Time Traveler free porn video

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Time traveler By Sylvia Wechsel Notes: * It is quite a while I wrote this and I sensed I could improve the story a bit (not only in the English). The plot is a bit more consistent now, especially concerning Helen?s behavior. So, enjoy! My name is Jason W. and I am a time traveler. More clearly, I traveled back 353 years to the past. I was born in year 2283 and my experiment took place in year 2312, so, if you make the calculation, you will conclude that I successfully returned to year 1959. I know you will argue that many outstanding physicists "proved" that time travels to the past are physically forbidden. This is true if you try to transport matter to the past, but my travel involved no matter transport, what traveled to the past was my consciousness. Actually the process is not that complex, this is why I had to keep strict secret of my discovery. The principles were already known for 20 year before my experiment. It all started when a Chinese neurophysicist proved that what we call consciousness (some people, adepts of metaphysics, call it "soul") is in reality a quantum phenomenon, which takes place at neurofilaments which link axons between neighboring neurons. This scientist discovered that the nuclei of the unstable 10Be isotope resonate in the same natural frequency as our consciousness and can be used as a sort of transducer for "mind energy." This opened the field of psionics, which, in layman?s terms, designate the derived technology of commanding machines (among them, computers) with a simple thought. Beryllium became the key material of our era. The technology needs only a handful of the 10Be atoms, but these are so rare that a large quantity of natural beryllium is needed to allow for viable applications. Just as arsenic, gallium and indium in the past, all available beryllium was used for this purposes. Controlling machines was only one aspect of psionics. There is also a quite expensive activity which allows two people to develop some sort of limited telepathy. This was not new, phenomena like "intuition," "deja vu" and other extra-sensorial perception phenomena could be traced back to this effect. The new thing was to use beryllium to enhance and control this ability. The telepathy applications, however, suffered from a severe drawback: the connection between two brains is subject to noise and only very simple thoughts can be transmitted. This was used mainly by couples to enhance sexual pleasure by exchanging feelings of love during intercourse. I had the idea for my "time machine" during my physics course. The quantum physics professor was explaining in a lecture that the noise in the telepathic connection arises actually due to the proximity of the two subjects in the space-time inertial frame of reference, as a manifestation of Heisenberg?s uncertainty principle. He told about lab experiments which showed that if physical distance was increased, the signal-to-noise ratio improved, but the experiment could not be developed further, because the signal strength also decreases with distance. Then he told the phrase which actually gave me the idea: "if we could transmit the thoughts to the past, with a suitable beryllium reference to allow linking, then we could increase the distance in the space-time without increasing the physical distance, and hence transmit full thoughts" (it is difficult to explain without the mathematics, but the beryllium reference acts as a sort of buoy in the space-time). I asked him (I was too naive back then) why nobody tried to build a time machine with that idea (yes, I gave him my idea for free, how stupid I was), but he laughed and said that in order to reduce the inherent noise to acceptable levels the transition should be realized between times over 200 years apart and there was no beryllium reference available at that time (I was an idiot to give him my idea, but he was an arrogant fool and dismissed it just because I was a student, I, immediately, recognized the failure of his argument, but, this time, kept my mouth shut). After graduation I began working for one of the leading psyonics companies. It was an underpayed boring job, but I learned everything I could about the hardware, stole some unused spare parts and built my "time machine" at home. I still remember the day when I finished the machine and decided it was finally time for experimenting. I was in front of the device which would give me the Nobel prize. I took from the shelf the old book about Beryllium applications, which I found in my Granddad?s library many years ago, and unfolded the picture, which I found, still when I was a kid, inside that book, for the n-th time. I observed the smiling Helen N. standing in an university laboratory next to a quite large, expensive, and useless Beryllium Copper wheel, the year was 1959, as attested by the precise date written with pencil at the back of the photograph. The special about that wheel was that it still existed. The university who owned that laboratory moved to a new building in 1960 and the old building, including the wheel, was was transformed in a trash deposit. I did locate that laboratory and the wheel, partially covered by junk, in year 2312. This was the failure in my professor?s argument. He forgot that Beryllium had been used in other technological applications before the invention of psyonics, so it was possible to find an existing Beryllium reference over 200 years in the past (I was aware of that because of that book). I did some research and realized I could construct my experiment in that laboratory without being noticed. The wheel existed in the two space-time references, as the picture proved, and it contained sufficient Beryllium to warrant the amount of 10Be for establishing the contact. That meant I could, in principle, contact Helen N. with my machine, since I knew she would be close that wheel in that precise date. Maybe, if I searched further, I could find another person to contact, but Helen N. fascinated me. Her biography told me only that she was Ph.D. in experimental physics and then she disappeared from the public records just after that photo was taken. Quantum physics was still crawling in year 1959, but I assumed that she was a person which would hear the reason when I contacted her. A "normal" one would probably believe my contact attempts were just imagination or signs of schizophrenia, but as a physicist I could explain to her the principles of the contact, so she would, hopefully, not dismiss me at once. The following day I assembled my time machine in that abandoned laboratory. I used the keyboard to operate the computer. I could not use psyonic connections there, they would interfere with my contact attempt. I probed the space-time with my machine and found a signal close to that day in which the photograph was taken. It was a luck that the date was written in the photo, so my machine could probe the space time with a high accuracy. If I had to manually select that period of time I would be in trouble, who knows how many people approached that wheel along history? I established contact and said (actually, telepathic contact is not like a normal conversation, we exchange thoughts, but I will translate it here as a conversation, because I could never write down exactly what went through): "Helen, please, don?t freak out, I?m calling you from the future." "Who is there, who is this?" she answered. "My name is Jason W. and I?m a physicist like you, but I live here in year 2312 and I?m standing next to this wheel at your side." Then I explained the basics of psyonics and the role Beryllium had in it. All this took about 100 milliseconds. Telepathic communication is really fast. My explanation succeeded to make her curious. Of course she was