Penelope Layne free porn video

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This could be in either Mature or Romance. There is very little sex but I hope you enjoy it. Thanks again to my friend Kiki for her editing.


Penelope Layne was sitting at her desk at the law office where she was a secretary and assistant paralegal. The normally bubbly young woman of twenty five was looking down in the mouth today and seemed to be in another world. When her boss, Charles Vanderwalls, walked in and said good morning, Penny didn’t even seem to notice. This was rather strange thought Charles.

‘What’s with you this morning? Did you break a nail or something?’ asked Gertrude Lang, the office manager. Gertrude was the typical old biddy complete with white hair, skinny as a rail and had the stern glasses that hung on a chain. It was thought that had she been a man, she probably could have signed the original Declaration of Independence.

‘Leave me alone you old battle axe’ spouted Penny.

‘Miss Layne, please come to my office’ said Charles.

‘Right away Mr. Vanderwalls.’

Penny walked into her boss’s office. Mr. Vanderwalls was an imposing man. He was 6’2′ and around 190 with slightly graying hair. He always dressed impeccably with spit shined shoes. As a Naval Academy Grad with a law degree from Georgetown, he maintained his military style as he was still in the reserves. When Penny walked in, he was sitting behind his large mahogany desk.

‘Is something wrong Penny? I’ve never seen you like this. If it’s something you wish to talk about, I’m here.

‘Thank you, sir. I’m just not feeling too well this morning. I’ll try not to let it affect my work.’

‘Very well then. Please be ready for our meeting at 10 with the usual group.

Charles Vanderwalls was the managing partner of Buckwell, Vanderwalls, Gipson et all attorneys at law. Roger Buckwell, who was Charles mentor and friend, left the firm when he was elected to the state bench. Charles, at the age of 44 became the managing partner. George Gipson was the other primary partner along with about a dozen associates and paralegals. Unlike most law firms in the Dallas area, this firm specialized in mergers and acquisitions as opposed to personal injury. This made the partners quite wealthy.

Penelope managed to get through the day. She woke up feeling queasy and then thought about her period which was a week late. Her and her boyfriend Mitch had been careful she thought but accidents do happen. What if she is pregnant? How will Mitch react? All sorts of things were going through her mind.

She stopped at a drug store on the way home and picked up a pregnancy test. Early the next morning, she peed on the stick and sure enough, it displayed a blue plus. Now Penny became really stressed.

After work, she called Mitch and told him she needed to see him. At about seven that evening she nervously knocked on the door to his apartment. Mitch and Penny had been dating about a year or so. They had met at a party of a mutual friend. They hit it off so to speak. It was not really serious and neither had expected it to turn to marriage.

Penny thought that Mitch could do better. She is 5’4′ with medium length straight sandy brown hair and freckles. She had always thought of herself as a plain Jane. Add to that she only weighed about 110 pounds, felt she had a pointy nose and overly large eyes. She knew she was less attractive than most women. She did have a bubbly personality most of the time.

Mitch answered the door and asked ‘To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?’

‘We need to talk.’

Penny sat on the couch and fumbled with her fingers. ‘I’m pregnant Mitch. I took the test this morning and it came back positive.’

Unexpectedly, Mitch went ape shit. ‘How did that happen? Is it even mine? You stupid cunt, how could you let this happen?’ He was now screaming at her.

‘Of course it’s yours dumbass. I thought you’d be more supportive. It take two you know. I have not been with anyone else since we started dating.’

‘How much is the abortion? You take care of it and I’ll pay my half.’

Mitch Young, who was also twenty five, was a general contractor. He was quite successful having earned a degree in construction management was a partner in the business. He was 5’11 and about 190. He was in good shape.

‘Your half? You make more than me and I don’t want an abortion. One, it’s not right and two it could fuck me up and prevent me from having other kids.’

‘Well don’t expect a ring or anything. I always wore protection. It’s probably not even mine you whore. Now get out’!

Penny stood up, slapped his face and stormed out. She went home and cried. Things were only to get worse.

Even though Penny was 25, she still lived at home with her parents. This enabled her to pay off her student loans and other expenses. She still could not afford a decent apartment. Her mom was a housewife and her dad owned a number of used car dealerships around the DFW area. She knew she would have to tell them about her predicament if she were to keep the baby. Penny decided to confirm things with her doctor before she broke the news. Unfortunately for Penny, her mom was a devout Fundamentalist Pentecostal. While she attended the church as a kid, Penny gave up on religion when she went to college. This already caused a bit of a rift between her parents and her.

