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Deborah was a teenager in the nineteen-sixties. In nineteen-sixty-two she was seventeen-years-old. The industrial town where she was raised was hard-core blue-collar. Women knew their place and the bulky men she grew up with were traditional male chauvinistic pigs. That was simply the way it was.

On Friday and Saturday evenings, women congregated in the kitchen playing cards after they had fed their husbands who sat in the lounge, smoking, drinking, and stinking out the place. Naturally, all the kids were out in the garden where they couldn’t get on anyone’s nerves. This was the weekly routine in their community, where subservience seemed to have been inbred into the women of the neighbourhood.

The sound of women cries as they were frequently disciplined followed by the excited grunts of their husbands as they claimed their marital rights, were routine sounds at night. The luckier women in the neighbourhood were the ones who did not have to suffer the indignity of bruises and black eyes.

Innately, Deb, as she was always referred to, knew that she had to get away from all of this. Deb was a good scholar and as she was finishing her final year at school, she really hoped that her dad would allow her to pursue further studies. According to him, however, that was simply not what women were made for. They were there to get married, look after their husbands and produce children.

Deb was an industrious individual. She spent Wednesdays and Saturdays working at the convenience store up the road from her home. On Wednesdays, she would report for duty at three p.m. till six p.m. and dust and tidy the place for Nic and Maria, who were the offspring Greek immigrants, and on Saturdays, she worked at their store from eight in the mornings till four p.m.

Deb was frugal and had always squirreled all her earnings in a secret compartment in her mattress, along with all the Christmas and birthday monies she had received. This she saw as her ‘exit’ strategy when the time was ripe, her plan B strategy, as she liked to think of it. She simply had to escape her upbringing and find a better future for herself.

A week after her graduation, however, the chickens came home to roost. Two months earlier, a new guy named Mike, had started working at her dad’s place of work. Deb’s dad was very impressed by the burly twenty-five-year-old Mike who had been employed as his assistant. Early on, Jerry, Deb’s dad, earmarked Mike as a possible future son-in-law, believing that he would be an excellent provider for Deb, who was his youngest child.

Jerry had two older sons. The eldest of the two had already flown the coop and was living with a girlfriend. His second son was a real idiot and Jerry despaired that he may never get rid of him. Jerry believed that; you give your kids life, and then they need to move out of the nest and get on with their own lives. To Jerry, Mike was, therefore, heaven-sent.

When Jerry showed Mike a photograph of his family one day when they were at work, he was delighted when Mike’s eyes lit up upon observing Deb.

In an age before ‘Twiggy’ who would go on to become an icon of the sixties, men were attracted to buxom females with hourglass physiques. Mike, however, bucked this trend. He preferred lithe, petite women, with smaller breasts. He liked nymph-like creatures that exuded a fairylike quality. What turned-on Mike more than anything else, were very fair-skinned girls with red hair, just like Deb.

And so it came to pass that on a Friday evening after Deb had completed her final exams at high school, Mike was invited to dinner at Jerry’s home. Jerry was very anxious to get his daughter ‘taken care of.’

Deb’s older ‘idiot’ brother was out with his friends that evening, so it was only Deb, her parents, and Mike for dinner. When Mike met Deb, he was even more impressed that he had been by her photo. The thing that pleased Mike even more, however, was how attractive Deb’s mother was for a woman of her age. His dad had always told him that if you want to marry a girl, always have a good look at her mother to see what the future holds.

During dinner as the women performed their duties and Mike and Jerry chatted, Mike kept glancing at Deb. The more he looked at her the more he liked her. For most of the meal, Mike had a raging hard-on as he imagined Deb lying under him as he fucked her.

‘Fuck, yeah,’ he thought, ‘she is definitely the one.’

After dinner, once Deb and her mom had cleaned up Deb’s mother placed two glasses on a tray, one with lemonade and the other beer.

"Would you and Deb like to sit on the porch?” Sheila, Deb’s mother asked Mike.

For the next hour, Mike and Deb got to know one another. Deb was well aware of what was afoot and decided to set the record straight with Mike, by mentioning she had no plans to marry in the foreseeable future. Mike was not too perturbed by this revelation because he knew that with Jerry on his side, Deb’s plans could definitely change.

When Deb lay in bed later that evening, she had to admit to herself that she did like Mike. As her father had foretold, Mike would be a great catch. Deb, however, was determined to prolong her inevitable servitude for as long as possible. She also knew that her father’s pressure would now begin to escalate. She made a mental of having a chat with Maria the following Wednesday. Deb had to start putting her plan B into action.

Deb recalled Maria had a sister who owned a restaurant in a city four hundred miles away. Nina, Maria’s sister, and her husband Stavros, who was the chef, ran a very successful business. Deb wondered if Maria could arrange a job for her with them as a waitress. Deb had also saved enough money to make a fresh start.

During the entire weekend, Mike thought about Deb. She had ticked all his boxes and he had recently spent a great deal time thinking about settling down to proper family life. He couldn’t wait to speak to Jerry on Monday, whom he was certain would definitely be in his corner.

At lunchtime on Monday, Mike once again thanked Jerry for the lovely evening on Friday. Wasting no time, Mike went on to say that he really liked Deb. With a serious frown on his face, however, he sadly confided with Jerry that Deb had said that she no plans to marry in the foreseeable future.

With a fatherly countenance, Mike was now treated to Jerry’s extremely paternalistic vision of the world.

“Mike, I’m sure that have sown your wild oats, which is what guys should do. Men need to hone their skills,” Jerry said with a snigger, before resuming, “In any case, once you reach marrying age, the women you then encounter need to be treated differently. These are not ‘one-night stand’ tarts that come and go meaninglessly. They have to be taught and trained to understand their place.”

Jerry then took another bite of his sandwich, chewed then swallowed, before continuing. “Mike, there’s too much woman’s lib in the world today. We are all fucking with the natural order. Men are made to be providers and women are here to be home keepers,” he said solemnly. “Thing is, although women run the home, they must never exceed their jurisdiction. Ultimately, the man is in charge and the woman must know her station.”

After one more hefty bite of his sandwich, Jerry again chewed on his mouthful, allowing his words to take effect on Mike.

“You see, Mike, women don’t always know what is best for them and have to be told what is. Deb will soon come around and if she is the one for you, then we will set her on the right path.” After a short pause, Jerry picked up where he left off, “Would you like my advice on how to handle this situation?”

Mike nodded.

“Okay… Come around for dinner again on Wednesday evening to see if your first impression was a good one. That being the case, you next take Deb out to dinner on Friday evening…” Jerry’s expression now changed before he continued with an air of authority, “You have to tighten the screws very delicately when you find the right woman.”

Mike was completely in sync with Jerry. He wanted Deb with all his might and he was totally committed to this cause. In his mind, he could already see himself humping the hell out of her and seeing her barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, kowtowing to his every need. She was definitely the one for him.

On Tuesday, Jerry again offered more of his chauvinistic advice. “Mike, women, and children, need to know that they are loved and cared for… And there’s only one way to show that. Do you know what that is, Mike?”

Mike shook his head from side to side, awaiting the next gem of wisdom from Jerry. “Discipline, Mike. Plain, good old and simple discipline! A nice warmed arse not only shows them who the boss is but also, that they are loved.”

