BethChapter 119 free porn video

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January 1, 2018

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written January 4]

I got a great night’s sleep, with the multi-orgasm romp with my sister-friend-lovers probably being largely responsible. The long weekend with good friends was very enjoyable, but it was nice to be back to just the five of us. Meka did look longingly at the back of the house for a few seconds when she dropped me off but shook her head and turned back to the Jacobsen house. I was in the middle of the bed, and the other girls chatting softly was what pulled me fully out of sleep.

“I don’t recall the last time you slept later than I did,” Rhee stated.

“I was thinking the same thing. Man, that was a great sleep.”

Rhee looked at me lovingly, and responded, “You needed it, Love. You lost it a little a couple times this weekend. You probably need at least one more of those before we start back to school.”

I nodded and was about to encourage Gracey to begin the talk the Go5 would need to have about Cera and Brit, particularly about their fantasy, but Sandy arrived via the kitchen.

“Hey, Sandy-Mom. We were having a bit of what Rhee calls a lie-in. Would you be interested in joining us in a bit of snuggling for a bit?”

Mom stopped in her tracks and stared at Liya for at least 15 seconds, then grinned and said, “I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”

“Great. Climb in between Beth and me.”

When Mom got settled in under the covers, unplanned, but nearly as one, we turned toward her. I curled into her and Liya copied my action. Mom developed a bit of difficulty controlling her emotions, breathing deeply a couple times and sniffling once.

“Thanks for this, girls. This is very nice and helps ease my mind about you five.”

Thankfully, Liya grabbed the podium, as I probably could not have said what needs saying. Rhee’s right: I need at least one more good night’s sleep to settle my emotions.

“Sandy-Mom, nothing much has changed ... but a lot has changed. What hasn’t changed is our love for our expanded nuclear family, if that isn’t an oxymoron. We cannot tell you everything, as some of it is not ours to tell. However, we ... seem to have settled a thorny issue about Brett. Well, we have an agreement in place, but each of us and all of us understand that the agreement may not last. We’ve told you that we’re all interested in having a ... loving relationship with Brett, but we’re not ready to move that relationship much beyond where we were before the weekend. What we’ve settled is that there are eight of us that have made a commitment of sorts, each to the other seven girls, that we’re initiating a relationship in which we all share Brett. The agreement precludes sexual behavior with Brett, that is, anything other than energetic hugs and friendly or loving kisses of cheeks.

“There is no specified time frame to the commitment, and it is there primarily to enable the girls not to worry that any one of them is falling behind others in the progression of the relationship, because any movement of the relationship has to be validated by all parties, including Brett. We believe that will enable us to simply enjoy being with each other and with Brett in situations that are safe. Three of us slept in the same bed with him each night, with the bed partners chosen at random, except that we had all decided that Beth was his chaperone in bed, so she was one of the three each night. Interestingly, he has proved honorable, making no effort to circumvent the restrictions we put on him, both in bed, and in general. He’s also told us that he’s not ready for anything more, is, in fact, a bit afraid of moving the relationship. That convinced Beth to argue against continuation of her as his chaperone, and we agreed.

“We, the Go5, got to know Brit and Cera very much better than we had before. Part of that was the intensity of being together for more than 48 hours at a stretch, but part was because both, particularly Brit, have opened up a lot more of late. A much more exciting and interesting Brit is now the Brit we see. She was outspoken this weekend, unafraid of both organizing us and explaining to Brett the critical part of the commitment that is the eight girls working together, not at cross purposes, in hopes of reducing the competition for Brett. In fact, she made it plain to Brett, and the rest of us, that if we didn’t work together the whole way, it would almost certainly fall apart and none of us would have Brett if that happened. The change from the Brit that first asked to join us at our lunch table at school and the yesterday Brit is amazing. It’s not quite as large as the change Heather made as she melded her life with ours, but still quite large. I really like this Brit.”

There was silence as we digested what Liya had said, we girls analyzing to see if more needs to be told, and Mom, undoubtedly, trying to figure out what Liya had not told.

“So, I understand the upshot of your commitment is that you’ve moved any decision-making concerning sex off to to some undetermined point in the future.”

“Any decision-making concerning sex involving Brett,” Heather clarified.

Mom turned to look at Heather as she finished her correction, gazing hard at her for some time, then replying, “Ah. Understood. Do I take it that, as far as you know, you five are the only ones involved in the commitment that have had and are having sex?”

