Daughters Of Penelope - Alexis free porn video

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Daughters of Penelope Alexis By ShannonQ Synopsis--General Isaiah and his wife Ruth give birth to a boy to carry on his great father's battlefield exploits. A freak of nature changes Alexander to Alexis. Will she be the great warrior that Isaiah envisioned? Can Alexis live up to his expectations? Will the man who loves her be able to woo her? Note: If you liked Maiden of Rome and Maiden of Rome Two, you should read this. Rated X Prologue Ruth was an attractive wife who lived alone while her husband was out living in the field as a general defending the lands of Lord John Billingsly. She had been pregant four other times but lost all of them to miscarriages. Now she had a son. She couldn't picture him on the battle field. So packed and left the house for the two day journey to see a powerful witch. It rained that night as Ruth held her child close to her breast as she sat under a large tree. She fell asleep from weariness and was awakened by a terrifying bolt of lightening that hit the tree while sending its power through her body and the baby's. She fell into unconsciousness. It was early morning when she awoke feeling the baby sucking on her nipple. The sun was bright and warm. She smiled as the green eyed boy worked his mouth on her breast hungrily. Ruth's smiled diminished as she felt the child working her to an orgasm. She shuddered as a wave of pleasure overtook her. After her body subsisided, she burped the baby noticing his diaper very wet and smelled of a bowel movement. Ruth received the shock of her life as pulled the heavy cloth from the child. His genitalia were no longer a males. It was female! She immediately looked into the sunny sky and mouthed a "thank you." Changing her daughter, Ruth bundled her up. She looked into the beautiful green eyes of her little girl and returned home. A month later her husband Isaiah returned from a battle against the small kingdom of Galdar. He saw his daughter for the very first time. Ruth had written to him while he was in the field telling him he was a father. He was a little disappointed but doted on on his daughter. "Dear, I wanted a son and to name him Alexander. However naming her Alexis warms my heart. I don't think I'd trade her for the world." He told her. In the years ahead, Isaiah and Ruth tried to conceive. However Ruth knew that the lightening strike had changed her body and she couldn't have another. She allowed her husband to have relations with her and she even enjoyed it most of the time they were together. All too soon he had to leave again and didn't return for almost ten years. In his last campaign Isaiah was almost fatally wounded taking almost a year to recover fully. ONE It is the Dark Ages. The Roman Empire has fallen to the Huns centuries ago. After all the power of Rome dissolved there was a mad scramble by warriors to set up their own fifedoms and establish their own little kingdoms. Battles broke out over the small lands with the strongest winning. Within one hundred years these fifedomes had large stone walled castles mostly with moats surrounding them. These kings took advantage of the serfs heavily taxing them to the point they were left with a mere pittance to barely survive for another year. Then men with higher ambitions started swallowing up the smaller less fortified resulting these men to attempt to unite as much land and people under one central governing authority. A few resisted to be over run as larger armies began to take from in their conquests. Alexis stood in a downpour practicing her archery. Her leather outfit became very heavy as water soaked in. She had a cloth hood protecting her long flaming redhair from the elements as she sent arrow after arrow into the intended target. She was tall, six foot. Slim with small but lush breats, green eyes, beautiful face and long well muscled but shapely legs. Her body was gorgeous and hard in a feminine way. More than once she had been called for her midday meal by her mother but Alexis persisted in perfecting her craft. Her mother was disappointed in her. Alexis was eighteen. Old enough to have married, and giving birth to a child. Though she resisted all the men who pursued her. Finally her father, Isaiah came to the door. "Alexis, get your ass in here," he shouted. "You better or you won't have your midday meal and go hungry until tonight." "Yes, Father," she launched her last arrow into her target. She left them there as she toted her bow to the house. Once inside, she shed the cloth from her head and got another to dry her hair. "Can't you ever listen to your mother?" Isaiah lashed out at her as she sat at the table. "I promise I'll listen the next time, Father," she bit hungerily into the large bird she had shot from the sky just the other day. Her mother Ruth put a chalice of wine at the side of her plate so she could have something to drink with her meal. "I don't see why you wish to be shooting arrows all day long," Ruth sounded frustrated with her. "Why can't you find a nice man to marry. There are plenty of males in this area who would leap at the chance at having you for a wife and mother of his children." "Motherhood and children will come later, Mother," Alexis answered. "Until that man comes across my path, I am content to wait." "Wait and you'll be too old!" Ruth commented. "You baked this bird quite well," Alexis stated. "You are the world's most wonderful cook." "Now don't you try and get on my good side," Ruth shook a wooden spoon at her. "It's only the truth," she said as her father let out a long loud burp from deep within his stomach. "That was a good one," Alexis smiled at him. "It's the ale," Ruth complained. "He drinks so much of it he's always doing it. Even in his sleep he'll either belch or fart." "That's the way of old men," Alexis continued her smile. "Who's old?" Isaiah complained. "You are, Father. Let me go back out into the yard and I'll out shoot you in archery, or with sword or dueling sticks." "Let the young men play those games with you. It's raining and there's little to do until the cow needs milking. I think I'll lay down for a nap." "You are indeed lazy, Father." "Amen," Ruth followed. After eating and helping her mother clean the table, Alexis went back outside. Other than eating and sleeping she found their house too confining longing for the freedom to be in nature. She pulled the arrows from the target and walked double the distance from where she previously stood. "All right, lets see what we can do from here," she told her bow as she placed a small vial of sand onto a stump. The sand at the top would fill the bottom in a minute so she got ready to fire twenty arrows hitting the target everytime. She put one to her bow then reached down to turn the vial. She shot one after the other in rapid succession at the target. She managed to shoot off eighteen by the time the sand emptied into the base. Disappointed Alexis retrieved her arrows. Seventeen of the eighteen had hit some portion of the target shaped like a Hun. She returned to try once more. Adjusting the leather guard on her left forearm, she repeated the rapid fire again. This time it was only seventeen. All hit the Hun but she was still upset because she still had three in her quiver. She heard a horse behind her splashing mud. Turning, she saw a young man on the horse with a sword strapped to his belt. He smiled as he stopped. "Are you Alexis?" his smile was a nice one. "Why?" she looked at him. She liked what she saw but was still wary of him. He swung his leg over the saddle and slid off his mount. "I am Mark, servant of my master Lord Billingsly." "Am I supposed to be impressed?" she was still suspicious of the stranger. "No, not at all. I was sent to enlist you into Lord Billingsly troops since he has just found that King Offa wishes to claim his lands. My Lord saw you at the archery tournament last summer and wishes for you to join him in battle." "I am the daughter of Isaiah, a freedman. We have no allegiances to anyone," she replied curtly. "I have no interest in any of this." "You will if Offa defeats Lord Billingsly. He will very likely confiscate the lands and deny your family any freedoms you may have." "We'll worry about that when the time comes." She relaxed enough to realize that Mark was almost the same height as herself. Most men were shorter. He had a fair countenance and white teeth, not rotten like most people. She thought he might be someone who was important. "Let me ask you to attend our meeting for tonight at dusk. Lord Billingsly will be speaking at the roundhouse not too far from here." "I know where it is." "Just come to our gathering and just listen before you make up your mind, that's all I will ask of you. You will not be forced to join up if you wish not to." "I'll think about it," she replied. "Well, I have to be off to ask others to come. It's kind of wet today, isn't it?" "Yes it is," she agreed. "By the way, although it's stringy from the rain, you have a lovely colored hair. It is rare to see someone with hair as beautiful as yours." With that, he rode off without looking back. Alexis watched him until he disappeared around a turn in the road. She found him to be a very handsome man. Alexis arrived early, skipping dinner, and found a place on the top step hoping to hide from any prying eyes. It was chilly but her fur wrapped around her shoulders felt warm. She had changed into a maidens dress but still carried her bow with the quiver of arrows hidden by her fur. She had washed herself and her hair. By now her mane was dry and fell down past her shoulder blades. It had stopped raining and the sun was out but the cold still cut through her dress to her chill her legs. Her leather boots were muddy but as men and women started filing it, she was the most beautiful one there but she would not admit to that. A family with two children sat next to her. She looked down into the dirty face of a small girl who stared at the woman's red hair. Alexis smiled and winked at the child who turned away quickly, blushing. She felt a glow within for the little girl. She allowed her to wish that it was her daughter minus the dirtiness about her. Presently the whole house was filled with people, some she knew for years but Alexis stayed in the shadows not wanting to be seen. Mark walked in and surveyed the crowd looking for someone but couldn't find that person. He looked disappointed as he took a seat in the front row. Then Lord Billingsly arrived to the cheers of the people. Alexis did not participate. Billingsly was formidable looking man. Very huge with a long graying beard but one with an energetic look to him. His speech didn't last long. He told of Offa's treachery. His murdering of older people, raping and enslaving of young women, forcing younger stronger men into his army, skinning some of the captives to frighten others to fall into line, and dozens of other atrocities. By joining him in opposition to the evil King Offa, he promised a victory but only if the people in this building would come to join forces against Offa. Alexis thought that he laid out a fine message but she was still skeptical. When he finished, many men flooded to the floor to join up. Alexis tried to sneak out but Mark spotted her. "Aren't you going to join?" he asked hopefully. She had been on his mind since they met earlier in the day. "I'll go home and think about it. Come in three days for my answer." "What did you think of the Lord's speech?" "Bullshit!" she exclaimed then left for home in the dark. TWO The very next morning Alexis told her parents about the meeting the night before. Ruth was aghast that they might become vassals of another. Isaiah knew of Offa's cruelty but again Billingsly was no bargain either. He had a mean streak of his own. She asked her mother to prepare a place for a fourth person in two days time for the noon meal. Having eaten, she stepped out to the cold day with a light dusting of snow on the ground. She took her wooden sword to practice on another wooden statue of a Hun who was also holding a sword. This one had a menacing look painted on his facial area. For the next two hours she thrusted, parried, slashed, and stabbed the dummy. Her body twisted, turned, and pirouetted as she imagined herself in battle with a real opponent. Even though it was cold sweat formed on her body underneath her leather outfit as she worked hard as she fought for hours against the wooden man. Going back inside to sponge bathe with an absorbant towel, she was naked from the waist up not paying attention