The Snare - 2nd Instalment free porn video

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6. A review and a plan Matthew trudged his way back to Ms Thornbury's home, his home for the forseable future. He had just finished his third day of punishing physical exersize and dance training. His muscles, nearly all of them ached constantly. This new regime each day left him physically and mentally drained. His mind had stopped analysing his situaltion, not because he had accepted it but because of tiredness and fatigue. Matthew pulled at the waistband of his jeans, they kept slipping down as he walked. He wasn't sure how many times he had yanked them back up but he realised that either his weekend of little food or his exertions in the dance studio, more likely both had taken their toll on his body. He must have lost at least an inch from his waist. Of course he was worried that his underwear would be noticed, a particularly lovely pair of stretch lace knickers in a pastel blue. Constance Thornbury stood looking out of the bay window of her sitting room, a cordless phone pressed to her right ear. "We need to be careful Penny, we need to have a plan." there was a pause while Penny replied before she continued "His father turned up on my doorstep out of the blue, no warning at all......we are lucky he has no spine either and that I managed the situation as well as I did!" there was another few seconds of silence. "I know, it could have blown up in our face. But more importantly now that I have averted one disaster we need to make sure we avoid another." She paced slowly left then right as Penny spoke, her dark nyloned legs hissing very gently on the lining of her red dress. "You see it depends on how good Matthew's father is at convincing his wife that everything is ok, and I must say I have my doubts on that. It was his mother afterall that prompted the visit so it is her that has a Bee in her bonnet. Sorry Pen I need to go...Matthew's back. Give it some thought and we can have a catch up............. OK.....Yes..Bye. " and she hung up the call just as Matthew knocked on the front door. "Ah Matthew." she said as she gestured for him enter the hallway."How was your day?" she asked with a pleasant warm smile. "I'm worn out Ms Thornbury." was his reply as he stepped up into the house. He held the waistband of his jeans in his left hand and the pink drawstring bag in his right. Ms Thornbury noticed his jeans but said nothing. "Right, well let me help. Let me have your execise kit to wash, you can go and run yourself a bath. I'll be up in a few minutes to help." "Thank you Ms Thornbury, that's very kind of you." Malcolm pulled into his driveway, applied the hand brake and shut off the engine. He studied his face in the rear view mirror to make sure there were no obvious signs that he had been upset, crying. He could not really tell so he took a few seconds to compose himself before stepping out of his car. He could not recall his journey home; other than an incident where he was blasted by someones car horn for something he did not understand. His entire journey was spent with his mind running round in circles. How could he get out of the situation with Ms Thornbury? What was he going to say to his wife? He only had Ms Thornbury's word that Matthew was indeed safe and ok, then he had to block out the madness that had happened to him. He had never had to lie to his wife before, he was not sure that he could...but he was about to find out. He let himself in and hung his jacket up, removed his shoes, replaced them with his worn out slippers and went to find his wife. Cherry was busy in the kitchen checking on a meal in the oven when he entered the house. She heard him and leaving 30 seconds called out that she was in the kitchen. She was eager to catch up on what her husband had learnt. Cherry stood at 5'7", her round face had full prominant cheeks and was framed by straight shoulder length dark brown hair, It was parted to her right and swept over the left of her face. Although she had a dainty femine manor she rarely let that show in the way she dressed. Her everyday attire consisted of trousers, button up shirts and jumpers that hid her B cup bossom. Her shoes were all sensible low heeled or flat. A very conservative look with no frills, even her earings were simple studs. Malcolm entered the kitchen and strode up to give his wife a peck on the cheek as they greeted each other. Cherry sat down at the table "So how did it go, what did you learn?" she asked. Malcolm sighed, pulled out a chair and sat down opposite his wife. "Well as you know I did not see Matthew, so we can only go by what we have been told" he wanted to lay the foundations to his report, and to make it as truthful as he could. "Ms Thornbury was a little surprised to see me at first, but once I explained the reason for the visit she was very understanding. I had a good look around her house and in particular Matthew's room; it's bigger than his bedroom here." "Ah that's nice" Cherry chipped in. "Yes, it was perhaps a little old fashioned compared to his room..... but nice." "So what did Ms Thornbury say about Matthew?" "Well, just that he is fine really." he struggled to elaborate. "You mean to tell me you spent all day at her house and all you got was 'he's fine'!!??" Her comment instantly sparked Malcolm's memory into what had happened during the day. He glazed over momentarily as visions of himself took his full attention, the snug black trousers, the white satin top, the black court shoes and the white satin knickers, then the blond hair peice, the lipstick. His spanking and his knicker cleansing. He could almost taste it again. "MALCOLM.....hello" Cherry looked at him "is there anyone in?" He realised then that he had zoned out, felt the warmth in his face. He must be quite red looking he thought. And to keep him flustered he then realised he was stiff, very STIFF! "S..Sorry love" he spluttered, then tried to gather his thoughts. "Well?" Cherry pushed. "Er...well we did talk for a while, just the usual 'time of day' stuff....Oh and she said she had been teaching Matthew how to cook and do the laundry and iron his clothes which I thought was really good of her." "How on earth has she managed to get him to do that?, He would run out the house at the mere mention of doing any of those jobs!" she exclaimed. "I have no idea" he replied "but I have no reason to doubt what she told me" he added. "So, anything else?" she pushed for more info. "Not really, there was nothing that I could pick up on that rang any alarm bells." He could not look directly at his wife while he lied. There were plenty of things that rang alarm bells, he just couldn't tell her. "That's it then, nothing else?" He shrugged his shoulders "She made tea and biscuits soon after I arrived" then after a short pause he added "and she made me a sandwich for lunch, time just elapsed I guess." "Ok, well I am glad things seem to be going ok. " At last Cherry appeared to be satisfied and let the subject drop. By 10pm Matthew had bathed, been dressed in a long maroon satin night dress, eaten a light meal and was fast asleep in his hed. Ms Thornbury picked up his jeans and took them away. She didn't dispose of them, just put them to one side in her bedroom. Just as she was locking up and getting ready to go to bed herself the phone sprang into life. "Hello" "Constance, it's Penny.....I'm glad I caught you." "Hi Penny, what's on your mind?" "I've been thinking, this business with Matthew's parents" "Yes....go on" "I think we need to find out about his mother, what makes her tick, we need to understand how easy; or hard as the case may be; it would be to 'manage' you get my drift Constance?" "Yes.......I think so anyway......." "We can only plan if we know a bit more about her. How about you invite his father over again and prize some information out of him" "OK, do you have anything specific in mind that you would like to know?" The two women continued the discussion for almost an hour, until they had a plan of sorts. 7. Another step brings fear then happiness The following morning Matthew returned to his bedroom after using the bathroom to find his landlady waiting for him. "Good morning Matthew, here is your underwear for today" and she handed him a red satin and lace thong. A ritual that started at the beining of the week when he could not find a single pair of his boxer shorts. He accepted them, he enjoyed wearing them alright but the risk of someone else seeing them scared him. "Good morning Ms Thornbury." he replied politely. As she left the room and he proceeded to remove his night dress. A few seconds later the brightly coloured thong was in place and he looked around for his jeans. He swore he left them on the dressing table stool. But there sat a neatly folded cream coloured bundle. "Ms Thornbury." he called out. He heard footsteps and moment later she appeared at the door. "Yes Matthew?" "Have you taken my jeans, for washing perhaps?" he asked. "No Matthew.....I have not taken them for washing" there was a pause "but I have removed them from your room." she stated. "I don't understand, but why.......I need them!" he whined. "They do not fit you properly do they Matthew?" her tone was not harsh, more reasoning, questioning if anything. "They have become a bit loose, but I don't have anything else until I get paid!" he exclaimed. "I could see yesterday.....when you arrived had to hold them up with your hand. That is no way to carry on so I got out the cream trousers I know you enjoy wearing." 