Genetic Influences (Third Installment) free porn video

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Here is the third installment of Genetic Influences. The fourth Installment will be completed soon. Chapter Four: News from Jeannie My three roomies had all gone off in different directions to take care of errands, leaving me at my desk with my laptop before me. Lines of text scrolled down the screen as I read through articles from various journals of psychological research. I had decided to scrap my senior project and start all over again from scratch. I figured that, with my new and improved brain, I could produce a much better product. I wouldn't be able to finish it before Monday evening, of course; but I could get a good start. I could research my new topic and probably produce a detailed outline, which I could continue working off of when I had been returned to my normal self. How I wished I could hold onto my new mental abilities. With the poor focus that came with my old genetic blueprint, it would be harder to organize myself to finish the project. And, without an eidetic memory, I would have to spend time going back and referencing my sources. At around three or so, my work was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. "Excuse me," I heard a familiar sounding voice say. I turned to see a face I knew well. It was Jeannie. "I'm sorry," she said, chagrined by my response. I had left the door open and she was standing at the threshold, peering into the room. "I didn't mean to startle you." "That's okay," I said, regrouping after the initial surprise of seeing her. "What can I do for you?" "I was looking for Dee," she explained. "Is she around?" It was strange?very strange?looking at Jeannie with female eyes. I saw her so differently now. My perceptions were no longer colored by a strong romantic attraction. Those feelings had been utterly dispelled, by the dramatic change I had undergone. Where I used to see a face that seemed to glow with an angelic aura, I now saw only angular features. I noticed the evenness of her eyebrows. The tightness of her smile. She wore a well-honed air of perfection that made her seem like a mannequin. "Dee stepped out," I told her, getting up from my desk chair and moving towards her. "She'll be back dinner time." "Oh," she replied. "I guess I'll just come back then." As she turned to leave, curiosity seized me. "Can I give her a message?" I asked. "Just tell her I need to talk to her," she said, looking back at me over her shoulder. "It's important." "Something's wrong," I observed, recognizing the telltale signs. "Something's worrying you." She turned back around, looking at me strangely. "Do I know you?" she asked. Her eyes seemed to be studying mine intently. It was as though she thought she saw something she recognized reflected in their depths. "I don't think we've met," I said. "There's something very familiar about you." "Of course I seem familiar," I thought. "Our souls once mingled, and there were times we thought we could read each other's minds." "Probably just have seen each other around the dorm," I offered. "That must be it," she agreed?though she didn't seem completely satisfied with that explanation. "So what's worrying you?" I pried, intuiting that it was something to do with me. I was right. "Some men came to ask me questions about someone Dee and I both know." "Jack," I blurted. "Yes?do you know Jack?" "Were the men from the IGC?" I pressed urgently. She shook her head. "They were federal agents. They said that Jack's university ID has been read entering this dorm frequently during the last couple days, and they wanted to know if he'd been coming to see me. He hasn't, though, and I couldn't tell them anything about where he might be. Has he been over here?" "Not exactly," I said absently. This news worried me. Now I had both the IGC and Federal Agents looking for me. "What do you mean by ?not exactly'? Have you heard from him? Is he okay? It scared me when those agents started asking questions about him. What do they want with Jack?" Something in her tone jerked me back into the present moment. She was really scared for me. "So you still have feelings for m?uh?him then?" I prodded. Her eyes narrowed. "You still haven't told me how you know Jack," she said stiffly. "We're close," I said. "Very close in fact." Yes, I was trying to see if I could make her jealous. You've caught me. I know it wasn't very nice, especially since she had come here out of concern for me. She had broken my heart just three days earlier, though. It was recent enough that I could still remember that painful feeling, and part of me was still angry with the person who had inflicted it. "Really?" she replied, suddenly appraising me as one appraises a competitor. I felt a sharp pang of guilt after she left. It had not been right to play with her mind in that way. She had been worried about me, and I had returned the favor by acting small and childish. I had the strong urge to go after her and apologize. But what would I say? "I'm not Jack's new girlfriend. I'm really Jack." She'd just think I was psychotic. And while I was feeling guilt, I was also wondering what glue had held us together for so long. How could an animated mannequin such as she have been attracted to Jack?a guy who seemed always to have his life piled up in a precariously teetering stack? I guess it is useless to puzzle over such questions. The whys and the wherefores of romantic attraction are not important. What is important is how two people nurture the precious gift of love, once it is bestowed upon them. Had I done my part in that endeavor? I would have to sort all that out later, of course. The more pressing worry was the fact that federal agents were now looking for me. I pulled out my netstream phone and called Javier. "We need to meet somewhere," I told him. I figured it would be unwise to say more over the netstream, where anyone might be listening in. Twenty minutes later, I was sitting perched on the low brick wall around Javier's back patio. "This is troubling news," Javier said. "Have the agents been to talk to any of your other friends?" "Hayden called me just before I left to come here. It seems the agents headed over there just after talking to Jeannie. Hayden told them that I was taking a road trip to Roswell for the weekend with some new girl I'd just met. He was calling me to warn me to avoid carrying my ID anywhere on campus where it might be read. That would blow the story. "That will put them off your trail for awhile," Javier said. "Do you think that the NAF government is involved with this project?" I asked. "Are they contracting with NGI to produce this nanobotic technology?" "If they are," Javier said, "then those agents are a danger to you. We can't be certain that this is the case however." "So now I've got two agencies trying to track me down. If either one of them discovers that Jaclyn Fox is really Jack Finch, I'm screwed. I'll be arrested. Then the best case scenario will be