Logan Ch. 01 free porn video

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She was walking down the beach, watching her footprints appear in the sand and then seconds later be washed away into nothing. It’s funny how fast things can happen in only a matter of seconds. Her life had changed on that October night, only months after her eighteenth birthday. She had loved her dad, she had loved him a lot and had always stayed true to him, but there were just certain things that they argued about constantly. One of those issues was college, something she didn’t want to do, something he thought was a necessity, and something that she had never thought back on again.

Her father was a millionaire from the day he was born. His father, her grandfather, had bought all of the land on a strip of beach, built houses on them, and had rented them out. The place around it boomed, but the beach itself was private which made it popular and demanded. The amount people paid to be on a private beach was ungodly, and it started soaring when her father was about fifteen. From then on, his father learned the ins and outs of the business and eventually completely took over for his father.

His father had loved every aspect of the business and became the poster-child for all workaholics. That had been the main reasoning for his wife leaving him and her daughter when her daughter was only one. She had been raised on the business, learning it and playing it as well as her father. They got along well when they worked together, and she missed the busy days. But her father had also been an alcoholic and an abusive one at that, so although she missed him, part of her was glad he was gone. He had been hit by a train and died instantly when she was only three months past eighteen, leaving his business to her as she was his only child, making her a millionaire and leaving her in charge of a little over sixty houses. Her father had hired a maid service to come and clean the house when renters left, and had walked the beach himself for most of the time, picking it up.

It didn’t take long for her to switch it around, and hire people to not only help her clean the house after the renters left- the maids were not satisfactory in that they would often stay the weekend and not do a reasonable job cleaning- but also to help her pick up the beach. For a while she had had an assistant who helped her choose the people, but then found that she could do it herself and needed no one’s help in doing so. She hadn’t really liked the assistant because she often began her advice with: well, your father would have… I don’t care what the hell my father would have done, she’d think. That, and she found that often times she couldn’t trust people. Her right hand man- he had the same title as the rest of the workers, but she found he was easier to talk to then the rest and so spent most of her time with him- was one of the few that she could trust and could always count for a laugh.

About ten yards up the beach she saw a can floating in and out of the surf, looking new as if someone had just thrown it there. She looked up to the house, making a mental note that people were walking up the boardwalk, chairs in hand. She wasn’t carrying a bag with her or else she would have picked it up to throw it away later. No, she thought to herself, I’m on my break. So she picked the can out of the surf and threw it up on the beach, thinking she would grab it again when she walked later, or maybe tomorrow morning when she ran at six. Although if it’s still there by six, then maybe I need to hire someone that can do their job. No sooner had the can landed then she heard a voice behind her.

‘Excuse me,’ he said. She turned and smiled on the inside. It was a new kid she had just hired, Will: he was nineteen, had just dropped out of LSU. They had never met, but she had seen his picture in his application and had talked to him over the phone.

‘Yes?’ she asked innocently.

‘Aren’t you going to take your can with you?’

‘Oh, it’s not mine.’

‘Are you kidding? I just saw you throw it up there.’

‘Right,’ she said, taking her time and trying to keep from laughing, ‘I pulled it out of the surf and threw it up on the beach so no one would step on it.’ He just nodded and raised his eyebrow.


‘Yeah, I think it belongs to those people,’ she said, nodding towards the house.

‘Well thank you, but I believe I can do my job sufficiently.’ She lost it then and started laughing. He began to look pissed and more full of himself. She just turned and kept walking, he didn’t pursue her.

That night she arrived back at the house, a huge white one in the most choice location, one that all of the people she worked with stayed in, she had the top floor all to herself. She was sitting in her living room area with Jacob, her right hand man, when his cell phone rang. It was a regular thing for all of the new workers to have an older worker buddy. This gave them someone they could immediately talk to and connect with, with someone to teach them how to do their jobs correctly. They were required to check in with their elder every night before they went to sleep, and they could talk about anything and everything.

Jacob answered and put him on speaker phone.




‘It’s Will.’

‘Hey, Will, how did your first day go?’

‘Really well, actually.’

‘Have any trouble with any of the renters?’ Jacob asked, having already heard the story between the two earlier in the day.

‘Actually there was this one girl. About my age, tall, reddish blonde hair, pretty blue eyes,’ he said.

‘She doesn’t sound familiar. Did you get a name or a house she was living in?’

‘No, I didn’t ask.’

‘Next time you should.’

‘Oh, okay.’

‘Don’t worry about it though, you didn’t know.’


