Catfishing Ch. 2 free porn video

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Water dripped off Jasper's wet hair as he stood in the middle of the hotel room. He turned and admired Rose's tight young body as she toweled off in the bathroom. Jasper assumed she was just another catfish, another size-queen wanna-be. Instead, she turned out to be the perfect woman for him.

With his cell phone pressed to his ear, Jasper pretended to be talking to 'Oscar,' his fake internet alter-ego. As part of Jasper's ruse, he used 'Oscar' to trick Rose into having sex with him. The agreement between Oscar and Rose was she would agree to let Jasper fuck her to prove her worth before she could get to Oscar's ten-inch cock. Reluctantly, Rose agreed to the proposition.

For the first time, once Jasper completed the deed Rose surprised Jasper. She no longer wanted to meet Oscar! She had fallen in love/lust with him!

He talked into the phone with a voice loud enough for Rose to hear. "Yes, Oscar, Rose is an incredible lover! The two of us clicked, and we want to see where this leads. She likes me, and I feel the same. I hope you are not mad at me. No? That is great, and yes, I will let Rose know. Okay, talk to you later, and good luck with the other woman."

Rose stood naked in the bathroom doorway with a worried look on her face.

"It's all good! Oscar has given us his blessing!" Jasper enthused.

Rose rushed naked into Jasper's arms, almost knocking them both over. Her tight hug expressed both relief and desire. "Thank you, Jasper! I heard everything; I'm glad you like me too!"

They snuggled on the hotel bed, and Rose continued to bear her thoughts. She rambled on non-stop, telling him how her husband never satisfied her with his tiny cock. How she was a virgin when she married and didn't know anything about sex.

Rose gushed that in one afternoon, Jasper changed her life. She knew there must be more to sex than what her husband gave her, and Jasper was the man she dreamed of finding. Then she called him her soul mate, saying Karma brought them together. Rose wanted to be Jasper's lover, or whatever he wanted her to be, for as long as he wished.

Jasper's insides tightened up at Rose's uncensored disclosure. Like a man coming out of a dream, he looked bewildered and delighted at the same time. Rose was supposed to be just another catfish, another woman who obsessed about fucking a big cock.

The sight of her tight young body submitting jarred him emotionally. The jarring became something more as her mouth found his cock again. He pretended as if he didn't care, but he was thrilled by her subservience.

Normally Jasper would continue to have his way with his catfish size-queen, but today Rose deeply touched him. A first for him. Her soft touch and tender words reached into his heart. He loved the way she smiled at him and laughed at his lame jokes.

Jasper ordered them pizza, and while they waited, Rose asked if she could practice her oral skills. He watched a basketball game on the television as Rose went down on him. "Good girl, you're getting much better at not gagging so much. Remember, I like it when you go deep."

"Mmm, mmm," Rose mumbled as her nose touched Jasper's belly, holding him deep until she ran out of air.

"Rose, I want you to do something for me. When the pizza guy gets here, I want you to lie naked on top of the bed and give him a thrill."

The request took her by surprise. Jasper was only the second man to see her naked, and now he wanted to show her off. "I don't know about that?"

"You can cover your face up with your arm. No one will know who you are."

The sudden knock on the door made her heart race. She needed to decide quickly. "Oh, god!" The expectant look on Jasper's face made her agree. "Okay, but only for a quick look!"

"Excellent! Lie down and split your legs open," he waited until she looked into his eyes. "You look fantastic!"

Rose blushed as she spread her legs open a little. The excitement of exposing herself to a stranger made her wet. "I can't believe I am doing this!" she shrieked.

Jasper threw on his underwear, his hand was on the doorknob, and he took one last look back. Rose looked amazing lying naked on top of the bedspread. He opened the door to a pimple-faced kid holding an extra-large pepperoni pizza.

Devon couldn't believe his good luck; there was a naked woman on the bed. She had her arm over her face, but the rest of her was exposed. She was peeking out from under her arm, and her legs were open, giving him a slight view of her snatch. He starred opened mouthed at her as the guy handed him some bills.

