Murphy 2Chapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 24
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Dusk was just extending its shadowy fingers over the scene. Surfers were wending their way home from the beaches, colourful surfboards slung firmly on top of colourful cars and vans. Zinc cream glowed beneath mirrored sun glasses on the faces that seemed to glow in the red rays of the setting sun. The homeward bound traffic from the beaches confronted head on the homeward bound traffic from the city. The occupants of these cars watched enviously the stream of cars and wished that the quest for wealth wasn’t as strong as it was, and that occasionally they could take time off to enjoy the sun, sand and scenery offered by the beaches.
It was from this particular melee that a large black car emerged, the blind eyes of its tinted windows obscuring the occupants from any outside interest. It pulled into the kerb outside the block of flats in which Russell and Jenny were once more dozing.
‘John, we’ve got company.’
Burroughs sat up and raised the seat to its upright position and his eyes followed Jerry’s pointing finger. As the car pulled up the passenger side front door opened and a large man in a too tightly fitting suit got out and walked to the rear door which he opened. A much smaller man in white slacks, pink shirt, broad brimmed white hat and holding a pink handkerchief to his nose got out. Both men went into the building.
‘What do you make of that?’
‘Trouble and in big doses. Let’s go!’
‘The Triumph throbbed into life and moved quickly towards the limousine. Reaching it John moved quickly. Before the driver had a chance to realise what was happening he found himself being dragged from his seat. He didn’t notice being put carefully back into his seat as he was suffering from the effects of being hit firmly with a blunt object, in this case a good old fashioned cosh.
‘Okay let’s get on with it.’ Both John and Jerry ran quickly into the building and up the stairs. At each floor one of them looked through the glass panel of the stair well door to see if the other two men could be seen. On the seventh floor they were rewarded by the sight of the larger of the two men going to work on the door with his size thirteen foot. The door didn’t last long and the two men were soon inside the flat.
‘What do you want?’ Russell’s voice could not hide the fear that he felt.
‘We want you two. Now we can do it the easy way or I can ask my friend here to apply pressure.’ The voice was smooth and soft, the implications the opposite.
‘Can we get dressed first?’ Russell asked.
‘Tony, check the room to see if there is another way out of here.’ Tony lumbered into the bedroom and briefly scanned it.
‘Do you mind!’ Jenny’s indignant voice came from the room’
‘Sorry lady.’ He backed out of the room. ‘No other way out Boss.’
‘Alright, but no funny business.’
As Russell went into the bedroom John stepped into the flat, ‘I would suggest that for your health’s sake you two gentlemen put down your weapons and stand over against the wall, facing it if you please, rest your hands on it and your legs apart please.’ The two men complied with the order, but instead of frisking them both John and Jerry applied their feet to the groin of the other two men. Both men slumped to the ground in agony. They were quickly trussed up like turkeys.
‘It’s safe to come out now.’ John said.
‘What did you do to them?’ Jenny asked as she came into the room.
‘Made them boy sopranos again, at least for the time being. I presume that you know these specimens?’
‘Yes, the one with the coconut ice colour scheme is the one that I told you about.’
‘It seems as if you people are not safe no matter where you are. You’d better come with us.’
As they hadn’t fully unpacked it took a matter of minutes for them to throw their clothes into their bags and leave.
‘Your phone isn’t working.’ John said as they left.
‘No, it hasn’t been connected yet. Why?’
‘We should get someone to come in and take care of your friends.’
‘There’s a public phone box on the corner.’
‘How did you know that, you haven’t moved from your flat all day.’
‘We noticed it on the way in and thought that if we needed to ring you it wouldn’t be too far away.’
‘Where were you when the fun was happening a couple of hours ago?’ Russell asked.
‘Oh what fun was that?’
‘A bit of shooting, a lot of shouting and police and TV crews everywhere. I think that our friends are at each other’s throats now.’
‘That was the general idea. We are going to your office to catch up with the latest and then we will decide what we need to do to keep you out of trouble until this dies down.’
‘Here we go again. You know our feelings on this don’t you?’
‘Yes and the answer is still to get you away.’
‘We survived their first attempt, who is to say that they will be any more successful the second time round especially if they are blaming each other now.’
‘You survived because we were there. We may not be the next time.’
They stopped briefly at the phone box while John rang his contact in the Federal Police. His manner when he returned to the car was one of extreme anger.
‘What’s the matter?’ Jerry asked.
