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We’re on our first date, first real date. Not that staying in the apartment with Amy is a drag (you’ve read the stories…), but we live in a college town, and it’s Friday night. Aside from all the sex (again… you read the stories), it has been a busy week. I spent as much time leaning over the kitchen table writing as I did lying under Amy, fucking. Once in a while, you want to look at four walls other than your own, drink out of someone else’s glasses, piss in someone else’s toilet, whatever.

We’re at Ballbreakers, a beer and jukebox joint a little off the beaten path from the just-turned-twenty-one college crowd. Amy’s twenty, but this place would never card a woman unless her training bra was showing, and anyway, Amy’s not looking very collegiate tonight.

This is the first I’ve seen her out on the town, and yowza! She’s only five-four, but tonight those athletic legs, coming out of that skirt—mid-thigh and just-right tight across her ass—make her seem taller. Her long-sleeve black top clings to all the right places. (I saw it laid out on the bed and I asked her how she would ever get that tiny thing over those tits. “You’ll have to wait and see,” she said. Worth waiting for, as it turned out.) She has those long, loose dirty-blond curls pulled up in a sexy do, tied just so. That neck will stir any man’s appetite. Credit where credit’s due: she’s a head-turner.

And that’s part of the plan tonight.

The whole idea of going out on the town came up after the fireworks—call them waterworks—of the other night. The next day—which was yesterday—her car landed in a repair shop and she had to work a shift in the evening. I drove her there, while she slept in the back seat. I had a light dinner where she works (nice place!) and went to a coffee shop afterward to read some Ibsen. On the drive back to my place she broke the ice, as she does most of the time.

“I don’t know how to describe what you did to me last night.”


“I didn’t mean that. I mean… where did you… when did you learn that?”

“Specifically, when and where?”


“Why do you want to know that?”

“Because no one ever… did THAT… before.”

“You mean never did it to you before.”


“And now it’s all you thought about today.”

“Fuck, yeah! I tried to tell Denise about it, but -“

“Who’s Denise?”

“The girlfriend who knows everything about me.”

“That means she knows everything about me, I guess.”

“Oh, yeah!”

I didn’t have a response for that. I’m no Chatty Charlie, Cathy, whatever, when it comes to my social life and male friends of mine. The last guy who asked me some lame locker room-type question about my sex life, I made-up one of those 1-900 numbers and told him to call that if he was that horny.

I’ll talk about movies or Mickey Mantle’s home run swing or Charlie Mingus albums, but that’s it for guy talk. Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin never compared rim jobs. I’m not breaking that tradition.

Amy noticed the pause in the conversation.

“Is that okay, that I talk to her about us?”

“Baby, if that’s what you and your friends talk about, don’t let me stop you.”

“We don’t talk about just sex, not always.”

“I get it, baby. That’s your life. Whatever you do when I’m not around is your business.”

She rubbed my arm where it rested on the gear shift. We’d both been busy all day and evening. We hadn’t had any cuddle time. I missed those fingertips.

“So you told this Denise… what exactly?”

“About last night, about losing my fucking mind for two hours.”


“She’s never had a vaginal orgasm. She thinks g-spots are myths.”

“That’s what she said, even after you told her what happened?”

“I never told her specifically how it all went.”

“Why not?”

“It’s a silly reason. I don’t want to say it.”

“Okay… now I’m intrigued, even more than I was.”

“You’ll think I’m immature.”

“No chance of that.”

“Stop mocking me.”

This time I rubbed her arm.

“Baby, I stopped thinking of you as a kid, a long time ago.”

She leaned over and laid on my arm now, her head heavy against my shoulder. The windows were down a bit. The autumn air was on the chilly side, but refreshing as hell. We were quiet for a minute or so. Then she talked, still leaning against me.

“I was afraid if I told her how good it was, she’d come after you.”

“What?” I didn’t even try not to laugh.

“I’m jealous now.”

“Jealous ‘now?’ Of what?”

“No guy was ever worth being jealous over.”

She had to know this was coming, and I gave her no time to prepare.

“Not even judo guy with the big dick?”

“That was one night. I barely remember his name.”

“Barely? So you do remember it.”

She stayed quiet. I nudged her with an elbow.

“Of course I do.”

“And you remember it because…”

She leaned in tighter. She put an arm across me and hugged me as much as she could.

“Mmmm… don’t start this now.”

I pushed her hand down to my crotch.

“It’s already started.”

“Mmm… Pull over and I’ll blow you.”

Tempting, but the road was too dark. I don’t want to die for some head, even hers. But since she was hot for something, I saw an opportunity.

“Maybe, if you tell me why you still remember judo guy’s name.”

“Because it was only a few weeks ago.”

I laughed. She knew the game, and knew when to break the rules. Clever girl.


“I know.”

I stepped on the gas a little. The engine perked up and put just enough muscle in the air.

“Tell me why you remember his name.”

“Mmmmmmmm… Because he fucked the shit out of me, all night with his big dick!”

She lifted herself up and tongued my ear.

“Jerk my cock, baby.”

She started to rub it.