"Is that a big enough tip?" Jasper laughed, moving out of the way so the kid had a better look.

"Fuck, yeah!" the kid enthused. "Thanks, Mister!"

Jasper knew the kid was not talking about money. "You ever saw a shaved cunt up close?"

"Really? Man, that would be rad!"

"Set the pizza down and go have a look."

Rose groaned, "Jasper, NO!" She was only supposed to tease the delivery guy. Now the young teenager was walking towards her with Jasper. She slammed her legs shut and covered her face with both hands.

Both stood at the end of the bed, waiting to see what she would do. She peeked through her fingers. When Jasper did not say anything, Rose could tell by the look on his face; he was upset. Her tummy filled with butterflies; this young boy would be the third male to see her bare pussy. She concentrated on the boy's face as she slowly opened her legs a little; it turned her on to see his astonished look. The front of the boy's pants started to bulge; she was giving him a hard-on!

"Wow! Thanks, Mister, the guys are never going to believe me when I get back!"

"In that case, you better take a picture," Jasper offered, "but no face shots."

"JASPER!" Rose screamed.

"Fuck me!" Devon said as he reached into the back pocket of his baggy low-riding jeans for his cell phone, ignoring the woman's scream. "Can you make her open her legs wider for me?"

Jasper looked at Rose; she looked embarrassed, but her wet cunt told him she enjoyed the exhibitionism.

"What's your name?" he asked the kid.


"Well, Devon, why don't you tell my beautiful lady friend what you want, and she will obey."

"Fuck, yeah! Okay, lady, you heard him, open wide for me." He pointed his phone at her waiting to see if she would do it.

The silence was deafening. The kid clicked off a few shots while he waited. The sound of the camera meant this young man would share her photos over and over among his friends. Her "cunt" was going to be famous in his world. Rose gathered her courage and spread her legs open; she felt herself leaking and laughed when the kid whistled at her. How did Jasper know this would turn her on?

"Use your fingers and spread your pussy open for me," Devon said. "I promise no face shots."

Jasper watched Rose slowly lower her arms and pull her cunt lips open. Her flushed face was red as an apple. The kid lied; he was getting Rose's face in each shot.

"Wow, incredible! Mister, you got yourself a real beauty! You got pretty tits, lady!"

Rose didn't want to bask in the young boy's admiration, but it felt good to be the center of attention.

"You got a girlfriend?" Jasper asked.

"Yeah, but all she will let me do is let me feel her tits. She's saving herself for marriage." Devon looked at the guy in boxer shorts; he was in good shape but didn't seem impressive in any other way. "How do you do it, Mister? I mean, how do you get this woman to do what you want?"

Jasper could see the kid was more than curious; there was desperation in his voice. "Tell me about your girlfriend," Jasper said.

Devon looked at the woman on the bed; she was still holding her pussy open for him. Devon imagined "Missy" doing this for him.

"We've been going steady for about six months, her name is Melisa, but everyone calls her Missy. She's adorable and has big tits." Devon wasn't sure what else he wanted to know.

"Well, Devon, my name is Jasper, and this lovely woman showing off her cunt is Rose. Say hi, Rose."

She looked from Jasper to the young man. "Hi Devon, nice to meet you," she said, then groaned at her stupid comment. Devon's eyes never reached hers; his focus was on her shaved cunt. The word, cunt, seemed normal now, after only a few hours with Jasper. She wondered what else would become "normal" in her new life.

"You too," Devon said, finally looking at her face. "You're a beautiful woman."

"Thank you," Rose said. "Jasper, can I let go now?"

"Not yet," he needed to prove a point to Devon. "Tell me more about Missy."

"We graduate from high school in a couple of weeks, she wants to be a nurse, and I'm going to be a mechanic. We need to save up for a few years first. School is so expensive." Devon paused, thinking about the future. He wanted to marry Missy, but without an income, it seemed like a pipe dream. "Her dad's a pastor, and they don't have much money, neither do I."