‘I’ll fill you in when we get to the office but let me say I’m not a happy chappy right at this minute.’
The car pulled up in the carpark of the National News and they all walked through to Brian’s office. The greeting that they received was not the one that they either wanted or expected.
‘Where have you been?’ The urgency in Brian’s voice was enough to gain the attention of all of them.
‘Why, we didn’t think that the bombing of the Hilton was all that important to us.’
‘The bombing of the Hilton has nothing to do with this, your mother is frantic with worry. She has been ringing every thirty minutes since about eleven this morning. She won’t tell us what has happened only that it is very important that she talk to you.’
Jenny walked over to the desk and dialled her mother’s number. ‘Mama what is the matter?’
‘Jenny! Where have you been?’ Her mother had lapsed into Italian. ‘Your Papa is dead.’
‘Papa dead. How did this happen?’
‘Where is Russell?’
‘He is here with me now, why?’
‘Has he been with you all the time?’
‘Yes, what are you saying?’
‘Before he went out your father got a phone call from someone who he thought was Russell saying that you were missing. He was on his way to help look for you.’
‘I was not missing and Russell has been with me all of the time. The call was obviously to get Papa to leave the house. Whoever it was knew that he would only leave if he thought that I was in danger. It must be someone that knows both Russell and me.’
‘They told me it was a car accident.’
‘Who told you?’
‘The policemen who came to tell me about it.’
‘Have you seen him?’
‘Yes. He looks so peaceful.’
‘Do you believe that it was an accident?’
‘No. The other driver did not stop. They say that they are looking for him but I think that they don’t look so hard.’
‘We’ll see what we can find out from this end. Russell and I will be right over.’
‘You had better tell Russell to ring his mother. I called them when I was trying to find you and I’m sure that she will be as worried as I was. I will see you soon. Take care.’
‘We will, ‘bye Mama.’ Jenny hung up the phone and turned to Russell. ‘I suppose that you heard that?’
‘Yes. What happened?’
‘Papa is dead. The police told Mama that it was an accident but she is not convinced.’
‘We will go over there straight away.’
‘Not before you call your mother. Mama had to call her when she was looking for us, she might be worried.’
Russell rang his parents’ home. ‘Mother? Oh Franklin would you be so kind as to call Mot
her?’ There was a pause while his mother was summoned. ‘Mother it’s Russell.’
‘Where have you been? Maria was frantic with worry when she called here.’
‘You have heard the news then? We are on our way over there. I just rang to say that we are all right and for you not to worry about us.’
On their arrival at Jenny’s parents’ house they were greeted by her brother Tony and his wife. ‘She is all right for now, in fact I have not seen her so calm for long time and it worries me. I think that Maria and I should stay with her for a day or so just in case she starts to feel the shock of what has happened.’
‘That will be fine by me although I think that she will surprise you as to how well she will take this news. She is a lot tougher than you give her credit for.’
They were led inside where they found the older Maria seated on the lounge waiting. When Jenny and Russell entered the room she got up and gave both of them a hug and held them to her for several minutes. ‘This thing that happened to Papa, this is connected with what it is that you are working on?’
‘We believe so yes.’ Russell answered.
‘Then I say to you that we must avenge Papa’s death. I will see whoever it was punished and if the police can’t find the man that did this I will find him myself and I shall see my husband avenged. This I swear on the Blessed Virgin.’
‘Mama, you can’t get involved. These are bad men and they will not hesitate to kill you if you try anything.’ The worry in Jenny’s voice was evident.
‘I will. There is a tradition where your father and I came from that honours the ‘eye for an eye’. Your father would wish it.’
‘Father was not one for these traditions.’ Tony said.
‘Father was one for these traditions.’ Jenny replied. ‘You haven’t heard him talk about his wartime experiences lately, because if you had you would not have said that.’
‘But he has honoured the traditions of this country in his business and personal life since becoming an Australian all of those years ago.’
‘He may have taken out Australian citizenship but he has never renounced his heritage.’
‘This true.’ Maria Senior said. ‘When he was dealing in business, if the other person crossed him his vengeance was swift and powerful. These people only crossed him the once and the word very soon spread around that he was not a man to be crossed. He was fair at all times.’
‘We first have to find out who did this and that won’t be easy because the police will not be very co-operative.’