After a chuckle, Jerry continued, “That’s when you follow-up with the make-up apology sex speech; ‘Sorry, baby, but you know how much I love you. I had to do that… you do understand, don’t you, baby? It was for your own good.’ ”

After another sip of his coffee, Jerry resumed with a knowing smile. “You see, Mike, the make-up sex is the best sex in the world. Although she whimpers and cries, her pussy is moist and welcoming. That’s when you bang the hell out of her. She feels loved and knows that a real man is in control. That’s what women want… control.”

On Wednesday, Jerry dispensed his final bit of philosophy to Mike. “Mike, there are many thugs in my neighbourhood. Guys that take a fist to their wives or kids are just thugs, and that’s not cool… Discipline, however, that’s different. Always remember that.”

That evening, Mike again found himself on the veranda with Deb after dinner. She accepted his dinner invitation and also agreed to visit his apartment afterward. This was in keeping with Jerry’s advice, which was; “Show her who you are and that you are a trustworthy prospect. Women are drawn to that, Mike. It gives them a sense of security.”

A month earlier, Deb’s mom had given her a box of oral contraceptives, after explaining that although she wasn’t condoning that Deb should have sex, being safe rather than sorry was prudent. Her mother’s reasoning was that Deb was grown up and having just finished school, was free to do her own thing.

The morning after Mike’s Friday visit, Deb started taking ‘the pill.’ Many girls in the neighbourhood became pregnant in previous years and Deb didn’t want to join their ranks. Weeks after missing their periods, girls were regularly marching down the aisle to seal the deal. ‘Premature babies’ were commonplace in their neighbourhood, and nobody was impolite enough to point this out after a child was born. Deb instinctively knew from recent conversations at home that her dad wouldn’t have minded that at all. She realized that Jerry had decided that Mike was the one for her and that if Mike put her up the spout, they would have to marry.

At seven-thirty on Friday, Mike arrived to fetch Deb. It was nothing fancy and they would simply be eating at a local diner.

After a pleasant meal, they arrived at Mike’s apartment afterward. Mike had bought a bottle of sweet white wine for Deb as a surprise. Unaccustomed to this beverage as she was, she, nevertheless, enjoyed it very much and felt very grown up as she sipped the wine.

As they sat on the sofa chatting, Mike kept closing the gap between them. Deb wasn’t worried about Mike trying to have sex with her because he had promised her parents that he would return her home safely by ten-thirty. She was also sure that Mike would want to show her that he was a gentleman. So far, Mike had really impressed her and his apartment was very neat and tidy. In fact, after her initial reluctance, Deb found herself warming to him enormously.

When Mike finally leaned in and kissed her, Deb was rather turned on by him. He really was a good-looking stud. His kissing was firm but sensual, and she found herself enjoying it incredibly.

For Mike, this was proving to be a real test of restraint. He would happily have put her over his shoulder and carried her to the room, before fucking the living hell out of her.

“Jesus, I’d better take you home,” Mike announced in an excited tone after a short while. “You are driving me crazy with desire.”

His words were like music to her ears. She was overwhelmed by his craving for her. Much as she was enjoying the lip action, however, she demurely stood up and agreed that she’d best head home.

That night the two of them lay in their beds thinking of one another. Deb wondered if her ‘emancipation’ resolve wasn’t being weakened, and Mike almost dismembered himself, yearning to fuck her and make his woman.

One week later, when their next date transpired, Deb was in for somewhat of a shock. As they were about to leave her parents’ home, her dad turned to Mike and said, “There’s no curfew, Mike, as long as my daughter is with you I know she is safe.”

What stunned Deb was that her father had just basically given Mike permission to fuck her. ‘Here… she is all yours,’ was the loud and clear message from Jerry.

In addition to that, during the week her mother had lectured her about having sex with a man. ‘This is a setup,’ Deb realized, fully aware that her parents were in cahoots.

After their meal at the diner that evening, Mike lustfully pondered what lay ahead that night. He knew that he had her parents in his corner but Deb still had to give her permission. He planned to up the ante on the sofa when they got back to his place later on, and hopefully persuade her into taking things further. Mike reflected upon the thought that once he had deflowered her, Deb might very well alter her perceptions about marriage. He had made his intentions abundantly clear and hoped that their physical union would finally seal the deal.

Deb knew that her cherry would be under ‘attack’ once they got back to Mike’s apartment. In all honesty, this was infinitely preferable to losing her virginity to one of the motley reprobates in the neighbourhood. At least Mike was a man of substance. In all honesty, the idea of becoming a woman excited her because she didn’t share the old-fashioned view of no premarital sex.

Once they arrived at Mike’s home they were shortly seated on the sofa. Like the week before, Mike soon closed in on her body and began kissing Deb. Mike’s approach, however, was a lot more ardent than the previous Friday. Mike was determined to make love to her and soon began testing the water with Deb and soon placed his hand over her breast. As he commenced kneading her tit under the fabric of her blouse, Mike was pleased when she didn’t object.

As Mike’s fingers began to unbutton her blouse before his hand once more started groping the lace of her brazier. Again, Deb did not resist. Emboldened by this development, Mike’s hand gradually moved around her body before fumbling with the clasp of her bra. Once undone, his hand again returned to the front of her body, before slipping under the brazier fabric and resting directly onto her flesh.

The intimacy of Mike’s hand touching her skin was very erotic. When Mike’s thumb next commenced caressing her nipple, Deb began to gasp with excitement.

The sound of this was like music to Mike’s ears and he was absolutely sure that he was about to fuck her. Mike now decided to escalate the situation with a theatrical gesture. After getting to his feet he lifted Deb in both arms in the typical ‘bride across the threshold’ manner and started walking to the bedroom. He had earlier thought of asking her outright whether she would consider sharing his bed but rather opted for the old maxim that actions speak louder than words.

In the bedroom, Mike once more kissed after lowering Deb to her feet. Following that, Mike excused himself and headed for the bathroom. When he returned he was carrying a large bath sheet that he placed in the middle of his bed. Alongside the bath sheet, Mike then put a small white facecloth.

Next, Mike then began to disrobe Deb. Once she was naked he again lifted her in both arms and placed her body on the bed.

When Mike started undressing and looked at the magnificent form awaiting him, thoughts raced through his mind. He had often been berated for his rough approach to sex in the past. Domination and control was his predilection when it came to sex. He knew he was a stud and loved fucking the hell out of women. When they complained about their sore pussies, for Mike this was like a badge of honour. With Deb, however, he knew that he would have to tone things down initially. Once they were married, of course, he had all the time in the world to mould her to his sexual proclivities.

As Mike undressed Deb was very impressed by his incredible physique. Although her parent’s had initially annoyed her with their pressure, Deb was very happy with what was happening. She was yearning to enter womanhood and thus far in her life, Deb had not encountered a more likely tour guide to lead her in this direction. When Mike finally removed his underpants Deb was gobsmacked. Truthfully, she really had no idea about the spectrum of male endowment, but Mike didn’t strike her as being poorly endowed. His equipment seemed rather impressive to her.

