Carol Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter 3: Joy Unspeakable

The next day was perfection. They spent it together, first walking in the gardens, where they strolled amung the flowers and kissed on an arched bridge. A pair of old ladies who were watching told them they were ‘a pretty couple’ afterward.

They had a light lunch, then went to a bookstore. They walked up and down the aisles and looked at books, idly picking them up and putting them back, occasionally showing them to each other, but soon they were looking at each other and smiling, then laughing.

‘I haven’t paid attention to anything I’ve looked at since we got here,’ he finally admitted.

‘Neither have I,’ she said. ‘What do you want to do?’

‘What do YOU want to do?’ he asked.

She took his hand. ‘Well… I need to get back earlier tonight, because Larry called last night before I got back and I had to convince him I was at a movie.’


‘So I want to go back to your hotel,’ she said, ‘and make out for the rest of the day.’

‘Gee, I dunno,’ he teased. ‘That movie we were going to see sounds pretty good…’

She slapped his shoulder, laughing, and they left.

It was more of the same, though they went a little farther. They remained fully dressed, and by turns held each other quietly and murmured of dreams and memories to each other–but they also fiercely kissed and groped each other like they were naked.

Carol was wearing jeans, and spread her legs wide so Charlie could lie between them and grind his erection into her denim-covered pussy mound as she hunched back at him. He kissed and nuzzled her big breasts through her clothes, and she held his ass with both hands and whimpered, ‘Oh, yes…Oh, yes…’

It was frustrating, but fun. They kept each other halfway to orgasm for hours, and flirted with three-fourths.

By mutual, unspoken consent, they began to dial back their passion as the sky began to darken. By seven o’clock, they were simply holding each other and kissing quietly again. ‘I love you,’ he said.

‘I love you too,’ she whispered, but looked troubled. Charlie saw.

‘It’s all right, Carol,’ he said. ‘You’re not making me any promises. I know that.’

She looked at him. ‘Do you?’

He pulled her to him. ‘I know you’ll never leave him,’ he whispered in her ear. He held her close so she couldn’t see his face.

‘Thank you, Chahlie,’ she whispered. ‘I do love you. You always give me what I need.’ He kissed her and sat up.

‘Dinner before you go? We can get room service.’

She smiled. ‘That would be perfect.’ Then she added, ‘Just like you.’

He looked at her blankly. ‘What?’

‘You are,’ she said, her eyes soft as she lay there on the bed and looked at him. ‘You give me what I need, and you don’t ask for anything, and you understand–everything. I do love you, Chahlie. I really do.’

He lay down again. ‘I would do anything for you,’ he said. ‘Anything at all.’

‘Love me,’ she said. He smiled.

‘Till the stars fall from the sky, Carol.’

They had dinner in his room–complete with candles–and then he drove her back. ‘When will I see you tomorrow?’ he asked. ‘Can I come and pick you up?’

She shook her head. ‘No, I’ll drive over,’ she said. ‘I’ll be going home from here. I only have till noon or so, and I want to spend as much time with you as possible.’

‘When will you be here?’ he asked.

She smiled. ‘Early,’ she said. ‘Let me surprise you.’

It was only a little past seven o’clock when she knocked. He padded to the door barefoot, wrapped in the hotel robe. Beneath it, he wore nothing.

He opened the door with a smile–and then his eyes widened. Carol had her hair tied back in a ponytail, and was wearing short maroon cutoffs and a matching sweatshirt. She was barefoot.

She looked like a plump and curvy teenager. Her pale, beautiful legs seemed almost to glow in the still-dim hallway. Beside her on the floor were her bags. Charlie just stared.

‘Well? May I come in?’ she asked, with a knowing smile.

He blinked. ‘Uh. Uh, yeah. Sure. Here, let me get those.’ He picked up her bags and carried them inside. She followed, and he closed the door behind her.

‘Wait,’ Carol said. She opened the door, hung the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the knob, then closed and locked it again. She swung the emergency lock into place, too.

‘Can’t have too much privacy,’ she said with a smile, then opened her arms.

He hugged her–and gasped. He stroked her back and squeezed her, then leaned back and smiled at her. ‘You naughty thing,’ he said.

She giggled. ‘Just like old times.’ She was not wearing a bra.

He looked down at her cutoffs. They were shorter than he remembered. ‘Nope. Nothing there either,’ she said with a smirk.

He looked at her and actually shivered. He remembered, she meant she was wearing no panties, either, and he was even more shocked than he had been on that night so long ago.

He looked at her sidewise. ‘Okay,’ he said, ‘what’s going on?’