After she got the doctors confirmation, Penny was sitting in her room again crying when her mom walked in. ‘What’s wrong Penny? Why are you crying?’

Penny then proceeded to tell her mother about her condition. While she knew it would be bad, she never expected the outcry. ‘You little whore. You demon. You’re a worthless slut. You need to move out. You have one week to get out of my sight. You’re such a disappointment.’ Penny’s mom, Ruth, slammed the door shut as she left the room.

The next day at work, Penny was crying and feeling down. Gertrude being Gertrude decided to berate the girl on her attitude that morning. ‘What’s the matter? Another boy decided to dump you? In my day, girls didn’t pine after boys like you. Oh well, I’m sure some desperate guy will hook up with you eventually.’

Just as Charles was walking into the office, a pissed off Penelope yelled at Gertrude, ‘You haggard old prune get the fuck out of my face and do it now. I’m in no mood for your condescending shit. I’m tired of it and won’t take it anymore. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave.’

‘Penny!’ said Charles in a stern voice. ‘In my office, NOW!’

‘Yes, Mr. Vanderwalls.’ Penny slowly walked to her boss’ office to get another ass chewing. What a bitch of the last few days, she thought.

‘Penny, in all of the time you worked here, I’ve never seen you like this. What is going on that you ripped the haggard old toad a new one?’ Charles had a smirk when he asked that.

‘I’m sorry sir. I just have some personal issues that I’m trying to deal with.’

‘Well Ms. Layne, why do you lay it on me? Maybe I can help in some way.’

‘I don’t know. If I tell you I’m afraid you will think less of me. I couldn’t handle that right now.’

‘Penny, are you in some kind of trouble? Is it anything illegal?’ I may be able to help in either case.’

‘OK, Mr.Vanderwalls. Here goes. I’m pregnant and alone. I’m also scared.’ She went on to tell him how Mitch and her parents reacted. She has nowhere to go and can’t afford anything in a safe neighborhood. She explained that she has no health insurance either trying to save money. She figured the tax hit would be cheaper than the premium payments.

Charles sat back and chuckled. ‘Is that all? Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything. If you will allow me and don’t think I’m interfering in your life, I can and will be happy to help. And Penny, I don’t think any less of you. And except when we are in formal meetings, please call me Charlie. My friends call me Charlie.’

‘Thank you Charlie, but I don’t
want to put you through this. I will try to deal with it the best I can.’

‘Nonsense. Penny, you have been with me for what four years now? I consider you a friend and want to help. You let me vent when I went through my divorce two years ago. You helped me when Rodger move to the bench. Please let me do this for you.’

With a weak smile, Penny agreed.

‘Just out of curiosity, what did Gertrude tell you?’ Penny repeated what she said and hence her lashing out. ‘Penny, you got your paralegal certificate in addition to your degree. I am going to start by promoting you to the legal team and not just my assistant. We need to discuss you future at a later date. In the meantime, if you want, you know I have a couple of spare bedrooms at my house complete with private bath. You can move in there if that’s OK.’

‘But what would people think? First of all you are who you are and I’m just plain old me. Then when my skinny ass starts showing, your reputation will be tarnished.’

‘Honey, this old guy needs his reputation tarnished a little. Let’s try it unless you don’t want to live with a dirty old man.’ Charles was grinning when he said it. ‘Seriously, Penny, no strings attached. I just want to help you as your friend.’

‘OK Charlie. If I won’t be in the way, I would love to be your house guest.’

‘OK roomie. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but are you absolutely sure that the baby is your ex boyfriends?’

‘Yes. I have only been with him in the last year. There is no one else.’

‘Are you willing to do a DNA test?’

‘Sure, but why?’

‘Because, Mr. Young has some financial responsibilities. You, my dear, have nothing to worry about except making sure that you and that baby stay healthy. Mr. Young on the other hand may be feeling a little stress soon if you want.’

For the first time in days, Penny felt a big relief sweep across her. As she stood up to leave, she walked over to Charlie and gave him a big hug and kiss on his cheek. ‘Thank you for everything Charlie.’