going to jail and spend the rest of my life stuck in this body. The worst case will be being quietly disposed of by an agency that wants to keep me from telling what I know." "I don't think that will happen," Javier said. "Hayden's lie has bought us the time we need to change you back. As long as you are careful not to leave any electronic footprints that reveal you are really in Sierra Vista, the agents will believe you're in Roswell." "I think you're downplaying the danger for my benefit," I said. "We can't be certain that the federal agents won't figure out that he lied to them somehow. If they look hard enough, I'm sure they could find evidence that I have not left campus. I wish I had a clearer idea of what the score is. I wish I knew what the chances of them discovering my true identity before Monday night. I don't want you to risk bringing me into the lab only to find federal agents there waiting to take us into custody." Javier considered the situation briefly. "We might have an opportunity to do a little reconnaissance that will help us learn the risks," he said at last. "There is a corporate event over at NGI headquarters in Tucson tonight. Krieger and Creighton will both be there. I have also been invited. You could join me as my date. Then, once the party gets going and Creighton has had a few drinks, you could?well?persuade him to spill information." I glared at Javier. "And just how am I going to be doing this persuading?" I demanded, "on my back?" "You needn't have a sexual encounter," he said waving his hands back and forth before him. "I would not ask you to do something like that. You need only act interested in him like you did this morning. Then start to pump him for information." Then the young professor smirked, despite himself, and added; "figuratively of course." "Not funny!" I shrilled. ~ That evening, I walked to Krieger's front door on Javier's arm. I was wearing a silken cocktail dress with a pair of pumps that I was just starting to get the hang of walking on. My jacket was clone arctic fox fur. Javier had depleted most of his savings buying these items for me. "My, don't you look glamorous," Deirdre had said when she saw me in the dress. She had come over to Javier's house to help me get ready. "It's a formal affair," I told her?explaining my attire. "We're going there in a flying limo and everything." Deirdre smiled at me, as she brushed blush on my face. "You've got a crush on him, don't you?" "On who?" "You know who?on young Dr. Del Garza." "What makes you think I have a crush on him?" "The way your face glows when you are near him." "I don't have a crush on him," I said. "C'mon Jackie, fess up," Deirdre demanded. "Don't get all techie on me and deny what you're feeling." "I'm not a techie," I objected. "I'm green as pine." "If you're green, then open yourself to the gifts that body is giving you. Admit what you're feeling to me and to yourself." "This isn't the time to be exploring the sexuality of this body," I told her. "I'm not going out on a date. I'm trying to get information that will tell me whether it will be safe to enter the lab Monday night." "You're here, Del Garza," the gray haired Krieger observed. He was a heavyset man with sharp eyes and a prominent hooked nose. A tall and thin woman who appeared to be his wife stood beside him. "The limos are waiting for us," he continued, "so let's get going." "Who is this lovely young lady, Javier," the woman asked. "This is Ms. Jaclyn Fox," he replied. "I am Lorna Krieger," the woman told me. There were a few other couples gathered there as well. All of them were either project team members or their dates. Creighton and his wife were among them. Yes, that's right, the bastard was married. His spouse was an attractive red-haired woman. We all walked out to the two limos in the semi-circle driveway. They were long a sleek looking black vehicles, resting on retractable wheels. If the circumstances had been different, I might have been excited about my first (and likely only) chance to travel in such a luxurious vehicle. Javier and I ended up in the limo that Krieger and his wife had boarded. When we were seated inside, Lorna reached over and rubbed the sleeve of my jacket, admiringly. "This is a lovely fur, dear." "Thank you," I said, shyly. She was a wealthy woman who bore herself with great confidence. I found myself feeling a little intimidated by her. "Can hardly tell it was grown in a factory. It feels so much like the furs I remember from my youth. That was before the greenies got real fur clothing banned, you know." She seemed to have little love for the green party. When the limo was in the air, Krieger offered us all drinks. "It's a choice between scotch, brandy or cosmos," he said as he peered into the small fridge. I found myself following suit with the females in the car and choosing a cosmo. It was always easier just to conform. Krieger poured the drink into a plastic cup with some ice and handed it to me. I put my cup to my lips and sipped it slowly, enjoying the smooth sweetness. By the time I was finishing it, the limo was pulling into the NGI corporate hangar. Acting the part of Javier's date, I hooked my arm around his as we strode off the elevator into a large room where tables and a dance floor had been set up. We had to sit through a speech given by the CEO of Nanogen, before our food was brought out. The dinner was worth waiting for, though. The clone pheasant was delicious. There were peas and sweet potatoes on the side?real sweet potatoes and not the canned stuff I usually ate on thanksgiving. Clearly, the NGI hierarchy had a lot of money to throw around. I enjoyed my meal sipping my wine and keeping an eye on Creighton all the while. He was playing it cool, talking to his wife and the people sitting next to him. Then at one point, when his wife wasn't looking, he gave me a wink. Javier leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Soon, he will find an excuse to leave his wife to go schmoozing," he said, "That will be your opportunity." Once again, his predictions abut Creighton's behavior turned out to be right on. He had apparently worked with the man long enough to know his patterns pretty well. Creighton leaned over and said something to his wife. By his expression and body language, I guessed it was something like: sorry, honey, but you know I gotta play politics at these things. Javier gave me a slight nod, and I got up and discretely followed Creighton, as he headed towards the bar. Moments later, I was at the bar with him and he was ordering me a drink. "Here you go, Ms. Fox," he said. "Let this be my way of officially welcoming you to our team." "Why thank you," I said, giving him a smile that I hoped was seductive. We bantered back and forth for a while as we sipped our drinks. Then he ordered me a second one. The alcohol was going to my head, I noted. This body had a lower tolerance that was plain. I decided I had better start to probe him for information, before I was too buzzed to think