Payment In Kind free porn video

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Chapter 1: Deposit and First Instalment

She sat on the edge of the bed clutching the pink bathrobe tightly to her body. When she heard the door open she didn't want took up. She didn't want to see who had walked into the room. She heard a sharp intake of breath as the stranger saw her for the first time. "Oh yes," she heard him say, "you're something else." She heard him approach until he was standing over her. Her trembling increased as the reality of her situation sank in. "Not speaking eh?" he said, "well we can soon cure that." Quickly he grabbed her wrist and mashed her hand against the large cock which was already beginning to harden. Reflexively she jerked her hand away until it was free again. The man grunted. "That's one thing you'll have to learn girl - total obedience."

She still kept her head down, avoiding any eye contact with him. Even when he moved away and she heard him taking off his clothes she didn't move. She felt paralysed hardly able to breathe as one by one she pictured in her mind his body as each article of clothing was discarded. She virtually did stop breathing for a moment when she heard him unzip his trousers and heard him step out of them.

"No point in being quiet girl, you're not invisible, I can see you're there. If you don't look now you're going to have a real good close up in a minute." She moaned softly at his words but loud enough for him to hear. "That's better", he said, "I thought you'd died on me." Naked now he padded across the carpet towards her. Almost gently he put massive hands on each side of her head and forced her to look at him. She gasped. Nothing had prepared her for this. He was a giant. Standing well over 6 feet tall and with a body that was perfectly in proportion to his height. Shoulders broad, chest deep, stomach flat and hard and... and... God she moaned again... Oh God.

He chuckled as he held her head in a vice like grip. "Like the look of it do you?" he asked, "and it's not even at attention yet. But that's where you come in isn't it? Now get that piece of garbage off and let me see what I'm getting." She was still frozen, fear was written all over her stiff, tense body. His mood suddenly changed. Swiftly he let go of her head and plunged both hands down the front of her dressing gown grabbing her firm plump breasts in both hands.

She yelped in surprise. "Now when I tell you to do something I expect you to do it, understand?" and he twisted both breasts viciously in opposite directions until the skin corrugated and he could twist them no further. She shrieked in pain and even though it was difficult with the man keeping her breasts twisted she managed to slide the gown off her shoulders and let it slide to her waist. He let go of her and roughly pulled the gown from her body spilling her from the bed. 'Oh yes, ' he thought, 'she is a looker all right, I'm going to enjoy this.' Bending down he grabbed her breasts again and pulled her up from the floor by them.

She shrieked louder this time scrabbling with her feet and hands to gain leverage. Then she was dumped without ceremony back onto the bed. Her breasts were quickly turning pink from the rough handling they had suffered and now she was making a noise. Her constant soft sobbing filled the room irritating the man even further.

"None of that," he said harshly, "now suck on this." and he put the end of his now fully erect cock against her lips. She was unable to control her sobs that now wracked her body. "Oh Christ", she heard him say, "well there's nothing for it." and she saw him go back to his clothes. Hope suddenly shot through her body, as she saw him pick up his trousers, but the hope disappeared rapidly as she saw him pull the wide leather belt through the loops until it hung free in his hand. Through blurred vision she couldn't believe what she was seeing. 'No, he couldn't, ' she thought, 'he wouldn't... '

He approached her rapidly, rolled her over on her stomach on the bed and sat on her back heavily facing her feet, knocking the wind out of her body. Before he started he paused for a moment to appreciate the firm round shape of her buttocks, now twitching in agitation as she struggled beneath him. But he didn't hesitate for long. Beneath him she felt his weight shift as he balanced himself, then she heard a soft swish and then the pain exploded across her buttocks. Her scream was high and loud, not only filling the room but the whole house. Another swish another spasm of burning pain another scream. Then a third. Her arse cheeks were beginning to stripe.

Downstairs her husband put his hands over his ears and muttered "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Oh God forgive me, I'm sorry."

The fourth scream rang out. Then the final two cracks of leather on tortured skin signalled the end of her punishment. He rose from her body breathing heavily and stood by the bed watching her curled up form quivering where she lay. "Now," he said, "we'll try again," and he pulled her up until once more she was sitting on the side of the bed, "put this in your mouth and suck it!" His tone was sharp and despite her tears she parted quivering lips to allow him to slide his cock into her mouth and rest it momentarily on her tongue.

It was in proportion to the rest of his body and her lips were distorted by the size of it. He felt the pleasurable wetness of her saliva as she tried to adjust her mouth to accommodate him. Then he began sliding it in and out. She was as small as he was large and he knew she wouldn't be able to take all of him but sure as hell he was going to try. Gripping the back of her head with both hands he pulled it towards his groin as he thrust his hips forward, thrusting the massive hard rod of flesh back to the entrance to her throat.

Her nose began to run as she struggle to breathe through it and saliva was pouring from her mouth to run down her chin and hang in long strands to her breasts. He withdrew slightly but at the same time keeping a firm grip on the back of her head. Then violently he shoved it back in. This time it gained entrance to her throat. Her eyes widened in shock and panic as she felt it lodging in the entrance. He knew he couldn't stop now he was almost there so he pushed forward relentlessly. Suddenly the tiny gap relaxed with the pressure and his cock slid remorselessly in and down.