'Oh no!' He thought 'this can't be happening'. "But Ms Thornbury, I can't go out wearing your trousers.....ladies trousers!" She looked at his face, 'horror' at the prospect facing him, she looked him in the eye and saw his fear. "Please ........Ms Thornbury........can I please have my jeans?" he pleaded. He considered just not leaving the house, but then he would not only upset his landlady but also Penny, and he didn't want that. She could see his anguish, 'time to bargin with him' she decided. "Ok........." she said. The relief on Matthew's face was almost instant, almost because it took a few seconds to realise he had won, his pleading had actually worked. But then she added " long as you wear tights!" "Eh!.......But Ms Thornbury .....please......that's not fair.......please" he pleaded once again. She stepped over to the stool and picked up the cream trousers and left the room without saying a word. Then she returned moments later. "Put these on" and she held out a black bundle of soft material. "then I will let you have these" and held onto his jeans. He started to reason, the black tights would only look like socks to the casual observer, but the cream trousers would be quite obvious. He reluctantly took the tights from her hand, then sat on his bed and worked them up his legs, over his thong and around his tummy. He looked down at his legs and noticed they were quite opaque which was a relief. They were a little less tactile than the ones he had worn before but it was still arousing to him and also strangely comforting. He felt like his lower body was enveloped. He resisted the temptation of running his hands up and down his legs and took his jeans back from Ms Thornbury. He slid his legs into them, pulled them up, zipped and then fastened the button. They were loose, he would need to be careful. "If those jeans get to the point where they can slip past your hips, then I WILL stop you from wearing them......understood?" Ms Thornbury stated. With the fear back in his eyes he nodded his head slowly. "Now, get going" she prompted him "you do not want to be late......I have left your clean exercise kit in the hall for you." "Thank you Ms Thornbury." Two minutes later he was grabbing the ready packed pink drawstring bag and leaving the house. He took to walking with one hand in his jeans pocket, it helped to keep them from riding too low. He was very conscious of the feeling of the rough material of his jeans rubbing across his encased legs. It was a constant reminder of what he was wearing. His instructions were clear, to be ready in the studio in his exercise kit for when Penny arrived at 8:30am. He used the same changing area each day without seeing any of the girls from the dance troop. On arrival he went to get ready with just two minutes to spare. Undoing the pink bag he removed the clean pink vest top, the grey shorts, then the ballet shoes. He felt around in the bag to find the socks, nothing, he opened up the bag and looked inside, empty. Ms Thornbury had forgotten to add the socks he assumed. He then wondered what he was to do, he slowly took off his t-shirt as he pondered what to do. He then removed his footwear, slipped the pink vest over his head and into place. He could hear the knocking oh heels on the corridor floor getting loader till the changing area door swung open and in strode Penelopy Short. She looked straight at him "You are late Matthew! Hurry up now" her voice as sharp as ever. Matthew hesitated "Errr." "Come along Matthew, get those jeans off!" she barked. Her voice drilled into his skull, he stood shaking a little from nerves , undid the button and lowered the zip, then cringed as he lowered his jeans down. He feared beng shouted at, of angering this stern woman further. Penny looked on as Matthew lowered his jeans, and as the waist reach his ankles "Ahhhh Matthew, that's so sweet, I think its so lovely that you are embracing learning to dance to help us." and she took a few steps forward are wrapped her arms around him in an affectionate hug. He was stunned at such a change of persona, the hug, he could feel her breasts pushing into his rib cage. He tentatively returned the hug, as much for balance as anything as his ankles were shackled by his jeans. She released him and stepped back, a warm smile on her face "I'm so pleased." she said to him. "In fact, as you have shown such a great attitude and willingness to help I will personally see to it that you get a brand new kit instead of these old spares." Matthew could not help but smile, just a minute ago he feared her wrath and now she was all happy and pleased with him. His relief was immense, but then she had said he would get a new kit. What kit would he get he wondered. Would she actually spend some money to get him some male kit, he wondered. "But that's for another time, we do have work to do so chop chop, step out if those jeans and get your shorts and slippers on." He did as instructed and made his way to the studio, now attired in pink ballet slippers, black tights, grey shorts and pink vest top. The addition of the tights made him feel like the sissy Ms Thornbury told him he was. Once in the studio the nictities were forgotten and the stern voice of Penny began to dictate the boys punishment. He tried his best, out of fear but also now to make his instructor happy. 8. Malcolm is summoned Malcolm's phone vibrated in his shirt pocket as he sat at his work desk. His office was busy with people typing, copying and in phone conversations. He noticed it despite the background noise and plucked it out. His notifications showed a new email message, and he opened it straight away. -------------------------------------------------- Constance Thornbury Sent: Thursay 15/09/2016 09:16 To: Malcolm Goodwilly Cc: Re: Appointment! Hi Melissa, It was great meeting you yesterday, I had sooooo much fun! Let's do it again....... Book a day off work, early next week suits me. Do it NOW Melissa! I want a confirmation by 3pm today. XXX Mistress -------------------------------------------------- Malcolm's blood ran cold as he read the email. He had hoped that she would leave him alone for at least a little while. He felt flushed, he looked up from his phone and around the office. He felt self conscious yet nobody was paying him any attention. His mind raced for a few moments, 'what to do'. He came to the conclusion that time was limited, he needed to submit a request for time off as soon as possible. He spent the next 3 hours unable to concentrate on his work, his mind was focused on how he could avoid another visit to his sons landlady. It was then he had his day off approved,Tuesday. Still he wracked his brain to try and think of a way out. His phone vibrated again, it was another email from his tormentor. -------------------------------------------------- Constance Thornbury Sent: Thursay 15/09/2016 14:46 To: Malcolm Goodwilly Cc: Re: Appointment! Hi Melissa, You are leaving it late........!!! Just 15 minutes and a few clicks away from Melissa being revealed to the world. I suggest you reply PDQ!! XXX Mistress -------------------------------------------------- He could still not think of a way out, he needed to have something to counter her blackmail or to be able to delete the photo's from her computer. At this point he did not even know where in her house it was. He knew nothing of her personally so had very little chance of getting anything to threaten her with. It was no use, he quickly typed a reply. -------------------------------------------------- Malcolm Goodwilly Sent: Thursay 15/09/2016 14:57 To: Constance Thornbury Cc: Re: Appointment! Hello Constance, I have just had my day off approved. Tuesday 20th Hope this is ok. Malcolm -------------------------------------------------- Malcolm breathed deeply to contain his anxiety. Still he could think of nothing else but how to escape this situation. It only took a couple of minutes for a reply to come through. -------------------------------------------------- Constance Thornbury Sent: Thursay 15/09/2016 14:59 To: Malcolm Goodwilly Cc: Re: Appointment! Hi Melissa, You do like to leave it late don't you!! I had your photo's all ready to upload. So Tuesday it is. I will expect you at my house by 9:30am. Don't be late! Mistress -------------------------------------------------- Malcolm now felt like a cloud was hanging over him, it would have been better to get this out of the way sooner. As it is he would have four more days to 'look forward' to his 'appointment'. 9. Baby steps, getting his own back, back in the routine and boots Matthew's day in the dance studio was no less challenging but he did feel more able to cope with Ms Shorts demands. He must be getting fitter he reasoned as he changed back into jeans and t-shirt. Back at Ms Thornbury's house Matthew again bathed at his landladys request while she took care of his laundry and fixed his meal. With the long maroon night dress, a matching satin robe and a pair of suede maroon heels Matthew ate a light meal with his landlady. As they finished their meal Ms Thornbury Spoke up "I have been kind to you this week Matthew as I understand you have been worked very hard at the theatre. However, I now beleive you should have adjusted and would like you to resume your household chores." "Yes Ms Thornbury, of course" he replied. "Ok, lets clear the table and then we can finish off in the kitchen." and they rose from their seats and engaged their task. At Ms Thornbury's request they both retired to the sitting room after the kitchen was in good order. Ms Thornbury once again surprised him, she allowed him to sit on the sofa briefly and instead of switching on the TV she stood in the middle of the room, hitched up her skirt revelaing the black stockings and suspenders. She hooked her thumbs into her black thong and slid them down to her ankles and stepped out of them. "Come, lay on the floor" she instructed and pointed to the floor by her feet "on you back please". Matthew complied not fully understanding her intentions. It was a little difficult in the long night dress and heels but he managed it. Ms Thornbury then stood over him, a high heel either side of his head and facing his feet. She lowered herself down, his head and his upper body shrouded in her wide blue calf length skirt. Her sex just inches from his face, he could feel her warmth, he could smelll her. She then adjusted her position a little and lowered down onto Matthew's mouth and nose. "Lick me sissy" she commanded and he got to work with his tongue. It was warm trapped under the skirt and he worked hard to pleasure her. She watched as Matthew's unteathered penis stiffened under the layer of satin, enjoying his lapping and letting the pleasure build. She reached over with her right hand and gently ran her red finger nail up the outline of his erection. It twitched and his licking intensified briefly. She toyed with the satin bulge again and enjoyed his renewed efforts under her skirt. just a few minutes later she arched her back and murmured softly as the pleasure intensified and washed over her. She raised herself a little and allowed a few moments to calm down. Then nestling back down on him she commanded once again "Lick me again sissy". He set to work; struggling for air at times; to make her happy. Then he could feel his satin night dress over his legs, it was being pulled up. He could first feel the cool air over his calfs, then his knee's, his thighs then it was bunched up ocross his tummy and his penis was exposed. He continued to pleasure