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INHERITANCE PROLOGUE: This is a story about a life found and another saved. Jeff Anderson had just returned from the lawyers reading of his late sisters will. Michael, his sisters son had not attended, which for now Jeff was thankful. Entering the mansion, Jeff greeted the staff cordially and invited all of them to a staff meeting in the formal bar and advised those responsible to have the coolers well stocked. He asked Winston the butler where young Michael was and the butler replied, "The usual place sir, his bedroom, playing video games, I'm sure." Jeff smiled and with a grunt just shook his head. His sister had left a fortune worth over a billion dollars and Michael was the only next of kin. There was a problem, however. There were two typographical errors in the will documents that could present a problem for himself and the staff and freeze the sole heir totally out of his inheritance. Jeff went upstairs to Michael's bedroom, suite actually, and knocked the door a hearing the muffled 'Come in,' walked in to talk with Michael. The young man was sitting at his elaborate computer station, wearing ear phones and virtual reality visor and furiously jerking a joy stick. Jeff walked upon behind the skinny youth and gently tapped him on his shoulder. Michael ignored the tap for a minute then clicked his mouse and began to shed the various appliances he had attached to him. "What's up, Uncle Jeff?" asked Michael. ------------------ "Mike, I've just returned from the lawyers office and the reading of your mother's will. There is a problem that directly affects you," intoned Jeff. Michael was not a callow youth but, his homeschooled, sheltered life did nothing to prepare him for handling problems that were not generally inconsequential. "What kind of problem, Uncle Jeff?" asked the boy sincerely. "Mike there are.....ah.....typographical errors in the text of your mother's will. These errors are such, that they cannot be corrected," said Jeff. "Really? Such as?" asked Michael. Jeff pulled up a chair and sat next to Michael. "There is an important sentence that reads, "My daughter, Michelle Anderson, is hereby named my sole heir and beneficiary upon the condition that she weds a man of upstanding character and proven honesty within eighteen months of my passing. Said beneficiary shall be determined by a competent genetic test of the applicant," replied Jeff. "I don't think that you are aware of this but, you had an older sister who tragically passed away from leukemia two years before you were born. Her name was Michelle." Michael was open mouthed at this revelation. "What does that mean, Uncle Jeff?" "I discussed this with the attorneys and they are of the opinion that a Michelle Anderson must present her married self to a genetics lab within eighteen months and prove genetically that she is the offspring of your mother. Otherwise, the entire estate will go numerous charities listed in will by your mother," replied Jeff. "Oh, wow. What do we do?" asked Mike. ------------------- Jeff stood and looking at Michael said, "The lawyers say that this terminology is unbreakable. So we have to come up with a Michelle Anderson that can prove genetically that they are your mother's issue. Believe me the lawyers for the various charities are going to look very hard at any Michelle that we can produce." "We don't have a Michelle," murmured Michael morosely. "Not yet," replied Jeff. "Not ever," said Michael. "This sounds like iron clad conditions." "Except for one thing," winked Jeff. "You can pass the genetics test. It's merely a matter of you passing the Michelle test." "Just how would I do that?" queried Michael. Jeff pulled Mike up out of his chair and walked around the rail thin lad and nodded. "You are going to become Michelle," stated Jeff. "We have eighteen months to get you up to speed and we are going to have a lot of help and money to do it. Let's go down to the big bar where the entire staff is gathered and we'll get the ball rolling, or something like that." ----------------- Mike and Jeff walked into the formal bar and all twenty eight of the estates staff were waiting. Jeff looked around and nodded to the assembly. He saw that Malcolm, the official bartender was at his station. Jeff told Malcolm to provide everyone with a beverage of their choice and he and Mike sat down at the far end of the bar. In ten minutes everyone had been served and Jeff launched into his explanation of the situation facing all of them. "Now, here is what we are going to do. And as General Manager of the estate, at least for the next eighteen months, you.....all of you are going to be involved in creating a new Michelle. The only person alive that pass the genetics test is Michael. Your job for the next year and half is to assist in all ways that Michael becomes a passable Michelle. When and if we pull this off and our Michelle is named the true benefactor, each of you will be awarded a one million dollar 401k plan and keep your job here. If we fail, it is likely that one the charities listed in the late Madame Anderson's Will, will take the estate over and then who knows what will happen." Stunned silence, other than the gulping of drinks enveloped the room. "Mr. Anderson." "Yes, Mrs. Peaks," responded Jeff. "Are you suggesting that the staff take charge of transforming Mr. Michael into a suitable young lady of stature?" asked the estates Housekeeper. "I am, Mrs. Peaks," replied Jeff, "and you will be in charge of that task. The maids will be the most involved however, everyone else on the staff will treat our new Michelle exactly as that, the lady of the house." A groundskeeper by the name of Greg spoke up, "Sir, may I suggest that my sister is a gynecologist, experienced in this type of endeavor, and would be available for medical situations involved in transgender matters." "Excellent, Greg. This is exactly the type of assistance that will required in this project. Remember, there is a cool million for each you if we pull this off. And Greg, have you sister contact me at her convenience," beamed Jeff. The staff burst into excited babble while Michael sat stunned at his fate. "Two more things," shouted Jeff above the noise. "First thing, no one speaks about this plot to anyone outside of the staff gathered here and secondly, the bars open, celebrate becoming millionaires but, keep in mind, alcohol is your biggest enemy. If even one of you babbles to the wrong person, we are all in jeopardy." Mrs. Peaks, martini in hand came over to Jeff and asked, "When do we start the project, sir?" "Officially, tomorrow morning. Right now the future Lady Michelle is going to get manly drunk. His days of silk and lace are ahead of him," responded Jeff. Malcolm pushed a stiff whisky and water in front of Michael and snidely said, "There you go, lass, enjoy. When you find the time, come and see me and we will discuss the various wines that you'll need to be aware of." ----------------- It was nine AM the following morning when Mrs. Peaks made her entrance into Michael's suite. "Time to get up Miss, the morning's half over," the Housekeeper gushed. Behind Mrs. Peaks were the four upstairs maids, all with arms filled with cartons and clothing. Following the maids was Mr. Saddler, the estates electrician and his assistant and they began to immediately dismantle Mike's computer gaming apparatuses and removing them. The downstairs maids were waiting outside in the hallway with new bed linens of the type that Mike was totally unfamiliar with. To his utter dismay, Mike lay on his