Payment Due, Part 1 free porn video

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PAYMENT DUE (part 1) By Victoria_{MJ} Never one to pass up a good bargain on an old book, Kyle found himself stopped in front of the antique bookstore he had discovered one day as he rode into work on his motorcycle. His love for reading had blossomed early in his life, thanks to a difficult home environment, and had given him a much needed outlet for his frustrations and a secure sanctuary from the troubles he experienced growing up. Despite spending hours each night between the covers of a novel or increasingly often history text, he had made certain that he explored other interests, and had become a bit of a gym rat by the time he graduated from high school. Though he had initially struggled with body image issues and challenges caused by mood and weight swings during adolescence, Kyle began setting weight lifting records at his school, excelling particularly with lower body exercises to the point of being courted by the track and field team for his leg strength. His first love however, remained books, the older and dustier the better. Recently, he had become interested in texts from the early renaissance, and with the occult in particular. So when he discovered 'Reinhardt's', a 'reliquary and depository of ancient learning', or so the brass plaque proclaimed, quite by accident that foggy morning, he was determined to revisit the shop and discover what relics he could acquire there. An old fashioned brass bell clinked cheerfully as he stepped inside the tiny shop; dusty shelves lined to the point of overflowing with leather bound manuscripts, out of print editions, and works of dubious vintage. Antique brass wall sconces lent a certain mystique to the room, an air of quiet contemplation seemed to settle over him as he worked his way deeper into the room, seeking the back, waiting for something to strike his eye. As he brushed past the narrow walkways between the shelves, he felt the prickly sensation of being watched, causing him to glance over his shoulder... only to discover that there was nothing there. Shaking off the feeling, he began to search in earnest, finding copies of Shakespeare's plays beside Byron's poetry, sitting together with a history by Ptolemy the younger. He noticed a section of the shop had been roped off, similarly to how old theatres would separate sections with velvet ropes, and the light was noticeably dimmer in that section as well. His curiosity began to get the better of him, and he stepped over the ropes in order to get a closer look. Alone on a shelf, half hidden behind an old canvas sheet lay a book bound in pebbly brown leather, etched with silver script in a language he couldn't begin to identify. On the cover of the book appeared to be dark splotches of color, darkening the leather to almost black. Unable to restrain his curiosity, Kyle reached out and lay on palm on the tanned leather book. Strangely, it felt almost warm, and seemed to almost draw him to it like a faint static charge. It was then that he knew he had to have it. He needed it to be his. Glancing around furtively, he slipped it quickly inside his satchel and snuck back to where he had seen the History by Ptolemy earlier. Picking it up, he walked towards the counter he had spied off to one side of the shop and rang the desk bell there. An old man appeared from a back room and smiled from behind shaggy brows and a neatly trimmed white beard. "Ahh, Ptolemy, an excellent edition and would make a fine addition to your collection young man." His dark eyes twinkled as he looked Kyle over with an appraising glance. "Though I think you may find more interesting reading as well, young man, exciting in ways you cannot fathom... That will be ten dollars, if you please." Placing a crisp ten dollar bill on the counter, Kyle paid the man and hurried from the shop. As he climbed onto his motorcycle, he could have sworn he saw the man watching him from the window, dark eyes glittering in the dim light inside, a tight smile on his lips. The rest of the day, Kyle could barely concentrate on his work, breathing a huge sigh of relief when the time came to clear his desk and head for the two bedroom apartment he called home. Locking the door behind him, he moved directly to the table in the spare bedroom, where the lighting was best. He used the spare room as a personal library, having set up several book cases and a large chair with a reading lamp beside it. Many nights he would spend sitting in this old chair reading, enjoying a drink or a coffee, and simply unwind from a long day at work. Tonight, he had only one book on his mind... The one he had stolen from the shop... Pouring a cup of coffee, Kyle settled into the large leather chair and turned on the lamp beside him, his satchel resting in his lap. Taking a sip from his mug before placing it on the end table, he reached inside the satchel and removed the book from its folds, holding it in both hands. He could feel the slightly pebbled texture of the binding, the strange warmth that seemed to emanate from inside. He frowned as he looked at the strange symbols that wrapped around the edge of the cover. Taking another sip of his coffee, he slowly opened the book, blinking as a yellowed scrap of paper fell from between the pages. Gathering the paper from the floor, he paused to open it, finding a curling script inside: "To whomever finds this note: All choices that you make carry a price that must be paid, choose wisely" "I wonder who left this in here..." he muttered to himself as he turned to the first page, finding more of the symbols that covered the outside of the book. Along the margins, many handwritten notes in a firm and steady hand were written in what appeared to be a dialect of German. "looks like I may need to get my hands on an English to German dictionary..." he remarked as he continued to flip through the book, finding illustrations, diagrams, notes, and always those hauntingly