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36 year old Emily Parker sat in her father's bedroom. Her 5'4 220 pound framewas stuffed into a Girl Scout costume 2 sizes too small. She had purchasedthe silly outfit from a novelty shop in a fit of excitement about seeing herfather again, hoping he would like it.

58 year old Michael Parker was a semi-retired general contractor. He had beensurprised by his estranged daughter's first visit in almost 20 years severalweeks ago. 100 pounds overweight, single, and having severe depression foralmost a decade, she came to confront her father who had so selfishly usedand abused her many years ago. She showed up on his doorstep, and after severalminutes of polite conversation, she explained why she had come (or rather,why Ms. Pritchett, her therapist of 5 years, had wanted her to come). Withinminutes, Emily was reduced to a screaming, crying mess. Her carefully craftedmessage of maturity and forgiveness came out as a blathering of accusations.She recounted her father's shameless abuse of her, sobbing and even throwingherself on the floor. Michael Parker watched his daughter lose control withoutflinching. When she was sprawled out on his hardwood floor, wailing, he felta twinge of pity and guilt. But that was quickly suppressed as he carefullycalculated how he could settle this situation to his own advantage.

"Emily, EMILY!" He shouted down at her, "Pick yourself up thisinstant! Go and wash your face you ungrateful child!""

He looked down at her, grim-faced as he wondered how his ploy would work.He was pleased to see her heaving sobs subside. She slowly picked herself upfrom the ground, as if on autopilot much like she acted when she was a child.He continued to glare at Emily until she walked sheepishly to the bathroom.Michael went to the kitchen and poured himself a drink, considering the bestway to deal with his daughter.

"So," he said to Emily as she came into the kitchen, "Is thiswhat all those years of seeing that shrink has made you?"

For a moment Emily looked as if she were going to explode at him, but justas quickly her mouth froze and she stared down at the floor tiles blankly.Michael was pleased.

"What I did back then," He said, taking a sip of Scotch, "Wasfor both of us. I knew back then, just like I think you know now, that youare nothing but a lazy, worthless slut, and that will never change."

?You are just like your Mother, plus 80 pounds,? he laughed.

Emily's cheeks rose in color.

"Look at you!" Michael shouted, making his daughter jump, "Youare so fat and disgusting, you'd be much better off dead. You should be thankingme for giving your filthy body the attention I did!"

Michael finished his drink and handed the glass to Emily. He watched her carefullyas she carried it to the sink and washed it before putting it away. That wasa good sign.

"I think you still about me," Michael said, peering at her, "Alot."

"Don't you?" He barked, grabbing his daughter's arm and shakingher hard.

Emily nodded, looking down at the sink and contorting her face as she foughtback tears.

"You probably miss having Daddy's cock to play with, don't you?" Heasked.

Michael reached out and grabbed his daughter's large tits, groping them andtwisting her nipples through her business suit.

"Is that what you tell your shrink?" He smirked, "That youstill think about me fucking you? Like I did when you were a cute little girl?"

Michael watched a single tear fall from her cheek onto the countertop.

"You were such a sexy little bitch," He said, still squeezing Emily'sbreasts, "And we had such a great time together, didn't we? We must have,since you still fantasize about it."

Emily looked up at her father, eyes wide with surprise. He immediately slappedher face.

"You nasty pig," He sneered, "You want me to use you again?That's the real reason you came over, isn't it? You want me to fuck you likethe filthy trash that you are. You want me to rape you again like I enjoyeddoing back when you were small and scared and couldn't stop me. Is that it?"

"Y-y-yes D-dad," Emily nodded, trembling.

"YES DAD," Michael copied her, "I figured as much. You wouldn'tbe here otherwise."

He took his daughter's arm and walked her to the front door. He wrote downhis e-mail address and told her to write to him when she had cancelled hertherapy sessions and was ready to get down to business. Emily went home andtossed and turned all night, finally crying herself to sleep.