side watching his world disappear. His bastion of solitude had been overrun and his previous independence shattered. The maids went into his walk in closets and gutted them. Piles of clothing, mostly never worn were stacked onto carts, never to be seen again. The few items replacing his departed clothing were of a decidedly different cut and fabric. Mike's malaise was interrupted by Mrs. Peaks demanding that he take care of his morning toilet. "Miss, you really must get up. The women have a lot work to do on you and time is wasting," nagged Mrs. Peaks. "Now go and do your duty and wait in the bathroom, there are lots to do this morning." The maids shaking their heads as Mike, who had slept checked cotton boxer shorts and old tee shirt, dragged himself into the bathroom as they piled sets of thousand dollar never worn silk pajamas onto a cart destined for where ever. Ten minutes later the bathroom door opened and the upstairs maids attacked the bathroom with everything but scaling ladders. Jeff was sitting on the large back patio, adjacent to the extensive gardens when Michelle made her inaugural appearance. Michelle was dressed in gray silk trousers, light blue camisole and white linen jacket. Her hair was now shoulder length, tinted amber and loose curls. There was a hint of breasts and the formally shaggy eyebrows had been reduced to fine arches. The facial cosmetics had been expertly applied and aside from the general lack of feminine form, Michelle looked quite promising. Jeff stood and held a chair for Michelle and watched with curious amazement as the former young man attempted to negotiate his low heels into position for his bottom to find the seat. Mrs. Peaks followed Michelle out to the patio where Jeff offered her a seat. "You have a report?" asked Jeff, with a slight smile. He then turned to the maid standing nearby. "Chardonnays for the ladies, please." "Mr. Anderson, I am pleased to report and present, Miss Michelle for your approval," said the Housekeeper. Jeff looked at the new Michelle, winked at the Michael lurking below the paint and powder and praised the Housekeeper and her staff for an excellent start. Jeff's first response to Michelle's appearance was, "She's a bit linear, don't you think?" "Yes sir," replied Mrs. Peaks, "that is intentional. What we have now is a partially filled canvas. We hope to produce the nearly perfect as possible young woman we can. The face is excellent, in fact we could not believe how little shading we needed to pronounce the cheek bones and reduce the chin. The girl has no discernable Adam's Apple, another major plus. In my opinion, the former young Michael should have been a girl." "I called the gynecologist sister of the young groundskeepers and she was quite interested. So much so, that I expect her any time now," said Jeff. "For now, I think a little padding would help and when do you plan to get her in skirts?" Mrs. Peaks replied, "I have two maids in town now, acquiring suitable undergarments for Miss Michelle. I gave them cash to make the purchases as such distinct items would leave a suspicious electronic trail if our account was used." "Good thinking," responded Jeff. "Next time you send people on shopping trips for Michelle, be sure to add enough cash for a decent lunch. I want things done concerning this project to be adventures, not chores." "Yes sir," said the Housekeeper, "that is an excellent point and will be well received by the staff." Michelle sat through the critique, silently. He did not know yet if he relished the attention he was receiving or if he loathed the loss of his masculinity, such as it was. ------------------- More conversation ensued over the next hour, this time including Michelle until a Dr. Watts arrived. Winston, the steadfast butler came onto the patio escorting a trim young woman to the table and introduced Dr. Watts to Jeff. Greeting the young doctor, Jeff pulled out a chair at the table and signaled the attending Maid for a fresh round of drinks. Dr. Watts began, "Mr. Anderson, my brother informed that you have discreet use for my services?" "As a matter of fact, you are sitting across the table from the subject in question. May I introduce your project, Miss Michelle Anderson," said Jeff. Dr. Watts reached across the table and offered a ring illuminated hand to Michelle. "You are quite pretty," remarked Dr. Watts. "Are you sure that you are male?" "The last time that I looked, I was," replied Michelle. Happy to be out of the third person mode. "And the lady next you, Doctor, is Mrs. Peaks," said Jeff, "She is the estates Housekeeper and is in charge of this project. Also, I would inform you, that the general cosmetic changes of the project's subject will be handled by other members of the staff. We need a physician that is skilled in male to female transformation, although the surgical change of Miss Michelle's sexual identity is not being contemplated." "That certainly makes things easier, legally speaking," replied Susan Watts. "My brother indicated that this is a very discreet project, I will have to know the parameters of this endeavor in order to assure myself of It's ethical standing." "Of course," said Jeff, "but, before I go into details, I assure you that the legality of our goals may be suspect. As to your participation in it, you are merely performing a legal service and are not involved in the ultimate aspects of what we are doing. I will pay you ten thousand dollars, in cash, for your time so far spent and you may get up now and walk away. If you choose to stay, I will offer you the same as I offered your brother, a 401k account, prepaid for the sum of one million dollars. If you are interested in becoming quite wealthy, you may stay, after you sign this non disclosure agreement." Susan was stunned and reached for the document. ------------------ Informed of the goals of the project, Susan was shown the well equipped, in house clinic that the estate possessed that already bore a placard on It's door with her name on it. "You need not view this as a full time position, Dr. Watts," said Jeff. "In fact, it would probably be best if you continued your present practice but, any professional contact with Michelle, must be done here, if possible." "When do I start?" asked Susan. "At your convenience," replied Jeff. "By, the way, what compensation do you require for this venture?" Not expecting that question, Susan blurted, "How about a hundred per hour plus lab and prescription expenses?" "Done, and in cash," replied Jeff. "OK then," said Susan. "I'll start now with a full medical of Michelle, including blood work. So, if you and Mrs. Peaks will excuse us, Michelle and I will get started." As Jeff and Mrs. Peaks left the clinic, Susan noticed a glare cross Mrs. Peaks as she glanced at Michelle's crotch. Following the Housekeeper's stare, Susan saw the unseemly bulge in the silk trousers that Michelle was wearing. "I'll cure that before I let the gurl go this afternoon," thought Susan. ------------------------ During the examination, Susan realized that she needed a go and fetch nurse for her examinations, maybe one of the maids. She decided to discuss the matter with Mrs. Peaks. After the usual blood pressure, height and weight stuff and blood sampling, Susan got down to the erection problem. "Michelle, please remove your trousers and panties," ordered Susan. The now blushing gurl did as requested and once the doctor touched her member, it sprang to attention. "Well, you are certainly in good working order but, ladies do not have bulges there, even when excited," commented Susan. "So, what