Story Time For Two
- 3 years ago
- 15
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Mark König:
"Ja Schatz, morgen Vormittag sitze ich schon im Flieger nach Berlin"
sagte Mark möglichst normal ins Hotel-Telefon.
"Das freut mich"
hauchte die zarte Stimme seiner Ehefrau zurück
"Ich vermisse dich so"
Markus Johann König war glücklich verheiratet. Er liebte seine Frau Maria die gerade mit seinem zweiten gemeinsamen Kind schwanger war, doch war er ein Mann von großem Appetit der noch nie der Versuchung fremder Schlafzimmer widerstehen konnte.
So auch jetzt als sich die vollen Lippen der Inderin schmatzend um seinen strammen Schaft legten und ihn genießerisch auf und ab fuhren.
"Ich liebe dich"
raunte Mark in den Telefonhörer und bemühte sich seine Stimme möglichst wenig brüchig klingen zulassen, was fast unmöglich war, da sich die dunkelhäutige Frau begonnen hatte seinen prallen Sack sanft zu kraulen während ihr Mund an der tropfnassen Eichel saugte die sein voll erigiertes 20cm Glied krönte.
Nachdem seine Frau ihrerseits mehrfach ihre Liebe bekundigt hatte beendete er das Telefonat und legt den Hörer zurück auf das Gerät welches neben dem Bett stand auf dem er saß. Er blickte mit lustverschleierten Blick auf die junge Frau deren seidige Zunge bis eben noch um den Kranz seiner prallen Eichel getanzt war.
Nun legte sie ihren vollen Busen an seinen Pint, so dass ihre steifen Nippel die aus ihren riesigen Vorhöfen hervorragten seinen Lenden berührten. Das und der verschmitzte erregt Blick den sie ihm zuwarf jagt ihm einen Schauer über den Rücken.
"War das deine Frau?"
fragt sie lächelnd auf Englisch mit einem bezaubenden indischen Akzent. Sie begann mit ihren voluminösen Eutern seine Latte zu bearbeiten und gab ihm einen schmatzenden Kuss auf meine Eichel ohne den Augenkontakt abzubrechen.
"Ja" antwortete er auf Englisch mit einem kehligen Seufzen.
"Ich habe ihr erzählt dass ich morgen zurück nach Deutschland fliege"
"Bis dainn haben wir aber noch eine Menge vor" grinste sie und intensivierte ihren Tittenfick
"Vermisst du deine Ehefrau?" keuchte sie. Sie presste ihren fleischigen Busen mit beiden Händen fest um seinen Pint. Ihr dunklen Titten glänzten von ihrem eigenen Speichel welcher seinen Penis benetzte und ihn glitschig machten al ob er in Olivenöl baden würde.
"Wie könnte ich in deiner Gegenwart jemanden Vermissen!?" keuchte er grinsend
"Vermisst du denn deinen Ehemann?" fragte Mark schelmisch und dachte an den alten faltigen Inder dem er einige Wochen zuvor die Hand geschüttelt hatte als er in Mumbai ankam.
Er wirkte nicht nur senil und gebrächlich sondern war es auch. Der einzige Grund weshalb er noch nicht in Ruhestand geschickt worden war, war dass er einer der dienstältesten Angestellten von Marks Firmenfiliale in Indien war und mit der Tochter ihrer wichtigsten indischen Investors verheiratet war. Jene Tochter deren Brüste Mark gerade um den Verstand brachten. Es war eine arangierte Ehe gewesen um die Beziehung der Firma ihrer Eltern und der Firma für die Mark als reisender Komissar mir Sondervollmachten zuständig war zu festigen. Für die 21jährige Ramina musste es hart gewesen sein 5 Jahre lang mit einem Mann in den 80ern verheiratet gewesen zu sein. Das sie schon seit einigen Monaten keinen Sex mehr gehabt hatte konnten seine geübten Sinne schon feststellen als sie sich vorgestellt wurden. Sie war eine klever Frau, dass hatte er in den Wochen ihrer Zusammenarbeit festgestellt. Offiziell war sie als Personalchefin Tätig und in der Arbeitsgruppe für die Neuorganisation der Betriebsebene auf dem indischen Subkontinent eingeteilt um ihren kränkelnden Gatten zu vertrete, dich wie ich erfuhr war sie in Wahrheit diejenige die die Geschäfte für ihren greisen Mann führte. Mark und Ramina hatten sich prächtig vertstnaden. Während sie oft Nächtelang mit dem engeren Kreis der Filialstabes über Akten und Statistiken grübelten und tagsüber stundenlange Diskussionen und Verhandlungen mit Angestellten und Geschäftspartnern hatten waren sie sich näher gekommen. Die hübscher Inderin lachte über seine Witze und bewunderte sein Können beim Firmenmanagement und sein Verhandlungsgeschick. Er lobte oft ihre rasche Auffassungsgabe und Intelligenz, was sie sichtlich genoss, wurde sie als Frau in Indien doch nicht gerade mit Lob überschüttet.
