Time Traveler free porn video

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Hi, this is my first story, I can't write it in English, because I don't know very well the language, but maybe in some time I will. Para toda la comunidad latina, escribo esta historia con mucho gusto y con la esperanza de que se comienze a escribir en espa?ol, esperoi les guste. [email protected] TIME TRAVELER By The Storyteller 2002 Copyright La idea de viajar por el tiempo siempre ha acompa?ado al hombre moderno desde la aparici?n de la ciencia. El viaje por el tiempo resulta una fantas?a con infinitas posibilidades. Poder viajar al futuro y conocer las causas de nuestra muerte o la de un familiar y poderlas preveer, el saber en que caer? la loter?a o inclusive ir m?s all?, viajar a siglos venideros y ver el desarrollo de la humanidad. En su defecto viajar al pasado para ver la boda de nuestros padres, conocer a un personaje hist?rico o inclusive asistir a un hecho hist?rico, claro que todo esto de viajar por el pasado podr?a generar consecuencias inimaginables que alterar?an nuestro presente. Sin embargo, la idea de poder viajar por el tiempo era y segu?a siendo una fantas?a hasta el d?a de hoy. Todo comenz? la noche previa a mi cumplea?os #25, como era costumbre esa noche estaba navegando por internet cuando de pronto encontr? una pagina extra?a que me llamo la atenci?n, siempre he tenido una fascinaci?n por lo desconocido, as? que cuando le? el titulo de la pagina "portal estelar", no dude un solo instante para entrar en ella. En la p?gina se ofrec?a al visitante la posibilidad de viajar por el tiempo con simplemente inscribirse en ella y formar parte de lo que llamaban Time Travelers. A los reci?n iniciados se les asigna de forma aleatoria su viaje por el tiempo, mientras que a los miembros con m?s de un viaje se les da la libertad de escoger la fecha y lugar al que quieren viajar. Que diablos importa el no poder seleccionar la fecha del viaje en un inicio, con tal de viajar por el tiempo no tiene importancia la fecha, adem?s para la pr?xima ya podr?a escoger la fecha y el lugar de mi viaje, claro si funciona. As? que me decid? a inscribirme de inmediato, la p?gina ped?a los cl?sicos datos: nombre, sexo, fecha de nacimiento, lugar de residencia, etc. Tan pronto termin? de llenar los espacios en blanco para registrarme, di clic en el mouse y se apareci? un mensaje con la leyenda "Procesando datos, espere un momento en que se le asigna lugar y fecha a la que viajara". En ese momento pens?: Perfecto, haber a donde me va a mandar esta chingadera. Despu?s de unos cuantos segundos apareci? el resultado "usted viajar? a la Ciudad De M?xico al a?o 1975"; dije esto tiene que ser una broma seg?n esta cosa voy a viajar un a?o antes de mi nacimiento y lo cual para ser sincero no me entusiasma mucho. Sin embargo, de ser posible este viaje, me gustar?a ver como viv?a mi abuelo. ?l falleci? cuando yo a?n era un ni?o y casi no lo conoc?, tengo vagos recuerdos sobre su persona, sin embargo, esto no ha sido impedimento para sentir una total admiraci?n por ?l. Tontamente pens? que se abrir?a alguna especie de portal o algo parecido despu?s del mensaje que apareci? en mi monitor, pero como era de esperarse no sucedi? nada. Despu?s del fiasco que resulto ser esa pagina segu? navegando por m?s de dos horas, sin volver a pensar en la pagina de Portal estelar. Al finalizar mi sesi?n observe el reloj y me di cuenta que era la 1:10 de la madrugada del 26 de Junio, estaba a escasos minutos de cumplir mis 25 a?os, seg?n consta mi acta de nacimiento nac? a las 2 y minutos de la ma?ana. Como no quer?a comenzar mi cumplea?os desvel?ndome, decid? irme a acostar. Tan pronto cerr? mis p?rpados para dormir, me encontr? en un lugar que me resultaba familiar, estaba ante una calle que presentaba viejas casonas con grandes ?rboles en sus