Genetic Influences (Fourth Installment) free porn video

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Here is the fourth installment of Genetic Influences. I'm currently working on the fifth (and most likely final) installment. Chapter Five: Not Without a Hitch I ventured out of the girls' dorm Monday morning, feeling optimistic. When I'd logged onto the netstream to check my messages, I'd found one from my advisor. She thought my new outline looked extremely promising and believed I had made a good decision in scrapping my old project. "I'm excited to see how you flesh this out," she said. That was one of my life's problems solved, anyway. Perhaps my other problems would work out too. Perhaps Jeannie and I would get back together after I was transformed back into Jack. The two of us could have a more solid relationship that was based on a more complete understanding of one another. I was confident of that. Or perhaps I could start going out with Deirdre instead?if she could ever get over thinking of me as one of her girlfriend that is. After spending so much time with her and getting to know her better, I was sure that I could be very happy with her. Anyway, the point is, my life now seemed to include many new possibilities. It seemed likely that everything would work out, and I would be better off for this whole experience. Unfortunately, this sense of optimism was destined to be short-lived. As I descended the steps in front of the dorm, I heard someone call out, "Miss Fox." It was a man's voice, and it sounded vaguely familiar. I turned and saw one of the IGC agents that had been to my place the morning of my transformation. The one Hayden had spoken with. "May I ask you a few questions?" he said, approaching me swiftly. I didn't know what else to do, so I bolted. The agent ran after me. "Wait!" he called out. I kept running, the rubber soles of my shoes slapping lightly against the sidewalk. I had been in good shape in my former body, but I was not particularly fast. I was fast in this body, however?probably fast enough to try out for the girls track team. Still, the agent was able to match my pace behind me. It worried me that he wanted to talk to Jaclyn Fox. Why was he interested in the girl he had seen only briefly the morning he had gone to Jack Finch's place of residence? Whatever the reason it was not a good sign. It wouldn't have taken a lot of detective work to figure out that Jaclyn had no past?that she was a false identity created just a few days ago. If the agent had indeed figured this out, he would have some difficult questions for me?questions that it would be better not to have to face at this time. I was now reasonably sure that, even if the agent were able to trip me up and get me to tell him what I knew about the project, I would not be subject to prosecution. It seemed clear that the people I had to worry about were the federal agents. The IGC would, most likely be willing to grant me immunity in return for telling them what I knew. Still, I wasn't ready to spill my guts to the IGC agent. After what Javier had told me the other night, it seemed likely that talking to him would only serve to complicate my already maddeningly difficult situation. Any revelations I made to him would probably prompt the IGC to insist that I be moved to a safe location out of the NAF. I was a witness to the effects of an illegal technology, after all, and they would be very motivated to keep me alive long enough to testify before the Intergovernmental court. Don't get me wrong. I didn't mind that they would want to keep me in one piece. I just didn't want them interfering with my attempts to regain my old life. I didn't want to be sequestered somewhere, like the European Union, if it meant that I would be stuck as Jaclyn forever. I would much rather proceed with my plans to quietly slip back into being Jack and then (if it weren't already too late to pull it off) try to pretend none of this had ever happened. I came to a fence and leapt, hurtling it with the grace of a deer. The agent had to stop to climb, which put a little distance between us. I darted down an alleyway and then cut left down the next street, heading towards campus. The agent was still behind me, but appeared to be losing some of his steam. The distance between us was growing greater. I was now nearing the heart of campus and foot traffic was getting denser. I darted around fellow students like a skier on a slalom course. Then I came to an intersection and shot across it, nimbly dodging an electric scooter. The agent, larger and less agile, had been slowed by the crowd. I ran between two campus buildings and pushed into the crowded quad. I made my way through the sea of students and entered one of the buildings on the opposite side. When I looked through the window in the door, I could see the agent. His eyes were searching for me. I turned and ran through the corridors of the hallowed hall, exiting through a door on the other side of the building. After continuing to run for a few more blocks my legs were beginning to feel tired, so I slowed my pace. I was safe now, I figured. I'd not seen any sign of the agent, since I'd lost him at the quad. After taking a few moments to get my bearings, I headed to the security office to get my badge. I then too a circuitous route back to the girl's dorm and slipped in through a side door. ~ Several hours after being chased across campus by the IGC agent, I followed Javier through a maze of darkened corridors in the Nanobotics Building. Every fifteen feet or so a safety light burned, creating sufficient light for us to find our way. My stomach was tied into tight knots. And those knots were then tied into more knots. We turned down a corridor in which there was a light cast through the window of one of the doors. It created a square of illumination on the wall opposite it. Someone was working rather late. I felt a spike in my anxiety level. I was afraid to have anyone see us here. The occupants of the room took no notice of us as we passed by, however. Whatever project had kept them there into the wee hours held their full attention. Finally, we turned a corner and came to a locked door with a Sign that read: Secured Section, Authorized Personnel Only. A red light burned above the door. Hayden and Kogo stood nearby dressed as janitors. Javier had managed to get the uniforms for them, thinking that it would provide them with the perfect cover as they watched the door to the restricted area for us. Each held a broom in their hands for added effect. I had not wanted the two of them to be involved in this at all, but they had been pretty insistent. In the end, I decided that the risks to them were probably not great. They would be practically invisible in their janitor uniforms. No one seems to ever pay attention to the guy with a broom, after all. So if there was any trouble, Hayden and Kogo would be able to sneak off without any problem. "Seen anything?" Javier asked them. "Yah," Hayden answered. "That Creighton guy entered the lab about an hour or so ago. He gave us a really strange look as he went to the door, and he couldn't seem to take his eyes off us. It made us both worried that he might know we weren't really on the cleaning crew. Then he walked back out just fifteen minutes later and didn't even give us a second glance. "It's unusual for him to be here this late," Javier said?seeming troubled. "What do you think it means?