Holly's Breeding Ch. 02 free porn video

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The day after the party, I busied myself around the house cleaning up spills and taking down decorations. Holly exited every room that I entered as if no singular room could hold the two of us simultaneously. I avoided dinner by returning the carpet cleaner around four o'clock and then I didn't return until after eight. Holly didn't ask why it had taken so long. As a matter of fact, we really didn't talk for the rest of the evening and she ended up going to bed early. The bedroom was dark when I came to bed. I had a hard time falling asleep. I should have been furious over the hurt she had inflicted on me but I wasn't; I was numb.

In the morning, Holly was already up and feeding the dogs when I got out of bed. She asked me how I slept and made small talk about Jake's road trip with his friends. Jake and two of his friends were going on a road trip to the Grand Canyon. They were leaving on Wednesday.

Holly started in with, "When I was teenager, my parents never would have let me just drive across four states so I could stare at a hole in the ground. Even if it is a big hole, they would have said it was dumb." As she spoke, Holly stared at her coffee cup. She was turning slowly in her hands. It was as if she'd never seen it before. When she finally looked up for my response I just shrugged my shoulders and ate my yogurt.

I didn't kiss Holly goodbye. We always kiss goodbye. That morning I finished my bran cereal, filled my travel mug and simply walked out.

The day was a blur. I couldn't think and I couldn't feel anything. My Monday meetings came and went. I went out for lunch but didn't eat anything, I just sat in the restaurant's parking lot staring at people happily coming and going. I drove back to the office when my time was up. To this day I can't remember much of that day except the stupid ass conversation Holly started in the morning and what she started to say when I came home after work. Holly was in the kitchen, she immediately began talking as if I had been home all day.

"Honey, your mom called. She wants you to call her, she wants to get Jake something for the trip but she said she first wants to know if you could pick it up. I think it's an emergency kit for the car. Sounds like a great idea but why didn't she just give it to him the day before the party? Ya know; she was here, you had that week off, now, you'll have to drive the hour and a half to get a what, at most, a hundred dollar gift? Don't get me wrong, it's a great gift and it's practical. We could pick one up and she could just pay us back. I mean come on..."

I walked into the kitchen, Holly was putting some silverware in the drawer. She looked the same as she did a week, a month or a year ago. The kitchen was the same, the garage was the same; hell everything looked the same. Nothing was out of the ordinary there were no smells or auras to make anyone think that less than two days ago my wife ran a train on my pool table begging each man to put a baby in her belly.

"No." I said out loud. I was staring at the floor tile.

"Exactly what I thought" Holly said.

I dropped my bag and slowly turned my head back and forth. My eyes never left the floor tiles. My jaw clenched as I repeated, "No" over and over. Each iteration brought more force so my head jerked from side to side and my words came like a controlled shout.

"What the hell?" Holly said and stepped back away from the silverware drawer. "What's going on?" she asked with alarm in her voice and widening eyes.

How could she sit there and talk to me about my mother's shortcomings? How could she say anything? A couple of days ago she was sucking a fat black man's cock in our basement. The true sin of it was acting as if nothing had ever happened.

I looked up and held her gaze as I blurted, "I know what happened downstairs."

Holly's mouth dropped open. She started to say something inane but I wouldn't let her. I jabbed my finger at her and told her that she needed to get the fuck out of my house. She started to stammer and fell to a heap on the floor. After that, I was deaf to her . She pleaded, apologized and even tried to explain, but I could only hear my own fury. It was like I was standing in the middle of a tornado. The sound was deafening. I heard nothing as I crossed the kitchen, scooped up my wife at the waist and walked her out to the garage.

She started to fight me as I crossed the threshold. So I let go and stood over her. She was saying something. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she was choking on her hysteria. "Get up and get into your car." I told her. When she didn't respond, I continued with, "If you don't, I'm going to put you in there myself and I guarantee, if I do, your first stop will be to the hospital."

Like a marionette with loose strings, she pulled herself up. Keeping a hand on the side of the Lexus she walked to the driver's door and got in. I hit the garage door opener and while it was going up approached the car. She had the nerve to look scared. I ignored the hypocrisy and told her, "I'm going to tell Jake that you had to go see your sister. He's leaving in a couple of days. It's best you not come around until he's gone."

Through a stream of pathetic tears Holly croaked, "I'm sorry, it won't ever happen again. Please tell me we can talk soon. I can explain, it shouldn't have happened, I know, nothing like that will happen again." She droned on but I just pointed toward the street and told her to get out. She backed out and stopped in the middle of the street. The car was blocking both directions of traffic. Holly was staring at me with eyes as sad as any I had ever seen. I loved those eyes, steel gray with flecks of green and gold. A Toyota came up the street and stopped abruptly. It was Gary our neighbor two houses down. He didn't honk, he was too polite for that, instead he backed up a little and started to get out of his car.

"Holly, are you OK? Won't the car move?" Gary called out as he got out of his car.

Holly didn't respond. I walked briskly down the driveway, "I got it Gary. The car jerked a little and then stalled." At Holly's window I bent over glared balefully at my slut wife and told her in no uncertain terms to get the hell away from the house and off the street.

Holly sat motionless. I stared at her for several moments then reached in and turned the steering wheel to the right and said simply, "Leave".

"I'm not leaving until you agree to talk. I can't just leave, we can forgive each other for so much, we can forgive this..." Holly's tear streaked cheeks and wet eyes would normally have melted my heart but this time I was more worried about Gary finding out we were on the verge of a divorce.

"Hey Gary" I shouted over my shoulder. When he answered, I yelled, "We'll get the car out of the way. I think she just mistook the gas for the brake. Thank God no one was in the street when she floored it. Hold on just a second."

After I heard Gary's car door shut I stared at Holly. The rage was mounding inside me. I began to hear only wind. My vision closed in around me so I could only see her eyes. They were fixed on me, unblinking and unmoving. Holding onto my emotions I quietly asked her to leave. Once again she said she wasn't leaving. "We need to talk" she said. I told her that we would talk later.

"When", she asked.

I answered "Saturday"

Holly nodded, put the car in drive and pulled half way into the drive way. Gary passed and waved a thank you. Holly then pulled out, saying she would call on Saturday. I just nodded and waved her on.

The rest of the week was a blur. Thankfully I have a great boss. I went in the next day, after a sleepless night and told him that Holly and I were having some difficulties. Then I asked if I could have the rest of the week off. He only asked if everything was OK. After I answered, "She's moved out." he told me to take the time off.

For three days I was alone. Jake was on his road trip and thankfully Holly didn't try to call me. Thursday and Friday I went out and got blitzed. I hadn't been that drunk in decades. I was just getting over my hangover when I got dressed to meet Holly at the Crossroads Inn. It's a little restaurant that she and I frequented. I didn't want her in the house and Crossroads had tables widely dispersed so conversations could be at least semi-private. It was also far from home and dimly lit. a public restauran forced us both to be civil, respectful and most of all, quiet. Hopefully there would be no emotional scenes.