She e-mailed her Dad the next day. They wrote back and forth, and began chattingonline during the evenings. He pushed her to tell him all of the fantasiesshe had about re-living her childhood abuse. She admitted her sexual feelingsand urges toward him. By the end of one week, Emily had cancelled her futuretherapy appointments, and was gushing to her father over the phone about howmuch she actually enjoyed the incest which she thought had ruined her life.Michael never lost his stride, encouraging Emily to further question her ownbeliefs and feelings. He taught her to look back fondly on the memories ofher stolen innocence. By the end of 2 weeks, Emily was living in a sexuallyheightened state. She masturbated while on the phone with her father, and severaltimes per day.

Michael met her for lunch one afternoon. She wore her most revealing dressand nervously waited for him at his favorite diner. They sat in a booth acrossfrom each other, and Emily smiled and flirted with her father. Michael satback, happily amused with his obese, heavily made-up daughter who twirled hercurly hair and batted her eyelashes at him. After lunch, she walked him tohis car and hugged him.

"You need your Daddy to fuck you again, don't you?" Michael asked.

"Yes Daddy," Emily replied. "Pretty please," She whisperedbreathlessly to his ear, gently licking it.

"Be at the house Saturday night at 9," he said, suddenly pushingher away and getting into his car.

Michael smiled as he watched through the rearview mirror his daughter lookingdesperate and lost. He rubbed his crotch as he drove away.

It was Saturday night and Michael laughed hard when he saw his daughter standingon his doorstep in the ridiculous Girl Scout costume. Secretly he was pleasedthat she was willing to humiliate herself for his enjoyment. He invited herinside, and sat her on the sofa. Without uttering a word, he undressed in frontof her as he had done hundreds of times in the past, and quickly inserted hispenis into her mouth. After a minute of holding her head and thrusting in andout between her lips, he ejaculated. He felt her throat rise and fall as sheworked to swallow his load. He then ordered her to go into the bedroom andwait for him.

Still dressed like a hideously overweight tart, Emily went to her father'sbedroom and sat on the bed.

Michael turned on the television and sat on the sofa with a drink. He watchedhome movies of Emily playing by the pool as a little girl. He watched and rubbedhimself, making his cock hard again. Then he made another drink and pickedup the phone. He dialed a number and a woman picked up.

"Caroline Pritchett," the woman answered.

"Hello, it's Michael."

"Oh hi," Ms. Pritchett said, "How are things going with yourdaughter?"

"Wonderful," Michael said, "She's in the bedroom right now,waiting for me to come in and fuck her."

"That's great!" Ms. Pritchett said, "I knew when she cancelledher appointments with my assistant that things were headed in the right direction."

"Yeah," Michael said, "Listen, I really wanted to thank youfor everything you've done. You've definitely made my dream come true."

"No problem," Ms. Pritchett said, "You know I'd do anythingfor you, darling! Just enjoy yourself and spank that fat ass once for me."

"Will do," Michael laughed, "You did a great job. She's barelyacting human anymore. You should see the stupid outfit she wore for me today!"

"I told you," Ms. Pritchett chuckled, "With her childhood history,it was rather easy. You planted the seed. I just gave it some water and sunshine."

"Okay Carol," Michael said, "It's time to give the little slutwhat she's been craving."

"Have fun," Ms. Pritchett said, "I'll see you tomorrow nightwhen I get home."

Michael hung up the phone and went to the bathroom.

"Get your clothes off and get on your hands and knees at the edge ofthe bed!" He called out to his daughter.

Michael urinated, and put a new condom on his throbbing penis. He walked intothe bedroom and saw his daughter waiting on her hands and knees at the edgeof the bed facing the wall. He walked up and delivered a dozen hard slaps onher creamy, oversized buttocks, painting them red with his handprints. He sharplyinserted two fingers into her vagina, and shoved them in and out roughly. Inless that a second, Emily cried out in ecstasy, her flabby body jiggling asshe shook from the most intense orgasm she'd had in her life.

"Ohhhh Daddy...." She wailed, collapsing onto her father's mattress,her pussy twitching around his fingers.

Michael continued to finger fuck her aggressively for a few more minutes,making her squirm and writhe on the bed. He got up on the bed, kneeling betweenher legs and burying his erection deep inside her.

