The Snare - The Seventh Installment free porn video

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46. Dressing for the weekend "I'm dreading this," Malcolm admitted to his wife. Cherry looked at him with a frown. "Are you sure about that?" "Of course I'm sure, why the hell would I want to spend the entire weekend with Thornbury?" he countered. "Now try and be honest with me Malcolm," she said to him from across their bedroom. He immediately looked straight at her, wondering why she would say such a thing. "Just remember, I thought I was doing you a favour by not following Connie's instructions. I did that for you, even though I'm the one risking annoying her." "I know Cherry, and I appreciate you being honest and loyal with me also." But in the back of his mind he was actually a little dissapointed. "So please tell me why, when I go to the bag of knickers she gave me for you to wear that I find them not quite in the same place and position as I left them?" she asked. Malcolm felt his face flush a little. "I don't know Cherry. Are you sure?" he replied now looking away from her and finding himself looking at the pale blue satin and lace trimmed knickers on the bed. "Why Malcolm, WHY?" she snapped in frustration. "Why can't you just be honest?" She gave him a moment to respond. Did she know, how could she actually know he wondered as he could feel the blush intensify over his face. He knew he must look very red in the face. "Malcolm, when I fetched you a pair to wear to Connie's I could tell someone had been in the bag. It was not me and that only leaves you. On closer inspection I found a small white stain inside a black pair. Would you care to explain how that would get there?" 'Shit,' he thought. "You've been wearing them anyway.....havn't you!" she said frustrated with him. Feeling betrayed after she had taken the risk to not enforce Connie's instructions. Malcolm nodded slowly. "Just the once," he said meekly. "Well that just underlines what you are........doesn't it?" she asked rhetorically. Malcolm hung his head, unable to look up at her. "Sorry," he barely whispered. "You're just sorry you got caught out," she replied with an edge of bitterness. "We need to leave soon, get changed," she added. Cherry herself proceeded to undress. She wanted to keep on Connie's good side and had done something she had never done before. The Thursday lunch time she had shopped for a new dress and underwear. Malcolm was doing the same, undressing. He sat on his side of the bed with his back to Cherry. He had no enthusiasm to hurry. Behind him Cherry was slipping into her new underwear. It consisted of lace front thong, suspender belt and bra all as a matching set in a soft cream colour. Malcolm had finally stood to remove his underwear and turned to quickly grab the pastel blue knickers. His intention was to slip them on quickly and dress again before anything could happen as he still felt shame at putting them on, especially after the discussion he and Cherry had just had. As he grabbed the satin and lace puddle from the bed he could not fail to notice his wife now attaching the garters to her stockings. What a sight she made, she looked amazing. Almost without taking his eyes of her he slowly pulled the knickers up and into place. He stood and stared at her a moment as she finished the last tab and stood up. There he was, in his blue knickers, already stiff and petruding at the front. "Well that didn't take long," she said looking at his excitement. ", that......that's from seeing you," he claimed. " it now......more like you're imagining wearing what I have on." Nothing else was said, Malcolm dressed again covering his knickers, while Cherry settled the new dress on her shoulders. The cream fabric was embossed with an overlapping circle pattern. Three quarter length sleeves, a scoop neck line and skater style skirt. Finally she added cream court shoes with a 3 inch heel. The shoes were a couple of shades darker than the dress and created a sublte contrast against the white stockings. Malcolm glanced at his wife, admiring how good she looked before leaving the room and waiting down stairs for her. Cherry busied herself with make up and hair before joining Malcolm in the lounge. "Turn the telly off Malcolm, I've packed the overnight's in the hall." "Ok, I know," he replied without actually moving. She left the room, he heard her heels clacking around the kitchen for a moment. Then quiet again. "Malcolm, come on!! You know how bad Friday evening traffic can be," Cherry stressed. 47. Confrontations Connie stood in the dinning room with the light off, peering down her gravel drive. She was becoming a little impatient. Seven to seven thirty she had said and it was now eight fifteen. She had waited since Tuesday to get the Goodwilly's back at her house. It was Tuesday that she checked the hidden camera footage. The footage that clearly showed that Cherry had not implemented her instructions. Finally at eight twenty the beam of car headlights swung in and up to the house. She watched as they both got out of the car, noticed that Cherry was wearing something new. Malcolm collected a bag from the back seat as Cherry approached the front door. She waited for Malcolm to catch up before leaving the dinning room to answer the door. Cherry was a little nervous, but mostly excited as she waited at the front door. Each time she visited, Connie managed to turn her on. She got a little intoxicated on how dominant Connie was, it had been a real awakening of Cherry's sexual nature. Cherry anticipated that she would get a fix of that, if not tonight then at some point over the weekend. Malcolm was the flip side of the magnet, instead of being drawn towards Ms Thornbury he was repelled. On his visits she had caused him great shame and embarrassment. But what could he do, if he did not play along then he would be exposed. So it was with a feeling of dread that he stepped towards the front door. Finally the front door swung open and there she was. As always her outfit was feminine, a white dress with large floral print swirling round from her left shoulder to her right hip. The neck cut square and low enough to show her cleavage. Heeled slippers, no hosiery on this occasion and her bare legs were on display to just above her knees. Both the ladies smiled, Malcolm almost grimaced doing his best to look happy to be there. "Cherry, look at you. I'm so pleased you have embraced womanhood properly. You look delicious." "Ahhh thank you Connie," she replied. The two women embraced lightly and kissed cheeks. Cherry was elated at Ms Thornbury's compliment. "Come on in," Connie urshered. Connie eyed Malcolm a moment, he felt like her pray waiting to be devoured. "Hello Connie," he said showing a little nervousness. He approached carring the bag in his right hand. She treated him just the same as his wife, a kiss on each cheek whilst lighty embracing his shoulders. Ms Thornbury closed the front door. "Just leave your bag in the hall for now" she instructed Malcolm "I guess you both need a drink, Malcolm, can you remember how do it properly? Cherry and I will be in the lounge." Malcolm had hoped for better, but he was not in the least surprised. Resigned to playing along with her to keep the peace he set off for the kitchen without saying a word. Once in the lounge Connie pushed the door almost closed to mask her voice before she addressed Cherry. Cherry went to sit on the sofa. "Stay right where you are," Connie's voice sharp but measured. Cherry froze, had she done something wrong? "Turn around and face me," Cherry did as instructed. They faced each other about three feet apart. "When you left here last Sunday, it was with specific instructions. Did you carry out those instructions?" she asked. Just the direct question she had dreaded, she paused just a moment. Unsure if she should bluff it or come clean. "Yes, of cou..." Cherry replied but was instantly cut off by Ms Thornbury. "Liar!" she spat back before Cherry could get her words out. Cherry's stomach knotted, how could she know. 'SHIT.' "But Connie, how can you know?" but as Cherry said the words she realised it was as good as admitting it. "Trust me....I know. I am so VERY dissapointed in you." Cherry felt like she had just swapped places with Malcolm, now the one being caught out. She guessed an apology was now the best option for her. "Connie, please! I am so sorry. I just couldn't do it to him," she pleaded. "Cherry, you dissobeyed me. You WILL be punished," she told her. "Now sit on the sofa and listen carefully." Cherry sat down, her anguish at what would happen evident. "You have earnt 50 hard and painful spanks, and I mean hard. Harder than any you had last time." Ms Thornbury watched as Cherry gasped, her eyes started to water. Then a few drops ran down her cheeks. " can''s not fair," Cherry pleaded. Ms Thornbury held up her hand, palm out to silence her. "But I am going to give you the chance to reprieve yourself. I will set you tasks and if you complete them successfully I will reduce your punishment accordingly. It's that simple. Do you understand?" Cherry, still very unsure of how this had come about grasped the opportunity to help herself. She nodded her head "I..I will do whatever you ask," she replied rather too quickly. "Good, I'm glad we understand each other. Now get yourself together before Malcolm returns. I should also add, you are not to tell him of our new agreement." "Ok," Cherry acknowledged. "Just to start you off, your first opportunity to earn my favour. From now on, while you are here you will stop using 'Malcolm' and instead adress him as 'Melissa.' Think you can do that?" she asked. 'Oh my' Cherry thought. How is he going to react to that. But fearing the spanking she nodded her head. "Oh, and don't think you can go the whole weekend without using a name. You will ensure that you will do so this evening," Connie added. Cherry steeled herself, this had to be better than the pain she would otherwise endure. The clanking of cups and tea spoons were then heard. The door swung open as Malcolm stepped in with the tea tray as he knew she liked it. He proceeded to pour for Connie, then handed her the cup and saucer. "Thank you," she said. Then with Cherry's poured, he handed her cup and saucer over. "Thank you ...Melissa," Cherry offhandedly said without looking at him. He paused, looked at his wife, than at Ms Thornbury trying to gage what had made her call him that. But he said nothing, he guessed that Connie had put her up to it and making an argument of it was probably counter productive. As they sipped the tea Ms Thornbury made polite small talk, she asked about their journey and the weather. With them all finished, Connie checked the time. "That was lovely Melissa," Ms Thornbury complimented. With his apparently adopted name used again he frowned at his host. He really wanted to protest, but knew it would likely do no good. Ms Thornbury continued, "You can clear away the tea tray and wash the cups now." Biting his lip, he collected the cups and saucers and left for the kitchen with the tray in hand. "Push the door round please Cherry." And she did as asked before returning to the sofa. "Well done Cherry. Just remember to keep that up for the whole weekend. Any slip ups will result in failing." Cherry knodded. Releived to have pleased Connie but felt still anxious. "Once 'Melissa' has finished in the kitchen you my dear Cherry will take him upstairs. Your task is to remove all and any hair from his body. To be clear, that is anything from the neck down. And I mean every hair. There are hair removal creams and razors in the bathroom." The challenge she had been set sunk in for a moment. "But how will I do that, he will never agree?" Cherry countered. She knew her husband would just refuse. Connie was sat back, relaxed in her armchair. "Cherry.....Melissa is a spineless sissy. You need to assert yourself, you will then find that he falls in line." Cherry was stuck, the choice was not one she wanted to make. Connie was right with one thing, he was a sissy. She knew he couldn't help himself. She pondered that thought for a moment. He had really annoyed her recently on more than one occasion. He didn't deserve her loyalty this time, the loyalty that had her in this position now and it was litterally her arse on the line. She had to find a way. "It's a couple of minutes to nine, I want you and Melissa ready for bed by ten forty five, before Tilly gets home. You must have completed your task. I have left nightwear out for you both, yours is on my bed and Melissa's on Tilly's." Cherry was quiet, trying to work out a plan of action before her husband returned from the kitchen. Malcolm had just finished washing up at the sink, a little relieved and a little sad. Once again his excitable organ pressed against the worktop as he stood at the sink. He was already pretty aroused, he had been since they left home earlier that evening. It was lovely to once again feel the delicate caress of satin and lace. But right now he was really quite stiff. It was not looking like it would go down either as he proceeded to dry the crockery and put it away. It was nearly ten past nine when he walked into the lounge, he was looking forward to sitting and relaxing for a few minutes. "Arh, you've finished," Cherry piped up. "Can you bring the bag up for me?" she asked as she stood up from the sofa and made her way to the door. Malcolm inwardly shrugged, then turned and followed as asked. Cherry went straight to Ms Thornbury's room, as she had said there was a delightful looking red satin nightdress on the far side of the bed. "Pop the bag on the bed and get undressed," she asked as if nothing was unusual about the request. Inside she was a bundle of nerves, not sure what would happen. "W.....why do I need to undress?" he asked clearly confused. "It's not that late yet!" She thought quickly, she didn't want to admit yet what was in store for him. She needed him in the bathroom and naked. With a tone of exasperation she replied, "We have things to do, now just do as I say." Malcolm was a bit surpprised at her reaction, was she annoyed with him from earlier he wondered. But still he wanted to know why, then a thought popped into his head. "Has Ms Thornbury put you up to something?" he asked. The stress on Cherry became too much, it was not going to plan. She blurted out, "Oh for christ sake Malcolm." There was silence for a moment, Malcolm a little surprised. Cherry trying to compose herself before she spoke again. "Will you please just do as I ask and get undressed," she said as calmly as she could. It was clear to him she was on edge, but not entirely sure why. Still he had no answer, but felt unable to push her again. Slowly he started to take his clothes off. Cherry sighed in relief. Then undid their bag to remove some toiletries. Then waited for him. "Completely, knickers as well," she prompted him. With a twinge of sadness he pushed them down and off his feet. "Here, take these and follow me." There was nothing odd about the shower gel and tooth brushes she had him carry. Once in the bathroom she had him put the tooth brushes in the wall cabinet. This way she covered the exit. She looked around and found the tube of hair removal cream in the corner of the bath by the taps. She quickly picked it up, her hand covering the product description on the front just before he turned to face her. "In you get." She indicated pointing at the bath tub. He did as asked, thinking a good scrub was the plan. Cherry, not wanting to ruin her dress decided that he could apply the cream himself. "Hold out your hand for me," she asked. "What about the water?" he questioned. "You don't need water just yet," she advised. "What is it then?" he questioned again. "It''s a body mask," she lied. Malcolm stepped back as much as he could. "Why do I need to use that, what will it do?" "It.....just conditions your skin," she lied again. "This is Thornbury, isn't it?!" he replied. "She just wants to torture me again." He swiped at Cherry's hand knocking the tube into the bath tub. They both quickly bent down to grab it before the other. Cherry got their first, but not before Malcolm saw what it really was. Standing back up, he leaned back away from his wife. "No," was all he said. "You have to," Cherry told him. "Why, bacause Connie says?" he replied sarcasticly. "It's only hair, it will grow back. it for me," she now pleaded. "No. absolutely not! I can't beleive you would do that to me," he told her. What could she do now, she was running out of ideas. She didn't have the physical strength to force him. She felt stuck. "Oh for pity's sake!" Cherry and Malcolm both turned to see Ms Thornbury in the bathroom doorway. She stepped forward and took the tube from Cherry. She casually flipped the cap open, then pointed it at Malcolm's chest. Instinctively both hands came up. Her left hand then swooped down and clasped his balls. "Ahhh," Malcolm gasped. Now feeling particularly vulnerable. "Hold out you hand Melissa." Slowly his arm lowered. She gave his marbles a little squeeze. "Ohhhaahh." His face contorted. "Hurry, we haven't got all day," she barked. Cherry watched open mouthed as Connie dispensed a large dose of the depilatory cream into his palm. "Now smother your chest, don't miss any area." As Cherry watched, she realised that if Connie was now doing this, then she had failed. Malcolm now worked in silence, efficently covering his body a section at a time as Ms Thornbury topped up his hands. Finally she let go of his balls, now covered from the bottom of his neck to his ankles aprart from his crotch. "Finish the job," she told him as she squeezed out what was left in the tube into his palm. He was glad to have his balls intact without further pain, but it was far too late to protest now. Dejected, and defeated he filled in the uncoated area between his legs. He felt cold and icky, some irritations now evident on his chest. The chemical like smell was pungent, assalting his nostrils continuously. Still he was kept waiting, the burning irritation now spreading along his arms, then legs. "Now listen carefully Melissa. In a moment you can shower off the hair cream. You will then wash with the shower creme there. After you have dried off, you will shave your face as close as you can. Once you have done that you can call me. Is that clear?" she finished. Malcolm nodded, eager to start the shower. "Good, now get going," she said leaving the bathroom. "Cherry," she then called out and she strode towards the stairs, "and close the bathroom door behind you." Cherry scurried after her leaving Malcolm to his task. As Cherry followed Connie into the lounge her wrist was clasped and Connie pulled her in close. Cherry found herself suddenly in Ms Thornbury's embrace. As always seemed to happen her arms trapped at her sides. Suddenly that now familiar feeling of excitement came over her, the helplessness at Connie's whim. Cherry glanced up at her imposing host through half closed eyes. "My dear Cherry, you make my task so very difficult. I am supposed to guide you, teach you, dicipline you for your blatant disobedience," she said increasingly stern before a pause, and continuing much more softly. "Yet you turn up today, in your new dress, an absolute tease!" 'Oh my' Cherry realised how much of an effect she was having on her. Perhaps there was hope. Maybe it would not be so bad afterall. Then Connie lowered herself, leaning forward a little, Cherry looked up. Her head just about the only thing she still had control of. This time Cherry welcomed Connie's lips to her own and kissed back as passionately as she could muster. She wanted Connie to take control. But the kiss was not so dominating as before. Then a thrill ran up Cherry's spine as she felt Connie's hand slide down over her bottom then quickly under her skirt and across her bare cheeks exposed by the thong. Cherry moaned gently into the kiss at her caress. They broke the kiss a moment, both breathing heavier. Connie pulled the back of her skirt up high around her waist and then put her other hand on it to hold it up. Cherry was swooning as she felt Connie's arm pull her in more tightly forcing thier bodies together. Connie's generous breasts almost on Cherry's shoulders as Connie face came in close to Cherry again almost nose to nose. Connie's left arm now wrapped around pinning Cherry's right arm to her side and her hand grasped Cherry's left hand. Connie whispered to her, "You are a gorgeous creature Cherry, and I am so pleased that you have taken the step into the sexy world that I want you in............and you must continue..........but there has to be obedience and by not following my instructions and then failing in your tasks you must therefore be punished." A pained expression suddenly appeared on Cherry's face, she shook her head left to right. "No, please Connie. It's not neccessary, I have learnt my lesson. Please." She was dreading being put over Ms Thornbury's knee again. So humiliating, and painful. But that didn't happen, she would not go over her hosts knees. She was already there for the taking.With her skirt pinned up by her waist Connie's free hand suddenly swung in and 'CRACK'. Instant shock appeard on Cherry's face and before she knew it there was another 'CRACK'. The first more shock but the second the pain grew and reflexively she squirmed and strugged to get free. 