‘What did she do exactly?’

‘She threw a can up on the beach and then tried to tell me it wasn’t hers. I mean I saw her throw the thing up, she was lying to my face.’

‘Are you positive? Did you see her take a sip out of it?’

‘No, but I saw her toss it up.’

‘Maybe it wasn’t hers.’

‘Maybe,’ Will said, giving up.

‘Have you met the boss yet?’ Jacob asked.

‘No, but I heard one of the guys say she was hot.’ She heard this and stifled a giggle as she raised her eyebrow in surprise. I need to hire older guys, she thought to herself.

‘Well I’m up here with her right now, we’ll come down and meet you in the kitchen.’

‘Alright, cool,’ he said. They walked down the stairs and turned the corner, pushing the swinging doors in, Will was sitting at the table, drinking a glass of OJ. He turned and looked up as his jaw hit the table.

‘Hey, Will, nice to meet you,’ she said, laughing as she extended her hand.

‘You’re…?’ She nodded.

‘You’re rough. I can’t wait to start working with you.’

‘She likes it rough,’ Jacob whispered behind his hand. She punched him in the arm and he rubbed it. ‘Ow.’

‘I swear,’ she said, shaking her head, ‘You would think that he was the boss.’

‘Well I am your boss,’ he said, grabbing her and swinging her around. Just then the doorbell rang and she ran- like a child- to answer it.

‘Mr. Languest requests your presence tonight for dinner.’ She looked annoyed at the butler that had been sent to tell her this news.

‘Tell Jack that if he wants me to come to dinner he’ll have to ask me himself.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’

‘Johnson, call me Lo,’ she said, smiling at the man then waving goodbye as he climbed back into the car. She turned around to see Jacob and Will standing there. She just shook her head at Jacob and walked into his open arms.

‘You sure you don’t want me to burn down his house?’

‘You mean houses?’ He chuckled.


‘Nah, he can keep them all to his lonely ass self.’

‘You know he’s not going to stop.’

‘I know,’ she
said, then turned to meet Will’s confused look. ‘Inform your child- he deserves to know seeing as how the rest of the house does.’ She started walking up the stairs then turned around. ‘Actually, Will, let’s take us a little walk.’ Will just nodded and followed her out of the house.

As soon as they were outside Will said, ‘About earlier- I’m really sorry.’

‘Don’t worry, Will, I was just having fun with you. I enjoy using men to entertain me.’ She laughed and he grinned at her, realizing how much he was beginning to love that laugh. She met his gaze and just sighed. His eyes were a beautiful blue, his hair dark- almost black- and shaggy, wavy. He was gorgeous to say the least. Tall, dark and handsome- just the way she liked them.

Over the period of the walk, they got more and more intimate with each other, physically teasing and then seconds later having a serious conversation. She began to realize that she hadn’t had this much fun or opened up this much in years. She explained to Will everything about her dad. Then she went on to explain just exactly who Jack Languest was.

He was pretty much her counterpart. What part of the little strip of land she didn’t own, he did. He was 27 and had been pursuing her since her father died last October.

‘Of course,’ she said, ‘My father promised him that he could marry me whenever he wanted. He almost had me at sixteen,’ she said, shaking her head, ‘But I somehow convinced my dad to at least let me graduate high school. Then my dad died and Jack’s just been hovering over my head every since, trying to get a hold of me so that somehow the two businesses will merge with our marriage. I’ve been thinking about accepting lately though, just to get him off my back.’

‘You shouldn’t marry because it’s a good business proposition. You should marry for love.’

‘I’m not so sure I believe in love, Will,’ she said, smiling gently at him.

‘It just seems to me that marrying for the money can only go downhill.’

‘I know, but I don’t know what else to do.’

‘Keep saying no?’ She laughed.

‘I guess that’ll just have to do.’ They turned and started back, and then Logan turned to him.

‘Hey, I was thinking I would go clubbing tonight, wanna come with me?’

‘Of course,’ he said and he was shocked when she reached out and grabbed his hand.

‘Meet you downstairs at seven thirty?’ she asked, and he nodded.

Will was so excited that he was down there at seven. He sat down on the couch, coke in hand, to wait for her and just talk with Jacob.

‘Watch out for her, alright?’ Jacob was asking.

‘Alright,’ Will answered, nervously.

