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Payment Due

WARNING! This storyis of an adult nature, all the usual stuff applies, not intended for thoseunder 18. yada yada yada…

"Alright, on the bed with you." She said.

I lazily lay out on the bed, looking over at her and grinning. She was inthe mood to play and I was ready to enjoy every second of it. She tapped mythigh with the crop and said,

"Spread'em boy."

"I'm getting there," I protested just trying topush her.

This resulted in a sharp snap of the crop against my inner thigh. I jumpeda bit but it really didn't hurt.

"OK, arms up over your head too, and spread eagle." Shespoke as she moved to my right side and reached down, getting the restraintcuff that was attached to the bed.

I watched her smiling, figuring this should befun. She pulled my wrist up and out, wrapping the padded cuff around it securely.This was the first time I had been on this side of the scenario. We had boughtthe little bondage kit just as an experiment. I had used it on her a coupletimes, but that was all. I couldn't help thinking this wouldn't last too longas she walked around the other side and secured my left wrist in the same manner.

"OK, now scoot down till your arms are pulled uptight."

I was surprised she even thought of that, but readilydid as I was told. I wriggled down till I could feel a slight but constantpressure pulling on both arms. Just being all spread out like this and theanticipation of what was to come had me getting stirred up inside ad I couldfeel my cock swelling a bit already. She quietly went to the foot of the bed.I knew she like to use her flogger and crop, and I was a little concerned seeingthat I was tied face up. That was leaving some pretty sensitive areas exposedto her stinging reach.

I started thinking back to the evenings eventsthat got me here.. We had been downstairs watching a movie, when she startedteasing me, pulling her shirt up and showing me here nice round breasts, causeshe knows I love them. She would come over and straddle me on the couch, leaningforward to press my face in between them, which got me hard almost instantly.Then she wriggled around a bit and revealed she was wearing no panties underher denim shorts. I had to check this out and ran my hand up her leg, beneathher shorts, and over her gorgeous round ass, never meeting up with the fabricof underwear. She laughed an pushed my hand away as she slid off my lap andlaid out on the floor.

"Lets watch the movie from down here." She saidas she spread herself out on this big sheepskin we have on the floor. She wriggledout of her shorts and grabbed a quilt and pulled over herself.

Well, like any man, that was enough invitationfor me and I quickly slipped beneath the quilt with her, pressed up againsther on the fur. I reached out and ran my hand lightly up her thigh, and shejust moaned softly and pulled down her top, exposing those magnificent titsagain, the little nipples rock hard. My fingers traced over her close trimmedsex and she readily spread her legs out, parting her lips slightly. I couldfeel the heat on my fingers and I slipped them between the puffy lips. Shewas sopping wet already! I leaned down and she put her hand on the back ofmy head, pulling my to her right tit and I greedily sucked her nipple intomy mouth and sucked hard on it, eliciting a low, long moan from her. She pushedher hips out a bit, forcing my fingers fully into her wet slit and I beganrubbing it slowly. Spreading her pink, velvety lips with my open hand as Irubbed her and spread her own juices all over her pussy. Her hand reached downand gripped my rock hard cock and squeezed as I made contact with her swollenclit. I concentrated there and quickly brought her to one orgasm, which wasjust the beginning. She reached her own hand down with mine to join in thepussy rubbing, and I slipped a couple fingers into her slick cunt, bring asharp gasp from her at the suddenness. While I continued to suck on her nipple,I worked my fingers in and out of her rhythmically, fingering her good as sherubbed her own sensitive clit. Soon she was again moaning louder and buckingagainst my hand. I have always enjoyed giving her such pleasure, as she getsinto it so much. Just watching her beautiful body as she takes it all in wonderful.I watched it build in her and her moan turned into a shrill cry as her wholebody stiffened and she screamed out loudly as the climax struck her, her wetsex squeezing my fingers unbelievably tight.

"Ok," she said, "Your turn." As she came back down,smiling at me.