I am going to is make you several restraints for your monster. They will not be permanent and all you will have to do is lube a new one in the morning and remove it when you go to bed." "What sort of restraint?" queried Michelle. Susan laughed, "A simple tube that will fit over your penis and restrain your erections, which by the way, are common among novice crossdressers." Susan then emptied a tray of ice cubes from the refrigerators freezer compartment and placing the ice in a plastic bag, placed it over Michelle activated crotch, the desired results were near instantaneous. Susan quickly measured Michelle's now diminutive organ and compared them to the diameters of the various surgical tubing in the clinics drawers and finding a suitable size, clipped it to near the correct length and lubricating the interior walls of the tube, slid it over Michelle's now cowering penis. Perfect fit. She then removed it and marked its length on a sheet of paper and reinstalled the tube. She then held the device in place between Michelle's thighs and coated the tube lightly with super glue. Holding it in place while the glue hardened, Michelle's troublemaker was now safely concealed out of sight. The doctor then cut several more short pieces of tubing to size and put them in a bag along with the glue and gave the bag to Michelle. Michelle pulled up his panties and found that curvature of the tube fit nicely with the tension of the silk holding it firmly in place. He was enormously gratified. "Comfy?" asked Susan. "Now replace your restraint every morning and remember to lube it. Now, for part two." Susan rummaged through her purse and recovered a thumb sized, black object, wrapped in a small plastic bag and showed it to Michelle. "This is a butt plug. I am going to insert this in your bottom." Michelle's eyes widened. "You are going insert this every morning, believe me, it will enhance your stride into nice feminine sway. Take it out every night before bed and clean it and in the morning, lube your anal canal well and the plug, then insert it for daily wear. You will come to love it. Most of my patients think that it is the best part of the day. Now, pull your panties down again and bend over." Restrained and plugged, Michelle realized that this probably was just the start to a parade of bodily invasions. "By the way," said Susan. "Start wearing maxi pads in your panties. The plug will occasionally hit your prostate gland and that will result in a squirt of semen into your panties. Soggy panties are a no, no for sophisticated gurls." Michelle checked his purse, sure enough, there was a sanitary napkin in it. Holding it for Susan to see, Michelle felt strangely like a little girl finding her first Easter egg. ------------------- Three months later, Michelle now comfortable in skirts and dresses, began to shop with the maids with who he enjoyed luncheons and surprisingly did not miss his computer games. Susan had taken him to a nose and throat surgeon and the woman super glued his voice box tighter and his voice was now a low soprano. Also, he was growing boobs and his hips were gathering fat. Michelle was pleased with the changes in his body and his household status. No longer the gnome that dwelled on the third floor, by being addressed familiarly as Miss Michelle was a welcome change to being the 'guy'. Jeff was quite pleased with Mike's progress. It was getting to be time to introduce him to his beau. Jeff had met a young 'retired' Army officer that was the vice president of production of firm that Anderson Enterprises had an interest in. Jeff had decided before to offer the man a position within Anderson's corporate offices and now he had icing for the cake Serge Banner was a West Point grad and licensed structural engineer, unhappy with the restrictions of his military career, had resigned after acquiring his captaincy and immediately gone to work for the Anderson subside where Jeff had met him. Inviting Serge to lunch, Jeff made a proposal that he hoped could not be refused. Enticing the young man with a possible, high position within Anderson corporate management, Jeff launched his pitch. "Serge, I have to in good faith, make you aware of a situation at Anderson that could put us all in the street. Several months ago my sister, the possessor of the controlling interest in Anderson Enterprises, passed away. While at the reading of the will, I discovered a typo or some other type of error that cannot be corrected. The beneficiary of the families share of stock was willed to my sister's deceased daughter. Apparently, there is no record of this girl, who died from leukemia in her early childhood," began Jeff. Reading Serge's eyes, Jeff saw warning flags rise all over the man's face. "To continue," said Jeff. "The will also stipulates that the said beneficiary must be able to prove a close genetic link to my late sister. The will also stipulates that should there not be a living female offspring, my sister's shares would go to a list charities listed in the will. There is one other sibling that could provide this proof and that is her son Michael, my nephew. "In order to save the company from probable dismemberment, Michael agreed to pose as his late sister. He has been undergoing intense transgender training for the past three months and has made tremendous strides. So much so, that in locker room jargon, he would be classified as one fuckable bitch." Jeff pulled a folded photograph of Michelle out of his suitcoat pocket and displayed it to Serge. The young man was duly impressed. "That's a boy?" "Yes, and after only three months. He has another year of change scheduled," said Jeff. "The last part of the will stipulates that the non existent heiress be married to a man of outstanding character." "Are you asking me what I think you are asking?" questioned Serge. "Yes and no," replied Jeff. "What we need is a romance and a wedding for Michelle, the late girl's name. What I am going to offer you is the Presidency of the construction division of Anderson Enterprises, a 401k with one million dollars prepaid and the guarantee that the marriage will be annulled, uncontested within two years. There will be no requirement that the marriage be consummated or other hidden requirements other than that you leave the church together after the services. You must remain single and available for one year after the ceremony but, you do not have to cohabitate." "That's a hell of a offer, boss," said Serge. "I wouldn't mind squiring a good looking young lady like you nephew around for six months and a faux wedding? After all most of them turn out that way, anyhow. I'll do it." "Excellent," gushed Jeff and he held his hand out across the table. "And, by the way, I was going to offer you that presidency either way you chose." -------------------- That night at dinner, Jeff revealed Michelle's new beau to him. Looking at the photo on his uncle's phone, Michelle commented, "He certainly is handsome, does he know what's going on?" "Every important detail, sweetie," said Jeff. 