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Centurion David ap Rhys, his grey uniform distinctive amongst the Marine and Navy uniforms dotted around the room, was greeted by several of the women with happy smiles as he passed and, it must be admitted, by the odd scowl.

He meandered his way through the reclining couches and low tables to the back of the room and the bar, where a tall glass had appeared before he was half way across the room. He slid onto the corner stool and looked around; nothing appeared to be untoward so he returned his attention to the drink, the glass of which was covered in a fine layer of condensation, and the woman behind the bar who was waiting for him to speak.

“How’s everything going Mandy?” he asked, his voice just loud enough to be heard over the background music and the chatting of the customers.

“Fine David, no problems at all,” said Mandy as she allowed her own eyes to scan the room, noting which girls were hard at it and those that seemed to be coasting.

Like all buildings on the planet Trident this one had started off as several linked pods but in the past eighteen months it had been opened up to create a convivial atmosphere for the customers, predominantly visiting Marines, to go about their business.

In many ways it was typical of similar establishments everywhere, slightly garish colours -- but not as loud as some of the more extreme examples in Thailand -- muted to a certain extent by hanging swathes of soft fabrics. The background music was really the sound track to the porn films that were being shown on the various screens dotted around the room.

Perhaps the biggest difference was that this brothel was unisex -- not a fifty-fifty split admittedly -- but there was a selection of males as well as the normal bevy of delectable females from which the customers could take their pick. The sexual composition of the visiting Marine formations and the Navy ships crews had made that essential if the place was to be successful. The other real difference was that the customers didn’t have to pay for the sexual services of the establishment. These were provided -- on the house -- by the Civil Service, though not the food and drinks that were also available.

Mandy leaned onto the bar, displaying her ample cleavage, and asked the Civil Service officer, “Have you heard how Sonia’s doing?”

David smiled back at Mandy, who at forty- eight, was one of the oldest women in the building -- though you couldn’t tell by simply looking at her. Her CAP score of six point four, besides being just below the cut- off point for volunteering, indicated that she had a brain in her pretty head. Back on Earth Mandy had run a catering business and had been extracted by her husband -- of all people -- on the same colony ship as David. When her husband had been killed in a stupid accident in training she’d become one of the first cases David had been required to deal with.

“Sonia is doing fine,” said David, “the medics have got her blood sugars back under control and the baby appears to be fine.” He sipped his drink, “They reckon it’ll pop out in the next couple of days and I’m sure Sonia will bring him round for everyone to see,” David said as he ran his finger through the condensation on the glass.

David had taken advantage of Mandy and her business sense and the need to accommodate about a dozen spare concubines he’d inherited on arrival in the Neptune system and had set up a holding pen, which had morphed -- originally -- into a guest house. Mandy had run the place with a rod of steel -- though often encased in velvet -- for David, and he’d had no complaints.

When visiting Marines had started to call on the concubines it germinated an idea and Mandy, who was fond of the occasional frolic herself, had taken that idea and run with it. The result had been beyond their wildest dreams. Now the brothel not only served the purpose of getting concubines pregnant, it also kept Marines out of trouble and turned a profit, so much so that David had recommended the idea to the Civil Service Organisation as one of the first things that CSO’s should set up.

His train of thought was interrupted as a big busted, dusky woman undulated into view with only her hips covered by a very fine piece of orange lace. She was leading a young looking Marine off to one of the bedroom compartments at the rear of the establishments and, probably, an hour or two of unadulterated enjoyment for both of them.

“Is there anything else you need Mandy?” David asked, his eyes returning to his brothel manager.

“Not at the moment, though I’m keeping a special eye on a couple of the new girls,” she said.

“Problems?” asked David, frowning.

“Not problems, just a little difficulty in attitude adjustment.” Mandy shrugged, “It’s probably why their sponsor dumped them in the first place, but they’ll come round,” she smiled at David, “or end up pregnant.”

Pregnancy was one way out of the brothel business and David was always happy to remove a woman in that condition. The Civil Service had a barracks set aside to cope with pregnant women and their medical needs as well as a crèche for the newly arrived kids. He’d found that after six months in that madhouse most women were more than happy to come back to work, even if it was on their backs.

“OK, just keep an eye on things and let me know if I need to do something about it for you,” he said finishing off his drink.

Trident was the third planet of the Neptune system and had been a Confederacy colony world for a mere two years. Prior to that it had been mapped by the Confederacy but was of no interest to any of the member races and so had been ignored, simply being identified by a number. The third planet itself was benign and as such had very little to recommend itself if you wanted any sort of excitement.

It was lacking in the great mountain ranges and wild rivers that gave a planet character, its weather was so predictable that if it had been set up as a farming world you could have harvested two full crops a year. The oceans were not wide enough or deep enough to cause massive changes to the weather patterns and the almost circular orbit had failed to influence the weather. The planet didn’t even have a satellite to provide the tidal surges that so many places on Earth were familiar with.

The system had only one real negative point, and that had proved to be a major hindrance to its growth even as a human colony and that was its galactic position -- it was situated right on the edge of the path that the Sa’arm were following. Why a colony world had been put here was a point that was debated by those who were privy to the information, whenever they got together but no real answer had been forthcoming.

Yes it did have advantages for troop and ship deployments but it had to be expected to be invaded in short order, which probably accounted for the lack of infrastructure development taking place. The Navy had a minimal repair and re-provisioning facility in orbit around Neptune eight, a gas giant way out from the local G2 star. That was all ship based and as such they could pick up and run at the first sign of danger and that was the standing orders the Navy operated under.

... Which is more than can be said for the local Marines...