‘She doesn’t take people out with her, not even me. Just take care of her- she deserves it.’ Will was shocked at what he had just heard but didn’t have to think of a response to that as Logan was walking down the stairs. She looked amazing in her short black flowy skirt and an orange and yellow striped tube top, her reddish blonde hair flowing down around her shoulders. Without either of them thinking about it, they had met in the middle of the room and joined hands, sending flames through each other with their touch. Jacob raised an eyebrow at Logan and Will.

‘Have fun you two, I’ll lock up.’ Logan just smiled and said a quick thank you before practically dragging Will outside. They were climbing into her car, a Porsche Turbo, when a town car pulled up and Johnson, the butler, got out to open the back door. Logan groaned as she stood up and leaned on the car.

‘Johnson, he doesn’t deserve to have that door opened for him,’ she said to the butler, ‘I don’t see why you do it.’

‘Six children, ma’am,’ he said quietly before opening the door. A tall, lean, well-dressed man appeared from the car. He was wearing a gray suit and tie, was obviously tanned from the beach and had perfect gold hair, not one piece was out of place. Will suddenly became very aware as to the power of this man and shuddered. He was commanding, rich and handsome, none of those Will had ever experienced first hand, much less had the confidence to walk around like that.

‘Hello, Logan,’ Jack said, closing the distance between the two quite fast as he took her hand and kissed the back of it.

‘Jack,’ she spoke, her tone harsh, as she pulled her hand back from his grip.

‘I came to pick you up for dinner, darling.’

‘Jack you can’t keep just showing up and expecting me to drop everything to be with you.’

‘You wouldn’t have to drop everything if you would be my wife.’

‘Jack I’m not going to marry you,’ she said, taking a quick glance over at Will before adding, ‘Ever.’

‘Don’t be silly, darling. It was your father’s dying wish to see us merge.’

‘Let him roll in his grave,’ she said, scoffing.

‘You’re father was a great man.’

‘My father was an arrogant, conceited, selfish bastard.’

‘It pains me when you talk of your father like that after all the good things he wanted for you.’

‘Jack, we’re not going through this again. He wasn’t a good man.’

‘At least he had enough good since to know that we were meant for each other,’ Jack retaliated, and Will became aware of just how good the two would look together as a couple. Not quite though, he thought to himself, she’s too wild to be with someone like that, she’s got too much spunk, too much flame to her.

‘I rest my case,’ she said, throwing her arms out, ‘Something that was never ever going to happen in the first place.’

‘I should have had you at sixteen,’ Jack growled, stepping forward and taking her wrist into his hand, ‘Then you would have learned a thing or two from me.’

‘Oh good, statutory rape.’

‘Not rape if you’re my wife.’

‘I wasn’t. I’m not. I never will be,’ she almost yelled, pulling her arm free.

‘I will have you whether you want me to or not.’

‘I’m not some prize, Jack. Good God!’

‘You are beautiful and you belong at my side.’

‘At your side like some pet,’ she spat, ‘Go fuck yourself.’

‘Oh how very adult of you- resorting to name calling now are we?’

‘Unbelievable,’ she breathed.

‘What’s unbelievable is the fact that you have millions and millions, yet you live in this hole in the wall with other… other… common people… like him…’ he said, pointing to Will.

‘First of all this is not a hole in the wall. And second of all- and more importantly- I love spending my life around people like him. I’m not superior to anyone and neither are you.’

‘I most certainly am superior to… to that,’ he said, pointing again as his face twisted into that of sheer disgust.

‘Pull your head out of your fucking ass, Jack! The only thing different between you and him, is the fact that he not only has manners but he has decency and class that far surpass yours.’

‘You can’t be serious,’ he said, looking Will over. ‘I’ve got millions, he doesn’t.’

‘Money. Isn’t. Everything.’

‘It is in our world.’

‘He,’ she said, pointing to Will, ‘And that,’ she said pointing to the house, ‘Is my world.’

‘I’m here to save you from… him,’ he said, spiting in Will’s direction. Logan took one look at how pale and flushed Will looked and without thinking had punched Jack. He spun around, holding his nose as it dripped with blood. ‘Shit, Logan!’ he said, looking bewildered.

‘Grow. Up,’ she said, getting into the car as Will did the same, then speeding away towards town. There was a good minute of silence before Logan started laughing. ‘I can’t believe I did that. Nothing has ever felt so good in my life.’ She looked over and saw torment and embarrassment on Will’s face.

‘Yeah,’ he said, barely audible and without looking up, ‘Good job.’

‘Will, I never would have said any of that stuff or done anything like that if it wasn’t for you- you gave me the strength to do that.’

