Power, Plans And Prevarication free porn video

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POWER, PLANS AND PREVARICATION By Geneva A mysterious woman helps an ambitious young warlord to reach supremacy in the ancient kingdom of Tethos, but she has an ulterior motive. This is another Genoria story. Warning. This story contains rape. START The sequence of events that terribly changed my life started about two years ago. At the time my power was increasing satisfactorily and I had been so blessed by the gods too that they had had given me enough determination to persist and overcome my foes and rivals. It took all my effort to rise to power and authority in my city. I was Morus, the youngest son, barely thirteen, of one of the main families in the city state, when the former king, Karas, took it in his head that my father was a threat to him and had him taken and executed on a pretext. My mother, my two older brothers and I were allowed to live but we had to endure so much prejudice, ill treatment and harassment that we eventually rebelled. Perhaps that was the former king's intention, to have an excuse to finally crush us and eliminate us. It would also remove sons who could avenge their father. This kingdom, that I then started making my own, is called Tethos. It is one of a number of city states in this part of the world. Some others nearby, like us, have only a main city and some outlying lands: others have several cities. There is Lydia to the west, Urartu to the south. Ceradol borders Tethos and Perad is a neighbouring realm. Like Ceradol, it has its troubles with competing factions. My tutors had instructed me about old kingdoms too which had risen and fallen over the years, just like the Hittites to the south. To the east, in the lands between the great rivers, mighty empires have come and gone. I thought long on these. I wanted to do everything to make sure my rule lasted. Then, along the mountains from Tethos there also lie another number of small city states. One of these, I was told, which can only be reached by land by way of a narrow mountain pass from Ceradol, is the mysterious realm of Genoria. I say mysterious because not much was known about it. I now have personal knowledge of it. More than I would have wanted to. There were stories that it was formed by a group of dissident Amazons and, like the legendary Amazon realm, was governed by women, and for women only. I was told it had a queen, not a king. Its women coupled with men from neighbouring realms, to produce children, but at that time I thought it was surely only a fable. How could any principality or state really survive without men? At the time of my family's rebellion we had much less influence or power and our struggle was easily put down and unfortunately my eldest brother and even my mother were executed and I swore revenge. With the help of some loyal allies my other brother Pales and I managed to hide and later escape to the surrounding hills where we gradually assembled a band of rebels. It started small, then grew increasingly larger, made up of those disaffected by the king's arbitrary, cruel and inconsistent rule. A later falling out with Pales over tactics and the leadership of our rebel band led to his trying to betray me but I turned the tables on him and captured him. Although he was my brother the time for sentimentality was past so I offered him death or banishment out of the kingdom and he chose the latter. If he had been my prisoner at later stage I could have added another factor to remove his threat even more. With the king's cruel rule providing more dissidents, my small band of rebels soon grew from a handful to over five hundred and, when I finally decided to risk a battle, my forces overwhelmed those of the king. Along with his other faults he was no military commander, and fell into my trap where his larger forces were at a disadvantage and eventually routed. I slew him myself. That one battle may have removed the king, but many other claimants to the throne were left and in the turbulent days following they tried to assert their own claims. So, I began consolidating my own power, fighting off these and supporters of the former king, disaffected nobles and commanders and even foreign invaders who tried to take advantage of the kingdom's chaos. There were even rivals from some of my former supporters. Although it was necessary, I regretted the loss of life to consolidate my power. Not that I am afraid of bloodshed but I had often wished for something special to make the population more in awe of me. Moreover, the continual struggle was wearing me down. I wanted to establish my own family, perhaps even start my dynasty, but I was too busy to find a suitable woman. Until then I satisfied my male needs with various female slaves. That is about when I first met the woman called Celeia. At the time I was about half way of consolidating my power. There had been fighting and killing but finally I was getting the upper hand of my rivals and enemies. I marveled at her boldness that first meeting. She was immediately noticeable as one of the most beautiful and stately woman I had ever seen. I found out later that she had travelled completely alone through my realm, a risky thing for anyone, in these unsettled times, but for a beautiful woman especially. Unescorted beautiful women were temptations for warlords, bandits, slave merchants and others and were often captured and sold or taken as wives or concubines. Perhaps she was able to make her way unmolested because her personality and presence exuded so much power and confidence. She certainly had a strong and persuasive manner and much self-possession. I was in the main city, in the royal palace, that I had taken from the former king. When I enquired afterwards about her sudden appearance, my guards told me that she had come to the gates of my palace, on foot, completely alone, and had imperially demanded to see me. For someone to want an unannounced and unarranged audience with me had almost never happened before and usually these attempts were treated with derision or hostility. But such was Celeia's boldness that my guards had been taken aback and slightly overawed. I have found that was often men's experience when faced with her and I now include myself. Maybe they were slightly amused at her boldness too but the guards relented and had some others escort her to my personal quarters. The woman had again demanded an audience with me and they too had let her enter, although they were careful and escorted her. They knew I did not tolerate sloppiness or being disturbed for trivial matters. That was a fateful meeting. It turned out that my alliance with her became far from trivial. I still remember that first sight of her at the entrance to my rooms, stately and confident, dressed in a long black hooded cloak that covered her hair and her body, just giving brief glimpses of a bright saffron- coloured robe under it when she moved. I noticed her voice too, almost imperious, demanding to see me. Curious at the boldness and presence of this beautiful woman, I agreed to speak with her, but still keeping two guards present. Both had their spears ready and I also kept my hand hovered over my sword. Her robe might conceal a weapon and women can be assassins too and men sometimes become careless in the presence of beautiful women. My campaigns and policies had left several grieving widows or mothers who could be bent on revenge. Just inside the door she removed the cowl of her cloak from her head and shook out her long dark hair. Even from across the room I was struck with her beauty and her presence. Then, with a dramatic swirl, she removed the cloak completely and walked gracefully across the polished marble floor to me, her robe flowing about her hips and ankles. A short distance from me she stopped and gave a small bow of respect, but one showing no sign of subservience or intimidation. Elaborate earrings hung from her ears and golden bracelets circled her wrists. Her robe was tightly tied with a braided gold cord, emphasizing her slim waist and, by contrast, the swell of her breasts and hips. It was also tight enough to show that it was unlikely she was carrying a weapon on her body. Her breasts prettily pushed out the top of her robe and I could even see the little bumps of her nipples. Her robe reached to her ankles, just revealing glimpses of golden sandals and dark-red painted toenails as she moved. Her overall air was of wealth although not ostentatious. Her imperious manner showed she was a woman of means. As she approached me, I noticed too her skin was very fair, not the olive tone that is characteristic of many of the women in our kingdom and others in this part of the world. Her eyes were a deep blue. Her long hair was dark and shining with just a hint of ringlets and she wore it loosely tied without any ornaments. Her face was imperious but still beautiful and appealing, her features made up with colours in the style of Babylonian women, with red lips and eyes tinted in subtle shades of green and gold. Her fingernails were painted in the same dark red as her toenails. Still, that long hair might also conceal a weapon, such as a small poisoned needle or knife. "Loosen your hair and shake it," I commanded and she obeyed with no hesitation, giving me a thin but amused smile. "Yes, my lord. I understand your being careful." "Who are you, and what do you want?" I asked in as curt a tone that I could muster. I was immediately taken with her but I could not let her see that. She spoke the common language that is found along the coast and inland, but with an accent that I did not recognize. I saw she was not from my own nation, perhaps some nearby one. "Lord Morus, my name, the name I use now is Celeia. I come from outside this kingdom but I had heard of your drive and your success. I like that in a man and I want to help you." Again that boldness although she had used it to flatter me! Still, I wondered why she had phrased it that way. Had she another name in her past? "Any help is good, but how can a woman like you help me?" "I have experience in many things and dealing with people, but I have a special talent that can be of great service to you. It could help you overcome and get rid of enemies." I made a contemptuous noise. "You are a woman, so the talent must be very special. And it is?" "I have something in my cloak. May I get it?" Instead I signaled for one of the guards to take the cloak over to her. "Search it before you give it to her," I ordered. She might have had a concealed weapon there too. The guard ran his hands through the cloak and I saw him hesitate as he felt something and pulled a small package from a pocket. She nodded. "That is what I want. May I?" She held out her hands and when I nodded the guard passed it to her. "This is the special thing," and she removed a cloth cover from the package. The contents were totally unexpected, just a small book about a hand's width in size and with thin wooden covers with some kind of thin yellow hide over these. "I see you are suspicious, why not examine it? " She even held it out to me and, carefully, I took it. It was not impossible that it was coated in some poison that could get on my hands, but her own hands were bare. I would just make sure I washed my own hands when I was done with her. I opened the book and peered at it but it was hardly a book at all, only two pages of parchment between the covers. I recognized that some words of our local language on the parchment but other words were totally unfamiliar. "What is this?" "Well, my lord, the words on that piece of parchment are important and will help you get great power. When they are spoken they can cause great magic." I drew in my breath and gripped the book in suspicion, but she smiled and shook her head. "No, Lord Morus, you are in no danger, unless you hear the words actually spoken. I know you are suspicious but now that you have had a chance to examine it you can see nothing has happened. So it has no danger. Now you can give me the book back to show how it works, but first let me tell you what it does and how it will help you. "The book contains an ancient magic spell. This needs to be spoken out to whosoever it is directed to. When recited, it will make any man who hears it into a woman." I sat back and snorted with disbelief. "That sounds unlikely. I warn you. Do not waste my time." She nodded as if agreeing with me. "I did not think you would believe me, and I expected that I would have to give you a demonstration. Do you have any prisoners awaiting questioning or punishment and who you would not mind me using to show you?" About a week previously my forces had captured a small family faction that had threatened me. The main leader had been killed in the fighting. but we had taken a number of prisoners. Some had only been indirectly caught up in the rebellion and I had these minor ones kneel before me and swear their allegiance to me. I was confident they would pose no further threat. Also, there were others in my cells and I had not decided on their fate. My power was now increasing but I wanted to dishearten any budding opposition. I needed to show the citizens how overwhelmingly powerful and ruthless I could be. "Well, yes, in my cells I have two young men who were caught plotting against me. I thought of having them executed but I did not want to stir up resentment. I would prefer to maybe show their potential threat is absolutely broken and enslave or exile them, though." "Well then, these men would be a good choice. I know that in the past you have done that. But perhaps you could add to the punishment. Don't you think that if they were made into women first, and then sold as naked slaves it would reinforce to them that their power is gone? And it would be a good lesson to other potential rebels." "Made into women?" I was still incredulous. "You are sure you could cause that?" "With little difficulty, my lord." I shook my head at the suggestion. "That would be good but I am still very skeptical that you can do that. And why do you offer me such things anyway?" "To be honest with you, I look for myself." She gave a rueful smile. "Unfortunately that has caused me trouble in the past, but I have learned to temper my ambition. I am a woman and as a woman in this kingdom I know that I cannot compete with men, for many reasons. For one, I am not as physically strong, and in our societies people respect physical strength because it is needed in battle. "So, like other women, I could only have greater influence if I can work with a man." She looked me directly in my eyes. " The thought of more influence and power attracts me. In that way I am little different from many others but I assure you, I want to work with you and help you increase your power." I was a bit taken aback how she phrased these things. Despite her placating words, I saw this was a determined woman and I would have to watch her. At the back of my mind was the thought that I should just send her away, but the idea that she could help me was just too tempting. She was beautiful too. I mused that I could simply just capture her and make her my slave. There was a slight smile on her face as if she was reading my mind. "So my lord, in return you can pay me gold for each of these things I do to help you. Or perhaps you can treat me as a kind of advisor in your kingdom. That way I could help you consolidate and increase your power. People will fear you and obey you. In return I hope you will reward me. Or perhaps you could give me one of the estates in the kingdom. I know that you have confiscated some from your perceived enemies. But," she added hastily, "I would expect to prove to you my worth first." "You ask a lot and I think you forget your position. I am ruler, you are simply a lone woman, not even from this city, judging by your accent, and who thinks she can help me. Still, I am prepared to let you try to convince me." I gestured to the cellar. "These men, when do you want to try?" "Immediately, if that suits you." I signaled to a guard. "Get another four men and bring up the two prisoners who are in the cellar. Make sure they are chained well." The woman held her hand. "Better do it down in your dungeon, not here. The spell also makes men insensible for about two days and I am sure you don't want them lying here or have to carry them back down. Besides, if they are locked up, then the guards do not need to hear me at work. Up here, the guards or others could hear the spell too easily. I am sure you do not want that, unless you fancy having some women guards! That would be unusual, but perhaps