With a reassuring smile of his face, Mike knelt on the mattress at the bottom of the bed and gently pushed her legs apart. After that, he slowly lowered his body onto her. As he nestled his dick into the folds of her pussy, Mike simultaneously commenced grinding his crotch and kissing her.

Deb knew that she was on the threshold of becoming a woman. It both excited and scared her, knowing full well that she was going to feel the discomfort of the defloration that was about to happen.

Mike was pleased when he felt the enthusiastic moisture of her vulva and knew that with the abundance of natural slickness his cock produced, all the lubrication they required would soon be in full supply.

After a few minutes, Mike lifted his backside slightly and placed the head of his knob on her portal. Upon firmly lodging his cock prior to entry, he looked into her eyes. Over the former several years, despite the many sexual encounters he had enjoyed, Mike had never before deflowered a woman. It dawned on him that for both of them this would be a first time and he wanted to observe the look Deb’s face, as he ushered her into womanhood. Mike reflected upon the idea that he would be the only man who would ever enter this crevice, which would ultimately immortalize his lineage.

As Deb felt the pressure challenging the barrier that she had up until now kept intact, she mentally prepared herself for the discomfort that would follow. As the pressure intensified, a sharp pain suddenly heralded her capitulation. As much as it hurt, at the same time, she felt enormous relief at having crossed this hurdle.

Mike watch in wonder as she uttered her cry of submission. The intensity was mind-blowing for him and it was as if he had taken complete possession of this girl that he was fixated with. After a brief hesitation, he lowered his dick into her completely. Mike instantly covered her mouth as she tried to emit a loud gasp.

With his mouth now located next to her ear, he said, “I’m sorry, baby… Oh, Jesus, I love you.”

Sore as his entry had been, Deb was very taken with his declaration of love. Fortunately, once Mike had fully entered her he held still for a few minutes. Very slowly the ache dissipated.

Next, Deb was stunned as Mike lifted his body onto his knees. After gradually extracting his cock from her, Deb witnessed what almost seemed like a religious ritual. After retrieving the facecloth, Mike wiped the blood off his dick. Following that, he gently mopped her pussy. After looking at the residue on the facecloth in a reverential fashion, Mike then placed it next to them.

As Mike again lowered his torso, he gently entered Deb’s portal once more. Leisurely, his hips then commenced thrusting his dick into Deb. Although there was still a level of discomfort, in a very brief time a wave of pleasure began to overwhelm her. She had always imagined what this would feel like but had never realized how pleasurable it would be. All her senses went into overdrive as Mike ebbed and flowed above her. The sensual sounds of his gratification, the warm masculine odour of his body, and the invasion of his phallus were mind-blowing. The ache she had experienced earlier was being totally negated by the satisfying flood of carnality that was washing over her.

Mike was pleased by the sounds of bliss that Deb was emitting and was confident that his restraint was working masterfully. Much as he wanted to give vent to his natural rougher predilections, he realized that he would have to delay until he had truly ensnared her. ‘Softly, softly, catch the monkey,’ he repeatedly reminded himself.

When Mike finally ejaculated his body trembled with excitement. The release was euphoric for him and astounding for Deb. If he had been crazy about her before, now he was totally smitten with her and knew that he had to possess her. This woman simply had to become his wife!

Afterward, they lay side by side with Deb snuggled up against him. She was totally relaxed and somewhat sleepy after the events thus far. Very shortly, Deb drifted into a contented snooze.

Although Mike could easily have indulged in a further round or two with her, given the magnitude of what Deb had just experienced, he decided to abstain from displaying his voracious sexual appetite.

The following morning, Mike dropped Deb off at her work. Although he would phone her daily for the next few days, he would only see her again on Wednesday evening for dinner at her folk’s house.

For Deb, it had been a monumental occurrence and she was beginning to feel that her parents may be right about Mike. She even began to have doubts about her plan B strategy.

Jerry was delighted by the positive feedback he got from Mike at work on Monday and hoped that before long Mike would be asking for Deb’s hand in marriage.

On Wednesday, when Mike was again invited to dinner, he asked Deb’s parents would allow her to spend the entire upcoming weekend with him because he wanted her to accompany him to a birthday party at a friend’s house. Needless to say, they willingly gave their consent.

On Friday evening, once Mike and Deb had arrived back at his home after dinner at the diner, Mike couldn’t get her into the bedroom quick enough.

As their first session of lovemaking commenced, Deb was relieved to find herself enjoying it almost immediately. Mike stuck to his very relaxed momentum from the previous week, during their first session. Obviously, being deflowered had been uncomfortable for Deb, as one would expect, but Mike observed her instant enjoyment as he languidly thrust into her.

After a brief respite after their initial coitus ended, Deb was surprised when Mike again mounted her body and began to fuck her. This time, however, his machinations were a lot more urgent. Mike wanted to see how much he could push the envelope. Although Deb seemed a little anxious at first, to Mike it soon appeared that she was warming to the additional fervour. This pleased him.

When session two had ended, Deb was fairly exhausted and Mike watched her drift off to sleep soon after. He wasn’t ready to sleep and after getting off the bed, he returned to his lounge to enjoy another beer and have a smoke.

Forty minutes later, Mike felt his cock begin to stiffen and it was as if the devil in him was springing to life. Overcome with horniness, Mike raced off to the bedroom. He was determined to administer an orgasm to Deb that would blow her mind.

As Deb awoke, her legs were being pulled over Mike’s shoulders. Following that, she felt his pulsating lips and thrashing tongue attack her pussy. As she squirmed, his hands soon took control of her arms and pinned them down. Although she was initially shocked, his mouth soon took her to places she had never imagined possible. She began to yelp, squeal, and cry, as his head manically suctioned onto her portal in a frenzied manner.

Pinned down solidly, Deb was totally at Mike’s mercy. He ate at her pussy like a starving man as her body writhed like an angry serpent. Several minutes later as orgasm struck, Deb felt like she was going into cardiac arrest. To her shock, Mike did not relent in his attack and as Deb felt her body becoming slack, Mike moved over her and commenced slamming his cock into her pussy. As she lay exhausted he started fucking her ferociously. Thankfully, because of his excitement, he unloaded into her a couple of minutes later.

Thus far, the sensation she had just experienced had been her test. Deb was not traumatized, but merely entirely sexually sated, and her mind was spinning with the amount of stimulation she had just gone through.

Thankfully, Mike was done for the night. As Deb drifted off to sleep her contentment was not as pronounced as during their former encounters. Mike’s approach left her wondering what lay ahead for her. ‘How much more could she take. She pondered?’

The following day Mike again dropped her off at work and collected her later that afternoon. Upon arriving home, Mike once more made love to her. On this occasion, it was far more sedate and Deb was pleased by the change of pace. Mike, naturally, had decided to lessen his intensity to assuage any fears that she may be having. He was very pleased with the previous night’s antics and rather satisfied by how well she had coped. Things were looking very promising for him.

After they arrived at the party that evening, Deb was in seventh heaven. She had only attended gatherings of people of the same age up until then. Suddenly, she found herself in adult company and the experience was very exhilarating. As she sipped her wine and snacked on the incredible finger food on offer, Deb felt very grown-up.