“No. Take it out. Jerk me off.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

She freed John Thursday and went at him hard and fast.

“Jerk me, but don’t make me come.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

The drive between her job and my place is a dark one, nineteen miles of winding country backroad with dim lights every few hundred meters. No one was going to see John Thursday peeking up, with Amy’s right hand working him slow and easy, her tongue now and then in my ear.

I reminded her that she wasn’t the only one who had a great time the night before.

“You know why I came so hard last night?”

“Because you like knowing I got fucked so good, daddy.”

She bats a thousand, this kid. I could feel JT stiffen even more.

“And why did you come so hard and squirt all over my bed?”

“Because I remembered how good his big cock was, Daddy.”

“And if he comes to your job again, what’s gonna happen?”

“I’ll give him all the pussy he wants, Daddy!”

On we drove, the last ten miles a slow-motion replay of the night before, except this time she had to hold it in, no squirting, no one screaming after midnight, muffled by pillows to keep the neighbors from thinking I was killing someone. Last night I gave her the thrill of a young lifetime. Tonight was my turn. I’d earned it.

I parked behind my place, with her hand still going. She was licking her lips.

“If he was right there at the back door waiting, would you blow him?”

“Oh god, Daddy, YES! I’d fucking run out there right now!”

“Do it!”

She went down on me. As soon as she sucked the head into her mouth, I gave her the load she loves.

Inside, we ate the grub she brought home from work. At the kitchen table, she was buoyant, curious. The conversation didn’t veer too far off the usual.

“Can I ask you something?”

I gave her my standard answer to that silly inquiry.

“You just did.”

“Haha… Seriously. I want to know why it doesn’t bother you.”

“Why what doesn’t bother me?”

“Me talking about the boys I had sex with. Me talking about masturbating to my Dad so many times.”

“Why should it bother me?”

“You’re not jealous?”

“Sure I am.”

She gave me the puzzled look I expected.

“Then how -“

I finished a glass of water and wiped my mouth. Things were about to verge on the philosophical.

“Turn a weakness into a strength. I’m a man, with a big, fat working cock, but all the other little boy bullshit every man has. I want all the pussy for myself. I’ll never get it, just like I’ll never read every novel, or see every movie. Should I let that keep me in bed with a sheet over my head, or should I teach myself to find a way to enjoy it all somehow? Once all that occurred to me, I taught myself to enjoy it.”

She sat there rapt. Did public high school teach this girl nothing?

“How did you do that?”

“You really want to hear that story?”

“I do.”

“Okay… I was married, young, when I was in the Army. I was twenty-one. It was okay for a year and a half. Then we started losing interest in each other. She was twenty-seven, realized eventually that my the size of my dick was not relative to the amount of maturity in my head. I was a sex-hungry immature shit, and it got to her.”

“You mean she stopped wanting sex with you, because…”

“Young guy stuff. She just got tired of waiting for me to grow up. Think of all the college guys you see goofing off in class, the frat boy dickheads. That was me, but with a combat rifle and a steady paycheck. That’s a much worse combination than late acne and a bad report card.”

“I get it. But how did that lead to you and the no-jealousy thing?”

“We hadn’t had sex in a while. One afternoon at a backyard barbecue, I watched her checking out some guy, the husband of one of her gym friends.

“Did you get mad?”

“I got a little jealous, kept an eye on both of them. But it didn’t go anywhere. I don’t think the guy ever knew my wife was eye-balling him. But… at one point I realized I was hard as hell in my pants.”


“Really. I went and jerked off in the bathroom, thinking about her lying there naked while some guy fucked her. After I shot off all over the bathroom, I sat there thinking, ‘Whoa! What the hell just happened?’”

“It didn’t make you mad?”

“Did it make you mad when you were coming all over your bed, imagining your dad sticking his dick in you for Christmas?”


“Exactly. I might have been a young immature ass, but I’ve never judged myself too harshly. Life’s about experience. I was old enough to know that.”

“So you figured out that you liked jerking off to her cheating on you?”

“I sprayed that bathroom with a huge load, sprayed it all the way from the toilet seat to the mirror. So, yeah, I knew that I liked it.”

She finished what she was eating and sat back in her chair, looking me in the eye with as devilish a smile as anyone can muster. I knew what was coming.

“Did she ever cheat on you?”

“Yes and no.”

I satisfied her curiosity, telling her about the one time I convinced my wife to at least discuss what I saw and did that fateful afternoon. As it turned out, all she was willing to do was fantasize about meeting that guy. It was not her most comfortable night in bed. Our marriage ended not long after that. I went to war, she went home to her mother. No hard feelings.

But there was more to this evolution story. Amy would have listened all night.

“But my first girlfriend after the divorce, that’s when the whole thing took off.”

Amy’s eyebrows shot up.

“She was willing to cheat on you?”

“We weren’t exclusive, so it wasn’t really cheating. She agreed to tell me about other guys she fucked. The first time, it really got me off. She liked that. We did it more often. I let it develop into whatever it was going to be.”

“And what did that turn out to be?”