it would be convenient as you would have more women to choose from to share your bed?" She lifted her eyebrows in amusement. "Still, they wouldn't be as effective as guards, and perhaps any women who already serve you would feel jealous." I began to feel irritated. This woman was playing with me! But she had proposed to help me. What she proposed was intriguing and could really help me. I decided I would let her show me if she was telling the truth. If she was not, then I might have her stripped and whipped and given to the guards for amusement. She gave a pleased confident smile, but one that gave me a hint of suspicion, rather than confidence. "If they became women they could perhaps try to find places in Genoria, over the mountains to the east," she added. I scowled at her. "They will be slaves if what you say is correct, female slaves. So where they go will not be their choice. The slave traders could take them anywhere." But she had made that reference to Genoria. "I have heard Genoria is a land for women only," I asked. "But surely that is exaggerated?" "Perhaps," was all she said and gave a sly smile. "The legend also says the women there are beautiful. And they like to keep isolated from other realms. Anyway, do you want to show me these men? I assure you I will give you warning when I am about to use my spell. Any man who hears it will be affected." "Very well, I will let you try to prove it works. Come with me!" I beckoned to two guards and kept my own hand on the knife under my tunic. I carry it just about everywhere. "There you are," I said, when we had got to the cell. "Now you have a chance to show me you are not lying. These are the men." She looked them over while they stared back at her. The two men were behind bars, but also chained to the floor. They were dirty, smelly and weak. Their clothes were ragged and their spirits were broken. It had not been necessary to beat them when they were captured. "There you are. Go ahead and demonstrate." "Well, aren't you forgetting? All," she emphasized the word. "All who hear the spell are changed. So, my Lord Morus, you do not want to hear it unless you want to become a woman. "Ah, I see you do not want to leave me alone with these men in case I try to release them or make schemes. I understand. In that case I will just whisper it to them. You can stand on the other side of the room, your guards too." I watched as she set herself down close to the two prisoners. The little book did not look like much, just about the width of a hand and the thickness of my little finger. She opened it carefully, turned over one page and looked at it as if checking. She nodded. "I am ready, cover your ears." I did so and I only saw her lips moving. In a short time she rose and straightened up, rewrapped her book in some cloth and beckoned me. "There, it's done. Now you can watch as it takes effect." I felt a little resentment. My status was greatly above her and I was more powerful yet she had waved me to her as if I were a servant. Still, I let my curiosity over come my annoyance. The two prisoners still looked at me with sullen expressions. After a minute or so nothing had happened and I began to think I was the victim of some bad joke or scheme but, as if reading my thoughts, she held up a finger in warning. "It does not start to work right away. Have patience, my lord." Suddenly one of the prisoners gave a small cry and shook his head and hunched his shoulders as if cold. Celeia did not seem alarmed. Instead she seemed to approve and gave me a brief smile. "Yes, it will begin with them shivering, then it will get more and more violent until they fall unconscious." It was as she said. A short time later the other man began to shiver as well, then both were shivering violently until they fell over, still absolutely shaking. A short time later the shivering changed into a kind of rippling that ran up and down their bodies, like one sees when a breeze blows over some water. With each ripple subtle cumulative changes ran in their bodies. I had never seen anything like it. "What now?" "Patience! Just watch! Oh yes, they will be unconscious for about a day and half. They are now no danger to you. If you want you can send away the guards, unless you feel they should see the changes and intimidate them too. "They still have some clothing," she said, "but you will be able to see what happens better if you remove their clothes. Why don't you cut them off with that knife you are hiding under your tunic? I'd hate you to cut yourself where it really matters with it." It was the kind of tone an indulgent parent would use for a child and I glared at her impertinence but I wanted to see the changes too and did as she said. Then, as we watched over the course of two hours, the men's bodies went through the most astounding of transformations. Their whole physiques began to alter drastically. It was as if each separate ripple only slightly changed them, but in total, drastic changes occurred and I found the final effect shocking. I had matters of state to attend to but they could wait. I was too fascinated with what was happening before my eyes. Slowly, almost unnoticeably at first, the men's bodies began to change. Their broad male shoulders narrowed, their waists even more, shrinking and shrinking until they became the well-indented waists of young women. Their hips and buttocks began to broaden, further emphasizing their slim waists. Their whole body proportions adjusted to those of women and each had shrunk with the loss at least half a head of height. Their skin too, despite the sweat and cellar grime covering them, seemed to be softening and smoothing out, the limbs too were becoming slimmer and rounder. Gone were the muscled arms and thighs of men. Their features became less craggy and more soft and gentle. Their eyebrows lost their heaviness. The faces were changing to those of women. I went examine them more closely, trembling at seeing the power of the spell. I watched one especially, keen to see how the changes occurred. The most drastic were the changes at his groin. "Watch his male parts," Celeia advised and pointed. "That will be the most dramatic." Before my eyes the soft pouch with his testicles was deflating into a soft pad on his groin and his penis began shrinking into that. In a few minutes there was only a raised pad of skin while the penis had shrunk to just a small nub. I looked at the other. It was the same. "Their testicles have retracted into the bodies, " she said casually. "Are they going to stay like this"? I whispered. "No, I just told you that they will become women, fully. They are not there yet, only half way. Just keep watching." Almost as she spoke a groove began to take shape in the groin, over a short time deepening and splitting into vertical cleft. On their chests, the small male nipples began to swell, followed by the surrounding areolas and then the flesh underneath until finally the two half globes of women's breasts had formed on each body. "Remarkable, isn't it?" said Celeia. "I'll show you something more." She went to the nearer one's groin and gently pulled apart the soft skin in the groin. " Have a look at that." I shook my head in awe when I saw all the complex nether lips of women with a fully formed opening below them, one surrounded by soft puckered flesh. Finally, what were below us were two female bodies, unconscious and covered in perspiration, but obviously young women and with little trace of having been men other than some wiry hair between their breasts and on their legs. "They're women," I breathed. I could hardly find words to describe my astonishment, yet even in that, I began to think about its potential. "I told you so, but they are not quite complete. They are still hairy. But that hair on their chests will fall out in a day or so, same with the coarser hair on their arms and legs." "I can hardly believe it!" I said. "They are women now, as genuine as ever you will find, at least for their bodies. Unfortunately for them, their minds will take much longer to get used to it, up to several months. I should tell you that when they wake up and discover the changes they will probably scream in terror, of course, but their new bodies will impress on them how helpless they have become. Oh yes, in about a dozen days or so they will start to bleed monthly, as women do. That will be good for another round of screams. They will also be able to conceive and bear children. But I imagine you will have sold them before them. It will be the responsibility of some new masters to impress on them that they are women." It came to my mind that I would enjoy seeing their reactions when I sold them as female slaves. They would have been in their new bodies for only a few days and be still discovering themselves. They would feel utterly stricken. "I see you are thinking about the uses for this spell? However, my Lord Morus, that will have to wait. As I said, these women will not waken for about a day and a half. I will leave you now but I will be back here at the time." She bowed. "So my lord, perhaps you can plan how you can use this. I suppose you do want to?" She swept up the stairs before I could react and when I got to the main level she was nowhere to be seen. My guards just pointed vaguely in the direction of the city when I asked. I spent the night with one of my slave girls in the palace, but she failed to stimulate me as I was too distracted, thinking of the potential of the spell. With it I could fully humiliate enemies. It would be especially useful as a weapon to threaten any potential enemy but I would need to give a demonstration to the citizens. True to her word, Celeia suddenly appeared at the palace gates on the morning of the second day and was escorted into my quarters. "I bid you good day, my lord. I have come to help you with your new women. I suppose you have checked on them?" "Yes, I have, but they could not be aroused." "I told you that, however perhaps they will be ready now. It takes between a day-and-a-half and two days " She gestured with her head to point me to the dungeons. The two figures, totally female, except for their short hair, were still lying there, but when Celeia went to one and pinched her, the figure flinched and groaned, then settled back into sleep. "Not quite there yet." Celeia sniffed. "And they smell! They will need washed before they go on the auction block. That way they will get higher prices. So while we are waiting I suggest we go to your delightful palace gardens. I'm sure we have many things to talk about." I made my two guards stand a little distance away, and had a slave bring us some wine. We walked through the gardens with her continually commenting on the flowers and shrubs while I got more irritated. There were more important things to be concerned with than flowers. At last I stood and faced her. "Celeia, I have to ask, where did that book come from, where did you come from, and I am sure you want something from me." "The book? Let's just say I acquired it. Who am I, you ask? My lord, I have done many things, but I came from further west of here, in the mountains-but that is not important. At this stage I do not think it is relevant either who I am. "Now, what I want. First, I want to help you establish your power. I think you are a man with much potential to be the leader of your country. I want you to be all-powerful with no rivals at all, no one near your power. For myself, I suppose I want security and riches too or at least enough to allow me to live comfortably and safely while you rise to be supreme ruler." She went on to tell me she had been studying my rise to power. I felt flattered but slightly uneasy as she told me the details. She had studied me and knew all about me. Abruptly she put down her cup of wine. "However, let us go and see the changelings. I think they could be wakened now." By this time the two women were beginning to stir, their limbs moving sporadically and their eyes flickering. She examined one and when she slapped the woman's face her eyes went suddenly open. She struggled to speak but only gave dry croak. "Better give her some water," Celeia advised." Then she will be able to scream better when she finds her new body." I gestured to a guard and he filled a cup with water and held it to the woman. She had gulped the water and spluttered before I saw her eyes focus and she looked around. She tried to rise but the effort was too much and she just huddled on the hard stone floor of the cell. She made no effort to wake completely. It was like watching a sick person and I was close to the end of my patience when eventually she made an attempt to rise and even got to her knees before her strength failed again and she sank face down. Later, with a grunt, she rolled over onto her back, exposing the two prominent female breasts on her chest and the groove between her legs. I saw her exploring hand fumbling at it. She would get a surprise on finally waking up. There was no doubt that it was a woman. Her hair was dark but she was fair complexioned. She had the makings of a beauty. Her other hand was clutching at her chest ands suddenly she jerked upright, her eyes opened wide and she looked down at her body. She would find it much different from when her former self had fallen unconscious. She would find two female breasts on her chest pushing out, and each tipped with a prominent dark pink nipple and areola. I saw her tense in puzzled shock and begin screaming when she first caught sight of them them. Her eyes opened wide and she clutched the breasts, then began pulling at them, trying to remove them, her cries becoming louder and shriller and more desperate. She must have had another thought as she pushed open her legs and bent down to stare between them. Her hands went to her groin and with another anguished cry, changing to a scream of terror, she discovered her manhood was gone. Then she was howling and holding her head. I wondered if she would dash her head on the stone floor, but she just lapsed into a deep anguished weeping. Her cries had woken up the other prisoner. This one had fair hair with light brown eyes. When she discovered her male body was gone she seemed more numbed at first and her only reaction was to carefully examine her hands and fingers, as if unbelieving, as if they were not part of her. They were small women's hands with long tapered fingers. Her feet were small too, and delicate looking. Then her shoulders slumped and I saw tears at the corners of her eyes then she too fell to the floor, wracked by crying, "That is incredible," I said. "And they are beautiful, except they still have male hair." "I told you that would fall out, and afterwards they will be suitable for the slave market. You will even get some more money for your schemes." We endured the despairing screaming for some minutes. I was finding the noise was getting too much for me but I remembered the power of the book. A great weapon was within my grasp. "I suggest we leave them for several hours until they are quieter. They are too distraught to send to the market immediately. In another week they should have quietened down a bit. "They will sell easily, I imagine, although they will still be in a somewhat desolate mood with the loss of their male bodies. I remember others who have had the spell and their minds changed more slowly. Maybe up to half a year or so, but then they will have finally accepted their new bodies. They may even welcome them. They will object to their slavery of course, but with their beauty I imagine they will be spared hard domestic labour and other roles will be chosen for them. I mean that they will appeal to some master as someone he would want to share a bed with." "It sounds as if you have had much experience with the spell, and changed many men. From your past life?" "Yes, I have had a very strong experience of the spell, but that is not relevant at the moment. We need to deal with present matters. So, my lord, I have shown you what I can do to help you. Now it is your turn to reward me. How can you help me? I suggested earlier that I would be pleased if you awarded me some lands, like an estate. You are supreme ruler here and can do that. I would also need a little money to get myself set up, but I have other ways of earning money. I can heal many illnesses and there is a demand for that. So, I would not be a drain on your revenues." I wanted her full support so I had to agree. "Yes, I have a place that you may like. Some months ago a family in a valley in the north, near the sea, rebelled against me and I destroyed them. You can have their lands and their villa. It also has