A couple of hours later, Deb was thrilled when a very good-looking single guy named Frank, sidled over to her and engaged her in conversation. Unlike the men she was accustomed to, Frank was debonair and immaculately attired. Frank’s manners were also exemplary. Deb was actually rather disappointed several minutes later when Mike showed up and ushered her away.

Over the next two hours, Frank once more sought Deb out and chatted to her. On both occasions, it wasn’t long before Mike again approached and ended their conversation. The final time this happened, Mike had a really annoyed look on his face. Mike viewed Deb and Frank’s actions as provocatively disrespectful.

As they drove home after the party, Mike was very quiet and sullen. He couldn’t believe how he had restrained himself from taking Frank outside and teaching him a lesson. Mike also reflected on the fact that if he and Deb were already married, he would give her a good spanking upon arriving home.

After they entered Mike’s bedroom, they began to undress. Once naked, Mike placed his hands on Deb’s hips and stared at her with a stern look on his face.

“That Frank arsehole really pissed me off tonight,” he said.

“Why?” Deb asked innocently.

“Deb… I know men. I am older and more worldly-wise than you. You have to learn to trust me and realize that I know what is best for you. You belong to me now and I don’t want guys like that hitting on you. Frank is an arrogant idiot who thinks his good looks give him the right to flaunt himself,” Mike stated.

“But we were just chatting,” Deb countered.

“That’s what you think,” Mike replied.

“But…” Deb tried to reply but was stopped as Mike placed his index finger over her lips.

“Deb, I know what’s best for you.” Then, after giving Deb a paternalistic smile, Mike resumed, “You know what happens to naughty girls, don’t you?”

As she looked at him with inquiring eyes, Mike’s left arm moved around her body clamping their bodies together, and with his right hand, he gave her backside a few hefty slaps.

Deb was stunned by this and whimpered as Mike meted out his punishment. Truthfully, Mike wanted to sit down on the bed and place her over his knees to give her a good hiding for her insolence, something he would definitely do once they were married. Mike even thought about an old leather belt that he had, which would be perfect on these occasions. Mike, however, realized that he had to show constraint at this point.

What pleased Mike, nonetheless, was that she didn’t start screaming and fighting to break free. Her submission was a positive sign and excited him enormously.

With his cock rock-hard and twitching with the stimulation of his control, Mike turned her body and placed her in the doggy position at the edge of the bed.

Next, Mike entered her pussy rapidly before grabbing hold of both of her arms. Overcome by horniness, Mike now began to fuck her solidly.

Bewildered as Deb was, she found herself strangely thrilled by his display of dominance. As she gasped and whimpered she soon realized that her sounds were adding fuel to his fire. Mike’s self-control was now also becoming very hard to contain. After constricting both of Deb’s wrists in his left hand, his right hand commenced slapping both cheeks of her backside.

“You know I’m doing this for your own good, don’t you?” Mike barked, before continuing, “You have to learn to listen to me.”

As Mike pumped his cock into her vigorously, a barrage of paternalistic admonishments continued to flow from his lips. In all their former encounters he had curtailed his natural predilection for vocal ranting, which was an important arsenal in his domineering approach to sex.

While Deb endured his machinations, she thought about her mom’s friend Vera. Deb had once eavesdropped on her mom and Vera as they sat gossiping in the kitchen. Deb recalled how Vera had told her mom how she often provoked her husband into spanking her, prior to having incredible sex. According to Vera, this always put extra lead in her husband’s pencil.

Several minutes later, Mike roared as he shot his load into Deb. Unlike his usual lengthier method of fucking, this had been a quickie for Mike, but the additional stimulation of his rough tactics had excited him so enormously, that he simply couldn’t hold out any longer. Mike, however, was overjoyed that things on the rougher front were going along faster, and better, than expected.

As they lay on the bed cuddling afterward, with Deb snuggling up to his body, Mike was more content than he had been in long while. He decided that he would ask her parents if Deb could move in with him when he went for dinner on Wednesday. He would, naturally, inform Jerry that he would soon ask for Deb’s hand in marriage when he and Jerry ate their lunch together on Monday.

After Mike drifted off to sleep, Deb thought about the evening. Although his dominant attitude that evening worried her, she hadn’t totally been put off by it. Men, where after all, men, she figured. Deb was, nonetheless, concerned about how much further this discipline would escalate. Deb was not traumatized; after all, she had grown up in a house where the kids were regularly spanked.

The following morning as they were eating their cereal, Deb’s parents called to invite her and Mike to lunch. Naturally, they accepted.

With the lunchtime interruption in mind, Mike decided that they needed another session in the bedroom before leaving for lunch. On this occasion, Mike reverted to a far more sedate method of lovemaking. Once they finished, what happened next sent shockwaves through Deb.

As they lay on the bed, Mike ran his hand over Deb’s stomach. With a glow on his face, Mike then said, “I can’t wait for this to start swelling.”

Deb looked up at him with a benign smile after his utterance. Further bad news followed after he explained that he wanted four kids in quick succession. This information was like a blow to her solar plexus.

As if this wasn’t enough, Mike then said, “On Wednesday, when I come for dinner to your place, I’m going to ask your folks if they will allow you to move in with me prior to our marriage.”

Deb did not reply but simply smiled benignly.

At lunch and during the afternoon, Deb was very quiet. Her mind was in complete turmoil. After Mike had left much later that afternoon, she excused herself and retired to her bedroom.

That evening, Deb knew that she would have to move very quickly over the following few days. There was simply no way she was going to become a breeding machine, and plan B had finally become a reality in her life. Deb decided that she had to make her ‘great escape’ on Wednesday. The two reasons for this were that firstly, Deb was sure that Mike’s Wednesday visit was going to be a watershed moment in her life. Secondly, on Wednesdays, Jerry always dropped Sheila, Deb’s mum, off at Sheila’s sister’s house for the day and therefore, there wouldn’t be anyone at home.

On Monday morning, the most tumultuous week in her life was about to commence. Firstly, she paid an unscheduled visit to Maria at the store where she worked. After requesting a private chat with Maria, Deb poured her heart out to Maria. Maria instantly took pity on Deb and decided that she would help her. Maria also knew that she could not include her husband in these plans, knowing full well that he would tell her not to get involved, or put her nose in other people’s business.

That day, Maria phoned her sister Nina to try and secure a job in Nina and Stavros’ restaurant. Nina promised to phone Maria back once she had spoken to her husband. When Nina did phone back later, she confirmed that they would be happy to employ Deb, based on Maria’s strong recommendation. The further good news was that Nina had also arranged accommodation for Deb.

Deb had decided that irrespective of the outcome with Maria, she would definitely be leaving on Wednesday. When Maria, therefore, gave Deb the good news on Wednesday, Deb was elated and very relieved.

Their plan was as follows:

Deb would call in sick on Wednesday when she was meant to work for Maria and Nic. With her bus departing at nine-thirty on Wednesday morning for the city where Nina and Stavros had their restaurant, Maria would collect Deb from her home and drop her off at the bus station. Happily, all went to plan flawlessly.