surrounded by her friends when that photo was taken and she couldn?t let them know what was happening, she told me it was her graduation party. I convinced her to return the next day alone, so we could "talk" in private. Then we broke contact. Of course I didn?t need to wait 24 hours myself. Just after I disconnected, I started searching for her again and there she was. It was amazing, a few moments before (for my reference) I probed that same area with my machine and there was nobody next to the sphere. After I broke the contact she appeared there. It was the realization of one of those famous time travel paradoxes. My contact had changed her future (and my past). Reality had changed, even the computer records showed that she had been detected in the previous scan, but I remembered this was not true, probably because my mind was involved in the experiment. I registered everything in my log book, this simple experiment would grant me the equivalent of a PhD thesis in knowledge. I contacted her again, and, after my introduction, she said, "I was afraid I was going crazy." "No, you are not, I?m real and I?m contacting you from the future," I assured her again. Then I told what just happened (the fact that she was not there before, but now she was) and she became fascinated, Helen was very clever (perhaps too clever, as I discovered after) and she rapidly caught the basic ideas. We did "chat" a lot. She wanted to know how the future was like and I could sense her disappointment when she learned that the world had not been destroyed by a nuclear wold war III. I refrained to tell her too much. The paradox alerted me that I could change the future/past if I was careless. She read enough science fiction books to understand my argument. Then she wanted to know how the contact was possible, and I explained: "Have you already heard about 'quantum entanglement'?" "Yes, I attended once a talk by a certain Prof. Feynman about this subject," she answered. Then I explained the basics of quantum temporal resonances and told her that during the connection our consciousnesses existed in both our brains with equal probability, of course, she had already learn about that famous experiments with cats. I told her I could control with my machine the degree of superposition (the probability), such that our consciousnesses would eventually perform hopping between our brains. To prove that I turned a the knob a bit more and immediately felt to be "more" in that past reality. It was weird. Just a parenthesis: perhaps you find strange that I operated a time machine with something as obsolete as a knob, but my plan involved Helen operating the time machine in the future after we swapped bodies, so I decided to use something more familiar to her as control instrument. After we broke contact again I was tired, so as she. The extensive use of our brains during telepathic contact requires lots of energy and we cannot remain more than a few seconds in contact each day, unless we wanted to suffer permanent brain damage. Next days we resumed contact. I telepathically taught her how to operate my machine and when we were ready, we did the first experiment. I turned the knob all the way left and this broke the contact again, but this time something amazing happened. I was in her body. I looked down and saw that I was wearing her dress, with my right hand I probed my torso and I felt my large breasts and the bra I was wearing, I could sense also the taste of lipstick in my mouth and when I blinked I noticed my eyelashes were heavier than I was used to, she was probably wearing mascara in her make up. Before I could explore further my pubic area, however, I was violently extracted from her body and thrown again in the future, in my body, with my hand in the knob, and with the heartbeat in the roof. The knob was fully turned to the right side. I contacted her again. She freaked out. She said, "It?s real, I was in your body!" She needed to rest, the effort and shock was too great for her, so we broke contact again. The first experiment was a success, but if you think right I spent only a few seconds in the past (as she had spend in the future) and this was not that much fun. In the next days we repeated the experiment and each time Helen was more confident, until the day we entered in contact with her in my body and me in hers. After we returned to our respective times it was clear to me that the experiment should evolve further. The day after this I suggested her we should try something bolder. I suggested we should spend one week in each other?s bodies, so I could explore the past and she could explore the future. She agreed with that idea, but before we did the experiment I told her we should put on paper all about ourselves and about our daily routines. This is needed because the transfer does not involve the whole consciousness. It is like an ancient music compression technology once known as mp3. You don?t need to store all information to recognize the music, only the relevant parts, which can be recognized by the ears and brain as the music. What is transferred during telepathic connection is the superficial consciousness patterns of the exterior brain cortex, which we can recognize as "ourselves." Long term memories are buried deeper in the brain, so they are not easily transferred. As an example, when I was in her body I could not "remember" who was the winner of the NFL championship in 1959, unless I read this information just before the transfer, putting it in my short-term memory (unfortunately I did not think of that before the experiment, otherwise I could have won a lot of money betting). I could, however, while in her body "remember" vividly the pain from the occasion in which Helen broke her leg after falling from a tree when she was 10 years old, because this information was in her long-term memory. Even this information, however, would not be easily recovered by my consciousness, because I did not know how to activate the right neuronal links, her brain needed to be stimulated so these memories spontaneously "resurfaced." So, with our daily routines written down, we could easily blend in in each other?s lives. This was important because we agreed that we should not disturb the past too much. I would need to play her part in 1959, the closer I could. She could, of course, disturb the future without fear, but we agreed she should play my part in order not to raise suspicion by other people about our activities. We finally decided it was time for the experiment. We did the now familiar transfer and I found myself in her body again. I remained were I was for a few moments, but this time Helen did not contact me right away, so she was keeping her part in the agreement. We would contact again in one week. Before I started to read her life description I did what I had tried in the first transfer. I raised the hemline of my dress and saw her (my) shapely legs for the first time. I observed my old- fashioned panties with amusement and then I lowered them, observing for the first time her (my) pussy. I was fascinated. If there was someone watching me, he or she would surely think I am crazy. There I was, holding the hemline of my dress raised, with the panties lowered and bend over towards front of me, examining my vagina. Then I took her paper. I began reading and at some point I learned that she was recently married and that she loved her husband. She married just before obtaining her Ph.D. degree and decided to remain home, being a good housewife. This is why she disappeared from the records after defending her thesis. I felt cheated. She never told me about a husband during our connections. Then I recognized she probably thought I knew that already, or, at least, that this was so obvious that it was not necessary to tell. I, on the other hand, wrongly