- 2 years ago
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Sometimes I wonder how he could even be my son. Stu, god I hate that name and although I’m happy to be rid of his mother who insisted on naming him, every day I am reminded of the silly cow and the years of frustration and water treading I wasted with her. I am alone now, happily single and thriving, thank you very much.
I own my own business, nothing large, mind you, but I employ several workers and sales people, to get my little invention onto the store shelves of hardware stores nationwide. After divorcing Stu’s mother, settling up costs and distributions, I scrimped and saved and then put my business plan into action. Ruthless? Cold? I would like to think of myself as prudent. I of course had come up with the idea while I was married, but Ingrid, my wife at the time, and Stu’s mother as well, had smashed my dreams of climbing the financial ladder immediately. Apparently my hard earned money had to go towards the household and Stu’s tuition, far be it for him to go to public school like his old man.
So I waited, developed my plan in my own rare free time. I had everything thought out and anticipated, so that when the time was right, I could strike with my plan and get the loan, get production up and running and also get the patent and contracts.
It was tough for the first couple of years. I lived in a studio apartment in the rough part of town. Hell I was even mugged a few times, until word was spread that I didn’t have much to steal. And what of Ingrid? My Scandinavian she-demon, continued to pressure me for money for alimony, and tuition for poor baby Stu, who was now attending a very expensive college.
All that money spent on them and yet I was still able to rise from the ashes of my former life and actually move out of the neighborhood of despair and into a decent home.
My business grew by leaps and bounds as I hired on people to help and sell my product. My product was a simple device really. It replaced a faulty design in plumbing fixtures. Turns out, the fixtures would break down and leakage would occur until the entire unit needed to be replaced. My little stop-gap fixed the faulty fixtures. The day I secured the deal to have one of the largest manufacturers to implement my little device in all their models, was a banner day. Sales and profits exploded a thousand fold and my business grew again to keep up with the demand.
I had hoped that Stu, now known by everyone but me as Stuart, would have shown some interest in coming to work for me and learn the family business, but much to my chagrin, the little toad studied art in school. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars in tuition and my son chose to get a useless profession. Hell he could have gone to State instead!
One good thing came from that one hundred and fifty thousand dollar investment. Maybe the best investment I ever made: Donna. Stu met Donna at college and the two of them, after graduation got married.
Donna was slim, small and classy. Her parents knew the value of a dollar and had sacrificed to send her to a good college to get an education she could ‘fall-back on’. Why fall back? Because they really sent her to meet a man.
Not just any man, but the future captain of industry type that would normally be sent to such an expensive school like the one the attended. The joke was on them though as Stu was shocked to discover that there was no job awaiting him after college. There just didn’t seem to be a market for Fine Arts majors in the real world.
I offered Stu a position in my company, working the factory floor, so that he could get a full comprehensive understanding of the business. He was my son after all. He sniffled and refused. I was disappointed, but not surprised. He felt it beneath him and questioned me on why I didn’t make him VP. It was high time for Stu, who had everything handed to him, to learn how the real world worked. If he wanted to starve, so be it.
It was two months later when Donna came to my house alone. Dressed in threadbare clothes, her sweater barely kept her warm, and I noticed that her dress had been mended a few times. I ushered her to the den where the fire was lit and soon she and I sat together sipping some warm tea.
Donna looked tired and a bit drawn. Her face betrayed the first signs of worry lines that a person her age should not have. She was a pretty thing, brunette hair that contrasted to Stu’s and his mother’s golden locks. She had always had a very gentle face to go along with the inherited charm and grace that flowed through her body. Stu was lucky to have married her, I wondered to myself.
‘Mr. Swift,’ she began.
‘Donna, you know you can call me Jason,’ I interrupted. ‘Or Dad…’
‘Jason…Dad…Mr. Swift…I need your help.’
I leaned forward as Donna began in a whisper. This was very hard for her.
‘I know that Stuart turned you down for a job in the factory…but I was wondering if maybe there was a position for me instead?’
I was surprised for a moment. But this was Donna, not my brood.
‘Donna, this is sudden. I thought that Stu and you decided that my business was of no interest to you?’
Donna choked down a sob.
‘Dad… I only found out after Stuart refused your offer. I… we’ve had some very intense discussions about it.’
‘I thought that Stu was not interested in you working, didn’t he want you to stay at home?’