She moved into his arms and hugged him, and he held her close. ‘We only have a few hours,’ she whispered. ‘and we won’t be together again for a while. I want to give you something to remember. A special treat.’

‘Like I was going to forget?’ he asked.

She smiled. ‘Just making sure. C’mon, let’s snuggle for a while.’ She led him to the bed, where they lay down together. His robe was pulled around him, but she slipped a hand beneath it and around to his bare back. He held her close, and they kissed, but gently, quietly. She stroked his back.

‘I’m going to miss you so much,’ she murmured.

He started to say something about missing her for twenty-seven years, but thought better of it. ‘Me too,’ was all he said.

They kissed for a while, a little more passionately. He stroked her back through the sweatshirt, then cupped her breast. It was so soft and heavy, without her bra….She made a tiny sound of protest, then took his hand in hers and lifted it from her breast. He thought she was saying, ‘Not now’–

But then she slipped his hand beneath her sweatshirt and released it. As he slid his hand upward and touched her bare breast, she made another little sound–of contentment–and snuggled closer.

He whispered, ‘I love you,’ and held her breast in his hand. Her nipple was big under his palm, and stiffening. He kissed her.

They cuddled quietly for a long time, and he explored her warm, smooth, and achingly familiar body with his hands. At one point he moved to pull her sweatshirt off, but she stopped him with a hand and a tiny shake of her head. ‘That’s for later,’ she breathed.

‘All right.’ He continued to fondle her beneath the shirt, and she lifted her chest to his hands as they cuddled and kissed deeply.

It was not the fierce, animal lust of the day before, though there was passion there. It was a deeper, warmer current of affection, a glowing ember of trust and closeness that would awaken into flame quite soon enough. There was no hurry.

She unbuttoned and unzipped her cutoffs. She made no sound, no other movement. When he slid his hand over her smooth belly and below her waist inside them, she murmured softly, ‘Don’t–‘

‘I know,’ he whispered. ‘Just touch.’ She sighed and kissed him, relaxed and quiet in his arms.

He stroked all across her lower belly, so smooth and soft, down to where her thighs began, from hip to hip. His fingers brushed the fringes of her hair.

His hand moved lower, and for the first time in so very many years, he touched her–there. He cupped her tender mound, and kissed her again.

He stroked her there, so gently, just holding her sweet pussy in his hand, and she opened her mouth to him and moved, so subtly, lifting her hips to his touch. He squeezed her for an instant, and then began to stroke her skin
from breasts to thighs. His hand moved all over her, beneath the shirt and shorts, touching her everywhere, petting her like a kitten, and she purred with contentment.

‘How do you always know exactly what I want?’ she whispered.

‘It’s what I want too, my heart,’ he whispered back. He cupped her mound again, and there was moisture there. He knew she would be liquid, an intimate and fragrant pool of warmth inside her, but the time to touch her there was not quite yet.

He stroked her secret hair and held her close. A few moments later, he covered her–then just held her, his hands outside her clothes. ‘Soon,’ he murmured.

‘Yes. Very soon,’ she breathed, and wriggled against him, warm and safe and loved.

She lay quietly in his arms. ‘When can we meet again?’ she asked.

‘That’s up to you,’ he said. ‘I can come to you anytime.’ He held her breast again, feeling the softness of it through her shirt. ‘School is out in a couple of weeks, and I’m off.’

Her eyes sparkled as she lifted herself to his touch. ‘In two weeks?’

‘Mm-hmm.’ He bent and kissed her breast.

She stroked the back of his head as he nuzzled her. ‘Would it be worth the drive for just a few hours?’ The drive was four hours for him, one-way, to get to where she lived.

He raised his head and looked at her face. ‘It would be worth it for ten minutes, Carol. What are you thinking?’ He moved to lift his hand, but she clasped it to her.

‘I sometimes take an afternoon off, on a weekday, and just go shopping or see a movie by myself,’ she said. ‘Larry’s used to it. We could meet and go somewhere to be alone for just a little while. Mmmm.’ She pressed his hand into her chest and closed her eyes.

‘Every week?’ he asked hopefully. She shook her head.

‘No, that would be a change. Just once every six weeks or so.’ She smiled and rubbed her cheek against his chest. ‘Maybe every month.’

‘Name the day. I can get there on five hours’ notice. Just call me and I’m there.’ He squeezed her.

‘I’ll be calling.’ She kissed him, then lay back and sighed. ‘I feel better now, love. I was afraid it would be months… What’s the matter?’

His hand had stopped moving and he was looking at her with a strange expression.