some servants and slaves. So you could probably move into the house almost right away." But the woman had evaded my questions. "Celeia, I am curious, I know nothing about you. And I wonder at that. It makes me uncomfortable. I would like to know." "My lord, we are still feeling our way with each other. I have a story, but I prefer to keep it secret until we are more comfortable with each other. In the meantime, I am totally at your service." "And the book? Where did that come from?" She waved her hands airily. "Oh, ancient magicians and priests, but that full story will have to wait also." Again there was that easy avoidance of my questions, as if I were a child to be diverted. "So, my lord, I bid you good day. I have taken lodgings at an inn, the Red Hawk, in the main thoroughfare of the city. When you send these two women to market, I want to be with you to watch them being sold." As she had suggested, a week later I accompanied my guards as they took the two women to the market. I had told them what was in store for them and they had to be dragged along the street. They were in chains of course, but their spirits were broken. I had allowed them some fresh clothes to cover themselves but once there they would be stripped so that any potential master could better assess them. I had just watched some others being sold, a group of men captured in some raids over our borders, when I was aware of someone behind me. I do not like surprises like that and I was about to curse at the guards when I saw it was Celeia. This time her cloak was a rich purple, with a kind of hood over her head. Her robe underneath was scarlet. This was a woman who liked striking colours. "So, my lord, these are the two new female slaves? They look high quality. Ah look, the auctioneer has got them on the platform." The two women were being forced to stand with their hands behind their heads and with their legs slightly apart, to show themselves to the buyers. Their breasts were nicely shaped and their slim waists and shapely hips and buttocks would appeal to any male buyer. They looked quite beautiful, I thought, but tears were streaming from their eyes. By this time they had lost all their male body hair. Unfortunately the hair on their heads was a bit too short, but that did not seem to deter buyers and I was delighted with the prices they got after some hectic bidding. It pleased me even more when I saw them stumble dejectedly from the platform after their sale. The pair of them gave me and Celeia looks of hate but there was fear too and it made me relish my power. I had things I wanted to discuss and I wanted to get to know this mysterious woman better so I invited Celeia back to the palace. "Celeia, that is a wonderful book. But I have been thinking. It is good to use it on those who have rebelled against my rule, but I want to show its power to my citizens. That way they will think long and hard about their fates if they decided oppose and resist me. That will make it easier to rule them." "Well, my lord, I understand, but some of its deterrent effect will apply only to men." She gave a small laugh. "You would have to use another threat against any women who opposed you. You could not use that spell. That's because any woman hearing it becomes more beautiful. They do not usually become unconscious either. I suppose that is because the changes are not nearly as drastic." She gave an amused smile. "Just think, my Lord Morus. Most women are very concerned with their beauty so such a spell would be very hard for them to resist. In fact they might welcome its effects. So, you had better think of another way to punish or threaten them. Although, I think women would get better prices in the slave market if they were made more beautiful. "Actually you would really not need to use the spell. They would be sold away anyway and their families broken up. The men they love, their sons, husbands and fathers, changed into women and being sold would have a devastating effect on them. It would be as if these no longer existed and that would be a very severe punishment " I took her arm to make a point. It felt warm and smooth. "I must thank you for your help and now as a token, as you asked. I ham going to give you an estate. Whenever you want I can take you there. All the previous owners are gone. There are only servants and slaves there and they should not be concerned with a change of master, or mistress." Her eyes lit up. "Yes, if it suits you, we can go this afternoon. But first, we will have something to eat and drink. It is three hours by horseback. Oh, can you ride or would you like a carriage?" She bowed. "I am very grateful, my lord. I will be very pleased to see it. And yes, I can ride. But one thing, I have a few possessions at my lodging. I need to get them first. It should not take long. And we should first get something to eat and drink. After that I will be pleased to accompany you." "Do you need some help?" I can send a servant with you." "No, that will be unnecessary," It did not take long and by that time my slaves had prepared a small meal that we ate in my gardens. These were a pleasant place to sit, with a view over the lake to the low foothills and then to the mountains to the north. The gardens were a legacy of a ruler about a generation before. They had survived the turmoil that had infected the kingdom and although I liked to think on myself as a warrior, I liked the soothing effect of its trees and bushes. Alone with her, my guard posted a short distance away, I found myself being more and more attracted to the woman. Her beauty was beyond doubt, but in addition she showed a keen intelligence and a quick wit, and yes, knowledge too. She had obviously studied me, my rule, my country and its history and the competing factions. "You are a strong determined man and well on your way to consolidating your power. Then you can rule as you want. Lord Morus, what do you see in the future for your kingdom?" "We have suffered in the past from weak or ineffective kings. I will build my power with more soldiers and guards, perhaps men whose sole occupation is as warriors and not part-time farmers. And are totally loyal to me! "Then we need better roads into the valleys and mountains. Rebels could hide there and that refuge must be eliminated. We need to encourage trades and better farming too. But we need better arms too so that enemies may be defeated and other kingdoms would hesitate about invasion. Ah, so many things to think about!" "And what about the opposite, invading some neighbouring states? Have you thought of that? Ceradol is weak. You could take it over. Start an empire." I hesitated, that had been in my mind but I did not want to tell her about any future plans. I had not even suggested them with my closest military advisors. Yes, Ceradol was definitely ripe for a take over. Then there was Perad .and my thoughts went to Genoria. I was intrigued by the rumours about that kingdom, or perhaps it should it be called a queendom, if it was supposed to be entirely populated and controlled by women. They were also all supposed to be beauties. I could use that to recruit an army if I tempted the men with the idea that they could take beautiful women as slaves, or wives. However, these were only some ideas and I would be better not to reveal them even to an advisor like Celeia. "No," I said, "my ambition will only apply to my kingdom." I could see she did not believe me and Idecided to change the subject. "However I see you have finished. Let us go and see your new estate." I ordered the stablemen to get two horses ready and bring them to us in the courtyard. I had expected Celeia would need help but she easily climbed into the saddle and nodded. " I am ready." Then with an escort of six men we headed out of the city. She was still wearing her long cloak and it swirled about her exotically as we headed down the road. Just short of the estate there was a rise in the land and we stopped briefly for a drink of water, to wet our mouths against the dryness and dust and admire the view before the road began to dip down into the valley. I hoped she would like it. I was no farmer, but the panorama was pretty, with the river winding through the broad valley, the fields on either side, mostly green with the crops, but some turning gold as they ripened. Other fields had cattle or horses. Above the valley floor were the dark wooded hills, and over in the distance we could see the flat delta land where the river ran into the sea. "There," I pointed as the view of the valley unfolded. "You see that collection of buildings on the small mound by the river down there on the valley floor? That's the estate and the big building is the main house. I've been told it is a fertile area. The streams off the mountains give plenty water to supply the river and provide good crops even in dry years. There have been several generations here and they have cleared the land of the worst of its stones. "Also, there are many fish in the river and the lake, and good hunting in the woods. There is access to the sea as well. You see that wharf? It's well built. So, do you like the estate?" "I do, and it is not too far from the city. The lands look impressive and I can't wait to see the house." I was pleased that she liked it. She should be grateful and perhaps in return I could get more influence with her. As we rode down towards the estate we passed workers in the fields. Most stopped to stare at us and I saw one point me out to another. I was becoming recognized. Yes, they should know who their ruler was. "Do you like what you see so far?" I asked Celeia. I had seen her looking around with keen interest. "Better than I imagined. It is what I dreamed of." The estate must have impressed her. Her usual cool contained behaviour was gone and her eyes were shining. I had sent word ahead and the domestic staff at the main house were even lined up by the front steps. The house steward nervously presented the dozen servants and slaves to Celeia. Some gave ingratiating smiles, wanting to impress their new owner but others were more cautious. Perhaps they wondered how long Celeia would last as their new owner and if at some point the estate would be confiscated again. Some watched me warily. That was well with me. They also should be wary of me. Probably they were wondering too how Celeia would be as a mistress. The house did not disappoint Celeia either, As we toured it she became more and more visibly pleased and animated. I began to smell cooking and when we were finished touring the house and its immediate surrounds the steward bowed to us. "My Lord Morus and my Lady Celeia, we have prepared a meal. I hope that you will want something to eat." That was awkward. I preferred not eat anywhere I did not know the cook, but Celeia nodded her head and gave an open smile. "That is very thoughtful. Thank you!" That was different from her usual manner too. With her new staff she had seemed warm and friendly. I wondered why she kept the coolness with me. I occasionally wondered if she was afraid of my power. But that did not seem quite right. Her manner was more of an amused aloofness. Actually the meal and the wine accompanying it were both very good. As we ate we spoke about the city and the neighbouring kingdom and even about my own family but, try as I might, I could not get much information about her own story. Finally I stood up. "Matters of state need my attention back in the city so I will have to leave you now. Some of my guards can be stationed here for a week, just to make sure of your safety these first days. However, over this next week, I will be discussing the running of this kingdom with my advisors and how to improve my own position. I would like you to visit me to tell how they estate is. The guardsmen will accompany you back." "I look forward to it." Back in my palace I reviewed my plans and began to think about an invasion of Perad. However, more preparation had to be delayed when my spies had reported that another faction was plotting against me and they should be removed. I mused about this and decided it would be an opportunity to show to my population the power of the book. A week later she arrived at the place with a retinue of four of her servants. "How was your week?" I asked. "Did you enjoy your estate? I hope it was satisfactory." "Very enjoyable. I love the whole place. It is very comfortable too, although there are some procedures that I would prefer to change, and there are repairs too. That is why I brought my steward and two estate artisans and a slave with me to get the necessary supplies. "So, my lord. How has your plan making been going?" Again there was that semi mocking tone. I explained to her about another faction that was a possible threat. "Yes, there are two brothers, and their families, so six men and five women. I need to eliminate them or remove them from this realm." "So after you eliminate them you will be virtually supreme in this realm." "I think I am almost there," I replied. I had not thought of it that way, but supreme had a nice sound to it, at least until I had myself crowned king. "So tell me your plans for these people and how I can help." She listened to my plan carefully then her face took on a thoughtful expression. "Yes, that will work, but I suggest that the announcement about your penalty be made directly to the population. I will read the spell beforehand to these enemies of yours in your cellars but before the spell starts to take effect you can parade them out to show them to your assembled citizens. "I don't want the book to be seen. I was thinking that we could make it appear as if you yourself have the ability to cast magic spells. So in addition to your powers and prestige as the effective ruler of this kingdom, you would appear to have very special powers, something like a magician or even, if you want to appear more sinister, a sorcerer. These prisoners can be tied to posts and then you can shout out some spurious incantation. I leave that to your own imagination and then we let the spell do its work. "That way the citizens can see the changes, but without any danger of being affected themselves, or any of your guards. They will think it was done was completely by your own skills and the existence of the book can remain a secret. I prefer it that way." We did as she suggested. I had hoped to invite the members of this family to the palace supposedly for talks and then seize them but they had absolutely refused to leave their fortified home. That meant I had to take more drastic action. I simply had a large number of soldiers surround their house, starve them out and capture them. The following day I had a proclamation read in the marketplace that the family had plotted against me and were to be publicly punished at noon in two days at the square in front of the palace. I had a special punishment that would be revealed. That morning, as I had announced, I heard the growing clamour of the citizens. I had the six men and five women taken from their cell and their hands tied behind their backs and chains set between their ankles. "I am going to punish you for your resistance and then get rid of you." I called for Celeia and she carefully inspected the prisoners. "Yes, all are ready. You had better retreat a little, my lord." I drew far enough aside and let her read the spell. The eleven of them just gave her puzzled looks. All she had done was read a few words. Perhaps they were anticipating some more dreadful punishment outside before the assembled crowd but, unknown to them, it had already started. Then they were herded outside and tied to posts set up before the palace. The crowd roared in excitement when they appeared. I let them shout for a few minutes then I held up my arms for silence. "These people have conspired against me. They wish to throw this country back into anarchy and overthrow my rule. You all know I work to rule well for all citizens but these people have tried to hinder my efforts. Thus they must pay a penalty and be prevented from further mischief. I could execute them..." There was a roar from the crowd, "But I will spare their lives." I paused to hear the reaction of the crowd. Some still objected and I heard shouts of "Kill them!" but there were shouts of "Exile!'' for them too. I held up my hands again for silence. "Yes, I have sentenced them to be exiled but, so that their power is removed, I have special punishment for them. The gods have watched my benevolent rule and have in their wisdom conferred special powers on me." "Watch!" I drew aside my arm and, as if throwing something to the prisoners, I spoke out some