Holly s Breeding Ch 03
- 4 years ago
- 65
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Holly was naked.
I stood in the doorway of my home office, momentarily entranced by the sight. My goddaughter looked back at me from the bathroom doorway. Her expression looked a bit like a deer caught in headlights. I ducked back into the office and shut the door. The bathroom door slammed shut as well.
“It’s okay. I’m in the office with the door closed,” I called out.
“Thank you,” Holly responded.
There was a flurry of sounds in the hall, including a giggle, then another door closed. I peeked out and saw that Holly’s bedroom door was closed. With a sigh of relief, I continued on my original mission to refresh my coffee.
The image I had just seen was burned in my brain. I contemplated it as the coffee brewed. Holly was a beauty when fully clothed, but seeing her naked was something else entirely.
My goddaughter was tall and slender; her body lean and slightly muscular from years of athletics. That much I had already known, though. Seeing Holly naked had revealed firm, round breasts that were just the right size for her frame. They were tipped with large, dark nipples surrounded by small aureoles. Lower down, a thick bush of dark blonde hair decorated her pubic region. It nicely matched the colour of the hair that fell to the nape of her neck.
What struck me the most about Holly, perhaps even more naked than clothed, was her resemblance to her late mother. That resemblance brought back memories from a long time ago.
“No, don’t go there,” I mentally chided.
Holly had been thirteen when her parents, my good friends Dan and Marie Rogers, died together in a plane crash. She had gone to live with her Aunt Winnie, Marie’s sister. Since I was a close friend and had been the Rogers’ investment manager for years, their wills designated me as trustee for the estate. Dan had been a successful entrepreneur, so that estate was worth several million dollars.
When Holly turned eighteen, she had moved into residence at Western University in London, Ontario to study biology. My place was only a twenty minute walk from the campus and I had lived alone since splitting from my wife Chrissy so had lots of space. I gave Holly my spare room and a key to the house.
“In case you need a quiet place to study or get away from the campus for a while,” I had explained.
When the first wave of the pandemic of 2020 hit, the university had closed down the residences. Holly suggested that she move into her room at my place rather than back to her aunt’s home.
“I’m still in school, just doing all my classes and work online. It’ll be quieter here than at Aunt Winnie’s with her two kids around. And if things start to reopen, I’ll be closer than I would be in Kitchener,” she had argued.
Aunt Winnie agreed even though I was hesitant. So, somewhat reluctantly, I gained a boarder. With the approval of her father’s lawyer, I even arranged to have her room and board paid directly out of the trust.
Holly came to the kitchen as the coffee machine finished brewing. She was now dressed modestly in a long-sleeved t-shirt and sweatpants. That was her usual household attire. When she saw me, Holly blushed and got a sheepish look on her face.
“Sorry I flashed you. Just forgot to bring clothes when I showered after my run.”
I smiled and chuckled.
“It’s good. Accidents happen. And it gave this lonely old guy a bit of a thrill.”
Holly giggled as she took down a mug and poured a cup for herself, then filled my waiting cup.
“You’re hardly old, Neil. Dad would have been forty-seven this year and you’re the same age. Still, glad to thrill you. Do I really look that good naked?”
I blushed as I suddenly realized that I had taken this in a direction that I was not entirely comfortable with.
“Yeah, you do. Just not a sight I expected to see. Or really should see.”
“Why? We’re not relatives or anything. You’re just Dad’s best friend.”
“And your godfather. And the manager of the trust fund that pays for your education.”
I thought, but didn’t say, “And your mother’s first lover.” I was pretty sure Holly did not know about that connection between us and I was not sure she should know.
“I know you were hesitant about me moving in, even after Aunt Winnie supported the idea. Is that why?”
I nodded.
“Given my relationship to you and your family, it seemed a bit inappropriate to have you living with me. Too much risk of something like this morning happening or just people talking. I mean, I feel like I’m your uncle or something.”
“Come on, Neil. I have never thought of you as an uncle. You’re really just an old friend of the family who has been there for me a lot.”
“Yeah, it’s just …”
“That you liked seeing all of me? That makes you uncomfortable?”
I sighed.
“Maybe it’s just the lack of a social life in this damn pandemic but, yeah, it was a nice glimpse.”
Holly laughed.
“I hear you on that social life thing. I haven’t had a real date since high school. I was too busy in first year and now this fucking virus has kind of killed any chance of meeting people.”
“I was just starting to date again after the divorce. Not easy to find a date at my age to start with.”
My ears pricked up at the sound of my phone ringing up in the office.
