My Landlord Pt. 1 free porn video

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When I first moved out on my own, I was excited to finally have all the freedom and independence of a full grown man. I had a decent paying data entry job which I could do from home, and I found a very affordable living situation: renting a room in a house with a middle-aged guy named Bob. I would be in a new town where I didn't know anyone, but the ad said there would be 2 other tenants living in the house, so at least I'd have some roommates.
I moved into my new place in late October. The Landlord Bob was in his late 40s, 6'4", with a stocky build around 225 lbs. I on the other hand was 23, 5'6', and a very slender 125 lbs. Needless to say he towered over me, but he seemed very nice and likable. I felt comfortable around him, and as I got to know him, I quickly began to trust and respect him. He had the friendly demeanor of a good pediatrician with the charisma and leadership of a football coach. A very manly man, but not in a violent or threatening way. He and his wife had divorced several years ago, and his daughter had just gone off to college that fall. Naturally, he decided to rent out the unoccupied rooms in his house for some extra income and to keep from becoming isolated.
A couple days after arriving, I noticed I hadn't seen any trace of other roommates. I asked Bob about it, and he informed me the two tenants he was expecting had changed their plans last minute. So until he found new tenants to move in, it would be just he and I. Because I didn't know anyone in town, Bob and I ended up hanging out a lot. We would mostly just sit around and watch TV. We took turns cooking dinner. A couple times we even went out to the movies together. We must have looked like an odd pair when we went out in public - a large imposing man and his meek little sidekick. We joked that he could hide me in his backpack so we'd only have to pay for one movie ticket. I was just a little fairy of a boy compared to him, but I felt safe with him towering over me. I began to really trust and look up to him. I would confide in him about my inner thoughts - my insecurities, fear of failure and inadequacy, my difficulties attracting women. He always had something kind and reassuring to say. He was so calm and confident, and I had pretty low self-esteem. I found myself really depending on his validation. I'd find myself just following him around the house sometimes. He didn't seem to mind the attention.
One evening I noticed him moving some boxes from one of the spare rooms into the basement. I asked him what they were and he explained that his daughter had left a bunch of old clothes behind, and he was just moving them into storage. He made a joke that she was about my size, so her clothes would probably fit me. I laughed uncomfortably as I peaked into the open box he was holding. It appeared to be mostly filled with bras and panties of varying styles and colors. I could see a matching set that were satiny pink with white lacy trim. I felt a quiet surge of excitement at the sight. He interrupted my gaze and asked me point blank if I'd ever worn girls' clothes. "No of course not!" I said with a defensive look. He smiled and told me it wouldn't be weird if I did. He said a lot of guys cross-dress, especially ones with my 'body type'. Something about tiny guys being able to naturally fit in women's' clothes. I hung my head and stared at the floor. I felt really self-conscious and embarrassed of my size. He looked down at me sympathetically and felt a need to make a kind gesture.
"You know, my daughter doesn't want these clothes anymore. They're just going to be sitting in storage collecting dust. Seems like a waste of some nice stuff. Why don't you go through them and see if there's anything you'd like to keep?"
I looked up at him waiting for him to chuckle or hint that he was just messing with me, but his face was totally sincere. He was really offering me boxes of hand-me-down girls' clothes as if he believed this was something I needed in my life. I was stunned. My heart was pounding and I honestly couldn't tell if I was mortified or overjoyed.
"But I don't wear girl's clothes" I declared sheepishly.
He replied "How do you know if you've never tried?". He seemed really confident I was missing out on something important. As if this was some type of rite-of-passage for boys.
I chuckled awkwardly and said "maybe later?" hoping to end the conversation for now.
"Why wait?" he said cheerfully. "We don't have any plans tonight anyway and the curiosity is killing me now haha. Come on upstairs. Tonight you're playing dress-up"
He didn't leave me any chance to say no, with box of underwear under one arm, he took me by the hand and pulled me upstairs into the spare room where the rest of the boxes were. He set the box of bras and panties down in front of me and told me to go ahead and pick out a set to try on while he dug out some outfits from the other boxes for me. Wanting to be a good sport for my landlord, I knelt down and started fishing through the girly undergarments for something resembling my normal underwear. To my relief I found a plain black pair of boy-shorts. I pulled them out and presented them to Bob. He held them out in front of my hips, revealing that they were far too big for my frame.