After Penny left, Charles called in Gertrude. ‘Gertrude. Effective immediately, Penny is part of the legal group. You will treat her with the same respect as the other attorneys and paralegals. Do I make myself clear?’

‘Yes Mr. Vanderwalls.’

‘You are dismissed. Return to your workspace.’

That night after work, Penny packed most of her things and moved to Charlie’s house. He lived in a gated community in a large 5000 square foot colonial style house on a three acre lot. The back yard had a nice pool and hot tub. Her room was about 400 square feet with an ensuite bath. The bath was marble with separate tub and shower. She had a large walk in closet complete with a well-lit vanity. ‘Well, what do you think?’ asked Charles.

‘It’s lovely. It’s more than I’ll ever be able to afford. Your guest room is bigger than most master suites, I’ve seen. Again, I can’t thank you enough. If I can do anything to help out like cook or clean, I want to pay my way.’

‘That won’t be necessary. I have a housekeeper who cooks for me. She even does my laundry. She will do yours too if you would like.’

‘Thanks you again Charlie.’ She again hugged him and continued to put away her things.

The next day at work, Charlie picked out a small but decent sized office. He was going to assign Penelope to her own office, commensurate with her promotion. ‘Penny.’ Charles called out. ‘Please follow me.’ Penny got up from her desk and dutifully followed him into an empty office.

‘What do you think of this office?’ It had a medium sized executive desk and credenza with a window looking out to the parking lot five floors down.

‘It’s a nice office. Are we hiring someone new?’

It’s your new office. I plan on giving you more legal research to do as a full-fledged paralegal. You will also be my primary assistant so I want you closer to me.’

‘Why are you being so nice to me Charlie? I’m nothing special. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate it, but I don’t understand why me.’

‘Trust me honey. I’m not doing you any favors. You are going to work harder than you ever have. It’s not just me helping you with your personal issues. I have been watching you since you came to work here. I was planning to promote you anyway, but figured now is as good as time as any. You’ll be putting in longer hours and shouldering more responsibility. I know you can do it, but don’t thank me yet.’

Penny got settled in to her new digs at Charlie’s house and her new job over the next couple of months. Since she moved, she hadn’t even seen her parents once. Charles was right about her workload and she was even bringing work home with her. The two usually sat in the living room both reading briefs and working on some corporate strategy. During this time, they would talk about other things. What they like, what they don’t like. Penny was mildly surprised that Charlie liked not only country music but classical. She was a fan of the opera but never saw a live one. The agreed on politics but differed about global warming. All in all they got along famously.

While they working one night at home, Charles said, ‘You know the annual Bar Association Banquet is coming up.’

‘Yes. That is usually a big deal from what I hear. I assume you are going to attend.’

‘Yes I am. I was wondering if you would do me the honor of going with me.’

‘Charles, are you asking me to be your escort like on a date?’

‘Why yes my dear, I believe I am.’

‘I would love to go with you but don’t you think you should or could find someone more suited. Look at me. I’m not a lawyer, I’m not that sophisticated and I’m as plain as stale bread. I would just bring you down in the eyes of your peers. Plus, I don’t have anything to wear. I’ve never been to a fancy banquet before.’

‘Well my lovely Penny, with the exception of you never having attended before, everything you said is bull shit. You are the most up front and real person I know. With you, what you see is what you get. I like that. I can ask any number of woman to escort me and they would go. They would also use it as a way to either get my money or to further their careers. I want to just go and have a good time with someone who is a very dear friend. As far as your wardrobe, you go out and do what you need to do. Spare no expense. Get your hair done, makeup, new dress, all the works. I’ll give you my credit card.’

‘OK, I’ll go but I think you’re crazy. Remember, the banquet is in another month and I’ll be showing a little as well. As skinny as I am, maybe even more than a little. Are you sure you’ll want to be seen with me?’

‘Of course I want to be seen with you. You are a lovely girl. A lovely intelligent sweet woman that any guy would be proud to be seen with. You just get what you need and leave the rest up to me.’

A couple of weeks later on a Saturday, Penny decided to go shopping. Armed with Charlie’s credit card, she went to a few dress stores trying to find just the right dress. Having seen pics from past banquets, she knew the style so all she had to do was find the perfect dress. She finally went into an upscale dress boutique and the sales woman helped her find the dress she was looking for. She even arranged for it to be quickly adjusted based upon how big Penny’s stomach got. Satisfied with the dress, she went and got matching shoes and a cute clutch. From there she went to buy makeup and a few accessories.