“We’re positive of that, Sandy-Mom, although that status may change at any time. That is the part of the commitment that is ... It’s not unstated, but it’s better understood than stated clearly. Sex between and among the girls is rather explicitly not banned. It’s not mandated, but it’s not banned. We left it, I think purposefully, as nebulous, specifically due to pre-existing sexual relationships among girls. What is banned, is sexual activity outside the commitment, for obvious reasons, ones that the family needs to tackle with Meka and Celeste if the times come. Other girls may be allowed to sign onto the commitment, and that’s a figurative signing on, but we may need to require a medical report that shows such girls to be disease-free.”

“That makes sense. And with the three other girls of the current commitment not having had sexual contact with anyone, we parents won’t be concerned if one or more become sexual with one or more of them.” Mom inhaled and exhaled deeply, then added, “You girls continue to impress me, me and the other parents. You understand the potential problems with you girls being the overlap zone of two sexual circles. As long as you keep thinking clearly, particularly thinking about any potential negative consequences to the family of this new ... family you’re creating. I find it interesting that your new circle is of very similar size to ours. I’m not sure what that says about you girls, nor about the various moms. Have we, by having this family we have, made you girls think that a ... circle of girls is necessary to enable a sexual relationship with a male? Or are there that few stellar males out there, such that you girls are willing to share in order to have one of those stellar males?”

“We had that very conversation yesterday, and we didn’t introduce it or define it,” I pointed out. “It was a conversation about the Brett-centered circle, with Kim ... You remember about Kim, Mom?” When she nodded, I added, “Kim made the leap herself, saying that it... ‘might be that having only part of a really great guy is better than having all of the wrong guy’.”

Mom replied, “There are lots of good guys out there, but high school is not a reliable place to find them. I managed to find my own really good guy, but for Carol, the other side of the argument is certainly valid, particularly with her raising a daughter. The same could be true of Inez and Nira, although the situation is confounded with them, given the additional variables in place when they joined the family.”

Liya looked at Mom with a wondering expression, hugged her, said, “You’re not just a pretty face and a lovely bod,” then grinned at her.

Mom, still flat on her back, smiled back at Liya, then obviously began thinking, as her face took on a studious appearance.

“Liya, daughter of my heart, thank you so much for teaching me that lesson at the beginning of all this.” She breathed deeply, then added, “I have very much enjoyed what I hoped to get out of sharing Charlie with you girls. In fact, I’ve gotten to enjoy watching him with you girls so much more than I had expected. I didn’t expect the family to move most of the sex and lovemaking outside the bedrooms. That was the doing of you girls, and I have been marveling at you for months, now. Yes, the family was a mashing-together of ideas that Carol and I had, but you girls created the family that we have. You may not have done so consciously or with any decision at all, but this family is more a product of you five than it is of the parents.

“You five found your way to your five-way relationship, then simply included the rest of us in how you saw loving, sexual relationships. I like your idea so much more than the one I had last year. I’ve greatly enjoyed my life once I found Charlie, but you girls have made it so much better. I know you’ll say I owe you nothing, as I gave you Charlie, but I’m indebted to you five, nonetheless. We do not want any of you to feel tied down to the family; you’re welcome to discontinue the sexual aspect of the family whenever you wish, just give us sufficient warning.”

Liya and Rhee began to object, but Mom overrode them, saying, “No. We always expected the sexual aspect to be temporary. Certainly, you girls didn’t think we’d insist on you subsuming desires for your own relationships, your own families. No, this...”

“Sandra Mabel Williams! Stop it!” Liya stared angrily at Mom for a few seconds, then put on a loving appearance, saying, “Sandy-Mom, family is forever. We don’t know what the future brings. We don’t know if our hopes about Brett will bear fruit. We cannot even decide among ourselves whether we can ask our husband to share his wives with his wives’ family --- singular. We can’t even know if we’ll share a husband or not. However, Sandy-Mom, I’ll tell you what we want to have. We want Brett or, failing that, some other really great guy as our husband. We could imagine sharing two or three husbands, but that seems unlikely to us, if for no other reason than our estimation of the low absolute number of really great guys. I will insist on having at least one of Charlie’s children, a child that will have an amazing number of wonderful mothers, and I will gladly share that title with you and all the other women in our family.