She nodded. ‘Dad, things have been hard for us. I’m afraid Stuart is not able to find a job and the bills keep piling up. If we miss another rent payment, we’ll be thrown out onto the streets.’
She broke down and cried now. I held her while she tried to put herself together. I felt her bones point through her back. She had not been eating as well. Quietly I cursed my son. Such a pig-headed stubborn fool, just like his mother. Poor Donna had chosen wrong and now was living to regret her decision.
I liked Donna. She was always kind to me, and tried to mend the fences between her husband and me. The two of us were just too different, so son and father never really had any common ground to bond with. Donna kept trying and forced herself and Stu into my life, whether I liked it or not.
Stu had burned his bridge with me, but poor Donna was stuck in the middle. If not for all her effort and kindness, I would have wished her luck and sent her on her way, back to the cold ratty apartment she and her husband shared. Seeing her like this, my heart wept for her.
‘Donna,’ I pulled her out of my chest and she tried to stifle the sniffles. I handed her a box of tissue and she blew her nose and wiped her eyes.
‘Donna, I’ve been thinking for a while now that the business is getting to be a little too much for me to oversee by myself. I think I need to find myself a good personal assistant. One that I could trust of course, and one that could look out for me and my best interests.’
I smiled at her and lifted her chin to face me, like a father would to his child.
‘Might you be interested?’
She smiled back, sniffled and then nodded. ‘Yes, Dad, yes!’ She hugged me, and I held her for quite sometime. I smelled her hair. It was sweet, like honey.
I drove her home, she had taken a bus, and in this weather with her light sweater, she would have caught cold. As I parked in front of her building, I pulled out my wallet, and handed her my AMEX card. She looked at me in confusion.
‘Money’s a little too tempting for Stu. This card is for you to go tomorrow to the stores and for you to get a business wardrobe together. You represent me now, and I need you to look professional, not like your clothes came from Goodwill.’
The look on her face told me that indeed her clothes had come from Goodwill.
She kissed me on the cheek and opened the door to leave. A blast of cold air came in and we both shivered.
‘Donna, make sure your first purchase is a good coat.’
She turned to look at me and mou
thed to the words: Thank you, to me, unsure of her voice, and then hurried into the apartment.
I never received a thank you from Stu. I heard nothing from him and suspected that he was angry with Donna for overstepping his bounds and asking me for assistance. Donna showed up bright and early two days later, ready for work. Gone were the used dresses and in their place was a smart looking young woman in a tight business suit. It was a little awkward at first as I didn’t really have a spot for her. She wound up sharing my office as I cleared away a small desk and had a phone line installed for her to use.
The first week we toured the entire business, as I showed her everything. She soaked it up with keen interest and I must admit that I was proud to finally be showing someone in my family my success. No one else had shown any interest, and I realized that I was starved for attention. Donna seemed proud of me and what I had accomplished. Her family was poor but they were honest hard working people and she had learned to appreciate success in small measures.
By the second week, Donna had entrenched herself quite formidably into the business. Her degree had been in accounting, a useful ‘fall-back’ and she had already started to identify areas that needed improvement. First off was the filing system of which she and I spent the weekend while everyone else was off, reorganizing the entire system. Files were strewn about the entire floor as she and I were on hands and knees crawling over all the files.
We turned it into a game after a while and both giggled as we raced to find the file in question first. Leaping and lunging for the files, we had once fought over one file, rolling over each other on the floor trying to pry it loose from the others grasp. I somehow managed to wind up on top of her and for a moment, she stared back into my eyes, lost in them. We were quiet, and at that moment I noticed just how captivating this creature was.
I held that gaze for an uncomfortable moment. Donna’s face shifted from an amused look to one of concern.
‘Dad?’ she queried.
My bubble burst. With those words, I pulled myself off her and we spent the rest of the time being formal to each other. The wall had come up between us. I caught Donna looking at me from time to time. She would quickly avert her gaze when I would turn to face her.
The time came a few months later when I had to travel back east to drum up some more sales as well as check in with my current clients. This time, I needed Donna to accompany me. The need was real. She had helped to institute a new pricing structure, one that for the life of me I just couldn’t explain to my clients. This would also be a chance for Donna to have a real trip away since before she was married.
‘Are you sure, you need me to come?’ Donna asked me. Whether she was worried about coming, or that she didn’t really think I needed her, I was not sure.
‘Donna, you are my assistant. You come with me. Besides, you’re the one who came up with the new pricing structure, so you get to be the one to explain it, if anyone has any questions.’
