Bedtime free porn video

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It was the twenty four anniversary of getting my cher ........ making love for the first time, and it was about to happen again. We had made love during that day, but I had a delicious tingling feeling that this was going to be even more special. When I got up that morning, I had been so sore. I'd never even been able to get even a finger or a tampon in my vagina before, and that big, hard penis of John's had barged around in there so wonderfully ........... well, no wonder I hurt.

Even though John had been afraid of hurting me even more, I had persuaded him to try it, and we had made love gloriously twice that day. He really didn't need much persuasion, hardly any at all. He had been very gentle with me, though, and we used lots of lubrication. We sort of worked the soreness out together. Like I would always force myself to exercize sore muscles the day after a hard workout at the gym. This was a lot more fun than exercize, though. Now I was about to get fu .... made love to for the fourth time in twenty four hours, and I wanted it more than ever. I wonder how often it's possible to make love in a day. John says his penis can't just do it all the time, but he sure seems to be ready when I am.

I went into the bathroom, peed, and hung my robe on the hook behind the door. My nightie was on the other hook, so I put it on. I wanted to wear it into the bedroom. I either wanted John to take it off of me, have him watch me take it off, or even keep it on while he made love to me. It made me feel sexy to wear it, and I wanted to share that with my lover.

I walked out into the bedroom, and John had lit two candles to give it a nice romantic glow. My lover was in bed waiting, and he pulled the covers aside for me. I stepped out of my slippers and slid into bed next to him, still wearing the nightie. He pulled me almost roughly to him, and held me very tightly as we kissed. He seems just as anxious for this as I am. How wonderful. He kissed me deeply, and in no time I was kissing him back with equal passion. We were both trying to get even closer to the other. Our arms around each other, legs intertwined, tongues sharing, his penis hard between us, my pussy starting to moisten already. Oh, I want him so much. In between kisses I asked if he minded if I kept my nightie on, and he said it was fine with him as long as it didn't interfere with his getting at my most interesting parts. It was already pulled open in front so our bare stomachs were together, the nightie held only by the tie at my throat. John was wonderfully, warmly naked. When we're lying together like this, it doesn't make any difference that I sixteen inches shorter than he is.

I could feel Herman poking at me, so I reached between us and took him in my hand. He was fully erect, hot, and throbbing. Oh, boy, my wonderful Herman is ready for me. Am I ever ready for him! John put his hand between my legs and I parted my thighs eagerly to give him access to me. His finger found my cleft, then my entrance, and slid it deep into my waiting vagina.

'Your pussy is very wet already, Baby,' he whispered.

'And Herman is warm and hard already, Darling. I think they're ready for each other.'

He said, 'They're definitely ready, but what about foreplay?'

'What's that?'

'Foreplay involves the gentleman stroking, kissing, and otherwise stimulating the lady in order to get her in the mood for sexual intercourse.'

I giggled a little and said, 'I guess you forgot to tell me what that was called. It seems like we do that all the tme. We've been doing foreplay for about two days, except when we're making love. I sure don't need any more, and I couldn't possibly be any more in the mood. Would it be okay if we just skip it? Miss Kitty wants big, warm Herman, and I just don't know how I could be any more ready to be ...... you-know-what.'

John replied by reaching over to the night table for the Astroglide and rolling me onto my back. I didn't have to be told to spread my legs; that had become almost automatic. Put me on my back, and my legs automatically spread. Am I becoming some kind of slut? I'm not really sure exactly what a slut is, but I'll be one for John anytime, if that's what he wants. I just wish I knew more about how to do it. The Astroglide was cold when he first put it on and in me, but the heat of my pussy quickly warmed it up, and I couldn't feel it anymore.

I was ready to have John get between my legs, but instead he lifted my left leg way up and lay on his side facing me, with his front against my hip. I could feel the tip of his penis probing for my entrance. I thought the man was always on top except in porno videos. I think I'm about to learn something new. I didn't have to be told what to do this time. I reached down, took Herman in my hand, rubbed his tip between my lips to part them, and guided him to what he was looking for. John gave a push, and he slid a little ways into me, opening me as he went. A couple of pushes more, and I had the full, hot length of him buried inside me. I may not be a virgin anymore, but he still feels huge. I love the feeling of being full and stretched. I hope he never makes me so big inside that I don't feel that.

With me on my back and John on his side, our bodies were at an angle, and since he wasn't between my legs we couldn't get face to face. I was a little disappointed that we couldn't kiss in that position, but I soon found out that there were some wonderful advantages.