to her father sitting at the table playing a game of chess against himself. He would sit on one side of the table plotting his move. Then once it was made, he'd get up and play from the other side. "Daughter, cover yourself up when you're in the presence of your father," Ruth scolded. "Why? Father has seen me naked from the day I was born," Alexis answered, knowing that she was the only surviving child of Ruth and Isaiah. There were four boys who died shortly after their birth. Only Alexis lived to adulthood because of the fire within herself. "It doesn't matter, you're a grown woman now," Ruth countered angrily. "Your father is a man and has natural feelings." "When I do this again, I'll send him to his room," she stated. "There is no privacy in here. Plus sleeping in the loft doesn't give one much seclusion either." "Cover yourself," Ruth demanded. Already finished, she pulled up her top to cover her small breasts. "There! Happy?" "Don't you get sassy with me," Ruth stated. "You better not argue with your Mother," Isaiah warned. "Sorry Mother," Alexis said, not meaning it. She put on a slight scent that smelled like a citrus product her mother made for both females of the household. Two days later, dressed in her robin egg blue maiden's dress, she greeted Mark at the door. It was very cold so she instructed him he'd better put his horse in the shelter a few feet from the house. When Mark returned, he noticed Alexis as being very beautiful. Her green eyes sparkled as she smiled at him helping out of his fur coat and cap. She let him warm up by the fire as she went to help her mother put the food on the table. Alexis was every bit of a stunning woman as he had ever seen. That included Lord Billingdly's wife. His mother. The redhead he met to ask join Billingsly's voices and the one who sat across from him at the table eating their food. "So how is the Lord doing regarding getting men to follow him to fight the King?" "He's a self proclaimed King," Mark corrected. "Men are coming in everyday heeding his call. We are building a strong army." "Numbers don't mean a thing," she said. "He'd better start training soon because spring and Offa will be here before you know it. And then it will be too late. The Lord has to begin tomorrow." "We need you bad," Mark stated. "A woman going to war?" Ruth questioned. "She the best archer in the land," Mark declared. "The Lord wants to put her in charge of all the bowmen. Her part in the battle will be minimal. She just has to train them then at battle show where to shoot." "A woman shouldn't need to go to war," Isaiah objected. "It shows weakness to Billingsly by getting females to fight against men. Granted, my daughter is talented in many aspects of warfare but she is the exception, not the rule." "I am aware of that, sir," Mark agreed. "However, we need to use our very best. Offa is threatening to remove any freed men and their families back into serfs and vassals." "After all my husband did for Lord Billingsly," Ruth lamented. "He was given his freedom because of how bravely he fought in battle. Now he's too old!" They talked for hours until Alexis noticed it was getting dark outside. She invited Mark to stay the night sleeping on the floor by the fire. He was reluctant until he looked outside to see it snowing along with cold wind blowing it around. He thought he could make it back but he didn't want his horse to suffer. Alexis told him to go to the shelter to feed all the animals and make sure they had water. When he returned, her parents had cleaned up and retired to their small bedroom. "I'm happy for the invitation, my lady. It is brutal outside." "As I am well aware," she smiled, sitting at the table. They talked into the night. When they grew weary, she stood up to get pillows and blankets for her guest. She stood close to him waiting for him to kiss her. When he hesitated, she leaned in and softly kissed him on the lips. It didn't take Mark another second to realize she found him attractive. He placed his arms about her waist and kissed her forcefully. She responded by placing her arms about his neck returning it with her tongue plunging into his mouth. What she was surprised at is that his breath was not bad. She felt his manhood grow against her with only their clothes separating his cock from her pussy. It was the first time this happened to her and she found his stiffness against her wet vagina making her want him. However, being cautious, Alexis broke the kiss to say goodnnight then climbing the ladder to her place in the narrow loft. Mark watched her as she turned her back to him to undress. When she was nude, she circled about to show him her nudity. Her pussy hair was almost as brightly red as the mane that flowed with a bunch hiding one of her breasts. He grinned at her beauty. She placed her arms up then let her soft nightgown fall concealing her body. The next morning Mark was awakened by a hand running through his hair. He opened his eyes to see her smiling at him. "Time to get up." She had a broad smile. "Mother is making our morning meal. Since you're our guest, we're having eggs with sausage." "Good morning," he returned the smile. He noticed her slim but muscular arms. There wasn't any softness to her at all but her slim shape made her desireable to him. "How's the weather." She was wearing her leather outfit. "It's still snowing but the wind stopped." "I should be getting back after eating." "I'm going with you," she declared. "We don't have time to waste training the archers." "I'm happy." His smile made her do the same. After they ate, Alexis kissed her parents goodbye. Grabbing her meager belongings and weapons, she went outside to join Mark. He had just saddled his horse, he mounted then held his hand out to pull her up on the mount. With her sword, bow and arrows strapped to her back, Alexis wrapped her arms about him and hugged him tightly. She had put on a heavy sweater and gloves over her leather outfit. She had a fur cloak around her neck flowing down to the horse's rear. "I hope Billingsly allows us some time to be together," she mentioned. "I am sure he will allow that. My Lord is a generous man and has a soft heart for lovers." She reached up and kissed the back of his neck then held him tighter. The snow was falling harder and the wind picked up again. They kept going for an hour before passing a small parcel of land containing a tiny dwelling and a barn. They got off the beast and knocked on the door. An old man answered. "Good sir, can you put us up for the night and allow my horse into the your barn?" Mark asked the aging man. He looked at the young couple. "I'm sorry I can't let you in but you can use the barn. My horse died last spring and there is hay in there for him. You can sleep in the loft above the floor of the barn." Mark was about to argue with him but Alexis took over the situation. "Thank you kind sir, we'll be happy to stay in the loft. Thank you and good night." She dragged Mark away. Once they were in and settled Mark was still upset by the arrangements. "Why did you let him make us sleep here in the cold?" "Didn't you smell the stench coming out of his door? It is enough to turn a man's stomach. At the same time, I think it will be quite comfortable where we're at. We have warm clothes on, I have bread, cheese and wine I brought from home and if need be we can snuggle up to each other for additional warmth." "I'm still angry at the man," Mark fumed. "I'm not, that smell was putrid. I'd rather be out here as cold as it is," she sliced two large pieces of bread and put several slabs of cheese between the two. Both being hungry, they ate and shared the skin of wine. They were quiet through most of the meal watching the snow continue to blow outside. Mark had closed the door but it blew open again. He climbed down to close it again tying the latches with rope. "That should take care of the problem," he stated sitting down to finish his meal. When he finished, she handed him the last few bites of her stating she was full. They consumed half the wineskin feeling the warmth run through their bodies. "Let's cuddle for warmth," Alexis suggested. She laid down on her side and allowed him to snuggle up to her back. When Mark put his arm about her waist to pull her closer, she didn't resist. Both were tired from the journey and she felt comfortable with his arm about her. It didn't take long before they fell asleep. She was awakened later in the pitch black feeling something prodding into her ass. Then realizing that Mark was sound asleep and had an erection, she smiled to herself, pushed her bottom to feel more and fell back to sleep. She felt him leave her briefly then realized that he went outside to relieve himself. When he ran back in, tying the door again, he laid next to her only his manhood was flaccid. Him coming back to her made her feel warm once more. In the morning it was still snowing but they had to get going. Billingsly's castle was a good day's ride in this weather and they only had enough bread and cheese for one more meal. Several things ran through Alexis' mind as they ate. He didn't try to kiss her good night, he made no attempt to undress her. She reasoned that it was the cold that might have prevented him from attempting this. And she would stop him if he tried despite her showing her nakedness to him two nights ago. But why no kiss? She would have allowed him that. She felt disappointed. Once on the road, the horse had difficulty navigating the road. It was all ice underneath the snow as it kept falling heavily. She only permitted them a small amount of wine due to her concern they might need it later. She was right. She told Mark she needed to pee and to stop at a clump of leafless bushes up ahead. She got off the horse and ran behind the bush to relieve herself. The snow was about a foot deep but drifts made it seem much higher. Once back on, they allowed the horse to go at his own gait. Finally Mark spotted a landmark and said they were close to the castle. Once inside, it was still cold but they were out of the snow and wind. A servant took care of the horse as they climbed the stone steps to report to Lord Billingsly. THREE "Ah! My son has returned," Billingsly smiled. "What took you so long?" Alexis' jaw dropped for a moment at the fact she had been with Billingsly's son. Mark didn't look like his father nor have his boisterous nature. Recovering quickly, she stood in the background as the father embraced his son. "We were in the middle of that blizzard so we had to spend the night in a freedman's barn. This is the lady I told you about. She will be my wife if she will have me." He smiled at her as a look of surprise crossed her face. "Your wife!" Billingsly roared, smiling jovially at the stunning redhead with her hair all stringy from the wet weather. "My she is beautiful! You've done well Son. You say she is a warrior and an expert with the bow?" "Yes Father, she is all what you say." "Come here, girl," he ordered. "My eyes are old and I want to see you up close." Alexis stepped forward with outer confidence but shaking inside. The next thing she knew she was swallowed up by huge arms and being pressed tightly a massive chest. If she was cold, she quickly warmed up by being engulfed in that embrace. Finally he let go of her and turned back to his son. "Now, we have to get busy to make our plans against Offa. We'll start the first thing in the morning. Now we have food and wine for both of you. I'll have a lady assigned to your betrothed so she can have a hot bath and wear a warm gown. We'll talk later." Billingsly took his leave as he motioned to his steward to take care of the two. "You could have talked over with me," Alexis snorted, feeling flushed with anger. "The way you took to me, I would think you wouldn't object." "I do object. You are making me seem like an animal on the auction block!" "You are anything but an animal," Mark grinned. "You are easily the fairest lady in our land. I didn't want to tell you that I was the Lord's son because I thought it better if you just viewed me as a mere man." "I never thought of you as a mere man. You are very desireable but at the same time you should have talked this over with me. What if I found you distasteful?" "The way you were kissing my neck on the horse, I thought otherwise." "Bullshit!" Alexis huffed, taking a bite of meat. Her hunger overwhelmed her anger. "The future Countess of our land shouldn't use such language," Mark snickered. "Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!" she shouted. "I love the way you look when you are angered," Mark stated. "Your