Eines Abend hatte er es schließlich gewagt sie zu Küssen. Zuerst hatte sie sich von ihm abgewendet und war verwirrt aus dem Raum geflüchtet, doch noch am selben Abend als er in der riesigen Dusche seines Luxusapartments stand und seinen durchtrainierten Körper wusch, stand sie plötzlich vor ihm, nur mit einem Handtuch bekleidet in ihren Augen pure Lust gespiegelt.
"Deine Dusche ist echt groß! Was dagegen wenn ich dir Gesellschaft leiste?" fragte sie und ließ das Handtuch dass sie verhüllte zu Boden gleiten...
An diesem Abend arbeiteten sie nicht im Büro und dem Konferenzraum sondern unter der Dusche und im Bett. Statt des Rascheln von Papier und Kugelschreibern erfüllte lustvolles Stöhnen und ein quietschendes Bett die nächtliche Stille.
In den folgenden Tagen hatten Mark und die sexuell ausgehungerte Ramina ein Sexpensum welches sich mir dem des Kamasutras messen konnte. Sie trieben es nicht nur Nachts in seinem Hotelzimmer sondern auch tagsüber. Mehrmals holte sie ihm während der Geschäftsgespräche mit dem bestrumpften Fuß einen runter ohne dass es die anderen am Tisch sitzenden mitbekamen. Einmal bleiß sie ihm unter dem Schreibtisch einen während er mit ihrem Ehemann über den Firmenumsatz sprach.
This was already submitted on my account of the same name on '...' =thoughts **...POV** = Point of View change. Chapter 3 *Part 7* "So this is how you deal with break up's Shell? Killing things?" I say mockingly as I pull my dagger out of the last of the Daemons we were tracking, brushing the blood off onto my jeans. The reason we kill Daemon's is because they consume human's souls. Innocent human souls, at least the bad Daemon's do. The good ones can...
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My mother called me. At work. First Autumn, now ... Flora Jennings. “Winter, can you come by?” Mom knew I worked, had my own office. But since I was no longer with the KCPD, nor employed by a real company, she simply hadn’t accepted that I do anything worthwhile. In fact, after Reggie left me, and before Vanessa married me, my mother regarded me as ... sad. A loser. Couldn’t keep a man, couldn’t find a real job. So it didn’t surprise me that she would expect me to drop whatever...
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The first chapter of a piece of erotic fiction I am working on. Constructive comments are welcome!The GetMore Girls ©2010 Sunlover all rights reservedThe grass was a cool, fresh smelling cushion at night by the pool. My sister Julia and I lay side by side in the deep shadow of the oleanders watching Gilles fuck Mom on the upstairs master bedroom balcony.She was bent over the balcony railing with her legs spread wide and braced, her hair hanging down, and her boobs mashed on the wide marble top...
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1943 Diana and the remaing girls were trained and tested rigorously till they were divided into units of 25 and then sent to each of germany fronts, though they had achieved great success over the short time they had been active Dians was the only unit left. Diana was happy her second in command and now girlfriend Ava was with her and they were shipped to the eastern front to the heaviest of the fighting. Look at all these dead men Ava said coyly to Diana as they rode by battle weary German...