“Got to get back to work,” I said.
I poured another coffee and turned to go.
“Me, too. Got a Zoom meeting with some classmates about an assignment.”
Holly came to see me in the rec room that evening. I was resting in my easy chair and trying to decide whether to read a book or watch something on Netflix.
My goddaughter was dressed for bed in a pale-blue long-sleeved nightshirt that barely reached mid-thigh. Some buttons were undone both top and bottom, making it more revealing than perhaps its designer intended.
She sat on the couch, a sly smile on her lips. The bottom of the nightshirt fell open, flashing me a glimpse of bright red panties. There might have been a camel-toe but the glimpse was too brief to be sure.
“Hey, Neil,” Holly said.
“Hey, what’s up?”
Holly looked nervous, but smiled.
“I was thinking a lot about our conversation this morning. You know, when said you were feeling really lonely with the pandemic keeping you from dating. I am the same. Why not each other?”
“I thought we already had each other for company?”
“I’m not thinking of just keeping each other company. I’m thinking something more intimate.”
Holly’s voice dropped to a husky whisper on that last word. She leaned towards me. The movement flashed me a view down her nightshirt. I stared, momentarily captivated by the sight of her tits. My brain scrambled for a response even as my body suggested one.
“Holly … everything I said about it being improper for me to see you naked goes double for this.”
She looked disappointed and sighed.
“Why? We’re two unrelated adults under the same roof. We know each other well and are comfortable with each other. And there seems to be an attraction going both ways.”
“That does not make it right. I am your godfather, Holly, and your parents’ executor. Your father and mother trusted me.”
“With the estate, not me. Aunt Winnie was my guardian and I am well past the age where I even need one.”
“Still, I am managing your money. It’s a business relationship.”
I was getting desperate. The fact is, I actually wanted what Holly was offering. But part of me felt wrong about those desires.
“I’m not asking to marry you or anything, Neil. Just something short term. No strings, as they say. Something to tide us both over until dating outside the household is safe again.”
“Sex is a funny thing, Holly. ‘No strings attached’ may be the goal, but emotions have a nasty way of creeping in. I’ve been there.”
“I’m not looking for a mindless, emotionless hookup. If all I wanted was an orgasm, I’d order a dildo. You’re someone who will care about me as more than just a body.”
“For God’s sake, I’m your father’s age.”
“That’s part of the attraction. I want to see how it feels with a guy who has experience. I had sex with one guy in high school and we were both virgins.”
I shook my head, trying to deal with the conflicting emotions Holly was awakening.
“We’re not meant to be lovers, Holly. That’s just not the kind of relationship we should have.”
“Why can’t close friends enjoy a little sex now and then? Especially when neither has any other way of getting any. Ever hear of friends with benefits?”
There was real pain and frustration in Holly’s voice. My own conflicting feelings mirrored it. I wanted to do what she asked. But was it right for me to sleep with a woman to whom I was so closely connected?
“I … I can’t do this.”
“I hear otherwise in your voice, Neil. I saw it in your reaction this morning.”
Holly stood. Her hand hovered near a button on her shirt. For a moment, I thought she was going to strip right there or something.
“Fuck you,” she snapped, “But that’s what I’m not getting to do, isn’t it?”
Holly stormed out in tears. I hesitated to follow. I had no idea what to do or say now.
When I finally went upstairs, Holly’s door was closed. I paused outside, debating whether to knock. Finally, I gently rapped on it.
“Come in. I’m not naked or anything,” she said.
I opened the door to find Holly sitting up in bed with red eyes and tear streaks on her face.
“Are you okay, Holly?”
“Why would you care?”
“For all kinds of reasons. Holly, I’m sorry. I was kind of harsh down there.”
Holly sighed and managed a slight smile.
“You’re probably right, though. Maybe we really don’t belong together that way. I am just … I am so lonely and horny right now. And I want to be with you so badly. Not just anyone. You.”
“Know what? I want to be with you, too. But I’m worried about how it affects our existing relationship. And I am worried that my motives might be more about reliving my past than about being a good partner for you.”
Holly cocked an eyebrow, puzzlement on her face.
“How so?”
“You remind me of a lover from long ago. From when I wasn’t much older than you. You look so much like her that I keep thinking of the two of you almost as one.”
That mischievous look came over her face again.
“Would that lover perchance be my Mom?”
My eyebrows shot up.
“You know?”
Holly started giggling.
“Winnie gave me a box of Mom’s old stuff a couple years ago. School notebooks and that sort of thing. I discovered that some of them were actually diaries from college. Your name came up a lot. Some of it got a bit raunchy, too.”