John started moving big, warm Herman in and out of my pussy, and it was totally, absolutely, incredibly, fabulously wonderful. He would pull him out until only the tip was inside me, then slide back in until I was full of him again. When he had been between my legs, Herman slid along my clitoris with every stroke, and I was almost constantly either building up to an orgasm, having one, or coming down from one. That was wonderful, but in this position, my button wasn't being constantly rubbed, so I could enjoy the lovely feeling of being fucked without the urgency of a climax. My vocabulary has sure degenerated in the past day or so. No, that's not a dirty word when used to describe what's happening to me right now. I'm being gloriously fucked by the man I love, and there's nothing dirty about that. It's the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me. Oh, God, how I love him fucking me. Ohhhh, if he keeps that up I'm going to go over! No, I don't want to come yet, I want to float on my cloud of ecstacy.

He didn't seem to go as deep in that position, so that exciting and slightly painful feeling of having my insides moved around wasn't as strong. The new position was every bit as wonderful as having him on top of me, but in a different way. It was a more sweet and gentle way to make love. I whispered what I was feeling and thinking to John.

He whispered, 'Baby, this way I don't feel so much urgency either, and that will make it last longer. Are you comfortable? It is okay with you if we keep this up for a long time? You promise to tell me if you're getting sore or raw.'

'I'm very comfortable, and I'd like this to last forever. Ooohh, that Astroglide makes it so smooth. Are there lots of different ways to make love?'

'There are about as many ways to make love as people are willing to try, Sweetheart.'

I said, 'Can we try them all? Will you teach me all those ways?'

'Well, there are some things that are a little far out and probably painful that I think we could do without, but I'd love to show you the ways I think are best. We'll try just about everything and see what's best for us.'

'Oh, John, Lover, I love what you're doing to my nipples. You can't use your hands on me when you're on top. This way I get big, warm Herman in my pussy and your hands on me, too. What you're doing to my nipples is really exciting. It kind of adds to the pleasure you're giving my pussy. I wish you could kiss me, though.'

'That's the nice thing about different positions, Baby. Different ways to stimulate each other, different ways to enjoy and love each other. I think you're learning something else that's very loving and intimate; talking while making love. Do you like that?

He was right. Our whispered and muttered conversation about very intimate things was definitely adding to the lovely physical feelings. 'I love talking with you like this. It is okay to talk dirty when we're making love? I'd like to hear you talk about fucking me. Tell me what it's like to fuck me, John.'

'Oh, Baby, that feels so wonderful. Your little pussy is so hot and tight on my cock. I love fucking you. Ooohh, do I love fucking you!'

John stroked Herman into me very fast and deep a few times, then held him deep inside me. I felt him get bigger than ever, throbbing and jerking. Then there was that hot, wet feeling spreading through my pussy. He held still and shrank a little, then started stroking in the out of me again. After a few strokes he was as big and hard as ever, and a stream of semen was starting to run out of me.

'Darling, did you just gusher into me? Lots of those little parts of you to swim around inside me?'

'Honey, your pussy is so tight and warm that I feel like coming all the time. It got so intense I had to let off some of the pressure. You got your few million of my sperm, and now I don't feel such an urgent need to come and I can fuck you for a long time.'

'It can't possibly be long enough, Lover,' I whispered. 'I could never get enough of this. I'm afraid you're pumping your semen out of me, though. I can feel it running out. I hope there will still be some sperms left up inside me.'

'I can feel it running out of you, too. Some of it's flowing over my balls. We're making a lovely mess down there, and it's going to get a lot messier. Hope you don't mind.'

'Mind? I love it. I love your semen in my pussy. It even feels sexy running out of me and over both of us.'

John slid his hand from my breasts down over my tummy and stroked my mound. With what was going on in my vagina, everything felt sexy. He slid a finger down my cleft and gathered up some of the slipppery mixture that was flowing out of me and spread it around on both my nipples. Wow, does that ever feel good! Then he put a fingertip on my button, and a little jolt of electric excitement went through me. He started stroking the length of my clitoris very, very gently with his fingertip, while he slowly fucked me.

'Lover, do you have any idea what that's doing to me. I feel like I'm going to jump out of my skin. I don't think I can stand that much longer. Oooohhhhhh, please don't stop. If you stroked my button just a tiny bit harder or fucked me a little faster I think I'd go over. What you're doing is just keeping me on the edge. Don't stop, don't stop, please. I know you like to tease me, but are you trying to drive me crazy? Oh, God, I can't stand it, I've got to come. Darling, let me come, pleeeeeeeeeeeease.'

He didn't say anything and didn't change what he was doing. I was just at the edge of an orgasm, and I wanted so badly to come. I was trying to strain to go over, and he just kept sliding his fingertip very, very gently along my button and fucking me slowly, with long strokes. He told me to relax and let it happen. I just lay there with my eyes closed, and tried to relax, relax, enjoy, enjoy.