straight. I maneuvered him into a discussion of security protocols at the lab. "The top secret nature of this project excites me," I told him in a voice that made me sound like a girl on one of those sex lines. "Don't over do it, idiot," I chided myself. Then I continued talking, "It makes me think this project must be very important." "It is," he bragged. "I bet a lot of people would like to get their hands on the technology you're working on," I said?trying to cue him to talk about the incident involving my brother. An hour later, I was definitely tipsy. As I walked back to the table, I slipped off my heel once but recovered my balance quickly and didn't land on the floor. A band had started to play. I could hear the piping of wooden flutes and the gentle beating of drums, as I wove through clumps of people. Then I heard the sound of the long elegant wind instrument designed to sound like a humpbacked whale. A lot of the currently popular pieces called for use of the instrument, so it was a standard fixture in most bands. Someone had sat down next to Javier and struck up a conversation with him. The technical nature of their discourse suggested that he was a colleague. I was eager to tell Javier what I had just learned, which meant I would have to get him away from this guy. So I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Let's dance, handsome." Javier stood up and gave me a smile, recognizing my ploy. "You will have to excuse me, my friend," he told the man he'd been talking to. "By all means," the man answered with a smile. "Did you find anything out from Creighton, or did you just get drunk?" Javier asked me in a low tone as we headed towards the floor. "I'm not drunk," I protested. "Okay maybe a little. But, yes; I was able to get some information, and it seems as though my identity is safe for the time being." We found an open spot on the floor, and we began dancing to the soft beat of the drums. My hand felt small and delicate as Javier's fingers wrapped around it. His other hand snaked around to the small of my back. As we touched, I could feel the chemistry occurring between our disparate male and female physiologies. An electricity shot through me. "At least it seems it is safe from what information I was able to get out of Creighton," I continued. "I had to read between the lines of his self-serving diatribe about how Krieger is an incompetent figurehead of the project, and he is the actual brains of the operation." "There is a kernel of truth to what Creighton says," Javier told me soberly, "Krieger is primarily an academic and is disinterested in the daily workings of the lab or with politicking with NGI hierarchy. Since Creighton is skilled in these areas, he ends up handling most of the situations that comes up on a day-to-day basis. It is an exaggeration, however, to say that Krieger is simply a figurehead. It is Krieger's technical genius that has driven this project forward." "Hmm," I said. "Creighton is more competent than I judged him to be then. But at least he's stupid enough to spill his guts when a woman bats her eyelashes at him. He let quite a bit of information slip. He told me that they initially sent NGI operatives after my brother. The operatives tracked him as he fled north, then Drew evaded them." "Did he say anything about the federal agents?" "He said that after Drew evaded the NGI operatives they called in the federal agents. The feds have been busy looking for leads regarding where my brother might be hiding, but have not had success in finding him either. They are waiting to question me until Monday when they expect me to return from Roswell." "The fact that Creighton has talked to the federal agents, confirms that Nanogen Industries is under contract with the government of the North American Federation," Javier said. "He would not be coordinating with them otherwise." "True," I agreed. "Creighton was careful not to say anything that would reveal this, however. He said that my brother was trying to sell off NGI technology and that's why the feds were brought in. We, of course, know that this is just a cover story." Javier nodded. "He is not about to tell you that he's helping the federal government violate international law." "So the IGC agents that came to my place the other day were trying to get information about this project," I said. "They were trying to uncover a NAF conspiracy to develop illegal technology. Maybe I should contact them. They might be willing to help us in return for information about this project." "The most they could do at this point is provide us safe passage out of the country," Javier said. "Couldn't they get a warrant or something and get us into the lab so that you could change me back." "The NAF would have the right to appeal any move on the part of the Intergovernmental council to get such a warrant. Doubtless, the equipment we need would be long gone by the time the appeal was overturned." We danced for a while after we finished talking. Then the song ended. We stood there for an awkward moment looking at each other. The feel of his gentle embrace had triggered a warm sense of security, and there was something within me that wanted to ask him to continue dancing with me. But we left the dance floor before the next song began, neither of us able to think of an excuse to stay. ~ Javier pulled up alongside the curb outside the girls' dormitory. It was late and all the windows were dark. I would have to use my netstream phone to call Deirdre, waking her up to get in. But I couldn't use my phone, I realized. Hayden had told the government agents that I was in Roswell. If they checked my netstream records and saw that I had used my phone in Sierra Vista, well, I'd have more than a little explaining to do. When I turned to Javier to ask him to borrow his phone I found him moving in to kiss me. I'm sorry he said, chagrined after he drew back and saw my stunned response. "I should not have done that. It's just that I thought you were sending me signals tonight." Slowly my lips formed a smile as he apologized. I moved in and returned the kiss. Deirdre's words were echoing in my head. "If you are green, you'll be open to the gifts that body has to offer." Then one thing led to another and we began to make out. Javier's hands moved under my clothing. "Be," Deirdre had told me "Perhaps you would you like to go to my place instead?" Javier whispered. I nodded. ~ I woke late the next morning in Javier's bed. Stripes of light lay across the sheets as the sun beamed in through the gaps around the edges of the window shades. For a brief time, it seemed to my half-awake mind that my life as Jack Finch had been a dream I'd once had. The memories seemed a distant and foggy. I slipped out of the covers and got up out of bed. I could hear Javier in the kitchen, clinking pots and pans. He was making us breakfast, I assumed. I pulled on the shirt he'd worn the night before and buttoned it up. The smell of his cologne still hung on the fabric. I located my panties on