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Big Ideas By Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Cindy and Me Cindy and I have been best friends ever since we were almost seniors in high school and she and her family moved to our town. Cindy says she got the Big Idea first, but I know it was me. Cindy's sweet and pretty, but I'm the smart one. You don't see her writing this biographical story do you? You see, back then, when we first met, Cindy and I were pretending to be boys, because that was what everyone expected of us. I won't even tell you what our names were. They were icky and that's a part of my life I want to forget. Before I met Cindy, I was so alone. Every night I would go to bed and dream of being not just a girl, but a princess in a magic kingdom. I would be the girliest girl in the world and everyone would be praising my beauty and femininity. But every morning I would wake up and still be that boy whose boy name must not be spoken. My two older sisters had an idea that something was "off" with me, as my four-years-older sister Heidi used to say. She and Laurie, my two- years-older sister, knew I wasn't like any boy they knew. And so did Mom and Dad. Dad especially. He was really disappointed that I wasn't very "boyish." I didn't play rough with boys and I liked my sisters' fashion magazines tons better than Sports Illustrated. Mom said it was a phase, but Dad knew better. And so did Mom, really. I think they began to believe that I was gay. But I'm not. Really. I'm a girl. When Cindy moved in four doors from us, I knew she was the first kindred spirit I had ever met. I don't know how I knew, but I did. And so did she. Within a week of Cindy and me meeting, we began to share our deepest secrets. "I want to be pretty," Cindy said. Cindy was already kind of pretty. Even without make-up or stockings or dresses. And in those awful boy clothes. But she wanted to be really pretty. And so did I. I asked Cindy to call me by my real name, Victoria or Vicki, and that was the only name I've answered to since we started acting on MY Big Idea. It just made sense to me. I mean, Cindy and I were wasting our lives pretending to be boys. And we weren't even trying very hard to pretend. The boys in our high school were mostly of two types. One group saw us the way we looked and the way we acted, and they called us faggots and queers and weirdos. The other group avoided us completely, afraid to be associated with us in the minds of our tormentors Dad and Mom pretty much worried that I (as a boy) would "get anywhere in the world" and seemed to see my relationship with Cindy, whom they insisted on calling [icky boy's name], to be the last straw in my long slide into oddness. On the Tuesday before Thanksgiving, after school, about five months after Cindy and I met, we were sitting in her backyard talking. That was when I, not Cindy, came up with the Big Idea. I remember it exactly. I said, "What if we just started being girls? I mean wearing make-up and dresses. Using our girl names. No matter what anyone says." Cindy looked at me as if I had just invented popcorn. There were a million reasons to be absolutely terrified about what I had just proposed. But Cindy acted as if none of them mattered. Cindy has real courage. That's one of the jillion reasons I love her. But I'm pretty brave too. Cindy and I went into her house and up to her room. Over the years, it seemed, she had filched quite a few girlie items from her older sisters and her mother. Since Cindy and I had been paying rapt attention to everything girlish going on around us since we could sit up by ourselves, we knew just what to do with them. First we stripped naked. If we could have figured out how to build a bonfire in the house, we would have burned our boy clothes right then. It was the last time I would ever wear those ugly things. I got my first look at Cindy's naked body. She was slim and her creamy skin was mostly hairless, except for a pretty patch over her privates. I guess that described me as well. Cindy's little pricklet was a comfort to me too. Mine was only about three-and-a-half inches tall when it was alert and barking. Cindy's seemed to be even a bit teenier! It was straight and pointing at me on the day we declared independence. And drooling little dribs of sissy goo. I looked at my little package and saw the same phenomenon. Mostly in my life I had only had dreams of nice, sweet, understanding, manly, boys telling me how beautiful I was. Being aroused by Cindy and making her stiff was very nice too. Cindy blushed when she saw my little weenie throbbing and dripping goo in her honor. I thought she might want to touch it or something, but I guessed she wasn't ready for that. Instead, my best friend ever reached into her drawer to get out some of her stash of girlie clothes. In doing that, she sort of showed me her pretty bottom. I could see all of it as she looked for just the right clothes for us. Her pinkish-brown hole was winking at me as she moved and I could see her pink ball bag wiggling as she rummaged. It was a very beautiful sight and I was getting very overheated. But then Cindy said, "Aha!" and that cooled me down just a smidgie. Cindy wasn't even dressing as a girl yet, but she was very dishy. Cindy turned, holding her discoveries, and she could see that I was flushed and excited. We always understood each other and that moment was no exception. Cindy dropped the clothes and stepped toward me. We held each other's young, scrumptious, naked bodies and cried tears of sissy joy. Then we kissed. Lots of kisses. Big smackers, right on the lips. With tongue! As we kissed, we rubbed against each other and that was extra nice. Until something really, really nice began to happen. Neither Cindy nor I had had many orgasms. As boys, we just didn't get that excited. But as we were about to become girls for life, standing naked in each other's loving arms, we were highly excited. My little weenie was red and tingly as I rubbed it against Cindy's sweet little thing. She was sort of gasping for air as we kissed and rubbed and so was I. Then I got the most fantastic feeling in my balls and whoosh - waves of pleasure hit me. I was spurting thick little glops of hot cream all over Cindy as we kissed and Cindy was moaning as each one hit her. I was in heaven. I never knew anything could be that good. Then Cindy's little goo factory got busy and she began to squeal just like the sissy she was and she spurted her hot juices all over me. Cindy's eyes were wide as she shuddered with pleasure. Did that make us "faggots?" If so, I was going to start taking those insults the mean boys hurled at us as compliments. Cindy had one of her few good ideas then though. "Let's put these nighties on and then we can see what happens next." I was a little worried about getting spunkies all over the pretty girlie nighties, and I told Cindy that. But Cindy said, "I think we're going to be getting a lot of spunkies on our girlie things from now on, Vicki. I know how I look in these things and I'm just dying to see how you look in them." Then she gave me a big, tonguey kiss. Which stiffened my peeny all over again. I took the pink, frothy nightie-thing Cindy gave me and slid it over my head. Oh! It felt amazing! It was almost knee-length and the skirts flickered against my penis as I moved this way and that in front of Cindy's full-length mirror. I had never worn girlie gear before. Maybe I was afraid that I wouldn't look as good as I wanted to look. But those fears dribbled away as I saw myself as a sexy, girlie, full- Vicki for the first time. No makeup. An awful boyish haircut. But I was still femmily delicious. And so was Cindy! My resolve became more resolute as Cindy and I admired ourselves and each other in her big, full-length mirror. We were through with pretending. Our (my) Big Idea was going to work! Chapter Two - Telling others Since I was the smart one, I told Cindy what was next. "We're getting out of these nighties and into outside clothes. Skirts, stockings and heels. Then we're going to go back to our regular lives as if nothing happened. When people show surprise or horror or disgust, we just say, 'I'm just being who I am. And I'll thank you to call me [girl's name] from now on.' That will drive them crazy." That was my second great Big Idea. It was way better than calling our families together, wearing trench coats over our femmies, then doing the big reveal. We would just leave Cindy's bedroom as girls and no matter what anyone said or did, we would ignore the negatives and proceed as girls. Easy, huh? Not really. Cindy helped me put on some makeup, loaned me some pull-up, sheer stockings, a nice dress, and a pair of two-inch heels. She kissed me goodbye and let me re-emerge to the world. There I was. In the openness of the world. In front of Cindy's house. Four houses from my own. Everything was familiar. But nothing was the same. I had crossed over. I felt a breeze up my skirts. And a stiffie in my panties. For some reason, I was frightfully aroused. I turned right and headed for home. A bit unsteadily in my heels. But I adjusted. I had some confidence because I knew I had made an unchangeable decision. Plus, unless Cindy's mirror was defective, I was darned attractive as a girl. Don't let anyone tell you that attractiveness is not an advantage in the world. But I was facing a steep hill. Most people don't get people like Cindy and me. I expected I would get better treatment from women. Faced with something new, women try to understand it. Faced with something new, men try to kill it. I was hoping for some empathy from Heidi and Laurie, but it wasn't a sure thing. Big sisters love to tease and torment little brothers. I didn't need either of those at that time. I found out later that the first person, other than Cindy, to see me as Vicki was Mr. Cummings, our sixty-something neighbor who spent a lot of time sitting on his front porch. I was so nervous that I didn't notice him. But he noticed me. He told me later that he was almost certain that he made me as [awful boy's name]. But he still thought I was pretty and feminine. OK. Time to go into the house. It was dinner time. Dad would be home any minute. Mom was sure to be home. Heidi and Laurie were home from college for Thanksgiving break. Would they be home for dinner? I wasn't sure. Deep breath. Into the house. I heard Mom in the kitchen. "Hi, Mom," I called out. "Hi, [awful boy's name], Mom called out cheerily. "Did you have a good day?" "I had a great day, Mom." And then I stepped into the kitchen. Mom did one of those double takes like they used to do in cartoons. Who was I? Oh. That's who I was. She looked surprised. Not angry. Not disgusted. Surprised. "So you did it," she said. "I was wondering when, not if, you and [Cindy's awful boy's name] would do it. Are you two going to dress like this all the time now?" There was a big range of ways I thought Mom might react to seeing her 18-year-old "son" in a dress, stockings and heels. That wasn't one of them. Which was a good thing. A very good thing. And a pretty good validation of my Big Idea. Just then, Daddy got home. He did a Ricky Ricardo-like "Honey, I'm home." Mom called out. "We're in the kitchen and we have big news. I shuddered in anticipation of what Daddy might say or do. "Be right there," he said. He took a few moments to hang his coat. Then he came into the kitchen and saw me. He looked startled. But not a bad startled. "Well, [awful boy's name], you finally did it. You look way prettier than I thought you would. That's a good thing. Come on over here and give your Daddy a big hug and kiss, my third daughter." I was crying huge happy tears when I hugged Daddy. Then Mom. They couldn't have been sweeter, more loving or more supportive. I was over the moon with happiness. Then my sisters, Heidi and Laurie came in to see what was the hubbub. Would they poop in the punch bowl? NO!!!!! They were crying and hugging and offering to help me with any femmy stuff they could. I have never loved my family more. When the initial excitement died down, I told them all that my name was now Victoria, or Vicki and my BFF's name was Cindy. I wondered how things were going with Cindy? [Ding Dong] Our doorbell rang. I didn't want to ruin the euphoria by answering it. But Mom went to see who it was. I heard mom open the door. Then I heard terrible