop,
Sheikha Fatima had brought the entire family to Daima's side, while at
the same time giving all of the credit to her husband, building him up
in the family's eyes. And at the same time, Daima realized, Sheikha
Fatima had also delivered a subtle lesson on female empowerment and what
could happen if a husband and a wife do not have mutual respect during
* * *
After her 'introduction to the family' lunch, Daima started leaving her
door open all the time, and consequently got more and more visitors. The
children, having someone new to play with, came by multiple times a day
to play games or talk.
"Daima, Daima!" two girls rushed into her room, holding dresses. "What
do you think? Shamsa likes this dress, but I like this one!"
The two girls were Shamsa and Latifa, both giggly girls in their early
teens. Latifa held up one dress, a beautiful gold shimmery dress, and
then the other, a dark blue with delicate flower embroidery.
"Oh, goodness," Daima exclaimed. Daima had resolved to be as low impact
on the family as possible. Of course, the children had made that
difficult at times, but she was careful to express her opinions as
little as possible.
"Tell me why you like the blue one, Shamsa," Daima said.
The girls debated back and forth the various advantages of each dress.
One of them went better with her beautiful hijab, but the other was more
flirty, they felt.
"But how can you tell," Latifa suddenly realized, "Unless you see them
"Of course!" Shamsa said. The door was closed, and immediately both
girls were stripping to bras and panties.
"But, but..." Daima sputtered as the two girls threw off their clothes
left and right. "Why are you *both* undressing??"
"Because," Shamsa explained. "I get to wear whatever dress Latifa
doesn't wear."
Daima looked around, stunned. Two young, teenage girls, had both just
waltzed in on her and were now stripping in front of her, without a care
in the world. Of course, we are all women, Daima realized. But this was
a completely new experience, women exposing themselves in her presence,
without any self consciousness.
It was so refreshing and wonderful and she just wanted to hug them and
say thank you!
But instead, she did her best to look at the dresses thoughtfully and
take their feelings into account. And of course, the two girls had to
strip twice more to exchange the dresses to so Daima could see each
dress on each girl.
"I think, Latifa, that you should wear the gold one after all," Daima
said. The color is so beautiful with your eyes. And Shamsa, the dark
blue one makes you look like such a princess. It suits you so well."
The girls squealed in delight, since they had already come to the same
"It's a shame you have nothing nice to wear," Latifa said, as the girls
and Daima were all relaxing in bed, the two girls having borrowed
Daima's robes.
"I have plenty to wear," Daima said. "I don't need much anyway. I just
stay and work all day."
"And your hair and makeup are always so plain," said Shamsa. "Oh! I
know! Latifa! Let's get Daima a makeover! We can ask Miranda!"
"Oh, yes! Oh, perfect! Let's do it!"
"Who's Miranda?" asked Daima, worried.
But the girls refused to say anything more and just giggled and chatted
to each other in whispers, grinning and scheming as they got dressed in
their everyday dresses and raced away to make arrangements.
* * *
A week later, after fajr prayers, Shamsa and Latifa put their plan into
"Daima!" they said, sitting on either side of her at the breakfast
table. "Miranda is here! She's ready to do your hair styling, and she
brought her daughter who does makeup!"
"Right now?" Daima asked. "But... but I have work to do!" Daima and
Aliya were in the midst of testing a brand new time-series neural
network topology for classifying financial transactions to estimate the
continuous probability of delinquency. It was part of a new initiative
to create models with long-term stability.
"Work! Bah!" Latifa said, snorting. "Women don't need to work. We stay
home and take care of the house and the children."
"And our husbands," Shamsa said. Both the girls dissolved into giggles
which they tried to suppress, failing miserably.
"But I need to work!" Daima objected. "The Emir wants me to work."
"Not today," Latifa said, with the positive self confidence that only a
young teenager has.
Daima tried to object, but the girls weren't having any of it. They
dragged Daima away from the breakfast table and to a special room which
had been set up as a beauty parlor.
For the next two hours, Daima's hair, which had grown considerably
during her time in Dubai (thanks to her hormone therapy) was colored
with delicate highlights and permed into long, soft waves that framed
her face. Miranda was even able to weave in some extensions to cover the
hair which had been ripped out by Ahmed's mother.
But that was not all. While Miranda worked on her hair, Joy was busy
with her nails, giving Daima both a manicure and a pedicure in a
beautiful shade of rose.
"Oh, I love that color!" Shamsa said, examining the nails. The girls
spent the entire time with Daima, also getting touch ups on their hair
and chatting the entire time.
"Shall we pierce your ears?" Joy asked.
"P-p-pierced ears?" Daima asked, unconsciously reaching up and fingering
her earlobes.
"YES!" Latifa said, jumping up, running out of the room and returning 5
minutes later with a pair of gorgeous gold earrings and a necklace. The
earrings were large, tear-drop shaped with an outer delicate gold
filigree frame surrounding a tear-drop shaped row of diamonds around a
stylized gold script of some Arabic word. It was accompanied by a gold
necklace with a large gold and diamond pendent of the same design.
"I got this from Mama!"
"Oh, Latifa, I couldn't!" Daima said.
"She needs to wear surgical posts," pointed out Miranda, as she prepared
the piercing gun.
"But could she wear them, just for lunch? And then we put the surgical
posts back?" Latifa pleaded.
"Well..." Miranda said, putting dots with a pen on the Daima's ears
where the piercings would go. "Okay. But for no more than two hours, do
you understand?"
"We understand," Shamsa said. The two girls eyed each other and giggled
some more.
"Hey! Don't I have a say-- unh!" Daima grunted as the piercing gun
pierced her first ear with a large gold stud. "Really, girls, I think
that this is-- Ya Allah!" she exclaimed as the second ear was pierced.
* * *
In addition to an actual mosque, attached to the ceremonial wing and
used by the men and the palace staff, the palace also contained a
private musalla in the residence for the women to use for their daily
After dhuhr (noontime) prayers, Daima exited the musalla and immediately
ran into Latifa and Shamsa who dragged her back to her room.
"Alhamdulillah! Joy's makeup for you is so beautiful!" Shamsa said.
Daima hadn't actually looked at herself in a mirror since the makeover
that morning, so she didn't really know how she looked.
"Now, we have to get you ready for lunch. Quick!"
"Why? What's going on at lunch?"
The two girls looked at each other.
"Nothing!" Latifa trilled. "We just want to show off your new haircut,
that's all. Now, we've picked out a new dress for you to wear."