assumed she was a career driven lady, as it is the case of the women in 2312. In 1959, however, working women would surely be an exception and not the rule. I was stuck, I could not do anything else than playing her part, as I promised. Who knows what would happen if I refused to go home to her husband. Maybe I could change the future so much that I was not even born, so there would be no time machine to return home. No, I was going to do everything she described in her paper, as I promised. It was only a single week, after all. I was sure I could live that without problems. Finishing reading her paper I went home, in the suburbs, using the public transportation system, as she described in detail. I arrived there still mid afternoon. "My" husband, Mark, was not home, as sehe xplained in her paper. He was a junior lawyer and worked in his office in mid town. She described that I was expected to prepare dinner for him, and even included the recipe in her paper, she planed the meals for all days in that week. I never cooked in my life, but as I began following her detailed instructions, putting the apron, I felt I could do it by instinct, it was surely coded in her buried memories, the muscular memory of putting the apron surely triggered them. I finished one and half hour later the preparation phase and left the food cooking in the pans over the stove. I went to the living room and found a museum piece: a still working valve television! I had to see it by myself. She left no instruction on how to operate that, but the machine was not that complex and I turned it on easily. It was still black & white! I watched astonished the low quality 2D images and only then I realized I was really in 1959! From time to time I returned to the stove, to see how the food was developing, instinctively I probed the meat sauce for the amount of salt and discovered a bit more was necessary. I kept this routine, watching a comedy program about some girl called Lucy and controlling the pans. The comedy program was instructive, and fun. The way the girl behaved (except for the gags, of course) told me much about how I was expected to behave in that week. I decided to give away my discomfort. I was going, anyway, to live that week as a 1959 mid class housewife, so why not have some fun with this, pretending I was one. The food was ready about the time I heard a car parking in the parkway in front of the house, it was Mark. I received him in the living room, still wearing the apron (a bit stained by sauce spots). In fact, this was the first time I was seeing him in person, I did see some framed photograph before and I knew how he looked, but this was the first time I met him. I general I found him very young, and handsome. A very good first impression. He came towards me and said, "Hi honey, how was your day? Something unusual?" "Not at all," I lied. Then he approached and I, without being able to react, stood there while he gently kissed me, touching our lips. I felt awkward. It didn?t occur to me until then that the young couple would have some degree of intimacy. Rationally, that bothered me, but at the same time the "prohibited fruit" had a strange effect in me, I was aroused and felt my intimate parts getting wet under the thought that I was kissing a guy. I served his dinner and we ate together. He drank a beer from the refrigerator (another museum piece, I bet it still used CFC as cooling medium) and I preferred a glass of water. Instinctively I felt I should not resort to alcohol while in Helen?s body. After dinner we sat at the living room. We watched the news and after that, there was some sort of baseball game. I read something about 1959 history just before the transfer, in order to keep it in my short-range memory and bring that with me, so the people in the news were known to me by name. It was strange, however, to see these people moving. I knew all of them were long dead. What the hell, Helen and Mark were long dead, and I was in her body and interacting with him! The play was interesting, but I noticed that Mark was feeling uneasy with the fact that I was watching it with him. Apparently Helen did not like baseball, or perhaps this was something against the cultural rules. As it finished he said he would take a shower and prepare to sleep. I knew, from Helen?s paper, that I was expected to separate his pajamas, to prepare his clothes for the next day, to clean my make up, and put my own nightgown (she informed me in her paper that she used to take a bath at the mornings). I was feeling uneasy with that situation, Helen gave no instruction about what to do after we were in bed and a felt a chill in the spine only by thinking what I would do to refuse his attempts to have sex with me. At the same time I felt aroused again, the thought of having sex with a man was forbidden and, hence, tempting. I felt wet down there again. When we put ourselves beneath the blankets, he turned towards me, but I said, "Honey, sorry, I?m feeling a slight headache today, can we leave this for tomorrow?" I sensed he was upset, it seemed that Helen had often used that excuse to avoid sex before, but he said, "OK, honey, good night and sleep well". I was laying sideways in bed, looking away from him, and before he turned away from me he kissed the back of my neck. I felt goose bumps developing in my skin and I almost regretted denying him sex. It was not his fault that I put me in that situation, and I thought that if I did that, no one would ever know, not even Helen, because there would be no time for these memories to develop in long-term memories, but I was not ready for that. It took a long time before I could sleep and all the time I felt the presence of his body laying at my side in bed. The sleep in the first night was agitated. I know I dreamed a lot, but I don?t remember what I had dreamed about. Next morning we woke up and I prepared his breakfast, while he made his morning hygiene and read the newspaper, which had been delivered in the front door at early morning. We ate eggs with bacon. In 2312 this was a sort of nutritional heresy, but at that distant past, eating that load of heavy cholesterol and sodium was still allowed, and it tasted nice. Then he left for work, kissing me in the lips again. I spent the second day at home. Following Helen?s routine I took my bath in the bathtub and then I began cleaning the house. Again, I had no clue about how to clean a house, in 2312 we have robots to do this, but as soon as I put the "working garments" that Helen mentioned in her paper, the hidden memories attacked again and I, instinctively, knew what to do. I needed only not to think hard and my body practically did the work by itself. During all time I considered what Helen was doing. She had a doctoral title in Physics, for God?s sake, and there she was, living the life of a suburban housewife, but I had to remember that this was 1959, long before women?s liberation. This was the age of prejudice and misogyny. I did not cook extra for myself at lunch time, there was enough food remaining from last night?s dinner and I only warmed it up to eat. After lunch I washed the dishes and prepared again for the afternoon routine, cooking for the dinner and watching television. Helen?s paper told me I should ask Mark for money, since next day would be supermarket day. He gave me a certain amount of bills of dollars (thigs that I only saw in museums before) and told me I should buy something beautiful for me. This evening, in bed, I also avoided sex. This time, he did not even try. From one side I was relieved, but part of me regretted that he gave up trying. Again it was difficult to fall asleep and the sleep was agitated, again I dreamed, but I could not remember about what I was dreaming. The third day of my stay in past started as the day before, with me preparing