"Rose, turn over and show Devon your ass; make sure you pull your cheeks wide apart."

Devon stared in awe as Rose did what Jasper ordered. He could see everything; her tiny back hole was red like she recently got fucked there.

"How would you like Missy to do the things Rose does for me? I can make that happen."

"Fuck yeah!" Devon burst out. "Do you use drugs?"

"No," laughed Jasper, "something much more powerful. Do you have a picture of Missy?"

Devon scrolled through the photos and handed his phone to Jasper. "This is my favorite one," he said, showing Jasper one of Missy at the beach in a bikini.

Jasper admired the photo of Missy and her over-endowed breasts. "Yeah, she has big tits, that's for sure." Jasper noticed Missy was a big girl in more than one way; her wide hips made her appear short. "Does she at least suck your cock?"

Devon shook his head no as Jasper scrolled through the other pictures of Missy on his phone. Devon didn't want to notice, but Jasper was getting an erection admiring Missy's photos. He wondered what this guy's trick was to make a nice woman like Rose do such nasty things.

"A pretty girl like Missy should be sucking your cock daily, especially if you've been together for six months." Jasper noticed Devon looking at his hard-on. "You're not gay, are you? You keep looking at my cock."

"NO!" Devon shrieked at being caught. "I like girls."

"It's okay," Jasper laughed, "you were just checking me out. How big is your cock?"

Rose turned her head to look at Devon and the bulge in his pants. It was hard to tell how big his cock was.

Devon turned red at the question. He could see Rose watching him, staring at his groin. "I'm, I'm, average, I guess."

"So, what, two inches, three?"

"I'm a solid four inches!" Devon boasted, "maybe bigger!"

Jasper smiled and smacked Devon on the back. "Welcome to the club! Now let's talk about Missy. Do you think she's still a virgin?"

"I don't think I want to talk about this with you," Devon said, "she's my girlfriend."

"Hey, it's your loss. See Rose's ass, I fucked her there, and she loved it. If I wanted her to kneel and suck my cock in front of you, she would. I can even get her to let you fuck her holes."

Devon couldn't believe what he was hearing; Rose winked at him and wiggled her ass. Visions of Missy's naked body danced in his mind. "What do you want to know about Missy?"

"You said she lets you play with her tits. Are they bare, or does she keep her bra on?" Jasper asked. "And you never said if she's still a virgin?"

"Yeah, she's a virgin; she made a promise to her dad to wait. We go to movies once a week, and she lets me play with her tits in the dark. Tonight is movie night. That's the only time she doesn't wear a bra."

"Perfect!" Jasper rubbed his chin as she contemplated some scenarios. "Tell Missy there's a change in plans; your rich uncle is in town, and he wants to see you. What time do you pick her up?"

"Around seven."

Jasper looked at his watch; it was almost five-thirty. "Okay, bring her to the hotel. I want to meet her." He was thinking of Missy's big tits, but mostly her virgin cunt. It had been a long time since he had a virgin. "I promise you after tonight; Missy will do whatever you want her to."

Devon was skeptical of this man's claim. "I don't know."

"Rose, come here," Jasper ordered, "stand in front of Devon."

Rose tried to resist, she did, but her hormones won out. Her naked nervous body tingled in excitement at exposing herself to the young teenager. Devon was devouring her with his eyes, and she started to leak, badly.

"Feel her cunt," Jasper said to Devon, "push your finger in."

Devon could not believe this was happening. He reached out cupped the pretty lady's shaved pussy. "Is that your cum leaking out of her?" Devon asked Jasper.

Rose felt her cunt leaking like crazy; the humiliation turned her on.

"No, that's all her," Jasper laughed.

"Can I fuck her?" Devon had to ask, or his buddies would rag on him forever.

Jasper laughed at Rose's deer in the headlights look. "Maybe. Let us see how it goes tonight. Okay, that's enough," Jasper said. "Are you going to bring Missy here tonight?"

Rose reached out and grabbed Devon's hand, sucking his fingers clean.

"Damn! Fuck yeah!" Devon exclaimed. He had to know this guy's secret.