‘We know who it wasn’t because we were entertaining one of them at about the time this happened so it couldn’t have been him, but that doesn’t rule out the other one and if it is him he will probably be hiding behind Diplomatic Immunity so we won’t be able to touch him.’
‘Don’t be so sure. If we can locate him we will wait for him to come out and then we will take him.’
‘I hope you don’t intend to kill him yourself.’
‘We will not have blood on our hands but I am sure that someone will be only too happy to do it for us.’
‘How do we find out if it was the one that you think it was?’
Jenny moved to the phone and rang a number. Francine answered. ‘Francine, Jenny.’
‘Where are you? I was worried sick when I got home to find your note and no forwarding address.’
‘It’s a long story and I haven’t got time to tell you all that there is to tell but briefly, we rented this gorgeous flat at Tamarama, overlooking the beach and settled in for some pleasant getting to know you things when these two men burst in. Russell and I were scared out of our minds with fear, and just as we thought that they would do something nasty, two other men walked, calm as you like into the room and knocked the other two out. We got out of there as quickly as we could.’
‘Where are you now?’
‘Staying with family but I don’t think that we can stay here much longer because they have killed my father.’
‘When did all this happen?’
‘This afternoon, Francine, we don’t know what to do or who to turn to. All that we know is that we are not safe here. I don’t know where we can be safe.’
‘You should have stayed here, I’m sure that you would have been safe here.’
‘No, we didn’t want to involve you in our problems.’
‘Look, I have some friends who will be able to help you, I will speak to them and ring you back when I have something arranged. See you.’
Thirty minutes later the phone rang. ‘Jenny, Francine, it’s arranged. I’ll meet you there as soon as we can get there.’
Jenny hung up the phone. ‘Interesting.’
‘What is?’ Russell asked.
‘Francine has never been here and she didn’t ask me for the address but she still said that she would meet us here with some of her friends and hopefully help us out.’
‘Maybe she has your address from your records at work.’
‘No I don’t think so because I was not living at home when I signed up with the agency. There’s another thing that bothers me.’
‘What is that?’ Russell asked.
‘I got the impression that she wasn’t ringing from work or her home. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if she was close by when she rang.’
As if to confirm her observation it was less than fifteen minutes later that Francine’s Datsun swept up the driveway and skidded to a halt outside the house.
Francine was the first to emerge from the car and was greeted warmly by Jenny and Russell. The passengers slowly and gingerly extricated themselves from the car. Both of them looked a little the worse for the experience of driving with the erratic Francine.
‘Jen this is Jim Crossley and Aaron Silverman, they are the investigators who do occasional work for the agency.’
Both men expressed their pleasure at the meeting and, from their attitude it was obvious that they were used to extracting their fees in a more physical manner than was ethically correct.
‘What I, we, require from you is enough information as to the identity of the driver of the truck that killed my father for us to see that justice is not only done but seen to be done. The form that this justice takes is of no concern of yours. We will try to carry it out in a legal manner but if that is not possible then we will just have to take the law into our own hands, and the less you know about that the better. We will pay you the standard fee for your work, I think the usual terms is for us to pay half now and the balance on a satisfactory completion of your task.’
‘Our fee is based on the resources that we employ in carrying out our job. We have a standard charge of two hundred dollars per day and we ask for two days in advance. We will keep you informed on a daily basis as to our progress and at the end of five days, even if we do not have any firm results we will invoice you for five hundred dollars. At that time we will discuss whether you wish to continue with the hunt. Is that fair?’
‘Yes that seems fair enough. What we can guarantee you is, if you are successful in this case you may find yourself receiving more work from the Italian community, however, if you are unsuccessful, you can kiss any chance of work from that quarter good-bye. Is that clear?’
‘Yes.’ The two men realised that, looks to the contrary, Jenny was turning out to be a hard headed business woman. She had left them little room to manoeuvre.
”Bye Jen.’ Francine ushered her reluctant passengers towards the Datsun. ‘Don’t worry, if anyone can find this man Jim and Aaron can. We’ll keep in touch.’ Her parting words were lost in the noise of scattering gravel and the exhaust as the car fishtailed out of the driveway.
No sooner had they gone when Tony came out of the house. ‘These men are involved in this business.’
‘How do you know?’ Russell asked.
‘I have seen them around talking to our people who are involved in this business.’
‘What business?’
‘We are reluctant to admit that
our community is involved in gambling and prostitution but these businesses have been part of the Italian way of life for centuries, and it is something that will be impossible to prevent.’