As Deb sat on the bus watching the town she had grown up melt into distance, she had tears in her eyes. Deb had left three envelopes in her parent’s home. One was for her folks, a second one was for Mike, and the third was addressed to Maria and Nic. The envelope for Maria and Nic was merely a letter that Deb hoped would extricate Maria from any complicity in her ‘escape.’

When Deb arrived at the restaurant where she would be employed late that afternoon, she smiled as she met Nina. Nina was like a carbon copy of Maria, both in looks and behaviour. This was a promising introduction that filled Deb with the hope that she had made the correct decision.

After a brief chat, Nina took Deb through to the kitchen to meet Stavros. Stavros was stocky and very good-looking, with the most arresting eyes that Deb had seen in a long while. Again, Deb’s heart filled with joy, further enhancing the positive initial impression she had experienced.

A minute or so later, however, when Nina excused herself to attend to a matter in the dining area, there was a notable change in Stavros’ demeanour. His eyes became somewhat mischievous as commenced scanning her body upward and downward. This reaction slightly unsettled her. Deb was therefore relieved when Nina once more appeared.

Unbeknownst to Deb, much as Stavros loved his wife and kids, he was a horny opportunist. In the past, Stavros had, from time to time, fucked waitresses when the opportunity presented itself. What Deb also didn’t realize was that with her looks, Stavros thought that he had just hit the jackpot. Fully aware of Deb’s ‘escape,’ Stavros reckoned that he had all the leverage he needed to get into her pants, something that he would definitely exploit to the fullest in future.

When Deb and Nina entered the office that was located behind the reception desk at the front of the restaurant, Nina told Deb about the accommodation she had arranged for her. One of Nina and Stavros’ regular clients was a man named Hubert Crawley. He hated his first name and always insisted on simply being referred to as Crawley.

According to Nina, Crawley was very well-off and owned several apartment blocks. He was divorced and apparently no longer had any contact with his ex-wife, or the son who was conceived as a result of their union.

After arriving at the apartment block, in which Crawley also resided, Deb was introduced to him.

Crawley was at least six-foot-two-tall and was huge and hairy. The only term that came to mind as she met her new landlord was; extra-large. All his facial features were oversized and his head looked like a big round jug with two large handles on either side.

One of the projects that Deb had done at school was about the variety of shells that could be found on earth. Crawley’s ears looked like a very large abalone shell, which had been cut in half and placed on either side of his head. Deb giggled inwardly, reflecting upon the fact that this shell was also referred to as an ‘ear shell.’ as she had learned in the project she had done in school.

Crawley’s thick arms and legs were almost grotesque and he also had a huge gut. As she observed his sandaled feet and hands, it occurred to her that even in the rough neighbourhood she had grown up in, Crawley simply had no equal when it came to innate masculinity.

Shortly, the trio made their way to the apartment that she would be living in. An enormous sense of relief overcame her as she saw that it was much nicer than she had anticipated. Although it was fully furnished, tenants were required to provide their own linen. Because of her late arrival, however, Crawley had been kind enough to provide her with bedding and towels, until she could purchase her own.

No sooner had they arrived in her new abode before Nina excused herself to attend to customers in their restaurant. After Nina’s departure, there was a distinct change in Crawley’s demeanour towards her. As they walked around the apartment with Crawley as the tour guide, it was almost as if he was shepherding about. His body seemed to constantly be in contact with him as his gargantuan hands were either on her back or shoulders.

When the tour was finished, he said, “Well, I know you have had a heavy day. I suppose I should be on my way so that you can unpack and settle in.”

“Should I pay you now?” she asked in response.

“Nah,” he replied. “We can sort that out later.”

“Are you sure?” Deb responded.

“Yeah,” Crawley replied. “Besides… Nina and Stavros are good friends of mine, so there’s no hurry.” After a smile, he also added, “I normally ask for a two-month rent in advance, but maybe we can sort this out some other way,” Crawley concluded, his eyes ablaze with suggestiveness.

After Crawley departed, Deb was slightly unsettled and she pondered whether she was reading too much into his expression.

After dismissing the encounter with Crawley from her mind, she also reflected upon her parents and Mike reading the letters she had left for them. She was, however, determined not to allow her newfound freedom to be spoiled by negative thoughts. As Deb walked around her brand-new environment with a smile on her face, an enormous sense of relief and liberation overcame her.

After unpacking her two suitcases, Deb had a relaxing bath before languishing on her bed. She was very tired after the events of the day and soon drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Next door to her, Crawley lay naked on his bed. He was totally smitten by the beautiful slim and beautiful redhead he had just met. With every fibre of his being, he knew that he simply had to possess her. Crawley recalled the last time he had enjoyed sex with a beauty like her in his early twenties. That girl had been drunk and he had enticed her into sex. His wife had never been a beauty and he had been forced to marry her after putting her up the spout. In recent times, he had been fucking a rather large forty-something female who was a tenant in one his other apartment blocks, and that was hardly noteworthy.

Crawley fully grasped that he could never naturally ensnare a woman like Deb, given his looks, but he also realized that he had a few aces up his sleeve. Given her circumstances, however, he certainly had an advantage over her. An added sweetener would also be the financial incentive that he would be able to offer Deb. If he had access to her pussy, Crawley would be happy to let her stay in the apartment for free. Finally, Crawley had discerned that with her strict upbringing, she would be totally acquiescent to his blandishments.

As arranged with Nina, Deb arrived early at her new job the following morning, so that Nina could arrange a uniform for her. Deb was very pleased that their outfits were verdant green, a colour that suited her very well.

As the lunchtime trade arrived, Deb was willing and able to get stuck in. To Nina’s delight, Deb was a total natural and the customers absolutely loved her. Although Deb’s salary was nothing to speak of, as Nina had predicted, the tips Deb received were incredible. As the lunchtime trade petered out, Deb was surprised when Crawley arrived for lunch.

As Crawley ate his food Stavros joined him at the table. As Deb went about her duties she was aware of the two men ogling her and animatedly chatting to one another.

That evening at eight o’clock, as the night-time clientele were thinning out, Nina announced that was leaving early because one of her kids was not feeling well.

Just before nine p.m., Stavros asked Deb to stay behind as the last staff members exited the restaurant. After locking the front door and turning the open sign to a closed sign in the front window, Stavros ushered Deb through to the kitchen.

Stavros now began to repeatedly assure her that her secret was safe with him and that he was going to take good care of her.

Before Deb knew what was happening, her body was pushed up against the counter as Stavros commenced kissing her. Shortly, one of his hands was groping her backside as the other fondled her breasts.

In a last-ditch effort, Deb pleaded that she was not on the pill and was afraid that she would fall pregnant.

After uttering a chuckle, Stavros said, “That’s no problem, baby, I had a vasectomy six months ago, so although I’m going to shoot you full of hot cum there are no tadpoles that can cause any problems.”

Unceremoniously, her body then got turned around before she felt a hand on her back pushing her torso downward.

As Deb felt her panties being forced downward, Deb thought about one of her mother’s favourite sayings; ‘Everything comes at a price.’

“We need to hurry because my wife will be expecting me soon,” Stavros said.

After hearing him unzip his trousers, Deb felt his cock rubbing her portal. Thankfully, Stavros entered her slowly and although she had not seen his dick, it was very clear that he was not as well-endowed as Mike. Stavros was a comfortable fit and when he grasped hold of her hips and started humping Deb, the stimulation was actually very pleasant. She even reflected upon the fact that this was a small price to pay for her freedom.

