Soixante Neuf indian porn

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Soixante Neuf

Soixante Neuf I am reading a book by a French writer of erotic stories. In the book I learn for the first time about the sex position called ‘soixante neuf’ (pronounced swasontnuf). Soixante neuf is the French word for sixty-nine. It has a symbolic meaning. When you write the two numbers, 6 and 9, next to each other you get 69. If each number represents a human body, you can easily imagine what the combination represents. The Caribbean story The book describes a young couple having sex in...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 1

"Mr. Tyler, your resume is very impressive," Robert Marotte, chief recruitment officer for Soixante-Trois airlines, said to the young American man sitting opposite him. "Two years working for Belman airways in America, fluent in English, French & German, conversational in Russian and Arabic, you could choose any airline you want. Why do you want to work for Soixante-Trois?" "I love the whole concept of the service Soixante-Trois offers," Jesse Tyler responded in his clipped...

2 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 7

"Exhausted yet?" Jessica asked Abbey, smiling as the two women returned to the locker room at Charles De Gaulle airport. "Almost," Abbey replied, returning Jessica's smile. "It's harder work than I expected, though I suppose it would be harder on red, black or grey route..." "Ehh, red's not TOO bad," Jessica replied. "You do get to build up a nice tan!" The two young women giggled as they removed their iconic pillbox hats, followed by their tight blue uniforms, placing them on the...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 17

"Okay," the brown-haired flight attendant whispered as they slipped on their fitted royal blue jacket, fastening the one single button at the front. "You can do this." "You ready?" the flight attendant's mentor, a 22 year old blonde woman named Abbey, asked. "Ready as I'll ever be!" the brown haired flight attendant replied with a nervous giggle. "You'll be FINE," Abbey replied. "Trust me, the job isn't THAT hard. It'll seem like you have a lot to learn, but if you've already got...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 18

Sophie tried to smile as she took her seat in the vast, modern Wembley Stadium. It wasn't the first time that she'd been to Wembley to see a game- from a certain perspective, anyway. From a different perspective, it was undoubtedly the first time that 'Sophie Connelly' had ever set foot in the legendary stadium, something that the English girl found impossible to forget as she sat down and felt her tights begin to sag while her thong rode even higher between her buttocks. The last time...

2 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 8

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief as she peeled her clingy blue skirt from her glistering, nylon-covered legs and carefully placed it in the locker to be washed ahead of the following day's flight. After stripping off the rest of her uniform and changing back into her tight, chic pencil dress, Jessica elegantly lowered herself onto the bench in front of her locker and took her smartphone from her handbag, switching it on to check her messages. Ordinarily, Jessica would have headed...

2 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 15

"Please all give a round of applause to our newest in-flight supervisors," Alana announced to the assembled crowd of stewardesses. "Miss Jessica Tyler!" Jessica blushed as she stepped out in front of the cheering crowd, nervously fiddling with the brand-new gold buttons on her blazer. "And," Alana continued as Jessica anxiously bit her lip, "Miss Carly Powell!" Jessica smiled as the blonde Englishwoman stood alongside her and eagerly waved to the crowd. Jessica's smile faltered,...

2 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 2

"So, when did you first know that you were, well, 'Paige'?" Jessica asked her date, who simply smiled a shy smile in response. "Since I was about ten," the Scottish girl responded. "I'd go to school and all I could think about were the girls in their uniforms, and about wearing them. Then I went to secondary school and literally EVERY girl there wore tiny pleated skirts and black tights that just seemed to make their legs shine. I've been obsessed with black nylons ever...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 4

Jessica stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac at Charles De Gaulle airport with an ache in her feet from standing in high heels all day, and an ache in her head from dealing with needy, insulting passengers all day. She longed for nothing more than to strip out of her painful shoes, her tight skirt and her restrictive corset and lay in a warm bath for the next 24 hours, but as she changed back into her sleek black dress to head home, she knew that wasn't an option. As sore and...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 6

Jessica took a deep breath as she tried to relax in the aeroplane's plush, comfortable seats- though the discomfort her clothes were causing and the stares she was receiving from the other passengers weren't making the task of relaxing any easier. Next to her, her Scottish lover was suffering from the same levels of discomfort as she fidgeted in her seat. "Feel like everyone's staring," Paige whispered to Jessica as the aeroplane's safety briefing continued in both English and...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 13

"Now this is showing confidence in your series," Natalie sighed as she poured out tall glasses of sparkling wine for her seven friends. "Broadcasting the premiere episode at half past ten on a Monday evening." "They couldn't even have put it on last Monday, when it was a bank holiday," Rachel sighed. "Let's- let's just try to enjoy it, okay?" Anna-Jade asked. "The eight of us are about to become TV stars. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully." The eight women watched with excitement as the...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 16

The dark-haired woman took a deep breath to calm her nerves as her friends celebrated around her. The pub was packed, but they'd had an entire section reserved for their own private use- one of the perks of being friends with the manager. She stared over at her lover, who was smiling tiredly- having had a long day at work- and clenched her immaculately manicured hands into fists to stop them from shaking. After three more deep breaths, she rose from her seat, instantly attracting the...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 27