"Oops. Those must have been from her old boyfriend or something. Sorry about that." He reached down and picked up the matching pink and white lacy set that had been on top of the pile. "Here, lets try these" he said as he handed them to me. I accepted, simply hoping to move on from this embarrassing interaction. He reached into another box and pulled out a short pink miniskirt and some white thigh socks. From another box he produced a small black T shirt. "Okay I'll let you get changed and we'll see how everything fits you."
I opened my mouth to ask "do I have to?" but he had already left the room and shut the door behind him - leaving me in the room with all the girly clothes. I took a deep breath and removed my normal clothes, tossing them in the corner. My naked skin felt very exposed, and I was eager to be clothed again. I gingerly unfurled the underwear he had chosen for me. It felt smooth on my fingers and some part of me was excited at the thought of putting it on. I realized this particular pair of panties was a thong! I'd never worn a thong before - it seemed so humiliating to wear underwear that is constantly giving you a wedgie. I looked at the box of underwear on the floor and thought about switching this pair for another. But then I'd have to explain to bob why I chose a different pair over the one he picked out for me. I didn't want to seem disrespectful to him in any way, so I bent down and stepped into the smooth, lace-trimmed panties. I shivered as I pulled them up my legs and up over my hips. The thong slid into my butt crack, making me feel violated, but a bit sexy. To my surprise, my smooth little cock and balls were actually contained quite nicely in the stretchy fabric, though there was a visible bulge. The tight delicate hug of the girly underwear on my private zones felt highly erotic and I could feel my heart start to race. I ran my fingers over my pink shiny bulge, and the touch felt electric, blissful even. Wearing panties was giving me sexual pleasure.
Before I got too carried away, I remembered Bob was outside the door and could barge in any second and catch me touching myself in girls' underwear. I hurried to get dressed. I fumbled a bit with putting the bra on but after a couple minutes I got it. I threw the little black T shirt on and pulled the miniskirt up my legs and over my hips. It didn't cover me as much as I would have liked, but once I put on the long white socks my legs were mostly covered at least. There was still a thin exposed section of my upper thighs between where the socks ended and the skirt started, as well as a patch of my belly that the shirt didn't cover. I wasn't used to being so scantily clad, but I'd seen girls dress a similar way in public so I decided this was acceptable behind closed doors. I was as dressed as I was going to get - unless I wanted to go through all the boxes and find more things to wear, which I did not (although I can't honestly say that I wasn't a little curious to eventually see what other outfits I had access to).
I opened the door to find bob waiting patiently in the hallway.
"Let me guess" he said "Getting the bra on was a bit tricky for you haha"
"hehe yeah" I confirmed.
"Everything else go smoothly? Do those panties fit you?"
"Yeah I think so... I guess its hard to tell because I've never worn anything like these before..."
"Oh well come here and let me see." He beckoned me as he crouched down to have a better view of my hip-line. I compliantly stepped closer to him. Normally I would be mortified for some guy to see me wearing a skirt, but for some reason with Bob I couldn't help but want to know what he thought of my appearance. I wanted his validation. I stood right in front of him with my hands folded modestly in front of my skirt. He took my little hands with his big strong ones and moved them out of the way, placing them on my hips instead. "Keep these up here" he instructed in his naturally deep voice. I froze in place, posed like a coy little doll. I enjoyed this... I enjoyed following his instructions. He slid his hands down to the bottom edge of my skirt. "Let's take a look" he muttered under his breath before lifting the whole front of my skirt, revealing my little pink lacy bulge. My heart raced. I was so vulnerable right now, but somehow I knew I was safe with this man. I submitted myself to his gaze, hoping that he would approve. "That looks great" he said, bringing me relief and pride. "Now let's see the back" he said as he took me by the hips and physically turned me around. His big hands manipulated my body so efficiently and naturally, I didn't even move my hands from where he had placed them. I was now standing with my back to him, hands on my hips, posed like a doll, staring blankly at the wall, obediently awaiting his next move. I felt his hands slide along the sides of my butt down to the bottom of the skirt. It hit me suddenly that he was about to lift the skirt and see my mostly-exposed ass in a thong. The feeling of nervousness hit me immediately as I felt the skirt brush my cheeks on its way up, followed by the cool air on my skin. I froze in place and swallowed hard. I knew that bob was getting an up close look at most of my ass. Did he know he gave me a thong to put on? Would he be surprised? Would he scold me for being indecent? I closed my eyes and braced for humiliation.