The first meeting went exactly as planned. I got there a little late and Holly was already sitting in a corner booth. Before joining her, I asked the hostess if we could move to a table near the center. Holly looked confused but moved without a word. We sat quietly and ate our salads. She started off with "I'm sorry." I don't remember much of the rest. The first two words were so perfunctory she might as well have been apologizing for scratching the car.

She said something about a fantasy and her father being a bigot. She had always said he made jokes about the 'black boys' loving white girls. In high school, whenever she announced she was going on a date, his first question was always, "is he white?" I was on my second Gin and tonic when she admitted that in college she had dated a black guy. That was nothing new, but, I lowered my glass as Holly surprised me with details. His name was Jeff and he was big. He had a barrel chest, a small waist and enough self determination for both of them.

They only went out for a couple of weeks. I guess I had always assumed that their relationship had been platonic. After all, when Holly and I were dating it took well over a month to get more than a kiss. What took me a month to get, Jim had gotten on the first date.

Its funny how the mind works; Holly must have mentioned her obsession for Jim four or maybe five times. She said that she did whatever he asked and that some of those things were sexual. Just as she was beginning to elaborate, the food came and immediately the conversation changed to the entree. Our waitress, Jenny, asked about Jake. We've known her for years so we struck up a conversation about our k**s. Holly and I didn't mention our separation. Jenny's daughter was going to be a senior this year. That interruption steered the conversation away from Holly's life long deception. That deception didn't re-enter my mind until I was in my car driving home.

I thought I knew Holly's sexual history. We're like any couple; the question of past sexual partners had come up and we talked it over. She never mentioned having sex with a black man. Hell she never alluded to any desire for interracial sex. That paradox haunted me for seven long days. As we were leaving Crossroads Holly asked if we could meet again. I nodded, but that wasn't enough for her. "How about on Tuesday night?" she asked as she moved her head so she could look into my face.

My mind was a blank. The only thing I remember about that moment was the need to get away from Holly. Her presence was confusing me, so I brusquely shook my head, told her Friday and walked to my car. Through the week we talked several times over the phone. None of it was about sex. Each call was about Jake or things at the house that she suddenly needed.

Except that we met again at Crossroads; the second meeting was nothing like the first. Holly came in just a couple of minutes after me. The restaurant was busy but even with all the hustle and bustle, noise and confusion it was impossible not to notice her. She looked fantastic. She was wearing a dark blazer and a thin silk top. Her brief matching skirt fell to about mid thigh. She elegantly walked to our table atop a pair of acrylic mules. "Hi, I hope this seat isn't taken" Holly said with a smile that made my cock twitch. I got up and pulled the chair out for her. Her cologne was new. It was nothing I had smelled before, it was arousing, almost intoxicating. I swallowed hard so I could make time to clear my head. When I sat back down, I noticed that all of the men sitting close to us were staring at Holly.

Throughout dinner, sitting across from me was a Holly that I hadn't seen in twenty years. This was the Holly I had met and fell in love with; vivacious funny, engaging and most of all gorgeous. As Jenny took away our uneaten appetizers I switched to iced tea. I learned years ago never to mix intoxicants.

Holly's legs were smooth and taut. She made a show of crossing them and then uncrossing crossing them as she leaned in and laughed at my old jokes. Through the entree her eyes never left mine. We both shrugged off dessert but agreed to some coffee.

Holly sat back and held a packet of sweetener over the hot black coffee that steamed in her little white porcelain cup. I watched the white powder drift down and instantly dissolve in the black liquid. Slowly I realized that Holly was talking. My eyes lifted a little and stopped. There, only three feet away were the tops of her breasts. Her cleavage was exquisite. She was wearing the silver locket I had given her on our tenth anniversary; it sat atop the cleft between her large breasts. A few weeks ago I could have reached across the table and held that locket in my hand. Now, that distance was an unfathomable abyss. I looked up and saw that Holly's lips were moving. She was still talking but I hadn't heard a single word.

The woman sitting across from me was not Jake's mother. She wasn't my wife of over twenty years. She was a lean, self determined mature woman as ripe as an August peach. Damn, I could barely keep my hands on the table. I looked into her eyes and for the first time I heard what she was saying. "I just love this place. It's really come a long way since the first time you and I came here. Remember how, we thought it was too expensive? We could only come after you got a bonus or when we sold something, like that oak entertainment center." She leaned in and gave me a beautiful smile and in doing so exposed the majority of her ample breasts.

Holly leaned back in her chair. My gaze was slow to follow. When I was finally looking directly into her eyes she said coolly "I'm so glad we're not like that any more. Aren't you?"

I nodded and swallowed hard as she crossed her legs. She was confusing me by talking with two voices; one I could hear with my ears, the other well made me adjust my pants. The small talk continued. None of it had any real substance but I didn't want to leave. The view was outstanding. Unfortunately, the bill did finally come and Jenny was entirely too quick in processing my credit card.

As I walked Holly out the door, I turned to say goodbye to Jenny and saw Nearly every man in the restaurant was staring at Holly. I hurried to join her. Because of a tree blocking the street light, the parking lot was dark. A light breeze made what light there was dance so that shadows and forms were hard to discern from each other. She was walking toward the far end of the parking lot, but I didn't see her car in front of us.

"Where's your car?" I asked turning in a complete circle.

"I borrowed the minivan." Holly said and pulled a key out of her pocket and the lights of a van in the far corner blinked.

"Oh, is there something wrong with your car."

"No." Holly answered casually. "I let Belinda use it and she wasn't home in time so I took hers"

I volunteered to walk her to the van. There was only one other car close by but there was a thicket behind the parking lot and in the dark it didn't look safe.

When we got to the van, Holly opened the door then turned back to me. She didn't say anything she just looked up into my eyes. I told her something inane about the dinner and that she looked great. Just as I began to ask about our next 'date' Holly wrapped her arms around my neck and planted those soft red lips on mine.

I slid open the van's side door and put Holly in the back seat. When the door was closed behind me, I dove on top of my wife. As I suspected, she was braless under that tight silk top and jacket. As best I could, I stood over Holly and watched her undress. I didn't move or say anything until she was completely naked. Then, with a motion of my right hand I indicated that she was to undo my pants.

Holly deftly unsnapped my pants and took my cock into her mouth. My wife had never liked sucking my cock and consequently she was never very good at it. This newly minted Holly was something altogether different. She licked the underside of my shaft and delicately sucked each of my testicles. She bathed my cock with her tongue and slowly pumped it with her hands until she was able to get it all into her mouth. There was no other sound but those coming from her mouth as she made slow deliberate love to my cock. When I grunted and put both of my hands on the back of her head. She didn't fight me or try to push my hands away, no, instead she opened wider and pushed forward until her chin could go no farther.