'Sweetie?' Now where did that come from wondered Michelle. The serving maid, looking over Michelle's shoulder at Serge's image, commented, "If you don't want him Michelle, I'll be glad to give him a tumble." "What if he what's to, you know, get it on or something?" wondered Michelle out loud. "Just use the girl's best friend in those situations," again commented the maid. "And just what is that?" demanded Michelle. "A good blow job, miss. A good blow job," replied the maid. Jeff dropped his spoon into the soup and started laughing. ------------------- Michelle and Serge had been dating for nearly two months and Michelle's increasing buildup of female hormones was bubbling to the surface. Serge was indeed handsome, gallant and in all ways, the perfect date. The maid's dinner comments months before had never left Michelle's mind. They were having dinner in cloistered booth in a very upscale and discreet restaurant downtown when Michelle boiled over. Michelle was admiring her date and her resolve gave way. He rose out of his chair and came around the table, his silk mini dress offering no hindrance, he sank to his knees in front of Serge and assaulted the zipper on Serge's suit trousers and fished the now bulging member out of its confines and without hesitation had dessert. "I'm sorry, Serge," whispered Michelle. "I've been thinking about this for six weeks now." The stunned President of Anderson Construction could only reply, "You are very good at that, sweetheart." Dabbing his lips and sipping wine, Michelle replied, "Since you liked it so much, it won't be the last one. Now I have to go the ladies room and repair my face, please excuse me." It had been some time since Serge had thought of Michelle as a pretty boy in a dress and he was left zipping up pants, ringing for a fresh whiskey and pondering the road ahead. He was falling in love with this beautiful mirage. -------------------- The female staff at the mansion were well aware that something had happened between Michelle and Serge and the consensus was that it was Michelle's first bj. Pandemonium broke out when Michelle announced that he and Serge were spending a week together. Susan was called and she sat with Michelle in his bedroom and discussed the birds and the bees. Leaving a large tube of lubricant and a vibrating dildo behind, Susan advised Michelle that her bottom needed a good stretching, just in case. Also, she told Michelle to start using a douche twice a day to accustom herself to repeated penetration and discussed the dangers of hepatitis. Michelle thought all of this fuss was overkill, after all he had been impaling himself with a butt plug for months now and had a small collection of ever larger ones in a locked box in his vanity. Uncle Jeff was intensely curious about where this romance was really going. He was fine with Serge as a potential nephew in law but, was concerned about Michelle's sudden randiness. He called Doctor Watts to see if she had any insights as to what was happening to nephew....ere niece, or whatever. ----------------- Jeff met with Susan for lunch and following the usual opening small talk, Jeff came to the point. "Michelle has undergoing this transition business now for only about six months and he now appears to be involved in a full blown romance. Is this a common reaction to the hormones and the radical change in his daily life?" asked Jeff. "I don't know," replied Susan. "To have an apparent heterosexual male quickly adopt the lifestyle of the opposite sex so thoroughly and so quickly is out of range of my experience. The only thing I can think that might cause this is that Michael was repressing his feminine other and the hormonal therapy and the immersion into the female lifestyle was so overwhelming that it kind of hit him like a tidal wave. We also cannot rule the role Serge played in this. He may have projected an ideal that Michelle knew that she could not attain for herself but, could share it through romantic connection. In other words, I don't have a clue." "Well, the female staff of my household are enjoying this immensely," replied Jeff. "I myself, am not overly concerned about it other than I don't want to lose Serge as a valued employee. I am surprised at Serge's response to Michelle's attention. Although Michelle has suddenly blossomed into something far beyond what I thought possible." Susan looked at Jeff and said, "There many instances of suppressed gender identity. There are none that I know of involving a seemingly content heterosexual making such a dramatic turn about in sexual identity. There is something else in Michelle's history that led to this. Was Michael accepted as the male offspring by your sister?" Stonily, Jeff drank his whiskey and then his face relaxed and he said, "You know, for the most part, he was ignored. My sister had him homeschooled but, did not take any part in it. Now that I think about it, Michael was not anti social, my sister's claim. Rather, he was cloistered, like she was ashamed to have him known in public as her son. He spent most of his time in his bedroom suite, playing video games and come to think of it, I don't recall a single friend of Michael's. Also, I don't ever recall him interacting with the staff in other a yes or no manner until we started this transition business. Now, he knows every one of the staff by name, their families and he even shops and dines with the maids on their trips to town." Susan listened to Jeff's description of Michael's lonely youth intently. "That could be the clue," said Susan. "Michael felt himself as an unwanted failure as your sister's son so when you offered him the opportunity to escape that dreariness, he jumped at it. And when you presented him with a gift, like Serge, also admired by his new, first friends, the female staff of the mansion, he jumped the fence, so to speak to prove his worthiness of such a prize to his new friends. I imagine that if Michelle was ever examined by a competent psychologist, unless that doctor lifted his skirt, he would swear that Michelle was a natural female." Jeff, now deep in thought, ordered another drink and said to Susan, "I think that you may very well be on to something. So, here's what I have in mind. If this romance still blazes through the wedding, I will stand aside but, I don't think that is the total answer." "If Serge and Michelle truly form a deep relationship and do marry and stay together following all of the legal travails thereafter, I would seek professional help, which I think would lead to suggesting to Michelle to undergo sexual reassignment surgery," opined Susan. "Then again it might be a simple as Serge liking pretty boys in dresses." "That might be the better alternative," replied Jeff. "Right now, I just don't know. I doubt that Serge would renege on our deal and he has an out concerning living with Michelle that I will honor. So for the time being, I'll just sit back and let them frolic." "A wise decision," said Susan. ----------------- Michelle and the two youngest maids went shopping for Michelle's outfits for her Caribbean get away. Serge called Jeff to secure his blessing for the trip with Michelle. Jeff told him to enjoy himself and to remember that his future 401k is in the hands of his fianc?. It was six months into his transition and Susan was amazed at the work the hormones seemed to performing as Michelle's bust and hips expanded to reasonable size for a young woman Michelle's age and frame. As Michelle matured as a woman, Michael seemed to fade away. Jeff felt a certain sadness about the unwanted boy being turned out. On Michelle's birthday, Jeff took the girl aside and took her to a remote area of the mansions gardens. In the garden, Jeff handed the girl a package with a card attached. Michelle read the card, it said 'Lest you forget'. Inside the wrappings were two new baseball gloves and a ball. Jeff looked at the puzzled girl and said, "Let's play catch." The two them played catch for an hour with tears streaming down their faces. END Epilogue: Michelle was declared the rightful benefactor and she and hubby Serge continued engaging in near public sex.

