Reconciliation free porn video

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I watched as they slowly lowered the coffin into the grave, tears streaming down my face. I was glad that I wore the veil; no one else could see how much I hurt. Daddy, why did you leave me? He'd always been there for me, strong and resilient. Always ready with a hug, an encouraging word, and often the perfect solution to whatever problem was plaguing me.

I didn't wear any eye makeup either, and that was good, because the mascara would have run down my face, a dead giveaway of how sorry I was for myself. With no brothers, it fell to me, as the oldest daughter, to execute the family tradition ... to be the first crush a carnation over the casket. God! I don't think I can do this! At least it wasn't raining. That was a constant hazard in the spring.

Pearl stood at the head of the grave, waiting for me to do my duty. It felt out of place, inappropriate for her to be standing there where Mom would be, were she alive. We never were great friends, Pearl and I. I suppose I had been somewhat resentful. It seemed to me that she had filled in behind Mom so easily, displacing her memory in my dad's heart. She had never been unkind to me, though, or to my sisters; and maybe it wasn't a coincidence that Dad rejoined the living when she came along.

I walked to the grave, and crushed my carnation, letting the petals fall on the casket, and I turned to join Pearl at the head of the grave. My sisters followed me, filing by the grave, dropping their petals into that abyss that would soon swallow my father's mortal remains. They and their husbands stopped to give and collect embraces, before leaving to resume their own lives.

Dad had few friends, but those that lived were here to wish him farewell. Most of the people attending were relatives, my friends, and my sisters' friends. Each one stopped to say a few words of sympathy and encouragement, and to offer help if needed. Good people. Would my children get as much support if it were me, instead of my Dad in that grave? I couldn't say.

The last of the mourners had gone, and the interment crew was waiting for Pearl and me to leave, so that they could finish their work. I turned to her, and saw the pain of loss in her face. It's the second time for her. I should be more sympathetic. We reached for each other simultaneously, hugging and crying out our mutual misery.

When we had both regained some equilibrium, she stood back slightly and said, "Carol, would you please come over to the house? I have something that your Dad asked me to give to you."

"What is it?" I asked, surprised.

"All I can tell you is that it's a sealed envelope. He made me promise, on the direst of oaths, that I wouldn't open it. I have no idea what's inside."

Curious, I nodded my agreement and declared, "I'll have to clear it with Karl, but I'm sure it'll be okay."

"One more thing," Pearl said. "He asked that you open it alone. No witnesses."

"That might be more difficult. If I send Karl and the kids to get ice cream, could I get a ride with you?"

Pearl nodded her assent, so I walked to the car where my husband and children waited. Karl and I had had another big fight on the way to the cemetery, and he'd stayed in the car, sulking, through the entire ceremony. The kids had had enough of the funeral at the chapel, and didn't really feel like standing around an open grave for half an hour.

"Karl, I need to make sure that Pearl is going to be all right. How about taking Kelly and Abigail to the DQ for awhile? You can pick me up at Dad's place afterwards."

My contentious offspring looked pleased with this turn of events, but Karl just got grumpier. He didn't fight it, however. He just started the car and drove away. I turned away and went to join Pearl in her car.

When we arrived at her place... Dad's place! ... she indicated that I should follow her into Dad's study. She extracted a large, sealed brown envelope from the desk that dominated the room, and handed it to me.

"If you want, you can open it here," she said. "I'll leave, so you can have some privacy. Take as long as you need." With that, Pearl turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I sat in Dad's office chair, and opened the envelope. Inside I found another envelope, also sealed, and a letter. I started to read.

Dearest Carol:

I know that this might seem odd to you, but I assure you that it is necessary.

I'm leaving Undine to you. Of my children, only you ever showed an interest in her. It was never in the cards for Pearl to own her. I've already told her, so you needn't worry about her being unpleasantly surprised.

In the other envelope, you'll find the title and all the keys. You'll observe that title is already in your name. I made the transfer as a gift, so that there wouldn't be any questions about it.

There is a secret drawer under Undine's nav station. It's not hard to open, but it's not obvious either. Once aboard, look in there, and you'll find my log book. You must find it and read it alone, at least the first time. After that you can decide for yourself who should be allowed to see it, and when.