What followed was a sexy fit and flare dress with a snug fitted bodice
in lace and gold with a flared skirt in cream satin with several tulle
underskirts to give it extra poofiness.
"Girls!" Daima said, shocked. "This dress, it is much too low cut!"
"It's just family," pooh-poohed Latifa. "Live a little, Daima! Noora
wore this last year, and there was no problem at all."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course we're sure!" Shamsa said, making significant eyes at her
The girls zipped up the dress in back and then turned Daima around.
Latifa focussed on touching up Daima's makeup and hair while Shamsa
worked on replacing Daima's surgical studs with the gold, filigree and
diamond teardrop earrings.
"What are you two girls up to?" Daima asked, suspicious.
"Nothing!" Latifa said, her voice confident. She looked over at Shamsa
and the two girls giggled some more.
"Nothing at all!" Shamsa agreed, carefully fastening the necklace around
Daima's neck.
"Oh..." Latifa said, seeing the entire effect. "Oh! You must come and
They girls dragged Daima over to the bathroom where Daima stared at her
"I look..." Daima said, her voice quavering. She looked at her image,
her skin tingling with pleasure. All her bruises had long since healed
and now her skin was soft and beautiful. The hair style that Miranda had
created flowed around her face giving her a youthful, innocent and
vulnerable look. Joy's makeup had been done in the Arabic style, with
sensual cat-like eyes and soft, sensual lips. The sweetheart neckline of
the dress highlighted her breasts which were soft and round and
inviting. The beautiful pendant drew the eye to her cleavage.
"You look beautiful," Latifa said, squeezing her waist. "A beautiful
Arab princess, which is exactly what you are."
Shamsa pulled out some perfume and used the stopper to dab it delicately
on Daima's wrists, neck and cleavage.
"Me... a princess?" Daima asked, feeling a bit overwhelmed.
"A princess," agreed Shamsa. "A Sheikha."
* * *
"In here!" Latifa said.
The two girls were escorting her to lunch, but took a right-hand turn at
the last minute and dragged Daima into a sitting room.
"Just wait here until we come back and fetch you," Shamsa said. "We...
uh... just want everything to be perfect... uh... before you make your
big entrance!"
"What are you girls doing??" Daima asked, but before she could get a
response, Daima Latifa and Shamsa had closed the door and were gone.
Daima looked around the room. It was one of Sheikha Fatima's sitting
rooms which she used for private functions. There were sofas along one
side, a wall full of books, another wall which tastefully displayed
gifts the family had received from various dignitaries.
And then Daima noticed the table. It appeared to be set for lunch. Was
Sheikha Fatima supposed to be coming?
The door opened and in walked the Emir, looking flustered and annoyed.
Immediately the door behind him closed on its own and Daima could hear
the giggling of the two girls.
"Y-y-your Royal Highness!" Daima stammered, bowing. The Emir looked as
handsome as she remembered with his sharp intelligent eyes and his
sculpted jaw. He carried himself with a magnetic grace and confidence.
The Emir looked over at the blushing woman. He allowed himself to admire
her womanly figure. Her breasts were quite large for such a small frame.
Her legs were long and smooth, her skin was beautiful and she was done
up in the Arab style with gold adornments and sultry makeup.
The fact that she was so deep in the palace meant that her presence had
been approved by Sheikha Fatima, and so the Emir felt no qualms about
admiring her body on display for him. Because she was dressed so
immodestly, with her plunging neckline, she was probably a TV
personality or famous friend of her daughters. Regardless, if she wanted
to dress like a slut for him, he would happily enjoy his time with her!
He felt his excitement build. He imagined stripping her naked and
fucking her as she screamed in ecstasy and begged for more. Perhaps they
could even do it right here? There were plenty of sofas and cushions. He
felt his manhood grow hard.
"You are very beautiful," the Emir said.
"Th-thank you, Your Highness," Daima blushed at his compliment. She felt
herself tingle under his piercing male gaze, as if he were undressing
her with his eyes and stroking her naked body with them.
"What is your name?"
"M-my name?"
But still, surely he must know her name? Daima wondered.
"Yes, presumably that is not a hard question. What is your name, my
"It's... it's Daima," she said.
"Ah, what a beautiful name. It means 'Always'."
"Yes, Your Highness. Always. Always faithful."
"And to what family do you belong?"
Daima looked at him, confused and now seriously freaked out. He doesn't
know who I am?
"Al Nahyan," Daima said, softly.
"Al Nahyan..." the Emir said. "But that's..."
The Emir looked closely at the lovely, blushing, innocent and vulnerable
feminine creature before him, and felt himself turn angry with
embarrassment. This was the man they had turned into a woman!
"You're Daima Al Nahyan," he said, the anger clear in his voice. "My
third wife."
"Yes, Your Highness," Daima said. Then, sensing his rising anger, she
continued quickly: "But I did not know I would be meeting you! I am so
sorry! Your daughters, they did not warn me or I would have made sure to
have made an appointment ahead of time! And this is the first time I
have been to the salon and I... I..."
Hearing her pitiful apologies and remembering the bruises from her first
husband, the Emir's anger quickly subsided.
"No, my dear, you have done nothing wrong. It is I who should apologize.
I didn't recognize you since the last time I saw you, your face was..."
the Emir struggled to find the right words.
"Yes, Your Highness, it is perfectly understandable."
"Are you feeling better now?"
"Much better, Your Highness. Completely healed, thanks to the generous
attentions of your wife, Sheikha Fatima and the palace staff."
"Shall we sit?" The Emir indicated the lunch table which had been set
out for them. "Apparently, Latifa and Shamsa have been planning this for
some time."
"They are wonderful and intelligent girls, Your Highness. You should be
very proud of them," Daima said, thinking it was always a good idea to
complement a man's children.
"Oh, I am," the Emir said. "Although they can be mischievous at times."
They could hear giggling from the other side of the door.
"LEAVE US ALONE!" the Emir shouted, but with good humor. "WE'RE SITTING
"YAY!" they could hear through the door, followed by applause. "ENJOY
The Emir and his third wife sat down to enjoy a Lebanese meal of lamb
kebabs and couscous with several delicious sauces, eating in silence.
"I hope Your Highness is satisfied with my work," Daima ventured, after
a while.
"Your work?"
"Yes, Your Highness. For the Royal Arabian Corporation. My data science
Hearing this, the Emir again connected this woman who was in front of
him with the data science savant who worked for his Royal Arabian
Corporation. The Emir remembered his last conversation with the Finance
Minister. Since Daima had been moved to the Palace, the Finance Minister
said, revenues from the data science project had tripled, to about 14
billion AED, annualized. Just moving Daima to the palace had made the
Emir over $375m USD in just six weeks.