'CRACK' and the futility of it became all too apparent. Her emotions took over and she started crying and the fourth blow landed. Her legs started to give way, but Connie held her up long enough for the last of the five smacks. Ms Thornbury was a little surprised at how quickly Cherry had broken. Her intention was to give her ten hard swats to make sure she got the message. But at Cherry's almost instant emotional collapse she relented. Still holding Cherry, now with both arms to help support her she allowed her to sob for a few moments with her head laying into her chest. Cherry was emotionally spent, the stress and worry of the evenings events all coming out in sobs and tears as she rested her head in the comforting chest. Nothing was said as she calmed. Finally after a few minutes Cherry lifted her head and sheepishly looked up at Ms Thornbury and whispered, "Sorry." That one word spoke volumes to Ms Thornbury. It indicated her understanding of their relationship. Her contrite apology indicating a more deep rooted subservience. This is what Connie wanted from her. "You got off lightly Cherry. I would much prefer a promise to not put us both in that position again," she said calmly as she looked down at her. Cherry quickly nodded her head. "Yes.......yes....I promise." "That's good. Now I think it best you go and tidy yourself up. Your mascara has made a mess." Malcolm eagerly the turned the taps as soon as his wife left closing the door. The intitial cold blast of water made him take in a sharp breath. But such was the irritation he endured it until it came through warm. The cream had half dried in many places and it took quite some time to wipe and wash away. Bit by bit he relieved the irritation but watched with annoyance as clumps of hair fell to the bath. He couldn't help feeling anger at what he had been forced into. Then as each section of his body rinsed clear he became aware of how different it felt as the water hit his skin and trickled down. With the last bit clear and clean he became conscious of how naked he now felt. He picked up the container that Ms Thornbury had instructed he use to wash, he cringed as he read the front 'Floral Blush Shower creme'. The sound of it was almost enough to make him go red in the face. Dispensing some of the product onto his flannel the flowery scent hit him. The only good thing was that it might just mask the odour of the hair removal cream that lingered. Finally finished, he stood in the bathroom. His denuded skin blotchy and red in places and still felt just a little irritated. His face freshly shaved. He opended the bathroom door a little and called out, "Cherry.... Ms Thornbury?" It was Cherry who appeared and pushed into the bathroom as Malcolm stepped back. The cool air swept into the once steemy bathroom sending a shiver down his spine. Cherry looked him up and down. "Turn around Melissa," she instructed. "Why do you have to call me Mel...." "I said turn around," she snapped cutting his question off. Thinking better of challenging again he did as asked. He waited a few moments before she spoke again. "It looks like you got everything. Here, you need to apply this lotion liberally all over. It will help soothe your skin," she told him. Malcolm took the bottle, the same name again 'Floral Blush'. He inwardly shugged his shoulders, he knew he already smelled at least a little from the shower creme. It took him a few minutes to work the lotion over his entire body. It was something he had never even thought about before, the lotion seemed to just glide over his skin and leave him all slimy. But as he continued he realised it was gradually being absorbed and was drying. The flowery scent was so much stronger than he expected, it was like a constant waft from a scented candle or a bowl of potpourri. Cherry returned to the bathroom to find her husband rubbing his upper arms with the lotion. It was the last bit that was still clammy. She took his hand and guided him to Matilda's bedroom. Sat him at the vanity on the stool. "Here, I want you to use this. Use the applicator, dab it in the powder and cover you face and neck," she asked him. He looked up at her as if to say 'please' but no words came. He knew refusal would only land him more agravation......from Ms Thornbury. He took the puff and did as asked. The smell of the powder quite strong, a smell he could not ever forget. It lingered and mingled with the floral body lotion. It was like he was in a feminine cloud. Once finished Cherry inspected his face. "There I think that mostly covers your beard shadow. Now put this on, I think you should know what to do," as she handed him a lipstick tube. The label on the end showed a bold almost cerise pink colour. Once again he looked at her, his now pale even complexion hiding the colour of his embarrassment. "Do you love me?" he asked her. The question caught her of guard for a moment. She needed him to comply with her instructions. She wanted to please Connie. She needed Connie and she absolutely didn't want to fail again, and be punished again. She thought quickly. "Yes Melissa, I love you. Without question I love you, and if you love me too then you know what you need to do," her reply hid her nerves well. Would he comply? She waited, hoped. Then just when she thought he might rebel, he removed the cap, twisted the base and returned his gaze to the mirror. He paused with it almost touching his lip. Cherry looked into the mirror, at his reflection. "Go on Melissa, it's such a lovely colour," she encouraged. And he did, he slid the chisel block of colour over his bottom lip first. His hand started to shake and his breathing became irratic. Cherry then realised why, as she could see his now hairless penis swell and grow before her eyes. It was pointing straight up by the time he had finished his top lip. He was so utterly embarrassed and he hung his head, the face powder hiding his burning shame. Cherry decided to take full advantage of the situation. "You are such a sissy Melissa." She grinned at him. "There is just no denying it. You might as well just accept it." But how could he just accept it, his feelings of shame took over. He could barely speak let alone anounce to anyone that he was........ was..........was no longer a He could not even think the word to himself. "Come on, you need to get your nightie on." And she lifted the pink satin from the bed. Malcolm stood up, his mind in a fog but self conscious enough to try and hide his stiffness. He took the baby pink garment from his wife, gathered it up and slipped it over his head. As he fed his arms through the thin shoulder straps the rest glided over his skin and down into place. For a moment he was in his own world as he marvelled at how pleasurable the slippery soft material felt against him. It was like his skin was alive, awakened from sleep. The nightdress was not fancy, no lace. The shoulder straps holding up a scooped neck line that exposed most of his now hairless upper chest. The hem he noted was not much below his crotch and exposed his hairless legs. Cherry now looked on, with one last instruction to complete her task. She watched hes husband squirm on the spot, his hands gently running over the material around his torso. "Melissa." Suddenly 'back in the room' he looked at Cherry. She held out a pair of pink footwear for him. He took them without thought, sat on the edge of the bed and slipped the flimsy items on his feet. The flat satin fabric slippers with just an elastic gather at the heel had a thin ribbon bow on the vamp. They felt soft and yealding to him but clearly had no real structure. Cherry looked on with a feeling of triumph. She had done it. Now feeling a little aroused herself, the prospect of fun with Ms Thornbury being confused with the power of emasculting her husband. Cherry wanted to stay in control, wanted to cement her current position. She knew this would make it easier in the future. "Come on Melissa." She held out her hand to him. He stood and she manuvered him in front of the mirror. She stood half behind him seeing his and her reflection. It took Malcolm a few moments to really take in what was in front of him. The contrasting elements of his head with his short cropped greying hair, his dark eyebrows. But the fair even complexion not that of a man and the contrasting pink lips. His hairless body partly covered with the baby pink shimmering satin. The most feminine of footwear. He suddenly inhaled, had he been holding his breath. The reminder of the floral blush fragrance cloud that now consumed him. Cherry, now feeling a little more daring whispered into his ear. "You can't hide it Melissa, you're a sissy." Malcolm closed his eyes, it was his way trying to block it out, to make it less real. Suddenly he felt her, he took in a deep breath as her right hand wrapped around his hard penis through the satin hem. He could not hide from the feeling though and his breathing became quick and sharp. "Open your eyes Melissa," she whispered, "so you can see what a sissy you are". A moment later his eye lids half lifted. She slowly stroked up his hardness. "Ooohhhh," he moaned and closed his eyes again. She stopped moving her hand. "I told you to open your eyes Melissa." His breathing laboured and noisy through his nostrels, he calmed a little and again opened his eyes. She stroked slowly again. "Look at the sissy," she told him. "Aaaarrrhhh...mmmmmmm," he moaned in pleasure. "That's YOU," she told him. In the back of her mind she knew she was being spiteful to him but her overiding thought's were all about getting the upper hand over him. If she was to please Connie, then she had to be able to control her husband. Her own need driving her on. "Stop!" suddenly came from the doorway. Both jumped at the sudden instruction, Cherry instantly pulled her hand away from his now aching penis. Malcolm had closed his eyes again and still faced the mirror. Cherry quickly turned to face Ms Thornbury, now feeling caught and a little embarrassed. She swallowed nervously fearing she may have overstepped the mark. "Melissa," Ms Thornbury called. Malcolm slowly turned to face her, his hand clasped lightly together in front of his quite noticable tent. "Ohhh, darling lovely and pretty you look. Such an improvement, and I'm sure we can do more to help you. But not just now. Hands by your side please, we all know what happens when you dress pretty." Looking down, he unclasped his hands and slowly moved his hands to his sides. He may as well have been naked as his tented front poked out. The constant shame was relentless. "That's better, now go to the kitchen and prepare tea for four please." He moved immediately, there was no other option but to comply. He had already learnt that fighting back and rebelling against Ms Thornbury was pointless. He now just did as asked. With Malcolm heading down the stairs Ms Thornbury turned to Cherry. "I applaud your inventiveness Cherry, but on this occasion it will not serve you well if he ejaculates. He will likely lose interest in complying with you, for a time at least," she advised. Ms Thornbury walked over to Cherry, held her by the shoulders. "Well done though, you managed everything perfectly." Cherry filled with pride, elated with Connie's compliments she beemed a big smile. Connie pulled her into an embrace once again. "I'm going to enjoy you later." And she leaned in for a kiss. Cherry was filled with excitent at her words and kissed back passionately, longing for the time when she and Connie would be together in bed. Ever since last weekend she had realised what she had been missing all of her life. The pleasure, the joy, the fulfilment and satisfaction that Connie had given her. She had thought about it frequently all week, wanted it again. No, she needed it again. She was so close. 48. Is Tilly working it out? Tilly arrived home buzzing from the first performance of the weekend. "MUM.....!" he exclaimed and quickly drew her into an embrace. "Your look amazing," he complimented. "Oh darling, thank you." And she apraised the naturally feminine 'son' before her. The white peasant top pulled off the shoulders exposing white bra straps. His padded chest puffing out the loose material of the blouse and was tucked into a short flared skirt. The black skirt had a bold floral design in white and red with the waist nestled high on his body. The flare of each side almost right angles to eachother with the hem closer to his hips than his kness. This was quite a daring skirt for such a fledgling girl she thought. His legs encased in delicate looking black tights, probably 10 denier or less. Black suede ankle boots adorned his feet. "And your outfit is very risque', no?" she said smiling. He had a moment of selfconsciousness at her comment and his right knee bent in across the front of his left. His shoulders pulled up and in and his head tilted to one side. Cherry noted his bashfull reaction and gave him another hug. Malcolm stayed in the kitchen as the greeting took place. He was trying to decide what to say to his son. Some fifteen minutes ealier Ms Thornbury had reminded him that Tilly would soon be home. She noted the discomfort in Malcolm. "Are you worried Melissa, about what your daughter will think when she see's you?" He nodded his head. "Well to be honest, I don't really care what you tell her," she said offhandedly. "You could tell her that you wanted to help her feel more comfortable, like you did last weekend. But I'm not sure any father would go as far as rid his entire body of hair, put on a nightdress and makeup!" She waited a moment, he said nothing and stared at the floor. "Or you could tell her that you have allowed his mother and landlady to do what they want to you because you are nothing but a spineless sissy." Her words cut into his mind, there was anger and frustration at her comments but what hurt the most was that he realised it was true. He felt close to tears at this point. "I'll tell you what. You keep being a good little sissy and do everything you are told and I will make something up to tell your daughter. What do you say to that?" she asked. He looked up at her a moment, then slowly nodded his head. "You absolutely promise?" she emphasized. "I promise," he said softly. In the hall, Ms Thornbury addressed Tilly once she had parted from his mom's embrace. "Now Tilly, there is something I need to make you aware of. Come into the lounge." Tilly followed Ms Thornbury. His mother went to the kitchen. "I need you to promise me that what I am about to say must not be repeated to your father and mother. Especially your father." With curiosity he replied, "Yes, of course." "Last weekend your father; once he had gotten over the shock; showed considerable humility and indeed didn't spare himself any embarrassment to show you his support and understanding." Tilly nodded her head in silent understanding. "The trouble is, he enjoyed some aspects of what he did last weekend. So much so that he now finds that he wants to do it more," she told Tilly. Nodding his head once more. "Yeah, that makes sense Ms Thornbury. I couldn't help noticing how ..excited he got." "Good, I think you understand the situation. But what I think I need to be clear on, is that despite your fathers ....desires, he is still accutley embarrassed by it. I think for the time being at least, you should avoid drawing attention to anything......that you.....might notice different. If you know what I mean." "I understand perfectly Ms Thornbury, I will be very discreet," Tilly replied. "Wonderful, thank you Tilly. Now I think you should go and say hello to your father, he's in the kitchen," she encouraged. Tilly didn't waste any time in leaving the lounge, clicking his ankle boots into the kitchen. His father looked up a little startled. Tilly could tell then that his dad was on edge, probably at being seen as he was. He noted the baby pink satin night dress, his painted lips and then his pale skin. In fact, he realised that all of his skin appeared lighter. Even his legs, oh the dainty pink sllippers he then noticed and walked up to him and gave his dad a hug. "Dad, it's lovely to see you," he said not sure what else to say and not wanting to mention his attire. It was then that he noted the smell of flowers, and the softness of his skin. It was smooth.......hairless! he realised. Of course he could say nothing as he promised. "Hello ...Tilly," he replied reluctantly using his adopted female name. "It's good to see you too. Now, I am about to bring tea through to the lounge." "Ok, thank you," Tilly replied and headed back towards the lounge. Malcolm exhaled, relieved at the lack of questions from his son. What had Ms Thornbury said to him he wondered. With late evening tea finished, Malcolm was allowed to leave the clearing up till the morning and the four of them retired for bed. Again Malcolm was in with Tilly. Tilly helped remove Malcolm's make up before doing his own. Once in bed the tiredness took hold and they both slipped into sleep. However, there was yet to be any sleep in Ms Thornburys room. Connie was naked and spread over the bed with her legs wide apart. Cherry's dress has been removed but remained in her underwear. Last weekend Connie had forced Cherry into performing cunnilingus. This was Ms Thornbury's test, how willing would Cherry be. Of course she had the lure of sex, Ms Thornbury knew all too well that Cherry wanted to be taken again. Connie eyed Cherry standing at the foot of the bed. The lingerie she purchased and now decorated her petite frame was both feminine and sexy. Cherry looked back at Connie, a little self conscious but also elated as she could see the hunger in her eyes. She stood shyly, not knowing what to do next. "Do you like it?" Cherry asked coyly. Connie knodded her head. "Oh I do Cherry, I absolutely approve." She smiled. "Now step out of your heels." Without hesitation she complied. Connie put both her hands down to her opening, her red painted finger tips pulled her further open. Cherry could not help but stare down, she could see her clitorus. It glistened with moisture. "I'm so hot down here, you have done that to me Cherry. Now get your tongue down here and worship me," Ms Thornbury ordered. Cherry was already a little excited, the anticipation keeping her simmering. But Connie's command sent a thrill up her spine, she could feel herself becoming excited. Despite the repulsion she felt for the act she had been ordered to do, she knew if Connie wanted it then Connie got it. That very thought sent another wave of excitement through her. The inevitable would happen, so she knelt on the bed and slowly leant forward on her arms, then elbows. With her head now 12 inches away from the target she glanced up into the eyes of Connie. She saw the calm, confidence in her eyes. The look of superiority and yet there appeared to be affection as well. Connie nodded her head down, the gesture encouraging Cherry to get started. As always Cherry could not hold her gaze for long and averted her eyes to the glistening genitals before her. She could now sense the heat radiating from her. It was time, Cherry willingly submitted to Connie. Cherry revelled in her task, not the task itself, but the pleasure it bought them both. Connie of course was enjoying Cherry's labours but Cherry also from the act of submission. The control Ms Thornbury exerted over her was an intoxicating turn on. She was lost to it, Connie had won. A while later Connie repayed her efforts. Cherry was fitted with a ball gag, she made no attempt to stop Connie. "Open wide," she had said