“I liked watching her face when she told me how good it all felt. Her face got me off.”

“Did my face get you off last night?”

“Now you’re learning.”

She finished her glass of water. Sitting back in her chair, she looked at me, then the ceiling, then at me again.

“Whew! That’s a lot to process.”

“Take your time.”

She got quiet. Then I watched her face take on a smile even more devilish than the one before. Her eyes twinkled.

“Do you want me to cheat on you?”


And that’s how we ended up at Ballbreakers. Turns out the guy with the judo studio and the big terrific cock hangs out here some weekends, or so he told her, in case she ever wanted to find him again.

“And you want to go there because he might see you?”

I let her see the jealousy in my face when I asked her that. (That’s all part of the fun.) She didn’t miss it.

“Mm-hmm. Are you jealous, Daddy?”

I pursed my lips and looked away from her.

“You are jealous! Mmmmm…”

“Maybe a little.”

“Jealous I might suck his big cock in the parking lot, Daddy?”

That’s how the conversation went all that night. And now we’re here, with a table near the door and far from the bar. We’ve had two drinks already. Amy, who says a certain cocktail makes her even more wild, is dancing with another girl, some classmate we ran into here. I’m a dancer but only when the music suits me. So far it hasn’t. The crowd’s too heavy for me to see Amy doing her thing, but I’ve got a great view of the restrooms… and of the tits on the MILF two tables over.

(For the record, Amy asked me last night, amid all the cheating talk, if this was a tit-for-tat situation. Sorry for the pun, but I did mention that she might have to look the other way if I get an unscheduled blow job from an older woman with big tits. She said she’d think about it, but I didn’t expect such a target-rich environment so soon.)

I’m already on record in this story as being a relentless tit man. If Amy were working tonight, I’d be telling a different tale here right now. The MILF keeps shifting in her seat whenever she catches me staring at her tits. I’d be a fool to stop now, but there she goes to the ladies’ room. I salute them as she walks away.

Amy works her way to the edge of the dance floor nearest our table. I motion for another drink. She nods. I go to the bar and order. Payday weekend. Big bar night. I wait my turn. I’m watching Amy dance with her very friendly friend.  Show me a guy who doesn’t like watching his girlfriend and another girl on a dance floor. My foot just got stepped on. Thank you, pal. And I just got bumped on the shoulder. I hear a throat clear. I turn. It’s the MILF. Nearly my height. Red-headed. Great jeans and a tight black t-shirt. Silver rings, none of them on the magic finger.

“Excuse me. So sorry.” She says, with that smiling-but-not-smiling look. You can tell in the eyes.

“That’s okay. It’s crowded.”

I look back toward the dance floor while the bartender takes her order. Amy’s now in the far back corner of the floor.

“You teach?”

One of those shouted questions, a volume peculiar to bars. I turn back to the red-head.

“No,” I tell her. Nearly thirty. Bald. Beard. I get that a lot around campus.

“You look too old to be in school, and I’ve never seen you in this place before.”

I have to lean in to hear her, and to be heard.

“I study here.”

She looks puzzled. She smells fabulous.

“Long story.”

My drinks arrive.

“Two drinks.”


“Maybe tell me your story another time!”


I let her see me look at her tits before I brush her shoulder as I head back to the table. The dance floor is overflowing now. I have no eyes on Amy or her pal, but I do see the red-head make her way back to her table. She ignores me completely. I’m unofficially all alone now, in the most crowded place in town. I finish my third bottle of beer without much delay. I could look around guess if judo guy in here, but I feel a familiar sensation coming on.

The men’s room line isn’t worth the wait. I remember this place has a generous parking lot and plenty of trees on one edge of it. I head outside. I try first to get Amy’s attention, but she’s nowhere to be seen. I gotta go.

It’s colder outside than I remembered but it cools the sweat. I take up a safe, respectable position behind a fat, dark tree. All guys know the pleasure of that first beer piss at a bar, but you can read the Book of Job by the time your bladder drains. (Freaky side note: I enjoy holding my heavy, limp cock whenever I piss. It feels… like a privilege. Maybe firemen feel like that when they’re holding a water hose. Maybe I’ll ask one.)

I’m still thinking about fire hoses, daydreaming, when I hear, “Bathrooms not to your liking, sweetie?”

I snap to and look over around the tree to my left. It’s the red-head.

“Shit, I’m sorry. It was crowded. When a man’s gotta go.”

“And you’re definitely a man, honey. I’ll say that.”

She’s looking at John Thursday pumping all that piss on the ground. I look down at him, too. Big Red isn’t done.

“Your little lady friends in there must be in love with that.”

I guess I should feel awkward, holding my cock, talking to a stranger, outside in a parking lot full of cars. But I don’t.

“My little lady friends?”

“The two college kids you bought drinks for. They sat down at your table when I was leaving.”

“Oh. Yeah, that’s -“

“You like ‘em young. Just my luck.”

I laugh. What the hell else am I going to do?

She has her keys. She’s parked two spaces from the tree that’s not hiding me very well.

I put John Thursday away and zip up. I come out from the shadows as she’s about to get into her car.