He didn't change what he was doing, but I could feel my orgasm coming from a long way off. Like it was a car far in the distance on a straight road, coming towards me so slowly that I could hardly tell it was getting closer, but I knew it was eventually going to arrive. As I lay there that car kept nearing me, and my pleasure and excitement gathered as it approached. It was almost there, and I think I would have died if he had stopped what he was doing. I told him not to stop, whatever he did. Maybe I just thought I said it.

John didn't stop, and neither did the approaching car that was my climax. I felt my face get hot, and it was almost on me. I had my mouth wide open, breathing in gasps as I welcomed it. As my orgasm ran over me I could hear a long, low growl that I knew was coming from me. This one was unlike any I'd had before. It was a combined pussy, penis, button, finger orgasm that simply engulfed my whole body. It just flowed up and down me, time after wonderful time. When I'd had those monster climaxes, the ecstacy was to powerful that I just couldn't sustain it for very long, and it was almost a relief to start coming down. This one was so wonderfully sweet, though, that I didn't want it to ever end. John kept it going on and on, until he finally took his finger off my clitoris to let me come back down to earth. My, God, another new kind of climax! I wish there were words to describe it. I'd love to be able to tell John what he just did to me.

I couldn't tell him, but I'm sure he had a pretty good idea of what had just happened to me. He stroked my cheek and told me he loved me. 'Did you have a nice come, Baby?'

'Oooohhhhh, Darling, Darling, that was so wonderful. I can't believe the things you do to me. Every time we make love I feel things that I didn't know I could feel. It is possible to have too many orgasms? I't hate it if something that wonderful was bad for me.'

'I don't think you need to worry about overdoing orgasms, Sweetheart. I think you could have one after another until you're exhaused, but if I think you're about to OD, I'll stop soing whatever is causing them. That won't happen, though, I'm sure.'

He continued to stroke big, warm Herman in and out of my pussy, and I could feel it when he would get close to his climax. He would hold very still inside me, throbbing and jerking until he cooled off, then start that wonderful fucking again. We went on and on like that, stroking my pussy with his penis, caressing my breasts and tummy, stroking my cheek. We whispered words and sounds of love and pleasure to each other, and it was just like paradise.

He took some of the semen that was flowing from me on his finger and put it to my lips, and I greedily sucked and licked his finger clean. I did the same for him. My nipples were even getting a little sore from his prolonged caresses, but I didn't want him to stop. This was a wonderful position, and I knew that he could bring me to a climax in about two seconds by touching my button. I was even tempted to do it myself, but I'd never tried it before while we were making love.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but it went on for a long, delicious time. We continued until I was starting to get sore. Big, warm Herman had been going in and out of me so long that I was getting rubbed a little raw at my entrance. I sure didn't want to stop, but I was afraid of it getting so bad that we wouldn't be able to do it again until I healed. Now that I had learned the joys of making love, I didn't want anything to interfere with my getting it as often as possible. Or making me so sore I couldn't walk.

John must have been reading my mind, because he pulled out of me and got between my legs with his weight on his hands. I opened wide and pulled my knees up. His penis was sticking straight out like a fat, wet flagpole, and I watched as it sought my entrance. I still can't get used to the idea that something so big can go into me. Herman didn't need a hand to guide him this time. He found Miss Kitty's entrance easily and slid inside her. I guess air had gotten into my vagina during the few seconds he had been outside me, because when he slid back in, there was an awful sort of farting noise. I didn't have time to be embarrassed, though, because I was getting fucked again, and big, warm Herman was sliding over my button with every stroke.

John whispered, 'Baby, I'm about to come. It feels like I'm going to explode. Can you come with me? I can't wait much longer.'

'Darling, I think I'm just as close as you are. If you would come down here and kiss me, I think that's all I'd need to go over.'

John lowered himself to his elbows, and we shared the deepest, most passionate kiss imaginable. That's all it took to get me over. He started pounding into me with long, hard strokes, and I could feel my orgasm coming on like an approaching freight train. My arms were around him, I locked my heels to the backs of his thighs and used my legs to thrust my hips up to meet him at every stroke. Every time John slammed into me the collision of our bodies made a wet 'smack,' Herman got huge, as he does just before he comes, and John thrust him really hard and deep into me. I met him by raising my hips, and he went way up in me, hitting that spot that hurts and moves my insides around so wonderfully. My ears roared, bells rang in my head, and the lights inside my eyes flashed red and yellow. It was as if I fell off a high cliff into a deep, bottomless orgasm. Oooohhhhhhh, Darrrrrrrrliiing.

I was moaning and squealing into John's mouth. I climaxed, came, orgasmed, went over, and held John with my arms and legs, bells ringing and lights flashing. Knowing that he was exploding inside me made me come all the harder. His climax seemed to go on longer than before, and mine continued right along with his. I grabbed a handful of his hair and held his mouth to mine, as if our orgasms would continue as long as we kept kissing. I had developed a bad cramp in one foot, but I was only dimly aware of it. If this continues any longer, I just know I'm going to die. Nothing this incredibly, wonderfully, almost painfully good could possibly happen to me without my dying. I don't care if I die, as long as I can do it like this. Oh, my God, this is WONDERFUL!