Even as he gave a few, very quick, back and forth thrusts getting her throat used to the feel he looked at her neck with satisfaction as he saw it had swollen slightly to take it all in. "Right hang on now," he said almost jovially, and pushed hard. A full four inches slid in and he felt the constriction around it as her throat spasmed and she started to gag. He pulled out quickly not wanting to damage her too much. As soon as she could she drew in deep ragged breaths, coughing, spluttering and choking all at the same time.

Her mouth and nose were now running with a mixture of saliva and tears adding to the strands already attaching her mouth to her breasts. Her chin was a sopping swamp of wetness. Once more he thrust it back in and once more he felt it slide into her throat. This time gripping the back of her head even tighter he thrust even harder and with satisfaction felt it slide passed her throat and into her gullet. Her eyes rolled up into their sockets and she weakly tried to push him away. Before she lost consciousness all together he withdrew to give her another brief respite. He let go of her head and took her swaying breasts in each hand squashing them hard over his rigid cock and dangling balls.

It felt good to have the pliable flesh rubbing against him, and it felt even better to know he could do it at all and that she was his for the duration. But he was there for more than just a tit fuck. For ten minutes he used her mouth and throat until she could take some of him without gagging. But he wasn't there for a deep throat job either. As he fucked her mouth he looked around the bedroom and saw what he wanted on the dressing table. A few more enjoyable minutes keeping himself under control for the greater pleasure to come then he withdrew from her lips completely leaving her breathing heavily still sitting on the bed.

He went across to the dressing table and picked up the jar of cold cream that was there. "Get on the bed and lay on your stomach." he said as he went back to where she was sitting. Wearily she did as she was told placing her head on her folded arms. "No I've changed my mind, come off the end of the bed so your kneeling then bend forward." She did exactly as he said. He approached her unscrewing the cap on the small jar as he did so. He scooped out a third of the cream onto his fingers and pushing his hand between her arse cheeks began pushing it into her anus. She jumped and looked back over her shoulder.

"W... w... what are you doing?" she asked nervously dreading the reply she knew she was going to get. "What the fuck do you think I'm doing," he said scooping some more cream and cramming it further up into her arse, "I'm putting cream up your arse, and do you know why I'm putting cream up your arse? I'm putting cream up your arse because I'm going to fuck it!"

A wail escaped from her mouth. "No please... please don't, I've never done that before, I won't be able to I know I won't... I'm too small for you. Please I'll do anything else you want but not that please not tha..."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he roared. "Jesus when you start talking you don't stop do you?" Another dollop of cream was inserted. "I... I... I'll do anything else you want, I promise I'll be good. He hesitated. "Anything?" he asked. "Yes... yes anything I'll suck you so you come in my mouth, I'll even swallow you deep down my throat, I think I can do that now." Again he hesitated. She was babbling of course using any defence she could to stop him from going ahead but all the same... Being the nice little suburban housewife she was she could have no idea what perversions he could make her perform if he wanted.

Then he shook his head. 'No, ' he thought, 'I can't spend too much time here.' and he threw the jar away and dropped to his knees behind her. She whimpered as felt the heat of his loins close to her buttocks, and then whimpered some more as she felt the end of his large cock nuzzle up to her small puckered anus. He looked down at his hand guided the cock and started use a circular movement with it as he slowly pushed forward. Her arse was so full of cream that it slid in easily enough causing her nothing more than small discomfort. He lodged it just inside of her rear channel, changed his hold on her to her hips, took a deep breath and shoved the full length of it deep into her rectum. She almost jumped off the bed with the shock of the forceful entry, and she raised her face to the ceiling and howled as loudly as she could. "Aaaaaggggghhhh!!!". He pulled part of the way out then another mighty shove embedded it deep inside her. Another shriek. He liked that sound. He liked the complete hopelessness of the noise so for good measure he pulled out and pushed back in quickly one more time.

This time the shriek was more like a moan. Thrusting backwards and forwards he began sodomising the girl in earnest. Her rectum had stretched to take the width of him and the cream, which was now being pushed further up into her bowels, helped to ease his progress. He grabbed her buttocks and began roughly kneading them. He began slapping them harder and harder as his fucking became faster. He leant over her and grabbed her wildly swinging breasts and then he forced her mouth wide open with four fingers of one massive hand and simulated a mouth fuck with them.

She was grunting uncontrollably and rapidly now with each forward thrust. Then his other hand left her tits and with one hand in her mouth and the other beginning to slap her buttocks for the second time he felt the strength of himself knowing he could anything he wanted. He started to feel her return with him each time he withdrew and he grinned maliciously. 'They're all the same, ' he thought, 'they're all the fucking same.' He slapped her buttocks and fucked her arse faster than ever. He was beginning to lose control. Once again he stopped slapping her reddened arse cheeks and at the same time took his hand from her over stretched mouth. Then just before he exploded his loins into her cream filled arse he reached around her one last time, grabbed her breasts and squeezed and pulled them upwards and backwards as hard as he could.

She began making a noise like an animal as her upper body was raised from the bed and slammed backwards into his broad chest. He then howled in release as the spunk began pumping from him filling her arse. "Yyyeeessssss!!" he screamed as his loins emptied themselves into her. Then he almost stopped in surprise. As he kept shooting spunk he felt her body begin to quiver until it was trembling uncontrollably then without warning she howled aloud with lustful passion as, in a gut twisting reflex a shattering orgasm swept through her body. 'Shit, ' he thought, 'she liked it she fucking well liked it!' and out of anger at her pleasure he began slapping her buttocks harder as his own orgasm slowed down and finally stopped. They both fell forward again onto the bed.