nonsense words. We had timed it nicely. In just a few heartbeats I saw the men start the shivering that signals when the spell is beginning to work. The shivering increased and increased until the men were shaking and the two women too began to show signs of discomfort. The men writhed and shook more in their bonds and finally lapsed into unconsciousness. The crowd's clamour had sunk into a murmur and then almost to a silence as they watched as the spell began its work. The women were showing some discomfort too, but they were much more affected by the sight before them. They watched in horror and gave little cries as their men began to change before their eyes and in a short time were gone forever. The effects of the spell were like other times and in two hours the men had become women. The women had shivered a little too, but had not become unconscious. Soon they had recovered and showed no sign of distress, other than tears at the effects on their men. However, they would not realize it yet, but they were more beautiful than they had been. But noticing their beauty was not on their minds as they stared at the others, now all women. The new women were hairy and dirty, but I knew that the male hair would fall out. I cried out to the crowd. "You see my powers. I have made these men into women and all of these women," I emphasized the 'all' and waved my arms to the prisoners, "will now be sold in our slave markets. They will be sent to exile and will no longer be able harm this kingdom. To all those evildoers and malcontents, to anyone who would oppose me, that will be the penalty." My guards carried them all to my cellars. They would spend about a week there until they had mostly recovered from the spell. When the day came all were made to wash thoroughly, chained, dressed in light slave tunics and taken to the market to be sold. I previously made arrangements that they were only to be offered to slave dealers who would transport them out of the country. I wanted to see the other part of their misery and had arranged a special seat for myself at the slave market. I had artisans paint decorations and designs on it, including one with a bloodied sword. I had chosen it to show that I was the head of this kingdom. My seat was set close to the auction block too, so that the prisoners could see me and that the faint amusement on my face, my air of superiority and my triumph added to their misery. I had won, they had lost, and would pay the bitter penalty of the vanquished. Two of them especially looked at me with hatred, but that added to my feeling of triumph. They were totally helpless. I was amused that some still showed traces of bewilderment, still in some kind of shock, distraught at how not only their freedom was gone, but their past bodies were gone too. A short time before, they had been important men but they had lost all their male bodies, and with it not only their stature and strength, but also their rank and prestige in society. They had now become powerless slaves and female. Their beauty would no doubt lead them to an intimate slavery. Perhaps they were wondering how they could ever survive. If any did not get used to their new female bodies and their low positions in society a master's whip or rod would help them learn. If they did not, well, it was no concern of mine. They were removed from positions where they could cause me further trouble. I suppose could have had them executed, but seeing them on the auction block gave me a special pleasure. Besides, execution risked the danger of providing martyrs. This way they were objects of fascination, perhaps pity, and perhaps even contempt. Of course, their sale brought me some revenue too. Their beauty made them sell well and get good prices. From the auctioneer's viewpoint I suppose these women were prime slave specimens, with pretty faces that were still attractive despite their sometimes tear-stained and stricken looks. They all had full lips, small noses and regular even-shaped features. Their bodies too were those of well shaped women, with long necks over slim shoulders, full, firm, pert breasts, slim, well-indented waists, flat bellies, wide hips and provocative rears set over straight slim thighs and legs. Their hands and feet were small too. I noticed another point too. The new women had a variety of looks that reflected the groups that make up our population and so would appeal to buyers with different tastes. Two of them had become a dark haired with olive features, the others had fairer features with brown or blonde hair. One was voluptuous, two were more lithe, but any of them would have been a good addition to a future master's or mistress' household. Their hair was short, but Celeia had assured me that it would grow and in a year or so be like that of ordinary women. Some had resisted their orders in my cellars and still showed traces of the marks from whippings they were given. It was a start in making them accept their new bodies but these marks would fade. I had cautioned my dungeon masters not to break any skin or cause permanent injury. One by one they were pulled to the dais on the auction platform, ordered to stand straight or turn and pose, or sometimes tied to a pole, and were sold. They understood the bidding too. Each increased bid reflected their value, but only to others but to them the bids just increased their humiliation. Their status was only a little better than cattle. Looking at the way some of the women were being posed on the small dais, their hands placed behind their necks to better lift and show off their breasts, their bellies arched forward, and their legs slightly apart, I felt my loins stir and I was even tempted to keep some of them for my own use. That would have added to my feeling of triumph and their misery, especially if I used them in my bedchamber but I could never be sure that one would not try to exact desperate revenge on me in some unguarded moment. So it was best that they were sold and taken away, as the slave dealers had been instructed. I had been about to leave when I was taken by the exotic looks of the next slaves being offered, two pretty young sisters. They must have expected their slavery or been used to it as they posed for the auctioneer without any fuss. Intrigued by them I made a successful bid for them. It was a while since I had had a woman and these two stirred me. They were actually happy too as I was now supreme in this land and it gave them, although still slaves, some prestige as they belonged to me. The girls were called Mosta and Carria. "I see you have provided yourself with some entertainment,'" said Celeia when she saw the two girls. I could not tell if she approved or disapproved, but it was none of her concern either. "So you saw the other slaves being sold? You are pleased?" I laughed. "Yes, there is something immensely satisfying seeing my enemies and rivals absolutely helpless, reduced to slavery, stripped naked, standing on the auction block. Bound or chained, they looked just devastated, almost paralysed in their misery, even before the bidding started. And when that started it let them know all of their former power and influence was gone. Their families were broken." I laughed. "Their fate will deter anyone who tries to resist me. "You know, Celeia, I wonder if perhaps even their names will be no longer spoken out loud." I grinned. "The original names would hardly be suitable now anyway. "They are now slaves, and female, so they know their further lives and actions will be terribly limited, and they will have to pay attention to the whims of some master or perhaps even a mistress who is jealous of their beauty. I liked seeing the despair that was written on their faces when they were sold. All of their hope was gone." "You obviously relished your triumph," was all Celeia said. A month later I was able to repeat my triumph with more enemies and after they were changed their anguish probably equaled that of the others before. They would have had led lives, had wives and even children but these relationships were totally gone. They would have new lives forced on them. Once more too I went to the slave auction to see them disposed of and I watched keenly as we reached the end of the sales. The bidding went well and their sale completed, the slaves were all chained and driven to a holding area prior to their transport out of my realm. As I made my way back to my palace with my four guards my subjects recognized me and quickly stepped aside to let me pass. They did not want to incur my displeasure. While my guards went to their usual places in the palace, I returned to my own private quarters where Mosta and Carria greeted me. The girls had quickly learned their position. They first bowed before me then helped me take off my outer clothes and the armour that I wear underneath as a precaution against stabbing. Then, while one offered me wine and washed my feet and legs to remove the dust from the auction ring, the other bustled to prepare my meal. They kept their eyes lowered and rarely looked me in the face but I knew that each would be wondering which of them, if any, or both, I would have to serve me in bed that night. My wine in hand, I sat back on my chair and looked out over the town then the valley below and the dark mountains against the sky. It had been a satisfying day. I hoped that was an end of plotting and rebellion. Now it would be easier to shape my realm to my will and make my position more secure. Things were going well. A week later Celeia paid a visit to my palace. I had sent for her to discuss some things. "No more enemies to be changed this week but thank you for your help. I hope it can continue." I said to her. She bowed in acknowledgement. "I am glad to have helped you increase your power. I will keep doing so in the future too but you know, you are running out of rivals to your power. So what plans do you have now?" "I am not sure, but my first priority is to set the kingdom in order. And increase its power, just in case of pressure from neighbouring kingdoms." "You have showed your power quite a lot to your citizens, but I think, my lord, you should have a more elaborate and festive demonstration. You have been very busy with schemes and military matters. I think it would be a good strategy to show your citizens that you are the uncontested ruler if you were to have a coronation, a real showy one. After all, people like shows and displays of the panoply of power and this would be a good opportunity for you. You have the powers of a king. You should now become king in name and have some display to show that, a coronation." She looked me up and down as if assessing me. "I am thinking of more elaborate clothing for you, definitely a crown and special robes. That military garb you have is getting worn! Yes, a procession with your soldiers marching, all in some uniform too and marching to drums and horns and stamping their feet. You could have the head priest set the crown on your head, then you could have all the nobles and heads of important families kneel before you and swear loyalty to you. That will persuade others who may be possible threats to you to have second thoughts." I sat back in astonishment. The woman had obviously been thinking about my rank more than I had. "Thank you for the suggestion. I will have my aides look into it." So my coronation was a great show. I had new robes made for me. They were showy enough, but I had chosen a slightly severe cut and dark colour, to impress all with my seriousness and authority. My servants too, including my two slave girls, were ecstatic at their new clothing. Theirs was brightly coloured and swirled sensually around their bodies as they moved. I looked at their young, lithe bodies. I had made a good purchase when I bought them. I had planned on a procession at first, starting at my palace. It would move along the main street to the temple square where on a dais I would be crowned. At the palace, all in the procession had been set in order before I came out, surrounded by my place guard. I was pleased to hear the shout of acclaim and I held up my hands in acknowledgment. The city guard led the procession, holding their polished spears high but every few paces rhythmically beating on their shields with the butts of their spears. Then some musicians with horns and drums came after. My main courtiers and advisors followed with more guards. These were followed by some of my military commanders on horses, many of them old comrades from when I broke the power of the former king. I was sure of their loyalty. Walking in measured steps behind was the chancellor, carrying a small crown. I decided I should get a bigger one, but I had used all the free gold that was available. The last crown had disappeared in the fighting. Next was a guard of my veteran soldiers, some of them bearing scars of my campaigns, and after these my palace servants. I appeared after them, on a chariot pulled by two black horses and surrounded by my own palace guards. Mosta and Carria had hinted about sitting beside me in the chariot but I had refused. They were only slaves, after all and I might want to discard them at some point. When I ordered them to walk with the rest of the servants they were a bit disappointed but they did not dare ask for more. Last in the procession were representatives from our surrounding villages, all in linen robes. I thought it would look more impressive if we used a slow deliberate pace as we moved along the main thoroughfare to the temple square. That way the population could better see me, their king. Then, at the square we circled once then drew up at the temple before the waiting high priestess. I had hoped I had eliminated all who could give the slightest resistance but, just in case, I had my own palace guards round me. I had actually suggested to Celeia that she should to be in the procession along with my courtiers as she was now a landowner and definitely one of my councillors, but she had shaken her head. "Oh, your highness to be," she said. "I don't think I should. This procession is for your subjects, and these are all from this city state, I am still a newcomer in your society. Perhaps the others may resent me as a foreigner so I should not be there." What she said did not make sense. She was now a landowner here but her manner was such that I accepted what she said. It made little difference to me. Carefully dismounting from my carriage I strode to the dais before the high priest, then turned round to look at my assembled citizens. Again I was gratified with the enormous acclaim. Next, as arranged, the high priestess knelt before me and offered me the crown. She was high in our society and even the chancellor deferred to her, but not me. I took it and placed it on my head myself to show I was the supreme ruler, and definitely superior to any priestess. I turned to face the crowd before me, and waved my hands for silence. I spoke out, promising then that I would keep order, and that the days of fighting were over, that I would govern fairly but, for those who still thought of rebellion, I would exact punishment. Many of the audience shouted their acclaim. By this time all were well aware that I could change male enemies into women, followed by slavery and exile. I promised that I would form a strong army to preserve the kingdom from any enemies and increase the prestige of our state. My address was received well enough. Some were openly enthusiastic, a small few less so. I could not please everyone but they knew my power. The ceremony almost over, most of the procession dispersed, but again, surrounded by my palace guard and with the servants following. I climbed back into my carriage and made my way back to my place, still wearing the crown. I noticed Carria and Mosta walking with some of the palace guard. The girls were in now a good mood and laughing and joking with the men. I was almost at the palace when I saw Celeia, watching from just outside the palace gates. When I stopped by her she gave a deep bow. "I should address you now as 'majesty', I suppose?" Again there was that superior smile, as if she was amused at my title, and my power. I felt myself flush. That infernal woman! She and her book had given me the power and she had helped me willingly yet it was as if here was an undercurrent in her manner, not quite derision or contempt, but more a reserved amusement. I frowned but shook my head. Perhaps it was just her manner. Maybe I was being too suspicious. "So you decided to see me crowned. You changed your mind?" "You wanted to see me there, majesty? Perhaps to see if I can help you more using my book?" "Not