“You have a good night, hon. Have fun in there!”

I nod and walk toward the bar. I hear her coming up slowly behind me. She stops her car. The window comes down.

“What do you study?” she says.

“Theater. Literature.”

“I teach math.”

“Always been my enemy.”

We share a chuckle.

“Maybe I’ll see you in the library sometime,” she says.

“Maybe I’ll take a math course next semester.”

“I hope so.” She puts up her window and drives off.


“Where’d you go?”

I tell Amy about pissing. Sherri the dance partner comes back from the bathroom and says hi, then bye.

“Work in the morning!”

She leaves us, talking in that loud bar voice. Amy has a smile on her face. Big one. I lean in so I don’t have to shout.


“See the woman at the bar, with the really long black hair and yellow t-shirt?”

I do.

“See the guy she’s with?”

I see him, too. I look at Amy, not getting it just yet. He’s too old to be judo guy, unless I got the wrong idea in my head when I heard that story.

“He looks so much like my dad that I thought it was him!”

I give her the “Ah, I see” face. She takes a glass off the table. I hadn’t noticed that she had ordered another cocktail for herself. Four empty glasses on the table. I look at her eyes, her whole face. She’s red-cheeked, loose, relaxed, in the moment.

I lean in for a little hot talk.

“That’s not the guy I expected to see tonight.”

She shakes her head.

“That’s not my dad. Just looks like him.”

Okay, she might be loose and relaxed and in the moment, but four drinks have put her off her game a little. I smile and sit back in my chair. She gives me a confused look but she recovers like a longshot coming to the wire in the home stretch.

“Oh, that!”

I pat her on the hand and nod like a proud uncle.

“I didn’t see that guy tonight. Sorry.”

I lean in close.

“Fuck, sorry. We’re having a good fucking time.”

This starts her second wind.

“Hell yeah, we are!”

She leaps from her seat to mine and straddles me, shaking those magnificent tits against my chest.

“You like that, baby?”

I lean back in my chair as far as I can and let her lean in for more. We kiss. She grinds down into my crotch. We’re drawing attention. I grab her ass and draw a little more.

Over her shoulder, I see the guy from the bar and the long-haired woman sit at the table next to ours. Tall guy, gray-blond hair, cut short, full face but not fat, a sturdy guy, thick and strong, built like a guy who worked on a farm or in a garage most of his life.

I get an idea. I whisper into Amy’s ear.

“You had enough drinks yet? How wild do you feel?”

She leans way back, looks me in the eye and smiles, and grinds her hips hard into me.

Then she leans forward and says into my ear, “Take me the fuck home and I’ll show you how wild.”

We start to gather our stuff. I casually motion to the couple at the next table. Amy looks and giggles at me. “I know!” she mouths to me.

“You wait here for a second,” I tell her. “I want to piss one more time before we go.”


It’s a short walk to my place, only seven or eight blocks. We hold hands. We stop now and then to kiss, to fondle. The air is cool. We try to cuddle as we walk.

“So your dad’s a tall guy.”


“Big guy, too. Strong. What’s he do?”

“Builds houses. He owns a construction company.”

She interrupts my next question.

“But you know, when you went to pee, I looked at that guy. He doesn’t look that much like my dad.”


“No. I thought so from across the room, but I’m a little buzzed, so…”

“But close enough from a distance, I guess.”

“Yeah, definitely.”

We were home now. She’s waiting for me to open the door. Inside this door, in the front of the house, near the street, there is a short hallway. In that hallway, is the door that opens into the front of the apartment. Amy usually uses the back door, off the kitchen. Here, inside the front door. I stop before I let us into the apartment. I kiss her and push her back against the wall. She still tastes like her favorite drink. She kisses hard. Our hands are everywhere.

“Mmmm, baby! We never fucked drunk before.”

“I’m not drunk at all,” I tell her.

“I am a little, baby! Get me inside and fuck me!”

“Not yet,” I whisper in her ear.

“Oh, god, baby! Why not? I want it!”

I step back from her, and stand in the middle of this narrow hallway.

“What?” she says.

I start to unzip my pants.

“Let me!” She starts to move toward me.

I stop the zipper and look at her.


“Huh? Why not?”

She looks genuinely sad. I smile. She doesn’t.

“Why not?”

“Yeah. Why not?”

I move into her and push her against the wall again. She’s in my ear.

“I want it, baby! I want it so bad!”

“That’s not what you wanted when you got dressed tonight, is it?”


She pulls back. Confused again. I back away and free John Thursday. He’s limp. I let him hang fat and loose.

“I didn’t think I would be the one fucking you tonight.”

She smiles. “I know, baby. Sorry.”

How many moments have Amy and I had already, crossroads that will send us one way or another? Here is another one. Which way will she go?

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The lovely Joey White ❤ makes her Hussie?Pass debut today, and since she has “no love life” ☹️ we thought we’d “Double The Love” ✌️ by pairing her up with Danny Steele ? & Nade Nasty ? for this update that was shot YESTERDAY! ? After our extraordinary director Johnny ?? Robins conducts the interview portion of the program ??‍♀️ Joey sheds her bra & panties before making sure both holes down there are warmed up & ready to receive! ???️ In step Danny & Nade with some lube ?...