Jasper let the kid out and closed the door. Rose stood at the end of the bed, rubbing her pussy.

"You liked doing that, didn't you? Being an exhibitionist."

She did. "Yes."

"Would you have let him fuck you?"

She could not lie; Jasper would know. "Maybe, if that's what you wanted me to do."

Jasper's laughter filled the room. "He lied to you; I saw him taking pictures of your face."

"What!" Rose exclaimed in a panic. "Why didn't you stop him?"

"Because I decide what happens to you now. Besides, Devon doesn't know your full name; and more importantly, I wanted him to bring his girlfriend here."

Rose tried to collect her thoughts. Jealousy raged inside. "You want Devon to bring Missy here so you can fuck her. Don't you?"

"No, I want both of us to fuck Missy. Have you ever been with another girl?"

She sat down on the bed in shock. "Both of us?"

"If we play this right, it will happen. I told you I would introduce you to new things!" Jasper laughed. "Now, do you want pizza, or do you want me to fuck your horny cunt?"

Rose still had no idea how this would all work. Her body needed Jasper again. "Fuck me, Jasper!"

Jasper reached into his bag and passed her the vibrating ball on a wand. "Lie down on the bed and use this toy on yourself."

Rose had never seen one of these before and couldn't find the on button. Jasper watched her fumble around until finally, she turned it on. She could feel the vibrations radiating down the shaft.

"Touch it on your clit," he said, "I think you are going to like this one!"

As soon as it touched her soaked cunt, she jumped in the air. "Oh, my, god! It feels amazing!"

Jasper grabbed his phone to take a video. "Smile for the camera!"

Rose smiled for Jasper as he took pictures of her. She focused on her pleasure. The vibrations were sending shock waves right down to her toes. "Oh! Thank you, Jasper! You're incredible! I love being your slut!"

"That's right, you're my slut now," he added, "and this video will confirm it."

Oh god, Jasper was taking a video! Rose wanted to stop, but the feelings were too good. Jasper dropped his underwear to the floor. His cock was hard again; the man was an animal, a crazed sex animal. She loved him!

Jasper crawled on the bed between her legs, recording her as she pleased herself. The vibrating ball was doing its job; Rose had her legs spread as wide as she could.

Rose felt like a porn star. She smiled into the camera each time Jasper pointed it at her. "I'm a slut!" she kept repeating, "I'm Jasper's slut!"

"That's right. I wonder if your husband would like a copy of your movie."

Rose felt like a love-struck schoolgirl. "Maybe!" she laughed. "He could use some help in bed, that's for sure!"

Jasper slid up to her face, holding his cock in one hand, the camera in the other. He didn't need to say anything; Rose knew what he wanted her to do. The shit-eating grin on his face said it all. He was making her come to him, recording it all. She opened her mouth, and he pushed in using a hand on the back of her head until she gagged.

"Keep using the toy on yourself. I want you to come with my cock in your pretty mouth."

Rose was in love with his toy. She couldn't help lifting her hips as it vibrated on her clit. Her life would never be the same now; Jasper showed her what had been missing in her boring life. She wondered how to fuck another woman. The idea of assisting Jasper to fuck Missy sounded exciting. Rose couldn't stop her depraved thoughts.

Rose sucked his cock almost down to the root; he didn't need to force her anymore. Her moans were getting louder and louder. She was trying to push the sizable vibrating ball into her cunt as her arousal grew. The camera was capturing it all, all the obscene action.

"Bruce would love this movie!" he laughed. "Imagine the shock on his face seeing his wife sucking the cock of another man and fucking a toy in her cunt."

How did Jasper know her husband's name? Oscar! He must have told Jasper. Rose wondered what else Oscar told him and if Jasper knew about her sexual fantasies. All those secret emails she sent to Oscar on those lonely nights when her husband was out of town. Rose pictured Missy eating Jasper's cum out of her cunt, and it pushed her over the edge.

"NOW! Right now!" she screamed. "FUCK!"

