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3 years ago
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Carmela Spanish

Carmela Transcurria el ano de 1776. Las trece colonias Britanicasen la America del Norte habian declarado su independencia, y la guerra contrala corona Britanica estaba en su momento cumbre. Mas al sur, Espana fortaleciatodo su imperio. Mayormente en su apreciada isla: Cuba. La trata de esclavos era un gran negocios para los colonos,tanto como en la isla, como en los de las trece colonias, que habian en laAmerica continental. Las grandes plantaciones de cana de azucar necesitabanesclavos...

2 years ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 7

*************S?ptima parte************* Entr? al ba?o y cerr? la puerta detr?s. Dej? la maquinilla y el gel sobre el lavabo. Ah? me ten?a de nuevo, delante del espejo. El pelo era una aut?ntica mara?a y ten?a ojeras de haber llorado y de no haber dormido lo suficiente (?o lo hab?a hecho?. Segu?a sin saber qu? hora era... ni qu? d?a, ni siquiera qu? a?o). Suspir? y me quit? el pijama. Volv? a mirar mi cuerpo desnudo. Me fij? de nuevo en mis diminutas tetas. ?Joder! ?Ni siquiera estaban proporcionadas!. Eran una peque?a protuberancia con...

4 years ago
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Maduras Anonimas Cap 04

El verano se acercaba a su fin y pronto tendría que comenzar a asistir a la escuela. Me preocupaba que pasaría si se realizaba una reunión y yo no podía asistir. ¿Perdería mi privilegiado lugar en el grupo? ¿Doña Elide seria comprensiva y me dejaría volver?Mis miedos se vieron materializados cuando mi madre me informo que le habían dado vacaciones y quería que fuéramos a pasar un fin de semana en la playa. Al principio me emocione al respecto pero cuando me dijo las fechas me di cuenta que...

3 years ago
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Uma lenga Grega A Greek Legend

Uma lenda grega Cap?tulo 1: O anel Eu sempre fui fascinado por mitologia grega. Est?rias de deuses, semideuses, her?is, monstros me acompanharam desde a minha mais tenra inf?ncia e mantiveram minha imagina??o ocupada. Sendo "um vagabundo", como minha m?e costumava dizer eu tinha bastante tempo para dedicar a este hobby. Na verdade eu era "um vagabundo sortudo", pois um tio havia falecido e deixado DM 500.000,00 de heran?a que eu mantinha em uma conta de investimento. Eu n?o era exatamente rico, mas ta...

2 years ago
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Historia de Ang lica

Historia de Angélica Nuestra protagonista se llama Angélica. Es rubia,de ojos azules y bellas formas. Su estatura es 1,65 m. y su piel es sensualmentepálida. Acababa de salir del convento de "Las hermanas dela Humildad", contando a la sazón 17 años. En el conventohabía sido educada bajo la mas férrea disciplina. Había ingresado en el convento a la edad de 8 años,cuando sus padres habían perecido y sus parientes mas próximosse habían desentendido de ella. La vida en el convento fue muy dura...

4 years ago
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Felicidad es Locura

Felicidad es locura Este fue mi primer relato, alla por el a?o 99. He dedidido enviarlo ahora a fictionmania, sin embargo preparando quizas camino a su segunda parte, si consigo terminar lo que estoy escribiendo ahora. Espero lo disfruteis. Prologo Las ruinas de la antiguamente multitudinaria ciudad se veian completamente solas, abandonadas de la mano de Dios... de cualquier dios en realidad. Tan solo las ratas vivian ahora por la ciudad. Seres deformes, gigantescos, aberraciones d...

3 years ago
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Time Traveler

Hi, this is my first story, I can't write it in English, because I don't know very well the language, but maybe in some time I will. Para toda la comunidad latina, escribo esta historia con mucho gusto y con la esperanza de que se comienze a escribir en espa?ol, esperoi les guste. [email protected] TIME TRAVELER By The Storyteller 2002 Copyright La idea de viajar por el tiempo siempre ha acompa?ado al hombre moderno desde la aparici?n de la ciencia. El viaje por el tiempo resulta una ...

2 years ago
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De Negro a Rosa From Black to Pink

La tarde transcurr?a con hast?o, me sent?a como enjaulado dentro de la casa, hacia mucho calor, el verano comenzaba, todos mis amigos hab?an abandonado la ciudad a disfrutar las vacaciones, y yo aqu? encerrado y aburrido. Sin muchas expectativas me dirig? al cuarto de mi hermana. -Hola Sandra, ?Qu? haces? -Me pinto las u?as, ?No lo ves? Mi hermana sentada sobre la cama pintaba las u?as de sus pies de un color negro intenso que le otorgaba ese aspecto medio "dark" que ella tanto cultivaba. -?Y tu q...

4 years ago
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Marianna la Destructora

Tres meses habían pasado desde que la princesa Marianna y su compañero el bárbaro sin nombre habían expulsado, una vez más, al malvado hechicero Drax del plano físico. Tras separarse nuevamente del musculoso, pero algo estúpido guerrero, la voluptuosa princesa se dirigió a los desiertos del sur siguiendo la pista de su malvada hermana gemela Arianna, la cual, con el fin de convertirse en la única heredera al trono de Tanighar, la había entregado al diabólico hechicero Drax para que fuera...

2 years ago
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Mi ex cu ntilde ada se pone mas audaz Vol 2

Se dió el tiempo de mirar mientras me vestía, aprovechó el espejo del baño para darse los últimos retoques, de cuando en cuando me lanzaba picaras miradas, debió notar mi inseguridad desde el momento que me dijo que iríamos a un club swinger. por mi cabeza comenzaron a pasar una serie de ideas respecto a ella, su relación con su marido, y lo que estaba haciendo conmigo. al parecer adivinó mis pensamientos.- tenemos un matrimonio abierto- dijo mientras se tiraba en mi cama y destapaba la botella...

