End Of An EraChapter 3 free porn video

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Johnny Burrows pulled his horse to a stop in front of the Fountain City Livery Stable. Made good time we did, he said to himself; just 48 days from Portland to Fountain. Dismounting he patted William's neck and said, "Good job, old son. You brought me a long way." He stepped over to his pack horse Buck and repeated, "Good job, big fellar."

The stable master came out to join Johnny. "Stayin long Mister?"

"Don't rightly know yet," he replied. "I'd like these two pampered for a day or two anyways. Give em a bath, brush and curry em, and feed em a good mash please."

The stable man said, "Be $3 for the first day and $1 a day after that."

Nodding his head Johnny flipped a $10 gold piece to the man. "That'll take care of a couple of days, I'll be back with more ifin it's needed. Show me the stalls you'll put em in." He followed the man into the big barn and unsaddled the two horses, storing his gear in one of the stalls. "Mister these two are about the only friends I got. Take good care of em," he said looking the man in the eyes." It was both a request and a warning.

As he walked down the main street toward the town proper, Johnny planned on where he would start looking for Josh. There are three places that you can find all the information about the people and the town, Johnny thought. Rumors and facts are found at the general store/post office, the barber shop, and the saloon. I don't need any supplies and don't have anything to mail; I don't want a haircut or shave; so I guess I'll go to the saloon.

Johnny walked into the saloon and smiled. It's like comin back home again, he thought. I've spent more hours than I can remember in a lot worse places than this. He walked to the bar and ordered a whiskey.

As the bartender served his drink, Johnny said, "Name's Johnny Burrows. Lookin for a fellar that may live around here. Can you help me?"

"I'm Sam. Why do you want to find this man?" The bartender asked.

"He's an old friend. Haven't seen him in nigh on to 14 years," Johnny replied.

Sam nodded and asked, "Who are you looking for Mister?"

"Fellar named Josh Kelly. He's supposed to have a ranch outside of town. Got a partner named McCall."

With a smile Sam said, "Josh and Red own the Chico Basin Cattle Company. They got another partner named Jerry Barnes." He smiled again and said, "Course their wives are the real bosses."

Johnny returned the smile. "Where might I find this ranch?"

"I can give you directions but Josh and Red usually stop in for a beer about this time every Saturday. Should be here anytime, if they follow habit."

Johnny's back was to the swinging doors but he saw them swing open in the mirror behind the bar. Two young men came through the doors and stepped to either side of the opening. He saw them look around the big room carefully before they started toward the bar.

As Josh and Red got to the bar, Johnny kept his head down until the youngsters ordered a drink.

"Reckon you'll serve anyone in here if you'll serve these shave tails," he said in a loud serious voice.

Josh and Red turned toward the rude man. Red started to respond to the man and his insult but Josh stopped him. Turning to his companion Josh asked, "I ever tell you about that old horse thief that thought he was a mountain man and tried to teach me how to track and such?"

Johnny smiled, stood up from leaning on the bar and faced Josh.

Still talking to Red Josh continued, "This is that old bag of bones I was telling you about."

"Josh," Johnny said. The two friends looked at each other for a few seconds. Josh stepped over, shook hands with Johnny and put his other hand on his shoulder.

When they finished greeting each other, Red stepped over and offered his hand. "You'd be the famous Mountain Man, Johnny Burrows," he said. "Read about you. I'm Red McCall, Josh's partner."

"Clint Hobart told me about you and the other one, Jerry Barnes was it, when he wrote to me. Say's you and Josh was as close as brothers, he did. Guess that makes you my friend too. Johnny smiled at Red while shaking his hand. "Now what's this about y'all reading about me?"

"Piece in the paper, written by a lady over to Portland, says you're the last of the real by God Mountain Men," Red replied. "Never thought I'd meet someone famous like you," he teased.

Johnny looked puzzled and Josh said, "Seems you met a lady name of Margaret Anne Dempsey and told her your life story. She wrote a long article about you and it got printed in the Portland paper."