“We’ve discussed numerous times the possibility of combining the circle we create with the circle you created. Of course, we had those discussions before we had a circle that was not wholly coincident with your circle. We now have a circle of eight, but it’s a circle that I do not doubt will expand, perhaps having as many as a dozen women. Again, we had those discussions before things began moving with Brett.

“Beth has been losing sleep over the seemingly intractable problem of wanting a sexual relationship for all of us with Brett, but not wanting to lie to Brett about Dad. With the commitment, we have put off the need to deal with that conundrum, but we will have to deal with it. We all want Brett ... but we also all want Dad. Sandy-Mom, we don’t want to have to quit with Dad in order to have Brett. We would probably do it if we had to in order to have Brett, but we really don’t want to do it. Some of us feel slightly less adamant about that than I do, but all agree that the best of worlds has us with both ... and with all the moms ... and Celeste ... and Meka ... and some other girls. We don’t understand why we’re this way, why we want a plethora of loving, sexual relationships, but we do, and, truly surprising, we’re now friends with many girls that seem to share that desire. Surely, Sandy-Mom, you’d like your husband to have a loving sexual relationship that included all those sexy girls.”

Mom’s face showed incredulity for over a minute, after which she worked hard at not crying.

“Y-you’d b-be willing to share ... your ... girlfriends ... or wives ... and your husband ... with us?”

Rhee replied immediately, “You shared yours with us. Why wouldn’t we share ours with you?” She looked at Mom as Sandy tried to absorb what Rhee had said, then added, “We don’t know that any of ours would be interested, but it is not anathema to us. We love what we have with Dad and would not give it away easily. Despite that our personal one-on-one time with Dad would decline a lot if we were to add some five to seven girls to his harem, if we’re going to have a loving, sexual relationship with those girls, holding something back from them makes no sense.”

Mom stared at Rhee who was propped on her left elbow beyond Heather to my right looking back at Mom.

Mom shook her head for a few seconds, then said, “Again, you girls show that you believe in my dream more than I do. No, you just dream bigger than I could have. I don’t know what Charlie and Carol will say, but I think we should leave the design parameters of our family to you girls. You’ve obviously thought more – and more-carefully – about it than Carol and I have.”

She shook her head again, then stated, “We wanted this for the sexual thrill of watching our daughters ... No, of watching our husband having sex with our daughters. Oh, we also justified it by wanting to give our daughters a similar pleasant, even exciting, introduction to sex that ours were, and we did want to provide that for you. However, you girls made it a family and completely changed our expectations, even the rules.

“I’ve already given it to you in a de facto way, but I will be your Sex Slave for as long as you want. However, I would like to retire the Sex Slave moniker. I would prefer you order Sandy or, even, Mom to lick your pussy to prepare it for taking my husband’s cock into it. I would prefer...”

Mom cut off what she was saying as Dad and Carol padded into the room from the kitchen. Dad had his mouth open to say something, but Heather beat him to the punch.

“Sandy-Mom, get out from under the covers and lie there between Liya and Beth. Hey, Dad, I’ve got a mom that could really use some of your wonderful loving, as she’s having a bit of a crisis of conviction. Would you, please, help her out with that ... here in the middle of our bed while we watch you two lovers make love?”

Dad’s penis began hardening as he stood at the foot of the bed looking at Heather’s cute face on the pillow. He considered her request for a while. During that cogitation, Rhee pushed the covers down her body to her feet, an action that propagated across us girls, leaving all six of us naked to Dad’s and Carol’s eyes.

“I believe I can fulfill your request, as long as you don’t mind my personal slight modification to that request.”

While Heather asked what that was, he laid his torso on the bed between Rhee’s legs and licked her pussy for a minute, then moved down the line, doing the same to Heather, me, Liya, and Gracey. He then moved back to the middle of the bed and began his requested lovemaking of Sandy by straddling her on hands and knees and leaning in and kissing her for minutes. We watched as he proceeded to spend the next half-hour making love with his wife, occasionally bumping into me or Liya. The two of us got involved for a time when he was on his knees, her butt resting on his thighs, her back on the bed, her head on a pillow, as he slowly moved in her pussy.

Liya started it by leaning over Sandy, cutting off her view of Dad, and saying, “Sandy-Mom, you will French kiss with me for at least three minutes, beginning when I put my lips on yours.”