her, unsure of what she was doing. He sensed she was leaning forward, then felt her breath on him. She gently stroked his penis with her finger tips. "Mmmmmm" came from under her skirt. His efforts increased as before and she continued to enjoy his labours. She continued to toy with him for a few minutes until she reached her second climax. Matthew was releived as she again raised up from his face. His jaw ached and his tongue was no better. He could feel her breath again, close to his erection. Her hand circled around the base of it, lifting it up. Then a wet warmth engulfed his penis "Ohhhhh go.....d" he moaned. He could not believe she was sucking him, and it was good. He started to breath harder, her tongue wrapping around the underside of its head sending intense feelings from his crotch, though his spine and into his head. He was in heaven, for a few seconds that is as he could not hold back. Her skilled tongue knew what to do and he gasped, panted, tried to speak but couldn't as she continued work even as he ejaculated. Slowing she came to a stop, his penis still hard, still in her mouth. She stayed like that for a few moments as Matthew's breathing regained a near normal pace. Lifting herself up away from Matthew and back to her feet, she turned around. Matthew squinted, his eyes trying to adjust to the light. She lowered down again, knelt down straddling him. Her knee's pinned his arms to his side, she leant over him their faces just a few inches apart. He looked at her with a little smile on his face, she too had a little smirk. Her hands; supporting her a little; cupped his head on each side and lowered her face slowly. He unsuspectingly parted his lips a little at her expected kiss. Her warm lips touching his. He could still smell her odour, and now he could smell himself but assumed it was just from her oral. His bliss at the touch of her lips on his was thrilling and he tentatively probed her lips with his tongue. Suddenly her tongue pushed it's way between his lips forcing his tongue back in a dominant action and she held his head firmly at each side. He then sensed, tasted the thick gooey substance as it passed from her mouth to his. He attempted to break free of the kiss but could not, his arms pinned, his head held firm and her tongue pushed into his oral cavity. He could do nothing but accept his own ejaculate bit by bit until he had it all. She pulled away from him a little "keep it in your mouth sissy" she ordered before he could decide to spit or swallow. He remained mothionless for a few seconds. "Sissy.........taste it, move it round your mouth, savour it." He started to use his tongue to push it round his mouth, it was not so bad he decided. It was mind over matter. The thought of it clearly worse than the act itself. "That's a good sissy." she whispered as she watched him swill. She made him hold it in his mouth for over 30 seconds "Now you must swallow all of your sissy cream" and she watched him take a few gulps. "Well done sissy." and she got up, back to her feet. "Time for bed" and Matthew did as instructed without saying a word. In bed Matthew lay awake, thoughts of the relationship he had with Ms Thornbury running through his mind. He had pleasured her many times, but this evening she had sucked him off, and kissed him and it felt amazing to him, far outweighing his memory of taking his own come. Morning came all to quickly for Matthew, he was tired and groggy as Ms Thornbury tried to wake him and get him moving. She herself it appeared had not been up long as she stood in a towling robe and heeled slippers. "If you don't get up you will be late, come on" she prompted him. "I have your clean underwear, i'll leave it on the stool for you and your clean kit is by the door" He forced himself out of bed and went through his bathroom routine, then returned to his room feeling a little more with it. His underwear was resting on a black bundle, tights again. He knew without asking that she wanted him to wear them. He wondered as he slipped his feet into todays offering; pink satin and lace thong; pulling them up and into place. Could he get away with socks, he could hide the tights and she may not notice. Then he wondered about the kit and what Ms Short would say. He didn't know where the white socks had gone. Perhaps they were in his drawer he thought and he stepped over to his chest of drawers and slid his sock draw open, to his dismay not only were the white socks not there but none of his socks were there. The drawer was completely empty. With his mini rebelion quashed he closed the drawer, picked up the tights, sat on his bed and worked them over his feet and up until they nestled around his waist. He ran his hands down his thighs, noticing the slightly less opaque, more mesh like appearanc. He marvelled at the feel for a moment before pulling on his jeans and t-shirt. At the theatre studio Matthew was again greeted warmly by Ms Short and was put through his paces until lunch time when she brought the session to a halt. "Right, that will be all for today Matthew. I have to be at theatre this even to oversee a performance." "Ok......Ms..... Short." Matthew replied while catching his breath. "You can get changed and go home, but there is something I would like you to do." He looked at her questioningly, still breathing hard. "lift up your arms" she instructed him. He did so, but automatically each arm raised up either side of his head and arched inward, his fingers just touching and his heels together. She smiled broadly, he addopted the graceful pose without instruction. She pointed to his underarms "It would be much nicer.....erm .....less unsightly if you got rid of the hair my darling." He maintained his pose but looked to the side to view his right armpit. "So when you get home, use a depilatory or shave please." Still he maintained his pose, he had been trained to 'hold untill told'. She continued "On Monday morning you will meet me at the front of the theatre at 8:30am." His breathing had calmed a little and he replied "Yes Ms Short." "Go change then and I will see you Monday." Without a conscious thought Matthew lowered his arms in a smooth graceful motion then taking little steps scampered over to the studio door. At Ms Thornbury's house Matthew explained why he was home early and what Ms Short had asked him to do. "Well then let us go and deal with that nasty hair." and she led Matthew up the stairs. "Get undressed, then join me in the bathroom." He did as instructed, put on a satin robe and walked into the bathroom. "Right, my advice is to use a depilatory" she stated "if you shave, when the hair starts to grow back it can be scratchy and uncomfortable. He knodded his understanding. "Stand in the bathtub please." He slipped the robe off and hung it on a hook on the bathroom door then stepped into the bath. With latex gloves on Ms Thornbury squeezed some cream from a tube into one hand. "arms up" she requested. She watched in amusment as Matthew arms swept up each side so his fingers touched high above his head. Such smooth graceful movement already she mused. She used her fingers to spread the cream under his arms. She then squeezed more cream from the tube and continued to spread the cream across Matthew's chest. "Ms Thornbury, why are..." "Just stand still please Matthew." she cut him off. Like his legs and arms, his chest had a light covering of long dark hairs that had slowly appeared over the last couple of years. They would not be there much longer as she moved swiftly onto his tummy, around his genitals and down his legs. "Arms down please." and his arms were coated from top to bottom. His underarms were starting to feel a little uncomfortable as the cream worked. "Is the cream supposed to sting?" he asked. "Yes it may be a little uncomfortable while it works. Let me know when you can feel it on the your arms." She quickly inspected his back and decided it would not be neccessary to do that as well. He stood in the bathtub with his legs spread apart and his arms held away from his body feeling cold and icky. The smell was not too good either, but he was forced to endure the unpleasant situation. A couple of minutes passed before he spoke up "Please, Ms Thornbury can I get this stuff off now, it's starting to hurt?" "Just a little while longer." and she made him wait another 30 seconds before putting the shower on and handing him a wash cloth. "Rinse it all off, then shower as normal please Matthew." and she left him to his task. Matthew was relieved that he could now remove this horrid stuff from his body and with warm water spraying over him he swiped the wash cloth bit by bit over his skin to leave clear creamy flesh. He followed this with a good wash with a floral scented shower creme. He turned off the shower, stepped out of the bathtub and proceeded to dry himself. Ms Thornbury heard the shower stop and returned to the bathroom. "Finish drying yourself" she said and watched as he rubbed the towel over his legs. "You really should learn to be less aggressive when you dry yourself, pat your your skin Matthew." Matthew tried to pat as suggested, he found it very unnatural and had to resist the urge to wipe and rub at his skin. However, under Ms Thornbury's gaze he perseveared until he felt he was suitably dry then hung the towel back on the rail. "Now stand there, and don't move" she instructed him. She retrieved a pair of scissors from the bathroom cabinet, bent down to her knee's and pinched the tip of Matthew's penis. On seeing the scissors and having his appendage grasped Matthew panicked "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" and he pulled backwards away from her. "MATTHEW!! I told you to stand still. What's the matter with you?" her frustration clear from her tone. "I am just going to give you a trim down below" she explained "Now come back here so I can get on with it." "Oh.....I'm sorry Ms Thornbury" he said feeling a little silly "I thought you were going to cut..." his voice trailed off. Ms Thornbury just shook her head and once again pinched his penis gently and used the scissors to trim back his pubes to just a thin layer of hair. He looked down at himself, it reminded him of when he was younger. But he also thought that without the bush of dark hair his penis appeared bigger, longer at least. "You need to keep yourself tidy Matthew, from now on I expect you to take care of this." "Yes Ms Thornbury" he replied. Ms Thornbury collected the cropped hair in one hand and stood again. Before leaving she handed him a large