2 years ago
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Our Only Hope Chapter 04

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

4 years ago
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So Many

Introduction: My ex was a member of a club for a while Oh Hell, a little of everything happened. My ex was a member of a club for a while. It was mainly all men and a hunting and rifle club so he used it to go stay drunk and get away and to tell stories of things he never had done. I decided I was going with him one weekend and even though he objected and swore up and down I went. I wanted to see what hey did all weekend and also, the idea of all those men (at that time in my liffe) made me...

2 years ago
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Hot Pursuit of Mom

My Mom Tina, is 41 and attractive but difficult to get along with sometimes. She is medium height with long blonde hair and a beautiful face. Her Breasts are big, size 'D' and she loves to show off her cleavage. Her ass is nice to, a little big but in a hot way. The kind of ass you'd like to swat and watch jiggle for a second. She dresses to tease and not to please, she hasn't dated anyone in a few years now. My parents divorced when I was only 4, my Dad got frustrated with her selfishness and...

1 year ago
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Annie has problems

Annies problems started about 5 months ago when she ran away from home and wound up on the seedy side of San Francisco.Back in her hometown Annie was kind of a trouble maker. She smoked pot and had a tendency to hang out with the "wrong boys". But for the most part she was an innocent midwestern farm girl.After she got busted for smoking pot her folks really came down hard on her. She didn't like it and decided to run away to San Francisco. She was expecting flowers in her hair and had not...

2 years ago
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My older sisterChapter 2

She came back down, in a sweatshirt and jeans, looking great. “How about, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, VAMPIRE HUNTER,” I suggested? “That sounds kind of scary, but the ad for it makes me think it might be fun to watch,” she said. “I could find something else, but it’s about to leave town. I’ll never get to see it with Lynn; she doesn’t like spine-tingling movies any more than you do. I was hoping to see it with her, so I could hold her when it gets real scary.” “Well, I don’t want you to miss seeing...

3 years ago
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Great Power Comes with The Need To Use It For Fun

It was Sunday. John woke up immediately and took a long shower. He then went downstairs and saw his sister, Olive. She had blonde hair and green eyes. She had a small hips and a huge bust, a 36C to be exact. Her butt also was curvy and tight. She was a bitch all the time and dated a lot of guys when she went to college. She was now on holiday and taking a break from her studies. She wore a tight blouse that showed off her genorous cleavage and her toned midriff. She also wore a short pair off...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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What you make me do

What do I feel when I’m around you? Why do I feel this way and why can’t I help myself? Looks into the mirror day in, and day out, wondering what you think, how you feel and where we are together, wondering if it will last.  My heart flutters every time I see your name, thinking ‘Maybe this is it we will finally be together, can we handle it, can we make it through hardships. Will we make each other happy?’ Questions flood my mind but never get answered. Will I ever be at peace with myself? My...

4 years ago
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A Guard Shift To Remember

First a note: Yes, we are military personnel, the both of us, so I am going to include the common military vernacular to keep the story true to form. I will however, also include a short explanation of some of the terms, so I don’t lose anybody. Hope you enjoy our story as much as we enjoyed sharing it.        At the time I was a newly single man, and just enjoying things, although I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time. I had came back to my barracks (dorm) room, and needed to do some...

3 years ago
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Ricks RevengeChapter 23

In the door, we hurried upstairs. Donna and Lisa freshened up as I waited for them in bed. “Don’t you two make a sensual looking pair?” I smiled, as they crawled into bed with me in between them. Three adults in a queen-sized bed made for close snuggling. “I want to thank you both for a great night. I had so much fun and the songs we liked were so perfect, I never want this same feeling to end,” Donna and I smiled at the other. “Maybe the feeling never has to end. I can find and download...

2 years ago
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Breakfast at Harrys

"Oh my God, my head hurts." I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't cooperate. "Where am I?" "You're in my bed, big boy." "Who are you, and how did I get here?" I finally got my eyes open to see an attractive woman, perhaps 40 dressed in a white blouse and white shorts standing a few feet away from the bed. She was slim, trim and looked fresh as a Daisy. "I'm Harriet but everybody calls me Harry. I'm Paul's aunt, and I brought you here. You were to drunk to drive, so they...

2 years ago
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Dont Go Into The Woods

Don't Go Into the Woods By Lauren Westley (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. This piece is about humiliation, degradation and other XXXX sexuality. I am sorry to those who wish me to write a love story and this is in no way meant to deride anyone's sexuality, gender preference. But, this is a very raw and hard piece. So, if you read it I hope you like it and if it's...

1 year ago
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Animal Behaviour Part Two

The hyenas are creeping closer. The sound of the motor even closer. From the bush more glowing eyes can be seen. Fervently praying to the gods above that the sound of the motor was the guys looking for me, more prayers that they find me before the hyenas jaws. A rustling from the bushes on my right, more glowing eyes, these were wider apart, then a throaty roar splits the air My chances of getting out of this alive just...