Within minutes, their union ended with grunts of ecstasy emanating from him.

As they entered the front of the restaurant and Stavros told her to let herself out, he picked up the phone and dialled a number. A premonition sent a chill down her spine as he did so and she was sure that he was contacting Crawley.

With trepidation, Deb made her way back to her apartment. Her heart sank as she turned into walkway where her apartment was located and saw Crawley leaning on the handrail outside her flat smoking a cigarette. As he observed her, with a smile, he took a last drag on his smoke before flicking the butt away. Deb hoped with all her might that he was simply there to collect his rent. After gingerly approaching her front door she stood looking at him.

“How was your first day?” Crawley asked amicably.

“Great,” Deb replied.

“Pleased to hear that,” he warmly replied.

After an uncomfortable pause, Crawley asked, “Well… aren’t you going to going to go inside?”

When Deb retrieved the key from her purse she stared at him nervously transfixed, like deer caught in the headlights.

With an encouraging gesture, Crawley pointed to the lock of the door as if shepherding a distraught lamb.

As Deb apprehensively opened the door, Crawley’s body moved behind her as he marshalled her into the apartment. Further stress then ensued when he closed the door behind them. Deb was initially relieved when Crawley did not encroach on her space.

Breaking the tension that had begun to develop, Crawley spoke. “By the way, I’ve decided to forgo the two-month deposit that I normally require,” he magnanimously stated, before resuming, “Besides, Nina and Stavros are good friends of mine.” Then, with an exaggerated sniggering Crawley finally concluded, “In addition, it’s not as if I don’t know where you work.”

Deb instantly responded, “Crawley, you are very kind, but I can adequately afford to pay the deposit with no problem at all.”

Much as he admired her spunk, he wasn’t about to let her slide out of his clutches.

“Listen, Deb, I would consider it an honour to help a beautiful young woman like you on her way in life. Consider the deposit null and void,” he conclusively stated.

As an added incentive, Crawley then countered, “And as far as your rent is concerned, well… that’s very negotiable.”

Deb could clearly feel a net closing in on her and hastily responded, “Crawley, the rent is no problem at all. In fact, I think it’s very reasonable and I’m very happy to pay for it.”

He was again impressed by her resistance, but he wasn’t going to let her manoeuvre her way out of this situation. Crawley realized that it was now time for him to play his final ace.

“Did you enjoy your fun with Stavros tonight?” he measuredly asked. There was no menace in his eyes but his shit-faced grin left her in no doubt what this question was leading to.

Deb could feel the blood draining from her face after Crawley spoke these words. Deb was fully aware that Crawley was now in possession of two of her secrets that he could use as leverage. Deb’s expression of apprehension gave him all the confidence that he needed. Crawley was home and dry, and he knew that she had just become putty in his hands.

As he closed the distance between them Crawley lifted his arms and cupped her head in his huge hands. She watched in anxiously as his pursed thick lips surrounded by the hair of his beard closed in on her face. Completely overwhelmed, she felt Crawley’s thick tongue enter her mouth.

As Crawley began to make snorting noises, it felt like his beard was turning into the fur of a sodden animal.

After a brief time, Crawley let go of her and began to undress Deb. In an instant, her uniform, bra, and panties had been removed. Crawley then took hold of her again and after placing his hands under her arms, lifted her upward and began to suck her breasts.

As Deb dangled before him, she wondered if she had gone from the frying pan and into the fire, because she knew that Crawley would henceforth become a permanent feature in her existence. In as much as Stavros’ attention would be sporadic, Crawley was her landlord and living in the same building, he had unlimited access to her.

Shortly, with Deb still suspended in the air, Crawley carried her through to her bedroom. After her body was placed on the bed, Crawley began to undress. Deb was mesmerized as his bulk started to reveal itself. When his underpants were removed, however, her heart sank. In keeping with his size, Crawley had a monstrously large dick that looked like a gnarled branch from a tree.

As Crawley climb on the bed and opened her legs, Deb was actually pleased that she still had Stavros’ load in her pussy for lubrication, because she was seriously going to need it. After nestling his large frame upon her, his hips began to sway, grinding his obscene knob into the folds of her portal as his wet mouth continued to emulsify her face.

Thankfully, his incursion into her pussy was slow, but given his size, it was, nonetheless, rather uncomfortable. During this entire process, Crawley continued to grunt and groan, like a wild boar.

After Crawley’s huge hips finally began to move, stirring his fat log inside of her, Deb was amazed by how good it began to feel. Deb had finally accepted that there was nothing she could do to stop this flow of events, and the more Deb relaxed, the more she felt herself becoming overwhelmed with pleasure. Even the compressing bulk of Crawley started turning her on incredibly. As the heightened sense of elation commenced pulsing through her body, unlike any she had experienced before, Deb felt a fast approaching orgasm begin to build in her body. She was totally perplexed, how a man like this was stimulating her so enormously.

With her legs now firmly clamped around Crawley’s thighs and her hands clasping his shoulders, Deb began to utter the unmistakable gasps of a woman in rapture.

Crawley was overjoyed by what was happening and was determined to demonstrate just what a stud he was, as he started pounding her pussy vigorously. As their sexual sounds began to loudly harmonize, Deb’s orgasm forcefully struck. With Crawley’s torso on outstretched arms, he now commenced a relentless onslaught in her portal.

Crawley watched in wonder as he observed Deb’s body becoming weak with the overload of gratification, and when he finally unloaded his spunk into her, her open lips were scarcely able to utter any sounds.

Afterward, he once again lowered his torso and began to kiss her neck and ears.

When Crawley finally began to get dressed he looked at the incredible beauty lying on the bed, reflecting upon the fact that his sex-life had just improved immeasurably.

“Well… I’d better be on my way so that you can get some sleep. Tomorrow I won’t be so compassionate,” he then added with a snigger.

Deb simply smiled in response to his words. “By the way, I’ve decided that you won’t be paying any rent from now on,” Crawley stated, before winking at her and then departing.

As Deb lay on her bed in the exhausted afterglow, her pussy was really sore. With a smile, however, she reckoned that she finally understood what the term; ‘the divine agony,’ actually meant. She also reflected upon the fact that her financial situation seemed to improve by the day.

Next door, Crawley stood naked in his bedroom thinking about the magnificent ginger kitten he had just fucked. As their session played over and over in his mind, an overwhelming horniness overcame him and shortly, he began caressing his thick log with his huge hand. As he did so, he wished that he had not departed as early as he had. Crawley then ruminated upon the fact that she had really been exhausted when he left her, and that she most probably needed to recover from the experience.

As he continued to toy with the very rigid monster, however, his lust blossomed. Crawley then reasoned that as Deb was not paying any rent after all, not to mention the deposit that he had waived, she was in effect in ‘arrears.’ After collecting his master key he decided to set off next door.

Deb was still lying on the bed as he had left her. As Crawley began undressing her heart sank.

As Crawley’s body once more nestled on top of her with thick knob rubbing against her pussy, on outstretched arms he looked down into her apprehensive eyes.