sobbing. That wasn't good. I went to investigate. Oh no! It was Cindy! And she was in total misery. She sobbed out her story to Mom, Daddy, Heidi and Laurie as I hugged her. Her family had thrown her out! Disowned her. Thrown all her girlish gear out her bedroom window. Said they never wanted to see her again. I was in almost as deep in despair as Cindy was. Then I got my third Big Idea. "Mom, Daddy. can Cindy live with us? She's 18, so there's no legal stuff. She and I could share my room. And it would only be until we graduate in June." Mom and Daddy looked at each other and nodded. Then Mom said, "Of course, Cindy. We would love to have you with our family. Wash up for dinner, girls and we'll talk about happy things." Everyone should have parents like mine. Chapter Two - New Girls in School Thanks to my loving family, Cindy adapted to her new environment very quickly. We went to bed around nine and found that Heidi and Laurie had laid out babydolls with matching panties for us. It was SO emotional and exciting for Cindy and me to get ourselves into those wispy little things. Cindy looked so sexy. And, considering the rock-like nature of her tiny penis when she looked at me, she thought I looked sexy too. We hugged. Cindy cried and thanked me for saving her life after her awful family rejected her. I comforted her. Told her I loved her. Very emotional. But very sexy too. We kissed. Just grateful, happy kisses at first. But then deep, tongue kisses that reddened our ears. Oh! Cindy and I found ourselves on my double bed. Panties off. Kissing and rubbing each other's sissy peenies with our warm hands.. It was delicious. Better than delicious. It was thrilling. I was making love to someone I loved. As a girl. My life was complete. And my cum was imminent. I shuddered and spunked before Cindy did. Proving once again that I am the leader. Cindy followed soon after. Spent and emotionally exhausted, we fell asleep in each other's arms. Until 5 a.m. I was being shaken. By Heidi. And Laurie was shaking Cindy. "Get up you little cumswappers. Time to get ready for school." School? I hadn't thought of that. It was Wednesday before a four-day Thanksgiving weekend. I thought we would just skip school and use the time to develop a plan for our school debut on Monday. My family had other plans. "Mom and Dad said to get those pink asses up, cleaned, made-up and dressed for school today. You'll show up at school. Turn some heads. Stiffen some cocks, and let the world know who you really are without wasting a day." Wow! But it was 5 a.m. We needed the time, What with the washing and shaving. The extended make-up lessons. The walking in big heels lessons. Ouch. The hair styling. And the dressing. We barely made it. But the results were spectacular. Our make-up was perfect. Cindy's eyes were enormous and beautiful. Mine were better, of course. We loved wearing the tan stockings and garters. And our blouses, pink for me, white for Cindy, together with our black miniskirts made us look like semi-slutty little princesses. The three-inch heels were challenging, but we mastered them. We ate breakfast as Mom and Dad ooohed and aahed at our beauty. Heidi and Laurie hugged us, then went back to bed. And we were off to school. Daddy gave us a ride. I was riding shotgun and got out first. Remembering to keep my legs together so that no freshman boy would wank himself to sleep that night thinking he had caught a "beaver shot." Though we didn't have beavers. Cindy and I said goodbye to Daddy, then began to walk toward the front door. Clutching our books. Fearful but resolute. Showing real courage. Especially since we had already begun to stir a stir. NO ONE in our school, including a teacher, had shown up dressed as femininely as Cindy and I were that morning. It was so exciting that I almost forgot to sway my hips as I walked - the way Heidi had taught us. Was that a wolf whistle? Were Cindy and I being sexually harassed? Goody! We basked in the attention to our femininity. Until a sharp-eyed asswipe called out, "That's those two fags, [My former name] and [Cindy's former name]!" There was a mood shift in the crowd. Though not what you would have imagined. No one said, "Get a rope!" No one cast the first stone. It was more like, Holey Moley! Those two scorching hot babes are boys!??!?!?! Which is technically incorrect. We were girls. But still not a bad mood to shift to. Our fellow students gave us wide berth as we moved toward our lockers. Was it fear of infection? Disgust? Curiosity? Lust with no clear means of dealing with it? Hmmm. Anyway, Cindy and I went to our lockers, hung our coats and clacked off to class. I didn't have any classes with Cindy. But we would meet at lunch. My first class was English with Mr. Longfellow. I sat in the front row. So I couldn't see if any boys behind me were plotting my death or lusting after me. But my presence was having a definite effect on Mr. Longfellow. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off my stockinged legs. Not that I was flirting with him. In fact, at that point, I wasn't sure what I thought about lustful attention from men or boys. Cindy and I were becoming girls because that was who we were. Not so we could date men and have them kiss us all over. And swallow their manly juices. And submit to all their disgusting urges. We had not thought that through But I'll admit to enjoying Mr. Longfellow's attentions that Wednesday morning. He was [giggle] quite manly and handsome. And only in his late twenties. What if he tried to kiss me, I daydreamed. Would I let him? What if I did and he stick his tongue in my mouth the way Cindy did the day before? Which could lead to other "liberties," couldn't it? Was it hot in there? When class was over, it seemed that Mr. Longfellow wanted to say something to me. But he didn't. Oh well, I thought. I was planning on being a girl forever, so he could say it some other time. My spirits were pretty high when I met Cindy at lunch. Neither of us had been burned at the stake yet. And most of the reviews were positive. But it still came as a surprise to me when Cindy told me her first Big Idea. "We have dates for Saturday night, if you want. If you don't, I'll go myself." What!??!!??!!??!! Dates? With whom? "Remember Henry Lustmore from our church? He asked me out after first period. Said he had been fantasizing about me being a girl since he met me. Said he had a friend, Dave Spermwell, for you. I know Dave. He's dishy! What do you say?" What did I say? I couldn't say. I wasn't ready for interaction with males. Totally unready. Not sure I ever wanted that. Ever. I was still hetero. And worst of all, Cindy was getting me a date. As if she's sexier and prettier and better than me. This was a bad idea! So I almost didn't agree. I knew Dave Spermwell from kindergarten and he was a major hunk. If I had to do filthy, disgusting, homosexual things, I wanted to do them with Dave. So I agreed. Quickly. And we were scheduled for our first dates on Saturday. The rest of that school day, I had a nasty hardon thinking about my upcoming date. But I'm so tiny, I didn't think anyone noticed. I was wrong. Chapter Three - Thanksgiving weekend Mom and Daddy did everything they could to make sure that Cindy felt part of the family for Thanksgiving. She was being remarkably resilient about rejection from her bigoted family. Plus, she was counting the hours until Henry Lustmore would be showing Cindy his penis. Make no mistake. Cindy was ready for that. I was just as afraid and confused as I was randy. And I was PLENTY randy. Cindy and I went to bed early that Thanksgiving Thursday. We put our nighties on, but instead of panties, we wore stay-up stockings. Cindy looked so pretty and sexy. And I was so worked up by all the stuff I was pretty sure would be happening to us as sexy girls who wanted sexy sex. So when we fell into bed together, I brought up my latest Big Idea even before Cindy started kissing me. "I'm not saying that this is going to happen," I said, "But if we're dating Dave and Henry in two days, we should practice a little for things they may FORCE us to do." Cindy was very interested. She stroked my tiny stiffie as she listened. "Like what, Honey?" "Well, I've never licked and sucked a penis until it spurts, have you?" Now I really had Cindy's attention. "No, Vicki. But I see where you're going. If we get to the point in our date where they want to have their penises licked until they spunk, we don't want to look like ninnies." Cindy was sharper than I thought she would be. "Right," I said. "So we should practice sucking each other's peeners until we spurt." "Great idea, Vicki! You're so smart." At least that's what I remember she said. Anyway, I volunteered to go first. Cindy lay back on three pillows. Nightie pulled up to her nipples. Pretty, three-inch sissy jewel dripping her excitement. I licked my lips. It was a delicious sight. Instinctively, I got to my knees by her right hip. And addressed my prize. Mmmmmm. I licked all around the red glans. Cindy squeaked. I loved making her do that. And my mind flashed to an image of Dave lying naked on my bed, BIG cock pulsing with lust as I licked all around the head. Would I be able to please Dave too? As the old joke goes, how do you get to Carnegie Hall? - Practice, practice, practice. Cindy's peeny was teeny, but it was hot and tasty. I loved how much Cindy loved what I was doing. Just as Dave would - if that was how it went - on Saturday. So back to Cindy. Mmm. Cock sucking was FUN! For both of us. I got a little frisky too. Interrupting my knob-centric licking to lick Cindy's "pink purse." She REALLY liked that! Her breathing pattern shifted and she was issuing soft squeals. So I kind of knew I had better cap her knob if I wanted to get all that sweet sissy cream in my mouth. I got back there just in time. Cindy HEAVED out some major cummage. And I ate it all. Yum! Sucking and licking my sweet girlfriend until she was semi-stiff again. I thought about sucking out a second cum, but Cindy insisted that she take her turn with me. We switched places and roles. She was a very good cocksucker. Not as good as me. But very good. And I had been very aroused by sucking and swallowing Cindy. So I was only able to hold back for about five minutes. It was FUN shooting my cum down Cindy's throat! She agreed. And as I had, she kept sucking me until I was semi-stiff again. It was MY Big Idea that we suck each other at the same time. Which was probably the first time anyone had done that! That was fun too. Lots of fun. And Cindy and I learned skills that night that would ensure we would never be bored. In the USA, the day after Thanksgiving is called "Black Friday." The odd reason is that it's when retailers go "in the black" or profitable for the year. So they all offer crazy deals for people who don't mind camping out all night to save a couple of hundred dollars on a 96-inch TV. We had an important shopping destination that day, but we didn't need to worry about being assaulted by other bargain hunters. As newly-out sissyboys, Cindy and I needed clothes! All kinds of clothes. Not just sexy lingerie. But we definitely needed that stuff. And shoes! Lots of shoes. And cosmetics! At breakfast, as Cindy and I were wearing little shortie kimonos over our cum-splashed nighties, Mom and Daddy announced that they were taking Cindy and me to the best store in the world. Our local Timmy's Girlish Secret!! Once again, I was and am so lucky to have the best parents. We began our expedition around 10 and got to the Sissy Megamart at around 10:30. Cindy and I were peeing our panties excited. Mom was forming her merchandise attack plan. Daddy looked uncomfortable to be in such a feminine place, but he had a big stiffie from looking at all the pretty sissy shoppers (accompanied by their "Daddies.") I think Daddy was amazed at how young some of the "girls" were. I was too. About half were pre-teens, which made me mad at myself for not coming out until I was 18. My goodness, I also thought, I hoped that those men with those young girls were with their actual daddies and weren't some pervs trying to entice those young girls by buying them panties, stockings and lingerie. Anyway, I think Daddy was also embarrassed because he had a major stiffie almost the whole time we were at Timmy's. And we were there almost five hours. With the help of our