and Cherry obliged. It was buckled in place at the back of her head. "Take your pretty thong off," Connie instructed. Again she complied. Ms Thornbury, now in her harness stood at the side of the bed holding a black leather collar. It was buckled around Cherry's neck. She attached a leash to the 'D' ring. "Kneel on the bed, face the other way," Connie instructed. Connie filled the space behind her. She took up the slack in the leash. "You have done very well my pet, now I will take you like the little bitch you are to me." The words drilled into Cherry's mind, her body reacted. Her back sunk low and her arse in the air. Her own cavity becoming moist once again. Her breathing suddenly increased, she felt the cool rubber tool at her crotch. The leash pulled a little. There was nowhere to go even if she wanted to. Her neck pulled back and the fake cock slid inside. Oh that feeling was what she recalled from last weekend as she became accustommed to the intruder. But then Connie started to drive in and out, her neck held back by the leash. Never had she felt so open, so vulnerable, so 'there for the taking'. In just a few short seconds it overwhelmed her and the first climax swept over her. It was the first of three that left Cherry dizzy, dazed, delerious and, it would seem defenceless to Connie's wishes. Cherry sturred, then became aware of movement. Opening her eyes she stared into the darkness, Connie was slipping into a bath robe. Just the silhouette of her was now arousing. "Connie..." she pouted. Ms Thornbury turned, making out the face pearing out from under the duvet. Her pleading eyes and pouting lips. "Come back to bed," Cherry pleaded. Connie smiled inwardly but kept a firm expression. "I have things to do," she replied. "But I....." Cherry paused. "What is it Cherry?" Ms Thornbury asked. "I...." Cherry blushed and she went all bashful. "I want you," she finshed in a soft voice. "Well i'm sorry, but now is not the right time." And she turned, undid the door and left the bedroom. It was still dark, Cherry checked the time, almost 6.15am. She plumped up her pillew and rolled onto her side and closed her eyes. Malcolm felt himself rocking, the sensation confusing in his semi- conscious state. Then it happened again, then he became aware of a hand on his shoulder. He opened an eye, it took a moment to take in that Ms Thornbury was there. "What.......what is it?" he murmured. Ms Thornbury leaned over him and spoke quietly. "Get up Melissa, and follow me." Malcolm closed his eye, breathing deeply he wished he could be left to sleep. Mustering some effort he slipped his legs out from under the duvet. The feel of the pink satin reminding him of the nightdress he was wearing. Matilda stirred a little but continued sleeping as he got to his feet. Bare footed he followed Ms Thornbury to the bathroom. The bright light making him wince when she pulled the light cord. As his eyes adjusted he felt Ms Thornbury cup his chin and run her fingers around his cheek. "I think you are just about ok still," she told him. "Get washed and dried, then meet me in the lounge," were her instructions before she left. Still groggy and bleary eyed he went through the motions. Now clean and dry and decidedly more awake he descended the stairs. He had a good idea of what was to come but felt unable to stop it. The swish of the satin against him made him consider if he actually wanted to put a stop to it. It was a delicious feeling. His thoughts were pushed to one side as he found himself standing in the middle of the lounge. Ms Thornbury sat as always in her armchair. "Close the door Melissa." With the door closed he turned to face her again. If last night was anything to go by, then this would be straight forward. She hoped he was now at the stage of no resistance, at least for dressing in the privacy of her house. "Remove the night dress Meliisa and get dressed with what I have for you on the sofa," her tone even, clear and lacking emotion. He turned to eye the pile of fabric on the sofa. It was hard to tell what was there until he picked it up. The familiar situation he was in made him comply. psychologically he now found it hard to challenge Ms Thornbury. His previous lessons had taught him that he did not win, in fact he suffered increased humiliation. His common sense brushed aside what little resistive spirit he harboured. With his night dress removed he stood over the sofa. His hairless body now starting to feel a little cold. His limp penis hung over his retracted scrotum. He began the process of dressing. He first found the knickers, white thong back with the satin diamond shape panel at the front with lace panels at each side. "Leave the knickers for now," Connie advised. "Bra first......then the suspender belt." Placing the knickers to one side he fumbled with the various straps to untangle the suspender belt from the bra. He sensed it was coming, he could feel the excitement already. The act of slipping his arms through the straps of the bra was now quite familiar, reaching around with both arms he hooked at the second attempt. He looked down as he adjusted the chest band position. The three quarter cups were white satin with the same lace detail overlaid on the lower half of the cups and chest band. His face started to warm, his embarrassment started to increase as Ms Thornbury watched intently. The suspender belt, again in white was a wide band of the matching see through lace that once he had wrapped it around his waist came down to just above his pubic area. "Stockings next Melissa," he was instructed. He picked one up from the pile, he was a little dissapointed that they were not white to match everything else. Black appeared to be what she wanted. The lace tops were surprisingly wide, probably around 15cm. As he gathered up the material he could feel the irrepressable butterfiles grow in his tummy and as he sat on the edge of the sofa and put his toes into the stocking his penis started to swell. It didn't matter what he did, he was not able to suppress it and as he unravelled the material up his calf he was already pointing up. If it were possbile the flimsy fabric felt better than before. The look of his hairless leg now caught his eye. There was an involuntary intake of breath as the lace was settled around his upper thigh. He remained seated as he started to work on the other stocking and in just a few moments the other stocking was in place. He went to attached the tabs, the two at the front quite easy. "Stand up Melissa," she ordered. With his face feeling very red he stood up. His penis jutted out obscenely. As always it gave away his true nature, his feelings for his attire. Connie was smirking. "Come here Melissa." He cautiously stepped over to her, extremely self conscious of his excitement as he stood in front of her. "As you are being such a good girl Melissa, I will assist you with your garter tabs. Turn around" Grateful to be turning away from her, he shuffled around. He felt her tugging on the back of one leg, and then the other. "There you go, turn to face me again Melissa." He turned to face her, glancing at her amused expression, but unable to hold her look he dropped his eyes to her feet. "What do you say?" she asked. "Er...thank you Ms Thornbury," he replied. "'s much better when you cooperate." She then leaned forward and gently wrapped her right hand around the top half of his penis. "Ahh," he gasped. "My, my, arn't we hard this morning," she said with a little song in her voice. "You just love your pretty things don't you?" She slowly released her grip of him, and he started to breath again. Short gasps of air though. "Now you can put your knickers on." He turned away again to continue dressing. The white lace thong tickled his stocking clad legs as he pulled them up. If he had not already been hard, then it would have been after that. He tugged and pulled the material around his bits. The back now slipping out of sight and into the cleft of his buttocks. The problem was the front of the garment did not cover the top of his penis. He pulled up higher, forcing the back to dig in against his anus. Still it barely covered him. "Just leave it poking out Melissa. Now put on the slip please." Malcolm found the slip, again white. This was a half slip, satin and quite long. He stepped into the elasticated waist and pulled it up around his waist, on top of the garter belt. The bottom of the slip ended just across his knees in two bands of lace in a wave running around the hem. Yet another delicious feeling he needed to deal with as it swirled and shimmied over his legs and now tickled the head of his penis as well. He almost dare not move for fear of eliciting a whimper of pleasure from his lips. "The top and skirt next Melissa, top first." Picking up the top, he was surprised, he thought he must have missed something. It appeared to be a plain white button up shirt with short sleeves and a collar. It could have been one from his own wardrobe. He slipped his arms into the sleeves and worked his way up the buttons. He didn't yet know it but his bra could clearly be seen through the white of the shirt. He turned to get the skirt. This too was quite long, longer than the slip. He positioned the zipper to the back and stepped into the circle of fabric. It was narrow and unforgiving, there was no stretch in the material. He worked it up his legs being carefull not to pull the slip up with it. It took a couple of minutes but finally he had the waist where he thought it should be and he reached around the back to pull the zip up. "Come here Melissa, I can see you are struggling." It was then he realised just how restrictive the skirt was as his right foot landed just in front of his left foot and so on. Mince was all he could do to stand in front of Ms Thornbury who made quick work of the zip. "Very nice...." Connie said, looking him up and down as he attempted to go back to the sofa. His back side, hugged closely by the skirt shifted from side to side and up and down a little as he moved away. "Your footwear is by the side of the sofa." Malcolm was still taking in the sight of the skirt that hugged him from the waist to the knees where it flared out in pleats for the bottom 30cm or so. He found the shoes, and again these were not quite what he expected. The heels were high, he guessed about 3 inches. However, they were block heels and the top of the shoes were a soft black fabric in wide straps. One across the front of the foot just back from the toes. The second and third were not clear until Ms Thornbury had helped him put them on. They both started at the top of the heel cup, wrapped around his ankle then down and crossed over each other before attaching to the sole half way up the slope of the shoe. "You can wear the full apron in the kitchen. Now it's time you started to clear up from last night and get breakfast started," she instructed. Malcolm went to shuffle out of the lounge, he could feel his arse shifting from side to side as his hips pivoted like a seesaw. He had to walk like that or not at all it seemed. "Hold on Melissa." Ms Thornbury stopped his progress and he turned his head towards her. "You should be addressing me with a bit more respect Melissa. I expect you to answer me when I give you direction. Is that understood?" she asked him. It took a few seconds for his brain to get into gear, but he managed to reply. "Y...yes Ms Thornbury." "Good that is better, carry on Melissa," she replied. "Thank you Ms Thornbury," he replied but not even sure if he needed to. Alone in the kitchen, Malcolm had time to himself, time to think. Time that most people would use to find a way of taking back some control, of getting away from the prison he appeared to now be in. But as he washed crockery at the sink all he could concentrate on was the feeling of the delicate fabrics making him horny. He found himself almost dancing on the spot to make his slip slide acorss his legs, to feel the tug of the garters. He realised it himself with a little shame a while later that he had basically just been enjoying himself dressed up all pretty and feeling sexy. He told himself off, but little good it did him as he slipped back into the dance. It was around 8.30am when breakfast was served. At Ms Thornbury's instruction Malcolm had cooked sausages, bacon and eggs and he served her, Cherry and Tilly then standing to the side to wait for anyone who needed his attention. He poured coffee and juice as required. The three of them watched with interest at how he walked in the slim skirt. At times his eagerness to serve efficiently made him try and over reach his stride. The skirt of course then caused him to stumble unsteadily. "Smaller steps Melissa," Ms Thornbury instructed him. Tilly noted the continued use of the feminine name. He started to feel empashy for his father. His current position reminded him of his own status just a short while ago. It crossed his mind that perhaps Ms Thornbury was not just being supportive to his dad and allowing him the freedom to express his new found interest. He looked back at how Ms Thornbury had got him into skirts. He had to admit that she seemed to know how he felt but she was unrelenting in pushing him on and on until......self consciously his assessment of how he now pranced around in dresses and makeup . Could Ms Thornbury now be doing the same to his father? Pushing him into dressing? She was controlling, in fact he realised that Ms Thornbury had been instructing his father whenever he had seen them together. There seemed to be no evidence that his dad was free to do as he wished. He had of course witnessed evidence of how ecited his dad was when dressed, but that did not mean he was not being pushed. He watched his father totter across the kitched. There appeared to be no sign of real discomfort. His cheeks a little flushed, but that was all. He did remain quiet though, not speaking unless required to. Perhaps that was in part due to his concentration on serving. Then the fact that his father had not sat to eat himself until he had made sure everyone else was finished. Was that actually his choice, he had his doubts. There was a growing feeling that his domineering landlady was mistreating his dad. What did his mum think, what did she know he wondered. Ms Thornbury and Cherry left the kitchen together. "Tilly, would you help your father to clear up please?" "Yes, of course Ms Thornbury," he replied. Tilly helped to clear the table, then picked up a tea towel and started to dry while his father washed. There was silence between them for a couple of minutes. Tilly wanted to ask his dad about his dressing and Ms Thornbury but he was not sure how to broach the subject. "Dad.......?" he said finally. "Yes Ma...tilda," he replied. It was quiet again for what seemed like ages until he found the right way to ask. "When you......I...I mean did............last time put on some things to make me less.......I mean to be supportive of me." He finally got it out. Malcolm's head turned to face his feminine son and waited for what was to come. "Did you do that because you were told to?" Malcolm quickly turned his head back to the sink. His shame filled his face with heat. He didn't know if he could answer without giving anything away. He tried his best to calm himself. Still facing the sink Malcolm replied, "I....I know I overreacted ......when we first saw that." He swallowed. "So I .....I had ......I had to do something." "So it was your didn't get pushed into it?" He pushed for clarity. Still his dad could not face him as he answered, "No, no it" Though his answer was clear, it was not convincing. 49. Cherry's plucky performance. As the two ladies walked into the lounge Connie put her arm around Cherry's waist and pulled her to her side. Cherry looked up at the woman, her feelings were growing for her. Despite the punishments Connie had given her, the pleasure, excitement and her dominance were a powerful combination. "When Tilly and Melissa have finished in the kitchen I am going to have them go and play with makeup." There was little surprise in Cherry's face. "Around midday Tilly will leave for work, he has two shows today." Cherry nodded. "Your challenge my dear is to thin Melissa's eye brows. They need to be less masculine." Cherry's face now showed concern, a thoughtful expression as she wondered how she would be able to get him to comply. "You have shown inventiveness already, and trust me he will buckle under pressure. You don't want to fail again you?" as Cherry felt Connie's hand slide down to her backside, it then tapped lightly across the pert cleft. Cherry still looking up shook her head slowly in response. The remainder of that morning Cherry attended to some chores at Connie's request while She read the newspaper. Melissa sat with Tilly at her dressing table once again with Melissa taking instructions from Tilly on how to use the cosmetics. Tilly's suspicion of how his father may be hiding how he is being manipulated now a constant nagging. Melissa though decided it was best to try and put those questions from Tilly to bed by trying his best to engage fully in his makeup tutorial. By the time Tilly needed to prepare to leave for work his arms actually ached from the constant practicing. However, his work had achieved two things. His son now appeared to be more convinced that he was genuine in his efforts in all things feminine. The other thing was in the reflection of the mirror. Although his hair was out of place the application looked much better than before. It was a more refined look that actually made him look a little attractive. Cherry and Ms Thornbury made a fuss of his new found skill and efforts and amidst the compliments and inspections Olivia called and Tilly left with her to head to the theatre. Melissa towed the line as expected of him, taking the compliments and replying with thanks. Cherry saw her opportunity. "I know what would make your look even better" she enthused. "Oh..." Melissa exclaimed not really wanting to take it any further. "Connie, do you have any tweezers?" Cherry asked. "There is a little pot on my dressing table, have a look in there," she replied. Melissa sat on the sofa wondering what the tweezers could possibly be for as his wife scurried off in search. Moments later Cherry returned smiling "Found them, thank you Connie." Then she turned to her husband "I think perhaps it would be best if I sit at one end of the sofa and you lay down with your head in my lap." She turned and moved to the sofa without waiting for husband to agree. She sat down keeping herself upright. Malcolm stepped over to the sofa, and with a little careful positioning he lowered his back side down, then turned away from Cherry. As he lay back he had to lift both his skirted legs together to let them rest on the end arm of the sofa. With curiosity he settled his head onto his wife's lap and looked up at her. "So...what are the tweezers for?" "It's just that you have some random grey hairs in your eyebrows. If we can get rid of them it would make a big difference to how you look." "But I have lots of grey hairs in my eye brows. You can't pull them all out, I'll look .......odd," he protested. His arms moved, trying to prop himself up on his elbows ready to manouve himself off the sofa. "Oh nonesense." Cherry replied "now hold still." As she used her left hand on his forehead to pin his head down. The right hand then deftly curled in across his head with the tweezers. Clamped on a few hairs and........ "OOOWOWW" he tried to move, his legs twitched and twisted but his head remained. "Oh do calm down Melissa, it does'nt hurt that much," she told him. "You've got to be kidding me!" he exclaimed. He then tensed up as Cherry came in for another pluck. "JESUS.....christ." Malcolm thought she had removed a patch of skin. "That bloody hurts." Connie then chipped in, "MELISSA....." her voice sharp and stern before adding in a slightly more moderate tone "please do keep the noise down or I might just decide to join Cherry and you'll have more discomfort to contend with. Now please let her help you." Connie's intervention had the desired effec as Cherry continued he kept a lid on his discomfort. But as she continued he started to worry about how much she was removing. He desperately wanted to protest but didn't want to upset Ms Thornbury. And the further on it went the more resigned to his fate he became. It was probably too late by now anyway. But he really feared how far Cherry had gone and his anxiety increased. Cherry worked on the left side, then the right and back again alternating more as the time passed. Finally she stopped, twisting her head to view his forehead from a better angle. "I think that will do, would you like to see Connie?" she asked. Ms Thornbury got up from her chair and stepped over to the sofa turning so she could see Melissa the right way up. Malcolm peered up at Ms Thornbury as she came into view. Her face at first showed nothing but as she stared, her jaw dropped and her left hand covered her mouth. "What?...what is it?" he asked. His emotions building as he feared the worst. "Oh it's just the little red marks, they do look a little sore," Ms Thornbury replied. But that was not entirely comforting, it did give him hope though that it was not as bad as he had thought. "And Cherry has made a mess of your foundation. You'll have to touch that up," she continued. "Can I see please?" he asked now trying to lever himself up. "Wait there Melissa, let me get something to sooth your brows first," she instructed him. Malcolm watched as Ms Thornbury left the room. "What have you done to my eye brows Cherry?" he asked her in his 'annoyed' voice. Cherry looked down at him, his face clearly full of concern. She did feel bad, guilty of betraying her husband when he really needed her support. She knew that. He knew that. But Connie's instructions were clear, the consequences were clear and her desire to keep Connie happy was strong. There would be no hiding what she had done, that was obvious to her. "Well like I said, I got rid of the grey hairs and I......well I tidied you up a little," she finally replied. As he lay there he watched her speak, her expression and the way she averted her eyes from him scared him. Maybe it was as bad as he feared. Ms Thornbury retured and within just a moment had very gently smeared a cool gel like substance across his warm brows. It was a nice feeling after all the jabs of pain. "There, I bet that feels better?" Ms Thornbury added as she stepped back. "Perhaps Melissa would like to see the new improved brows?" she asked. Malcolm pulled himself up, looked around for a mirror as Ms Thornbury fished ouit a compact from her bag and handed it to him. His hands trembling a little he unclasped the clam style mirror and opened it up. His heart sank as he caught a glimpse of his forehead. His view disturbed by his unsteady hand. He didn't want it to be real, he hoped that once the mirror was repositioned it would not look so bad. Then there he was, in the reflection. His jaw dropped leaving his mouth open, but no sound caame out. He was speachless, not knowing if he should laugh or cry. But in the end there was just nothing as thoughts jumped into his head of how feminine they looked, how feminine it made him look. He couldn't help but note how they complimented his made up face. He continued to stare as the reality kicked in. What would people think, what would they say? This was not something he could hide, it was blatantly obvious. They were at at least a third narrower at the inside end and sloped upwards until almost the the outer point of the eye before arching down a little in a narrower still crop of hair. They litterally changed his appearance. Again his mind drifted to how nice they looked before shaking the thought away. "Aren't they lovely Melissa?" Ms Thornbury questioned him. "W..W..why?" he stammered finally. "How could you do this to me Cherry?" Malcolm had lowered the compact mirror, it rested in his hand on the taut material of his skirt. Cherry looked up at Ms Thornbury, while lightly biting her lower lip. She felt the guilt of what she had done. But Connie's expression was one of mirth. A little suppressed smile appeared on her face. What should she say to her husband that would make things any better? There was nothing really, so she just tried to play it down. "I really don't know what you are complaining about, you look so much better now," she replied without even looking at him. Malcolm still sat perched on the edge of the sofa peering down into his lap. "But.....I.......I look like ......a fucking ...woman," he replied, clenching his fists in an attempt to suppress his anger. "That's right," Ms Thornbury replied before Cherry could think of responding. "Stand up Melissa." There was a short hesitation, but he stood up. He knew better than to challenge her. Ms Thornbury lifted his chin with her right hand so that she had eye contact with him. He instantly wanted to avert his eyes but he knew she wanted his attention. "Do you know any men that wear lacey knickers?" she asked him. Malcolm swallowed, then replied weekly, "No." "How about a bra Melissa?" she posed. "No," he replied again. "I think you know where this is going don't you?" she put to him. He dropped his gaze from her. His embarrassment rising, and although the foundation hid the colour of his face he could feel the shame, the heat. "I really don't know what the problem is Melissa. You're wearing lacey knickers, bra, stockings and suspenders, blouse and a skirt. You have nice soft hairless skin and you're made up face....well it was just begging to have the eye brows to match. Why on earth would you think that the untamed bushes on your forehead would fit in with the pretty face below." There was a pause before she added, "I can't wait till your hair grows out." Malcolm suddenly looked back up to her, the implied threat peaking his attention. He shook his head slowly from side to side. Ms Thornbury raised her eye brows at his little show of difiance. "We'll see Melissa....we'll see." Cherry looked on, intoxicated at how Connie could control him. She had him just where she wanted him. She knew all too well now just how unmanly her husband was. Yes she felt for him, felt guilt for her part in his current discomfort. But she could not help think that he would just put his foot down when it became too much, yet each time Connie pushed him he either failed to assert himself or he just submitted to her. She knew that going against Connie to help or support him would likely get her more trouble than she was willing to take on. "Now it's nearly time for you to start preparing dinner. Run along and fix your makeup first. Come and show me when you are done," she instructed him. Feeling more trapped than ever he handed the compact mirror to Ms Thornbury then made his way towards the stairs in his enfoced mincing totter. He was feeling defeated, a familiar feeling now from the previous weeks visits. These new steps had knocked his resiliance. There were seeds of doubt in his mind. There appeared to be no way of stopping Ms Thornbury. What was her motive? He really had no idea, perhaps she just got off on bossing people around. These thoughs swam around his head as he repaired his foundation and evened out his complexion. It was already second nature to follow her wishes, and any thoughts of rebelling were quashed by the fear of the expected consequences. He finished his repair work, inspected himself closely in the mirror. He really did look quite pretty now he thought to himself. Inwardly he cursed himself at these thoughts but they remained with him. Ms Thornbury looked at him closely. "Not too bad Melissa, you still need practice but you'll get there." Malcolm felt just a little pleased at appearing to keep Ms Thornbury satisfied. But then... "You clearly did not think to refresh your lipstick though," she then noted. "Go and fetch your lipstick and bring it back here," she added the clear command. Suddenly feeling a little chastised he once again tottered off as requested. He knew what was coming next but dispite the shame that was already building he knew he would not....could not stop it happening. Ms Thornbury handed him the compact mirror again as soon as he returned. "Now re-apply your lipstick Melissa." Ms Thornbury commanded. Her voice was not harsh, but felt uncompromising. Malcolm stood facing Ms Thornbury, he glanced just to her left. His wife eyed him, almost expressionless. There was just a hint of amusement he thought. He opened the compact, then removed the cap of the lipstick and twisted the base to raise to chisel shape block of colour. Performing this feminine ritual while his wife looked on, being told to do so by Ms Thornbury and submitting to her instructions once again made him feel like there was no return. He could not undo what had been done. His focus turned to the mirror now cradled in his left hand, and his right hand stroked the colour across his bottom lip. He was almost in a trance as he pressed his lips together to smooth out the colour. A final imspection in the compact and he was done. He looked up at Ms Thornbury, now waiting for her approval or for further instruction. "That's better, I'll take the compact and you can return the lipstick. Come and see me in the kitchen when you come back down." It was busy late afternoon and evening for Malcolm, as he was orchestrated in the kitchen by Ms Thornbury. It was not until around 9pm before he was finished to Ms Thornbury's satisfaction and was allowed some rest. However, relaxing was not something he found easy in Connie's presence and as physically and emotionally tired as he was there was still an active mind. He sat in a relaxed position at the far end of the sofa, his stocking covered legs close together and his hands resting in his lap. Cherry sat at the other end of the sofa engrossed in a magazine crossword puzzle while Ms Thornbury sat in her armchair and was going through some documents. The television was turned off and room was mostly silent with just the occasional shufle of papers. He had closed his eyes momentarily just to try and block out his surroundings. Just to be somewhere else, but he soon realised it was not that easy. With his eyes shut it just seemed to heighten his other senses and it was his sense of touch that came into focus. He could feel the clingling fabric on his legs, the shoes through the delicate fabric. The lace bands around his thighs, the pulling of the garters. The slippery soft touch of the slip. The straps of the bra around his chest. The hugging sensation of the skirt. .....and then the lace of his knickers as his penis hardened once again. It all felt so good as he relaxed and gently ran his hands across his skirted thighs. He despised it, the embarressment, the shame in front of others. Yet in the privacy of his own mind with nobody looking on, he loved it. For a while he sat feeling quite contented. Tilly lay in bed. Eyes still closed but he could sense the light that crept around the closed curtains. His mind replayed events from the previous evening. The shows had both gone well, he and Olivia had walked hand in hand back to Ms Thornbury's house. Then outside the house, the moment Olivia pulled him into an embrace. Kissing deeply and then fondling under his skirt. Massaging him, caressing him while continuing to probe his mouth with her tongue. He recalled how he realised that one of his feet was not even on the ground. She had him cradled and he clung to her until he could take no more. Moaning into Olivia's mouth he spasmed, his one standing leg gave out almost pulling them both over as he filled his knickers. The moments after, regaining his standing position as the dampness spread and came through his tights. The recollection had made him hard again as he lay there. Then he recalled the shock at seeing his dad's eye brows. He could not help but stare a moment but true to his word he said nothing. Had his father really wanted to shape his eye brows he wondered. They were so different, not just trimmed and tiday but unmistakeably feminine. Surely he realised that Monday would bring questions from his work colleagues. Or was it Ms Thornbury, it had all the hallmarks of her work. His doubts returned, surely his father would not do such a thing......not of his own volition. He opened his eyes, turned over to see the empty space where his father had slept. Again he was up early. He expected his dad to be in the kitchen again. He pondered if and indeed who he should talk too while he washed and brushed his teeth. He felt like he should stand up for his dad, if indeed he was being forced into anything. Afterall, it was himself that put his family into this position. As expected, there he was in the kitchen busy cooking and flitting about. The same outfit as the day before. He said good morning to his mom, dad and Ms Thornbury. He watched his father as went about his business. His walk seemed less....clumsy.....perhaps a little more natural than he recalled from the day before. No cosmetics this morning, his un-made up face now quite androgynous with his sculpted brows. Once again Tilly and Melissa were paired together, first to clear up in the kitchen and then to help Melissa apply make up. Tilly had been thinking that perhaps his mother might be the best person to ask. His father had already denied he was being forced in any way and he didn't think it wise to ask Ms Thornbury directly. He would have to wait for the right opportunity. While the 'girls' were busy Ms Thornbury had taken Cherry into the lounge. "You made an excellent job of Melissa's brows yesterday Cherry......well done." The praise from Connie forced a smile on her face, it couldn't be supressed. Cherry was feeling a little flat this morning as Connie had ignored her last night, chosing to sleep instead. The worry in the back of her mind that their relationship had suddenly gone cold. "But I have not forgotten that you let me down last week." Her tone quickly removed the smile. "You showed that you cannot be trusted to carry out my wishes. I have therefore decided that our intimate relationship is a complication that cannot continue," she stated calmly as she sat down in her arm chair. Cherry face dropped, gasping she put her hand over her mouth as Ms Thornbury's words sank in. She stood almost in tears. "Please...Connie....why?" Cherry managed to say as she managed to gain a little composure. Connies immediate response was swift and said with venom "I helped you Cherry, gave you guidence, bought you clothes and gifts, gave you a place in my bed and I gave you the gratification you had been missing all your life and you could not even follow one wish of mine! Why should I continue?" Almost sobbing Cherry blurted, "But Connie I lo........" just catching herself before completing her response. But that was enough, Connie knew. Cherry knew and blushed instantly. Her gaze dropping to the floor in front of her. At that moment Cherry wanted nothing more than her forgiveness, her warm embrace. Connie was mentally rubbing her hands together. She thought she had a considerable influence over Cherry, but she had just allowed the 'L' word to slip out. Cherry had declared her love for her. There was silence while each of them contenplated their next move. Cherry spoke first, feeling a little silly but so very desperate. "Please......don't do made me feel so alive, desired, wanted.......happy." Her week voice trailed off. "All I wanted Cherry, was your loyalty," said Ms Thornbury. "I really didn't think that was much to ask." "I'm SO sorry," came Cherry's reply, still holding back tears. "Sorry are you....." Cherry nodded her head. The scene was more like a school girl being reprimanded by the head teacher. " will have to earn my trust. That will not be easy," Ms Thornbury told her. Cherry nodded her understanding. There was hope. "You want to earn my trust?" she asked. "Y...YES....please," was her enthusiastic reply. "Kneel down so I can talk to you face to face," came the Ms Thronbury's instruction. Cherry reacted without hesitation, dropping to her knees. The skirt of her dress just a couple of inches from the carpet. Cherry had not taken in her kneeling position as one of submission, it was so that Connie to talk to her more comfortably. "You will take charge at home Cherry. You have to take charge or you will not accomplish my wishes." Cherry listened attentively. "Throw out Melissa's underwear, all of it. You are to make sure he wears knickers, the knickers I provided. Is that clear." "Yes, Connie." "Haircare......this is very important as well. Make sure he does not visit the barber shop. Have him either shave or use a hair remover on his entire body. He needs to be hair free. You will attend to his eye brows as well. These things must be done once a week to keep him clean and tidy. Futhermore, hide your nail clippers or anything else he can use. I want his nails to grow." Ms Thornbury paused a moment. "Is that all clear?" she pushed Cherry. Cherry nodded. "Yes Connie, I'll do my best." Then seeing a frown upon her face "I... I'll make sure it's done." "That's better, I know this is a challenge for you. But if you show this enthusiasum to your challenges then you will no doubt succeed." So there it was, if she wanted Connie's attentions she knew what she had to do. Already she was feeling the pressure. "Actually Cherry, I'm going to offer you the chance to really get in my good books." Cherry looked on in anticipation. "Look at my shoes Cherry." She did as asked, there just a few inches apart were her black court shoes. "Bend over and rest the tip of your nose on the top of my shoe." There was a moments hesitation before she leaned forward, her hands palm down on the carpet and slowly edged closer until she could smell the leather along with some other odours. Finally her nose delicately touched the vamp. "Don't move!" It was now that Cherry's mind clicked. The kneeling, and now the submitting is such a way. Being controlled, not daring to move for fear of upsetting Ms Thornbury. She stayed still. A little thrill of excitement grew steadily and she became aroused. "Now give my shoe a kiss to say thank you and move to the other foot. Same again, nose touching the shoe," she now commanded. The moments passed before she was ordered to kiss her other shoe. "Youi may sit up now." Cherry sat back up, flushed in the face and panting just a little. Her excitement and embarressment evident. "If you can get Meliissa to do that to your feet when you visit next week, then I will know you have him under your control and you will have completely gained back my trust." Cherry nodded again her understanding. Still kneeling at Ms Thornbury's feet. "Now be an angel for me and make some tea." "Yes, of course," Cherry quickly responded and off she went to the kitchen. Tilly grinned and placed her hands together as Melissa turned her head sideways to look in the vanity mirror. After Melissa had applied his own makeup Tilly had added some eye brow pencil to refine and sculpture his newly trimmed brows. The result made him stare, they added so much to his feminine appearaance. He was both amazed and intrigued yet horrified at how he would be able to explain his appearance to his colleagues. He would be the focus of ridicule. "Well...?" Tilly asked. "Do you like it?" His fixation on the reflection broken he turned back to Tilly and nodded weekly. Melissa was struggling with his emotions. Both scared and excited by what was happening. For now he needed to give the impression that he liked what had been done. Forcing a smile in the mirror he turned back to Tilly. "Can you show me, give me tips on how to do it?" he asked. There was a glimmer of an idea that he may be able to add eye brow pencil to make his brows look less lady like. Of course Tilly was happy to help and a while later having done his own brows, Tilly dragged his father downstairs to show Mum and Ms Thornbury. He felt such a fool but had to keep up the charade, he could not bear it if Tilly found out that Ms Thornbury had forced him. His shame would be too much and he knew his son......daughter would never have the same respect for him ever again. "Very good Melissa, your skills are progressing nicely," Ms Thornbury complimented. Malcolm saw the opportunity, and jumped straight in. "If I had my own home.....I........I could practice." As uncomfortable as it was to say such a thing he knew he needed the eye brow pencil so he could try and hide the feminine shape when he went to work the following day. "What a splendid idea Melissa." Ms Thornbury said turning to Cherry. "You could help Melissa buy what he needs after you finish work tomorrow couldn't you?" "Sure, that..." Cherry replied but was cut off by her husband. "But why not today?" he blurted realising this would not help him at all. It would be too late. "Oh, it is nice to see your enthusiasm Melissa. But I think it's a little late now, it's Sunday and the stores close quite soon," Ms Thornbury concluded. Malcolm cursed in his mind. It had not worked and now he was going to get his own make up. He could not think of another way round this. His dissapointment did not go unoticed though. "Not to worry Mellisa, on this occasion I'll permit you to freshen up your make up before you leave for home. That way you can enjoy it for the rest of the evening until bed time." This was enough to get his attention back, his lipsticked mouth fell open. "But I ....I ..I couldn't," he stuttered. "Of course you can, Tilly won't mind you using her cosmetics again will you?" as she glanced in her direction. Tilly spoke up, albeit very softly. "I think, Ms Thornbury, my fath.....Melissa is unsure about going out wearing make up. I know I used to be." "Oh don't be silly Melissa, it will be dark soon. There is no need to worry," she said reassuringly. Malcolm was speechless, he so wanted to say no to Ms Thornbury. To remove every stitch of clothing. To wipe off all the make up. To tell her to 'get stuffed'. But in her presence, he found his spirit drain away. Any courage he mustered just melted away. So many times she had put him in his place, he now began to accept it. He couldn't face challenging her, it never ended well for him. Now even his attempt to sneekily help himself had backfired on him and he still had to face his work colleagues in the morning. Later that evening as they prepared to leave, Malcolm felt a sense of sadness, of dissapointment, a reluctence to shed the clothing he had worn. He had enjoyed the soft fabrics, snug fitting items the pull of straps. It kept him semi aroused all of the time he flitted about. It even felt odd slipping out of the chunky heels with his feet flat on the floor. He dressed again, openly pleased to retain the blue knickers. He then sat at Tilly's vanity and checked his make up. He would have to endure the ride home before he could wipe it off and clean his face. They had the customary hugs all round before climbing into the car. Malcolm with his mind pre-occupied with being out in full make up had not noticed the looks he got from Cherry and Ms Thornbury. They didn't share their amusment at Malcolm's noticably short stride as he approached the car door. Cherry followed after hugging Tilly. 