3 years ago
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AllisonChapter 4

At nine o'clock Monday morning, Ali was stretching luxuriantly in her bed when the doorbell rang. Bill had had to get up early to go to New York so it was the first time they had been separated. She had wanted to go with him, but he had insisted she stay and prepare for her finals. Slipping on the unisex terry bathrobe, she went to open the door. Standing behind the room service cart was Ginger in the hotel's room-service uniform, complete with white shirt and bow tie. Ali grinned broadly...

1 year ago
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Friends and Lovers1

The summer was over and we were three weeks into the fall semester. Noel and I hung out together a lot this year and ate lunch together most days between classes. We hadn’t slept together since the summer but we had started getting along with each other better than we had in a long time. One night we were over at our separate dorms doing homework, I looked at the time, 11:24 my computer claimed. “Ugh, time for a break.” I said as I stretched and then picked up my cell. “Come over I’m...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Jayla De Angelis Sharon White What Secrets

Jayla De Angelis and Sharon White are in the kitchen while their boyfriend Raul Costa hangs out in the living room. The girls are getting increasingly flirty as they wait for their food to cook. Sharon finds herself with Jayla sucking her nipples. Of course, she can’t let that advance go unanswered. Turning Jayla around, Sharon drops to her knees and tugs her girlfriend’s shorts down. She buries her face between Jayla’s ass cheeks to lap at the chocolate starfish and lower to...

1 year ago
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The Prince of the RoseChapter 14

Aaron had everyone step up on the platform, with Kalliste leading Calliope, and prepared to transport them to Cumbra, when the Black Guard chose that moment to display themselves. It is worth noting that with each manifestation the Black Guard became a little more corporeal. By this point the guardsmen were indistinguishable from living beings and in fact were again alive. Now that everyone was finally in place, Aaron stepped over to the table top, set the controls for the throne room...

2 years ago
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Our Honeymoon But NO PUSSY for the New Hubby

The day after I married the love of my life, we flew to our honeymoon destination in the Bora Bora, French Polynesia. Janet and I chose a small honeymoon resort because we were on a limited budget. When we arrived, the place looked old and a little run down but we could care less. Both of us couldn’t wait until we got to our room to relax after the long tiring trip.We went to the front desk to check in and we received our complimentary honeymoon package. The clerk gave us our keys and...

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Husband to Cumdump

I’d never felt worse in my life. My wife had admitted to cheating on me, and at the end of a horrible week trying to reconcile things with her she told me she wanted a divorce and was going to stay with her parents. "I can't wear this anymore," she said as she slipped off her wedding ring and set it on the table by the entryway. Then she was gone.That was two days ago. I was depressed and suicidal, and had started drinking early in the day. As the hours went by my swirling mix of emotions...

1 year ago
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The Return of Father JuanChapter 3

Kate and I freshened up and went over to the diner for breakfast. I guess Kate's daddy had gone back to the farm and of course Miss Daisy was at the diner. She hugged us when we came in and introduced us to all of the wait staff and those in the kitchen. She was so-o-o-o-o happy. I found out why the diner was so successful. The food was pure ambrosia. Kate was off to see Bethanne and I had directions to Tom's place of business. The town seemed a real nice small town. I hadn't seen any...

2 years ago
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Enjoying With My Bhabhi Zoya 8211 Part 1

Hi everybody, this is Saahil (name changed) writing first time in iss. I am a regular visitor of this site and the most among the stories I find interesting and horny are those among the incest block. Whenever I visit this site I first open the incest block. Today I am going to share my first story which happened 2 months ago. This incident happened between me and my younger most cousin`s wife, who is I expect the most beautiful lady I have ever seen. She is 5’2 ft with perfect pair of boobs...

1 year ago
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El PasoChapter 38

Posted: August 27, 2007 - 02:57:28 pm I stood silently off to the side of the back door until my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit interior of Rosa’s Cantina. The back door was the route to the outhouses, and was down a short hallway that had a door on either side. A partition about six and a half feet tall screened the hallway from the interior of the bar. When I was sure of my vision, I walked quietly down the hall and looked around the partition. George Howard was sitting at a table with...

4 years ago
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Family Conspiracy Chapter 4 Marcis Awakening

Let me recap briefly how I found myself in a very awkward position. A week ago, I had discovered that my daughter had been working in an adult bookstore at a glory hole. This knowledge came after I did, if you’ll excuse the crude humor. For a few days afterwards, I was guilt-ridden at what I had done to my daughter, and potentially to my family. However, the guilt faded and was replaced with anger. I was furious that my daughter would do something like that. By the next Friday evening,...

3 years ago
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The Lady and the tramp 4 Missionary position

Suzie was a totally changed woman. At forty she was a prim, proper, helpful wife of a clergyman, and a sort of agony aunt for the community. At forty one however, Suzie had become, if not cock hungry, at least very willing to take the generous amount of cock that came her way. Mostly Thursdays and Fridays, when Jason, her vicar husband, stayed in another of the three parishes he covered. Just over two months ago, Ambrose, her husband's bishop, had entered her sex life and increased it quite a...