the floor near the bed and put them on, pulling them up under the shirt tales. For the first time since my transformation, I did not have an odd reaction at seeing myself in the bathroom mirror in the morning. I had finally grown used to wearing this face, I realized. I'd also gotten used to moving around in my new body and no longer had the sensation of constantly being off balance. It had taken me just a little over fort- eight hours to acclimate to my new skin. Just because I had grown more comfortable within them did not mean I had not lost my desire to shuffle off these pretty coils, however. I still wanted to return to my life as Jack. As imperfect as that life might have been?still?it was my life. I was now living the life of a stranger. I left the bathroom and walked into the kitchen where I could now hear the sizzling sound of food cooking. "I'm making you breakfast from my native Peru," Javier told me with a broad smile when I came up along side him and slipped my arm around his waist. He was wearing only a pair of shorts. "I hope you do not mind a little chili pepper in the morning." "Mmm," I said, "smells good." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then rested my head on his shoulder contentedly. As my skin contacted his, I recalled vividly the pleasures of the night before. It had been unlike anything I had ever felt. As a male, I had had basically one pleasure point in my body. This body had several pleasure points that all seemed connected. After breakfast, Javier took me back to the dorm. I had the strong urge to tell him I'd be coming back to his place later to spend my last night as a woman with him. But I decided that that would not be wise. It was better that what happened between us remain a one night thing. It was better that I did not make ties that would be hard to break. In roughly thirty-six hours, I would be Jack Finch again after all. Then Jaclyn Fox would be gone forever. It was quite likely that my memory of all this would be like a strange dream. Just as my memories of being Jack were now beginning to seem like a dream. The rest of that day passed rather slowly and uneventfully. I was nervous, however. The following evening I would be entering the lab with Javier. I went over the plans we had laid out in my head, worrying about all the things that might go wrong. I eventually decided to work on my senior project to distract myself. I managed to finished off an outline, which I sent to my advisor. That evening, after dinner, I found myself down in the laundry room, talking to Deirdre as we waited for her clothes to dry. My shoulders were bowed towards her as we talked, and her shoulders were bowed towards me. We were locked in that sort of circle that to females often seen to form when they talk. "I'm going to miss having you as a girlfriend after you change back," she said after a while. "Really?" I said?surprised by this revelation. "Yes," she confirmed. "Of course." She was about to say more when she noticed someone new entering the laundry room, toting a full basket of clothes. It was Jeannie. When she saw me, she gave me a glare. "Yikes," said Deirdre. "If looks could kill? Did something go on between you and little miss perfect over there the other day?" "I'm afraid I was a little mean to her," I confessed. "I suppose I should try and make amends." I stood up and approached Jeannie tentatively, as she set down her basket and began sorting her clothes. "Uh?hi," I said. "What can I do for you?" she asked. Her tone was crisp and cold. "Well," I began uneasily, "I just wanted to apologize." "Apologize?" she said tightly. "What for? I don't see that you've done anything wrong. I broke up with Jack, and you are free to go out with him. I hope the two of you are hap?" "I'm not going out with Jack," I interrupted. "Oh," she said?stopped short. "Then I must have misunderstood." "I sort of led you to misunderstand. That's why I'm apologizing. It was not a nice thing to do. You see, I'm Jack's cousin, and I guess I felt a little bitter at how much the breakup hurt him. So I thought I'd get a little revenge. Then I felt guilty afterwards. I hope you can forgive me." She digested my words for a moment. "I guess I can understand why you would have been bitter towards me," she said at last. "And it took courage for you to come up to me and apologize like this." "I felt bad making you think that Jack could just move on to another relationship. The truth is: he was real wrapped up in you." She dropped her eyes, and I heard her sniffle. She was crying. "Oh geez," I thought. "I've made her cry." I had wanted to offer up my apology and then bid a hasty retreat. Now I was stuck. "Look," I said softly, coming around beside her. "I didn't want to make you upset like this." "I?I've been wanting to call him," she told me. "To tell him I want to be back with him. I?I just don't know if it's the right thing to do." "What made you decide you needed to break up with him?" I asked. This was a rare opportunity. Perhaps she would tell me things she would have been afraid to tell me as Jack. Perhaps she would be more comfortable talking to another girl. "I'm not sure really," she said at first. Then, looking at me and seeming to think she could talk to me, she said, "I think it's just that he would get defensive whenever I tried to bring up a problem?you know?with something he did that I didn't like. Don't get me wrong?he was a real sweet guy. And he was pretty sensitive. But no guy is perfect. Jack would always forget things. Things that I would ask him to do for me. When he did something a little insensitive like this, and I tried to tell him about it?he would just try to convince me that I was making a big deal over nothing. He would never hear me out." "I see," I replied. That was a bit more honesty than I wanted. I had done that. I had done that and been unaware of how much it was bothering her. "Why do guys do stuff like that anyway?" she implored. "Why are they so afraid to talk about problems in a relationship?" Her question hung there in the space between us for what seemed like an endless march of moments. "I think that maybe?" I began haltingly. "I think that, in Jack's case, it was insecurity. I?uh?I mean?he is pretty sensitive about his trouble with forgetting important details. He always got a lot of grief over it from his family. When you said those things I guess he would hear his family berating him. That's why he reacted the way he did." It was painful pulling those last few revelations out of me. I found my eyes stinging with hot tears. I fought them down, as I talked and. I tried to hide the personal intensity of the moment for me. Why hadn't I ever talked to her about this before? "Yah," she said, drying her own tears and looking back up at me. "That fits. I'm not sure why I didn't see that before myself." "I'm not sure he was completely aware of it himself." "You seem to know Jack pretty well. The two of you must be really close. I'm surprised that he never mentioned you before."