4 years ago
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Minha primeira vez com um casal

Meu nome é Billy, 1,72 atualmente com 68 kg moreno bem dotado o que vou relatar aqui agora realmente aconteceu, eu trabalho em uma grande empresa no setor de RH com dezenas de outros funcionários, a maioria mulheres e a maioria bonita simpática, nos intervalos conversamos muito brincamos e nas sextas feriras sempre depois do trabalho nos reunimos para tomarmos umas bebidas e rir um pouco, mas confesso que entre tantas mulheres lindas, simpáticas tem uma que me desafia, vou chama-la de Renata,...

3 years ago
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Otra cena en el bar de la esquina

Un par de noches después de la tremenda cogida que le habían pegado cuatro hombres en el bar de la esquina, todavía a mi adorada Anita le ardía la cola y se quejaba de algunos leves dolores vaginales…No habíamos hablado del tema entre nosotros, pero yo estaba convencido de que ella se acordaba de mucho más de lo que quería hacerme creer.Al día siguiente era sábado y al regresar de hacer unas compras, pasamos por el frente del bar. En ese momento se asomó a la calle el dueño y nos invitó a...

4 years ago
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estrenamos a una pareja en el swinger

Hola mis amores, soy Elvira, y en esta ocasión especial de estas fechas, nos trae recuerdos muy cachondos a mi pareja y a mi; hace unos años vivimos de las primeras experiencias swinger con una pareja, ya habiamos tenido antes algunos escarceos con parejas pero aun nos quedaba el gusanito y la calentura de coger rico y como se debe, como matrimonio; pues bien, llegabamos de misa ese viernes santo, y recibio Uli una llamada, era de un hombre llamado Alfonso, que haba visto nuestro anuncio y...

3 years ago
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Amigo de mi pap aacute

8Yo tenía 18 años y el amigo de mi papá, Alberto, siempre buscaba quedarse a solas conmigo. Desde pequeña recuerdo que el sr. Alberto entraba a mi casa con gran confianza de mis padres, pues venía a hacer reparaciones. Al terminar se sentaba a conversar y me decía que me acercara. Allí aprovechaba y me sentaba en sus piernas. Con gran disimulo acariciaba mis pequeñas nalgas y a veces deslizaba su mano por mi entrepiernas. Claro!!! sin que nadie se diera cuenta. Yo, inocente, creía que eran...

2 years ago
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Time Traveller Chapter Two

Este es el segundo capitulo de la historia, es un poco breve pero espero lo disfruten. Proximamente saldra el tercer capitulo y una nueva historia, no dejen de consultar Fictionmania. Saludos! Time Traveler Chapter Two By The Storyteller. [email protected] Agarre el primer sost?n que encontr? por curiosidad mire la talla ?era talla 36D! Recuerdo que la de mi novia era 34 C y ya la consideraba pechugona. Ni hablar soy m?s chichona que ella. Con el brasiere tambi?n batalle para pon?rmelo...

2 years ago
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Fiesta Antes de continuar con el relato perm?teme comentarte algo, al principio cuando empec? a escribirlo ten?a toda la intenci?n de que fuera simplemente un relato corto, sin embargo, como te dije anteriormente, mi imaginaci?n tiene la virtud de una vez despertada, volverse incontrolable. De esta manera, comenzaron a surgir un mont?n de situaciones y fantas?as que no quer?a dejar de contarte. Ten?a entonces dos alternativas, recortaba el relato y dejaba tan solo los hechos esenciales, o lo divid?a al men...

2 years ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 1

*************Primera parte************* Hace tanto tiempo que no tengo un orgasmo que ni siquiera estoy segura de lo que se siente. S? que jam?s tendr? otrto en mi vida, pero hace mucho que no me importa. He aprendido a vivir as? y a disfrutar cada relaci?n sexual. S?, tengo una vida sexual y me encanta. El hecho de que no me pueda correr no la hace peor. Dejadme que vuelva la vista atr?s y os cuente algo de mi. Nac? como var?n har? aproximadamente treinta a?os, creo. Todo ese periodo de mi vida est? bastante ...

3 years ago
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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 13

*************Decimotercera parte************* El agotamiento me venci? pronto. Eran poco m?s de las diez cuando not? c?mo se me cerraban los ojos a pesar de todos mis esfuerzos. Mi primera intenci?n fue acostarme. Pero claro... ?el maquillaje! As? que tuve que hacer de tripas coraz?n (unas tripas que segu?an implorando m?s comida despu?s de la escueta cena) e ir al ba?o a devolver mi cara a un estado natural que cada vez iba a ver menos y menos en mi vida. Aprovech? para aliviarme. No me hubiera gustado despertar...

4 years ago
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Viajante no tempo

Notes: 1 - some reviewers of the original pointed what seems to be flaws in my description of the past. I suggest these are no flaws, but intentional, the reason is that Jeremias is describing his story, so there is no reason why he should be honest, actually I believe he is lying in the whole text and that he already knew what he would do in Helena's body in the past. Helena is also lying when she says she was a lesbian, most probably she had some tendencies towards homosexualism, but...

3 years ago
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Todo el dia contigo

-Ma?ana es tu gran d?a nena. -Si ya se, ya quiero bailar contigo el Valls, tener puesto mi vestido rosa, y recibir todos mis regalos. -Jeje eres una consentida. En ese instante al estar abrazando al ser que m?s amo, Lizbeth... Y que el d?a de ma?ana iba a cumplir sus 15 a?os, y se convertir?a en toda una mujer me di cuenta que era muy feliz. Tiene el cuerpo de una diosa, un rostro bello y una sonrisa que iluminaba mi ser, ella es morena aperlada, cabello largo y negro y ondulado, ojos miel un pe...

4 years ago
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Mientras me arrodillaba frente a aquel hombre mayor que estaba totalmente borracho y lleno de lujuria, record? las palabras de Nick, aquellas con las que me convenci? de hacer este trabajo: "Vamos, siempre has dicho que eres un gran actor y que puedes hacer cualquier papel". Hab?an sido dichas hac?a unas 48 horas y ahora, si este hombre no ca?a redondo enseguida, me enfrentaba a mi mejor impostura, mi mayor actuaci?n, pero no en una obra de teatro o en un largometraje, si no en la pu?etera vida real. Le mi...