With a chuckle, Crawley then joked, “I’m afraid to report that you are way behind on your rent and need to rectify matters immediately.”

Deb simply smiled weakly in response.

After guiding his large cock into her pussy, Crawley lowered his torso. When his full lips and thick tongue again took control of her whimpering mouth, Deb worried about how she would be able to walk properly the following day.


Author’s note:

I wish to advise the readers of this story that I in no way condone or share the chauvinistic and paternalistic attitudes of some of the male characters in my story. Having grown up in the nineteen-sixties, however, I tried to accurately depict the attitudes of many men that lived in this era. I humbly apologize if this story offends any readers.

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Be Careful What You Wish For Day 1

Be Careful What You Wish For! Holly Be careful what you wish for, or worst yet, be careful what you start. Things have a way of getting away from you otherwise. So it was with me. First, a little truth in advertising. I am not a total victim in this, if the truth be known, I engineered it. But what I had not expected was where it would end up. The rules were simple. After several weeks of correspondence we had agreed on the ground rules: She would have me for 10 days...

3 years ago
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Ero adventure in Grandline Arc 2

As Shindou, Piku, Mihei, and Naoki sailed off to the closest island, they introduced each other. To be sinple, Naoki was the chef of the crew member, and Mihei was the shipment. Shindou started to understand what their duties were and why they became pirates. Naoki wanted to be a famous cook around all the blues to make Sanji notice her. She knew Sanji when she was at Baratie. The head chef Zeff told her about him. He said he was out to see, became a pirate and also to find all blue. That's...

2 years ago
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Kierans LoverChapter 5 The Panther and The Wolf

I had spent forever in the Tower Room, re hanging the crystals, fiddling with things, and constructing my new look. There wasn't actually a tower in GateWay House, the giant lens window of mine and Kieran's study-cum-bedroom was the highest point in the house from both inside and out. Unless like me you knew the way to ascend the winding stirs that led up to the tower room. I stood and looked out of the window down on the sloping lawns that ran with the glittering rope of the stream down to...

2 years ago
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Jason H. was a small boy who had suffered from heart problems as a c***d and had not been permitted to play the ‘rough games’ other boys his age played. At age 11 he was finally given a clean bill of health and allowed to be a normal boy, but he was shunned by the other boys because he didn’t know how to play football or baseball or basketball or any other active sports. Whenever, the other boys had to pick teams, Jason was always the last one picked due to his lack of skill and small size....

1 year ago
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Walk in the Woods

A walk in the woodsSitting on the bed I check through the items I have been packing into the back pack making sure that everything I will need for the day is there when girl slips into the room having finished clearing away from our breakfast.  As she enters and drops to her knees naked but for her collar, I take the opportunity to look over My girls lithe body taking in the smooth skin, long legs, shaved pussy and pert breasts; a smile of appreciation crosses my lips.  ?We are going on a...

3 years ago
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The Catalyst

Sasha Fedoseev pulled out his driveway and started down the road. Sasha was by most accounts a successful man. He had started a corporation in his early 20's and had guided its ascent. His company now had three subsidiary corporations. He employed over five hundred employees through his subsidiaries and the parent corporation he had founded 10 years earlier. The parent corporation had its offices in a building several miles from Sasha's home. It was there that his staff worked. He had...

1 year ago
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A Weekend To Remember Part II

A Weekend To Remember Part II ? by: Joanie Davis I don't know how long he left me there, bent over painfully with my wrists bound to the top of the chair back behind me, and a stranger's cum drying on my face. My nylon clad toes hung just a bare inch off the carpet and were held there by tight bonds on my ankles. When Ken returned he untied my wrists from the chair allowing me to straighten up gratefully. Warning me to stay still he untied my elbows and wrists. I'm not sure what...

1 year ago
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A sleeping Beauty

I was so excited a friend of mine was throwing a a bash of a party after midterms. He told me I could crash in the spare bedroom so no need for worrying about getting home drunk. This was going to be my first college party. have been invited before but schoolwork always got in my way. These parties of his always had the hottest girls there and I was determined to get laid this weekend. Unfortunately, I still was a virgin. All the stories about these parties made it sound like nobody ever...

1 year ago
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Denise Goes Wild

I shot three scenes, during the course of the rest of the week, for my newest porn movie. I did a boy/girl shoot for my first scene and I did a MMF and a 5 male gangbang for the finale. I was getting used to my lifestyle and it was awesome. The more men I fucked or sucked, the more I wanted. My 5 man gangbang ended up with all five men cumming in my asshole before I let it drain into a glass and drank it. The thought of being cum in or on, by a well hung man, kept me horny all of the time and...

2 years ago
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In the Woods

I went out feeling really dirty and naughty in the middle of the day, and thought it'd be fun to play with myself in public, or at least semi-public in the woods. Barely anyone was ever there, and the parking lot was pretty much empty, other than for a few cars well spaced out from each other. I was dressed in black tights, a plaid skirt, and a jacket because it was a little bit chilly, but I probably could've taken it off, and eventually I would anyway. I didn't see anyone when I got out of...

4 years ago
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Janets Date

Janet Cole was eighteen years old girl in her last year in the college. She was a beautiful girl at about 5 foots 8 inches tall and about 110 pounds. She had blond hair, reaching to the center of her back, and lovely brown eyes. One of the most noticeable things in her was her perfectly shaped figure: firm body, long, slender legs, a pert ass, and on top of all 36 C-breasts, easily visible and imaginable under every sort of clothes she wears. Janet was really lovely girl and it was normal most...

1 year ago
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BellesaHouse September Reign We Make Fire

September met Big Tre after a big breakup. They met up to make content together, but ended up vining so hard that they didn’t even turn the camera on for the first two days they spent together. September loves that he was so conscientious of her from the get-go and grounds her when she flies too high. Tre loves… everything about her. He also boasts that they always make fire content together and this scene is no exception – from the moment he walks in the door the declare...

2 years ago
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Futures PathChapter 14

When Gavin enters her, he and Elena cry out simultaneously. The doubled perspective is at once exhilarating and disorienting. He can feel himself, harder and longer than he's ever been before, sliding into a caressing warm wetness. At the same time, she is aware of being spread, wider and wider, until at last, hot smooth skin is pressing forward, and then deeper still, filling her completely. From him, there is nothing but pleasure, and a triumphal sense of achievement, "At last, I'm doing...

2 years ago
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Tea on Thursday

My world is a bit different from yours. Technology's the same; we have cell phones and computers and so forth. Men and women interact pretty much the same way, with a few major differences. One of the biggest is that BDSM is universally practiced; everyone is either a Dom/me, slave, or switch. We also have *lots* of customs, many of which I'll explain to you in due course. But for the purposes of our story right now, all you need to know is that I'm a Dom, and that at the time this story took...

1 year ago
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Feminist SororityChapter 13

Events at the sorority went on much like normal after the confrontation with Mrs. Turner. While the betrayal of a favored alumni still shocked the girls of the sorority, it did not break them. In fact, finding out the source of so many of their problems liberated them. First on their agenda became repairing their relations with the frat boys who they had neglected in favor of the donors for so many years. Their spontaneous orgy after Jason’s defeat of Mrs. Turner became a weekly event for...