sexy, young salesgirl Mandy, Mom made sure we got everything we needed to be pretty, cock-stiffening, cock-pleasing sissyboys. At about the three-hour mark, Daddy sort of peeled off from our group and went off with one of the manager ladies. He was gone about 90 minutes and wasn't sporting a stiffie any more. I wonder what happened. Anyway, the bill was astonishing, but necessary. Cindy was racked with sobs of gratitude and promised to pay Mom and Daddy back every penny someday. We could barely get it all in the car. We got home around 5 p.m and were delighted to see that not only had Heidi and Laurie made a delicious dinner, they helped us unload and put away every purchase before we ate. My goodness. What a wonderful day. And it ended well, with Cindy and me cumming each other up most ferociously. The next day, Saturday, was our "first date" day and my Big Idea was that Cindy and I should eat each other's peenies before breakfast, then not all day. Because it would have been SO embarrassing if Dave or Henry was doing cum-making stuff to us and we only drooled out watery dribble. What kind of a first date would that be? So we spent a good part of that day primping and preening. Assisted well by Heidi and Laurie, but our makeup technique was getting better. Five minutes before the boys' arrival, Cindy and I looked at each other. We were an amazing sight. Cindy was wearing a blue minidress with big, white, polka dots. I had a cream-colored minidress accented with pink. We were both wearing satiny bikini panties. No thongs! We weren't sluts! Yet. And we wore delicious stockings that tugged at our garter belts as we walked in our four-inch stiletto pumps. My goodness we were hot. I heard the doorbell ring. And expected Mom to come tell us that our dates were there. But that didn't happen for five minutes. Was Mom grilling them? No matter. We made our entrance. From the looks on Dave and Henry's faces when they saw us, they agreed that we were hot. It was obvious that their cocks agreed too. We each kissed our date lightly on the cheek. I could feel Dave tremble with lust. I looked over at Mom and Daddy. They were smiling. Happy that I had figured out my life at last. Reading the situation perfectly, Mom even stepped up and said, "I can see that you four are very excited, but Dave and Henry should be showing off Vicki and Cindy before you pair up and kiss and hug. Then you can come back here and kiss and hug all you like. Vicki and Dave can use her room. Cindy and Henry can use Heidi's room. She and Laurie just wanted to meet the girls' dates. They'll be driving back to college tonight." Oh! Mom just said that Cindy and I would each have a bedroom where we could "kiss and hug" with our lads in privacy! Wow! Mom also had a Big Idea about showing us off. We didn't want boyfriends who were ashamed of us. And let's remember that it pays to advertise. If the boys our age saw us as potential dates, we would have more real dates. Off we went on a whirlwind tour of all the places where people our age would go on a Saturday night. With Dave and Henry introducing us to startled, randy person after startled, randy person. Those boys earned their "kisses and hugs." We were home by 9:15. In our respective bedrooms by 9:17. Stripped to my panties, bra, stockings and garters as Dave stripped to his boxers by 9:21. In bed, kissing and hugging, by 9:22. Why did I ever worry about having sex with a man who saw me as a woman? It was amazing! If I wanted the total woman experience, I figured that sex with men would be a big part of that. I figured right. Dave kissed me like he meant it as he skinned down my panties, letting my "little person" breathe free air. Dave was a great kisser. And I think he LOVED my penis. He handled my sissy things so sweetly as we kissed. Pulling back my foreskin so nicely. Exposing all the tender bits. And rubbing them. Oh! I was so excited that I almost forgot to get Dave to shimmy down his boxers. So that he was naked. And erect! Nakedly erect. There it was. Dave's "big person!" Really big. Oh dear, was my first thought. How would I ever get that whole thing in my mouth? And I wanted it in my mouth. It was a good thing that at that time I wasn't even considering the possibility of anal sex. Or I would have been really scared. While I was thinking several steps ahead, I had neglected the first step. Which was to actually touch Dave's boy's things. I did it. I touched my first manly penis. It felt wonderful. And it responded to my touch. So it was trainable. And friendly. Oh my! He was so excited that his knob was already [blush] fully skinned. Exposing the tender pink parts. It looked so needy that I just had to kiss it, Right on the peelips. He liked that. He groaned and emitted a little pearl of sweet liquid. I licked it up. That's how I knew it was sweet. He groaned again. I probably shouldn't have been so forward, but I took his knob into my warm, wet mouth and caressed it with my tongue. He liked that. I locked eyes with him as I licked his big knob. I'm no mind reader, but looking into his eyes I could see gratitude. For my efforts at making his cock happy. For the work I had put into my makeup and lingerie to please him. For the femininity and beauty I was sharing with him. I like gratitude. I was grateful too. For the "practice" session Cindy and I had so that we could suck cock properly. For my genes that gave me such potential to be a pretty girl. And for Dave's cock, which seemed to be a symbol of the path my life would take from then on. Dave's cock was the best thing I had ever possessed in my life at that point. And I think Dave agreed that my mouth was the best place it had ever been. Full eye contact adds so much to fellatio, don't you think? I wondered if Cindy was keeping eye contact with Henry in the bedroom next door. Oh my! At that moment I heard an animal roar from Heidi's bedroom. Had Cindy made Henry cum already? Silly sissy! It's not a race. I wanted Dave to be DESPERATE to cum when he finally filled my cheeks. So I took breaks, Twice to lick his balls. He liked that, Once to just kind of blow on the head. He liked that too. And once to just fix my lipstick as he panted on the edge of an orgasm. A girl had to keep up her beauty standards, doesn't she? When I was sure my face was at maximum beauty, I dove back in to the blowjob pool. And almost drowned. The young man gasped, grunted, cried out "Vicki!" [please note that Henry had NOT called out "Cindy!"] and spasmed seven thick cum cables into my boy-virginal mouth. As a nookie rookie, despite my best efforts, I couldn't swallow it all. Lots spilled out of both sides of my lipsticked mouth and onto my puffy nipples. Which Dave seemed to believe was more erotic than if I had gulped it all down. Especially when the bad boy licked it all off my nipples. That had me wiggling and squealing. Which got more animated as he kissed a trail down to my penis. Was he going to... Oh yes. Dave's mouth was on my sissy wee! Right where it belonged that lovely Saturday night. Should I have been surprised that Dave seemed to know how to excite a cock with his mouth? Not really. Hadn't I just taught him all the dance steps? What did surprise and AMAZE me was when he slid his middle finger into my bumhole! My bumhole! Which I thought was only meant to have one-way traffic. Cindy and I had never discussed anal stuff. At that point we were little sissy bimbo ignoramuses, because anal stuff became a big part of what we wanted from life. How did I feel about Dave sticking his finger in my secret place? Was I: Disgusted that Dave would attempt to degrade me by invading a part of the body that produced only waste? In pain from the unwanted liberty by my soon-to-be-ex-boyfriend? Thrilled and approaching sexual agony from Dave's two-pronged assault on my cum factory? What do you think? Right. I was very near a very powerful orgasm. But then Dave bent the rules again. The rude finger was joined by its brother and the two explorers found my prostate. My prostate! I didn't know I had a prostate. Or what it did. I found out that night. A prostate, class, is what your boyfriend rubs as he's sucking your cock, until you're screaming in the best kind of near-fatal agony. Oh baby! It was immense! Where had Dave been all my life? But even better, where had my prostate been all my life? I was kissing Dave and licking up the cum that he couldn't swallow when I heard a sharp knock at the door. It was Mom, saying through the door, "Fifteen-minute warning, kids. Dave and Henry need to leave at 11:30, per our agreement, right boys?" Dave called out , "Yes, Ma'am. And resumed kissing me. But in a hurry." What? Dave stopped kissing to explain. "When we got here, your Mom showed us a jar and a butcher knife. She said that if we put our cocks into your buttholes, she would fill the jar with our testicles. And she meant it." I was puzzled. Never having imagined that Dave's cock in my bum was a possibility. Though I rapidly imagined that a cock rubbing my prostate rather than a finger could be amazing. Why would Mom restrict us from doing that? It appeared that if we wanted that second orgasm each before the boys left, we were going to have to be efficient. I recommended a simultaneous suckoff! Which was another Big Idea, thank you. And to ensure that we made the 15-minute limit, I proposed that we each play tickles with each other's prostates. Brilliant! And deliciously sexy. I squealed and filled Dave's mouth at the nine-minute mark. Dave filled mine at eleven. Then he scrambled to get dressed, kiss me goodbye and leave. Which wasn't the best. I wanted him for the whole night. But it did give Cindy and me time to compare notes. And to give each other orgasms number three, four and five. All in all, it was a great night. Chapter Four - Back to School I didn't ask Mom about her threat or the reason for it until Monday morning before school. Cindy and I were dressed to thrill and eating Cheerios in the kitchen when Mom answered. "Look at you two. You're amazingly feminine and hot as a $200 Rolex. Dave and Henry are great kids, but you should lose your anal virginity to a man. I'm sure you'll each find one soon. Or one will find you." OMG. Mom wanted us to find men who would stick their "business" up our backsides! Which sounded wildly exciting! And terrifying. The perfect combination. Wouldn't a stiffie up my bottom hurt? Especially if it was a BIG one! And I sure didn't want a small one. Mom expected Cindy and me to find our own men for "opening night." I hadn't actually "found" a male partner yet. Though I had only been dressing as a girl for five days. I vowed one thing - though Dave was an excellent love mate, Cindy had been the matchmaker. From then on, I was finding my own men. And I imagined that men would be finding me. Starting that very day. Daddy drove Cindy and me to school one day. We were wearing stuff no girl since 1963 had ever worn to high school. Pretty, tasteful makeup. Short skirts. Big heels. Stockings. I guess I was a little slow getting in the car because Cindy was in the front seat next to Daddy. Odd. And so was the way Daddy kept glancing over at Cindy's long, sexy, shaved, stockinged legs as he drove. I giggled at that. Daddy couldn't help himself. He was just a man. Cindy gave Daddy a little kiss on the cheek as she got out. Which was very nice. And there we were. Walking into school. The first school day after Dave and Henry showed Cindy and me off to a whole bunch of kids from our school. So EVERYONE knew that Cindy and I were 1) girls now and 2) "dating" men 18 and older. That was a game changer. There were maybe 15 guys in our school who were old enough, good-looking enough and interested enough to give us a good time. And everyone of them, including Dave and Henry, made sure he spoke to us that day. We were popular! The bummer was that Mom had sort of thrown down the challenge to us of finding a man so we could get our pooties pounded. And I had decided that I wanted my pootie pounded. At lunch, boys seemed to be appearing from everywhere as Cindy and I tried to eat our girlie salads. But I did manage to form a thought or two. And one of them was about Mr. Longfellow, my English teacher. During my class with Mr. Longfellow earlier that day, I couldn't help but notice the way he was looking at me. Especially my stockinged legs. And the poor man was trying to hide his