2 years ago
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El Ring de la muerte II

April caminaba hacia la jaula hexagonal mientras escuchaba silbidos lascivos a su alrededor. Estaba acostumbrada a dos cosas antes de un combate. Que la vitoreasen o silbasen por su aspecto era una de ellas. La otra, que le preguntasen si de verdad era mayor de edad. Lo cierto es que cuando empez? a luchar no lo era, minti? cuando le preguntaron. En el ring de un tugurio de los bajos fondos, ?Qui?n iba a comprobarlo? De aquello hac?a un par de a?os.  En ese momento ya habr?a podido comenzar a luchar incluso pr...

4 years ago
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un dia de calor

Comienza a caer el sol…pero el calor no para. tu y yo nos encontramos en un punto en el que el sudor se ha vuelto un elemento constante…yo me encuentro sumamente excitada pues dentro de mis vicios esta el mirar pornografía, algo no común de una mujer, pero que importa a mi me excita y eso es lo importante. Tú no tienes idea de que es lo que te espera pero te aseguro te gustara. Desde el balcón te observo y noto que no estás solo. Hay una mujer a tu lado a quien tu tratas de una manera...

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Sacrif cios

Ainda observava com estupor enquanto o caixão do meu pai descia vala abaixo. Ao meu lado minha mãe e minha irmãzinha choravam inconsolavelmente os últimos “momentos” com esse ser familiar tão especial. Ainda podia ouvir as palavras que ele me disse quando o visitei pela última vez na ala da quimioterapia do hospital: “Cuide da sua mãe e irmã, me prometa isso”. Prometi a ele e farei de tudo que for possível para honrar a sua última vontade. “George foi um bom homem, Liam, nunca se esqueça disso”...

4 years ago
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Mansi n encantada

casa silenciosa, se elevaba gloriosa sobre la colina en la que había sido edificada, cualquier persona que entrara en el poblado podía verla alzarse majestuosamente ya siendo un habitante más del pueblo. Se solía observar como una tenue luz se colaba desde una ventana, aún había luz eléctrica en la vieja casona. También se podía escuchar las fuentes con su cause, habia acaso aún servicio de agua en la esa extraña edificación. Su interior lleno de alfombras costosas, cientos de puertas,...

3 years ago
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Um Negocio Lucrativo Portuguese

UM NEGÓCIO BEMLUCRATIVO Geraldo AntonioLelis de Freitas UM OSimca Chambord estacionou na Pracinha do Araçatuba Clube, aquela doColégio das Irmãs, vizinha da Praça 19 de fevereiro.Carro novo, cores tradicionais de vermelho e amarelo, linha impecável,conforto até exagerado. No radio tocava Neil Sedaka, "You mean everythingto me", sucesso romântico. Olocal estava deserto. Deserto era modo de se dizer: alguns carros passavampelas ruas Duque de Caxias e Carlos Gomes. Um "biribeiro" gritou um...

3 years ago
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L aacute zaro que clase de encuentro con este muchacho

fue también de mis primeras experiencias, sucedió una noche en que salí a caminar, iban a dar las siete y estaba lista para salir a vivir afuera, ¡dejar el closet por unas horas!, me observé en el espejo de cuerpo entero en la habitación, me gustó la chica que se asomaba ahí, convencida de mi presencia salí y me dirigí hacia Diaz Mirón, por supuesto que me sentía nerviosa, y una sensación de algo parecido a estar flotando, a veces era como escuchar todo muy lejano, y a veces el corazón...

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Nos detuvimos en la ruta a tomar algo. Estacionamos donde nos indicó un muchachote que acomodaba los vehículos y nos bajamos. Gerardo me apretó a su cuerpo pasándome una mano por el cuello y la otra por la cintura e hundiendo sus dedos en mi colita… - Hay¡¡¡ balbuceé entre golosa y sufrida abriendo y poniendo mi boquita en actitud de merecer, - puse mi boquita como esperando un beso - malo le dije - más que nada para la sonrisa del cuida coches que a dos metros había sido testigo de todo el...

5 years ago
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De negro a rosa I

De Negro a Rosa La tarde transcurr?a con hast?o, me sent?a como enjaulado dentro de la casa, hacia mucho calor, el verano comenzaba, todos mis amigos hab?an abandonado la ciudad a disfrutar las vacaciones, y yo aqu? encerrado y aburrido. Sin muchas expectativas me dirig? al cuarto de mi hermana. -Hola Sandra, ?Qu? haces? -Me pinto las u?as, ?No lo ves? Mi hermana sentada sobre la cama pintaba las u?as de sus pies de un color negro intenso que le otorgaba ese aspecto medio "dark" que ella tanto cu...

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Las cinco amigas The Five Friends 15 33

Siento mucho el retraso en terminar esta historia. Aqu? pongo las partes que faltan para terminar el primer libro. Comentarios, opiniones, o lo que quer?is, pod?is dirigirlos a [email protected]. Comments welcome. You may locate me at [email protected] *************Decimoquinta parte************* Cuando bajamos las escaleras, yo era una chica nueva. Estaba cansada y sudada y seguro que mi maquillaje necesitaba un retoque bastante importante, pero me sent?a contenta. Ni siquiera la i...

2 years ago
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De negro a rosa II

De Negro a Rosa (II Parte) By LaDivinaDiva La casa estaba situada en los suburbios, por lo que el viaje demor? unos 40 minutos, las v?as estaban bastante menos congestionadas que de costumbre como es habitual en los per?odos vacacionales. La entrada de la casa era amplia con una gran vereda sembrada de grama y ?rboles, era evidente que Carolina y su madre viv?an "como quer?an", sin mas l?mite que el de sus propios deseos. Al tercero de nuestros llamados Carolina abri? la puerta, estaba con un bikini ...