Nodding, Johnny said, "Maggie's a friend and she got her uncle to print that story. But how did you hear about it way over here?"

Red answered, "Seems some of the editors of other papers liked the story so much that they got permission to reprint it." Seeing the surprise on Johnny's face he added, "Half the newspapers in the west have run that article. Including our own Fountain Daily News." As an aside Red remarked, "Don't know why it's called the daily news; it don't come out but once a week."

Johnny shook his head. "Never meant for that story to make such a fuss. I just tried to help a young lady with a lot of grit."

He explained Maggie's desire to do stories about more important things than the society page type stories. "She reminded me of another youngster that had a lot goin against him but that wasn't willing to sit back and take it," Johnny said pointing to Josh as he spoke.

Red saw the look that passed between Josh and the mountain man. "Sam give us three of your best before these two get to blubbering," he ordered.

Sam got a bottle down from beside the mirror behind the bar. He had to wipe off some dust. "Don't get much call for this," he explained. "Too blamed expensive I guess." He poured three double shots and placed them in front of the men.

Johnny put a $20 gold piece on the bar but Sam pushed it back to him. "Reckon I can stand a drink to a real by God Mountain Man," he said with a smile.

Nodding his thanks, Johnny asked, "You finally grow up enough to drink whiskey Josh? You used to just drink beer."

"Still do, but this is a special occasion."

The three picked up the glasses and Josh raised his glass toward Johnny and made a toast. "To old friends."

"And to new ones," Johnny replied raising his glass toward Red. They threw the whiskey back and sat the empty glasses on the bar in one continuous movement. "Dang now you almost got me blubbering," Red remarked as he acknowledged the toast. "Sam give us two more and a beer for the little boy here," he ordered looking at Josh. "Reckon he's had his limit on whiskey."

The three friends sipped the second drink and talked back and forth. Josh told Red the story of meeting Johnny and how he'd taught Josh about the wild country out west. "Many times what he taught me helped save my hide."

"Well ... didn't want no greenhorn's blood on my hands, don't you know," Johnny commented. Then more serious he continued, "You were a good learner Josh. Never too proud to learn or too stubborn to try something a different way than what you were used to. You always asked questions." With a big grin Johnny added, "That is when I wasn't talkin so much that you could get a word in."

"I always thought I was about the best there was at trackin," Red told Johnny. "But I found out I had a lot to learn when Josh and I partnered up. Now I know why."

"So boy ... what happened to you after you left with Clint from Fort Smith?" Johnny asked wanting to know about his friends life.

Josh laughed and replied, "I was gonna ask you the same thing but I guess that newspaper story pretty much tells it all."

"Not by a long shot it don't," Johnny said. "Maggie's a good girl and has a gift with the written word but she exaggerated a mite in that story. Enough about me, tell me your story Josh."

Josh, with Red adding details now and then, told Johnny about the trail west with the wagon train to Santa Fe. Red added the story of how he and Josh met and how Josh vouched for him with the wagon master Hobart.

"He was so grateful that he came all the way to Santa Fe with us," Josh said with a grin. "In fact in spite of me trying to get rid of him he followed me all the way to Colorado."

"More like I led and you followed," Red countered. "You'd never even found the territory much less Chico Basin without my guidance."

Josh laughed at Red's teasing. "Don't rightly know who led who but he were sure a help when we got here." They told of the addition of Jerry Barnes to their partnership and their travels to Fountain and the adventures along the way.

"I thought you were just sittin out the war Josh, but you're still here," Johnny said.

"Well our plans sorta changed when we got to Fountain," he replied. Then he smiled and added, "We met Danni and Sarah our first day in town." Johnny looked puzzled. "Those are our wives Johnny."

"You got hitched?"

"Yes sir, both of us. We married sisters and we've both got kids and a real family," Josh answered. "In fact we're supposed to meet them at the café about now."

Johnny shook his head and smiled. "You look happier than a pig in slop Josh. Good for you and you too Red."

"We're gonna have a late lunch and start back to the ranch. Come meet our families," Red invited.