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Unser zuletzt Geschriebenes wurde abgelehnt, mit der Begründung: enthält echte Erlebnisse. Die Regeln haben wir nie im Detail gelesen, nur, was in der Überschrift steht, also keine Gewalt, nichts, was unter 18 betrifft und kein K9. Haben wir uns natürlich dran gehalten. Umso überraschender also die Ablehnung, da wir von dieser Regel bzgl. echter Erlebnisse nicht wussten, und wir eigentlich genau davon schreiben. Aber vielleicht lag es daran, dass es in Englisch war und dabei möglicherweise...

Group Sex
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HotwifeXXX MJ Fresh MJ Gets A Fresh Perspective

Hot and sexy wife MJ is looking good and fresh in her black lingerie and Jake understands his directions from her husband is to expand her feelings with a blindfold. Now with her eyes covered Jake could not wait to get her nice big tits out of that bra and into his mouth before she goes to her knees to suck his hard cock balls deep. MJ’s pussy was so wet Jake’s cock just slips thru her tight lips and fucks her good especially when she is face down and ass up taking it deep doggy...

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A Memorable Memorial Day Part 2 The next day

When Mike woke up, the first thing he thought about was what had happened last night. It had to be a dream. Had Loni really slipped under the covers of his makeshift bed as he was jacking off? Did he imagine it or had she really stayed and helped him finish the job?Yes, it had to be a dream as he just wasn't that lucky. Now, the girls he hung with at school were considered attractive, but none of them could hold a candle to Loni's looks. His looks and manners made him popular with many of the...

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I started working in a small office in lancashire back in the 80s as an 18year old. There were only six of us then plus Vicky the secretary, a woman of 41years of age, absolutely gorgous in looks with slim tight body and small pert breasts. Vicky was married but as it turned out not very happily and she liked nothing better than to flirt with the males. In summer time she would wear very short tight low cut flimsy dresses with open light footwear, in winter short skirts white blouses, always...

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My Mother and sister on the Swing

My Mother and sister on the SwingI’ve been living at my mothers house over a week now and we are like newly weds fucking each other when we want, she says she has never had as much sex in one week, in her whole life. When she is working, she keeps showing me clips or photos off the internet of new things to try. Today she wants the rest of her fanny shaven smooth, we put the swing in to her bedroom yesterday with two big mirrors over the dressing table. We are now up in the bedroom and she has...

1 year ago
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David and Goliath

I met Rogan attending a friend’s birthday party. It was one of those ‘you, me, and fifty other people’ functions that I had always hated. There is no intimacy at these gatherings, and everyone walks around chatting superficially. Rogan, however, made an impression on me for two reasons; firstly, his unusual name, and secondly because of his size.He was a very big guy and had a huge head and a very thick neck. His arms and chest looked like they belonged to a silverback gorilla. Apart from his...

Gay Male
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Living On The Edge

‘It looks like its going to be a great day to go to the beach!’ Candi said as she gazed out the window. She felt arms wrap around her waist from behind and a firm body press against her. She sighed, her body tingling. She turned around, facing the man. ‘You are beautiful, you know that right?’ Mike brought one hand up to her chin, lifting her lips towards his. His soft lips were featherlike, teasing her. She let out a soft moan, making him smile. He pressed his lips to hers firmly, slipping...

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Once more unto The Breach Dear Friends

I like cock. And as I unbutton the flies of the slender, but well built man next to whom I am sitting, I can’t help but smile. Not only is his cock almost implausibly large, but the surrounding areas are free of pubic hair – a man after my own heart. I can’t help but remember the words of the ‘evil mastermind’ of the campy Austin Powers movies: “There’s nothing quite as breathtaking as a freshly shaved scrotum.” I tend to agree. These thoughts quickly dissipate however, as I take his rapidly...