‘Please don’t call me that,’ he said softly.

‘Something you can’t think about?’ He nodded.

She took his hand and put it inside her shorts again. ‘Seems like you could think about anything again now, Chahlie…’

He stroked her belly. ‘Different direction,’ he said.

She looked at him with a trace of sadness. ‘From when it was bad,’ she whispered. He nodded, and she embraced him. ‘What can I ever do to make up for that, Chahlie? I’m so sorry. I had to do what I did. I just had to.’

So much he wanted to say, to ask her, to tell her. But he found he could let it go. That time was past, and it was clear there was much she didn’t remember. Why stir up all that hurt? It was better now.

‘You already have, my heart.’ She smiled and closed her eyes and snuggled close.

‘Thank you, Chahlie,’ she whispered.

‘Just–‘ She opened her eyes. ‘Just promise me you’ll never shut me out again.’

She hugged him. ‘I promise,’ she said quietly. ‘I’ll never shut you out again, Chahlie. Never, never, never. I swear it.’ He embraced her, and they kissed.

He sighed. A very old wound had finally had the poison drawn from it, and now it could heal. Perhaps it was healed already.

His hand was in her shorts. He caressed her there, and moved to kiss her throat. She lifted her chin for it, and he pulled her shirt aside with his other hand and began to kiss her secret spot.

He thought of it as only his, he didn’t know if Larry knew of it, and didn’t want to know. She whimpered, just a little, and her thighs parted and then spread wide. She hissed and writhed as he drilled his tongue into her throat, and his finger found her tiny slit and gently–oh, so gently–parted her moist lips and slipped inside her.

She gasped and moaned. So did he. She was so hot, so wet–so smooth and sweet–he felt her up and kissed her throat and held her against him as she twisted in his arms and opened her legs farther. ‘Oh, God, Chahlie–that feels so good–‘

‘Mmmm. Sure does.’

‘No one could ever touch me like you do. No one ever has.’

‘I love you, Carol.’ He dragged his finger against her clit and made her twist and moan. ‘I love you, Carol.’ He did it again, and she shuddered. ‘I love you.’ Once more.

‘Oh, God, Chahlie, I love you too. I always have…’ She rolled her pussy upward for his touch and pumped her hips, urgently. ‘You’re going to make me come already…’

His eyes were wet. ‘Tell me that again,’ he breathed. She knew what he meant.

‘I’ve always loved you, Chahlie, I never stopped… Oh, God, that feels so good….’

He dug his finger deep, slipped in another, pressed his palm against her clit and moved it in slow circles. ‘Tell me again,’ he whispered.

‘I’ve always loved you, Chahlie… I’ve missed your hands so much…’ She made a strangled sound, deep in her throat. ‘Ggg… Ungh… I’m going to c-come, Chahlie… Make me come… Make me come now, like you used to…’

He stroked her long and deep, so firm and gentle and insistent all at once, keeping the smoothly sliding contact with her clit and with her pulsing pussy walls, and she drew up in a tense arch and shuddered in his arms. ‘I’m c-c-‘

He began to shake her there, holding her liquid center firmly in his hand and moving his hand so rapidly…

‘Oh, G-GOD,’ she cried, ‘I’m c-COMING… I’m COMING, Chahlie, I’m coming in your haaANND…’ She grimaced and shuddered like a leaf in the wind, and her pussy clenched and grasped at his fingers wetly as she tensed and hummed beside him like a harpstring. He shook her captured pussy hard and kept her coming for most of a minute, till she was struggling and choking out her still-growing, blooming orgasm in half-words and broken gasps of white-hot passion. ‘Oh, G–so good–Ggg–Oh, Ch–Chah–ngh–don’t st–nngh–love y–‘

He finally released her from the climax he controlled, still holding her soaked and trembling pussy firmly in his hand. He moved his hand more subtly, allowing her to come down from her long, long peak of passion, slowly and sweetly relaxing in his arms. She rolled toward him and sobbed into his chest. He held her, his hand still holding her sweet, wet pussy, protectively now.

She sniffed and gulped, crying in his arms. Then she looked up, her face wet but smiling. ‘Only you, Chahlie,’ she quavered. ‘Only you can m-make me come so hard, I c-cry.’ She dropped her head to his chest again and gasped, ‘How can you still do that after so long?’

‘It’s what I was made for, Carol,’ he whispered. ‘It’s why I exist.’

She clung to him and breathed, ‘I think you must be right.’

They lay in silence for a while, and he held her close with one hand and her sweet pussy in the other. He felt her quiver in his arms from time to time.