Trident was the home base for a Marine regiment, each of its three battalions being associated with a township on the planet. These three townships formed a pyramid around the headquarters and spaceport complex, which also housed David ap Rhys and the small Civil Service encampment he represented.

The total human population of the planet had reached twenty five thousand or there abouts and then, well short of the original projections of a hundred thousand, it had stopped growing. The consensus of opinion was that somebody had got sensible and decided that throwing away breeding stock just to feed the Sa’arm was not a good plan and had done something about it.

The three battalions of the Marine Regiment spent most of their time hitting Sa’arm incursions in penny packets, an annoyance to the oncoming aliens rather than a full-blooded attempt to stop their invasion.

When David ap Rhys had been dropped on the planet he’d arranged for his home to be positioned close to the headquarters and not as part of one of the towns. This had originally caused a little hardship for his concubines but had allowed him to be associated with the whole regiment and not any one particular battalion. Over time his own house had grown to five pods, two of which were set up as temporary accommodation for any spare concubines he was forced to look after -- concubines who really should have been taken care of by their owners before they went off to battle and not just left to fend for themselves when things went wrong.

David sighed, none too quietly, as he cooled his heels in the administration office of the Second Battalion. His appointment with Major Helios, the newly arrived deputy commander of the Second Battalion, had been for fourteen hundred and he’d already been kept waiting for twenty minutes. His temper, never his best attribute, was starting to fray around the edges and he knew it -- petty bureaucracy and empire building had always had this effect on him and it would appear that Major Helios was out to build himself as big an empire as he could manage.

This interview was the same one he had with every battalion commander and his -- or her -- deputy that came through the place, as well as any other figure he could find in a position of authority. Time had shown that he had the best results when speaking to the non-commissioned officers, rather than those who were supposed to lead, but he felt he had to go through the motions for his own sense of purpose if nothing else.

“Centurion,” the desk sergeant called, “Major Helios will see you now.” David couldn’t help it, his eyes glanced to the wall clock and back to the Sergeant, who had the grace to look embarrassed but could only respond to David’s taunts by shrugging his shoulders.

“Thank you, Sergeant.” David said, half smiling in apology before rising to his feet and following the man down the corridor to the last office on the left.

“Centurion ap Rhys, Sir,” said the Sergeant who stepped aside to let David enter the office.

Major Helios, his dark hair and olive complexion hinting at a Latino background, remained seated as David entered the office, another not-so-subtle snub to the man who had the equivalent rank to the Major. The Sergeant, perhaps sensing an ensuing explosion, beat a hasty retreat, closing the door quietly as he did so.

David, looked around and moved over to a comfortable looking chair against one wall and stood by it and didn’t say a word, waiting for the Marine Major to make the next move.

The Major scowled, “Centurion, I really don’t have time to be social right now so if you could state your business it will let me get back to running the battalion,” he said glancing at the papers strewn across his desk.

David bit back a retort and sat in the seat, taking a moment to control himself before beginning his sales pitch, a pitch he really didn’t have any faith in. “Major all I’m after is a little bit of co-operation from yourself in regards to the troops under your command and their concubines.”

Major Helios began fiddling with his pen, clearly not interested in whatever the Centurion had to say.

“To put it simply,” David said, barely trying to keep the implication that the Major was simple from his voice, “I would like you to have your troops leave a will stating what is to happen to their concubines when they die.”

The Major stopped him, “I do not encourage my soldiers to think of dying and in the event that they should fall doing their duty,” he sneered at the grey uniform, “then the battalion will take care of their spouses.”

“Wrong!” stated David firmly, “They are not family, they’re property and if the sponsor does not leave clear instructions with the colony AI as to their disposal then they become the property of the Civil Service. Major, that includes YOUR concubines, so unless you want them working in the garrison brothel you need to think about what you want done with them!”

“Get out of my office,” stormed Major Helios, rising to his feet. “Don’t go suggesting that you’ll get your filthy hands on my women, I won’t let you,” he said, gesticulating wildly.

David, shaking his head, more at his own stupidity than the Majors predictable reaction, stood and calmly left the office, restraining himself from slamming the door as he did so. The Major’s vilification following him loudly down the corridor, causing various Marines to look away so as not to get involved.

As he was passing an office close to the administration office a voice called out, “Excuse me Sir, do you have a moment?”

David snapped his eyes to his right and recognised the Battalion Sergeant Major, he changed direction and went to the chair the Sergeant Major indicated before dropping down and letting out a huge sigh.

“As bad as that, Sir?”

David raised an eyebrow, “You couldn’t hear, Sergeant Major?” he asked. “I think you better get off to the medics and have a check up,” he finished with a smile.

“So that was you, I thought someone had fucked up and annoyed the Major.”

“Oh I did THAT, Sergeant Major. I allowed my own feelings to get in the way of doing the job properly and that’s always a mistake,” countered the Centurion.

“Sounded like it, I’ll agree Sir, but I wouldn’t worry about it too much,” consoled the Sergeant Major. “I’ve had a word with most of the seniors and it seems that just about everyone has left some sort of instructions as to the disposal of their family if they don’t get back.”

“That’s good, and I’m thankful for your help. I just wish I could get the powers-that-be to make it a mandatory requirement for all troops. It would save an awful lot of messing about when things go wrong.” David looked the Sergeant Major in the eye, “And no matter how I try to treat the concubines as possessions they’re really people and when their sponsor dies they are upset -- distraught in some cases -- and having to treat them like meat doesn’t do a lot to help anyone.”

“I know, I’ve seen what it’s like after a bad mission and I wouldn’t have your job for all the perks the guys think you’ve got,” agreed the senior non-com.