I quickly rolled onto my back on the soft fur andwatched her as she stood up and then spread her legs and straddled me in areverse cowgirl manner. I loved it! I had a great view of that ass I love somuch as she slid her dripping pussy down onto my shaft with a groan as I slidall the way up in her. She started riding and I couldn't believe how good itfelt, all that playing with her had me VERY ready. Everything must have beenworking right for her too, as in just a few seconds she let out with a shrillcry and clamped down hard on my cock as she climaxed again. As it subsided,she got back into rhythm and I knew I didn't have much longer, I grabbed herass firmly and pushed up against her as much as I could, trying to drive myhard cock clear through her if I could. I groaned and felt it start, whichset her off again and we both cried out and reached climax together. She satquiet a moment, both of us catching our breath. Then she quickly stood up,juices dripping from her swollen sex as she walked away.

"You owe me later m'Love." She had said as shedisappeared upstairs.

Well that was several hours ago and now here Iam. I came back to present as she yanked the last cuff tight on my right ankleand pulled the strap down tight to hold me securely. I figured we would playhere for a bit and then this would end up with her riding me again. I was prettymuch looking forward to it, my cock about half hard already when she suddenlyleft the room.

"Hey! Where you going?" I said.

Oh well, I figured she was up t o something andwouldn't be gone long. I was right; she soon re-appeared carrying what lookedlike a silk robe tie. I grinned curiously as a smile crept over her face asshe approached. She leaned over and cupped her hand under my balls and massagedthem gently, which sent my prick to full salute real fast. Then she pulledout on my balls rather hard, making me wince a bit and slid the silk tie aroundmy sac and tied it off tightly. More surprised than anything at this I juststared at her. She pulled the rest of the tie down and wrapped it over therail of the footboard, stretching my balls out tight, and tied it off.

"Well, you have put some thought into this haven'tyou?" I asked.

She said nothing and reached down lightly teasingmy hard cock.

"Ok she said, We are going to see how long it takesyou to beg me to let you come." She said.

I stared at her in disbelief. "Are you kidding?" Ialmost laughed as I asked.

"That's easy, please let me come, I am ready!" Ismirked.

She frowned and suddenly slapped my rigid cock,leaving it swaying from the blow.

"OW!! What did I do?" I asked.

"This is no time for you to be a smart-ass." Shesaid. "This is how it will work. I am going to spend the next few hours teasingyou and your horny little prick there till you beg me to let you come. However,there is a catch. Once you beg me, you will be turned over, retied here, andgiven the most severe spanking you have ever had."

My mind was reeling at her words, I had alwaysliked playing rough, bondage and even spanking; but this scenario made me nervousfor some reason. However, being that I was so intrigued by bondage and spankingsand all, I slowly nodded my head.

"Ok," I said, "I can live with that."

In all honestly I figured she would get bored ratherquickly while teasing me, she would untie me, and we would just go to bed andif nothing else I would then relieve my own "frustrations".

"Good." she said, "then lets get started."

She leaned down and slowly wrapped her lips aroundmy upright member, swallowing it into her hot mouth smoothly. Oh I love that,and she knew it. She worked my cock just right, and I tried to help a bit bythrusting up to her, but she cut that off with a sudden yank on the silk belttied around my swelling testicles. Soon she stood back up, and slipped outof her clothes, then climbed up on me once more and I grinned. She got backin that reverse cowgirl pose from earlier, but this time she slid back intoa 69, leaving her hot pussy just inches from my face. She bent forward, takingme into her mouth yet again, sucking hard on my cock; working her soft lipsup and down. I could see the moisture glistening on her spread pussy lips,but could not touch them. I could smell her hot sex and I lifted my head tryingto reach her. I have always enjoyed oral sex, giving it as much as receivingit. She was still just out of tongue's reach though. Her little mouth was justcovering the swollen head of my cock now as she swirled her soft tongue aroundit, teasing, pushing, and sucking. I knew she could easily tell from whereshe was if I was even getting remotely close to cumming, cause if I twitchedat all, she would stop, lifting her mouth from cock and wait, before returningto her devilish work once more.

Finally, she stopped, standing; she turned aroundto face me and repositioned herself near on my face. She stroked my cheek lightlywith her fingers.

"Enjoying?' she asked.

I couldn't help but smile. "Well of course." Isaid, figuring she was already getting bored.