He finally lifted his hand from her crotch and she lifted her head to look at him–and as she watched, he licked and sucked her juices from his fingers. She smiled, delighted. ‘Oh, Chahlie…’

He licked between his fingers and smiled back. ‘Take those off,’ he said, ‘And I’ll make you come even harder.’ She shivered.

‘Oh, God not now. I’d explode.’

‘A little later, then.’ She kissed him, deeply, tasting herself, then took a deep breath and smiled at him, an expression on her face he could not read. ‘What?’

‘It’s time for your special treat,’ she said, her voice low and intimate. She zipped her shorts and then climbed over him and off the bed. ‘Come on.’

She led him to the sofa. ‘Sit down and wait,’ she said. Breasts and bottom jiggling beneath her teenager’s shirt and shorts, she walked around the room turning on
more lights.

When the room was brightly lit, she pulled the coffee table in front of the couch away and stood in front of him, his view of her unimpeded. ‘There, that’ll do,’ she said.


‘Now wait just a minute. I’ll be right back. I have to go to the bathroom.’ She grinned excitedly and literally skipped away, breasts bouncing, and disappeared.

He sat there waiting. His mind was ticking over slowly, still trying to comprehend what she had said, that she had always loved him. He had just decided not to ask her questions, but just to treasure it as it was, when she came out of the bathroom–and he gasped.

He stared at her in delight, thunderstruck. ‘Oh, baby,’ he breathed. ‘Oh, my God…’

Carol was totally nude. She posed for him, her cheeks pink. ‘I’ve put on some weight,’ she said shyly.

‘You look better than ever, baby,’ he said. ‘I swear you do.’ Her body was a marvel.

She was a bit heavier, but that only made her curves more generous, more sensual. Her breasts were bigger, but they seemed almost as firm as when she was a girl. Her belly had more of a convex curve, but the sweet punctuation of her belly button still hypnotized him as it had on that beach so long ago. Her thighs were heavier, and her legs curvier, but they were still perfect–and her beautiful bare feet still made him ache for her. Her feminine, hourglass shape was emphasized by her broader hips and bigger breasts, but above all, her skin–and he could see all of it–was just as pink-and-white and perfect as he had not dared to remember.

She was a vision, beautiful and sexy beyond the dreams he had never dared to dream. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing: his Carol, the only woman in the world, standing in from of him, and as he loved her best: totally nude. She was almost fifty, but she was more sensuously, sexily alluring and plain beautiful than a roomful of naked 16-year-olds, and he would not have traded her for a thousand of them.

She smiled shyly and turned to show him her plump bottom. It occurred to him that she must be proud of it, and she should be–it was big and firm and round and perfect. ‘That’s the most beautiful behind I’ve ever seen,’ he said, and she blushed a little redder and stuck it out for him happily. She waved it at him a bit and giggled. ‘C’mere, baby,’ he said, and opened his arms.

To his surprise, she shook her head with a wicked smile. ‘I said I had a special treat for you,’ she said. ‘This isn’t it.’

He blinked at her. ‘Then what–oh.’ He began to smile. ‘You want me to?’

She smirked at him coyly. ‘You haven’t seen me naked for almost thirty years,’ she said. ‘I thought it’d be fun to make a little show out of it.’

‘Like we used to,’ he said. His mouth was dry.

‘Mmm-hmmm…. Are you ready?’

‘Are you?’ he asked as he prepared to open his robe. ‘You haven’t seen this for almost thirty years, either.’

She smiled and whispered, ‘Show me, Chahlie. Let me see how I excite you.’ He opened his robe and showed her. ‘Ooo! You ARE excited!’

His cock was fully erect, curving upward slightly with a bead of pre-cum at the tip. She knelt before him and took it in her soft hand. She shivered at her touch and closed his eyes. ‘Open your eyes, Chahlie,’ she whispered. ‘I want you to see this.’

He looked down, and as he watched in disbelief, Carol, naked to her lovely toes, kissed his swollen dickhead and licked the bead of pre-cum away with a lewd smile. ‘Now jack off to me, Chahlie,’ she whispered as she rose back to her feet. ‘I want to make you come.’

She spread her bare feet wide apart, placed her hands on her knees, and crouched in front of him sensuously. As she bumped her pelvis subtly, her breasts swung before his eyes, heavy and big and perfect. Her large nipples were hard and erect. She was so bare… Charlie pulled at his grateful cock. After two days of constant erection and solitary fantasies, he was enjoying this more than any words could ever, ever express.