This Holly swallowed my semen. Initially, I grabbed the back of her head to make sure she didn't pull away. A month ago such a move would have started a horrific fight. But there in the van it was wholly unnecessary. I felt her throat and mouth muscles contract as she swallowed jet after jet of my pent up passion. I fucked her twice. Right there in the parking lot, I took my pleasure as she was bent over the back of the seat. Holly moaned and called out to Jesus as I plowed into her. When I came, I forgot the old Holly and didn't pull out. I didn't care if it 'made a mess'. No, I jammed my cock deep into her cunt and filled her. And when I wanted to do it again, I did. Without asking for permission and without additional seduction, I simply put her into the position and rammed my manhood home.

Finally, with the windows steamed I sat in the passenger seat and put my clothes back on. Holly sat motionless as I dressed. When I was finished and I began to leave, she asked "will I see you again?"

As I was leaving I nodded and told her "I guess, next week I suppose." She was still naked laying across the seat when I closed the door. The parking lot was deserted. I sat in my car and watched Holly move around inside the van. The van started and she pulled away. This Holly was a different person, maybe better than the old Holly. No matter what she was, sex with this slut was definitely the best sex I'd ever had.

The next morning, as I was getting ready for work the phone rang. The caller ID showed that it was Holly. I didn't pick it up. She called my cell at noon. I let it go to voicemail. I went home at the usual time. I made a ham sandwich and poured myself a beer and sat on the sofa. Before the news was over the doorbell rang. I let it ring several times before I answered. It was Holly. She was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

"Hi, I tried to call but I guess you were busy. I thought we could, well, talk or something." Holly said slowly. She looked around me as if trying to see if anyone else was home.

"Come on in. I'm sorry, I just didn't want to talk." I told her as I turned away and went back to my spot on the sofa. Again, she started with a perfunctory apology. She added words like "really" to "I'm sorry" and "big" to "I made a mistake" I suppose all of this meant that her contrition was growing.

I didn't say much in return, hell, I didn't know what to say. So l listened to her prattle on about drinking too much and letting herself go too far with a fantasy. She said she was really sorry and would never do it again. After she said that she would do anything to make it up to me. I turned off the TV and told her that I wanted the same thing that she gave those black guys. Her smile came too quickly, suddenly I knew I was being played, but when she took my cock into her mouth I no longer cared.

I told Holly to take her clothes off. She got off the sofa and stood in front of me. Our eyes locked as she dropped her shorts. She wasn't wearing panties. Taking her shirt off revealed what I already knew. She also wasn't wearing a bra. I tapped the cushion beside me. Holly lay there, naked so I stood and bent over her. She had my cock in her mouth, licking and sucking on it loudly.

"Play with yourself. Make yourself wet." I told her. But the direction probably wasn't necessary. She rubbed her clit and dipped her fingers into her hole as if it were the most normal thing she had ever done. I grabbed the back of her head and held it so I could fuck her mouth. In a few moments I was coming. I didn't let her pull away, but found that she wasn't going anywhere. She gulped down my semen like a well trained slut. I backed up and looked down at her and for the first time asked a question about that night. "You said that you wanted them to knock you up. Are you pregnant?"

"No" she said without taking her eyes from mine.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked with a tinge of anger.

"That morning I put my diaphragm in. I was hoping that you and I were going to have sex..." Holly continued but I headed her off.

"So instead you have a gangbang with three of Jake's friends? That's fucked up."

Holly swallowed then slowly added, "That was a big mistake. I didn't plan it. I had been dancing and enjoying myself when I went into the kitchen for some tea. One of the guys said that he had something to go along with that and offered me a pint. I thought and wrongfully so, what the hell? I took a drink. The guy chided me on taking such a small drink and my pride got the best of me so I took a long gulp. One thing led to another and I ended up downstairs where the other three had more booze."

I cut her off by summing up the rest of her story "So you were already horny and then you got drunk with three horny black guys"

Holly bit her lower lip as she admitted that was what happened. She spread her legs and fingered herself as she described it "I went down stairs feeling pretty good. When I got to the bottom Darnell was heading up and nearly knocked me over. He was running up the stairs. When we both stood up I asked him what was the big rush; he looked at me kind of funny and said "there's no rush now."

He backed up and thanked me for a great party. I was feeling kind of naughty so I said that it wasn't great yet, but, getting there. The big guy said something about the way I danced. I told them that I liked dancing. Eventually one of the guys asked if I liked dancing close. I was feeling kind of playful so I said, 'is there any other way to dance?' We all laughed and I asked what they were doing. Kevin, the big guy, said they were having a quiet little party away from the noise and confusion. I told them that I thought that was a great idea. So he offered me a refreshment."

Holly closed her eyes and stuck two fingers into her pussy. With the fingers fully inserted, she used her thumb to massage her clitoris. Her eyes closed and she started to breath hard. Before she could climax I demanded that she finish her story.

"I took the drink. It tasted like fruit punch. I could barely tell there was any alcohol in it. I'm sure there was a lot, because right away I started getting warm all over. When I finished it, Kevin filled the cup and handed it back to me. I asked him if he was trying to get me drunk. He said that I knew what was in the cup. I couldn't argue and, yes, I drank it. We got to talking, they were pretty funny guys. We laughed and joked around, I'm sure they filled my cup more than a couple of times. Looking back it seems like it was a lot longer than it actually was, I suppose we must have drank a lot more than I realized. They talked about dancing and that the best dancing was dirty. When I asked what made dancing 'dirty' they said well of course touching made it dirty.

When I said that just touching someone doesn't make an act 'dirty' Darnell said that I haven't been touched right. He got behind me and put his arms around my waist. He pulled me tight against him and we swayed to the music. I started the day horny and now these guys were playing on it. When the music was done I told them that I didn't feel dirty. I wasn't lying, I was just plain horny."

I motioned for Holly to stand up in front of the couch. We kissed for a moment but she seemed to know what I wanted. She put her knees on the cushions and bent over. Spreading herself for me, she continued her story, "Darnell said that he could change that with a single touch. I bet him that he couldn't. Suddenly he touched me between my legs. I guess I didn't react fast enough because he didn't just touch me with his finger. He got down on his knees behind me. Before I even thought about what was going on I was bending over the pool table. He was licking me, a black man was putting his tongue in my private places. I was so bad; I was being licked by a black man and I was letting two other black men watch him do it to me."

"What happened next?" I asked Holly as my thrusting gained in momentum. I needed to hear her side of the story. I wanted know just how much she had deluded herself.

"I laid over the table and let him give me one of the best orgasms I've ever had. Damn it was great. All I could think of was how nasty I was acting. Good women don't let black men lick them like that. After I came, Darnell bent me over the table and he took me. My God it was great. He put that black thing inside me." Holly stopped talking. She dropped her head and her pussy was suddenly a sodden mess.