Was I wrong…instead she smiled and slidforward, covering my mouth completely with her soaking wet pussy.

"Lick." She simply said, and who was I to argue?

I slowly began exploring her wet hole with my tongue,drinking in her sweet taste. I ran my tongue the full length of her slit, andwhen I reached the top, felt her clit swollen out and exposed. I sucked itbetween my lips and pulled at it gently, she tossed her head back and pressedinto my tongue harder, her hands back on my thighs. Her gasps became quickerand she squealed suddenly, and a fresh flow of warm, sweet nectar flowed overmy tongue and lips as she exhaled. With that she removed herself from me entirely,and I watched her as she stretched out nest to me on the bed. Her hand reacheddown and wrapped around my erection firmly, her thumb playing and rubbing overthe sensitive tip repeatedly. I groaned a bit under the intensity of the stimulationeven though I was trying hard to hide it. She grinned again, knowing now shewas getting somewhere. She teased the head of my cock some more, then let herhand slide down and rub over my stretched balls. Everything was just feelingso good, and for the first time, I wasn't so sure I was going to win this one.I needed release bad! She continued to slide her hand down and under by ballsand rubbed her fingers down the to the crack of my ass, pushing one fingerdown and rubbing it over my tight anus. I bucked slightly with the sensationand she continued massaging my asshole gently. After a bit more of that, andmy continued squirming, she stopped and got up. She reached up on a shelf andwithdrew a long plume feather. She ran it over my sac lightly and my wholebody shivered. She giggled.

"Now for the fun part."

She ran the feather teasingly over my testiclesthen up the underside of my shaft, pausing to circle it around the now purpleswollen head. I never had really ever experienced what everyone called blueballs, but I began thinking I was about to. I didn't even care how it happenedby now, I just wanted to cum!

I also quickly realized the torture of the feather.Its touch was firm enough to keep me extremely hard as she ran it up and downthe stiff shaft, but yet did not exert enough pressure to push me over. Shereached over to her nightstand and came back with one of her little toys, alittle silver vibrating egg. She carefully placed it down between my ass cheeks,lodging it firmly against my anus. She turned it on and I moaned out loudly.She only laughed and resumed her work with the feather.

"Oh damn!" I exclaimed, " I don't think I can domuch more of this!"

"You know how to end it," she whispered, "and ifafter your beating you are still willing, you can drive that hard cock rightinto my sopping wet, juicy, hot, tight pussy."

I fought it out, trying to push my cock harderagainst the horrible feather, eliciting another laugh from her at my futileattempts.

"All you have to do is ask," she said.

"Ok, ok, I give, please let me come, I have to!" Icried.

She grinned even more, "Good" she said.

She quickly undid each of the wrist restraints,but left my balls tied tight.

"Turn over and spread again." She said as she removedthe litter vibrating egg.

I did as instructed, and quickly realized my raginghard on was going to make it very difficult to lay on my stomach comfortably.She secured me tightly, then walked over and picked up her flogger.,

"We'll use this to warm up a bit." She said.

She brushed the soft leather tails over my nakedass gently, then quickly laid a series of three hard strokes on it. I gaspedaudibly at the rapid strokes. She stepped to the foot of the bed now, and stood,looking up between my spread legs, the rained down several more hard blowson my bare add. The last one brought back the realization of my tied ballsas the tails sting the underside of my stretched sac, making me cry out. Shespent the next several minutes flogging my ass, legs and back, till I couldfeel a dull warmth over my skin and she remarked that I was turning a nicepink hue.

Suddenly she stopped, and I turned my head towardher to see what was next. Just as I feared, she picked up what was possiblyher favorite. A bright blue riding crop with the end shaped into a hand. Shesmacked her own palm once and an involuntary shiver shot down my spine. I heardthe swish just before the sharp crack of the leather hand contacting my rightass cheek. It seemed to take the sting a second to register, but it soon enoughdid. As she drew away the crop, she commented,

"Oh I do so love that little handprint it leaves.I think there is room for several more."