She turned around, still crouching, and humped and rolled her perfect ass at him. She looked back over her shoulder and asked, ‘What do you want me to do, Chahlie? I’ll do anything…’

If he had ever dared to dream at all, he would never have dared to dream this. He had her take his favorite poses, of course: half-crouching with her hands behind her head, legs turned outward, lying on her back and holding her knees as wide as possible, kneeling with her lovely ass high in the air, her ass cocked up to expose her tender pussy lips, which parted slightly. She was visibly wet, her pussy–still so small!–glistening in the brightly lit hotel room.

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Mom Me and Our Adventures with Spunk part 5

Things like fucking your own Mom. Now a complete obsession in my life. Whatever I do. Wherever I go. It's all I think about. Are we going to fuck, suck, lick or fondle each other when she gets home from work and me from College? Where are we going to do it? On my bed? Her bed? In the shower? In the kitchen? On top of the washer dryer set to spin? Fuck, I'd even do it in the back seat of our car in the middle of the local Wallmart parking lot. Like I said. Obsession. Anytime. Anywhere. So...

3 years ago
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Dead Doll epilogue

They give us the key to the only suite there, even though we only intend to use the bathroom. Lucy sits down on the toilet to pee before she joins me in the shower.“We should stay here a few days,” she says as she changes place with me under the running water. I tell her I don't think it's a good idea. I just want to go home.After the shower, before I put my clothes back on, I crouch down and open the mini bar. There's snack, a champagne bottle, two beers, red wine and Voss. Except for the Voss...

1 year ago
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Turn me on

Must be nice I thought to myself. I was the complete opposite of the very orgasmic woman, I couldn't even get turned on. Becky pulled her attention away from the tv to respond. "Your just jealous Rach." I nodded and looked away. My boyfriend Devin, turned away from the computer screen to look at me. "What are you two talking about?" "Rachel can't get turned on, or orgasm. Didn't you know that? Oh wait, thats right you havent slept with her yet." Becky said...

3 years ago
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learning about myself unbelievably crazy night

I was having a typcially lonely night at home last nighti had been indulging in a bit of the old happy pipe at home and i was ridiculously horny. I Found myself once again considering experimenting with my gay side, yet again to the same fantasy of a horny big cocked, dominating, older, mature man to turn me into a sissy and use me.So once again i sat energised and craving this fantasy once again... I put my feelers out and arranged to meet someone i met online on this very site. At first he...

2 years ago
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First Time Gay Hookup

This is the story of the first time i hooked up with a guy. feel free to comment/question. Let me know if you like it or would like to hear another story. Included a picture of his dick for reference.So i started getting a little curious about guys when i was younger. I didn’t feel i was gay but i would sometimes think about sucking cock while i was jerking off, only to feel ashamed of it after i had blown my load. I didn’t find men attractive, so much as I just enjoyed the deviant idea of...

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The Dream

This is a fantasy my gf wrote for me about me and our friend. Hope you people enjoy. :) Rudy and I were cuddling up after a long morning, we were on the couch watching our favorite episode of sg1 and kissing and spooning, when my phone rang. I was hoping to spend the whole day cuddling up with my sweet heart but my friend Roxy was on the phone, she wanted us to go over since her k**s were at their dads and he bf was away so she wanted us to come over and have a few drinks or go out or something...

3 years ago
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The Marriage Contract

The Marriage Contract ? by: adhi "You dirty little piece of shit!" my wife spat at me. "Did you really think that I wouldn't notice that you cheated me with this secretary slut of yours? How dumb do you think I am? But I'll be kind. I'll give you a choice on this: 1. You may sign over all your assets to me and get a divorce. We'll never see again and you can become happy with your secretary. 2. Be doomed! I'll make your life a living hell so you'd wish you'd never have been...

2 years ago
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On the road with the wife

My wife and I were traveling on the Interstate to visit her ailing mother. Talking about sex as we always do as we travel Jen was really getting into some of her fantasies. Like talking about another man in their bed and maybe sharing him with another woman. She talks like that a lot but we never act on it. If you knew Jen you would know why. Jen and I married straight out of High School and had a child before our first anniversary. She was a good wife and an excellent mother. After a year...

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Suzi is Rebuilt as a Sex Toy ch 02

FOUR O'CLOCK I am writing this because it is the best way I know to further humiliate myself. Maybe that will make me cum. To expose myself by letting the world know what kind of life I am leading. There have been hundreds of cocks in my mouth and in my cunt since Michael took over my life and it turns me on to know that there are thousands more strangers watching the videos he posts and reading the stories he has me write. I am touching my pussy right now, masturbating because I know...