The pair stood and shook hands before David headed off, mission accomplished, after a fashion.

The voice in his head summoned him, “Centurion,” the AI called softly.

David, who’d been totally relaxed in the arms of Megan, his favourite concubine, raised his head. “Yes.”

“Your presence is requested at the Regimental Headquarters, as soon as is convenient.”

“Who made the request and was any reason given?” David asked.

“The request came from Sergeant Major Osgood who gave no reason for the summons,” replied the AI.

Sergeant Major Osgood was the Regimental Sergeant Major, for him to be making the request meant it had to be something significant. That it asked him to report to the Regimental Headquarters rather than somewhere private implied it was official. Big and official did not bode well, thought David as he swung off the bed and reached for his uniform jacket.

Taking one look at his expression Megan started to rise, “Is there a problem, David?”

“Possibly,” he replied, “No, make that probably, though I don’t know what.” He pondered for a moment then, “You’d better get everyone ready for business, just in case,” he said.

David had used his own concubines as nurses and agony aunts whenever he’d need the help. The lack of official support for the Civil Service had made this necessary, in the same way that he used Mandy and her business experience in running the brothel -- needs must -- as they say.

Dressed, David made the short walk from his home to the headquarters building. As he approached he became aware of the number of windows showing lights, far more that you’d expect at this time of night. The guard on the building, looking sombre, just waved him through, clearly affected by what had been going on inside.

As soon as he entered the concourse he became aware of the buzz around the place, that sense that something untoward was happening. An Ensign spotted him and detached himself from the reception desk and approached, coming to attention and saluting. An unusual occurrence for David, who as a non-combatant was largely ignored but one he acknowledged in like manner.

“Centurion, I’ve been asked to escort you to the briefing room, if you’ll come this way,” the new Ensign said. Without waiting for a response the Ensign turned and headed off towards the elevators. David, his mind more on filtering the events around him than on where he was going, followed along. Whatever had happened was substantial that was for sure.

The door before him opened and he entered a briefing room, about a dozen Marines -- mostly officers -- were standing around, conversing in subdued tones. As soon as he entered the room the Regimental Sergeant Major detached himself from the two people he was talking to and came over.

“David, we may have some work for you,” he said by way of greeting.

David raised an eyebrow in question and said, “Some?”

Tom Osgood nodded towards the holographic display in the centre of the briefing room before continuing. “We’ve been running a series of hit and run operations against a Sa’arm incursion.” David nodded, this was common knowledge anywhere on the planet. “Well it looks like one of them has gone sour,” the Sergeant Major finished.

David looked around, identifying the officers present and doing some thinking. The Regimental commander and his Operations officer, the Second Battalion commander, his Executive Officer -- the same Major Helios that David had had a run in with only a couple of days ago -- and their Operations officer but no other battalion staff. Ergo it was a Second Battalion operation that had gone sour.

“Just how bad, Tom?” he asked, bracing himself for the answer.

“We’ve lost contact with the Sir Agravaine, and the two cruisers that were accompanying the ship, the Munster and Manchester, have both reported taking heavy damage.”

The Sir Agravaine was a Lancelot class troop transport designed to carry a full company of Marines. David swallowed, “I take it no one is in position to look for survivors?”

“No, the Navy is to busy running for its life.” Tom Osgood glanced once more at the holographic image, “The task force arrived in system at the same time as a Sa’arm hive ship, the vectors were all wrong and they couldn’t avoid contact. The Cruisers managed -- barely by the sound of it -- to smash a way through but the Sir Agravaine didn’t make it. Looking at the time scales involved I doubt if they had chance to transport anybody off either.” He looked the Civil Service officer in the eye, “It would appear that we’ve just lost the whole of C Company, all one hundred and fifty four of them, in a single monumental fuck up.”

“Oh Shit,” muttered David.

The Sergeant Major returned to the small group he’d been with and David drifted to one side of the room. Quietly, sub-vocalising, he consulted the AI, “Subject Charlie Company, Second battalion, how many members of the company had made living wills that are still operable assuming all members of the company are deceased?”

The AI played a hum, the equivalent of the old ‘on hold’ music as it dealt with his question. “Centurion, allowing that the crew of the Sir Agravaine are also casualties, there are six living wills in effect. This leaves four hundred and fifty-four concubines, along with forty-eight children and eighty-three foetuses that become the property of the Civil Service.”

“Fuck!” exclaimed David, which got him a few glares, but unaccounted-for outbursts where common ever since the human race had started talking to AIs and most people just ignored these comments. For the next hour he attempted to get things organised for when the military officially accepted that they’d lost a company and he had to deal with the fall-out.

A concerted movement got the Centurion’s attention away from his internal conversations with the AI and he stood up when the Regimental Colonel approached him, flanked by various other officers.

“Centurion,” the Colonel greeted David, “I’m making it official, we’re posting C Company, Second Battalion as missing in action. Everything points to them being dead so the AIs will hand over the deceased troops’ households to you as necessary.” The Colonel, looking as though he’d lost his own son, not just a group of men he’d vaguely known, asked, “Is there anything we can do to help?”

David bit his tongue about living wills, now clearly wasn’t the time to push the matter. “I’ve consulted with the AI, Sir, and if you can allocate Hanger G3 to me, along with a couple of the field kitchens and their replicators, I should be OK in the short term.” David pushed his fringe out of his eyes, “There may be other things later but not at the moment, Sir.”

Major Helios jumped in, by passing his own commander in the process. “Colonel, can’t the battalion look after the men’s families? At least keep them in their homes for now, if nothing else.”