She slowly began leaving those little red handprintsall over my bare butt, I was squirming as much as the restraints would allow.Any other time we had played like this, I had never been tied, and if she gottoo rough, I simply turned away from her and made her quit, but I was totallyhelpless now. It must have been that helpless feeling that kept my stiff cockfrom shriveling under the pain of the crop, because it was still trying tobore a whole into the mattress. I had gotten to a low moan, accompanied bysharp gasps from each stroke.

"Very nice." She said, "Now for the next implement."

I whipped my head around toward her, not realizingthere were more implements. We had never used anything else. As I looked, Isaw her pick up a leather belt and wrap it around her hand, leaving a twelveto sixteen inch strap of leather dangling. The whoosh it made was differentthan the crop, and the full strip of leather wrapped over my already sore butt,laying a long stripe of fiery red on my skin. I cried out loudly from the newpain, and it was quickly joined by another strip, slightly lower. In shorttime she covered my wriggling bottom in deep red stripes, each one burningmuch deeper than the crop had ever reached. When she finished she stepped upand sat on the bed near me.

"You are handling all this very well m'Love, betterthan I thought. There is one more thing I want to try out though." She kissedmy cheek and got up again.

She came back with a white rod, and I recognizedit as the adjusting stick off a set of mini-blinds.

"I always wanted to try out a cane, and this isthe closest we have." She said.

"OK, I am not so sure about this baby, that thingis going to hurt like crazy." I protested.

"I know it will, that is why I had to get you allready for it. I have always wanted to see what the results of a cane wouldbe, but there was no way to do it without you being tied down." She said asshe laid the stick across my now red butt lightly, and then she drew back andbrought it down with a snap of her wrist. The pain was so intense and suddenI screamed into the pillow. I felt her fingers trace the immediate welt slowly.

"Wow, that had to hurt, it left an angry littlestripe. I think four more of those will be enough for tonight love." She said.

I cringed at the thought and tried to brace myself;I barely heard the stick cut the air before another slice cut into my ass,drawing another scream into the pillow. Each of the remaining three buriedmy face deeper into the pillow, breathing hard and even drawing tears. Afterthe last one she put everything away. She untied my swollen balls and thenreleased my wrist and ankle cuffs. She reached over and picked up a bottleof lotion and gently rubbed it on my blazing backside. As she did so, she tookspecial care to run her fingers down the crack of my ass, massaging my anusonce again. Even with all the pain, it still had the desired effect, and mycock quickly was hard again.

"Roll back over now, you have earned your reward." Shesaid. I turned over gingerly, feeling every stripe as they contacted the sheets.She rubbed my cock with her soft; lotion covered hand then climbed up on me.She looked right into my eyes as she lowered herself, impaling her still soakingpussy on my hard shaft. After she leaned forward and kissed a tear off my cheek,she began riding my stiff cock hard, the pleasure melding with the pain ofmy raw ass cheeks rubbing the bed. As her breathing quickened, her pussy clampeddown like a vice on my cock, and I groaned, almost sitting up from intensity.I came so hard it felt like I would never stop, and she too broke into a climaxthat seemed to carry her for several minutes. Afterward, she crawled up andcurled up next to me, and we fell into one of the deepest sleeps either ofus had experienced in some time.

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Payment In LooeChapter 9 Back To The Present Day

Roger looked out at their family from his seat next to Doris. After the story the two of them had just related it was hardly surprising that everyone was naked again and that those that were old enough were engaged in some form of sexual activity. What he hadn't expected was the stunned silence. He looked around the room to see where everyone had seated themselves. Of course he didn't have to look far for Helen and Christopher's two children, their youngest grandchildren. Five-year-old...

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Payment In LooeChapter 10 Sunday July 6th 1969

Roger Thompson checked his watch as he walked along the promenade deck towards the stern of the ship. It was a little after one o'clock in the morning and he was running a little late courtesy of his own good manners. He had somehow become involved in a discussion about cars and the mechanics involved in fixing them, largely because of the work he'd put in with his father over a four year period restoring a 1949 M.G to its original condition including its original colour British racing...

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Payment In LooeChapter 11 Monday July 7th 1969Part One

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon and the second session of lunch had just finished in the main dining hall and Roger was seated at a table drinking a black coffee. Sitting opposite Roger at the six seater table was Richard Paling flanked by Katie Mosman and Peggy Simpson. Both Katie and Peggy had decided there was enough of Richard's virile member to go round during the times they weren't involved in the late night orgy on the promenade deck where, it was also mutually...