3 years ago
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Piaceres Shock

Piacere’s ShockbyPiacereQ and I just recently began playing with electricity, so we are both learning. For him it’s understanding electricity, and, most importantly, how it can be used to excite, pleasure and torture without causing long-term injury or worse. For me, it is learning to enjoy the stimulation and varying sensations as well as training my body how to respond and accept the pain e-torture can create.Until we began using a TENS unit and are now at the upper end of what’s available...

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Repo Inc alien breeding

REPO INC. This is one of my first stories and I hope you like it. I write all of my stories either from the male point of view or from a voyeuristic point of view. I usually never like the result when I write from the female point of view as, for me, the result is never satisfactory. However, if any of you (no matter of male or female) has a talent for writing from a female point of view, please feel free to write this story from the female point of view. Just post it under „REPO INC. Female...

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Across The Street The Conclusion

Mike left his telescope at the window even though it wasn't used any longer; his laptop was the new tool of choice. Every night around midnight he would receive a chat request and a second later Leann's beautiful face would fill his screen. There was the usual small talk about their day as Mike stared at her pretty face.They didn't have to talk about sex. Between her looks, dress and voice Mike always got hard. Leann seemed to be able to sense when he was ready and would start her music and...

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Make My Day

My best friend Lisa & I arrived at about 2am at the St. Louis night club. The club was packed with wall to wall people and the titty contest was about to start. We headed straight for the balcony with our drinks so we could get a good view of the night’s drunken contestants who would compete for $100 bucks. Just as the titty contest got under way I looked to my left to see some dude in a nice suit going from chick to chick trying hump on them. You could tell he was about to get his ass beat a...

2 years ago
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Spanking Straight From the Headlines 2004

Spanking Straight From the Headlines 2004 The following happened is based on a real life incident that was in the news recently. A boss had his employers sign a contract that gave him permission to spankthem in lieu of firing if they mad mistakes on the job. The young women spankedwere working at a Tasty Flavors Sno-Biz Shaved Ice Location outside ChattanoogaTennessee and he took them into the backroom, bent them over his knee and gavethem 20 hard spanks. The day before he had snapped a...

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the paperboy


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My friends dad 2

So a couple months later it was getting towards the end of the semester. Jeanette and I still didhome work together in her bedroom. As far as John and I knew, she had no idea. But I guess we might owe that to Brian. He kept her a little preoccupied. “Well I just know he is gonna break up with me any day now. I can just feel it,” Jeanette said. “Well, why don't you start looking for another boyfriend or something? Why are you hanging onto this one?” I asked. “I don't know honestly. Maybe I just...

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Better Ch 15

Chapter 15 – Andrea Greta turned slack jaw the moment she saw me walking toward her on the patio. We normally got pretty fussed up when we met for Sunday brunch, but this time I was wearing a short emerald green off-the-shoulder dress that Michael had bought for me that I hadn’t worn yet. That and a pair of matte gold strappy sandals that I hadn’t worn yet either. ‘Well shut the front, back and side door!’ Greta practically shouted. ‘Look at you! All sexed up just to have brunch with me?’ ...

2 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 11

While Carrie and Hank got it on in one bedroom, Bill and Bethany got busy with Nicole, introducing her to some of the kinkiest sex that she had known in her life. It wasn’t long before she was sandwiched between Bethany on the bottom and Bill on top of her, as he slid his dick into each of them in strokes, before slipping it out for a few more when it was her turn instead. He would give a few thrusts inside Nicole, and then some in Bethany, after which he went back into Nicole, while all...

3 years ago
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Making the Most of It

What’s worse than going to your husband’s parents’ house for dinner? Nothing, echoed my mind. Sighing, I slid into my black heels and stared at myself in the mirror as I fixed my hair a little. His hands touched my sides and slowly roamed my curves, up and down. I smiled slyly when I heard him purr in approval of my choice of apparel. ‘Very nice, baby…’ He started trailing kisses down my long neck, and I wanted so badly for him to keep going, anything to delay this stupid dinner… But, we had...

1 year ago
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A Girls Disciplinary Finishing School

It had been a month since Makaela’s mother had found out that she had failed a class and to make it worse found weed in her room. She had been spanked, then spanked every Saturday for the last month. To set her daughter straight she sent Makaela to a Finishing School for girls. A special school for especially bad girls, that lasted for a month unless renewed. Each student was given a special teacher, who, at the slightest infraction, the girl would be punished with a hard spanking. Makaela had...