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Being Girls First Boyfriend

To begin with this is a real life story occurred few years back, while I came to work in Cochin. Hi all I’m Karthik, working as a Service Desk Personnel in my new swanky office. I belong to the tall / dark category and handsome as well, says the girls in my office. Being new to the city, I rented the ground floor of a house with a close friend of mine who happened to work in Cochin fortunately. The house owner was a Grandmother, along with her grand daughter and servant occupied the first floor...

3 years ago
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Espada y brujeria 01

Emilie sostenfa la afilada daga ceremonial con la mano izquierda. La derecha apuntaba un poco m?s abajo, a un peque?o altar del tama?o de una mesa lleno de runas y glifos. Desde la palma de la diestra salfan peque?os rayos dorados de luz, ba?ando las piedras y activando los glifos uno a uno, mientras recitaba versos en un lenguaje desconocido para la mayorfa de mortales. Para un observador externo resultarfa chocante observarla. Era una joven realmente hermosa. Ciertamente no destacaba por su ...

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V ctima de las triadas spanish

Jill aparc? el coche como siempre, a unas manzanas del almac?n. Llevaba haciendo esto durante casi dos meses ya. Cada jueves sin falta. Le hab?a costado mucho conseguir un confidente dentro de la triada. La mafia china no aceptaba a ning?n desconocido. Siempre que un agente intentaba infiltrarse, o bien le ignoraban impidi?ndole penetrar en la organizaci?n, o bien desaparec?a del mapa. Desde que la hab?an asignado a la brigada de crimen organizado, Jill decidi? buscar otro camino. Si no iban a conseguir un infiltr...

4 years ago
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Heather ? Capd'Any  Heather -Cap desetmana 1  Heather 2  El Cotxe 4  La Festa 5  Dissabte 8  N?ria obeeix 9  Dinar 9  Proves A 10  HabilitatArt?stica 1 10  Bellesa iSeducci? 11  Forma F?sica 1 13 Sopar 15  Nit Dissabte 16  Proves B 17  HabilitatArt?stica 2 17  Compenetraci? ambla parella 18  Forma f?sica 2 20 Proves C 23  HabilitatArt?stica 3 23  Dolor 25  Capacitat Sexual27  Sopar i Premis 31 L'ad?u. Va alPalau 33   31 de Desembre de2000  19:00 Heather  La Heather t? 23anys i ?s una bona concertista de piano i intel...

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Clara abrió la puerta del camarote y entró, era algo así como un lugar prohibido: el camarote de sus padres. Había conseguido la llave en recepción cuando sus padres bajaron a tierra para tomar un tur. Ella y su hermano se habían quedado a bordo, ella porque no le interesaba visitar viejas ruinas, y su hermano porque había conocido a una española con quien coquetear. Sus padres habían tomado el crucero como festejo de aniversario,...

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Me And Sam Chapter 7

Chapter 7 Ch Ch Ch Ch Changes The alarm sounded and I found myself leaping out of bed well rested. Before I knew it I was done with the shower and stood drying off in front of the bathroom mirror. I twisted my earrings several times wondering just how long I'd have to do that before I could simply ignore them as most girls do. It being one of the last few weeks of school, the dress code had been relaxed. I reached for a pair of jeans and a blue, vertical...

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The name's Jack Wayne. I'm a private detective. It all began on asweltering Friday in June. I was sitting behind my desk thumbingthrough a paperback of "9 & 1/2 Weeks" and sipping a glass ofbourbon when my secretary stuck her head into the office."Hey, Jack." she said in an annoying tone. "Jack, put the bookdown for a minute!""What is it with you?" I growled. "You always butt in right whenI'm getting to the best page, Betty!""Excuse me for interrupting your reading hour!" she...

4 years ago
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Lets Play A Game 1

I have two russian cousins, Petr (yes with no e) and Mira. They’ve lived in england most of their lives so they have lost most of their accent but both have the classic russian beauty. Petr is the same age at me so 12 at the time whilst Mira was just turning 17 in a couple of weeks. Petr looked like any other 12 year old boy but coffee skinned. He had short black hair and very blue eyes which looked unnatural with his skin. Mira shared Petr’s eyes and skin but there the similarity...

3 years ago
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Cheerleader CoachChapter 13 The End of the Week Arrives

Saturday morning I awoke once more to the smell of coffee brewing as Kim was fixing breakfast. No plain eggs this time. She was using my favorite recipe to make French toast. Bread, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla then dusted with confectionary sugar and swamped with maple syrup. Absolutely my favorite. Raisin bread toast, bacon and orange juice round out the perfect way to start the day. Kim was wearing a sheer bathrobe and nothing more. Little hints and glimpses of her heavenly body kept showing...

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Hello ISS I am Sandeep ma aab sab k oak nahi romantic story bata raha ho ya mara or madam ka beach ke bat hai marai madam job hoot sunder hai jis ka badab gora mota mota nipple hai jo dekhna ma bhot sexy hai. US ke ymra kam sa kam 30 saal ke hogi us ak chota sa ladka hai amit jo 3rd standardma padth hai. Madam ka husband business man hai . Aksar who business ka liya bhar jataratha hai. Madam bhoot gussa wali hai wo kisi ko bhi tution nai padth hail akin mana bhot request ke muja tution pado ma...

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The Transsexual Rapist Part 2

There were about 30 other texts, with the same theme of rape, was he raping my mom? Was she into this?... I didn't know the answers to these questions, but I would later find out.... ----------------------------- I went to see if there were any new pictures on my moms phone, in fact there was; there was a picture of her surrounded by big, masculine guys, she was being fucked in all of her holes, while she was jerking two cocks off with her hands. Another had shown her asshole...

3 years ago
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BeckyChapter 5

Becky’s turn: A little house in the woods. Ever since I figured out that I wasn’t going to have kids, I thought that I wanted a little house in the woods, a little garden in a sun-lit spot in back, a neat kitchen with a great stove, a cozy living room, maybe a reading nook with a window out into the edge of the woods. I imagined a fireplace, either a real, in the wall fireplace, or maybe one of those Scandinavian stoves with the window in front. Trouble was, I never quite saw Keith there...