yet, but we will see. Celeia, you have helped me a great deal. And you have given me valuable advice. Please, will you join my coronation feast tonight?" Most of my subjects would have replied enthusiastically but she actually took a moment to think. Then she bowed her head. "I would be honoured, majesty." "Celeia, it is several hours back to your estate. Come in with me and I will assign a room to you in my palace and you can rest there and prepare for the feast. If you want. It will start at sunset. I will send Carria, she's one of my slave girls, to help you prepare." "You are generous, majesty." Once in my private quarters, I took my crown off. It was a simple band, too simple. As my power and wealth increased I would have to get more gold and jewels added to it. That should be possible. Other countries, neighbours, could be invaded and should have gold and riches that could be seized. I had some last minute details to discuss with my servants then it was time to prepare for the feast. This time I selected another robe, brighter, and more flamboyant that my others. I even chose elaborate headwear, of fine silk fabric set with ornaments, then pulled my crown over it. Mosta helped me, fluttering about me, pleased with her own new gown. Then, at the appointed time. my special guard arrived at my chamber to escort me. They were dressed mostly as usual, except I had assigned them decorations to add their armour, and given them new steel tipped spears in honour of the occasion. So, well protected, I made my way to the banqueting room. My most important courtiers and nobles and commanders were there, some with their wives, already seated at the tables arranged in an open square The boards were set already with flagons of wine and by the clamour some had already been sampled. The hubbub of conversation stopped and all stood up and acclaimed me as I entered. Acknowledging them, I bowed to each side in turn and sat at the ornamented seat I had arranged for myself. It was set underneath some armour and weapons I had had hung on the wall, to emphasize my military power. Celeia was standing at the end of one table and I gestured for her to sit with me but after a polite bow she shook her head and pointed to a seat at a side table. I was slightly annoyed but dismissed it. If she did not want to be near my power, that was her responsibility. We were ready, I clapped my hands and gave a quiet smile when I saw the servants and slaves scurrying to the kitchens and roasting spits and in moments later roast meats and game were brought, along with bread and prepared grains, and a variety of fruit. There was plenty of wine and beer too and several casks were set by the side of the table. Celia was wearing a robe I had not seen before. I wondered if she had decided to get a new one in honour of my triumph. I could not help comparing her to the other women there, the wives of my commanders, and courtiers. She was as beautiful as any of the women there and although she did not say much her presence made others often look at her. She looked regal. She wore her gown with style. I noticed it was hung lower about her shoulders than usual. Also, she must have paid particular attention to her dressing. Anytime she had been with me she had looked very elegant and self-possessed. I remembered that when she first presented herself to me at my place, she had been elaborately made up too although in later visits she had been plainer, with her beautiful face unadorned except for a trace of some colour on her lips. But now she was especially striking. She had decorated herself much more elaborately, somewhat more like the style of the high-born women in the empires to the east. Her striking and exotic looks had other women looking at her in envy. There were surreptitious looks from the men too, but better hidden. They knew she was an associate of mine and had helped me. Perhaps they wondered if I had some special interest in her. I like beautiful women and out of the corner of my eye I studied her beautiful face. She had used more colours, with a trace of pale red colour for her cheeks but with much redder lips, along with dark outlining for her eyes and multi coloured tints round her eyelids. On her ears hung complex earrings of gold set with precious stones. Her dark hair was lustrous and more jewels were set in it and in an ornamental headpiece. Round her neck she wore a complex gold chain. My cooks and other servants had outdone themselves. The food was good and abundant. The guests had been waiting for me to start. I was hungry so they did not have to wait long but, as I began to feel full, I felt there was something lacking. I found myself alone at the head table except for two old advisors. They were too serious and I could only watch the others eat and laugh and joke with each other, the women laughing too and half flirting with the men. Only occasionally did someone call to me and let me in on some conversation. I wondered if they deliberately ignoring me, or too afraid of my power. I wanted a beautiful woman beside me. Celeia was delicately eating her meal, only half-listening to two nobles, half drunk, arguing about the relative qualities of some hounds they had bred. Again, her face had that tolerant half smile, as if hunting was simply some strange sport, not worthy of her attention but the men were too drunk to notice. Finally I rose and walked over to Celeia, and beckoned to her over the table. "You are to eat with me, Celeia. I command it." I held out my hand to her. "As you wish, Majesty. " She half rose, giving me another bow. The low neckline of her gown dipped further and I was stirred by the sight of her full breasts nestled in it. "My congratulations on your wonderful, coronation, my lord, and this feast." she said. "They brings glory to your realm. But majesty, were you feeling lonely at the head table? The loneliness of command?" Her speech had taken a touch of mischief. I led her to the head table with a sudden quietening of the noisy conversation. I am not sure what the other attendees were thinking but one of my slave girls, Mosta, seated at a side table, was visibly annoyed. She pouted but neither dared say anything. She would not have dared to protest openly. By contrast, Carria just looked casually at me. I wondered if the girls had hoped to share the night with me when I would be in a good mood and ready to show my prowess. They must have found another diversion later as I saw them both talking and joking with some of my guards. Some nobles looked at Celeia in surprise, others were too drunk to care. But I did not care either. I was at the zenith of my power. But it was not enough. I could amass even more if I planned well. As the meal progressed, I talked with Celeia, trying to find out more of her backgrounds but her answers, as usual, were evasive. Still, the woman was exotic and every time I leaned to her I detected a subtle but rich and enticing perfume. I became more and more stimulated by this beautiful desirable woman by me and her appeal and I became more and more aware that I wanted her. I touched her hand, as if stressing some points and I even tried suggestions but she gave little reaction. "You should tell me who all your nobles and others present are," she commented. "Why do you want to know?" "Oh, it is just that I now a resident of this kingdom I should know these things." I did not care about this but I wanted to please her so I pointed to the men round the table and occasionally she pressed me for details of their position or who they were related to or friendly with and I told her to the best of my ability. "Could any of these become rivals to you?" "Well, these are probably the most powerful, but now none of them have nearly as much power as me. I try to keep them well in check too." "Then you are indeed supreme, majesty. I just wanted to know." I was gratified when at one point one of the nobles proposed a toast. All present leaped to their feet and they raised their cups of wine. Celeia was on her feet too and held her cup towards me, her eyes twinkling. Her gown draped close to her body and it was then I decided I must have her. "When this is finished. I want you to come to my chambers. I have something to discus with you, Celeia." Her eyes flickered but she bowed. "As you wish, majesty." It was my coronation and I was feeling my power, but I still felt alone. I wanted to have this woman in my chambers and her cold but beautiful and tantalizing body under me. I could have called my slave girls and had either to satisfy me, or both of them, but I wanted to break that proud spirit of Celeia, and see her naked below me, receiving me. I wanted to see emotion in her eyes, to see her body in the heat of a woman's desire and passion, and hear her cry out as I took her. She had served me well, but I wanted her totally subservient to me. Surely I was her rightful master and that proud spirit needed completely bent to my will! I was tired of her condescending manner. I could not wait and before the banquet was finished. I rose, took her arm firmly and led her from the banquet room. At my action the conversation of the others suddenly hushed, and my two slave girls looked at me warily but I did not care what anyone else thought and led her to my own chamber. "You wanted to discuss some things with me, majesty?" "Yes, Celeia, You have helped me enormously. I need to know if I can count on your support in the future." "Whatever I can do to make you the undisputed ruler here, I will do that. It is in my interest to have you unchallenged." I needed to start my move to her and I touched her arm. "You are very beautiful tonight, Celeia, " I lowered my voice and spoke suggestively. Her intoxicating perfume was in my nose. But she delicately lifted my arm from hers. "Thank you, majesty, but now it is time I must go." She gave a slight bow and turned to leave me but, finally losing my patience, I jumped up from my chair, seized one of her smooth bare arms, and pulled her to me. There was a flicker of fear in her eyes but just as soon it vanished and it was replaced again by that taunting, challenging look. A great impulse to show my domination of her arose, inflaming me, and I fiercely pulled her gown from her, the material partially ripping. She was wearing a white undergarment, of a fine translucent material that draped around her figure, emphasizing her hips and rear rather than hiding them and showing the little peaks of her nipples where her breasts pushed the fabric out. I tore that off too so that she was absolutely naked. The glistening dark patch at the vee between her legs emphasized her pale skin. She struggled momentarily. I expected that, even relished it. There is nothing like forcing a resistant woman to be yours. I had done it often enough with the daughters of some enemies and with my two slave girls when they first became my property and were not as pliant. But she had made no sound other than a slight grunt when the gown pulled from her. She tensed briefly, then stopped, neither resisting nor encouraging me and giving no more reaction than a lump of clay. But clay is cold and stiff: this woman's body was warm and soft. I put my arms around her and pulled her face to mine. I forced myself on her, kissing her lips and neck but she neither resisted nor welcomed my actions. I ran my hand up and down her body, stroking her narrow waist, her generous hips, squeezing her firm breasts and pinching her hard, pointed nipples. At least these seemed to be aroused and when I put my hand between her legs I felt moisture, a reaction finally. But her eyes just looked at me as if I were only a rock. Only a slight widening showed a trace of a reaction and I became angry, determined to get her to show some emotion, lust, fear, or even hate, but there was nothing. My lust was on me and I savagely turned her round, threw her over a bench and pushed her legs apart. I could see that she was soft and shining, ready to accept me and, pulling aside my tunic and loincloth I pushed into her. Again there was minimal reaction, just a slight grunt then no noise at all. Even Mosta and Carria, who were used to me, usually gave squeals and gasps at that point. I began to thrust repeatedly into her. My vigorous strokes pushed her body moved back and forward under me, but she still gave no reaction. I felt tension as I began to climax and I began to gasp and grunt but she still gave little sign at all. Even when I finally climaxed and pulsed into her she gave no more sign other than another small grunt and some whitening of the knuckles on her clenched hands. Finally spent, I pulled out of her and stood back. She lay still for a few moments then slowly rose, straightened herself, pushed the dark hair from her face, delicately picked up her torn gown and draped it about her. She still said nothing. I expected some reaction but she had resumed her usual cool expression when she looked at me. Some women might have averted their eyes but she looked directly at me and I had to resist lowering my own eyes. She finally gave a small bow, "I hope that pleased you, your majesty. I am happy for you that you showed your power. That must have been a great release for you." But she did not show any particular pleasure, still just that infuriating expression. There was no sarcasm or irony either. She gave another bow. "I shall leave now. Further to what we discussed, if you need the services of the book you can send a message to me. I will be at my estate." That was all, neither fear, gratitude nor any emotion at all. I let her walk out the door. Some women might have walked awkwardly, but she showed no sign. It was as if my actions had not affected her at all but I saw bloodstains on the rag she had used to wipe herself with. So the haughty Celeia had been a virgin! I was her first man, yet there had been almost no reaction. I had taken her but I was still dissatisfied, even angry with myself, and I called for a bottle of wine. Brooding over her coolness, my anger rose and I threw the bottle against a wall where it shattered into pieces but in an hour I had overcome my angry frustrated thoughts and, my lust still on me, I called for Carria and Mosta. They had seen me leave with Celeia, Mosta only arrived. "Where is Carria?" I asked. "She is feeling indisposed, majesty, but I can help you." Indeed Mosta helped me through the rest of the night, yet her usual enthusiasm was not there. The next day I began to take steps to further strengthen my power and after discussion with my most loyal commanders I ordered small groups to be stationed throughout the city and the two larger settlements in the realm, just to let my authority be shown and to show I could nip any trouble before it got started. That needed more soldiers, of course. I had guards but what was needed was something larger, like a small permanent army that could provide a nucleus for larger forces for when I wanted to expand my kingdom. Some could be paid for with money or property confiscated from earlier rebels or even my own treasury, and any money I got from slave sales but I really needed a levy from the citizens and I set up that too. When it was announced it caused a little grumbling but no one dared resist. About that time I was furious when I discovered an act of disloyalty. I found Carria in the embrace of one of my guards, one called Menas. I had them both flogged and Menas dismissed. I warned Carria that if she ever betrayed me again I would have her nose cut off and sell her out of the kingdom. I was surprised when a month later Celeia arrived at my palace and asked for an audience. Cautiously I had the guards let her in, but she was the same woman as she had been before. "What do you want?" I demanded. "Why, your majesty, I am your advisor. I have not seen you for several weeks and I wanted to see if you still needed my help." As if nothing at all had happened between us! I let my curiosity show and stared at her, "Why have you come to see me? I thought you would stay away. I ..uh regret what happened." I do not know why I thought it necessary to apologize to her. It could have been taken as weakness and anyway, as king, I should not have had to but there was something about her that had made me do it. Afterwards I reproached myself for my weakness. She gave an open handed dismissive gesture. "Think nothing of it, majesty. You felt a need, that was all. Majesty, I have come because I am your advisor, and I still want to give you my help and advice and to offer my services to the kingdom." I was taken aback that she did not appear to be keeping any hostility or any emotion at all. I had taken