"So you liked being fucked by Darnell?" I hissed.


"Why" I asked as my cock and balls were soaked with her juices.

"He is so big. He gave me exactly what I wanted." She said in a low whisper.

"What did you need?"

"Sin" Holly said through a long exhale. Then she continued, her speech was pressured but understandable. "I can be bad. I can do things that I want to do. Good, bad, wrong I can do them all. Those girls in the videos you and I used to watch. The ones with the big black men, I always wanted to be like them. They didn't give a damn is someone saw them. They didn't care is their parents knew what they were doing. And they liked what they were doing. Holly stopped rolling her hips. She spread her legs and looked back at me. I was still inside her; still getting drenched by her juices. She was obviously reliving her time with in the basement.

"They liked it. They all liked it." She said to me with glazed eyes. Her stomach contracted as she grunted and momentarily dropped toward the cushions. I held her up by putting my arms around her and not letting her fall.

"You seem to love it." I grunted.

Holly only cooed. Then she added "I did."

"That was it? You only fucked Darnell?" I asked as I pounded her harder. She was lying and willfully keeping information from me. My pace quickened as did the severity of my thrusts. She was so wet and loose that I wasn't getting the friction I needed to get off.

Suddenly, Holly collapsed onto couch. She quickly rolled onto her back. She had a mischievous glint in her. She ran her tongue over her top teeth and said, "fuck me like this. I want to look you in the eye."

I knelt down and once again buried myself easily in the sodden mess between her legs. It was amazing, truly amazing, when I first put my finger in her cunt it was wet but no more than any of her amorous nights with me. With her thoughts turned to that night, with those young black men, her body reacted as if they were here and she was pulling that train all over again.

Her ass was on the edge of the couch. I was kneeling in front of her driving in and out of her like a steel piston. Holly reached up to the backs of her knees and held her legs up. The room was filled with the wet sounds of our fucking. I didn't smell her perfume anymore, instead, I smelled the thick tang of her arousal.

Holly's eyes were slits as she looked up at me and began to speak. "Oh no." she said like a prayer. Then, after a short pause and a languid lick of her full red lips she continued, "Oh no. Darnell was great but he was too undisciplined. He could fuck. Oh boy could he fuck but he was all muscle and power. I did what he wanted because he was stronger than me. His cock was huge and he used it well, but when he was done, one of his friends wanted me.

He was thick and black. He didn't say anything kind. He knew what he wanted. Oh God, he knew what I wanted and damn, did he ever give it to me." Holly's eyes widened and for the first time while lying on her back she looked at me and seemed to see me, and not a silhouette of someone else. "He made me be the whore I am." Holly's pussy began to convulse. It tightened around my cock like a muscled fist.

"Then, do you know what happened" Holly asked. She sounded like she was using her last gasp of air. I knew what happened next. Holly fucked, no worshipped an obese black man and his huge black cock. But instead I just replied, "He had another friend?"

"Oh yes." She admitted. Then she admitted more, talking as if recounting a dream "He was so big. I was so bad letting him touch me. God, it was so hot seeing his big black hands on my body, my body. He touched me all over. I kissed him and loved his uncircumcised penis. It was so big and sweaty." With her right hand she let go of her leg and rubbed her clitoris. I could feel her fingers through the walls of her sex.

Her cunt was tightening around my cock. I didn't think I could make it through this onslaught, but I had to. I couldn't orgasm just yet, not until her story was complete. I steadied my pace and urged her to tell me more.

I kept a steady rhythm and Holly started to speak. It was more free association than any real story. She said, "He is so big and black. We looked so different. I didn't think he would fit inside me but he made it go. I came just looking at the contrast between us. But he's so big. At first I thought he was going to take it easy on me but that's not his way. His way made me. I accepted it and was glad. He fucked me so hard."

"Where did you fuck him?" I asked.

Holly focused her gaze on me and answered, "Downstairs over the back of the couch, but I kept falling over so he bent me over the side of the pool table."

"Was this before or after the party?"

Holly glibly admitted, "I could hear Jake's friends walking around upstairs. The music was still playing outside. You were upstairs somewhere. It was so hot knowing that all of those people were just a few feet away and yet..."

"And yet there you were fucking three of your son's friends down in the basement and loving every second of it." I finished for her.

Holly flashed me a languid smile. She was still rubbing her clitoris. "Thinking about that night makes you wet." I said pointing out the obvious.

"It was incredible." Holly said huskily then I felt two of her fingers invade her pussy. There was plenty of space. In fact her pussy seemed to expand with the added intrusion. She was looser with my cock sliding under her fingers than before she inserted them.

All of this was so new. Her fingers were too much, I screamed "oh fuck" and came inside her. As I was still coming Holly's fingers came out of her hole and she vigorously rubbed herself to a convulsing climax.

Once we were finished, I picked up our clothes. She stayed on the couch. Semen leaked out of her gaping cunt onto the carpet. The old Holly always needed a tissue so she could scrub my semen off her skin. A fight would ensue if any got on the furniture. This slutty doppelganger didn't need a tissue. She laid there on the couch in a silent revelry. Her grin didn't fade even when the semen began to drip and plop onto the floor. I sat bare assed on the recliner and faced her as I dressed. She didn't move until I pulled my pants up and buckled my belt. When I stood up and began to pull my shirt over my head, Holly suddenly jumped up to dress.

Holly stayed for a couple of hours and we micro waved some leftover Chinese. At the kitchen table, when she tried to hold my hand I pulled it back and said, "it's late and we both have to work tomorrow. I think you should go." Holly slowly nodded her agreement and without further preamble grabbed the few things she had requested; a bra, some skirts for work and a few pieces of jewelry and headed for the door. I offered to help her to her car but she just kept walking and didn't answer my questions. I watched her put the things on the passenger seat and get in behind the wheel. "Do you want to see me tomorrow?" was the only thing she said. I nodded and told her yes. Tomorrow turned out to be every day for five straight days.

Each day started the same way. She came through the door, and no more than got into the living room when she was on her knees sucking and licking my cock. She acted like she needed it more than her last meal. For the first couple of days she automatically started with a recounting of her infidelity. How naughty she had been and that she needed to make it up to me. But her narrative changed over the last three days. She didn't mention the party or her sexual transgression. Instead she was quiet and when she did speak she said she loved to fuck and that she wanted me to masturbate inside her.

By the end of the fifth day I was anxious to get out of work and go home. That night was no disappointment. Holly knocked on the door at exactly six thirty. I opened the door slowly. It was raining. She was in a long tan raincoat that was tied at the waist. She was wearing tan pumps and a gorgeous smile.