Finally the night of the banquet came. Penelope had her hair done earlier that day and hid in her room getting dressed. The dress was a little black number that accentuated her 34B boobs. It kind of flattened her baby bulge a little but looked sexy. Her 4′ stilettos finished the look. For once, she thought she may be passable.

When she came out of her room, Charles was waiting for her in his Armani suit and highly polished dress shoes. ‘Damn woman, you look beautiful tonight. I’m sure I will be envie
d at every turn.’

‘Shut up Charlie. I may be passable and even presentable but nothing anyone would ever be envious over.’

‘Well I have a little something to spruce you up just a little.’ Charles then opened a box containing a strand of Miki Moto pearls. Penny’s eyes got real big as she stared at the box. ‘Beautiful jewelry for a beautiful woman.’ Tears started running down her face as she took them from the box. Charlie put the necklace on and they were off.

The banquet went well and many of his colleagues asked Charles where he found such an exquisite date. The past two years, he had attended alone. For her part, Penny was able to engage in intelligent and often humorous conversation, unlike many of the bottled blondes who were in attendance. Penny presented herself as much more mature than her mid-twenties. Charles was very proud of her. There was dancing and the two took time to slow dance. Penny could feel some of Charlies bulge as the held each other. She was flattered by it all. Charlie was somewhat embarrassed and tried to maintain his distance but his date just pulled him closer. Was she flirting with him?

Upon arriving back home, Penny told Charlie how much she enjoyed the event. ‘That was the best time I’ve ever had and I actually felt like I belonged. Thank you for convincing me to go.’ With that, she went to kiss him good night on his cheek but he turned and their lips met. Tentatively at first but the next was more passionate. ‘Wow’ said Charlie. ‘Where did that come from? I’m so sorry Penny.’

‘Don’t you dare apologize! That was by far the best date I ever had. You treated me with more respect than any man I’ve ever known. If you weren’t’ my boss, I could easily fall for you. You’ve taken a desperate girl in trouble and made her feel good about herself. You are nothing short of the most honorable man I have ever known.’

Charlie stood there with his mouth open, not really knowing what to say. Finally he blurted out, ‘Penelope, my dear, since you have moved in here, I’m afraid I have developed strong feelings for you. I know I’m too old for you but since we are being open, I thought I’d just let you know. I guess I started having these emotions before that but I couldn’t say anything. I think I may even be in love with you so it was easy for me to help you out. Please forgive me if I’ve overstepped propriety.’

‘It’s OK Charlie. There’s nothing to forgive. Let’s talk some more tomorrow and flesh things out some more. I don’t want this to be a rebound thing and I know my hormones are screwy but I think we should look at the possibilities if you want. I sure as hell do.’

‘I would like that very much. We’ll talk in the morning. Good night love.’

They both went to bed, but neither of the slept very well thinking about the conversation. Penny felt wanted and safe and wondered if Charles really meant what he said. He usually didn’t say things flippantly. So what if he’s older. He is everything a girl could want. ‘But why would he want me?’ She thought.

Charles meanwhile tossed and turned and was thinking about the woman asleep in the room down the hall. She was adorably cute, smart as a whip and had a marvelous sense of humor. What would she want with someone almost twenty year her senior? She was nothing like Jolene, his ex-wife. Jolene was smart and another attorney but had almost no personality. The law was there only commonality. Then there was her baby. Will she be interested in another man after what her ex did to her? Time would tell.

Penny woke up and made her way out to the kitchen. There was a pot of coffee already made. She was dressed in her U. of Texas sleep shirt and she put on some sweats. She looked around but Charlie was not there. She figured he was out for his morning run and hoped he was not upset with her.

Charles came into the house about 15 minutes later. He was out of breath and sweaty. ‘Good morning dear’ he said. I need to take a quick shower and then I’ll be out for some coffee. Penny just nodded.

About 15 minutes later, Charlie came back to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. While he was drinking it, Penny said, ‘We might as well attack the elephant. I’ll go first. Charlie, you’re the most wonderful decent man I’ve ever known. You took a scared little girl and never one tried to take advantage of me. Even though you’re older, you never treat me like I’m a child. That being said, you are also my boss. If we do this, I’m looking for something long term. Plus, my baby and I are going to be a package deal. I am falling in love with you Charlie and that also scares the hell out of me just coming off of my relationship with Mitch.’