50. Battle for supremacy. Malcolm went to put the car sun visor up and paused. The small mirror reminding him as his lined and mascara'd eyes peared back. A slight tilt brought the waxy red lips into view before he pushed it up all the way and they pulled out of the gravel drive. It took a few minutes but finally Malcolm broke the silence. "My eye brows.........why..............why did you do that to me?" he asked trying his best to control his annoyance at his wifes actions. There was a moment before she replied "Are you telling me you don't like them?" was her off handed response. Malcolm sighed heavily at Cherry's reply, feeling less opressed now that Ms Thornbury was not present. "PLEASE......JUST ANSwer the question Cherry." His tone now more forceful. Perhaps she deserved his response but it instantly got her hackles up. She bit her lip trying to calm herself before she spoke again. In that moment she quickly realised that this could be the opportunity to get the upper hand. She was already masking the undercurrent of dissappointmant she felt after being cast aside by Connie. She was determined to get back in her good books, in her arms. He must not get in the way again. "Because dear HUSBAND, you bloody deserve it." "Ho..." "When you are round Connie's house you can't do enough to make yourself more of a sissy." "But....." "Not once have you even tried to say no to Connie." "But I....." "She say's jump and you say how high Madam." "CHERRY!!" he snapped loadly. There was a moments peace before he continued. "I have been trying to show support for Mathe.....Tilly. So if asked I have found it hard to say no in case it comes across as ......well.....negative." There was silence again for a few moments. Malcolm finally satisfied that he was able to defend his actions. "Well I happen to think that is just popycock. We BOTH know that you like getting dolled up, it excites you and to top it off you are not man enough to stand up to Ms Thornbury. You're a sissy are'nt you, sissy Melissa." It was Malcolm now who bit his lip. His wife's words hurt. In his heart he knew she was mostly right. "But why could you not support me, not make it worse......Your supposed to be my wife." His voice wavered a bit. His emotions starting to strain. Cherry's reply was swift. "SUPPORT you, WIFE..." she almost spat at him. "What about my HUSBAND, the HUSBAND that has just spent the entire weekend tottering around in heels and skirt serving drinks and food. What kind of husband does that. What kind of husband would suggest having his own make up so he can practice at home? How do you think that makes me feel?" she concluded. First there was a sniff. "I'm sorry." His voice cracked. She glanced at him, she could just make out the moisture around his left eye. A tear rolled down his face. At that moment her instincts were of sympathy, but it was overiden by her needs. "I have finally realised Malcolm, that as a man you fall woefully short of the mark. You're pathetic. Your status as my husband is in name only. Your only saving grace is that I do recognise that you could make a good companion ......of sorts." Malcolm continued to drive, now clearly upset. Then suddenly he indicated and pulled into a layby. It was pitch black and just the headlights of passing cars flashing across them. Malcolm hung his head and sobbed. His built up emotions now came out in full force. Cherry for a few moments felt awful. His upset really getting the better of her. Perhaps it was time to be a little kinder. But it was a calculation on her part. Her needs were still there. She a placed a hand on his thigh, a gesture of comfort, care....and allowed his sobbing to continue. Eventually with him seeming much calmer she pulled a tissue from her bag and handed it to him. "Just've already made a mess of your make up." He let out a little chuckle and then dabbed at his tears. Just the noise of the engine ticking over and passing cars. "I'm sorry Malcolm, that must have been hurtful for you. I think you know I'm not normally like that. It was all said with anger." Malcolm started to feel a little better, his emotions released and an apology made a big difference. "But Malcolm, you have to understand this from my side and I'm not saying this to be hurtful. But I just can't see you as a man anymore. I don't ....can't have respect for a my husband," she paused. He looked thoughtful. "That said, I do still have feelings for you. For the person I married and have known all these years. I am going to help you. You need my help Malcolm. But you have to stop pretending, I'm not going to put up with Malcolm the man of the house anymore. You are more Melissa than Malcolm anyway. You won't ever challenge Connie, I can see that. She is far more of an alpha type than you are and it will never work out if you try." Finally he slowly nodded his head, a week acknowledgement, acceptance of what she had said. With a few more minutes of silence, it seemed that what needed to be said had been said. "Are you ok to drive now?" she asked him. "Yes, I think so." "Good, then take me home now," she replied. Trying to subtly sound commanding. When they arrived home Cherry took Malcolms hand as they walked up to the front door. A gesture of affection that Malcolm had missed for some time. It gave him hope, reassurance that Cherry did care. She led him upstairs, helped him remove the streaked make up from his face and ushered him into the shower to freshen up. With him out of the way she collected his male underwear and hid them in a plastic bag in the cupboard downstairs. What was left in his draw was what Ms Thornbury had given them. Next she found and removed his nail clippers, again hiding them. This time in her handbag where he never ventured. Down in the kitchen she made coffee for them both and waited in the lounge. She heard the faint sound of the shower stop. Then after a few more minutes the bathroom door opened. It was surprising what you could here when there were no other noises in the house. There was then the rolling sound of a draw opening. She expected it any second... "Cherry," came the call from upstairs. "Yes" she called back. "What have you done with my underwear." "I'm not going to yell up the stairs, if you want to talk to me then come down." "But Cherry....I need my underwear," he called out again clearly not hearing her properly. There was no reply. She sat in his armchair, her legs crossed. Her heels and white stockings looking sexy as they emerged from her dress. She had quickly brushed her hair so that sat perfectly neat and sweeping over her face. "Cherry.....please," came his call again. Still she held out. A few minutes later she heard him, softly padding down the stairs. Then he appeared, his hair damp and wearing a dark blue toweling bath robe. "Surely you could here me?" he asked with just a little annoyance. "Malcolm I am not shouting up the stairs at you, if you wish to talk then you can come and find me," she picked up her coffee and sipped. Malcolm had noticed it, just a subtle change in the way his wife was talking to him. Was it off handed, perhaps a little aloof, but certainly not the attentive woman she had always been. "What have you done with my underwear?" he asked again. "You don't need them anymore so I removed them," she replied and waited for his protest. "Of course I need them Cherry, please let me have them back." They both noticed, his own request was more of a plead to her than an instruction or demand that he would once have given. "I thought we had dealt with this earlier, in the car?" she said with added exasperation. Malcolm's expression was of confusion. "I told you.....No more pretending.......didn't I?!?......and you didn't object so that is the way it is." Then taking another sip of her coffee. "But Cherry, I didn't think you meant......" "No you didn't think...did you," she cut him off. This Cherry was different from his wife, this Cherry was more confident, and was challenging him. She had sounded so kind and supportive earlier. "Cherry, I need my least I need some to wear to work. Which reminds me, you said earlier that you would help me?" "One thing at a time. Now, we both know you like wearing knickers. So knickers are what you will wear," she told him with a sense of finality. "What was it you wanted help with?" her voice now softer. "But Cherry I can't wear ....." "Malcolm, if you want my help then you need to move on. The debate over underwear is finished, you'll be wearing knickers from now on." "Why are you doing this to me?" he asked "Why can't I have my...." "STOP! wanted my help with something.....right?" "Yes." "Then listen very carefully, this is your last chance to get my help as I am losing patience." He remained silent, he really wanted to argue with her but he really wanted her help. "Go up to our bedroom, pick out a pair of knickers, put them on and then come back to see me. Only then can we discuss what you would like help with." There was a familiar feeling to this situation, all too familiar. Now feeling like he had no choice he turned and left the lounge. Then as he climbed the stairs he felt a sense of excitement well up in his tummy. Moments later he was pulling out a red pair of knickers from his drawer. The lace detailing was soft to the touch and as he stepped into them his hairless penis swelled with excitement. The narrow thong pulled inbetween his fleshy globes and out of site. His now stiff member smothered in lace and pointing up and a 2 inch wide band of lace encircled his hips. He dropped the hem of the bath robe down again and made his way back to the lounge. Cherry mused while sipping her coffee at how well it had gone. She had not actually expected him to argue quite as much. But as Connie had told her, push him and he will fold, back down. And it looked like she was right. Her confidence now boosted, she believed she could master her husband. He stepped back into the lounge, walked over to the sofa and sat at the end nearest to his wife. "Can we talk now please?" he asked. Something he would have just done in the past, but now he asked. "Hold on just a second, show me........." "Cherry please, do you have to.." "Come and stand here." She pointed in front of the armchair. He paused, faultered, wanting to object but then knowing his objections would likely be overuled. "Now Malcolm," she said insistently. He needed her help, he decided to humour her. He got up and stood in front of her. "Take off your robe please," she said politely but firmly. He knew this would not go away until she was happy. Slowly he undid the toweling belt, then slipped the robe from his shoulders. He held the bundle in one arm almost hiding behind it. "Just throw it on the sofa." Reluctantly he did. Now accutely embarressed as she eyed him up and down. "See, I told you. You're all excited just from your little knickers." He didn't know what to do with himself, his hands and arms moving but not knowing where to go. He felt and looked aukward. "Kneel down for me please Malcolm," she asked him. There was a short hesitation , but then he dropped onto his knee's. This was unusual behaviour from his wife, but then the whole weekend she had surprised him. "Just move a little closer," she said softly. He did so, still eager to discuss his problem. "So what is it you wanted to talk about?" she asked. Finally he thought. "It's my eye brows." Cherry looked at him expecting him to go on. "Do you have an eye brow pencil, like the one that Tilly let me use?" "Yes, I do. But now is not really the time to practice." "Oh, it's not for right now," he explained. "I thought that I could disguise the feminine shape of them with the pencil. You know, like make them look normal." "Hmmm....." she mused for a moment. Then without saying a word she moved her left foot forward. Malcolm jumped at the touch as the tip of her court show pressed against the bulge in his knickers. He looked down, the view of the feminine footwear lightly pressed into the red lace. His penis twitched, he couldn't stop it. "I could help with that Malcolm, it might work very well." She let that good news settle in before she continued. "But if you want my help, then you will need to help me." She moved the tip of her shoe just a little. He frowned, looking back down at the heeled shoe pressing into his erection. "What .....what is with what?" He gulped and she shifted her shoe once again. "Just trust me Malcolm, I'm certain you will just love it." Her voice now sexy, breathy. He looked back up at her. Her eye lids half closed. She had never been like this, to Malcolm it was like she had been possessed. It was good, it was exciting, but could he trust her after what she had done with his eye brows? He asked again, unsure what to do. "But what do you want help with?" Again the tip of her shoe moved, this time up and closer to the head of the bulge. He inhaled deeply, doing his best to remain calm. Cherry slipped her right foot out of the heel. She then slowly raised her white stocking covered right leg up. "Don't move," she told him, still in the breathy soft tone. Still very unsure, he watched her foot raise up. Closer and closer it came to his face. Then ever so gently she pressed the underside of her toes across Malcolm's mouth. The fabric felt warm and a little damp and the slightly sweety aroma invaded his nostrels. Then her left shoe moved again and continued a rythmic up and down just under the head of his penis. "That's good Malcolm, just stay exactly where you are." He felt nervous, a little vulnerable and steadily more excited as his penis was rubbed. His breathing became heavier and he inhaled the scent from her foot ever deeper. "Malcolm.........I want you to lick the sole of my foot." His reply was muffled. "What? ...Why?" "You DO want my help.....don't you?" He thought it an odd thing to do, and was a little repulsed at the thought. But then he already had her foot pressed against his lips, his erecetion now strained and was weekening his resistence. He needed her help. Tentatively he pushed his tongue between his lips, it touched the nylon. Rough yet soft at the same time. Cherry felt the wet tip of his tongue. It was instantly far more erotic than she imagined. A little gasp of air, then, "Oohh." 'Wow,' he thought, 'she really does like this.' And with the first touch done he licked properly for the first time. "Aahhh," was followed by, "Oooowww," and Cherry felt his wet tongue lap across her sole. The sensitivity was almost too much for her. The feeling on her foot through the stocking was like an electric current. Her reaction was all that was needed for Malcolm, it was motivating enough to hear her moans and he licked again, then again. "Ooohhh ggggoooddd.......that's goooood." It was almost too much for her. Like a gentle tickle she both liked and disliked it. Malcolm was now past any inabitions and spurred on by his wife's obvious pleasure licked away. Moments later Cherry pointed her toe's, he first licked them then slowly drew them into his mouth and sucked on them. This was far less sensitive for her but very erotic. The sight of him sucking her toe's was one of power to her. She regained her senses and soon remembered why she was doing this..He seemed so in to it, she decided to try and move it on. She withdrew her right foot from his mouth and lowered it to the carpet. Malcolm was breathing heavily and looking lost without the foot momentarily. "Sorry darling," she virtually gasped. "I could not keep my leg elevated like that," she took a deep breath "that was just devine......can you do my other foot now please?" He glanced down as she moved her left foot back away from his groin. He expected her to lift her foot up but it stayed on the carpet. "Go on .....please," she urged him. "It will be easier if you bend down." He was still very much in the zone and didn't see the significance of this action and wanting nothing more than to please his wife he adjusted his position and bent down. Her left foot remained in her high heeled shoe. Not deterred he first kissed the top of her foot through her stocking. Still he expected her to remove her shoe, but she didn't. "Do you like my shoe's Malcolm?" she asked. Not sure why she would ask, but he could hardly say no. That would potentially dampen the mood. So he nodded "eh hmm" as he kissed her foot again. "Then show me how much you love my shoes......give tham a kiss as well," she encouraged. There was no hesitation and he moved back a little to kiss the shiny patent shoe. The smooth material cold to his lips. He kissed again and the foot lifted a little as she rocked back on the heel. "Kiss the tip of my shoe." He edged back a little further and planted his lip on the tip of her shoe. At that point she pushed her foot forward an inch. The tip of her shoe slipped between his lips. His tongue against the sole. He was suddenly a little uncomfortable and started to move back. But as he did the foot moved forward too. "Stop moving Malcolm." He froze, crouched right down it was not the most comfortable position. He could taste the underside of her shoe. Quite bland but a little gritty. " suck.......suck on my shoe." Had he been asked to do that a few minutes earlier he would have refused. But somehow, he found himself with the shoe already in his mouth. Without thinking she had manuvred him to this point. Slowly at first, he sucked. Now past the point of caring he did so without holding back and she looked down on him with pleasure. She was so proud and pleased with herself at managing to get him to do this for her. Her confidence now further boosted she retracted her shoe from his mouth. She stood up a moment, towering over her husband who on seeing his wife stand went to do the same. "Oh no, we're not finished. Stay right where you are." Hiking her dress up a bit she hooked her thumbs either side of her knickers and pulled them down. With a little shimmy they dropped to her ankles and she stepped out of them. Her sense of control over him was growing. She was becoming accustommed to calling the shots and right now she was horny. The foot licking had put her in the mood. Malcolm remained on his knees but was upright now as she stepped towards him. Then closer still, he realised what Cherry intended. He gazed up at his wife, he could see she was enjoying herself and was clearly horny. Her eyes heavy lidded as she placed a heel either side of Malcolm's knees. The skirt of her dress still rucked up a bit, the hem just level with her crotch. "You're going to lick me now Malcolm. You're going to please me with your tongue until I say you can stop." Another small shuffle forward and she pressed her mound against Malcolm's face. He found himself having to lean back a little, almost off balance. Another little shuffle forward and he was forced to act to support himself. Caught in two minds, one arm wrapped around her stockinged leg while the other flayled out behind him to form a support. Then suddnedly she pulled her skirt down, stretching it over his head. Suddenly very warm, very dark he felt her hands on his head though the material of her dress she thrust her hips forward. Malcolm's nose slipped into her. "Come on, lick," he heard her command. She thrust her hips again, grinding herself against him. His head bent backwards, he had nowhere to go even if he wanted to. It was again not very comfortable for him but he was trapped and he did want to get on her good side. So now quite accustomed to the task he started to lick her, to find the spot that would make her moan with pleasure. Still with one arm clinging to her leg he worked his tongue as deep as he could, as quickly as he could to try and please her. "Ooohhhh........,mmmmmmmm......thaaat'sss gooooood," she purred. The words that now transmitted to Malcolm's mind. The information that urged him on, kept him going. Thoughts crept into his mind as he worked on his wife. 