Holly walked into the house and right past the foyer closet where we hung the coats. I watched her walk into the living room and drop the coat onto the floor. She was completely naked. Her shapely, tone legs were utterly smooth. She had obviously just gotten a manicure and pedicure. Her heels made her perfect ass jut up at just the right height. Her pubic hair was thin and trimmed to a small patch on her mound. Her hair fell lightly on her shoulders. Her mascara, lipstick and foundation were light but perfect. I've never seen her eyes quite so blue. I felt like I was looking at a different woman. How, over all of these years, could I have not noticed such a slender, perfect body?

Without a word I approached her. My movements were deliberate because seeing her was seeing perfection and that never lasts. A nagging voice from the back of my mind kept silently whispering "you are being played." The voice grew in intensity. As I reached out for Holly's hand the voice was screaming "don't be a fool. You are being played. Fuck she is manipulating you!" But, Holly's soft hand instantly banished the voice and all of its logic.

With the front door still open and Holly wearing only her heels, she knelt in front of me and held me transfixed with her smoldering gaze as she unfastened my pants and took out my cock.

I've been married for nearly all of my adult life. I've been faithful and have taken my marriage vows seriously. I had married the woman of my dreams and we were growing old together. I was happy and honestly content. People make sacrifices. I sacrificed some job opportunities to make a life for myself and my family here. I traded parties and nights at the bar for evenings filled with work at home. The real sacrifice was that, up to that point, I had never had raw unfiltered sex.

As of that afternoon, that was one sacrifice I no longer needed to make. I was an established man with a strong foundation. My wife was going through a metamorphosis. The sexual butterfly that was emerging was more than I could have ever imagined. I felt like I was twenty again. She sucked and licked my scrotum and played with my balls like they were something sacred. Without any coaxing or pleading, Holly took my cock into her mouth. Once the shaft was wet she moved her head up and down. At first the movements were small. But slowly the movements became longer until her lips went from kissing the head of cock to surrounding the base with her nose nestled in my pubic hair.

When I came; Holly swallowed my semen as naturally as swallowing a glass of milk. She cleaned my penis with her tongue. She left none of it dry. Then she gently sucked on each of my testicles and licked my scrotum till, when she gently blew on it, a shiver ran through my spine. She didn't ask for me to return the favor. She didn't say or do anything other than stand up and hold my gaze with an arousing, smoldering expression. For the first time, I was smart and didn't say anything. Instead I motioned toward the dinner table.

Holly walked to our dinner table and bent over. She kept her legs straight so that with her chest resting on the table and her feet in high heels her ass jutted up in air like a sweet invitation. Without a word I mounted her and rode her smooth, shapely ass like a dog mating his favorite bitch. Like a good mating bitch, she held her position. She bent her legs a bit to accommodate my thrusts. She was definitely ready for our mating. With my first thrust I was buried to my balls. As we fucked, her juices flowed down over my scrotum. I didn't say anything but Holly didn't stay quiet.

"Oh God, nut in me. Give it to me. Oh God, give it to me." Holly moaned repeatedly as her hips gyrated and my cock sloshed around in her sopping cunt. I was mating a whore. With a fist full of her hair and the nasty admonishment to "fill her with my nut" I came.

Holly didn't move when I stepped back away from her. She stayed in the same position; her big tits mashed against the table top and her legs straight. I admired the view. Her heels kept her perfectly shaped ass perched high on her smooth taut legs. Her hair was a mess. Both of her ass cheeks were red and one had the outline of my hand on it. She lay there, unmoving like a well trained pet. I looked at her and watched her breath. Her body was better, riper and more inviting than it had been when I took her virginity three months before our wedding. I told her to get up and without a word she straightened herself and stood in front of me. Wearing the heels made her almost as tall as me.

I couldn't remember the last time such passion had been aroused in me. She was stunning. In front of me was a woman with an enticing hour glass shape, perfect white skin and firm, gravity defying, flesh. No wonder those high school grads wanted her. In our twenty year marriage, I felt like I was seeing her for the first time. I asked her to stay the night. She grinned, and asked "Oh, what are we going to do tonight?"

I stayed home for the rest of the week. Holly was naked the entire time. Hell, she never even asked for clothes. Like some kind of trained concubine she serviced me whenever I asked. Most of the time I didn't even have to ask; she just immediately fell to her knees and after she had sucked me off, a tap on her shoulder would bring her up so she could silently take the proper mating position. We fucked over the kitchen table, on the couch, on the hood of the car and in the back yard. By Sunday night she was able to swallow my entire cock with perfect aplomb on the first try.

In those few days my vision of Holly, my wife, lover and mother of my c***dren was forever changed. She became a lusty object of desire; flesh to make and take pleasure with. By all indications that was exactly what she wanted of me. That weekend we didn't turn on a computer and we didn't sleep much. When Monday rolled around, Holly brought her things from Belinda's house and officially moved back home.

Our separation was so short that we didn't think Jake ever found out about it. Holly never told Belinda that we were separated, instead, she told her that I had an old college buddy over that she didn't like and didn't want to upset me by complaining. It was a good story; Belinda has never asked me about those couple of weeks.

What did surprise me was Holly's announcement. On the morning before Jake was due to return; Holly came out of the bathroom with a wicked little grin on her face. I asked what she was up to and she responded "More like what we've been up to". Hanging on the bathroom door she held up a pregnancy test strip. "Do you need to know how many lines there are...daddy?" All of that fucking amounted to this. I had gotten Holly pregnant.

I should have known. Hell, it was all too easy. Damn, I should have known. Holly and I had acted like newlyweds. During that time we didn't argue and it seemed like we were always fucking. Once Jake was home from the Grand Canyon, we were more discreet but nothing else changed. We told Jake that he was going to be an older brother. He looked a bit mystified. Then, he chuckled and said that he was happy for us. We all knew the truth. Our new baby would be living in a family completely different from what Jake knew. We weren't in our twenties anymore. By the time the baby was born, Jake would be in college. There would be at least eighteen years between him and his younger sister or brother.

Holly didn't want to start remodeling until Jake was officially moved into his dorm room. I agreed because it would take that long for me to come to grips with the whole thing. Me, a new father?

So while Jake was home, I worried over getting caught screwing and paying for Jake's tuition, books and fees. To make matters worse, when things were quiet, the old fears of raising a newborn cropped up in my mind. I certainly didn't think about monitoring my wife's activities. At that time we were getting along so well. Why would I think anything was amiss?

Thank God for text messages and preset alarms on account limits. At first, I just ignored the email warnings. Jake was away and I figured he was using up our roll over minutes. The first month he was home, I ignored them again. I assumed he was just catching up with buddies. I gently chided him about his cell phone use and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "Dad, I don't talk that much on the phone. You've got unlimited texting. That's what I use all the time. Who talks on the phone?"