The Colonel turned and looked the Major over, his expression clearly saying that the Major had just stood in it big time. “Major, the Battalion, the Regiment even, does not have the social network that the regular forces back on Earth used to have so there is no way we can look after the ‘possessions’,” he emphasised, “of our troopers. The pods they’re in at the moment, their homes, respond to the commands of the sponsor, not the concubines. With the sponsor dead those pods will shut down over a forty-eight-hour period until they are re-allocated to another sponsor. Nothing can be done about that.”

The Colonel nodded towards David, “The Civil Service, here, will ensure that the concubines are housed and fed, albeit at a basic level, until such time as their disposal can be arranged. This may not be the ideal solution but it is the one that applies and it was clearly stated in your position brief when you joined the Regiment, so you should have been aware of it.” With that the Colonel turned his back on the red faced Major and addressed David.

“That hanger is yours, as are the kitchens. Look after these people, Centurion, please,” the Colonel said.

David, feeling only a slight tinge of enjoyment at the discomfort heaped upon Major Helios, saluted the Colonel and prepared himself for a very busy, and fraught, time to come.

David took in the appearance of the hanger with a grimace, its grey concrete walls and the metal decking that made up the mezzanine floor were as depressing as the Centurion’s feelings. So far the concubines hadn’t been informed of their sponsors’ disappearance, though rumours had started to circulate through the Regiment. He and the work party the Regiment had provided were working to produce a space that was at least habitable, if not comfortable, in the minimal time available.

Already the field kitchens had been assembled and positioned at either end of the hanger space and sufficient field sanitation had been piped in to accommodate the five hundred plus people who would soon be calling this desolate grey building home.

What David was going to do with them was another matter, and one he could only think of in moments of idleness for now. His sombre mood was lightened by the arrival of his own concubines, with Megan in the lead as usual. They gathered around him and waited to see what he wanted them for.

“Morning,” he said by way of greeting, and even that sounded sombre to his ears. “I don’t know if any of you have heard, but there has been a glitch out on operations,” He paused, “No, not a glitch, more of a fucking disaster.” His concubines started at his sudden use of bad language.

“The whole of C Company, the Second battalion is being reported as missing,” again he paused, “which is another way of saying they’re dead but we haven’t got the bodies.”

David waited as the shock of his announcement rippled through his concubines, then watched as slowly they all looked back at him. “That’s the bad news, the really bad news is that very few of the company had made provision for their concubines which means I get the lot of them. Very soon this,” he waved his arm around, “will be home to five hundred and two men, women and children who have just lost everything they thought they had.”

“We’ve been through this every time someone dies -- but never on this scale -- and whilst we’ve been able to offer extras to those who we’ve looked after in our own home we won’t be doing anything like that here. That means the concubines here are going to be on basic rations, minimal entertainment and only getting the bare essentials replaced.” He paused, “I’m sure you’re all aware of what sort of shock that this is going to be to most of these people and how they’re likely to react.”

David took a breath to calm down and lowered his voice, which had begun to rise. “I’m not going to be able to be very forgiving,” he stated, holding their attention. “In fact I’m fairly sure that before the week is out I’m going to have to kill someone to maintain discipline.” That simple statement was greeted with shock, they knew that a sponsor could do this if he wished but they’d never consciously accepted that David could do it to any concubines in his care.

“You,” said David indicating all of his family, “are going to be acting as the interface between the concubines and me. I want you to deal with any problems they have in the same way that we have before but if anyone -- and I do mean anyone -- gives you trouble you send them to me to deal with, do you understand?”

An affirmative chorus greeted that statement; everyone understood his message loud and clear and if they didn’t do as he’d said then it would be them that were in trouble and they knew it.

“Megan, there’s an old store room over in the far corner, I want you to use that as an improvised classroom and keep all the kids in there while we deal with the initial fallout.”

David half turned, “Daniella, you take the kitchen at that end, Jodie you’ve got the other one,” he said to the two former waitresses. “As soon as you can hand over responsibility to one of the concubines do so and get out of the way.”

“Sylvia, Fliss, Charlotte, you three are the front people. Divide the place up into three and each of you run a section. Kathy, you’re momma-in-chief for anything that these three can’t handle, it comes to you and you stomp on it, only passing it on to me if it really can’t be handled. Stew, you’re the riot control force, get a stinger and stun anyone who gets out of hand,” David glanced upwards, “AI, acknowledge that instruction and my authorisation to proceed,” he said.

David paused until the AI had agreed to his highly unusual command and then gathered his family together. “This is not going to be much fun, they’re going to be upset at losing loved ones and then angry at being thrown out of their homes. We are going to be the easiest target to hit out at, especially when they can’t have everything they want. So stay alert and at the slightest sign of trouble get out of the way and scream for help, literally if need be. Everyone understand?”

The family all nodded their understanding, “Good, now go home and put on the grey uniforms, grab a meal and get back here,” he said dismissing them for the moment. The uniform he’d told them to put on was a replica of his own but fitted with Warrant Officer insignia, totally unofficial and with no authority but as no on really knew what the Civil Service was all about no one would know. David had figured that the uniforms would help keep some of the concubines in line and his own family safe, which was all that mattered when he’d had the uniforms made; now he’d find out if they were of much use.

“Tom, have you got a minute,” David asked, using the AI controlled communications net to place the call.

“Sure Centurion, what can I do for you?” the Sergeant Major asked.

“Do you happen to know if C Company had a social organisation of any sort, you know, a wives’ club or entertainment committee, that sort of thing?”

“Hang on a sec, I’ve got Bob Oldendorf here, he’s Second Battalion’s Sergeant Major, he should know.”