He lay there on her back panting heavily. Both bodies were slick with sweat and stuck to each other slightly. He was still angry, very, very angry. They fucking weren't meant to take pleasure in the forced rape of their arseholes. His mind raced to think of a way of punishing the broken woman who was squashed beneath his massive body. Then an idea came to him that made him grin openly.

His cock was still buried deep in her rectum and he bent his head and whispered in her ear almost soothingly. "Just stay like that... it's nearly over... not long now.' She hardly heard him. With the belt beating, the mouth rape and now this final degrading act of sodomy she was too dazed to concentrate. The final shattering orgasm she had experience had deeply disturbed her and so she just lay there, head nestled in her arms, eyes closed, almost drifting off to sleep. She thought he said "now" but she couldn't be sure but then she was viciously brought back to life. Her eyes widened, her head half raised from her arms and her back arched slightly beneath the man's weight as she felt the stream of hot stinging liquid pour into her bowels.

"MMmmmffffnnngghh", the sound was bursting from her mouth was one of pure horror as she realised that he was pissing into her body. "NNNnnnngghhh!!!" She struggled as best she could but he was too heavy and strong for her. She felt the vile liquid filling her bowels and stretching her insides as it continued to flow. The man was in heaven. This was one of the actions he liked. To be able to piss on or into a woman against her will was something he fantasised about when he wasn't actually doing it. Her legs kicked and stiffened as he continued to fill her. New beads of sweat sprang out over her body as her internal temperature rose from the heat of the liquid and her guts continued to stretch with each passing second. She retched, then retched again and still the urine poured into her, filling her, expanding her. Her small flat belly rounded slightly at the intake of so much volume. Even he was surprised. 'Shit, ' he thought, 'this is a pure fucking load.' He felt the contented pleasure of emptying his bladder and the sexual pleasure of emptying it into an unwilling, struggling, newly raped woman who was making animal like noises beneath him. "NNNnnngghhh... ," She now lay still not able to struggle anymore. He gave a few final squirts and as he withdrew and the tightness around his cock relaxed a few more until he withdrew completely.

With his weight off her back, she staggered to her feet and stumbled to the bathroom holding her hand over her mouth, retching as she went. The bathroom door slammed shut and the first sounds of her body emptying its newly acquired cargo, was silenced. The man went over to his clothes dressed quickly and went down the stairs.

As he let himself out he glanced at the man rocking backwards and forwards on the divan, a glass of whisky in his hand, and a half empty bottle in front of him on the coffee table, repeating "God... God... I'm sorry, so sorry... God..." like a litany. 'Stupid fucking cunt', the man thought and left the house.

Chapter 2: Second Instalment

She was back sitting on the edge of the bed. After the last hour of being beaten, sodomised, having a cock thrust deep into her throat and a man piss into her bowels she was still in a state of shock. She stared blankly at the deep blue carpet on the floor unable to think or move. After the stranger had left, Charley, her husband had come up the stairs, run a hot tub and had gently cleaned her down. Even in her dazed state she could recognise that he had been drinking. His gentle soaping of her body and the hands that thoroughly washed her hair had trembled slightly as his whisky laden breath filled her nostrils. She didn't care, she cared for nothing but her aching, bruised body and the numbness of her mind.

After the bath he had dried her with a large, warm towel and finally dusted her down with her favourite talc. Leading her back to the bed he wrapped a fresh gown around her and sat her down. As he left the room softly closing the door she heard the sound of the doorbell ringing downstairs.

Unlike the last time she looked up as the bedroom door re-opened. Her reaction was a sharp intake of breath. Two men entered the room. Somehow she had imagined that her visitors would come singly not in pairs but now she had to adjust her thoughts to accept the situation. Although she was young she was not unaware of how two men could use a girl simultaneously and her stomach clenched as she recalled some of the dirty pictures she and Charley had looked at together. She closed her eyes trying to blot out the images but she knew now, after her last visitor, that she had no choice in the matter. Whatever they wanted to do they could. She was powerless to stop them.

They wasted no time in stripping off their clothes and coming up to the bed. She saw that when naked they were not as young as they had looked when they had first come into the room. Flabby flesh and pot bellies told their own stories of age. The face of one was lined and mottled with broken veins and the hair of the other had receded almost to the point of baldness. They made her stand by putting their hands under her armpits and lifting her. Then one of them undid her robe and threw it into a corner of the room. The familiar trembling was now beginning to shake her body as she anticipated what was to come. They sat her down again and taking her hands made her grip their dangling cocks. She saw with relief that they were both small men. She didn't think her body could endure another battering like the one she had just had from her first visitor. She squeezed and loosened her grip; squeezed and loosened, feeling the two dangling organs begin to stiffen at her ministrations. Their hands were roaming over her face and down to her firm breasts caressing her skin with a gentleness that surprised her.