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 14

Jack and Hugh had never been close, probably because Jack was a bully back in the days when he still lived at home with his little brother. Jack's attitudes had changed radically, once the mistress took him firmly in hand. I intend no pun there, though I notice one exists. I rather suspect there had been little intercourse between the brothers since Jack's ... awakening ... and so I imagine Hugh expected his brother to still be an insufferable oaf. If so, he was pleasantly surprised. That...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 24

The intruders were huddled on the floor, their masks askew. None of them had been able to defend themselves in any way because they couldn't see her attacks, and their hands were too busy trying to fend off blows. Those hands had been reduced to bloody lumps. While Jack and Nigel stopped, staring at the astonishing scene before them, she whacked each one an additional time. She could have stabbed them, but did not. "Bastards," she panted. "You think you can violate my privacy, and do...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 27

When Cynthia burst through the door to her father's cottage, he was sitting in a cloth covered chair, an old cast off from the manor, stuffed with horse hair. He sat beside the unlit hearth in the weak light of an afternoon sun trying to pierce a layer of clouds that filled the sky. She skidded to a stop. He seemed so still. "Is it true, Papa?" she asked, breathlessly. "Is what true?" came his deep voice. "Did Mistress Penelope find you? Did she tell you? Did she ask you if you...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 28

Once Cynthia had weathered that first orgasm, which actually frightened her initially, she was insatiable. He only lasted another five minutes before, with a bellow, he filled her as he had dreamed of filling her for years. Now that his shame was banished, he gloried in lifting her into the air as his seed burst into her passage. After they rested, their second engagement was of a different kind. He took her in the usual way, looming over her and thrusting hard enough to make the bed squeak...

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Penelopes FUCKing Birthday

Note: This story i have made to a sexy lady on mfc that goes by the username stackednslim which you can also find her on twitter and this is a story i made for her 43rd birthday last monthhope you guys will comment about it It has been a couple of months in the planning for me and penelope to finally meet up and fuck each others brains out. I'm sitting on a train right now heading to Los Angeles to finally meet up and fuck each others brains out plus i plan on doing some very nasty stuff to...

2 years ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 10

It is probably good that I watched as Sally claimed her brother that day. That is because if I hadn't, I might have accidentally seen Jack claim his sister. I cannot tell you why one was acceptable to me, and to the other I would object. It was just the way I felt. I mentioned that Jenny was not there when Louis went to "visit his sister." That is because she was told she could have some time off for a little family time with Jack. As I said before, I didn't see what happened, but the...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 18

Again, I was not to directly witness Suzette's depravity. This was because it took place on a Sunday, the only day Jenny and Sally could arrange another picnic, to which both Jane and Suzette could be invited. The guest list made it quite clear to me that they intended much more than simply eating outdoors. It was well thought out, because in addition to snaring poor Suzette, the trap was also set for Nigel. Suzette didn't have to invite Stephan. That was arranged for her. But the other...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 19

Suzette was trying to run to the creek, while looking all about her at the same time. Jane and Charley's location was now revealed to her. Both of them were equally as naked as she and Stephan now were. Charley was lying on his back, on the blanket they had taken. Jane was sitting upon him, as if he were a horse, though of course a horse could not lie on its back like that. She bounced on him. Even with her level of inexperience, their positioning made it clear that their sexual organs were...

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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 29

I stayed, even though my libido was satiated for a while. I felt it was my duty to observe, and later record in my journal, all that happened. I didn't know how, or even if that journal might become valuable some day, or who its value might assist. That is why I witnessed them sink to the depths of perversity. After each wife accepted her husband ... she accepted the others as well. They went on like that for hours. Eventually even Cynthia succumbed to the depravity, and was bred in equal...

4 years ago
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Penelopes Surprise Visit

'Oh, oh, oh,' Penelope gasped, her finger nails gripping Rich's butt cheeks as her orgasm swept over her, her legs wrapping around him, pulling him deeper, riding out her climax. On top of her, Rich thrust his full length into her tight opening as she contracted around his stiff shaft, pulling him over the edge, and he groaned as he came, pumping his cum into his girlfriend. Penelope whispered his name as she felt him climax inside her.Lying next to Rich, her head on his shoulder, her long...