2 years ago
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Just Another Day Making Porn

Martin rang the doorbell, then bounced up and down on his heels, expending a little nervous pre-show energy. "Hey man," said a photographer's assistant he recognized, a shaggy dude named Denny or Danny or something, as he opened the door. "Come on in. Nice place, huh?" It was nice, but they didn't make ugly houses in Malibu, just like they didn't make ugly people. It was one of the wonders of the business, he thought, that perfectly respectable citizens were happy to turn a house like...

3 years ago
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Move Over Aquaman Superman Is Here

Most erotic stories start off with a description of the participants. The woman is described with lovely, if not large, breasts. She has a trim figure and cute ass. The man is described as tall, muscular, and well-endowed. Most of the time that is not reality, particularly so in my situation. The woman in our story, my wife of multiple decades, has large breasts, but they sag with age. Also, despite surgery years ago, she is still significantly overweight. There is no cute ass, but multiple...

Strap-On Sex
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Many thanks to Dawnj for editing and general advice. Any mistakes are mine. ***** December 24. As usual, the firm was about to close for the festive season. The presses would be stopped for the time being and even the proofreaders went home without a text and a deadline. The entire staff had gathered in the canteen, and Mr March, the big boss himself, handed out the Christmas boxes to all staff. To all staff present, that is – Charlotte Tenson, his secretary and general dogsbody, wasn’t...

3 years ago
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The weekend part 1

This is a multi part fantasy. Reason I say multiple is cause as of right now I dont know how many parts it will be. I like to be detailed in my stories. This is a simple fantasy involving numerous people having a weekend long trip, hang out and course fuck fest. Now you know the jiff of this lets get to it. My girl (Heather) and myself (Zack) have been planning this trip with 2 other couples to go have some fun at a condo by the lake. For over a month now. It was going to be a swinger resort we...

4 years ago
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Ministers Wife Pays for her earlier fun

If you want to know the background read sister in law and the minister's wife.Angela was worried that someone would blab about the weekend orgy, mainly because she had no idea what went on. The following day she had such a head ache and that was not something she was used to.Angela had asked Jane what went on during the weekend but Jane told her “Nothing happened. It was you and me and it was a very civilised time we had watching boxed sets.One day when Angela was shopping in the local super...

1 year ago
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      The city used to hold the Swim Competitions in the more affluent areas of the city, but the boiler went out and something else happened to the pool filtration systems so it fell to our city rec facility to step up.  Of course I volunteered for the work crew, we'd e paid double time and a half to work whoopee.  Swimmers came from the tri-state  area the numbers were staggering, several hundred seemingly tall, lean swimmers descended on the facility.  They were like ants on a discarded...

2 years ago
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Love Will Tear Us Apart Part 2

After a while, Michael got tired of drawing. He started playing video games instead, and I went back to the living room. There, Diana was sitting with a bottle of wine and two empty glasses. “How is he?” she asked.“We have to have another talk with the school,” I replied. “I can do it,” she said. “I will do it tomorrow when I pick them up. David will probably be there. I spoke to him last time. He needs to hear this,” she added.She poured us a glass of wine each while talking, and we started...

3 years ago
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Hilary Duff Babysitting

“No no, don’t shoot,” Benjamin Jacobs pleaded, holding his hands up in surrender.“Bang bang,” little Luca Comrie said.“Oh, you got me,” Ben cried, grabbing his chest. Stumbling around on his knees, he made a show of gasping for air before toppling over and rolling onto his back. Coughing, he closed his eyes and let his tongue loll out of the corner of his mouth.“Wow, impressive,” Hilary Duff said, laughing in the doorway.“Mommy,” Luca said, rushing give his mom a hug.“Were you a good boy?”...

1 year ago
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Mother and daughter anal gangbang

Bibi and her mother Elisa had been invited to a fancy dress party. Bibi decided to go as a sexy schoolgirl with short shirt, see through blouse (no bra) white stockings and hi heel pumps. Her mother Elisa wanted to dress like a slut and a whore. She put on bright red lipstick and black/purple mascara both waterproof a short red strapless dress that showed her cleavage just above the nipple with no bra. the dress was so short that her seamed hold up stocking tops showed. Like Bibi she wore no...

3 years ago
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Sexual Encounters of a Young man 17 Masturbation by Shanu arrival of Rinku

The story is by one of his friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the company which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families Maanvi and Rupali started to give him food every alternate month as he got stomach upset due to...

3 years ago
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Disturbed as he Worked

Paul Mathews was having a good afternoon. He was a slight man in his mid fourties with graying hair about 5 foot 5 tall with the features of a weasel. You would not look at him and feel you could trust him. That’s probably why he had so few friends. But then considering what Paul did for a living, that’s probably just as well. Paul was a house breaker. One of the best in fact. He carried only two tools with him. One was a small, but strong screwdriver. The other was a small automatic pistol...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Kenzie Madison Second Appearance

Kenzie is a dance instructor that is stretching on her Dance Barre as the two boys come in for a stretching session so the can get more limber. They have trouble stretching on the bar but Kenzie has no problem seeing the bulges in their pants and decides that she needs to stretch something else, her mouth and pussy! She starts rubbing them thru the Barre and we can do a couple standing positions as well before we move to a couch for the Crazy sex with spit, drool, pussy to mouth and all the...

2 years ago
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Robbed Taken

I was in the ensuite off the bathroom applying the last of my make-up to complete my transformation from Martin to 'Michele' when I heard the disturbance.My wife Kerry was waiting for me in the bedroom nursing a gin and tonic. We had just returned from a boring party and I had convinced Kerry that tonight should be our 'monthly special'.Kerry and I are in our mid 40's and she has known about, and tolerated, my crossdressing from early on in our marriage. She puts up with it because she loves...

2 years ago
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Blondies A Naughty Girl

It’s been so long since we've been with each other, I've missed having you. You’re finally here with me; you plan to fuck me so hard. I want you! We don’t have much time, we both know it, we might not even have time to fully finish, but it’s worth it. Coming up to me, pulling me into a hard kiss we groan together. It’s been ages since I've tasted your mouth on mine. Why can’t I have you more often? I don’t care, I have you now. You begin to undress me, pulling each layer off of me. It seems...

Wife Lovers
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Private Julia Parker Anal At First Sight

In Private Specials, German Lovers, Julia Parker is finally reunited with her lover Don Diego and after a long absence there’s only one activity on the agenda for these two horny love birds! Watch Julia and her man head straight to the hotel and make up for lost time as she gets things warmed up with a nice blowjob before offering up her juicy pussy for a taste. Then enjoy the rest of the action on where this sexy girl endures a night of passionate fucking that will climax with...

3 years ago
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The Bag revised Mistress version

So. I expect that you’ve already read my pathetic husband’s version of the last few months. I’ve just read it – and as a result he is curled in the fetal position at my feet crying, maybe through remorse, but mostly because he has just sustained a reasonably brutal beating of his balls and cock, for being a LYING LITTLE SHIT! (He just received 3 more stamps from me on his bruised and unbelievably swollen member).Some of what he told you is undoubtedly true. He has for the last 9 months spent...

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