familiar symbols in long lines on every page. Hours passed as Kyle looked through the book, finding increasingly strange pictures as he progressed, some seeming to show portals and other worlds or even other dimensions of reality. Looking up from the book, he was surprised to see that it was nearly one in the morning, though it seemed as though he had only started moments ago, nearly six hours had passed. He realized how exhausted he felt, his head spinning as he stumbled towards his bedroom, peeling off his boots, jeans and shirt as he walked. Pausing a moment to use the bathroom, he looked up into the mirror above the sink, noting his bloodshot eyes and the stubble on his chin. Running a hand through his hair he turned sideways and noted with satisfaction that he had managed to maintain his lean form despite the long hours at work, and was possibly in the best shape of his life. "You need a girlfriend bro." he muttered at himself before moving to his waiting bed, still unmade from his departure the previous morning, and falling into it. Closing his eyes, he dropped heavily into a deep sleep His dreams that night were filled with strange images and symbols, voices seemed to swirl around his mind, chanting in a strange language he could not understand, they seemed to be calling to him. A dull red glow began to grow and envelop him; he could feel it reaching for him, reaching out to claim him as its own... Kyle sat bolt upright in bed, eyes snapping open, his breathing heavy and rapid. His heart raced in his chest, and his hair was matted from sweat. His sheets seemed to be soaked through, and light was streaming in through his window. His alarm clock continued to bleet at him, prompting a slap from his hand to shut it off... "3pm!? SHIT!" He'd over slept. More than twelve hours had passed since he fell asleep, and his boss would be pissed! Grabbing his cell phone, he saw that he had three missed calls, all from work, the voice mail on the third call was surprisingly calm, telling him that if he was planning to take an extended leave of absence that he knew he needed to call in advance next time, but thanking him for letting them know. Blinking, Kyle frowned and looked at his outgoing calls, seeing that there was a call placed from his phone at ten in the morning that lasted for fifteen minutes, but he couldn't for the life of him remember making any calls. "Leave of absence? Well, okay, I guess that works... I have plenty of savings for the time being, so might as well enjoy it" Rising from his bed, he realized that he had the powerful urge to pee. Racing to the bathroom, he managed to get seated on the toilet before his bladder let go, releasing a strong stream from his flaccid penis. He also couldn't remember getting completely undressed, knowing he had worn his underwear to bed. Shaking his head, he forgot about it, figuring that he must have taken them off sometime during the night. Walking to the kitchen, Kyle poured himself a cup of coffee, and opened the door to the fridge looking for something to eat. Inside his refrigerator, he found a case of yogurt, a new gallon of milk, something from the butcher's shop down the street, and a bottle of jim beam. Now, where had that yogurt come from? Oh well, he thought to himself as he opened the case and took a container from the box. Pulling a spoon from the drawer, he opened the carton and took a bite of the yogurt. Hmmm, not bad, he thought as he ate, rapidly finishing it off. Moving to his living room, he turned on the television and slipped his workout cd into the player, wanting to get his 'morning' workout in before taking a shower and getting on with studying that book. He threw on a pair of knit shorts and a tanktop along with his crosstrainers and went back to the living room, where he usually did his routine. Living in a ground floor apartment made things easier, as he didn't have to worry about anyone underneath his unit complaining about the noise, and for the past few months, the unit above his had been vacant. Slipping his earbuds in, he got started on stretching before his workout, just zoning out, and pushing himself harder than usual through the explosive plyometrics of the routine. After completing the session, he found that he felt better than he had in a long time, and decided he would have another yogurt before jumping in the shower. While soaping himself up in the shower, he shivered as his fingertips brushed across his nipples, feeling a thrill of pleasure race from them through his body. Not even thinking about it, he continued to wash his body, feeling his cock rising between his legs. He'd always been satisfied with the length and thickness of his penis, knowing that he was at least average in length, and thicker than most of the other guys he had seen, aside from the monsterous guys they got for the porno industry of course. He continued to soap up his body, one hand idly toying with his nipple as his other hand began stroking his growing cock. Feeling the warm water cascading over his skin, combined with the attention he was paying to his erect member and his rock hard nipples, was sending him over the edge. He felt his knees nearly buckle as the orgasm washed over him, pulsing from his sensitive nipples and exploding from his cock and balls. The waves of pleasure seemed to last far longer than usual, leaving him throbbing and aching, and wanting more, turning his quick shower into an hour filled with pleasure, his cum spurting from his aching cockhead. "Wow that was intense..." he exclaimed as he finally turned off the water and stepping out of the shower onto the bathroom mat and toweling off. Walking back to his room, he decided he was just going to lounge around today, so he decided not to get too dressed up, and just pulled on a pair of loose fitting gym shorts and a plain white cotton shirt. Sitting down in the library, he opens the book again, armed with a notebook, and a dictionary, he sets about translating word by word, the