bottle with a pump on the top. It was the same floral brand as the shower creme he had been using. "Use this body lotion, all over please. It will help to soothe and moisturise your skin." and she left Matthew to it. Pumping some lotion onto his hand he started at his shoulders, if felt cool and a little greasy as he massaged it into his skin. He continued down his arms, then his torso and by this time his shoulders were again dry to the touch as it had all been absorbed. When he had finished he felt a little clammy as he put his satin robe back on and returned to his bedroom. Sitting on his bed Matthew wondered why Ms Thornbury had spread the hair removal cream over his his body, legs and arms. He had clearly told her that Ms Short had asked for his armpits to be done, nothing else was mentioned. Now though apart from the neatly trimmed groin he was hairless from his neck down. He was not so bothered that his hair was gone, it would not be noticed in public providing he was dressed of course. It was more the sense he got that it was just a small step, or one of many that Ms Thornbury would impose on him. Where would it all lead to? Would he call a halt to its progress? Could he call a halt to it if it was a step too far? A shiver ran up his spine, he did not have a good track record of getting his way with his landlady. "Penny for your thoughts." Matthew looked up to see Ms Thornbury leaning against the door frame. She had changed, whatever she put on always looked good on her, stylish, elegent, her choices always seemed just right. The purple knee length dress swayed from her waist, with short sleeves and square cut above her bosom. The whole garmet had a layer of purple lace over it which also came up across her decolletage. Suede puple heels that strapped around the ankle over black nylons. "Oh hello Ms Thornbury." "You were clearly lost in your thoughts, anything I can help you with?" Matthew considered for a few seconds if he should be honest with her. "Ms Thornbury, I was wondering why you decided to put hair remover all over me when I told you Ms Short had only mentioned my armpits?" His landlady stepped into his room and sat down on the bed next to him. "Matthew we have had a few discussions about your nature, how the soft and delicate excite you." Matthew nodded his head just a little in acceptance. "You are a sissy Matthew, you know that is true already. But you have only experienced a small amount of what being a true sissy is." He looked at her, his face red as it often was when this topic was mentioned. "A true sissy Matthew does not like hairy arms or legs, you will learn that is true very soon." She added. After a short pause she got up from the bed and left the room, calling out as she went. "Let me get you some clean underwear." She returned with a pair of full cut all over lace knickers in purple. As he had expected a pair of tights were also placed on his bed. "Get these on please." And Matthew complied. The knickers were so light and delicate and made him squirm a little as he pulled them into place. The tights followed, these were black and thin, not like those he had worn for dance lessons. As he worked them up his legs he became aware of the feelings they gave him, but for some reason the feelings seemed more intense. He smoothed his hands over his legs enjoying the feeling and realised then that the removal of his leg hair must be why it felt different. He continued to enjoy himself until Ms Thornbury re-entered his room. He stopped what he was doing, face turning red again. "Now you understand why a sissy does not want hairy legs?" Matthew just knodded in embarressment. His erection fully evident to both of them. "Put on your jeans and t-shirt Matthew." He was a little surprised, he fully expected her to insist he wear something of hers, something feminine. "Matthew, I have an appointment at a nail salon at 4pm. Once I have finished there I will be going to get some groceries from the supermarket and I would like your help. So Please hurry and get dressed." Matthew did as asked, but when putting on his trainers he realised that he would be going out with the risk of his nylon covered ankles at risk of being seen. "Ms Thornbury please can I have some socks?" "Matthew you don't need socks, you already have on a lovely pair of tights." "But Ms Thornbury, people might see them, the tights! Please." "Perhaps you would like to swap your jeans for my cream trousers that area a little longer?" "No, that's not fair." he protested. "Right then I suggest we get going before we are late." and she opened the front door and gestered for him to walk out. Matthew looked at her with pleading eyes. "NOW Matthew!" she prompted and he gave in and stepped out and down the steps. Ms Thornbury walked briskley, her heels clacking on the pavement as she went. Matthew walked alongside her feeling very self conscious, looking down at his feet to see if he could see his ankles. At the same time he marvelled at the feeling as the nylon shifted on his legs. His ankles feeling the cool air, it felt different, more sensitive. Then again as they got into town he was looking at the reflection in shop windows. He thought he could see a glimpse of his black nylon. If anyone noticed he would be mortified. Suddenly Ms Thornbury stopped and opened the door to a small shop in the high street and stepped in, Matthew followed quickly, he noticed what were basically three desks set at angles along one side of the narrow store. Two desks had people sitting behind them, one a lady with long black curly hair who must have been in her thirties he guessed. The other was a young lady with short bleached hair, it was spiked at the front and she had heavy dark eye makeup on and purple lipstick. "Constance, how are you?" the older lady greeted her. "I'm fine thank you Jen." She replied "this is Matthew." and she pointed to Matthew who still stood just inside the shop door. He had never been in such an establishment before, the place smelled of chemicals, solvents he guessed. Ms Thornbury sat down at the desk / workstation with Jennifer. Jennifer then suggested "Matthew, why don't you sit there with Lucy." Matthew was still very self conscious, didn't speak but just shuffled over to Lucy's workstation and sat down. "Tell you what" Jennifer added "Lucy doesn't have an appointment till 5pm, you can have a freebie." Matthew looked at Jennifer, then at Ms Thornbury in the hope she sould rescue him. He didn't want a treatment. "That's very kind of you both, Matthew put your hands on the desk so that Lucy can do her work." The last thing Matthew wanted to was cause a scene, so reluctantly he did as asked. Matthew had not clipped his nails since he arrived at Ms Thorbury's house. Each finger and thumb had around 2mm of nail growth at his finger tips. Lucy smiled at Matthew, but it was more like a cat that was about to pounce on a mouse. She picked up Matthew's left hand and started work. Despite himself Matthew found himself looking on in fascination as the young woman worked on one hand then the other. He started to relax at the feeling of being taken care of. His nails were filed a little, mostly at the corners making them a little rounded. His nails were then soaked in a small bowl for a few minutes. Then one nail at a time Lucy applied something to the top of his nail, then used a small stick to push the skin up to reveal a pale semi circle. Some small bits of skin were nipped off. When all of his nails were done Lucy massaged both hands with a cream. This was especially nice and relaxing. The process continued as each nail was wiped with something that smelled strong. Then finally Lucy started to shake a small bottle, Matthew could not see what it was yet until she undid the top and swiftly stoked the brush onto his thumb nail. He assumed that as a boy he would just be getting a clear varnish, but he looked down at his thumb in horror. Lucy was not paying him any attention continued to paint his thumb a vibrant pink. He was beside himself, why would she paint his nails pink? This had to be a set up, by Ms Thornbury he concluded. He stared over at his landlady with a menacing look, he wanted her to know how annoyed he was. She caught his glare, and a subtle smile spread across her face. He had two choices, make a fuss and get Lucy to remove the polish before she went too far at the risk of upsetting Ms Thornbury or accept his fate and deel with it later. What to do, he pondered, Lucy started on his next finger. He could not bring himself to challenge it, all he could do was sit meekly and watch as his fingers were one by one painted bright pink. Ms Thornbury's nails were finished before his, hers were as normal a bright red. She paid Jennifer then looked over Matthew's shoulder as he waited for his nails to dry. "Oh they are just lovely." She exclaimed "thank Lucy for the wonderful job she has done." Matthew looked at Lucy, his face flushed with embarressment, she had just given him very girly nails and now he had to thank her like he wanted it. With his hands spread out in front of him in mid air he looked down at his nails and whispered "Thank you Lucy, they are beautiful." "You are very welcome Matty. I hope to see you again soon." Lucy said with a warm smile. Matthew followed Ms Thornbury out of the shop still staring at the pink ovals at the tip of each digit. His mind for a short while was taken off of worrying about his nylon covered ankles being spotted as to him his nails shone like beacons and he was fidgeting and wondering how he was going to conceal them while out shopping at the supermarket. The bright lights of the supermarket seemed to make them shine even more and he tried his best to keep his hands in his pockets. Ms Thornbury though was making good use of him by making him go and fetch things so his hands would be exposed. By the time they got to the checkout he had resigned himself to just ignoring other people and not looking at them. If they did notice his nails then he would not know about it. Sticking his head in the sand like this was the only way he could cope with it. The taxi driver paid him no attention, he either didn't notice or didn't care much to Matthew's relief. Back at Ms Thornburys house they worked together to put away all of the groceries before she requested he change. "Come along Matthew, you know how I feel about you pretending to be a man. Lets get you into something more approapriate." "Yes Ms Thornbury." and obediently he followed her. As they walked into his bedroom she wasted no time "Off with your t- shirt and jeans." He did as asked. "I want you back in the routine of wearing makeup." He sat on his stool at the dressing table, his purple lace knickers visible though the tights. It was several days since he last used any cosmetics and had to think for a second before proceeding with the foundation. As he worked through each item he could not help but notice his shiny pink nails in the mirror. Ms Thornbury had left him to his task and returned with a few items. Matthew was aware of her return but stayed focused on his cosmetics. His final task the lip colour, and as with each time before a thrill ran through him as the stick stroked across his lips, his spare hand stroked his inner thigh "Mmmmmmm." The lipstick never failed to have an effect on his arousal. He was just on the brink of stiffness until the lip colour came into contact with his pouting lips. Now there was a prominant shape under his tights and knickers. "If you have finished Mr Goodwilly?!" she looked at him with a frown come smirk. "Sorry Ms Thornbury." and he stood up again. She handed him a pretty lace covered bra, it matched his knickers. Holding it in his hands he looked at it "How should there a way to..." "There a couple of ways to put on a bra Matthew, well there are more but most common are to put your arms through the shoulder straps up onto your shoulders then to pull the chest bands around to your back and hook them together. Some like to hook the chest band at the front, then slide it round to the back and slip their arms through the straps." After a few seconds thought Matthew wrapped it around his chest and hooked it at the front. Then slid the band round so that the hooks were at the back and then attempted to get his arms through the shoulder straps. The cups were upside down and the straps trapped under the band and Matthew found himself wrestling with the garment and getting confused as to what should be where. "I think you should try the other way, maybe that would suit you better?" Matthew untangled himself, slid it round and unhooked it. "Maybe you could help me?" he looked at her with pleading eyes. "How will you learn if I do it all the time, come on try putting the shoulder straps on first" He straightened the garment out, the put his arms in and realised he would have to lift his arms up to get the straps over his shoulders. Once there he clasped the chest band hook and eye at each side then with great dexterity pulled his arms behind his back and hooked it at the second attempt. He looked at Ms Thornbury, a little surprised that it stayed in place. "Well done Matthew." she smiled at him and handed him the first breast form "put it in" and then the other was passed over and slipped into the empty bra cup. He remebered the cold feeling from last weekend and knew they would warm up. "You are going to wear the velvet playsuit again and and I have a lovely pair of boots for you." 'Boots!' he wondered. Ms Thornbury left to fetch the boots while Matthew slipped into the playsuit. He struggled with the zip to start with but just managed to get it all the way up as his landlady entered the room. In her hand were two long peices of soft black leather with spike heels and pointed toes at the bottom. "Sit on the bed please Matthew." He did so without saying a word. Ms Thornbury Knelt down and took Matthew's foot in her hand and slipped it into the unzipped foot of the boot. With the heel back on the floor Ms Thornbury then held the leather up around his leg and pulled the zip up and it closed in around his calf and stopped just over an inch below his knee. Ms Thornbury repeated the process on the other foot. "Stand up Matthew." The teenage boy was looking down at his legs, he didn't move. His eyes soaked up the view below him, that was him. 'Sooooo seeexxxyyy' his mind was saying. The look of his legs, now without the unsightly hair, smooth, sleek, sexy, FEMININE was turning him on. "Matthew......stand up" she said again. He snapped out of his thoughts, just. He slowly rose to his feet, a little more used to heels now. "Take a look in the mirror." she prompted. He took a few steps, quite comforatably in the 3 inch spikes and peared at himself. Ignoring his hair, he looked hot, he felt good, he felt and looked sexy, as sexy as hell. His penis, smothered in purple lace, black nylon, deep red satin and velvet just seemed to keep getting harder and harder. He felt like he could drill a hole in the wall with it. Even with his landlady watching his hands went to touch the bulge at his front. "Matthew........No!" she said. His pink tipped fingers, with the back of his hands turned up just floated away from his groin. His mind did not know what to do with them. One knee then turned in and rubbed against the other, he just wanted to touch himself or be touched. Ms Thornbury watched in fascination as the boy litteraly squirmed in front of her. He was breathing a little heavy, his eyes flitting from the mirror down to his legs and back again. "So you like your outfit?" she said grinning at him. He looked across at her, a pleased look on her face. She knew things, things that he didn't understand. Why he would be affected so much by what he was wearing. Why did it feel damn good. He knodded slowly in response, his face red and a little frown of frustration. "Come on, perhaps we should get you away from that mirror. We can go and get something to eat." She took his hand and their red and pink nails interlocked. She led him out of his room and downstairs. All the time he was just concentrating on being able to walk, control himself, to calm himself. Not an easy task when looking down at his legs, the feeling of everything on him, slipping over him. A little while later they were both sat at the dining room table eating a microwave meal. Matthew was still highly aroused but had managed to calm himself. Thoughts of what was happening to him circled around his mind as he ate. He didn't understand why he would react so strongly to wearing ladies things, especially the combination of the boots and his exposed nylon covered legs. There had never been any doubt in his mind, he liked girls. He should be getting excited at seeing a girl dressed sexily, not himself. Then his thoughts turned to his hairless legs and arms and he could not fail to notice his pink tipped fingers. That was something he needed to ask Ms Thornbury about. In the kitchen Matthew stood at the sink, having just finished washing up the few things that had been used. He rubbed at his nails with his fingers, as he expected the nail colour would need a special cleaner or remover to get it off. He dried his hands and removed the apron then turned to Ms Thornbury. "How do I get the nail varnish off?" "With nail varnish remover of course." "Can I have some please so I can clean my nails?" "My dear sissy, why on earth would you want to remove it? You only had it done today, that would be such a waste." Matthew felt unconfortable, not knowing how easy it was to remove left him feeling out of control. Not that he controlled much in his life right now. But it was a clearly visible thing to anyone that crossed his path. He tried his luck. "It's not that I don't like the varnish, but I wanted to know how to remove it. Would you show me?" "Well I'm glad you like your nails Matthew, but I would much rather do that another time. How about we do that on Sunday, you can pick out another pretty colour ready for Monday?" Her reply was not what he was hoping for, he was afraid of not being able to get the varnish off before Monday morning. But all he had achieved was to tell his landlady that 'he liked it' and would be choosing a new colour to apply. "Ms Thornbury, thank you for helping" his tact again to keep things polite in the hope she would be more agreable, "...but I would much rather not wear nail varnish to the theatre." then he added " but the weekends would be lovely". His efforts were fruitless though, "Oh, on the contrary Matthew. I think you should pick a nice vibrant pretty colour for Monday. You are afterall a sissy." her words became increasingly stern as she finshed the sentence. Then a bit more softly ".....and nothing says sissy like pretty polished nails." and with her eyes narrowed she smiled at him. A look that worried him, scared him. He was now dreading the thought of turning up at the theatre with shiny nails. What would people think, what would they say. "Please Ms Thornbury, I REALLY don't want to wear nail varnish at work." he pleaded. "Ooohh, but you will sissy boy." and not giving him a chance to plead again she left the kitchen. He remained standing in the kitchen, looked down and spread his hands out, he looked at his nails. They were pretty, made his hands look longer, slender, feminine. He cringed inside, how on earth would he hide it. Thoughts of putting an end to his stay with her surfaced again, of how he could go about it. Should he tell his parents. How else would he save himself from the shame and humiliation, from being exposed as, as a sissy? Sissy, the word still stung him. It had a stigma attached to it, one that he would never be able to get rid of. Still, he could not deny what he was, what he obviously appeared to be. He just didn't want the world to know about it. "Matthew" Ms Thornbury called out. He walked from the kitchen and peared into the sitting room, Ms Thornbury was sat in her usual armchair watching the tv. "Are you not joining me?" she asked him. Matthew remembered it was Friday evening, he should call his parents. "Not just yet Ms Thornbury, I'm going to call my parents." "Oh.....ok." after what happened last week this made her feel a little nervous. 