Mom began responding, “Yes, Mis...,” but that was cut off by Liya attacking Mom’s mouth with hers.

While they were kissing, I said, “Mom, in exchange for you being our sex slave under your own name, you no longer need to acknowledge us as your mistresses. Simply obey any orders we give. If you find an order to be particularly wonderful, you may thank the one ordering it by name. I hope you know, Mom, that your life just changed. Who knows which of our new girlfriends on whom one of us might order you to perform cunnilingus?”

Mom squealed into her second orgasm of the bout, which had been going on for just over ten minutes.

When Liya pulled her face away from Mom’s, I got on my knees, eased my right knee across Mom, then, looking down between my thighs at Mom’s face, said, “Mom, make me cum,” after which I lowered my pussy onto Mom’s face.

While I was lost in those feelings, Liya had encouraged Carol to take her spot next to Sandy, ostensibly to watch her wife and husband make love.

I didn’t catch this at all, but Liya had given Heather some sign or other, and the first thing I was aware of the changed situation on the Monstrosity was Heather saying, “Carol, make me cum.”

I looked to my right and down, saw Heather’s left knee nestled up to my right knee, so looked farther to my right in time to watch Heather lower her pussy onto Carol’s mouth. When Carol moaned loudly, I looked at her face, which had not moved much, so looked down her body to see Liya ensconced between Carol’s legs and giving Carol’s pussy a licking. That helped jolt my libido up another notch or two, more than enough to step onto the Stairway.

As of when I am writing this, I am unsure if Carol has succumbed to her not-quite-submissive side, but she ostensibly obeyed when Rhee ordered her to make her cum and when Gracey ordered the same. Of course, it could be entirely due to Liya spending the entire time between Carol’s legs sending her to four orgasms. No one mentioned that. We girls did not mention it in hopes of getting her to succumb to that again in the future, while Carol may not have mentioned it due to her apparent inability to decide if she liked expressing that part of her psyche, or she was just slightly embarrassed to have been ordered to do what she would gladly have done without the orders.

Regardless, Dad finally came in Mom more than 20 minutes after he first began kissing her. Mom belted out her third orgasm while riding his cock with the impetus provided by Dad’s orgasm ... and the five of us running our hands and mouths over much of her body. She collapsed onto Dad and lay there for quite some time.

When she re-achieved lucidity, she moaned, then lifted her face to look into Dad’s eyes, then said, “I’m going to leave a lot more of my sexual needs in the hands of our daughters. God, that was amongst the best I’ve ever had, and I’ve had a huge number of spectacular times with you, My Love.” She sat back up, managing to keep Dad’s cock in her somehow, looked around at us, then said, “Thanks, girls. The combo of us making love in the middle of your bed with you spread around us watching, helping, made this spectacular. Liya, you getting my wonderful wife lying next to me while you girls did unspeakable things to her sent this into stratospheric levels of sex. While I will still have things my way, particularly in our bedroom, I anticipate with great pleasure what my various daughter-mistresses have in store for me in the future.”

With that, she twisted a bit and leaned over to kiss Carol, the stopper pulling out of her pussy, Dad’s and her fluids beginning to ooze out of her.

When she began to apologize for messing up our bed, Gracey remonstrated with her saying, “We tore this bed up last night, so we needed to change the sheets anyway. Don’t worry about it, Mom. We greatly enjoyed you having your husband in our bed, so much so that I’m sure this will not be the only time something like this will happen. We’ve certainly become more open to daughter-mom sex. Although none of us are yet to the point of having one-on-one sex with you, you can expect us, particularly Liya, to take a larger, more-direct part of getting you ... and Carol your jollies.”

“Oh, god,” Carol exclaimed, “I’ll say! Liya, thank you. That was ... spectacular.”

We were preparing brunch, when I suddenly remembered Celeste.

“All. Celeste is supposed to be here by 10. I’ll text her to see if she’s running on time. We need to dress.”

Celeste responded that she was on time, so I told her about brunch, then texted an invitation to Meka.

“Good. I’m hungry but haven’t worked up the energy to make anything.”

I was concerned that her answer suggested lethargy, possibly due to a poor mental state, so made a mental note to get her active today. I went upstairs to dress in gym shorts and T, but thought something sexier would be fun, so wriggled into my short shorts and added a skimpy tube top. Gracey and Liya were exiting their room dressed.