She seemed to accept her fate. The rest of the day was quiet.
That evening I received a call from Stu.
‘Dad, what’s all this about a trip Donna has to take?’
He sounded angry. Still out of work, it must have been difficult for him to see Donna blossom into a smart confident professional woman.
‘Stu, she’s my assistant, she needs to come with me and meet with our clients.’
‘She’s my damn wife!’ he hollered back at me.
‘That’s true,’ I told him. ‘But right now, your wife is paying the bills, and if her boss says she needs to go on a trip with him, then she’s going on a trip with him. You don’t like it? Well son, I offered you the position first. It could have been you going away with me now instead of your wife.’
Stu mumbled something about my corporate soulless company and hung up.
The next day, Donna arrived a little late and had her wrist bandaged.
‘What the hell happened?’ I pointed to her wrist.
Her eyes welled up and she tried to tell me she had fallen and hurt her wrist.
‘Stu did this, didn’t he?’ I roared.
She neither confirmed nor denied it. All was not well in their house. I grabbed my coat and headed towards the door.
‘Wait! What are you going to do?’
I turned to face her. ‘I’ve done a lot of things wrong with that son of mine, but I never would have imagined that he would hurt a woman. It’s time to teach him a lesson.’
‘Wait! Don’t!’ she threw herself at me, trying to block my way. ‘Dad! Daddy! Please! I beg you! You’ll make things worse!’
She tried. She really did try to pull at my heart strings, but I would not hear of it. I picked her up and set her aside me and out of my path.
‘You’ll just make things worse for me!’
‘Donna, tomorrow we leave for a week and a half. Until then, you will stay with me, away from my chicken-shit son! That’s an order, not a request!’
I left her standing there, crying, and headed for a visit to my son.
He opened the door after my twelfth bang. Still in his sweatpants and a stained t-shirt he slept with, I grabbed him by the throat and marched into the apartment. He struggled with my grip, but I held fast.
‘Listen here, you piece of shit!’ I growled as his face started to turn blue.
‘You hurt your wife again and I’ll make sure that will be the last thing on this earth that you ever do. I brought your sorry ass into this world and you better believe that I’ll take you out as well.’ (Yes I know, such a cliché!)
I let him go and he dropped onto the worn couch.
I looked around the apartment. It was a mess.
‘Let me guess, you don’t cook or clean either? You’re wife, after spending a hard day at work has to come home and make you dinner?’
His look answered my question.
‘Son, you’re going to loose that girl. She’s the best thing to ever happen to you.’
‘Ha!’ he croaked. ‘She’s just a user. She used me to get married and now she’s using you to move herself up!’
I just shook my head in disappointment.
‘I’m sure she’ll be shopping for a new husband on this trip!’
‘Well Stu, you certainly make it easy for her to do that. She loved you, probably still does, but what do you offer her?’
‘I give her love! I’m free of all these material things!’
‘Love, son, is not enough. Just look at you, look where you are living. In fucking squalor! You went to college for god’s sake. You are living below the damn poverty level. She went to school as well, and this is what it got you?’
Stu rubbed his throat. ‘That cunt went to school to land a husband! The jokes on her though, she landed an artist!’
I lunged towards him, but he was quick and he jumped away and grabbed a beer bottle and brandished it with menace.
‘You just fuck off, Dad! I never needed nor did I ever want your help! Mom was right about you! You abandoned us and as soon as you were free and clear you went off and made your fortune!’
I was seeing red, but that beer bottle looked to be painful and damaging if I pursued killing that son of mine. ‘I’m so sorry for you,’ I told him and left the apartment.
‘Tell that bitch that she isn’t welcome here!’ he screamed after me.
We closed up early that day. I had gone back to the office and told Donna everything that had happened. She had tried calling home, but Stu had been short and to the point over the phone. Donna came back to my house for the night.
The business trip was a success as Donna fit in quite nicely as my assistant. She was able to highlight the new pricing structure and our current clients had all been satisfied. We stopped over at her parent’s house for a nice dinner and I had left them to spend time alone. Both of Donna’s parents were older than I and we had always gotten along well. They were most gratef
ul for my help in getting Donna a job and experience. I got the feeling that Donna had not been able to tell them just how hard of a time she was going through back home.
Sensing some intimate time between their daughter and themselves, I excused myself and told Donna that she was free to spend the next full day with her family. I would meet her back home as I was taking an earlier flight. She was very grateful as were her parents. Her father, Jeff walked me to my car.
