- 2 years ago
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My dear sisters:
I have been asked to give a history of my experience with Priapus, and my part in the revival of his ceremony. I trust that this account will not leave the walls of this sorority house. Here, as best I can recall and recount it, is the story.
When I was in college in the early seventies, it was a very different environment than it is today. We were all so much more innocent than girls are now.
I chose this college because it was, at the time, a very ordinary college in a very ordinary Eastern college town. There were six sororities then, each with a different reputation. There was the academically oriented one, for what would now be called "nerds." And there was the one that catered to female athletes. There was also one that was rumored to be the "Lesbian" house and another for freethinkers and hippie-types. The girls in the fifth one seemed to think of nothing but marrying well, to the most affluent and well-connected dates they could find. And lastly, there was ours.
Our sorority was the "artsy" house, as indeed it is today. All the art majors and drama majors aspired to join it. When I was tapped to pledge them, I was so happy. I'd heard that their initiation ceremonies were a bit unconventional, not to say weird, but when I asked the "senior sister" about it, she wouldn't give me details. She did say that while there might be some element of a sexual nature, there wouldn't be rape. I would have complete control when I did whatever I had to do. I had to be content with that.
The initiation was held in the large room in the basement, next to the furnace room. I was led into the room naked except for a blindfold. There were five of us similarly attired. I was a virgin ... not an uncommon thing for a college freshman back then, although almost unheard of today, I'm told. There was a short speech welcoming us, and then our blindfolds were removed.
I noticed that the other pledges were nude as well. We were very self-conscious of our nakedness, holding our arms in front of our breasts in an attempt to preserve some of our modesty. I was particularly self-conscious about my nipples, which were (and still are) extraordinarily long and get hard with the slightest stimulation.
The other members of the sorority were also naked, but displayed little of our modesty. Indeed, most of them were masturbating themselves, bringing themselves to sexual arousal, for reasons I couldn't yet guess. The senior sister, an arts major named Esther, had enormous breasts, which weren't remarkable to me except for the fact that she had a ring in her left nipple. Several of the other women had tattoos in areas that were concealed by everyday clothing. These things were quite rare back then, particularly among upper-middle-class white women. I wondered nervously if I was going to be tattooed or pierced as well, as part of the rite, but then I noticed that some women didn't seem to have any such adornments.
Somebody passed around a bottle and I took a swig from it. It was a strong sweet wine. The bottle was followed by a fat marijuana cigarette. When I hesitated, one of the older sisters said, "Go ahead. It'll be OK. It'll help you through the rite." Then she took a hit from it, inhaling deeply as she shook her long brunette hair. She handed it to me with a smile, and I sucked in the pungent smoke. Luckily, I'd smoked a few cigarettes by that age, and was able to retain the smoke without discomfort. I exhaled, and felt the effects of the drug seep over me.
We were led over to an area dominated by a large object, the size of a sofa, draped in a sheet. Joan, one of the junior sisters, grabbed the sheet by the hem while the Esther intoned the ritual of initiation. It was the usual stuff about swearing fealty and devotion to your fellow sisters, and promising never to reveal the secrets of the sorority, and so on. We all murmured our agreement to these terms. And then Joan whisked the sheet away.
This exposed a statue of a recumbent satyr, carved in gleaming white marble, polished to a high sheen. He lay on his back, propped up on his elbows, his head thrown back and his mouth open. But one part was not gleaming white, but a sort of rusty brown. It was his phallus. It was long and slender and very dark in color, and the brown stain extended down into his groin. It had a gentle curve, and an oversized head, about the size of a golf ball. The outside of the statue's hips was also dirtier then the rest of the statue, a sort of cream color, and it was polished to a smoothness even greater than the rest of the statue.
"Behold Priapus!" Esther said. "He will accept you into our company. Submit to him, as I do!" With that, she straddled the statue, situated her vulva directly over its crotch, and impaled herself on the phallus. Meanwhile the other girls were chanting:
"Priapus, accept our sister Esther.
She is your willing servant.
She consummates her devotion to you with her body.
Grant her beauty, grant her luck, grant her your protection."