aceras. Conforme caminaba, el lugar se me hacia m?s familiar, hasta que llegue a una casa a la que reconoc? de inmediato, era la casa de mis abuelos. Fue entonces cuando me di cuenta que estaba teniendo una visi?n del pasado tal y como me lo hab?a dicho la pagina de internet. Temeroso y ansioso por lo que podr?a ver, me acerque a la casa de mis abuelos. La casa luc?a muy bonita, ten?a un patio frontal resguardado por una reja con canceles negros y un conjunto de plantas y macetas dentro de ?l que le daban un aspecto muy bonito. El color de la casa era un hermoso rosa que contrastaba con los colores sombr?os de las dem?s construcciones. Sin duda, la casa estaba en su esplendor, en sus mejores ?pocas, dicho esplendor ?nicamente lo hab?a podido observar en las fotograf?as que tiene mi madre y que conserva con gran nostalgia. Me acerque a la reja de la casa para contemplarla mejor, esperando al mismo tiempo poder ver a mi abuelo. En eso, la puerta de la casa se abri? dejando entrever la silueta de un hombre, era un hombre maduro con escaso cabello, pero con una gran personalidad. Dios m?o es mi abuelo, aqu?l hombre del que tengo tan gran admiraci?n pero pocos recuerdos estaba ante mi. Al notar mi presencia, el hombre levanto su cabeza, dirigi? su mirada hacia mi y me saludo amablemente. Me tomo algunos segundos reaccionar y poderle contestar el saludo. -Buenas tardes se?or, respond? -Le puedo servir en algo joven, respondi? mir?ndome a los ojos. -No gracias se?or, s?lo pasaba por aqu? cuando en eso vi su casa y me quede a contemplarla, usted tiene una muy bonita casa se?or. -Gracias joven es usted muy amable, si usted supiera lo que me ha costado. Yo me encontraba asombrado, estaba conversando con mi abuelo, mi querido abuelo, al que la vida no me dejo conocer mejor, pero si admirarlo y apreciarlo. En lo que pensaba que m?s podr?a preguntarle a mi abuelo, casi entro en estado de shock al ver salir por la misma puerta a mis padres, dicho sea de paso luc?an muy j?venes y se les ve?a muy enamorados. -?Con qui?n pl?ticas pap??- Pregunt? mi joven madre. - Con ?ste caballero de nombre...?cu?l es tu nombre hijo? -eheh...este Vicente Fox se?or. -?Fox? Ese es un apellido extranjero ?verdad? - As? es se?or , es de origen americano. - Mucho gusto joven Fox, d?jeme presentarle a mi hija y a mi yerno. Mi coraz?n palpitaba a mil por hora en ese instante, las piernas me flaqueaban temblaban sin control. Mi joven madre sin percibir mi nerviosismo me estiro su mano para saludarme, al tocarla sent? una sensaci?n muy rara, como una serie de escalofr?os que recorr?an todo mi cuerpo, supongo que era por los nervios de ver a mi mam? frente a mi sin saber que yo ser?a su hijo. Despu?s mi apuesto padre hizo lo mismo, en esta ocasi?n sent? un cosquilleo por todo el cuerpo. Al comp?s de las palabras de mi pap? dici?ndome gusto en conocerlo, escuchaba un ruido alterno inentendible en ese momento a distancia. El ruido sigui? elev?ndose y volvi?ndose mas claro, conforme que la visi?n de mi padre d?ndome la mano desvanec?a para tornarse en una oscuridad total. Ese ruido que hace unos momentos no pod?a descifrar, era el ruido de la tele, la cual diariamente la uso como despertador. Aun con los ojos cerrados y con una pesadez provocada por el sue?o, distingu? las voces de los locutores del noticiero matutino. Santo Dios, me dije a mi mismo, que sue?o tan raro he tenido, todav?a acostado en la cama y con los ojos cerrados. Siempre me ha dado flojera levantarme temprano, es algo que simplemente no me gusta y m?xime en mi cumplea?os. ?Si cierto hoy es mi cumplea?os!. Poco a poco mientras pasaban los efectos del sue?o y sent?a el control de mi cuerpo y la lucidez de mi cerebro. Me levant? bostezando instintivamente, sintiendo al mismo tiempo una pesadez extra?a en mi pecho acompa?ada de un sin fin de sensaciones desconocidas. Algo