“She wrote that stuff down?”
“Some of it. I think I fell for you reading it. Seeing you through her eyes is what got me thinking of you as someone I could be comfortable with.”
I sat down on the edge of Holly’s bed. Resting a hand on her leg, I caressed her.
“That was a long time ago. Not sure I’m up to some of what Marie and I did.”
“Like fucking her standing against a wall in the back of a library?”
I blushed and chuckled at the memory. Even then, it had not been easy.
“Yeah, that one in particular. My back likely wouldn’t take it today.”
“It’s not the sexual gymnastics that excite me, Neil. It’s how much you cared about Mom’s pleasure. My boyfriend Peter was a blast but he had that teen guy focus on getting his own rocks off. I didn’t always come out of it feeling physically satisfied. Mom always seemed happy after sex with you. Or at least that’s what I felt from what she wrote.”
I slid my hand higher. Our eyes met.
“Neil, I’m okay if you think of me as the second coming of Mom,” Holly went on, “It even excites me that you see me that way. I know how well you treated her, how much you meant to her.”
“I want to have you for you, though, Holly. Not just as a proxy for a woman from my past.”
“You will. I’m not Mom and I know it. You’ll know it, too. I can’t even promise you’ll enjoy me as much as you did her.”
I smiled. My hand encountered the fabric of her panties. I backed it out.
“I’m betting you’ll be great.”
I moved up close to Holly. Leaning in, I kissed her lightly. She grabbed the back of my head and kissed me back with a heat that surprised me.
After a couple long kisses, I stood. Holly started unbuttoning her nightshirt. I slipped off my t-shirt and sweatpants, leaving me in tight little briefs. My bulge clearly caught Holly’s attention as she looked hungrily my way.
When Holly had the nightshirt off, she was left in the red panties I had noticed earlier. Unlike in the morning, I felt free to let my gaze linger on her nakedness.
Holly got up from the bed and put her arms around me. I returned the embrace, holding my goddaughter tightly. With her skin warm and smooth against mine, we kissed once more. I slid my hand down her body and into her panties to squeeze her ass.
“My bed or yours?” Holly whispered.
“Mine. More room.”
She giggled and kissed me lightly. I released her and she took my hand.
“You’re sure about this?” she asked me.
“I am now.”
We started out the door. Then Holly paused.
“I need to get something.”
She dashed over to her nightstand and searched the drawer. When Holly returned, she had a strip of condoms in her hand.
“I’m betting you don’t have any.”
I laughed.
“No, I don’t. Haven’t needed them in a long time.”
“Neither have I, but I play it safe. Better to have them when you don’t need them than to not have them when you do.”
I laughed again and kissed her. Practicality was another trait she shared with Marie. Holly ducked past me and raced to my room. I followed at a more leisurely pace.
When I entered my bedroom, Holly was on the bed grinning from ear to ear. I paused at the foot of the bed and slipped off my briefs. Holly’s eyes widened.
“Problem?” I asked.
“Your cock is big,” she said, smiling.
“Not really. Just a bit above average length, I think.”
“I’m talking thickness here. Peter’s wasn’t like that.”
“Probably good he was your first rather than me then.”
We both broke out laughing. I climbed up beside Holly and grabbed the waistband of her briefs. Slowly, I pulled them down to reveal lush pink lips below the thick blonde bush I had noted in the morning.
Tossing the panties aside, I lay alongside Holly and kissed her. As we kissed, I took one of her tits in my hand and massaged it, squeezing the soft mound while rubbing her nipple with a finger.
“Like my boobs?” she asked.
“Love them.”
I moved down, kissed the tips of Holly’s nipples, then began gently sucking on one. With my hand, I caressed her toned belly, working my way lower until my fingers brushed through her pubic hair. Then I dipped that hand down between Holly’s thighs to caress her vulva with a finger. Holly was already wet so I pushed the finger inside, eliciting a gasp from the young woman.
I brought my hand up to Holly’s mouth, letting her taste herself. Then I began kissing her, beginning with her mouth and working my way down her neck, breasts, belly, and finally her sex. I kissed the soft lips, then slid my tongue in. It had been a long time since I had tasted a woman and it excited me.
Moving to Holly’s engorged clit, I teased it with my tongue, then sucked gently. At the same time, I slid a middle finger into her pussy and explored inside. The combination of finger and mouth did the trick. My goddaughter was moaning and writhing, clearly enjoying the attention I was paying to her pussy.