Please destroy this note, or you'll run the risk of someone else finding the log before you can. I love you with all my heart.


I re-folded the note, and slipped it back into the large envelope, then I opened the other envelope and examined the title. Sure enough, it listed my name as the owner, as of just a little more than a year ago. I wonder how the others are going to take this... We hadn't yet read the will, and Dad didn't own much outside the boat.

That wasn't my problem, though. Undine was mine, and everyone would just have to deal with it. The more I thought about it, the more pleased I was with that outcome. I loved Dad, and this was a way I could keep his memory alive for me and for my children.

Maybe they'll come to love her as I do... I put the title and its envelope back into the large envelope, and stowed it in my handbag. By the time Karl and the children arrived to collect me, I had a plan.

"Have you lost your mind?" Karl demanded. "I can't just arbitrarily decide to take a vacation. The timing just isn't good. We have three new major design contracts, and we're behind on the work we already had. If I try to cop out now, the other partners will hand me my head!"

"That is just so much crap!" I spat back. "Except for the funeral, you haven't taken a day off in five years! You're a stranger to your children, you never sit down to a meal with us, and we hardly ever go to bed at the same time. It's been weeks since you even woke me up for sex! Is your work more important to you than your family?"

"That's not fair," he protested. "I work hard, just so you and the kids can have a decent lifestyle. Whether I enjoyed my work has never counted, just whether it improved our financial and social position."

"You just don't get it, do you?" I yelled. "It's been years since we had a money problem, and I don't care about social position. Your family needs you, not just your income! I need you too! Not just a money tree."

"You want more than I have left to give," he protested, "all these years of work have left me zero energy to deal with your emotional crises." He stopped and picked up his coat.

"If you walk out that door tonight," I threatened, "don't bother coming back. This won't be your home anymore."

He threw the coat down and held out both hands, palms up. "What do you want from me? I love you, but I just can't seem to satisfy you!" he shouted angrily.

I told him. He balked. He protested. He complained. But in the end, he gave in.

"I can't believe this!" Kelly exclaimed. "You want to ruin my social life, just to spend my entire summer with a bunch of people who could really care less if I lived or died. No thanks!"

"Two things," I replied. "First, you are wrong about your family. We may be dysfunctional, but your sister, your father and I do love you. Furthermore, your social life notwithstanding, this family is exploding, and you have just as much responsibility to help try and fix it as anyone else here.

"Second, if you think you have an option in this, you're sadly mistaken. I don't need your permission to do this, but you do need mine to do anything else. Do we understand each other?"

"Yeah," he sneered, "I understand. You're pulling the same I'm the boss crap that Dad does when he can't come up with a better reason to make us do something. I understand perfectly, and it'll work just about as well."

"Threats of disobedience won't work with me, young man," I responded angrily. "I can still kick your ass and lock you up in your room. If you doubt it, just try me!"

For a moment, it seemed he just might, but his instinct for self-preservation kicked in. He stomped off to his room and slammed the door behind him. That went well.

"But Mom! I want to go to cheer camp this year!" My daughter was still trying her best to be blonde, despite the overwhelming physical evidence of her brunettehood.

"There will be at least four different cheer camp sessions over the summer, " I replied. "I checked. I'm sure we can get you into one intime for you to finish camp before the auditions start."

"But all my friends are taking the first session! If I do a later one, I won't know anybody in the camp, and I'll miss out on other things we were going to do together! Who will I hang out with, when we're not practicing?"

"That little group of twits you call friends is little more than a clique of bitchy little snobs," I replied. "Not one of them ever lifted a hand to help anyone, unless it bought her an advantage. You'll be a better person for not spending as much time with them." Her face fell. "Besides, if they aren't around to run interference, maybe you'll meet some nice people in one of the other camps." She began to pout. "Furthermore," I pointed out, "going to a later camp gives you an advantage at the auditions. After all, you'll have had more recent practice with the routines."

Abigail thought about that for a moment, the grimly said, "Okay, I'll do it, but I still don't like it." Having accepted her fate, she went out to play. That was almost a victory!