estaba mal, abr? mis ojos inmediatamente para darme cuenta que mi cuarto lucia distinto. Algo esta muy mal de veras, en ese instante me percate de algo imposible, ?ten?a senos!, inmediatamente me lleve mis manos para tocarlos detectando que eran sumamente sensitivos, no se que tan grandes eran, pero desde mi perspectiva parec?an enormes y los sent?a muy pesados. Fue entonces cuando percib? las dem?s sensaciones. Mi pelo estaba mas largo y lo sent?a hasta los hombros. Tra?a puesto un camis?n y lo mas notable aparte del peso de mis senos, era la falta de mi pene que diariamente amanec?a erecto. Dios m?o que me ha pasado dije en voz alta escuchando una voz femenina desconocida. Me tape la boca con mi mano para callarme, solo para darme cuenta de lo delicado que luc?a ahora. Me levante de la cama aterrado de lo que me suced?a. Mis nuevos senos parec?an tener vida propia , al levantarme sent? como brincaban provoc?ndome una molestia. Al estar de pie y tratar de avanzar un paso, perd? el equilibrio y ca? sobre la cama, de alguna manera el peso de mis senos me afectaba al caminar. Ten?a un nuevo centro de gravedad, volv? a ponerme de pie, esta vez para darme cuenta que mis caderas estaban muy anchas y descubrir la sensaci?n de tener algo enorme atr?s. Lleve mis manos sobre mi trasero para sentir lo grande que resultaba ahora y al igual que con mis senos sentir una incomodidad por su tama?o. Esta vez camine m?s despacio, aprendiendo a mantener el equilibrio con este nuevo cuerpo, por cada paso que hac?a sent?a como se mov?an mis pechos, provoc?ndome una sensaci?n molesta pero a la vez excitante. Llegue a donde estaba un espejo de cuerpo completo, si no mal recuerdo antes estaba ah? un librero, para observarme. Definitivamente era yo pero en una versi?n femenina, la cara segu?a siendo la misma, nada m?s que sin la molesta barba y mas fina. Mi reflejo en el espejo no lo pod?a creer, estaba frente a una chica esbelta, con un buen par de tetas, cabello largo hasta el hombro, una cintura delineada, sin nada de panza y con unas bonitas piernas. Hasta ese momento no hab?a visto mis piernas, luc?an torneadas y se sent?an muy suaves. Pero sin duda alguna lo que m?s resaltaba de mi escultural figura eran mis senos. No me hab?a dado cuenta que mis nuevos pezones resaltaban a trav?s de la sedosa tela del camis?n. Incline la cabeza para mirarlos al mismo tiempo que lleve mis manos para tocarlos, caramba que sensibles son. El s?lo tocarlos me provoca una agradable sensaci?n. Guuuuauu se siente asombroso, resulta tan excitante tocarse los senos que ahora puedo comprender porque a las mujeres les gusta tanto ser besadas y acariciadas ah?. Es un placer tener senos, momento en que estoy pensando si soy hombre. Este cuerpo es un peligro. Despu?s de mi reacci?n a lo que estaba haciendo, sent? la sensaci?n de ir al ba?o. Es curioso pero se siente igual el tener la necesidad de orinar, s?lo espero que el hacerlo tambi?n se sienta igual. Entre al ba?o y por reflejo me pare enfrente de la taza de ba?o, lleve mis manos hac?a donde se supon?a deb?a estar mi pen?. ?Dios m?o no tengo pito! Me entro un sentimiento de castraci?n, sent?a un espacio un hueco, me sent?a incompleto. Las necesidades de orinar aumentaron, opte por sentarme, r?pidamente me baje los calzones (ahora pantaletas) y comenc? a sentir como sal?a el or?n sin direcci?n por mi vagina. Fue cuando apenas reaccione que ten?a una vagina. Instintivamente me limpie con el papel de ba?o y me sub? las pantaletas. Al volver a entrar a mi cuarto decid? desnudarme totalmente para conocer a fondo mi nuevo cuerpo. No lo pod?a creer era una mujer de pies a cabeza, llev? mis manos hac?a mi vagina y con temor y nervios empec? a explorarla con mis delicadas manos. Al introducir mis dedos dentro de ella, comenc? a sentir placer, segu?, segu? y segu? hasta explotar en placer. El