‘No,’ he said, looking at her, ‘You could have d
one it all along. I was just the scapegoat of an already heated argument and thus provided a reason for you to hit him.’

‘That’s not true.’

‘Yes it is,’ Will said, finally looking at her. Frustrated, she pulled the car over and unbuckled. ‘What-?’ She cut him off as she quickly climbed into his lap and started kissing him. She teased his lower lip, gently biting it before rubbing her tongue along his teeth until he allowed her access, opening his mouth as his tongue came out to meet hers. His hands roamed up and down her back, stroking and pulling. They had their tongues down each other’s throats for a good fifteen minutes before they finally broke.

‘That’s not true and don’t you forget it,’ she said, smiling as she kissed him one last time and slid back into her seat, fixing her tube top and skirt, smiling at her reflection in the mirror, her lips red from being well kissed.

‘That was so not fair,’ he said, looking over at her and grinning.

‘Complaints, Mr. Robinson?’ she teased

‘None at all,’ he said, beaming.

They parked in the lot and walked up to the building of a club called The 411. It was about eight thirty now and there was a decent size line outside of the building. Will was about to point this out to her and suggest that they go elsewhere so that they don’t spend their whole night waiting in line, when she pulled him to the front of the line to talk with the bouncer.

‘Hey, Fred,’ she said, giving the big man a hug and peck on the cheek.

‘Beautiful, where have you been? You almost made it one whole week.’ She laughed.


‘You in another fight with Jack?’ he said, nodding towards Will.

‘Freddie,’ she said, shaking her head, ‘No pullin’ my strings tonight. I kinda like this one, so no scaring him off, okay?’

‘You mean no ‘hey I saw your wedding announcement in the paper this morning’ jokes?’

‘That’s not even funny,’ she said, tightening her grip on Will’s hand.

‘You better watch out, beautiful, he’s gonna do it one day.’

‘Yeah but then I’ve got people like you to kick his ass.’

‘And get a million dolla’ lawsuit on my hands? You best be finding you some better protectors,’ he said laughing.

‘You know I’ve always got your back, Fred. Tell Jenna I said hi. How’s little Fred doing?’

‘Got his first tooth in now.’

‘Aw that’s awesome. Hey- anytime you all want a night on the town, my offer for babysitting is always open. On the house.’

‘Beautiful, you know that we already did that once. We can’t impose on you again like that, but thank you.’

‘Freddie listen. You let me into this place anytime I want in- I’m the one that owes you. I love little Fred to death, it’s my pleasure to baby-sit him.’

‘If you insist,’ he said, shrugging his shoulders.

‘Call me sometime this week and we’ll set up a play date.’ They laughed, hugged, and then parted ways. ‘What do you want to drink?’ she asked Will as they headed towards the bar.

‘Someone’s gotta be responsible and drive. Water’s good.’

‘Water is good,’ she said, leaning over the bar to get the bartenders attention, ‘Hey Carl!’

‘Girl how are you doin’?’ a man in his late thirties asked, coming to their side of the bar. ‘Long time, no see!’

‘Carl this is my…’ she turned to Will, whispered something in his ear making his eyes go as wide as saucers, then continued, ‘Boyfriend, Will. Will this is my good friend Carl.’

‘I think you got the better end of the deal,’ Carl said, shaking hands with Will. Logan grinned.

‘Enough of that, we’ll have two waters.’

‘Two waters it is- on the tab?’

‘As always.’

‘One of these days I really am going to make you pay it.’

‘Keep talkin’, Carl, keep talkin’.’ He handed the two waters across the bar and it was Will’s turn to pull Logan somewhere. He leaded them to a booth in the corner and sat, pulling Logan into his lap, gently kissing her shoulder.

‘Now about this boyfriend stuff,’ he said, grinning.

‘I mean it,’ she said, pulling away and looking at him seriously, ‘I wouldn’t have said it if I hadn’t meant it.’ He pulled her head down to his and let his tongue roam around with hers.

‘You have no idea how happy that makes me,’ he said, stroking her hair lovingly, ‘Now shall we dance?’

‘I thought you’d never ask,’ she said, laughing as they stood and made their way to the center of the dance floor. They danced nonstop for three hours, through every song. They barely heard the music as they held each other’s attention, each noticing every movement and shift in the others body. In the fast songs they’d bump and grind and kiss, but in the slow songs they would hold each other tenderly, hiding the inner beast that had been released on the last song. Looking down at his watch and seeing it said 12:04, Will suggested that they take a break and have some water. She sat on his lap again, drinking water, holding his bottle for him while he drank, swapping water back and forth between each other’s mouths. When he looked down at his watch again he saw that it read 12:30.