A few days later I got the phone bill. The amount owed wasn't much different than the usual but it was still high. So that evening I went on line to check the usage. It was Holly's phone. Roughly half the calls I recognized as coming from Belinda, or Holly's mother or work. There were a few that I didn't recognize and one that showed several times a day, nearly every day. A reverse look up of the number didn't reveal anything. It was one of those anonymous pay as you go phones. I jotted down the number and was about to give up when I happened upon the usage comparisons. Holly was using a lot of minutes but that was nothing compared to the number of texts she was sending and receiving.

I bought a couple of apps for my phone. Holly has the same model. After testing it on my phone, I downloaded another copy and installed it on Holly's phone. While she was in the shower, I downloaded all of her cached text messages. I read them after she went to bed.

The App allowed me to categorize and sort the texts by sender, date/time sent and received along with type. I noticed right away some had pictures. The pictures were of my mother-in-law's poodle and Jake's pictures of the Grand Canyon; I gave up on those and just started in reverse chronological order.

For the most recent one hundred text messages seventy percent or so were from the same number. It was the number that I had traced earlier to an anonymous phone.

The first text message simply read, "U did real GOOD C U Tuesday" What the hell? You did real good? Who sends a message like that? I opened the next and it was equally as brief. It read "Tuesday my house 9 am" This message was time stamped for the prior Sunday evening. Most of the messages were just as terse as the first two. The location may have been different such as "D's place" but there was never any emotion or salutations. I worked my way into the pile of texts and found a name. I found it in a text from Holly, it read "Kevin not now."

Kevin's reply was simple, "Why not now?!"

"Hubs too close" Holly replied, simply.

"SO. You wearing panties?" Kevin asked.

"Y" Holly affirmed.

"thongs?" Kevin sent

"N" Holly sent.

"U not supposed to wear them. Take off and send proof" Kevin commanded.

"bad time. Hubs in room." Holly answered.

"Do it. Or no next time with me" Kevin sent.

The next text wasn't in the folder. So I went to the attachments folder, lined up the dates and time and opened the text file. It was a picture of Holly she was standing in front of a mirror. Her phone was in one hand and her pink panties were hanging from the thumb on her other hand. She was smiling like a school girl with a secret.

Looking at her face and the mischievous smile I almost missed the writing on the bottom of the mirror. She wrote in the steam "Pussy yurs?"

I had to go back to the original text folder to find Kevin's response. It was simple "Hell yes its mine. No panties. EVER"

Holly's response was a picture of our downstairs bathroom trash can with the panties at the bottom.

She had been wanton and naked and available. This Holly was the sexiest woman I had ever known. She hadn't changed for me; it had all been for Kevin. He had told her to do so. I was reaping the benefits. I loved her new found sexuality. Even pregnant she was more arousing than at any other time in our marriage, but it was not because of me. It was because of him.

I should have been more upset but I was instantly reminded that this was something I suspected all along. My hope that it was otherwise made me blind to the obvious; Holly was never going to be monogamous with me. So, right then, at the time of turning off my computer, I decided on the most profitable approach.

Tuesday morning found me readying for work. I made my coffee, ate my breakfast and left at the same time as usual, but I didn't go to work. I used my frequent flyer miles to rent a subcompact and returned to the house just in time to see the garage door coming down and Holly speeding past me going the other way down our street. She was in too much of a hurry to notice me behind the wheel of the unfamiliar car.

I followed Holly to the west side of town. For most of the time She kept her phone plastered to her ear. This was not my wife, who would scream if I even thought of answering my phone while driving. Suddenly she pulled into a parking lot that fronted a small shabby looking furniture store. It had items like brass lights and tiger print rugs in its front windows. I pulled into a parking spot across the street and watched. For nearly five minutes she just sat in the car. Then Kevin, the same Kevin from Jake's party came out the front door. He got into her car like he owned it. Looking through the back window I saw Holly had moved into the passenger seat.

With Holly in the passenger seat, Kevin backed out and got onto the road. It was easy to tell who was who in the car. He sat taller and was much wider than my wife. The traffic was close; I could see both of their heads through the back window and I could see Holly stroking the back of Kevin's neck. I saw him raise his arm, put his hand on my wife's should and at a stop light, pull her head down into his lap. As he drove ten miles below the speed limit, Kevin kept his arm on the back of the passenger's seat. Several cars passed him. One, a red truck with huge tires had a passenger that leaned red faced out of his window and flipped Kevin off. But then looking into the car, he gave a surprised expression, smiled and mouthed "sorry" and shot the fat black man a big gap toothed smile. Kevin just gave the man a lazy wave of his hand.

I didn't see Holly again until they pulled into the driveway of a small Tudor. We were in a lower income, working class neighborhood. The yards were clean and well maintained but everything was old or broken. The car sat in the driveway for a few minutes. Holly was nowhere to be seen until her head appeared from Kevin's lap. She was wiping her mouth when she stepped out of the car. Her hair was a mess but I doubt anyone was looking that high.

Holly was wearing a matching navy skirt and blazer with high heels and a cream colored spaghetti strap top. I had bought that outfit a few months ago to celebrate the first day of her new job.

The houses were close together and this one had big arboreta growing around the porch. I was tempted to walk up to the house but in this neighborhood I would stuck out as much as if I were on fire. So I sat and waited for three hours. Then Kevin came out of the house. At the furniture store he had been wearing dockers and a white shirt. Now he was wearing droopy pants a big white t shirt and a ball cap. He had books under one arm. Holly came out slowly. She looked uneasy on her feet and even swayed a bit on the sidewalk. Kevin went straight to the car. She hurried to the car and just as she opened the door three black guys about the same age as Kevin stepped out onto the porch and waved.

Kevin s gave them a quick wave then looked over at Holly and said something. Holly looked up and down the street then opened her jacket toward the house. I can only guess she was naked underneath because all three guys laughed and high fived each other. When the car passed my parked rental I could only see Kevin's head. Holly must have already been sucking on his black cock. I followed them to the entrance of the nearby state university. It's a minority college. I followed them in. Kevin stopped the car at the entrance to the main hall. After a few minutes of letting the car idle, Kevin pushed back against the seat and arched upward. Holly's head finally appeared above the dash. When she sat up, they both got out of the car. As they passed each other in front of the car Kevin caught my wife around the waist and pulled her close. His girth seemed to envelope her like a black marshmallow around a stick. With his free hand he lifted her skirt and fondled her bare ass. Anyone and everyone could see him fondling my wife. He set her down and walked toward campus.

That afternoon I came home to a quiet house. Holly looked and acted tired. I arrived a little late but Holly didn't seem to notice. I found her in the kitchen she was naked beneath a thick fuzzy robe. Dinner smelled great. She told me the roast would be ready in ten minutes. That was just long enough for me to get the new video camera and equipment out of the car. After dinner Holly sat next to me on the couch. she must have recently taken a shower. I told her to take off the robe. She stood up and let it drop to the floor. Her tummy was beginning to show. I touched it and she smiled. She gave me head. Now a days he always gives me head.