placer era igual o hasta mejor al antes experimentado con mis senos. Debo dejar de hacer esto o me convertir? en un esclavo del placer. Sin duda el cuerpo femenino esta hecho para el placer. Despejando mi mente del hecho anterior por fin comenc? a pensar en lo sucedido. ?Como diablos fue posible que el d?a de mi cumplea?os despertara hecho mujer? ?qu? hab?a pasado? En lo que meditaba mi s?bito cambio de sexo me met? a ba?ar como era mi costumbre. Durante el placentero ba?o llegue a la conclusi?n de que el sue?o que hab?a tenido no hab?a sido un sue?o, fue real. De alguna manera inexplicable la p?gina de internet hizo que viajara por el tiempo, viajando al pasado y alterando mi presente. El haber tocado a mis padres afecto en algo, de alguna manera mi creaci?n, en vez de nacer hombre nac? mujer. Tengo que hacer algo si quiero regresar a mi antigua forma. Sin embargo, primero tengo que vestirme para comenzar. Sal? del ba?o y me dirig? al mueble donde acostumbraba guardar mi ropa interior. El mueble segu?a siendo el mismo, ten?a 3 cajones. En el primero guardaba mis boxers y calzones, en el segundo guardaba mis calcetines y en el tercero algunas playeras y camisetas. Abr? el primer caj?n y encontr? un sin fin de pantaletas, hab?a rojas, negras, blancas, cremas e inclusive amarillas. Ni hablar supongo que tendr? que usar alguna ahora. El material de la panty era muy suave, se sent?a muy rico para ser sincero. Al pon?rmela sent? que la parte que cubr?a mi vagin? estaba acolchonada. Me quede pensando por un instante si necesitar?a alg?n tipo de protecci?n extra, era mi primer d?a como mujer pero no quisiera verme sorprendido por alguna menstruaci?n o algo parecido. No me tom? mucho tiempo encontrar toallas sanitarias. Le? las instrucciones para ver como se colocaban y sin mayor dificultad las puse en su lugar. La sensaci?n de traer el cotex en las pantaletas se me hizo muy molesta, espero acostumbrarme r?pido para olvidarme de ella. Las pantaletas en mi cuerpo se vean bastante sexys. Despu?s abr? el segundo caj?n para encontrarme en vez de calcetines con medias. Hab?a un chingo de modelos de medias y pantimedias, una gran variedad de colores. Cuando era hombre siempre me hab?an excitado las medias, me volv?an loco. Ahora ten?a la oportunidad de usar unas, lo cual me resultaba excitante. Escog? unas pantimedias caf?s, las cl?sicas transparentes que dan ese aspecto de bronceado que enloquecen a los hombres, o por lo menos a m? lo hac?an. No tenia idea de lo dif?cil y complicado que resultaba ponerse una pantimedia, tuve que baj?rmelas y sub?rmelas varias veces hasta que quedaron rectas. La sensaci?n de usar pantimedias es placentera, se siente muy rico, muy suave, la sensaci?n de tener tus piernas cubiertas por seda es estupenda, adem?s hace que tus piernas se vean hermosas. Caramba todav?a no acabo de vestirme y ya estoy excitado. La ropa femenina es muy sexy, de seguir conservando mi pen? en este momento estar?a erecto. A?n excitado abr? el tercer caj?n, ah? se encontraban brasieres y otras prendas similares, no conozco su nombre pero son de una sola pieza. Agarre el primer sost?n que encontr?, por curiosidad mira la talla que era ?era talla 36D! Recuerdo que la de mi novia era 34 C y ya la consideraba pechugona. Ni hablar soy m?s chichona que ella. Con el brasiere tambi?n batalle para pon?rmelo, no pod?a abrochar los seguros de atr?s. Tan pronto pude, sent? como mis senos se ajustaban a el, descubr? que para una mujer tetona como lo era yo ahora, serv?an de maravilla, ya que controlaban ese molesto tambaleo al caminar y adem?s evitaban que los pezones resaltaran a parte de cubrirlos para disminuir su excesiva sensibilidad. Sin embargo, los tirantes resultan muy molestos pero nada a lo que uno no se pueda acostumbrar. Apenas llevaba unos minutos como mujer y ya comenzaba a gustarme. To be continued