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Hey, guys, I am back with the continuation of my sex story with my hot and sexy Mami? Before this vacation I had just heard the proverb “jab bhagwan deta hai tho chappar fad ke deta hai” but during this vacation I experienced it. I have written this experience with my mami’s consent. I thank you all for your replies. Any girl or woman (up to 40yrs) can contact me if they are not satisfied or if their sex life is not spiced up. I assure you, that you will have the best time of ur life and 100%...

3 years ago
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Incestuous Tales of the Quarantine 5 Daughters Hot Mom Seduction

Story Five: Daughter's Hot Mom Seduction By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! It was week two of the quarantine, and I was making raspberry jam with Mom. We had gone out to the grocery store to get supplies and found the raspberries on sale. Mom leaped at the opportunity to buy them and we were both excited to make some jam. We had been making a lot of jams and canned food since quarantine started. I guessed we were doing some prepping for the...

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A RoseChapter 5

“At the time of Rosa’s birth,” Nick began the next installment of his Tales, “further encroachments of the Spanish continued, with more and more success against my northern friends. Somehow, probably from the tapping of Spanish warrior from my stable of whores combined with profitable trade, my little empire sustained. But that became less appealing for me and the native people, dealing with enslavers and murderers and condescenders, in some way the latter being the worst of it because it...

1 year ago
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Nicks divorce

Nicks wife Barbara watched him changing the helpless babies diapers and doing nasty things to the boy. To her shock and disgust she saw her husband sucking his little prick.Nick lost custody of his son Jason. His wife would not let him see his son. He had to do what she said or the up tight party fucked Jason over and over again until it was time for them to leave. Barbara slept with her ex and Jason that night and every night thereafter. They were a family again.

4 years ago
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Happy Ending For My Sister 8211 Part 1

Hi, this is Salim, I am 21 years old. This story is about Sana, my elder cousin. She was a very beautiful girl. We have a joint family. She was a very bright student throughout the school and college. She was a gold medalist in badminton tournaments in university. So she has a nice physique. She is a very elegant personality, always neat and clean, so charming. I had always seen guys in her college tried to woo her, but she ever did not give any chance to anybody. My family was very proud of...

3 years ago
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Hump Club Barts Odd PropositionChapter 3

Bridgette played with Shannon's hair for a few seconds, putting the hurt aside and moving on, then, "Why are YOU doing this? Why are you out hunting for a ... skank ... who can't catch a guy with a butterfly net? What is YOUR motivation?" Bart chuckled. "You tried to turn ME away in there, remember? You've seen one of my best features - but how many women can I reasonably show THAT to?" Shannon sniffled and spoke to the appendage involved, "You can show it to me again..." "You...

2 years ago
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Lizzie Came

"Lizzie ... hi," Nate Summers said when he saw who was at the door. "Hi, Mr. S.," Lizzie replied. "Is Alexa here?" "Oh, Honey, no. Didn't she tell you she was going to basketball camp this weekend?" "Oh, yea. I guess she did. Um ... is Mrs. S. home?" "No, Lizzie. I'm sorry. She's not either. She went up north to visit her mom for the weekend." Nate surveyed Lizzie and sensed she was upset about something. "Lizzie, Honey ... are you O.K.?" "Not really... ," Lizzie...

4 years ago
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Big Ideas

Big Ideas By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Cindy and Me Cindy and I have been best friends ever since we were almost seniors in high school and she and her family moved to our town. Cindy says she got the Big Idea first, but I know it was me. Cindy's sweet and pretty, but I'm the smart one. You don't see her writing this biographical story do you? You see, back then, when we first met, Cindy and I were pretending to be boys, because that was what everyone expected of us. I...

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Iddaru GirlfriendsPart 1

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers , I’m Siddarth. Age 24. Na engineering ayyi 3 ys ayindhi. Nenu na college lo jarigina story ni rasthunna. Idhi meku ela nachindho naku telidu, nachithe matram mail lo cheppandi. Meku ee story nachithe, continue chyali anpisthe mails lo chepthe pakka ga second part kuda publish chesthanu. Open minded friends tho unnavallaki ee story entha varuku nijamo ardham avthadh. Meeku ila kuda jargthay ani telidu, vinaledu kabatti idhi fake ani aneykandi. Ee story...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 58

Monday was like a new beginning. It was the first time in almost six months that I had a normal schedule. Seven to four, five days a week sounded good, for a while at least. The question was, would it keep me interested and excited? We even had a good healthy breakfast of fruit, whole grain cereal and orange juice. I was going to stop at the donut shop on the way home and get a dozen bagels and a tub of cream cheese to add a little variety to the breakfast meal. We left home in a mini...