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Payment In LooeChapter 12 Monday 7th July 1969Part Two

There were two very nervous people on the Fairstar that afternoon. One, Roger Thompson, was sitting in the dining room wondering what he was going to say when, if, Doris walked in and marched to his table with the help, he presumed, of Suzy and Chrissie. He was also panicking about how she would feel about him having revealed to his friends, for surely that's what they were, the whole miserable tale of woe that was their meeting on that holiday in Looe in 1963. But then again did she have...

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Payment In LooeChapter 13 Monday 7th July 1969Part Three

Roger and Doris were standing outside the theatre as the people began to file out. Eventually they spotted the four people they were waiting to meet. Danielle Pierce was the first to speak as she spotted them standing there holding hands. With a grin she said, "Does this mean what I think it mean? Is this who I think it is?" "Yes and yes. Dani, Frannie, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend Roger Thompson." She turned to Roger. "Roger, I'd like you to meet my cabin mates Francis,...

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Payment In LooeChapter 14 Back To The present Day

The story did indeed have the desired effect. Roger had pumped a fair amount of semen into his granddaughter's pussy while his much younger granddaughter Marianne had looked on giggling. Christopher O'Keefe had pumped a load into his mother-in laws vagina and was working towards a second. Her grandson Christopher had been enjoying bouncing in his grandma's lap while watching his grandpa and also his father Allan as he fucked his sister-in-law Sharon. Further over Helen was still making...

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Payment In LooeChapter 15 Friday 6th August 1971 A Very Pleasant Surprise

Roger looked around the room, everyone was quiet as they waited for him start the latest story. With the help of Doris of course. Naturally they were also awaiting the return of Derek and Larissa. Roger didn't know how many, if any of them, knew of the reason for their sudden disappearance or if they were just as ignorant as he and Doris were. Everyone had showered and changed into casual clothes. Roger and his two son-in-laws Christopher and Allan were dressed in slacks and polo shirts...

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Payment In LooeChapter 16 Saturday August 7th 1971 Hot August Night

"So are you gonna tell us all about the sexy stuff poppy?" asked Marianne who was now sitting up with her legs crossed at her ankles and her little five —year-old pussy in plain sight. "Of course sweetie pie, you don't think I'd keep you waiting do you?" "Oh goody. Thanks poppy," she said with a giggle as she absently fingered herself. Roger took Doris's hand as he turned to each of his family in turn. "You know we could have given this night a title, except that Doris here's...

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Payment In LooeChapter 17 Account Closed

"Quite a party that one Roger. But then so was the wedding reception wasn't it.?" Roger looked up and smiled, relieved to see his business partner and best friend standing at the doorway to the lounge with his defacto wife Peggy Simpson and their partner and joint mother of their children, Katie Mosman. "Well it's about time you turned up Richard," said Roger as he stood up and greeted his long time partner with a handshake and a welcoming hug. "Shame you missed out on the...

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Payment Part 1 Steves Share

On an early day in July, I sat in a lawn chair with my bikini barely on. It was so hot and I was ready to take the straps and break them off my moist body. I was feeling rather hot so I went inside my house to take a cool shower. The crisp water flowed down my nipples, splashing between my thighs, and engulfed my body as my protective boyfriend would during sex. It felt so good! I didn’t want to get out but after a about a half an hour I did. I shouldn’t have because someone was waiting for me....

Group Sex
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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 28 The Duel

A loud knocking on the room door brought me out of a deep, exhausted, sleep. “Who is it, and what’s o’clock?” “Begging your pardon sir, but there’s a Captain Bassett here to see you, and it has just struck half past five.” “Send him up – and fetch me some hot water.” Billy Bassett came in the room a little later. “It would appear Amy gave you an energetic and loving night,” he said, looking at my dishevelled appearance and the rumpled bed clothes. I did not tell him who it was that had...