The next morning I called my lawyer and we talked about divorce proceedings. He told me what I already knew; it's not what you know that is important to a judge. It's what you can prove. I was glad I bought the video equipment because, without it; no one would ever believe what I was about to witness in the next few months.

Same as Holly's Breeding Ch. 02 Videos

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Adonia sat at the library of religious studies department atYale university reading about ancient pagan rituals. Adonia’s ancestors were practitioners of the pagan religion, but unfortunately her own parents where atheists. They did not follow, practice, preach or tell anything to Adonia about paganism. Adonia was given her name by her grandmother, the last practicing pagan in their family. Adonia is the pagan festival mourning the death of Adonis, the “Lord”-the most handsome man in the...

4 years ago
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Tentacle Breeding

Rick Peterson and Amanda King were a couple of second-year college kids on Spring Break in Cancun, Mexico. They decided to go there this year instead of dealing with the mobs and hassles of Spring Break in Palm Beach, Florida they had experienced the previous year. On this particular day, though the pair decided to check out this quaint little lake he had heard about from some of his friends who had been there before. So packing up a rented Jeep with a picnic lunch Rick and Amanda headed to the...

Monster Sex
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Skyrim Vampire breeding

Your name is Alexander and you're a vampire lord. You also have a craving for power. You've told your vampire flock, that you will be the next king of Skyrim. But how? Suddenly Garan (your number one advisor) bust into the room

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Fantasy Breeding

I'll get right on down to the details, since I can't right stand the droning intellectual types myself. I'm rather big for a lady in every regard: six foot (two meters) tall; natural DD breasts, starting to get a slight sag to them, but it was bound to happen; just thick enough not to have fat rolls or cankles, but to have a nice jiggle all over (especially on my fat ass). What else? Well, I've been a real big slut soon as I realized fuckin' was a thing you could do. Got knocked up at 15; yep,...

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Selective Breeding

The smell of smoke wakes you. You sit up grogily, running a hand across the bed until you find the window. You curse as you discover it's open. You close it with a snap and stand up. Your room is dark and small but it is comfortable and suits your needs. You walk over to the cubboard and begin pulling out clothes. It is 2514. Three hundred years ago the world was at war. The details have become lost in time, but what is known is that the war that followed wiped out approximately 95% of...

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Carmens Breeding

Ever since her wedding night suck and fuck with Melvin, a black man I had gotten for her as a surprise, Carmen had now and then mentioned that she would like to have another black man for sex and one time even mentioned that she'd even might like to have a black baby just for the experience. I knew she wouldn't give up her desire for black cock so when I heard that a fellow employee of mine's wife wasn't able to carry a c***d, I thought perhaps Carmen might jump at the chance to have a black...

3 years ago
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My First Real Breeding

I decided to go to a nearby cruising area one night that I had heard about, situated just off a main road. Night time was always the busiest time apparently and there were always loads of guys looking to fuck a cute ass. I was new to doing this. I knew it went on, but had never actually been to a cruising spot at night, especially one where I knew there was loads of action. I was nervous, scared and excited at the same time. I knew if I got out of the car and wandered into that darkness, that...

2 years ago
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Wife Breeding

For the past 2 years l’ve been taking my wife Sally to get her fix with other blokes at dogging sites then during the winter she has to go into hibernation due to the men drying up because of the chilly weather, but the beginning of last winter, we tried a few clubs which she nor l really enjoyed, so we joined an online meet club. After an exchange of e-mails and a social meet the guy would book a room and l would take my wife along for them to use in any way they see fit, l had my fun by...

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Twinks first breeding

I was traveling for work this past summer and as many guys do found myself horny as hell in my hotel room one tuesday night. I spent most the night jacking off to porn online but after a while of searching for the perfect vid (you know the one that puts you there) i gave up and quickly switched my search. Now iam on the prowl for a meet up. I have had some luck a few times before in mens rooms but I was out of state and had no idea where the meet up spots were so i took to the internet. After a...

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Hollys Breeding

A lot's happened in the last f******n months. Last year, in June, my son graduated from high school. Jake was accepted to a good college and better yet he was awarded a full scholarship. Holly and I wanted to show how proud we were of his hard work so we threw a big house party. He invited all of his friends. The whole house was open. In hindsight I suppose I should have limited the number of guests. The day of the party, it appeared that everyone in his graduating class was in my house or in...

2 years ago
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Mature Maggie Gets a BBQ Breeding

[Contains: M/Mature F, Hardcore, Impregnation & Babymaking]I couldn't believe my luck – all my friends were going down to the beach, and I had to help my parents with a BBQ they were throwing.I had tried all the excuses I could think of but they weren't buying it.“I've paid for you to study at University for 2 years, Ron” my father said. “It's the least you can do.”So, I eventually gave in and agreed to help with the cooking and drinks.As my parents friends started to arrive, I did the...

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My name is Lisa , I am a 29 year old blond wife of Steve who is 38 ,we are both white and live in London ,England.We have been married for 6 years , in fact although few of you would believe it Steve's paltry 4 inch cock had been the only cock to have penetrated me in my life.Our sex life had become very lame ,consisting of me opening my legs every saturday night and receiving his weener in the missionary style.Steve has fertility problems so at least we never needed a condom.About a year ago...

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My wifes first BBC breeding

TURNING MY WIFE INTO A BLACK COCK CUMDUMPMy First Cuckolded ExperienceWendy has asked me to relive the first time she cuckolded me – fucking another man in front of me – be telling you the story. This is punishment for those times when, making love to her as husband and wife, I suggested she try other cocks. At first the idea did shock her but over time, as I introduced the concept, she opened her legs, and mind, to the concept of trying it out. I had spent some time finding the right man for...

4 years ago
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neighbor breeding

I just walked in from work I see my wife ,sister ,daughter, and sister in law watching T.V. my wife 32 ( Terry) had on daisy dukes no panties , a tube top that's say's my hubby loves to watch and a picture of a black man fucking a white wife. her nipples were poking out she had no bra on her DD tits were looking good. she had a tan but hat the white lines on her tits and pussy I love that, here feet are 6 1/2 and taste to suck on . she was 5'5 110 pounds green eyes , black hair.my wife has a...

4 years ago
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BDSM and Breeding

My hand had been on her throat as she was laying on the bed with her head hanging over the edge as I fucked her throat relentlessly, but now it was time for her to be bred. I told her to get her in the middle of the bed and on her back with her knees drawn back against her chest. Her eyes were still watering from gagging and saliva was still dripping from her chin but she did what she was told. This was the first time she was going to feel me penetrate her and I knew it was going to be a shock...

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Good Breeding

Courtney was seething. She watched her soon-to-be sister-in-law, Lilith, giggling with her friends as they primped her hair, fluffing her white dress and veil. Courtney watched them pull the dress up over Lilith’s ample, pendulous breasts, and she scowled at the large nipple rings the girl sported. The black-haired girl seemed to enjoy being the center of attention as the three other pretty girls who were Lilith’s bridesmaids fawned over her, telling her how beautiful she looked, how lucky...