Rose was a woman possessed. He liked her funny scrunched-up face as she came. When her orgasm stopped, she went right back to sucking him, like she was trying to eat him whole. Damn, good thing he liked cold pizza!


Thank you for taking the time to read my story; if it tickled your fancy, I appreciate your vote and any comments. 



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Within a short while I was enjoying myself as a house-guest at Carlton Manor. Iris and I were reclining in sun chairs, secluded by shrubs and flowers. Here within the grounds of Carlton Manor life felt far from the madness of war. After my reunion with Guy earlier, the lads had both jaunted off to join a cricket match down in the village. Now we could chat about Guy’s expectations of working at the manor. I found Iris an attractive woman with fair bubbly hair and hazel eyes that sparkled...

2 years ago
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i reached the moutain top

I had to be all of 18, and he was 23. It was our first time alone. We watch a movie, but i cant recall what it was. He rubbed my shoulders and back as we watched the screen,tickled my neck and smelled me. When the credits began to roll he gently kissed the back of my neck, and it sent a chill through me. Just like that my pussy was wet, and wanting him. I wasnt "fast" so i didnt have much sexual experience, but i knew i was about to gain some that day. From behind me he grabbed my double D's,...

1 year ago
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Caught in the Storm Chapter 1 The Game Begins

Caught in the Storm Chapter One - The Game Begins The snow arrived sooner than expected. It was coming down much harder than forecast. What started as a simple errand for a friend turned into so much more. His friend April had been caught in traffic behind an accident causing more than an hour delay, so she'd called him to run by her house and be there for her daughter when she got home from school. "Hey... I've gotta ask a favor," April started the call. "What's up?" Billy...

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A Long Time Coming

With a critical eye, she looked over the reflection of her curvaceous figure in the mirror, head to toe. Her auburn hair lay softly in loose waves against her pale skin. Normally, the redness of her hair and the pink hue of her skin deterred her from wearing dark, rich, crimson reds, but tonight she donned her sexiest lingerie. Her red bra trimmed with black lace paired with black silk panties was deliciously vampy. Her voluptuous body looked so feminine and seductive when adorned in only...

4 years ago
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26 May 2008Chapter 6

Tina could feel the curious eyes of nosey neighbours as Dan opened the passenger door for her. She wasn’t ashamed to show her bare pussy as she placed one long leg then the other into the car. Sliding behind the driver’s wheel she leaned to kiss him and guided his hand inside her dress, for the neighbour’s appreciation. Dan brought the Shelby to life and it effortlessly growled their departure. “You’re in charge of our fun, where are we off to?” “The Quinte Convention Centre.” “People will...

2 years ago
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My Husband and our cuckold relationship

As a younger woman I could pick and choose my partners, there were many offering and trying very hard, but competition was stiff (Pardon the pun), and many never had a look in from the onset.Of course this would lead to name calling, 'Cock Teaser and Lesbo', were but two of the most common which you learned to take in your stride, but as things went, I had my pick, leaving the rest to ponder, what if only.Now since my marriage, I find these old suitors making fresh inroads, via my husband, men...

1 year ago
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Naked in public

Your name is Rachel and this day is gonna be terrifying, embarrassing or fun. Your decision. You can chose your age, clothes and places where it happen and how things happen. It could be that you are a confident girl at highschool that cares not for rules and strips naked for all to see and tries to avoid the teachers or dont care to, or you are a shy girl at the beach getting her bikini stolen by some random person or a friend who wants to humilliate her ,or blackmailed into doing some...

2 years ago
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Soaked panties

I love it when I can taste you once you've soaked through your panties. The white darkened by the moisture showing through. Slipping in behind you and kneeling down. You can feel my breath on the backs of your legs all the way down. The inside of my thighs rubbing against the outside of your smooth legs. Letting my hands run up and down each one with an occasional pat on that sweet ass. Pushing your feet apart with just a little bit of force makes you catch your breath as I hold your ankles...