"We're not objects!" Sophie chanted, backed by dozens of her friends and colleagues. "We're not objects!" "You go, girls!" A passer-by, a young woman in her early twenties, said, giving the picket line a thumbs up as she walked past them and into the vast concourse of Heathrow airport. Nevertheless, Sophie still felt uneasy. It wasn't due to the fact that she was stood alongside her friends wearing a smart blouse, a straight pencil skirt and high-heeled shoes. If anything, her...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 9

Jessica smiled for the passengers as they disembarked the plane, stretching their tired muscles after the long flight from Madrid. "Thank you for flying with Soixante-Trois Airlines," Jessica gushed in her practised overly-saccharine 'stewardess's voice'. "Enjoy your stay in London!" "I live here, you dumb valley girl," one of the passengers snorted as he passed Jessica with a backward glance. "That's the west coast, you moron," Jessica whispered under her breath, out of earshot...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 11

"Thank you, please fly with us again!" Jessica said, a wide smile on her scarlet lips as she waved the hundred-plus passengers off the aeroplane. Most of the men and women simply ignored the American girl, tired as they were from their flight, but a few acknowledged her with a smile, making Jessica giggle happily. Once all the passengers has disembarked, Jessica returned to the aeroplane, straightening her tight red skirt and elegant pillbox hat before performing her post- flight...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 14

"Happy birthday dear Rachel..." The assembled crowd sang as the birthday girl cringed behind her voluminous blonde hair, "happy birthday to you... To you... To you... To you to you to you... To you... To you... To you to you to you!" Rachel giggled at the crowd's use of the tune of Cyndi Lauper's hit 'Girl Just Wanna Have Fun' to extend her embarrassment further, before brushing her hair out of her face and blowing out the 29 candles that had been placed on her cake- which was, of...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 21

"Here she comes!" Hayley squeaked excitedly as the black London taxi pulled onto the street. Sophie fidgeted nervously in her loose dress, forcing a smile on her face as she prepared to hold up the banner that she and many of her friends had spent the previous evening making. "Everybody ready?" One of the two identical ginger-haired Scottish women asked, smiling as everyone nodded affirmatively. "On three," the other ginger-haired Scotswoman said. "Ready? One,...

2 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 3

"...And the emergency exits can be found here, here and here," Marie announced in English and in French as all four stewardesses on board the luxurious aeroplane performed the hand and arm gestures. "If you need anything at all, our expert team of stewardesses will be only too happy to oblige," Marie continued. "Your stewardesses for this flight are Chloe," Marie gestured to a petite dark-haired girl, who bobbed a quick curtsey, "Sara," Marie gestured to a tall girl- over 6 feet tall...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 10

"Everyone's staring at me again," Jessica moaned, relaxing back into her chair. "Staring at US," Paige said. "And let them stare. Nothing they can do about it, they can hardly throw us off the plane now, can they?" "God knows there are people who'd want to," Jessica replied. "America may have legalized gay marriage, but that doesn't mean everyone in America agrees with the Supreme Court." "It's still the land of the free," Paige retorted. "And I for one am glad to be going back...

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Soixante Trois Airlines part 12

"You know," Paige said as she settled into her plush airline seat, "I kinda wish more people were staring. I mean, come on, just look at us! We're hot!" "We ARE," Jessica giggled. "But I'm quite happy for you to be the only person staring at me right now." Jessica smiled as she fixed her gaze on her lover's porcelain legs and her slender, feminine figure encased in its tight grey pencil dress. Paige had been taking oestrogen for fifteen months- ten more than Jessica herself- and with...

2 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 24

Sophie had a wide grin on her face as she stood among her colleagues, all of whom were wearing the same blue uniform as her. The uniform, especially the corset, was just as uncomfortable as it had been the first time Sophie had worn it 15 months earlier, but she had long since stopped caring about that. She had long since stopped feeling like an outsider in the uniform, as though she, as a genetic male, didn't belong in the group of beautiful professional women. And she had long since...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 19

"...Happy birthday Amy-lie," the assembled crowd sang in their loud, alcohol-fuelled voices. "Happy birthday to you!" The crowd cheered as the two young women at the front of the room- both of whom worse bright sashes with the logo 'birthday girl' written on them- blew out the two candles on the large cake in front of them. "Ah, thank you, thank you!" Amy giggled. "But you are NOT calling us that!" "I have been called worse," Amelie shrugged as she barely suppressed a giggle. "But...

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Soixante Trois Airlines part 25

"Honestly, there were times I thought this day would never come," Sophie said as she fidgeted nervously in her smart blue pencil dress and matching designer heels. "And I definitely never pictured it being under these circumstances." "Well, regardless of the circumstances, you definitely deserve to feel proud," Amy advised her friend, who smiled in response. "Definitely," Hayley concurred. "Just a pity you can't take any of the credit for it..." Sophie nodded sadly as she gazed out...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 5

"Ladies and gentlemen," the posh English accent announced over the airplane's tannoy, "I'd like to thank you for flying Soixante-Trois airlines, and on behalf of the company, I'd like to wish you all a safe stay in Paris and a very Merry Christmas!" "Joyeux Noel!" Jessica said to the passengers as they disembarked the plane, barely giving the attractive young stewardess in her tight blue skirt and high-heeled shoes a second look as they stepped out into the cold December air. Once all...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 20

Sophie fidgeted as the excitement of the crowd around her began to intensify. It wasn't the first wedding that she'd attended- not by a long way- but it still brought with it a clutch of new feelings. For starters, when Sophie had attended weddings in the past, she'd been dressed in a smart suit, a tie and lace-up shoes, a far cry from the smart pencil dress, high-heeled pumps and elegant hat she'd donned earlier in the day. She'd been sat with family during the last wedding, whereas...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines Origins Annabelle

Tyler tried not to squirm as he headed home from school on the chilly January morning, even though he knew what was waiting for him when he got there. It had been no ordinary Tuesday at school- then again, few days were 'ordinary' for the sixteen year old boy. Tyler had been born on the third of January 1993, the third child of his parents. His oldest brother, Lincoln, had been the envy of everyone at his school- a running back for the successful school football team, who dated and...