1 year ago
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Man and His Horse

Note : This story is completely fictional! I never knew how much I loved horses, until the new neighbors moved in down the street. He had a big, brown beautiful horse with great muscles, but the horse also had a fantastic owner also. How can you beat that combination! This man was medium height, had a firm muscular build all over coal black hair and a wonderful black hairy chest. That was enough of heaven for me. After awhile I got to where I would stop and feed the horse some sugar or an apple...

1 year ago
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Buddie and sister in law

My sister-in-law, Terri whom I have fucked several times recently admitted to me that she had been having a fantasy of being fucked by two guys. I told her I knew someone who I was sure would jump at the chance. She told me to set it up and that she couldn’t wait. I called my buddy Chris whom I had been having three ways with him and his wife. I told him that Terri wanted to be fucked by two guys and since we had already tag teamed his old lady that I figured he would like to try it with Terri....

3 years ago
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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi ch 20

When the flight landed, they all kissed Susan good-bye, telling her they hope to see her soon, then went and got their bags. When they stepped outside their limo pulled up and the driver put their bags in the trunk while they all climbed into the back seat, with Mike between the two women.The driver got in and pulled out onto the highway to return them to their homes. Mike poured everyone a glass of champagne.“I propose a toast to us as a family and friends and to our new additions whoever they...

2 years ago
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New PleasuresChapter 14

I tried hard not to laugh. "Think about sex? Why is this a problem?" I smiled at her anxious, scared face. "Well, it's natural. What do you want to do?" Zoe took a slurp of her lemonade. "I don't know. I don't want to be having lustful thoughts every day, every hour of the day. I never used to until..." "Until what?" I asked and scrubbed over some dried spilt drink on the table. "Cambridge. Until I saw you naked in Cambridge. I've not stopped and being sinful with Sarah just...

2 years ago
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E047 Pearl Twenty six a hard pearl to swallow

As Emma brushes her hair before returning to the bedroom, she wonders what is still ahead.  Donald told her there were two parts of three left before.  She has completed the second of the three, but what would be expected of her next?She pulls a little on her pearl necklace by its loop to reassure herself.When she returns to the room, of course, the sheets have been changed, now a light rose silk sheet.  Donald is there, now undressed, still a little hard.  He is sitting on the side of the bed...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Feminine Fugue

Feminine Fugue Feminine: (fem e nin) adj. 1 female; of women or girls 3 suitable or characteristic of a woman 4 effeminate, womanish Fugue: (fyoog) n. (2) Psychiatry a state of psychological amnesia during which the subject seems to behave in a conscious and rational way, although upon return to normal consciousness he cannot remember the period of time nor what he did during it; a...

4 years ago
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First Date Rewrite

Bobbie took me out on our first date to a local pub in Elwick. We had a pleasant time chatting to friends. On the drive back to my house I noticed his van was all carpeted in the back with lots of cushions – I thought this must be his passion wagon. So I determined not be lured especially on a first date. Bobbie leant over to kiss me goodnight and with his lovely soft lips feeling so sensual I melted in his arms and we let our tongues stroke each other. His hand started stroking my knee and...

4 years ago
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Seria of bangladesh gp khulna

Hi, I am Bond from khulna, bangladesh and I would like to share my experience with all of u out there. This happened during the rainy season. I had to stay alone in my house. I could still remember it was raining quiet heavily that day and seria(gpc) came to my house. The doorbell rang. I opened the door and watched sexy SERIA, who was wearing cream colored sari which was almost wet by the rain water that was heavily roaring that day. I couldn’t help noticing her sexy boobs which were wet and I...

4 years ago
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My Friend 8217 s Mom

Ever since I was thirteen, I have been attracted to my best friend’s mother, Marva. Living two houses away from them, I would see Marva on a daily basis. Some of my fondest memories came from spying on her with binoculars, as she would sunbathe during the hot afternoons of summer. Seeing her body covered in nothing but a skimpy black bikini was the greatest sight I could imagine at that time. I’d often sit on my bed, peek through the curtains, and masturbate as I watched Marva rub lotion on her...

3 years ago
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Poor Little Cassie Chap 6 Morning after

“Good morning, sweetheart.” A deep voice in my ears. I opened my eyes and Mr. Bertrand was staring directly into my eyes as his fingers played with my nipples. “Did you sleep well?” he said softly. I nodded and then realized I did indeed sleep well. I felt like I had slept a week and I felt wonderful. “Good, you had quite the night. Did you enjoy it?” He asked. I wondered what he was asking, I did have an interesting night but I was supposed to be asleep when I was with him. I looked...

1 year ago
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Reddit CantHold, aka r/CantHold! Reddit is a wonderful place for file sharing, get information on stuff that interests you, getting into civil (and completely savage) dialogues with people about a variety of topics like politics, religion, and sex. Of course, Reddit truly wouldn’t be what it is without the thousands of fanmade porn sharing subreddit pages which have not only the same great professional promo photos and trailers that we love, but loads of amateur content.And in a world wide web...

Reddit NSFW List
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The Doctor is In Part 3

I apologise to my readers. I incorrectly referred to a cervix as a hymen in my last missive. My mind doesn't work so good these days that's why I'm writing this down. When I have an erection I have even more trouble.... So please forgive me. Anyway I hope no one is reading this as prep for their medical exams !Talking about hymens reminds me of this story... I had been at the Sanatorium a few weeks when I was summoned to appear before the Headmistress at Miss Belfree's School for Young Ladies...

4 years ago
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Jackson in HRPG World 1 Puff Puff SetbackChapter 3

"You seem a very angry young adventurer. It's time to use one of my special attacks. I think you'll like it." Her red eyes twinkled as she smiled at him. "How about it? Would you like to see my Puff-Puff attack?" Jackson shook his head. Puff-Puff. Really. Those wacky Japanese, always trying to get crap past the radar. "Isn't that some lame euphemism for rubbing your titties in my face." Morehagg smiled. She placed her hands on either side of her swollen breasts and squeezed them...