Ms Marca My Best Friends Dad Part 4 It was just after 9 AM and the second day of the trade show was to open at 10 AM , I had to be at the booth at 9:45 to get marching orders from Bert. I was dressed in the same short outfit and looking like a hot sexy brunette with a chest that made every guy in the place stop and gaze up on them. I walked past the lobby just as Loire was coming in and she waved and it seem she had...
MatureJosh sold his wife Chapter 1 Josh sold his wife. He felt no remorse, or fear of what he had done, just an excitement deep within him, of what would be done, he would see, hear, smell and enjoy. Josh had dreamt of it for years, to see his wife tortured, raped, begging, used. Not because of any hatred for her, or of anything she had done, but simply because of how erotic it would be, how beautiful she would be in the throes of agony and humiliation. They of course had dabbled at home, in...
This story is based upon real events occurring long ago, but having a lingering erotic effect on the writer, who has added his wishful thinking and shameful secret desires of how he longed for the story to end.My cousin Mark was only a few years older than me, but back at that age, the few years separating us meant a huge gap of wisdom, experience and awe, at least in my impressionable mind. In retrospect, he was a self-absorbed guy who thought he knew more than he did, a misfit always trying...
When I was in my late teens I had to go up to London for an interview. It was my first time on my own and on the way back to the tube station and then to Paddington for my train I was crossing Soho when I saw a doorway marked ‘Paradise Gay Cinema Club’.It looked seedy with just a single front door for some reason (to this day I still don’t know) I went in and found just a bloke with a desk and some stairs leading to a basement. I felt so guilty and ashamed but yet excited but didn’t have a...
A little about me. My name is Justin, I'm pretty tall for my age, but slender (though not too skinny). I have long, brown slightly curled hair, and blue eyes. I eventually grew a 7 inch cock, and had pubic hair from 13 on. I liked to think I was big for my age, but I soon realized I was pretty average. I was definitely a virgin, and I hadn't even had a girlfriend (and of course no boyfriend since I kept that part of me secret). Heck, I hadn't even kissed anyone yet. I was pretty...
Introduction: This is FICTION. Hi, my name is Zach and Im a 13 year old guy. I think of myself as a pretty normal looking guy. I have blonde hair, not too fat, not too skinny, not that muscular, not that wimpy, etc. etc. I do have something odd about me. I like girls with small boobs, and small asses. From what Ive heard from my friends, its weird. They all like girls with giant boobs and giant asses. I find them weird looking and awkward to be around. Anyway, in the 7th grade, I met a girl who...
Hi this i for y friend In the Morning I couldn’t find Border so I looked in Moms room and there he was fucking Mom. She smiled and said “I wanted one before your Dad comes home tonight.” I sat down on her little sofa and watched Border fuck her. I reached over and pulled his tail up so I could see his cock inside Moms pussy. There was dog cum oozing out of her and I could feel my pussy starting to warm. I asked her if she had ever eaten a pussy. “Why do you ask” she said. Oh I read about it in...
Incest“Doctor Jacobson. Doctor Jacobson. Charlotte!”The voice cut through the haze in Charlotte’s mind. Though she snapped back into reality, it didn’t prevent the reflexive and quite embarrassing, “Huh, what?” from slipping past her lips. She clutched the clipboard tighter to her chest as she managed to tear her gaze away from the patient lying on the hospital bed.The attending look annoyed, “Please provide a summary of the patient’s symptoms and what you believe should be our prescribed course of...
Straight SexShe was obviously Latina, kind of tall, had long brown hair with blonde highlights, and even though she was thinly built and flat chested, she had a great figure, especially in jeans. She wore glasses that I think added to her allure a little, and even though she still had braces, “What an inviting smile,” I thought. Ashley had great lips, I think accentuated by her braces and as she walked past me and headed down the hallway with her friends, I couldn’t help but turn to watch. Long legs,...
We had new neighbors move in next door at very beginning of summer. They seemed like a nice family with a high school aged son. I made an effort to meet them a day after they moved and took them a plate of homemade cookies. I gave them our name and phone numbers on a card in case they needed us for anything. They seemed grateful and thanked me.A couple of days later, I carried a load of laundry upstairs to our bedroom and began folding everything up to put away. I noticed the neighbor’s son...