But how could this delicate, feminine woman possibly be The Nerd? He
knew, of course, of the surgeries that she had undergone. He himself,
after all, had paid for him, so that she could be kept safe in Dubai as
a Muslim woman and unable to escape. It seemed inconceivable that the
two must be the same person, but it must be so.
"Alhamdulillah," said the Emir. "I do know of your work for my Royal
Arabian Corporation and it is most satisfactory."
"Oh, I'm so glad," Daima said, and the relief which washed over her face
was apparent. "I work so hard to make myself worthy of your generosity,
Your Highness, and how you and Sheikha Fatima rescued me... It is all I
think about."
"Well.... have no fear, you work is most satisfactory. Your company,
your country, and most of all, your Emir - we all thank you for a job
very well done. You have allowed us to..." he paused to find an
appropriate phrase, "optimize our operations to great benefit to the
corporation and the country."
"I am so glad," Daima said, bowing her head with humility. "I never know
how my analysis is used by the business, so this confirmation of my
value to you is truly wonderful. Alhamdulillah."
"Alhamdulillah," the Emir agreed.
The two ate in silence for a while.
"How are you getting along in the palace?" he asked.
"Oh, very well, Your Highness," Daima said. "Sheikha Fatima is wonderful
and your children are such a delight. We often play games or read the
Qur'an with each other. I am teaching your youngest son, Mohammed, how
to program computers. He is quite brilliant at it."
"That is very good," said the Emir. He finished his meal. "Well, if
there is anything else that I can do for you, please all you need to do
is ask."
"Your Highness, there is one thing..." Daima hesitated.
"What is it?"
"Your Royal Highness..." Daima hesitated again, looking down at her
hands in her lap. "It's my mother. I've tried to reach her several times
since I've arrived at the Palace, but my e-mails to her have gone
unanswered. And her phone appears to be disconnected. Could I... Would
Your Highness see it in his heart to check on her well being? I'm so
worried about her."
"You mean you haven't been told?"
"Told what?"
"Your mother died. Two months ago."
Immediately the Emir knew he had made a mistake. Usually he left
delicate social communications to his senior wife, but Daima's request
was so unexpected that he just responded immediately without thinking
how it would it would be received.
"SHE'S DEAD?" Daima cried out, her voice dissolving into a pitiful wail
of pain and suffering.
"I apologize for not having you informed sooner," the Emir said, rather
stiffly. "I thought someone would have told you by now."
"She's dead?" Daima asked again as tears began streaming down her face.
"How did she die? When did she die? Why didn't anyone tell me?"
"I believe it was a medical condition. Sheikha Fatima--"
But Daima had already raced out the door, not wanting to be emotional in
front of the Emir, a hand over her mouth as she sobbed in agony, leaving
the Emir sitting by himself.
* * *
"But I didn't know that she didn't know!" the Emir shouted, angrily.
Sheikha Fatima was well used to her husband's angry outbursts and knew
by now exactly how to handle them. After all, he was, fundamentally, a
very good man. But like all good men he could become passionate,
especially when embarrassed. It was the primary weakness of their sex,
she reflected.
"But is it not the duty of a husband to tell his wife of such news?"
Sheikha Fatima said.
"Well, normally, yes. But this is not a normal situation!"
"How is it not normal? Are you not her husband? Did you not get married
in the eyes of Allah? Are you not responsible for her welfare? Does that
not include both health and safety but also her mental welfare?"
"Do not lecture me on my responsibilities! I know very well my
"And did you not know of her situation? I did not tell her because I did
not want to 'overstep my bounds' and perform duties which are properly
the husband's responsibility." With this statement, Sheikha Fatima
referenced a common argument they often had.
The Emir growled and harrumphed. Once Daima was married and safely
stashed in the palace, he thought he could just ignore her for the rest
of his life. But clearly Allah had other plans.
"So now what do I do?" The Emir asked. How did his senior wife always
seem to get her way?
"You are her husband. Go comfort her."
The Emir grunted and stubbornly didn't move, feeling manipulated.
"It is your duty as a husband," Sheikha Fatima said. "The poor girl has
suffered so much already, and for what? So that she can be a better
worker for your company and make you a lot of money? You know it's true.
She hasn't left her room all day. She hasn't eaten. Her door is locked
and she won't let any of us in. The poor dear is devastated, and only
her husband's attention will help her."
"Fine," he said, finally admitting his duty.
* * *
Standing outside Daima's door, the Emir motioned for the palace staff, a
Filipino woman, to unlock the door with the master key. This was his
right as a husband. Daima could not refuse her husband's entry to her
"Allahuma thabetna" [God, give me strength] the Emir said quietly to
Entering her room, the Emir saw Daima on the floor, facing qibla,
kneeling and praying. She looked up at him briefly, her eyes red,
blotchy and wet, and then went back to praying. He closed the door and
waited until she was done. Her voice was beautiful and high and her
prayers were so intent and full of devotion to Allah that it moved the
How could such a beautiful thing be formerly a man? He wondered,
watching her. She was dressed in a simple night gown, fully revealing
the curves of her breasts and bottom, as her long wavy hair flowed over
her shoulders and down her back. Against his will, he felt himself grow
in her presence. Even knowing she used to be a man, a thought which
disgusted him, even knowing this, his eyes and body deceived his mind
and he became desirous.
And I am her husband. The thought entered his mind, unbidden. She is
mine to have.
Finally, Daima was done. She stood up and bowed.
"Your Highness," she said, her voice cracking. "I wish to humbly
apologize for my behavior earlier. I sh-should have not run out like
that when you... you... you t-t-told me of my... my..."
Daima gulped, desperately trying to keep herself together.
"When you told me of my mother," she finished. "I am so sorry, Your
Highness. I am so grateful to you and Shiekha Fatima for taking me in. I
owe you my life and... but... I..."
Daima dissolved into tears.
The Emir sat on Daima's bed and beckoned for her to join him. Following
his guide, she sat in his lap like one of his daughters, and he pressed
her head to his shoulder so she could cry and be comforted.
Daima felt his arms envelop her, feeling the comfort of his powerful
presence. She felt like a child being taken care of, not like a wife or
an equal at all.
Finally, Daima settled down, having cried herself out. She leaned over
and gracefully snagged a lace and cotton handkerchief from her
nightstand to clean herself up, looking into the Emir's eyes, held in
his embrace. She could feel his warmth and smell his scent. A scent of
leather and male musk and faded cologne and horses.