face flushes and makes you more beautiful than you already are." She forced herself to calm down. Alexis was flattered by Mark's proclamation, but at the same time he never asked her to marry him and this upset her. "I can get angrier!" "Is it because of your red hair?" "No!" "Will you marry me?" Taking a long drink of wine, she said, "I'll think about it!" Already she made up her mind to become Mark's bride but she wanted to make him wait. He was the first man who was as tall as she. Besides she thought she loved him. Being a countess was just an added bonus. She hadn't thought about the countess part of it but now that she had a little time to soak it all in, it didn't sound so bad. A half hour later Alexis sat in a tub with many ladies in attendance pouring hot water. It was her first hot bath. In summers in the past, she went to an isolated spring fed pond and bathed in lukewarm water but this was hot. She loved the attention. When she had enough she stood up, stepped out onto a towel as the ladies patted her dry. She was brought a soft nightgown with slippers and led to a small room with a comfortable bed. Without any hesitation, she got under the blankets and fell into a deep sleep. Alexis was awakened by a lady softly shaking her shoulder. Her eyes popped open and it took a moment to realize where she was. Quickly recalling that she was the betrothed to the son of the Lord of the land. As soon as she got up Alexis was attacked by many women to make her beautiful for Mark. Her hair was brushed falling down to past her shoulder blades, dressed in an emerald green velvet gown with a gold belt with matching slippers. Led into the dining room both Lord Billingsly and Mark jumped to their feet as they greeted the newest member of the family. Lord Billingsly's wife Ann embraced the young girl. She was worried about her son. He didn't seem to be too interested in females and ran with a bunch of noblemen drinking and wenching. He relieved his seed into the wombs of whores instead of paying to attention to proper maidens. "Isn't she fair?" Mark asked his parents. "It was love at first sight for me." He winked at her keeping her secret of showing her nakedness to him. "Fair she is," Billingsly bellowed. "Lovely," Ann added, smiling at the beauty. Alexis blushed. "Sit, sit." Mark held a chair for her. "Thank you kind sir." She sat and felt the chair slide forward to the table. The conversation was light as they ate a breakfast of pork and vegetables. It was much like what her mother made for the morning meal. She ate heartily as she listened to the Lord and Mark talk about war with Offa. It was their consensus that they maneuever Offa to a battlefield of their own choosing. "It isn't the advantage of the grounds," Alexis interrupted them. "It's the training of our men that is important. Can our men stand up to Offa's army? Have they been properly trained? Can their pitchforks overcome the enemy's swords? How good are our archers, men on horses, infantry?" "Where did you learn all of this?" Billingsly asked. "From my father. He was given his freedom and was an excellent tactician. He fought with your father when he was Lord." "What is his name?" "Isaiah, he is getting old." "Of course! I remember him. My father told me how valuable he was to him. Is he able to advise me with his wealth of knowledge." "He is a weak man physically, Father," Mark said. "I doubt if he can make the trip here until spring if even then." "My father taught me all he knew," Alexis stated. "I think he told that to throw off all my concentration at chess. We played nearly everynight. Despite his tactics, I usually won." "We're holding a council this afternoon," Billingsly said. "You are invited and your opinion will be listened to." "I'd be pleased," Alexis felt Mark's hand take hers. She didn't bother to pull away. *** In the afternoon Mark led Alexis to the council room. He had given her a lovely gold necklace and bracelet. Now she felt like a beautiful woman. In the past she was only a female warrior taught well by her father. He told her about the glories of Rome and the exploits of the Roman Maiden Penelope and her daughter Attia. She wanted to be just like them. A very comely girl with the skills of a fighter. She felt Mark's arm around her waist and loved the feeling of his strong hand caressing her softly above the hip. If Mark asked for her hand in marriage now, she would accept. However everyone's minds were on Offa and his army awaiting spring before attacking their land. Already Billingsly was getting foodstuffs ready for his army. His blacksmiths were forging new weapons and had women making arrows for the archers. "Ah, here they are now," Lord Billingsly smiled as the couple appeared. "Now we can get started." Alexis' eyes scanned his war captains. They all had beards and looked to be strong men. However her father once told her that looks could be deceiving so she had to reserve judgment for later. It was cold in the room as each could see their own breaths as they talked. "This is where we will meet them." Billingsly pointed to a map. Alexis looked at his meaty finger and saw that the ground was favorable if the two armies were at equal strength. If the map was correct, she saw that they would have the advantage with the higher ground. "What do you think?" Billingsly asked his son. Alexis glared at the men who were more interested in her body than the map. She stared each one down until they turned their attention back to the subject at hand. "I think it is ideal for us?" "And what about you, Lady Alexis." "You would increase your advantage if you dug a few trenches on the upslope to make them work much harder to get to our position," she advised. "Make it wide enough so their horsemen can't make the jump for fear of hurting their mounts. Maybe even flooding the trenches. I know it is hard work but it will definately slow them down and by the time they reach our positions, they'll be too tired to fight us effectively." "What if they try a flanking move against us?" Boris, one of the generals inquired. "That's where we will place many of our archers. Here and here," she pointed to the wooded areas on both sides of the battlefield. "We will aim to kill the horses and then when they fall to the ground, we should have men with pikes kill them before they can get to their feet." "How do you know all of this?" Boris asked. "She is the daughter of one my father's greatest generals, Isaiah," Billingsly said. "He taught her everything he knows about warfare." "I remember him well," Boris grinned, showing his unbrushed yellow teeth. "He was a brilliant man." "This lady is the best archer in our land according to my son," Billingsly boasted. "I doubt that," Mordu, another general, said. "Thomas is as good as one can be." "Do you have your bow and quiver?" Billingsly asked. "It's in my chamber," she replied. "Try this," Mordu grinned, handing her his bow and quiver of arrows. "I need a target," Alexis stated. "Get one of those heavy chairs," Billingsly said. Two of the men picked one up and carried it across the room to a corner where it was about 30 yards. "You've put me on the spot, kind sir," she smiled at Billingsly. She put the quiver on her back, tested the bowstring. It was a bit looser than she was accustomed but she put an arrow into the string and fired at the chair hitting it dead center. She shot rapidly until all the arrows were embedded in a small grouping. To the surprise of the generals and Lord Billingsly, they had never seen such accuracy before and it was done in just over a minute. "Thomas is nothing like this!" Mordu exclaimed. "My apologies, my lady," he nodded at her. "If Thomas is as good as you claim, I think you should have him train the others how to shoot," Alexis advised, handing the bow back to Mordu. From that moment on Alexis received the respect of everyone in the large cold stone room. They studied the terrain going over all the options that afforded them. Alexis believed that if her advice were taken they just might have a chance of defeating King Offa even though he had superior numbers in men and horses. "I would prefer we marry very soon," Mark suggested, guiding the striking woman from the room after the meeting. "We could have a few months together before we have to march out to meet Offa." Alexis smiled at the handsome man who was so eager to take her as his own, "When do you suggest?" "Within the week," he replied. "That soon?" "Yes Alexis, I love you and there will be no other." "I think that snake between your legs might be too anxious to ........" "SON!" Billingsly stepped out of nowhere. "Has she agreed to your proposal?" "Not yet," Alexis piped in. "Uh.....I was just trying to make promises that I will be a faithful, loving husband to her," Mark stuttered. Billingsly's wide grin told her that it was a foregone conclusion that the marriage would take place, "Well Mark, ask her. Women want strong men not weak ones. I'll be going so you two lovers talk. Only don't wait too long or some other man might take your bride to himself. Don't say I didn't warn you." After Billingsly left, Mark got on one knee and proposed promising his undying love to her. "Yes, I will marry you," Alexis answered, believing that she had played her little game with him long enough. Mark leaped to his feet beaming as he kissed her. He grabbed her and drew her to his body. Alexis threw her arms about his neck returning the kiss sliding her tongue into her mouth. Their tongues dueled and she only broke it off when she felt his hard penis at the door of her sex. FOUR That evening Alexis wrote her parents that she would marry Mark in three days. Already Ann was making plans for the gala event. She had contacted some of the clergy, told her about-to-be daughter-in-law that she would have a white gown made up for her in time for the nuptials and the celebration afterwards. The wedding was beautiful in Alexis' eyes. The gown was a gorgeous silk, the young man from the clergy did his admonishment to live the Christlike life then pronounced them man and wife. She had to admit the following morning that she had a bit too much wine while Mark had very little. He didn't want drunkenness to spoil their wedding night. In his warm chambers he slowly undressed her hoping she was as beautiful as that night she showed him her nudity. As she lay upon the bed under the heavy covers, the new Countess stared at her husband slowly, at her request, take off his attire. "Let me see it," she ordered him. He brought it almost to her face. It wasn't too long but it was thick. She tossed back the covers and commanded him to climb on top of her. He did what she requested pulling the blankets back over them. They kissed feverishly as her hands glided over his almost hairless body. He broke the embrace lowering his head to her breasts. She felt a small jolting shock when his lips sucked her nipples. Alexis squirmed as she felt liquid running out of her sex, down her ass and onto the bed. In the background she heard all the laughter and music being played in the great hall where the food was in abundance as well as the wine. Mark continued kiss and sucking her breasts then he moved up to kiss and lick her neck and earlobes. Alexis let out a moan of pleasure. He placed his hand on her sex before putting a finger into her sopping wet hole. Alexis' head thrashed from side to side as she had an orgasm much greater than she ever gave herself. Finally he inserted his hard penis into her. She gasped in delight and only felt a small prick of pain when he ripped open her maidenhood. As he continued his thrusting deeper into her, she orgasmed again letting out soft feminine moans of delight. Never had she felt like this. Her hands were on his butt to keep him inside of her. Every pore and nerve in her body screamed out. Mark held out as long as he could then shot his seed into her. Alexis' body shuttered as an enormous orgasm took hold. "MAAAARRRRK" she shouted then relaxed basking in the afterglow of what she just experienced. "That was very nice." "So very nice," Mark agreed. "I can get used to this real quick," she whispered in his ear before nibbling on his lobe. "Me too," he admitted. "It wasn't your first time, was it?" she asked. "A few years back, I had a long time affair with a peasant girl. She was very pretty and loved to have relations with me." "What happened to her?" "She died of a mysterious illness just after she turned sixteen." "Well I'm past that age now," she rubbed her foot along his leg trying to stimulate him once more. She wanted him to give her that feeling she just had moments ago. Alexis awoke the next morning with a bad headache from the wine. Mark was curled up next to her, snoring. Her bladder was full so she made her way to the chamber pot and peed both urine and blood from her torn hymen. Her mother had told her that it was a sign that she was a virgin. 