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Soixante Trois Airlines part 26

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm not allowed to discuss that," Sophie said as she poured the passenger his coffee. "Will there be anything else, sir?" "Non, that will be all," the middle-aged businessman replied in his refined Parisian accent. Sophie dutifully bobbed a curtsey and dragged her trolley back to the kitchen, where her supervisor was waiting with a sympathetic smile on her face. "I couldn't help but hear that, honey," Annabelle said softly. "You got another one of those...

3 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 22

"Sophie..." The brown-haired woman heard a distant voice coo, waking her from her slumber. "Sophie... Wake up, birthday girl!" "Umf," Sophie moaned as a pair of soft hands gently shook her awake. "My birthday's not 'will Wednesday, for god's sake..." "Yes, but we're all at work on Wednesday," Amy retorted. "We're all off today, so we're celebrating NOW. As in NOW. So up and at 'em, birthday girl!" Despite her tiredness, Sophie couldn't help but giggle at her friend's enthusiasm,...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines part 23

Sophie could barely suppress her giggles as she and the rest of the crowd stood in anticipation of the event that was about to occur. Sure, the weather wasn't perfect, but that didn't matter. Sure, she was several hundred miles from her home in London, but that didn't matter either. And sure, she was clad in a snug pencil dress and uncomfortable stiletto heeled shoes, but that just served to make the event all the more exciting for Sophie. "I have been waiting for this day for...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines Origins Abbey

"Happy birthday dear Robbie..." The modest crowd cheered as the blond- haired boy cringed. "Happy birthday to you!" Robbie grinned widely as he leaned down and blew out the sixteen candles on his plain chocolate cake, before grimacing as he braced himself for the inevitable. Robbie had always had mixed feelings about his birthday being at the start of August. On the one hand, it meant he was younger than virtually everyone in her school year, but on the other hand, it also meant that...

4 years ago
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Soixante Trois Airlines Origins Natalie

The seventeen year old boy stared at his reflection in the mirror and let out a long, tired sigh. It was a day he'd been planning for for weeks, and now that it was finally here, he felt nervous. He was also excited, of course- it was Halloween, and he was heading to his first proper Halloween party with his older brother, his first proper 'adult' party. His costume, however, was very different to the one his brother was wearing. Greg had opted for a 'Dexter' inspired costume of plain...

2 years ago
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Rachel s Hookup 1

The guy picked her up and slammed her on the wall, and with a swift motion inserted his hungry huge cock into her wet pussy. Rachel moaned in pleasure. She started to bounce on his cock, feeling its length pierce her, almost ripping her. "oh yes, yes YES!" She screamed as he picked up the pace. He started pumping furiously, and Rachel felt like she was in heaven. "I'm going to...AAAH" the guy jizzed and shot his hot cum into rachel's vagina. She could feel the warm liquid inside her....

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Oysterville A Love StoryChapter 3 Remission

When we got back to Jim's place on Sunday night, we were met with a process server. It seems that my Dearly Beloved had finally decided to divorce me and I guess he was having a devil of a time finding me, since no one knew about the Surprise and where I was except Jim, Sam and Ernie. No one had called or asked Jim or Sam of course they wouldn't have told any one any way. It was just a fluke that I had shown up when I did. Oh' well, it was bound to happen. But it did kind of put a downer...

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Stud BoyChapter 2

At Carlton Manor Iris and I were reclining in sun chairs, secluded by shrubs and flowers. The azure blue sky was traced with high stratus and the scent of Jasmine was in the air. Here within the grounds of Carlton Manor life felt far from the madness of the everyday world. Earlier, all my apprehension over meeting Guy after he’d raped me, had evaporated; when upon our reunion in the garden, he’d appeared with his pal Ralph; such an attractive youth with fairish long hair, the bluest eyes and...

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Sarah Carerra Chapter 38 The Sound of Music

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: June 7, 2010) Chapter 38 - The Sound of Music Disembarking was much better than boarding. I think we were off the plane and at the baggage claim before the coach passengers were even finished standing up. Amanda and I were the...

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A Mother s LoveChapter 10

They reappeared about half an hour, two beautiful little schoolgirls dressed identically in tiny micro kilts, crisp white shirts, a tie each and little straw hats perched cheekily on the back of their heads, black court shoes and knee length white socks completed the picture and left me absolutely drooling, these two were a dream, a bloody wet dream! "We thought you might like to help us on with these Terry" mum said and they each held out identical white panties. "I don't trust her,...

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my wife guriya fucked by her sister s husband

I am Rupesh, Fourty years old working in a government job. I was married in 2004 to 23 year old Guriya who is very beautiful. She is fair,about 5'3",and has a great figure 34B-28-38. Though the breasts are compact they are very shapely and compact. She has a milky white complexion and long hair. Guriya is the third of four sisters who were all married and settled down in the same town. Our first night was ecstasy and we had sex several times. Guriya was OK and appeared to be enjoying sex.We...