4 years ago
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Here is another attempt at a TG story. Hope you like it. I'd like to thank Tina Douglous for her insperation with her fabulous story "The Virtual Revenge." This is a story in a similar theme, and I really don't know how many chapters there will be in all! Tele-Formed By Ed Gay My name is Marc Jameston, and I used to have a happy, safe, suburban life. Unfortunately that is all gone now. I truly lost it all, even my...

3 years ago
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Quarantine Finale

"And you didn't feel as if Judge Lange was overstepping her bounds at the hearing?" The heavyset lawyer from Leary's law firm asked Mary. Mary was sitting in the witness seat of the nearly empty courtroom. Just the Judge, the lawyer representing Leary's firm, a court reporter, a court officer, Mary, Jordie and their lawyer, Judge Lang's ex-brother-in-law, Frank Middlebrook. "Your Honor," Frank stood at his desk, obviously angered by the other lawyer's question, "my client had no...

2 years ago
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8211 Part I

ഞാന്‍ മനു. നിങ്ങള്ക്ക്ന എന്നെ ഓര്മ്മായുണ്ടോ? എന്റെ പഴയ കഥ മുറ്റത്തെ മുല്ല എന്നാ കഥ നിങ്ങള്‍ വായിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ടാവും എന്ന് കരുതുന്നു. നിങ്ങളുഗ്ടെ അഭിനന്ദനങ്ങള്ക്ക്ള നന്ദി. നിങ്ങളുടെ അഭിപ്രായങ്ങളും നിര്ദേുശങ്ങളും എന്ന മെയില്‍ വിലാസത്തില്‍ അയയ്ക്കുക. ഇത് എന്റെ വേറെ ഒരു അനുഭവം ആണ്. നിങ്ങളെ ബോര്‍ അടിപ്പിക്കാതെ ഞാന്‍ കഥയിലേക്ക് കടക്കാം. അതിനു മുന്പ്െ ഒന്ന് പറയട്ടെ. ഇതൊരു പച്ചയായ ജീവിതാനുഭവം മാത്രമാണ്. സ്ത്രീ പുരുഷ സംഭോഗം ഈ കഥയില്‍ ഇല്ല. ഇഷ്ടമുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ മാത്രം തുടര്ന്ന് വായിക്കുക. ഞാന്‍ എന്റെന ബിരുദ...

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EvilAngel Alexis Tae POV Anal Gaping A2M BJ

Slender, Black stunner Alexis Tae teases in tight lingerie, smiling seductively as she reveals the butt plug wedged in her asshole. The brazen beauty strips and spreads for the Jonni Darkko’s POV camera, ultimately finding herself on her knees before the XXX director. Alexis chokes and slobbers as she sucks his cock, holding a glass below to collect her nasty throat slop. Jonni bends her over and sodomizes her, Alexis moaning through intense anal reaming. Jonni alternates plunging her...

4 years ago
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My Wicked WaysChapter 47

“Well, that’s the last of the trick or treaters, I think. I swear, Sandeep, I know that you’ve got police there on every corner, but if even one perp harms one of those kids in any way, shape, or form, I will test that guillotine on them first and hope that the fucking blade is dull! I’ll hope that it takes three drops to sever their fucking heads from their bodies! And I won’t resurrect their sorry asses in that case! They can stay hungry ghosts for all of fucking eternity or until the Sun...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Lexie Fux So You Want To Be A Stripper

Lexie Fux needs a job and what better way for this hot number to make a living than stripping at a club? She needs to audition, so she records herself practicing her moves so she can learn from her mistakes. Her stepbrother, Jay, walks in on her. Both stepsiblings are taken aback, but Lexie gets the bright idea to try practicing her moves on Jay. After she gives Jay a show, Lexie eventually realizes that he’s hard. He points out that his dick doesn’t know she’s his stepsister,...

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BangBus Chanel Brooks Homeless Girl Pussy

Chanel Brooks is ironically homeless. She didn’t choose her expensive name or her poor life. She needs money and it’s her lucky day when she can bang for money on the Bangbus. Danny Steele doesn’t care that she’s homeless and likes that she hasn’t showered in two days. He cleans her pussy with his mouth. She sucks his dick and fucks him. He fucks her hard and enjoys every moment. He obviously cums on her face. They give her a thousand dollars to help her out and...

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Tesss Transformations Life of the Party

Tess's Transformations: Life of the Party By Julie O. Edited by Amelia R. Chapter 1 "So, do you have your costume picked out yet for the boss's costume party, Jack?" asked Chris Washington, a tall muscular man with short black hair. He was thirty-two and was the department head for thirty employees at Chambers Industries. "It's still a week away," replied Jack Easton as he turned around in his chair to look at his supervisor who had just entered his cubicle. Jack was...