John's strokes gradually became slower and less forceful, and together we came down from our orgasms. We were still kissing, both breathing hard and fast through our noses. John finally took his lips from mine, and I said, 'NO!,' and pulled his hair to get his mouth back down to me for more kissing. I'm not completely finished with my climax, and I'm not going to let him stop kissing me until I am. I put my tongue far into his mouth, and he sucked and licked it. At last I came down to the point where I could let him stop kissing me, and he seemed glad to be able to breathe and gasp through his mouth. I don't know about his heart, but mine was absolutely pounding. The only thing I could say was 'Ohhhhhh, Darling,' as I pulled him down and raised my head for more kissing.

I felt Herman shrinking inside me, and he came out with a little 'plop.' By that time I was back in touch with reality enough to take notice of the cramp in my foot, and it really hurt. I muttered something, and John asked me if I was alright. I managed to say, 'foot,' and he got off me to see what was the matter. I looked down and pointed at my foot, which had a much worse cramp than I'd ever gotten in gymnastics. The bottom of my foot was trying to bend into a C-shape, with my toes curled under. I tried to straighten it, but the cramp was so bad I couldn't.

John got into a sitting position and started massaging my poor foot with both hands. What he was doing made it hurt even worse, but it slowly started to ease the cramp. As if he didn't know what else to do, he kept massaging and took my big toe in his mouth and started sucking on it. That looked so ridiculous and felt so funny that I started giggling and laughing. I guess this took my mind off my cramp, because it finally relaxed. Through my laughter I asked John why he had sucked my big toe, and he just laughed and said he couldn't think of anything else to do, my toe looked inviting, and that we had gone from the sublime to the riduculous in record time.
I sat up for a kiss, and I guess that tipped my vagina like spilling a glass of milk, because it felt like a river was pouring out of me. I quickly got up, giggling, cupped my hand under my streaming pussy, and walked bowlegged and giggling to the nearest bathroom.

I didn't even try to get to 'my bathroom,' because I knew I'd be leaving a wet trail if I tried to walk all that way. I missed my after-orgasm cuddle because of that darned cramp. Oh, well, I'll just get myself cleaned up, get back in bed, and demand my cuddle. Quite a handful. He sure can manufacture the semen. Maybe I stimilate him, I sure hope so. Less than twenty four hours ago it had blood in it, but I'll never bleed from making love again. Herman still stretches me and moves my insides around, though. I hope that never changes.

I scooped some come off my thigh and sucked it off my fingers, enjoying the taste of John's semen and my juices. My nightie had gotten all twisted and turned during our lovemaking, so I untied the ribbon and got it straightened out. I wet a washcloth with warm water. cleaned my pussy and surrounding area, and dried myself with a towel. I had to be very careful between my pussy lips, though, because I had definitely been rubbed raw. I saw the Vaseline on the counter, and I smoothed some of that on me and inside me. My vagina was like a big, warm pudding again. I hope this soreness is gone by tomorrow. I'd hate to think it would interfere with our lovemaking. What's the matter with me? I just got fu... made love to wonderfully and it finished with an orgasm so strong that It gave me a cramp. I'm already worrying about when I'm going to get it the next time. The nuns always taught that gluttony is a deadly sin, and I think I might be getting gluttonous about sex. Maybe John will let me clean him up. I'd like to do that.

I put warm water on a new washcloth, took a towel, and went back to the bedroom. John was sitting with his back against the headboard, smoking a cigarette, and looking very contented. I asked if he would let me clean him, and he pulled the covers aside and spread his legs. I gently cleaned the semen and other things off Herman, his testicles and the surrounding area. After I dried him, I gave Herman a nice tongue bath, then I dried him again. John seemed to like having me clean him up, and I decided to always try to do that for him after we made love.

He told me to blow out the candles, so I did that, took off my nightie, and slid into bed. I noticed on the bedside clock that it wasn't quite midnight. He moved over on the big bed so we weren't lying in a wet spot, took me into his arms, and we had a wonderful naked kiss, murmuring words of love and satisfaction. I told him that he was a wonderful lover and teacher, and he said I was a truly talented and enthusiastic student.

After I satisfied my immediate need for kissing, I asked if I could be the 'front spoon' when we went to sleep. I turned over, backed up to him, and he pulled my back tightly to his front and our bodies curled into each other. The storm was really raging outside, strong winds blowing rain against our windows and shaking the sliding door. I felt wonderfully warm, protected, comfortable, cozy, and loved.