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm sure," he replied, but he didn't seem entirely convinced. I turned to Hayden and Kogo. "Got my clothes?" Javier had informed me that I would not have wait overnight to become Jack again. The change process would begin more quickly this time. "The nanos are already in a network through out your body," he explained. "They will only need to process the new program that tells them to rewrite your genetic code to its original sequence. That should take roughly fifteen minutes." This meant that I would not be able to walk out of the building in the clothes I was currently wearing. "Thanks," I said to Hayden, as I took the stack. "Remember," Javier said, "If Creighton?or anyone else?returns here, you must call my netstream phone immediately." "Aye, aye, captain," said Hayden and Kogo in unison. Javier turned to the door and flashed his security badge. The red light then changed green, and the door slid open. When I stepped up to the door, the light changed back to red, warning me against trying to cross the threshold with Javier until I presented my badge. I took it out of my pocket and held it up before me, stepping into the secured area after the light turned green again. The door led into a short hallway. We took only a few steps before we had to turn right into a longer corridor with doors along the right side. It was darkened like the hallways in the rest of the building, with the only source of illumination coming from the security lights. When we had gone just halfway down the hall, Javier swore in Spanish under his breath. Then grabbed me and pulled me into the nearby women's bathroom. "What is it?" I bleated softly. "I saw a light on in the lab," he told me. "Stay here, while I check it out." "Be careful," I urged. "I intend to be." He left, closing the door ever so gently behind him. I waited there in the pitch-dark bathroom. A few moments later, Javier returned. "Someone is in the lab," he told me. "I could not get a good look at his face, but the screen beside the door says that it's Creighton." "Creighton?" I responded?confused. "How can that be? Hayden and Kogo said they saw him leave." "They must have been mistaken," he said. "It must have been someone else?like Hansen. He's a lab assistant who looks a little like Creighton." "Well then what do we do?" "All we can do is wait and hope that he leaves soon." I folded my arms, exhaling in frustration. I wanted badly to get this nightmare over with. Now it looked like I might not get my chance. If Creighton were pulling an all-nighter, then there would be no way to get into the lab. Javier stood by the door, silently listening for sounds of someone in the corridor. I looked down at the floor, my eyes beginning to adjust to the darkness of the room. I contemplated my shoelaces, agitated over the prospect of spending yet another day in this body. It was very likely that that would result in disaster. I sighed again, as worry thoughts served to increase the sense of anxiety that gnawed at me. I tried to breathe and relax myself. "It's no good worrying over what might happen," I told myself. I was not entirely sure how much time passed before Javier heard the sound of shoes scuffing down the hallway. "I think he just left," he told me. "Wait here while I check it out. He quietly slipped out the bathroom door, leaving me alone once more. When he returned he signaled for me to follow him. I breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Thank God, we were going to be able to do this tonight. The lab was a medium sized room, about twenty by thirty meters. There was a computer terminal and a padded table with equipment around it. I guessed that one of the metal objects around the table was probably the transmitter, which Javier would use to send a new program to the nanos in my body. Javier went to the terminal and flipped it on. His fingers moved over the keyboards as he searched for the list of access codes. "Here they are," he said a short while later. "So far so good," I thought. Then Javier's look of concentration became a look of concern. "The code for the nanos you injected have been deleted," he said with agitation. "D?deleted?" I echoed. Trying to absorb what he had said. Javier leapt up from the terminal and grabbed my hand. "They knew we were coming," he said in an urgent tone. "We must leave quickly." "Leave?" I said, parroting him again. I glanced back at the terminal as Javier pulled me towards the door. "But..." "No time...," Javier began as he flung open the door. What exactly there was no time for, I would never know; because two federal police officers were waiting for us in the darkened hallway. They were standing against the wall on either side of the door, holding PZ-215 Thunderbolt pistols. When Javier opened the door, one of the officers swung around and leveled his weapon at the young assistant professor's chest. He was a tall, bulky man dressed in a black and silver uniform. The federal insignia appeared on his chest. Javier's last act was to release my hand and push me away. I was stumbling backwards, just as he was shot in the chest. I watched with horror as he flew back from the doorway and landed on his back. I could see the charred and smoking hole that had been created by the bolt of electricity. The world was minus one brave and very noble man. The officer smirked at the prone form, his eyes gleaming cruelly. Then he stepped into the room and started to turn towards me. Adrenalin was coursing through my system. My heart was pounding in my chest. I did not think; I just acted. By the time the officer had managed to aim his thunderbolt at the spot where I had been