notes written into the margins. Taking breaks only to relieve himself, and briefly to snack, hours pass quickly. When Kyle next looks up, he finds that the day has faded and it is nearly midnight already. Looking at his notebook, he found that he has filled nearly forty pages with blocky translations from the book, and he has only made it through less than half of the tome. Shaking his head, Kyle rose from the leather chair and made his way to the kitchen, he felt ravenous, dimly recalling that his last meal was nearly six hours ago and consisted entirely of one yogurt cup and a glass of water. Opening the fridge, he pulled out the brown paper wrapped package and setting it on the counter. A steak sounded great, and it would only take a few minutes to broil on the stove. He also removed the bottle of jim beam and poured himself a glass and plunked a couple cubes of ice in for good measure. Idly sipping his drink as he cooked, he mulled over some of the things he read while translating the notes written in the ancient book. And ancient was the only possible description of it, as the notes made plain. The book apparently predated the rise of the Roman Empire, and appeared to have been written in an ancient form of Runic script that predated any of the standing stones in Scandinavia, and was only in similarity to the 'Elder Futhark', or the Runic alphabet of the ancient Norse. It seemed that much of the first part of the book was devoted to what appeared to be enchantments and demonology, making references to things that the writer obviously accepted as fact; Using the power of 'Gods' and other beings of power in order to effect changes in our realm of understanding or the 'middle earth' on which we live. Other passages recount the importance of caution when calling on the power of the gods, as they could be petty and spiteful, and would often require an immense price for their service. The last passages he had translated had begun to delve into summoning of particular spirits, or 'weibliche Kriegerengel' in particular. Warrior Angels. Putting it all out of his mind, he sat down at the table with his flank steak and his drink and ate in silence. He finished his meal and his drink and poured another glass, already starting to feel the effects, as he had never been one to drink particularly heavily. But since he didn't have to be at work in the morning, why not? Walking to the living room, he sat down on his sofa and turned on the television to see if there was anything worth watching tonight. It appeared that the local station was running a sword and sorcery B-movie marathon all night, judging by the poor production quality of the show that was on. Cheesy effects aside, watching all the barely clad warrior women (a staple of the genre) wielding swords and throwing cheap CGI lightning bolts was beginning to have an effect on his alcohol addled mind, not to mention the effect that all those heaving breasts were having on other portions of his anatomy. As the hour drew on, and the effect of fatigue and drink took its toll, Kyle quickly drifted off to sleep on the couch, the TV murmuring in the background... That night, Kyle was visited in his dream by a tall, strikingly beautiful woman dressed simply in a plain homespun dress. Her hair was the color of fresh honey, and her eyes a sparkling blue. Around her neck was a necklace that glistened like the stars themselves, and there was something haunted about her that he could not quite put a finger to. She seemed to whisper to him, speaking a language he could not understand, and he found himself nodding in agreement to whatever it was she said. When he nodded, her smile seemed to fill him, and he felt his cock rising between his legs again, such was the arousal he felt just from being near her. This too seemed to make the woman smile, and she reached out to caress his face, smiling, looking into his eyes. Placing her palm on his chest, she closed her eyes and spoke "I mark you as mine, thou shall know of me, and my mark shall be made plain to thee". Her touch burned like fire from within his soul, causing Kyle to collapse to his knees, feeling the sting of her caress on his chest. It felt as though his veins were filled with ice water, even as a growing heat throbbed within him... Kyle woke with a start as he fell off of the bed in his room, shivering in the cool air of the apartment. He felt horrible, nearly feverish as he half stumbled and half crawled to the bathroom. Barely reaching the toilet before retching, tasting bile as he wiped his mouth, Kyle slowly rose to his feet, and gripped the sink with both hands. Looking into the mirror, he slowly blinked, noticing that his beard was gone, despite having not shaven for three days now. Curiously, the hair on his head seemed to have grown an inch overnight, and the tips were frosted nearly white blonde in contrast to his darker copper red. "what the hell is going on??" he wondered as he splashed water over his face, seeking to wake himself up completely. He felt the overwhelming urge to wash himself, and quickly turned on the shower, making the water as hot as he could stand. Minutes flowed like the water across his back, draining the tension and fatigue from his tired body. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the cool tile on the wall, shivering despite the heat. Rubbing the back of his head, he straightened in the shower, turning around to wash the front of his body, still leaning back against the cool tiles. Slowly, he sank down until he was seated cross legged on the floor of the shower surround, his head spinning. He felt strange, and not simply in a way that could be explained by passing it off as a hangover. Speaking of hangovers, how did he get back in his bedroom in the first place? He couldn't remember getting off the couch, and he had been having such strange dreams the last two nights. His body felt wrong also. Looking himself over, he couldn't put a finger on it, but something was different. His skin was still the same tanned skin, his face felt the same (aside from the lack of beard growth), even the small scar on his washboard stomach from when he had his appendix removed in the 8th grade. But he couldn't escape the feeling that something was different. Stepping out of the shower, Kyle grabbed one of the towels from the rack and began to dry himself off, noticing that the towel felt scratchier than he remembered. Putting it off as having not used enough fabric softener the last time he ran laundry, he shrugged and went to put on some deodorant and get himself dressed for the day. Lifting his arm, he immediately noticed something. Hair. Or more precisely, the lack of it. He had never been one to shave his body, having never felt the need before, but now, there was no hair under his arm. In fact, as he looked over his body again, he realized that he didn't have a single hair on his body, aside from a small patch above his cock. Looking around the bathroom, he went and picked up the bottle of bodywash he had recently bought and examined the label. In small letters under the directions, he saw that one of the cautions stated that it was not to be used in high temperatures (over 140 degrees) as there have been reports of side effects occurring in a small number of consumers. Taking the time to take proper inventory of his body, he also noticed that his nipples (which had always been on the large size for a guy) looked slightly puffy and looked as though they were enflamed and irritated. Thinking that it was simply another result of using the body wash, he quickly forgot about it and walked to his room to get dressed. Opening his dresser drawer, he rummaged around a bit before he found pair of underwear, pulling them up his legs, he immediately noticed that they seemed to fit a bit more snugly in the seat than he remembered, and the material felt scratchy as well. It made sense, as they had last been washed with the towel he dried off with, and had likely not received enough softener. Deciding that he would instead wear the silk trunk cut briefs he had received as a gift from a former girlfriend, mostly because he knew the material would be cooler against his skin and not be so irritating. Pulling on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, he slipped his feet into his sandals and decided he would walk down to the grocery on the corner and pick up some things. The fridge held very little, and he had been meaning to go for some time now. Arriving at the grocery store, Kyle decided he'd pick up a few things in addition to the supplies, picking up some veggies, a crystal lite package, chicken, and then down the aisle towards the toiletries. Picking up a bottle of body wash and a loofah, he scanned the label to make sure it was designed for sensitive skin, not wanting to tempt fate. Frowning, he kept finding the same chemical in each one that he had noted on the one he had used that morning. Frustrated, he walked up to one of the clerks stocking the shelf, a young woman with a pixie cut hairdo, and a nametag that proclaimed her name to be 'Ashley'. "Excuse me... Ashley? Can you help me with something?" he asked quietly, getting her attention. "Sure! Love your hair by the way, its sooo cute!" she smiled as she put the box in her hands back on the shelf and turned to face him "What can I help you with?" "Well, I need some new body wash, but I need something that doesn't have this chemical in it... you know, for sensitive skin?" he added as he pointed out the chemical listed on the bottle in his hands. "Well, I think we have a few things you might like." She stated as she walked with Kyle back over to the washes and lotions, she pulled two different bottles from the shelf. "Okay, either one of these would work, they're both formulated for sensitive skin, and are hypoallergenic. I use this one myself." She smiled and offered the one in her right hand. "Great, thanks! I tried this other one..."Kyle indicated the bottle on the shelf, "Didn't like it at all, thanks for your help!" "Oh, and you might like this lotion also, helps rehydrate the skin, and it feels great too." She smiled and picked up another bottle, placing it in Kyle's basket for him. What the heck, she's cute, don't want to be rude... he mused as he put both into his basket and smiled back at her and made his way to the counter to pay for everything. Walking up to his front door, Kyle noticed a package sitting on his welcome mat. Hmm, I wasn't expecting a package... He unlocked the door and made his way inside the apartment, setting the box on the kitchen table before unpacking the food and putting it away in the fridge. Then he took the toiletries he had bought and carried them to the bathroom. Setting them beside the shower, he noticed for the first time that both the lotion and the body wash that Ashley had suggested he use were scented with lavender, and 'formulated especially for the sensitive woman'. Frowning, Kyle looked at the two bottles, and then decided that as soon as he was feeling normal again, he could go back to his old brand, and he wasn't about to return them, as the store had a 10% restocking fee in order to discourage people returning items. Oh well, at least they wouldn't make him itch, if there was any truth in the label. Returning to the kitchen, he looked at the box on the table. It was about two feet long, a foot high, and a foot and a half wide. There was no return address listed, and it appeared to have been sent by UPS. It was addressed to him, and most surprising, there didn't appear to be an invoice sheet on the outside. Curiosity getting the better of him, he retrieved a knife and slit the tape holding the box closed, and opened the lid. Peeling the paper out of the way, he arched a brow at what was inside: A box of candles, scented oils, a box of what appeared to be a jumble of leather straps, what looked like a woman's makeup kit, and a pair of boots. Knee high boots with a five inch heel. "What. The. Fuck?"