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Hindsight 20 20 Book 2Chapter 42

On Friday, we woke up in Darcy's bed. Although I had a slight headache, it wasn't debilitating. I was lying on my stomach with my arm over Darcy who was sleeping on her back and I leaned over and took her closest nipple in my mouth. As I licked her, I was gentle just as a kitten would. I let my rough tongue rouse her from her sleep. She petted my head and said, "Good morning Baby. How are you feeling this morning? Do you need some aspirin?" "I just need you." I spent the next...

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Teaching cock teasing stepdaughter a lesson

“Your Stepdaughter is such a cock tease”.I’m not sure what emboldened me to say these words to my work colleague about his daughter, Sara, who must have been 18 years old, I guess. They were true, she had been flirting with me constantly when I had visited Joe over the last few weeks to work on a project together. However, I would not usually comment on it, and if the shoe had been on the other foot I may have punched his lights out.Joe just laughed and agreed with me.“I try and tell her about...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 37

I came hard and huge, thrusting into Alli as deeply as possible. Of the same mind, she pushed her ass back against my groin, trapping my balls between us as her hot pussy tightened and clutched at my spurting cock. I had my arm around her and was squeezing her breast, pinching her nipple harder than I probably should have, but she didn’t object. I think we were both so wrapped up in the sensation of our respective orgasms that any pain from my crushed balls or her pinched nipple was irrelevant,...

Wife Lovers
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Dot Becomes More Than A Neighbor

Dot is my next-door neighbor. She is seventy-one, a widower, about four feet six, petite, and has white hair. I have always liked Dot. She is easy to get along with and funny. For her age, Dot is a very attractive woman with a good figure. Until a few weeks ago, that was Dot—my neighbor.My perception changed one morning when Dot and I were talking. Dot kept pulling her cardigan across her chest. She only has two small bumps for breasts, but she kept covering them. I don't think I was looking at...

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Dark Secrets

It was a dark night and I stood naked staring out through the Patio doors into the garden. There was nothing to see at this time of night so I just sipped my drink and let my mind wander. I had got up from my lonely bed as I'm not able to sleep much when Chuck's away on business. Only two more days and he'll be home again and what a time we'll have rolling about naked on our big bed. I finished my white wine so I moved to get a refill, then back to my memories. I suppose everybody has some...

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Bigger Than Life

Prologue Deep in the heart of the Glacier Forrest, known for its brutal summer and bitter winters, rested the kingdom of Bisondul. The fortified castle of the royal family was built into the side of the Blistagale Mountains, and the structure looked down over a village booming with life. The average men and women of Bisondul were not wealthy, but their needs were met and their king was considered fairer than most, and the land was dangerous but bountiful to the natives who knew how to work it....

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River RatChapter 22

When the party hit the beach at Diamond Wash where the crew bus was waiting, the first question they had of Jeff was, "How's Jerry?" "Not doin' too bad," Jeff said. "They let him out of the hospital a few days ago, but he's your typical boatman; he ain't got no place to go in Flag, so Marjorie and I took him in. Wants to go on the next trip, of course, but don't you dare even think about lettin' him." "I'll make a point of coming by and seeing him," Al said. "That is a hell...

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My First Experience As A Maid

My first experiences as a maid Hi, I am Mariëlle (28) and I like to tell you about my first experiencesas... a french maid! I hope my (rather naughty) story does not only turn youon, but may also inspire you. I know there are a lot of people (both men andwomen) who fantasize about being a maid or having one, but usually people don'tspeak our about it. Not even to their partner, because they feel ashamed orsomething. Something they shouldn't be! I have had submissive feelings as long as I know....

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HootChapter 3

In spite of the massive snowfall on Saturday night and Sunday, Monday had been remarkably light on motor vehicle accidents since not many people could get out. Today was already making up for it and today had started at 3 a.m. when Pate's phone had jarred him from a deep, peaceful sleep with pleasant dreams, to the rude and unpleasant world of jackknifed 18 wheelers, and multi-vehicle accidents. Since he had gotten to bed at about 2300 hours, at least he had gotten a few hours sleep. A...

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Secrets of Liberty Mountain No Man s Land Chapter 43

"That should do it. Time check," Belinda wiped sweat from her brow with her t-shirt as she braced her entrenching tool against the entrance of the newly constructed "bunker-in-a-bag." Unless you were part Mountain Goat, the winding ridgeline trail was the only drivable and walkable unbroken overland route from town to our base. Prior to SkyFire, arrays of remote sensors and wireless cameras guarded the pathway to the Society's home. The sun pulled the plug and left us blind. Our mission...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Best Laid PlansChapter 18

Jan finished her embroidery of how she had sex twice on the afternoon of the high school initiation and started the story about Sandy's lesbian encounter with the camp counselor. Bill listened intently, but stopped her to say, "I 'm dying to hear the rest of this, but I think we've been out here too long. Let's go sit in the kitchen. If that movie's over, Nancy may come looking for me and think you and I have been screwing around or something." "I wish we had been fucking. I'm hot...