When Liya saw me, she said, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

The two of them turned around, so I returned to the kitchen. Rhee and Heather had the same response as the brown members of the Go5, so they returned upstairs; I returned to making waffles.

When Dad came out of their bedroom dressed, he said, “Beth, you are incredibly sexy in regular outfits. In that, you get my blood moving.”

Same as Beth
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Shea excused herself from the table to find the ladies room. Her highly intelligent mind analyzed her own behavior and the situation. Elfi was her best friend and so was Eric. She knew he had not asked to guard or accompany the princess, so why was she upset when she saw them like that? Because she realized she cared for Eric much more than she wanted to admit. Mostly her thoughts were influenced from her educatin at the temple. Because she was a Sojonit and trained to think of men as...

1 year ago
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Fucked Friend8217s Married Sister

Hello ISS readers, I am a great fan of this website. I am have been reading published from the last 5 years. This time I felt like telling my own story of the sexual encounter with married friend’s sister. My name is Arjun from Shimoga. This incident happened in last year. I have a friend called Mahesh. He has an elder sister of age 32 years. She is married and has a kid of 1 year old. One day Mahesh called me and told that her sister’s husband is not feeling well and got admitted in one of...

2 years ago
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burying my face in your bottom kissing between your sweet cheeks whispering to you... hold your legs baby moveing my hands up i hold on to them and moan slightly licking over your lips and bum hole soaking throught he thin material ... do you like this baby? moaning softly and squirming just a lil as i feel your saliva runing through the fabric oo oyes growling against your bottom I reach up gripping the material with my fingers and ripping it open exposing your sweet pussy and...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess6e9 Melissa Gilliam 49

Charley’s voice sounds out as we look at a map of the UK... “Most of our episodes are very similar – a woman who wants to play with a dog ... Sometimes she has a partner who wants to watch, or maybe even to join in ... But this week – we have something a little different for you. File this one under, something different...” We fade in on a strange trio sitting on a couch, facing the camera. Male, male, female. All three of them competing to be the most feminine. Close-up on the first guy –...

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Seeing my first hard cock

Hopefully this is OK, we were both u******e.Not quite sure how it started, but my friend Tommy wanted to show me his cock. He was nice and hard. Now I know he was quite small. I was 13 and and he was was a bit younger. We spent the summer showing each other our cocks. I would jack off for him. We would look at stolen girlie magazines. We lived in a small town and our parents would leave us to fend for ourselves in the summer while our parents were at work. I even attempted to cook...

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Date night

My wife and i have been planning a date ight for sometime, and finally all of lifes complications got out of the way. To bring the fantasy to life we had to arrive seperatly and not see what the other was wearing. i arrived at the bar and spotted her sitting at the bar talking with some guy, she had been there for awhile and i could tell she was having a goodtime. She was wearing a short skirt and long black boots. and a brand new top that showed a good portion of her 36d tits. I played my part...

Group Sex
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Malkin bani raand 4

Hi once again . Aaj ki meri yeh true incidence aapko jhak jhor ke rakh dega .. Mere ko bhi sharm aati hai yaad karke aur hot bhi feel karti hoon. Yeh incidence ne mujhe yeh ehsaas kara diya ki aurat sirf chudaane ki cheej nahi hoti mard yadi tagda aur dominant ho to who aurat se chahe jo karwa leta hai aur mere saath bhi aaj yahi hua.. Mujhe apne insaan hone per sharam aayee per kya karu chudwaane ki bhook ne mere se kallu ne jo chaha who sab gande se ganda kaam karwa liya aur litrally...

1 year ago
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Full Court Press

As I ran down the court, I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me. The crowd on the bleachers was jumping up and yelling and I could feel their excitement as it pushed its way through my veins. I love home games so much because it encouraged me to do my best out on the court. Oh, I am so sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tonya and I am twenty three years old. I started college this year to become a teacher. I enjoy helping other people and children, so I felt that this job...

2 years ago
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Daddys Hot Twins Chapter 4

"Are you sure?" Gilbert said, kneeling behind her, his huge cock flopping against the cheeks of Candy's upraised ass. "Yes dammit," Candy whispered, looking through her legs at the bulbous sac of his balls hanging below the big prick. "Put it in my ass. Oh shit, I don't know why but I want your cock in me more than any cock I've ever seen. If you won't fuck my pussy, fuck my bowels! Hurry, fuck me!" And it was true. Candy didn't know what had come over her but there was a...