Their cocks grew no thicker but to her horror she saw that both men continued to grow in length as she squeezed and rubbed the hardening organs. Hoping to stop the continual stretching she transferred her hand to their balls which hung in loose sacs between their legs but that made the matter worse as each penis twitched as one and grew even longer. They were now fully erect and gently swaying in front of her face. From her position they appeared distorted by their length, almost two freakish accidents of nature. One of the men took his cock in his hand and guided it to her lips. She knew it was useless to resist and so she opened her mouth and let him slide it in over her tongue transferring her hand back to it as the violation took place. She continued to play with the second man's balls feeling them tighten at her touch. Hands on the back of her head made her aware of what was going to happen. She had learnt her lesson well. Before her head was forced deep onto the hard rod of flesh she voluntarily lowered it until the invading prick was at the entrance to her throat. Taking a deep breath she began swallowing it deeper into her gullet feeling it enter inch by inch with each gulp. Then her gagging began and she quickly withdrew choking and gasping for breath. Quickly she forced herself to recover and resumed the swallowing of his long, thin cock. The sound of slurping filled the room as she bobbed her head up and down allowing her throat to be stretched even further with each downward thrust. She stared straight ahead and could see the soft sagging belly getting closer as she took more and more of him in. Once again she had to withdraw to avoid choking but once again she recovered quickly and went straight back to her task.

Far above her bobbing head she heard them saying something to each other but she didn't recognise the language. Through half closed eyes she saw his belly was very close to her face and with a determination to finish what she had started she forced herself to swallow and thrust her head forward at the same time. Her gullet was filled with long thin cock and her face was squashed against the greying pubic hairs and soft wrinkled skin of the man's stomach. Her guts heaved and once again she had to withdraw, freeing her throat and mouth of the throbbing, twitching obstruction. This time it took her longer to recover but soon she was ready. This time though it was the second man who demanded attention. Her throat had loosened and she found she could take him deep into her gullet without much discomfort until again her face was mashed against a man's pubic hair. She found too that she could keep it deep inside her for longer. Saliva spilled over her lips drenching her chin and as she withdrew, the penis pulled more of the warm liquid from her soft mouth. Her lips were beginning to swell and her jaw and throat ached but still she forced herself to go on with her task.

For the next fifteen minutes she was kept busy between the two of them until finally she was allowed to flop backwards onto the bed panting painfully through her gaping mouth. Her bruised and swollen lips were difficult and painful to close but for the men, closing them was the last thing they intended. After a few seconds conversation they pulled her around and dragged her on her back to the bottom of the bed so that her upper body was suspended in mid-air. She had no choice but to lower her head until it was resting on the blue deep pile carpet and she was looking at the room from an upside down angle. From this position she could now see the men's faces and she saw the lust and lack of control neither of them could hide. Their faces were covered in a faint sheen of sweat and their breathing was laboured from the sexual activity they were engaged in. Both knelt down on either side of her head and without preliminaries pushed both cocks at once into her mouth and to the back of her throat.

Despite what she had already endured this act of a double mouth fuck hadn't occurred to her and not for the first time that afternoon her mind struggled to understand. Now there was no hesitation and both men began timing their movements so that they moved backwards and forwards in her mouth simultaneously. Her lips were pushed in then pulled out with each movement. The men became more urgent and soon she could only lay there, the top of her head on the carpet, forcing the channel into her throat wide open and accessible. The two mouth rapists were now pistoning in and out, no longer working together. As their lust and self control disappeared altogether they fucked her in their own time. She felt she would never be able to close her lips again as they were dragged and distorted by the wild movements.

"Eeeeeeiiiiiii!" she keened as one cock slid deep into her gullet. The second man continued to thrust in and out of her mouth as fast as his lust demanded. The first man pushed deeper into her until his balls were squashed against one side of her chin. Her throat made swallowing motions as saliva ran down into her stomach. The swallowing clenched and unclenched her hold on the first man's cock making him moan with pleasure. Then she could make no more sound except a muffled "Mmmffffnn" as the second cock thrust hard, burst through the tiny gap which was left at her throat entrance and joined its companion. Thin as they were both pricks together were far wider than the giant's who had been her first visitor and both pricks were much, much longer. She kicked and flailed her arms and legs as she felt the dual invasion stretch her almost to breaking point and the ends of the penises almost reach the entrance to her stomach. Her eyes rolled upwards as she could no longer hold onto consciousness but just before the darkness descended she felt her gullet stretch even further as the cocks began pumping their sperm directly into her guts...

She came to ten minutes later. The men had not wasted their time. She had been spread-eagled on her belly, her wrists and ankles tied to the four corners of the bed with her husband's ties and both men were systematically beating her buttocks with the flat soles of their shoes. The firm round flesh of her arse cheeks jumped and danced with each impact as first one brought his shoe down hard followed by his companion. She didn't know how long she had been out or how long the torture had been going on but she was beyond making any noise. Her bruised and swollen throat was incapable of functioning, swallowing was almost too painful to bear and her lips were now twice their normal size. She lay there in a sea of pain as the fire spread throughout her loins, rekindled with each descending shoe. Her skin had now become deep red and purple in colour and the sound of leather on flesh filled the room and reached Charlie's ears downstairs.

Her husband had stopped moaning and chanting his constant litany and was just sitting there drinking whisky after whisky. Soon the bottle was finished and he staggered to the cupboard to fetch a second.

Tears of pain ran down her face soaking the duvet she was lying on and it was a short time before she realised the beating had stopped. The two men untied her and turned her over. She gave a strangled, hoarse yelp as her buttocks took the weight of her body. She yelped again as they dragged her to the side of the bed and made her sit up. She was a wreck. Her sweat stained tangled hair lay plastered to her scalp, her eyes were bloodshot and tearful and faint strain lines had appeared on her face running from the sides of her nostrils to the corners of her mouth. Sperm covered her chin and face where she had coughed it up and her breasts had swollen slightly from the rough handling they had received. The nipples jutted outwards firm and hard.