stiffie from the class by sitting as he taught. I was getting a good look at him from my new perspective too. He was handsome and buff, but I think what really got me was the peek at his chest hairs through his open-neck shirt. He was hairy! I began to imagine what it would be like to have the naked Mr. Longfellow on top of me. His hairy chest rubbing against my puffy nipples as we kissed and rubbed cockheads. He would dominate me! I would just be a helpless little girl! Oh! I saw his pants tent when I looked back as I was leaving class. He was standing there all aroused. Looking at me needyly. I felt so powerful. He was definitely a candidate for "first fruits." But how should I go about that? Plus there was the matter of Dave. We had had a great Saturday night, but he didn't OWN me. Especially as I began to take a look at how totally popular I already was. I was too young to go steady anyway. But Dave would definitely be back for another round of "Let's make Vicki shoot her cream!" Just not right away. I guess you figured I would be peeling off one of my many possibles and taking him to my room at home. I thought about that. But I wanted some time to think about what was next, Cindy was not a thinker like me. She brought some guy named Penn home, took him to Heidi's room and taught him things the boy never imagined. So as you can see again, I was the intellectual of the two of us. Though, when Cindy sent Penn home, just before Mom and Daddy got home from work, my penis was feeling a bit neglected. Cindy was a good friend, as always. She sucked me off beautifully and swallowed her dinner appetizer. We had our usual "active" evening. Tuesday morning, as I was sitting in my lingerie at my makeup table, doing my eyes, I realized how much I enjoyed my life, even without the sex. Getting girlied up and going out into the world was really my great joy. The sex was just gravy. Though extremely delicious gravy. I knew that I would have to hook up with a male that day or suffer from cock withdrawal - a terrible malady indigenous to Sissus Americanus. And I knew who it would be. But as Cindy and I came downstairs for breakfast, things changed. Mom was on the phone. Looking concerned. It seemed that my maternal grandmother was ill. Not terribly, but she asked Mom to come and stay with her for a few days. So when Cindy and I got home form school that day, it would just be Daddy and us at home. Would Daddy enforce the "boys don't fuck the girls' asspussies until a man has fucked them" rule? If my plan for the day worked out, it wouldn't matter. After my English class, I hung around waiting for the room to clear, then I asked Mr. Longfellow, "Are you free after school today for a couple of hours? I think there are things we need to discuss." Speaking very maturely. With good English. You know. Mr. Longfellow gulped. "I'm not sure what you mean, Vicki." "I think you do, Mr. Longfellow. But let me spell it out. We're very attracted to each other. We're both over 18. I want you to introduce me to anal sex. Today. At your place." Mr. Longfellow gulped twice. "OK," he said. Then more manfully, "Cut your last class and meet me on the corner of Third and Main. I'm free for last class. I'll take you to my home and fuck you until you scream." For a second, Mr. Longfellow looked as if he regretted his boldness. But then he smiled when I gratefully accepted his kind invitation. Directness saves time, don't you think? Anyway, Cindy was peeing her panties happy for me when I told her at lunch. She said she was "entertaining" Henry that afternoon, but he would be gone by the time Daddy got home. I would make sure I got home before Daddy as well. I wondered if it would be obvious to Daddy that I would no longer be an anal virgin. Then I just went back to anticipating being between the sheets with Mr. Longfellow. If he used sheets. He was a young bachelor, after all. I scooted out of school after my next-to-last class and high-heeled it over to Third and Main two blocks away. Drawing leers from several men. None of whom knew I was on my way to a good, backdoor shagging. There he was. Looking nervously excited. I got into the car, leaned over and kissed him. A big, lipsticky kiss with lots of tongue. And all ice was pulverized. I fixed my lipstick during the ten minute ride and told Mr. Longfellow that I had to be home in three hours or I couldn't see him again. A terrifying prospect. So I knew he would conform. We arrived at his place and I was relieved to see that it was neat and tidy. "Which way is the bedroom, Lover? I asked huskily. He showed me. The bed was made. Sheets looked clean. Nice. And best of all, on the nightstand was a huge bottle of Spermbutt Anal Lubricant. "I bought it yesterday after that look you gave me," he explained. Smart too, OK. "Would you unzip me?" He did and I shimmied out of my minidress. Standing there in my bra, panties, garters, stockings and pumps. Mr. Longfellow drank in the sight as he proceeded to strip to his boxers. "Take your bra and panties off so I can get a proper look at you, Baby," he said. I shuddered. Mr. Longfellow was starting to man up! Yes! And I didn't think any less of him when he almost cried as he saw me in just stockings, garters and heels. I knew the feeling. Looking at his now nude body had me tearing up. He was perfect. Hairy chest but hair-free back. Solid torso. And a delicious-looking, seven-inch sissypleaser. I don't worry any more about men's reactions when they see the evidence that I'm a girl with a penis. But I still did then. He adored my penis! His mouth watered when he looked at it, It was time to get busy. Still standing, we hugged and kissed deeply and wetly. No offense to Dave, but I could see why one must separate the men from the boys. Just feeling Mr. Longfellow's body rubbing against mine had me melting. Oh, the chest hair rubbing my sore little nipples! Oh!! And the way he was able to aim his skinned cockhead at mine as I began to climb an erotic ladder I never wanted to end. We fell onto his bed into a more comfortable rub-a-rama. I loved the feel of his three-o-clock shadow on my tender cheeks. I loved his manly smell. But mostly I loved the feeling of being adored as he assaulted my libido. I spunked first. Which made sense, since I was younger. It was a corker. Spasmic agony, I called it. It was so intense it was almost painful. And very juicy. Some on my man's cockage area. He didn't mind at all. In fact, he could read my almost there signs and he dove for my cock, engulfing its red head and capturing spurts three through seven in his manly mouth. Yes! I wanted THAT man to be the first to FUCK me! He licked me all over my pubic area, spending a nice amount of loving attention on my "pink purse." So I was almost ready to "go again" as he lay on his back and had me sit on his face. I remember feeling his stubble on the inside of my thighs as he settled in for the greatest analingus session in recorded history. I shook and wept during most of it. When I wasn't cumming. He was a feral ass eater. And an effective one. My bum was 90% ready for his cock when he finally showed me mercy. We did the other 10% with Spermbutt Anal Lubricant and fingers. Then he laid me on my back, propped up my hips with two pillows, Spermbutt Anal Lubricated his cock and stuck it in me, In me! Ow! Wasn't expecting ow. Wasn't ready for it. Especially when he informed me that only the knob was in. Good thing he pinned me with his body and kissed me as he pushed the rest in. Or I might have jumped ship. But I liked getting wet. The intimacy made up for the pain early on. I was joined to my man. The pain subsided and I experienced the sweet agony of my prostate being cock-scraped 70 times a minute. It was stupefyingly delicious. So I came early and often. Mr. Longfellow shot his baby bullets at the seven-minute mark, but he didn't really go limp. He stayed hard enough to keep fucking me as he regenerated, then fucked me again for 21 more screaming, creaming minutes. I liked being fucked! And I liked Mr. Longfellow. Who was licking up the "leftovers" from my happily half-dead sissy wee. I was scared to look at my bumhole in the mirror, as it felt as if one could drive an 18-wheeler into it. And it was drooling a tsunami of manly juices. Would I ever be able to poop normally again? Happily, yes. But at that point I really didn't care. Drooly poop was a small price to pay for being fucked. We kissed and rubbed and explored each other's bodies after that until Mr. Longfellow was nice and hard again. Should I just suck him off and leave the second (actually third) fuck for another day? No way. I climbed onto him sat on his cock and rode him to one bumblaster orgasm for him and three droolers for me. Then we hustled to get washed dressed and to my house five minutes before Daddy got home. The best afternoon of my life thus far. Punctuated by kisses and gigantic promises. As I entered the house, I saw Dave exit it. Dave!! I thought Cindy was going to be with Henry. Cindy was poaching my boyfriend? Or was he my boyfriend? I had options. Dave looked embarrassed as he passed me. "I'm sorry," he said. "Henry had a doctor's appointment and Cindy said it was an emergency." Then he moved on. Was I mad at Cindy? Not really. I had a better story to tell. Daddy brought home a pizza and we all shared our day. Though Cindy and I kept it G-rated. Cindy and I had a lot to talk about in bed that night. She knew I forgave her about Dave. After all, it was an emergency. She wanted to know every detail about Mr. Longfellow. And I know she was envious. Which I liked. We did some nice slap-and-tickle before sleepy time, but we were both tired and nodded off in each other's arms at around 10. I had sweet dreams, but needed to pee around three. I slid out of bed, sat to pee, then made my way back and noticed something I should have seen when I got out of bed. Cindy was gone! Where was she? Not in the bathroom. I left the room and walked toward Daddy's room, where I could hear noises. Noises. Not raccoons-had-slipped-in noises. Not snoring noises. Sex noises. Maybe Mom had come home early, surprised Daddy, and they were fucking. Maybe Donald Trump and Barack Obama would become golfing buddies. I shouldn't have slipped through the half-opened door. But I did. And there they were. Cindy was on her back. Knees up. Her face was a mask of lust. Daddy was shoving his cock in and out of her. Making a great effort. But clearly enjoying himself. My first thought was: "That bitch! We take her in and she repays us by breaking up Daddy and Mom's marriage." My seconds thought was: "That bitch! We take her in and she repays us by breaking up Daddy and Mom's marriage." My third thought was less emotional. "What a great houseguest! We take her in and she gives Daddy exactly what he really wants and his daughters can't give him." The truth was somewhere in between. Cindy was my friend. Daddy was my Daddy. I wasn't a policeman. I went back to sleep. Chapter Five - After the big reveal I awoke the next morning an hour earlier than usual and Cindy was still gone. It looked as if she had pulled an all-nighter with Daddy. I was a little worried about their torrid little affair would break up my parents' marriage. And I was a little more worried that Mom would find out and kick out both Daddy and Cindy. Maybe even blaming me a bit for bringing Cindy into the family. But I figured Daddy and Cindy for better self-defense instincts than that. So I stepped away from then worrying and looked at how I could make the new reality work for me. I packed a bag. Lots of great, girlish stuff. Showered, dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Daddy and Cindy showed up 20 minutes later than usual. They knew that I knew. Daddy looked really embarrassed. And almost penitent. But not quite. He knew he was sinning, but it was for a good cause. First-class sex. With someone whose sex drive exceeded his own. Cindy looked pleased with herself. "Good morning, Daddy! Cindy," I said. "Did you sleep well." I was needling a bit. And enjoying it. I didn't really blame either of them because, even though I am and always have been female, I have a male sex drive. So does Cindy. And when great sex presents itself, we accept it. "Say, Daddy, since Mom won't be back for three or four more days, I'll be staying over with my English teacher, Mr. Longfellow. You and Cindy will