Mark?s breakfast, while he did his morning routine (hygiene plus newspaper). After he left and I took my bath, I prepared to go shopping. I was going out in the streets and I realized I would need to get dressed. The day before I chose a plain one, gray in color and with no details, which Helen described as ?working garments? in her paper, since I stayed home all day. I opened the wardrobe and saw that Helen had a large collection of dresses, I had to pick one to wear. Now I was going out and something told me that I should wear a fancier dress. After our transfer Helen was dressed in a very conservative way. Initially I found that amusing, but now that I was going to get dressed, I wanted to feel something lighter, more typical of my own culture. I chose a dress made of white fabric, but with large flowers designed in it. It was like a tube with short sleeves and the pleated hemline went to the knees, it was surely the bolder one in her collection. I felt this was appropriate for the occasion. I also picked up a matching set of black panties and bra and dressed myself. I chose white shoes with small heels and a white purse. I had still to prepare my hair and decided to leave it loose, without styling, wearing instead only a black ribbon to hold it together. Then I applied some make up, just some powdering and lipstick, and chose a passing earrings. When I finished I became surprised with the effect and the ease with which I had accomplished that. It was probably the effect of a life long conditioning: to prepare to go outdoor, which got imprinted in Helen?s brain. I walked to the supermarket. Helen wrote that they were not poor, but neither rich, so they could not afford a second car yet, and, besides, the supermarket was quite close to our home. I walked the streets feeling nice. I knew I am pretty (I mean, Helen is pretty). I met many other women in the streets, most of them wearing more conservative clothing, but I saw that some girls, the younger in the streets, already dressed like me, especially with the loose hairs and bare legs. I read before the travel that this era was on the verge of the social changes of the 1960?s. I could see that it was already happening and, I don?t know why, I felt proud that I was taking part of that. I noticed also that many of the other women, especially the older ones, looked at Helen (me) with envy in their eyes. Under Helen?s instructions I brought with myself a shopping bag and used the shopping cart in the supermarket to collect my products. As I payed, it became obvious that Mark gave me much more money than I needed. After shopping I went to a fast food place and ate my lunch there, I was feeling like a tourist, trying to do the "typical" things that the locals did. After lunch I still had some time before returning home to prepare dinner (I was already bored with that routine). I decided to walk in the commercial quarter close to the supermarket. There were some shops for clothing and I decided to take a look at them, after all, Mark told me to buy something nice and he gave, apparently, a lot of money. I bought a new dress, similar to the one I was wearing, but without sleeves, and shoes, with slightly larger heels. I was about to return home, when I saw a lingerie store. It was probably the scandal place in that part of the town. I decided to enter to see what they had there. The inner side of the shop looked like a museum for lace of the largest possible designs and color varieties. I became quite fascinated by a set of panties and bra in pink, with lace all over the borders, which was exposed in a manequin. Of course, it was big, I guessed it contained ten times more fabric than anything that women wear in 2312, but for 1959 it was surely bold. I looked at that manequin and imagined me, wearing that, in front of a naked Mark. What was going on with my mind? I was very aroused, I could sense that my panties was soaked and thanks God I was wearing a bra, otherwise my nipples would be pointing outwards like arrows. I was so entertained with my thoughts that I did not notice the vendor approaching, until she said, "It will look nice in you." I was surprised by that intervention and could only articulate: "I?m not... just looking." She did not believe in what I was saying, of course, and continued. "Let me guess, you are thinking in making a surprise to your husband". She was looking straight at Helen?s wedding ring in my hand. I wanted to say, yes, but, to my surprise, I gave an almost honest answer. "I could never think of myself wearing this." It was almost honest because it was true considering that I was a man from year 2312, but not that honest because I was having erotic fantasies of me wearing that. She continued: "Oh, I see, you are the shy type, but, you will see, wearing this will make you feel another kind of girl." I thought, "Lady, you would not know how close to the truth you are!." This dialogue continued for about half an hour and the lady finally convinced me to buy the pink set. OK, it was not true that she convinced me, the whole time I was praying to be "convinced." I came out of that shop and headed towards "home." The whole way I felt like doing something naughty, forbidden. When I arrived I spent about half an hour looking at that package. The day before I had to control myself not to jump over Mark in our bed, but at that time I was trying to convince myself to do what I had desired all afternoon, I was getting cold feet. Finally I said to myself aloud, a technique I used often in my own timeline, "OK, either I do this, or I don?t." Saying this was enough to give me courage. I finally decided to go through. I took another shower, washing my hairs this time. Then I dressed in that set, feeing the gently toucht of the fabric over my skin. I went to the bedroom and selected one of Helen?s perfumes. I was terribly delayed with the dinner, Mark was about to arrive, but I could not think of anything else. When I heard Mark?s car parking, I went to the living room, to wait for him, wearing only those pink panties and bra. The effect was immediate. When he opened the door and watched me, he was speechless, I said, "You told me to buy something nice..." Without a word he came to me, took me in his arms and kissed me in the mouth. I felt I was smiling, but I reacted passively. Then he raised me in his lap and brought me to the bed. He gently placed me over there. I was not moving a finger, letting him do all the work. He took out my panties, undressed himself, and came over me. I found his choice quite erotic, leaving me there still wearing the bra and without panties. Then he asked me to sit and untied my bra. He told me to lean in my back again. I felt I was smiling all the time, while I obeyed his orders. He began caressing my nipples and I went to the clouds. He kissed me again and this time I kissed him back, taking an active role for the first time. His hand searched in between my legs and found my clitoris. I was gasping. Then he did more, he inserted one finger (I guess it was the annular) in my vagina and began moving it inside me, there was a particular spot which made me see stars when he touched. I was mad of pleasure and moaning, but I could not guess what was expecting me. He was already hard and moved in front of me and leaned over my body. He kissed me again and I closed my eyes, feeling his strong muscular body above me. Then I sensed the tip of his penis approaching my vagina. I began moaning again. I sensed he was in trouble to find the opening of my vagina, so I quickly moved my hand, took his hard penis, and directed towards the opening. He pressed and then entered. By this time I was totally wet, so his penis entered my vagina without resistance. I could feel his large penis moving to-and-fro inside me, it was wonderful. I was already