3 years ago
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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 4 Family Foursome Porn Sessions

This is a fictional story about family foursome porn sessions. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read...

2 years ago
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The Roleplay Part One

Leigh was high on adrenaline, waiting for Michael to open the door to his apartment. She felt bad for having to leave Nick and Jayne but she was craving some intimate one on one time, knowing they would likely be enjoying the same. Watching him turn the key, she bit her lip as she looked around to check that nobody she knew was passing by. The pleasing click of the lock, Michael gestured to her to enter before closing behind them. Although she was a good twenty years older than him, the last...

4 years ago
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My niece the boarder

Introduction: My young niece and her husband moved in with me for a few months My sister Bev called me to ask a favor. She lived hundreds of miles away, so we rarely saw each other, and she was somewhat of a prude and did not approve of my lifestyle. Anyway, she explained that her daughter Amy and her new husband were moving to the town where I lived and needed a place to stay until they could find one of their own. She thought that since I was all alone in my big house, that I could let them...

1 year ago
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Local Gloryhole Fun With a Mature Guy

Recently I’ve been chatting online with this guy in the area. He said that he hosts a gloryhole at his place from time to time, and he invited me to stop by sometime and participate. I was all for it! I’ve never been used at a gloryhole before, but the idea sounded really hot to me! Not to mention that this guy was extremely attractive! He’s 47, tall, well endowed. What could go wrong?! I’ve always wanted to get with an older guy anyway!Next thing I knew I was standing outside his apartment. He...

2 years ago
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Out for a run Part 1

What can I tell you, things have been getting better and better the past couple of weeks when it comes to sex. First was the gardener catching me without cloths on, and than the meter guy catching me sunning nude in the back yard. These were both very erotic and exciting, but just giving them blow jobs was not getting me off in the way that I like getting off. It did not help that around this time my husband went on a two week business trip to New York and left me home alone. We fucked like...

2 years ago
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Alex had heard so many stories about her new flatmates beforehand; their threesomes and group sex. She was completely comfortable with the idea of bisexuality. It's just she'd never considered herself to be bisexual. Until now. Within the first week of moving in, she found herself checking out Amanda's breasts. Amanda had a habit of wandering around in her underwear which didn't help. But that was Amanda for you, she had no inhibitions. She'd fuck whoever she wanted whenever she wanted. She...

4 years ago
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More Changes in Her

She told me that she would start packing my things for me and that if I wanted I could pick up boxes while she was at work so I didn’t have to see her or pay for movers. Over the next few months I picked up a few boxes at a time without seeing her. Only once did I see her coming home from work as I was leaving. It was only briefly and Brit didn’t seem to have the same anger and lust in her eyes as before. Last Friday I went to pick up a few boxes during my lunch break. I thought she...

3 years ago
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Hot Sex On Second Date With Girlfriend

Hello everyone.. This is my first story in ISS as I am a big fan of ISS and i have read almost all the stories..I have been with ISS since 4 years so today m going to share my experience with all the readers and this is a true story so please give me your feedback on…. Let me introduce myself I am Rohit from Chandigarh 23 years old. I am running my own hotel..M very handsome and have an athletic body and belong to a rich family….This story is based on my gf her name is...

2 years ago
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The Stable Ride

Jon parked his car next to the stables as he had done so often with Carrie by his side, but this time it was different. She had left him for a co-worker and moved to France. He had been gutted by her decision, but realized that things had been bad for quite some time. Although Jon was not an avid rider, he had paid for Carrie’s horse Benji to be stabled. Jon got out of the car and walked to the stall Benji was in. He stroked his soft nose gently and talked to him. A neighbour had mentioned he...

3 years ago
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The dull pain that I felt as a lay on my back was killing me but I still managed to remember how I got myself into this situtation. I was strapped for cash so when I saw a ad for a human ginny pig and the money they were paying I jumped on it. Unfortunately when they strapped me into the machine they fucked up and sent me into a video game universe. From what I could remember there was no way I could get back home but I could traverse the different video game universes through portals at the...

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Taken for a ride part 1

This is actually the third in the night shift series but the second part is momentarily lost. Also this is only the first of the third part. It will all make sense eventually. But someone was on my mind when I was writing this and I don't think I have done her justice. What a long day it had been. Another wedding attended. Another afternoon, post morning ceremony, where she had spent too much time stood in her heels, meaning the backs of her legs were now aching, passing pleasantries with...