"You could've had this the whole time," Michael grunted while fuckingher, "You should have never left."

"I'm sorry Daddy," Emily cried, her body melting beneath his violentthrusts, "Please keep fucking me!"

Michael fucked her hard and degraded her.

"Why don't you go to the gym, you fat piece of shit?" He growled, "Youbetter thank me for this afterwards, and for all the other times I was niceenough to use you."

Michael grit his teeth as he came, throwing his hips wildly against his daughter'sfleshy buttocks. Then he yanked his spent cock from her drooling pussy. Hepulled off the slick, cum-filled rubber, and dropped it onto her sweaty, pudgyback.

"Well?" He growled.

"T-thank you Daddy," Emily whimpered, curling up in a fetal position.

"Thank you for what?" Michael barked.

"F-for f-fucking me t-tonight, and all the other times you u-used meD-daddy," she said in a barely audible squeak.

"Damn right," He said, "You'd be completely worthless if Ididn't."

Michael picked up Emily's Girl Scout costume and wiped his dick clean withit. Then he tossed it next to her.

"I'm done with you," he said, "Get your fat ass dressed andleave. You make me sick."

Emily sat up, looking devastated. She struggled to wiggle her sausage-likebody back into the cum-stained costume.

"Carol was right about you," Michael snorted, "You are a completejoke of a person, crawling back to me after what I did to you."

"M-Ms. Pritchett?" Emily said, looking horrified.

"She told me she couldn't even believe you were trying to become a normalperson," Michael said, "She told me everything about you, every fantasyyou've had about me, every fucked-up relationship you were in, every careeryou failed at, everything."

Emily stared at her father, her eyes glistening with fresh tears and pain.

"I've been dating Carol for two years now," Michael said, "Shegot so sick of your pathetic whining that she looked me up to talk about it.We hit it off, and she agreed to help me put you in your place."

Michael watched his daughter's lip tremble as she started to hyperventilateand sob. He steadied himself, and backhanded her viciously across the face.

"Can you believe it?" He laughed, "You're so fucked up, evenyour own therapist wanted to set you up!"

Michael slapped his crying daughter again, sending her to the floor. He stoodover her, watching her wail in pure emotional agony. Then he began pullingher hair and kicking her with his bare feet towards the door. He dragged heroutside, and spit at her.

"Was it good for you?" He laughed, "Call me tomorrow, maybeI'll have time to use you again before Carol gets home."

He slammed the door in her face, and went to fix himself a drink. After afew minutes he heard his daughter's car drive off. He picked up the phone andcalled Ms. Pritchett again.

"How was it," the therapist asked.

"Not bad," Michael replied, "Not as good as before."

"Of course not for you," Ms. Pritchett said, "But I'll betit was heaven for her."

"Really?" Michael said, "I was concerned I went too far."

"Good," Ms. Pritchett replied, "That means you did it right.You know how fucked up her fantasies were. Don't worry. She doesn't have theguts to kill herself. I'd stake my career on that. She'll have no choice butto come crawling back to you whenever you want her. I guarantee it.?

"Thanks again for your help," Michael said, taking a drink.

"My pleasure," Ms. Pritchett replied, "It's such a turn-on,thinking of that pathetic cow crying herself to sleep tonight, totally mind-fuckedby us."

"Absolutely," Michael grinned.

Michael and Ms. Pritchett made fun of Emily's crying, making sobbing soundsand laughing. Then they wished each other goodnight and hung up.

On the way home, Emily cried so hard she was fighting to breath. She pulledover for a few hours, considering driving her car off a bridge. But eventually,as the therapist who had been her closest confidant for many years had predicted,she simply drove home, ate an entire package of Oreos, drank a 2 liter bottleof Coke, and cried herself to sleep. She woke up several times during the nightto find herself touching herself while dreaming of her father. By morning,her mind was again flooded with desire for her father. She sat at her computereating a pint of cookie dough ice cream while writing an e-mail to him thankinghim for last night.