4 years ago
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NO TOUCHING ALLOWED PART 2 by Maria After a few minutes I told him to go ahead and shower first. So he went on in the bathroom and startedshowering. I could hear the water running and him moving around in the stall. I quietly snuck in and peeked in behindthe curtain and asked him if it was big enough for two and went ahead and stepped in with him. There was enough room.As we washed I could see his...

4 years ago
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Waiting in the corner

Her tired eyes glanced up at him as his shadow moved over her. Her naked body flinched noticeably as he reached out and removed the long slender wooden yard stick from the wall. He poked it hard at her left small tit. Digging the splintered wood into her breast and twisting it about, he smiled lasciviously. He liked them flat and skinny and this one truly fulfilled his fantasy.“Morning my sweet little slave slut.” He said softly.Her tape smothered moans made his erect cock twitch about in his...

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Dentists Office

Dr. Bell was a unique dentist. Not because his practice had moved so many times but mainly because he was one of the few dentists who used Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas. He advertised that it was for the patient's comfort but it was also was perfect to practice his own perversions on those exceptionally beautiful patients. He didn't really need to. He just enjoyed the thrill of it. Doc Bell was a very handsome single guy and didn't have any problems getting women. He just loved being able...

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Wet Surprise

Sandy was a beautiful, 32-year-old, real-estate agent in Atlanta, Georgia. She was about 5'6" tall, and weighed approximately 125 pounds. She had deep blue eyes, golden blonde hair, and an infectious smile. Her beauty and friendly manner had helped in making Sandy a very successful real-estate agent. Though she had inherited a great deal of money from her family, Sandy also worked very hard. She had struggled her way to the top of one of the largest real-estate agencies in central...

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Amy and the Pool Party

“Are you ready, babe?” Rob called out. “We’re gonna be late!” Rob paced in the living room. Amy was always late when they went out but it was always worth it. At 40 years old Amy was absolutely stunning. She had a perfect hour glass figure and all the right curves. She had ample 38DD breasts and a nice round butt. Rob always knew he was a lucky man to have such a sexy, gorgeous wife. They were going to a party at their friends, Mike and Laura’s house. Nothing fancy, just a casual...

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My Brother Was Watching

Hi guys my name is Neha Koul and I’m 25 years of age and my husband is a software Eng. in a MNC and I’m a software Eng as well and we live in Bangalore. I’m 5 foot 4″ and have a very fair skin tone and we are having great time in Bangalore. My parents and my elder brother (unmarried) who is 26 years old live in New Delhi. I visit my parents during June every year. This year my husband and I planned to visit my parents together. We reached New Delhi in the afternoon and my brother came to...

4 years ago
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The curse of the multiple orgasms Chapter 1 and 2

It started late September. Lucy was a nice girl, a good, sweet girl. Her f****y had a good background well known in the community. Her father sat on the church council and her mother was chairperson of the local village committee, with responsibility for keeping everything in order and keeping up the appearance of the neighbourhood as nothing other than a perfect place. It was into this perfect world that Lucy had been born 19 years ago and nothing much had happened since. That was until the...

3 years ago
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Sally and Jenny foursome

It’s a feeling most men will probably never experience, the moment when your cock brushes against another cock, as a sexy young girl tries to wrap her mouth around the two of you, as she attempts her first double blow job. Sally’s mouth was stretched wide, as her tongue flicked over the purple head of my cock, her left hand stroking my hard flesh up and down, her saliva lubricating me. Her head bobbed from my cock to Mike’s, a young black man, who she had been dating for several months. Her...

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For Want of a MemoryChapter 22

Harper stared at the sheet of paper the postal employee had handed him. It was like that sometimes. You tried one thing, then another, and just when you were sure it wasn't going to pan out, you got the piece of information you were looking for. The forwarding address was for someplace called Pembroke, Connecticut. The landlord hadn't known where he'd gone. There had been an old credit card statement on Farmingham's desk, which had his account number on it, but the credit card company...