3 years ago
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Alas Breeding

Ala always enjoyed a good dinner party. It was a little harder now she was single, but Rob and Ang were good friends, they had helped her through her divorce a couple of years back, and they were always there to lend a friendly and supporting ear. Although single, and not on the hunt for a man, Ala always presented beautifully at this kind of outing sporting shoulder length wavy dark brown hair, fine features, and penetrating eyes. Although tall, Ala was solidly built with ample hips and a...

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Alas Muslim Breeding

Times had been tough for George and Ala. Married just on a year from being young sweethearts Ala had just lost her job, and the house payments and bank notices were mounting. Ala thought that surely it wouldn’t be that hard to get back into the fashion industry, an industry she loved but it proved so. Every day she would present her 5 foot 9 inch frame in knee length skirts and tight tops that enhanced her small firm boobs before chasing work. Problem was Ala looked a bit too high class, and...

2 years ago
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The Problems With CatgirlsChapter 2 The breeding

Are never sexually satisfied when in heat Just last week I became engaged to the beautiful Mai, my feisty, supermodel-type fiancée with raven black hair and that luscious 5' 8", 38C-26-28 with long legs. All that makes for the perfect, loving cat girl that knows just what she wants. She has had me pop the question with out even knowing it. God, I love having Mai for my wife-to-be. Well, that night when we got back we made a mad dash to our bedroom, tearing off each other's clothes until I...

1 year ago
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Karens Breeding

There has been a lot of debate at my house about a certain situation concerning my wife’s pregnancy. I sat on our bed watching Karen as she undressed for bed one evening. She slipped out of her stretch pants and pulled the maternity top over her head to reveal that huge round pregnant belly. I was watching the late show as she pulled the blankets back and slipped into bed beside me. About a minute later she took my hand and played it on her belly. “Do you feel it? He’s moving.” I felt the...

1 year ago
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The Possible Breeding

Chapter 1 It was 1000 hours when Base Personnel called me to tell me that they had a new clerk for me in my section, and to come and get her. Her???? I wondered just what was in store for me, as I'd never had a WAF working for me before. I am the NCOIC of Base Operations Administrative Section at Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. We take care of all the flying personnel training and examination records for the Air Force flying mission of the base. We have a sub-section that takes care of the non-jet...

1 year ago
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Little Lyns party turns into Black Breeding

My name is Lyn. I'm 18 and small in size. 110lbs and 5.3 tall. I have had a couple of boyfriends but never really got into anything to heavy. My story is true and it was on my part completely un-planned. My evening started by going out with a couple of girlfriends. Jenny who I have known for a few years and Jo. I haven't known Jo for long. Just met her a few weeks ago. I had heard about her before mostly bad I have to say. She has a reputation so to speak for being a real flirt and for the most...

3 years ago
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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Daughters Ready to Breed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson's clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn't forget them,” said my...

5 years ago
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Brothers Incestuous BetChapter 9 Daughters Ready to Breed

Maria Reenburg I trembled on the exam table in Dr. Wilson’s clinic. The busty OB/GYN smiled at me as she lifted up my hospital gown. She arched an eyebrow at me as she stared down at the hairless flesh of my pudenda, my thighs pressed tight, only the top of my slit peeking out. “Someone forgot her panties,” Dr. Wilson said, an amused smile on her lips. “She didn’t forget them,” said my brother. He sat in a chair next to the bed. Mom was sitting in the corner, shaking her head at me. I...

2 years ago
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Cynthia Palmers New LifeChapter 5 Best of Breed

Cynthia and Rob lay in bed staring into each other's eyes with love and adoration for each other. They had been going at it like the newly weds they were for the last 24 hours. Between Rob and Teddy, she had had sex at least every couple of hours. She was a bit sore from the ceremony the night before and all of the activity, but it was a good sore. Rob was happy and that was all that was important to her. They had been lying like that for a while when Rob said, "God you are beautiful my...

3 years ago
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Black People A Superior Breed

My name is Patrick Alexander Perth. A six-foot-one, dark-skinned and ruggedly handsome Black man living in the city of Boston, Massachusetts. I’m a student at the University of Massachusetts. Majoring in law. Folks, I’ve got something to confess. I’m a racist. I just don’t like White people. Seriously. I can’t stand them. They think they’re all that. They act like they own the place. And they’re more treacherous than most Black folks realize. I honestly think the world would be a better place...

4 years ago
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Notes; Based on the twine game byArmyofRobots found here: https://www.tfgamessite.com/?module=viewgame & id=1337 (without spaces, formatting messes up for some reason) or https://f95zone.com/threads/invasive-species-v0-9-4-armyofrobots.4341/ This alternate and extensively changed version is posted with permission from the creators. The original was about a jelly tentacled alien. The basic premise that you awaken, not knowing what you are and with a compulsion to breed, is the same. Story...

3 years ago
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Time to Breed

You stand in the shower letting the hot water flow over your body a slight smile on your lips. Tonight is the night, your desire to breed has been growing for months and tonight is when you throw caution to the wind. The hot water is starting to run out so you turn off the water with a sigh and reach for a towel. As you dry off you look into the mirror and see

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A bitch gets breed

This story is about me as well as my 'now' ex-wife discovering a new sexual experience beyond what we had ever planned for. My ex-wife Kandi and I had been married for over 2 years. I was 21 when we met and Kandi was 26. The sexual experience with the age difference was a huge turn on for me. Kandi had two c***dren from a previous relationship, although you would have never known by her figure or her hot super tight pussy - thanks to C sections. She had smaller breast like a small B cup, with a...

4 years ago
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Our two little halfbreeds

However, my father told me that my mother had left a will, which disinherited me completely, and he shown me a copy of it. But she had not had time to have it registered by the notary public, and I was still legally her heir, unless somebody (my father, for example) went to the notary. With his usual cynicism, my father then offered me a perfectly disgusting contract. He would not show the contract to the notary if my wife agreed to replace his. Very clearly, he wanted Therese to sleep with...

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In Space No One Can Hear You Breed

Computer module D74-8A reporting: Phoenix class Earth colony transport vessel ID: 74-8 Initial colony module has landed successfully. Chemical reactivation treatment of all passengers nearing completion. Warning: Error detected in stasis bed 3. Warning: Error detected in stasis bed 4. Warning: Error detected in stasis bed 5. Warning: Error detected in stasis bed 6. Warning: Error detected in stasis bed 7. ... By the time the computer has read off the thirtieth error message you're awake enough...

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A New Breed

Staring down at the screen, it beckoned the attention of its counterparts. Another half-born had appeared. This one was different though, stronger somehow: It must be found and studied, it must be spared.

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