Undine was berthed at a dockominium near Palatka. Dad hated paying rent on a slip, so his solution was to buy one. Technically, all he bought was the RTU - right to use - but that's all condominium ownership really is, isn't it? As long as he kept the association dues paid-up, he effectively owned the slip. He could even sell it to someone else, which brings me to the point.

School had let out for the summer only three days before I arrived at the dock office with my sullen family in tow, and waited impatiently for someone to answer the bell. When the clerk finally showed up, I introduced myself, and, since I had not notified them I was coming, I was shocked to find out that they were expecting me.

Some six months earlier, my father had prepaid the association fees for the next five years, and had added my name to the deed, as joint tenant with survivorship rights. No one else was listed as an owner.

The clerk gave me the combination to the gated parking area near the docks, and the keys to the dockbox, saying "Now if there's anything we can do to make your visit more pleasant, please let us know..."

I briefly considered asking if they had a safe place I could stow my family, just so I would have some microscopic chance of enjoying myself, but in an exhibition of superhuman self-control, I refrained.

We parked the car, and I convinced everyone that unloading immediately might not be a good idea. We needed to inspect the boat first, and do any cleaning up and repairs that might be necessary before cluttering it up with our stuff. It didn't improve anyone's mood, but they all seemed to accept the sense of it.

There wasn't really that much to do, we just needed to wash down the decks, make up the bunks, and inventory the provisions. Karl and I took the forward cabin, since it had the V-berth, and Kelly and Abi were each assigned a berth under opposite sides of the cockpit. Each of us had space in a locker, near our assigned berth, to stow our personal gear.

Once we were settled in, I demonstrated for the family that we still had a lot of the modern conveniences while we were tied to the dock.

"But didn't you say we were going to spend a lot of time at anchor?" Kelly huffed.

"Yes, I did," I agreed, "but Undine is special. She's equipped to generate electricity from sunlight, as well as wind and water currents. Usually at least one of those will provide enough power to meet our minimum needs. For emergencies, we also have a diesel-powered genset. We won't be able to run everything at anchor that we are able to use at the dock, but we'll have enough power to stay reasonably comfortable."

That conversation piqued Karl's interest. As an electrical engineer, he had to know how the ship's power systems worked. I showed him the shore power connections, both on the dock and on the boat; then the battery banks and the inverter/charger that converts power both ways (i.e., 120VAC to 12VDC and back); finally the distribution panel and ships lighting systems. There was even a special, surge-protected circuit for the ship's navigational computer.

"Carol, will we be staying here for, say, as long as three days?" He asked anxiously.

"Yes," I nodded, "the plan is to spend about a week in these parts, while we acclimate to the boat. Tomorrow, though, the sailing instructors arrive. We won't be at dock all day, but we'll be back each evening until we head up the coast."

He gave a satisfied grunt, and pointing at the ship's computer he asked, "Can you fire that thing up? I'd like to get some more information about the boat's systems." Flabbergasted, I did as he requested, and a few minutes later he was happily surfing the internet via the wireless connection provided by the dock association.

I went topside, leaving my family to explore the interior of Undine. I got out my cell phone, and called Pearl to tell her everything I had discovered about the dock. She seemed unsurprised.

"Your father and I had many, many discussions about Undine, after he became too ill to sail," Pearl told her. "He made it very clear that she, and everything attached to her, would belong to you. I have no problem with that." She paused. "We had several good years together. More than we expected. We made each other happy, and he left me well cared-for. I don't begrudge his desire for you to have her.

"I dearly love to be on the water, but more as a passenger than as a sailor. Your father knew that, and he knew that if he hadn't given Undine to you, it would have been sold to liquidate his estate. I wouldn't have had any choice. I'm glad he did it this way. Maybe you'll invite an old lady along for a sail someday." I could hear the smile in her voice.

"You know it!" I told her. We continued to talk about other matters for awhile, before we said goodbye.

"Give my love to Karl and the children," she said. "And Carol? Don't push them too hard. A gentle nudge sometimes works better than a shove." Then she hung up. I hope she's right!