Straight Sex
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Penelopes Wake Up Call

Penelope's eyelids fluttered gently before they opened. For a moment she wasn't sure where she was, but the clean white walls and the floor to ceiling doors which folded inwards from the balcony tripped her memory and she looked over at the body sleeping next to her, half covered by the expensive cotton sheet. She smiled, her long brown hair splayed across the crisp pillow like an auburn star burst. Rich was a little older than her but that was one of the things she loved about him; he was...

2 years ago
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Loraines Downfall

Loraine was one of my worst student. She’d fail every test, never did her homework, and was often late to my class. I’d let her slide without detention for a while, but finally I couldn’t put up with it anymore and gave her a weeks detention helping me clean my test tubes and beakers in the lab. Another thing you should know about Loraine: she’s a slut. She wears see-through tops and short skirts and shorts. She’ll bend over and shake her ass every chance she gets. She’s always flirting with...

4 years ago
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my surprising step daughter 3

I had been living with my girlfriend Judy for a few months now, and it had been about a month since I had first started fucking her teenage daughter when Judy wasnt around. Emma had been a virgin when I got my hands on her, but she was a quick and enthusiastic learner. You might want to have a look at parts 1 &2 of my story to see just how enthusiastic she was, and exactly how I managed to get into her pants in the first place. Well, if Im honest with you, Im no super stud. Not like the kind of...

2 years ago
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Jacob and Tiffany II NIS The Density Force BeginsEpisode 37

Major Daniel Stone, 6:42 pm, November 3rd, 2006 12:42 pm November 4th, 2006 (local time) I turned and thought about what else I should be doing about the situation. Then I remembered that I better make sure the surrender took hold and that Colt had no more fanatics on the base. "Get me the Flying Dutchman." "This is the Flying Dutchman, Mister Mason speaking." "This is Major Stone. Stand by for new orders." I hit the mute and asked the crew if the Hades had been recovered...

3 years ago
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Helping my boss in the business

It was around 12.30 A.M, and I was in my bed. I was lying on my back totally naked, and my boss’s cock was inside my pussy. He had been fucking me for the past few minutes, and he was ready to cum any time soon. I was moaning loud, asking him to fuck me harder. The relationship between my boss and me started a year ago when I joined his company. After a month of working in his company he started showing his interest in me, and I also got attracted to this good looking, mature and rich man. We...

3 years ago
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I started to really like Sean. He was more than just a famıly friend for me. He liked me too, at least that's how it seemed. I don't know, being around him just felt good and I that's what I did. Whenever he was over, I was downstairs pretending to be grabbing a snack or something. He would always say "Hey" and I'd nod and smile. Every single time, he appeared to have gotten hotter and hotter. A jerk-off was a must. At least one jerk-off, that is. I wondered if he jerks off. I bet he does. In...

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Green Beret Loves Asian Ladyboys

Demonde Scott woke up early most days.. He leaned over and kissed his girlfriend’s forehead. He threw on some basketball shorts, a tank top, and a pair of multicolored Nike Joyride Dual Run sneakers. The 5’11”; 200-pound man headed out of his small house on the compound where Westerners lived while working in the Kingdom. He stretched then launched into morning 2-mile run. The air felt thick on his skin. It was around 65% humidity at present, but the temp was good at a little over 80 °F.He...

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Suprise package Chapter three

I was suddenly awakened by frantic ringing of the door-bell. Sophie’s head was resting on my arm, she was still sound asleep. I carefully removed my arm from under her, grabbed my boxers and headed for the door. Who on earth it could be, I didn’t know but as I walked towards the door memories of recent events flashed before me and I couldn’t help but break out into a self satisfied smile. I opened the door to see Madie standing, impatiently. She whirled past me and down the corridor...

3 years ago
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The Taboo Family Files Chapter 12

I found myself sitting on my bed. "Son of a bitch, I don't want to do this," I groaned, hitting it. "It has to be done though, we can't hold off on it forever. Damn, I'm already feeling like I'm in a sauna," I moaned, rubbing my forehead. I peeked at my closed door. "What could be taking him so long? I told him six, but it is twenty after already," I bitched, prior to looking away from it. "Anxious to get it over?" he pondered, opening the door. I put both hands onto my face. "I guess." I kept...