'Not any more,' she thought smiling making her way back to the warm bed. Mark's body was muscular and hard. She liked that! She curled up next to him then managed to return to sleep. Her father-in-law had issued orders to the staff of servents that the newlyweds were not to be disturbed. So they slept into the late afternoon. Upon waking up, she lured him to make love to her once more. Mark was famished but he had done it again to her satisfaction. After cleaning her teeth, getting into a gown, Mark putting his clothes on, they kissed passionately then walked out into the cold castle for something to eat. Her hangover was gone. "There's the blushing bride," Lord Billingsly said loudly. "Looks like she's satisfied too." Ann nudged her husband with her elbow, as they sat at the same table. Both groom and bride sat down once more Mark holding the chair for his beautiful wife. "Did you sleep well, my dear?" Ann asked of Alexis. "Quite well, thank you." Alexis' face turned a deep red. "How many times, Son?" Billingsly laughed. "You have a big mouth," Ann scolded him. "Fourteen," Mark stated with a straight face. "It was not!" Alexis gave him a playful poke in his muscular arm. The bond servant brought them their meal of beef, vegetables, and dark bread smothered with butter. They ate like they hadn't eaten in days. In fact Alexis hadn't had anything but wine for almost forty-eight hours. She was too nervous before the ceremony and only had wine to calm her nerves afterwards. Now that the wedding and the six times of sexual acts with her husband, food was her only priority for the moment. She seldom ate a lot, but she was ravenous this evening. Her plan was to eat and retire with her husband for more lovemaking. Without any hesitation, she took her hand to search for his manhood. When she found it, she gave it a few squeezes and was delighted as it grew in her hand. Ann knew what she was doing and smiled to herself. She did the same thing when she first wedded Lord Billingsly. She was Billingsly's second wife. His first died at childbirth along with the baby. She gave him five children, Only Mark lived to adulthood. "The beef is delicious," Mark commented, trying but failing to not be bothered by his wife's playful ministrations on his hardened penis. How she was able to eat with only her right hand was beyond his imagination. "Amen to that," Alexis concurred still squeezing his hardness. She felt her nipples harden and wetness forming at the seat of her gown. "Building up energy for another session, eh?" Billingsly smiled. Again another elbow to his ribs by his wife only harder. "Woman, you'll break something!" he lashed out to Ann playfully. "Then keep your big mouth shut," she scolded him. After eating and an hour of talking, Alexis excused herself to go to their chambers. Mark did the same walking after his wife. Billingsly roared with laughter seeing his son go running like a small dog on Alexis' leash. They closed and locked the door while they undressed. "I hope you're still hard," Alexis gave him an impish grin. "After all that hand play, you're lucky I didn't send my seed into your hand." "Speaking of which, you might be on the edge. Come over here and I'll do something my mother claims every man loves," she climbed into bed pulling the covers up to her neck. "And what is that?" "You'll see." She blew out the bedside candle with the only light coming from a roaring blaze in the fireplace. Mark climbed into bed wondering what his wife had in store for him. "You'll love this," she smiled then disappeared under the covers and took his manhood into her mouth. Mark was surprised. This never happened to him before. He glanced at the window and saw that it was snowing hard. Alexis sucked him running her tongue around the head of his cock while squeezing the rod. Mark didn't know what to do but hold her head as she bobbed her head in and out of her mouth. It didn't take long for him to feel the pleasureable pain and his seed shot into her mouth. She quickly drank his semen until he started softening. She ran her thumb up the tube in penis to drain what was left in him. When she finished, she popped her head up with a smile, "Like it?" she asked. "Yes, I did. You say your mother told you about this?" "Uh-huh," she affirmed remembering the mother-daughter talk they had a few years back. "She also taught that you can do the same to me. Now lets trade places. You use your tongue on me down there. She told me that my father did it to her and it was almost as good as plain old fucking. Now get your ass down there and do me." FIVE The temperatures started to moderate and the thoughts of Offa bringing his army into their land came foremost in everyone's thoughts. Alexis and Thomas showed their skills to all those who volunteered to be archers. Mark and his father trained the horsemen and ground troops. Peasants and serfs started digging the trenches Alexis suggested while others started digging a canal from the river to divert water into the diggings. Alexis was satisfied by the skill of most archers. They had used these skills to hunt elk and deer for meat. Billingsly promised the serfs that there would be no tax on their grains this summer if they dug the trenches. Mark came up with the idea of putting sharp pointed pikes just below the surface of the water in all three. By the first of April everything was completed to his satisfaction. Alexis and Thomas set up ambush areas from both sides of the lush woodlands. Now all they had to do is to lure Offa onto this field for the battle. Offa had sent a courier to the castle giving them the chance to surrender but Billingsly told the man to tell that son of a bitch that there would be no consession on his part. The man rode back the sixty miles to tell of Lord Billingsly's refusal. Mark formed teams of men to be observers of Offa's movements. He would relieve them every three days. April brought heavy rains upon the land which gave them more time to get the land fine tuned to offset the invasion. Alexis awoke one morning feeling sick to her stomach. She had missed her maiden's curse two weeks ago and now as she vomited in the chamber pot full or her and her husband's urine she knew that she was with child. The retching on her part woke her husband up as he ran to her side. "Food poisoning?" he asked. "Pregnant," she replied, swishing some water in her mouth and spitting it out. "With a baby?" he gasped. "No silly, with a wolf," she scowled returning to bed. "I'm going to be a father," he said, excited. "I'm going to be a mother," she stated, cuddling up to him for warmth. "Now go back to sleep, we have work to do tomorrow." "I don't think you should go outside in this weather," he stated firmly. "The hell I won't," she snorted back at him. "I'm not going to coddle myself just because I have a child in me. I'm going to participate in this battle no matter what." "I'll have my father order you to stay back." Leaning on one elbow, she gave him an icy stare as she said, "You do that, and we'll never fuck again." He could see the warning in her angry eyes that told him not to do as he threatened. "Alexis, I don't want you from getting hurt." "Mark, I could easily slip on one of the stairs and lose the baby. I'll be safe in the woods shooting Offa's men and if I can, I'll kill him myself." He nodded his assent. "Speaking of which, I'm antsy. Make love to me, Husband," she commanded getting on her back. "We can do this for a while then when I get too big, you can slide your tongue up my pussy and make love to me that way." Mark climbed on top and found her sex to be dripping wet. It wasn't long until she was screaming with her orgasm. She had another when he stiffened and shot his load in her. This second orgasm was so intense that she could only gasp. *** In mid April Mark and his wife rode out to the battlefield to inspect the progress. It was still pouring for the past ten days. Everyday was a blessing for Billingsly. The horses were navigated in the soaked grass throwing clumps of sod as their gaits were between a trot and a gallop. Both wore clothes that protected somewhat of the downpour upon them. However by the time they arrived Alexis was dripping wet in the front of her leather outfit but dry on her head and back. They found all the serfs under trees trying to keep out of of the rain. Neither blamed them. A young man stepped forward to meet the Lord and his wife. "Lord, Countess," he bowed. "I see it is a little damp out here," Mark laughed. "Yes, my Lord!" "Have you been able to get anything done today?" Alexis inquired. "Yes, Milady. We finished diverting the flow of the river into the diggings. It was only a drizzle when we arrived so we done that, but the skies opened up and we've been in shelter ever since." "Wise," the Countess smiled. "What is your name, young man," Mark asked. "John, my Lord." "If you don't mind, we'll have a look around then be leaving. When it lets up some, you and the other men should go to your homes to warm up. Don't come back until the rains have stopped, then repair whatever has been damaged," Mark ordered. "Yes, my Lord, my Lady." He bowed then headed back to the trees. The Lord and Countess walked their horses around the pending field where they hopefully wanted to meet Offa on. As they toured the area, Alexis started feeling ill. She wanted to vomit then cramps in her abdomen started to form. The pain got worse as they finished the inspection. "Mark, I'm not well," she said, bent over in pain. "What's the matter?" he looked concerned. "Pain and wanting to vomit," she grimaced. "Lets get you home!" They started at a gallop but the pressure of the cramps were too much. Alexis was tolerant of pain but she never felt like this. It was like a hot poker was driven into her. Sweat poured down her face as the agony became worse. "I can't keep up this pace, husband. Slow down," she begged. He stopped completely waiting for her to catch up, "How bad is it, Love?" "Bad! No, more than bad." Alexis looked even paler than her natural milk white skin. They let the horses walk them home and it took over an hour. Once in the courtyard, he helped her off the horse. Her knees buckled then as he picked her up, he noted his hand was full of her blood. He carried her up as she limply held onto him. He called for his mother. "What's the matter?" Ann took one look at Alexis. "Oh no, take her to my room while I get all my ladies gathered." She hurried down the great throneroom shouting for the women to come and help her. Alexis was unconscious when she returned with seven young women. She shooed Mark out of her chambers. "She's lost the baby," Ann whispered to the ladies. "We have to stop her bleeding and take care of her for some weeks. Someone has to be with her at all times. Now let's get to work." They managed to curb the bleeding to a trickle. They removed the walnut sized child and would bury it in the royal graveyard later. Ann cleaned her out thankful that her daughter-in-law wasn't awake to witness this. Alexis appeared to be a level headed girl but if she knew she lost her baby, Ann had no idea what she would do. It took hours for them to stablize her. "Drink this, dear." Ann held a cup to Alexis' lips to give her some wine. Alexis, still in a comalike state heard a trusting voice and took a few sips. "Go tell my husband I need the special medicine," she ordered a lady. Billingsly returned with a vile of opium wanting to see Alexis but Ann grabbed the vile and closed the door in his face after telling him that the new Countess was very ill. She poured a portion into the cup of wine and put it to her mouth. Again, Alexis drank. Eventually she was able to finish the cup. Shortly she felt a peace flow over her body and almost smiled feeling so good. Ann changed her bloody dress and had the ladies take off Alexis' leather outfit. They placed a folded towel under her sex to absorb any blood she might spill. Ann was completly nude as she slid into the side of the equally naked Alexis. She told Mary, one of her ladies to undress and get in on the other side. They were giving her their body warmth to keep her from catching a chill from the cold rain. She told the others to tell Lord Billingsly and Mark that she lost the baby and was a very sick girl. They were not to disturb her until Ann said so. It was