Straight Sex
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The Scarecrow

Crows nettled on the two poled wooden fence on the farm. The stared at the scarecrow, then to the freshly plowed dirt with seeds in the lines. One cawed loudly at the unnerving but lifless Scarecrow. One started flying, heading toward the feild. Before it could even land it was cut in half and fell to the ground, it's lower half twitching. The weapon that killed the creature was stuck in the wooden fence.  A rusty sickle with fresh blood dripping from the blade. The rest of the crows took...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 67 Happy Birthday Kara

March 28, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “You must be beat!” Sam declared when Kara, Jessica, Maria Cristina, and I walked into Bucktown Bistro just after 7:00pm on Friday evening. “I slept in this morning,” I replied. Which was true. After Karla and I had made love until the wee hours of the morning, we’d slept spooned together until just before I had to leave for the airport. We’d showered, skipped breakfast, and headed for Schiphol, arriving just in time for me to clear security and board the...

1 year ago
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The best of two worlds 4

After our adventure on the beach Jacqui had a moral and physical hangover for a few days. She would do things to me that went beyond my expectation. She was absolutely fascinated with my cock, giving me head jobs the moment I walked in to the door. Upon my arrival home I would find her half naked, her pussy shaved and her body shining with a suntan lotion after lying naked in our backyard. She would tie me down in bed and rape my arse with her dildo, piss on me sitting on my face, swallow my...

She Males
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Private Ivi Rein Jayla De Angelis From Literature To Anal

Jayla de Angelis and newcomer, Ivi Rain, are huge fans of Totti’s new book in Private Specials, Anal Crazed Groupies, and just like the crazy, horny fans that they are, they’ve made a trip to his house for a signature, and of course… a little extra! That’s right, there’s only one way that things will go when these babes meet their idol, and before you know it, Jayla and Ivi are sharing a double gagging blowjob before going on to enjoy a fully anal threesome that includes a round...

3 years ago
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Blacktown 1950

Blacktown 1950 By The Princess The advertisement on the transgender website was subtle but fascinating. "People who are interested in pursuing a life immersed by transgenderism and are self motivated, qualified in two fields of expertise and willing to relocate are invited to apply for an exciting life changing experience" How could I as a lifelong crossdresser possibly not follow up on this? The advert went on to explain how to express interest by filling out...

1 year ago
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A Second Dick to Share

A few weeks ago we brought a guy home because it was my girl’s biggest to watch me suck on a big hard cock. So far it was one of the hottest nights ever. We are looking for a guy who would like to join us for some fun. Come over have a few drinks and relax on the couch. I'll get down between your legs and pull your dick out its hiding spot. Lay back as I take your nice anxious cock all the way in my mouth. After watching me slide your dick down my throat for a few minutes my girl will probably...

2 years ago
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Selena and JoeChapter 35

Betty Hanson was putting together a bag of clothes and essentials just in case the power didn't come back on tonight. The local substation was shorted out by an animal that ate its way in to a transformer and the local power company could not guarantee everyone getting back on today. As she thought about staying there tonight she had the same thought as her daughter. Would THEY make love with her Mom and Dad in the house? Would she seduce her husband Scott just to let their daughter and her...

1 year ago
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 17

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...

2 years ago
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Picking Up the PiecesChapter 5 Peggy gets her way

February 2001 It began snowing on Friday night. It was just after midnight when the police called, asking for Brian. "Your name and phone number were found in Mr. Brown's pocket. Edmond and Edith Brown were killed in an automobile accident. Do you know their next of kin?" At first, Brian blamed himself for not checking on his neighbors when it started to snow. Where were they going that was so important? He didn't know if the Browns had children. He drove his truck next door, cleared...

4 years ago
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Perpetual Disguise

This is my 2nd shot at a TG Story so be gentle with this one, too. You may actually like this story better! Once again my stories will have some sort of moral at the end, but the tranformee won't ALWAYS get changed back at the end. Sometimes they'll stay the way the are forever and just learn to live with it and enjoy it. Sometimes the ending will be bad...sometimes it will be good... but it will always have a moral. It won't be meaningless. And once again you my archive this story...