With a cry, Holly arched her back. A stream of her juices soaked my fingers. I kept going until she had a milder second climax.
“Oh shit, stop for a minute. I’m so sensitive now,” Holly gasped finally.
By this point, my cock was rock hard and eager for some attention of its own. I crawled up over Holly and gave her a long, deep kiss. Then I put on a condom and guided my cock to her dripping slit.
“Take me, Neil,” she said, almost pleading.
A memory of her mother saying the same words came over me. We had been on her bed in the apartment Marie shared with two friends in her later years of university. It was late at night. One friend was away, the other fast asleep. It was Marie’s first time so I had tried to be gentle.
Dragging my attention back to the present, I entered Marie’s daughter. Since Holly had already told me she was no longer a virgin, I figured I did not have to be as careful as I had been with her mother. I drove my cock all the way in with a single thrust, then began fucking her in a nice steady rhythm. She was quite wet so my cock slid easily in and out of her.
Holly’s legs wrapped around mine. Her tits wobbled with each impact of my body against hers. I lowered my mouth to Holly’s to kiss her. She held my head in place, sliding her tongue against mine with a heat I had rarely felt from a woman. Save one.
The explosion of pleasure in my groin had me seeing spots. It erupted with a force that was unexpected, leaving my body quivering as my cock pumped out its seed. I kept moving until it passed, then collapsed on top of Holly. She put her arms around me, caressing my hair and back; whispering soothing words in my ear.
“I never thought I would share a lover with Mom. It feels a bit weird now that it’s happened.”
“You wanted it.”
“I still do.”
We were sitting up in bed after some recovery time. Both of us were still naked, and we were sipping some wine from my small collection. It was not that late and neither of us had felt sleepy after, so I had grabbed a bottle and some glasses.
“Peter never served me wine after sex.”
“He was under age, I’ll bet. As were you,” I pointed out.
Holly laughed.
“So did you ever actually spend a night with him?” I asked.
“No. Most of the time, we were doing it before or after school. His parents both worked shifts so the house was often empty. Not sure overnight could have happened. Maybe if we had stayed together longer.”
She sighed a wistful sigh.
“Did Winnie know?”
“She knew I was dating him. I never got caught or outright told her we were having sex but she must have suspected. I spent a suspicious amount of time at his place after school.”
Holly put her empty glass on the nightstand and lay down beside me. Taking my cock in her fingers, she caressed it. Then she lightly kissed the head.
“Can you do more?”
“I’m not the young guy I once was but if you can waken the dead, I’m game.”
Holly wrapped her lips around the head of my cock and tentatively sucked a little, teasing the tip with her tongue. As she did, Holly ran a finger along the shaft, a light caress that was almost more arousing than the fellatio.
“Yeah, this might work,” I said, feeling my shaft starting to swell and stiffen.
I reached down and stroked Holly’s hair. She slowly took me in further, her suction and tongue working in tandem to get me hard. Getting a blowjob this good from a woman so young was unexpected. I wondered how much Peter had benefited, or maybe suffered, from her attempts to learn the art.
Holly released me for a moment. After giving me a kiss, she straddled my face before continuing her tender ministrations to my cock. Taking the hint, I buried my face between her thighs and stroked her vulva and clit with my tongue. The sixty-nine was another unexpected pleasure that made it clear Holly was no novice.
When her careful oral work had me hard again, Holly raised herself up. For a few minutes, she rode my face, giving me a gentle handjob as I continued to eat her pussy. Then she grabbed a condom off the nightstand and turned around to face me.
Straddling my hips, Holly sheathed my cock. She smiled and played with her tits as she sank down onto it. Once again, I savoured the tightness of her pussy as it wrapped around me.
“I love your thick cock. It feels so good in me.”
“Glad you like it. Feels good to me, too.”
Holly leaned forward, supporting herself on her arms so that her tits dangled above me. I took them in my hands, squeezing and stroking them.
“You’re really lasting this time.”
“Age means longer recharge time but also staying power. At least for me.”
Holly shifted to an upright position. She moved slowly up and down my shaft, grinding against me each time she was all the way on. As she rode me, Holly massaged her left breast with one hand, while using the middle finger of her other to stroke her clitoris.
I shut my eyes, enjoying the feelings in my loins. The young woman was proving to be an excellent lover. Like her mother.
For a moment, I almost got lost in a memory of being ridden by Marie. Then I pulled myself together and opened my eyes to confirm who was on my cock. It was Holly. It had to be. The last time I fucked her mother had been twenty-five years ago.