John kissed me on the neck and ear, took a breast in his hand, and we exchanged 'I love yous' and 'goodnights.' In that big, warm bed, my lover's body against mine, and his breath soft on my neck, I thought of what had happened to me in the past twenty four hours. It's still Sunday, just barely. It was after midnight when I got my cherry popped, so all our lovemaking was today. Today I lost my virginity, I was fu...... made love to four times, had my pussy kissed twice, and sucked John to a climax once. How many orgasms did I have today? Let's see, last night .............

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 'No,' I thought to myself. 'That’s not what I just saw.'You know that feeling when you think you saw something, but you really didn’t?That’s what I thought for a split second. Let me explain…Although I have a large yard for Ranger, my golden retriever, to play in, he still enjoys a walk around the block every evening around dusk. Ranger is more “retriever” and less “golden,” but is a happy, well-behaved guy about eighteen months old.It was last Wednesday when Ranger and I were out for our...

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Sissy boy 2

Chapter 2 My head was muzzy the next morning, the feeling you get when you've slept for too long, yet I didn't want to get out of bed, I just wanted to stay there in the comfort and security. Mum called to me, speaking at my bedroom door. "Richie, it's time to get up." I opened my eyes in time to see the door handle moving and suddenly realised that the quilt was only half covering the girl's nightie that I was still wearing, I shouted, hurrying to cover myself up at the...

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The first time

Hello everyone. Thank you so much for reading my story. I really enjoy writing it and I look forward to adding more chapters for you guys. I will put up approximately 1 chapter everyday plus minus and don’t give up on me if I don’t put up chapters for a while. Now I’ll let you get on with the reading. Thank you so much! ——————————————————————— "Damn it", you shout. "Why do you always have to beat me in these games!". "Well maybe because you suck at them", Violet answers annoyingly. Why does she...

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Matty got up much earlier than usual for a Saturday morning. Slowly Matty stumbled into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. As she left the bathroom, she noticed Derrick was in the study on the computer. They were the only ones at home. “Hey Derrick, where is everyone?” Matty’s voice surprised Derrick, she usually would still be asleep for a few more hours.Derrick smiled at his younger step sister. What a beautiful and sexy woman she had grown to become. She was 20 and he was 22...

1 year ago
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Falling Into RoutineChapter 3

“Diablo! Coño! [Damn / Hell! Damn it!!] That’s how you treat your mother??? “Coñaso [Godamnit], what the fuck?!? Mami, what the fuck is that video on your TV?!? “Callete Mija y respecta tu madre. Ayudame ir por el baño” [Shut up my daughter and respect your mother. Help me to the bathroom] “Lo siento Mami, I’m sorry I yelled at you like that. Pero ... I need an explanation, Mami.” “Yo se, yo se. [I know, I know] Just take me to the bathroom and help me clean up and I will tell you the...

2 years ago
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Getting Dirty At A Truck Stop

Disclaimer: This is a fantasy story about a truck stop (for the most part, some part at the start of the story is true). As such, I’ve let my wild desire and imagination run free in this story and indulged in activities I would otherwise never do. If you’re averse to kinky and dirty sex, or golden showers, you are warned. I’m a fairly straight-looking bi-bottom who loves to wear lingerie and get fucked by hard mature men. I don’t really have a type in men as such. Anyone with hard and willing...

Gay Male
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Off The Beaten Path

OFF THE BEATEN PATH My name is Toby and I am a 29 year old gay forced bisexual 24/7 collared sex slave, I have been owned by Master T and Mistress N, for 5 year 7 months and 9 days. They are a newly young 50's retired D's couple. Every second of my servitude has been greatly explored and tested and very much enjoyed. This is a story of just one of my many adventure with exploring bondage with my Master and Mistress. I met Master Tom while working in an area hospital, he was a continuing...

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Mom and the Dirty Doctors And Nurses

I thought I'd get this off my chest, it hurts but strangely it excites me to confess this. I still wank about it every day.I have a really fantastic StepMom, in her forties now and has that MILF appeal. Like an attracive mature type you often see on the Web nowadays. A few years ago she had to attend a private clinic for certain treatment I won't go into, it's too personal but suffice to say part of it was of a gynecological nature. Mom never spoke of it much but I got a strange feeling it was...

2 years ago
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Deciding MomentChapter 29

"I thought a love letter would make her happy. She's been in the living room crying for the last hour." Jeanie glared at her husband when she said to him, "If you say something like that to her, you'll find yourself sleeping out with the dogs for the next two weeks. Understand?" "What? I just meant..." "When was the last time you sent a card ... or better, roses ... to Jeanie?" Theresa asked. "Don't you start on that." "What my dear sister is trying to suggest to you is...