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A Car Wash They get hot while car gets sudsy

A Car Wash (They get hot while car gets sudsy)Stepping out of the car at the Shell Station, Mark looked at the dark skies and impending storm. He felt the cool breeze and knew the front was just passing over. He unscrewed his gas cap and turned to see just what this tank of gas will cost. He slid his credit card into the slot and quickly removed it. Grabbing the nozzle for regular, he let his mind wander as he slipped the nozzle into the opening for the gas. He pictured Jackie, leaned over the...

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Subway to sex

There had always been times when X had been naughty all day, too much for her own good. She had been unable to keep her fingers still and out of her pants, from masturbating in bed over barely making it to the shower before she masturbated again to staying horny and naughty throughout the whole workday, stealing frequent bathroom breaks from her employer to take care of herself.Those days had been infrequent, welcome but embarrassing exceptions to her focused and disciplined lifestyle.Since the...

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Karen My lover pt3 0

for her birthday, we had agreed to go and spend a few nights alone together in a hotel. I left my car at hers and we walked with our back packs to Diss train station. I kept the location of our hotel a secret so it would be a surprise for her. At Norwich we had to change trains, and court a train to Ely, where we changed again for Cambridge. Our hotel was a luxury hotel, overlooking the river. We was too early to book in so went for a walk around the city before booking in. Once we were...

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Second ChanceChapter 6

After hours of pampering – mercifully at the hands of professionals – Polly Dryden pronounced me "fit" and "presentable." I had no idea what I was to be fitted for, but started to wonder when another woman arrived with two lovely dresses over her arms, and directed me to stand up so she could get on with my 'fitting'. Polly eyed each of the dresses as they were draped on my scrawny frame and decided that the blue one did the most for my 'disadvantaged' figure. The woman immediately...

2 years ago
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E Mails To My MasterChapter 18

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master Well, that was certainly well worth the wait. I was a smidgen concerned that things might have turned rough on this assignment but fortunately for you the guys behaved. I hope Razor fucked you good and hard. He must be the patient type though to hang around wile you sit at a computer. I would have dragged you off by the hair and power fucked you the moment I saw you switch the dammed thing on. It's good to know that my slave has her priorities right, thinking...

4 years ago
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Serena McGuire hated boats, that was all there was to it. The rolling beneath her feet, the closed confinement, even the sea air bothered her although it never had before. Of course, she had been on a beach then. But the combination now had her stomach rolling along with the waves of the ocean. Her best friend, Isabel Trecher, instructed her that if she would actually spend some time on the deck instead of in their cabin (which happened to be on the lowest deck, complete with two beds, one...

Straight Sex
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Her body throbbed. She stopped the car in the driveway and shut everything off. A tiny whimper popped from her smeared lips and she sank into the seat for a moment. Her pussy pulsed inside her soggy panties. She squeezed her thighs together, thinking about the hard cock that rammed into her hungry hole only a few minutes before, pumping a gusher of hot come into her cunt. Finally swinging her high heels to the concrete, she locked the car and crossed to the stoop and paused. Her fingers...

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Can You See Me Now Chapter 11

It was a surreal experience for Riley. She still couldn't believe he was actually there, in Colorado, right behind her on the trail. Academically, she knew she should be concerned that this man, this stranger, really, had just shown up on her doorstep - quite literally, in fact - but emotionally her feelings were quite the opposite. Yes, they didn't know each other that well. And yes, their relationship, thus far, had been unusual. She had heard the horror stories of men who trolled the...

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The deal her ass for grandkids

I had just finished another argument with my mother over me not finding a wife and providing her with grandc***dren. We've been having these arguments once a week now. Before, it wasn't so bad. She'd get on me about not having a wife and c***dren every couple of months. I was becoming sick and tired listening to the same bullshit. She just wouldn't get off my back.I think all this arguing stems from the time when I was a boy. Back then, my mother always wanted more k**s around, but my father...

2 years ago
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What kind of person was Corrina?Seems no one really knew her, not even herself. Some called her a whore, though she wasn’t, all she liked was fun and excitement and made it her life; in the form of one man, and one woman after another. And no one man or woman ever owned her in anyway or form, and she would not be anyone’s toy, except for one.She especially loved the strange and exciting world of lesbian sex and was an avid student of the erotic mysteries of it. Corrina particularly liked...

3 years ago
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Dream of cream

*never happened,just a fantasy*As a rather large fellow I always figured I was safe out on the town,so I ducked into a night club around 2 am to get out of the chill and ordered a rum and coke,I figured it's an easy enough drink how can they possibly fuck it up. It must have been happy hour or the bartender thought I was cute,either way it was strong enough to peel the rust off of a battleship and way too tasty to just have one. So I ordered another,and another,before long I felt myself needing...

4 years ago
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Spa Day

You park your car at the strip mall plaza, a little hesitant. You had won a coin from some drunk guy at a game of darts last night in the pub. Actually, he owed you a pitcher of beer but insisted he was broke save for this coin. He tossed it in your general direction and stumbled into the night. The coin appeared to be made from gold. It had a crest of a lion fish imprinted into either side and an address in tiny letters around the rim of the coin. Before you had the thing appraised, you...

3 years ago
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I Find True Love Thanks To Porn Chapter 2

Michael was still asleep when I slipped out of bed in the morning. I dressed and left a note — complete with my phone number and a lipstick imprint of my lips — but I was surprised when I heard my phone ringing while I was in the shower.“Hello, beautiful." His deep brown voice was in my ear."Hello handsome,” I panted, trying to secure a towel around me."Did I disturb you?""No, no, of course not. I was in the shower."His growl sent a shiver through my body. "I bet you look sensational in just a...