4 years ago
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PerfectMatch Part 2

It was almost midnight when we finally pulled up in front of Mimi's building. My building, I reminded myself with a shudder. As I climbed out of the limo, the rich man handed me "my" things. "Purse, keys, and mobile phone," he said, tucking the latter two into the former. All three were cheap-looking and garish, bedazzled with various combinations of sequins, faux leather and false gemstones. Notably absent from the collection was any kind of driver's license, passport, or other...

3 years ago
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sissyboy jake s first outing part 1 1

The story I have to tell you started at noon yesterday and ended just after midnight. Twelve hours. The most incredibly intense twelve hours I've ever spent, though I can't tell anybody about it. Except anonymously, which is why I'm writing this and hoping you will read it and enjoy it. There is only one other person who knows the whole story. That person is Tiffany, my Goddess. Tiffany is watching me as I write this. Actually, I have no idea whether or not She is watching. All I...

4 years ago
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The Cowboy And The Lady

‘Hi, little brother,’ Alex called over to Chris, who was in the field. This was on one of the many horses he and his wife Laura owned. ‘Hey, what brings you here?’ Chris shouted, and started to ride over. He was surprised to see his brother, and tried to remember if they had plans. ‘I came to check out the new foal,’ Alex said. ‘Cool. As long as you’re here, you can meet Katie,’ Chris said. ‘Who’s that?’ Alex asked suspiciously. ‘Don’t worry, I’m not setting you up,’ Chris said with a...

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Children Know A Drabble

Children Know (A Drabble) At a supermarket, an overweight, balding, middle-aged man bumps into young mother with small child. "I am sorry." "No it was my fault" Man waves at child "Hi" She waves back "Hello" "Normally she is very shy with strangers" "Well, have a good day miss" "You too." Small voice says "Bye!" Later.... "Mommy?" "What?" "Who was that pretty lady?"

4 years ago
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NeedbyRinmer-Dalle©The water sluiced down over my shoulders cascading over my breasts, running off in streams over my swollen and sensitive nipples. It slid down my back and crept like a lovers hands over my hips to drip off the swell of my belly in crystal tails that changed with the movements of my body. The water was hot it eased my tired muscles and melted the stress from my head. I ran my hands down over my swollen and sensitive breasts, over the swell of my belly to the shaved expanse of...

3 years ago
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French nature Public Sex 3rd Part

After first exciting day in Paris and hot sex in ambulance my French lover took me for sightseeing of Paris. Whole morning we were visiting famous places in Paris and he was really trying to make me feeling nice and important.I was enjoying it, but also I could not stop thinking on hot sex on parking lot from yesterday. I saw he is a little bit shy in taking action, so I suggested him to show me nature around Paris. We were already near to high way when I said to him “I think you would like to...

4 years ago
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Summer Vacation Ch 19

Tina’s ex-husband had a baseball bat in his hand and an evil grin on his face. Tommy didn’t want his parents’ car damaged, so he got out and moved away from it. Actually, he had several reasons for distancing himself from the car. First, he wanted to draw the men away from the car, second, he wanted more room to operate and, third, he wanted to keep his opponents unaware of what they were facing. If they thought he was scared and trying to get away from them, they’d be more likely to be...

1 year ago
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Submit Your Flicks! Got it? The world of professional porn is always perfect and all that crap, which can get boring after a while… believe me. This is why, from time to time I prefer to browse the homemade section instead since we all know that the amateur community tends to post some of the weirdest yet most satisfying porn shit out there. If you share my opinion, and I am fucking sure you do, then you will enjoy what submityourflicks.com has to offer.There is no need for me to discuss the...

Amateur Porn Sites
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Three Square MealsChapter 35 Will the lovely young doctor decide to join them

“So, where do I begin?” John wondered, blowing out the breath he’d been holding. “Why don’t you let me start you off?” Alyssa asked, as she rose and glided down the room to pick up the remote for the holo-projector. She returned to her seat and then pressed a few buttons on the remote, displaying several images in the centre of the table. The girls are all okay with this? John asked Alyssa considerately. Of course, I asked them a few minutes ago, she replied reassuringly. “Thanks, I’ve...

4 years ago
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Ten Dollar Granny

I was on my way home from my brothers house late one summer evening. As I was driving I noticed an older lady walking down the street. I'd seen her before so I decided to slow down and speak to her. I rolled the window down and stopped beside her. She immediately asked me for a ride, opened the door and jumped in the car. She looked at me and said your watcha call it's brother and I said yep! I looked at her sitting in my front seat she had on a jean skirt and sleeve less jean top. You...

3 years ago
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A Sign of the TimesPart 3 The Shit Finally Hits the fan

I got up and off the next morning before breakfast. I was in no mood to see or talk to Daphne until I found out, till I found out once and for all what had happened. It was clear now, after what she said the night before there was something more than just chance fornication. My wife and Ralph were more than just adulterers. I had to find out. I pulled away from the house, and found Ginger’s number again. No I was no fool; the last time when Hillary had looked it up in Daphne’s household...

4 years ago
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Katy A Special Friend

Our Lodger Katy was just turned 17 when it happened, here's the storyIt was last year around July she's just started college and was staying over as her parents are divorced. anyway she came to stay with us Friday till Monday and it was a hot weekend we decided to get a bit of sun in the back garden and I left her chatting with my mrs went to get some drinks and when I came out they were both topless but face down so nothing showing. I got the mrs a wine and Katy had a coke and she was I'm 17...

4 years ago
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Power Trip Chapter 5

CHAPTER 5Colin stood in front of the toilet relieving himself through the opening at the tip of his chastity cage. He was growing used to its weight and presence, finding less discomfort from the device every day. He was happy it was Saturday and he didn’t have to go to school; Colin wondered what his step-mother had in store for him, as their sexual activities were often elevated during the weekend.Not that weekdays were uneventful; the week prior, when Colin would return from school in the...

2 years ago
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Doki Doki Modding Madness

The new game Doki Doki Studio is a full immersion virtual reality experience where the player gets fully absorbed by the world around him to become the love interest of 4 amazingly cute girls with amazing artificial intelligence! The modding scene of this game has allowed people to make wild things with the source game in some cases making it practically unrecognizable. You decide to browse for mods and see what catches your attention. You could turn the literature club into a strip club, or...