‘Jason, I want to thank you for being such a stand up guy to my daughter. I know she thinks the world of you, and without your help, I don’t think she would be where she is now.’
I shook his hand, told him it was a pleasure and that Donna was family.
I left that night looking at the little cottage in the rear-view mirror until I crested the hill. A sudden fear came over me as I wondered if Donna would be traveling back. There was no husband to come back to, only a job, a job that with her new experience, she could find a replacement closer to her family.
I would of course give her a glowing reference. She was valuable to me, to the company, but a part of me knew that her marriage with Stu was on life-support and ready to die away. We hadn’t spoken about Stu for the entire trip. We both had decided to ignore it and pretend it didn’t exist and just focus on business and the sights of the trip. Reality now loomed as the trip had come to the end. Was Donna going to be a fond memory? Would she be a footnote in the life history of my useless family?
I heard nothing from Donna until the morning she was due to report back to work. She was there early, and I was surprised when she had my coffee ready for me as I walked in.
‘Donna? You’re here!’
She looked at me oddly and smiled.
‘Of course I’m here, I work here, you remember?’
I sat down at my desk, my mind working a mile a minute as I took a sip of my coffee to steady my feelings. What were my feelings? That confused me.
‘I called Stuart and we worked things out. I’m back home with him.’
‘Oh,’ I said. My heart fell a little.
‘He apologized and begged me to come back. He needs me…’
I stopped listening after that. What a vicious cycle she was getting herself into. It hurt me to think about it.
Six months went by and it was getting to be close to summer. Donna and Stu still lived in the same run down apartment. Donna had been saving all that she could but Stu had found the money and spent it on frivolous things. Donna was a wonder at work, and often times the two of us would be alone after hours ordering dinner and coming up with our latest strategy. Her formal education in business practices compensated for my lack of education, while my instincts compensated for her book knowledge. We were a perfect match.
One evening at a restaurant where Donna and I were eating with Karen, a client of ours, the subject of dating came up. Karen had groused about not finding any of the available men particularly interesting.
‘I mean, we all can’t be lucky like you Donna and land a man like Jason!’
Our faces showed shock. I blushed a little and Donna choked on her drink.
‘Karen, Donna is my daughter in-law.’ I corrected.
Donna looked at me with a cryptic look. She seemed a little upset.
Karen leapt on this newfound knowledge. She scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand. ‘Well know! Am I to take it that the dashing Jason Swift is an eligible man?’
Karen was well put together. Perhaps a little too much make up and perfume, but her blonde locks and trim body were very pleasing, and at that moment, I had realized just how long it had been since I had had the pleasure of a woman in my bed.
Donna snorted. I looked at her and couldn’t read her face. Emotions were flowing over her, but at that moment, Karen had dropped her hand onto my thigh. Later, I realized after I had finished my drink that Donna had left.
I tried searching for her, but Karen had assured me that she had safely gotten into a taxi and headed off to home and her waiting husband. Now I was alone, within reach of the clutches of Karen and her well manicured claws, make that nails!
I pull up our very brief text conversation, but what do I even send him? Hey can we fuck again? You okay that you fucked your neighbors daughter? My fingers seem to have forgotten how to even type, maybe I should just get out of bed and find coffee and figure out what to say to him later. Thankfully no one is home, my parents both have worked banker hours my entire life, and I can have the house to myself. I start the coffee maker and hop in the shower for a quick shower while I wait on much...
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Just like in The Girl Who Paints Butterflies, this one was also sent to enter the same competition. This one also failed to get any award. Therefore, I am posting this here to seek some ideas on how to improve this. Please send me a comment once you've read it. Thank you. Oh, another thing. DO NOT republish this anywhere else. You may save it if you like, but only for private offline reading. Do not post this anywhere else. I sat in the garden, with a book as thick as a telephone...
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Ellen was glad when she heard the sound of the car engine leaving the house even though she knew it only brought the time closer when she would be, without a doubt, subjected to more indignities at the hands of her captors. But the man with the briefcase had brought more fear into her than ever would have been possible had she merely been sequestered with these criminals alone. Suddenly she had an image in her mind of what the outside world would be if political assassinations were permitted...
home, when a service call was made. The phone machine message was pathetic. "This is Tomiko Hokkaido's House Sitting Service, please leave a message, and I'll call you back for arrangements. **BEEP**" His voice was a bit shakey and he sounded like a work-a-holic. "Hi there, this is Tom Gleason, I'll be away for a meeting this week, and I need someone to watch the place. My number is 555-5555. " And another stereotypical work-a-holic calls. My job requires me to constantly deal...