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Stupid BoyChapter 8 Bachelor Auction

After the Lakeview game, I buckled down and did everything Bo Harrington wanted. If I wasn't in school or church, football consumed ninety percent of my day. If I was lucky, I found an hour a day right before bedtime for myself. I spent most of that time talking to my friends on video chat. Tracy snuck out a couple of nights and we spent the night. I loved having my apartment over the garage. Tracy and I were becoming a team. She understood the demands on my time and she was doing a lot of...

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An Accidental Woman 2

On the other hand, as much as they were the reminder that I wasn’t a man, they also were the source of my growing pride. For a day or two I wouldn’t look in the mirror, but then I just faced myself. My tits were fantastic. They were firm and so round. Standing in front of the mirror they barely sagged at all, and with just a little cold air or slight manipulation of my clit they protruded and hardened wonderfully. I loved they way they felt in my hands, and it was hard to get over how small...

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Totally Unexpected Too

My head was all over the place after that first night with Linda. My ex hadn't been that naughty even in the months leading up to us moving in together. In fact, it may have got worse after we got the flat !!Many days had passed since I had seen either Linda or my ex and then, on my way out one night, there stood my ex wanting to discuss furniture, bills and all the usual shit that must be sorted. I double backed into the hall and into the kitchen where, after two or three hours, we struck a...

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Mannequins From Mars 2

Mannequins from Mars 2 by Paul G. Jutras The year is 2040 and a few months ago a small mid western town was the victim of an alien invasion. The aliens themselves were mannequin-like in appearance and had weapons to make a mannequin out of anyone. It is now summertime, and that same small little town is about to learn that the aliens had left something behind. "Don't worry Matt, you'll love it." Jim Johnson said to his best friend as they and Jim's' brother John drove a jeep...

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My Itch Part 2

“Over by the fireplace,” I said quietly as we made our way through and he carefully placed the family down on the floor. “There’s just my cooler, bag of clothes and my laptop in the trunk, can you go get, please?” He nodded as we both got up and as he slipped out the door, I grabbed the laundry basket and the warm towels from the dryer and headed over to the family. Making quick work of it, I set several of the towels into the basket then taking one of the warmed towels, I started drying...

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My sexual awakening

I am a 47-year-old man from bhilai, india. I am an engineer by profession and work at bhilai steel plant. I presently reside in the steel plant township quarters. I am happily married but still get attracted to other women. I look reasonable attractive for my age and maintain my body well. I like to talk and meet other women in my friend circle, wives of my neighbors, servant maids and younger girls. I have a list of women in my fantasies that i would love to seduce, if i ever got the chance. I...

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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 7

The Roomate Although he didn’t know it at the time that was the last time he would see Joanna. Three weeks later, Paul had finished a rough draft of his novel and took the train from Danbury into Manhattan to meet Carol for lunch. On this occasion, Carol went without the black wig having had her blonde hair styled for the occasion. Under the London Fog raincoat she wore a dark blue business outfit, jacket and skirt with a white blouse. This time the blouse was fully buttoned and Paul took...

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Naked Day Epilogue 13

Cindy is standing behind me, arms around my neck looking over my shoulder as I type this. We're outside in our private yard, under a clear late winter sky somewhere north of LA. It's unseasonably warm, even for southern California, so we're enjoying our first Naked Day in quite some time. We woke up this morning looked out the window and thought, 'It's too nice for clothes - Naked Day!" We made love in our bed as we have so many times over the years, unrushed, taking care of each...

4 years ago
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The Kennedys

I’m shy at the best of times, around women that gets much worse. Around Kennedy it was nearly terminal. After unsuccessfully trying to start a conversation with me she said, “It's all right, I won’t bite!” Then, she made exaggerated biting motions towards me, growled, and said, “Not unless you want me to.” Then she laughed her characteristic laugh. I froze then, I’d gone past fright or flight, I’d got to the part where I just froze. I did eventually manage to talk to her, we were going to...

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So much more than an online lover

It had been a while since my first time with a guy and although I met up with Brian a few times after that amazing night, we eventually drifted apart. He wanted a relationship and I wasn't ready to come out let alone start dating a guy exclusively. He eventually met someone else and they got serious. Although I was happy for Brian, it did leave me with a huge problem. I had to find myself a new fuck buddy. I had only recently found out how much I loved cock and I wasn't ready to give it...

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