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The Duesy

…This afternoon was the first truly last warm day of fall. The temperatures in the sixties, conjuring up out of the earth those sweet familiar smells that certify fall more surely then the leaves changing color. Finch was whistling a theme from something-Debbie thought it was Grieg. A moment later Diana Krall was singing. Finch crooned softly, without ruining it: ‘S wonderful ‘S marvelous That you should care for me ‘S awful nice ‘S paradise ‘S what I long to see! He was a man of eclectic...

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The Grand Duellist

Fierre is an 18 year old French Duellist in the city of Demacia. Standing at 5'10 he is smaller than many other fighters his age. Clothed from neck to toe in a skin tight black bodysuit which hugs the plump cheeks of his bum enticingly. Two long silvery white boots, the edges lined with a gold tint. Some leg guards coloured the same with a matching pair on his shoulders running up the length of both his toned arms. A long thin white cape trailing from the left shoulder guard. Lastly a short...

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Round Duex

    You pull me up from my position on my knees, as I've just had my fill of you. My eyes still glassy from the high of our experience. You grab both my arms & pull me in close for a wet passionate deep kiss where you pause for just a minute to bite my lower lip...making me melt in ur hands & instinctively my body pushes into urs. The pressure of me against u makes ur dick jump in anticipation so u spin me around putting one hand around my neck with ur fingers on my jaw holding my head...

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Tammy True Duex

Tammy True Deux By Angel O'Hare "No, I haven't started my period yet! What the heck is a period, anyway?" Tammy True Deux Tammy True Part 2 Crinolines and Aunties By Angel It took forever for everybody else to leave the plane. I had to pee real bad now. Cindy finally came back and unbuckled me. I still hadn't figured out how to get out of that thing. She told me Sue had to work and was flying out in 4 hours, but she would join us for my surprise. I told her I had to pee...

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Good neighborsPart Duex

...continued...yes, there's more peeing...Saturday afternoon my neighbors threw a bbq/party, last days of summer I guess, and had a bunch of their friends over. It sounded like they were all having a great time from all the laughter and shouting going on. They have a small hot tub which they didn't use right away with all the people there. Things soon turned differently by that evening.By around 10pm most of their friends had left, probably due to the fact they started partying around noon. I...

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step mummy and me camping part duex

I had been tired from the previous night’s exertions and the vodka schnapps on top had ensured I’d slept like the dead. I came too slowly. Someone was whispering in my ear. “Now shush little one I’ll look after you. Please don’t struggle your perfectly safe”. I recognised the voice as my step mum. It all came back to me the diaper the sixty nine and the butt plug. I could feel restraints on my legs. Somehow I had been tied up with my knees drawn up to my arm pits. I could feel my...

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Famille Vendue

Famille Vendue        By chabaLa vie r?elle et nos fantasmes constituent deux mondes distincts et qui doivent toujours le rester. Texte tr?s cru et histoire tr?s hard (violence / inceste). Merci de passer ? autre chose si vous n’?tes pas certain d’avoir envie de lire ce genre de r?cit. Commentaires bienvenus/comments welcome sur [email protected] 1 - La capture.Le monde d’Evelyne s’?tait effondr? il y a deux semaines. Deux semaines depuis leur enl?vement et le d?but de l’ignoble dressage. Et demain, on leur ...

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The raid was supposed to be a surprise. Both my company commander and the battalion commander had given me a green light. We were to drop in two assault shuttles at dawn and hit the rogue world training camp. Things went wrong before that and the battalion commander sent a one word text, "NOW!" So we scrambled into the shuttles and dropped. Only they were waiting and we took fire before we even began to exit the shuttles. I lost ten men during the attack and after the last enemy died we...

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Opus OneChapter 14 Duets

"I'm going to do some theory homework down in the lobby," Emily said to Sandra. The two of them had just returned to their room after seeing Allison to her car. Richard was stopping at his room for a moment before coming up. There was talk of getting together again with Allison, but she was flying back to Melbourne in a few days. In case it didn't work out, they had said their goodbyes. Allison had seemed sad to leave them, but she had to get up early to start some...