You remember my girlfriend Laura from my previous story and how I watched her getting fucked by my best mate and totally enjoyed spying on them and wanking my little stick? Well... She knew! I don't think she actually knew at the time, but she figured it out somehow, I guess that's just what girls are like? I never talked to her about that night but there was a difference in the way we were together that changed everything about our relationship and I still can't say if it's for...
I was both nervous and excited. The big day had arrived. I had been told to rest and sleep as much as possible with no sexual encounters with my sons and dogs. To make sure, Alice had spirited them all away, leaving me on my own. She would be coming back for me at 7:30 pm. The time was now 9am and, not surprisingly, due to the past events I found myself easily dropping off to sleep. I did awaken twice, but was soon asleep again. I got up at 5 pm and was starving hungry. I was warned not to...
It was maybe three weeks later when Marnie went to answer the door there was Kathy and a quick look said that had to be her mother. “Oh Kathy, sorry you missed him this is Paul’s weekend with his father.” “Oh I knew that, mom and I were talking and she wanted to meet you, this is my mother Moira.” Marnie was very nervous, what was going... “I told mom about you and me and Paul.” 9 words that hit her like an sledgehammer! Moira pushed by her and they ended up in the kitchen. Moira sat at...
MUNICH/THE BLACK FOREST, BRUSSELS, EARLY/MID JUNE LUKE'S VOICE As they trooped out, I sighed and sat back. That was it for the week, and tomorrow I'd be in Munich. I closed my eyes and tried to stretch the kinks out of my spine. Six hours teaching with one short break is no picnic. I thought of my hold-all lying next door, packed and ready, and chided myself for being so impatient: whatever happened to cool Luke? Heels clattered along the corridor and the door opened. 'Luke?' My heart...
All-natural blonde Blake Blossom makes her Hussie Pass debut today and we paired the coed up with Brickzilla and his 13 inch prick because the 20 year old wanted to do something REALLY big! After we get to know Blake a little bit, Brickzilla steps in with some lube and we get to see her twerk her lovely 39 inch ass. Blake then stuffs his dick into her mouth before giving him a stocking-clad footjob and letting him fuck her ample 32DD breasts. Brickzilla gives her coed pussy a taste before...
xmoviesforyouHe stared at his sister exiting the pool, water dripping from her thin, tanned body It glistened on her stomach and legs, causing her bikini top to cling revealingly to her small breasts. It accentuated their soft curves, and the taut nipples peaked as the cool air hit them. Greg hated to admit it, but he was more aroused then he'd ever been in his life. His dick knew it as it hardened rapidly and strained against the confines of his shorts. Not that he needed his genitals to tell him what he...
How I became a whore Hi ISS readers, I am Saroj Sharma from Rajasthan, a beautiful married girl, age 26 years, doing Govt Job (gazzetted status). My hubby is also a gazetted officer. I am not new to this site. My five stories in which three were true are available on this site under category COUPLE. I want to clarify that this story is not real and totally a work of fiction. I have used my name in this story as a central character for showing reality only. My hubby is qualified as MBA and he is...
This happened a few years ago. It was getting dark and I was passing a popular cruising spot near Barton Mills. I drove down the quiet forest road and pulled up . I got lucky because a few minutes later a car passed slowly and flashed his indicator. I did the same, he took this as a sign that I was interested. I glanced at him in his car as I got out and walked into the wooded area. He followed quickly behind. as he got to me I was stroking my soft cock. with just my jeans unbuttoned and loose....
All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between two Gypsy teenagers and two Cops. The teenagers dominates the Cops. There is also some mild fetish (The two Gypsies have a poor personal hygiene, so you do the maths), nothing too heavy though. But if you are squeamish and don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. This is just a fantasy. Always play safe in real life. MAIN CHARACTERS Enzo = 41 Cop Marco = 30 Cop Adrian = 18 Gypsy Lazlo = 18...
This is true, some time ago, to give you an idea it was the time of the yuppy in London the time the mobile carried like a brick .my wife had a friend who had married the said yuppy who at the time worked in London but commuted to his home in Yorkshire, so his wife was at home for some time on her own, my wife June would go to see here while I was also working but not as a yuppy, we would go on some Saturday nights out with here for a meal or drinks. both my wife and June were very stunning...