The line in his head went quiet for a short while then, “David, Bob tells me that they did and the First Sergeant’s senior bitch ran it, her name’s Wendy.”

“Great Tom,” David paused for a moment before asking, “Have they been told yet?”

“About half an hour ago,” replied the Sergeant Major, “we’re just waiting for the fallout to start. Are you ready over there?”

“It looks like it but we’ll only find out when we have to start dealing with the concubines. See you later,” David finished the call.

Glancing around at his family and David nodded, “They’ve been told,” was all he said.

“Stew,” David said, singling out the only other male in his family, “Get on to the AI and find out where the C Company First Sergeant lived. Get over there and grab one of his women by the name of Wendy and get her back over here as quick as you can will you.”

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It was hard to ignore the women surrounding Sid in his English class. Even the instructor had joked that he was now surrounded by a harem. Sid, his voice deep and rumbling, had answered that he was sure that it was purely accidental. The statement had provoked giggles across the entire room. The giggles convinced him to look around the room with a little more care. When the papers were handed back, Sid stared at the B+ in a state of shock. Just about every paragraph had editorial remarks...

3 years ago
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The fantasy

i just have dreamed of this day, this moment, this feeling. i imagined the morning of the "event" You calling me and i knew by the sound of Your voice seeing You this time was going to be different. i didn't come close to imaging how different however. You instructed me as always to play with myself but gave me a specific time to do so. Usually it is 15 minutes before Your arrival. This time it was to be done at exactly 10:30 am. You then instructed me to make sure the front door was left open...

1 year ago
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BadDaddyPOV Cadey Mercury Cadey8217s Fantasies Get Dirty

Step Daddy is home early from work and walks in on his step daughter Cadey Mercury masturbating. Cadey is living out a fantasy and even thought she is caught, she isn’t about to stop. The horny teen is nude on the couch with her tight wet pussy full of cock. She is turned on and wants more so when her step father shows up Cadey is quick to seduce him. The pair continue the role play as she pulls out his big cock for her to suck on and fuck. She swaps back and forth between her step...

2 years ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise

Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'6, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Megan, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin, 5'3, White, Red Hair with Blue Eyes, 34C Breasts Miranda, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin,...

4 years ago
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From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 3

From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 3 by Sissy Jen ([email protected]) This is porn. If you don't like it, don't read it. If it is illegal for you to read it, don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy it. Feel free download or share this, but contact the author for permission to use it in a way that makes you profit. Please direct any comments criticisms, or deviant proposals to [email protected]. The next morning, I brought Lesley breakfast in bed and...

2 years ago
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My Always Perfect Family Part 2

My Always Perfect Family, Part 2As Daddy and I found out secret bliss, my days in school were spent working as hard as I could so I could have time at home with him when he arrived. He was intelligent about his arrival home, first going to see my mother, taking care of her needs, eating dinner, licking her to orgasm if necessary, and seeing her off to sleep. My mother’s drinking continued, but I gladly helped with the housework so Daddy and I could meet nightly and talk about our days until one...

2 years ago
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Twin Switch Chpt 610

Again this is a fictional story and should never be practiced in real life. Age brackets and plot of this story were developed by Salon Fetish. If you do not like severe female domination don't read! I appreciate comments both good and bad as long as the commenter understands that this is fiction. I would never condone such actions in real life but the fantasies are different. Downloads are permitted for personal use only and any other use or republication is strictly forbidden. I may...

4 years ago
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Squirting pleasure

As much as I love to come, and as often as I masturbate, there was something that was still a mystery about the process until recently. I watched Rick jacking off one night, and I suddenly realized that men always shoot out something when they come, and women generally do not. I had heard that it was possible for women to expel fluid, or "squirt," but I didn't really believe it. I did some research on the phenomenon of female ejaculation, or squirting, and I learned a few things. I was...

3 years ago
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A Very Brady Sequel

As Mr. Brady’s car pulled into the driveway, Alice ran out side. ‘Mr. Brady, Mr. Brady’ she excitedly yelled. ‘You won’t believe what was going on while you were gone!’ she exclaimed, waving the photos at him. Mike Brady told Alice to calm down. He began looking at the photos that she held in her hands. There was his beautiful wife, Carol and his son Greg fucking like rabbits. Another photo showed Marcia with her face buried between his wife’s pussy. Mr. Brady’s cock became quite erect as he...

4 years ago
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sex in my teens the start

i was a chubby k**...with loads of attitude..but never missed a chance for a fuck either with pple of my age or older...i am 20 now....had sex with over 40 woman for a varied number of dayszz...either a nite stand or yrs n yrs of naughtyness.... this story is about me and my neighbour with whom i had an affair for a couple of years..she was from my college, an yr elder to day during my visit to her house .i found out that her parents n her brother who is an gud frnd of...

2 years ago
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Vacation to LA part 6

The rest of the evening was uneventful as my sister returned to make dinner i helped her. Dinner was awkward as i tried to sit properly but very uncomfortably as i had just been anally ****d so to speak by her husband earlier. After dinner they retired to their room and soon i could hear moaning, seems our earlier activities got derrick excited as i could tell by my sisters moans and cries he was having his way with her ass. It was kinda funny know i had seduced her faithful husband. I awoke...

4 years ago
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Road trip

I enjoy dressing as a female. I do it as much as I can. I wear nylons or tights, support panties or girdles, and bra’s regular or long line under my clothes. I have a pair of knee high boots with 4” heels that I wear when I can. I am also into bondage.Every now and then I get a chance to do both. This is the story of one of those times. I had to make a trip from Memphis to Nashville. It was to be an overnight stay. It also was going to be a daring fetish bondage trip.I packed for the trip. More...