'How the fuck did he find himself in this position?' .....'stuffed inside his wifes skirt so he could pleasure her!' He had been manouvred, coerced, sweet talked and now pretty much forced into what he was now doing. He had submitted to her wishes, and even though there was a reason behind his choices he had still submitted to her. It felt very much like when he was dealing with Ms Thornbury. The feeling of submissiveness, conceding control, but now to his wife. He licked ever harder, enjoying her sounds of enjoyment. Wanting to please her more than anything. It was not long before she could take no more, her enjoyment enhanced by the thoughts of dominating her husband. Of increasing her control of him tipped her over the edge. Malcolm emerged from the bathroom having freshened up and entered their bedroom. Cherry sat in quite a drab cotton night shirt brushing her hair. She eye'd him in the mirror, allowed him to get his PJ's and get dressed for bed. "Malcolm......" Getting his attention she turned on her vanity stool getting his attention. "You know what a good husband would do for his wife?" He looked at her with a questioning expression. She held out the hair brush towards him. "Come and brush my hair." "You want me....why would you ask me to brush your hair?" he asked. "It can make a girls arms ache you know. So come on." Showing just a little reluctance he stepper round to her side of the bed and took the brush from her. "Now most of the tangles are out already so it should be quite easy for you." He sunk the brush into her hair and dragged it back. "Oww." He watched her wince in the mirror. "Sorry, I'll try and be more gentle." He continued, taking care not to cause any discomfort. With each stroke he became more accustomed and he worked his way around her head and back again. Finally she run her fingers through the ends of her hair. "I think that should do. That's was lovely, thank you." At first Malcolm had found it odd that she asked him to do that, but as the time passed he found it quite an intimate task to perform on his wife and he really didn't mind at all. Monday morning, and Malcolm was feeling very nervous. Having washed and shaved he had dressed, and with a mixture of excitement and trepidation he had selected and then slipped into a white lace thong. It was little more than a posing pouch. It felt like his junk was squshed in yet it stuck out. His anus now tickled by the thin band that clung to his undercarriage. Once his trousers were on he could feel the fabric on his bare bottom and through the lace on his genitals. Some of these feelings not so unfamiliar but not when he was due at work. He sat waiting for Cherry in their bedroom. She was up first and was downstairs making coffee and having a light breakfast. Finally she retured, she seemed happy. A smile across her face. "Look at how shiny my hair is," she said as she ran her fingers though the ends. "That is what a good brushing does., so thank you for last night." She rumaged though a box on her vanity before producing a pencil. "Come on then, sit on my stool if you want my help." At last he thought, a certain amount of relief swept over him as he sat. Cherry stood over him. "Look up at me, tilt your head back." Naturally he complied and Cherry carefully went to work filling in his eye brows to make them look more masculine. "There, I think that is as good as it's going to get." He twisted round to face her vanity mirror. It did indeed look much less feminine. But he did now look maticulously groomed. His eye brows looked too neat. But there was no plan B, he had to run with it. "Thank you Cherry." Still peering at his reflection. "You can thank me later," she replied as she left the room. Malcolm's drive to work was a blur, his mind more on his eye brows and if they would get noticed. But as it happened, nobody said a word. He did think that perhaps one lady from accounts looked at him a little longer than would be considered normal, but her expression showed no sign that anything was amiss. As the day continued his worry faded, though it never left his mind. His underwear was a constant reminder to him, of his situation as every move elicited a feeling or sensation from his front or rear. Finally it was time to head home, he had made it though the day without anything being said. He arrived home feeling considerably better than when he left that morning. Although he was now having some trouble with a semi erection. Over the course of the day he had become excited by the underwear. As he entered the house the smell of dinner wafted into his nose along with the warmth. With his coat hung up he entered the kitchen to find Cherry preparing to plate up. "Hello." "Hi." He pecked her on the cheek. "Was everything ok then, was your day ok?" she asked. "Ahh...yeah...I think it was ok. Nobody said a thing," he replied then sighing with relief. "Good, I'm glad it helped. Now set the table please," she asked him. Their eveing meal was pleasant, conversation light and easy going. They both had reason to feel positive after the weekend of quite stressful situations. Cherry then left Malcolm to clear up the kitchin. Malcolm hung the towel over the oven door handle to air and left the kitchen switching the light off as he went. Taking a step to the right he entered the lounge. The table lamp was on creating a softer light and the TV was showing the news. Cherry was sat in the armchair..... Malcolm did a double take. He stopped in his tracks as he glanced back at his wife. In the kitchen she was dressed in her conservative trousers, a top and cardigan. Now though... "Cherry....?" His mouth hung open in surprise. His eyes blinked as he took in the sight of her bare breasts, the black stockings and suspender belt. The black patent high heeled shoes. He then realised she was not even wearing any underwear. She smiled at him, at his shock. "W...what!" he started to say. Cherry raised her left arm, crooked a finger and beckoned him to come closer. He stepped forward until she put her palm up. "Kneel down for me," she instructed him. It took a few seconds, but he complied. She picked up a cotton wool pad, previously unoticed from the side table and leaned forward. Without a word she applied the pad to his right eye brow. He now realised it had some cold lotion on it and she wiped over both his brows. Then using the reverse side to wipe away any residue. She leaned back again, looked at his arched brows. "There, you're a sissy again." Suddenly embarrassed again, being called a sissy his face warmed and quickly showed red even in the low light. He had to avert to eyes, not able to look at his wife. "Now take all of your clothes off......apart from your little knickers." There was a little pause before. " you have to do this to me again. Why?" "You'll do it Malcolm............You'll do it becaause I tell you to." He was about to argue with her, to just get up and walk away. "You'll do it Malcolm because you'll need my help in the morning. .....You want to look all...'masculine' for your friends at work tomorrow." Her confidense now evident in the way she talked. With just a few words of threat from Cherry and his resolve was broken. He started to undo his shirt buttons. As he undressed he wondered where her confidence had come from, how she could ever of had the bravardo to sit in there lounge as she was now. His shy timid wife had changed. How, of course it must be down to Thornbury. Finally he removed his socks and added them to the pile of clothing next to him. Why did he feel so vulnerable wearing just his lacey white thong when his wife sat in front of him in just the black stockings. She started just like the evening before, the tip of her heeled shoe stroking his erection. Taking in a sharp breath, his organ twitched. Then she lifted her other leg, her high heeled shoe raising slowly until it was in front of his mouth. He glared uneasily down the length of the leg, at her exposed sex. He was straining stiff. "Worship me Malcolm......kiss my me how much you love me." This time he used his hands, he cradled her leg and shoe and planted a kiss on the top of the shoe, then the top of her foot through the stocking. She manouvred her foot at his crotch, gently pressing the sole of her shoe against his erection. The head now pinned to his lower belly. Just that gentle pressure elicited a little moan from him. "Remove my shoe.....worship my foot now." Her excitement and eagerness evident in her voice. Now breathing heavily, he trembled a little from his arousal as he slipped the shiny black heel from her foot. First kissing the top of her foot, he could smell her foot odour now. Not strong, not unpleasant. She worked her toes over his lips. Wiggled them until he let them slip into his mouth. He sucked her toes for a few moments before moving to the undeerside of her foot, licking over the black nylon. Cherry now breathing harder herself and gentle moans of pleasure escaping her mouth, she inserts her index finger into her opening and strokes gently. "Mmmmmm." She released her shoe from his erection. "Get up here and make me happy," she says huskily as she scoots down in the armchair so that her arse is perched on the edge of the cushion. As he shuffles forwards on his knees she lifts her legs up onto his shoulders and as he got closer she drew him in, enclosing his head between her thighs where her lace stocking tops gave way to her creamy soft flesh. Once again he found himself with his face buried in her, licking and sucking at her most sensitive parts. He lay in bed on his side having turned off his alarm. He could here Cherry in the bathroom and his thoughts turned to the night before. How she had shocked him, her behaviour so out of character. How erotice it had been, how erotic she had made it. But not just that, he realised how she was taking the lead and getting him to follow. It was nice to have this sudden intimate connection with his wife. There was no pressure like he had felt all those years back, just ..........a natural, organic, pleasurable, intimate connection. Those thoughts left him a moment as his aching tongue reminded him of his efforts. If she wanted the same again tonight then he would surely struggle he thought to himself. Again that morning Cherry used a pencil to fill in his brows, he thought much less of it this morning. Not the same level of worry as the day before. Thankfully for him, that evening was not so eventful. There were no seductions and no requirements to pleasure his wife. It was not that he didn't want to continue with the intimate play, but physically his tongue needed a break. The following morning he waited in their bedroom as he had the previous two mornings for Cherry to come in and help him fix his brows. But this morning she kept him waiting. He looked at the bedside clock, if Cherry did not hurry he would not have time to get any breakfast. After another few minutes passed his anxiety grew and he called out. "Cherry.......Cherry......are you coming up to help me?" He waited a moment before he heard a response. It was a little faint but he could make it out. "I'm not shouting, come down and talk to me." Knowing time was running short he did just that, finding Cherry in the kitchen putting things in her handbag. "Had you forgotten I needed help with my eye brows?" he asked. She immediaately looked up at him. "Had you forgotten something?" she replied without any sign of emotion. A little perplexed at his wifes reply he looked back at her hoping for a clue. There were no clues, but as Cherry stepped aside from the kitchen table she just pointed to her feet. Malcolm looked down to where she pointed. Her attire much more the usual Cherry, his eyes scanned down the navy blue trousers and at the black mules with tassels on the top. What was she pointing at he wondered. Cherry could tell he was not on her wavelength. His face blank, clearly not understanding. "You want my help....." He nodded. "Then come here....." He stepped forward. "On your knees....." His immediate response was to start to bend down, but caught himself and stopped. "But Cherry Sur..." "Knees Malcolm!" she said evenly. Not demanding but expectant. "But Cherry, we're supposed to be going to work in a few minutes. It's not time to play games!" "Games? ...You think this is a game?" she retorted. He looked back at her, the expression staring back was one of 'just try me'. "Call it what you like, but I'll be late for work if we don't get a move on." He threw back at her. Then a little sense of panic set in as he perhaps said it in too harsh a way. She appeared to consider the situation a moment. "Just look at those lovely arched eye brows, you know it gives your expression such a lift." Her mocking instantly brought the redness to his cheeks. Reminding him of his vulnerable position. He could no longer look her in the eye. His gaze dropped, once again looking at her shoes. "Knees Malcolm," she reminded him. It was clear he was getting nowhere and appeared to have little influence over Cherry. Without looking up he lowered himself onto his knees. "Kiss my shoes, both of them." She was gaining confidence every day. Confidence in herself, confidence if what Ms Thornbury had told her. With no intial sexual encouragement this was a little more difficult than before, he hesitated but as he lowered his head towards her feet it surfaced. He took a deep breath, suddenly feeling a twinge of excitement. As his lip touched the leather he felt his cock stiffen. Why, he was not entirely sure but in the back of his mind he had an incling. He didn't want to admit it to himself, that he somehow liked being humiliated or perhaps it was being bossed around, being submissive. The feeling of arousal grew stronger as he kissed her other shoe. "Stay there." Her voice a little husky. She liked it, the feeling of having control over him. He stayed in place, his nose pressed lightly on the top of her shoe. The odour of the leather now etching itself into his brain. Still breathing harder than normal and his fresh lilac satin knickers bulged from his excitement. "You want me to help you, then let's be clear. This is what I expect from you......whenever I you understand Malcolm?" Now trying to put her foot down. There was a moment of shock, surprise at Cherry's words. It was again so out of character. But that shock passed after just a couple of seconds as it turned him on further still. He swallowed between shallow breaths before he croaked "Ye...yes, Cherry." Did he really just say that, is that what he wanted. There was clearly some part of him that did. Cherry was only a little surprised, it was all starting to swing her way. A feeling of accomplishment swept over her, but she too realised they were running short of time. "Good, I'm glad that is clear. You may now stand up." He got up from his lowly position, the heat he felt in his face from his situation and from being leant forward made him feel all the more embarrassed. He could not bring himself to look directly at his wife, not now, not after what he had agreed to. "Go up to our bedroom, I'll be along in a minute to do your brows." He left the room without a word. At work Malcolm found the mornings events plagued his thoughts. He questioned why his wife was being like she was but also why he had agreed to her 'expectations'. Of course he wanted her help every morning with his eye brows. But in the cold light of day, it was just silly. Surely she could not expect him to act that way when she demanded it. Over the course of the day he convinced himself that she would relent and things would get back to some kind of normality. At home Cherry was starting on their evening meal, and plotting what she would try this evening. She still worried about how he might rebel even though it had gone very well up to now. She assumed there must be a point at which he would kick back and refuse to comply. He arrived home feeling relatively positive, but as he walked through into the kitchen he felt a little shame come to the surface recalling what had happened that morning. He greeted her with a smile and a peck on the cheek then turned to leave the kitchen to go and change. "Wait there Malcolm," she called after him. For just a split second he wanted to just walk out of the room, just to show that he could. But he didn't, he stopped in his tracks, turned to face her. "Use this hair cream......." She held out a tube for him to take. "From the neck down Malcolm. Then shower before you come down for dinner." She sounded quite uncaring as she gave him the instructions, it made him feel uneasy and less inclined to challenge her. He wanted to though, he took the tube from her hand. He had a bad feeling now that if he went alonng with her he would come to regret it. It opened all sorts of doors, what would it lead to, where would it go, where would it end? Would it end? The unknown, he feared the unknown. Yet a little bit of him was excited by it all. Thinking more clearly now he decided he needed to make a stand, reason with her before it was too late. He was sure she would see his way of thinking. He looked back at her, working out what he could say for a moment. Perhaps he should tread softly. "Cherry, I don't really need to remove any hair, there's barely anything to remove. Perhaps I'll do it later in the week." And he turned again to leave. "Have you forgotten our little chat this morning Malcolm?" her voice now stern and determined. Again he wanted to just walk away, a man would have just walked away. But he couldn't, he felt compelled to turn back again. "Come on Cherry, is this really necessary?" he asked in the most casual way he could muster. It had all been going so well for her, now her own fears started to surface. She recalled what Connie's had said again 'push and he will fold' she had told her. She steeled herself, she needed to be strong or she would lose all the ground she had gained. "Did you lie to me this morning?" she threw back at him. "Well n...." "Good," she then pointed to the floor in front of her. "Kneel!" He could see the annoyance in her face, and now felt the anguish of upsetting her. He knew if he submitted to her wishes right now it would be a slippery slope. Even after the twinge of excitement that struck him as she ordered him to kneel was not enough to make him give in. He hated the situation, hated to upset her. But he feared what might follow. After a few seconds more she realised she may have lost this battle. She was now very upset with him. He could tell. Her next outburst was driven more by emotion than anything. "Right, have it your way. You can forget about having any help with your eye brows in the morning." She turned away and tended to the meal for a moment. "Cherry.......please.........can't we work this out?" he asked pleading to her better nature. "There's only one thing for you to work out Malcolm. If you want my help then get in line!" He knew it was a risk, to challenge her when he really did need her help. He considered letting her sleep on it, but would that really help. "Please Cherry, be reasonable about this...." Once again she pointed to the floor in front of her. "Kneel now or you can forget about my help in the morning. Last chance." His fears stopped him, held him back. She turned away from him in silence. He stood wondering if he had done the right thing for a moment. Then with a shrug of his shoulders left the room. Both now feeling the dark mood upon them. He changed while she finished dinner. They ate in silence. Barely a word was said betwenn them the entire evening. Malcolm could not ever remember having such a falling out with Cherry for their entire married life. Malcolm had trouple sleeping, just hoping things would work out for the best come the morning. Cherry also found it hard to nod off. It had all been going so well. Now though it felt like she would not achieve the goals set by Ms Thornbury. They both went about their morning routines as normal, with the exception that is of any communication between them. Malcolms anxiety grew by the minute as the time slipped away. He had to ask her, to try and build a bridge. "Cherry.......Cherry......please can you." He watched as she walked past him, not acknowledging his attempt at a conversation. He realised this was not going to work, she was still really pissed with him. He returned to their bedroom and started searching for the brow pencil she used. He was sure it was kept in a pot on her dresser. It was nowhere to be seen. He then heard the front door open, then slam shut. Cherry had left the house. She didn't even work on a Thursday? He checked his watch, he should be leaving for work himself now. He started searching again for the pencil but gave up after a few more minutes. What was he to do. Go to work with these plucked arched eye brows? He would never live it down. With reluctance he called HR and left a message to say he was unwell. For the next hour he paced around the house, not knowing what to do with himself. Not knowing where his wife had gone. What was she up to he wondererd. Perhaps it was just some grocery shopping he reasoned. He put the TV on and sat down, but didn't really watch what was on the screen. One hour became two and still there was no sign of her. He checked his cell phone for any messages, nothing. Even though he knew she was upset with him he decided to message her. 