I felt my orgasm starting to rise. The climax was not quite as intense as before, but seemed to linger. I vaguely heard myself cry out, but it was all a blur.
Holly hit her climax before my orgasm ended, adding her cries and the soft quivering of her vagina to the sensations of that moment. Then it was over.
My eyes were closed but I felt Holly dismount and remove the rubber.
“Neil, are you okay? You’re crying,” she said in a whisper.
I opened my eyes to find Holly kneeling beside me. She looked worried.
“You called out Mom’s name when you came,” sheTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.
I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Before I begin to tell this story I should remind those who may not realize that this is indeed a sequel. If you have not read "Mists of Avalon" then you should stop reading this warning and proceed right away to that story. Oh...
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I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness Pt. 4 By Kim West Chapter 5: The Telling of Scary Stories. The tent was once again clean and the girls had just finished changing into different forms of dress. Holly had on a purple...
It was a glorious morning when Holly awoke. She was next to a hot blonde who was beautiful in every way. She had long hair and was quite curvy. Her buttocks looked like a heart and her breasts were huge. She was taller than Holly was.As Holly looked at her, she remembered their naughty evening. She had been looking for something a little different from being with a man. Lately, she found women to be more appealing. They were gentle and more passionate about love.Holly was a bit sore and...
ThreesomesIt was a glorious morning when Holly awoke. She was next to a hot blonde who was beautiful in every way. She had long hair and was quite curvy. Her buttocks looked like a heart and her breasts were huge. She was taller than Holly was.As Holly looked at her, she remembered their naughty evening. She had been looking for something a little different from being with a man. Lately, she found women to be more appealing. They were gentle and more passionate about love.Holly was a bit sore and...
BisexualAuthor Jon SchollE-mail [email protected] This is aRegister List It will tell you where all my stories are located.Which story sites that I have allowed them too be on.If you should find one of my stories listed else where without my knowledge.Please report this too me at once.I will deal with it!E-mail [email protected] This story may be downloaded by my readers uniquely for their private use and not to be edited, and may not be distributed for profit or posted to newsgroups or other...
Finally, the day had arrived. I had been begging and begging my friend, John, to let me come and visit the studio where he worked as a camera man and he had always refused, mainly with the excuse of 'I haven't been here long, I don't want to get into trouble, blah, blah, blah. But now John had been working at the ITV studios for well over a year and finally caved in and agreed to show me around the set. This wasn't just any set though this was the studio where they recorded This Morning. That...
It was her father's idea to name her that, since his last name was Day. Back then, it was a cutesy thing to do, though in the beginning Holly wasn't too sure about that. Eventually, however, she liked it as it always reminded her of better days and a happier way of life. Holly and I had been best friends ever since grade school. With reddish brown hair that fell way past her shoulders, green eyes and a picture perfect figure that had the boys drooling, it was in a way comical to know, a...
“CUT! That’s a wrap! Well done everyone!” shouted the Director as he surveyed the closing moments of what was sure to become the hottest music video of recent years.Holly Valance, the ex Neighbours starlet was pleased with her days work. The filming of her first video, Kiss Kiss, had gone very well. She was sure that the catchy song combined with the raunchy video showing her gyrating in the nude would be a big success. It mattered little that she had worn a flesh covered micro bikini during...
It was fifty miles to the Millsum’s house and Holly allowed two hours for a bathroom break, getting lost and generally driving slowly in her new car. She found it a joy to be able to leave when she wanted and move at her own pace while getting reacquainted with the road users and her own skill level which she would admit had diminished a little since she had been at university. When her phone indicated that she was about five miles away she had thirty minutes to spare, but the roads were...
Having a sexual relationship with my step-daughter, Holly, actually works very well. It is expected, as my daughter, that she will go many places with me. And, what we do behind the closed doors of my home...or even a hotel when we are travelling, is presumed to be father/daughter business and not of interest to anyone else. Oh, if they only knew . . . I am an elder of my church... with a fourteen-year-old daughter/mistress. Looking ahead to today, it does not surprise me when I began to...
We saw them standing right there in the doorway, and they seemed not to be surprised. We were the only ones who lived there, so we felt no need to shut the door. They came in towards the bed, and just grinned."So, I guess we aren't the only ones who have taken a dip in the incest pool, Holly," Jessica said."You got that right, sister," Mia replied.Everyone grinned then, and they got down on their knees by the bed. For some odd reason, Mia and I just did not feel the need to cover up. I caught...