1 year ago
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A Fistful of Sand Book 1Chapter 4 A Frayed Knot Afraid Not

Gregg was sitting at an Internet café just down the street from the hospital. He often came here to get business done. It was one of the few escapes he allowed himself. Closing down the University webpage he had just finished with, he sat back and smiled with satisfaction. He was proud of what he had just done and he knew it'd go a long way toward rewarding his students for all their hard efforts. Looking down at his teacup, he saw that he had drunk it to the dregs and considered ordering...

2 years ago
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Cheating Milf Part 4

It had died down on the WhatsApp group and Louise had slipped back into her normal life it was a week since she’d had her three some with Colin and his carer and she still fingered herself thinking about it.She’d seen Bethany coming and going from Colin’s but had been to nervous to say anything.One night after he had gone to bed Louise was browsing through Facebook when I a message popped up it was from her husbands friend Dan.‘Well you’re a dark horse aren’t you ;)”“What do you mean?” Louise...

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The Resort Maid

The Resort Maid Belladonna Elias Dara and his wife, Mariasela, exited the bus with smiles on their faces as the warm wind off the Caribbean Sea brushed against them as they stepped onto the resort's grounds. They followed their fellow travelers towards the check in desk while the resort staff began to unload the luggage from the bus. As Elias followed behind them, hand in hand with his wife, he smiled as he thought about how his vacation was going to be far different than that of...

1 year ago
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MyDaughtersHotFriend Lexi Grey 30628

Lexi Grey is over at her friend’s house when she runs into her friend’s dad. They chit chat about school and she tells him how expensive school is and what a hard time she’s having paying for it. So when her friend’s dad steps out Lexi finds his wallet and is about to take some money, but she gets caught in the act. Her friend’s dad is upset that she would break his trust like that, but Lexi just really needed the money for school. Her friend’s dad comes up...

2 years ago
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Chachi se pyar ho gaya

Hi friends I am atul from mumbai my age is 33/male. Yah kahani ek chachi ki he. Aap is kahani ko padenge to aapko jarur pasand ayegi. Lekin meri ek shart he ki yah kahani padate padate ladkiya khud ki chut me ungliya dalke hilaye, aur mard khud ke lund ko khada karke hilaye aur khub maza le. Meri kahani pasand aye to jarur mail karna, aur koi girl ko bhabhi ko ya widow ko sex ka dirty sex ka maza chahiye to muje call karen main use khub maza dunga yah mera vada he, ab suniye kahani us samay...

3 years ago
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Part 23 Addicted

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 23: Addicted If you have been with me from part 1 until now, you know that Holly started out as a virgin, as did I, and has morphed into an all out nymphomaniac. I don’t know if I am the cause, or if she would have done this with anyone. Holly gives me the credit for turning her into a sex addict. She does go through phases. There was a week in which she insisted I keep fucking her in the ass. She couldn’t maintain that phase very long before it...

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Big Blue EyesChapter 27

“Hello, This is Jeff.” “Hey, Jeff ... Randall Knight here. The University newspaper just called me for an interview and pictures, regarding SEVEN BRIDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS. Is it all right with you if we do this?” “Sure, I’m the one who contacted them in the first place, but I wasn’t going to tell you what to do. If you want to, then do it. Be prepared for it, though. University Newspaper people are always trying to find something salacious to print. Their grade in their journalism class...

2 years ago
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So Close I can Taste It

Let me ask me to imagine something. Imagine the greatest sandwich (appropriate threesome metaphor) you could possibly have… the best. You have imagined this sandwich since you can remember. Then imagine one late June you were told the sandwich does exist and that you will get it In August. Every day you think of the sandwich. The day comes, you see it, but you can only have one bite and were told that you have to wait till November to get that Sandwich. My Fiancé and I have been together for...

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A MILF meets Sasquatch

It was in late April that she decided she needed a break. Her college roommate lived in Minneapolis. Melinda, who was approaching her 39th birthday, decided to take a couple of weeks off and drive from Seattle to spend some time with her friend. Her husband and two teenagers were more than capable of taking care of themselves. In fact, considering how busy she had been at work, they’d hardly notice that she was gone. After a frenzied week of working to prepare things for her absence, Melinda...