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Influences Part 2

Saturday 8th February, 2020; 05:19 I hadn't slept well overnight. I tended to be a bit of a night owl at the best of times, but last night I'd been kept awake by my thoughts running wild about Holly's deal and the sex toys hiding in the box in her wardrobe. Had they just been an 'added bonus' for Holly to enjoy, or were Simeon Paydes International genuinely expecting her to promote those on social media too? She'd get banned if she showed that dildo on Instagram! But even if she just...

4 years ago
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Influences of the past

Since this story is my way of introducing myself, perhaps I should start with where I am now in life. I'm now 54 years old, in good shape, and pretty comfortable with my life. I'm married with two kids that are both in college, wondering what to do with their lives and going through the angst of transitioning from child to adult that we all go through. With the house to ourselves my wife and I are enjoying a level of physical intimacy that we haven't reached in years. We now are free to make...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Influences Part 3

Sunday 9th February, 2020; 07:18 It took a suspiciously short amount of time for the boxes to arrive. We'd only informed Darby at what - half ten last night - and already there was knocking at the door. I was dressed in another of Holly's borrowed sets of pyjamas - this time a white top with 'Sweet' written on it in sparkly lettering beneath the faded picture of a cupcake and pink and white striped bottoms. There was no way I was answering the door like this to a postman - so it was...

4 years ago
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Bikinis and Bad Influences

I intended to be a good girl, I swear! But it was all her and our mutual faults! It wasn’t me, honest! All I did was dress in cutoffs, no panties, and a t-shirt and go about my business. They led me astray. First, she had to chat with me about my weekend and give me tips and pointers and descriptions that got me so worked up that I had to touch myself right at the front counter at work. The poor guy browsing books thought that I was all turned on by him! If he had stuck around after I declined...

2 years ago
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Seminal InfluencesChapter 3

Bethany didn't see her cousin Julia Johnson all that often, but she idolized her. The fact she was six years older set the stage, but Julia was also a sort of golden girl. She was in anyone's eyes beautiful, and she was also friendly, funny, and kind to her little cousin. When the families got together at Bethany's for Christmas (they lived in Scarsdale), Julia at the dinner table told of the recent developments in her life. She was in her second year of a Ph.D. program at M.I.T. in...

1 year ago
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Seminal InfluencesChapter 4

Bethany and Fred Sacks trusted Cyrus with the knowledge of their relationship, and Fred started meeting with Cyrus regularly, guiding the boy at the formation of his company. He had to get him at least a little familiar with the grubby grown-up details of intellectual property, venture capital, and corporations. To his credit, Fred took for his trouble only a 20% stake of the initial shares of the company (secretly assigning 1/3 of that to Bethany), leaving the remaining 80% to Cyrus. Cyrus...

1 year ago
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Cameron Alex Second Installment

I knew my friend had to work again today so I was planning on just driving home when he left for work at 1 o'clock, as a matter of fact while he and I where sitting at the kitchen table eating his parents broke the news to Andrew that he had to babysit his two younger siblings as well as Cameron and Alex because the adults were going to the outlet malls about 90 miles away. Andrew immediately protested this crying out "Well why can't I go to the outlets too?! I don't want to be stuck here...

2 years ago
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Cameron First installment

Cameron was the most beautiful boy that I had ever laid eyes on. He was only two weeks from turning 11 years old. Cameron stood no taller than 4'10'' and maybe weighed 85 pounds, but he was amazingly cute with his dark brown hair and a speckling of freckles right below beautiful brown eyes and across his nose. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of red GAP mesh jogging pants that had two thin sky blue stripes running down both legs and a sky blue 2 on the left leg right below the...

4 years ago
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My Angelfourth and final installment

*I woke up to the sound of Disturbed’s “Haunted” playing. “Shit,” I thought to myself, “I gotta get up and get to school.” I hopped out of bed hitting “off” on my Ipod alarm. I walked in to bathroom, looked into the mirror and reminisced about how I went from a scrawny 5’1, 103 lbs little kid to a muscular 6’1, 165 lbs state wrestler. “Damn, three years of wrestling has really paid off”, I said to myself. “WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?” my mom screamed from downstairs. “Nobody, relax!” I yelled...

2 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife’s boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

4 years ago
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I am Ram from Chennai, married and 28 yrs old. I am decent and above average looking man and always had an inclination towards mature ladies. This incident happened to me recently and I am still carrying on my escapades with her. Would appreciate your feedbacks on this submission.All those who are into financial services sector and telecom sector will exactly understand what kind of relation is there between sales department and operations/backend department. It’s of a cat and mouse. If sales...