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Disclaimer: This story does NOT contain rape or violence. Enjoy the story! ~Story starts~ The next day, Zayn (Zainab) was preparing to leave for the campus as usual. “Hurry up, Rey! I’m getting late”, Zayn said to Rey in fake anger as Rey was dressing up. “Okay, okay, relax,” Rey said, dressing up. Before they got on the bike, they kissed each other’s lips once. “I really wanna be with you like this, forever, Rey,” she said, palming his left cheek with his right hand, smiling. He smiled back...

2 years ago
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Vanilla Sex Story

--------------------------------------------------- So, I just read someone's sex blog, and it sucked. She's obviously a virgin. So here goes my attempt: My girlfriend and I were sexting, and things got a little heavy. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door and there she was, wearing her big overcoat and some heels. "Hey babydoll," I purred softly, pulling her into my house and shutting the door. "I couldn't take all the teasing anymore," she muttered, grabbing my hand and...

3 years ago
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A Cruise for Two

Sam's POV People say that you tend not to remember things from when you were young. I guess for most, that's probably true. But not for me. I have one memory from when I was two that I know I'll never forget. But before that, I suppose I'll introduce myself. My name is Sam. Well, that's my nickname at least. My "real" name is Samuel, but I really don't like it when people call me that. No, I much prefer Sam. It's short, sweet, and if I'm being honest, I think it sounds cooler. But anyways, what...

2 years ago
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Turning Angela Into A Slut

Angela was the one who had helped me get the job at the hotel in Flagstaff, Arizona. She lived only a couple of houses away from my husband and me.After work, she and I would use the hotel’s spa amenities. The locker room in there had an open style, so when you changed, you did it in front of everyone who might be in the room with you.Angela and I would change into our bikinis; one of hers was light blue. It fit her like a glove, and when it was wet, you could see all of her attributes. I...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 209

Seniors' 50 Shades of Grey After nearly 40 years of marriage, Charlie and his wife were lying in bed ... Suddenly the wife felt Charlie begin to massage her in ways he hadn't done in quite some time... It almost tickled as his fingers started at her neck, and then began moving down past the small of her back ... He then caressed her shoulders and neck, slowly worked his hand down, stopping just over her stomach ... He then proceeded to place his hand on her left inner arm, working down...

3 years ago
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My wife has discovered castration play

Being married to my cuckoldress wife has always been enjoyable for me. I’ve eaten a couple of gallons of cum from her when she returns home from a night out. I can’t complain about any of this because its my fault she is into this lifestyle. After we first married I started buying her all types of sexy things to wear out. Then I introduced her to cuckolding buy having her give head to one of my best friends. She was reluctant at first but once she saw Mike piece of man meat she couldn’t wait...

2 years ago
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Youll Use A Pack Of Trojans

by maverick2008Alex called up my wife to set up a follow-up date after their furious lovemaking in the motel the previous month. He almost desperately told my wife, "Princess, I want to make love to you .I terribly miss you."My wife was shocked by his temerity. She replied, "Huh? Ok... when do you want to go out?"Alex seized the moment and told her, "Let's meet on February 15, the day after Valentine day."My wife was curious about the day and asked, "Why February 15?"Alex laughed and said,...

1 year ago
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AnalOnly Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Stretches Her Hole

This cutie loves to see just how far she can stretch her asshole. There’s nothing about anal this girl doesn’t love! She shows off that hairy bush and shakes her ass before spreading it and bending over for ass eating. Once she’s done twerking on his face she deepthroats that cock as far as her throat opens! After her face fucking session she lays back for an anal pounding. Her greedy ass can’t get enough and she flips over for doggy and showing off her massive gapes. She even gets her gapes...

4 years ago
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 95 Father and Daughter

We saw in a preceding chapter how Madame Danglars went formally to announce to Madame de Villefort the approaching marriage of Eugenie Danglars and M. Andrea Cavalcanti. This announcement, which implied or appeared to imply, the approval of all the persons concerned in this momentous affair, had been preceded by a scene to which our readers must be admitted. We beg them to take one step backward, and to transport themselves, the morning of that day of great catastrophes, into the showy,...