3 years ago
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papa mummy aur main 6

hi friends….meri last story mein aapne padha ki kaise mere dad ne meri gand maari aur phir driver ne bhi…ab aage ki story… driver se gaand marwakar main gaadi mein wapas aagyi…gand markar driver ne meri gaand par moot diya tha isliye thodi smell bhi aarahi thi…main gaadi mein ghusi to papa bade hi utawale hokar mujhko dekh rahe the…maine papa ke gaal par kiss kardi aur gaadi mein baith gyi…driver ne bhi gaadi chala di…ab raat ho chuki thi aur dehradoon pahunchne mein abhi 8 ghante baaki...

4 years ago
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My Lustful Priya Masi 8211 Part 1 Dry Humping

Hi, friends, thank you for such great feedback for my previous stories. Hope you like this one too. For those who are new, hello I am Chetan. I am a 23-year-old guy from Banglore. I write such stories for fun, and as sex is always on my mind. So let’s begin this story about dry humping. It is about the events that happened between my masi Priya and me. She is my mom’s younger sister. Her age is 42. Wheatish complexion. But a curvy figure. Her boobs are 36D. The waist is 32, and the hips 38....

3 years ago
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Guys can Suck Better than a Women

"So you think you can suck cock better than a woman?" Jay took another drink from his beer and laughed softly. His blue eyes sparkled mischievously in the low-lit bar. "Dude, it's a generally accepted belief that guys who suck dick are better at it than most women." I followed suit and sipped from the ale in front of me. "Guys have cocks, so it stands to reason that we know how to properly suck them. It's logically really, I know how I like my cock sucked so I know how to do it better.""I see...

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Not Your Average JoeChapter 9 The Mandate

When we arrived at school, Major Johnson excused himself to use the restroom. He’d already witnessed a demonstration of my self-defense skills, so he knew I could take care of myself if the situation called for it. I assured him I’d be fine standing out in the hall for the few minutes it took him to “do his business.” My father had been training me in martial arts sparring for years and, even though I didn’t particularly enjoy it, I still learned how to defend myself well enough to keep him...

4 years ago
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Mumbai Maid8217s Sexy Daughter Deflowered

Let me introduce my self first. I am AbbY (name changed), single, and living in Mumbai. I have a professional degree and I have my own business set up. Since teenage, I have always been a horny person. I am more into married or matured women and so I always used to have an eye for my neighborhood aunties and would always steel glances without them knowing. Coming to , this story happened a few days back and it is about my maid. We recently shifted to a bigger house in Mumbai and as always, we...

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The Stanley Room 217

The Stanley, Room 217 I finally managed to earn the copious amounts of money required to book a night at the famous Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. Being a horror movie buff and a recreational ghost hunter, room 217 at the Stanley was the ultimate haunted room. Even though I had to book the stay six months in advance, I was beyond excited knowing I'd be able to stay there on June 25, the one night per year that paranormal activity was supposed to be at its highest at the...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 30

The next day was Monday, a school day for the cheerleaders. For the housewives, it was just a continuation of the weekend. Samantha, Betty Ann, and Janice gathered at Jessica’s, sipping mimosas by the pool and watching as Marie practiced her rope techniques on Jane in the living room. Some of the positions she was put in looked extremely uncomfortable, but Jane suffered it all without a word of complaint. Later she was brought outside and made to service each woman in turn. Janice, who went...

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The Thanksgiving of my Father in Law

When I was 26, I finally married and settled down after 4 years of college, locking up the secret that i was gay forever. I would have to watch my gay porn only when my wife wasn't in the house, and this proved extremely challenging. Little did I know that I wouldn't have to have sex with a woman for the rest of my life. Thanksgiving was a big event for my wife and her family. It was the one holiday they looked forward to all year. My wife and I drove down to her parents house, which was a...

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Private Ella Hughes Stop The Webcam And Fuck Me

Ella Hughes is one of our top girls here at and today this gorgeous redheaded star returns in Just Between Us as a camgirl horny and ready to meet her dream man Sam Bourne. After warming up in front on the camera Ella is quickly pounced on and has her beautiful hairy pussy eaten, she then returns the favour with a blowjob before putting that big juicy ass up in the air and getting rammed. Then watch as Ella continues to get pounded on the sofa in her favourite positions before...


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