‘Why would these people want to take over such businesses?’
‘Prostitution is a way of keeping open their drug operations. They make sure that the girls are hooked on drugs and need to keep working to feed their habit and then they offer to supply their doses free if they were able to push drugs to their customers. As for the gambling, there are many people in high places in government and the police who are compulsive gamblers and by allowing them to get into debt they are able to manipulate their allegiances for their own ends.’
‘But they shouldn’t need to take over your community’s business interests. Why don’t they just walk in and compete with you?’
‘They don’t like competition. They much prefer a monopoly situation.’
‘Can’t you go to the police with your information?’
‘We spit on the police. We have given them solid evidence in the past and they not only have not acted on that information but have actually got kick backs from those concerned. No the police are definitely not to be trusted.’
‘But you will not be able to deal with these men if they have the protection of the police.’
‘We are sometimes successful by using the same methods as they use on us.’
‘Maybe, and I’m not making any guarantees here, but I may just be able to help you.’ Russell said.
‘How can you help?’ Tony asked.
‘By writing an expose on their involvement in organised crime.’
‘Maybe when this thing is over, but until that time we cannot allow you to write anything.’
‘Why not?’
‘Because it would drive into hiding those people who can help but who are reluctant to on the basis that they may be singled out for treatment by the other gang members.’
‘Then what do you propose?’
‘We will put the word on the streets that we are looking for these people. We have a large network of taxi drivers, bus and train drivers, service station attendants and small business men who can watch almost everything and everybody. It will not take long to find them.’
‘Then what?’
‘We will face that problem when we reach it. You will stay here and keep Mama company while we do this.’
‘But can’t we do something else?’ Jenny asked, ‘We will feel so useless here.’
‘You will be doing a more useful thing by staying here.’
‘Can we let our friends know where we are and what we are doing?’
‘Yes. Now I must go. Take care of Mama and each other.’
Russell rang Brian at the National News office. ‘Where are you and what are you doing?’ Brian’s voice greeted his.
‘I am still at Jenny’s parents’ house. There seems to be a lull in the festivities for the time being but the Italian community has rallied to the cause and probably hundreds of them are scouring the countryside for our friends.’
‘How is Jenny’s mother taking the news?’
‘Pretty quietly. She is amazing, the reserves of strength that she is showing now are something that makes me quite envious.’
‘Okay, just you see that you keep right out of trouble. I want you back here in one piece.’
‘Your concern is touching.’ Russell hung up.
The day progressed incredibly slowly for both Russell and Jenny. They sat on the lounge chair and the time sat heavily on their minds as they pondered their next moves and formulated all sorts of different contingency plans.
All the time that they sat in the lounge room they could hear Mrs Petrelli fussing around in the kitchen. Presently she came into the room with a tray on which was a pot of strong black coffee and a plate containing a variety of Italian pastries.
They sat for a time in silence, sipping their coffees with a distinct lack of enthusiasm that was reflected in their attack on the pastries. After what seemed like hours much of the coffee and almost all of the pastries remained on the tray. ‘Under normal circumstances,’ Jenny thought, ‘Mama would be fussing around trying to get me to eat hundreds of these things because she thinks that I’m too thin.’
Under the circumstances none of them were at all interested in eating so none of them felt inclined to encourage the others to eat.
Sometime later the phone rang and when Jenny answered it she found a dejected Tony on the other end. ‘We have found out nothing yet, it’s almost as if there is a wall of silence around this whole matter.’
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Hi, this is Raj again, in the 1st part of this story I described how I fucked my MIL to control her and make her my pet. Now I will continue the story. After fucking Neha, my MIL I was lying by her side on the bed, she was half naked with only her blouse and bra on her body. I got up and saw her, there was a sense of satisfaction on her face. My cum was leaking from her pussy and she was still asleep. It was 9:30 pm and I was feeling hungry, so I went to the bathroom, freshed-up and started my...
Jason’s heart was pounding as he walked towards her room. She was standing just outside her door, looking much as she had the first time - flustered, desperate and with a wild look in her eyes.“Don’t worry Mom, I’ll help you” Jason said, drinking in the scene before him. Where last night she had been wearing her maternity pyjamas, this time she was wearing matching black bra and panties. Her breasts strained against the fine silky material. This was no maternity bra, it was sheer and sensual....