"I'm not hardly fit to meet womenfolk," Johnny protested.

At Josh and Red's insistence he went with them to the café. As Johnny followed Josh into the café he saw a big table in the back. At the table were two young women and six children.

Not hard to figure out whose kids are whose, Johnny thought. Those three have the same reddish blonde hair as Red. The other two boys are the spitin image of Josh and that little girl looks just like her momma.

The children looked up and saw their fathers come into the café. There was a stampede of six children running to greet them. Cries of "Papa" and "Daddy" rang out in the room. The few customers smiled and laughed at the children. Greeting their children Josh and Red finally got them calmed down and back at the table.

Josh took Johnny's arm and pulled him over to the table. "Danni, this is my friend Johnny Burrows. Johnny this is my wife Danni." Johnny nodded at the pretty young woman. "That other beauty there is Danni's sister Sarah and she owns this one here," Josh said pointing a thumb at Red.

"Please to meet cha both ladies," Johnny said pulling off his hat.

Danni stood holding a child on her left hip and stepped around Josh holding out her hand. "It's good to finally meet you Mr. Burrows. Josh never seems to tire of talking about you after that newspaper article. He's like a little boy telling tales," Danni said with a big smile teasing her husband.

Returning her handshake and her smile Johnny said, "Johnny'll do just fine Mrs. Kelly. Never was much for that mister stuff."

She nodded and replied, "And you must call me Danni, I feel like I know you already." Danni motioned for the children to come to her.

"Johnny these are our children," she said with William and Molly standing in front of her while she held the two year old Clint.

He turned to Josh with a grin and then turned back as Danni introduced the children.

"This is William, our oldest," she said. "He's nine but he'll be the man of the house one day." William stepped forward and offered his hand.

Johnny said, "Pleased to meet you William. He solemnly shook hands with the youngster.

"Gee Mister, you smell funny," William said then ducked his head at Danni's call of William!

"Well William, that'll happen when you spend two months on the trail," Johnny laughed.

"This is Molly, she's 7," Danni continued the introductions.

Johnny bent over at the waist and smoothed Molly's hair. "You're about as pretty as a speckled pup," he said. Molly smiled and the room seemed to light up.

"And this is Clint our youngest. He's two and sometimes I feel like he's twins," Danni said smiling. "He surely likes to get into things."

Johnny had never spent much time around children, other than the older ones in the Indian camps he'd lived in. He wasn't sure how to react to Clint. But he put his finger out to tickle the little one. Clint giggled and stuck both arms out wanting to go to Johnny.

"Bear," Clint proclaimed. He struggled and almost jumped to get into Johnny's arms. Once there he put his little arms around Johnny's neck and repeated, "Bear."

To cover the tears that came to his eyes, Johnny turned to Josh. "I knowed where the names William and Molly come from, but Clint?"

Josh smiled and answered, "After Mr. Hobart. He was the one that started me on the trail west."

After a few minutes Red stepped over and said, "Like to introduce you to my brood if I might."

Johnny nodded and tried to hand Clint back to his mother. The boy would have none of it and hugged Johnny ever tighter. Johnny carried the boy with him as he stepped to the other side of the table.

"As you heard, this is my boss Sarah, she's Danni's sister," Red began. "The twins are John and Daniel, they just turned 11. And the little one in Sarah's arms is Elizabeth; she's one and a half."

"Pleased to meet you ma'am, boys," Johnny said. "There's no doubt whose brand the boys wear, with that hair and all."

"Please call me Sarah Johnny. I feel the same way about ma'am as you do about mister. Besides I've heard the stories too and feel like we're old acquaintances.

"Mr ... I mean Johnny, you must join us for lunch," Danni invited. "If you don't I'm afraid I won't see my husband for the rest of the day. And we need to get back to the ranch by evening. Please sit here, I'll take Clint so you can eat."

Clint didn't want to leave his own personal 'bear'. "He ain't a bother Danni," Johnny told her. "You can leave him be for a spell."

All of the children were fascinated by the big man wearing the buckskins and crowded around as Johnny tried to eat with one hand. His other arm held Clint on his lap.