3 years ago
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Lets talk second installment

OK. So we have a beginning and it seems well received by a few. This story progresses and I only tell true stories. So on with the show (story). It seems now that I have sucked my brother and his friend, Eddy, that what people tell you they will and will not do is not true. Eddy must have had a big mouth, or my brother did, and within 2 weeks seems all their friends were more interested in me, when before I was the pain in the ass little brother. I was suddenly a very popular k** on my...

2 years ago
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Affair with Aunt D second installment

It has been some 3 months since the last time I had sex with aunt D. My uncle have not taken any trip outside Manila lately and I'd been so horny. That weekend was a local festival and some of the crew who runs uncle's 5 cargo trucks were in their house for celebration. They were drinking and watching old boxing fights. Aunt D serve them with wine and food. She was wearing shorts and a white shirt with no bra underneath. The outline of her very nice tits and sharp nipple, and her perfectly...

2 years ago
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Percolate Second Installment

I made my way to the sinks, my bare feet making little wet slaps on the misted floortiles. My shy steady steps echoing against the expansive shower area ,I looked around to see if anyone else was still there. I heard a far off locker close as well as a large heavier entrance door. A book bag sagged in a corner. Steam shone in a small irridescent cloud by an open window. Sherrie stood at the sink, her towel covering but highlighting the curves of her small ass. It always reminds me of two...

2 years ago
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The Dragon Staff of the Master Druid The Final Installment

This Part of this Tale is dedicated to All No Matter what their Path in Life may be. Place all your Differences aside! Let Peace come to this troubled Planet of ours. Treat all equally! Standard warnings do apply! This Story does is not for the faint of heart due to the Transgendered/Transsexual Themes. If you are under the age of 18, BEGONE! This is not for your reading pleasure. The Dragon's Staff of the Master Druid By Lorraine B. Part 4 ? 2001 Lorraine B. The...

2 years ago
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Her round full breasts 2nd installment

My young friend enjoyed the last waves of her orgasms and then looked into my eyes intently. I knew I was in for it.She got up and motioned me to do the same. We went into her bedroom where we stood face to face and she leaned in and tongue fucked my mouth, her arms working furiously between us to unbutton and unzip my jeans. She broke her kiss and slipped the pants down past my hips and yanked down my panties, bending down to get them below my knees.She stopped for a moment at that...

1 year ago
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Cassies Dream Date 6 the final installment

This is the sixth chapter of Cassie's Dream Date. In the first chapter, Cassandra (Cassie) meets Roger Wilson, author of "Love, Lies, and Lust," a story of transgender love. She's 30, and he's 40-something. She's a supermodel. He's average, dresses well, and has a nice car. They make a date to have dinner and go dancing later. Cassie gets his phone number written on her hand. After he leaves, she has a wild fantasy date, which turns out to be pure fantasy, as she had been daydreaming the...

4 years ago
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How I pursuaded my wife to fulfill my fantasy true Final installment

Here is the recollection of the third and final meeting with my wife's boyfriend of many years ago that fulfilled our fantasy. A knock at the door and Jan called down from upstairs for me to answer. We were expecting Howard and he was right on time. I took him into the lounge. On his last visit I was sent upstairs and he finally fucked my gorgeous wife after all these years. Jan had agreed this time that provided she felt comfortable and I didn’t object, we would share her together. Howard...

Wife Lovers
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The Snare The seventh installment

46. Dressing for the weekend "I'm dreading this," Malcolm admitted to his wife. Cherry looked at him with a frown. "Are you sure about that?" "Of course I'm sure, why the hell would I want to spend the entire weekend with Thornbury?" he countered. "Now try and be honest with me Malcolm," she said to him from across their bedroom. He immediately looked straight at her, wondering why she would say such a thing. "Just remember, I thought I was doing you a favour by not...

3 years ago
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Home Run Part 4 Third Base

Home Run By Pamela ([email protected]) Part 4. THIRD BASE That night after dinner I took a shower and selected one of my new bras to wear and a matching panty. I inserted the breast forms into the cups and put on a new blouse and skirt. When I joined Miriam in the living room she said, "You look darling in that new outfit. We made a great choice there!" I was anxious to get to first base and then to second base and I flopped down beside Miriam and coyly tried to signal...

3 years ago
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 58

Back in the O’Connell Realm, things were abuzz also. Jillian had taken Culann to see Great Grandfather Mark’s Blacksmith shop with its many kinds of modern equipment, and he had been shown Fragrach. He, Connor, and Duncan were also shown the tractors and other farm equipment. Wolf, Carl, and James had been working on the fields and had allowed them to ride on the tractors with them. Our Mage Sisters and Ken’s Wives had all been out in the fields also checking them. Chandra and the O’Keefes...

2 years ago
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Punishment In Installments

I am Darshan from Ahmedabad, married and 28 yrs old. I am decent and above average looking man and always had an inclination towards mature ladies. This incident happened to me recently and I am still carrying on my escapades with her. Would appreciate your feedbacks on this submission. I am reachable on All those who are into financial services sector and telecom sector will exactly understand what kind of relation is there between sales department and operations/backend department. It’s of a...

3 years ago
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Third Party

“Come and get your treat John” Janice shouted to her husband who had been waiting in the adjoining bedroom. He entered the room to the site of his wife’s spread legs; and her bald pussy dripping cum. The cum had been planted in her by the huge black cock; which one of her hands was now squeezing. It belonged to Jacob her huge and powerful black lover. “I sure do love those panties” he was referring to the ones John now had to wear before he was allowed to lick her cunt dry. Only a...