standing, I was no longer there. I had stepped towards him and ducked below his pistol, moving with speed and agility that I had never possessed as Jack Finch. By the time the operative realized what was going on, my fist was driving into his groin with all the weight of my body behind it. He grunted in pain, his eyes popping out of their sockets. He tried to bring the pistol down onto my head with a spasmodic downswing of his arm. I nimbly dodged aside, avoiding the clumsy counter attack. Meanwhile, the other operative was trying to circle around his friend to get at me. I wrenched the pistol out of the first operative's hand as he struggled to overcome the pain. I was aware that my phone was buzzing. Unfortunately, now was not a good time to answer it. Most likely, it was Hayden or Kogo calling to warn me about the operatives. What had taken them so long? I pointed the weapon at the other officer and ordered him to drop his gun. "Relax, bitch," he said with a snort. "We ain't gonna kill you." He stepped towards me, and I sprang back, pulling the Thunderbolt's trigger. It clicked and nothing happened. "We got orders to take you to see Creighton," he continued. I pulled the trigger a second time and, once more, it only clicked. "Fuck!" I thought. The weapon was apparently equipped with a biometric safety lock. It would only fire for its owner. The operative took another step towards me, and I flung the pistol at him. It flew in a perfect arc, striking him directly in the right eye. "Shit!" he cried out, his free hand flying up to his face. "That hurt me, you fucking BITCH!" By this time, the first man was beginning to recover. He limped towards me with a menacing glare, I dodged past him and ran out the door. As I scrambled into the corridor, the sight of four more federal police officers heading my way greeted me. I tried to reverse direction and run to the other end of the corridor, desperately hoping to find some other means of escape. Then, as I tried to dodge past the man who was coming back out of the lab, my sneakers slid on the tile. The officer's hand clamped down onto my arm. I struggled to break free from his grip, but his hand remind clamped down on my arm like a vice. The body I dwelled in was incredibly fast and agile, but the advantages that gave me were now neutralized. Now I was stuck dealing with the disadvantages of being much smaller and weaker than my opponent. The officer grabbed my other arm and then slammed me against the wall. When my chest hit the cinderblock, I felt intense pain shoot through me. It was akin to the feeling I had experienced as a male, when I had been hit in the groin. Only this time it was spread throughout my entire chest. I gasped breathlessly, feeling all strength to resist leave my limbs. How did you like that little piece of payback, bitch," the officer said to me with a chuckle as he cuffed my wrists behind my back. He then looked over to the other officers. "Kelsoe and Sanchez, search the building," he said. "There's supposed to be two guys dressed as janitors around here somewhere." How did they know about Hayden and Kogo, I wondered. And why hadn't they seen them outside the entrance to the secured area where they were supposed to be standing guard. As Kelsoe and Sanchez hurried off down the hallway to search for my friends, the operative who had cuffed me instructed two of the other officers to take care of Javier's body. I felt intense guilt press down on me as I thought of poor Javier being dragged off and stuffed into the trunk of someone's car. It was my fault he was dead. I should have never let him take this risk. I should have told him to forget about sneaking me into the lab and let him head to Illinois days earlier. I should have just accepted the consequences of my own foolish behavior and remained stuck I this body. If I had done these things, Javier would still be alive. I was escorted down the hallway by the two remaining uniformed men. Tears were streaming down from my eyes. Javier was dead, and his sacrifice would be in vain. I had been caught and was about to be interrogated. After that, I would most likely be disposed of. We navigated the maze of corridors until we came to Creighton's office. One of the operatives knocked on the door. "Come in," Creighton said, his voice sounding muffled through the doorway. The operatives pushed me down onto a couch. Creighton swiveled his chair around to face me. "Welcome to my office, Jack Finch," he said with a smug grin. "You didn't introduce yourself properly the first time you were in my office, which was rude. It didn't take me long to figure out who you really were, however." I looked up at him defiantly, but did not speak. "I chose that face, you see," Creighton continued. "I was the one who put it into the gene sequence that you injected, and I recognized it immediately. I played along though and went through the motions of our little interview. After you left my office, I ran a check of our lab inventory to make sure that my eyes had not just been playing tricks on me. My check confirmed that the sequence in which I had placed that gorgeous face you are now wearing was, in fact, one of the ones your brother took. "After a little digging, NGI operatives discovered several links between the woman calling herself Jaclyn Fox and a college student named Jack Finch (who just happened to be Drew Vance's brother). In addition, the federal agents working with us were not able to find any evidence that Jack had actually been seen on campus during the past few days. His roommates claimed they'd seen him, but the agents were pretty sure they were lying. "I didn't know how or why you had come to be injected with the stolen gene sequence, but I figured you were looking for a way to change yourself back. Why else would you need a security badge that would allow you access into the lab? I decided to have you and Javier monitored around the clock, so I could learn as much as possible about your plans. Then you showed up as Javier's date the other night. You thought you were so clever, trying to get information out of me. You had no idea that I already knew who you were or that I was feeding you false information to make you think it was safe to proceed with your plans. You didn't know that I was drawing you into a trap, so I could catch Del Garza in the act of helping you." "You had them kill Javier you bastard," I hissed. "Yes," he agreed. "I'm afraid that was necessary. In a project as sensitive as this one, a disloyal team member can be very dangerous. It was not my decision