3 years ago
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Becoming the office slut stage 7

As I sat at my desk swiveling impatiently in my chair my pussy was throbbing. My instructions for today had me so excited I’d already masturbated over the idea – twice! I couldn’t wait for the clock to tick down the last minutes until show time. I’d dressed as I was told to, a crisp white blouse and short black skirt, with nothing underneath. I slid my hand unconsciously inside the blouse and stroked my nipple as I thought about what was going to happen. I knew Kate had no idea what was in...

2 years ago
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Aunt Daughter Me

Hello everyone …! This is Chandru working down here in Hosur. This story is about my aunt, her daughter and me which happened when I was doing my college studies. My cousin name is Kavi (32 30 36), she was doing her +2 in my native. I used visit her house regularly as we used to play from childhood. My aunt Arasi (Kavi’s mom(36 34 40)) was married to my uncle at age of fifteen itself who was at the age 34 that time. My uncle is a lorry driver, used to be out for more days due to his trip. One...

1 year ago
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Best Indian Sex Stories Of July 2021

Dear Readers, we are back again with the best Indian sex stories list with a surprise at the end! 1) By: I was enjoying a hot session with mom in my room when everyone was asleep. This steamy sex made her really very angry with me as I had made a huge mistake. ‘She unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down. My rock-hard cock jumped out. She looked at its massive size with a smile and continued kissing while her left hand massaged my cock. The more she touched my cock, the harder it got and...

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Mature housewife

Hi all readers . I am dinesh 29 yrs old from hyderabad. About namitha aunty . She is 35yrs old with a fair complexion and with a stats of 36-28-40 . She stays alone and her husband is being abroad for past few years. She looked very sexy in her blue and one pink night gown.I have a friend named anusha who is from a rich family whom I met a few months back at my brother’s party. We share a good friendship . One day she invited me for her b day party . The day was Sunday and as I didn’t have any...

2 years ago
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Summer Family Fun Part 2

If you haven't read part one, I suggest you go back and read it now, to understand what's going on. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! We're gonna get busted!" I thought, frantically. Time hit a near stand-still as the door handle twisted slowly. I looked around for a way out, my sister and I still butt-naked, my cum still glistening on her chest. I gasped and grabbed my sister's arm. "The shower! Quick, get in!" I whispered. As soon as I shut the shower door, I heard the bathroom door open. I then realized my...

3 years ago
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Day TripChapter 31

The first "long range" scouting expedition was so successful that a full set of routes were planned to determine just what our local part of the world was really like. Meanwhile, it was obvious that we needed more planes and pilots. Ed got busy supervising the production of more of the one- and two-person planes. He was giving some thought to carrying even more people than that, but was not sure that the ultralight configuration could work with too much size expansion. That was when the...

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Submissive Ssters 2 Awesome Anne Wants Ass We

Anne is awesomely attractive. She has a hot slender sexy fine figure. Anne is as smart as pretty, this blonde beauty with her curly hair and rare emerald eyes. Anne is freshmen'at a journalist school, outside our Amsterdam. And also still a vintage virgin at eighteen! Which makes her feel shy, apparently unwanted by those elder,erotically experienced men, whom she might want to invite to take her first. And next soon also her , hidden deeper behind her beautiful blond bushes underneath her...

1 year ago
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The Long Road Back Ch 09

Chapter 9 Hawk’s POV (Six months later) I was restless. Crystal had taken John to the park with her mother. Something was wrong but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was. I thought about Crystal and I’s relationship. The last six months had been pure heaven as far as I was concerned. I walked into the bedroom and pulled open my nightstand drawer. Reaching down I picked up a ring box. I opened it, looking at the diamond and amethyst engagement ring. I wanted Crystal to be my wife....