be all right on your own, won't you?" Daddy looked at Cindy, praying she would be enthusiastic about three or four nights of passion without interruption. She did just what I thought she would. She came over and hugged me, saying "Thanks, Honey. We'll be fine." Then she went over to Daddy, gave him a deep, tonguey kiss and said, "We'll be fine, won't we, Mr. Looker?" Daddy melted with joy. As did Mr. Longfellow when I suggested spending the rest of the week with him. We had an incredible week of frantic, furious, ferocious sex, spilling oceans of sperm over and in each other. I almost expected Mr. Longfellow to produce an engagement ring. Which I would have turned down. Unless, maybe, it was a really big one. Our fuckathon was put on pause when Cindy told me the news in school on Friday. Mom was staying another week with Grandma. And Daddy had set up a "double date" for us on Friday and Saturday. A double date! Daddy would be fucking Cindy, which was old news. Daddy wanted to fix me up with his boss, Mr. Firmwood! "Your Daddy says it's worth two promotions, a big raise and a corner office," Cindy said. "And he knows you would enjoy Mr. Firmwood." Daddy was probably right. I liked most men. I agreed, then said to Cindy, "I was surprised about you and Daddy, but I'm glad that he was the first to fuck your pretty bottom." Cindy snickered a little. Then she said, "He wasn't the first, Vicki. That first Monday in school, I bent over for Mr. Bunsen, my chemistry teacher and he gave me two nice bumloads. Mr. Bunsen was a real burner. Then, you remember when Dave filled in for Henry? He fucked me three times. Both were before your Daddy." OMG! What a little slut, Cindy was! I couldn't stop giggling. Mr. Longfellow wasn't happy about me being gone on Saturday night. But he was very happy to hear that we had another week together because Mom wasn't coming home right away. Chapter Six - A Lovely Weekend It was clear who was running the mini-orgy at our house that Friday night. Mr. Firmwood arrived at 4 with a small suitcase and an agenda. Daddy asked Cindy and me to greet him wearing all black - seamed, fully- fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings; a sexy garter belt; lacy bra; bikini panties; and strappy sandals with a four-inch pencil heel. Mr. Firmwood was drooling when he saw us. Of course he was. We were scorching hot. Our outfits were scorching hot. But not what he wanted. He kissed us both then asked Daddy where the master bedroom was. "I'm going upstairs to lay out your first outfits for tonight. Just give me five minutes, then come upstairs, get dressed and come find us men, OK?" We were a bit taken back. What outfit could possibly be hotter than what we were wearing? Or was he just showing that he was in charge? "OK, ladies," he called downstairs. "Your outfits are on the bed." I was curious. Cindy was curious. Daddy was thinking about the promotions, raise and corner office. We trouped upstairs. Daddy joined Mr. Firmwood in Heidi's bedroom. Cindy and I entered the master bedroom. And there our outfits were. What there was of them. For each of us, Mr. Firmwood had laid out a pair of patent-leather, Mary Jane, single-strap shoes - pink for me, black for Cindy - and white, ruffled, frilly, turned-down socks with little, pink, satin ribbons. Wow! We would be naked except for that stuff! Looking like little cock-sucking, penis-hungry sissyboys. Mr. Firmwood was right. Those "outfits" he laid out were sexier than what we were wearing. We stripped off our tarty lingerie and sissied up. Until that moment, I was a little nervous about being seen nude or almost nude. I was worried that nude, I would look like [gasp] a boy. But that day, my fears disintegrated. Cindy and I were wearing plenty besides the sissy shoes and socks. We were wearing perfect makeup, girlie-styled hair, delicious perfume and a full range of feminine mannerisms. And we WEREN'T wearing body hair - except on our heads. And, of course, Cindy and I were wildly erect. Our tiny knobs were purple with excitement, It was a wonder that we didn't just fall on the bed and ravage each other. But I was the grownup again. Calling Daddy and Mr. Firmwood to say we were ready. I wish I had taken a picture of how Daddy and Mr. Firmwood looked when they saw us. I almost expected Daddy to grab Cindy by the hair and drag her to his cave. Daddy and Cindy evacuated the master bedroom quickly. Leaving me alone with Mr. Firmwood. Who was already naked. A very nice naked. Daddy's bossman was 44 and worked out every day. His body showed it. I planned to give him a super-special workout that night. Especially that special part of him whose seven-plus-inch length was pointed at me. "You're amazingly beautiful and shockingly sexy, my dear," the man said. He was right. I just smiled and looked down shyly. Our little courtship dance was fun, but fucking was lots more fun. So we moved things along. There wasn't any stripping to be done. Or kissing each pore of flesh as it was revealed. So we just started kissing. Which is always more fun when tongues and lipstick are involved. Oh dear! As we kissed, Mr. Firmwood was holding one of my bum cheeks in each of his huge hands. He lifted me effortlessly and carried me to the bed - laying me into my back. Then he got on top of me and covered me with his hairy, buff body. Pinning me down. Like a helpless little girl. It was glorious. So good that I almost forgot that Daddy was pimping me out for his money and status. In the end, I forgave Daddy because a) Mr. Firmwood was GREAT at sex and b) I would have been in the sack with a man that weekend anyway. Why not Mr. Firmwood? It didn't take long before Mr. Firmwood had figured out a delightful way to lubricate, dilate, penetrate and fornicate me. Twice! And I matched his orgasms two to one. We were lying entwined, kissing and cooing after the second fuck when the door opened and Cindy and Daddy appeared. Cindy looked well-fucked. Daddy's prick was in full surrender. What did they want? Oh no! Were they thinking about...[gasp]...switching partners!?!!? That would mean Mr. Firmwood would be fucking Cindy and Daddy would be fucking... I couldn't! I wouldn't! I didn't. As it turned out, Daddy was a disgusted by the idea of incest as I was. Daddy and Cindy were just joining us for some mutual rest and recuperation. Cindy and I didn't need either. We were hard as petrified petrifications. But the two old guys were limp and sleepy. Daddy had his first Big Idea. "Vicki, if you and Cindy would put on a little show for Mr. Firmwood and me, we would be ready and randy a lot quicker." I looked at Cindy. She looked at me. We nodded. Cindy and I were always ready for sex with each other. So Mr. Firmwood got off the bed and Cindy got onto it. Daddy and Mr. Firmwood sat on the master bedroom's two-seater couch as Cindy and I kissed, rubbed bodies and sucked each other's penises. Which was a very nice show indeed. But there was another show in that room as we girls loved each other. Daddy and Mr. Firmwood were naked on that couch. Watching us. As they sneaked peeks at each other. Even though Cindy was sissy-lezzing me for all she was worth, I was able to see some strange goings-on on that couch. Daddy and Mr. Firmwood were watching us all right. But they were also skinning each other's penises for some extra excitement. They got hard quickly and firmly, but I've often wondered how much of their recovery was due to Cindy and me and how much was due know. Anyway, the newly invigorated old guys moved toward us on the bed and I cringed at the thought that Daddy might "try something." My cringe got cringier when Mr. Firmwood slid up behind Cindy and eased his cock into her bum. Cindy, of course, was delighted. I was terrified. Of my Daddy! Daddy moved toward the bed. Closer. Almost there. I was quivering. I didn't want incest! Daddy stuck his cock into Cindy's pretty mouth Cindy was being double penetrated! And I was unfucked. Phew! It was good to see that a small corner of Daddy's conscience was still operating. Over the nest 30 minutes or so, I sat on the couch and sort of watched as the men fed Cindy their cocks. When everybody (but me) spunked, Mr. Firmwood. Who had become the ringmaster, decided that everyone needed a shower and the girls needed a change of clothes. "Whatever you ladies want to wear," our benevolent new master said. And then he led Cindy to the master bath for what promised to be a very moist shower. I was ticked. I was cuter and sexier than Cindy! Why had Mr. Firmwood suddenly glommed onto her? Plus, I was paired up with Daddy, which meant we were going to be the celibate pair at a great orgy. For a while anyway. Daddy and I slinked over to the hall bathroom. I slipped off my sissy shoes and socks and was totally naked. Daddy was too. He looked awfully good for a 40-year-old who had cum three times so far that evening. If it wasn't incest, I would... No I wouldn't. I got into the shower. I was covered with cum - mine and Mr. Firmwood's. So a shower felt very good. Would I have rather been in the shower with Mr. Firmwood? Rubbing my wet, soapy body against his? Oh yes. But when I closed my eyes to wash my hair, I still felt good. Oh no! Daddy was in the shower with me! Rubbing his strong, shampoo-drenched fingers into my hair. That was OK, I guessed. Oh. I felt the front of his body against my back. Including his ridiculously-stiff penis. Not cool! But it felt so good. I moaned. And hoped that Daddy wouldn't take that as consent to anal-sex me. He didn't. That conscience-thing again. But he did reach around and handle my prick most deliciously as he kissed my neck. I cried out most girlishly as I shot my spermies. Though they were shame spermies. Sort of. I mean, no penetration, right? Anyway, I just HAD to reciprocate, right? So I got behind Daddy, rubbed my front against his back as I rubbed his knob. We weren't even in the shower long enough to use up all the hot water. And my conscience was clear. OK, just a little murky. Mostly clear. Daddy and I dried each other off with big fluffy towels. Then I kissed Daddy, thanked him for helping me get clean, then went off to my room to girlie up for the rest of the evening and morning. I chose to wear what I had on when Mr. Firmwood first saw us. I was in all black, in seamed, fully-fashioned, reinforced-heel-and-toe stockings; a sexy garter belt; lacy bra; bikini panties; and strappy sandals with a four-inch pencil heel. That should stir Mr. Firmwood's stones. Especially since Cindy was only wearing pink stockings and a pink babydoll. As it turned out, Cindy and I may have been competing, but Mr. Firmwood had already selected me for the rest of the evening and morning. Good choice! We fucked and sucked for two more hours, then slept soundly until morning. At least I did. Cindy reported to me that she awoke in the middle of the night and Daddy was gone. She looked into my room and saw that Mr. Firmwood was gone. Cindy figured how much two and two was and went back to sleep. The next morning we all had breakfast together and the men announced the day's agenda. "Cindy and I will be fucking until 3 p.m., if that's OK with you, Cindy," Mr. Firmwood announced bluntly. Cindy nodded eagerly, then gave me one of those, "I told you men like me better" looks. Sometimes I want to punch her. Then Daddy said to me, "You and I are going to Timmy's Girlish Secret, Honey. I'm sure you NEED a few things. Whatever you want." Well. It wasn't fucking. But for a sissyboy, it was the next best thing. I took my time getting ready to go out. And the results were worth it. I did my "just short of slutty" makeup with the BIG false eyelashes. Tan stockings with my sexiest garter belt. Tiniest skirt and biggest heels. If Daddy and I were spending the day together, I wanted to look good for him. Mr. Firmwood whistled when he saw me and I could see that he regretted picking Cindy for Saturday sex. Too late now, Mister. I could see Daddy checking out my legs and bum as I wiggled out the door. We spent two hours and lots of Daddy's money at the Sissy Superstore. Then we went to lunch. And still had two hours before we could go home. "Let's go to the movies, Daddy!" I said. Daddy was a little surprised at that, but he agreed. And there we were. Sitting in the dark. In a near-empty theater. Nest to each other. Did I mention in the dark? Like any man would be, Daddy wa