Esther masturbated herself on the statue's phallus for the entire duration of the chant. Then she relinquished her position to the next most senior girl. The chant was repeated word for word, except for the substitution of each girl's name for Esther's. When it was done, it proceeded down the line until all the sisters had coupled with the statue. One of the girls was menstruating, and pulled out her bloody tampon before coupling with the god. I suddenly realized why the phallus was brown: it was stained by countless years of the blood of menstruating women. And, no doubt, the blood of countless maidenheads being torn.
One of which was to be mine. I was still a virgin. "So this is how I'm to lose my cherry," I thought. Well, better now than never. At least I would have something to show for it ... through initiation into a company of fellow artists whose respect I craved, instead of being fucked by some jerk who didn't know when to stop. And I realized that when I finally made love to a man, I need not fear the pain of having my hymen torn. So I submitted. The effects of the marijuana were becoming more pronounced, and by the time it was my turn, I silently thanked the brunette. I lowered myself onto the phallus and felt that huge cap pressing at my entrance. And then I forced it into me. There was a twinge of pain, but the marijuana and wine made it more tolerable. I felt the cap slide up my vagina, then down again, as I gingerly moved my body back and forth, feeling the blood trickle down the inside of my thighs. I heard the girls chant "Priapus, accept our sister Virginia..."
And then it was over. I was next to last; the girl behind me saw the new blood on the phallus and smiled, and then performed the rite with an easy grace that showed us that she was no stranger to sex. I heard Esther say something like "That concludes the ceremony." The lights went up, more wine and grass was passed around, and we initiates hugged our new sisters. The air was sexually charged, and some of the girls were pairing off with each other, while others went back to Priapus to fuck themselves to orgasm as the others hooted and clapped. I was feeling too uncomfortable to participate, but shared in the general good feeling.
Over the years, I participated in three more such ceremonies. There was no further discomfort, and I enjoyed the feeling of that phallus filling me as the girls chanted the litany. And, like many of the girls, I visited Priapus for private sessions of my own, independent of the initiation rites. This was usually when I came home from dates still sexually unsatisfied. I had finally been having sex with men, but found that once they came into me, their energy suddenly evaporated, leaving me still horny and eager for more. But Priapus would stay hard as long as I wanted, and never failed me.
I discovered that the phallus itself was not marble, but ivory, imbedded in the marble statue. That was why it didn't have the cool touch of the rest of the statue. Neither was it warm, of course, but it seemed so in contrast to the rest of the statue. I would let my breasts hang down and rake the satyr's chest, feeling the cold stone on my nipples. I would kiss that cold mouth, and clench and polish those cold hips with my thighs. Eventually, I found it easy to masturbate my way to orgasm on Priapus's cock, perhaps inflamed by the thought that countless other girls had done so over the years, and would again in years to come.
But that all ended with my graduation. I moved to New York, where I took my new degree in Dramatic Arts to Los Angeles and tried to make a living with it in the film and television industry. I succeeding in getting many minor roles in forgettable movies and soon-canceled series, but never hit the big time. I moved back to New York to try my luck in the theater, with similar results. After a few years, it became apparent to me that I would never be able to count on my talents as an actress to feed myself. Instead, I accepted an offer of marriage and had two children. I found, as many wives and mothers did, that the pressures of my new position sapped my libido. Our lovemaking became less and less frequent, and eventually died out altogether.
When I was in my fifties, my husband left me for a woman in her twenties. I couldn't really blame him. She was good for him in many ways, re-igniting his virility as I no longer could. Our divorce was as amicable as could be expected und the circumstance, and his alimony tided me through until I obtained a real-estate license. I made a good living at it, since it was at this time that real estate prices were skyrocketing, particularly around New York City.
But to get back to the story: a few years ago, I attended a sale of art ... more of a flea market, really. Among the various things for sale was an object that was exhibited in a case with a tag that read "Ceremonial (phallic?) object. Provenance unknown. $250.00 OBO." I recognized it at once. It was Priapus's phallus!
It was just as I remembered it, except a little darker. It had the same slender curve and enlarged head that had pleased my vagina so many times. I noticed a long pin extending from the phallus's base, an extension of the object itself. In contrast to the rest of the piece, the pin, or peg, was the color of slightly burnt cream and absolutely straight. It must have been shaped to fit into a corresponding hole in the statue itself.
I talked with the owner and found that he had acquired it about five years ago from another collector. He had hopes that it might have some archeological value but found that, without some record of its origin, it was useless. I offered him a hundred for it.