"I have made inquiries since we last met," the Emir said, his hands
wrapped around Daima's waist. "I believe you have an aunt, Sarah?"
"Yes, Your Highness."
"Your Aunt Sarah was with your mother when she died and has taken over
as executor of your late mother's estate. She has gathered up and sorted
her things and has a box of your mother's personal belongings which she
is having shipped to the palace. There are also some forms for you to
sign, as you are the sole inheritor of your mother's estate."
"Thank you, Your Highness," Daima said. For a moment she felt like she
was about to slip into tears again, but just at that moment, the Emir
pulled her into his embrace and comforted her.
Daima felt herself being wrapped up by this man. His presence was
comforting. She felt safe and cared for.
Although outwardly calm, the Emir was having an entirely different
conversation in his head. Having this beautiful, feminine woman in his
arms had awoken something inside of him. Hearing her pray to Allah and
then holding her in his arms as she cried... there was something so
child-like and innocent and vulnerable and most especially feminine
about her. Something so trusting and humble. She was unlike other women
he typically met, most of them scheming and deceitful, vying for his
attention and using any stratagem of beauty enhancement or name dropping
to turn his head towards their favor.
No, Daima was free of all that. A simple, devout Muslimah, with no
thought other than how grateful she was.
And his body responded. It responded with desire. A breathless desire to
take this creature, technically his wife, and make her fully his own in
every way. To own her body and her soul and to stake his claim as her
husband. But he knew she used to be a man... and so he did nothing. Did
nothing but fight with his own animal passions.
And as she sat in his lap, Daima could feel his conflict. She felt his
comforting arms, she could hear his heartbeat, she could feel his
breathing, and she could feel his hardening manhood pressing against
"Better now?" The Emir said, getting up abruptly, sliding Daima onto the
bed where she fell back, her hair cascading over her eyes.
Daima struggled to sit up and bow her head.
"Yes, Your Highness, thank you," she said, humbly, not daring to look
the Emir in the eye. "Salaam."
* * *
Chapter 16: The Emir
The Emir's visit helped to settle Daima's mind and spirit about her
mother. She would continue grieve for the rest of her life, of course,
but it now became a part of who she was rather than something which
caused her suffering.
And prayer helped her most of all. Putting herself in Allah's hands,
adhering to the five pillars, knowing she was a humble servant for her
God, helped to sooth her mind so that, after a week of mourning, she was
able to return to normal life at the palace, working during the day and
spending time with family.
And then one night, Daima dreamt of the Emir.
In her dream, she was in full hijab with her niqaab veil standing. The
Emir was formally dressed in his white robes with his headscarf and
black rope head band. He stared at her with his piercing eyes.
"Please remove your clothes," he told her.
Slowly and without any sign of self consciousness, Daima undressed for
him. First she removed her niqaab, and then her hijab. Next, she removed
her her abaya and she was left standing before him in just her cream and
gold dress and high heels, the same outfit that Shamsa and Latifa had
made her wear for their lunch together.
"Please continue," he said in her dream.
Magically, the zipper at the back of the dress became undone, and Daima
felt the dress fall from her shoulders. She was now standing before him
in just heels, stockings, and a full slip with bra and panties
"Please continue," he said again.
First, she stepped out of her heels, feeling him tower over her. Then
she unclipped the stockings from her garter belt, taking them both off.
Finally, she pulled off her slip, laying it aside and standing before
him in just bra and panties.
As she stood before his admiring gaze, she realized that she was very
horny. Her pussy was wet and soaking her panties, even though this was
technically not possible. She clenched her legs together, trying to get
more pressure there. She felt the bra hold her breasts out to the Emir,
as if they were a present for him. The soft silk fabric of the panties
delicately hugged her bottom and gently cupped her sex.
"Please continue," he said.
Just as she was unhooking her bra to expose her breasts to the Emir, she
shuddered in orgasm and woke up.
"Alhamdulillah," she moaned, as her orgasm flowed through her. Finally,
her horny mind settled and she went back to sleep, grateful for the gift
from Allah which had occurred in her sleep.
* * *
The Emir was having similar problems.
"You seem distracted," Sheikha Fatima whispered.
It was Friday evening and the entire family had just returned from isha
prayers at the Palace mosque. Sheikha Fatima had observed her husband
and how he kept glancing at Daima. His movements were subtle. It was
unlikely that anyone other than his senior wife would be able to tell.
To test her theory, she carefully placed Daima across from The Emir in
the living room, so that he could observe her as the family shared a
late-evening snack before heading to bed. Everyone was sitting on sofas
around the large living room around coffee tables laden with small
plates full of delicacies.
"It is nothing," the Emir said, snapping out of his trance.
"She is very beautiful," Sheikha Fatima whispered into his ear, teasing
"I don't who you are talking about," the Emir said, in a huff.
The rest of the party was chatting about Ramadan, which was about to
start next week, and who might be hosting iftar [evening meals, to break
the fast] each evening and what they should wear. Several iftars would
be hosted as charitable events in various villages of the UAE, so there
was a lot of planning involved and some of the older children in the
royal family had taken this on for the first time.
"Her breasts are quite large, are they not?" whispered Sheikha Fatima.
The Emir turned bright red, and was about to scold his wife, but held
his tongue.
"Daima," called out Sheikha Fatima. "Could you pass me that plate of
"Of course, Your Highness," Daima said. In order to reach the dates,
Daima was forced to lean over the coffee table, exposing her cleavage
(since, of course, all women remove their modest clothing when at home
with family) to the Emir's hungry eyes. Daima's dress had been picked
out by Shamsa and Latifa, who were still scheming to make her attractive
for their father, although in more subtle ways.
The Emir gulped and thanked Allah, and not for the first time, for his
loose robes which concealed his growing erection.
"You are Shaytan," he whispered back to his senior wife.
"How is this wrong?" she asked, batting her eyes at him, innocently.
"Daima is your *wife*, my husband. There is nothing wrong with a husband
admiring his wife, is there?"
The Emir grunted and adjusted his robes some more.
* * *
"Why are you doing this?" the Emir asked his senior wife when they were
alone together. "Why are you so intent on getting us together?"
"It is your duty as a husband," Sheikha Fatima explained. "You know it
is. Have you even consummated your marriage?"
"And I know you find her attractive."
The Emir just glared.
"She is your *wife*," Sheikha Fatima explained. "If you find her
attractive, that is the work of Allah working upon you."