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This story takes place in the same universe as my Were stories, the Academy, and Touching the Moon. The TG elements of this story are much lighter than in most of my other stories. Sier By Morpheus Mrs. Dieter stood by the chalk board in front of the classroom, silently glaring at each of the students with a dark malevolence. She looked to be in her late fifties or early sixties, with her dark gray hair tied back in a strict bun. None of the other students noticed Mrs....

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Sex With Friend8217s Mother And Her Friend 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, I am from kanya kumari . I am back with the third part of the story. The friends who did not read my first two stories pls read that for better understanding. I will give the link in the end of the story. Pls send he comments in After few day One day I met Vivek after finishing our football match. He starts the conversation. He says about his love toward his sister in law. And he say that he knows about our relationship too. It seems Mini has told all the story to vivek. We discuss...

3 years ago
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American CousinChapter 8

"How was the concert, then?" Gerald asked as he came into the house with a smile. He was slightly loose from the dinner and drinks of the business meeting he had attended. It had apparently agreed with him. James replied that it was terrific. Valerie had slipped up to the bathroom to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth when she heard his car come into the drive. She had quickly inspected James for traces of lipstick before going. Now she bounded down the steps, with a welcoming...

4 years ago
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Ich habe vor einigen Jahren in eine peruanische Familie eingeheiratet. Meine Frau und ich sind kinderlos geblieben. Wir waren dennoch nie alleine, denn sie hat eine große Familie. Ihre beiden älteren Schwester Eva mit einem Jungen und Maria mit ihrer 18jährigen Tochter Christina wohnen in unserer Nähe. Zusammen mit Maria und Christina lebt noch Sara, die 19jährige Tochter ihres Bruders, der selbst aber in Peru geblieben ist, und Magarete, eine 25jährige Bekannte, die der Arbeit halber nach...

2 years ago
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Second ChanceChapter 23

It was three twenty-four A.M. when Catherine next opened her eyes. She was temporarily disoriented and it took a moment for her to figure out where she was, and why she was sleeping on her own couch. When she did, I heard her walkie talkie click twice, which caused her to leap up and run for her bedroom, to return with her sidearm drawn and ready for action. She was talking a mile-a-minute to her team outside, and waved me over to stand with her in the little hallway, out of the direct line...

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surreptitious masturbator

Once he got really lucky when instead of getting ready for bed, she lay back down on the bed and began playing with her tits and nipples! Just watching her twist and tweak them made him cum after only a stroke or two, and even though he had just shot a load, he continued to watch and was soon rewarded as she dropped a hand to her crotch and frigged her clit! Mark had never seen anyone do that before and was fascinated that girls as well as boys "did it"! When Sarah finally came, she stifled a...

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A phone call with a twist

I was sat at home after a long day at work when my cell phone started to ring. I answered and it was Kate from the office she wanted to know if I was still able to give her an helping hand with her furniture. Kate had just moved into a new apartment and had asked for some help moving some of the heavy furniture to where it needed to go.I said said yes as I wasn't doing anything else that evening and headed for her apartment. After the walk I arrived at her door and I rang her doorbell. A minute...

2 years ago
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Suman ka encounter

Hi dosto iss padne walo ko mera hello mera naam abhay hai or meri age 22 hai main ek multinational company me area sales officer ki job karta hoon jiske karan mujhe tour per bhi jaana perta hai isliye main ek baar udaipur ke tour per tha 6 din ke liye jis hotel me main ruka tha usi hotel me ek ladki 5 dino se reh rahi thi uska naam suman tha or age 20 thi uske father ne mele mestals laga rakhi thi jiske karan wo raat 12 se 2 baje ke aspas ate the or main apna work katam karke jaldi he hotel aa...

1 year ago
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There is no way to say it other than I am a whore---I am here at this truckstop just outside of Chicago. My duties are to let any and all truckerswho want to be serviced use me any and all ways. There is nothing I won'tdo to give a trucker sexual pleasure. I am well versed in getting fucked,sucking there cocks or asshole or being fisted by them. I am trained to doanything and everything. I work for my master who cares for me. He is agood master. It is not like I never had what most people...

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Never the same

I recently left my lovely Europe to travel to North America, to live and work in a small town for a little while. At first I was very resistant, I missed the cafe culture of Europe, my friends, and of course my lovers. In Europe big or small town you can always fly away somewhere close, there are many hot and sexy men available and it is easy to meet a nice guy (guys) for fun if you want too. Here, looking around online I Instantly saw the dating pool was wanting to say the least. I spent...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 594

The Prison Planet ... A smiling Morales raised the massive elk a little higher for the trip home. “She made it look easy, Ladies,” he said after everyone, including Junior, was back aboard. It didn’t take a high I.Q. to realize that Morales was proud of Jasmine. “You should have seen the first animal I field dressed. Well, then again, I’m glad you didn’t,” he said with a grimace. The rooster had squawked when Jasmine shot the elk, but he remained on the seat back, although he watched the...