1 year ago
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Private Cassey The Birthday Present

In Private Specials, EuroAnal Chicks we had the pleasure of discovering Cassey, a horny brunette who celebrated her debut and birthday with a very special gift from Kid Jamaica. Taking on a hung black stud, Cassey needed to warm up first as she got her juicy booty all oiled up before masturbating her ass and putting her favourite toy to work. Then watch as this sexy new girl enjoyed the birthday pounding of a life time, taking it hard and deep in some hot anal and DP dildo...

2 years ago
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Making Mother A Slut

Making Mother a Slut John raced up to his room and tosses his bookbag carelessly ontohis bed. Looking at the clock he noticed he still had a good two hoursbefore his mom got home from work. More than enough time he thoughtas he booted up his computer and logged on to check his e-mail. Hestiffened slightly at the "New Mail" message. It had started as a joke about a month earlier. He had found thesingles ad his mother had placed while searching in her room for thestack of playboys she had...

1 year ago
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My Sister Inlaw

Every couple of years my wife's family has a reunion of sorts-I like them and we all get along for the most part so I have fun at these things. We all get along except for my sister inlaw and her husband. She is a real snooty bitch. Kate is her name and she thinks she knows everything, everything she has is better than anyone else's. Her k**s are better. Here husband is just like her. I get a headache just thinking about her. And she is ugly too, while my wife is hot. I can't believe these two...

3 years ago
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What A Party

What a party by Janet L. Stickney When the Halloween party was announced, I'll admit I was a bit baffled. After all, this is high school, and most of us had long ago given the heave ho to the bag. Our Principal however decided that is exactly the reason to have the party. Then she scheduled Friday as a come to school in costume day, with the actual party on Saturday night. All of the guys I talked to were going to dress up as some favorite character of theirs. Since I'm not...

2 years ago
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Romeos Lament Ch 01

Like so many chance encounters we met without any intention or inclination of what would come. What else is there to do when you meet someone for the first time but to strike up conversation and slowly wade your fingertips in the in the water of their personality. Her smile and her laugh were chords of joy played upon my heart but the melody was the song with a voice that made angels cry in jubilation. Before dawn could rob the stars of their glory, a part of me was taken and freely given in...

3 years ago
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Charlotte in a Shower of RainChapter 2

After a couple of minutes of lying with my cock pulsing inside Charlotte’s gorgeously tight pussy, I drew my prick out of her and rolled over to lie on the bed. The two girls arranged their bodies either side of me, and Ellie moved up the bed and stroked my chest and offered her mouth to be kissed. She kissed me gently, and then whispered, “I am so excited, Tom, but promise me that you won’t be gentle with me, will you?” she said, grinning at me nervously. I laughed and said, “I promise to...

3 years ago
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French Dressing 2

FRENCH DRESSING 2 CHAPTER 1 The new girl Sami was waiting for me in the arrivals area. We rushed to one another and embraced, exchanging kisses on the cheeks. "Come on Babette, let's get you home." Eventually we got off the Metro and walked a few hundred metres along the Boulevard St Germain. I inhaled the sights and smells of the city, I longed to admire every shop, I gazed into every cafe. But Sami dragged me along and up a small side-street to a little courtyard. "Here...

3 years ago
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A show like no other

I remember it was a Thursday evening when Bev told me she was joining a women’s group. I was a bit taken back to be honest. It wasn’t something I expected her to be into. “A women’s group?” I said. “Yes” she replied “Margaret is a member and she invited me”. Now I had met Margaret. Quite attractive, nice tits. “What does this group do?” I asked. “Oh just talk about life and stuff” she replied. I could not believe my wild, sexy wife would be interested in something that sounded so mundane. But...

2 years ago
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Mistress Rose and Marie

Mistress Rose went rigid suddenly. Her body, previously relaxed on the sofa, jerked violently and she dropped the phone. I could hear the little voice on the end of it."Rose. Rose? You still there? ... Oh you bitch, you're coming aren't you! You got that boy's tongue working you over? Rose!"Up until now Mistress Rose had been talking away normally and her friend had obviously not gained any knowledge that Rose had my head between her legs under her flowing skirt for the last hour or so. Now was...

1 year ago
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Alexander of SpartaChapter 2

Report to the King of Sparta. B.C 481 "We must conclude that there was more then one Persian ship in our waters. When one met with disaster in the storm, the other picked up survivors and as much wreckage as it could. The shield is the only piece of wreckage that signifies Persian identity. There can be no doubt that it was a spying mission or an attempt to land agents of Persia on our soil or the soil of a neighbouring state. We cannot ignore the possibility that a neighbour may actually...

2 years ago
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The Pleasure of Her CompanyChapter 1

So many things happened to me in 1958 that it is difficult to pick out just one happening and say that it defined the year for me. It would be very easy to say which thing was worst and which was best though. I'd like to tell you about the best thing that happened, the first time I ever fell in love. I was sixteen, and a junior in high school. My only romantic experiences with girls had been short term, spur of the moment, sexual opportunities. I'd never so much as had a real date before,...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 37 Christmas 1991

December 23, 1991, Chicago, Illinois “You should go talk to Doctor Swanson,” Jessica said. “She’s in internal medicine. The brunette there with short hair.” “Dark blue dress?” “That’s her! She’s really sweet, and just came out of a bad relationship. She’s NOT looking for a new guy or a hookup or anything like that. But I think she could use a friend.” “I’ll give it a try,” I said. I walked over to the buffet table where Doctor Swanson was standing. “What looks good?” I asked. “At a...