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Right after I finished my sophomore year in high school, my best friend Chris and I were asked to baby sit at the house of a woman that my mother knew. I had never met her before, but when I arrived at the house I realized that she was pretty damn hot, especially for a mom. She was about 5’7”, had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a pretty curvy body with a nice big set of tits. The mother promised to pay my friend and I $6 an hour. When she left, the three kids started...

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Payment Of Loan By Sex

Hi my name is Neha. This is personal story of what happened with me and I would not advise anybody to take money on credit from people. I had taken about 2 lacs money on interest from Ramnikbhai. My husband was working in Africa and I thought I could make some extra money at my end to help the family expenses, as I did not come from a very good financial family. But things didn’t work out and I had lost quite a bit of the money. Every first of the month Ramnikbhai would come for collections,...

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payment sexfantasy

In the dark dirt parking lot i stand my hands on the car hood shivering slightly from the cold and fear. Looking across the hood as i stand there at my boyfriend, an other man standing next to him and his gun pointed at my boyfriend. A voice behind me as i stand there bent over holding the hood."You just keep your eyes forward baby and try to enjoy this as much as i am going to." I feel him reaching around undoing my jeans and his hot breath on my neck. Trembling as i keep my eyes locked on my...

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Payment for Services

I had been a home broadband technician for about 3 years. In that time, I had regularly bartered for my services - paid in sex by the homeowner when I was attracted to the lady involved. I got my face slapped a few times, told to leave on other occasions ... and taken up on my offer quite a few times. The opportunity to save money usually outweighed the morals of fucking the repairman. I was 25 years old, and in the peak of physical condition ... and with a substantial endowment between my...

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Payment for Services Rendered

It was an absolutely marvelous blowjob, made all the more satisfying by it being so totally unexpected. Adding to the excitement was the behavior of the young lady doing the sucking - I had my tongue in her cunt and she was going nuts. All in all the experience was well worth the $101.62 that it was going to cost me. Don't get me wrong, the young lady, Marci was her name, was not a prostitute, someone in the business of selling sex for money, she was just settling a debt. The story started...