2 years ago
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Double VisionChapter 2

The next day Jenny had Ron meet her after school and she introduced him to her sister, Julie. To say they were twins was an understatement. Ron was not able to tell the two apart, even standing less than a yard away. They had a good laugh as Julie said she couldn’t figure out why he kept waving at her, and thought it best to stay away from the lunchroom oddball. The bookend sisters told him about trading spots on occasion in classes when one or the other knew the material better, or just...

2 years ago
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Will and Sarah Part 2

Will woke early the next morning with a raging hard-on and thoughts of last night racing through his mind. He turned over and looked at Sarah. She was in a deep, peaceful sleep. She lay on her back; her long, wavy brunette hair a messy tumble on the pillow around her delicate face. One large breast was exposed from the covers. Will thought she was utter perfection.Will reached out his hand to her face and caressed down her cheek bone. He lent forward and lightly kissed her on the forehead as he...

4 years ago
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Tre Lloyd Adventures Ch 04

I pulled away from Freyja’s mansion, my mind clouded with thoughts that the talk with the vampire Duchess had unleashed once more. I turned the motorcycle towards home and wound it up as fast as it could go, not particularly caring about the speed limit. As I swung the bike off of the interstate down the exit ramp, I turned up into a liquor store with a drive thru window and grabbed a bottle of scotch and stored it in the under seat compartment before again turning the bike towards home. After...

3 years ago
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Shower Power 1

After being drenched by a motorist, who took her home, forgetting to close the bathroom door, he then stood watching as she showered and masturbated. He got under the shower with her, after he watched her cum. Then took her virginity, saying to her he would teach her a lot more if she agreed.Would she?Did he? Sitting on the bed, licking her lips, she watched as he fisted his cock. She could see pre-cum start to glisten around his helmet. Thinking to herself, ‘What would he teach me, where would...

Straight Sex
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Just Do What You re Told Part Three

Susan woke up as the morning light came shining through her window. Bill’s now limp cock was still in her mouth. As directed, she immediately started licking and stroking his dick back to life. She loved the idea of sucking him off for breakfast, but a part of her would not have minded being fucked. She couldn’t believe herself; one quickie with her husband, and she’s set for a week. This bastard had her in a constant state of either waiting to be fucked, or actually fucking. As Bill opened his...

4 years ago
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The Potting Shed

Like so many young lads in the sixties I found sex very challenging, and even when I eventually hooked up with a girl of my own age there were still hurdles to be overcome. Sally was quite a plain looking girl, but with nice tits and shapely legs which she like to show off in the mini-skirts which dominated fashion in the late sixties. She often wore dark tan knee high fashion boots over light tan tights. Although she was happy to let me fuck her when I could, the problem was finding somewhere...

4 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Changes and Life AdjustmentsChapter 30

Steve I had just discussed the medical laboratory plant with Sue and we agreed that this was an important project. We both wanted to continue to assist Chuck in helping vets any way we could. It was past time to run into work, so I went to see how the company was functioning. A walkthrough of all the shops is always the best way to get a feel for what's going on. I saw Hank in the rear of the motor shop, painting one of Shawna's chopper creations. He was doing it from a chair with his...

1 year ago
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Wife Customized by Black Lover and Boss

Wife went body modification for black lover and boss. Wife Customized by Black Lover and Boss I am Robert 27, my wife Bethany 28. Chapter 1 Situation I am a writer of fiction stories. Beth was my classmate. After a few years, I proposed, and we have been married for 3 years. She is a college lecturer, very boyish pixie haircut, slightly dark skin tone, whitish. Always smiling and very much attractive. She loves the company of friends. She attends parties with her friends. She always wears an...

2 years ago
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Kaylene 0

When I first met Kaylene I was going out with her cousin Kayner and she had just come down from Sydney for a visit with her auntie Chez who Kayner lived with. You couldn’t have picked two more different people, Kaylene was short, chubby, big tits and very outgoing while my girlfriend Kayner was five inches taller than me, skinny with wide hips, virtually no tits at all and very quiet but they were very close and seemed to bring each other into middle ground personality wise. All three...

2 years ago
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Across the BorderChapter 5

Lisa had assumed she was done for the night, but that was not the case. A knock on the door and they both sat straight up. They both looked at each other as if they had been caught, well, fucking. “Just a minute...” Lisa yelled at the door. The next minute was Lisa and her son scurrying and fumbling around the room, trying to get dressed as quickly as possible. Finally, Lisa opened the door. There stood Steven with a big nasty grin on his face. “Sorry, Lisa. But we need you.” When he saw...

2 years ago
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Wills new home Part 9

Introduction: so this one is long and non-sexual, but there is a scene with Pierce solo, so if your in to that its good. I promice the next one is going to be the best one yet, and just bare with me, cause this one is just an intro to the next story. OH! And PM me if you want to write a stand alone spin-off involving one of my characters, thanks for reading!! IM SO SORRY GUYS, THIS ONE IS NOT VERY EROTIC, WAIT FOR THE NEXT STORY THOUGH, ITS GONNA BE GOOD!!! Will, I really, really dont want...

2 years ago
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A Pirate Quest Chapter 2 Charting A course

Over the next few weeks, Sabina locked herself in her study. Sometimes she had Pippa run errands for her but mostly spent her time alone. She looked over every scrap of paper many times. She made calculation after calculation, she was making sure all the information in the documents were exact.At times, Sabina would not leave the study all day and would not let anyone inside. The only one who was allowed was James, her butler. James walked in and out of the office fetching and delivering things...

4 years ago
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Walker Between the WorldsChapter 21

It's misleading at best and just outright wrong at worst, to think of the facets that exist around us as if they were simply an infinite, three dimensional honeycomb of connected facets. Using this analogy of an infinite honeycomb, you could easily think of every cell of the honeycomb as being at the center of an infinite universe, and for practical purposes, there is some value in this way of looking at it. For most of those who travel the facets, the image of where they are and where...