3 years ago
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The GovernorChapter 6A Eye for Eye Tooth for Tooth Nipple for Nipple

"I'm not joking, Mr Pendrill," Cecily said. "Rape may not be pretty, but it's ubiquitous and effective. I know, because I was in Chechnya where I was captured by the rebels and afterwards by the Russians. I was there, and I was gang raped by both of these forces because that's what happens to women at times of war, and to a female spy even doubly and triply so. We're raped, Mr Pendrill. We get screwed and tortured and we learn to accept it because that's part of our job. In Chechnya,...

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The Phantom Transgenderer Of Old London Town

The Phantom Transgender of Old London Town (Part 1) By Paul1954 and Darkside East End of London July 20th 1888 ?Surely Dr Soames, I just don?t know what you means!? the young girl said, feigning surprise as the tall dark man gently kneaded her breast with his right hand, whilst his other fumbled with the ties that held her corset tight. ?Don?t play your little games with me Polly, you know damn well what you do to...

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Mums friend

My mother told me one afternoon that her friend, Linda needed some help and that she had volunteered me to assist her.Linda was living alone since her divorce years back. I was too young to remember her ex-hubby or why the divorce happened. She was now older and to my knowledge she did not have a man in her life.I had not looked much at her, until I was well into my puberty. I was a late bloomer, so I it was not until I was about 18 when I looked at her as a woman instead of this family...

1 year ago
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My First Meeting With You

My First Meeting with You. I flew to Australia. You booked a hotel room and then greeted me at Adelaide International airport. Familiar with the airport you had already planned where you’d take me, and how you would do me. You greeted me with a kiss when I stepped off the plane and lead me away into a quiet hall way. Guiding me to a room you locked the door behind us, and assisted me onto a blanket you had laid down. You told me it has been too long and you must have me before we leave the...

2 years ago
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Slave Test Do I make the grade

People get the wrong idea about slavery. Becoming property takes an act of strength and commitment. 1: How long have you had fantasies about female domination? it is about 5 years now2: What spawned these fantasies? Did anything happen that gave you a reaction and you wanted to explore more? If so, what was it? I was with a girl and she laughed at me while she was naked. she slapped my face called me a oser and left3: When you masturbate what images create the strongest reaction? Get you the...

1 year ago
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Hindu Ne Muslim Bhabhi Ki Chudai Ki

Doston I am back with my 2nd story. I’ve always fantasized about fucking a Muslim woman. This is a fantasy story.  Mein chuttiyon ke liye ghar aaya tha May ke mahine mein. Waise hamare pados wala flat khaali pada tha, par ab usmein koi rehne aaya tha. Mummy se pooecha to unhone kaha koi muslim family hain. Ghar mein sirf ma aur uski 5 saal ki beti hain. Maine ek din usko burkhe mein dekha. Sirf ankhen dikhai de rahi ti uski. Par kya nasheeli ankhen thi. Hum dono darwaaze ke baahar hi...

2 years ago
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Giant tits I like Part 1 with clips

So, lately I have been getting again the urge to wank it to "enhanced" tits. I'm usually more for the natural stuff but from time to time I really enjoy to jerk off to those big melons. I figured that I could make a list of some bit tits actresses I love to look at, starting from the "smallest" (which are still mammoths) in this first part and going on to the bigger sizes in the next part. I'm following the cup sizes I found in Boobpedia, please be patient if I screwed up something since cup...

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Cheerleader and the beast

Eighteen year-old, blond, cheerleader captain Leah waved to the other girls as they got into Sandy’s car. Kimberly rolled down the back window and asked, “You sure you don’t want me to stay and help Lee?” “No,” Leah answered. “You know Brad will be waiting at the party for you, just go and have fun. I’ll be along later.” “Okay, see ya then,” yelled Kimberly as the car pulled away. Leah watched only for a moment as the car sped...

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Do Not Disturb

*This is a work of fiction. Feedback will be greatly appreciated. I always thought there was something remotely erotic about hotel rooms. It might be because whenever my ex-girlfriend and I got it on, it was always in a hotel room. But apart from that, a hotel room has its own anonymity. You might have a dozen couples move in and out of a room, but as long as it is clean, no one will know. The hotel room has its dim, subdued lighting that makes you want to sit closer to each other, making it...

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