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Payment In Kind

Chapter 1: Deposit and First Instalment She sat on the edge of the bed clutching the pink bathrobe tightly to her body. When she heard the door open she didn't want took up. She didn't want to see who had walked into the room. She heard a sharp intake of breath as the stranger saw her for the first time. "Oh yes," she heard him say, "you're something else." She heard him approach until he was standing over her. Her trembling increased as the reality of her situation sank in. "Not...

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Payment In LooeChapter 2 Saturday July 6th 1963Part One

It was a fine evening on what had been a day filled with warm sunshine and Roger Thompson was helping his father erect the very large tent that they had become so expert in putting up during their camping holidays over the last three years. Even at thirteen years and nine months he could, if he had to, put up the tent by himself. So between the two of them, Roger and his father Stanley accomplished the task in a matter of thirty minutes while his mother, Evelyn, and his sister, Caroline,...

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Payment In LooeChapter 3 Saturday July 6th 1963Part Two

"A Coca-Cola and a pint of your best scrumpy," Stanley Thompson said to the big beefy licensee. "Sorry sir," replied the tall strongly built bartender in a broad west country accent, "you be from up country and pa's rule has always said that a stranger can only have a half until he gets used to it." He grinned, pulled down a half pint mug from the shelf behind him, held it under a tap and filled it by pulling down on a large wooden handle. "Come back later, sir, I'll sell you the...

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Payment In LooeChapter 5 Monday July 8th 1963

After the family had showered, dressed and breakfasted on cereal and toast and tea they decided it was time to take a tour of the town and its harbour and maybe call into one of the hotels close to the harbour for lunch. Naturally they were armed with the trusty transistor radio, topped up with new batteries at Roger's insistence, so that he could listen to the cricket with his father. Of course that meant that lunch at the hotel would have to coincide with the lunchbreak in the...

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Payment In LooeChapter 7 Tuesday July 9th 1963Part Two

Roger stared into his glass of Coca-Cola as he thought about what was to happen. He had been a teenager for just over ten months and had all the hormones that came with it, hence the persistent attempts to see both his mother and his sister in the nude. Naturally that was as far as he had expected it to go, merely the harmless curiosity of a young virgin boy wanting to see what all the fuss was about. Oh there had been one or two clumsy experiences with a couple of girls from the local...

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Payment In LooeChapter 8 Tuesday July 9th 1963Part Three

James Wilson was waiting outside the Stag's Head when the Thompson family arrived. He took Caroline by the hand. "Well aren't you just the prettiest little slut. You know that you're going to be a big hit with the men waiting inside don't you." He didn't wait for any reaction, instead he turned to Evelyn. "And there's no need to worry, we haven't started yet. Knowing what a fucking slut you are and how much you enjoy having a cock up your cunt we decided to wait." He then turned to...

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Payment In LooeChapter 9 Back To The Present Day

Roger looked out at their family from his seat next to Doris. After the story the two of them had just related it was hardly surprising that everyone was naked again and that those that were old enough were engaged in some form of sexual activity. What he hadn't expected was the stunned silence. He looked around the room to see where everyone had seated themselves. Of course he didn't have to look far for Helen and Christopher's two children, their youngest grandchildren. Five-year-old...

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Payment In LooeChapter 10 Sunday July 6th 1969

Roger Thompson checked his watch as he walked along the promenade deck towards the stern of the ship. It was a little after one o'clock in the morning and he was running a little late courtesy of his own good manners. He had somehow become involved in a discussion about cars and the mechanics involved in fixing them, largely because of the work he'd put in with his father over a four year period restoring a 1949 M.G to its original condition including its original colour British racing...

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Payment In LooeChapter 11 Monday July 7th 1969Part One

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon and the second session of lunch had just finished in the main dining hall and Roger was seated at a table drinking a black coffee. Sitting opposite Roger at the six seater table was Richard Paling flanked by Katie Mosman and Peggy Simpson. Both Katie and Peggy had decided there was enough of Richard's virile member to go round during the times they weren't involved in the late night orgy on the promenade deck where, it was also mutually...