4 years ago
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El SobadorChapter 3

It was a miserable pair of weeks before Winter Break. I couldn't piss off one high school girl and not get ganged on by her friends. Bailey seemed okay with me ignoring her for a couple of days after I did my thing again, but on the third day all hell started vibrating. She said hello to me in the hallway. It took me by surprise and without meaning to I kept walking. Once you do it one time, it's easier to keep doing it and at some point on the fourth day Bailey gave up. She didn't give up...

4 years ago
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AlmaChapter 9

Alma finally woke up and Dustin drove her home. Surprisingly, nobody was home at her house. She went into her bedroom and laid on her bed. Her mind was cluttered at the thoughts and images of her past few days. It was as if she had an angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other. Her personalities changed from night to day. Confusion clouded her and she laid down and went back to sleep. After a short nap, she was awakened to the front door of the house closing. She heard Monica come...

3 years ago
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Katie PunishedChapter 15 Thursday At Last

The pair got out of the car. "This is where the winner has to carry the unconscious loser back", said Katie. Let's strip off here and now! From here on in it's just our little bikinis" "It's bloody cold, old girl." said Angie. "You pathetic little wimp!" "Oh, Katie. I'm just going to love this! Prepare to spend months in traction!" "In your dreams!" The two girls changed in the cold January day and they both shivered. "Gosh, Katie, life sure is interesting nowadays....

1 year ago
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Computer Setup Part 4

I was taking a break from mowing when Nick called so I finished the last of the yard work and put the mower away. As I finished up I began to wonder what kinds of things Cindi might want to show me. Was Nick just trying to make sure I was satisfied with my computer? Being a good salesman? Did she know about that afternoon? Did she care? Should I pretend like it didn’t happen? What kinds of neat computer tricks is she going to know? These questions and more were running through my mind when they...

2 years ago
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Caught Shaving

Caught ShavingTrue StoryMy Norwegian wife, Karoline is the stereotypical Scandinavian blond bomb shell, great body, sense of humour, just pure sex on legs. Her 18 year old daughter, Astrid is an absolute stunner. With long shapely legs, an unblemished firm body, she is a mirror image of my wife 20 years ago. No guys, I was never been tempted to touch. Look yes, touch no. Sex with my wife is so great I wouldn’t jeopardise our relationship for an attempt that is sure to fail. I’m twice Astrid’s...

4 years ago
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Jen Teases her Husband into Panties Part IV

Chapter XIII Tom wasn't happy. Under the girl's direction he was putting the laundry away. Jen's underwear went into her dresser, neatly folded. Tom's underwear went on the bed where any of his remaining boy underpants quickly disappeared. Jen was serious about having him wear panties. "Let's take a break for lunch," Jen suggested. The nightstand clock read one fifteen. No wonder they were hungry. The girls started for the doorway. "Hey...Can't I put something on over this?" Tom...

3 years ago
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Defying My family Part 5

Introduction: The gang come up with plan to get more information and Brad learns a terrible truth Defying My family Part 5: SympathyDuring the next few weeks we continued our attack on the skinheads. Following the way Clive Owen’s character from The Inside Man robbed the bank we acted like that. Sometimes we would make sure I got attacked at times. Tara returned home to prevent any suspicions; likewise we made sure she was attacked as well, all though neither Tara nor I were attacked as bad...

4 years ago
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Dee and Frank Just This Once

Back in the day my wife and I moved out to the country during the hippy back to the land movement. We built a house and raised our k**s. We had a large pond on our land and several of our neighbors were also hippies. We would have skinny dipping parties several times a year at our place. It was all good clean fun. Nice to look at other cunts and tits, but my wife and I were very committed and we never fucked around. The other couples weren't into fucking around either.One of the neighbors...

3 years ago
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One Shoe GumshoeChapter 11 77 Denmark Hill

WE SAID our farewells to Petersen and headed down to catch the bus back up to Chiswick, where we would use the Underground from there. “Are you alright, Edgar?” Mary was concerned. I suppose I had gone rather quiet while Petersen discussed the different operations carried out on his leg, before the doctors finally decided to take it off. “Yes. I hadn’t had the same problems as Petersen, Mary. You know, the series of operations, the hopes first raised and then dashed each time. I was dragged...

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Gillian s Justice Chapter Three

Gillian's Justice By Michele Nylons Chapter Three - Cecelia Flick The oak-panelled courtrooms had been purposely designed to look imposing and foreboding to those appearing before the Justices at the Old Bailey but Gillian Dixon confidently strode into the dock looking like she owned the place. "Any chance you're going to show a little respect and servitude?" her barrister Brian McCaffey hissed into her ear before he moved to the front benches and took his seat. Gillian just...

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BethChapter 18

July 3, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written on July 5, 2017] Practice went very well, much better than I had anticipated. The team seemed to relish putting Heather through her paces, with the fullbacks being particularly enthusiastic about booting long balls for her. Some of them were just silly – and we had a good laugh, but a goodly number of them were useful and on the spot. I think that we wore Heather out. Since we had the big bag of balls and cones [of course, if I’d have thought about...

2 years ago
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The older woman

This was a first for me, normally I date my own age or younger. My limit has been no one under 20 years my age. Beyond that is like screwing around my own girls age and I'm not into that at all.So this time she was about 10 years older, nice looking with medium size breast and wide hips. She gave me her address after talking a few times on the phone and sharing pictures on messenger. She asked for a cock picture so i sent one as I sat typing her a message. She wrote back wanted to see it hard....

3 years ago
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Lovely Intruder part 3

Introduction: This is a multiple part story, If youre not into forced pleasure than I assure you will not enjoy this story. My body trembled and my mind raced as I saw Will walk towards me. His gaze felt so powerful over me, at least Sirs was gentle some of the time. What I saw in this mans eyes was a very strong urge to control and take what wasnt his, along with a burning passion for this naked woman in front of him – me. He instructed me to get on my knees. When I complied and looked up at...

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