IncestMaria looked out the window in Holly’s apartment. The city of Titania was mostly intact even though Holly ravaged it numerous times these past 9 months. Anna was the first woman Maria saw Holly inflate, the policewoman still rested in the same place where she fucked Holly and became permanently pregnant. Around the place were other women filled with cum, all gifts from Holly and her prolific Baby, but none was as big as Anna. Even though nine months came and went, Anna’s overfilled belly...
I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I'd be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness Story Kim West Chapter 8: Never...
HumorChristmas Eve, and I’m horny as hell. The kids are at my ex-wife’s for the night, so I’m alone with nothing to do. I dick around a bit, read the paper, watch some tube (there’s *nothing* on) and finally decide to go to bed. Just as I’m falling asleep I hear noise from downstairs, as if someone is walking around. Figuring that it’s my ex-wife coming in to get something that one of the kids has left behind, I go down to give her hell for not knocking first. But...
A lot's happened in the last fourteen months. Last year, in June, my son graduated from high school. Jake was accepted to a good college and better yet he was awarded a full scholarship. Holly and I wanted to show how proud we were of his hard work so we threw a big house party. He invited all of his friends. The whole house was open. In hindsight I suppose I should have limited the number of guests. The day of the party, it appeared that everyone in his graduating class was in my house or in...
InterracialI am sure that Holly Woode did not mean to get me fired from Holier Than Thou College when she decided that she had to fuck my brains out. Holly never once complained to the Dean about having to bob her head up and down on my cock for hours on end, or about having to drain every ounce of cum from my body. Holly rather enjoyed sucking cock, swallowing cum, tonguing my asshole with her impossibly long tongue, or bending over my office desk and making me fuck her asshole raw. Unfortunately when...
CHAPTER 1 Driving rain and the falling temperature finally drove Holly Jones off the walking track that followed the tops along the mountain range. She could see a back-country road a couple of thousand feet below and decided to retreat to it, hoping someone would come along and take pity on her. The descent was slow because of the loose gravel slides, extensive areas of slippery native grasses and groves of native trees and shrubby vegetation the New Zealanders called bush. Being a seasoned...
I was fruitlessly looking at hotels on my tablet when the text message came in. When I heard the alert, I grabbed the phone and saw the message was from my sister.“Mom wants 2 know when ur coming home?” the message read.“Not sure. I’m trying to figure a couple of things out,” I typed in response. A moment after I hit send, my phone started ringing. It was my sister again. She didn’t even give me a chance to say anything.“You text too slow,” Holly teased.“Pardon me for spelling, Sissy.”I...
IncestA long black car turned a corner and stopped momentarily, its headlamps illuminating Holly’s naked body, bow-legged she started to stagger away from it when it began to move. It pulled alongside and as she was not able to move quickly a door opened and yanked her inside.“My God, it IS you!” a middle-aged plump and rather greasy man in a suit looked at her wide-eyed. The door was pulled shut by a very large man who was scowling at Holly. “You’re the biggest story in the country right now! What...
The next morning Holly woke to find Mommy gone from her bed. She went downstairs, Mommy was making breakfast. Holly came up behind her and gave her a warm hug and a peck on the cheek. Wondering if Mommy would mention last night, Holly sat down and asked her Mom how she slept. "Fine dear," Mommy answered. "I had a great night's rest," Holly offered."It's supposed to get hot today. Would it be alright if Natalie came over? I was thinking we would go swimming in the pool." "Sure honey. Natalie is...
IncestI was fruitlessly looking at hotels on my tablet when the text message came in. When I heard the alert, I grabbed the phone and saw the message was from my sister. “Mom wants 2 know when ur coming home?” the message read. “Not sure. I’m trying to figure a couple of things out,” I typed in response. A moment after I hit send, my phone started ringing. It was my sister again. She didn’t even give me a chance to say anything. “You text too slow,” Holly teased. “Pardon me for spelling,...
As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy teen pop star but never as hot or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the...
As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo’s in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons at the London...
bynineandahalf©As a photographer, over the years, I have pictured many beautiful and sexy women but never as beautiful or sexy as Holly Valance, although I had met her on several press shows and award evenings. Finally I got my chance last week to picture her some of the most provocative outfits and positions that anyone has ever done. Working freelance for FHM I was to picture Holly and another model together in several sets of photo's in a lush hotel suite and by the pool at the Four Seasons...