"That's half of what I paid for it!" he protested.
"And twice what it's probably worth," I replied. "If you buy something whose provenance you can't document, you always take a chance that you'll lose money. Just be glad you only lost a hundred." But he wouldn't accept my offer. After much haggling, I talked him down to a sale price of a hundred fifty, and it was mine.
That night, I obtained some pot from a friend of mine in the community theater where I still acted and directed from time to time. I bought some cigarette papers from a convenience store and, with shaking hands, rolled my first joint in twenty years. I took a hit and found to my surprise that it was much stronger than the pot of my college days. Two hits were enough to get me really stoned. And then I had a glass of wine, lay naked on my bed, and masturbated myself with my new toy. I didn't climax. Something was still not right; perhaps my libido had ebbed to the point where a climax was no longer possible. Or perhaps I needed the rest of the experience, complete with the statue. But my session with the phallus was still pleasurable and reminded me of my college days.
And of course, it got me to wondering what happened to the rest of the statue. That is how I came to be once again at the door of your house. It was summer, and the house was deserted except for the senior sister, whose name was Amy, and a few other girls who had stayed the summer.
It was Amy who answered the door and let me in. She was a buxom woman with dirty blonde hair and an easy smile. I identified myself as a sister of the sorority and she greeted me cordially, although she requested some verification. The sorority library had a set of yearbooks from my years, and I showed her my pictures, which she compared with the one on my driver's license. Satisfied, she hugged me and welcomed me back as a sister of the house.
She told me something of the intervening years of the sorority, which were not good ones. At one point in the late nineties, it had actually been closed down for a few years, its charter suspended. The reasons given were drugs and prostitution.
"All that stuff about prostitution was bullshit," Amy said. "But the drugs, that was real enough. A few of the sisters, including the senior sister, were dealing big time. Meth, acid, heroin, you name it. The college finally had to do something to convince the town that it was "dealing with the problem," so it shut us down. When we got our charter back and re-opened four years later, it was with an entirely new set of members."
"So there's nobody whom you know from before then?"
"Not a one. You're the first. I think that they all heard about the closure, and figured that it was permanent."
"And all the stuff that was in the house? Furniture and artwork and stuff?"
"It was all gone. The college contacted a lot of the artists, and they came back to claim it and take it away. The rest got sold at auction, to pay for the legal bills. The only thing left was that old statue in the basement."
My heart skipped a beat. "A statue?"
"Yeah. A statue of a faun or satyr or something. It was too big to move. I don't know how they got it in there in the first place. Maybe they built the house around it, I don't know."
"May I see it, please?"
"Sure. But it isn't worth anything, if that's what you're thinking. We had it appraised, and found out that it was a crude nineteenth-century copy of a crude fifteenth-century copy of a classical sculpture, probably Roman. And it had been damaged."
"In what way?"
Amy snickered. "His dick is missing. The original had a big dick, according to the pictures we saw. But it's missing on the copy."
She showed me to the basement, and there he was! The same old Priapus, except that where that beautiful brown phallus used to rise from, there was now only a hole. A hole, I realized with a shock, into which my new toy would fit perfectly.
"That's not the only thing we found in the basement," Amy said. She showed me a panel on the wall, on which there was writing. But the writing didn't make any sense; it was gibberish.
"What does it mean?" I asked.
"It's a message in code. Tina ... one of the sisters ... cracked it this summer. Now we know what it means, but it doesn't make sense."
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Alyssa and Zelda are my sixteen-year-old twin daughters. Two c***dren were all my wife and I ever wanted so when we knew it was twins we picked out our names. We decided on A to Z. If it were to be one or two boys it would have been Allen and Zachary. The first one born became Alyssa and of course the last one became Zelda. Last being only three minutes later.My wife died in a car accident when the girls were twelve years old. She hit her head hard on the steering wheel and was pronounced brain...
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add me on msn. [email protected] to chat or give feedback. I found my daughters journal few years ago when I was cleaning her room. Sara hides her journal in an intake vent next to her bed. She writes everything from things she did the day before to things she has done sexually, and her dreams….and fantasies. Sara has been dating a boy for about six months, and i recently read in her journal she gave her first blowjob to him. She described how she was in his bedroom, and he kept putting her...