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Elizabeths Garden

The world of this story is quite similar to our own, but of course still very different. After all, true futanari don't exist in our world, and the repercussions for any children born of incest are quite high. But this world is one where any such lust has no longer any consequence, if you know where the gardens are. Elizabeth's Garden is a haven for the sexual desires of only women. Men are unable to find this garden, and even if they did manage to stumble upon it, they would not find what they...

3 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 20 Unwanted Visitors

The Crews aboard the Firefly and the Dragonfly didn’t have a merry Christmas. Due to the hurriedness of their departure, both crews were seriously understaffed for an eleven-week round trip voyage. Their two-day trip to test-fly the ships had suddenly turned into a nightmare. The two ships were military ships designed to transport small elite troops. They had cabin space for seventy-two personal, twelve being crew. Each ship had three eighteen-seater transporters that had four missile...

4 years ago
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7 Days of Incest

This story uses both CHYOA Conditional Variables and Immersion Variables and is meant to be experienced with Game Mode ON. {if Game Mode = true}Game Mode is currently activated. Please, enjoy the story! {else}Please activate game mode by opening up the side menu on the right-hand side right below the notifications tab, selecting the score table button, and pressing Start Game! Certain pages, events, and customization options WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE!{endif} Subscribe Star:...

2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 9 Three Way Battle

Complete and utter silence. Elita's body made a slight sound as she unconsciously fell on the stage. Strictly speaking, at that moment, Talhera, the main judge of the competition, should have called for the end of the fight and declared Zax the winner. Nevertheless, her expression was too stunned and stiff for her throat to issue a sound and her mouth to make the pronunciation. Not just the crowd of spectators, backers and participant were shaken by the abrupt and unassuming manner in...

3 years ago
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Safe Sex

Copyright © 1995 I took the little white packet from him. I set it in my open palm and stared at it long and hard. It seemed so small, so trivial. It was funny how such a little thing could relieve so much frustration. When I started going with Billy, I had to fight him every step of the way. It wasn't long, though, before he wore down my resistance and I discovered the joys of his wonderful hands. His fingers on my titties made me feel so good. The first time he sucked on my...

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Ice StormChapter 5

Reid held Monica's hand as they trudged up the hill to his dormitory. "I'm glad you and Lauren patched things up," he said. "Well -- I thought her apology was a bit disingenuous," she replied. "However, in the interest of cordiality I am looking beyond it." "Disingenuous? How so?" "She apologized for saying things that were none of her business. She didn't apologize for slandering me." "Slander requires either malice or gross negligence," Reid replied. "If she was passing...

4 years ago
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The Once and Future Queen

"Are you having a good time?" the young actress whose name escaped Jane at the moment asked. "Oh I'm having a really wonderful time," Jane replied with a broad smile. "I guess something like this is really old hat to you," the actress went on as she gestured to the large crowd that filled the even larger garden where the party was being held. "You must've attended hundreds of parties like this before. This is my first." she gushed. Jane just continued to smile. Truth be told, this...

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Double Take Part 2 Summer Girl Fall Guy

Double Take By Nom de Plume © 2003 Episode Two: Summer Girl, Fall Guy With his final paycheck from the first season of Wet Girls, Sandy Lane finally had enough money to make the down payment on an oceanfront condo. It had only one bedroom, but it was right on the Esplanade in Redondo Beach, with a sweeping white water view. Best of all, he could jump out of bed and be in the surf in a matter of seconds. With most of the summer free before they resumed shooting for...

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The Making of a Sissy Part 4 Total Submission

As I made my way upstairs, the house was filled with silence. It was almost as if the pounding Sam had given me the night before had deafened me, and my ears were practically ringing as I dizzily wandered into the kitchen for breakfast. I still had my panties on from last night, pulled up tightly under my shorts, wedged into my soft ass and capturing what remains of his semen that were still trying to leak out. He was changing me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I made myself a...

4 years ago
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The French Cowboy

The wind was whipping the dust into tiny twirling columns that appeared and disappeared seemingly at will. It was brutally hot in the late August afternoon even though the sky was darkening and storm clouds were threatening. On the hour the Lutheran church was tolling its bell, its open door beckoning to wavering souls. John walked with the gait of a young leopard, his eyes watching every corner, every window. He was headed to the “Last Chance Saloon” across the street. Except for the new...

Love Stories
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USAChapter 36

During the late 1920's and most of the 1930's, while Japan was busy buying the debris of the world, she was also exploring the Pacific. Small trading vessels ... most about the size of the Vellamo II ... some 90 feet ... were voyaging to the islands. The crews were exceeding competent; they should be, many were officers in the Imperial Japanese Navy. While the trader was bartering for whatever wealth there may be, the crew was mapping heights, taking soundings of anchorages, locating...

4 years ago
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His first try with bi

At the time of his seduction Greg was an 18 year old total virgin, He had never got much further than heavy petting with a girl and never even thought about dudes. We had gone to a quiet country bar for a drink with some friends like we had done many times before. It was a nice warm summers evening and we had a few pints and played darts until closing time. When we left we had to walk to the end of the lane to a small car park on the edge of a forest that the local people used for walking their...

3 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 6 Christy BrownChapter 5

Two days after the photo session, Prudence went into labor. Constance called Bobby in a panic. “Drive her to the hospital,” said Bobby. “I can’t drive! I’m freaking out!” shrieked Constance. “Constance!” he yelled, into the phone. “She needs you right now. She’s always been there for you. Now it’s your turn to be there for her. Come on, baby ... it’s easy. Just put her in the car, and drive to the hospital. They’ll take it from there.” “Okay, okay,” moaned Constance. “Stay there with...