I woke up Sunday morning kind of late and headed down to the kitchen follow a few minutes later by Kate and Ann. Grabbing something to drink we all sat down at the table and I ask the girls if they had seen Doug yet this morning. Ann told me he had left early because he had to help his dad move some wood. With a stern look at Ann I said I hope you didn’t do anything you’d regret last night. Being on the subject I asked them how they learned so much about sex being that I could count the guys...
The sudden buzzing distracts me from my work. I glance across my desk, watching my cell phone light up and twitch as it vibrates again. A smile instantly brightens my face. I know exactly who it is and what the text message will say. I get up from my chair, crossing my office to push the door closed. Returning to my desk, I pick up my phone, flipping it open. ‘1 text message,’ it reads. It sends a tingle shooting down from my stomach to the space between my legs. I press the button, and there...
Hi Friends, this is Raj from Bangalore with real experience. I am staying alone in one of the apartments in South Bangalore. In the recent past, the society I am staying decided to vacate all the bachelors from my apartment. As there was a change in society management, I don’t have any option other than leaving the house. As I was in this apartment for almost two years, I used to the place and don’t want to leave. In my adjacent flat there are 3 guys and 2 girls staying and all of them are...
Not mine but good story.The taste of Paul's cum as it exploded from his cock into my mouth was intoxicating. I enjoyed the feel of his thick shaft throbbing in my hand and mouth as cum pumped from it. When he finished spurting cum I licked and sucked the head of his cock to get the last morsel before letting it slip from between my lips. I lay my head on Paul's hard abdomen and kissed the head of his cock as I slowly stroked it's semi- hardness. As I lay there catching my breath; watching the...
The rain continued until late in the day with periods of heavy downpours and a steady drizzle in between. Just before sundown, the clouds in the western sky broke open into a reddish spray of colors on the horizon. The dirt street in Hays that had been dry with dust blowing into the stores and homes, were now sloppy and muddy as the horses plodded through the deep puddles. The teams of horses pulling wagons were trying to get footing in the slippery mud and the ruts from the big wagon wheels...
The lawn surrounding the villa that Isaac and his five surviving comrades had secured was littered with the bodies of the recently slaughtered. One corpse belonged to Jacob who'd suffered a martyr's death in the struggle to secure the villa for true believers. Two belonged to the accursed heretical Baptists who'd obstinately fought to defend the villa. But to no avail. One of the heretics had died at Isaac's hands. Isaac's had jumped on top of the man, tugged him forcefully by the beard...
"This is Mrs. Lister," said the Madam, "and her daughter Amy." The girl smiled at me and made a small curtsey while I held her stately mother's hand and admired her grace and beauty. "A militia company," the old lady said, nudging me to get my attention, "has driven them from their home, a local company, New Yorkers they say, that claimed to be with the patriot cause. Call themselves Partisans they do." "I never saw such a foul bunch," the woman said while her daughter stood...
I was staying with my Dad for the summer. My parents have been divorced for about five years now and he got remarried last spring. He lives in Southern California in a condo with his new wife, Lynn, my stepmother, and she is somewhat younger than my dad. He's forty-three and she's twenty-six. I can see why he married her, she's petite, about five foot three or so, and very trim, maybe about one hundred pounds, maybe a little more. Really no bigger than a lot of the girls at my school and...
This story has been retooled from its original incarnation and is now part of A New You by Emma Finn, a compilation of transformation stories available on Amazon. STUCK By EMMA FINN 1 Now I had found out what the magic stone did, another thought materialised in my head. What if I used it and then got stuck? What if I let it transform me and then something happened - I lost it or... or someone stole it? I'd be trapped in that other form forever. A grin flashed up on my...
This is just a little story about how I ride. I mean, the way I like to live my life. And one of the things that really defines me a lot is what I wear. If I'm awake and kicking then I've got on my 501 jeans. And not a stitch underneath them.When I was young I would wear almost any kind of jeans. Just as long as they fit and I could afford them. But as I aged and lived my life I learned what I needed to do to make life good. One thing I learned is what button fly jeans could do to make life...
Quickie Sex"Don't try to speak, darling."I looked dumbly at my mother and in spite of her words, I tried to open my mouth.Nothing would work though, my mouth just refused to obey my brain, mum obviously saw the distress in my eyes and reached over to take my hand."Stay still Johnny," she said, her voice threatening to break. "You've got a broken jaw, it's been wired up."Even turning slightly to look at her hurt me, my neck muscles protested, even my shoulders hurt, I made a writing gesture, and she passed...