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…..She didn’t talk much, but her eyes told me she was wanting my attention. She liked to stand real close to me and almost whisper any talking we did. She liked to touch my chest and arms. ….. I started returning the touching. Her breathing increased every time. The touching increased. It was quiet affection, except for her panting breath. Slowly we were hugging and feeling a lot. My cock got hard quick now, and she pushed her pussy into it each time. …..I gave her a piggy back ride to...

1 year ago
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I Surrender

I was working out at the health club when I saw her. I was on the treadmill, getting my aerobics, and she was pumping iron. Her arms were spectacular. I thought she looked about thirty, was slim and trim, and somewhat pretty. Her jet black hair was tied in a knot on the back her head. She was wearing baggy sweat pants, so it was impossible to tell what her legs and butt looked like. But it seemed likely that her legs would also be muscular. Her top, though loose, was sleeveless, giving the full...

Straight Sex
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Lynn was several years older than my mom. Nothing extraordinary about this woman, not a super model, not hot. Not bad looking though. I mean the only thing that caught my eye about her after years of living across the street from her was her huge nipples. I mean if she did not have a bra on I could see those puppies from a mile away. She was a big flirt."Hey Tommy, come in here I want to show you something." Lynn said. The neighbors had a new swimming pool installed and they invited half the...

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Caught By Mr D Part 2

See Part 1 to find out what happened right before this....We made our deal. I get away with my "youthful indiscretion" by giving my body to my next door neighbor."Go in the house and put on some clothes. Then come to my house. But be sure that there's nobody walking or driving by and nobody hanging around outside when you walk over so there is no chance that anyone will see you doing it. Go in the back and come in through the back door. Lock both doors behind you as soon as you're inside. Then...

2 years ago
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Wyoming Trucking 6

Wyoming Trucking, 6 By: Malissa Madison It was a short half hour drive to the Midwest Military Academy, and we were all required to park in the lot outside the gate, except for Old Elk who was going to the loading docks to load up the grey Freightliner his son was driving. It was still fairly early, and classes had been delayed by the snow causing students to be late returning from the extended two week vacation. Tim accompanied the girls and I, as we made our way toward...

3 years ago
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Order of Protection

“All rise! The District Court of Manatka is now in session. The Honorable Judge Bauer presiding,” the bailiff said.Freida Bauer ascended the steps of the bench and sat down. “You may be seated. Will the clerk please call the first case.”“Khoury versus Higgins,” shared the middle aged brunette.“Will the parties please step forward,” the judge directed. A petite blonde woman and her tall, olive skinned husband stood up and moved forward. From the other side of the room, an average height guy with...

1 year ago
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Private Victoria Pure Kandy Kors Threesome With Rimming And Anal

Private strives to bring you the best European porn and today we have a scene that delivers exactly that! In Private Specials, Ass Licking Sluts, Kandy Kors is joined by Victoria Pure for a fantastic threesome, with blowjobs, deepthroat, rimming, fucking, and anal, this one truely has it all! Watch as these ravenous sluts make a great team, eating cock whilst the other eats ass, getting their stud wet and ready for a good fuck. The girls then take turns enjoying a hard pounding before Kandy...

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Raksha Bhandhan Per Diya Apni Sagi Bhen

Hi and I’m Sameer Agarwaal from new Delhi and I’m 22 year old. Main ek Hindu family se belong karta hun. Meri family mein mummy Sunita agarwal 36 year old, papa Vinod agarwal 46 year old. Aur ek sister Madhu agarwaal Papa SBI me job karte hain aur mummy house wife hain. Mere ghar me 4 room hain ek mummy papa ka ek mera ek madhu ka aur gest room friends aap sab ko apni kahani sunane se phele main aapka kuch waqt lena chahata hun. Ashleel phenawa aur Manmohak aadaein janani hain apradh ki. Dosto...

2 years ago
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Sally Gets Dirty at the Mall

PLEASE RATE if you aren't pleasuring yourself to much! ;) Sally examined herself in the mirror. She pressed her hands over her 34-D tits and pretended they were a strangers. It was one of her fantasy's, to get fucked in public by men she didn't know - While everyone watched. Another was to put on a show in public for both men and women. She wasn't into girls that much (at least not having sex with them, anyway), but she thought she would like to see them getting off while watching her, or...

4 years ago
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Hi like all my stories on this site they are all fantasy and pure fiction and not real events but thank you for looking,My name is Sally and I’m married to John my husband, He specializes in psychiatric patients, who have been put away in a psychiatric hospital for most of their life,We have been married for 10 years,He has worked very hard in the past 10 years to get his position at one of the top psychiatric hospitals,We are both in our thirties so life is great our sex life has always been...

3 years ago
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Wow ThanksChapter 13 Meditation and Reading

Denise got home about 30 minutes later, to find me immersed in one of my business magazines. I hadn't forgotten the awkwardness of the earlier interaction, but I'd pushed it to the back of my mind with the realization there was nothing I could do about it except wait and see. She fiddled in the kitchen for a few minutes, and asked if I wanted anything to eat, and finally put some chips and veggies and dip down on the coffee table in the living room and sat facing me on the couch. I could...