2 years ago
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Blackmailed Into SwappingChapter 16

During the night, in the still darkness of the motel, Mavis heard her husband working on the passionate Terry. The sodden sound of big cock thudding into female flesh was loud in the room. The earthy odor of male and female sex pervaded the close air. "Where have the men hidden the money, Terry?" she heard Phil pant as he slammed his prick into the whimpering Terry's cunt. "In-in-in their homes. I don't know--oh, fuck me! God, you fuck a girl good!" "Where in their houses, Terry?"...

3 years ago
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Mom and I Getting Plumbed 6

o my god Dan that was amazing" I said as I collapsed on top of your chest. My huge tits pressed against your chest as Barbara removes her fingers from my tight butt. I feel you still pumping slowly into my tight smoothly shaved pussy. I'm exhausted from the two in redouble orgasms I just had from you and my mother. My mother removes me from your grasp and fucking "I think it's time for Busty Brittany here to take a rest and let my body spoil you Dan."She has you slide out from the kitchen sink...

3 years ago
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Oh Marsha episode 10

Marsha was nothing less than drop-dead gorgeous. She had beautiful golden-brown hair, sky-blue eyes and a wonderful ass that she loved to flaunt with tight outfits. She loved male attention but she was not too bright. The men could not take their eyes off her when she was in tight jeans. They all had the hots for her from the very first day her husband Hutch introduced her to his new friends. Hutch knew he had a trophy wife and was keenly aware of the sexuality she exuded. Their marriage,...

2 years ago
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T A True Story Chapter Two

T A True Story Chapter Two Not everything about T was all rosy. She liked to drink and do d**gs. Her drinking would start when she got out of bed in the morning and last until she went to sleep at night. There were days where she handled her drinking fairly well and there were days were she would get way out of hand. One night I picked her up after she got off duty and she was drunk as a skunk and feeling sorry for herself. While we were heading home she tried to climb out the window...

1 year ago
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She Likes It

She Likes It By banderson I drove up to the house and honked. Michelle came running out, stopping towave at her husband, Bill, then trundled down the steps to the passenger sideof my car. She slid in, all breathless and horny, I could tell in a flash.She wore exactly what I had told her to: A dark short skirt and white blouse.No underwear. I could see the shape of her breasts under the blouse. Her nipples pressed hard against the cotton. I found my cock already growing hard, looking at...

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Kellie and Brad

AUTHOR’S NOTE: I was inspired to write this story after watching a match at the Scotties Tournament of Hearts, the Canadian women`s curling championships. Curling is a great sport but I understand not everyone gets it, so I tried not to use too much jargon or make it too much of the focus. This is my first attempt at a genuine, romantic, redemptive love story. As always, please read and enjoy. * Her form was perfect. The concentration etched on her face. The strength uncoiling from her body...

4 years ago
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Kissing Causes Incest 8211 Part 5 Sex With My Sister In Front Of Mom

This is the fifth part of my story of sex with my sister. Please read the previous parts to understand the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses. So, think of someone when you read this story. I will continue the story where I left. In the last part, I fucked my sister for the first time and even cum inside on her safe day. As our routine of fucking and pleasuring each other was going on daily, the Corona strikes all over the world. Mom stopped going to college and stayed in the...

1 year ago
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My neighbor blackmailed and fucked me for Cross dressing

I had recently moved in a townhouse unit in Oklahoma. Still trying to adjust to the new neighborhood, I was also doing my best to keep my hobbies a secret. You see, I am a cross-dresser by passion. But my new neighborhood is strictly catholic and I can imagine the uproar my fantasies might stir. My next-door neighbor was an old man in his 60’s. He looked younger and stronger than his age. But, my secret unfolded and the neighbor fucked me for cross dressing. Within a couple of days of...

Cross Dresser
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Married Sister Blackmailed Into Fucking 8211 Part I

“Zahid, you go and deliver this package to Tahira today. Your sister is going to wear this dress on her friend’s marriage on Sunday. She insisted that she tries it today so that if any changes are required she can get them by tomorrow. Now be a good boy and go to Tahira’s house and tell her mom has sent her dress” My mother Shabana told me. I did not want to go but my mother is not used to hearing no. So, I phoned my girlfriend Kajal(sister of my friend Altaf) that I would not be able to meet...

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Pandemic Boredom Ch 5

The first highlight of my day started when Cole, a sexy cop that I met online, stopped by my house around eleven that morning. He came for sex and he boned me hard, but couldn’t stay because he had to get home to his wife. When he left, I figured that would be the end of my day, and it would go down in my diary as a good day. Little did I know, my day wasn’t over yet!Thirty minutes after Cole left, I was still lying naked on my bed, looking up at the ceiling and basking in the afterglow with a...

Straight Sex
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Speaking of Cougar

I went to a local bar for a drink recently and had an interesting experience. While talking to the bartender I noticed this elderly lady at the end of the bar sipping and watching folks. Thinking nothing of it I continue you talking with the bartender. Soon a lady sat next to her and started talking. I happened to over hear their conversation and it was about "who would they do" ! in the bar. Now the one lady who sat down to talk was older as well but, extremely "hot". She had my vote !! But...

4 years ago
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I Love My Bestie Part One

"Good morning beautiful," Alan said while he caressed Sonia, softly kissing her as he outlined her curves through her bathrobe."Good morning baby," she replied with a bright smile while cooking eggs. "Imagine it, in two days we'll have this big old house to ourselves.""Mmm you got that right, two days. Which means you can tell Mr.Happy down there to cool himself while I cook breakfast," Sonia replied with a chuckleAlan laughed his deep throaty laugh as he turned Sonia towards him and kissed her...


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