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100% fiction! My daughter Tanya came back to live with me when she was 18,I guess her mom was to strick on her. Her mom and I had divorced a couple of years ago and I lived in a different state so I hadn't seen her in 2 years. When I did I immediatly noticed how nicely she had filled out. She was dark haired and pretty like her mom with a nice slightly plump figure and bubble butt with big tits. When we got home and she settled into her new room, we had a long talk and caught up on each others...
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The last few months have been the most difficult of my life so far! We have always been a tight knit family, me the wife and our 13 year old daughter. What I thought had started out quite innocently is turning anything other than innocent. You see, since the school our daughter goes to started teaching sex ed, we’ve noticed a huge change in her behaviour around me. Before Eleanor started these sex ed classes, she was a quiet but confident young girl in the early stages of puberty, but...
“Morning sleepy head,” she pronounced as she placed the tray down on the bed, sliding onto the quilt and pulling one leg up under the other. “I thought I was going to have to wake you, but you just beat me to it,” she said as she picked up a triangle of toast and bit into it. “Morning babe,” I replied, blinking hard to make sure I was taking in the full beauty of her sat in front of me. “I, err, hope I wasn’t too out of place last night with you as I really should have known better,” I...
Daughters First Part IIAfter reading and rereading the EMail I got from Terry, my imagination started to really go crazy. With what he experienced I really started to wonder how many other folks have had similar experiences. Was my thinking so uncommon or was this kind of activity more commonplace but just kept quiet. With that in mind, after the girls left I decided to grab a book and spend the day at the mall just observing.Finding a good place to sit and observe, I discovered that it was...
(This is the concluding piece of my stories entitled "Daughters of Priapus." Although it could be read on its own, readers might find it informative to read the others first, in order to acquaint them with some of the characters that are mentioned.) I glimpsed his erection through his boxer shorts, straining against the fabric, and then it disappeared into the pants he pulled on. But I couldn't take my mind off it. Like most women, I've appreciated the sight of a hard cock on my lovers,...
Chapter 1 As I lay in bed with my cock in my daughter, Kelly's mouth, my thoughts wander back to the time of my wife's death. When that drunk rammed her car, I would have argued that no good would come of it. Kelly was in the car also but survived with just the loss of her front teeth. When Kelly came home from the hospital, I was so busy caring for her and working I didn't have any time left to feel sorry for myself. I'll never forget the first night Kelly climbed in bed and cuddled up...
I couldnt belive my eyes ...Their she was , my daughters sweet little friend Tiffany, rubbing her pussy from the outside of her tiny little nightie. "Omg ...shit" She said as i entered the bedroom. She quickly stopped doing what she was doing and tryed to find the remote from were she was sitting on the bed. "Dont worry Tiffany. I am not here to yell at ya" I said with a smile"Um..Ok Mr Jamerson. But i was just flipping through.." She said stuttering"Ha ,ha ,ha Thats a good one Tiffany. Jenny...
(This is a sequel to my story "Daughters of Priapus." Although it could be read on its own, readers might find it informative to read that first, in order to acquaint them with some of the characters that are mentioned.) It was most unnerving at first, and yet most liberating. At the age of fifty-nine, I was once more a woman who could reach a climax easily, after years and years of frigidity. This was a result of a visit I'd made the previous summer to my old sorority. I was searching for...
I reclined, gratefully nude on the couch. My wife's three daughters were visiting us for a few days and I'd had to remain "decent" for two of them so far. Their arrivals and departures were staggered, with the older two of them (Pauline and Sarah) arriving the day before yesterday — on separate flights — and the youngest, Lila yesterday. Mattie, my wife, was married before to Pauline's dad. Together they had Sarah and Lila, who were virtually grown when they got divorced. According to...
“This is perverted”, fourteen-year-old Jessica told herself as she crept along the darkened back hallway of her house, moving closer to the soft moans coming from her parent’s bedroom. It was almost one o’clock in the morning, and Jessica, clad in her flimsy powder blue nightshirt had been fighting the urge to peek for ages. Images of being caught peeking flashed into her mind, the outrage of her parents, the embarrassment of being caught. But other images flashed into her mind as well....