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Padosi Virgin Girl Ka Sath Sex

Hi,friends, I am bhaskar from bhagalpur,bihar.I am 18.This is my first story.Chalea story pa atta hai-yea kahani kuch month pahala ke hai. Mera ghar ka bagal ma 1 naya ghar bana tha. Or us ghar ka logo sa meri acchi jan pahachan thi or yo log aacha log tha. Ghar ma sirf 3 log he raha ta tha.Uncle,anty & unki teenager beti… Yo bohot gori thi & sunder v. Ham log ma thora mora bat-chit hota tha yo v thoda adult bala & yo ham sa senior thi. 1 din uska papa & mami kahi bhahar ja raha tha or yo unko...

4 years ago
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Queen Yavara Chapter 61

Chapter Sixty-One YAVARA It took me months to fully heal from the wounds I suffered atop the tower. Even with the full expertise of the royal mages, my stomach and liver were permanently damaged, and my abdominal wall had to be held together with a stiff corset lest I develop a hernia. It made it damnably difficult to sleep, but at least my posture was always good. Headmaster Lucian assured me that it would only be a temporary measure, for he and his best mages were working diligently to...

3 years ago
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Pirates of Caledonia II Learning the RopesChapter 7 The haul

The Captain was happy to see me in the morning with my breakfast tray and accepted my humble apology for disobeying her. She gleefully teased me about it (and the drinking of Holly's piss) before checking the nightly reports and having her morning shower. By the time the Captain had completed her inspection, including a random pubic hair examination (of which all the girls that she checked passed), the Sun had disappeared and was hidden by dark thunderclouds. A few of the pirates eyed the...

2 years ago
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Cold October rain

I'll write this in several segments, "Cold October rain" is the beginning of how I met my last lover back in 2001.My husband and I lived in what was a semi rural town with lots of freedom after we were married. An older house with two lots on a not so busy street with fairly nice older neighbors who minded their own business unless stirred, but friendly enough folks. Well, as with all things, change was in the wind. The older neighbors began dying off, replaced with younger people who...

1 year ago
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Evening without the children

‘Chicken ballotine?’ asked the waiter. “That’s me, thanks,” I said. It was Saturday night, and my other half and I decided to go for a meal, seeing as the children were staying at their granny’s overnight. “Do you want to stop off at the pub for a few? Some man is playing Irish music, and he is really good,” my other half said during our meal. I loved Irish music and having heard of this man, I was keen to hear him sing, so I agreed that we would stop on the way home. When we got to the...

1 year ago
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2 Indian Sluts Welcome a White Man to the Office

Story by PriyaThe name is John. I'm from The city of Toronto and I had just transferred for work to Canada's easternmost city, St. John's. I am English and French descent, so I am quite the pale bloke. I have black slicked back hair and autumn colored eyes. So I kind of look like one of those stereotypical Greasers from the 50's. Anyways, I work for banking company that is based around the eastern half of Canada. I had gotten tired of living in a metropolis such as Toronto, so I was ready for...

4 years ago
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Being a twin does things to you

Standing at 5'4" they seemed to be perfectly proportioned for their developing bodies. Both had B cup breasts that would have looked a little too big for a 18 year old frame had they not been balanced out by a butt that stuck out just enough and rounded by a few years of athletics (dance for Kaley and Soccer for Megan). Kaley and Megan shared bright blonde hair, the kind that looked like it should have darkened as they got older but never did. Megan had cut hers short, while Kaley liked to...

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Jealousy Drives Me To Be More Of An Exhibitionist

It was such a shock to me when I was on a weekend away with my boyfriend Eric and a friend of mine, Tania. It was mid-afternoon and we had just returned from an eight-kilometer run. I was getting a glass of water to drink in the kitchen and Eric was sitting in the lounge watching TV. In walked Tania, from the bathroom, wearing only her black spandex halter top she wore for jogging. In her hands she was holding the spandex shorts she had worn but she had nothing on covering her bottom.She stood...

3 years ago
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Shall we go out

Should we go out again and look for some cock for you. Maybe we can go get that waiter from the other night. The one who was looking at your tits and getting hard. The one that watched you take off your panties like a slut at the table and hand them to me. This time you will wear NO PANTIES. I like my whores open for business. He see us as we walk in and almost trips over himself to show us to a booth in a dark corner. I tell you that you are to look into his eyes whenever he is at the table....

2 years ago
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Trip To The Store Part 1

It’s late spring and the tent caterpillars come out and strip the leaves off of the trees. The poplar trees in my area are pretty bare and as a result, the caterpillars go on the move looking for more leaves to eat. They crawl around and occasionally dangle down from threads of silk that they spin. More than one time I’ve come in from outdoors with ‘friends’ crawling down my back. I had to dodge a few on my way to the mall. They make a snapping sound when they get squished and their green guts...

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