I went below to prepare dinner, and as I passed the nav station, I saw Karl, happily banging away at the keyboard.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I found a source for a complete set of drawings for the boat," he beamed. "I just entered an order. They're coming by FedEx, and should be here in a day or two."

It had been years since I'd seen him that happy about working "around the house," so to speak, and I was glad he found something about the boat that interested him.

Just as I turned into the galley and began to assemble what I needed, I heard him shut the nav computer down, and very shortly thereafter, he walked up behind me and wrapped me in his arms, resting his hands on my belly. Wow! This hasn't happened in a while! It felt good.

I turned my head enough to kiss him on the cheek. With a smile I turned back to my work as he nuzzled my neck. You are going to get so lucky tonight.

The kids were in bed, probably not asleep, but so what? Karl was puttering around, securing the hatches and stuff, so I decided to make the most of the opportunity to get ready for him. I hadn't expected him to show any interest, so I didn't pack any of my "funny underwear," just a few frilly things that I like to wear anyway. I took a shower and used a little perfume in strategic locations, then slipped into the best (read sexiest) panty-and-bra set I had with me.

I took up my station on the V-berth, striking what I hoped was a "sexy" pose, as I heard Karl approach. The look on his face as he parted the curtain was priceless.

"Why are you dressed like that?" he stammered.

"I should think that would be obvious," I replied, sweetly, "I'm horny, and I hope you are too, because I expect you to fuck my brains out." His face fell.

"The kids are still awake," he objected, "and these curtains are pretty thin."

"So?" I challenged, "They know the facts of life. They recognize their own existence, so they know we do too. Besides, as much as it might offend their teenage sensibilities, knowing that we love each other can only help make them feel more secure. Now get in here and be my man!"

His shoulders slumped. I hadn't expected that. He did come through the curtain and stripped down to his boxer shorts and tee, but he stopped there. With a big sigh, he said "Honey, I have to tell you something."

My heart stopped. "There's someone else?" I blurted, in a panic.

"No, no," he waved off my concern, "In some ways, that would be easier to deal with, at least for me." He sighed again and lay back on the V-berth, his hands behind his head. "I can't get it up anymore. That's the reason we haven't made love in so long."

I was dumbfounded. I never knew he had a problem. He'd always performed very well, up to the point where he stopped trying.

"How do you know?"

"It's not like a guy just suddenly can't do it, you know," he replied.

"It just gets more and more difficult to achieve an erection, then one day you know, you've just had your last piece of ass. Mine was the last time we made love." he looked at me meaningfully.

"Nonsense," I rebuked him. "Get out of those clothes. You've just been under a lot of stress, and it's high time we got rid of some of it. Impotence provides it's own feedback; it's a self-fulfilling prophecy."

He didn't want to cooperate, but I finally got him undressed. His eyes showed me real desire, but the part that has to work, in order for us to make love, wasn't cooperating at all ... you can't push a rope. On the other hand, I was not without resources and experience. I could damn well pull a rope, and if you pull it just so (and maybe hold your mouth just right - so to speak... ), it sometimes turns into a steel rod!

I had at least three pieces of equipment that were well able to pull that rope, and I put them all to use. Not long afterward, we found that rod, and put it to good use as well. We ultimately fell asleep wrapped up in each other, like the lovers we used to be.

I was up early the next morning, preparing breakfast from the stores Dad had left on board, while my mutinous crew slept in. Just as I was about to wake everyone up, Karl came stumbling into the salon.

"Sleep well?" I asked.

"Out like a light," he said grumpily, "but now I'm all stove up!"

"You'll get used to the V-berth," I told him, "and then you'll sleep like a baby."

"Right now I feel like a baby who's been crawling across a busy street!"

"Well, how about rousting the troops? Breakfast in 5 minutes."

He headed aft to do as I asked, and I began dishing the meal. When he and the children were settled around the table, I set out their plates, already dished. That got me some funny looks.

"You do things differently aboard a boat," I explained. "We can't have large bowls of hot food slopping around while we're underway, or stopped in rolly anchorage." Everyone's eyes got really big, as I told them that we would be sharing galley duties, and that meals would be served on time, whether or not we were underway. Everyone would have to pitch in.