screaming out of pleasure. This continued for about 10 minutes, I don?t exactly know how much. Then something marvelous happened. The pleasure grew with each stroke and I felt like an explosion, it came in waves inside my vagina. The movement seemed to push his penis further inside me. Then he had his own orgasm and after unloading all his cum inside me, he moved to his side of the bed and remained there, recovering from the effort. I was also tired. After a while, I said, "Oh gosh! I did not prepare the dinner" He answered, "I guess this is worth a night out in the restaurant," and we laughed. I dressed myself again, in that pink set and using the dress and shoes I bought earlier that day. I spent more time in my make up, because I was doing it more elaborate. It was strange to know what I had to do without using my conscious thoughts. Probably the pleasure I felt triggered some of Helen?s memories. After that we went to the car, an antique classic model, but actually it was built in 1956, so, only three years before that timeline. It was the first time in life I was driving in a car. In 2312 there was only virtual meetings and public transportation, nobody was allowed that petrol burning extravaganza anymore. Mark drove me to a local Italian restaurant. There were still true living Italians! In my time they became rare after the eruption of the Vesuvium plume, which covered most of the Italian peninsula and the middle Mediterranean in magma and volcanic ashes in year 2156. It was strange to think that the world had been ironically saved from the volcanic winter by the greenhouse gases carelessly emitted in the atmosphere in the previous century. Luigi was the owner and came to receive us in the door, as I said, it was a small restaurant. His wife, Maria, was in the kitchen and he called her. She stood in front of me, took both my hands in hers and said, with a strange accent, "Come here, pretty one, let me take a close look at the precious jewel of our dear Mark?s house!" And then she kissed me in the cheek. I felt the blood coming to my face, under the effect of that exaggerated praise. Mark was an old customer and used to eat in that restaurant up to "our marriage," a couple of months before. He was joyful. I sensed he wanted to share this feeling with his friends and it was the first time he was bringing Helen to that place. We ate pasta and I drank a glass of red wine for the first time in the past. It tasted nice. Then we returned home. This night the sleep was undisturbed and I don?t know whether I dreamed or not. Next day (the fourth in the past) I woke up lying on my right side and with my left arm extended over his torso. I took some minutes to reflect about what I had done in the previous day. Was that my intent all the time? This was the reason I selected Helen as the person I would contact? Was I really expecting to live one week as a woman in the past, without being tempted to have sex with a male? Anyway, it had no turning back now. I had become, really, Mark?s woman the day before. He was also sensing this change and his kiss before leaving the house was more passionate and not only a formality. It surely helped also that I was collaborating. According to Helen?s journal, Thursday was cloth washing day. They had a brand ?new antique? wash machine and the operation was not that hard. It was harder to decide how much soap was needed for that operation, but I managed to decide almost right. After the cycle was ready I took the wet clothes and extended in the washline in the courtyard behind our house. It was a sunny hot day and the clothes would soon dry out. There was no food left from the previous night, since I did not prepare the dinner. I ate some bred for lunch and then went to rest a bit, before starting the cooking routine again. The worst was the ironing part. Again the imprinted information took control, but anyway, it was a boring activity. That night Mark kissed me passionately in the mouth when he returned home, and I kissed him back. During dinner he told one of major associates in his firm was pleased with his work and promised him a raise in the salary and the possibility to become an associate himself in a couple of years. I was happy for him and Helen. I knew that period was characterized by an economy boom which would last up to oil crisis in in the mid 1970?s and Mark was securing a good future for their family. This night we made love before sleeping, it was nice, again. Next day was Saturday and Mark remained home. It was time for me to clean the house again and he dedicated to cut the grass in the lawn and to make some repairs in the fence. This time the lunch was cooked in the morning and suddenly I realized I needed some vegetables from the supermarket. I left Mark working at the fence, took the shopping bag and went to the commercial center. I bought quickly what I needed and was about to return home, when I thought about the lingerie store. I had to go there. As I entered the door, the vendor recognized me, she was also the owner of that shop. She asked: "Hi, How it was, the other day?" I blushed and she completed, "I guess it was effective!" "Yes..." That?s all I could answer. Then she said, "Come here, I have something special to spice your and your husband?s sexual life" And she showed me a red set of panties and bra. It had half the amount of fabric as the previous pink one and this had a sort of skirt made of lace attached to the panties. It was the kind of forbidden piece, almost a sex shop item, this is why it was hidden in the back of the store. I was looking at that and was as red as the pieces of cloth. I imagined me wearing that in front of Mark. Then I said, "I did not bring enough money with me..." But she crushed my hopes of not being convinced to buy those pieces. "Take with you, you can pay me later." I returned home, still red in my face. When I arrived Mark asked what was in that package and I told it was a surprise. I bravely finished lunch, and we ate in silence. According to Helen?s journal, it was time for a short sleep. I was in no mood for sleeping and went to the bathroom, closed the door, and quickly dressed in that red set. To my surprise Mark was expecting me outside the door, already naked, and hard. We kissed passionately and we went to the bed still kissing, I was not restraining myself anymore. We made love in the middle of the day and it was great. That night, before sleep, we made love again, twice in a day! Sunday was church day. I dressed myself more decently (meaning conservatively), but under the clothes I was wearing the red set. This made me feel "dirty," having a part of my sexuality hidden under respectable clothes, and I enjoyed that. I recognized the owner of the lingerie store in the crowd, she was also "respectable." After the church we went to Mark?s mother for lunch. I was going to meet "my" mother-in-law! It was a nice tidy home and she kept the whole time talking to me, most of the time gossiping. She was a nice old lady and it was clear that she liked Helen. When she noticed how happy Mark was and how close we were she became radiant of happiness. Then she said, "Maybe we will be hearing a child?s cry soon..." I blushed again, she noticed that our sex life "had improved." Then I said, "No, I think it is still too early, we should stabilize our life before." Fact was that I was not sure about that. Helen did not give me a hint about her menstrual cycle and I had been practicing careless sex with Mark already for three days, it was well possible that I (that is Helen) was already pregnant. I wished I did not cause any trouble to Helen. That evening we made love again and this had a sad feeling to me, next day would be Monday, the day I would swap back with Helen. I considered not going to the laboratory, but realized I could not do that