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It had been a long day for Nick Jackson. He had two more nights left on his five-day training stint in the small college town. He worked for a software company and had been flown down to instruct a new client’s employees on how to use the program for maximum benefit. After picking up a small salad and taking it to his room, he decided to hit the hotel bar for a glass of chardonnay. The place had a smattering of other business travelers peppered out amongst the tables – and actually there was at...

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Timeless Beauty

TIMELESS BEAUTY BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Sam walked in the dorm house, looked at the lock and then in the dorm mistress's room. The plus size woman was dress in a black blouse and flats, black with white palm tree design jacket and skirt with dark brown nylons. She new there was only a half hour before she made her rounds and called lights out. Upstairs, roommates Chris and Alex waited on their beds. Like their friend Sam, both guys were petite and lovely looking. Being transsexuals who...

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Wartime Passion

A few years ago, my wife was having a midlife crisis while I was away serving in Iraq. She was both lonely and horny. She had been without me for nearly 8 months and I still had four more months to go on my tour of duty. Char is an attractive 40 year old woman, 5'8" tall with blonde hair and green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape and still has a body to prove it, 36-30-36. Our sex life is absolutely wonderful when I am there, and I would not change a thing. She is a Hottie and we are...

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Summertime Fun0

Summertime Fun After my divorce I got my daughter every other weekend and for the entire summer. Now that she was fourteen and developing quite nicely I was enjoying her even more. I also indulged her desire for sexy revealing clothing, since her mother wouldn’t. Holly was pleased that I had purchased a summer home alone the beach. We used to go to the ocean when we were still a family. Another thing that I did to piss my wife off after the divorce. It was a very nice place and I...

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Summertime Chapter One

Summertime: Chapter 1 By Tommie Summertime, and the living was easy. I had just graduated college and I was home for the summer. My parents were on vacation and I had the house to myself. I had settled into a relaxed routine. Up late, lazy breakfast, a little bit of work on the computer to keep my hand in for the programmer's job I was starting in the fall. Then, as often as not, a lazy afternoon reading in the back yard before soccer training in the evening. Soccer had paid my...

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TimeLine chapter 1

Like Billy Pilgrim, John and Amy have become unstuck in time. Unlike Billy Pilgrim, theirs is a fate more akin to eternal recurrence. Fate, for sure, had intended more for them. The timeline was diverted and the two were paying the price: Amy for her stubborn obstinance; John for his arrogance. For her stubborn behavior, Amy was dealt a hand similar to that of Sisyphus. She was placed upon life's treadmill: forever struggling to make ends meet; forever struggling to find her way...

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TimeLine chapter 2

When did the first, unfortunate fork in the timeline take place? Each attempt to divert the timeline back onto its true, fateful path has resulted in failure. Time is growing short, and an altered fate nearer. Each manipulation has resulted in this fate's end time grower slightly nearer or farther, but no significant change has occurred. Given that recursion is the problem, perhaps it is also the solution. Perhaps. The two share a weakness -- each knows on some level what needs to...

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Facetime Accident With Mother In Law

Facetime Accident With Mother In LawIt was the usual time me and my girlfriend would facetiming but I felt a little risky this time so I was already naked. I gave her number a ring and had the camera straight at my junk trying to throw a little surprise there for her. I was swaying it back and forth and I still didn't get a reply. All I heard was.. “Uhm... Hello...” Next thing I noticed it was my girlfriends mom. I said oh shit and struggled trying to hang up while she said “No no... don't hang...