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Payment In LooeChapter 12 Monday 7th July 1969Part Two

There were two very nervous people on the Fairstar that afternoon. One, Roger Thompson, was sitting in the dining room wondering what he was going to say when, if, Doris walked in and marched to his table with the help, he presumed, of Suzy and Chrissie. He was also panicking about how she would feel about him having revealed to his friends, for surely that's what they were, the whole miserable tale of woe that was their meeting on that holiday in Looe in 1963. But then again did she have...

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Payment In LooeChapter 13 Monday 7th July 1969Part Three

Roger and Doris were standing outside the theatre as the people began to file out. Eventually they spotted the four people they were waiting to meet. Danielle Pierce was the first to speak as she spotted them standing there holding hands. With a grin she said, "Does this mean what I think it mean? Is this who I think it is?" "Yes and yes. Dani, Frannie, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend Roger Thompson." She turned to Roger. "Roger, I'd like you to meet my cabin mates Francis,...

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Payment In LooeChapter 14 Back To The present Day

The story did indeed have the desired effect. Roger had pumped a fair amount of semen into his granddaughter's pussy while his much younger granddaughter Marianne had looked on giggling. Christopher O'Keefe had pumped a load into his mother-in laws vagina and was working towards a second. Her grandson Christopher had been enjoying bouncing in his grandma's lap while watching his grandpa and also his father Allan as he fucked his sister-in-law Sharon. Further over Helen was still making...

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Payment In LooeChapter 15 Friday 6th August 1971 A Very Pleasant Surprise

Roger looked around the room, everyone was quiet as they waited for him start the latest story. With the help of Doris of course. Naturally they were also awaiting the return of Derek and Larissa. Roger didn't know how many, if any of them, knew of the reason for their sudden disappearance or if they were just as ignorant as he and Doris were. Everyone had showered and changed into casual clothes. Roger and his two son-in-laws Christopher and Allan were dressed in slacks and polo shirts...

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Payment In LooeChapter 16 Saturday August 7th 1971 Hot August Night

"So are you gonna tell us all about the sexy stuff poppy?" asked Marianne who was now sitting up with her legs crossed at her ankles and her little five —year-old pussy in plain sight. "Of course sweetie pie, you don't think I'd keep you waiting do you?" "Oh goody. Thanks poppy," she said with a giggle as she absently fingered herself. Roger took Doris's hand as he turned to each of his family in turn. "You know we could have given this night a title, except that Doris here's...

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Payment In LooeChapter 17 Account Closed

"Quite a party that one Roger. But then so was the wedding reception wasn't it.?" Roger looked up and smiled, relieved to see his business partner and best friend standing at the doorway to the lounge with his defacto wife Peggy Simpson and their partner and joint mother of their children, Katie Mosman. "Well it's about time you turned up Richard," said Roger as he stood up and greeted his long time partner with a handshake and a welcoming hug. "Shame you missed out on the...

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Payment Part 1 Steves Share

On an early day in July, I sat in a lawn chair with my bikini barely on. It was so hot and I was ready to take the straps and break them off my moist body. I was feeling rather hot so I went inside my house to take a cool shower. The crisp water flowed down my nipples, splashing between my thighs, and engulfed my body as my protective boyfriend would during sex. It felt so good! I didn’t want to get out but after a about a half an hour I did. I shouldn’t have because someone was waiting for me....

Group Sex
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 28 The Duel

A loud knocking on the room door brought me out of a deep, exhausted, sleep. “Who is it, and what’s o’clock?” “Begging your pardon sir, but there’s a Captain Bassett here to see you, and it has just struck half past five.” “Send him up – and fetch me some hot water.” Billy Bassett came in the room a little later. “It would appear Amy gave you an energetic and loving night,” he said, looking at my dishevelled appearance and the rumpled bed clothes. I did not tell him who it was that had...

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The Duel the Damsel the Deception and Debauchery Part One Prelude

My youthful dreams of stalwart heroes fighting to defend me and then claiming me as their prize never once included getting my pussy licked in front of everyone or an orgy. I had also never actually thought that it would ever happen. Happen, it did and it just adds to the complexity that is the soap opera of my life.For those of you just tuning in, I’ve been involved in an off-again, on-again, complicated relationship that I seem to have been determined to destroy from the very start. It is...