with her. She was entitled to have her life back. Next day, after Mark left for work, I dressed myself. I chose the dress I had bought in the second day. Helen would get her body back, but I decided to give her the gist of feeling like a modern lady. I took the public transport and went to the laboratory. Some of Helen?s colleagues were there, I greeted them and approached the wheel. The thought communication is so fast that there is no need to be alone for it. I had just arrived near the wheel when Helen contacted me. I noticed that the knob was not in the middle position, the machine was set to be operated in the lowest possible level to allow communication. Helen said, "Hi Jason, how are you doing?" "Fine," I answered, that conversation was going into an awkward direction. It was only one week since we met before, so why would she need to know "how I was doing"? Then she said, "I?m sorry." "Sorry for what?" I replied. "I?m not coming back!" "WHAAT?" "I can?t leave my wife and children here." It was unbelievable, I could only formulate a single question: "How much time passed for you in the future?" Her answer brought me out of balance and I almost fainted. "It is year 2337." She explained to me that she lived the whole week as me in the future. After the week finished, she considered going to the wheel, but realized she wanted more. She also realized that she could spend as much time as she wanted in the future and for me it would take only a week, as in our deal. The weeks became months, and then years. She blended so well in my life that she soon began dating a girl, they married and started a family. She was father of two children, a boy almost 18 years old and a 16 year old girl. She had also improved my job position and was working in the research and development lab of that psyonics company. Then she said something I could not imagine before: "You know, Jason, when I was in the past I had feelings for women, and not for men, but I never was able to act." She was a closet lesbian! I asked why she did marry Mark, after all, and she answered that the social pressures of 1959 did not allow that a woman assumed easily to be homosexual, even for herself, without drawbacks. Besides, she said, Mark was a nice guy and she thought she could control, and perhaps tame, her impulses. She discovered she was lying to herself and their sexual lives was horrible. She managed to keep that hidden from me during our communication, and even lied about it in her journal, by writing she loved Mark. This explained Mark?s attitude in the first days of my arrival and the happiness he demonstrated when we began making love. When I contacted her, back in the start, she realized not only that she had an opportunity to escape from her life, but also to escape in a male body, and began making plans, carefully hiding her thoughts when in contact with me. She did play ME! I was devastated. It was clear that Helen would not swap us back, and I was powerless to force her to do this. Out of rage I said, "I could destroy all of this, I just need to make a big change in history and everything will be different" She argued, and I had already realized, that I could not afford creating a large temporal paradox. What would happen if I changed the past so much that I was not even born? No, I was doomed to live the life of a mid-class 1959 housewife to the end of my days. Then she completed, "Have you meditated about why did you find my photograph in that book?" I answered, "I don?t know, I found it inside a book about Beryllium applications which belonged to my granddad." "I researched further, I?m afraid that photograph was not there to illustrate beryllium applications." "Then why for?" I asked. "I?m afraid I?m your grand grand grandmother." That information struck me like a lightning, but she did not finish yet. "You know, I never got pregnant, I was avoiding that the best I could, if I had access back then, I would be using the pill, and I had also no intention to get pregnant in my life." "Then, how...?" I asked. "I guess this is obvious." And it was, the only reason I?m alive is because I am my own grand grand grand grandmother, I am the one who is going to get pregnant in the future. What for a paradox! Devastated I asked, "How many children?" "I could not locate that information, there is at least one, of course, but the only thing I learned is that you and Mark lived to become over 80 years old." I realized she was probably lying, she could not risk creating another temporal paradox by giving me too much information about my own future. If she told me I was goingto have three children, for example, I would probably try to get pregnant three times as fast as I could, contrary to what would normally happen. Since she gave me no information at all (only that I would get pregnant in the future), I would need to act naturally, meaning, not avoiding to get pregnant. I would surely end up with more than one child, perhaps a lot more. Defeated, I asked: "And the time machine, what will you do with it?" "This technology is too dangerous, I will destroy it so no one will use it again." Not only I had been robbed of my life, but also of my invention and posterity. After saying that, she completed, "Goodbye," and then disconnected. I stood there, for about one hour, waiting for a contact from the future, but then I realized there would be no contact, because she destroyed the machine. I returned home, to MY life. After a brief period of disbelief I realized I could not afford creating another temporal paradox. I decided to live Helen?s life as if it was mine. After all, wasn?t I myself having second thoughts of meeting her in the laboratory? Besides, I truly enjoyed making love with Mark and I guess I?m already falling in love for him. Anyway, I will live the 1960?s, the sexual revolution, rock and roll! I will see the Beatles playing live! Maybe this is not as bad at all. The only thing I regret is that my time machine will be destroyed. This is why I am writing this letter. I don?t know who you are. I addressed this letter to the city mayor and payed a lot of money for a courier service to deliver this to you at first January 2335 (actually this idea is not mine, I watched it in an ancient silly movie about time travel, it is strange to think that this "ancient" movie will be launched only in about 21 years). Please keep an eye on that wheel, you will see someone (Helen in my body) using the time machine and can avoid destroying it. It is imperative that you act only after Helen breaks contact with me, this is why I don?t give any full names here and even the ones I used are invented, so you will not be tempted to secure the machine before Helen contacts me. We cannot afford creating a larger temporal paradox than the one I?m already living. I had the idea about this letter only many days after I left the hall, so I guess it is possible that you successfully secured the machine. Don?t bother trying to rescue me. I decided never to return near that wheel. If someone swaps with me (specially Helen), I will never be sure this person will pursue the aim to get pregnant in the way it is needed, so there is a risk I would not even be born (and there would be no machine). I decided, therefore, to accept my fate and live my life together with Mark. The last thing I do now, the last contact with my past life in the future, is to fold Helen?s photograph, taking in her graduation party, and place it inside the book about Beryllium applications I bought especially for this. I took care to write the precise date in which that photo was taken with a pencil in the back, and only than I realize that it had been my handwriting all the time. Next I will place this book in a shelf at our library, return to my husband, and forget I was ever Jason W. from year 2312. THE END