to kill him, though. That came from much higher up." "What about my brother?" I demanded; "are your ?higher ups' going to have him killed too?" "Regrettably, your brother has crossed a line?betraying both Dr. Krieger and his country?and now he must be dealt with accordingly. There is still a chance for you, however. You might still redeem yourself by helping us bring him in." "I don't know where he is," I shot back. "So go fuck yourself." "Is that any kind of language for a young lady such as your self to use?" Creighton said with a smirk. "Please try to observe decorum, while you are dwelling in that form. Anyway, it really doesn't matter if you don't know where he is. You can still help us apprehend him, when he comes back to retrieve this." Creighton reached under his desk and pulled out the metal box that I had retrieved from that locker a lifetime ago. He set it down on the coffee table before me. I looked at it, feeling uneasy. The box had been in a closet in Deirdre's dorm room. Had agents broken into the room to obtain it? Had they arrested Deirdre and her roommates? "I assume your brother is going to come back for this," Creighton said. "He went to so much trouble to steal it, after all." "I am not going to help you catch my brother," I said, trying to sound brave. Creighton pulled a memory crystal out of his pocket and flashed it at me. "I have the access codes to the nanos you injected in here," he said. "If you agree to help us, I will restore you to your original form. That's what you came here tonight for, is it not?" I looked at the crystal in Creighton's hand. I was unable to keep the pained look of longing out of my eyes, as I regarded the small green translucent object. Gritting my teeth at having a chance at a return to my former life so close, I said, "I'm not going to help you murder my brother." "Your brother is a traitor," Creighton shot at me. He was trying hard to sound righteous and indignant. "He is attempting to reveal classified information to the international press agency. Information that will compromise national security. It is your duty to help us stop him." "He's going to reveal information about violation of both federal and international law," I countered venomously. "So spare me your patriotic speech. You're just trying to save your own ass." "Alright," Creighton said, placing the crystal on his desk. He then rose from his chair, crossed the room and picked a heavy looking sculpture carved from petrified wood off a shelf. He returned to his desk with the sculpture and held it over the crystal. I watched breathlessly as he prepared to smash the last link to my previous life?to my masculinity. "Since you have refused my offer to restore you, I'm officially taking that offer off the table," he told me. Then brought the sculpture down. I could hear the crystal crunch beneath its weight. I dropped my head. "You fucking bastard," I murmured. "You mother- fucking bastard." "What have I told you about that kind of language?" Creighton mocked. "It is no way for a lady to speak. And since a lady is what you are now destined to be, you might as well get used to acting like one." "You're just going to kill me now, anyway," I accused. "No," he said with a dark grin, moving up close beside me. "You are a hot piece of tail, and I'm going to have you," he whispered. I could feel his hot breath on my ear. "I'm going to have you right in front of these two men. And when I'm finished with you, you're going to agree help us catch your brother, or some people who are close to you?people who you have foolishly involved in this matter?will have to suffer terrible accidents. We'll start with the girl you were staying with. Deirdre McMullen is her name, I think." I felt cold terror wash down over me at Creighton's words. "Don't you dare hurt her!" I cried. "No harm will come to her, if you cooperate," he said. Then he pushed me down onto the couch. I struggled, trying to get away from him; but there was little I could do with my hands cuffed behind my back. I felt Creighton's hands at my jeans, pulling them open. He had just trapped me in this body, and now he was going to defile it. He was trying to break me down with humiliation. He was trying to make himself God in my world so that I would be too terrified to resist his will. I recognized these tactics of psychological manipulation, but I was still as vulnerable to them as anyone. "No!" I pleaded in utter terror. There was nothing else I could do. Creighton managed to pull my jeans down to my hips, as I wriggled and squirmed madly. I was aware of a knocking on the door. "Who is it?" I heard one of the operatives ask. "Kelsoe and Sanchez," came the reply. "See what the fuck they want," Creighton barked, still struggling with my jeans. The officer opened the door. "Hey," he said. "You ain't Kelsoe and Sanchez." "That's true," I heard a familiar voice reply. Then I heard the sound of a Thunderbolt firing twice in rapid succession. Creighton leapt off me, leaving me with my jeans down to my knees, and he spun towards the door. Then there was another shot and Creighton flew backwards onto the floor, groaning. He was not dead. The weapon had only been set to stun. Kogo came to the couch. I could see Hayden behind him, the Thunderbolt he had just fired still clutched in his hand. Apparently, he knew how to reset the biometric safety lock. That was lucky for me. Both Kogo and Hayden had shed their janitor disguises and were wearing black and silver police uniforms. "Let me get those cuffs off of you," Kogo said, showing me the key he had taken from the officer. When the cuffs were unlocked, I quickly pulled my jeans back up and refastened them. It had to be plain to my friends what Creighton had been trying to do to me. I felt tears coming to me once again. Tears that were born of a confusing mixture of relief that I had been saved from a sexual assault and humiliation at having been seen on the couch with my jeans partly down. "You are okay now, Jack," Kogo said, putting an arm around my shoulders. "Is he all right?" I heard another voice ask with concern. There was a third person in the room, I realized. I had not seen him from where I had been positioned on the couch. I turned towards the sound of his voice, stunned to see him standing there. It was my brother Drew. I stood there for several moments, shocked out of the intense emotions I had been experiencing. Drew was the last person I had expected to see here. What the hell was he doing in the Nanobotics Building? It was the last place he should have headed.