One of the men pushed four fingers into her mouth and prised her painful lips wider. He peered inside examining in detail the back of her throat. He noted with satisfaction how the tiny opening had been stretched wide and was now gaping open unable to close. He looked at his companion, nodded and smiled. The second man took his place in front of her and started to feed his long thin prick into her mouth. Even in its flaccid state it had no trouble in worming its way into her gullet. She felt it slide down until it could go no further, his balls resting on her spunk laden chin. She sat there unable to move or protest. All fight had left her and she was ready to accept whatever they made her do. The second man studied her face and noted the resignation but still decided to tie her hands behind her back. His memory told him that sometimes these women could muster up courage and strength from unknown depths. Taking one of the ties he secured her hands and then stood back to watch.

Her eyes flickered briefly as she felt the first hot splash of urine then she could only sit there as the first man started to fill her belly with the yellow liquid. She couldn't taste it, it was going directly into her guts, but her battered senses still repelled in horror at the action. On and on the man pissed. She had already experience it up her arse from her first visitor but this was somehow different. Her mouth should not be used in this manner it wasn't meant to be. But the man continued all the same. Her belly began to swell and she began to feel the pain of the stretching. Her body had been used in so many ways during the last two hours that she even began to accept the pain, knowing it was a temporary thing which would eventually be over. The man was finishing she felt his piss slow down to a trickle then a series of spurts then finally he started to withdraw dragging his long thin prick upwards and outwards over her lips into the open air. Just before it left her lips some uncontrolled drops hit the roof of her mouth. Those she could taste and her features grimaced at the bitterness of the liquid.

The second man pushed her backwards so that she was lying uncomfortably and painfully on her secured wrists. He straddled her chest and putting one hand under himself he grabbed one of her swollen breasts. With his other hand he pulled one of his own arse cheeks as wide as it could go and pulling her breast upwards let go of it so that her breast was jammed firmly in place the hard nipple caressing his anus. He felt the softness and pliability of the flesh between his buttocks and he smiled in satisfaction. Then lifting her head up with one hand he fed his cock into her mouth until it had nearly reached her throat lying there resting on her tongue. With his other hand he pinched her nostrils shut and began emptying his own bladder.

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He had to be silent. They were all around. Slip forward, one inch at a time, be part of the ground. A shout, they were on him. Fighting to get up, too many, holding, and pressing. He discharged the rifle, rewarded with a groan. It only brought more. Reaching for the blade, he slashed out, feeling flesh part, a scream in the darkness. So close. Just 200 feet away, the walls of the fortress, almost. Yes, almost. He strained to reach it, safety, and freedom. Twisting frantically, he managed...

2 years ago
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Payment For Services Rendered Chapter 2 The Marionette

The soft sounds of classical music stirred Christian from a deep sleep. He lay there, wherever there was, and tried to open his eyes. It was like they were glued shut but he relaxed and thought of the most beautiful dream he had last night.  He couldn’t remember much of it, his head was hazy and he tried to open his eyes again.He decided to leave them shut and listen to the music while his memory tried to recall the events of the previous evening. He remembered meeting his work colleagues at...

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Payment For Services Rendered

 I lay on my bed in the darkness, it is close to midnight. I feel your kisses, your touch, and your body, making love to me, my whole body from tip to toe, preparing me, making arrangements for my initiation.Images flash through my mind, memories, beautiful memories - the touch of the Mistress. It feels so good, and, as always, I feel my mind wandering, imagining, and wishing you were here.I have come to visit you.The sun has set and your maid welcomes me at the entrance to the mansion. Dressed...

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payment in kind chap 1

It was for an allotment apartment I could only think to myself that it wasn’t private or of high standard but hey it was worth a shot so I got in the car and headed to the address when I knocked on the door a gruff middle aged man opened the door I stated “I’m here to inquire about the apartment” he just glared and looked me up and sown I thought to myself for a quick moment is he checking me out or just trying to gauge if I’m serious. After a quick stall he grabbed some keys and said “you’re...

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Right after I finished my sophomore year in high school, my best friend Chris and I were asked to baby sit at the house of a woman that my mother knew. I had never met her before, but when I arrived at the house I realized that she was pretty damn hot, especially for a mom. She was about 5’7”, had shoulder length blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a pretty curvy body with a nice big set of tits. The mother promised to pay my friend and I $6 an hour. When she left, the three kids started...

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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better….. Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again about my fetish and I get a sexual thrill by womens toilet habits and...

1 year ago
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Payment Of Loan By Sex

Hi my name is Neha. This is personal story of what happened with me and I would not advise anybody to take money on credit from people. I had taken about 2 lacs money on interest from Ramnikbhai. My husband was working in Africa and I thought I could make some extra money at my end to help the family expenses, as I did not come from a very good financial family. But things didn’t work out and I had lost quite a bit of the money. Every first of the month Ramnikbhai would come for collections,...

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payment sexfantasy

In the dark dirt parking lot i stand my hands on the car hood shivering slightly from the cold and fear. Looking across the hood as i stand there at my boyfriend, an other man standing next to him and his gun pointed at my boyfriend. A voice behind me as i stand there bent over holding the hood."You just keep your eyes forward baby and try to enjoy this as much as i am going to." I feel him reaching around undoing my jeans and his hot breath on my neck. Trembling as i keep my eyes locked on my...