"Yeah that looks great on you. How do you feel?"
I practically gasped a sigh of relief.
I wasn't fully sure how I felt. There was some fear and shame, counteracted by the deep trust I had for Bob. There also excitement at the novelty, mixed with a lingering hint of arousal. I was a cocktail of nervousness, anxiety, and utter glee. The only thing keeping me grounded was Bob's calm and authoritative demeanor. Being around him made me feel safe to try new things that would otherwise be unthinkable. But I didn't want to say all that out loud, so I settled on:
"Ummmmmm a bit weird I guess?"
"Weird how?" He inquired, as he let my skirt fall back down and began lightly stroking my hips and thighs. The gentle massaging made me feel comforted. This was really happening, and I was totally safe. I let my guard down and elaborated on my answer.
"Well on one hand it feels kind of good... like fun and exciting you know? Almost like an adventure.."
"And on the other hand?" he coaxed me to continue, still running his hands along my body.
"I guess on the other hand I feel ashamed or humiliated or something... Boys aren't supposed to wear this stuff, know what I mean?"
"Yes I do know what you mean. Society has taught you from a young age that you are supposed to dress a certain way, act a certain way. And that doing anything different makes you some sort of failure right?"
"Right!" I concurred. He hit the nail on the head.
"Tell me, do you feel like you've always had a hard time meeting societies standards for manhood?"
I nodded silently, now feeling emotionally vulnerable to him as well as physically. It felt good to finally get it off my chest. He must have sensed my need for comfort because he wrapped his arms around me and held me in a gentle bear hug from behind. Kneeling down, he was about the same height as me standing. I was amazed how much his embrace calmed me down.
"Do you sometimes wish there was some way to escape all the pressure? Wish someone would come along and free you from the restrictive role of masculinity?"
"That sounds nice" I whispered.
"Good" he said. His left arm still holding me, his right hand began to migrate all over my body, caressing my belly, my chest, my hips. His touch was soothing, but also a tiny bit 'charged'. I felt myself letting go of my autonomy, drifting into the peace of his control. I gave up my personal sense of balance and leaned back into him, allowing him to hold me up. It felt like a great burden was being lift from my feeble shoulders.
"Listen to me. I can relieve you from all that shame and disappointment. This house can be a haven to be your true self. But you'll have to trust me and do everything I say. Do you want that?" I felt his hand slide down my belly and over the front of my skirt before slipping under and climbing back up to the bulge of my panties. I didn't try to move away or stop him. I was totally passive and compliant. Its like I was hypnotized.
"yessss" I whispered as my eyes gently closed. He caressed the bugle of my panties while slightly tightening his grip around my torso and arms. I squirmed against him - not to escape - but to feel his control even more. I felt helpless but safe, and that was a very exciting feeling.
"Good. I'm going to help you break free from your old insecure self. I'm going to teach you how to stop trying to be masculine. You won't have to worry about making any decisions about how to dress or act. I'll to decide everything for you. You won't have any control at all. You won't have to feel responsible for anything you do, because it's not up to you. I will be in charge of you, and we won't stop until we both know what kind of person you really are. Does that sound fun?" His fingers now crept down passed my bulge and between my thighs, finding their way into my butt-crack. With his palm still massaging my crotch, the tip of his middle finger followed the thong to my anus, which began gently massaging. The more I squirmed, the tighter he held me. I knew I had no control at all. He had absolute power and there was nothing I could do. In that moment, I felt the sweet freedom of submission. There was nothing I could do, and so nothing could possibly be my fault. I didn't have to 'try'. All I had to do was give in and let him do the rest.
"yes" I whispered again through shallow ecstatic breaths.