IncestPart 3Please read the previous parts.The next day I woke up early, like 6 in the morning early. I showered and dressed then soon I was making my way to Brandy’s house. I arrived just as her mom was leaving for work. “I left a list on the counter in the kitchen, Brandy is still sleeping so try to stay quiet until she wakes”, “Ok will do” I said to her, “And help yourself to anything in the house”. After she left I began looking at the list, it was long and lots of things on it. I knew I couldn’t...
18-year-old Lynn Sherman was in a hurry. Cheerleading practice had run late, and now she was late for work. She was so late in fact, that she had no time to shower or change out of her cheerleading outfit. Shaun, one of her friends on the squad would be late too, but she took little consolation in that. Opening the door to her car, she sat down, and looked at herself in the rearview mirror. Her shoulder length chestnut brown hair was easily straightened when she ran her fingers quickly through...
Vanakam friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en anniyai naan sex seitha kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar raj vayathu 24 aagugirathu, inthu naal varai naan entha penaiyum oothathu kidaiyathu. En annanku thirumanam seithu vaika irunthaargal, en annan vayathu 26 aagi irunthathu. Anni vayathu 22 thaan aagiyathu naan aniyai vida iru vayathu periyavan. Pen paarka sendra pozhuthu naan anniyai paarthu mayangi viten endru thaan sola vendum. Anni...
“Karen? Karen Post?” The speaker was in green scrubs. One thing about a Doc ... they look CLEAN. Green boy was clean. I raised my hand. “I’m she.” “Would you come with me, please?” I balked. “Doc ... if she’s dead, just say so.” “She’s in recovery ... now, please come with me.” At the word recovery, I was up ... off my seat and sprinting. The EU waiting room is long and narrow, with the most god awful seats in hospital history ... I’ve sat on more comfortable granite boulders... I...
I ran home and made it with one minute to spare. Larry was still furious, and he immediately demanded answers. I did everything I could to assure him that nothing was going on. I explained that Josh was just a nude model posing for me. I had to think rapidly and come up with an explanation that was mostly the truth. It was true that Josh was modeling for me. It was true that I was going to use the painting for a Brews & Brushes class. It was true that he was naked and stroking his boner....
They had not, as it turned out, been long at all. She had stripped with almost magical speed, once they were in the bedroom. Then she lay on the bed, spreading her legs before bringing her knees up to her chest and pulling them apart with her hands, so that she was completely open to his gaze. "Hurry," she said, her eyes glittering. "I need you now." It wasn't until he was firmly in the saddle, his spike digging deeply into her sex, that he found out what had caused her sudden...
Meg stifled her whimpers of enjoyment as the burly Tom slowly speared her cunt from the rear in the darkened corner. He was exceedingly gentle for such a large brute of a man. Her constant lover Earnest, the banker, was well placed in society but not as skilled a lover as this common hulk of a man. They had taken the murderer Hawkins out at midnight to prepare him for his hanging. The sounds of his screams still echoed into the underground jail filled with men with no hope. Of course, the...
“Stop arguing, I’m not sure if I would even have stayed in the nurse’s office with you even…” she says. I take the piece of gum, and put it in my mouth, she does the same, “So what if he is… It’s not like I’d know…” Almost as if to answer my question, Pat appears and sits next to me, as well as another kid. I’m assuming he’s from the football team as well, he has really nice eyes, and the UnderArmor shirt he was wearing did his pecs justice. Sitting down next to Kelly, he was the first to...
Hi all, hope you enjoy Sandy's adventures. Chapter 17: Viva Las Vegas Peggy and I woke up in each others arms around 5 AM and we made love again. Then at 6AM when we both had to get up we showered and made love again under the water in the shower. We were avoiding the subjects of me leaving for Las Vegas today and her having to be at work at 8:00. I drove Peg to her apartment on the Northwest section of Phoenix and we exchanged phone numbers. I told her I would call her from Las Vegas and...
CrossdressingSister SuzanneBy Shabbadew2002Contact me @ [email protected] Abducted and RapedWhen Katanga broke away from the Congo, many Europeans were caught up in the war. In a small village, the priest and the nuns at a Catholic church fled fearing the violence. Sister Suzanne stayed behind and, in the confusion, got stranded. There were few white people left. Most had fled before the UN troops arrived. That day, in 1960, two Katangan soldiers found Sister Suzanne alone on the road. The two...