her by force, or at least without any acceptance on her part other than her non-resistance. She had said it was nothing at the time either. Had my actions meant or affected her so little? Or had she secretly liked it, and was just hiding it and that was why she had come to see me? Yet that did not seem right either. To be realistic, I needed her for my plans, and I was glad that she had come to see me. Or had she changed her mind, and now wanted to work her way into my affections? "Well, Celeia, my kingdom is now stable and I have total control. I think it is close to the time to expand the power of my kingdom in this region. "The neighbouring nation of Perad is in some disarray. I think it would be a good time to invade it and take it over. The population are much the same as ours and we should have no difficulties joining them to us. They even speak the same language as us. They may even welcome my rule as I can give them stability. I could easily to form a stronger and larger kingdom." "I wondered how long it would take for your further ambition to show itself. You would be ruler, of course, but wars can be expensive," she warned. "Yes, but Perad is rich, there are gold and silver mines and fertile lands. The campaign should pay for itself and there is the bonus too. Any of their leaders that we capture could also be enslaved and you could use your special book. As females their prices will be better." She shook her head. "Majesty, you have given the markets many slaves from elimination of your enemies here. Perhaps the slave trade will be depressed with an influx of more slaves. You may not get the same revenue." She raised her eyebrows again, as if suggesting I had not thought of that. "I agree, but the main reason is to get rid of opposition and the price we get for slaves is not as important." "So you have definitely decided to invade Perad." I nodded. "I think that should be possible. It is still in disorder years after their king was killed. Some people say it was from a raid by Genorians and they even abducted the king's wife too. I sat back in my throne. "Yes, that reminds me, Genoria. That tempts me too. The conscripts from Perad could add to my army's strength and once we have control of Perad we could have enough men to invade Genoria." I slowly shook my head. "That is a society that surely is against the will of the Gods, to allow women to rule it, and to have no men in any real authority! I am surprised the Gods have even allowed it to continue and prosper. It is against the natural order of things! I stroked my beard. "I have heard the women in Genoria are beautiful. Perhaps too, they don't have men around, so the women there would welcome invasion by my strong warriors." "You think that would persuade them to accept invasion? That is an interesting thought. I see you smiling, majesty. So the idea of beautiful Genorian slaves interests you? You would have them satisfy the lust of your warriors?" "You read my mind, Celeia. Yes, I but I will have to work out the details for my plans. But in the meantime, I must really be sure of my power here. Celeia, that book of yours, would it be possible for me to have it? I would reward you well." Her eyes flickered briefly. "Ah, majesty, then you would have to be careful. You could not read it yourself, unless you wanted to become a woman. And I am sure you do not. You like having power, and just a few moments ago you complained about women having power. So you would need a helper who is a woman already, and then, what is the point? You already have me to help you. Have I ever given you reason to be suspicious of me?" She gave another smile, again that slightly superior one that continually irritated me. "Anyway, majesty, if you have no more present urgent schemes I will leave you to your plans. If you are planning more military conquests these will be matters for you and your commanders to carry out. I am only a woman, after all, and I would be inexperienced in those things. "So, if you need my advice, just send for me. But now, I will have to get some supplies at the market and then I will return to my estate. I like it very much. You have rewarded me well." She bowed and left me in my chamber, but I saw her talking to Mosta and Carria, before she left in the direction of the market and main street. I thought about Celeia and the book all the rest of that day and the following night. The book was powerful and I was determined to get it for myself. But she was right, I needed a woman to use it. Thinking about a solution I had the idea that perhaps I could use one of my slave girls. Both were well subservient to me and would be ideal for it. I put my plan into action in another week. My forces had been finally able to capture a young rebel who had eluded us for some time. I sent a message to Celeia that I needed her to perform a change on a young dissident I had captured. She arrived and once more I watched from a distance as yet another man was changed into a beautiful young woman. The spell went as normal, if magic can be described as normal, with shivering, unconsciousness, and then rippling as the body changed. "How are your plans for Perad and Genoria coming along, majesty?" she asked later, when we had moved up to my private quarters. '"They are well underway, Celia. You have the book?" I asked. "Of course, I have it right here, in a pocket in my gown. I just used it." "Can I see it? I would like to examine it." " Majesty, I have to refuse. I think it should stay with me. Solely with me." "I insist!" I pressed. I was finally losing patience with this exasperating woman. She shook her head. "I will not give it to you, majesty. I have told you that. I want to help you amass more power and that offer still stands. Despite everything." I gave a signal to my guards. They seized her and pulled her to me. She had struggled at first, but she must have realized that her struggles would be in vain as she suddenly stopped and simply watched me without showing any reaction at all. She had not even cried out. It was like before, when I had taken her. She kept her emotions under control. "Hold her well," I commanded my guards. They did so and feeling at her gown I found the book in a small pocket and pulled it out. "Now it is mine," I said evenly, trying to hide my triumph. A quick angry look passed over her face, but it was soon gone, and replaced by that slightly amused look. "You see," I said. "It was easy to take it from you." " Despite everything I have done to help you, this is how you repay me?" "I gave you an estate. That is a great reward. I have rewarded you more than some of my commanders." I examined the book. It was as I remembered from before, with just some words on two scraps of parchment inside some thin wooden covers. It was missing the previous yellowish hide cover but otherwise it was the same. The words written on the parchment looked the same too and I recognised some. But others were quite strange. "What are these words?" I pointed to the parchment. "They are the words of the spell. They are in an old language that possibly comes from the times of the Amazons." "Where did you get the book?" "I got it from an old priestess, but its history does not matter." She pointed to the book. "I think you will regret taking this, majesty," she warned. "You threaten me? How could you do that?" "I do not threaten you. I tell you a fact. The power of the book is not to be taken lightly and carelessly and anyway, who will you get to use it for you?" "I have two female slaves who obey my every command. If they use it too they should become more beautiful." "Yes, I imagine they would like that. But I wonder if they will actually be able to do it." I looked at the doorway. Through it I could see some of my military men waiting for me. I had ordered them to come to the palace to discuss my invasion plans. "I have spent enough time with you. I will be generous and allow you to return to your estate. I will now treat you as I would all citizens here. You will acknowledge me as your king and promise to obey my commands." She actually gave a deep bow, placing her face almost on the floor at my feet. "Yes, majesty, you are my king." She casually adjusted her robe so it hung properly about her and with another bow she turned and left. Again, it was as if my display of power had meant nothing. I had the opportunity to try the spell several days later. A minor criminal had been arrested stealing some goods from a seller in the market. The crime was rather a minor one, but it was a threat to my authority. Usually he would have had a public whipping as a thief but I decided to try the spell on him instead and I gave the book to Mosta. "You are to read this to the man in the cellar," I ordered. She took the book but only opened it briefly. She shook her head, bursting into tears. "Master, I cannot read. I am sorry!" Cursing in frustration, I asked Carria to read it but, white faced, she apologized. She could not read either. "You stupid women, get out of here!" I cried and they fled. I was furious and wondered how I could avoid the problem until I remembered that one of the priestesses knew how to read so I summoned her and gave her the book. "This book has magic words that change a man into woman. I want you to read it to the prisoner downstairs." I directed her to the cellar, where the man was on the floor, chained and in a cage. When he saw the book his eyes opened wide and he trembled and begged for mercy. He would have been told about the book's powers. "Please, majesty, do not do this," but I just looked at him in distaste. "Read this to the prisoner, "I ordered the priestess. " Then call me down that I can see the effects." "Do you really want to use this i evil magic, Majesty?" the priestess protested. So there were some of my citizens who objected to the book's use, but I was in a hurry. "Never mind. And it is not eveil. Just do it," I ordered. The priestess sighed and from a a distance I saw her read the words. A short time later the prisoner gave a small shake, and I thought that the spell was beginning to work but then he sat up and looked at me. I waited for more effects of the spell to begin but nothing further happened and he was unaffected. I was shocked and even he looked surprised. The priestess looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Nothing has happened, majesty." "I can see that," I snarled. "You must have read it wrong. Do it again!" I ordered. She read the words again more carefully and I carefully watched the prisoner but nothing had happened. I screamed in frustration. The book no longer worked! Back in my chambers I fumed over the book's failure. Celeia had used it successfully, many times. I began to wonder if she had some special talent and I needed her to get the spell to work. I tried again with another priestess and again the spell completely failed. That put me into a rage for the rest of that day. It meant I would be forced to go back to Celeia, apologize and grovel to persuade her to use the spell. If I did not have it I would have lost one of my main methods of threatening enemies. I wondered if I could force her, by confiscating her estate, or imprisoning her but I sensed an iron will in Cher and I doubted that she would yield. My own actions had trapped me and I could see no way out unless I tried to appease her and return the book. I hoped it had not lost its power. And that made me wonder again about how Celeia had got the book. I decided to take a small trip to her estate to return the spell book to her and try to persuade her. I ordered Mosta and Carria and my guards to get ready for the trip but some government matters interfered and I had to delay it by two days. The fields of her estate were still well tended and all looked prosperous, much the same as it had been before other than down by the sea there was a small boat by a small jetty and some bronzed fit-looking women working by it. Even though I was apprehensive about our meeting I was impressed by the general tidiness of the estate. When I met Celeia I was prepared to have to be very polite to her but in fact she gave me a completely proper welcome, not warm, but not hostile ether. She had a kind of glow about her. It was as if she had expected me. "What brings you here, majesty?" "Oh, I wanted to see around my dominions. All looks well. I see a boat in down at the jetty. "Yes, I thought the estate could use it. There are good fish to catch." She laughed. "Sometimes they actually swim into the net." I was not interested in fishing."I really wanted to discuss some policy with you." "That sounds serious, but you know I cannot help you as I did in the past, because you have my book. Oh yes, the book. Have you found if you can use it?" There was a faint smile on her face as if she was playing with me, and she knew what my problem was. "Ah, I see by your face that there is something wrong. You are a poor liar, majesty. Is that why you left the palace, the city and came all this way just to see me? You will remember I had warned you, majesty, that it could be a problem. So, I am guessing, you need me to help you administer the spell." "That is not the reason!" I protested but it was clear she knew I was lying. I decided I would offer it to her later in the day after we had eaten and I could judge when the right time would be to discuss it with her. "Perhaps, majesty, we need to talk about many things so can I offer you my hospitality for the night? Your guards could sleep in one room. I will set another aside for you and your two slave girls. That is, if you want that?" I thought about the journey back. It would be late as I would probably have to to take my time in persuading her to help me after I returned the book. "Yes, thank you for your offer." Later that evening, we were sitting in her garden. We had eaten and were talking about the state of my kingdom. She had plied me well with wine, and I was feeling mellow. She was a gracious hostess. I felt things were going well. Late in the evening she rose and stretched. "Excuse me, majesty, I have to check on some servants. One is ill. She is a good servant and I would not want to lose her." She returned carrying a small cloth bag and some sewing supplies. With a needle and thread she began to embroider a design in the bag. "You like my design? " she asked. "What is it?" "Oh, a legend. It is a phoenix, a mythological bird. It lays an egg but then sets alight the nest. The phoenix perishes in flames, but a young phoenix arises from the fire. Maybe an allegory for destruction followed by rebirth." I was not interested in legends but she appeared mellow too and I took a deep breath. I finally had to grovel before this exasperating woman. "Celeia, I have to give you my apologies. I took the spell book from you. I make no excuse. I wanted its power but I find it does not work with me." She nodded her head as if she was not surprised and understood perfectly well. "Yes, it could be that the magic that makes the spells work is temperamental. Maybe it is gone forever." "I hope not. Look, I have the book with me in my baggage. Can I give it back to you and you test it out?" "No, you can keep it now," she said dismissively. "That was a valuable book, with lots of power," I protested. "You do not appear concerned. Surely you can get it to work again? I will reward you well." She shrugged. "Oh well, let me think about it. That spell, it needed the book. I wonder if I can now remember what it said?" She sat back as if trying to remember the words and slowly recited them. "Yes, that was it. It is unfortunate that the power of the book is gone." We talked on for a little and then I felt a slight shiver, and the hairs on my neck slightly rose. "Cold, are you, Majesty?" "Yes." "Well, I will let you know I have something to tell you. You see, the spell book needed a cover of human skin, tanned of course, so it did not rot, to be able to work properly. When you took it from me, you did not notice, I had removed the cover. I anticipated that you would want it and you would try to take it from me so I removed the cover earlier. That is why it did not work." I glared at her. "So you tricked me. Well, I can return the book now. And I demand you help me." Before she could reply I felt a sudden short sharp shiver. "What is this? I am feeling cold." "Well, I just recited the spell again." "But you don't have the book." Another smile, with a trace of iron. "You see, majesty, the spell needs to be written on human skin, or it can be close by as in the covers of a book, but the skin need not be dead. You see, I wrote the spell on my thigh." She actually drew up her robe