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The Three Signs Book 1 CathyChapter 22 Duets

I woke up, feeling bad about what I had done yesterday, and how I had treated Lori. I lay for a while in bed, thinking of how I should have handled things better; not jumping to conclusions and accusing her of trying to deceive me. Still, what was done was done, and no amount of wishing otherwise would change it. As I got up, I saw the two notes from Lori on my desk, and as I read them again, I felt even worse. I was about to screw the notes up and toss them away, when I changed my mind and...

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Rents Past Due

Rents Past DueTruth or Dare They both heard the loud slapping of someone's palm on the apartment door. “Hey Salina, can you get that?” asked John in a low voice.Salina could see through the peephole it was the building manager. “Hey anybody here?” He shouted. Salina shrank away from the door hoping the man would go away. Soon she heard his footsteps abate. Salina found John in the bedroom surfing the Internet. Salina bemoaned, “Dammit John, it was the manager again. You know what he wants. We...

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Duel and Duality Book 1 of Poachers ProgressChapter 4The First Duel

The transports that had lifted us from Bordeaux disembarked us on the English coast at Lyme Regis, where we kicked our heels for a week or two while the Powers That Be decided where next the regiment would be deployed. There was a certain amount of unrest in South West England, due to several factors, but in the main to the high price of food, and the greed of some landowners who were hell bent on enclosing common land. During the time spent at Lyme Regis I had the good fortune to purchase a...

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Alyssa braced herself for the effort, and then stood up. She cradled her swollen tummy – and the life growing within – taking a moment to rest before heading to the door of her office. She pushed an errant lock of dark brunette hair away from her eyes and gathered up her purse. “Why didn’t you wait for me to help you up?” Sarah asked. Her dark-haired assistant wore a scowl as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The expression couldn’t remotely mask the young woman’s beauty. If...

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Alyssa braced herself for the effort, and then stood up. She cradled her swollen tummy – and the life growing within – taking a moment to rest before heading to the door of her office. She pushed an errant lock of dark brunette hair away from her eyes and gathered up her purse. “Why didn’t you wait for me to help you up?” Sarah asked. Her dark-haired assistant wore a scowl as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The expression couldn’t remotely mask the young woman’s beauty. If...

Group Sex
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the rent is due

'good morning miss wick your rent is overdue and needs to be paid in full or you and your partner need to find somewhere else to live' john says'please come in' miss wick says 'lets talk about it''there really is nothing to talk about the rent is due and needs to be paid''please john come inside please'miss wick steps back john enters the house'there really is nothing to talk about pay or leave ' says john as miss wick closes the door'we are desperate please give us more time is there anything...

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Sarah gets her due

It started as just a little on-line exchange between Sarah and I as we compared stories and discussed which ones we liked. Sarah was a young wild one who professed her love of older guys while I was an older guy looking for an adventure. After several months of exchanging our views and discussing what we liked and didn’t like, we took the dangerous, but exciting step of deciding to meet. The idea was to meet at a Denny’s in western Virginia during the day so that either of us could turn around...

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"Repayment" "Come on it'll be fun!" Cassie insisted as we stood in her bedroom. "Just let me tie you up just a little. You aren't afraid are you?" she said. It was a bit embarrassing climbing onto her bed, being totally shaved and wearing her pink satin panties along with a garterbelt and a pair of glossy sheer nylon stockings but in knowing I would be getting all the fantastic sex I could handle later I went along with her all to her delight. She was a fantastic mistress and was...

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Repayment        Ryan glanced up at the clock and saw that it was finally midnight.  It had been hard to wait this long, but he had set rules for himself for a reason.  Walking across his marble floors he looked out the floor to ceiling windows that stared out over the peaceful Pacific ocean.  The moonlight danced off the ocean that washed against the cliff far below.         Going over to a door with a biometric lock on it Ryan used his full hand print to open it.  He didn’t have neighbors...

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It was around 8:00-9:30pm, and I was on my way to a party. It was a nice night, so I decided to walk, and as I was walking past the park I heard a scream, so I ran to investigate. I saw a young woman being chased by two men, so I ran to help her, when I caught up to the men I punched the bigger one in the face, breaking his nose. As the second one ran at me I dodged him and pushed him into a tree, knocking him out. As I went up to the woman to see how she was, I realised how beautiful she was....


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