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph 2

I am the Wood Nymph. Gavin, the love of my life, the man I lovingly call "Bigfoot," has told you his side of the story. Now let me tell you mine. I'm twenty years old. For the first ten years of my life, I was raised in a very liberal family. We were nudists, and spent every summer at one resort or another, in the company of other nudists. We also went bare around the house, so nudity was commonplace and entirely normal for me. In fact, I was out of clothes more than in them, especially...

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Bigfoot and the Wood Nymph

I know these hills like the back of my hand. I grew up not too far away, and every summer my Dad and I would go up there, into the national forest, by ourselves. I was eleven when we first went up there. He had given me my first hunting bow the Christmas before, and taken me hunting in those woods every summer since then. We'd spend weeks together hunting, without ever seeing another soul. We'd lay out trails and blaze them, far from the tracks that most of the other hunters and hikers used....

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Bigfoot Bride

Frank wasn't lost, because he knew where he was, and how to get back- but he didn't want to even think about returning yet. He was out here by choice, three weeks walk into the wilderness of the Canadian coast range- The last sign of another person he had seen was a trappers line, and a trail leading to an unseen cabin, sixteen days before. He sighed contentedly, and adjusted the straps of his backpack. The frozen ground made his journey possible, because the numerous creeks, swamps, muskeg...

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Femdom Punishment Ideas

By Mistress Kylie,This post contains all of the ideas I have been able to come up with or find on the internet for female-dominant, male-submissive scenes…You’ll probably notice that a lot of the ideas are designed for use over many days and are associated with orgasm control. This theme emerged over time because orgasm control is so effective at heightening male desire. We use this list in a very simple framework when setting up scenes. First she picks one or more of the ideas below (either by...

1 year ago
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Bigoted wife turned racist

by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. NOTE: I detest the “N” word, however viewing this story without the use of the “N” word, the story did not show the true prejudice of the wife. Rachael was southern born and raised that black people were inferior to white. Her husband has spent years since their marriage to change her mind. That deep southern bigotry, instilled...

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Abigails Gift

Foreword. It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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Foreword.It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave.But, for a large slice of the...

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Abigail three chapters

It is a sad fact of life that many of our teenage children come off the tracks. There are many hypotheses that try to explain how it is, our society cannot cater for the younger generation, how it fails them at a fundamental level and leaves them to learn and fend for themselves. We teach our children the usual things, History, Geography, to read and write, numerical skills, but we seem to have forgotten how to teach them social graces and how to behave. But, for a large slice of the...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 9

"What were ye doing?" A stern voice cried, and the woman helped Abigail to her feet. "What were ye up to? Silly lass. Nearly got yourself killed." Abigail swayed slightly as she stood on her feet and the woman parked Abigail on a garden wall. "I'm fine," Abigail muttered, but the woman told her to stay there while she parked the car out of the middle of the road, and then escorted the teenage girl some stairs for a "cup of tea." Abigail's foot hurt, and her ankle was sore. She...

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Abigail at Home and at School Ch 03

ABIGAIL MAKING PEOPLE HAPPY On Wednesday afternoon at the private school, Abigail could be found in the gymnasium with the three physical education teachers. Lori Johnson, Bart Wilson and Gary Thornton were naked and coupled together on an exercise mat. Gary had his stiff dick buried in Abigail’s incredible sexy student as Lori munched on the teen’s tasty pussy. Bart with his cock in Abigail’s mouth waited patiently for his turn at her marvelous ass. Abigail was on all fours with Lori beneath...

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Abigail the Babysitter

This is my first try… Leave comments to what you think could be improved! * * * It was six oclock on Friday night when Abigail began to make her way down the street towards the OLachlan house. She grumbled under her breath. There were plenty of things that she would rather be doing on a Friday night that didnt involve babysitting two teenage brats. Her mother had pressured her into babysitting the OLachlans kids, though Abigail didnt see why they needed babysitting. The oldest, Jacob, was...

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Abigail Forsythe Ch 01

Copyright Otto26, 2007 * The dungeon corridors had very low ceilings, such that Abigail was forced to bow her head. The torch of the guard in front of her danced in the puddled water on the rough-hewn stone floor and left thick ropes of smoke that quickly blended into the darkness. Even in the relative warmth of the Hungarian spring the tunnels were cold and the sound of coughing echoed through them. Abigail pressed a handkerchief over her mouth and nose and shivered for a moment within her...