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Time Traveler

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Showtime Part 3

e amaze each other, Jennifer, but I'm going to amaze you the most. I have a passion to live within easy reach of Shaftsbury Avenue and the rest of theatreland. Footlights and greasepaint are part of me and I constantly need to feel the pulse of the West End. That being the case I'm going to make Horace Pratt an offer for this house." "You're going to buy number nineteen?" Jennifer asked incredulously, "But how? You're always so short of money. You never have two brass pennies to rub...

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Showtime Part 1

SHOWTIME Part 1 The train raced south though a late spring morning. Clickerty-clack, clickerty-clack, wheels making music of their ride over hard steel rails. Jennifer Hancock wedged herself tight into the corner of her seat by the window to gaze with growing boredom at the green fields and tops of houses that had been the scenery for most of the time since her journey from York had begun. On the surface there seemed little chance for sexual intrigue on such a trip. The passenger...

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Showtime Part 5

SHOWTIME Part 5 Daylight cutting in between ill-fitting curtains awoke Jennifer Hancock early, but it took several moments for dormant cogs of concupiscence to crank into motion. Eventually she wiped the back of a hand over her eyes to brush away a wisp of hair before rolling from her bed and lurching across to the window. Rain was falling; fat wet drops bouncing on the sills outside as she gazed out on the closely packed roofs and chimney-pots opposite, all standing on top of...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

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Showtime 2

Showtime 2 "Lady and gentlemen. Tonight we have for your pleasure a bridegroom on his honeymoon here in Bangkok. His nineteen year old bride is on her way to our breeding farm where she will be continuously bred until she becomes infertile in probably 20 to 25 years time. Then she will have a brief career as an actress starring in her one and only film. "Contrary to convention James here has taken his wife's name of Veronica and as you can see she is wearing her wedding lingerie. I...