"Please, Dad. It'll be good for both of you." My daughter's voice is pleading through the phone line. "Besides you always liked Connie." She's right. Connie was my daughter's roommate in college and I always enjoyed seeing her, when she accompanied Karla on her frequent visits home. Now Connie has accepted a position with a local firm and Karla wants me to rent her a room until she can get settled on her own. Karla worries about me since her mother died five years ago. She probably thinks...
My Daughter’s Boyfriend’s Mother Puberty hit my daughter Tiffany like a ton of bricks just before she turned fourteen years old. Her tits doubled in size overnight, her waist slimmed, and she shot up a couple of inches. If I had not seen Tiffany every day I swear that I would not have been able to recognize her. Soon after that I caught Tiffany and her boyfriend Jeremy one evening with one of his hands up under her miniskirt and his other hand up under her T-shirt. God help me, I...
Life is good. Scratch that, life is freaking wonderful right now. I can’t see any reason to complain. I only see reasons to celebrate. I’m in a stable, fruitful, passionate relationship with a girl straight out the pages of a Maxim magazine. She worships the ground I walk on. I never imagined loving a woman as much as I loved my late wife, but the love I have for Alex eclipses that by a good distance.We never argue. We only laugh and make love. I enjoy her company immensely and she has brought...
TeenLife is good. Scratch that, life is freaking wonderful right now. I can’t see any reason to complain. I only see reasons to celebrate. I’m in a stable, fruitful, passionate relationship with a girl straight out the pages of a Maxim magazine. She worships the ground I walk on. I never imagined loving a woman as much as I loved my late wife, but the love I have for Alex eclipses that by a good distance.We never argue. We only laugh and make love. I enjoy her company immensely and she has brought...
TeenJan lay on the padded masseur table gazing up at her father, her legs held wide and extended just over the edge. They were tied by heavy cord within the stirrups her dad had added for their pleasure and she shivered in anticipation of what the long night held in store for her. Jan was sixteen and had been enjoying the forbidden pleasures of familial sex with both her mother and father for the past year now. Reluctant, afraid and ashamed at first she soon found herself craving even further...
Kirsty was a normal eighteen-year-old girl - caring, sociable and a high achiever at the sixth-form college she attended. If all went well this year, she would get an ‘A’ in art and enrol in Art College next year. She was also one of the best looking girls are the school, a trait she had inherited from her father who used to be an underwear model back in the 90s. He still had a good build and did a little modelling but it was more for things like sweaters and golf clubs. She was popular with...
Introduction: Since mom left Daisys been drinking a lot… My wife just up and left us. What a fucking bitch. She had been acting strange, weird and jealous for a while. As our daughter matured it was like she hated her. All my sweet daughter wanted was to be loved by her mom. But all that bitch could see was the body she didnt have anymore and the face she never had. When we got married she was a single mom and I did what Daisys birth father didnt have the balls to do and I took her in as my...
It’s been a mundane few weeks since Alex came by the house. I haven’t seen or heard from her since she gave me mind-numbing head on my couch while my daughter slept upstairs. Claire hasn’t brought her up either. Maybe she feels awkward about hooking up with her friend’s father and wants to keep her distance. That’s my best guess. I understand, but it would’ve been nice to see her at least once, even if we didn’t get a chance to do anything. I should’ve asked for her number when she was here. Oh...
TeenIt’s been a mundane few weeks since Alex came by the house. I haven’t seen or heard from her since she gave me mind-numbing head on my couch while my daughter slept upstairs. Claire hasn’t brought her up either. Maybe she feels awkward about hooking up with her friend’s father and wants to keep her distance. That’s my best guess. I understand, but it would’ve been nice to see her at least once, even if we didn’t get a chance to do anything. I should’ve asked for her number when she was here. Oh...
TeenIts just after midnight as I’m writing this, every detail still clear in my mind, details I never want to forget.I had been planning this day for three weeks, I was due a day off work and Kate our sixteen year old daughter would be in school, Sarah my wife was in Europe on a business trip. I planned to treat myself, indulge in my fetish, a whole day, wearing lingerie for the day with no risk of anybody being at home, or walking in on me. The fact it was a Thursday made it better, as Kate would...
I loved my mom. I was adopted at an early age and was raised into ahousehold of fun and open-mindedness. I always remember beautiful womenover at my house, sometimes at night I would hear noises coming from momsroom. I soon learned she was a lesbian, she liked women. I was intriguedby this, I wanted to know hat they did at night when I heard noises.Mother would always treat me special. I really felt she loved me betterthan her blood son. I had a close bond with her. When I arrived at her...