2 years ago
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Field trip fun

“Hey, what are you doing here?” I ask as she gives me a smile. “I am meeting my son for his field trip…” she said as she gave me a hug. “ we should have carpooled!” She exclaimed after breaking our embrace. We said hello to our kids and waited as the teacher told them the rules and accounted for all of them. “So how have you been? I haven’t seen you in months it seems like.” I asked Jen. “Busy with the kids and boyfriend” she responded. “How are you and the boyfriend doing. I...

1 year ago
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Car Trouble

Car Trouble By A. G. Thomas As my wife entered the living room my cock jumped to attention and became as hard as a lead pipe. Sherri was wearing a yellow skin tight leather miniskirt with a translucent pale yellow blouse that when the light was just right I could see that she wasn't wearing a bra. And the fact that she was showing plenty of cleavage because two of the buttons were conveniently missing was an added bonus. The four inch pumps were also a pale yellow just like her blouse and her...

Group Sex
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BetrayalChapter 55

As they exited the tunnel, Finn swept the area with the gun camera. There was no sign of the snowmobiles or their drivers. With palms sweating, Liv idled through the canyon, heading back toward the main road. For several minutes, the only sounds they heard were their breathing and the snow crunching under the treads. The tension built, as the mine faded in the rear camera view. Suddenly, the high-pitched sound of a powerful engine broke the silence. From a cave behind them, a snowmobile...

3 years ago
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One of my naughty fantasies

True story, I was laying in bed next to my wife at the time, x wife now. She was already asleep. My phone rang around 2am, it was my friends number so I answered it and his wife asked me if I could go over and if I gave her 50 bucks she'd let me do whatever I wanted to her and her older sister. I was 26 years old at the time. She was 39 years ago and her sister was 44 years old. My friends wife name is carrie and sisters name is courtney. When she told me if I gave her 50 bucks I can do...

2 years ago
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Mistis Adventures Part 154

Wayne and Carl both went straight to the yard to let the others out, so they could go home, too. They went and gassed up both trucks, and parked them, and Wayne got in his car and went home. Carl went into the office to see if anything had happened to require his attention. His Office Manager, a lady of 29, was there waiting for him. She was a bit overweight, but still attractive. She was divorced and had 2 k**s. One was 6, and the other was almost 4. She never talked about her ex-husband, or...

1 year ago
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My mother was willingly hardfucked by my wouldbe husband

100% fiction!My marriage was settled at 18 with my BA class mate (KT) to be solemnized next year. But soon we had several sweet fucks for nearly a month in KT's friend's out house which pleased me. KT (18) appeared as an experienced fucker. I couldn't guess how. Though one day he honestly confessed that for the last 1 yr he had been having a nude sex with his own aunt (10 yr elder to him), a voluptuous mega-breast lady with over developed meaty breast nipples & vaginal flaps and ravishing ass...

4 years ago
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Sticking Plaster Part 2

The hotel bar was jammed with weekenders, people on short breaks. Alcohol was plentiful and the atmosphere lent itself to unwinding, letting their hair down Kirsty sat at the head of the table, her devil’s horns still in place and a “Groovy girl” note book in her hands like some teenage student about to sit her exams. It may not have been cool but it did the job sufficiently. “Now can I have your attention please?” Kirsty called above the hubble of conversation. The girls all turned, smiling...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 68 More Estrogen

Major Greenfeld was standing outside the door. He looked at me and shook his head. “You are just fifteen?” he asked. “I might be sixteen now,” I replied. “I’ve lost track of how many days have passed and which day we are on anymore. But I also don’t worry about it much.” “You don’t?” he asked as we started walking back to Corsica. “My age does not determine how well I can do my job,” I said. “No, but it does determine how others will view you,” Major Greenfeld said. “At least initially....

1 year ago
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Intense Visual

There is this zing as our eyes meet over the large group of dancing, writhing bodies. The dance floor is filled tonight. I talked to her earlier on the phone after I got off work and I asked her if she was coming out, but she had said she was probably going home to bed. I had planned to only stay for a little while and then go home to her, but there she is…even better. I am pulled back to my friends as everyone shifts, moves and regroups. Suddenly there she is behind me, dancing close. I lean...