and I saw letters written on her pale thighs. "What?" I cried, in a sudden awful realization. "Yes, you have now heard the spell, and will now experience its effects, just the same as happened to all your victims." I leaped up. "Guards," I shouted, my voice shaking. "They will not help you, nor your slave girls either. That guard you had flogged and dismissed was popular with the others. They resented that you had whipped him and the girl he loved, Carria. I spoke to them just a short time ago and they are willing to help me remove you. I expected you would come here anyway, when your book did not work and I knew you would try to get its power back. "You have walked into a trap!" By this time I was shaking badly. I tried to lunge at her but I staggered and fell over and all went dark. I gradually awoke, as if struggling from a deep sleep, but also becoming more and more aware of a terrible ache over all of my body that even penetrated to my bones. Every part of me hurt. My eyes were stuck shut, my throat was scratchy and dry. They told me later that I had been unconscious two full days. Even when I started to wake I had lapsed in and out of consciousness. The times when I was more conscious I was half aware of a gentle rocking and the sound of splashing water then later, of voices, all women's voices. I had no idea where I was. As I woke more my hands wandered over my body and I sensed it was different for some reason. But I could not concentrate and I let myself sink back into sleep. Half wakening again I started testing my body. It seemed that my skin was softer and not as muscled. I rolled to my stomach, but for some reason the position was awkward and I felt an unusual pressure my chest. So I rolled on my back again with a feeling as if something was pulling on my chest. Rubbing at it I felt soft flesh then sensitive tips like the breasts and nipples of my slave girls. But worse, I could feel my own probing. It was as if these female breasts, were part of me! The terrible realization finally jolted me from my sleep and I finally forced my eyes open with my fingers. I winced with the sharp pain but what I saw made me scream. Worse, it was not a man's cry. It was a high-pitched female voice. In my view on my chest were the half globes of two female breasts, set with a prominent areolas and large nipples, yet not completely female either, as they were covered with a matt of dark hair, like my own. I screamed again and pulled at the breasts, but they were fixed and the pain finally made me stop. All that happened was most of the hair had stripped off into my hands. Panicking, I reached down and I screamed even more when I found only a mound at the base of my belly, and nothing left of my manhood. Instead I had a prominent vertical groove and, feeling in it, I found ridges, folds, a very sensitive small nub and further down, a moist opening edged with a delicate rim. I recognized these were the genitals of woman. By some terrible event I had been changed into a woman! In a sudden burst of horror and anger I remembered Celeia's book and what she had said. She had tricked me and used her book to change me. I had changed my enemies to women. Now the same had happened to me! I shook my head to try to clear its pain and looked round and found I was in some cellar, similar to those where I had imprisoned my own enemies. When I moved there was a clinking noise and I saw a chain connecting my ankle my ankle to a ringbolt set in the floor. I was totally naked and the stone floor was covered with smelly straw. I struggled to my knees, aware of the breasts hanging and swinging on my chest as I changed position. I cried out, but it was in a shrill woman's voice, not in the slightest like a man's. Nothing happened at first but when I cried out again the heavy wooden door of the cell opened. Celeia was the first to enter and another five women slowly followed her. Two were obviously guards, by their leather armour, spears and short swords. Two other women, quite young, were in simple light gowns and by their manner appeared to defer to Celeia. I supposed they were servants or even slaves. They were elaborately made up with dangling earrings. Celeia was strikingly dressed, as usual. The other woman was very similar to Celeia in her appearance. She was also imposing, dressed in robes that looked even richer than Celeia's, "So you are finally awake! At one time I wondered if we had lost you," said Celeia. "The spell was severe on you, still, you survived, and you have discovered your new body. I think you will make a very beautiful woman." "What have you done to me?" I cried out. She snorted. "Isn't that obvious? I used the spell on you and now you are now a woman." "Why, and where am I?" "Oh, perhaps I should introduce you. This lady, " she gestured to the other woman, this is her majesty Suriyal, queen of Genoria, So, to answer your questions, you are now in Genoria. We brought you here by ship. Yes, we abducted you. You are now a prisoner here." "Why have you done this? You have helped me so much and I even returned the book to you! I demand you change me back and return me to Zethos." I tried to sound imperious but in a woman's voice and still weak it just sounded feeble. She shook her head. "That is not going to happen. You ask why? Well, this is a longish story. We in Genoria, oh yes, I count myself as Genorian again, we are always watching all our neighbouring realms to make sure they do not pose a threat to us. We had watched your rise to power in Zethos and it looked as if you were going to make it into a strong power and a threat to us. I compliment you. You were young and energetic enough to make it happen. So there was a serious risk to Genoria. Perad is divided too and that would tempt you and then, people like you, obsessed with power, don't usually stop. Genoria could be another prize. Don't deny it. You thought of that too. You remember our discussions? "We had anticipated your drive and ambition and that is why I went to your country and sought an audience with you. I had something that tempted you with its power. You accepted my offer and I helped you rise, but I was also thinking about your rivals. I helped you eliminate them and any others who could be a threat. "So all the power became concentrated in you. Then, if we removed you, oh yes, that was our intention all along, Zethos would be left completely leaderless and only with small competing factions, too busy squabbling with each other to be a threat to other kingdoms. She pursed her lips. "There was the matter too that you forced yourself on me but, you know, I bear you little ill will. That haughty independent manner I adopted was actually meant to provoke you. You stole the book too. You took it by force, just as you took me. Force and power were a lot of your life, majesty. Or is it 'former' majesty?' " She looked me up and down. "I think you will find things different now. But I expected you would use force. That's also why I removed the book's cover of human skin so it became ineffective by itself but I actually had written the word of the spell on my own thigh. In that last test it was really these words on my thigh rather than the book that allowed me to change the two individuals. "And when I abducted you, I had the help of allies, your slave girl Carria and the man she wanted. Menas is his name. Because of their affair, you had them both flogged and Menas was removed from your guards, but his brother is still a guard. They were well liked by the other guards and they persuaded them to help Carria get revenge. She wanted to destroy you. "When you told her you were going to visit me, she in turn sent word to me, and that allowed me enough time to complete my plans. That small vessel you noticed in the harbour, I said it was for fishing, but its crew were Genorian soldiers that my sister had sent- we had decided to abduct you some time ago. After you fell unconscious we put you on the boat and so you were brought to Genoria. "So, majesty, I mean former majesty, you are now a woman too. You are changed, you have lost your country, rank, prestige and your male body, just like your victims. So, I wonder what should be done with you now?" "Please, can you change me back. I promise will no longer be a threat." Celeia shook her head. "We don't believe you. Maybe your fate should be like you delighted in doing to others? You would be totally naked, exposed to anyone at some slave auction." She shook her head. "No, we don't have slave markets here but we can sell you to some trader and in a foreign market you could also experience your slavery. Maybe we could also arrange it to happen in Zethos and then let the citizens know?" I shrank at her threat. That would be absolute humiliation. The queen pointed at me. "We could do that, although we would require whoever took you to make sure you went to a strong master. Genoria had an unfortunate experience in the past. A young male criminal who had caused us much harm was caught, and as punishment changed to a woman and sold away. We underestimated her cunning. She even rose from slave girl to queen in her new home. But then she became a threat to Genoria so she was captured in a raid, brought to Genoria and executed. That should have been done first. "So, maybe we should just execute you and then you would give us no more trouble" She gave a sardonic smile. I could not tell if she was joking or not. "Another possibility is that, often in Genoria's past we have given suitable male, I mean 'former' male prisoners, the chance to become citizens of Genoria. But first, they had to serve me for at least a year as slaves to make sure they had the proper training, and I should tell you the training is rigorous. "If you chose that you would have to be obedient in all things to me. Oh yes, I should warn you that you first get a ritual whipping first to drive home to you that you must obey me in all things and without question. So, I offer you that choice. We will not change you back, but we will allow you to remain here. Then, if you have been absolutely satisfactory, you would be freed and given the rights, and responsibilities of Genorian women. But you would be a woman until you died. "You have many good qualities, determination and ability among them. Would you like to add these to Genoria? As a free woman you would be expected to visit the temple of Ishtar." I did not understand what she meant but I was too distraught to care. "I do not want to be a woman." "Well then," said Celeia. "We offer you another choice, execution by beheading. Don't worry, it will be quick. Our executioner is well skilled and has a sharp sword. That would have been your fate anyway if you had been more ruthless and executed your prisoners. You were merciful and were satisfied to change them to women, so we will be merciful too." The queen broke in. "Celeia had some experience of other countries so I persuaded her to go to offer her services to you and she sent back reports. Celeia, can you stand by me? Do you see anything?" she asked. I shrugged, the two woman both looked imperious and confident. But then I realized and my mouth opened. "Yes," said the queen." Celeia is my sister. She is a twin, but was born just after me, so the responsibility to rule was mine. We are not identical either, but don't you think there is some resemblance? And another thing, she was born male but, like all male children here, she was changed to a female soon after birth. You will appreciate knowing that the book was used for that? I like to think Celia and I have the same qualities, determination and courage and cunning." Celeia gave a mischievous bow to her sister. "My queen is kind. She has tolerated me a lot. I would be second in line to the throne, but when I was younger I was restless and wanted to see the world beyond Genoria, to see if I could make a new life in another country but I found that the role of women outside Genoria was very restricted. For my own safety I had to temper my ambition and defer to men. So I was glad to return to Genoria but when we began to recognize your growing threat I persuaded her to let me travel to your lands. I was the most familiar with lands outside Genoria." The queen spoke. "You had the power also to cause much grief. If you had been ruthless you might have caused great grief among your subjects by executions. Sending Celeia to Zethos to help you, gave you the option of changing your male captives to women but it also saved their lives. "They no doubt suffered much at first, but it was better than death. They became beautiful women so hopefully they would be able to form new reasonably happy lives. They may even come to like their new bodies After all, Genoria is a society of women and I doubt that any of my subjects would want to become a man. And all those we have changed to women became happy and productive subjects, like my sister here." Her voice hardened. "Well, what do you choose? Do you want time to decide?' I broke down in helpless frustration. I shook my head "My past life is gone. I am in a strange body, in a strange land with an unknown future but I do not want to die. Please just let me go. I cannot do you any harm now I would be no threat." "That is not one of the choices!" "Then... I will become..... a slave to the queen." "Bow your head to my sister Queen Suriyal and ask her for permission to be her slave," Celeia ordered. Broken partly in tears, I did so. I had agreed to be a female slave. The queen nodded. "That means we need a nice female name for you now. What about Merena? Hold up your head and look at me!" I did so although I could hardly see her for my tears, I cursed internally. I was beginning to cry like a woman! "Then I assent, Merena. You will start your duties tomorrow after your ritual whipping. However, my beloved sister Celeia has some news for you about further responsibilities as a citizen of Genoria. I will let her tell you herself." She gestured to Celeia. "Genorian women in their childbearing years are required to visit a temple near our mountains. It is dedicated to Ishtar. There, every full moon, they meet and lie with men from neighbouring countries and city states. Ceradol is the nearest. They do that so that they get pregnant and can have children. That is how our society carries on. The book, or a copy, is used to change any male children to girls." So that was the reference to Ishtar, I would be expected to become pregnant too! "So getting pregnant will be a duty, " said Celeia. "Keep that in mind." Two days later I had a surprise visitor. I was in bed in a room in Suriya's palace assigned to two other slaves of the queen, both of them former men, like me. They were hunters who had strayed into Genorian territory and been captured, changed and enslaved. The visitor was Celeia. "How are you feeling, Merena?" she asked. I winced and screwed up my eyes in pain when I rose to look at her. "My back still hurts from the whipping." "Then you will try not to have it repeated, won't you?" "Have you come here to gloat?" "Remember you manners slave! No, I want to encourage you instead. You remember two days ago that you were told visiting the Temple of Ishtar and getting pregnant is a duty? If you serve my sister well you will be freed and then you can do that." "I know. I want to be free of this slavery but I do not want that." "Oh, you may change your mind. I came here to tell you a little about myself. You tried to find out long enough when you were Morus. "I told you I had lived outside Genoria and I later returned. But I did not tell you the whole story. You see, Suriyal called me back. For some reason she has not been able to conceive. She has tried healing spells in her book, but with no success. There must be someone to succeed her as queen of Genoria, especially if they can get pregnant, and that is now my responsibility, being her younger sister. I would be expected to visit the temple too. "But well, it looks as if I will not have to take that trip for two or so years." She raided her dark eyebrows. "You remember some months ago that the power hungry Morus forced himself on me? You know, there were qualities about Morus that I admired, determination, strength of purpose and vigour. All good qualities for a future queen of Genoria." She drew her robe closer about her and patted her stomach. I gasped. It was slightly rounded with pregnancy! "I teased Morus, I made him impatient with me so that he would want to assert himself over me. So, in here is his child, a possible future queen of Genoria. "Perhaps, if you are satisfactory and eventually freed, Merena, I may allow you to help mother her." END