"Are you really a famous Mountain Man?" Young Daniel asked. He was the more outgoing of the twins just like his father.

Johnny wasn't sure which of Red's twins asked the question, they looked so much alike. "I don't rightly know about famous but I'm a mountain man sure enough."

"You ever seen any Indians? Did you live with them? How'd you stand the winters up in the mountains? Are Indian children like us? Johnny was besieged with questions by the three boys as he tried to eat.

William asked, "You ever killed a bear?" And before Johnny could answer the boy continued, "My Pa did, Uncle Red helped him. It was a big one too. Uncle Jerry's got the skin on his cabin wall."

"I was gonna wrestle him," Red kidded. "But Josh just had to show off and shoot him before I got close to the big dickens."

"Boys. Leave Mr. Burrows alone so he can eat," Danni ordered. The tone in her voice would brook no argument and the children went back to their chairs. "You'll have plenty of time to talk to Mr. Burrows. He'll be spending some time out at the ranch." She looked at Johnny with a smile but the tone in her voice left no room for disagreement.

Danni asked, "You will spend a few days with us, won't you Johnny? I'd consider it a favor or I might not see Josh at all while you're here."

"Please do Johnny," Sarah added. "If Josh spends all his time with you, Red will be right by his side. Sometimes you can't separate those two with a branding iron."

"Well, I wouldn't want to keep Josh or Red away from their families," Johnny replied. "So I reckon I can spend a few days at your ranch. Got no place I need to be anyway."

"Thank you Johnny," Danni said pleased that her husband's friend would spend some time with the family. "We'll finish lunch and leave for the ranch."

"Wait a minute Miss Danni," Johnny said with a laugh. "I'll stay in town tonight and come out to your place tomorrow. Probably be late mornin fore I get there." At Danni's look he added, "I ain't been in a town for two months.

Josh and Red chuckled and Danni laughed out loud. "I don't think it's the town you're interested in Johnny," she said. "I think it's the saloon you want to visit." Johnny looked surprised that Danni knew what he was thinking. "I've heard stories about you mountain men," she added still laughing.

"Maybe me and Josh ought to stay with Johnny," Red suggested. "Just so's he don't get lost tomorrow."

"You'll do no such thing Red McCall," Sarah said. "Johnny just came better than 1200 miles on his own. I think he can travel another 14 or so without your help."

"I'll go look in on my horses," Johnny said after lunch. "See y'all tomorrow."

Josh and Red loaded their families into the big wagon, mounted their horses and left Fountain for their ranch. Johnny waved to them as they passed the livery stable. After making sure William and Buck had been bathed, groomed and well fed, he walked back toward town.

After the comment that William had made about his smell, Johnny decided since he was going to be around kids and womenfolk that maybe a bath was in order. He grabbed a pair of clean twill work pants and a shirt and went to the barber shop. There was a sign on the front of the building that said they had hot water baths available.

Johnny took a bath, got a haircut, and had his beard trimmed into something else than the tangled mess that it normally was. He thought about shaving it off but decided that it would just itch when it grew back and he knew he wouldn't shave much out on the trail.

Johnny changed into his clean clothes but still wore his moccasins; they were more comfortable than the boots. He took his buckskins back to the stable. Now, let's just see if the saloon is as good as it looked, Johnny said to himself.

In spite of the good time and the late hours he spent at the saloon, Johnny was up and saddling William and Buck at first light. Maybe I'm gettin smarter in my old age, Johnny thought. I enjoyed myself last night but didn't get too much of the whiskey and didn't get in no fights. He chuckled, didn't go to jail neither.

Following the directions Josh had given him, Johnny made good time getting to the ranch. Figure another two miles or so, Johnny thought as he made the turn east off the main trail. Then he heard a gunshot. He stopped his horse and listened and heard another shot.

That's no Winchester, he thought. Big rifle, like Sharps buffalo rifle. Johnny dismounted, dropping William's reins and Buck's lead rope. The horses were trained to ground tie and wouldn't move from that spot. He began sneaking through the trees to bring him closer to whoever was doing the shooting.