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payment for services part2

Be sure to read the first part it will make this story much better..... Joanna was sitting at the kitchen table in a summer dress and barefoot.I sat down in a chair across from her and sat the plate on the table.Well this is the moment of truth I said are you sure you want to see me do my thing? Joanna replied..Um well tell me what your going to do Im kinda interested but kinda queasy about it as well.I explained to her again...

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Payment for Services

I had been a home broadband technician for about 3 years. In that time, I had regularly bartered for my services - paid in sex by the homeowner when I was attracted to the lady involved. I got my face slapped a few times, told to leave on other occasions ... and taken up on my offer quite a few times. The opportunity to save money usually outweighed the morals of fucking the repairman. I was 25 years old, and in the peak of physical condition ... and with a substantial endowment between my...

4 years ago
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Payment for Services Rendered

It was an absolutely marvelous blowjob, made all the more satisfying by it being so totally unexpected. Adding to the excitement was the behavior of the young lady doing the sucking - I had my tongue in her cunt and she was going nuts. All in all the experience was well worth the $101.62 that it was going to cost me. Don't get me wrong, the young lady, Marci was her name, was not a prostitute, someone in the business of selling sex for money, she was just settling a debt. The story started...

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Payment In LooeChapter 2 Saturday July 6th 1963Part One

It was a fine evening on what had been a day filled with warm sunshine and Roger Thompson was helping his father erect the very large tent that they had become so expert in putting up during their camping holidays over the last three years. Even at thirteen years and nine months he could, if he had to, put up the tent by himself. So between the two of them, Roger and his father Stanley accomplished the task in a matter of thirty minutes while his mother, Evelyn, and his sister, Caroline,...

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Payment In LooeChapter 3 Saturday July 6th 1963Part Two

"A Coca-Cola and a pint of your best scrumpy," Stanley Thompson said to the big beefy licensee. "Sorry sir," replied the tall strongly built bartender in a broad west country accent, "you be from up country and pa's rule has always said that a stranger can only have a half until he gets used to it." He grinned, pulled down a half pint mug from the shelf behind him, held it under a tap and filled it by pulling down on a large wooden handle. "Come back later, sir, I'll sell you the...

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Payment In LooeChapter 5 Monday July 8th 1963

After the family had showered, dressed and breakfasted on cereal and toast and tea they decided it was time to take a tour of the town and its harbour and maybe call into one of the hotels close to the harbour for lunch. Naturally they were armed with the trusty transistor radio, topped up with new batteries at Roger's insistence, so that he could listen to the cricket with his father. Of course that meant that lunch at the hotel would have to coincide with the lunchbreak in the...

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Payment In LooeChapter 7 Tuesday July 9th 1963Part Two

Roger stared into his glass of Coca-Cola as he thought about what was to happen. He had been a teenager for just over ten months and had all the hormones that came with it, hence the persistent attempts to see both his mother and his sister in the nude. Naturally that was as far as he had expected it to go, merely the harmless curiosity of a young virgin boy wanting to see what all the fuss was about. Oh there had been one or two clumsy experiences with a couple of girls from the local...

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Payment In LooeChapter 8 Tuesday July 9th 1963Part Three

James Wilson was waiting outside the Stag's Head when the Thompson family arrived. He took Caroline by the hand. "Well aren't you just the prettiest little slut. You know that you're going to be a big hit with the men waiting inside don't you." He didn't wait for any reaction, instead he turned to Evelyn. "And there's no need to worry, we haven't started yet. Knowing what a fucking slut you are and how much you enjoy having a cock up your cunt we decided to wait." He then turned to...

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Payment In LooeChapter 9 Back To The Present Day

Roger looked out at their family from his seat next to Doris. After the story the two of them had just related it was hardly surprising that everyone was naked again and that those that were old enough were engaged in some form of sexual activity. What he hadn't expected was the stunned silence. He looked around the room to see where everyone had seated themselves. Of course he didn't have to look far for Helen and Christopher's two children, their youngest grandchildren. Five-year-old...

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Payment In LooeChapter 10 Sunday July 6th 1969

Roger Thompson checked his watch as he walked along the promenade deck towards the stern of the ship. It was a little after one o'clock in the morning and he was running a little late courtesy of his own good manners. He had somehow become involved in a discussion about cars and the mechanics involved in fixing them, largely because of the work he'd put in with his father over a four year period restoring a 1949 M.G to its original condition including its original colour British racing...

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Payment In LooeChapter 11 Monday July 7th 1969Part One

It was just after two o'clock in the afternoon and the second session of lunch had just finished in the main dining hall and Roger was seated at a table drinking a black coffee. Sitting opposite Roger at the six seater table was Richard Paling flanked by Katie Mosman and Peggy Simpson. Both Katie and Peggy had decided there was enough of Richard's virile member to go round during the times they weren't involved in the late night orgy on the promenade deck where, it was also mutually...

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Payment In LooeChapter 12 Monday 7th July 1969Part Two

There were two very nervous people on the Fairstar that afternoon. One, Roger Thompson, was sitting in the dining room wondering what he was going to say when, if, Doris walked in and marched to his table with the help, he presumed, of Suzy and Chrissie. He was also panicking about how she would feel about him having revealed to his friends, for surely that's what they were, the whole miserable tale of woe that was their meeting on that holiday in Looe in 1963. But then again did she have...