10. A scare, little steps and uncontrolable arms Matthew did as he did last week the went into the dining room to make the call. He sat in a dining chair and dialed. "Hello, Malcolm speaking." "Hi Dad." "Hey Matthew, how are you?" Matthew and his dad chatted briefly before Malcolm handed the phone to his wife. Ms Thornbury decided to listen in as best she could and was now stood quietly outside the dining room out of sight. Cherry was mostly satisfied that all was well after Malcolm's visit and did not push the conversation too much, she just chatted and let the conversation evolve naturaly. Ms Thornbury was still stood outside the dining room nearly 20 minutes later as Matthew's phone call was drawing to a close. Ms Thornbury was feeling a little relieved. "Ok, I'll call you again next Friday." "Yes, ok Matthew." "Ok bye mum." he finally said "Bye darling." Both Cherry and Ms Thornbury were relieved, all was well. But then... "Mum wait!" Matthew quickly said before Cherry had rung off. "Yes Matthew?" "I........I need to tell you something." There was silence for a few seconds. Cherry's mind kicked into a sudden thought 'I knew something was wrong and now he's found the courage to tell me.' Ms Thornbury heart raced, 'Shit, he's going to blab, tell her what she was doing to him'. This was bad, very bad. "Go on son" Cherry prompted. Matthew was trying to find the words, what and how to say what he needed to. At that moment Matthew crossed his legs, one knee over the other, his shiny pink tipped fingers stroked along his nylon coated legs. The look and feel made him stiffen once more, such a delicous view and feeling. His mind was momentarily lost. "Matthew.....what did you want to say?" Cherry prompted once again. "I...err....I.....I love you mum." and continued to stroke his legs. "Oh, I love you too Matthew." "Bye mum." "Bye Matthew." Cherry felt sure there was going to be a confiding in her, a problem he needed help with. Maybe not though and she brushed it to one side putting it down to her worrying too much. Ms Thornbury had her back against the hall wall and signed with utter relief. She thought the game was up. She quickly composed herself and resumed her postion in the sitting room. That felt far too close for comfort, it made her realise how insecure the situation was. She needed to fix things, and quickly. Matthew was still sat in the dining room chair, the phone hung up and his hands tickling and stroking his legs. He loved the sensations and he loved the look. He pondered why he could not bring himself to tell his mum, and the reason was under his finger tips. He didn't want it to end, the dressing in private. His shame at dressing was tempered by the fact that his landlady was insistent on it. It removed him from blame. He also knew in the back of his mind that the longer he stayed at her house the more likely his dirty little habbit would become more public. He reasoned that if things got too bad he could then call his parents, in the meantime he would enjoy things. "Matthew, what are you doing?" He looked up, Ms Thornbury was stood in the doorway of the dining room. "Oh, nothing really.....just thinking." She didn't ask what he was thinking about, she already knew. "Come into the sitting room please." she asked. He stood and followed her, across the hallway and into the sitting room. She stood in the middle of the room, looking at him. "You actually you love your outfit don't you?" He wondered why she was asking or more stating. "Yes, Ms Thornbury." he replied, his eyes dropping to her feet. She stepped closer to him, put her hands out and took his hands interlocking their fingers and stepped closer until they were touching. Her breasts pushing lightly just below his shoulder line. His fake boobs under hers. He was then looking directly at her cleavage, he realised this might be seen as rude and looked to the side, then up at her face. Both in heels she was 5 inches taller than him. While up close to her he felt small. She looked down at into his eyes. "You love your outfit, I can give you more, you can experience more, much more. But you have to trust me Matthew. I know what you need, what you crave, just trust me." "I....I'm scared Ms Thornbury. Scared of what is happening to me. I should not like the things you give me to wear, and I don't want to be seen in public like this. It would be too embarrassing, humiliating, I would be a laughing stock. It would be too much to bare." "I understand Matthew, but I know what you like, need really so just trust will be ok." She kissed him gently on the forehead then pulled away from him a little. With their hands still clasped together she moved her left hand behind his back and her right hand to his swollen appendage. It was the back of Matthew's hand that brushed against it but she was controlling the movement. He took in a deep breath, softly held his bottom lip between his teeth. She looked down at him as she continued to move Matthew's hand against him for a minute so his arousal was peaked. "Dressed as you are now, how do you feel, describe how it makes you feel." The thoughts that entered his head at that question were embarressing to say, even to Ms Thornbury. "I........I...." he faltered, not sure if he could bring himself to open up to her. He feared if he was honest with her she would push him further still, much further than he was willing to go. "You already tell me many things Matthew, just from your reactions. There should not be any need to be shy. It will just confirm what I think I already know." 'Did she really know what was happening inside his head?' he wondered. His cheeks filled with colour at the thought, embarrassed at what she might know or at least think of him. She rubbed his hand against his erection once again, the sensation interupting his thought process. "Does this conversation make you feel....uncomfortable?" she asked. Not even looking at her he nodded his head. At his response she changed her tact. "Do you feel silly dressed as you are?" she asked. A few seconds passed then he shrugged his shoulders. In his head there was a split answer, in her house no but if he were to go outside then yes. "Do you feel turned on?" He nodded. "Do you feel" There was a pause before he nodded slowly. "Does it make you feel.....girly....feminine?" Again a short pause before he nodded. "Do you like feeling girly Matthew?" Matthew was torn, a deep rooted belief that as a boy he should not like it but his feelings told him otherwise. "Matthew?" she prompted. He didn't know how to answer and shrugged his shoulders. "I think we both know the answer really." He glanced up at her face as a single tear leaked from the corner of his left eye. She noticed, like she always noticed and let go of his hands then pulled him into a hug. His emotions, his conflicting thoughts, the guilt he felt, the fear, the desires, cravings all built up and like a pressure cooker they started to leak and then burst out as he sobbed and the tears flowed. Ms Thornbury held him and let him release his emotions for a few minutes until he calmed a little. "It's all ok Matthew, It will all be just fine. You just need to trust me." and she stroked the back of his hair and held him. Matthew nodded in response as he calmed himself. Matthew lay awake in his bed the following morning, thoughts of the previous evening circling his head. He could not bring himself to tell his mum of his situation, his desire to keep being dressed in the sensuous, soft clothing overriding his fear of being exposed and humiliated. Then the discussion with Ms Thornbury and him being upset. Looking back now he felt foolish and silly. He was a 17 year old young man afterall, his male ego; even though a little diminished; still saw it as childish, not strong...not manly. But there he was, in bed wearing a rose coloured satin night dress, 'yeah....very manly' he mentally said to himself. His thoughts were then interupted as Ms Thornbury entered his room. "Good morning Matthew." she said brightly. "You need to get yourself up and organised so off to the bathroom please." She was already washed and dressed for the day, a slim grey pencil dress down to her knees with cap sleeves and a v shape neckline. Her bare feet slipped into her cream heeled slippers. Matthew looked at her, something was not right. Then he realised she was not co-ordinated, the grey dress and cream slippers did not really work well together. The he realised something else, 'I have never evaluated a womans outfit like that before.' a few weeks ago he would not even have noticed what she was wearing, he would have been more interested in what was not covered. Ms Thornbury was sat on his bed waiting when he returned from the bathroom. "Right then, first lets get your bra and knickers on." and she handed him the garments. He slipped his feet into the white satin and lace full cut undies. The lace panel leaving his semi aroused penis on show. With yesterdays experience in mind he slipped his arms through the straps of the bra, worked them up to his shoulders and showing great dexterity pulled the hooks and eyes around to his back and fastened it in place. As he added the breast forms she passed comment. "I'm impressed, it takes some women years to master that. Now do your make up. Foundation, eye liner, mascara and lippy as you have been doing." "Yes Ms Thornbury." He sat and began the routine he was now quite familar with. Each time he went through this process he became more skilled and leanred from little errors made before. Ms Thornbury flitted out then in again with some item's he would need. Smoothing his lips together to even out the red colour, his penis now at full mast he turned on the stool to look at Ms Thornbury, for her accpetance. "Very good Matthew, you're coming along nicely. Now for your tights." as she passed them to him. He wasted no time in bunching them up and slipping them over his feet. One of his favourite items to wear due to the tactile nature of them. With the tights all the way up and in place he looked up to see what was next. Ms Thornbury held up a hanger, the long garment had thin shoulder straps. The waist had a 2 inch wide elasticated or rouched band around it which then split into two legs. "This is called a jumpsuit Matthew" she said as she held the hanger up. It was white with large pink and red flowers scattered over it. Holding the garment up, with one hand she slid a zip down at the back than slipped the shoulder straps of the hanger and handed it to him. "Let me help you." and she stepped over to him and held his shoulder. He opened up the top and stepped in with his left foot, then added his right and found his leg forced into a position that was close to his left leg. He almost lost balance but Ms Thornbury held him steady. He pulled it up and slipped his arms through the shoulder straps and Ms Thornbury pulled zip the back up. "Sit yourself down for a second." Ms Thornbury then produced a pair of glossy white pumps with a three inch heel and seconds later they were on his feet. "Now Matthew, you seem to be used to heels now. But now I am going to make it more difficult again." Matthew looked up at her, a little confused. His heels were no worse than he had worn before. She held out her hands to him, he took them both and between them his raised to his feet. "Now, the legs of the jumpsuit have been stitched together from the crotch to just above