4 years ago
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Mix Up

No matter where I tended to end up for the night, these little rituals kept me grounded, gave me a little bit of homely quality to counteract the tedious sterility of hotel rooms. I set my diary onto the nightstand, put the small pink cushion into the bed and hung up my black original Japanese kimono on the wardrobe. While I did this, I slowly disrobed and took a guilty pleasure in dropping the discarded items of clothing wherever I stood. The city lights were visible through the large glass...

4 years ago
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Two Types Chapter 4

There are two types of people in the world. Those that have a moral compass and those that do not. Johnny and Carolyn do not. Les does (for now) and we are not sure of Mrs. Johnny.Fast forward one week. A week that dragged on for Carolyn and her quasi-boss but constant lover, Johnny. They’d manage only one tryst, on the rainy Sunday following that rainy Saturday. Les still conjured what to do next, as Carolyn had not exactly agreed to end the affair. She knew Les was suspicious as fuck! In...

Wife Lovers
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New Society New RulesChapter 10

The island was no longer paradise. Our Garden of Eden was invaded by a— No, Mom wasn't a serpent, although Maria thought so. The two were always bickering. To my mother, Maria couldn't do anything right. In her eyes, still her servant. They both vied for my attention. All the time! I was never alone. One of them would insist on even tagging along when I went fishing or hunting. I missed those peaceful times. We had just finished cleaning up after dinner when my mother inspected the inside...

2 years ago
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LoveHerFeet Chloe Scott My Buddys Little Sister

Studying was supposed to be my focus today but I hardly got any done. My older brother invited his musician bandmate friend over to talk about their upcoming tour. I overheard my brother saying that this bandmate of his has a weird foot fetish. I didn’t care because I thought he was super hot. I was sure he liked my cute socks because he kept staring and accidentally saying things like toe, feet, and footjob! For some reason when he said footjob I got curious and excited. So when he went to the...

3 years ago
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A new kind of cuck

She walked into our bedroom like she was familiar with it. Strolling across the floor in her lace black teddy and red 5 inch heels. I stood there licking my lips in excitement,wanting and waiting to see what was next. She was an ebony beauty. Her cocoa skin glistened from her oiled up body. She smelled of fresh exotic fruit and her body was curvy and oh so sexy. As she walked over to me she released her ponytail and let her hair cascade to her shoulders. Looking at her had my cunt all juiced...

3 years ago
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First time anal with buck

Well, I always swore I’d never let anyone fuck me in the ass, but I found out that the old saying "Never say Never " is very true. On Tuesday nite, Buck gave me a great back massage with warm sesame seed oil. (I just love the way that kind of oil feels – so smooth and silky.) He rubbed my back for a long time like he always does and then put some of the warm oil on my butt cheeks and thighs. He massaged the oil into my legs and butt cheeks then poured some of the warm oil into the crack of my...

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Entering College

I was preparing to move into my college freshman dorm at the University of Oregon. I was super excited to be living on my own. It's not that my parents were overbearing or anything, I just wanted to be alone, away from them. Though I was ditching my parents, I was unfortunately going to be stuck with a roommate.

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Female Free Use World

In the year 2100, countries around the world began to pass free use laws that allowed all women over the age of eighteen and under the age of fifty to be used sexually by any and all men. These laws were passed in order to try to slow the rise of violent crime that had occurred over time. Society changed when the laws were passed. New free use focused locations were opened and other locations were altered to better incorporate free use. Women’s jobs were also made more flexible in order to...

3 years ago
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Bite Me Chapter 2

“How good of you guys to join us, Mr. Mazzini and Ms. Bevan. If you hadn’t already aced this class by now, I might be inclined to give you detention or something. However, as you’re not typically tardy and you’re two of my best students, I’ll cut you both some slack,” Adam Hugo singled us out before moving back on topic. Pneumatics ... fascinating as ever, even if I was somewhat lacking in breath or air myself. I still felt as if the air had been kicked or knocked out of my lungs, in fact. I...

2 years ago
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My Daughter s Best Friend Part 2

That next morning I awoke to the sound of noise from downstairs.  I got up and dressed before summing up the courage to head down where I found the girls getting ready to head out to school.  Picking up their bags, they headed to the door as Cassie kissed me goodbye and reminded me that she'd be heading to her mother's for the weekend after school.  I said goodbye and I'd see her on Monday, as she headed out the door.Amy stepped forward, thanked me for allowing her to sleep over last night and...

4 years ago
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Common Interests Part Two

I last wrote of an adventure of adultery and its reasons of the why it happened, how sweet the advent of the act came to pass and outcome of climactic orgasms and then how it had returned to a time of friendship; one not lost with the powerful pleasures we had shared, amazingly. I had thought that would be the end of the tale, nothing else worthy of the readers of my stories to read; I was wrong. God help me was I ever wrong.It had been two months since Brenda and I had committed the sin of...

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Abandoned Inhibitions

I sat on the couch, stunned by the image before me. My boyfriend Liu had my best friend Melinda over his knee. His powerful, relentless spanks brought Melinda to tears as her bare bottom turned red from the punishment. Here was sassy-mouth Melinda, who had an answer for everything, who never took shit from anyone, now whimpering in remorse. I winced from the sound of his hand meeting her now tender skin. Hers was a position I had been in many times before and one I was about to face again. He...