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Thanks to my very dear friend Marina Kelly for her help with the story and her wonderful editing skills. Thank you MK. So that was it my life now needed to move forward. I guess like a lot of people when they finish college, we find ourselves at a crossroads. I definitely felt that way. As the old adage says as one door closes another opens, that may be true but I needed to find the right door to wrest open. As always life doesn't always run smoothly and the road isn't...

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Further developments on the viral disease some are now calling the “Bimbo Virus” are now coming to light. Reports have come in from locations around the world including Sydney, New York City, London, Berlin, Florence, and dozens of other cities in Europe, the Americas, and Australia. Concerned parents may wish to send their young ones away as some of the details of this report are adult in nature.“What is the bimbo virus? For those of us who have not heard the circling rumours, the bimbo virus...

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My Naughty Fiancee Fucked The Stripper At Her Bachelorette Party Part 1

True life is stranger than fiction. That is the best way to describe my relationship with Sue.  Sue is a knockout brunette with tits to die for.  Her 32D-24-34 body is eye popping.  Sue is twenty-five years old and I'm twenty-seven.  My name is Craig and I've known Sue for three years.  Sue is a professional sales rep for a pharmaceutical company, and her good looks and body serve her well in the competitive sales world. She has no trouble getting appointments, and is the top sales rep at her...

Wife Lovers
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ZebraGirls Daya Knight Karla Kush 12192016

Daya Knight wants to be The Next Big Thing, and she’s hoping her voice coach, Karla Kush, will help Daya achieve her lofty goal! Here’s the real issue: Daya isn’t that good. Don’t get me wrong — Daya’s not a bad singer, but she no Mariah Carey. Or Lady Gaga. Karla has to break the news to Daya, but here’s the catch. Karla likes ’em young, and Daya’s barely 18…and still wears braces on her teeth! Karla can’t keep her mind off...

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A Freinds Very Sweet 16

Another score with his party was his sister, Jessica. Ever since that night at Homecoming I knew I was going to hook up with her. She had blonde, wavy hair that cascaded down her shoulders over her tits. She had to be a C, or maybe a B, but a big B if so. Her low cut dress showed the bulging breast underneath her lace bra, which was also barely showing. Her tits were smooth and tan, like the rest of her skin. Her pink dress clung tightly to the curves of her body, accentuating her tits and...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess1e16 Pauline 35

Series 1, Episode 16: Pauline We meet our next subject via a montage of clips of her at work – it’s in a laboratory, with her in a white coat and safety glasses, mixing chemicals and looking very serious. Her mousy light brown shoulder length hair is tied back in a tight ponytail and her make-up-less face is relatively plain. It’s easy to see why she floats under the radar of all her workmates. She stops mixing, turns to camera, raises her goggles so we can see her round blue eyes. She...

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Maid in Mumbai

I love sucking cock. In my opinion, there is no better way to get a guy's attention than when he has his cock in my mouth. He may not look like he's paying attention, but he is, and I love it. Of course, that wasn't always the case. There was a time when I was like every other girl. There was a time when I was a virgin. But that was back before I went to work for the Chopras. Tushar Chopra was a banker. He wasn't a vice president or anything like that, but he was a banker and he ran a...

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Living out my dream 2

My mind was scurrying with random thoughts. I couldn’t believe my luck. The day started off so horribly, but ended on a surprising note. The rest of the afternoon flew by, and around 4 pm, Ashley started to gather her stuff. “Hey, Jen?” she said, catching my attention. “Yeah?” I answered. “Can you give me a lift home? Zack won’t be off work for another hour, and I’m so ready to get out of this nasty room,” she explained. “Sure,” I replied. Smiling, Ashley bounced out of the room. I reached...

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Welcome Home

I turn the car engine off and sit for a moment, collecting my thoughts. My head is spinning. I feel as if I am drunk. I get out the car, taking a deep breath; I knock on your front door. The excitement of seeing you again is already making me hard. Just as I try and regain my composure, you open the door. The sight that greats me takes my breath away. For a second, I stand speechless, like a rabbit trapped in the glare of car headlights. Your petite toned size eight frame is bronzed from the...