Same as The Snare - 2nd Instalment Videos

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Back at Varsity 2nd year

I was into my first few days of 2nd year varsity, back at class with Caitlyn and slowly starting to work hard. Caitlyn and Jessica were no longer friends and we often walked past her and didn't give a shit. I soon introduced Cassi to Caitlyn as Cassi was also studying logistics and Caitlyn and myself were both happy to help her with her 1st year subjects. They soon became rather friendly with each other as I told them both that I still sleep with the both of them, which really didn't bother...

4 years ago
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Owner Ki Ladki Ko Choda Or 2nd Wish Mangi

Hello dosto mera naam Sam he or me Bangalore me padta hu, muje aap logo k bahut se email mile aur mujse or kahaniya likhne ki guzarish ki he, par jaise ki aapko pata he meri saari kahaniya sachchi ghatnao par hoti he isiliye me jyada kahani nai likh pata hu. Meri iss kahani par b hamesha ki tarah muje email kare or comments bheje. Aaj me apni 1 or kahani aap logo k 7 share karna chahunga. Ye story mere 2nd wish k bare me he jo mene apni owner ki ladki se ki thi. Meri purani kahaniya padhne k...

2 years ago
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Asha8217s MultiFlavored 2nd Honeymoon 8211 Part 1

I never saw Asha looking like an Indian wife. But after her best friend’s wedding, I found certain changes in her. She was wearing her long-forgotten mangalsutra, bangles regularly, having sindoor. Earlier she avoided mehndi. But this time, she loved it. It’s been like years that I have seen her like that. It was the month of June, and her summer vacations were going on. One evening, we were checking our mobile sitting side by side. I heard Asha saying, “Wow, how lucky she is!” I saw her phone....

3 years ago
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The Teeth of the TigerChapter 19 The Snare Is Laid Beware Lupin

The power that had impelled Don Luis to battle and victory was so intense that it suffered, so to speak, no cheek. Disappointment, rage, humiliation, torture, were all swallowed up in an immediate desire for action and information, together with a longing to continue the chase. The rest was but an incident of no importance, which would soon be very simply explained. The petrified taxi-driver was gazing wildly at the peasants coming from the distant farms, attracted by the sound of the...

4 years ago
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Time Snare

An item from the lord of time himself falls into the unfit hands of a mortal man. (Or woman, we’re not sexist here.) A time-altering video editing software grants the possibility to modify one’s future by use of the past. Allow me to explain. Fortunately - or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it. The video editing tool is reasonably limited in its power when used by a mortal instead of the god of time. It grants the ability to stop time, as any time-based device would, yet it has a...

Mind Control
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 2

I was standing in a corridor. The floor was felt green carpeting and the walls were narrow and tall. It was an old house, like. Super old. Musty too. I sniffed at the air as I walked forward, looking around curiously. Hey! I was also not in my human form! I was in my dragon form – a small, cat-shaped, cat-sized, black scaled dragony ball of cuteness that bore zero resemblance to a cat. Well, not really a ball. But Dad always called me a ball of adorable, so some kind of ball-ness was...

4 years ago
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 3

“Wait,” Cindi said, her hands holding up in an unconscious emulation of the guy from the alien channel talking about aliens. Like, you know, the image used on all those memes that came right after first contact where they replaced ‘aliens’ with ‘dragons.’ “Why the heck aren’t we going to his parents?” She thrust her finger at me, which made me wave at her excitedly. “That is a good question,” Princess Kira said, looking at me. “Oh! They’re busy,” I said, nodding sagely. “Mom and Dad are in...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 5

Blackheart gaped at me. “I was waiting for, like, a whole year to use that line,” I said, cheerfully, twiddling my psi-sword slightly, drawing slow circles in the air with the glowing, humming point. Blackheart spluttered. “You waited to use that line, you jammy bastard?” “Yeah, it’s from Princess Bride!” I said. “I-” Blackheart spluttered even more, lowering the pistol from Kira’s head. As the pistol lowered from her head, Kira immediately brought her elbow slamming down into...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 6

Was there anything better in this grazy galaxy (the g makes it alliterative!) than being petted by your vampire fiancee while shapeshifted to look like a super fluffy kitten? Yes! And that would be being petted by your vampire fiancee while shapeshifted to look like a super fluffy kitten while your friendly neighborhood space princess gives you exposition and also you have hot chocolate. I nosed at the cup, not wanting to shift into a form that could drink from it yet, even as Cindi took her...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 7

I finished using my sick rad dragon shapeshifting powers to pull bullets and stitch up the holes on the last of the civilian gnomes who hadn’t gotten to cover in time, then flipped my cute butt over an overturned table, landing between two United Nations Marines. The UNMC was pretty swoll and rad and all sorts of cool words – and one of the reasons why was that the human race had, for years, wanted to put their people into bigger and bigger suits of armor to make them more swoll and rad with...

2 years ago
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 8

So, you ever want to know what to do when you’re stuck on a undead-infested, formerly drowish space-frigate and your wife has been kidnapped and also your only friend is actually an evil dwarf in a gimp suit? Well, firstly, grats, dude! You’re living one crazy, out there life! Nose-Five! A nose-five, in case you aren’t a dragon, is where you bump your nose against another dragon’s nose. All dragons do it and definitely not just me. Secondly... “Nightcore!” I said, cheerfully as I walked...

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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 9

The first thing I did once I was out of the medical bay was sprint forward, extrude my a cybernetic access spike, and smash it, knuckle first, into the nearest computer access port. Before you ask ‘hey, Brash, how do you get so awesome?’ the answer is I look up to my parents and work out my awesome muscles a lot. But if you ask the slightly more pertinent question of ‘hey, didn’t the evil jerk Dr. Palladium shut down your shapeshifting with her wrist computer after she extracted those evil...

4 years ago
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Brash the Dragon and the Schrodinger SnareChapter 10

Brash the Dragon hit the ground face first, skidded three meters, and came to a stop with his feet curled up against his shoulder blades. He lay there, groaning for a few seconds, then rolled around until he was merely on his face. “Ouchatronic...” he muttered. Then he sat up and gasped. The world had shifted. His perspective had changed. For most mortal minds, it would have been a jarring wrench. Something so fiercely unexpected and unusual that it would have taken minutes, if not...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Share The fifth instalment

31. Getting ready for the day ahead. Despite the late night following his first performance Matthew woke surprisingly early Saturday morning. For some time he lay in bed in a green satin nightdress as thoughts of yesterdays events and what was to come today swam around his head. He ran his fingers through his hair, realising that it still held some curl from the night before. He suddenly felt the urge to check himself out in the mirror. He pulled back the covers and stepped over to the...

4 years ago
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Amy and Her Daddy Part 6 Final Instalment

Introduction: Last bit of this story – Im bored with it now. John and Amys life settled down into a ritual of frenzied fucking. John would normally do Amy in the evening when he got home from work, she would then walk around the house with no panties on, semen dribbling down her leg. Occasionally if a friend came over she would put some pants on, but sometimes she would leave them off. At the weekend, they fucked almost all day, their fucking outside of home reached new heights. John found...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Snared On Holiday

Snared on Holiday It was in the 2nd week of our fortnight in Greece that I finally caught her eye. I'd seen her a few times, around the pool, in the restaurant, on the beach. And I'd done my damnest to check her out without my wife catching me. She was tall, long blonde wavy hair, great tan, large round pneumatic breasts, perky as anything that jiggled as she walked. In short, she was stunning and a real eyecatcher. It was in the adult pool she made contact. No kids allowed,...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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The Prom Queen A Story About a Lovely Boy Part 3 2nd Section

The Prom Queen: A Story About a Lovely Boy - Part Three (2nd Section) Copyright, 2006 by K. G. Communications (Note: This section of Part 3 of this story was left out in the transmission. For sequence purposes, it should be read before Part 4. The author apologizes) The public announcement that a boy would be running as prom queen at Carney High spread like wildfire; by 2 p.m. on the day it was posted, there were television trucks outside the school, interviewing students...

2 years ago
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The 2nd Halloween for a Boy Dressed as a GirlPart 1 A Blissful Young Crossdresser

5th Grade. 11 years old. Dressed as a girl again on Halloween. As a cheerleader. My next old sister's cheer uniform. Her idea. Her bra and panty too. My special "Boob" socks to give the appearance of breast. A discussion I had with my next 2 older sisters. How ample were my false breast to be? Normal size for girls my age? Bigger for my ego as a girl, for all the times I have dressed up with them through the years? Dolly Parton size? Because my 2nd oldest sis Joan, made...

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...

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Motherless Creampie

Woah, did get a facelift? I know I suggested it in my review, so I guess they listened to me! Well, I’m not going to brag too much about it, and instead, I’m going to focus on what I’ve set out to bring you today. We’re looking at an amateur website, and I just know that many of you are begging for amateur creampie content, so that’s what we’re looking at. I know how much you think Motherless can look sickening and pretty gruesome at times, but the creampie content can be quite...

Creampie Porn Sites
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Motherless Cuckold

No matter what type of porn you may be in the market for, Motherless has an ample supply of it, and cucking is no different. Actually, this might help to explain how you ended up being such a pussy little cuck.The journey that brought you to my website reading cuck porn reviews started in your childhood. A fair portion of my readership is actually motherless. Why, you ask? Your guys' moms chose a life of cucking and riding cock instead of raising you fucks properly.Don't worry, gents. I'm in...