I was spending the night sleeping over at my friend Tony's house. We had gone to the pool for a swim and when we returned to his house I met his new stepmother Kelly for the first time. She was 28 years old and incredibly sexy, 5'9" tall with a curvy figure and beautiful perky breasts that bounced and jiggled around under her shirt as she moved around the house. After Tony introduced us he and I headed back to his bedroom to change out of our wet shorts. Once inside with the door closed I said...
PollyT Girl Love, Cum swapping, Hand Balling. A Sensual, Erotic, Kinky Sex story. Tall, slim, green eyed, red headed, average bust and cute bubble butt with 7 inches of cock, Polly looked great! She had maintained a relationship with Dave over 5 years. They had been out with Porter, Dave's friend celebrating Dave's divorce. Porter knew Polly was a T-Girl even though at first he had to grow into the idea that “Dave the Stud” had chosen her after his life as a Lady Slayer. Dave had kept her...
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It had been a long day. A tiresome and exhausted Melissa had arrived home from her nine to five job as a social services manager. Her day normally involved organising; organising people, places and clients. That’s what they called them these days, clients. The last thing she wanted to do when she got home was organise dinner, her husband and the evening’s entertainment. That’s where the ready meals came in handy. Melissa popped two of them into the oven. They would be done in 20 minutes....
SpankingTegan Stone woke up with an angry start. After squirming out of the sleeping Kasumi's embrace, the Goddess dismissed the thickly-layered covers with a casual one-armed push, sending them flying against the opposite wall. She stormed out of her room, violet eyes glowing, mouth curled up, stiffly striding down two hallways, totally naked and not giving two fucks about it. Tegan pushed in a huge, steel-reinforced door and flicked on all the lights. Miranda was asleep in there, nude herself,...
Jenny lived an ordinary life. She lived alone in a small apartment, worked at a boring day job, and drove a bland car. She even looked like she was nothing special. Average body, not too heavy, but not too trim either. Brunette hair, brown eyes, and average height. Jenny's whole life just screamed ordinary. She was not unique in any way, shape, or form. Jenny came home from her job one night, tired as usual. She was on her way to the kitchen to pick out a TV dinner from the freezer. She sighed...
FantasyIt was fantastic game i have ever done.. and its is quikest sex i ever had.. she was at the train and im on my way to home at the train..she was wearing all black t-shirt and skirt.. which is really short.. she looked at me all the time while traveling and i send an eye wink once she smiled..I ask her to come near me as there were no more ppl arround. even i didn't expect she came near me and talking nicely .. i tell her that you have a nice legs.. she just smiled and said you only like it ?...
It was Sunday, around noon, and Mrs. Dora and her husband Marko were soon to go to Sunday lunch at Mrs. Dora's mother. While Marko was getting ready, Mrs. Dora was sitting at her computer, sorting out some chores, and then she opened a folder with her favourite pictures… She opened Ana's pictures… She was thinking… While attending dancing classes the week before, she heard that the previous summer Ana’s heart was broken by another of her unfortunate loves, allegedly a Spaniard. Poor Ana, the...
Two college friends reunite for an adulterous, wild weekend.I rested my head in my hands as I stared up at the clock."3:48?" I muttered in disgust.I was twelve minutes away from beginning my weekend, but it seemed asthough time was grinding to a halt. I had finished with my last clientan hour earlier and was simply waiting out the rest of my shift. Igroaned again and looked out over the gym. To further my disappointmentthere were not even any half decent women to look at. I dropped my headback...
Nashville, Tennessee ..."Long story," Jeff said. "Very long story, indeed." Jeff and Charlotte passed a look. "It might be better if you started her off with what you know while the two of you pack her things. Diana and the others will finish with the rest of the story. No way is she going to believe it if I tell it here, and ... I need to check with my team, anyway." "Pack?" Ada wondered aloud. "Neither of you can stay here." Then turning his attention to Charlotte, "Even if...
I hardly slept that night worrying about the likely events of the following day. With Marie and her brood arriving it was going to be a time of never ending bullying and humiliation. Things were bad enough with Emily but now having Kylie and Britany here as well was going to be unbearable. After the phone call I had been made to get their rooms ready. Marie would have one to herself whilst the girls shared another. I awoke from my fitful slumber to the sound of Emily entering my...