Group Sex
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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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Rents Past Due

Rents Past DueTruth or Dare They both heard the loud slapping of someone's palm on the apartment door. “Hey Salina, can you get that?” asked John in a low voice.Salina could see through the peephole it was the building manager. “Hey anybody here?” He shouted. Salina shrank away from the door hoping the man would go away. Soon she heard his footsteps abate. Salina found John in the bedroom surfing the Internet. Salina bemoaned, “Dammit John, it was the manager again. You know what he wants. We...

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Due Some LoveChapter 8 Concubines Pets or Toys Oh My

"Miss Rookwood, you recognise me and I recognised you the first time I saw you in this office. The best thing I can say is that you are being offered this position because of your abilities and your outstanding educational qualifications. "The lady I have with me, and who interviewed you originally, is my wife Maureen, the lady you saw me in the train with, was my sister/wife Marilyn. We have two other wives and we all discussed what we did in the train as it is a form of family sport we...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

ProfNigma Stories #1 iCarly: One Night Part1 iCarly: One Night Part 1It was a late night in the iCarly studio as Carly, Sam, and Freddie cleaned up the mess from one of their skits. The gag revolved around Gibby diving into a k*ddie pool full of chicken salad while dressed a chicken suit, but as humorous as it had seemed in the planning stages, the stench, hours later, was certainly not funny."Whose dumb idea was this in the first place!?" Sam yelled as she cleaned up the car prop on the far...

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

This is my real life story which started 2 years back when I got married to my beautiful wife Neha.She was 21 years and looked like 16 but she had full grown assets and almost nobody could spare a glance. The first 6 months was real first and we had an awesome sex life in spite of being a arranged marriage. She has been always shy to sexual things and I felt good in exposing that. Slowly we started fetish and BDSM to spice up our boring life. We bought lot of BDSM equipments as well in our...

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

Hello i am Aryan back with my second story. My First Story “RELATION WITH COUSIN SISTER”() was posted few days back.. Received many mails for that. Thank you for writing to me. If you want to write anything about that story also then write to me on my new mail id i.e. I just want to say that all the stories which i will post here are my true experience. I don’t have time to post fake or fantasy story here. Any girls or Bhabhi want to contact me for satisfaction or for chat then they can...

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Doctor Doctor Dirty Doctor Part1

Doctor Doctor, Dirty Doctor. Part1I (Ashley) was a hot blonde 18year old girl, Had big breasts almost a 36D, I was tall, Had long hair, Long legs, Had perfect curves, Perfect round ass, A bald tight pussy and lovely pink sensitive nipples with a perfect size areola.I was a horny girl, Always had the many boyfriends, Had sex very often and enjoyed oral.I was popular and famous in my school for my 'slut' image and my hot boyfriends.I wanted to join the Cheerleading team of my high school. The...

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bookworm woman encounter part1

I had only met her earlier that evening at the book club at the library, an evening discussing literature followed by a drink in a pub would now turn into a highly charged sexual encounter.There was an awkward silence as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, we went inside, the silence quickly blown away by us kissing passionately and the sound of her dropping her bags on the floor. A momentary pause as she apologised for the mess, I couldn't care less.We slowly moved to the sofa,...

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Katie Lusts Her Father PART2


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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I...

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My Boss Mr Paul Cooper Part2

My Boss, Mr. Paul Cooper: Part2I walked towards the couch to start my strip tease for Charles, Paul played a little slutty music in the background for Charles to have a good show. I got in the camera view and winked at charles and bent forward jiggling my boobs for him on cam.. "Hey there Charles, Why don't you screen this in your conference room, Only the strip tease part, on the projector and get a few of your members to join you in this show too? Then we'll give you a pvt screen of our...

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Hubbyrsquos fantasy turns into his nightmare Part2

Part2"Is this naughty enough for you?" I ask. His cum all over my face. He's nodding, and as he's doing so I get my index finger and sc**** up the cum on my chin and suck it off my finger. I do the same with the cum on my cheek."Now come over here and give me yours!" I demand. Jeremy walks over, his hard cock bouncing as he walks. I reach up and grab it firmly, giving it a good squeeze as I pull it into my mouth. I'm working his cock good for about a minute when I feel Jeron's hands on my...

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