'Not sure where you have gone or how long you will be. Please let me know you are ok.' SEND Cherry stepped off the train and strode towards the station exit. Once through ticket inspection she retrieved her phone from her handbag to call Ms Thornbury. That was when she saw her husbands message. She read it, then discarded it quickly to make the call. She listened to the ringing tone, it went on for serveral rings before switching to answer phone. Annoyed she hung up. Perhaps she should have called earlier she realised. Looking around she saw a kiosk and decided she could do with a coffee. But as she took a step her phone sprang to life. Much to her relief it was Ms Thornbury. "Hello Connie," she answered. "Cherry, I'm sorry I couldn't take your call just now. I was just finishing another call," she replied. "Oh, that's ok." She was now just pleased to hear her voice. "So what can I help you with?" Ms Thornbury asked. "I need to talk to you." "Ok, talk away..." "Connie, I'm at the station. Can we meet up?" she asked cautiously. "Oh, I see. Cherry.......are you ok?" Now more inquisitive. "Yes.....I think's just .....I really wanted to get your advice. Would you help please?" she asked now sounding a little pathetic. "Of course.....ermm let me think a moment. Tell you what, get a taxi to the theatre, I'll meet you at the main entrance." Less than 10 minutes later Cherry climbed out of the taxi and turned to the theatre doors. The door on the far left swung open and as she got closer she could see her. Connie held the door open until she was there. As the door swung to close the two women embraced. With Ms Thornbury in heels and Cherry in flat mules the height difference was considerable and Cherry's face became buried in her soft pillowy chest. Just being held by Connie gave Cherry a comfort, an assurance and a feeling that it would all be alright. "Come along, I'll take you up to the privacy of my office." She led Cherry by the hand. They chatted just a moment before Connie prompted Cherry to explain why she was there. Cherry explained how she had intended to get Malcolm to be compliant. How she had used the eye brows as leverage, how she had him kissing her shoes and sucking her toes. Connie smiled at some of it but allowed her to continue. She then explained how Malcolm had refused to comply and how it had all fallen apart. "I so wanted to surprise you Connie. I so wanted to show you that I can do this, but it's all gone wrong." Cherry was almost tearful. "I don't really know what to do now. It's like I have lost the control I had established," she remained silent now waiting for Connie to speak. Ms Thornbury made her wait a moment. "Cherry, I have to say I'm a little dissapointed." Cherry's hand came up to cover open mouth, she absolutely didn't want to dissapoint Ms Thornbury. This was bad. "You really need to update your wardrobe. You are so much better than this." As she gestured to her attire smiling. Then she jokingly wrote on her pad. "Must.....try.....harder!" Cherry sighed in relief, it was not often she had joked like that. "Anyway, on to your little problem with Malcolm." She sat back from her desk again. "I know this is against your instincts. Being dominant over someone does not come naturally to you. So I do understand and think in the circumstances you started out very well. You found a point of leverage and used it very well. To be honest I am quite surprised you did as well as you did so don't beat yourself up over it." Cherry smiled just a little and nodded. Now feeling much better about it she continued to listen. "Now, as much as you think you have lost control of the situation. I think you are still in a very strong position. You said that you think he must have stayed at home today....." Cherry nodded again. "So he is clearly not going to go into work without you helping him with his eye brows and he is now spending time alone at home worrying about it. Letting him worry now is not a bad thing." Ms Thornbury paused, she looked thoughtful whilst considering what would be best. "There are different factors that all of us are influenced by when making choices. Fear is one of them, when it is strong it will overide any and all logic and common sense. I think Melissa is scared. Scared of his appearance at work first. That is why you managed to get him to comply at first. But he must also be scared of you being in control of him. He must think that could or would be worse for him, or maybe just not knowing what your intentions are. Not knowing what he is getting himself into." Ms Thornbury mused for a moment once again considering the situation. "I think this is what you should do....." Cherry was all ears. 51. Battle for supremacy II Malcolm checked the clock on the wall, then sighed. It was almost 10 minutes to 6pm. He had spent the entire day thinking and worrying. Thinking about Cherry, about how she had changed, how she had become bossy and opinionated. He knew the root cause, but there was nothing he could do about it. He worried about his wifes insistance that the game......tow the her say so. It was quite unnerving that she make demands of him. If Ms Thornbury was having that much influence over her then who knows where and what she would push him into. Fed up with the TV he got up to make another cup of tea. How many cups of tea had he had, too many to recall. The day had dragged, he had looked at the clock so many times. It felt like it was standing still. Then he heard it, the sound he had been waiting for all day. The key being inserted in the lock of the front door. The jangle as it was turned and the door swung open. He looked straight through the hall from the kitchen to see Cherry standing there, removing her coat. Two bags by her feet. She glanced in his direction but did not say anything before picking up the bags and walking into the kitchen and placing them on the table. She then turned to face him as he stood with his back to the counter. A fresh brew in his right hand. They both started to speak at the same time "We Are need you....." then both stopped. There was silence for what felt like an age before Malcolm tried to take the initiative. "Please, can we talk about our situation?" he asked. With a little thought Cherry then replied. "I will talk, while you will listen," she told him. "I'm really quite annoyed........ annnoyed that after all these years that I have let you take the lead in our relationship. Annoyed that you can't trust me. Annoyed that even after the last few weeks you are still adament that you are man enough to be the lead in our marriage." Malcolm listened, partly in shock. After all this time had passed he thought she would be a little more conciliatory towards him. But no, she was as stubborn as she had ever been. This was not going to be pleasant. "It was not like I was asking the earth, it was just my little pleasure. To have you, at least appear to be, devoted to me. But oh no, all those years depriving me of satisfaction and you still just think of yourself." Malcolm stood slack jawed at her verbal attack. Not knowing how to respond. She made it sound like it was such a small thing she had asked of him.....and he had refused. Any words of reason he had rehersed earlier that day were washed away, forgotten. "I...I.....I'm's just......" he started to plead. "Just what Malcolm......please do tell me!" she retorted. "I'm unsure.....well ....scared actually," he told her. Her expression turned to one of incredulity "I spent years bending to your will, to your descisions. I trusted you without question." Again she had completely undermined his argument, in fact it now felt more like a week excuse. There were no words he could find to respnd. Averting his gaze from her he sipped at his tea nervously. Seconds passed slowly as silence engulfed the room. Cherry now stood with her hands on her hips looking straight at him. "Do you not have anything to say?" She waited for him to respond. Malcolm, still looking away sipped his tea. Then shook his head 'no'. He found himself in that uncomfortable position of having no argument. He struggled to gather his thoughts, to find a way out, a way to excuse himself. "Put your tea down Malcolm," she asked calmly. This time he glanced up, then nervously placed his cup on the counter. "Malcolm..." She waited for him to look at her. After a few seconds he did, wondering why she had not continued. "Kneel for me." Her voice now more sedate. She could see his anguish, she knew she was close. "Kneel in front of me Malcolm..........then we can forget this silly argument. We can move on. Just's that's easy......just kneel for me." He felt pressured, every time she spoke he felt the pressure increase. Still unable to find an argument, to find any words to defend his position. He just wanted this to end, to be free of the stress of the argument he had dug himself into. His emotions now rising to the surface, pent up stress from the argument this morning, his fears, his guilt at lying to work and taking a day off sick, and now that the argument continued and Cherry had basically wiped the floor with him, he felt silly, foolish. But Cherry had offered a way to end it, she made it sound so appealing, so easy. 'Just give in' he finally admitted to himself. It would be so much easier. Having urged him to kneel she watched his reastion. Clearly something was going on inside his head. Slowly his head dropped, like a scolded child he glared at the floor for a moment before finally he bent his knees and he sunk to the floor. He still looked at the floor at her mules, and they became blurred as tears filled his eyes. He sniffed as tears ran down his cheeks, now feeling totally embaressed that this 'silly' argument had reduced him to crying, at his wifes feet. For a few seconds Cherry smiled at her success, she had followed Connie's tact and it had worked once again. She realised she now had to do something with him, such was the focus on getting him to kneel. Malcolm was not just feeling the shame at ending up on his knees, he found himself a little aroused despite his tearful state. "Well done, now we can move on," she spoke in a caring way now. "Just forget about it now," she assured him. "Now, we can prepare a meal. Up you get," she told him conscious that his face was wet. She plucked a tissue from a nearby box and handed it to him. "Here, dry your eyes," she smiled at him. Not a smile of triumph as he might of expected. A warm caring smile. She then set the tone, as she instructed him on what she wanted doing. She was calm and polite, he was attentive to her instructions and barely said a word. Still conscious of what had gone before, he felt meek and unable to impose himself on proceedings. Later, when they had finished eating and Malcolm had finished clearing up in the kitchen Cherry invited Malcolm to their bedroom. It was already quite late having had dinner a little later than nornal. He complied without question. Cherry gestered towards her vanity table, at first he did not notice but then he saw the unfamilar jewellery box. He looked back at her questioningly. She then stepped over and using a tiny key unlocked the cream coloured padded box then lifted the lid to reveale a selection of makeup. "There, you have your practice with you asked for," she said smiling at him. He was again speechless, he didn't really want this but he had said exactly that. Protesting now was pointless. He had actually thought it had been forgotten, apparently not! "Before you start practicing....." He turned back to see her picking up a baby pink garment. "I got you some new PJ's." She held up the top, its left breast pocket, collar, and cuffs trimmed with a black piping. On the bed he saw, what must be shorts to match. "Get changed and then you will practice with your new cosmetics," she told him sweetly. "But Cherry I don't want this," he exclaimed. Fear of where this was heading resurfaced. He watched Cherry's face turn. The dissapointment written all over it. "I thought we had gotten past this, I thought we had moved on," she almost spat at him. He felt bad, again he had upset her. How could he diffuse this situation he wondered. "I got you a gift.....It's just a pair of PJ's for pity's sake!" she continued. "Cherry, please, they're" "Oh, I had no idea you were scared of the colour pink." Her sarcasum evident "When you were at Connie's house you could not wait to get all dressed up and prettied. Now just the colour pink is too much!" They were both quiet for a moment, then Cherry dropped the top onto the bed and strode out of the bedroom muttering, "You selfish .....arsole!" He caught himself feeling emotional again but held it in. He needed to fix this, but he knew there was only one way to do it. Now completely pissed off with everything she sat in the lounge with the TV off, nursing a shot of Brandy. Drink of that nature was not normally her thing, but she felt the need right then to indulge. She spent some time cursing inwardly that she had failed again. Just when she thought she had taken a big step forward, she fell backwards. Would she ever be able to do this, she wondered. Her own gentle submissive nature was not used to this. Another shot of Brandy and she was now feeling a little more relaxed and mellow. That's when the shadow appeared slowly, quietly in the doorway. There he was, wearing the pink satin pajamas. His face made up with a decent attempt at everything. Not flawless by any means, but that didn't matter. She knocked back what was left in her glass and placed it on the side table. Crooked her finger and gestured for him to step forward. He did, everything about him looked embarressed and shamed but his foundation hid the heat in his face. Cherry stood up, her tongue loosened somewhat by the alcohol. "That's better my little sissy husband." "Now lay on your back Melissa, on the floor." He did just that and watched as Cherry undressed completely. She lowered herself over him "Pleasure me Sissy, lick me like a good little sissy does," smiling and slightlky slurring her words. She lowered down on his face completely, smothering his mouth and nose. He knew he could not tolerate this constant battle with Cherry. His emotional well being would not take it. He submitted to her wishes, he dressed as she wished, he applied his make up as she wished and now he submitted to her sexual wiahes too. All he wanted was a happy wife. Another day, Friday to be specific. Malcolm lay in bed as thoughts of the night before replayed in his mind. A strange feeling of excitement in his tummy, he could not deny rose up as the thoughts of Kneeling in front of his wife then of putting on the oh so smooth and cool satin PJ's and applying the make up. He realised at that moment he was still wearing them, so soft he could not feel them at first. "Good morning." His wife virtually sang as she stepped through the doorway. A towell wrapped around her body just above the her chest. "Morning," he replied still sounding a little groggy. He mused at how happy she appeared to be, and how much more pleasant everything was when she was happy. Perhaps it was not such a bad thing, giving in to her wishes, but he still felt he had to keep his guard up. He still felt uneasy at what might lay ahead. A while later he watched as Cherry returned to their bedroom where he waited for her. She stood back, then just pointed to her feet. He looked at her for just a split second before he got up and knelt before her. His only thought was to not have a repeat of the days before. "Kiss my shoes Malcolm, show me how much I mean to you," she instructed. He shuffled back a little then bent down with his palms out on the caarpet and kissed the top of her shoes. A little thrill once again ran through him. "Well done my little sissy husband. Now you can get up," she said happily. She then unlocked his box. It was his box, but she kept the key. He was then encouraged to try and fill in his eye brows himself. After two attempts she helped finish them as time was running short. Life was suddenly the polar opposite from the day before. So much more relaxed, no stress or worries. Well there were worries, just not the same ones that caused him so much anguish and less of them to drag his mood down. Cherry flitted about the libruary like a humming bird. It had been a stressfull week for her, but it now felt like it had finally all come together. She looked forward now to the weekend. To some special time with Connie, providing her husband stays in line. But then, in front of Connie......would he dare? She liked to think not. Malcolm sat down with the HR manager Mrs Crawley. She rarely had the need to see Malcolm such was his consistent attendenace. In many ways he would be considered the ideal employee. Mrs Crawley was in her mid thirties and kept her auburn hair in a pony tail high upon the crown of her head. Malcolm watched the tail as it swished from side to side as she turned or moved around. He navy skirt suit, nylons and black court shoes gave her the look of the typical professional lady. "So Malcolm, we need to fill in this form," she said laying it on the desk between them. He picked up the pen offered and proceeded as instructed. The excuse of an upset tummy he felt was ok. As he wrote she looked at him, with his head bent forward while he looked down at the form on the desk. From this angle she could clearly see the hair of his eye brows as they stood out from his skin. She stared intently while he was occupied. There was no doubt, his brows were neetly shaped and brow pencil had been added. It would have been unprofessional for her to comment, but she was intrigued by what she had seen. What would the weekend bring he wondered, as he made his way home. He didn't want to go to her house again but if he protested it would be another argument with Cherry he was sure. And he didn't want that!