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Coastal Escape

What an incredible day it had been, their car following the winding coastal highway as if it was born to be there. This trip sprung suddenly from a passing thought into reality in the course of a few short hours. Now, having parked the car, they settled into their room for the night. The hotel was a small coastal place, bright paint and fresh flowers blooming in their neatly placed spots in the gardens. Blooming splendor-reds, yellows, purple all opened to the coastal air. Their room was more...

1 year ago
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Prize for the winning team

Susan is the wife of a high school football coach. She always had a high sex drive that sometimes even her husband Bill could not keep up. One night, when Bill got home from a play off and Susan was waiting for her with a horny pussy, an idea came up. He thought of giving her wife to his players if they could win the next game. Susan was excited by the idea. As Bill went to sleep that night, she masturbated to the thought of being gang banged by high school boys. During practice, Bill brought...

Group Sex
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The Valley Clan Saga Part 1Chapter 5 The Inquiry How to Pop Four Cherries

I reached the compartment that served as the location for the hearing. Some of the Marines from the extraction were there. They made a point of coming to me and thanking me for the help especially for saving their sergeant. The one point that was clear was that they really liked their sergeant. They asked that I also pass on their thanks to my concubines. The hearing started with reviews of the holograms of the extraction from the start the interdiction field coming down. Everything was...

4 years ago
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Rodger me and that Bikini

As a born Adventurer, I was wondering if my pink metallic bikini would have the same effect at home (re:One very small bikini One very big cock)So I waited till Rodger my neighbour was home, perfect weather not to hot, out came the make up and the extreme heeled sandals, strutting round my boudoir in my thong Bikini, I was feeling very naughty,should I tease the neighbour, poor man his wife had gone to Preston to her sick Mother, leaving him at my mercy... all alone!I waited till he was in the...

3 years ago
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The Right Subject

Derek felt tonight's apprehension squeeze itself under his shirt and crawl across his skin. It was prickly and hot and he didn't want to think about it anymore. Derek had had more gallery openings than he could count, but it never seemed to get any easier. He couldn't relax enough to mingle and network, which was what these things were all about. Maybe that's why he was 45 and still drove a cab around. He'd picked up an extra shift with the taxi cab company. He found that driving was...

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MyWifesHotFriend Heather Vahn 23715

Ladies night out! Heather Vahn is intent on taking her girlfriend out for drinks, but her friend’s husband Sean isn’t so keen on the idea when she stops by to tell him. Why? Because, Sean admits, Heather is fucking hot, which means guys will be hitting on her all night, which means guys will be hitting on his wife all night. Logical, right? You know what else is logical? Heather getting turned on that Sean thinks she’s sexy, then ripping her clothes off to fuck the shit out of...

4 years ago
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Tranny Surprise Part 2

Things were off to a good start with Dani. We have been texting each other throughout the week just talking and setting up another date. We decided to go to the local fair I picked her up around 530 and she wasnt quite ready yet so she let me in hugged me and went back to finish her hair. I sat on the couch and played with her cats for a minute, she was back in no time and she looked great! ‘Wow Dani you look really pretty in that sun dress.’ I said. ‘Thank you’ she replied with a big smile....

1 year ago
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Note : This story is completely fictional! I had just turned 18 last week and I had hit the weekend and I was bored to hell. The only thing that was good about the weekend was that I was going to spend the Saturday night in with my mom. First off let me tell you a little about my mother. She is 43 years old, she is about 6 foot tall, has short brown hair and her measurements are 36E-32-40, so as you can imagine big breasts, a fairly slim waist and a big bubble butt. I arrived back from town at...

4 years ago
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Door in the ClosetChapter 3

"Are you wearing a bra?" I asked Jimmy, just because I hadn't gotten a decent look at his ass at all. "No!" He stared at me and I recoiled from his eyes because he seemed so serious about it. "Okay," I said with a shrug, figuring maybe he was one of those liberated bra-burning guys. "Me neither." I laughed so he'd know I wasn't making a big deal out of it. Like making fun of myself, since I knew Jimmy had seen my ass and despite what he'd said, probably wasn't too impressed....

3 years ago
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19 October 2007Chapter 2

Diane, Brenda, and Cathy stood, holding their posters. They hollered and cheered for Brad and Jake. Abby’s poster read #27 Brad Hayward I’m your #1 fan. Men in the rows behind them appreciated the short hemmed, low-cut dresses that all the women were wearing. The public address announcer began. “Welcome to tonight’s game between the Kingston Frontenacs and your Belleville Falcons!” “The starting lineups for tonight’s game are for Kingston, starting in goal, number 30, Chris Manning,...