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One Night

My breath was coming in deep sighs and I shifted my hips. The warm, moist pumping motion was steady and constant, but the sensations varied between short, quick and hard and slow, long and deep. Throbbing, pumping, pulsating around my rock-hard erection. Eyes closed, it felt like I had been taking this feeling for forever, and I knew I couldn’t last for much longer.“M-m!” mom disagreed when a powerful spurt of thick goo suddenly shot into her mouth. “M-m-mm-m!” complained my mother, who was on...

2 years ago
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He's shuffled along, the large bear guards forcing him along the long, cold corridor. Barefoot, with nothing but a loin cloth, he shivers as he moves along. Finally, they come to large double doors made of a black wood. The grain is fine and delicate, the carvings adding to the beauty, with scenes of herds of intricate deer in a lovely dark forest. The bear guards slowly swing the doors open to a large room, a giant four post bed to one side, surrounded by black sheer curtains. There is also...

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Daddys Slut

You're just 18, proud, a bit haughty, perhaps a little arrogant because of your looks, living with your single father after the messy divorce of your parents. You've become somewhat wild over the past few years as your body has developed, relishing making the dick of every boy who looks your way stand up and pay attention. Today, you're wearing a white baby tee, with a black lacy bra just barely visible beneath it, and your favorite short skirt; your favorite, because it always slides up on...

2 years ago
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High School Sweetheart part 2 of 4

My sentence was over, and I was finally free. The day I'd spent months waiting for had finally arrived, and I found myself stretched out across a cold, metal examination table. I was wearing a hospital gown, but it did little, if anything to warm me while I shivered, alone in the quiet room. There was a soft knock on the door, followed by the doctor entering, and his nurse behind him. "Marion, right?" he asked, while flipping through my chart. "Yes, sir." He set the clipboard down, and...

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Master MasterChapter 5

The girls were sitting on the floor, eyes downcast in shame with me looking down on them. “So, you watched HOW many porn videos?” Momo and Sonja looked at each other and then held up both their hands. “This many,” Momo said. Beside them, Chloe looked like she was about to cry. I turned to Momo. “And I’m guessing you were the ringleader?” “Ringleader?” “It was your idea.” “We thought we could impress you by using the computer and you would give us cake.” It’s pretty hard to stay mad...

4 years ago
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Brandi Fails At Being A Mother 8

Brandi Fails At Being A Mother. #8 In the previous story Brandi finds out that her son, she had put up for adoption, sixteen years prior, was at her home. We were on our way to California. I was very lucky to get a flight out of Tanzania, that morning at ten. I estimated, it was going to take twenty-three hours to get to our home in California. We had plenty of time for Brandi to explain what had Happened. I had booked a first class flight, there were only two seats on each side of the isle,...

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Notes; Based on the twine game byArmyofRobots found here: & id=1337 (without spaces, formatting messes up for some reason) or This alternate and extensively changed version is posted with permission from the creators. The original was about a jelly tentacled alien. The basic premise that you awaken, not knowing what you are and with a compulsion to breed, is the same. Story...

2 years ago
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Peheli Bar Ek Sardar Ke Sath 8211 Part 2

Namaskar safi ISS readers.Kumari aap lok keliye fir ek sambhav ki aage sunane keliye aayi hum.Actually mem Indian sex stories ki bahuth kahani pad chukke.Jadha se jadha imaginary lagthi.But meri sambhav sab sahi hai.Ho sakthe mere sath jo sex kiye wo Sardar lok fi ye padtha hoga.Sif unko muj se sampar kar sakthe.e mail id Ab meri sambhav suru karthi hum.Pahli bhag nahi padi honge wo lok keliye .Army quarters me rahthe waqt pados wali deedi se rahasya sampark karne ka vichar muje aathi...

4 years ago
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Tired of Being a Virgin Part 1

“Lydia! You can’t be serious!” Kallie exclaimed as she stood next to her best friend, watching her apply makeup.  “Why not?” Lydia replied with a flick of her hand. “I’m tired of being a virgin. I’m ready to be fucked.” Lydia giggled. Kallie couldn’t believe what had gotten into her friend. Sure they had recently started their senior year and were still virgins, but Kallie didn’t think they were missing out on anything. “You could get a disease! Or pregnant!” Kallie warned.  Lydia rolled...