He left the place with a wicked smile. I was again taken aback. This nitwit also knows that I need to wear the pad within my panty! I closed the door and had the medicine as per dosage and then went to the toilet with the pad. Since I need to place the pad securely, I decided to get out of the sari and petticoat completely. So again I had to strip to an almost bikini posture as I had my bath only sometime ago. I pulled my panty half way down my fair buttocks and placed the pad covering my...
This one is compliments of Wyden I saw her standing at the back of the unruly mob of boys, shyly holding her little candy bag as if it were a debutante’s clutch purse. She was so angelic and looked as fragile as a butterfly, it teased at my heartstrings. I went through the motions of doling out the Snickers and such to the boys, but held the richest prize for the angel who had stolen my heart. Finally, the boys decided they had extracted all the goodies I was going to give them, the...
Ich entscheide mich für den schwarzen Minirock, obwohl es erst Mai ist und vermutlich kalt werden könnte. Aber ich weiß, dass meine Beine darin am besten zur Geltung kommen und die Möglichkeit, dass Jemand bemerkt, dass ich kein Höschen trage, ist mit einem so kurzen Rock einfach höher. Was hab ich mir dabei nur gedacht, frage ich mich, während ich noch einmal meine Bluse zurechtzupfe. Diese Gedanken und Wünsche habe ich schon lange, aber ich habe noch nie so etwas gemacht, wie heute. Noch...
My wife's statement after our frantic fuck session from the previous story kept going through my mind. Hence a few evenings afterwards, after a satisfying session of oral sex, I asked her what the blindfold meant to her.She told me that she believed that the woman in the film must feel liberated and more open to the things that were happening to her when she was getting into it! She stated that she would surely be more open to new experiences and it could bring her sex drive to a whole new so...
Wife LoversI realized that I liked boys at an early age playing house with my neighbor friend I always pretended to be his wife and I believe I may of even kissed him at one point. As I got older I would wear my older sisters panties and skirts when no one was home and dance around the house. It wasn't until my junior year in highschool I had my first gay sexual experience and loved it even know I was extremely inexperienced. Now I'm nineteen and very experienced but still very much in the closet when one...
The White House seemed calm and soothing after the excitement in Texas, even though we had a never-ending series of difficulties to resolve, disputes to settle, and problems to solve. I stayed in Texas for two days, one more than necessary, making certain that the invading parties were all rounded up and moved to Gitmo. The press went ballistic when photos of ISIS weapons, bombs, and RPG's were released, along with details about the maps, instructions, and orders that were found by military...
Glamorous brunette Maddy May has Hollywood-level looks. The petite beauty teases poolside in heels and fishnet stockings. She gives a glimpse of the fat cunt lips hidden behind her panties. Indoors, she frigs her snatch, making it wet for porn stud Seth Gamble. Maddy’s sweet, young mouth takes his long dick in a blowjob. She pulls her ankles back, spreading her gash as Seth slides his pole inside. He pounds her hairy slit as the horny lass coos. Maddy mounts him, grinding her pussy on his...
xmoviesforyouNatalie Knight is fucking horny today. She’s minding her own business rubbing one out in the shower when her stepbrother walks right into the bathroom and sneaks a peek! She’s shocked and quickly tries to cover up. She sits him down to have a talk about privacy and how he can’t just walk into her bathroom, but she can tell that he liked what he saw and that got her a little “wet”. So rather than get mad, she decides to drop the towel and let him get a REAL look....
xmoviesforyouShe withdraws the extremely hard object, before thrusting it back in with slightly more vigour, sighing and relaxing slightly with the movement. It starts to pump away within her as her breathing becomes ragged and soft, her body tightening as the intruder continues its work. It moves within her, in and out of her body and each thrust encouraging small whimpers to escape from her lips as the waves of pleasure each thrust brings begins to swell in size. She enjoys this for some time, her eyes...
Hello everyone. This is my first story on iss. I have been a reader of iss stories for quite a long time. I am male 28 single Delhi, doctor, 5’8 and my email id is So if anybody is interested or likes my story then you can contact me. I’m open to meet genuine single girls, married ladies and bhabhis and milf’s for fun. Let me come to my story. This is a true story that happened with me some time back. I used to work in one of the reputed government hospital and there was this girl Archana...