1 year ago
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The Third Way

His abduction had been planned for a month.When I finally had him there before me, cowering, there was nothing that would stop me. I knew what I wanted, no matter how ruthless and degrading. I knew I had to do something to him to truly prove to him what he was to me.Perhaps he was trying to make me feel sorry for him. I felt nothing, though, because I had planned for that. I had planned for those big, innocent eyes and the careful, calculated shifting of his shoulders.This time, I used my new...

1 year ago
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Getting to Third BaseChapter 3

The Girl kept showing up at, oh, maybe 75% of our home games, and I kept stealing glances over at the box. I noticed that none of the other four girls who sometimes accompanied her were quite as steadfast in their devotion to the Baltimore Orioles as was Patricia Wyman. There were often five girls, often four, sometimes only two or three, but it seemed that, when any of them showed up, Ms. Wyman was among them. The Orioles had few fans who were as devoted as these. Or maybe I just didn't...

2 years ago
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Genetics is a miracle

Firstly I must apologize in advance that because of my English. I hope you understand my story well. That Friday, when mom came home from work, unpleasantly surprised me by saying that tomorrow morning Ill go with her into the cottage, because Dad has to work through the weekend, on an important overhaul companies, and that I and this way, not doing anything clever at home, so I could bass a little to help her around the garden. I was furious, but I still had to go with it. Late evening when...

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The afternoon sun beat down through the high windows of the gym, bathing the young slayers in a bright warm light. It didn't seem to bother them, especially with the air conditioning system blowing on high, but their skin still glistened from the effort of their workout. Faith and Kennedy were resting back on some mats at the side, Faith drinking from a bottle of cold water and oblivious to the fact that Kennedy was staring longingly out towards the crowd.“I don't know how you did this for so...

3 years ago
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The Trailer Park The Third YearChapter 5

"Tony, you have a phone call," Mom said from my doorway. I pulled the pillow over head and mumbled something about midnight. "It's not midnight, it's a little after eight. Besides, you were still up at midnight. Do you want me to tell Tami to call back later?" The part of that sentence that registered right away was Tami. The rest took longer to process. "I'll take it," I said, uncovering my head and reaching for the phone. Mom stepped into the room, handed it to me, then left,...

2 years ago
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Sloppy Thirds

Hello my Friends,I get asked occasionally if I have any qualms about sleeping with married men – the answer is no! I am not sure if I should tell this story, because it has associations I find a little difficult to reconcile. But it happened, it was quite a pleasant experience overall from my point of view, and the guy in question certainly enjoyed the experience, so perhaps I'm just being picky! The first thing I should make clear is that this was an overnight meeting. Sometimes they are a...

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Club Erotique For Swingers Third Event

For our third club visit we four had again decided to cheat a little and enhance our performance with a Viagra tablet each. As before with some trepidation, accompanied by our interstate friends Cherall and Bill, we rang the doorbell for our third evening with a preference group, a multiple male team. Gillian our dark haired tall slim naked hostess for the night, whom we’d met on our previous two visits, opened the door and made us welcome. Even though she’d already seen them twice previously,...

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Please see blog for part1 Emily and I are older, now, in our mid 20's. By now, we have experimented with anal sex, fantasy role-playing games, light bondage and have been dabbling in domination and submission. Neither of us are into pain or humiliation , but we both enjoy kinky sex as we define it. At one point, Emmie approaches me with the idea of incorporating a third player into our secret fuck sessions. "Someone we can abuse." She puts it. "What do you mean by abuse?" I ask. " Someone...

3 years ago
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A Third

A ThirdBy A. B.(Tv, control, forced fem, cuckold, impreg., mf, Mm, oral, anal)For years I've been what is known as a closet crossdresser. That is, I like to dress in women's clothing and I like the idea of being treated like a woman by a guy. I'm very passive sexually and, unfortunately, so is my wife.My fetish took a new turn when I began to talk to other cd's on a chat program and, after a while, talking to the "admirers" who are interested in us. There are an amazing number of both of us -...

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The Grim ReaperChapter 40 Third Squad

The next morning, we had a memorial service for the four men who had died, with Captain Homer leading it. By then everybody was over the sudden shock, but it didn’t make it any more pleasant. Sergeant Cummings led the Last Roll Call, calling out the names of the unit, and calling for the fallen three times. He did this while standing next to the four memorials, with boots side-by-side, the bayoneted rifle stuck in the ground, and the helmet perched on top. After that Lieutenant Southerland...

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Third Party part two

“I can’t believe it, it wasn’t a dream” Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief; his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man; and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had taken place she had been under the influence of alcohol; and possibly distressed by a relative’s funeral. “Will she now return to her usual sex hating self; and hate me for my...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 40 The Third Task

Chapter Forty – The Third Task Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, mmmf, Mf, mg, anal, cream pie, hp, grope, magic, mc, spank, uniform, voy The Triwizard Tournament was finally coming to an end; Harry and the other Champions had faced numerous challenges throughout the tournament and each of them had made it to the finals relatively unscathed. Harry’s lack...

4 years ago
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Boston Babes the Third Season

CHAPTER 1 Eva was dropping out of college because she thought the systems sucked and because she’d stupidly chosen to study biology only to find her interest waning faster than her staccato sexual interest in any guy. Now her interest in drama was returning. What a fucking mess, she’d fumed, coming to the ‘I’m quitting’ decision. Her counselor had summed it up neatly. ‘Eva dear, consider pulling the plug before you become dead in the water’. Clichés for sure but in Eva’s position they rang...