2 years ago
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Lord Latex

Upon a glistening black throne sat an male anthro wolf, black and shinning like his throne. He sat naked, showing off his six pack abs, and black canine cock leaking pre. To his left was a female pink anthro fox, her breasts an H cup at least, her nipples pierced, and the shine of her naked latex body in full view. To his right, a male blue anthro lion, his dick contained to a cock ring. In front of the imposing figure of our wolf master, two latex anthro guards, one male, the other futa,...

4 years ago
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The year is two thousand one hundred twenty-one on planet earth.Sina, the youngest of three children, has just turned twenty-one.The day of her birth held special significance as she would be counseled on her possible mission.Her father, Joseph, was one of the few elders left on the planet, and it was his task to explain it to Sina.Since a young child, Sina had been educated by computers almost robot-like.She knew nothing of love and sex only what computers clinically explained to her.The real...

First Time
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College Buds Ch 2

Mark collapsed on his bed the second he got home, too tired to do anything else. The antics of the day had drained him entirely. “Hey, it’s fine,” Brent said, “I’ll treat you to dinner since you’re so tired.” “Thanks,” Mark said, “I don’t have enough energy to cook.” His nerves had never calmed down after his gym class orgasm. He hadn’t dared take out the anal beads, because he had to go across the main area of the gym to get to the locker room, so he left them in and went to the locker room,...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Lesbo surprise

Bethany is 18 and so is Rachel. They love each other's company and can't get enough sexual pleasure. Beth and Rachel had been spending loads of time together recently and because they were straight, nothing had happened between them yet. One day while Beth was in her house, Rach said she would come over and see her. Little did Beth know that Rachel was planning to eat her cunt and ass, and preparing to go, Rach was all glammed up. She put her favourite black on with a g-string back and her best...

Adult Humor
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Family Fantasies Volumes 1 2

My brother is at practice, and my parents aren’t home from work yet. I’m naked, as I usually am when I have the house to myself, and I go into my brother’s bedroom. I snoop around in his stuff, looking for anything he might be trying to hide but don’t find anything new. I put on one of his hockey jerseys and lie on his bed. I begin touching myself between my legs. My clit is hard as I tease it and flick it. I’m in no hurry, I have at least another hour so I can afford to take it slow and...

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Taking Chance In Kuala Lumpur

Hello ISS readers, I am a 29 year old single guy from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The story I am going to tell you is a real incident that happened to me recently during a stopover in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. You can mail me at with all your comments.I love travelling and I have been to Australia, Canada, India, Malaysia, Qatar, Singapore, Thailand, USA and UK. So on a recent trip from Australia and I was staying in KL for a couple of days. Since I was travelling by myself I wanted to meet a girl and do...

2 years ago
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Ainsely 8

I never get to sleep late, so it was actually kind of nice to just let the bed monster hold me fast for a while. When I finally woke, it was after 9:00 and Ainsely was long gone. It kind of bummed me that I hadn't even heard her get ready, let alone leave. There was a kind of longing and fear combined going on in the pit of my stomach as I thought of her in Javon's clutches at that very moment, indeed for the whole weekend. But there was nothing I could do about it now.I grabbed a cup of...

Wife Lovers
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Mrs Ali 8211 The Lady Or A Whore

Hello friends, I am sisfucker. I am submitting a hot story of a boy who meets his friend’s mother who is lady to public but is a whore from within. Please email me your comments at Will you take care of my family for six months? Actually mom does not go out and you will have to buy her things she needs and Farha may need to be taken and brought back from college. You know the boys trouble a girl too much. I am depending too much on you, Rishu, but that’s what I would have done for your mom and...

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Pados Ki Ladki Se Sex Kia

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto me hemant agra ka rehne wala hu ye meri kahani bilkul sachi hai to aiye me kahani pr aata hu. Mera ghar kafi bada hai mere ghar me mere mummy papa or meri choti behen rehte hai. Ye kahani mere or meri pados ki ladki ke beech hue sex ke bare me hai.Mere pados me ek ladki rehti thi jiska nam rani tha jo mjhse kch saal badi thi or uski ek choti behen thi jiska naam rama tha. Me hamesha unke ghar jata tha khelene ke liye jayadatar to me rama ke sath khelta...

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