5 years ago
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Mirror Mirror

She is not with me now. I have only held her once, a short hug in a park in fact, and that was some time ago. I remember it as if it were happening right now, but it isn't. It is only a memory. I am alone. Everyone else has gone to sleep. In the quiet of the night, I have been exchanging messages with her, but she is not with me now. But I feel her. In my mind's eye, in my mind, I still feel her and I can re-create every touch.But that was then. It was innocent, a moment of comfort between us....

2 years ago
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Teegan and Michael A Chance of Fate Part 2 of 2

When Michael woke on Sunday morning, he put the coffee on and went outside to retrieve the paper. Soon the aroma of fresh coffee permeated the kitchen; he poured a cup and settled into his favorite chair to relax and read the paper.He found thoughts of Teegan sneaking into his mind. Normally after an encounter like last night, he rarely gave it much after action thought. It was what it was, he enjoyed it and then it was time to move on. Even with his semi-regular benefit friends, it was just...

1 year ago
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As Anise strolled down the dark wet street, she felt a breeze across her thighs, as if from a ghostly hand. Her silken black skirt was adorned with a very high slit to the right hip. The thought of a hand creeping up that slit to her bare hip made a shiver climb up her spine. As the mist of rain started to fall, her white satin blouse began to cling to her bare breast like soft hands. The farther she walked, the more she felt the ghostly hands against her skin. She began to feel uneasy at the...

4 years ago
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My last gloryhole visit

I had not been able to get to my local glory hole for several weeks and I was really wanting to suck a few juicy cocks. One Saturday I was able to go to Newport and soon found myself sitting in the glory hole booth. I fed the machine, lowered my pants and started stroking my hard cock. I watched and stroked for a few minutes when I heard the door close in the next booth. I took a peek to see if I knew the guy and discovered that he was a guy I had sucked his cock there before. The man was...

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Living Large

I recently had to go on a business trip to Brazil in order to teach a training class for company executives and was able to carry my wife with me. This would be a get-a-way for both of us. We have three teen-age children, so they were old enough to stay with friends for the entire week. Linda is 40 yrs old and works out almost everyday. She is 5'4" tall, 118 lbs., Hispanic and looks like she is only half her age. She turns heads everywhere she goes. I am a retired body builder and also try to...

3 years ago
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By Choice or by ForceChapter 11

They did the first sample transfusion as soon as the blood was ready, and the solution streamed slowly into Jonathon Richards body. Sheila had requested that she stick to the diet, and so Laurie sat nibbling at the roast lamb, which was put before her at the evening meal. The purified vegetable tower that stood proudly on her plate did not taste so bad but she came to the conclusion that she was definitely not a red meat eater – despite her would-be carnivorous alter ego. Michael sat...

4 years ago
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Pretty Young Wife

Hi jax My wife and I love your stories on SOL and she especially likes the slut wives ones. I don't know why for she isn't, well I hope she isn't one herself. We are both in our early twenties, married only eighteen months ago and our sex life is full and satisfying. I'm especial proud of my wife's good looks and sexy body although she not totally happy with it. Despite the number of times I tell her she still thinks her tits are too small. Last year on our honeymoon I took a few...

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Heroes Corrupted

Superheroines from across the multiverse are going missing. No one knows if they are dead, captured, or just having one hell of a spring break. No one except for you, because you are the one responsible... ATTENTION: Rape is wrong, immoral, and illegal. Please don't do it! Fantasizing and reading about it is merely the sign of a healthy imagination.

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Mirror Image

MIRROR IMAGE Deviously manipulating a pair of women into an evening of erotic sex, both individually involved in their own playful bondage with him previously, he dresses the pair in identical fetish gear and introduces them into his game. Chapter One        Guiding her into the bedroom, her nakedness, her all black leather and latex bondage paraphernalia mirroring the other woman already standing silent at the foot of the bed facing the doorway, both are blindfolded with full covering bondage...

3 years ago
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A First Time For Everything

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… It was another steamy, humid summer day in August. I was 18, and my life was about to change forever. My family wasn’t rich. However, we were lucky enough to have an above ground pool. It was a...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 739

These are compliments of J & B A doctor that had been seeing an 80-year-old woman for most of her life finally retired. At her next checkup, the new doctor told her to bring a list of all the medicines that had been prescribed for her. As the doctor was looking through these his eyes grew wide as he realized Grandma had a prescription for birth control pills. “Mrs. Smith, do you realize these are birth control pills?” “Yes, they help me sleep at night.” “Mrs. Smith, I assure you there...

2 years ago
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BangPOV Vina Sky Horny Step Sister Fucked Hard

Tony Robino keeps finding his step sister Vina Sky masturbating. She’s obviously horny as fuck, so he decides to make a move. He starts to jerk off right next to her and she catches him. At first she’s embarrassed but then decides that a real dick is better than masturbating. She gives her step brother an amazing blowjob before getting on top and riding him. His dick feels so good inside of her tight pussy and she doesn’t stop until she gets a huge load all over her pretty...