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I intended to be a good girl, I swear! But it was all her and our mutual faults! It wasn’t me, honest! All I did was dress in cutoffs, no panties, and a t-shirt and go about my business. They led me astray. First, she had to chat with me about my weekend and give me tips and pointers and descriptions that got me so worked up that I had to touch myself right at the front counter at work. The poor guy browsing books thought that I was all turned on by him! If he had stuck around after I declined...

2 years ago
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Seminal InfluencesChapter 3

Bethany didn't see her cousin Julia Johnson all that often, but she idolized her. The fact she was six years older set the stage, but Julia was also a sort of golden girl. She was in anyone's eyes beautiful, and she was also friendly, funny, and kind to her little cousin. When the families got together at Bethany's for Christmas (they lived in Scarsdale), Julia at the dinner table told of the recent developments in her life. She was in her second year of a Ph.D. program at M.I.T. in...

1 year ago
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Seminal InfluencesChapter 4

Bethany and Fred Sacks trusted Cyrus with the knowledge of their relationship, and Fred started meeting with Cyrus regularly, guiding the boy at the formation of his company. He had to get him at least a little familiar with the grubby grown-up details of intellectual property, venture capital, and corporations. To his credit, Fred took for his trouble only a 20% stake of the initial shares of the company (secretly assigning 1/3 of that to Bethany), leaving the remaining 80% to Cyrus. Cyrus...

1 year ago
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Cameron Alex Second Installment

I knew my friend had to work again today so I was planning on just driving home when he left for work at 1 o'clock, as a matter of fact while he and I where sitting at the kitchen table eating his parents broke the news to Andrew that he had to babysit his two younger siblings as well as Cameron and Alex because the adults were going to the outlet malls about 90 miles away. Andrew immediately protested this crying out "Well why can't I go to the outlets too?! I don't want to be stuck here...

2 years ago
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Cameron First installment

Cameron was the most beautiful boy that I had ever laid eyes on. He was only two weeks from turning 11 years old. Cameron stood no taller than 4'10'' and maybe weighed 85 pounds, but he was amazingly cute with his dark brown hair and a speckling of freckles right below beautiful brown eyes and across his nose. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of red GAP mesh jogging pants that had two thin sky blue stripes running down both legs and a sky blue 2 on the left leg right below the...

2 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife’s boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

4 years ago
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I am Ram from Chennai, married and 28 yrs old. I am decent and above average looking man and always had an inclination towards mature ladies. This incident happened to me recently and I am still carrying on my escapades with her. Would appreciate your feedbacks on this submission.All those who are into financial services sector and telecom sector will exactly understand what kind of relation is there between sales department and operations/backend department. It’s of a cat and mouse. If sales...

2 years ago
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lets talk third installment

Ok, on with this story. Fast forward now 6 years and I am now 16.Mom and dad and I went to the family farm in Kentucky. This is where my mother was raised. Small farm about 20 acres. I had aunts and cousins that lived in town, and we were about 10 miles outside the town. There were 2 horses and a pony on the farm, chickens, and 1 cow. The pony belonged to my cousin Sue, who was a year older than me.So one day Sue and I were out riding, she on her pony, and I was riding the big stud. We...

3 years ago
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Lets talk second installment

OK. So we have a beginning and it seems well received by a few. This story progresses and I only tell true stories. So on with the show (story). It seems now that I have sucked my brother and his friend, Eddy, that what people tell you they will and will not do is not true. Eddy must have had a big mouth, or my brother did, and within 2 weeks seems all their friends were more interested in me, when before I was the pain in the ass little brother. I was suddenly a very popular k** on my...

2 years ago
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Affair with Aunt D second installment

It has been some 3 months since the last time I had sex with aunt D. My uncle have not taken any trip outside Manila lately and I'd been so horny. That weekend was a local festival and some of the crew who runs uncle's 5 cargo trucks were in their house for celebration. They were drinking and watching old boxing fights. Aunt D serve them with wine and food. She was wearing shorts and a white shirt with no bra underneath. The outline of her very nice tits and sharp nipple, and her perfectly...