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Abigail Jeff are Hypnotized Ch 1

I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments are welcome. * * * * * I had just finished a partnership meeting when Jeff came up to me. ‘Mike, you are a hypnotist, right?’ He was towering over me as he said that. I am tall, but Jeff is gigantic. He is a six foot eight, former basketball player. He was also a terrific salesman. Jeff has been...

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Abigail Jeff are Hypnotized Ch 2

I have received several emails asking if I am a hypnotist. Yes, I am. My stories are based on facts (and fantasy) but are not actual occurrences. Everything depicted is possible. Questions or comments welcome. * * * * * Jeff was very content for about two weeks. I was finishing a sales meeting when Jeff, looking puzzled, said to me: ”Would you talk to Abigail. She has been acting strange lately and I think it has something to do with the hypnosis thing.” “How has she been acting strange?” ...

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Abigail Slaughter

Abigail Slaughter was a woman of passion. Many of Abigail’s co-workers thought she was temperamental, the more charitable amongst them said, fiery, those that had disliked her from the get go said psychotic. None of these people had ever noticed that Abigail’s signature on any and all documentation carried an apostrophe after her given name and, that she never left a space between that and her family name. Most of Abigail’s friends would not have been surprised at this open secret, because they...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 5

Moira opened the door and walked over to a table clicking her fingers and calling for her sister. Abigail scowled as she came over. "What d'ya want?" "Ah ya cannae talk tae customers like t'at?" Moira shouted, and Abigail glanced over towards Pauline. "Ah'll have a pot of tea and a slice of cake. Abigail picked up her pad and walked over to the till, ringing through the cost and printing out the receipt. Pauline snapped at her for talking to Moira like she did and Abigail poured hot...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 7

"Come on," Lisa pleaded and Alistair shook his head. "OK we'll be good to ya, won't we Abigail? Abigail wanna say sorry." The flamboyant teenage girl nodded, and Lisa begged the teenage boy to join them, but he shook his head. "I cannae leave the shop. Not 'til my Dad gets back." "We're wasting our time," Abigail moaned. "And I wanted to help." He winced as Abigail spoke and he wiped his eyes. "I wanna but ah can't." Abigail pursed her lips and rolled her eyes....

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 6

Abigail cried as she fell backwards off of the wall but landed in the soft arms of her ex-boyfriend. He stared up at her and cackled gently. "Caught ya." "What d'ya want?" He put his hands underneath her legs and pulled them over the low wall and then righted her. "Ya bloody frightened me." "To share this," he told her and pulled out a small baker's bag from his pocket. She rolled her eyes, and he put his hand in hers. "And a walk." She sighed, and he sniffed. "Ya promised...

3 years ago
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Abigail and the Pole

=== She had thought that pole dancing was only for strippers, and that as a feminist she should object to it, but her friends kept telling her that it was great for fitness, a genuine skilled artform, and that it made them feel really empowered. Sceptical but interested, Abigail searched online, and found an advertisement for “Pole Dancing for Feminists”, which sounded like the sort of thing she was after. Classes were Wednesdays at 7 pm. She attended her first one, and found herself in a...

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WARNING: This story contains extreme racist scenes and slurs. This story takes place in the south before the civil war and is about a Caucasian girl dominating two Afro-Americans. In this story you may find racist slurs and the N-word used frequently. This is only to make the story more realistic and NOT to alienate or offend people of colorABIGAIL’S TWO DAY GIFTApril 10, 1862, Huntsville, AlabamaIt was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining in the sky and everywhere on the plantation...

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AbigailChapter 4

If it hadn't been obvious before, it was now; Abigail and Mike were an item. There were a few raised eyebrows, but on the whole, the verdict was 'good for them' and 'Abigail obviously has something going for her'. They spent every moment together that they could; at Uni, or at one or other of their homes, but most of the time they were working or talking, though not entirely without some cuddling and kissing. The key to any successful relationship is communication, but Abigail and Mike...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 14

Margaret knocked stoutly on the door to the flat and Abigail let her in. "Just checkin' you're all right," Margaret told her, putting a bag down on the floor, as Abigail looked alarmed. Margaret looked the young girl up and down, dressed in just a long T-Shirt and Abigail nodded. "Fine," muttered the teenage girl. "What ya up to?" Abigail held out a book. "Readin'," "Most of them are my old books," Margaret muttered. "This used to be my flat and..." She stopped when she saw...

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Abigail Mac 1700 695000

I've been jerking off all night to Twitter bitches, but I recently came across a porn star on Twitter that I've seen in many videos that made me jizz my fucking pants. If you're not using Twitter to follow porn stars, I don't know what the fuck you're doing. If you didn't know, Twitter lets adult creators post NFSFW content like Reddit. Of course, they do this to gain fans, but you can use this to get more fap sessions out of the day! Why would you just use Twitter to look at dumb-ass trending...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Ideas By Casey CD Ideas for stories, let me know if you like them, and maybe I'll turn them into a story. Email me at [email protected] PLEASE PUT "Ideas" as topic or I might delete it thinking it's spam, and with yahoo, I get LOTS of spam. Magic Guitar Whenever someone plays a person's theme song from a TV show, movie, or video game, the player turns into that person as the actor, or what they would look like if real, and it would last until something else is...

2 years ago
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Abigail part 1

Abigail was gorgeous. Everything I ever looked for in a woman. She was a young college student, around 19-20 years old. She had long tan legs, the absolute perfect figure, long, curly blonde hair and the prettiest baby blue eyes. Only problem Abigail had was that she was married, as was I too. Abigail and John lived next door to us. John was your typical douchebag husband, my wife would notice the different girls he would sneak in and out of their house and Abigail Finally had enough. I...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 2

"Yer late!" The plump girl asked her sister as she straightened her clothes in the floor-length mirror. Abigail looked around and sniffed at her podgy sister before turning round to face her. She swept her long brown hair back and picked up some toast from the kitchen table. "You turned off my alarm," Abigail moaned. "Dae talk mince," Moira spat back instantly and took a bite of another slice of toast. Abigail licked her lips as she ate her breakfast and poured some tea into a cup....

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 8

"You clatty cow," Moira cried out as she burst into the room. Quentin stared at her and she pushed him off her sister, laying out in her bed. "Yer a clatty bitch. 'E's mine." "Then fuck him," Abigail replied. "Yer just a frigid witch. Yer fuck things up for everyone." Moira grabbed Abigail's throat, and the younger girl kicked her sister away from her. "He just liked me better." "No," Quentin muttered but neither sister was listening. "'Cause I ain't fat like you."...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 10

Abigail was nervous as she rang the bell on the door to the solicitors. "Come in," she heard shouted and she nervously pushed open the door and walked up the stairs to the second floor; it was above a large newsagents, and she was smiled at by the middle aged woman. "This is Jake, my legal partner." "Partner?" "Work partners," she told her. Jake was at least ten years younger than Margaret and had short black hair on top of a grinning face and a stocky body. "Hey, no more...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 3

Abigail sat nervously in the reception area of the international acting school, biting her nails. She flicked her hair back and studied the handful of other candidates, all frantically reciting words under their breath or reading intently from books. Shona squeezed her daughter's arm as she put down and then picked up her book, taking deep breaths and opening it to the page, before closing it again. "Yer just a wee bit nervous," she told her and Abigail didn't respond. It was the...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 4

"No good?" The burly figure of her father sat next to her and looked into his daughter's misty eyes. She shook her head. "Not past the first," she muttered. "Stoopid dreamin'," Moira told her. "Ya not gonna be in those silly films ya watch. Ah've told you hunners ae times." "That's enough," Shona told her eldest daughter who shovelled her dinner into her mouth. "What's got-in-tae ya?" "She," Moira spat as bits of potato hit her disappointed sister. "She tried to chat...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 13

"It's nice," Simon conceded as he returned to the lounge. "Just one thing missin'," he told her with a grin. "A naked Abigail." "Yeah, and on me knees with me face in ya lap..." Abigail told him with a smile. "I ain't that easy." "Well..." She looked at him and he pursed his lips. "Lisa said you wanted to run a sex school for desperate young men." The teenager laughed loudly. "Not quite," she moaned. "But ... well." She walked into the kitchen, and he followed her as...

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Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas

Giving Birth To Pervy Ideas By Cassy_Bee Synopsis: Richard's last date didn't go too well. In fact it was disastrous. He even was cursed by her. Now, all too soon, he will find out that curses are real and apparently quite literally. ***** "You look like crap," Amanda remarked as Richard stepped onto the long balcony that allowed access to both their apartments. Leaning on the railing she took a drag of her cigarette before she continued. "I thought you and Sallie did well. What...

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AbigailChapter 5

Their reconciliation marked the beginning of a perfect summer. There were very few days they weren't together, though some of them were taken up with study. Mike took Abigail to Norton Aerodrome at Lightwood. A former barrage-balloon site, it had been taken over by the Council as a driver-training centre, where, for a small fee a potential learner driver could be taken to acquire the rudiments of vehicle handling. It was also used for CBT, the training now required of would-be motor-cyclists...

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AbigailChapter 2

Abigail was both excited and nervous; she couldn't remember the last time she'd gone clothes shopping with her mother and for several years she'd got by with a combination of generic jeans – not form-fitting ones – and loose jumpers and hoodies. They rode into town on the bus. "Now, love," her mother said, "I don't think you want to be trendy, do you? Tell me if I'm wrong, but you'd like ... what was his name, Mike? ... to see you as an attractive young woman, but you don't really...