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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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Summertime Love

The darkness enveloped them both, lit only by a small pink-shaded lamp on her side of the bed. They’d been married for years, until chance and the fortune of summertime alone, free of children for a short time, led them to discover their lovemaking anew, slow and sensual, a contrast to the hurried, giggling, sneaking around after the kids were abed. She would slip into their bedroom, right before he was due to come home, stripping off her clothes and lying in the semidarkness. No toys or...

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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael’s brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Incest Story Collection

Welcome to the Summertime Incest Story Collection, an anthology of short incest stories sharing the hottest season’s setting or vibe. As it is summer, Father’s Day in June will feature in a few stories but they may reflect themes of hot summer lust, occur during a summer vacation, or simply take place in the season. And, while we are currently talking about summer in the northern half of the planet as it happens right now this could be summer in the Southern Hemisphere or a hot week in the...

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Summertime Saga Memories

A.N. I would like to thank Dark Cookie for giving me permission to write a story about his game Summertime Saga. Feel free to check out Dark Cookies Patreon to support him and his game. Summer was nearly over. Peter's wild adventure had run its course. Now Peter was sleeping in his new house by the beach. When Peter woke up in his large bedroom in his beach house, he found himself feeling lethargic, and he struggled to get out of bed. When he finally got the energy to push the covers off of it...

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Summertime Threesome

Michael Hawkins was your typical student in school. He made sure that all of his studies were done before anything else had happened in his life. A lot of times, he wished he had more freedom to do what he had wanted but his parents were afraid that he may stray down a path of drugs and crime. Michael's brother David was doing a life bid for murder and he had been locked up for 5 years of a life sentence with no chance of parole so his parents made sure tht they did everything they could to...

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Summertime Mary

It was 1974 and the summer before my senior year of high school. At 17, I stood about 5'10" and had a lean, firm body kept that way by playing racquetball and jogging. I had my own car, a used '69 Chevelle SS, that I paid for by working at a local grocery store. Dad had made a five hundred dollar down payment for me and co-signed the note, but I was making the payments and paying for my own gas and any maintenance the car needed. Dad paid for my insurance. I had started at the store as soon...

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When A Man meets a Man business travelers

Business travel can be a mixed adventure. Traveling to new places, eating out and meeting new people can all be exciting and fun, but they can also begin to grow old and boring as time passes and you spend most your time away from home, your family and your regular friends. I was working on an extended project with long hours in a small town with no entertainment or recreation. I was staying at a long-term extended stay motel that catered toward people in my position. The room was basic, tiled...

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Mary looked over the card she received from the handsome man at the door to the porno shop in Central City. The well-dressed, black guy. The fellow who had driven her to tears of pleasure. The fellow she had John suck off with her as the last ditch effort to retain her sanity from the yard o’ beef they’d encountered in this gloryhole. The card read, ANSON BLAINE, CONSULTANT. That was all. She lay in bed that night, remembering his huge black cock…tasting it…fucking it…nursing on the...

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John attended a business meeting in San Antonio, and so Kelly and Mary shared a Thursday dinner in his absence to discuss the proposed Saturday night get-together. Their former “slave” of the week before requested another meeting with them. “John won’t be here this weekend, darlin’,” said Mary. “It would be so much more fun if he were here…do you think we ought to invite James so we can have a fun cock to play with? Or should it just be us girls this Saturday? “You know, every time...

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Playtime Chap VIII Lets Get Something Straight Between Us and Playtime Chap IX James Second Encounter The Dancing Girl

LET’S GET SOMETHING STRAIGHT BETWEEN US… The marrieds realize they both get off using “dirty words”. “ People treat others so mean by calling them an asshole, or a dick, or a cunt,” she said, using that last word for the first time in her life. “ “Bitch” and “whore” fall into that category, too.” Both felt those words should be compliments -- a sexy woman proud of her body, knowing how to use it, and being in charge. They decide it’s patriarchal, putting the woman down, when she...

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PlaytimeNote:This is a small chapter/idea that I deleted from the main novel (Four Bitches) for reasons of plot fluidity. Originally it was intended to be a second visit by Dolly to Madame?s tender loving care. However, I decided that a single episode for each husband was more consistent for the storyline. It may amuse the reader to see just a little more of Madame and her demented daughters?  Only a slight mention of this episode is now left in the main body of the novel as an afterthought. In...

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Timeless Atlantis Ch 02

His sweat and body odor mixed together into a foul smell that was repellant and made all the more so because I could not get away. He had pulled me up and had his back against a tree and his front guarded by my body. He pulled me around the tree, trying to see everywhere at once, wondering where the mysterious attacker would come at him next. I must have looked scared. I certainly felt it and the emotion was powerful enough that even now I get a cold shiver. We waited for what seemed an...

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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

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Nighttime Cavern part 1

Chapter one It was nighttime, and I had just gotten back from swimming in the sea. It can’t really be called swimming, since I was just splashing around near the shore. Skinny dipping would be a good word for it though. Water dripped off my glorious wet naked body. I looked down at myself, seeing perky C- cups and an overall curvaceous body. I turned my head and looked at my voluptuous behind. My boyfriend was still at dinner, but he knew very well what I was doing. As I had told him, a dark...

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