three days when Alexis opened her eyes wondering what had happened and why she had two soft ladies on each side of her. Both were sleeping as she sat up. They had given her some broth laced with opium a few hours before causing her head to swim in confusion. "Where is my husband?" she asked. No answer! "WHERE IS MY HUSBAND?" she shouted. It seemed her voice was somewhere else than in her throat. Both young ladies woke up to coax her back into a lying position. Alexis struggled in her weakened state but she easily overpowered them both. She staggered to the door and managed to open it. The pair chased after her and caught her a few steps from Ann's chambers. She screamed in panic. The male guard at the door turned his head trying not to look at the three naked females struggling. Mark appeared out of no where and embraced his wife. "Where have you been?" Alexis scolded feeling her being lifted up and brought back to the room. "I've been with you all the time, my Love." He kissed her forehead, laying her in the bed as the two embarrassed young women assumed their positions on both sides. One felt she would be die of discomfort being seen in her nudity by two males. Though she had sex with some of the guards in the past, it was always dark and he never saw her in the blackened room. Mary, on the other hand, enjoyed the fact that they saw her assets and being seen like this made her sex wet hoping she and the male guarding the door would think of her. She was determined to lure him into her bed very soon. "What happened to me?" "We lost our son," Mark teared up. "Oh shit!" Alexis looked shocked by the news then started crying. Mark gave her some wine not knowing it contained opium and she drank it down. It wasn't too long before her head started swimming and she collapsed back into a wonderful sleep. SIX Ann gradually cut back on her opium intake. Alexis went into cold sweats as the last of the drug withdrew from her body. Against the Billingsly's physician, Alexis went outside for target practice with her bow. It didn't take long for her to get back to the groove. In less than two days she was back to her own self. She also practiced with her sword. She was determined to be ready for Offa. At night she wept over the loss of the child in her womb. She was so despondant that she wouldn't allow Mark to make sexual overtures toward her. It was only during the day where she was busy with her own training, taking in the meetings for their strategy, and riding out to inspect the grounds. The serfs had done a nice job of camouflauging the trenches so the first charge of Offa's horses would fall into them being impaled on the sharp pikes as well as the men. The trees were past their budding stage and had almost full leaves on their branches. It had turned warm and Offa must be gathering his forces for the invasion. Mark and Billingsly were busy with last minute instructions and the training of their men. Doubts of the outcome began to infiltrate their minds causing them loss of sleep. They had done everything possible to insure victory but they were not as disciplined as first thought. "It will go just right," Alexis told her husband as they lay in their bed. "I have questions if we are ready or not." Mark held Alexis close. Her head rested on his broad muscular shoulder. "This damn winter and spring weather has impeded our plans." "You worry too much." She threw a leg over his. Both slept in the nude. "If it hurt us, it has to have hurt King Offa's men too. And they are marching toward us, we're not taking the fight to him." "That's our only advantage. Though the rains have stopped and are slogging in the mud to get here, it still looks bleak." "You worry too much," she kissed his chin. "We have to think that we can win this. If we do, Offa will have to retreat. Then we can harass his rear guard all the way back to his land." "Don't you think it is dangerous to do that?" Mark played with one of her nipples. "If he is defeated and suffers many losses, he won't be that threatening," she brushed his hand away from her breast. "The more we can cut down his forces the more he will have to recruit for the next time, if there is a next time." "I hope you are right," Mark said, kneading her breast again. "I'm not in the mood tonight." She took his large hand off her bosom. "But please don't despair, I'm getting there and I promise you a fantastic night before Offa shows up." Mark sighed with disappointment. "Darling, I'm not over the loss of our child. Give me a little more time." "All right," he said turning his back toward her. She moved to cuddle up but felt his body stiffen. She spooned him anyway. The castle was still cold and she needed him to keep her warm. The thought of losing her child made her weep silently for the countless time. Alexis so much wanted to be a mother. She promised herself as soon as possible, Mark and her would work on getting her pregnant again. *** The temperatures started warming up as May gave way to June there was no stirring from King Offa's camp. Billingsly sent a man with a cart and horse to Offa's castle in the guise of a traveling merchant selling various items. A few weeks later he returned with news that Offa had left with an army of twelve hundred men just before he arrived with his wares. He had returned to Billingsly with no trace of Offa's movements. "It's a ruse," Alexis offered. "He's either fighting Argon, or he's taking the long way around hoping to choose his grounds. He's forcing us to split us. Half of us will have to stay here to prevent us being over run here which will weaken us at our battle ground." "This is not good," Billingsly replied. "We have to make contact with them," Mark added. "Right," Alexis affirmed. "We should send riders out in all directions to see if he's trying to flank us or in fact attempting to conquer Argon." "Done!" Billingsly exclaimed. "Son, send your best men in all directions. I want at least fifteen sent and not in pairs. Each rides alone." *** The next morning Mark and Alexis rode out to the prepared field feeling despondant that all their preparations went for naught. A few serfs were still making repairs caused by the rains. They inspected all of their ambush points, the traps in the trenches, and all other points to make their war with Offa to their advantage. Now it looked like Offa had not taken Billingsly's offer the battleground for some reason or other. Did Offa have a spy? Had he learned of all the work that went into this? Alexis guessed that they had an agent in their midst feeding information to the King. After carefully making sure that their grounds were still sound for their defense against the enemy. They rode back to the castle at a gallop. Alexis felt her pussy bouncing off the saddle making her horny for the first time since the loss of their child. It had been over two months realizing Mark was still waiting for her to mend physically and in her mind. "I think I'd like to take a short nap," she said as they dismounted in the safety of the stoned walls over thirty feet high. "I'm feeling a little tired." "All right," Mark agreed. "I'll let my father know that all is well at our preparations." "You look a little tired too!" Alexis caressed his shaven cheek, running her nails lightly up and down his face. Mark caught on right away. "Yes, I think I should lay down for a while too." They hurried up the steps into their chambers. Alexis was undressed before her husband. Due to the pounding of her pussy upon the saddle, she was extremely wet. Only a few nights before she turned him down and now she desired him almost going out of her mind with lust. "Hurry before I change my mind," she commanded him. Of course, she wouldn't change. "I'm hurrying," he stated, almost tripping on a pant leg that stuck to his foot. Alexis giggled. Finally he was free from his clothing, checked to make sure the door was locked then almost charged recklessly into the bed. "Oooooooooooo, you are really anxious, aren't you?" "I am," Mark admitted. "Well I don't want you to plant your seed into me too quickly." She started kissing him on the chest. Her tongue licked his belly button as she felt his throbbing cock against her breasts. She took it into her mouth. The first time she did this shortly after their marriage she was very attentive but now she boldly took him deep into her mouth with her tongue circling the head. One hand slid up and down his rod while the other she gently played with his testicles. Mark held her head tenderly guiding her in and out as if she needed his help, which she didn't. Mark felt a tightening of his balls then his orgasm rode up the stalk and shot his seed down her throat. She kept sucking him even when he was flaccid. Satisfied she drained him, she kissed her way back up to his face then they kissed as their tongues dueled. "Your turn," she pushed his head down her body. He willingly put his face into her wet sex and sent his tongue as far up her pussy. She wrapped her legs about his head leaving only a bit to allow him to breathe. Her squeals began when he sucked her clitorus. He kept it up. "Doooooonnnn't stoooooppp," she screeched thrusting her head from side to side as she grabbed his hair by both hands. It didn't take long for her to cum and she let out a loud scream that seemed to fill the entire castle as she squirted into his face almost making him feel that he was drowning in her juices. An hour later they concluded making love twice more. By the time they cleaned up and dressed, it was Mark that needed a nap while Alexis was feeling fresh with her green eyes sparkling as they made their way to report to Lord Billingsly. Two days later a rider galloped back to give news that King Offa's army was besieging the castle Argon. Billingsly was safe for the time being. Alexis, slightly disappointed, thought they might have the time to build up their fortifications at the castle. They had no moat and believed if they did would make them less vulnerable. She mentioned it to her husband during their pillow talk and felt it was an idea to approach his father with. Billingsly thought it was a good concept and started his serfs the next moring to start digging right away while everyone else, including Mark, dug from the river to the net moat. Even Alexis gave a hand by bringing fresh well water to those who were working on the body of water to surround the castle. From morning to night, they shoveled and removed large rocks that were in the way. Most ate a meal from the castle and slept where they worked. Arising at dawn, they were given bread, cheese and wine before returning to their labor. The meal was bland for the troops but luxury to the serfs. They drank ale unable to afford wine. Here, in this emergency, everyone was equal. Not even Mark, the future Lord, was not exempt and didn't use his rank to achieve anything special. In a week, they had the entire castle done. It was sixteen feet wide and ten feet deep. They tossed all the rocks back in then went to help Mark and his men to finish the flow from the river. It took ten days and most of the men in the kingdom for them to achieve in constructing the wide and deep moat. However Alexis was disturbed by the fact that Offa could dam the artery leading to that moat and wait until the water was absorbed in the dirt. She had no knowledge how to dig an underground passage so she told Mark and left the problem up to him. She went back with Thomas to make their archers more experienced by showing them how to fire their arrows in a rapid fire means. She was thankful that she had the time to make them proficient at this part of their training. She was able to get her twenty arrows off in less than a minute. Thomas did his just a few seconds longer while some were able to shoot theirs in two minutes or so. Alexis was satisfied by their efforts. At least their ambush points would be well hidden. Their days and nights became routine. Upon awakening, they made love. After their first meal they rode out to check the defenses of Billingsly. Many times she wore a maiden's dress so it made it all the easier to pull the garment over her shoulders to couple if they saw a nice quiet place. If they found a brook or a stream Mark and Alexis would shed their clothes to bathe. At those times, they either made love or just lay in the grass to dry off before continuing their inspections. At night Mark had to beg his wife because they had fucked so many times during the day that he felt sore in the groin. She teased him about his manhood not being able to keep up with her but at the same time her cool hand would massage his sore