I'm as nosey as a cat and as careful as an old woman, he thought. But being nosey and careful has saved my scalp more than a few times.

As he came out of the tree line on a small rise he saw two men hiding behind some rocks. About 600 yards in the distance Johnny saw a ranch house; must be Josh's place, he thought. One of the men firing a .52 caliber Sharps buffalo rifle at the house. The other man cackled like an old hen at every shot.

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This isn’t the first time that Kendra had gotten drunk. She has been sneaking booze from her parents for almost a year now but now that she is fifteen years old it has been taking more booze to make her feel good. Kendra overheard her brother talking on the phone about a party he was going to have this weekend when their parents were out of town. Kendra was supposed to spending the weekend with a girlfriend but was thinking of staying home now. Her brother was twenty and attending the...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 3

Hove to, a sailing boat makes very slow progress towards the wind. There's a sort of dynamic stability, with sails and helm deliberately set to maintain a small angle to the wind. Overall, it can mean the boat moving forward over the ground, or back; you have to experience it to understand, really. The point is, facing into the weather, with wind and sea on one bow (usually starboard, right, because of the 'rules of the road') the boat is relatively safe and stable. It just pitches up and...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 18

I watched Eva cover up ... barely ... with the minimum fabric acceptable in polite society. She was ... very pretty, and, I supposed, unconsciously sexy. I sighed, thinking of the situation we were in and began to dress, myself. I followed her out of the cabin to the cockpit where Grace had cold meat, cheese, rice and potato salads, with grated carrot and coleslaw. We ate, mostly, in silence, then over tea or coffee, pored over the Blackwater chart. We were faced with a dead beat to...

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Kendra A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE." - Rod Serling *** Kendra - A TWILIGHT ZONE story By Anon Allsop Kendra Allen tried to use an ancient magic book to cast a spell, a book he had no right of possessing. His intent was kindly, his motive honest...but somehow, I doubt if Kendra had intended for the outcome to be...

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Pendants of Aeternitas An Epilogue

Pendants of Aeternitas: An Epilogue by BobH (c) 2012 Note: My thanks to Zapper for allowing me to write this coda to his tale. For anyone reading this who hasn't read his story - and though I don't know why you wouldn't, I'm sure there'll be a few of you who haven't- what you need to know is that Mark Thompson believes he has stopped a body thief from stealing his wife Susan's body. He is wrong. What Mark doesn't know is that the thief not only stole his wife's body but also...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 17

We left Brixham early in the morning of the twenty-ninth, under power to run over the rising tide. The wind had veered a little and dropped; the barometer also dropping a little as the high-pressure system reluctantly moved away north-east. Evania watched as we made our way out of the harbour, but went back to her cabin once we cleared the breakwater. I had offered a day or two at anchor in Fishcombe cove, just outside the harbour. It looked as though, and I was told it was, quite a good...

2 years ago
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Wendys Birthday

Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...

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Wendys Test

    Wendy's Test      By Abe "Pledges, you have worked hard all week,cooking, cleaning, doing silly things likescavenger hunts to prove you really want tobe a sister in this house.  Any secondthoughts?"  None.  "OK, tonight comes yourlast and most important test.  Some will findit easy.  Some will find it difficult, but youwill pass, if it takes you all week‑end.  Readand sign this paper, if you wish to join thissorority."  Wendy's older sister, Bronwyn,was president of the sorority, so Wendy...