Sitting in the garden the sun is out beer in hand taking in the warm sunshine. Your in the garden busy sorting out the flowers and bushes. Love watching you work in a little world of your own.Hope you know that light summer dress your wearing is see thru? When the sun is out I can see the black skimpy panties and that bra trying to hold in your ample breasts ( not very well)! Every time you bend over I dream about being behind you and just ramming my hard cock deep in your arse! Yes I think...
Once Heather got back to her room, she took off her bikini and started to dry off for real, but as she did, there were quiet second thoughts that started to creep in. Maybe she'd brushed this Pacobel guy off a bit too quickly; he seemed like a nice guy, and she could have pumped him for a lot more information about the town. Besides, so what if things got a little hot and heavy? It had been a long time. And, maybe she'd been a little suspicious, anyway; Pacobel hadn't exactly made a pass...
by Night WingI have spent my last few summers working for a pool service in town. It has been a great way to put a few bucks aside for college and it's not a bad job when you live in Texas in the summer. A lot of the people I work for aren't around much, and my boss says it's OK to go for a swim when I get hot.This summer my boss gave me a new job. A house not to far from mine. He told me the lady, a Mrs. Stone, had asked for me. She said she knew me and my folks and was sure I'd be good. He...
Hi all, myself Bala an IT engineer currently working in NJ, USA. I am a normal built person with a 6-inch long and 3-inch thick dick. Without any delay, let’s get into the story that happened recently. After submitting my last story, I was not expecting any feedback or calls for sex. One day, I got a chat request from Naina. We had a very slow interaction in the beginning. I wasn’t sure if she want to have sex with me or just writing for feedback or just a fake person pretending to be a...
It all started sophomore year. I had just moved states and into a new school. Just like every school there were different groups of people. You had the cool group, the nerd group, the goth group and so on. I wanted to be in the cool group so I did stupid things that pretty much got me in trouble most of the time. I was always sent to the principal office but she would always let me go. She would just smill at me and let me off the hook.My junior year. I was in class with a lot of my friends. I...
I was eighteen and was sunbathing in our garden with my girlfriend, Kathy. We were lying on large towels on the lawn, wearing just tiny bikinis, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on our bodies. As I turned over onto my back, I caught a glimpse of something, a reflection maybe, from the window of my brother Mark's room. He was sixteen and had recently started spying on me, especially when I had friends over.Telling Kathy I was going to get drinks for us, I went into the house. Creeping upstairs...
Incest“What do you think about Mike?” asked Jenny.Marie shielded her eyes and looked across the park at the three boys throwing a football. They wore shorts and their upper bodies had a film of sweat from the sun and their teenaged muscles rippled under their skins. “He is alright, I guess.”“Alright? He is such a hottie, so cute and just look at that body.”“Sure, maybe he just isn’t my type.”Jenny looked at her friend over the rim of her sunglasses. “Do you even have a type? The last time you dated...
LesbianThe sun was beating down on her skin as Jackie watched her husband, Eric, walking towards her while precariously balancing his fishing gear and a large cooler in his arms. Her son, Jake, was paddling his board out trying to catch one last wave before they went home for the day."What's that you got there?" She asked her husband while he dumped the contents of his arms onto the beach next to her towel."You won't believe how much I caught today honey." He beamed, "Every cast brought in another...
Sitting in a bar and crying in one's beer is a less than delightful way to live a life. That said, it is a primo way to think things over. So here was Jennifer allowing me, an old flame, an ex-husband, a complete loser the opportunity to get his rocks off, occasionally, and that for free! That there was a downside to that kind of favor does not seem to have occurred to her. My ego was crushed, but my balls were emptied out. My self-esteem, what little I’d had, was reduced to a vague mist in...
CuckoldHi, I am Sneha, 19yrs girl studying in college. Being an athlete, i maintained good body structure and have a assets of 32c-24-32, fair, long black hair and black eyes. I am staying in a PG in outskirts of the city near college and work part time at pizza shop in weekends for extra income inside the city. Life was beautiful and enjoyable. But the little pocket money and the small salary is no sufficient to meet my monthly expenses to live my life style. In the building above my pizza shop there...