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Who Knew Part 2

I can't wait until the day when I can wake and have my magic man at will. I just hope I can fully 100%. Maybe some of you can help. Here is: Who Knew Part II It was a Friday night at my home in Griffith Park CA. Memories of Ron were as vivid as a flag against a cloudy December sky. My thoughts raced as I helped my wife pack an overnight bag in preparation of her trip to see an old friend in Malibu that same evening. She would stay the night this time. MMMMMM, finally......I would be on...

2 years ago
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Party Girl Chapter 4

Bailee kissed Brad for several minutes, so happy that he accepted her even with her jaded past. Alone there in the back of the storeroom, Bailee felt safe with Brad. As they kissed, Brad slowly let his hands roam over the young girl's body and Bailee moaned her permission to him. His hands found her soft breasts and began to squeeze and play with them as Bailee's own hand found its way to his crotch. Feeling his hard cock, Bailee squeezed it to let him know what she wanted and Brad got the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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The search for our love

The short version of this ad is simple, we are looking for a bisexual or bi curious woman to be our girlfriend/wife to share our lives with the both of us for a long time in and out of the bedroom. We just celebrated 14 wonderful years together and we want to find our wife to join us for the many years of happiness still to come ;). This is a long ad so please read all of it so you can get a good idea of who we are and who we are looking for and you will get to know what we are looking for in...

3 years ago
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Yukios Adventures Part 1

Introduction: This is fiction. *This is a fairly long story. There is a good deal of character development and such as I plan to write multiple chapters if requested. It will all depend one how you, the reader react. If I am asked for more I will do so. This is a work of fiction. The main character, Yukio, is 16 years old when the story begins. She and her family just moved to the United States, from Japan, during the summer and she has commenced school. I do hope you enjoy this work. Feedback...

3 years ago
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Ms Musgrave And The Girls Enjoy A Trip Down Memory Lane Part Two

After a few minutes, during which time the ex-Head Girl had teased Claire’s boyfriend with her fingers, Andrew Halliday found himself bent over the arm of the sofa, his face resting in one of the expensive red cushions, whilst lying over Jessica’s knee. His bottom, already battered and bruised, pointed out proudly, hips resting on the arm of the leather sofa, presenting the perfect target for Alicia. The tall young woman with the shoulder-length brown hair had picked up the size eleven, black...

1 year ago
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Robledo MountainChapter 5

I was two days out from Trujillo Gulch and had just saddled up for the days ride, when the faint sounds of gun shots came from the east. Without thinking, I mounted up and rode towards the sound of the gunfire. I was two miles west of the Camino Real, and figured that was where the gun fire was coming from. As I rode, I realized what I’d done, and debated with myself whether this was really the smartest course of action. I may be a defender, but was I to be everyone’s defender? The thought...

4 years ago
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Emerald Princess Chapter 20 Whateley Fan Fiction

This novel is set in the universe of the Whateley Academy. It takes place after most of the current universes characters have graduated, and is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but since it's fan fiction, who cares? Most likely it will not match the canon of the universe. I believe this is the first work that has been written with the ABDL community in mind. Please do note that it will have diapers and other...

4 years ago
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RockmanChapter 5

Furtive Glance was a band. It had four members plus a session keyboard player. Joshua was the singer, and played rhythm guitar; Peter Thompson played guitar; Amos Sudbury was the drummer and Zak Copthorne was bass guitarist and could play keyboards when necessary though not very well. They were thus a fairly conventional rock band. They played loud heavy music, and pranced about the stage half-dressed a good deal, though recently they had added a few more reflective pieces. They had been a...

3 years ago
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An unexpected situation

Introduction: Trying to remove most male dominance, not the perception. 1 of 2 Young Adaline always acted mature for her age. She always appeared older than she actually was. She was an only child, the apple of her fathers eye, and could do no wrong. Incredibly smart and confident, even in her young teens she was fully aware she turned heads everywhere she went. She grew up used to it and didnt know a world without that kind of attention existed. At least not until she was 16 and her father...

3 years ago
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The RescuedChapter 68 AS01Gamma Day 10 continued

Steve arrived at Andrew's former residence, and found things in a quiet uproar. Several different groups were circled around holographic displays of a new residence structure, pointing out different features and discussing who would live where. Leah was in the thick of the biggest group, and was rapidly scribbling notes on a pad of paper. One of the women in the scrum looked up and saw Steve, and touched Leah's arm. Leah looked up, and broke into a big smile when she saw Steve. She handed...