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Show What You Cant Say Alexis

The sun filtered through the curtains as Alexis sleepily tried to remember last night's dream. A nervous girl was standing on a balcony modeling a formal evening gown at a fashion show or beauty pageant. She was gracefully posing as the girls in the audience offered approving encouragement, saying things like "lovely" and "you are one of us now." With a carefully practiced gesture she brought her softly curved fingers up to her scooped neckline while the other hand lifted the edge of...

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Aunt Alexis

“For fuck’s sake, Mother,” Noelle cried, stamping her foot in exasperation, “I’m not a c***d; I can take care of myself while you’re gone.” “We’ll be gone for three months, dear,”Marian Staples replied, a hint of exasperation in her voice. “The idea of your being alone here in this big house for that length of time is not acceptable. I would be sick with worry and unable to enjoy myself.” “Don’t go all drama on me, mother,” Noelle replied. “I’m nineteen; I’m going to the university in the fall,...

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Perils of PenelopeChapter 2 Finally making a stand in London

Penelope did not have to wait long for a further lift into London; she was stood beside the M3 on the hard shoulder, thumbing at every car that was on her side of the motorway. A large black Ford Zephyr estate slowed and finally pulled up just a few feet in front of her. As she walks forward she is both glad and yet disappointed to see two passengers inside the car. One a white woman mid thirties in age and the driver was a large coloured guy. Now Penelope was glad because she felt safe that...

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Perils of PenelopeChapter 3 Such a close call

Life was good for Penelope for five whole years she netted more than a million pounds a year, she was now running one of the most famous and beautiful harems in England with forty beautiful escorts any one good enough to be a catwalk model, except they all suffered from the itch in their cunts called nymphomania... It was in her twenty-third year of life that things began to take a turn for the worse; it all began at one her now famous soirees. A well known Judge, who liked to be bound tied...

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The Many Uses of Alexis

The Many Uses of Alexis - By Alexis Brooks - [email protected] Chapter 1 - Cheesecake The mall is fairly empty this gray and damp day. What little bit of light that makes it through the heavy clouds outside, drops evenly across the lower floors of the atrium inside. Many of the shop workers are standing at their doors awaiting guests or hurriedly cleaning the store for the end of the day. It is almost 6 o'clock on this dark Sunday and the mall is nearing its closing...

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CHAPTER 4 Dean and Alexis

“I like the way you kiss” Alexis smiled at DeanLeanne and Ben had disappeared upstairs leaving Dean and Alexis on the settee.“I like the way you kiss too” replied DeanThey moved closer together and embraced each other and began to kiss. Dean felt Alexis’s soft lips against his and felt how soft and smooth and warm they were, Alexis felt Dean’s firm and hot. The couple began to snog passionately and start to explore each others body’s with their hands. Alexis felt Dean begin to stroke her neck...

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The Humiliation of Alexis

It was early evening when Jaden came in to my room with some clothes for me, and said, “My friends will be here soon. All girls you will be pleased to hear. Get in to these and you can help serve them with food and drinks, oh and be good because I won’t hesitate to spank you in front of them if I need to.” Jaden put the clothes on the bed. I thought at least it would be company even if they were a load of 16 year olds. I picked up the clothes. Just like the sheer see through dress these were...