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Timeless Beauty 2

TIMELESS BEAUTY 2 BY PAUL G. JUTRAS Alex walked from the shower trying to dry his long shoulder length hair. In only a bath robe, he entered his college dorm room and turned on the television. The channel 5 weather man was giving a major warning for its forecast. As a transsexual he was happy to of gotten a single room. "This just in," said the weatherman. "This looks like it will be the worst hurricane season for Florida since the 1960s. The major threats are the hurricanes that...

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Sentiments of a Submissive

Sentiments of a Submissive By:? Miss Georgia Peach As told to:? JEP  Introduction:? Miss Peach is the most unique submissive I have ever encountered.? In addition to being incredibly beautiful, she has the mind of a true intellect.? She has a unique ability to put words together to create a vivid word picture that is truly a work of eroticism.? The following are her words to express her sentiments and a few of her experiences.???????????????? JEP  I do love the concept of being pierced...

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Springtime Summit

I smile as I step out of the car, my boots crunching against the gravel beneath my feet. It’s one of those perfect spring days – the sun shining brightly through the crisp, cool air, a bit of breeze carrying that intoxicating earthy, damp smell of the season. My smile broadens as I remember that quote from Miss Congeniality: the “perfect date” was April 25th, because “it’s not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.” I guess I am a cliché, but I can’t help it. I love Spring. New...

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Springtime is for Lovers

When we first met it was entirely by accident. Even now I remember it clearly, although almost four decades have passed by since then. It was one of those lovely bright sunny days that are so typical of Paris in the springtime.I was strolling along the Boulevard Haussmann, just outside the Magasin au Printemps where the pretty girls were selling their bunches of lily of the valley as they traditionally used to do on the first day of May.  I wasn't looking where I was going, daydreaming as...

Love Stories
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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done. There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

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Springtime for Summers

Springtime for Summers (c) 2002 by Nom de Plume Anne Summers had always thought that Christmas would be the worst time. The death of her husband Patrick the preceding September had been such a devastating shock, she had barely gone through the motions that first December, in an effort to create a semblance of joy for her three year old daughter Lindy. In her fragile state, she had succumbed to the smooth advances of her investment advisor, Andrew Nash, a...

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Springtime In Pennsylvania

I remember vividly, one Saturday last year. It started out as a regular, routine springtime Saturday, filled with plans of getting the trimming done up and then mowing the yard. The sky was a deep, rich shade of blue and not a cloud to be seen. A few short weeks from now, a day like this would turn into a scorcher, but today, being early in the summer, it held the promise of being almost perfect weather for me to get everything done.There was a full case of beer waiting for me in the...

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Springtime on the Farm

It’s been 29 years since this happened but I remember it as if it was yesterday. I changed her name but the incidents are true. I knew what the ‘bird’ was, we used it at school to taunt and tease our friends, a greeting. We knew it had a sexual connotation but that wasn’t why we flipped each other off. I could stiff finger my friends and they would laugh and reply in kind, it was part of how we communicated. Once in a while though I would give my younger sister the finger because she irritated...

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Showtime Part 3

e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...

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Showtime Part 1

SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...

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Showtime Part 5

SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

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Showtime 2

Showtime 2 "Lady and gentlemen. Tonight we have for your pleasure a bridegroom on his honeymoon here in Bangkok. His nineteen year old bride is on her way to our breeding farm where she will be continuously bred until she becomes infertile in probably 20 to 25 years time. Then she will have a brief career as an actress starring in her one and only film. "Contrary to convention James here has taken his wife's name of Veronica and as you can see she is wearing her wedding lingerie. I...

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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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Summertime Love

The darkness enveloped them both, lit only by a small pink-shaded lamp on her side of the bed. They’d been married for years, until chance and the fortune of summertime alone, free of children for a short time, led them to discover their lovemaking anew, slow and sensual, a contrast to the hurried, giggling, sneaking around after the kids were abed. She would slip into their bedroom, right before he was due to come home, stripping off her clothes and lying in the semidarkness. No toys or...