2 years ago
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Watching Incest Movie With Sister Zeenat Fuels Passion

Hello friends, this is a new story about my friend Zaffar and his relationship with his sister. Zaffar was my friend and lived near our house. His family consisted of 5 people. He, his father, mother, elder sister Rubina, and younger sister Zeenat. Let me tell you about his sisters. Zeenat was 3 years younger than Zaffar. She had a light wheatish complexion, standing at 5’0″, medium built with stats of 32-28-34. The elder sister Rubina was 2 years elder than him and was in...

2 years ago
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Amy Goes From Hair Stylist to House Slave 11

Chapter OneI woke up early this morning. I wanted to be prepared for our trip. I bathed and removed all of my body hair. Mistress Chloe has helped me with packing last night. I dressed as Master had instructed me to. I’m wearing a white waist cincher corset, with matching thigh high stocking and red high heels. My dress is a white form fitting, sleeve mini dress, off one shoulder. Of course, no panties or bra, and Master’s collar.I do some light makeup and my hair is in a tight bun, I feel very...

2 years ago
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Older step sis uses me Part 1

The weekend was fast approaching and my mum announced that her and my step dad were off for the weekend and were going alone. They were off to Cornwall to stay in a caravan for a few nights on a short break. My older brother was going to be left in charge but I knew he was going to go out with his mates as normal and go clubbing, get drunk and stay out all weekend. It was a weekend fending for my self. I was used to it. I was only young, 15 but very happy and self sufficient. Well Friday...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 25

I wasn’t sure what to expect, being a living being entering the halls of the dead. I knew from my reading that I was no longer on Mundus, I was probably on the plane of Aetherius. I found myself at the top of a long flight of stairs. Half a dozen statues of someone in robes lined the down. It had been midday when I entered the column of light. Now it appeared to be twilight. A rainbow colored aurora lit the sky, and when I looked straight up, there were clouds rotating in a circular...

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The Mailroom Guy

You are a college junior working your way through school as a mailroom delivery person in a large downtown corporation. It doesn't pay a lot, but you are learning a bit about the business world, and the company has assured you that you can come to work for them when you graduate. As an added bonus, there are lots of lovely women in the office. The best part is that you actually get to chat with many of them. The work isn't very taxing, and there is plenty of time to schmooze. You start your day...

3 years ago
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An Eventful Weekend

It started on the Friday in school, nothing special, just a bunch of Nerds in the back room of the library taking turns on the few computers and watching each other play games, normally when I got there, some one would take up two seats or move one out the room, they all knew that I had no problem sitting on a lap, or on the floor between their legs so I could use a lap as a pillow. I would usually cosy up to James and make puppy dog eyes at Chris, making sure that if I were wearing a skirt it...

2 years ago
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Our Theatre Experience

Based on a true event! I met my wife in Thailand about seven years ago and we were married a year later. She is not the supermodel type, but something about her makes her very sexy to all the men that see her. She has a roundish face with puffy lips that were perfect for sucking cock. Her breasts are very large for an Asian woman 38D with large dark nipples that stick out a half-inch when she gets turned on. We had a very active sex life for a few years then it cooled off a little except now...

2 years ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 49

I got back to the motel with a big bag filled with small swim suits. It never bothered me to be naked, but the small swim suit did bother me. Just crazy I know, but that the way life is crazy. Osborn hadn't returned, when I settled into the room. I went onto the Internet to look at pictures of the barge houses. None looked like what I was going to do, but they gave me ideas. I knew I wanted to get everything dry and painted to prevent more rust. I also knew that I wanted to get the three...

3 years ago
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Peeking out of the curtains, I stare wide-eyed at the spectacle before me. More men in one room then I could ever count. Glancing at Trixy I simply shake my head and pull the curtain wider. Shaking her head she steps back a few paces. "Ah no you don't, you can't back out now~" and with a gentle shove I throw her to the lions... A roar greets my ear as the MC begins stats on Trixy. "Standing 6 foot 4 inches wearing Sapphire blue satin... Trixy!" My cue... "Her opponent standing 6 foot...

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