Straight Sex
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SandcastlesChapter 51

The next day was Sally's first turn as the honored guest at the meals. Her turn was not nearly as traumatic as Nicole's had been the day before and for that I was thankful. I don't think I could have taken many more days like that one. All that sex and violence... Not surprisingly, we got a later start than usual that morning, and even for us there was a bit more open affection shown; more touching, more shy smiles, more open, blatant groping. Not by me, but OF me! I would have felt cheap...

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My student Sophia

I had recently joined as a zoology prof in a college where I went in for first day of lecture. There sat Sophia on the first bench ! The first look of this girl had my head spinning ! She was sexier then any bitch I had seen in before. She was dressed in a white tight blouse which showed off her lovely round tits prominently. As she stood up to greet me I could not stop staring at her sexy thighs which lay exposed ad she was in minies. i kept wondering what was beneath them ! It was really...

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The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 8 Complications

The Secret Life of Claire Robbins Part 8 Written May-July 2020 "C'mon hurry Claire!" Ally made sure she could make her way, along with Claire, to the party house early that fall morning. What she saw in a text message from Becky caused her to get up quickly and get themselves over there quickly. Granted Ally and Claire took some time to clean up after their 'pleasure session' from last night, though all they could muster was a pink bathrobe for Claire, and a maroon one for Ally,...

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Abused Stepdaughter Part Five

This Story is about a young teenage girl named Sandra, who hears her Stepdad and Mother having sex late one night, and decides to Spy on them. Sneaky John has lain a trap, he knows she is watching, and decides she’s ready to do more than observe… whether she wants to or not…--------- Chapter 9Kenzi Monroe….Early Monday night, June 25, 1990.Little Rock, ArkansasIt didn’t take Jim long to convince Sandra that she should work at the XTC Showgirl Strip Club. She wouldn’t be doing any dancing, he...

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It Just HappenedChapter 11 Five Weeks

"Hello?" "Did you have a good time last night?" Hearing Miss Spencer's voice so early in the morning didn't surprise me, but her question did. "How did you know I went out?" "I called your cell and when I didn't get an answer I called your home number. That lady told me you were on a dinner date with her sister." "That's Jen, my brother's wife. I didn't know you called." "Well, did you have a good time?" "Yes, thank you for asking. I believe I'm in love." What made...

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Crazy Sisters Who Like to Strip

I got off from work and decided to stop off at a local “meat-market” pub near work. The place was packed with scantily clad females. I had managed to score a couple of lucky hits in the club, a few month back and I was overdue another lucky strike. I grabbed a drink at the bar and tried my usual disinterested look, but no one was biting. I spied a couple of groups of young ladies and tried to work my way into their conversations by standing close by, hoping someone, maybe one, would take an...

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BreeChapter 4 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains

We bought the donkey to keep the coyotes away from the livestock; however I guess he became more of a pet, as he would always come to the house looking for a treat when he saw us outside, romping with our Great Dane, Duke, and enjoyed his daily grooming. We both came from ranching families and knew donkeys were stubborn and single minded and this one exhibited the same traits. We live in Texas and have a fairly large ranch that our families gave to us as a wedding present that we had added...

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A new start The love story of a sub pt4

Thanks to the priceless help of NaughtyAnn. ************ I suggest the reading of the previous parts. Comments are greatly appreciated. ************ Thenext morning I woke up before my Mistress did, it was one of those rare occasions when she stayed at my place and slept with me. I quietly moved down the bed, checked if my collar was in the right place, took a glance at Mistress, and went to the kitchen to prepare her breakfast. I made some croissants, opening some jams made with different...

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The Ring of TruthChapter 2

Tatiana leaned between her mother and I in order to lick us both clean of my spunk. Through suddenly sleepy feeling eyes, I looked down to see I had made a good sized mess between Madame Maria’s body and mine. Tatiana though was wasting no time cleaning us up with her tongue. She did well enough that I was able to relax. Just like any self satisfied male of any age, I fell asleep. The last thing I remembered saying to myself was that the mother daughter team should go home. Maybe I said it...