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Payment In LooeChapter 13 Monday 7th July 1969Part Three

Roger and Doris were standing outside the theatre as the people began to file out. Eventually they spotted the four people they were waiting to meet. Danielle Pierce was the first to speak as she spotted them standing there holding hands. With a grin she said, "Does this mean what I think it mean? Is this who I think it is?" "Yes and yes. Dani, Frannie, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend Roger Thompson." She turned to Roger. "Roger, I'd like you to meet my cabin mates Francis,...

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Payment In LooeChapter 14 Back To The present Day

The story did indeed have the desired effect. Roger had pumped a fair amount of semen into his granddaughter's pussy while his much younger granddaughter Marianne had looked on giggling. Christopher O'Keefe had pumped a load into his mother-in laws vagina and was working towards a second. Her grandson Christopher had been enjoying bouncing in his grandma's lap while watching his grandpa and also his father Allan as he fucked his sister-in-law Sharon. Further over Helen was still making...

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Payment In LooeChapter 15 Friday 6th August 1971 A Very Pleasant Surprise

Roger looked around the room, everyone was quiet as they waited for him start the latest story. With the help of Doris of course. Naturally they were also awaiting the return of Derek and Larissa. Roger didn't know how many, if any of them, knew of the reason for their sudden disappearance or if they were just as ignorant as he and Doris were. Everyone had showered and changed into casual clothes. Roger and his two son-in-laws Christopher and Allan were dressed in slacks and polo shirts...

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Payment In LooeChapter 16 Saturday August 7th 1971 Hot August Night

"So are you gonna tell us all about the sexy stuff poppy?" asked Marianne who was now sitting up with her legs crossed at her ankles and her little five —year-old pussy in plain sight. "Of course sweetie pie, you don't think I'd keep you waiting do you?" "Oh goody. Thanks poppy," she said with a giggle as she absently fingered herself. Roger took Doris's hand as he turned to each of his family in turn. "You know we could have given this night a title, except that Doris here's...

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Payment In LooeChapter 17 Account Closed

"Quite a party that one Roger. But then so was the wedding reception wasn't it.?" Roger looked up and smiled, relieved to see his business partner and best friend standing at the doorway to the lounge with his defacto wife Peggy Simpson and their partner and joint mother of their children, Katie Mosman. "Well it's about time you turned up Richard," said Roger as he stood up and greeted his long time partner with a handshake and a welcoming hug. "Shame you missed out on the...

1 year ago
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Payment Part 1 Steves Share

On an early day in July, I sat in a lawn chair with my bikini barely on. It was so hot and I was ready to take the straps and break them off my moist body. I was feeling rather hot so I went inside my house to take a cool shower. The crisp water flowed down my nipples, splashing between my thighs, and engulfed my body as my protective boyfriend would during sex. It felt so good! I didn’t want to get out but after a about a half an hour I did. I shouldn’t have because someone was waiting for me....

Group Sex
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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. ‘What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?’ I...

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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...

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Emancipation of Womankind

Emancipation of Womankind The emancipation of womankind began in the early twentieth century when women gained the vote, by the end of the century they were the majority of university students and were well represented in parliament. By the middle of the twenty-first century, with women firmly the majority in parliament and a woman president, the first castration laws were passed for rapist. At first these were chemical in nature, but after some cases of men reversing the process...

3 years ago
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Bloodline Chapter One Last of His Kind

~Chapter One~ The Last of His Kind ———————————— A gentle breeze swept through the ancient stone threshold and into the courtyard of a large and foreboding castle. Moonlight illuminated the neatly trimmed and imported hedges. The many flowers spread throughout, yet all huddled in their own groups, waved and weaved in a chaotic unison as the wind brushed passed their various petals. It was a gorgeous scene to behold, in fact. True beauty had been hidden behind these castle walls. All of...

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Meh, I'm not looking for "kind girls", but "nude girls"! People tend to get repulsed by all the obscene pornography on the internet. We all know that female nudity may be celebrated in a way that's much more respectful. Matter of fact, seeing all these girls getting stepped on, spit on and fucked roughly has destroyed the way we see girls. Not all women want to get bent over and pounded hard until they can't breathe properly.Rather, most girls really aren't into that, and modern pornography...

Naked Girls Galleries
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A Life Rekindled

A Life Rekindled. By Trish Jill Wayland had pretty much given up all hope of ever finding happiness, she felt prematurely aged from a failed marriage, childrearing, and loss... Oblivious to her appearance Jill cut a sad and somewhat forlorn figure as she repeated the same mind numbing routines day after day. She could have done anything with her life, but constrained by chains of guilt and habit she simply existed. Every day she avoided her reflection in the mirror, not wanting to...

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Marys First Day of Kindergarten

“I love the way you taste.” She felt his warm lips move away from hers, the strong scent of listernine lingering for a moment, and a hand caressed her foreheard, running through her hair. When she opened her eyes, her husband’s face floated above her own, hovering like a pale ghost. “Sick, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet,” she said. Mary yawned and rubbed her sleep-encrusted eyes. These she shifted over to the nightstand to get a figure on the time. The digital alarm clock read 5:55,...