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AbigailChapter 3

Abigail had felt shy about meeting her parents when she got in the house. Her mother had 'accidentally' emerged from her room heading for the bathroom just at the right moment to meet her. "Good night, love?" The smile on her daughter's face was enough answer, but; "Lovely, thanks, Mum." "'Night, then. Sleep well!" And she did ... tired, even drained, but content, dreaming of love's embrace. Thursday morning, mid-morning she was in the cafeteria with a cup of coffee in front...

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AbigailChapter 6

Sherise was not a happy bunny. She'd thought she'd sorted Abigail, but here they were, obviously even closer than they had been, their body language proclaiming to anyone who had the eyes to see that they were intimate. What made it worse was the emotion in Abigail's expression when she looked at Sherise ... pity. She had no right to pity Sherise; just because she'd picked up one of her discards, even if Sherise had been intending to claim him back once he'd gained a proper understanding...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 11

There was a knock on the front door of the terraced house and Abigail looked up. "Not fer me," she muttered and stared at Moira and her parents sat around the table. Moira groaned and threw her fork down on the plate, striding down the small hall and flinging open the door. Her eyes narrowed when she saw the face of her ex-boyfriend and went to close it when her put his foot in the door. "Moira, please. Ah wanna spa'k to you." She snorted. "Yer screwed that dirty bitch," she cried....

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Sara Jean hadn't been waiting long when Kirk the Realtor pulled up in his BMW. The tall, immaculately groomed man practically leapt from the car, walking quickly, hand extended, all the while flashing that toothy, brilliant smile that Sara Jean was sure he practiced for hours at a time each night. "Sara... ," he purred. "Sara Jean," she mentally corrected. " ... are you excited?" he asked as he performed the old 'grip and grin'. Despite her reflexive dislike for him, she was...

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Abigail and MoiraChapter 12

Abigail nervously fidgeted on the doorstep of the plush house of her ex as figures inside moved towards the door. She put her hands in her pockets and waited in the light drizzle. Simon answered it and stared at the wet teenager. "Come in," he offered and even cracked a wry smile. She paused briefly and, feeling disarmed by his smile, walked in. "I want to say sorry," she offered, and he gave a little grunt. "I must be losin' my touch," he told her. "'Cause I ain't had a girl...

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Abigail and Emily Ch 02

I’d expected Emily to be mortified that I’d found her sleeping naked outdoors, but she made no move to put her discarded bikini back on. Instead, she made idle chit-chat, stretching lazily in the sun. I treaded water as we talked, thinking to myself over and over, Act normal. Act normal. I was so rattled by my close call that I was shaking. I struggled to keep my voice calm. Emily showed no suspicion that I’d done anything while she was sleeping. I was so ashamed of what I’d done that I...

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Abigails cheating story 1

So, where do I start....well, I guess it began about a week before:"Jessica why are you bringing me such slutty clothes? You know I don't want to wear them!" Abigail said to her friend and college roommate, in the changing room at the clothes store, staring into the mirror at the whore outfit she'd been forced to try on. "Because we're going out dancing? To have fun? Remember having fun?!" Jessica replied teasingly. Jess was blonde, a real definition of a bimbo, she had perky D cup breasts, a...

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My worries began slowly at first then speeded up - friends and workmates were settling into long term relationships in ever increasing numbers. If the trend continued I would soon be the only singleton left sitting at some sad singles bar. Saturday night and I was at home! - alone, feeling sorry for self, listening to Miyuu (what else?), researching; how do bisexual people cope in a long term relationship...all this while couples were sitting on sofas together and binge watching a...

4 years ago
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Moms Crazy Ideas

I was almost twelve when Dad decided to divorce Mom. I remember so well the first time I stayed overnight at his new apartment. His bachelor pad, he wryly called it. His midlife-crisis-pad Mom sometimes called it. Other times, when her voice was louder, and scratchier, she called it his whorehouse. We had a great time. We started out while it was still light at this bar around the corner from his apartment where it was apparently okay that I stood by Dad and sipped at my soda, then took more...

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Abigails Tale

**For the intended experience, make sure to click "Start Game" and make sure to avoid repeating chapters in a single play through.** The small village of Hillbend was utterly unremarkable. Proving to be a small farming hamlet, but near enough to a lake to provide some decent fishing as well. The Duke caring little for it's inhabitants, provided they continue to pay their taxes. But none-the-less, Hillbend is where our tale begins with the birth of a girl named Abigail. Born to a couple of...

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Stolen Ideas

After being accused of stealing someone else's idea you end up being cursed for it. From now on, any idea you express will be immediately stolen by those who hear it and they wont ever know that it came from you in the first place. However, you might realize that it's not much of a curse if they do so no matter how weird your idea is in the first place... RULES: Ideas can only be stolen if clearly expressed as being an idea (whether through context or by starting your sentence with 'I have an...

Mind Control
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Separate Ideas

© Copyright 2003 Lena smiled. I looked over her apartment, and though I don't recall fantasizing about it before that, it looked just like I might have expected. It was in an older part of town but nice, not too far from the university, with cute little shops and restaurants nearby. The floor was hardwood and though the furniture was far from new, it fit perfectly. On one wall was a floor-to-ceiling shelf of books that I could easily imagine perusing for the rest of the evening. It...

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A WellLived Life Book 7 Kara IIChapter 34 Old Routines and New Ideas

September 1982, Chicago, Illinois The weekend was quiet and besides homework, I worked on the program changes for Frank, called Karin, Tatyana, and Kara, and hung out with my usual study group. Monday was refreshingly normal. On Tuesday morning, I handed Katy my completed intake form. She put it in an envelope and stuck it in her bag. She said she’d let me know soon about the interview. On Tuesday afternoon, after having lunch with Stephie, I made my rounds and then I headed over to Sigma...

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Geeks In SpaceChapter 7 The Geometry of Ideas

For the first time after one of his episodes, Rob saw a doctor. The UNNESA flight controller who had been on duty when the call came in insisted on it. He spent three days in the hospital giving samples of pretty much every fluid and solid available. He endured electroencephalograms, CAT scans and MRIs. He talked to therapists and counselors, doctors and medical researchers until he couldn't talk anymore, and nobody could find a thing wrong with him. Not everything was textbook normal, but...

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Abigail and Emily

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I’d always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn’t mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

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Abigails cheating story 3

Abigail was screaming her lungs out, she was lay down on her front on Jessica's bed, holding onto the golden toned thighs of the white queen in front of her, kissing and licking her pretty pink pussy that was already dripping with cum and not all of it Jess's. The gorgeous blonde lay on her back moaning, one hand playing with her own perky, big tits and the other pulling hard on Abi's dark hair. Abi wasn't screaming at that though, big strong dark hands were holding her hips, throwing her back...

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Abigail and Emily Ch 01

I had to stand up on my tiptoes to lift the latch and step into the backyard. I'd always gone to the front of the house in the past, but I knew Emily was already out at the pool, and wouldn't mind me coming straight back. The pool was up on a raised deck, with high hedges all around. I ascended the steps and saw Emily was laying out on a deck chair. I called out hello, but there was no response. I came a little closer and gasped. Emily was lying face down on the deck chair, entirely nude. Her...

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A Change Of Ideas

It had been a rather fun few days. What with meeting Candy and enjoying a fabulous romp on her Narrowboat, then the poolside fun with her, her friend Lucy and the latters' well hung footballer boyfriend. My cum count was soaring for the start of my stay in the U.K.I couldn't resist the temptation to visit Candy at her upmarket sex toy and lingerie boutique when I found myself with unplanned hours to kill, even less a little wickedly enjoyable fucking in the backroom, before heading back to the...

1 year ago
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Abigails Choice Pt 1

“Please come home John... I miss you. I miss us. I’ll accept your punishment, I’ll submit to you. Just please come home.”He sighed, put his finger under my chin and lifted my face to look at him. “Abigail, go home. This isn’t the place.” I tried to look away again, but he wouldn’t let me. I closed my eyes as a tear trickled down my cheek. “Damnit Abigail look at me.” I opened my eyes“Please John, I-“He gripped my chin and tilted it up further, pressing a kiss to my lips. “Abigail, go straight...

Love Stories
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Abigails Choice Pt 2

Pt 2 “Will you submit, Abigail?”Rubbing my cheek against the top of his head I whispered “Yes, John. I will.”Pulling back he looked at me, staring for what seemed like minutes. “You’re sure?” His voice was husky. “No,” I smile a little, “but I want to be. Show me? Show me what it means to submit to you?”He leaned back on his heals, rested his flannel pants clad bottom on his heels. He pulled me up off the  the mattress, sliding the opened robe from my shoulders. “Gladly. On your knees Amoré,”...

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Bigdaddys Long Weekend Ch 03

Okay so this one was written for a friend, he is far more into the mind control then I am so I gave it a whirl, also he likes chick on chick, so I gave that a shot too. I hope it worked out okay, after this there are at least 2 more chapters, and they will be dominance based again. ************************************************** She wakes up and he is already gone so she slips out of bed and she can smell coffee and bacon. She jumps in the shower, puts on a little make up and then slips...

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Bigboy 7 Candy meets Bigboy

Over the next few weeks we became good friends.. She always greeted me with a big smiling hello and brought me my usual coffee.. When she wasn't busy she would stand by my booth and chat with me, Even at times sitting with me.. One day while we were chatting I said "Look Candy you appear to be Very young just how old are you?" She kind of laughed and said "Yes I get that a lot but I'm actually 18" "Wow no way" so she went to her purse and brought her ID to prove it and sure enough she...

1 year ago
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Bigboy 6

Sue continues her quest for bestiality and big cocks. Hey Bo, hope you had a great weekend. Personally, I took some time off so I could recover a bit after the Dane workout. I went back to visit John yesterday and wow, More of the greatest sex ever... A huge human cock and a huge K-9 cock all in the same day. What more could a girl ask for? After the first round we sat at the dining table sharing a beer and chatting. John told me that he owed me big time. I kind of laughed and said that...

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