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ReunionChapter 13

Ashley took several minutes to pull herself back together. The truth was out, though, and he knew that she didn't want to go back to Georgia. He had never seen her in such an emotionally driven state, or did he know what to do to calm her, so he took her in his arms and whispered, "I know that you don't want to go back there. I will release you from your commitment to move. No bad feelings." She pushed away from him and raised her voice, "That doesn't solve a damn thing. I don't want...

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Carers Bed Washes And Erections

Hi! I am Toby. I have a full head of shoulder length, dark blonde and grey hair that I tie back. I am very slim, and very, very healthy. I always used to be quite healthy, but now I am unbelievably healthy, and very much into supplements. I am in my early fifties now. When I was in my early forties I had a very, very bad motorbike accident. I spent a few days in intensive care and a few days in hospital.Physically, I was fine, I had just suffered a massive bump on the head, which had resulted...

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A Night I Will Always Remember Chapter 2

I sucked Marcells cock harder and stroked his shaft wanting him to cum in my mouth as I had my climax.  He moaned and pushed his cock into my mouth deep and I could feel it spurting its hot cum into my mouth filling it full.  I swallowed as much as I could and kept sucking trying to get more. The cock in my pussy began to erupt and pump its hot cum into me.  I could feel it jerk and spurt into me each time.  I pushed back against it hard feeling it hit the bottom of my pussy as it jerked and...

2 years ago
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Raped Degraded DaughterChapter 4

The minute Linda was perched on her dad's lap, right on his growing hard-on, she knew she was in for it. He wasn't going to let her watch TV at all. How could she when his hands were all over her body? As he licked his thick tongue into her little ear, he mauled her tits with his big hand, squeezing and fondling them. He chuckled and drew the front of her light nightie way down and bared her jutting, pink-nippled tits so he could kiss and lick and suck them even as he mauled...

4 years ago
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Thirsty Sex With My Colleague

Hello, sexy people. I am a regular reader of Indian Sex Stories dot net site and have read a lot of interesting stories and encounters of everyone in their life. After a long thought, I have decided to share my sexual experiences on this site as a sex story. Feedback is always welcome at I am Karthik from Bangalore and working in an MNC for the past 8 Yrs. I am so jovial and interested in sex, sex chat, sex talks. 5.7 ft tall and 70 kg weight with 7.5″ dick around 2inch of thickness. As I was...

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Clarissa s Tale pt 2

It had been three days since my relationship with my father crossed the line; three days since I’d lost my virginity at sixteen on a bear-skinned rug in our den to my own father. We hadn’t had sex since the morning after, my dad Jared getting a call Saturday morning about an emergency meeting issued by his company’s parent business, making him have to fly out to Texas. My aunt and uncle called in periodically to check on me but being sixteen and the fact it was only to be a couple days, I was...

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Morning With Cousin Sis

Hi ISS readers I’m Tunechi Sunny (Lil Pain) ( reply with your comments) here today I’m gonna tell you a story(real) happened 2 months back how I fucked my cousin Abhirami original name by the way I belong to a half Punjabi and half Malayali family so this incident took place in my hometown Kerala where I went on my vacation and to complete my degree course I was so much addicted to porns and stuffs like that and always wanted to fuck my cousin as she is so sexy with perfect body and average...

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The Portrait of Darlene Grey Man into Supermodel

The Portrait Of Darlene Grey(Man Into Supermodel) by Cabinessence. Some say that a picture is worth a thousand words. To Jim Davenport, the right picture could be worth a thousand dollars, sometimes even more. His job was to be a photographer, one of those wandering paraparatzi, trying to ensnare the rich and famous into the web of his lens. Yet he was also a throwback to another era when you could call a woman a dame and pinch her fanny and not worry about having to hire a...

4 years ago
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Student spanked 3

Lovely Lisa is now my student slave till she will get her degree and set free.She is very embarrassed how fast I found out that her sexual fantasies got in the way and blocked any progress in the final fase of her academic studies. She clearly needs to learn to control her needs and concentrate to write her thesis.Our first few hours together and her four hard orgasms exhaust both of us.We slowly doze off in her big bed as two spoons. Her hot bums warm my belly and arouse me. She feels it. She...

2 years ago
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The Girls of Delta Theta Phi

Cynthia Carter paced impatiently back and forth along the train platform as she waited for the 7:10 from New York City to arrive. The station manager had made some sort of announcement about a small track fire causing a minor delay, but Cynthia really hadn't paid it too much attention. All she knew that the longer it took Courtney to arrive, the less time they would have to spend together over the weekend. Running her fingers through her short graying blonde hair, the 62 year old newspaper...

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Andys Office Initiation The orgasmic conclusion

It was the second week of Andy’s time at DC Lingerie. He had been overjoyed when he had landed the job, which came with good hours and a salary, which paid well over what he could have got anywhere else in that sector. When he signed the lock in contract, little did he know what was waiting for him. For seven hours a day it was like any other small business. He would be busy making phone calls or spend some time on the road visiting clients. When he was in the office he would be managing the...

2 years ago
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Random ConnectionsChapter 5

The phone rang; "Oh shit." muttered Alison without taking her eyes off the screen. " Can't you ignore it?" She implored of her best friend, Elaine. "It's getting to a really hot scene." Elaine chuckled and shook her head. "No way! It might be my mum. Just pause the tape." Alison pouted and turned the volume up instead; "Oh yes, yes, right there, don't stop!" A girlish voice moaned, distracting them from the shrill tones of the phone. "For God's sake Ali, don't! Think of the...

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