"To Allah belongs the Mystery of the heavens and the earth," quoted the
"It is really not that mysterious," Sheikha Fatima said, rolling her
* * *
"Miranda? Joy? What are you doing here?"
It was late, after isha prayers, and Daima was preparing herself for
"We have been sent by Sheikha Fatima," Miranda said, she and her
daughter entering the room caring several bags. "We are here to prepare
you for the Emir."
"The... The Emir?" Daima asked.
"Yes, Sheikha Daima," she said, humbly.
This was the first time that anyone had referred to her as 'Sheikha
Daima'. Although it was technically correct, the family never referred
to each other this way, except for Daima who used Sheikha for Sheikha
Fatima, the senior wife.
Daima didn't feel worthy of the title.
Miranda instructed Daima to shower. Daima performed her normal shower
ritual which included shaving her legs and armpits. Most of the rest of
her body was now naturally hairless, thanks to her hormone and laser
Most, but not all.
"Now, we must shave you, down there," Miranda said, holding a can of
shaving cream and a lady's razor.
"You can't possibly mean..."
"Yes, Sheikha."
"No! I... will not allow it!"
"Sheikha Fatima says that it is expected."
Daima, the large towel wrapped around her body hesitated. She felt
profoundly embarrassed that her senior wife had ordered her pubic hair
to be shaved. She had never exposed her new body to anyone, not even
"If it helps, Sheikha Daima, I have shaved Sheikha Fatima to the Emir's
satisfaction as well."
That does not help at all, Daima thought to herself, embarrassed to know
this intimate information. Daima took a deep breath, dropped her towel
and sat in the chair offered by Miranda. Closing her eyes and turning
her head to the side she spread her legs. Miranda separated them
further, lathered up her pubic mound and then shaved it, working
carefully but efficiently. Daima bit her lip and held as still as
possible, feeling her excitement grow, despite herself
"Joy!" Miranda called out, when she was done.
The two Filipino women rubbed spice-scented moisturizer over Daima's
entire body, including between her legs and under her arms. The scent
was exotic and Arabian, a mixture of cinnamon and incense. Daima stood,
as in a trance, her arms held out, feeling the women's soft hands rub
over her naked skin, feeling her body come alive.
After wiping off the excess moisturizer with soft cotton cloths (her
skin taking on a rosy glow), Miranda and Joy sat Daima down and worked
on her hair and makeup. Daima felt self conscious. Here she was, after
all, completely naked, hands in her lap hiding her (now bare) sex, in
front of these two experts as they made her beautiful. But if they
noticed they said nothing, working intently until her hair was
beautifully coiffed in a kind of up-do with delicate tendrils floating
down and her makeup was sultry and inviting, pouty lips and wide eyes
giving Daima an innocent, vulnerable look.
"Now, come. We will help you dress."
Miranda and Joy extracted sumptuous lingerie and jewelry from their
bags. Would wonders never cease?
"From Sheikha Fatima," Miranda said, helping Daima into a gorgeous lace
and silk night-gown, elegantly tiered, embroidered with delicate gold
thread. "It is your wedding gift."
Daima felt like she was glowing. The gold and silk caught the light and
followed her curves like it was liquid gold poured over her body. Her
large breasts, larger than most women in Dubai, were carefully presented
with hard nipples tenting out the smooth fabric and her ample cleavage
framed in lace.
Daima was astonished to incomprehension at the thought that the Emir's
first wife was helping to prepare the Emir's third wife for his
pleasure... like a dish for him to feast upon. And here Daima, her
desire for the Emir growing by the second, was all too happy to be the
main course.
Miranda and Joy added dangly earrings made up of gold coins dripping
with delicate gold chains and a gold necklace of the same design.
Miranda weaved wove a delicate gold chain into her hair. Gold bangles
were placed around her wrists, two on one arm, three on the other. And
finally, another delicate gold chain was hooked around her right ankle,
dripping with semi-precious gems.
"That is how an Arab bride should look for her husband," Miranda said,
satisfied, turning Daima towards the mirror, where Daima was confronted
with an image that reached a nearly spiritual level. She felt like a
flower, beautiful, innocent, desperate to be plucked by her husband,
made from heavenly materials.
"So beautiful!" said Joy, with such honest awe in her voice that Daima
felt tingles run over her body.
"Oh, Miranda, Joy..." Daima said, her hushed voice still not believing
that this image could be her. "This is magic. You are djinis."
"The magic is inside you," Miranda said. "Now come, let's take you to
the Emir before it gets too late."
They helped Daima into a long robe of the same material and styling as
the nightgown, and then into a pair of satin and gold embroidered mules,
but before they could leave, Daima had one last task, so she quickly
darted into the bathroom, applied an enormous amount of lubricant to her
dilator, and used it to ensure that she was fully ready for the Emir,
come what may.
That last task accomplished, Daima followed Miranda down the dark
hallways of the palace leaving Joy behind to clean up. Their shoes made
soft "shuff shuff" sounds on the marble floors echoing through the empty
halls. They walked from one end of the wing to the other, down a long
corridor and to a new wing that Daima had only visited once, when she
was given a (rather scatter brained) tour of the house by the children,
where the Emir's bedroom lay.
"Here you are," Miranda said, depositing Daima in front of the Emir's
bedroom door. "See well to your husband's needs and make his pleasure
your goal."
"Bless you, Miranda," Daima said, hugging her briefly.
And then Miranda waited and watched, and Daima, feeling Miranda's eyes
on her back, somehow knowing that she would wait as long as it took to
make certain Daima entered the Emir's bedroom, took a deep breath and
opened the door.
* * *
The Emir looked up from his reading and almost didn't recognize her. Who
was this glowing vision that entered his door? Almost, disastrously, he
asked 'who are you?' only to stop himself just in time to realize that
this was Daima, his third wife, come to see him.
Since he was not the one to call Daima to his chamber, Sheikha Fatima
must have set this up, the Emir realized. He admired the swell of her
curves and the size of her breasts from the side as she softly closed
the door and turned to face him, standing shyly, waiting for him to
acknowledge her.
He could tell she was nervous, but at the same time he could also feel
her desire. She wanted to be here and she looked upon him with a naked
hunger that was intoxicating.
The Emir silently beckoned her forth. Daima left her slippers by the
door and walked to him, her bare toes sinking into the sumptuous Arabian
carpeting that covered the floors of the Emir's bedroom.