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Third Party part two

Introduction: Discovering its not a dream, she had been fucked. This is part two, the first part can be reached by clicking on my name at the top which will take you to my story page. I cant believe it, it wasnt a dream Janice exclaimed in a voice that John could not read as relief or despair. He prayed that it was relief, his wife had awoken to find herself in a naked embrace with a huge black man, and her husband was at the end of the bed masturbating. When all the sexual activity had...

2 years ago
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OverBoar The Conquest of Third Earth

Alex sighed as he click through another add. He stretch as the exhaustion started to hit him. He had been job searching for weeks and no luck. He had zero aspiration for his future, in school. He didn't find any jobs or career choices that spoke to. he sighed as he rubbed his temples before his apartment doorbell rang. "Package for Miles." The deliveryman said. "What the..." He said looking at the small box. "This isn't my Guin Dakimaru. Hey!" He called to the delivery man but found he had...

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Pennys Third Day

Penny’s Third Day Penny loved what had been done to her throughout the second day and was quite proud of her accomplishments so far. She was so thankful to her guide, Bridget. She made sure she showed it too! Whenever she had the opportunity she would always do what she could to help Bridget cum during the class activities. Bridget was the kind of slut she looked up to, and craved her approval. So when she was to be picked up this time by Mr Johnson she thought she might share Mr Johnson’s...

2 years ago
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Third Domination

This is inspired by a real life experience, meeting my mistress. She asked me to write about our meeting and so I did.Third DominationThe evening is getting darker and the first drops of rain hit the car windows as I arrive and park my car in front of the house. I glance at the clock, it is still seven minutes to the agreed time. Turning off the ignition, silence suddenly seems overwhelming and as the car lights turn automatically off after a minute, I am left sitting in the darkness,...

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The Third Wish part 7 of 8

Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental. Don't read if you are younger than 18 years old or not legally allowed to read adult material and all the usual disclaimers. Text in brackets [like this] is translated from barely decipherable lisp. Chapter 7: The New Year January 5th. A new year. Just over 2 months since I had been rescued. It was a cold morning. My nipples were tenting atop my cold boobs more than usual. I would have loved to wear a coat, but my...

4 years ago
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The Third Daughter Chapter 1

I went to the bar that I usually frequented on a Friday evening. It was, as it proclaimed loudly from a blackboard outside, gay friendly, but it wasn’t one of those that encouraged overt exhibition, and its clientele was nearer to my age than others in the city.Denise, owner as well as barkeep this evening, asked me, “What’s your poison, sweetheart?” She called everyone sweetheart but kept her actual affection for a woman called Glen who worked for her. Glen was a mousey looking woman but,...

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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 27

"Complications, Carl?" Seamus asked with a frown. "There were a number of cabins under attack also. Not everyone had gotten as far as the fort before the Shawanoes caught up with them, and they had holed up in some of the cabins near it. They needed immediate assistance, and we took care of that first after securing the fort. The Shawanoes broke off the attack, once we secured the fort and the cabins with Defensive Shells. We followed them, and eliminated the majority of them," I...

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Third Times the CharmChapter 12

The next day, Mike, Mary and I talked for an hour or so. They’d gotten me a lawyer to help with the lawsuit and introduced me before they left. He was hard-nosed and middle-aged. He told me what he’d been able to find out and a lot of it was the same as Eve. Police had compelled a blood sample when she refused the breath test and she tested positive for cocaine in addition to having a blood alcohol that should have rendered her incapable of even standing up. “You should be prepared for an...

1 year ago
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Third Crisis

Third Crisis is a lewd tactical RPG packed with fap-worthy content. Who doesn’t love watching a proud babe get slowly but surely turned into a cum-hungry whore? It’s one of the best genres of porn games out there: corruption. Hell, I’ve even corrupted a prude girl or two. I swear I had this Catholic practically begging for me to tie her up and fuck her face until she cried. But those things come simply to alphas like me. My dick’s got a pussy magnet on it that I couldn’t shut off if I tried. I...

Free Sex Games
3 years ago
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The Rule of Thirds

"Come on Mikey, you don't want to be late do you?" Mum yelled up the stairs at me. "No Mum, just putting my shoes on," I yelled back, although I'd actually been lost in thought over the way my life has suddenly changed. A mere twelve weeks ago I'd been a virgin, struggling to get into the pants of any female, young or old. Now, well, other than the age and relationship to me of the three women I was now enjoying sexually, I had blossomed into a self-confident and sexually competent...

2 years ago
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Third Class Super or Provisional Super Villain

Got the letter today. Guess what? Third time ain’t the damn charm… still not a Super.Dear Applican’t, (is probably what they wanted to write), after careful review of an impressive candidate pool, blah blah, we regret (sure) to inform you that your application is not competitive enough for entrance into Supers Academy; however, we are considering you as a candidate for blah. I scan the list of recruits. Those that made it are the who’s who of future Supers. Many were plucked from the same damn...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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The Third Time

I have written about my first and second gay sex encounters with my best friend. I was 13 and he was 11.The third time was memorable because it was the first time we had a place to do it and plenty of time. We could both be naked - finally - and we were 99.9% certain that nobody would show up at his house until at least 2 hours after we got there.Being together in his bedroom and knowing that we had two or more hours to do new and thrilling things to and with each other, and with almost zero...

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