The shame, the paranoia, the guilt, I'd experienced it all in high school. I'd watch the other guys in the shower out of the corner of my eye, terrified I'd get an erection and be betrayed. After that you'd think I'd grow up and come out of the closet, but I pretended to myself as much as anyone else that I wasn't gay. I dated, I had sex, I got my first apartment, and still I looked at other guys out of the corner of my eye.My friend Hunter wasn't gay. Slim, tall and attractive, women d****d...
we had each other and loved our life together. We raised horses and sold them. My sister had been a very perverted girl since we were kids she was also obsessed with me and needed to do very kinky things to me I could never say no to her. But loately she started to become mentally deranged. and started doing things I could not beleve I was thinging of getting her help but when I mentioned it she would become violent and hit me. I thing the fact that our parents were brother and sister might...
My name is Jeffrey Bruton. I was a big shot in a small town until one stupid decision took it all away. When I was sixteen I got drafted into the CHL, the top junior hockey league in Canada. For four years, I was a hero in my town. I was a 6 foot tall two hundred pound center with long wavy hair. I played with an edge that always made me a fan favourite. I had the hottest girlfriends, and plenty of action when I was in between girls. Unfortunately I never got drafted to the NHL. So after...
Straight Sex"Yeah, that's nice," he said. Ellen was on her back, on the bed, in her bedroom, doubled over and tied up, her wrists and ankles fastened to the bedposts with rope. She had her weight resting almost completely on her shoulders. Her legs were pulled all the way over her head. She was naked, her cunt and ass completely exposed by the position. The second man was alone in the room with her. His name was Mickey. He stood by the bed and grinned down at her. He was the one who had tied her up....
We woke about seven with sunlight sneaking in around the closed curtains. We had a couple of hundred miles to go to the area where we planned on camping but we weren't going to start hiking until Saturday. This was Friday and we would just camp at some campground near the road and exactly where didn't matter. Altogether this meant that we didn't have to rush. We ended up staying in bed for another two and a half hours as we managed another two times. At last, after a quick shower, we took...
Part of her is revolting, but too much of her doesn't give a damn. She gasps, tilting her head up with a cry of pleasure as my hands find their way under her dress. Everywhere is hyper-sensitive, her nerves firing off like fireworks. My lips trailing down her jaw, as I bite at her neck hard, hands clawing against her legs. She whines in delight, loving how rough I am. I nip again, seemingly more hungry and aroused when she gasps weakly. My hand fumbles under her dress, fingers finding her...
Over the next few weeks, Alisha and I got much closer. We spent every minute together. I began to wonder if she remembered our night together. I wanted to talk to her about it, so badly. One day, we were sitting in her living room, and I thought it was now or never. "Alisha, can I ask you something?" I asked her, as she got up and stretched. We had been watching a horror movie on cable. I watched her shirt strain against her full breasts and felt a twinge deep below. I, almost, did not hear...
LesbianThe war started a long time ago but it had been fairly quiet for some time now. The sniper called Joe was not the sort to start a conversation about normal things but he was attracted to the middle-aged schoolteacher with the tight skirt that make her bum stick out like a Christmas present. Her name was Mrs. Honeybottom and she seldom talked to persons of the opposite gender unless they were under the age of ten. Most of the survivors from the purge of the cities on the coast had scurried to...
Sandy a tall red head, with green eyes, a great boob job from a 32 a to a 42 dd is a 38 year old exotic dancer, thankful that she still looks to be in her late twenties, early thirties she had to keep dancing for one more year then she could quit. Not that stripping hadn’t been good to her; she owns her 2003 black convertible corvette, her condominium over looking Pompano Beach, and has her choice of men every night. Tonight she is seeing Vinnie a sixty year old man who is married with three...
EroticFor the rest of that week, and most of the next one, Mike kept to himself, preferring that to the company of his friends. He had grown tired of answering their questions about what was up between Jennie and him. Jennie wasn't helping things either, trying to talk with him, and even passing him notes in the classes that they shared together. She didn't seem to be able to understand that he was through with her, and that he didn't want to have anything more to do with her. The more he tried...