She looked so fragile, walking towards him. Fragile and delicate and
innocent and trusting, and all the Emir wanted at exactly that moment
was to take her as his own and claim her. To claim her passion for his
own to make her love him. He would force her to rise to his pleasure and
to force upon her the ultimate pleasure for herself, a searing pleasure
which would bind her to his soul forever.
No longer was she the man who he had turned into a woman. To the Emir
she was now a woman. A woman he desired.
"Take off your robe," he said.
Daima felt a shiver run up her spine and a blush rise to her cheeks.
Carefully, she unfastened the bow which held the neck of her robe
together and then unbelted the sash. The robe slipped to the floor,
unwrapping her body for her husband, the skin of her arms and legs
shockingly naked before his hungry eyes.
The Emir sat for a moment, letting the moment stretch out, testing her
obedience, enjoying her hesitation and her rising anticipation. Long
moments passed. Daima felt faint with breathless desire.
Finally, he pushed aside the covers and got out of bed.
"Undress me," he said, standing before her.
Daima looked into his eyes and trembled.
"Yes, Your Highness," she whispered.
Slowly, gently, she slipped his nightshirt over his head and down his
arms. The Emir stood before her, early-middle aged with a slight paunch,
but still strong and spry, a muscled man well used to horseback riding
and prayer and nights in the desert with his Bedouin friends. The hair
on his brown chest was black and wiry. He smelled of male sweat. It made
Daima faint with desire.
Since that the day that she had given up masturbation for Allah, she had
not reached orgasm, not even with Ahmed, except a few times in her
sleep, Alhamdulillah. She felt as if a coiled spring had been wound up
inside of her, waiting to be released for release, desperate to be
released to relinquish its erotic energy. As a boy, she had masturbated
at least one a day, sometimes twice. And then... nothing for almost a
year now.
She was vibrating with need.
Unable to help herself, Daima ran her fingers down her husband's arm,
feeling the warmth of his skin and the muscles underneath. The touch was
electric and shot through her fingers and directly to her sex.
Kneeling before him, like she imagined a dutiful wife should do, Daima
unknotted the silk cord which served as a belt for his long, loose
sleeping trousers. Daima gasped as the the soft, thin trousers sagged
from his body revealing his hard, brown cock which bobbed up eagerly to
meet her. Looking into his eyes, she caressed it in her fingers,
thrilling at it's straining passion for her.
The Emir stepped out of his trousers and reached down to stroke her
soft, luxuriant hair. It was light brown and done up by Miranda so the
graceful line of her nose and neck were available for his fingers to
"Oh!" The Emir's eyes almost bulged from his sockets as he felt Daima's
warm mouth surround the helmet of his member. No wife had ever done that
for him! Both of his other wives had been entirely focussed on
intercourse, consummating their marriage. Yes, sex was pleasurable, how
could it not be? But this!
Daima, for her part, had just assumed that this was the first step
towards all marital sex. After all, Ahmed had required it that one time
when they had slept together. She had mentally prepared herself for it,
and so drawing the Emir into her mouth felt exactly right.
But how different this was from Ahmed! The Emir was already hard, and
how much more thrilling it was to have a hard cock in her mouth! She
could feel his desire. As her tongue and lips slipped over the stretched
skin and his veins and ridges, she felt a small peak of desire in her
sex, her eyes fluttering closed for just a second as she drew him deep
into her mouth.
But already the Emir was getting close. It would be disaster if she
brought him to completion first! He must claim her, make her his own,
bind her soul to his, by Allah! And so he pulled out and grasped her arm
to lift her up.
Daima, surprised, allowed herself to be manhandled and thrust into the
Emir's bed, sinking into the deliciously soft mattress, her head on his
pillow. She looked into his eyes, seeing the ferocity there. Wanting
that fire for herself, she spread her legs as he got into bed and got on
top of her. His hands briefly ran across her sex, causing her to gasp
and clench. Finding her wet and ready (thanks to her early
preparations), he quickly positioned himself at the entrance to her sex
(she was wearing no panties) and, after first rubbing the head of his
cock up and down her sex to get lubricated, thrust inside of her.
"ALLAH!" Daima screamed. "Oh, BLESS YOU! BLESS YOU!" she shouted, as he
pressed deep into her, pressing his pubic bone against hers. She could
feel him, he was a perfect fit, filling her up, deep inside of her,
pressing and massaging those deep parts that had never been properly
touched until now.
The pleasure was so intense, the anticipation had been so exquisite, the
Emir's taking of his third wife had been with such aggression and
confidence, that Daima only lasted a few thrusts before the coiled
spring in her body released with an orgasm so great she saw stars. Daima
desperately clutched at her husband, drawing him in as deep as possible,
thrusting her body against his, shaking and spasming as her pleasure
flowed through her body, surging back and forth.
And not a moment too soon, as the Emir himself, with a guttural cry,
pressed into her and felt his own tidal flow of pleasure, spurting his
seed into Daima, claiming her as his wife, marking his territory, making
her his own, now and forever.
"Allaaaahhh!!" Daima continued to wail, her pleasure lasting longer than
she thought possible, as she held onto her husband desperate for every
last drop of it. Later she would wonder if invoking Allah's name at such
a moment was proper, but fortunately, her husband would assure her that
it was.
And when it was all over, Daima felt tears streaming down her face.
Tears of pleasure and tears of gratitude, for the Emir who had taken her
in and now this man, her husband, who had shown her the path to such
pleasure. She had saved herself for this for so long, she had suffered
so much, and finally... it had all been worth it.
"Allah is great and merciful," she said, looking into her husband's
"Alhamdulillah," he said, grinning from ear to ear, because he knew now
that she was his. He had claimed her like he had never claimed anyone
before in this life. Not Sheikha Fatima and certainly not his second
wife. But now, with Daima, he had found her at last, a beautiful and
sensual treasure that he could claim completely as his own, who was
enslaved to his body and his soul by her gratitude and her love and
Daima spent the entire evening with the Emir. She now thought of him,
for the first time, as her husband, the two of them talking in soft
words, exploring each other's bodies and having sex two more times (with
help from the lubricant that she had secreted in the pockets of her
robe), long and slow and sensuous and warm and full of love.
* * *
Of course there are no secrets in the palace, so the next morning at
breakfast, Daima shyly blushed and looked at the ground hearing the
giggles and whispers from the rest of the family as they smiled at her.
"Good for you," Sheikha Fatima said, squeezing her hand.
"Alhamdulillah," agreed Daima.
Shamsa and Latifa were beside themselves with glee. Their plan had
finally born fruit! And they could see the pleasure radiating from their
father's face, and they could see the gratitude and beauty shimmering in
Daima's eyes and demeanor.