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The Humiliation of Alexis

It was early evening when Jaden came in to my room with some clothes for me, and said, “My friends will be here soon. All girls you will be pleased to hear. Get in to these and you can help serve them with food and drinks, oh and be good because I won’t hesitate to spank you in front of them if I need to.” Jaden put the clothes on the bed. I thought at least it would be company even if they were a load of 16 year olds. I picked up the clothes. Just like the sheer see through dress these were...

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Ulysses and Penelope Ward

I'd heard the two of them talking about me. My heart was broken. Why she'd said those things about me I couldn't guess. She didn't need to be saying stuff like that. I'd never done her wrong—never. That was two days ago. I'd been in a blue funk ever since; she hadn't noticed; of course now I knew the reason she hadn't noticed: she'd had her own agenda. She was sitting across from me soft pedaling what it, her agenda. "I'm sorry Uly, but it's the way it has to be. Time to get on...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 5

Jack had told her every detail of every dream he could remember. It wasn't until then, that he realized that the secret she had said she wanted to share had not, in fact, been shared. Still, she sat upon him. She had rocked, somehow, exactly at the right pace to keep him iron hard, and on edge. It was obvious she wasn't disgusted and that, alone, made his heart soar. His guilt still lay heavily on his heart, but her acceptance of his confession somehow made it feel a bit lighter. "If she...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 7

Jenny was, indeed, walking on her own as they approached the manor. Her malady was more one of the mind, rather than some physical illness that required time to heal. In truth, the normalcy of the three of them caring for her had done much to banish the shock that had so immobilized the girl. Of course I was aware that the three of them were approaching. Cynthia, the parlor maid, notified me. I suppose I should explain that. There may be some among you who are not familiar with life as it...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 20

It was a climactic point in poor Suzette's miserable life. The privation of her diffident youth was suddenly assuaged by the overwhelming appreciation Stephan heaped upon her. It was not love ... not then ... but each offered the other a measure of sequacious adoration that left both of them in a torpor, until they could catch their breath, and roll toward each other, beginning anew. Suzette had always held something back from the world, hoarding that little bit that was hers and hers only...

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evil genius Alexis

On a Friday night, he called her and invited her to dinner at his place. She accepted and came over about 6:00pm. She wore a simple see through dress with sandals. It was obvious that she was wearing a thong and no bra because he could see her nipples push against the dress and her make up was rushed as she was waiting for this moment for over a week. Alexis stepped into the house and headed for the living room. Before Ian had even closed the front door, Alexis had stripped and was...

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My sweet Alexis

An incredible first threesome with my lovely wife! My wife, Alexis and I have been married for many years and for most of those years I fantasized about her fucking another man, however, I always wanted the man to be well-endowed. I always expressed this fantasy while in bed and she would always get turned on and would have wild sex and multiple orgasms whenever we discussed it. Conversely, Alexis would never discuss this subject with me when we were out of the bedroom causing me great...

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Penelope Layne

This could be in either Mature or Romance. There is very little sex but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again to my friend Kiki for her editing. * Penelope Layne was sitting at her desk at the law office where she was a secretary and assistant paralegal. The normally bubbly young woman of twenty five was looking down in the mouth today and seemed to be in another world. When her boss, Charles Vanderwalls, walked in and said good morning, Penny didn’t even seem to notice. This was rather strange...

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Madame Penelope Finale

It was the week after Madame Penelope's tea party, as I left the house I noticed a look of longing on my wife's face. Since that week she had been a lot more amorous and slightly demanding during our love making and I was in heaven. I kissed her on the cheek and she smiled "Enjoy," was all she said enigmatically At Madame Penelope's house I let myself in and headed to my room to change. Madame had given Mistress Jenny a key so that she or I could let our selves in; it seems Mistress...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 2

There was much more to Mistress Penelope's plan than merely filling her bed ... and body ... with vibrant, willing, lusty young men. I was not to learn her entire plan in only one day. Perhaps it evolved, for that matter. But my part in things was to accede to her wishes, and somehow hold scandal at bay. You may argue that it was not my duty to assist the lady in her obdurate intentions. Her clandestine plan lacked any shred of moral underpinning, and she planned to make our lord and master...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 15

Sally was not alone in conditioning Hugh, if that's what I should call it. Jenny and Jane always spoke to him if, they encountered him during the day. It was merely "Good morning, Hugh," or "Good afternoon, blacksmith," or some such thing. It all made him feel good, as if he truly were coming into his manhood. But it was always Sally who brought him a dipper of water, or some treat from the kitchen, as he labored his assigned tasks. Then one day, as he installed the finished lock plate...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 25

Geoffrey's protestations that he had no part in the rape Aldo and Horace intended now had no ability to protect him. He could not testify that he had sought only to "teach the bitch a lesson." In these more modern days, women have attained higher status in the world, but back then, it was commonly held that sometimes, women had to be taught their proper place. Had Geoffrey been dragged in front of a tribunal, that argument might have struck a chord with some. But if ever Geoffrey Flagman...

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The Penelope incident 1

Heviya Adel felt another wave of Panic flood over her. It was an uncomfortable shiver racing up and down the petite body of the 24 year old operator. She eyed the red icon on her Monitor and the figures indicating the distance of the raider from the Penelope continued to fall. "Miss Fischer report" came the calm voice of Captain Pierre Lestrange. Nadine Fischer was the Penelopes Chief Engineer. An Earther, and like Heviya from the European Union, but unlike the young woman she was in her...

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Cabin of Temptation Part 1 Chapter 1 Driving with Alexis

“There’s good wifi and okay reception at the cabin,” she’d told me, “but you can’t get there unless you know the way.” So here I was, driving alone in the middle of god knows where with a girl who was my student just a couple of weeks ago. Her and her four best friends had been together from first grade all the way through high school and now they had graduated with very different futures ahead of them. They had decided to kick off “the best summer ever” with a week long stay at Alexis’s...

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My magical night and weekend with Alexis

NOTICE: ALL of my stories are of real experiences that I have had. My previous 2 stories about Eddie and I are 100% true, as is this one......I should begin by telling you that I have an almost insatiable thirst for Shemales. I have had several encounters with Shemales over the course of my life thus far. From meeting them at bars that specifically cater to the Shemale community...to (I'm not embarassed to admit it) sometimes paying for the company of Shemales and their rather large...

4 years ago
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My magical night and weekend with Alexis

NOTICE: ALL of my stories are of real experiences that I have had. My previous 2 stories about Eddie and I are 100% true, as is this one......I should begin by telling you that I have an almost insatiable thirst for Shemales. I have had several encounters with Shemales over the course of my life thus far. From meeting them at bars that specifically cater to the Shemale community...to (I'm not embarassed to admit it) sometimes paying for the company of Shemales and their rather large...

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And a HalfChapter 7 Penelope

The next day Penelope sought me out. “Claire says you might be amenable to satisfying my little peccadilloes,” she said. “You might say that,” I agreed, while thinking that ‘peccadilloes’ was something Claire would never say. “Where and when?” she asked. “We use the Cleaning Manager’s office in the basement. It’s not marked, so it’s probably best if I meet you at the elevator doors. Since it’s Friday, I’ve got a couple of hours work to do later on, putting machines into hibernation for...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 4

Jack had never met a woman like Penelope. In truth, the only females he knew anything about were the village girls, most of whom found no interest in him. He had somehow found his way between the thighs of some half dozen girls, but that was primarily because he was in position to inherit his father's smithy. Never had their desire to find a man who could support them (eventually) survived actually engaging in a relationship with Jack, though. And so Jack was completely unprepared when, in...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 16

Hugh was a smart fellow, for the dearth of formal education he'd received. Within minutes, his brain began to work again, and some instinct told him what was going on in this room was not normal behavior. His conundrum was that he liked what was going on very much, and didn't want it to end. Trying to decide what to do was difficult, by virtue of the fact that the naked girl in his arms was almost entirely distracting. His penis had stiffened again, rising to lodge between her legs. He was...

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The Penelope Incident2

Heviya stared blankly at Nadines corpse and the pool of blood expanding beneath it. The kind woman had made her feel welcome aboard the Penelope right off the bat. She had never really understood why. At the start of their voyage to Asterion 14 months ago Heviya had been an unexperienced newcomer to space travel, constantly worried to do something wrong. She had been trained as a wireless operator during her compulsory service in the confederate army, but apart from that she only had an...

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The Penelope Incident 2

Heviya stared blankly at Nadines corpse and the pool of blood expanding beneath it. The kind woman had made her feel welcome aboard the Penelope right off the bat. She had never really understood why. At the start of their voyage to Asterion 14 months ago Heviya had been an unexperienced newcomer to space travel, constantly worried to do something wrong. She had been trained as a wireless operator during her compulsory service in the confederate army, but apart from that she only had an...

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Lady Penelopersquos Party Ch2

When the two girls stepped outside the light was just beginning to fade. Silhouetted against the setting sun was a sleek black limousine with darkened windows. A pretty blonde wearing a chauffeur’s cap and a dark blazer stood holding the rear door open. Trying to maintain their dignity the two girls tottered down the steps to the waiting car. They giggled as they climbed on board and collapsed into the soft leather seat. The door was shut with a gentle click then they heard the crunch of...