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Safe sex with in family

I am living in Coimbatore for last 36 years. I respect womanhood and I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man and I have practically realized it whenever I loved a lady in bed. This happens when women don’t get fucked the way they want to be by their husbands. I like ladies with good looks, figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer services to the lady I am sexually playing with. I have always wished to meet a lady...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 2 Mentor Lover

*** ONE YEAR AGO *** “Secondly,” the mysterious woman – Elaina – continued. “This place is one of the last standing sanctuaries for our kind.” “Our kind?” Aran asked, momentarily forgetting that he was naked and in a room with the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, let alone the fact that she was effectively naked herself; the sheer robe she wore hid absolutely nothing. “What does that mean?” A sudden thought occurred to him, and he asked without thinking. “Are you not human?” A throaty...

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The Nest

The Nest Synopsis: A first year college student needs a part time job to pay his expenses. When he hears about one it sounds to be too good to be true, but then the job turns out not to be what he expected - in so many, many ways. High school is like a butcher shop - it takes in hunks of raw meat, converts them into various cuts for different uses, packages them, and sends them out into the world to be consumed. The "Prime Cuts" are the top of the line students. The girls have long...

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The Club part 3 the dark room

Back to the club again, hope you are enjoying. This part will be about the time we spent in the dark room. because we did start to spend more and more time there... :-)the room, as i explained already, is pitch dark, no light whatsoever. There are a couple of sofas, a large bed that can hold up to 6 couples (that's my guess :-) ) and some seats here and there. The central part is empty.Now, I cannot tell all that has happened there, because my wife had to explain me after the fact what she did...

2 years ago
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Painted Toes in Private Gym Showers

I'm soo thankful to have feminine feet and legs. My cock is around 6 and a half inches and I have a cute boi-pussy that is tight, but can take a sizeable dick. I would also like to point out that I have enemas on a regular basis so my butt is pretty clean. That part is true and the only part of this story is me at the locker room showers with my painted toes.In the gym that I go to there are three individual showers. The way the showers themselves are set up to where you push the first curtain...

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Party Girl pt 2

Her adorable underwear was soaked with her sweet juices, that I just could not wait to taste. I removed them by sliding them off her and onto the floor. I could tell it was her first time, so I started out slowly by gently kissing up and down her folds. My tongue broke free and found its way dancing circles on her clit making her back arch upwards as her hips turned downwards. I slid one finger into her. ‘Damn, you’re tight!’ ‘Is-is that b-bad?’ she sad in an embarrassed tone. ‘Of course not....

3 years ago
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My Wife and Young Blacks part three

As Sherry now stood there with nothing on but the pink high heels her body was being mauled by 5 black boys. As their mouths and hands savagely explored her naked tan body their steel hard cocks were scr****g her flesh and leaving trails of precum on her. Her head was tilted back, mouth was slightly opened with audible moans escaping. She was lost in her lust. This was the sexiest sight I had ever witnessed. My wife had evolved into a true slut. I could see her legs were getting weak from the...

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Caroline Ch 0601

Caroline – Part 2, Ch. 6.01: Joanna’s Tale: 01 (Hi, If you are new to this series please read the intro to Ch 01 so you’ll know what to expect. It isn’t strictly necessary to read the earlier chapters but some of this won’t make sense if you don’t so I hope you will! Jo begins to tell her tale here and fills in some detail.) Joanna and Mike alone. Hello, I’m Joanna. Lena has asked me to write about that Wednesday. This was the first time I was alone with Mike in the house and, especially...

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Tour into 3somes

Today was the beginning of a long 3-day weekend, and the last thing I wanted to do was lay around the house, or clean all weekend. It was a payday, plus being a 3-day weekend made it even more appealling to get away. I zipped home and grabbed a small overnight bag and threw in enough clothes for the weekend, plus my slinkiest bikini and a comfy pair of thongs. I planned on spending most of the weekend lounging by a pool, or better yet, snuggled up to "JJ" If I had my way! I called my parents...

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“I told her you would enjoy watching this and I asked her if she would like to suck your cock while I was licking her cunt lips. “She told me, ‘yes please, would love to.’ “What about you baby? “When she orgasmed for me I felt a huge sense of relief in achieving such a personal milestone. I can now claim to be bisexual! “And when she told me later I had given her six orgasms I felt very pleased with myself. “Can’t wait to have you home tomorrow so I can show you my all over sun tan, and...

2 years ago
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My black neigbor Oliver

Lurking out the semi-closed blinds, I noticed Oliver privately strokinghis huge black manhood as I peered out my bedroom window. I was spying on my hot built black neighbor for a moment, attempting to see more of that ever rising bulge in his shorts that had ignited a deep burning fire in me... Carefully I opened a few slats on the blinds fully, as I allowed the towel to drop to the floor. Fully naked, I stood there wanting him to see me touch myself, as I was so aroused imaging about being...