Hi, i am Karthik (32 years) from Bangalore a young industrialist, of course not new to iss but a great fan. In my life i have had some good sex encounters among which i will post my most challenging experience now. This is about my aunt Manjula 34 years (name changed) with one child of 5 years who is very closely related to my family who would visit us very often and leaves hardly 3 km away from our house in Bangalore i was 28 at that time. I am a handsome guy 5.8 feet average built and she was...
IncestHello guys, mera naam Faraz Khan hai, age 25 aur main purely Mumbai ka rehne wala hu. Sabse pehle main unlogo ko shukriya bolna chahta hu jinhone meri story padh kar mujhe feedback diye. Feedback thode expectations se kam the par ache aye. So guys meri ye story aise hi ek feedback ke wajah se ayi hai. Meri story padh kar ek reader bohot inspired hua. Aur usne mujhse apni fantasy share kara jo use uske mom ke liye hai aur story likhne ke request kara. Ye story mere friend Rohan ki fantasy aur...
When I awoke that morning, I could feel his breath on my neck as he spooned me. After laying awake for a little while, appreciating his warmth, I gently lifted the covers and slipped out from under his arms and watched as he stirred without waking and rolled over back into a deep sleep. I grabbed a shower, and as I ran my hands over my body, lathering up, it reminded me of how his hands had softly caressed me the night before. I quickly scurried to the kitchen wrapped in my towel to bring some...
After finishing college with a computer degree, I went for three job interviews. All three jobs were offered to me, but I accepted the job at the smallest of the three companies. The remuneration they were offering was also slightly less that other two businesses, but somehow it just felt right. I really liked Ferdie, the owner of this medium sized engineering company that employed me. When I met him he was bubbling with enthusiasm and was far more passionate, than the other two dour idiots...
Gay MaleIt wasn’t too long after me and Caz had started having sex when things became more adventurous… Caz loved the thought of getting caught in the act so much that she would leave our bedroom door slightly ajar during sex while my parents sat downstairs watching television; just the thought of getting caught got her wet to an insane degree. It was one particular day and we were sitting watching Galaxy Quest on DVD. It got to the one part of the film where Tim Allen wasn’t wearing anything else...
Any Sex. That is both a great name for a porn site and something that you’re clearly not getting! I mean, I suppose you could be getting laid. But if you were, why the fuck would you be watching as much porn as you do? Come on, don’t lie, how many times a day, on average, would you say you beat your meat? Three? Four? Six? I’m going to go ahead and assume that the number is somewhere on the higher end … especially since you’re sitting there, reading porn site reviews.Nobody who watches porn...
Free Porn Tube SitesMy duo identity was not an easy thing to maintain. My lingerie was washed in the half bath sink in the wee hours of the morning. I then had to creep downstairs and hang them in the fort. They along with the wig and makeup were kept hidden in an old suitcase with a working lock I found in the second-hand store.All this secrecy was necessary because young men did not want to dress and behave like a girl. Heaven forbid my parents to find out about this and how Gene and I spend our time together in...
CrossdressingOne warm summer’s day I found myself alone in the house, a rare occasion. I decided to celebrate my solitude by nude sunbathing in back of my house. I striped off all of my clothes in my bedroom, except my underwear and a tank top. I like to think of them as emergency wear. I went out back and striped off the rest of my clothes. I decided to lay on the deck instead of the grass. I put my towel down, lay on it and start soaking in rays. I wasn't out there too long when a heat of a different...
Straight SexThat Monday’s music lesson started as usual, my class filed into the room, with an expression of morning depression and tiredness. I didn’t like music lessons very much. I didn’t play an instrument and was always a little bit unsure of the tasks given and didn’t always understand them fully. The lesson continued until a fight started in the back rows over a sheet of paper, Mrs. M. had given the whole class on Friday. One of the pupils squabbling had been ill that day and insisted the paper...
Les walked into the lobby of Donna's dormitory. He pulled out his cell and keyed a message. Im here B rite down was the reply. He watched the door to the residence wing and saw her approach. She was wearing a short-sleeved top and a pale blue skirt that came just above her knees. From his backpack Les removed a large, three-ring binder. "This is my DVD collection," he said, opening the binder and turning plastic leaves with pockets for discs. "You don't keep the cases?" she...