Same as The Snare - The seventh installment Videos

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Genetic Influences Second Installment

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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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When I was in the seventh grade

When I was in the seventh grade we had a camp out in the woods by my house. Six guys from my private school attended. We pitched the tents (3 of them). We sat around the camp fire talking about girls and how big of cocks they like. One thing led to another and we all pulled our cocks out and started measuring them. Some of those guys had some really large cocks. Mine was about medium size but got really hard. The guy I was going to be with me in our tent (Mark) had a very larger cock and a...

3 years ago
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Seventh Heaven With Sanjana 8211 Part IV

I hope you all liked the previous part. It is available at If you are interested in connecting with me, I can be reached on gmail at or in Yahoo at L: Come on tell me na Sanjana. S: I often think of you and masturbate L: Really! Tell me what you think of S: I think of you kissing me everywhere. L: Which place I kiss you would turn you on the most? S: Two places; my tummy and my… L: and your???? S: Please Linga S: What...

4 years ago
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Seventh Heaven With Sanjana 8211 Part III

I hope you all liked the previous part. If you are interested in connecting with me, I can be reached on gmail at or on Yahoo at Continuing from the previous post at After a couple of days, Linga receives a Skype request from a person called Shyam. Linga knows that Shyam is Sanjana’s husband. So he accepts the request. On Saturday night, Linga usually chats late in the night. He gets a ping from Shyam. Shyam: Hi Linga. I...

2 years ago
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HumbledChapter 9 Seventh Heaven

Just before arriving home, I figured that the Flogging Party that Monica and her mother, Mistress Michelle, were forcing me to attend tonight could not be any worse. Upon arriving home, I stripped at the front door as required by Monica. As I placed cuffs on both my wrists and ankles as also required, I could hear Monica in the middle of sexual pleasure. When walking past the main parlor, I fully expected to see Slave Sam or Mistress Michelle providing the satisfaction that my step daughter...

1 year ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
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Motherless Incest

Incest porn has been a staple of pornography since the very first incel caveman realized that he couldn’t find fresh pussy out and about. He resorted to sniffing a whiff of his mother’s loincloth when she wasn’t looking, and beating his old cave meat into a leather sock.Now personally I’m not into the whole mommy-son dynamic – I’m a classy guy. But it’s no secret people like to get freaky when the lights go out, and if you’ve got a stiffy in your hand and you’re on Motherless, you gotta go...

Incest Porn Sites
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Absinthe Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Thanks to my usual cast and crew of Editors and Advance Readers, most of whom prefer to pretend that they don’t know me and wisely wish to take no responsibility for any part of my addled writings... Il n’est rien de réel que le rêve et l’amour - Nothing is real but dreams and love (from Le Coeur innombrable, IV, Chanson du temps opportun by Anna de Noailles) She was my one true mistress and ever faithful lover, my Green Lady and guardian of my dreams and now that I was back home...

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Thea Chapter Four

When the car with Jake in it became a dot on the horizon, Thea turned to go back in the house. Suddenly Floyd appeared. “Mrs. Thea, how you be?” Smiling, she knew immediately what he wanted. He had that look and a glance at his crotch confirmed it. The imprint of his cock was prominent as it pushed against the material. “Looks like everyone is gone.” Floyd said. His eyes looking out over the farm. “Yes, I am by myself for at least the next few days.” She replied in an...

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Thea and Sam

“Well, hell,” Thea said as she wiped the beads of perspiration from her face. “I guess ‘spring’ is here, huh?” “Yeah. It’s supposed to be cooler at higher elevation,” I replied. We took a few minutes in the shade by the rocks before rejoining our boyfriends. The four of us had driven up into the pass to hike. According to the weather report, the last coolness of a fading winter was supposed to continue through mid-week, but they were wrong. Actually, from our view from Eagle Point, where we’d...

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Motherless! What an original name for a porn site, don't you think? The title doesn't fuck around: your mother would never allow you to watch the kind of filth they’ve got on tap. They pride themselves on being a moral-free zone for sick fucks, where you can find damn near anything. I’m talking about desperate chicks fucking anything that resembles a dick and crazy bitches literally eating shit. When you’re done fapping to the weird vids, you can even find "normal" porno to pass the time....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Motherless Interracial

Ah, motherless, here we are again. A site known for offering such a variety, that no matter how fucked up your needs are, there is a high chance that you will fulfill them here. However, I am not here to blab about the site in general; I am here to talk about one particular category, interracial. As for those who want to know more about the site, there is a whole different review on my website instead.As for those who came here to learn more about that interracial lovemaking, I got your back....

Interracial Porn Sites
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Theos LIfe as a Weresquirrel

Theo had been changing into the squirrel too much, he knew that now... as a pulse of heat raced through his body from his groin. He realized that he shouldn't have come to the office.He had been spending most of his days at the squirrel in his home deep in the countryside. Teleworking most of the time, as the squirrel he felt no need for clothes, his heavy furred balls resting between his thighs as his paws raced over the keyboard. The sharp claws on his paws clattering loudly as he typed,...

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