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Fernanda Teenage Lust

I had just finished my first year of college and my mom and dad insisted that I go with them on a quick summer trip to visit one of mom’s old college buddies in Austin, Texas. Normally, I don’t mind such gatherings, but for some reason or another, Austin just didn’t appeal to me. I had been there many years before and didn’t find the city attractive. When we arrived, there were the customary hugs and greetings- since our family is Hispanic. (You have to love a culture that embraces hugging!) I...

First Time
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas

Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been … interesting. It was a...

2 years ago
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 2

Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas

Andee settled in for another flight. Her new job had been taking her all over the place the past few months, but the light was almost at the end of the tunnel. This trip to Las Vegas would be the last for the year. The other bonus is that she only had to spend a couple days on her own, as her husband had managed to make some changes to his own plans and would meet her for a bit of an extended weekend. The last time they had been together in Sin City, things had been ... interesting. It was a...

Wife Lovers
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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 3

Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...

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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 3

Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...

Wife Lovers
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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 2 How

Ms Nandhini – My School TeacherBy KINGPHANTOMEmail: [email protected] 2Lesson – 1 – How to MasturbateThe morning after I Dry Humped our new class teacher’s ass on our school bus. I woke up hearing my older sister Nithya chechi (Starring “Nithya Menon”) calling out my name. “Shyam you idiot, come on get up. You are late for school. I am gonna tell mom, you better get up.” She shouted at me. It’s a curse to share a room with your older sister. She wants to decide on everything that’s...

4 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 1

Andee edged her way through the crowd surrounding the luggage belt. She was happy to finally be off the plane after the three hour flight from Toronto, but still had some peculiar emotions about being in Houston. Ever since her encounter with Don back at the conference in Chicago she had been maintaining a casual connection with him, mostly on a professional level. When she received his invitation to come to Texas for a few days to explore first hand some of the research developments his...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight

Becoming Brandee Chapter Eight: Sitting at my vanity I carefully outlined my lips. Then I pulled out a tube of china pink lipstick and coated them. My refection pleased me so much. Finally, I coated my pretty colored lips with two coats of shiny sticky lip gloss. I winked at Richard reflected in my mirror who was watching me get ready for work. I then stood up to face him in my freshly ironed cocktail waitress uniform. Today I would be wearing my pink uniform. I loved wearing...

2 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 2

Andee woke to the sound of the shower running. Looking at the digital clock beside the bed she saw that it was just after 6:00 a.m. As she sat up in the bed, she was trying to shake out the cobwebs and jetlag in her head when the realization of what had gone on the night before became obvious. She was naked but couldn’t exactly remember at what point during the night her lingerie had come off. She rolled out of the bed, made her way to the closet and pulled on a t-shirt from her suitcase. She...

Wife Lovers
4 years ago
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Andee Loses a Bet and Her Panties

The whole matter began shortly after Andee’s 38th birthday. She had made one of the biggest decisions of her life and cropped her long brown hair into a cute “pixie” cut. It was a drastic change in her mind, and not long after she began to feel that she wasn’t being “noticed” as much as she had been when her hair was long. “Men prefer long hair,” she complained to her husband one night, not long after she made the dramatic transformation. But despite his constant reassurances, she still felt...

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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Andee Poses For A Friend

It had been a long time in coming. Andee wasn’t sure if having to “pay up” for losing a friendly bet with her co-worker was just a passing joke in the hallway, or if he was serious about collecting on it. As a thirty-eight year old mom of two very active boys and career woman, she enjoyed a bit of adventure in her life and this was the second time in a year she had found herself confronted with a sexual complication with her friend. Without question, Andee had been a shameless flirt with Paul,...

Wife Lovers
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven

Becoming Brandee Chapter Seven Today may be one of the most important days of my new bimbo life. I go for my job interview today. I am so nervous. I so want to get this job. Lisa seems to think I am a shoe in. But I am nervous. I so want this job. It means a lot to me and I think it will mean a lot to Richard and I know it will help continue to rein....reinfer...re...make me more comfortable as a bimbo girl happy in her role.To support me, Lisa came over and we went through my...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Eleven

Disclaimer: This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee series are intended for adult readers only. Reproduction in any form may not be done without permission of the author. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Eleven: Julie and I crawled into bed together spent as Richard retired to his room. However, just before heading up to bed, Benjamin and I shared a private moment at the door before he headed back to his home. He kissed me tenderly and told me that he'd like to see me...

2 years ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

1 year ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Twelve

Disclaimer: Like all chapters of the Brandee series, this one is inteded for adult readers only. Becoming Brandee, Chapter Twelve I am now in my fourth month of my tour of gentleman's clubs and adult bookstores and I am really enjoying myself. Julie came out a few weekends ago and had such a fun time watching me in my glory. She says she is going to finish up her Doctorial work sooner than expected and that we might get some more time together. I would really enjoy that as I...

4 years ago
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Grandpa and Grandma come for a visit and the entire family enjoys an incestuous orgy

“We’re here!” Grandma cried as she and Grandpa came through the front door with their suitcases. “Grandma!” the children shouted as quickly the five of them surrounded their Grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa hugged them all – letting their hands grab the firm young asses of their grandchildren. Grandma took special care to press her massive bosom against their chests feeling her nipples harden as she did. Grandpa’s large pecker had been hard since...

2 years ago
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Chandigarh Ki Bhabhi Ko Bnaya Randi

Mera naam harman hai. Yeh meri pehli story hai indian sex stories pe. Yeh story meri bhabhi k baare me hai. Iss story mein m btaunga k kaise mene apni bhabhi ko apni randi bnaya. Apne baare me btata hoon. Mera lund 7 inch ka hai aur height 6 foot. M chandigarh ka rehne wala hoon. Mujhe ladkiyo ko randiyo ki tarah chodne meh bahut maaza aata hai. Chandigarh ki agar koi ladki, bhabhi ya aunty ko badeh aur motte lund ki talaash hai toh meri email pe msg kre: .Chlo story shuru krte hai. Meri...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen

Disclaimer: Like all chapters in the Brandee series, this one is also intended for adults only. And, like all other chapters, no part of this story may be reproduced without permission of the author. Enjoy. Becoming Brandee Chapter Thirteen: I think I was telling you all about my publicity and promotional tour before getting side-tracked by hygiene issues in the last chapter. Let me fill you in on a few of my adventures with some fascinating audience members who've won the "Win...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter 10

Disclaimer. This chapter, like all chapters of the Becoming Brandee strory, are intended for adult readers only Becoming Brandee Chapter Ten: Now this was totally unexpected. I had initially thought that my wife Julie and I were both to be dates for Richard and suddenly I become very aware that only my wife is Richard's date for the evening. And, once I open the front door, I will be meeting my very own date. "You look divine, Brandee," said my wife encouragingly, "Now make...

3 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

3 years ago
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Andee Heats Up Houston Day 3

Andee folded down the top of her suitcase and zipped it shut. In a few hours she would be back in Canada, back with her husband – and after the past couple days – back on her back as she shared her experiences in Houston with the man waiting at home. She looked at Don propped up against the edge of the desk, hands stuffed into his jeans as her thoughts turned to the fun she had enjoyed on this trip. She could see the disappointment in his face as he knew their time together had come to an end....

Wife Lovers
1 year ago
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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

3 years ago
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Becoming Brandee Chapter Two

Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...

2 years ago
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JuniorChapter 4 Summer of 1991 Sandy Wanda and Patti

It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...

2 years ago
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Nandita Boudi Becomes A Slut

I put the razor to my face, sliding it over the remaining patches of beard that had grown over the winter. This New Year’s Eve I wanted to look smart for the ladies at the party I was going. I have been going out with Shalini for some time, but I was getting tired of her. I even let Ayan (a dear friend of mine) fuck her brains out in a threesome with me. We fucked both her holes all night long till she could not scream or fight anymore. She couldn’t walk for days after that and stopped speaking...

2 years ago
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Andersonville 5 The Guilty Soul

Andersonville 5 - The Guilty Soul by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the TG writers out there, who make the days easier to deal with by posting new stories to read each day. Fade in... The sun wasn't even peeking over the hills when the alarm started going off. I hit the snooze button several times but eventually realized I was going to have to get out of bed and get ready for work. I stir slightly, stretching my legs and arms in a poor attempt to wake up. Then...

4 years ago
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Nandita And Mohini 8211 Fucking Two Beauties

Hello friends. This is Neville from Chennai. A couple of years back I posted one of my real stories on this site. I was caught in a police raid in a brothel and was rescued by the wife of my friend, Mohini. Today I and Mohini have been having love sessions as and when needed. I got a call from Mohini that her friend Nandita is in town to attend someone’s wedding. She would be coming to her house on Friday evening as she has a flight back to Toronto on Sunday. Nandita has insisted that she meet...

2 years ago
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Mysterious Case Of Anjali With Nandita And Nivedita

Hello readers. Handshake to boys and boobs shake to girls. I hope you enjoy the story. This story is for all the BDSM lovers out there. The story is long and detailed and mysterious. Sit back and enjoy. This incident was not a one day story, so it needs some background to be told. So, enjoy the thrill and mystery which lies ahead. I had a cute neighbor whose name was Anjali. She was 2 years younger to me. We were brought up together and we were pretty good friends. This incident started to...

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Priya Nandhini Iruvarai Umba Viten 8211 Part 3

Avasaramaaga en vagupil padikum oru paiyan vanthathaal, naan nandhini aadaiyai vegamaaga aninthu vittu irunthen. Appozhuthu priya enai paarthu hey ena seithu kondu irukiraai avanai veliyil sendru ethavathu pesi sirithu neram ula varamal paarthu kol endru sonnal. Naan nandhiniyai kaama paarvaiyil paarthu konde sendren. Naan veliyil sendru, en idam thulai pesi irunthathu athil yaaruko pesuvathu pondru pose koduthu irunthen. Appozhuthu naveen vanthaan, avan ennai paarthu hey ena indru sikiram...

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