"That is how it should be," Latifa whispered to her sister, who nodded
back, kissing her on the cheek. "Let's go buy her some more lingerie! I
think she'll be needing it."
And so they found their older sister, Maryam, and the three of them
cornered Daima in her bedroom as she was about to log in for work, and
carefully measured every inch of her body.
"Why are you doing this?" Daima asked. "I am in need of nothing."
"It's not for you," Latifa giggled. "It's for Baba."
"Latifa!" Daima said, honestly shocked. But these were worldly girls who
understood the birds and the bees, thanks to Sheikha Fatima's careful
teachings, and any of them might be betrothed at any moment (and,
indeed, Maryam was about to complete her nuptial contract in just a few
* * *
Daima was shocked when Miranda and Joy showed up later that night.
"But... I just slept with him last night," Daima said. "This morning,
"He wants more of you," Miranda said, grinning.
This time, Daima was made up as a goddess, with long flowing hair woven
with delicate flowers. Her makeup was natural and her lingerie was
flowing, but still in silk and lace.
And it was another night to remember, just as pleasurable as the night
before but this time with more love, more kisses, more stroking and
caresses. Daima began to understand her husband's needs better, as she
stroked and massaged his body and his tired shoulders before being
captured in his arms for another round of lovemaking.
And then the days started to blur into each other, as Daima spent them
in a haze of work and family and sex with her husband.
He was insatiable! There were times when he would surprise her after
noon-time prayers, locking the door behind her as she quickly ran to the
en-suite bathroom to prepare for him. Sometimes he couldn't even wait
for that.
"Just your mouth," he would say, and of course Daima was more than happy
to drop to her knees and pleasure him that way, as he sat on the bed,
gasping as she drew out his pleasure and then swallowed it, smiling and
feeling a surge of satisfied pleasure.
Their coupling got to be so frequent that Sheikha Fatima had,
eventually, to intervene.
"Have I created a monster?" she wondered to herself, before summoning
Daima to her bedroom. The Emir's second wife had complained bitterly to
her that she had not seen her husband all month, because he had been
shacked up with that 'foreign whore', and Sheikha Fatima had agreed to
take care of it.
Upon entering the bedroom, Daima bowed, her face aglow with pleasure
from having recently been fucked by her husband, yet again. Sheikha
Fatima walked over to her and grasped her ear, hard, and pulled her over
to the bed.
"He has three wives, you know," Sheikha Fatima said. She roughly lifted
up Daima's skirts to expose her bottom, she was wearing pair of sexy,
lace high-rise panties, and gave Daima ten spanks on her bottom, Daima
crying in shame.
"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Daima said, over and over.
"Usually, I'd wait until you had your period. Or until you got
pregnant," Sheikha Fatima knew that a firm hand from the senior wife was
required in such situations. "But then I realized that I would be
waiting forever, wouldn't I? You'll never have a period, you'll never
get pregnant, will you?"
"No..." cried Daima, tearfully, wishing fervently that she really would
get a period, if only so that she wouldn't disappoint Sheikha Fatima to
whom she owed everything. "Please, Sheikha Fatima, what can I do!
Please, tell me what to do and I'll do it!"
"You must limit your time with him," Sheikha Fatima said. "To a maximum
of two weeks per month."
"Only two weeks--" Daima said, shocked, before quickly covering her
mouth and bowing to her senior wife. "Of course," she said, quietly. "I
shall do your bidding."
"I shall explain this to the Emir," Sheikha Fatima said, with a sigh.
"He will not like it, but he will agree. But he is weak, especially when
it comes to sex and beautiful women." Sheikha Fatima gently grasped
Daima's chin, to look into her eyes. "Like you. So, when it is not your
week, you must refuse his advances. If there is a problem, then you must
see me. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Sheikha Fatima, I understand," said the cowed Daima.
"Very good, my girl. Now, since you have had such constant access to the
Emir's bed these last two months, you will need to abstain from those
pleasures for the next month."
"A whole month?!" Daima felt like she would die.
"Yes, a whole month!" Sheikha Fatima pinched Daima's ear nice and hard
for good measure.
"Yes, Sheikha Fatima."
"And then after that, you may have him every other week. Do you
"Yes, Sheikha Fatima, I understand."
"Oh, don't look so glum, my darling. I think you'll find that this
schedule will only hone your ardor for him."
* * *
Chapter 17: The Hospital
Daima woke slowly, her head fuzzy, her arm in tremendous pain. As she
moved her head, it felt like a nail had been thrust into it, the pain
was excruciating.
"Oh, Daima, Daima... Oh, praise be to Allah that you are awake!"
She looked over to see Sheikha Fatima, getting up and coming to her.
Were those tears in her eyes? She felt a hand gently cup her cheek.
"What... what happened?" she asked, looking up at Sheikha Fatima.
"Where... where am I?"
"You are in the woman's wing of the hospital," she said. "The guards...
they heard shouting in the hallway outside the Emir's bedroom and found
you yelling and struggling... with Ahmed, your ex-husband."
"Ahmed!" Daima cried, suddenly tears springing to her eyes as the memory
of the previous night came to her. "I remember! He had a knife! He said
he was going to kill the Emir and all his family! I had to stop him! Are
you okay? Is the Emir...????"
"He's fine. We are all fine, Daima, Alhamdulillah, and all thanks to
you. The guards heard your screaming and found you struggling with Ahmed
for the knife. Before they could do anything, he broke your arm and
swung your head against a table and, mercifully, you blacked out."
"And Ahmed?"
"He was about to stab you through the heart when they shot him dead."
"Ya Allah!" Daima said, breaking into fresh sobs. "Oh, Sheikha Fatima,
Your Highness, I am so sorry to bring this upon your family! Please
forgive me!"
"It is not your fault, Daima," Sheikha Fatima said. "Ahmed befriended
one of the kitchen staff and pretended to be her boyfriend. Once she
explained how the palace worked, he slit her throat and then let himself
into the palace through a back door with her key card. They found a
letter in his apartment describing how he intended to kill us all in our
sleep. It is thanks to you that we were saved."
"Oh no, it is all my fault..."
"Sleep, my darling," Sheikha Fatima said, motioning to the nurses.
* * *
Daima spent the next four weeks in the hospital recovering. In addition
to her broken arm, she also had a bad concussion and had lost a lot of
blood due to two stab wounds, one across her belly and a second one on
her shoulder.