How early is it to start letting the two little girls watch mom and the bull get it. Id like them to start watching what their mommy goes thru when she takes up that huge cock. I cant believe as a father I cant wait until they get completely gone thru by a huge i think they should be helping their mom... taking his huge shaft in and out of his pants. Putting it back in when it falls out... Learning.Imagine mom sitting in an open towel on the edge of the coutch, with wet hair. Then...
You know I really should be thankful. And I certainly am. I mean Jesus Christ I live with an 18-year-old girl... A 19-year-old girl and a 23-year-old girl. And all of them love my fucking Co ck and two of their little friends do as well. Every guy wants nice young fresh pussy. I guarantee you I'm going to pay for this later in life. There's probably a special place in hell just for me. How can there not be? I'm fucking like 23-year-old baby sister. I'm fucking my 19-year-old daughter and I'm...
The mother was still young, relatively speaking. Elliott was too although he was a few years older than her daughter. He and Cindy broke up. He lived near downtown, in a dinky apartment. He had lost his job doing construction, which he loved but he knew deep down he wanted to go back to college. How he’d do it he wasn’t sure and so seeing as he had been working for the last few years in construction he decided to stick with it if possible. He was at the library doing himself some good....
The European anniversary vacation has unfortunately come to an abrupt stop. We stayed in France for about a week, then found ourselves in Greece. What a beautiful country. We were there for a few days, and on the last day decided to go out on a boat ride. Halfway through the ride Alex got sick and threw up. We didn’t think much of it but when we got back to our hotel, she threw up again. She and Claire went to the store, and it looks like we will be having a new addition to the family.Yep, Alex...
MatureFalling asleep, having sensuous dream of a young lady with next to nothing on, cuddled up beside me, but waking up & finding her nuzzling beside me lightly stroking one of my legs.Only to waking a semi doze and finding out its my college age young daughter, with a very skimpy nightie on, showing off a nice pair, wiggling beside me! I woke up going ..huh???Hi daddy, I could not sleep so do you mind if I snuggle in beside you, for warmth!Sure, I guess! Her hand was gently stroking my leg,...
I am a physician assistant at a busy walk-in medical center. My duties include everything from minor first aid to doing complete exams on the patients. There are four physician assistants, four physicians and eight nurses who work rotating shifts twenty-four hours a day. We all get along well, and we help to take care of medical problems in each other's family, this since we are the only medical facility within fifty miles, that being the reason we are so busy. My spouse and I have been married...
Its was late and my daughter called saying her boyfriend would have to stay with me cause she was stranding due to the snow and ice. I went on to bed and he stayed up and got on the computer in the livingroom. I laying there thinking about what he was doing and looking up, getting hornier by the second. I go up and slid on my silky night gown on and eased down the hall towards the livingroom. I slowly peeked around the corner and saw him watching a video jacking off. His back was towards me so...
Fear creeped into us as the door closed. Having our mothers with us was a bigger help than any of us realized or would admit. Though technically women outside, we were still little girls who needed a parent as an emotional anchor. Endless speculation circulated amongst us, as to what was happening to our mothers. Darcy tried to end it, by saying, “It is no use to worry about things we have no control over.” But worry we did. Whoever the traitor was, she had taken our last piece of normalcy...
When I woke, I immediately went for a shower. It felt nice to wash off all the stickiness from the night before. There was a new box with another paltry meal. At least the sandwich was peanut butter and jelly, not bologna, and there was a pear, instead of an apple. That little variety meant a lot. We also each had three different pills to take. I count myself lucky that I had three friends I could rely on to not eat my share of the food while I showered. Until I was kidnapped and...
Introduction: Janie enjoys her lesbian sex with her best friend Janie opened her eyes and groaned in pleasure. Her cunt tingled. It oozed fuck juices. Two fingers swirled and pumped inside the tight pussy hole. Wide open, her pussy was red and swollen as it was stroked inside out. A thumb pressed against her clit and chills of lust rushed up and down her spine. Gyrating her hips, she cried, Ohhh … ohhh, fuck! Ohhh, baby, fuck me … fuck me … fuck meee! Uuuhhh … ohhh, so good … aaahhh, damn you...