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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael’s brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Incest Story Collection

Welcome to the Summertime Incest Story Collection, an anthology of short incest stories sharing the hottest season’s setting or vibe. As it is summer, Father’s Day in June will feature in a few stories but they may reflect themes of hot summer lust, occur during a summer vacation, or simply take place in the season. And, while we are currently talking about summer in the northern half of the planet as it happens right now this could be summer in the Southern Hemisphere or a hot week in the...

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Summertime Saga Memories

A.N. I would like to thank Dark Cookie for giving me permission to write a story about his game Summertime Saga. Feel free to check out Dark Cookies Patreon to support him and his game. Summer was nearly over. Peter's wild adventure had run its course. Now Peter was sleeping in his new house by the beach. When Peter woke up in his large bedroom in his beach house, he found himself feeling lethargic, and he struggled to get out of bed. When he finally got the energy to push the covers off of it...

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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael's brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Mary

It was 1974 and the summer before my senior year of high school. At 17, I stood about 5'10" and had a lean, firm body kept that way by playing racquetball and jogging. I had my own car, a used '69 Chevelle SS, that I paid for by working at a local grocery store. Dad had made a five hundred dollar down payment for me and co-signed the note, but I was making the payments and paying for my own gas and any maintenance the car needed. Dad paid for my insurance. I had started at the store as soon...

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When A Man meets a Man business travelers

Business travel can be a mixed adventure. Traveling to new places, eating out and meeting new people can all be exciting and fun, but they can also begin to grow old and boring as time passes and you spend most your time away from home, your family and your regular friends. I was working on an extended project with long hours in a small town with no entertainment or recreation. I was staying at a long-term extended stay motel that catered toward people in my position. The room was basic, tiled...

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Mary looked over the card she received from the handsome man at the door to the porno shop in Central City. The well-dressed, black guy. The fellow who had driven her to tears of pleasure. The fellow she had John suck off with her as the last ditch effort to retain her sanity from the yard o’ beef they’d encountered in this gloryhole. The card read, ANSON BLAINE, CONSULTANT. That was all. She lay in bed that night, remembering his huge black cock…tasting it…fucking it…nursing on the...

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John attended a business meeting in San Antonio, and so Kelly and Mary shared a Thursday dinner in his absence to discuss the proposed Saturday night get-together. Their former “slave” of the week before requested another meeting with them. “John won’t be here this weekend, darlin’,” said Mary. “It would be so much more fun if he were here…do you think we ought to invite James so we can have a fun cock to play with? Or should it just be us girls this Saturday? “You know, every time...

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Playtime Chap VIII Lets Get Something Straight Between Us and Playtime Chap IX James Second Encounter The Dancing Girl

LET’S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT BETWEEN US… The marrieds realize they both get off using “dirty words”. “ People treat others so mean by calling them an asshole, or a dick, or a cunt,” she said, using that last word for the first time in her life. “ “Bitch” and “whore” fall into that category, too.” Both felt those words should be compliments -- a sexy woman proud of her body, knowing how to use it, and being in charge. They decide it’s patriarchal, putting the woman down, when she...

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PlaytimeNote:This is a small chapter/idea that I deleted from the main novel (Four Bitches) for reasons of plot fluidity. Originally it was intended to be a second visit by Dolly to Madame?s tender loving care. However, I decided that a single episode for each husband was more consistent for the storyline. It may amuse the reader to see just a little more of Madame and her demented daughters?  Only a slight mention of this episode is now left in the main body of the novel as an afterthought. In...

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Timeless Atlantis Ch 02

His sweat and body odor mixed together into a foul smell that was repellant and made all the more so because I could not get away. He had pulled me up and had his back against a tree and his front guarded by my body. He pulled me around the tree, trying to see everywhere at once, wondering where the mysterious attacker would come at him next. I must have looked scared. I certainly felt it and the emotion was powerful enough that even now I get a cold shiver. We waited for what seemed an...

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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can’t really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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