2 years ago
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Percolate Second Installment

I made my way to the sinks, my bare feet making little wet slaps on the misted floortiles. My shy steady steps echoing against the expansive shower area ,I looked around to see if anyone else was still there. I heard a far off locker close as well as a large heavier entrance door. A book bag sagged in a corner. Steam shone in a small irridescent cloud by an open window. Sherrie stood at the sink, her towel covering but highlighting the curves of her small ass. It always reminds me of two...

2 years ago
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The Dragon Staff of the Master Druid The Final Installment

This Part of this Tale is dedicated to All No Matter what their Path in Life may be. Place all your Differences aside! Let Peace come to this troubled Planet of ours. Treat all equally! Standard warnings do apply! This Story does is not for the faint of heart due to the Transgendered/Transsexual Themes. If you are under the age of 18, BEGONE! This is not for your reading pleasure. The Dragon's Staff of the Master Druid By Lorraine B. Part 4 ? 2001 Lorraine B. The...

2 years ago
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Her round full breasts 2nd installment

My young friend enjoyed the last waves of her orgasms and then looked into my eyes intently. I knew I was in for it.She got up and motioned me to do the same. We went into her bedroom where we stood face to face and she leaned in and tongue fucked my mouth, her arms working furiously between us to unbutton and unzip my jeans. She broke her kiss and slipped the pants down past my hips and yanked down my panties, bending down to get them below my knees.She stopped for a moment at that...

1 year ago
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Cassies Dream Date 6 the final installment

This is the sixth chapter of Cassie's Dream Date. In the first chapter, Cassandra (Cassie) meets Roger Wilson, author of "Love, Lies, and Lust," a story of transgender love. She's 30, and he's 40-something. She's a supermodel. He's average, dresses well, and has a nice car. They make a date to have dinner and go dancing later. Cassie gets his phone number written on her hand. After he leaves, she has a wild fantasy date, which turns out to be pure fantasy, as she had been daydreaming the...

4 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife's boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

Wife Lovers
3 years ago
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The Snare The seventh installment

46. Dressing for the weekend "I'm dreading this," Malcolm admitted to his wife. Cherry looked at him with a frown. "Are you sure about that?" "Of course I'm sure, why the hell would I want to spend the entire weekend with Thornbury?" he countered. "Now try and be honest with me Malcolm," she said to him from across their bedroom. He immediately looked straight at her, wondering why she would say such a thing. "Just remember, I thought I was doing you a favour by not...

4 years ago
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The Fourth Ring

Chapter 1A typical Friday. Too many deadlines, too many phone calls, too many emergencies. Although a few of these deadlines and emergencies were the result of my representation of Contrax Industries, I was still looking forward to lunch with Contrax's president, Rick Robertson. While Rick always attended to business, he was also a bit of a "rounder," and damn proud of it. Given my rather staid sexual relationship with my wife, Anne, I enjoyed living vicariously through Rick's exploits.This...

2 years ago
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A Freaky Fantastic Fourth

A Freaky Fantastic Fourth By Caleb Jones CHAPTER ONE "It's Clobbering Time!!!" Ben Grimm shouted out to his teammates! It was the Fourth of July and he ought to be celebrating with his friends but instead Ben had been forced to leave the fireworks behind and confront a gang of super-powered thieves calling themselves the Telekinetic Trio. He took the lead position, drawing any weapon fire towards his rather giant-sized target of an orange hued body. Indeed, several guards...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 13

Margie still has the Narrative: July began very quietly... The plumbers and electricians were at work on the new houses, but the remainder of the construction crew were off on paid vacation. The deer problem had been resolved, and the crops in the fields were doing well, as it had rained on Sunday, the last day of June, and again on Monday, the first of July. Thursday, the Fourth of July, was a day of great celebration. My Parents moved the family grill to the O’Connell House here in Fourth...

2 years ago
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Fourth Of July Party

+++++ Fourth Of July Party My wife and I decided to host a family “Forth of July” party on our farm. We have several hundred acres of land and can do just about anything that we want to do. It was planned several months in advance so that I had plenty of time to prepare a field up in the back forty to hold the party. Since the forth was on a Wednesday this year we invited everyone that we knew to spend the entire week and both weekends too. People could bring their tents or...

2 years ago
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E072 Fourth of July

The next month or so flies by for Donald and Emma.  Plans for their pool are developing, and the building of it will soon begin.  All the work needed to be done on Emma’s house is finished, and a realtor has placed in on the market.  The asking price amazes Emma some as she did not realize the value of the property. The furniture auction is complete, there are still a couple more things to sell, but her bank account is rising substantially.  The one-hundred-dollar bills are saved for future...

Love Stories
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Lactating Hot Wife Chapter 5 Fourth of July at Vail CO

The relationship: In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. In the weeks following my decision to open my marriage, as well as my thighs to my husband's best friend, Glenn, the emotional entanglements became more obvious and real. Glenn claimed that he was in love with me. If I am honest, I shared those feelings towards him as well. My emotional connection to Glenn was not surprising since he was only the second man with whom I had made love, and the second man with whom I had ever...