4 years ago
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NoUnderwear Dare

It started with Katie’s Official No-Underwear Dare and with the impossibility of keeping a secret, especially when it has to do with sex. We all go to a private high school, you understand. It’s really a very good school and at least it’s coed — I’d go crazy in an all-girl school — but that’s balanced out by the stupid uniforms we have to wear. I mean, we all groan about homework and everything, but I like most of my teachers (most of the...

1 year ago
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Sex Experiences With My Crush At Her Home

Hello everyone, I hope you liked the last story of my first experience with my crush on our school classroom. I was overwhelmed by the emails I received, I made some really nice friends and got to know some very hot stories of others. As you know, my name is Rohan (name changed) and I am an unmarried boy from Guwahati, Assam. I don’t like stories which are not true and therefore I only narrate the real-life experiences of my life. This is my 2nd story. Today, I will tell you about my next...

3 years ago
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Matts Crazy Corner of the WorldChapter 28 Sparrowhawk

Sparrowhawk The security klaxon in the bedroom jarred Matt and the girls from a deep, comfortable sleep a couple months later. Seconds later, the voice of one of the security guards came over the speaker that was installed in every room on the estate, even the bathrooms. “This is not a drill. We have a Sparrowhawk inbound from 512. Security teams one and four, take two armored vehicles and appropriate weapons to the intercept point. All other security units, report to assigned Sparrowhawk...

2 years ago
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Salt Peter Or How I Learned To

Salt Peter, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Hate Myself ‘King’ George was told, by his advisors, that it was prudent to fund a study regarding teen pregnancy. He came to the conclusion that he would lend support exclusively to ‘abstinence only’ approaches to the problem. The people were ecstatic. That’s too strong a word. They were pleased. King George decreed that not having sex at all was the very best approach to avoiding teen pregnancy. He went one further and forbade self abuse as...

4 years ago
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Balcony Erotic Romance With Wife

A few years back, my wife and I took a trip to celebrate a special occasion. We rented a beautiful suite in an old southern hotel by the ocean. The suite was located on the second floor and had a balcony that looked out onto the street, where tourists to this quaint Victorian town strolled the sidewalks. After getting back from dinner, that first night, we went to the balcony to unwind with a few cocktails. My wife is a petite brunette with natural highlights in her hair. Her appearance is very...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Emma Watson II The Mad House

It had been over a month since that day on the boat yet it felt like a lifetime ago. It was more like some crazy dream now than it ever was as some of the finer details of what happened began to slip into the abyss of my memory as more recent events were pushed to the front. Summer was giving way to autumn and the sky was looking greyer and threatening with each passing day. Me, Rory and the guys had achieved quite a good summer of fishing having used the boat more than we had in any previous...

2 years ago
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The Dark Backwards Part 2

THE DARK BACKWARDS CONTINUES !I jerked off several times while watching the SULKA video. At this point I wanted more. I returned the videocassette to the video store and made my way towards the darkness that was the ADULT section. I opened the door and there were several people in the room. My excitement turned to fear. Fear of being in a room of strangers looking for porn. My hands shook a little as I tried to hide my shame. I nervously looked around the room to find a spot where I could...

4 years ago
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Power of Bauer

I had moved in with Bauer about eight months ago, and the honeymoon phase had officially worn off. We had started officially dating in high school, but had been long distance while I was getting my degree. It had always been fun when we saw each other, exciting. Meeting in hotel rooms on vacation, or having holidays with the families, we were pretty much shoe-ins to be married, and when I came back from school he popped the question. We had now been married for 6 months. My friend Julia almost...

1 year ago
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You are driving down a country road, late at night. There is a massive storm raging around you. Lightning splits the sky and thunder shakes the car. The storm came up suddenly. There is a light up ahead, you can see it between the lightning. the rain gets harder and harder, and you have to slow down more and more as you cant see. You get closer to the light and see it's an old wooden building, in a poor state of repair. Some of the windows are missing, but the roof looks good. Suddenly,...