The weekend lunch shifts netted her about two hundred dollars of which she deposited a hundred and eighty in her savings account, which now stood at six thousand four hundred dollars. She calculated that was enough for a down-payment on a car and would leave her a manageable monthly payment over three years until it was fully paid off. Saturday evening had been devoted to the music content at the Orphanage which had been won by someone singing “I will Survive” but somewhat differently from...
Late on Wednesday morning Holly walked back to the University, slightly on edge in case she saw Rob but to her relief he didn’t materialise and she was able to enjoy the sunshine and peace of the campus which was now deserted after the end of exams. She handed a postcard-sized advert to the Student’s Union clerk announcing a vacancy for a tenant at her house in anticipation of Addie moving out in two weeks. It stated female only, gave the rate and her email address and phone number along with...
It had been 2 weeks since This Morning went off air for summer and Holly was bored, so she called up a guy called James she regularly see when the hubby was at work. James arrived an hour ago and Holly was now riding him cowgirl. James had a thick 8 inch cock that Holly really loved to bounce up and down on. Another thing she liked about James was he talk down and dirty to her. He was not impressed by her money or career. Holly was getting close to orgasm. “Yes you whore, fucking cum right...
HOLLY’S’ 8 BLACKMEN GANGBANG! PART 1 Claire and me got talking about sex again last week at work & got on to ‘Holly’ Now Holly is the girl at work that all the lads would like to shag stupid, She is 21 & has a tiny fuck doll body with big tits & a very pretty face with long brunet hair, She is only around 5ft 3 with a ass to die for, And best of all she loves cock, Huge cock, Most at work know that she was fucking much older men when she was really young with some of then...
Chapter Two About a week after our first playdate, Holly called me, and let me know she was on her way. I told her she was welcome any time she liked, and I asked her to wear a skirt, if at all possible. Then, I went about preparing for her arrival. She knocked on my door shortly after that, I open the door, and she is standing there in a gorgeous little standard schoolgirl skirt. It was even the red plaid color we all like. She came inside, and I gave her a drink, and I set the pack of...
It was Sunday. One more chance to play with Mommy before Daddy came home. Holly knew exactly what she wanted to do today. Her bedroom would be the scene of yet another sexual encounter. She had not been able to persuade her Mom to come into her playhouse. However, Holly thought of something that Mommy wouldn't be capable of resisting. The plan was in place. Now to get it started. Mommy went out in the morning for her daily jog. It was one way she kept her mature body in such amazing shape....
IncestIntroduction: A gentler story about Dr Hartley and Holly, his new Nurse. (Please forgive any spelling mistakes, Im an insomniac up very late…) Holly Bennett fought her way to the back of the old equipment cupboard to retrieve the stepladder. Earlier that day, she had been asked to stay late to help Dr Hartley take stock of all the medical supplies in his clinic. Its going to be a long job, said Dr Hartley. I need to make a list of everything we own and quantities so we know what to order. As...
Holly contacted Millsum’s HR department and set her start date for Monday, ten days away. She texted Ricky constantly, happy to chat with him at all hours and talk on the phone at least once a day. He would be away on business all next week, travelling to a client to work on a property purchase for the investment trust where he worked. That meant that they would have next weekend together, after which their work schedules would dictate when and maybe where they could meet. She fully expected...
I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness By Kim West Chapter 4: The Slumber Party. Molly Weasley had her wand out and was commanding brooms, mops, and scrubbing brushes of every type and description to clean every inch of The...
HumorEven though it was only 45% outside beads of sweat dotted Art’s brow as he shouldered his way through the early evening crowds. “This is crazy!” He said to himself as he turned off the neon brightly lit Vegas Strip onto one of many side streets that radiated out from the famous landmark. I have a wife at home who loves me. I shouldn’t be doing this!” Even though he said the words over and over again, he did not turn around and head back in the direction of his Mandolin Bay Hotel Room. While...
'It's going to be a long job,' said Dr Hartley. 'I need to make a list of everything we own and quantities so we know what to order. As you will be working here permanently, I hoped I could show you what to do so you can take responsibility for it.' 'Ok, I guess it's my job to do it. Maybe I can devise a more efficient way of doing this?' Holly suggested. 'I'm certain you can work your magic here. Fetch the stepladder and we'll start counting stock in the medical supplies...
She could put both her hands on it on top off each other and wank it, He then picked her up and lobbed her on the bed’ I know Holly said she can take wot you got but fuck how is she going to take that lot, well we found out’ Bob was the first to sink his nod in, It went in easy from tip to balls deep in just one stroke, He then started slamfucking her right from the word go, She said she loved it hard and she dose, With Bob slamming away she got hold of two cocks and put one in her mouth...