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The ExperimentChapter 7

Count Alexander was in his ancestral home in Russia as Emma went through her most ghastly punishment to date. He had received her letter from Sydney and was still trying to get over his loss. As soon as he had read the letter he had hired private enquiry agents (the best) to track her down and was ready at any time to fly out and plead with her personally to reconsider. But Emma had covered her tracks well, with the Professor's help. He could see how the poor young woman was eaten up with...

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A Summer To Remember Part 1

One day I get a letter from Wanderers Evoultion Talents. Its a program where they send smart students like me to places like Hawii, New York and California to take test and stuff.The program is in the summer of July and I had to pass a SAT to get it.I passed it and when July 1st came I was on a bus to Alantic City to stay at the Craft Hotel with about 50 other students from Long Island. I had a seat ll to myshelf until someone came."Hey my name is Jordan.Mind if I sit here?" he asked."Naw sure...

2 years ago
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Pune Me Marathi Bhabhi Ko Choda

Hello girls, bhabhis, aunties, milfs and mere dosto. Mera naam Dhruv Sharma hai. Mai Mumbai me Dombivali ka rehne wala hu. Mai ISS website ka bohot bada fan hu. Mai yaha ke stories pichle 12 saal se padh raha hu. Meri age 29 years hai. Aaj mai aapko mere saath hue ek real incident k bare me batane ja raha hu. Ye meri first story hai jo mai ISS pe submit kr raha hu. Any girl, bhabhi, aunty, milf of age from 18 to 55 years from Mumbai, Lonavala and Pune can contact me on I travel very frequently...

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Katrina awoke to the sound of her neighbor's dog barking and a Lawnmower humming in the distance. "Great" Katrina thought, "It's going to be another hot day". As she pulled her blue curtains back, she waved to Mr Angelo. " Morning Mr Angelo ". "Hey there kid, your sleeping later every time I see you " He replied. Katrina smiled to herself as she thought of summer.She stood in front of the window in her blue night clothes, looking at all the commotion, listening to all the machines making their...

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The Ya Ya DildohoodChapter 2

When I awoke the next morning I knew I'd slept like a baby. I'd even beaten the alarm, something I hadn't done in several months. The clock said it was 6:45, so I rolled over, turned it off, jumping out of bed. Normally I hit the snooze and fought for the precious ten extra minutes it allowed me. Today however, even though it was Saturday, I felt refreshed and more alive than I had felt since my divorce. And I owed a lot of that to Maggie. As I passed by my bedroom window I took a moment...

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Only my husband is allowed to fuck my ass

My husband had to leave for a trip to the UK so he called Bret and Fred and changed our cabin adventure for the day after the Labor Day weekend. Bret is leaving the next weekend to go home, his training at the Navy base is completed. Fred will be here 2 more weeks before going home to Australia . My husband had it all planned out the guys were supposed to show up at the cabin at 10:00 AM. 15 minutes before they were supposed to show up my husband texted to both of their cell phones that he was...

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The Training of EmilyChapter 7

Emily could have slept another ten hours, but she was awakened by two trainees in mid morning. "You are to have breakfast with the Master. We are to prepare you." As before Emily was treated to a deliciously warm bath, then prepared as before. "What about this collar?' she whispered. One of the trainees looked quickly around to make sure they were not being overheard. "You will wear it until your training is complete. Your new master may choose to have you continue to wear it, fit...

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 78

I stepped over behind one of the tractor wheels and pissed, after looking both ways up and down the gravel road. The first thing I saw different about these new style tractors, were the steps are in front of the rear wheels, so a driver doesn’t have to climb up the back and watch out for the PTO shaft spinning constantly. I knew these diesel engines start by a battery and starter, and not a pony-motor like the Cat. I figured everything out pretty quick, got it started, then put it in second...

1 year ago
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 21

There Can Be Only OneChapter 21Susie stopped in her tracks on seeing Ross sitting naked at his desk… not that really surprised her… it was what was on the monitor that made her hand fly to her mouth to muffle her gasp. “Fucking arsehole… you fucking recorded it… how the fuck?” “It doesn’t matter how… good angle though… got everything in” his eyes not leaving the action that was being screened. “You little fucking shit… suppose you are going to fucking plaster that all over the fucking net” “Ohh...

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The Halloween Ride of Paula Revere

(Listen my readers for I shall tell Of the story disclaimer of Miss Jezzi Belle. On the 31 of October of '84 If life for you was not yet in store You're too young so get your butt out of here.) The Halloween Ride of Paul(a) Revere By Jezzi Belle Stewart (c)2002 TRP Listen my darlings and you shall hear Of the Halloween ride of Paul(a) Revere. On the 31st of October of '95 No "man" involved is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year. Paul said to...

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