Her concussion was especially bad. The first week, her room had to be
completely dark and silent, since any noise or sound would start her
head to aching. During this time, she only saw Maryam, Aliya and Sheikha
Fatima (and occasional female doctors and nurses), who alternated
washing her and feeding her.
Gradually she began to improve until finally, after a few weeks, she
started to feel like her old self again.
"I have something for you," said Aliya.
It was to be her last day at the hospital. Daima was sitting up in her
bed, dressed in a simple kaftan. Her abaya, hijab and niqaab were in her
closet, waiting to be put on. The rest of her clothes had already been
packed away. They had been reading the Qur'an together, discussing its
passages just like they had done so long ago when they lived together in
Aliya handed Daima a large sealed envelope.
"What is this?" Daima asked.
"It's from the Emir," Aliya said. "Daima.... I love you. You do know
that, don't you?" Aliya reached out and grasped Daima's hand.
"Of course, Aliya!"
"Please remember that," Aliya said, a tear in her eye, hugging Daima and
giving her a fervent kiss on the lips. "Please, never forget that I love
you. And... no more secrets."
"But... where are you going?" Daima asked, as Aliya got up.
"In the envelope is a letter. Read it," she said, letting herself out of
the hospital room and leaving Daima alone.
* * *
Daima sat on the bed, the letter in her hands, staring out the window at
the busy traffic of Dubai.
The letter had explained everything. How she had been brought to Dubai
under false pretenses. How Aliya had been working for the Emir and the
Finance Minister this whole time. How she had been carefully led down
this path and gently coerced into giving up her citizenship, into
converting to Islam, and into changing her sex.
The letter also explained how Ahmed had been recruited, by the Emir, to
be her husband, so that she would be trapped as a woman in an Arab
country, and how Ahmed had only agreed to the plan because the Emir had
paid him to.
And how all of this had been done so that the Emir could take advantage
of Daima's talents at Data Science.
The letter also expressed the Emir's profound apologies. He had finally
been graced by Allah with true understanding. He understood now how
everything he had done had been selfish and shameful, and now he would
be repenting for his actions for the rest of his life.
And so, as part of his tawba, he had included signed divorce papers in
the envelope, and further he had created a bank account for Daima with
her proper share of mahr - about 1 billion AED, or just over $250
million dollars. The envelope also contained her UAE passport and a
letter from the U.S. Ambassador with instructions on how she could
regain her U.S. Citizenship.
And now she was a free woman to go and do as she pleased. He was
releasing her.
* * *
Daima sat for a very long time. The evening began to darken, and still
she sat, looking out over the Dubai skyline, watching the lights of the
high-rises gradually blink on.
She was a very rich woman now. Rich and free. She could retire and go
anywhere and do anything that she wanted.
Daima thought about Aliya and her role in the entire scheme. It was
clear now that she had been the careful orchestrator of Daima's
But still she loved her. Daima was certain of that.
And then Daima thought about the palace. Sheikha Fatima, Shamsa, Latifa,
Yasmin, young Mohammed, Maryam and all of the others of the Emir's large
family. What would they think if she just disappeared?
And she wondered about Hajji Al Muhairi and his wife, her adopted
parents. The letter had made clear that money had exchanged hands for
their participation. Daima had been bought and sold several times over.
And finally, Daima thought about the Emir.
Just then, her thoughts were interrupted by the call to maghrib [sunset]
prayers. The plaintive call of the singer flowed into her body, touching
her heart.
Daima got out of bed and knelt down on the floor to pray. The raka'ah
were soothing to her, the familiar rhythms brought peace to her soul.
By the time she was done, she knew what to do. This was her dream all
over again. This was what Allah had been trying to tell her all along.
Her dream, after all, had occurred early on, when she was still a man,
before her destiny had been fully determined.
Daima went to her closet and put on her Abaya, covering her body with
its gentle folds, feeling the protection it provided... its safety and
Next, she wrapped the hijab around her head, grasping it together
underneath her chin and then wrapping it around her head and tucking it
in, then fixing it into place with the hair clip, her motions fluid and
practiced. Her hair was now completely covered, her face shown as a
feminine oval, she was fully modest by Dubai standards.
Daima picked up the niqaab and held it over her face, like a mask,
reaching behind (painful because her arm was still healing) and tying it
tightly behind her head. She arranged it carefully so it draped down in
front, obscuring her face and neck from the bridge of her nose down to
her breasts, making sure that it was neat and symmetrical. Then, she
pulled one of the layers forward, covering her eyes with a gauzy fabric.
Finally, she found the gloves, black and loose, which she pulled on,
covering her hands in soft fabric.
She was now completely covered. Anonymous. Free. Rich.
Daima stepped out of the hospital room, not sure what to expect.
"Majed!" she said, surprised.
"Your Highness," Majed said, bowing. "I have been instructed to take you
to wherever you would like to go."
Daima looked at Majed, realizing that this man was simultaneously her
protector but had also once been her prison guard.
But all she felt was affection for him.
"Take me to the palace," she said.
* * *
"I never knew such peace existed until Allah showed me the way," Daima
explained to the Emir.
She was kneeling before him, her knees nestled in the soft carpet of his
bedroom where she had been summoned immediately after arriving at the
palace. She had removed her hijab and abaya and was dressed simply, in a
kaftan, with no makeup, her hair down and loose.
"My life before Allah was shallow and unworthy," she continued. "I feel
this has all been part of His remarkable plan, and we have all played
our part. You, Your Highness, as well as Aliya, the Finance Minister...
even Ahmed. We have all been caught up in Allah's plan, for surely only
by following Allah have I been blessed to achieve such peace of heart,
such noble purpose, such... love," she said, daring to look at him.
"So, I beseech Your Highness," Daima continued, "to please take me back.
Please do not divorce me! I feel my place is here, in this palace,
serving you and serving your country as best I can in any way this
humble wretch can serve. I have found my peace by submitting my will to
Allah and following his words from the Qur'an. I further submit my will
to Your Highness... my husband. I will obey and serve Allah to the end
of my days, and I wish for nothing more than to obey and serve you... my
husband... to the end of my days."
"I love you," she added. "Please... let me serve you."
Daima waited several long moments, before finally, she felt the Emir
lift her up. He hugged her and held her gently, like a husband hugs and
holds his wife.
"Daima," he said. "Always."
Copyright (c) 2020 by RH Music, all rights reserved.
A special thanks to Trish for her excellent story, "Be Like Others",
which served as an inspiration for this story.
Thanks to Robyn Hoode for her excellent editorial help.
Thanks to Samirah for her review for cultural content.
Errors which remain are entirely the fault of the author.