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MyFirstSexTeacher Bridgette B Julia Ann 22937

Everything has its price! Horny teacher’s assistant Bridgette B. has been fucking student Lucas for a bit now, but she’s worried about losing her job. But that the same time she wants his hard dick in her wet pussy! But when the two think they’re alone, fucking around in the classroom, Bridgette’s boss, Prof. Julia Ann, rolls around the corner and catches them. Now it’s either do what Julia says, or else! And what does the good professor want? She wants her teacher’s assistant to finish the...

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For The Money by loyalsock

"Hey, everybody," Gene shouted, "watch this," just before in did a wild somersault off the diving board into his back yard pool!!! The rest of the crowd gave him a mock standing ovation and Tom called out, "I'd give that one a three and a half," and everyone roared with laughter and then went back to making conversation and nursing their drinks! It was the usual crowd, the four couples who had been fast friends since they moved into the subdivision twenty odd years ago. In the summer it was...

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Club anal

She’d been in the club for about an hour, the sound of the beat thundered right through her body, the vibrations making her tingle. She enjoyed the feeling of bodies bumping into her, grinding against her, to the point she was now actively dancing closer than she would normally. Occasionally she would hear an apology but often nothing, but she didn’t care; she didn’t care if they were male or female, it was the feeling of a warm body next to hers; the feeling of another body pressing against...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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DreamweaverChapter 25 Revelations

I called Bob around ten o'clock to try and set up a meeting. This was certainly not a conversation I wanted to have on a phone the killer may have cloned, and I didn't want to wait until tonight on the chance that Rene might want to talk some more. Bob wasn't at home so I left a message on his recorder saying that I was from the video store and calling about a late movie return. There is one particular chain that he hates with an unnatural passion so I knew he'd get the message. I...

2 years ago
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Enslaved Chapter 38

“Back to your desks!” It was Rosalie who gave the command... and Julia and Melissa resumed their places on the hard wooden seats, Melissa could not check a gasp at the contact and tears now brimmed over her eyes. Once again her hindquarters were sore... burning... and throbbing. Simply because someone had decided to amuse themselves with her. Julia was in scarcely any better state, even though her canings had been more spaced out than Melissa’s.“Well, girls,” said the Principal, “you will now...

3 years ago
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Colin was ready to make his move.There were barely a dozen people in the movie theatre and it was more than normally dark thanks to the fact that the film playing was a horror movie taking place at night.Scott and Mason hadn't been able to make it to the multi-screen Cineplex tonight as originally planned, so Colin was here alone with Quentin.Quentin. His crush.Colin was not out to his friends. He believed that Quentin returned his affections, but he couldn't truly be sure. They needed to talk...

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My first bodysuit

Hello, it's my first ever try to make a story - so do not judge me too strong. And I hope you will forgive my not perfect english. So. let's the tory begin :) I always wanted to understand how it feels to be a woman. I did not want to do surgery and hormone therapy, and crossdressing was not so good idea - just a man in dress, maybe attractive one, but man. And then one day I managed to find the site, which promised to help a man feel like a woman and they we looking...

3 years ago
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Demetrius Ch 15

Chapter 15 New life comes from shedding old skins. ‘Demetri wake up,’ she said shaking him seeing he was coming out of his rem-sleep. The first thing he did was feel his neck. He looked at her not knowing if he should be angry or sad when she said, ‘You’ve been dreaming. I need to know what you dreamt since I used power-of-suggestion instilling a thought in your mind. I pinched your neck very hard and told you were being changed so I could see how you’d react to the idea in your sleep. I...

2 years ago
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Great Mom Pt 2

However, I was starting to get tired of this and it was making me incredibly horny so I decided when they were home for the summer the next week I would kick things up a bit. That first week they were home for the summer, I decided to move things along. I had asked them to go run an errand for me. I purposely hid my car keys so they would have to come find me before they left. It was a very nice summer afternoon; I changed out of my clothes and put on a very skimpy thong bikini. My sons came...

1 year ago
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The Ancient ProphecyChapter 3

The forest of Labrador was calm as usual. Bird chirps could be heard from far away. Various animals were seen in every corner. The peace was overwhelming, but not for the two companions. They made a camp two miles away from the village. Around them were thick walls of trees of the Labrador forest. The day was pretty hot for an autumn day. Atrus looked at the surroundings to make sure they were not being watched. His instinct told him it was safe. He returned and found that the girl had made...

1 year ago
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Typical Teenybopper

“I’m 18 years old and my name is Chris. Sounds typical enough, right? You may as well finish the story yourself. It’s not like you don’t meet a million people like me every day. But there always has to be a twist to every story, and here you have it – a young preppy, girlie-girl blonde with an androgynous name. It kinda changes things a bit, doesn’t it? I have a love and obsession, of course. Don’t we all? His name is Steve. What a hunny. It always sounds strange when we are mentioned as a...

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Playful Friendship

We had all known each other for years. Eric and my husband go way back and he was one of my favorite male friends of his. This closeness thru the years between us had been on a very innocent level and Eric has always been a gentleman. In this recent year however something had changed a bit. Our relationship had become flirtier. Maybe I was some signal I had sent out to him because my sex life wasn't quite what I would like. My husband and I still have good sex don't get me wrong but over the...

2 years ago
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No longer any sort of virgin

Doing the rounds  No longer any sort of virgin. A Fantasy about women removing a mans virginity. Bob was an attractive young nineteen-year-old. He attended Freedom College and was a handsome young man who was however still a virgin. Two terms at the college had not managed to get off with any of the attractive young women and it made him very depressed. He made friends with girls but it never seemed to develop. One evening he got very drunk and made the mistake of mentioning it in...