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Anniversary Gift Barbie Doll

Anniversary Gift: Barbie Doll By Greg Iacovelli "Hi honey," said my wife as I walked in the door. "Hi Barbie," I said. (I called her Barbie because Barbara was her name and she was obsessed with collecting Barbie dolls.) I thought how lucky I was, she looked perfect, a living Barbie doll in her own right. She had a perfectly shaped face with big green seductive eyes, small little up turned nose, and full pouting lush lips. Under that she had a rack so big and so perfectly...

2 years ago
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My Wife Ann is Taken by a Dominant 18 Year Old Male

My wife Ann had just turned fifty-one, and we recently celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We are your typical middle class family with kids off to college, and dreams of retirement someday. Over the last few years I had become fascinated with the idea of sharing Ann with another man. I went to great lengths to talk her into it, and after several years of trying she finally relented to the idea of offering herself to another man after an innocent incident in the park one afternoon....

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First LoveChapter 30

Ryan felt miserable. He felt sick. He couldn't remember what possessed him to say that shit to Jen. She was right, he was different around some of his friends, Darius among them. He felt like the biggest jackass on the planet. And the loneliest. And now Jen was going to have his baby, and he'd never see his child, or Jen, again. She'll forgive me, he thought. She has to. She fucking has to. Thursday he showed up at her house. He had called earlier, but she'd hung up on him again. She...

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Sister SisterChapter 5

Male hormone pills or not, nature decides who is or isn't going to become pregnant! A certain higher power decided that this oddity wasn't yet ready for another future participant into our already oddball existance. We all felt sure daddy had gotten me pregnant, but it was not to be. Then as fate would have it, we were all watching this story on cable about an artificially insemenated egg that helped an infertile man create his own child. The child was born with male genetic coding, but...

3 years ago
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Playing a round

I first met Cath at university over a decade ago. It was clear from the start that we fancied each other. At the time I was involved with someone else, and although the relationship was on its last legs I didn't know how to end it. By the time that relationship fizzled to its disappointing conclusion, Cath was seeing someone else. And so it went on through our time at University. We wanted each other, but it just didn't happen.Some years later in London, we finally kissed at the end of a...

Straight Sex
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Pimping myself out for my cousins friends Part one

Introduction: Sex for money. Just for fun. It was a rather uneventful Sunday afternoon, around 3pm. I was really bored and had nothing to do since my boyfriend had to go to work. Some emergency that apparently only he could handle. So that put a damper on our plans of going out tonight. Mom suggested that we go over to visit her sister. I agreed to go along since I did not have anything better to do. When we got there mom and her sister sat down and started talking. They can go on and on...

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Crystal Maidens

If you’ve never heard of ‘Crystal Maidens’ before then you’re about to get your feeble little mind blown because it’s one of the most interactive and epic porno games on the whole internet. This isn’t just one of those shitty flash games that you pick up and finish in 20 minutes with questionable art and shitty gameplay, oh no, this is one of the most intricate strategy games you’ll ever play because it’s on par with some non-XXX games like Warcraft III, Age of Empires and so on.Basically, you...

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In the road

After several hours of driving on a motorway monotony, I decided to stop at a rest area. I leave my car and lights a cigarette, while I dégourdi legs a bit, a woman passes in front of me. It is nothing flashy, u blue jeans, a sweater and a scarf around the neck. No sexy outfit that presage what will happen later.His jeans still shakes his buttocks well, and the center seam is behind égerment reentrant. I take this pretty sight enjoying the buttocks sway from left to right.After watching a few...

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Teaching The Teacher

She stood on the steps of his building; her tan raincoat soaked, her short, light-brown hair plastered against her head from the drizzling rain she had walked through. What am I doing here, she wondered? Carol hesitated for one more brief moment, fighting back her fear and doubt, before her mind cleared and she pushed forward with her adventure. What she was doing was dangerous, and at 26, Carol was old enough to know better, but erotically desperate enough not to care. Over the last few years...

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English as a Second Language Ch 05

This is part five of our story. While it can be enjoyed individually, reading previous chapters may help you to get to know Margot and Jay better. We join our story in progress – Margot, a European beauty, has fallen madly in love with Jay, and has begun her journey as his submissive and mentee. She has now experienced threesomes, a glory hole, a gangbang, as well as the many more intimate moments of her life with him… ***** Margot awoke briefly during the night, stirred by the gentle...

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