1 year ago
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Girlfriend in my parent8217s bed

This is Rahul Sharma again writing another incident that happened with my then girlfriend about 10 years back. Hopefully you may also have read my Blowjob experience in my college library. I am expecting all you beautiful girls and women in Delhi to write to me. I guess ISS is the binding link common in us. This happened during one such occasion when my parents were out of station. I suggested to her that we may spend some time at my place. I was then living in an east Delhi colony. We decide...

4 years ago
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I put the beast back asleep female POV

(the girls point of view) I woke up and saw him asleep cuddled up against him and my mind was reeling from how I got here. I wonder if he remembers me from 6th grade. That's how we met. My mom was a soldier and was always on the move and for afew years we were in a Pennsylvania small town right on the Maryland line. Anyway, we hung out alot together until the 8th grade when my mom just had to get deployed overseas and I wasn't given a choice to stay. Both of us cried on our last day...

1 year ago
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Elementary My Dear WatsonChapter 6 Felicitys Dilemma

Emma Watson walked into her home, feeling happy and successful. Her first-term report card was out, and she'd managed to pull off a couple of "A"'s to leaven her slate of "B"'s and "B+"'s. Her parents would be more than satisfied. Quickly she doffed her shoes, dropped her books in her room and looked for her mother. She found her, sniffling in the guest bedroom. "Wow, Emma, that's great! We're going to have to go out to celebrate!" "What's wrong, Mom? You're...

3 years ago
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Love in Late Afternoon

As we walked in the partial shadow of the buildings, I strode, one foot in front of the other with my arms out, balancing on the wall while he walked on the flat ground beside me. “Hey, careful” he laughed, extending his fingertips to steady me by my hands. I jokingly retorted, turning my head toward him. “Oh, shut up! I’m perfectly capable of walking on a little wall like this.” I slowed our pace, not looking away from him, and him not looking away from me. My heart skipped a beat, and I’m...

2 years ago
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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 11

Roman watches Lucy eat the simple dinner that he prepared. And although they are both half naked, they are also very tired from their recent activity. He turns the conversation to the days ahead and begins to explain what he has already planned. “I have a something planned for us in the next few days. I thought maybe we could take a trip through the mountains and maybe over to Protectorate Town.” “That sounds like a lot of fun,” she says. “What would you like to do tonight?” “How about a...

1 year ago
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Taking Help to my 18 yearold Friend a Stage Further

I lay there beside Lori, still with my prick inside her little blue cotton knickers and her hot wet pussy till she slowly opened her eyes and groaned, "Fuck, Adam, that was out of this world - you almost drove me wild when you put your prick inside the leg of my knickers and into my hot wet little pussy then, when you came inside me, that was it.""So you liked it then, Lori?" I asked, gently easing my prick first out of her pussy then her knickers, "You liked having my prick inside you like...

4 years ago
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Purely a Business Arrangement

Purely a Business Arrangement Lady Caroline Westhaven gave a grimace of displeasure as her maid tightened the laces of her corset. "That's enough Minnie," she said sharply. "Sorry My Lady, I'm just trying to get your waist down a little so that you will look your best in your dress." "I don't give a tinkers cuss how I look in my dress," snapped Lady Caroline. She was immediately contrite. "I'm sorry Minnie, I shouldn't have snapped at you, but I do so hate these odious...

4 years ago
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My New Houseplant 2

Introduction: The long-awaited sequel. The plant- really more fauna than flora- had empathic powers, able to read exactly what I wanted at a touch and pleasure me with a skill unmatched by any man Id ever fucked. During the month Id spent raising it from a seedling and half a year of the best sex of my life, wed fostered a strong mental and emotional connection. It came as a surprise, however, the first time I felt its presence in my mind without physical contact. Id been worried all week. It...

2 years ago
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MoneyChapter 39

Waking up in the morning covered with female body parts laying on you is very disconcerting. The one thing it does is cause a ‘sprong’. Just thinking of all the available breasts to caress and kiss, along with the juicy pussies lying next to me, had my middle lifting the sheet. Someone’s leg was lying right on the exit wound area that Fran had treated. It was sore, but not hurting. The docs and nurses always ask you to rate the pain from one to ten. This was a two or three. Janet’s eyes...

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