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11 The Julie Journals

***** "It will be fun" said Julie down the telephone, "And we will get an opportunity to spend some time together and have a bit of fun, and we haven't celebrated my 34th birthday last Saturday yet." Julie could hear Sarah breathing hard down the telephone and Julie lowered her voice so her boyfriend couldn't hear and whispered "And I can lick your lovely pussy until you scream with pleasure." Julie heard Sarah's breathing quicken as she replied a muttered "Yes," and smiling to...

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StepSiblingsCaught Alexis Tae Your Best Little Stepsister

Alexis Tae and her stepbrother Tyler Nixon have always had a bit of a frienemy thing going on, but this time Alexis thinks she may have taken it a bit too far. She calls her friend up to confess that she got Tyler in a lot of trouble by joining him in the shower and slapping his dick, then calling her mom to claim he was coming on to her. Alexis wants to make it up to Tyler, but she doesn’t know how. Talking with her friend gives her some ideas, so she hangs up and goes to join Tyler...

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A Locked Room Mystery

A Locked Room MysteryBy AkkanoJohn Longbottom, an accountant and entrepreneur, has fallen into the clutches of Ms. Marina, a particularly cruel and sadistic dominatrix.But who is this mysterious Ms. Marina? And how did she mange to piss into Longbottom’s whiskey, slip cyanide into it and murder him in front of  eight witnesses, without anybody noticing anything? Join the world renowned detective, Ms. Cheryl Holmes, aided and abetted by her sidekick (and her spouse), Jane Holmes as she unravels...

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Undercover Ch 14

If Warren only knew what he was planning he would not have given him the address, Cade chuckled to himself as he rang the doorbell of Erin’s apartment. ‘Who is it?’ he heard her ask from the other side. ‘Someone who wants to apologize,’ he replied sweetly and held up the bouquet of red roses he had just bought. He heard the door chain being removed and the door unlocked and revealed a mildly surprised Erin staring at him. ‘What is this?’ ‘Flowers for the beautiful,’ Cade answered sweetly as...

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After a good workout, what August Taylor and her step-daughter, Violet Rain, need is great massage. Luckily for them, August’s husband is the best at giving massages. So after August and her step daughter hit the showers, they return ready for their ever so craved massage. Her husband eventually gets a little naughty and starts massaging other parts. This makes Violet crave her turn even more. Once it becomes her turn, August and her husband go to town massaging Violet. They make sure they get...

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Brief Encounter Pt1

A work of fiction, but who knows what the future holds…..Since leaving college, Barry, an old friend of mine and myself had always gone to see a Formula 1 race every year. Normally we did our home race at Silverstone which was roughly equidistant from where we both lived, so easy travel for qualifying and race days.However, this particular year we both had family events which made the race impossible, so we decided to take an organised day trip to the Italian GP. We booked a trip that departed...

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Neuron Transfer

Neuron Transfer A Novelette By Maryanne Peters When I died I was John Pierpont Morgan Backhouse. I was a successful businessman, although not as successful as my namesake. I was a father, but not a good one. I was a husband - definitely a bad one. In short, I was an asshole. The name was a gift from my father in anticipation of a stellar career on Wall Street. He worked for a large broking house, in a senior position that in his day could be attained and held. After a...

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Sunny CornerChapter 24

Mitchell’s Creek, Sunny Corner, New South Wales, Australia:24 “Well Jim, got any idea what you’re going to do with that money?” I said. “What money?” “Got to you did he?” “Huh?” “Exactly.” I laughed. “How does he know about the cowfaces?” Jim whispered. I could barely hear him. “Gentlemen, gentlemen ... Please, there’s an auction going on ... you’ve already bid twice. All shall be revealed in the end,” Grandfather said. Jim slapped his hand over his mouth. “I have one million three...

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Ed BiggersChapter 21

Tuesdays and Thursdays were long days for Ed. Those were the days he worked from eight to six and then went to school from seven to nine. It was usually nearly ten before he arrived home. Thursdays were always the worst. This evening had been particularly tough since he had a major test in his geology class. The test material hadn’t been difficult, but Ed strove for excellence and didn’t want to settle for less than a perfect score. Coming home, Ed drove carefully fighting to stay awake. He...