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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Rogues Wicked HaremChapter 41 The Princessrsquos Jubilation

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Princess Ava I opened my real eyes, shivering after my experience in the feyhound body. It was such a ... unique delight. My bedmaid still whimpered from being fucked by me. I stared down my clothed body to my crotch, half-expecting to see a cock thrusting from my pussy folds. “Oh, Princess,” Greta whimpered. “That was incredible.” “Yeah,” I groaned and stood up. The incredible lust to go and fuck my father had dissipated. I had satiated my...

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Her First Sex Toy Part II

Part II of the story features a girls first experience with a sex toy, a dildo. Check out Part I if interested featuring a guys first experience with a Fleshlight toy.**Julia's excitement was hard to contain. Her parents had left for the night and wouldn't be home till late. Tonight she was going to experience something for the first time. Not a boy, but something very close she hoped. Her very first sex toy.At sixteen, she'd never found a boyfriend and was still a virgin. She'd experienced the...

1 year ago
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Play Sex Games

PlaySexGames! We all love playing video games. Wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a site where you could go where it’s nothing but sex games? I know I’d love it if something like that existed and- oops, it already exists at Just when you thought you had to go back to Overwatch and simply use your imagination to make yourself cum, comes to the rescue with its free adult gaming platform. You’ve never seen a gaming porn website that’s this extensive in its...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 22

The bright morning sunlight had everyone sleepy by the time they got to the retreat. As they got out of the vehicles and grabbed their bags, the back door opened and Frank and Margaret rolled a cart out onto the stoop. Jeff opened the hatch on the Escalade he had been driving, then stood looking at the two on the porch. "Where did you get that?" he laughed. "Just down the hall in its closet," Frank responded. Jeff and Diana both started laughing for real. "What's so funny?"...

1 year ago
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BlackMeatWhiteFeet Alexa Grace Giselle Palmer 10192017

Alexa Grace and Giselle Palmer are bi-sexual foot sluts. They’re both black cock sluts, too. Just watch. Before the action starts, Alexa and Giselle will admire all the shoes their foot slaves purchased. Their foot slaves found our gals via social media, and they love buying the sexiest, sluttiest heels for them to wear. After they each pick out their favorite pair of shoes, Alexa will put on Giselle’s heels…and vice versa. Not before worshipping each other’s feet...

2 years ago
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The lesson

Mandy was walking towards where Marcus lived for a lesson in slavery. A school lesson about slavery had left Mandy wondering what it was like to be a slave so she had spoken to Marcus who at 14 was 2 years younger than Mandy and was from Uganda but had lived in England for 2 years, Marcus had agreed to teach Mandy what it was like to be a slave. Mandy was from a very well to do family and she knew that in the time of slavery her family would have had slaves. Mandy approached the front door of...

2 years ago
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Old man next door sneakily cums on me

I’m very conservative and inexperienced even though im 28. My fiance ive been with for a long time and we only do missionary. Ive never let him cum in my mouth and only do handjobs bar regular sex. Cum looks so icky, even tho we use condoms once it burst and it was disgusting. The old man in his 60s who lives next door was always chatty with me but once a pipe burst an i had no money at all, he agreed to get it sorted for me but said i owe him one and winked at me. It cost a lot to get fixed...

2 years ago
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The Wrong GirlChapter 11

“You speak English,” Taylor said, still in English, his mind reeling. That was the third time today he’d completely misjudged something. It was becoming an epidemic and showed how out of his depth he was. Not that Taylor allowed that excuse to stand, even when just giving it to himself. “I speak some,” she said in English, before switching to Russian, “Your Russian is better than my English, however.” She’d been silent from the moment she had been brought out to him until exiting the...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnCougars Kayla Kayden 01152021

Kayla is hoping for a romantic picnic with her Husband, but after setting up her picnic outside her Husband calls to cancel because he had to take a last minute business trip. She realizes it’s gardening day and she decides that she should just invite the 2 Handsome Gardeners inside and have some Fun since her Husband will be out of town for a week and he ruined her Picnic Surprise! They head to the Living room where she tells them that the reason she wants to have her Picnic inside with...

3 years ago
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My Life story of sex Saga part 1

Introduction: Ever sexual thing I ever did in my life told in order for you. When I was a (blank) my oldest memory is of porn magazines I found in the bathroom covered where my father had hid them. There was an occasional playboy but mainly hustler with about 25% gallery. I remember all I was concerned with was the boobs nothing else I didnt understand why the women had nothing but hair between their legs. this went on for some time him occasionally catching me and getting very angry. Some time...

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Body Corporate Chpater 11

1977 words - .98Chapter 11 Night of HorrorsAs Cindi watched the men follow her master back to the camp she already felt the pain in her arms and legs as she hung from the two trees. Under her weight the branches were getting closer to the ground. She was not sure if a wild a****l came into the camp that she would not be a dinner for one of them. She had no idea where she was or the wildlife that may inhabit the woods around her. She had come to expect the worse from her master, leaving her...

3 years ago
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My first time with 2 guys

I stopped at this gas station, my friend worked there. The reason I stopped there was because my friend liked to party and I asked him, What are you doing later? He said, I am going home after work, you're more than welcome to stop over. I said okay. so I was hanging out at this gas station and it was one hour before he closed up shop. He then said, "If you play your cards right you just might get lucky." Heck I thought, I wonder what he means by that. Well the hour went by quick, he closed up...

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1939 The New AgencyChapter 9 Jokes

The producer and director had been in several conferences over the day. Money, time and whom they could get to replace Michael were the issues. The producer's backers had been very upset. It was the fact that Michael had been murdered that had upset them. The money, extra time needed hadn't fazed them a bit. That was odd but the director and producer didn't question their good fortune. After he hung up, the producer and director tried to come up with actors that might be available and...