Cuckold Porn Sites
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Motherless Horror

I browsed the horror stash at Motherless all morning, and now I don’t know if I should jack off or go hide in the closet until the danger has passed. Then again, hiding out might give me the perfect opportunity to rub one out in the peace and safety of the dark. Who knows who—or what—might be peeping in the windows with nefarious intent if I sit at my desk and shake my dick at the screen. Just like when I masturbate at the local Starbucks, I’ve got to be sure to balance the potential pleasure...

Extreme Porn Websites
4 years ago
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Nick and Logan Adventures 2nd Meeting 2

"See you in a bit bro!" Read the text from Nick. "Mom! Nick will be over in 10 minutes!" Yelled Logan across the house. "Okay honey!" She replied. Logan had reached a new milestone in life. He had started to jack off daily. Sometimes jacking off to porn, and sometimes simply jacking off to the thought of Nick. Logan was excited to finally hang out with Nick again. 2 weeks passed since they had their first jack off session, and while it hadn't resulted in much, Logan...

2 years ago
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Angie and Sara Ch 2 The 2nd Kiss

*WARNING* And as a reminder there is no sex yet? I?m sorry, just romance. (well actually a bit more of the drama than romance but whatever) Maybe by chapter 3 This is a short chapter, just leading up to a bigger chapter. Now moving along don?t vote negatives unless you have good enough reason to do so. But if you do please comment on why you have done so. And without further ado I give you the next chapter of Angie and Sara?s adventure. Angie and Sara - Ch 2 The 2nd...

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Riding days mdash White suppliment 2nd part

To get a clear idea about a few characters and the theme, I recommend you to read the first story the Medical Seduction.Mr. X opened the door and left the room early morning. The door was not fully closed behind him. Through that, we could see Catherine getting up from the hospital bed to get her trousers. When she slipped out from the bed, her blue shirt which moved up and her robust white thighs were well visible. She put her trousers and looked at the mirror in the bathroom. Her hair is a...

4 years ago
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Becoming Gay 2nd Story

Becoming Gay (2nd Story)Once I returned home that summer from my cousin’s house, I went back to my usual routine of watching porn. I was totally addicted, and couldn’t get enough of it, especially after giving my cousin multiple blow jobs during vacation. The summer ended, and school started, so I had to cut down on my porn activities. Shortly after school started back we had a teacher work day, my family was working and I was so looking forward to a day of watching porn. My best friend named...

3 years ago
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just got fucked by my 2nd BBC

I got my 2nd good BBC fucking today and loved every minute if it. I had my 1st BBC and 1st anal back in April and have been craving a repeat ever since, I finally decided to do something about it. I Placed an ad on craigslist for a black man that wanted to use a white sissy crossdresser, After weeding through the fakes, old white perverts and one liners. I responded to 3 guys that fit what I wanted, I picked one that could host at his place that said he loved white sissy ass He said he had a 9...

2 years ago
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2nd TV Cottaging trip And so Friday Cums

So... Where were we.. Ah yes. Post that evening (A Tuesday I think) I had a few exciting times in my hotel room, and I went shopping in an adult store for the 1st time. (I was literally shaking when I went in) I bought a douche set, some lube, condoms and a butt plug.I also bought some lingerie(For my girlfriend I didn't have at the time ) and more shaving stuff , Again shaking like a leaf!I didn't go into the toilets until the Friday, although I wondered past a few times on my usual route from...

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2nd time with daddy

So at this point it has been a few weeks since my first ever encounter. I told my 18 year old that one experimental time was enough but as the weeks passed I grew hornier by the day , constantly thinking about that first time with the daddy from down the road. I couldn't get the thought out of my head and so its no surprise that late one night there I was again making the drive to his house again. Once again I was overcome with tremendous anxiety and fear as I made the 5 minute drive to his...

4 years ago
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2nd BBC for white wife

2nd meetHubby was out of town on business for 2 days, I went again to the local gas station to fill up (not knowing what I was getting filled up with). As I pulled in, there was Joseph getting Diesel. He walked over to my car and asked if where Hubby was. I told him he was out of town, he asked if I wanted him to pump my gas. I said sure so he did. While the gas was pumping, Joseph handed me his business card and said he was on call. OMG! It looked like his dick was hard too. We finished...

4 years ago
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Teen Yummy Mummy 2nd meet

All my stories are based on my experiences You can find the first story here my first meet with Jen, a blowjob in the car before I dropped her home became a regular thing and we had now seen each other on 6 or so different nights. She kept her mummy life away from the relationship until she felt it right which I respected her for. I asked Jen if we could spend a day together and because she lived at home with her parent and they would...

3 years ago
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2nd Bicurous Series

2nd storyIt was on a surfing holiday in Thailand that a hot Italian woman enticed me into a very sexy 3sum with a horny young bi Thai guy (see First Try of Bi). After that exciting sex experience as I continued my holiday in Thailand going back to Bangkok where I enjoyed Thai gals – all from bars or escorts from ads or the telephone book called to my room.Lurking in the back of my mind was the possibility of repeating my first bi experience. I was not into anal but I did find it very very hot...

4 years ago
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Early experiences following 2nd flogging session

Early Experiences - Following 2nd session flogging For several days afterward I kept wondering when and what the next adventure would entail ; at work all Stu would say was we had to wait until his wife had arranged things ;my mind conjuring up all sorts of things , so it was a great relief the next Thursday to be told they would collect me from my digs on Saturday at 5.30pm and I should be freshly bathed and shaved , prepared for a possible overnight stay. They were punctual to the minute ;...

4 years ago
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S2K 2nd Story

This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story. This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this...

4 years ago
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My 1st 2nd and 3rd Time

Let me tell you about the first time I had sex with a guy. I was very young when I first started wearing panties and when I turned 17 I started wearing them full time. I was still a virgin at this time so I wasn't worried too much about being found out. One day I was invited to stay over at a friend?s house. Garry and I had known each other for many years and I have spent many nights sleeping over. However this one night would be different because I was to sleep in his brother?s room....

3 years ago
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Boy to Princess Part 6 2nd Day at the Doctors

Boy to Princess - part 6 - 2nd Day at the Doctors By Jennifer Allison Last night Dr. Raheal Abrams agreed to help me with my sexual identity problem. She didn't agree to help until I changed from Dean to Jennifer in her walk-in closet. After talking it over with my temporary guardian, Dr. Withers, it was agree that I would spend night at Dr. Abrams. At the breakfast table the next morning, I couldn't help noticing that Dr. Abrams couldn't help staring at me. So, I asked her...

2 years ago
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2nd Time Lucky 8211 Banged

Hiiii guys my name is Annisha Lunawat. As it was my birthday; this so happened last week when i had my second date with my boyfriend, Ankit. We were going out for Italian dinner @ little Italy in Anna Nagar. My previous date was a failure because i was expecting some fun and some cuddling from him, which could not happen because i was caught at the beach by my brother and his wife. I am from very orthodox family my family does not believe in love or love marriages. My relationship is hidden...

3 years ago
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2nd Hotwife breeding Success

2nd Hotwife (breeding Success)So about a week after my hotwife experience at the swingers party, (don't think I posted that in this group, but you can read it on my profile I posted it in a few groups) I got a call from Tamika, saying she wanted to invite me to a party down in Washington state. I had got a taste and swing parties and I was like fuck ya!! Then she said this one is a little different. I asked her how so, well she said she had confided in a friend about her and mine little weekend...

4 years ago
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2nd of 4 CL guys

The 2nd was a fireman. Really good looking. But he seemed just a little straight, a little uptight for me. Not nervous, just straight. We took a jacuzzi, the natural chemistry wasn't really there but neither of us wanted this to be a waste of time... speaking for myself. I moved my foot to his crotch, just to break the boring dynamic of chit chat,, so he moved closer. I started to feel a much better vibe from him, he reached inside my bikini top to massage and squeeze which i love, with his...

4 years ago
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2nd Shift Surprise

Several years ago I took a position as the night manager for a large hotel chain in our capitol city. Giving up the freedom of roaming the hotel as a security officer took some getting used to. In my former position barely a weekend would go by without "catching" couples in compromising positions throughout the hotel as I made my rounds. Sure, as night manager, there was the occasional phone call, to the front desk, with offers of watching couples or joining in etc. These calls certainly did...

3 years ago
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2nd Round With Horny MIL

Hi, I am sharing the next round of hot session with my Horny MIL Sarika, for that you’ll have to read my first episode hot session with Horny MIL 30th August Part 1. After getting to the market to get her I Pill because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings by saying that, she would never conceive at her age and can enjoy sex without any tension, as I was returning I decided to grab a couple of beers just to heighten things, I was buying she called and asked me to get a Razor and a can of shaving...


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