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Portals of Mankind

I was never a man looking for a 10, or 9, or even a 5, I won't grade women on looks alone. I was only ever interested in women, who hadn't explored every aspect of her own being, including sexual, and wants a partner committed to mutual exploration. She only has to be intelligent, searching for the finer things, healthy, fastidious, enticing, seductive, amorous, sensually passionate and understanding. Certainly not too much to ask?. My lover is the answer to all that and more. She is...

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"Repayment" "Come on it'll be fun!" Cassie insisted as we stood in her bedroom. "Just let me tie you up just a little. You aren't afraid are you?" she said. It was a bit embarrassing climbing onto her bed, being totally shaved and wearing her pink satin panties along with a garterbelt and a pair of glossy sheer nylon stockings but in knowing I would be getting all the fantastic sex I could handle later I went along with her all to her delight. She was a fantastic mistress and was...

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Repayment        Ryan glanced up at the clock and saw that it was finally midnight.  It had been hard to wait this long, but he had set rules for himself for a reason.  Walking across his marble floors he looked out the floor to ceiling windows that stared out over the peaceful Pacific ocean.  The moonlight danced off the ocean that washed against the cliff far below.         Going over to a door with a biometric lock on it Ryan used his full hand print to open it.  He didn’t have neighbors...

1 year ago
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It was around 8:00-9:30pm, and I was on my way to a party. It was a nice night, so I decided to walk, and as I was walking past the park I heard a scream, so I ran to investigate. I saw a young woman being chased by two men, so I ran to help her, when I caught up to the men I punched the bigger one in the face, breaking his nose. As the second one ran at me I dodged him and pushed him into a tree, knocking him out. As I went up to the woman to see how she was, I realised how beautiful she was....

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Incestuous Harems Passion 10 Incestuous Lust Kindled

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Ten: Incestuous Lust Kindled By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 4th, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker I leaned back in the chair watching the video of Clint's wedding to Pam Hiragawa. My eyes studied it for the dozenth time. I had several pads of notes written on what I'd observed. There had to be something useful in it. Something we could grab onto. Every day, it felt like that bastard Clint was getting...

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Away DayChapter 4 Embers Rekindled

Jackie: Driving away from the airport, I was once again feeling very guilty. Sneaking around behind my husband's back was something I had thought I would never do, let along have a groping session in an airport hallway. My good Catholic upbringing was shocked and somewhat troubled. "What has gotten into me?" I shouted as I drove onto the expressway. I saw the humor in my last comment, and smiled to myself. What had NOT gotten into me was what George had HIS heart set on getting into me!...

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To Save Mankind

Mankind had finally managed to get the most pressing issues under control. Earth's ecosystem wasn't collapsing after all and mother nature had gained some ground again. Free from the immediate need to ensure Earth's survival, human race shifted its focus to exploring the stars and conquer new worlds. Orbit City, the first human settlement on Mars, boomed and prospered in this phase of relative calm and quickly established itself as the primary ex-terrestrial hub of humanity. But then came...

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love respect kindness

I couldn’t believe my luck when I first saw you. The way you smiled at me I knew right there and then that you had a hold of me I couldn’t take my eyes of you. I wanted and needed to feel your touch to kiss and hold you. I was to shy to scared to let you see this feeling I had for you. my mind was playing tricks on me I noticed u looking at me was my mind doing it again. I had given my self hope I truly believed I was going to be happy then it happened.I told you how I felt and at first you...

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love respect kindness

I couldn't believe my luck when I first saw you. The way you smiled at me I knew right there and then that you had a hold of me I couldn't take my eyes of you. I wanted and needed to feel your touch to kiss and hold you. I was to shy to scared to let you see this feeling I had for you. my mind was playing tricks on me I noticed u looking at me was my mind doing it again. I had given my self hope I truly believed I was going to be happy then it happened.I told you how I felt and at first you...

Love Stories
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Random Acts of Kindness

Now the customer who dined a week ago at the upscale Japanese restaurant where she works, he was innocent. That's how she described him to me at least. "He looked so innocent. Cute, early middle age, just a touch of grey in his hair, good body, you know he works out and eats well. Good face too, but something boyish in it. Like a part of him never had the chance to grow up. His eyes were very sad." Three years as a waitress there and Jennifer had never so much as flirted with a patron,...

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The Kindness

It was the middle of a muggy hot afternoon that on the last day of her life Danni was paid a surprise visit by her Uncle Rudy at her family’s summer house on the shores of Funeral Lake. Danni had been living at the lake house since her Father died in early May, at first to avoid her stepmother Claire, then once Claire had moved out to avoid the reminders of her Father that the big house held. Danni missed Dad badly and felt very alone most of the time now. She had never got along with...

1 year ago
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First Touch of Kindness

It wasn't the first time I'd been kicked out. My latest "family" wasn't really different than the last couple that I'd been sent to. Same old story, I lived in peace for about a week then about a month of fighting and then I'd do something stupid, the police bring me home and thrown out, but they still tell all their rich country club friends about housing a poor troubled foster child, and how I "changed their lives". Oh the idiocy of deranged suburban social statuses. It was never really about...

Love Stories
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I HAD A DREAM! The scene could be set just a decade or so in the future, in an area for want of a better description, we’ll call middle America. There is a wind of change about! —— ‘Come in Major? So you’ve found something?’ ‘Sure have General,’ answered the fresh-faced Major, looking too young to be holding such a rank. ‘Apple has really come up with the goods since that new woman took over the Job. The new Mark 5 i-Scanner has detected something already.’ ‘A transcript Major?’ ‘Better...

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