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Kendra Lust Twitter 15000 14m

Do you lust after the one and only Kendra Lust? Fuck, I know I do! And my penis does too! Which is why you need to be following Kendra Lust right the fuck here, and right the fuck now!If you’re ready to dive in balls first and follow this stunning porn star that’s been satisfying horny fuckers like I for years, then do her a solid and follow her ass over on Twitter.com/KendraLust. Here, you are going to find her latest updates, beautiful content, and all of the various ways that you can follow...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Wochenende german

Wochenende?Schon als Alice die Haust?re ?ffnete wusste sie, dass es ein, f?r sie besonders sch?nes Wochenende werden sollte. Ihre Eltern waren bei Verwandten und ihre kleine Schwester Svenja sollte wohl bei einer Freundin sein. F?r Alice bedeutete dass vor allem eines, ein leeres haus. Alice war kein Topmodel, aber auch keine H?sslichkeit. Sie hatte schwarze schulterlange Haare und leuchtende graugr?ne Augen. Alice f?hlte sich wohl in ihrem kurvenreichen K?rper der nichts gemein hatte mit den m...

2 years ago
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Wendys Lament Part 1 Of 2

The comforter tore from her teeth as her body strained again. She'd been biting it, fighting to muffle her cries of pleasure. Her breathing was rough and she gasped like a diver surfacing. Her lungs pumped hard. Her heart pumped hard.Her hips and tight, grinding pussy pumped hard.Short brown hair was plastered to her head in a combination of epic bed-head and sweaty exertion. Hunched over her husband's legs, her modest breasts dangled invitingly, her nipples and areolas engorged.Her panting...

3 years ago
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Kendras Way Part 2

Daniel paused for a moment with Clive's glans wedged between the roof of his mouth and tongue. It felt like a large freshly hardboiled egg, smooth and hot against his pallet. The initial wave of shame and fear he felt at being humiliated by Kendra's Bull began to give way to excitement. He could feel it grow as he gently applied suction by opening his jaw slightly, lips firmly closed around the shaft. It responded by again swelling slightly but all at once becoming very hard. Daniel was amazed...

2 years ago
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Kendras First True Submission Part 1

For the past several months, my wife, Kendra, has mentioned she would like to be more submissive in the bedroom. While I wouldn't classify Kendra as extremely dominant herself, she has always taken more control in the bedroom, especially when it comes to getting her pleasure. One Tuesday night, we were out with some friends for Happy Hour. Kendra had a few drinks, and on the way home she brought up the idea of being submissive once again to me. During the evening, we talked about it a little...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 2

I woke at four to the bleeping of my watch, and slipped out of bed without bothering with lights, grabbed fleece trousers, socks and pullover, and made my way forward, through the cockpit to the saloon. There I started a kettle to boil in the galley and dressed. I made myself coffee and filled two flasks with boiling water – not that it'd stay boiling for long, but better than nothing – before starting to prepare to get under way. As it happened I was in the cockpit when Grace emerged from...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 7

Of course, we had to separate and tend to the boat. The wind veered more – it was near enough north-west – and dropped until Serendipity was no longer making steerage-way. Some boats, Serendipity for one, when this happens, gradually spin round until they are facing directly into the wind; it has to do with the balance of the sails and the centre of pressure of the hull in the water. We were sitting in the cockpit, sipping Rooibos tea and watching the sunset when I sheeted out the mizzen so...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 16

Leaving Dun Laoghaire at seven a.m., we headed, close-hauled, roughly south-east. Mid-morning, out of sight of land, Grace disappeared into our cabin for a few minutes. When she re-appeared, even the skimpy shorts and cropped top she'd been wearing had gone. She handed me the sun-screen with a smile. I glanced from her face to Evania at the wheel and back again. She winked. I shrugged and began smoothing lotion on her back, then her arms and legs. I lingered on her slowly growing bump,...

4 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 21

Eva, with Jim in tow, met us at twelve-thirty in the Porthole Restaurant; we were sitting by a window with a good view down the quay. Jim seemed to hang back. We stood and I stepped up to Jim with hand outstretched. "It seems congratulations are in order." He relaxed and took my hand. "I wasn't sure how you'd take it..." "I'm delighted. You've nothing to fear as long as you do the right thing. When's the big day?" He looked at Eva, who replied, "Saturday, fourteenth of...