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Me Penelope Cruz and My Wife

Me, Penelope Cruz, and My Wife You probably won't believe me, and I can understand that. But, when a new line of cosmetics, "Lola," breaks on to the scene in a month you'll give second thoughts to doubting the truth of this tale. Here's the incredible truth? My wife knows that I like to dress up. As much as I wish she would encourage me to do you, I realize that it is really more my issue of not being comfortable doing it, that an issue of her not accepting it. She's...

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A WellLived Life Book 10 The WifeChapter 41 Penelope Margaret ONeil

April, 1985, Chicago, Illinois “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!” Alice said. “Were you serious when you said that?” I asked with quivering voice. “You being white as a sheet and that broken coffee mug say you think I am!” She was playing word games like Jessica! “True,” I answered, daring to breathe again. “It took me by surprise. I thought Penny was kidding when she scampered over here on the way to school.” “I did tell Penny ‘yes’,” she said. I chuckled, “You are torturing me! On...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 6

Mere images in the mind might have been all Jenny had to think about, had her mistress been content to wait a week to further her plan. But Her Ladyship was called into the lord's chamber twice that week, where he roused himself from his drunken stupor enough to heave his bulk on top of her. He managed to get hard enough to fuck her on one of those two occasions, and duly deposited his aged sperm in her nubile womb. The other time his body failed him, and she took pity on him and brought him...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 22

I stayed late that night. They got her up after she was so brutally used, and she finally got her bath, though I don't know how hot the water was by then. She recuperated while the men deposited their seed in their other partners, whereupon she was taught how to use her mouth to make a man ready. By then, she was no longer astonished by anything. I think all her astonishment had been used up. When given her choice, she took Jack again, but ended up beneath all of them again, as they...

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The Seduction of Alexis

Jacob ran through the lush forest surrounding his home. He was angry and needed to work off some aggression. That damn Bella! He was finally coming to the knowledge of just how much of a tease she was. He could not understand how she thought it was alright to play with his heart, while Edward was in one of his usual depressing “woe is me” moods. The anger traveling through his large body only made his temperature sky rocket. He was burning up. Dressing only in cut off shorts, he phased into his...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 8

I had to leave my post. I had been missing too long. I was to learn, though, that much more happened after I left. He stayed, of course. Who would miss him? Well ... I found that out when Stephan returned from his errand with six bottles of sweet wine for Her Ladyship. Luckily, he came to me when he could not locate Jack in the stables. What was I to do? The mistress wasn't due for supper for two more hours, and when she was closeted in her rooms, only I was authorized to disturb her. If I...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 17

I leaned back, to ease the sore muscles in my back and knees. But I couldn't keep my eye from the spy hole for long. I had to hear the story too. As I peered once again through the hole in the wall, this is what I heard. "Once upon a time there was a girl who had an uncle. She loved him very much, because he knew her better than anyone else in her family. He was kind to her, and answered her questions. He assured her she was pretty, when she doubted that. When others ignored her, she sat...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 21

What happened next must have seemed like a dream to Marie. First, Sally went to the door and left through it ... stark naked. Then, a few minutes later, she returned, followed by Nigel, Jack and Hugh. I was unaware of it, but Stephan was currently unavailable for this task, by virtue of the fact that he was with Suzette, in her room. Her broken limb was still healing, and he spent as many hours with her as possible, even doing some of her work. Likewise, Charley was currently secreted in...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 23

Curtis Flannery was conflicted. He had a good job. His Lordship gave him much more say in the breeding program than most lords would. That was part of the problem, actually. He had noticed the signs that his sons were sniffing about this or that girl on the estate. But all boys did that, and he hadn't given it a thought. And he almost never went up to the manor itself. He told himself that was why he hadn't noticed all the pregnant lasses around the place. He had been shocked nearly out of...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 26

Penelope knew her forest warden was confounded. I have described her actions as if she had not a care in the world, but that was not so. She merely knew she needed to keep him off balance until she could calm his mind. That she was sure she could calm his mind is astonishing enough. So as soon as he was down, she seated herself on a fallen log nearby and pointed to a spot down the log from her. "His Lordship demands I provide him an heir," she said, without preamble. "His age, and...

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This is my first story. It is also completely true. The names everyone involved, knowingly or not, have been changed to protect their anonymity, as well as keep us from getting caught. I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to leave any feedback, but be gentle ;-)So before we delve into the good part of the story, I think you need a little background on the relationship between Alexis and I. Over the past 2 years, her and I have been getting increasingly close and becoming very good friends, but...

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Madame Penelope Part 3

This was my fourth visit to Madame Penelope's house to be her maid. Every visit had started with an inspection and every visit so far Madame had found something wrong with my attire. I was getting better though because last time Madame had only found one thing wrong. I still however received six stokes of the cane, one because Madame liked that number and two because as she so rightly knew. I was becoming her pain slut. This visit was however different. Master let me in as usual but...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 9

The mistress had him where she wanted him - helpless. Whether it was due to shock or something else, she cared not. She simply wanted him malleable enough to bend to her desires. "Girls?" She needed say no more. Both girls stepped delicately into the tub, Jenny behind Stephan, facing his back, and Sally in front of him, facing him. They, too, sank down. I imagined Jenny's thighs sliding past Stephan's hips, her soft skin caressing his, and her firm young breasts pressing into his back....

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 11

Even then, Mistress Penelope did not pull in on the reins of her original plan. The only flaw in it, actually, had been that she assumed all the young women in the manor were engaged in sexual affairs already. It shocked her to find out they were not. Personally, I blame that on the fact that life in the manor was so dismal, and we had such few staff that everyone was busy all the time, and had no time for the frivolity of sex. Actually, come to think of it, the only residents of the manor...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorEpilogue

No one was surprised, of course, when Cynthia announced she was pregnant. She and Louis had only been married two months, and the baby "they" created was born only five months later. By then, of course, the peace and solitude that had been the rule for so many years in the halls of the manor had been completely destroyed by the bawling of babes. Soon that bawling would change to the pitter patter of little bare feet, leaving prints on the shiny floors, followed eventually by the nattering...

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Penelope the Naughty Witch

You are Penelope, a witch. As you lay alone in your small bed in your cramped apartment you feel the familiar tinge of loneliness. You have been taught not to interfere in human matters, but there isn't anything really stopping you. You have never met a soul more powerful than yourself, even the powerful witch you taught you has long since disappeared. Maybe you could spend another day at your terrible, mind-numbing job. Maybe. Or you could use your limitless powers to control the world and...

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Penelope Tux and the Naughty Neighbors

"Oh! UNNNgh! AhhhHFUCKYES!" Penelope Tux winced at the sounds coming from her partner's office. She wished he would at least try some modicum of decency. For Christ's sake they were the top engineering firm in the nation, the least he could do is rent a hotel room for his lunch-time trysts. Ah, c'mon, you remember how much fun it used to be when you were the one he was pounding on his desk. The indecency is half the fun! Her mind sometimes took her back to that unbidden. She hadn't meant to...

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Madame Penelope Part 2

I waited my head down my poor bottom throbbing. I could feel the wheel marks rising. "You climaxed without my permission didn't you Davina," stated Madame "Yes Madame," I confessed. "Carefully remove your panties, without standing up....." she instructed. "I want all your sissy juices to stay in the crotch of those panties....if you spill a drop on my carpet I will have the skin from your bottom," she growled Carefully and awkwardly I pulled the panties down and stepped out...

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The Penelope incident 3

After the ugly pirate had had his way with her, he left Heviya naked and on her knees. He stooped down and collected the girls scattered clothing, walked over to what seemed to be a trash container close to the hatch and dumped everything inside it except for her panties. Those he tucked under the bedding of what seemed to be his bunk, judging by the worn state of the lower layer sagging in the middle. Can't imagine that you will be wearing any clothes around here any more, Cor's words...

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The Penelope incident 4

Heviya was engulfed in total darkness. She was currently crimped inside one of the empty torpedo magazines for the Helldrivers aft launchers. Something sharp pressed into her upper back and her knees and elbows hurt horribly from constantly having to support her weight or hitting the confines of the metal casket, no matter in which direction she tried to turn. She guessed by the parched feeling of her mouth and throat that they had been keeping her locked up for more than 2 days. Also she had...

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A WellLived Life Book 9 AnalaChapter 37 Penelope Margaret ONeil

May, 1984, Chicago, Illinois In the morning, after Jackie and I had slept cuddled together, and I ran, and then showered, we had breakfast together. After breakfast, I helped her load her car with the stuff that she was taking home, and box up the stuff that she’d leave behind. We moved the boxes to my walk-through closet so that the room was ready for Sofia when she arrived in August. “I’m going to miss you,” I said, as we walked out to her car. “I’ll miss you too, but I’ll be around. I’m...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 12

Sex is its own reward. By that, I mean simply that once the ecstasy of a good romp is experienced, no one needs bully one into engaging in the sport again. Jane was not a complete idiot. She knew that there was something a bit off about it all. The songs are all full of courtship, and anyone could see that whole process had been skipped over without a nod. But here were two girls she desperately wanted to be like, two girls who had the ear of the Lady of Farnsworth Manor herself, and they had...

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