2 years ago
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Insatiable Chapter 02 Dark Divulgence

The young Chosen's limbs were filled with brutal ache. His every appendage was locked in brutal predicament bondage. He was on the back patio, his knees digging painfully into the grainy stonework floor. Leather straps ran around his shoulders and chest, leading back to the tight armbinder locking his arms behind him. At the end of the cruel device was a large metal ring. Short lengths of chain ran from the ring to the cuffs on his ankles, immobilizing him. The thick leather band around his...

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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 52 Scum Resurfaces

My thoughts after the pickup proved true. Ashley and Lenore rarely let me leave their sight during the days leading up to the New Year. Jason and Jessica had the same issue. A simple plan to go for a run in the park quickly became an organized march as their companions demanded to go with them. Becky was the worst. She clung to Morgan. Beatrice had called their employer and tried to explain the issues, but was not sure she was successful. She succeeded in getting Becky a week off without...

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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 2

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER TWO Note to readers: Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue this tale. I hope you enjoy the new episode! ================================== "Alannah." As I trudged down the street, school bag slung awkwardly over one shoulder, it wasn't just the books that weighed me down, or the reminder they gave me of the evening I would have to spend doing homework. I'd had a pretty miserable day, all up. There'd been the usual low-level bullying, nothing...

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A Strange Relationship

Joan Smith was a very independant woman who lived by herself in a small cottage, with a large garden, in an English village. Joan had seen life and was now in her midfifties, she had been married twice and had 3 grown up children who had settled down into their own lifestyles. She no longer had to work and was quite happy on her income, which was moderate but sufficient . She was well respected in the village and had a few firm friends, and enough hobbies to fill her time and make life worth...

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JapanHDV Tsubaki Kato Cheating housewife Tsubaki Kato gets found out by husband

Well this is all coming full circle. We had Maki Hojo who was fucking some dude at work. And this dude at work is marred to Tsubaki Kato who also used to work at the same company and whose best friend is Maki Hojo. So, what happened was Tsubaki got tired of her husband never fucking her. So, she figured he must be out getting a piece of ass elsewhere. And of course she was right cause he was fucking her best friend from work Maki Hojo. So then, she finds the first hard cock she can which...

4 years ago
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Serendipity Version AlphaChapter 2

It took two more days. Her friends seemed to get over it sooner than she did. By that, I mean that the next day they were right back at the house, trooping in without knocking, like they lived there. Of course it wasn't their pussies that I'd gawked at, so I suppose that wasn't surprising. The afternoon of the second day, Emma had to leave early for some kind of family get together, and Ashley left with her, saying her parents were going out to dinner that night and she had to babysit....

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Working late3

Stacey Sherwood hated working late, she hated end of month figures, and most of all she hated her fucking PC for having erased all her figures for the day. Now she was sat at her desk desperately trying to redo them before the cut off at eight. She flicked a lock of her red hair out of her eyes as she glanced up to the clock. Seven O’clock, only an hour to go. Fortunately she had less than thirty minutes work to do. She promised herself a large Chinese for dinner. Followed by a long...

1 year ago
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Locker room Afternoon

We were in the lockerroom. I moved off the side bench and onto my knees on the hard floor. She followed me, slowly getting up (I looked at those long, tan legs of hers rising up to her tight, round ass and my heart jumped; I so wanted her right then and there), lowering herself to onto her hands and knees in front of me. There we were - naked on the lockerroom floor, me kneeling in front of her, her looking entirely innocent and beautiful in front of me, ready to take me in. Again I admired the...

First Time
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MommyMe Series Justina Pt 2

“Hey, Tori!” Justina said, running up the porch steps, her breasts jiggling with every step. “Hi,” I said. She noticed me staring at her boobs and did the unthinkable. She flashed her breasts. I blushed and she winked at me as Mom came towards the door. “Hello Justina,” Mom said. “Hello, Mrs. Ryan,” Justina replied. “You girls are probably hungry, are turkey sandwiches ok with you Justina?” Mom asked. “Yes, thank you,” Justina replied. “Mom, I’m going to show Justina my room,” I told mom. “Ok...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 289

These are compliments of Piet from the land down under Johnnie and Anita were just back from their honeymoon. As they were preparing to go back to work Johnnie wanted to talk. 'Anita' het said 'be a dear and go upstairs and fetch my work pants.' Being just married Anita was quite prepared to do as Johnnie asked and came down with a pair of heavy duty pants that Johnnie wore during his construction job. 'Well' Johnnie said, "put m on.' 'But Johnnie, they are far to large' Anita...

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DreamWeaverChapter 2

The mind is sometimes a funny thing. It pulled me on a journey through some of the best times in my life. I relived my life with Beth, seeing her smile when it was dazzling and new, remembering her laughter - like music. I relived the night we first made love. God, I was so nervous! I remembered proposing to her, watching her walk toward me on our wedding day in her shining white gown. I’d never noticed that her smile hadn’t quite dazzled for me the past couple of years. We’d both turned 30...

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A Legal Trap Chapter 1

March 8th, 10:46 AM I had my head buried in briefs all morning and totally spaced on the time, so it wasn't much of a surprise to look up and see Lisa standing outside my office. I mouthed 'Sorry...' to which she just gave me a look like, 'Girl, get your ass out here!' I smiled and so did she, opening the door and complaining, "We're late... Gonna miss me some Bryant downstairs! Sheesh!" I shook my head, "Not like you're ever going to ask him out..." I instantly regretted saying...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 19 How Nele Isebrand Wins a Husband

Three days later, the Isebrands, with some fifty men, travelled thirty leagues to the south, and to Lauheim. The small town, or extended village, spread at the foot of a small hill. On top of that hill, a small castle had been built, surrounded by a twelve-foot wall and a dry moat. They crossed the drawbridge into the courtyard of the castle and found the main building to be two storeys high, with a slate covered roof. Ivy covered most of the walls, and the shutters were closed. The castle...

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