Even though Jimmy was 24, this was his first real kiss and he was really enjoying it. Yes, Jimmy was a virgin. It wasn’t that he was bad looking or stupid; he was just extremely shy around people, especially people of the opposite sex. It wasn’t until the birth of the internet that gave him the opportunity to chat with woman and not be nervous. Holly was more experienced. She was 28 and since the time she lost her virginity in high school, she has had dozens of men. Even though she was...
The excitement was high as Holly looked around the room at the ten guys ready to fuck her and the girl watching the show. A feeling of electricity shot through her as she surveyed the collection of hard cocks surrounding her waiting for their chance. She selected Chris, Dave and Rob. “Rob, show them how I like to be fucked.” Rob knew that she loved it hard and rough. He placed himself behind her, forcefully bent her over, and pulled her ass into him. Pulling her silky white panties to the side,...
Group SexErr… Fuck well Err….Fuck well over 5k have now seen you & your cunt full of dick’ & they have only been on for 1hour 38mins’ Why she was in to that some of the men were saying they had been sending photos & vids to loads of they mates all night’ Yes me to, They all had, Not just Xhamster but many porn sites, Holly was now a porn star and didn’t know it. You should see some of the comments’ A lot want to know who this tiny teen fuck slut is so they can look for more of her’...
People look at my wife and then they look at me and wonder why in the world is that gorgeous woman with him. Most would never believe the real reason; they assume that I have a twelve inch cock or a super long tongue, but the real reason is that I let her be what she is - an absolute slut. I give her love, a comfortable home and I let her be who she is. Holly has always been a slut. She had her cherry popped by her stepfather. She liked it so instead of running to her mother to tell on him she...
Robert Wallace was a timid man. He had very low self-esteem and was very shy around women. He didn’t date at all and spent most of his time watching porn. He had sex with escorts, but would lose his nerve around regular women. He was an average looking guy. He had a good job and lived in a nice house. He was getting tired of his routine. One night, while he was surfing on the internet, he saw an ad for a sex “robot” doll. He clicked on the ad and was amazed by the video that they had...
ToysThe Spencer Orphanage was a modest three-storey building half-way down Claremont Road. One of the attractions for Holly was that it had a bus stop right outside and she could take a single bus from the end of Foley Road straight there, a journey of about ten minutes. The reception desk was manned, as usual, by Jill Mason, who looked up and smiled at Holly as she entered the cramped reception area. “Holly, you look lovely! Good morning” she said, pausing over her keyboard. Holly wondered if...
Holly – I first developed a crush on Keith Carter more than 15 years ago when I was seven years old. One day I was at the playground with my mother, Miss Carol and her twins, Brad and Tommy Jr. My parents were best friends with Miss Carol and her husband, Tommy Thomas Sr. I hated the twins. They were two years older than me and it was always two against one. They were picking on me and taking my barbie dolls and getting sand all over them, Mom was busy watching my little brother and talking to...
I do not own the rights to any of the characters that appear in my little story. Now I do not claim I can tell a story nearly as well as J.K. Rowling (if I could I?d be a millionaire). The best I can do is all I can offer. I hope that you will be entertained. Holly Potter And The Army of Darkness Story Kim West Chapter 10: Trapped Light as bright as the sun, heat that would roast a dragon, and wind powerful enough to shake the pillars of the thirteen kingdoms....
HumorIt was strange but my cash register till was short again, but this time it was by fifty bucks. I owned Curios N Cards. It was a little shop that sold curios and cards hence the name. It wasn't unusual for the register's computerized accounting and the actual cash receipts to differ. An extra three pennies here or one less dollar there when giving out change always caused discrepancies. The strange thing was it was off by over five dollars a couple of days last week, around ten dollars...
HOLLY As I had been doing for months now, I was naked outside at 3 A.M. drinking my morning coffee. It was another warm summertime Saturday morning, between 70 and 80 degrees. I stood just outside my open front door enjoying the quiet of the night and the warm feel of the air against my bare skin. As always I loved being naked and wished I could be this way all the time but, of course, it wasn’t possible. So enjoyed my own nudity as much as I could, taking the opportunity to be naked when I...
Molly Greenberg's agent told her that her name would never get an invitation to a modeling job no matter how photogenic she looked or how compliant she was with prospective employers. After a lot of thought she decided on the name "Holly Honeypot" because it reminded her of Holly Golightly from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and the famed codename for a spy's sex trap. Besides she liked having a name with the same initials at the beginning of each name. Now that she was finally 17 and...