3 years ago
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Wendys Lament Part 2 of 2

Jared woke very slowly to the sound of the shower. His mind filled with vivid memories of the night and he just smiled. He turned his head and inhaled Wendy's womanly scent from cooling sheets next to him. Forcing his eyes open, he checked the time. Just after 6... early. He was certain Stacy wouldn't be back home for hours yet.He debated getting up to join her mother in the shower but thought better of it. The bed was so comfortable and there was a good chance Wendy needed a little alone...

4 years ago
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Wendys Gangrape part 3

Wendy awoke to the bright lights and amonia scents of the hospital, she blinked bleary eyed, she felt hungry and her throat was dry, then she felt hands go around her and she shuddered as memories, vivid as if from only moments ago of the mexicans who raped her in the orange groves and of Mr.Patterson and his boys, but Wendy heard the familiar voice of her mother "Its okay...its okay.." Wendy hugged her mom tight and they talked about what had happened, Wendy remembered the threat...

4 years ago
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Defenders of Varigoss Chapter 1

The rest of the Defenders waited in silence and darkness. The only light came from the glyphs over which they stood that marked their appropriated places around the edge of the vast pillar that rose from the abyss. The light was enough that they could see other such pillars, though these others rose beyond them, out of and back into the darkness. What they stood upon now was a broken column that had once, with its brothers, supported the stronghold that hung over them, now. In times of extreme...

2 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 4

Berwick is an ancient walled town just by the English/Scottish border, redolent with history. The harbour is actually on the wrong side of the river for the town which has spread, as you'd expect, far outside the old walls. We had a bit of a walk to get into the old town and we were tottering a bit. When you've been on a boat in rough weather, you feel the land is moving about under your feet when you do finally make harbour, but we managed. She slipped her hand into mine as we crossed the...

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SerendipityChapter 10

I could not believe that she managed to get out of bed without disturbing me, but she woke me with coffee ... blessed, life-giving fluid. She'd cleaned her teeth and used mouthwash, kissed me despite my morning breath, and sat beside me with her ... what? Sniff ... Earl Grey? "I think I'd like to go to Bridie's church," she said, "do you mind? Will you come with me?" "I don't suppose it'll kill me," I said, "no, I don't mind and yes, I will." It was interesting ... and quite...

3 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 19

Showering together was definitely going to have a high priority in the Quinton household. After a morning 'quickie' ... well, not so quick ... it was both very enjoyable and rather necessary. Not to mention much quicker and easier than a sponge-down in a cabin at sea. So good, too, to have fresh milk for us to have with our muesli, so much easier as well to have the space and equipment that enabled us to have different breakfasts. One thing that did carry over from our habits at sea was...

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SerendipityChapter 20

Despite her late night and growing baby bump, Eva was up well before us and sparkling with life. She'd obviously listened out for sounds of activity, as she had coffee freshly made and ladled out scrambled eggs onto toast as we sat at the table. "Have a good time last night?" I asked, picking up my coffee. Her smile broadened even more. "Mmmm." Grace and I looked at each other. Grace had a little smile that told me she knew at least a little more than she'd told me last night, but...

3 years ago
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Kendras Knees Buckle

CHAPTER 1 Riding on the 8:17 into London, Jo Hart watched the broad shouldered blond guy approach down the aisle and resumed painting her finger nails, timing the brush strokes with the sway of the carriage. The guy stopped, picked up her handbag that lay beside her on the outside seat and tossed it on to the floor beside her feet and sat down. ‘Hey what are you doing? That’s my handbag.’ ‘Young lady I paid for a ticket to ride this train seated. Did you buy a full fare ticket to ride your...

3 years ago
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Kendras Succubus

“Now, who here can give me the reasons as to why the USSR collapsed?” Professor Gunther asked the class. It was another exciting lecture today for Kendra who as usual was sitting in the front of the class. The class International Relations had it’s challenges. With the pop quizzes and the grueling testing that took place, many students struggled to even get a C grade. Kendra currently was holding a A. Multiple students raised their hands. “Yes Mr. Duran?” Professor Gunther said. “The Soviet...