Dear reader , Mera naam Manoj hai aur main Bangalore me rahta hu. Meri height 5’7” hai. main ISS ko pechhle 13 saal se follow kar raha hu aur shayad ISS ki aisi koi kahani nahi hogi jisko maine padhi na ho. Aaj achanak se khayal aaya ki main apni kahani aap logo ke sath share karu. Padh kar jarur comment karna. Meri kahani ki heroine meri ek dost hai jiska naam aparna hai. uski aur meri dosti tab se hai jab main engineering kar raha tha. Aur kabhi-2 use Propose karne ki bhi koshish ki magar...
Hello my dear sex story lovers and I believe reading a sex story is more arousing than watching xxx movie. This is very exciting to write my own story again. Let me not bore you with my philosophies of life. Hi, I am Kalyan Karthik from Hyderabad but born and brought up in Vizag. I am 24 years old whitish white in color and 6 feet tall and go to Talwalkers 3 times a week. I am software professional and working in Infosys, Mysore campus. This story is about my Girlfriend who is a Biotechnology...
As soon as they got home, Joyce and Douglas, and Molly Anne and Kris, headed for one of the large bedrooms. As the others rushed for the bed, shedding clothes, Molly Anne stopped at the room’s computer and set up a quick playlist, beginning with: I’ve paid my dues Time after time I’ve done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I’ve made a few I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face But I’ve come through We are the champions, my friends And we’ll keep on...
Investigative Journalism by patricia51 Dawn Garth took a deep breath and pushed open the door. She took the five or six steps down that led through a curtained archway and into the spacious room. Nervously, the blond woman scanned the entire area. Her eyes swept over the bar, where a few stools were occupied, to the couples on the dance floor. She took in the row of tables on the far side as well as the booths scattered against the back wall. In spite of her nervousness, her foot twitched...
First of all, a big HI! to everyone. I am long time reader of ISS. This writing is about me and my mom and this is my first story. Better to say an introduction story. We have had a lot of sex about which I write for days. I used to wonder when reading some incest stories here, in particular, mom-son relationship. I always believed them to be fantasy. Could such a thing happen ever? How will the son have that much gut to fuck his mom without any guilt? Sure, many would be wondering still. But...
IncestMain hun Sharda. Aaj main pehli baar apni kahani le kar aayee hun ISS mein. Waise to main regular stories padhti hun. Par mere ghar pe net nahi hai isliye cafe aana padhta hai. Phir do bachon ke sath kabhi-2 mushkil bhi ho jata hai. Dosto meri kahani padh kar response jarur karna. Mujhe sex se bhari mails padhna achha lagta hai. Ab main zyada bore nahi karungi….baat tab ki jab mere devar ka apni biwi talaak hua aur woh hamare ghar rehne aaya. Wo bahut jawaan aur sunder hai. Jab hum joint family...
Amara Romani is dressed in just a sports bra and tight shorts with panties as she completes her yoga workout. When Brian O’Mally joins her and finds her rubbing her pussy, she is quick to spring his hardon free so that she can stroke her hands over his dick. Since she’s already on her knees, it’s an easy thing to start sucking Brian off with her hot puffy lips. Bending over so that Brian can peel off her panties, Amara settles herself on the exercise ball and spreads her...
xmoviesforyou"Good morning, Accorda," the colonel said as she presented herself to him immediately after breakfast, as instructed. She was standing ramrod straight at attention. "At ease." He turned to his wife, who was finishing up negotiating her own breakfast as well as feeding Meier. "Are you ready, my love?" he asked. She nodded, taking a final sip of coffee. "I think we will want a little privacy and seclusion, our quarters?" She nodded again, rose to unselfconsciously take her husband's...
The longer I live, the more I believe the old adage that things are never what they seem. I am a generally easy going kind of guy, and until recently seemed to have had a fairly normal life. It appeared like I had it all. I was at the pinnacle of success, with a great job, a gorgeous wife, plenty of wealth, and a large home in the suburbs. This is my account of how my perfect life came tumbling down. But before I bring you up to present I will go back six weeks ago. It was February 2, 2014,...
Once in the car and heading away from Dallas, Kara removed her suit jacket and tossed it in the backseat. She and Dirk had eaten a light supper in a downtown eatery near Kara’s office and were on their way to a nightclub in the stockyards area of Fort Worth, some thirty miles away. After entering the expressway, Kara continued the transition from lawyer to Friday night reveler. As he drove, Dirk stole quick glances at her, unbuttoning the white silk blouse she had worn under the jacket. “This...
Straight Sex