Wife Lovers
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Micha and George on the Fourth of July

Micha and George on the Fourth of JulyMicha is a very sexy latina girl that I met just a couple of weeks ago. We had already spent several hours exploring and becoming intimately familiar with each other, body and mind. We discovered that we were both bisexual and had discussed a threesome, but made no firm plans. When she called me and asked me to join her and her boyfriend George for a holiday picnic, there was something in her voice that made me wonder. "Is there a threesome in the works?" I...

2 years ago
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Pennys Fourth Day

Penny’s Fourth Day At the end of the third day Bridget told Mr Johnson that Penny had such a big day that there would be no homework assignment for day four. She slipped Mr Johnson a DVD which contained a video of the afternoon class on anal discipline. She said perhaps they could watch it and maybe Penny’s cunt would like some gentle tender attention from both Mr and Mrs Johnson that evening. Penny dozed in the car on the way home, she smelt of hard core anal sex. It was all over her, she...

3 years ago
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Sounds from the attic The fourth chapter

Over the next four months, Erin, and her husband Joe, continued to have parties at their house. I never really figured out why, but they did. Anyway, every time they had a party, I made sure I was there. I had sex with Erin, Shawna and Billy quite a few times, and it was hot. Somehow, Erin's husband never found out. I could never figure that out, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world though. After a while, it became mostly Erin. I even came over during the week, and fucked Erin's brains...

4 years ago
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The Fourth Season

The Fourth Season by Cindi Johnson March 2007 e-mail: [email protected] The First Season: Autumn -------------------------------- Preoccupied with beauty, Mike failed to hear the soft sound of approaching footsteps. "Hon?" Mike froze. He felt as if a knife had slowly, painfully, pushed into his stomach. Pam's one simple word, a word imbued with longtime affection, was today a question with no answer. Dressed in a pale yellow dress, his wife's dress, Mike sat...

3 years ago
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The resort Fourth day conclusion

Fourth day (conclusion) I had a hard time last night, but eventually I fell asleep, because I woke up with the buzz at my door. It was Sara, who unlocked the door. She explained to me I should have my breakfast first and then I would return to my room and wait for her. She was unusually serious, and this increased my stress level. I did as she asked and, after breakfast I returned to my room, anxiously waiting to see what was this "fate" business. She returned about half an hour...

2 years ago
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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 3

The next morning, we were up reasonably early. I was sure that many of those who would be at the meeting would need time to recover from the good times that everyone had had yesterday, but I was sure that all of them knew the hangover spell. As a result of getting a good night’s sleep, we were more than ready when Uncle Aengus arrived at 9:30 that morning. “Ah, you’re ready, let’s go,” he muttered in a tired voice, and we three disappeared on joining him. We reappeared in a room that I...

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Magic Ink VII the Fourth RealityChapter 15

The following new characters make an appearance: Mary Margaret O’Connell (Margie) Katie’s twin Sister, Margie and Robert’s Daughter, Born on the 18 of September 1907, 7 pounds, green eyes, flaming red hair, Siberian Tiger cub Mary Kathleen O’Connell (Katie) Margie’s twin Sister, Margie and Robert’s Daughter, Born on the 18 of September 1907, 7 pounds, green eyes, flaming red hair, baby Dragon Patrick Owen O’Malley O’Connell Grace and Owen’s Son, Born on the 15 of October 1907, 7pounds 8...

3 years ago
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Fuller House Fourth of July WeekChapter 3

“So, first of all, how does everyone feel right now? It seems that this family has a lot of secrets and it’s high time that we let them go. We should all be honest and open with each other as we should have been all along. Here’s my start. My name is Kimberly Louise Gibler, but everyone calls me Kimmy, and I’m ... in love with DJ Tanner. My best friend. My lifelong best friend. I’m far more in love with her than I could have ever guessed. “I’m also in love with Fernando, my fiance who is...

4 years ago
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My son and I the fourthteen chapter

After a big dinner like that, the two pregnant women needed to just sit down and relax. So we did, and of course chatted it up some more in the process.“Who the hell knew that we'd fall in love with our sons so hard?” Alicia wondered.“I guess a gypsy, if you believe in that stuff. That's all I can figure,” I replied.We made sure to feel each others stomachs. It was nice feeling, rubbing another really big stomach, besides my own. Not that I didn't enjoy feeling mine. My stomach was just a...

4 years ago
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The Snare The fourth instalment

25. A new week, a new beginning. Ms Thornbury stood up and shook the hand of the grey haired bespecticled lady from over the oak desk. "Thank you Mrs Ellicott, you have been most helpful." "No problem at all, it's what I do afterall. Don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any further assistance," she replied. "Of course, thank you again," said Ms Thornbury and she left the office. Outside she stood at the bottom of the steps, unfolded an umbrella to shelter from the light...

3 years ago
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A Guy and His 27 Fourth

"What can we do for him?" Jake heard a tearful and worried Sheeka. "Please Trully, please help him!" "I'll do what I can but I am afraid it is mostly up to him, and all of your powers," Trully said a sly smile on her face she could feel that Jake was slightly awake, good then he was able to fight whatever it was. Reaching down, Trully touched Jake on his chest immediately drawing a gasp from her. Blue energy raced up her arm then down the other finally fading when it reached her...