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Play It Again SamChapter 6 Hm what right do I have to think huh

It was still early when Vicky and I got home and the rest of the crew demanded that we account every single detail concerning our date no matter how insignificant it might be. Fortunately Vicky has a good eye and an equally good memory which she put to excellent use describing in colorful detail, not only the significant people we'd met at the party, but what they were wearing as well as her assessment of their individual personalities. Omitting the insignificant party-goers, as well as...

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Temple of Torture Vanessas First Journey

DISCLAIMER: 1. This story is fiction. 2. This story is FICTION! 3. The author doesn’t endorse or play down violence and brutality of any kind against living beings in general and females in special. The author insists on the consumption only by those legally of age and where ADULT MATERIAL isn’t prohibited by law. If you get offended by those topics, stop reading. Venom, September 2007 Synopsis: Three...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Adria Rae Babysitter Auditions 2

Our quest for the ideal babysitter continued, and next on our list of prospects was the adorable Adria Rae. When she arrived for her interview, we told Adria that we pride ourselves on maintaining a comforting and soothing home. How would Adria contribute to creating a stress-free environment? Adria suggested that she could light some sage, but we had other ideas, so we gave Adria some sexy lingerie to put on while she massaged the stress out of us. But of course, in our grand family tradition,...

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Cheer Camp part 1

It was the first week of cheer camp. I knew I was going to be in heaven. Not only because of the guys, but because of the girls as well. I could just feel my pussy getting wet at the idea of spending 8 weeks working along side some of the most gorgeous girls in the state. I knew when I stepped off the bus that I was going to make my dream of being with a girl finally come true. I just wasn’t sure how I was going to get to that point. Taking it one day at a time seemed kinda dorky, but hey maybe...

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It was late. I'd been arrested again. And, I'd been remanded in custody for the rest of the weekend... "Angela... ?" a female voice called. As I looked up, my cell-door opened to reveal 'Probationary' Constable Tania Margarson 23069 - the young policewoman entering the 'Female Cells' with a warm cup of coffee for me. "MMMM, " I sighed, smiling wickedely at the uniformed policewoman, "Thankyou, Constable Margarson!" "I thought, you might like a coffee..." she replied. The...

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Dr. Beatrice Murray had thought the hardest part of her job would be to raise money for her late husband's foundation. Funding deserving students from third world countries was hard enough. Dealing with a sex scandal was not part of her job description. Beatrice was lovely and desirable at 33 years old. She had married her much older husband and he had endured a lot of criticism for "robbing the cradle." They didn't care for they loved each other very much. Now that her husband was gone...

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Caroline Ch 0603

(Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! We return to Jo’s story again.) Jo wears the basque and she gives him her final virginity! Well these were certainly a few days that will rank among the best and most important in my life. Anyway, Lena wants me write about Saturday night first. I was a bit apprehensive...

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Making Her Pay

The little chime sounds as I entering the boutique, my tablet in my jean jacket pocket , smartphone in my back pants pocket. Looking towards the cash station, I see mom look up, relief on her face “Grant you made it!” “Told you I would spin by before going to the seminar!” going over and giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “Go what’s the big reason I needed to be here by noon?” “I’ve a doctor’s appointment at 12:30 then I need lunch but Gina can’t make it in before one!” “And you want me...

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The DST Agent part 3

The DST Agent, part 3 By: Malissa Madison I was a bit nervous, I'd given myself all the same awards that I already had. No sense in trying to fabricate something when I already had a foundation. So now I was a clerk typist who'd been to Warrant Officers School, the really neat part was that my General testing scores qualified me for OCS or WOCS. And the officers that knew who I was already knew that. Some were even intimidated by the fact that my test scores were only two points off...

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Strip Trivial Pursuit Challenge

I had always flirted with Clare, she is good fun and desperately in need of a boyfriend. We had tried to match her to several of our single friends and her best friend my girlfriend Susan used to say she would have a much better chance if she lost a little weight. Clare was not really fat, she had a very big round bum and big breasts but quite a trim waist and had I not been with Susan I would certainly have been interested myself. She has short black hair, which I think if it were a little...

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