1 year ago
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Wendys New Pet

This is a story. It is only a story and should remain only a story you should no more try this then you should try reinacting a cereal kill in a movie. Reality is never as good as fictions so don't ruin it for yourself. Wendy's New Pet It had been a month into summer vacation and Wendy, a cute thirteen-year-old red head who looked like a live action version of the Peter Pan character, was still on cloud nine from the events at the start of the summer. On the first day of break her mom, step-dad...

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Splendour in the Grass

She felt incredible. Grinning from ear to ear she wondered why she had never tried it before, and then she knew, if she had, then tonight wouldn’t feel so perfect. Tonight was her destined night to take her first ecstasy capsule, she knew without a doubt that she would never forget it. Her body was tingling and throbbing all over, she thought this was how it must feel to be a huge erect cock or even clit, she giggled at the thought, swaying to the beat of the music. She had taken the pill at...

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Unintended Consiquences

Unintended Consequences By Ricky The disheveled figure clung precariously to the ridge of the rooftop contemplating the balance between short term goals and long term planning. The figure was wet and muddy, with shreds pantyhose flapping from bare feet, the torn skirt flailing as the wind whipped by in it's fury. A bra showed clearly through a tear in the once white blouse and it appeared as if one breast was missing. Strands of long but badly mistreated hair dangled into...

2 years ago
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Brendas Reunion

Brenda Powers received the invitation to her 13th high school reunion in the afternoon mail and was sitting in her kitchen pondering if she really wanted to go or not. For the umpteenth time that afternoon she looked at the date for the reunion and realized that there wasn't any reason for her not to go ... well only one reason really — that bitch Trisha Grant. Brenda wanted to see all of her old friends and dance and have a few drinks but if Trisha showed up she didn't know what would...

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Brendas PhotographsChapter 5

Gordon was delighted with the clarity of the sound from the listening device he had recently installed in Brenda's bedroom! He had never imagined it would be so sensitive! He could hear every sound as she walked around, as she undressed, sounds from the bathroom next door, and of course above all the sounds of her and Mike making love. It had all been so easy! The idea of a listening device had come to him weeks ago. On Google he had found dozens of sites from which listening devices could...

2 years ago
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Transgendered Fiction Plots

Transgendered Fiction Plots By Cal Y. Pygia For many writers, plotting a story is the most difficult part of the creative writing process. Fortunately, some help is available. Critics have identified several basic plot formulae for pornographic and erotic fiction. In addition, I have added some others that are especially well suited for transgendered fiction. The first five formulae may be called "situational plots," because they are based upon a particular circumstance. The next...

5 years ago
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SerendipityChapter 9

The surgeon saw me after breakfast. "You were lucky," he told me seriously, "you need to thank the person who called for help and got you airlifted here. Straightforward op, no complications and you should heal up fine. Drink plenty, steady on the alcohol and plenty of roughage. You really don't want constipation. Most of the stitches are absorb-able, but the external ones will need to be taken out in a week..." "My charter is a Registered Nurse," I told him, "it was she who called...

4 years ago
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Neend main bhabi ki chudai

Hello dosto , meri kahani tab ki hai jab main ba final me tha aur apni bhaya bhabi ke paas delhi main rehtha tha aur bhaiya noida main ek company main kaam karte the,bhabi dekhna main bahut hi sunder hai aur bhaiya se kafi pyaar bhi karthi hai aur main bhi unhe poori izzat deta hoo. Ek baar ki baat hai jab main,bhabi aur bhaiya hum sabi ek hi kamre main rehte the aur raat ko wo dono bed par aur main zameen par sota tha,kafi raat ke baad mujhe kuch halki-2 si chekhne ki aawaaz aaye par main kafi...

2 years ago
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Kendras Way Part I

Kendra arched her back and grabbed a handful of Daniel's thick blond hair, lifting his head as they made eye contact. "Deep Baby," she purred, "I'm so sore. Moisten and clean me deep." He returned to her tender and swollen labia, hot with irritation from the nearly constant and determined thrusts of her lover over the past three hours. Doing as she asked he gently parted her lips and pushed his tongue deep into her vagina, and then rolling into the form a straw, softly began slurping out the...


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