2 years ago
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Fourth of July Texas Style

Shay adjusted her red, white and blue sun visor to filter the glare from the bright Texas July sun from her eyes. She enjoyed watching him in her world. Her family and friends were so impressed with Rick. She smiled to herself remembering what her eighty year old Uncle Gip had to say about him. ‘He is all right by me Shay, and one lucky dayum Canadian at that to have you on his arm!’ he scarfed as he swatted at her rose bush with his walking cane. Followed by, ‘ see if he can do something...

1 year ago
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Fourth Of July Fuck

Fireworks whistled and popped high in the air, filling the sky with explosions of color, as the ground filled with smoke. Laughter, music and of course plenty of drinks, kept the night going strong. I celebrated the Fourth of July with my main group of friends, relaxing and partying on one of my favorite days of the year. I arrived at the party with Kyle, with whom I’d been hooking up off and on for a few months. We were old friends and once I became single, that quickly turned into a...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Fourth Fantasy Fourth Task

Hi pet, today’s game will be easy and quick, so no worries. I know I’ve been demanding lately, I want to ease you into this, even if I know that it’s within you, it’s your nature.All you have to do is to trust yourself to complete this task.Tonight you are going to the gym. You will take your usual class and wear your usual workout outfit. You will wear the outfit before going to the gym, while your change of clothes are already inside your gym bag. You are not allowed to take them out or even...

3 years ago
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The Fourth Time

The Fourth TimeWhere was this heading it was getting a little out of hand,This time there was Me & Paul the same age, Billy a year older, and Malcolm still younger than Me & Paul but things would change as we all started secondary school together his Birthday was in a weeks time... Malcolm would be in my class we would all be in our first year at secondary school together apart from Billy he was in his second year,We all lived pretty close which is why we were all friends I lived at...

2 years ago
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The fourth booth with a glory hole

That night, as Victor drove to the sex shop some miles away from town, I gave him a wonderful blowjob, but making sure he did not cum too fast.When we started to go to some sex shops frequently; we used booths with glory holes by ourselves, not wanting anyone else to join in.As we entered the shop, there were few people in there but it was relatively empty for a Saturday night. Enough people to feel myself getting wet…Victor made some arrangements with the owner at the counter and then he...

3 years ago
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Aunt Michellersquos Secret Formula ndash Fourth Chapter

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story are fictional and over the age of 18. SUBJECT: A young masturbation addict is sent to a dominating older female who has a special interest in his secretion. (tags: milf, masturbation, soft femdom, handjob, big tits, older female vs younger male, dirty talk, cum denial, prostate stimulation, milking, bbc, tease)Aunt Michelle’s Secret Formula – Fourth ChapterI climbed upstairs into the room where Flavius was preparing my bed next to the window. There were...

2 years ago
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Third and Fourth Bi Times

Following on from my meets with the two guys named Tony, I kept on looking on the adult friend site I was a member of for more. A guy from nearby Macclesfield who could accommodate who winked at me first and I winked back in March 2006. And then we started to message each other and I talked with Alan and then talking about meeting so we arranged to meet at his place as I was due to visit Macclesfield on the coming Saturday. On the Friday evening I phoned him at home as directed to finalise the...

3 years ago
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Fourth of July picnic

David and I have been friends since the second grade, and every weekend we'd take turns spending the night at each other's house. We would stay up late watching tv and play video games. After going to junior high school we discovered something else we could do, and we enjoyed it. The weekend of Fourth of July was no different. We sat up watching tv till his parents went to bed. We waited a few minutes to make sure they weren't coming to check on us, then stripped off our pajamas and underwear....

2 years ago
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A Young Girls journey to womanhood Fourth and fi

A young girls journey to womanhoodFourth and final PartAlison came over to the bed, and kneeled across to where Illia and I were embracing. I was feeling her small hard nipples in my mouth and she was caressing and moulding my defined breast and nipples. They became sensitive as she stroked and then she pinched one as she had seen Alison do to me. It made me both wince and get very excited. How did this girl know just what I wanted?“Daniella, put her on her back now” came the controlling voice...

2 years ago
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My wifes fourth of July gang bang

The idea of my wife being gang banged had always been on my mind. I have watched her have sex several times but it was always with just one guy. I brought up the idea of she and I hosting a pool party for the fourth of July. She is always on board for a party so as we talked out the details I mentioned that I'd like for it to be a guy only party. She asked what about me? I said you can be there and if things work out like I want them to you will be gang banged. She smiled and said oh goody. I...

2 years ago
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Hot Fourth of July Pool Party

My Fourth of JulyMy boyfriend and me were having some problems. Well, I was having a problem that he wasn’t turning me on anymore. I liked him, but I didn’t want to be with him anymore. There were so many hot guys that I wanted to play with. I wanted to play with others and him, experiment with fetishes like leather, BDSM, lycra/spandex, web camming, etc. And, he thought I was sick and pervie. He wasn’t up for it at all, so when I got a call from a buddy inviting me to a pool party on the...

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