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“Then tell her to go to the police ... charge me with rape, go ahead!” he yelled. Al was out of his chair and flinging his arms in the air, he was so angry. “Dawn, I never touched her. I can’t believe you’d think I’d do something like that!”

“Why would she lie?” Dawn yelled back. Now she was out of her seat as well. She marched right up and stared him in the eye. “Huh, tell me, Al, why would she lie?”

“I don’t know, babe, but she is, I swear it. Call her; tell her to come on over. Let her accuse me to my face.”

“Al, she doesn’t want to be anywhere around you and I can’t blame her.”

“I can’t believe you’re actually buying into this crap. Dawn, we’ve known each other for three years. Do you really believe I’d force myself on someone; especially your roommate? Come on, I love you. I want to marry you. How stupid would I have to be to do something like that.”

“I don’t know, Al, but she has bruises on her wrists from where you held her down. She said she thought you’d been drinking. You came over looking for me and when you saw I wasn’t here you forced yourself on her.”

“Dawn, I didn’t do it! Please, get that through your head. I did not force myself on Shannon or anyone else. God, this is a fucking nightmare! Did she tell this to anyone else or just you?”

“I ... I don’t know. I think Tom and Betty know about it. I’m not sure about Roy and Janet.”

“Great, if she told Betty it’ll be all over the campus by Monday. I won’t be able to show my face anywhere. I’m going to see a lawyer. Friend or no friend, Dawn, I’m going to sue that bitch.”

“I’d think twice about that, Al. If you force her hand she might have to go to the police. You could wind up in prison.”

“Oh I doubt very much she’d go to the police. You see it’s against the law to file a false police report and it takes more than just her word to convict me of rape, especially since I didn’t do it. She’d be the one in trouble.”

“Al ... she has a witness.”

“What? Who?” This just kept getting worse and worse. He couldn’t understand how there could be a witness to something that never happened. This had to be a set-up, a conspiracy of some kind.

“I’m not going to tell you. I ... I don’t trust you anymore, Al. I’m not sure what you’re capable of. Someone saw you. That’s all I’m going to say.”

“Oh this is ridiculous. When—when was this supposed to happen?”

“Al, let’s just drop it. I...”

“Drop it? I can’t drop something like this, Dawn. I’ll be damned if I’m going to stand around while someone labels me a rapist.” His heart was pounding. His nerves felt like someone had raked over them with a cheese grater. He tried to calm himself down for a second. “Come on, honey, who is this so-called witness?”

Dawn’s eyes glistened from unspent tears. She had loved him with all her heart, now she wondered if she knew him at all. “Al, I ... I think under the circumstances we should stop seeing each other.”

It was as if she’d reached into his chest and ripped his heart out with her bare hand. How could she profess to love him and not know he wasn’t capable of such of thing? Hell, he never even told off-color jokes in mixed company. It pretty much took the fight right out of him.

There was no mistaking the look on his face, it was pain, not the physical kind, the emotional kind, more pain than Dawn could ever remember seeing in anyone. She wiped away some tears that broke free and ran down her lovely cheeks. She loved him so much, or at least she loved the man she thought he was. Seeing his suffering had her head spinning with doubt and uncertainties. She didn’t want to believe it and for a split second, questioned her friend’s word--but only for a split second. The problem was she’d known Shannon a lot longer than Al and there was no reason in the world for her to lie. They were roommates, best friends; if anyone knew how she felt about him it was Shannon. She would never intentionally hurt her with a lie like that. That left only one other alternative...

“I see,” he said. “So you’ve already tried, convicted, and sentenced me. I can’t believe this. An hour ago I was just thinking how lucky I was. I had good friends, a four point grade average, a bright future, but most of all ... what was most important was the mutual love I felt with the woman I intended to marry. And with one lie from someone I’m not even supposed to confront, it’s all gone. Well, I suppose I should consider myself lucky. I might not have learned how little you really care for me until after we were married.”

That was it; the end of a three year romance that both Dawn and Al had been sure would lead to marriage, kids, a white picket fence, and growing old together. Without saying another word, he walked out.

With so much anger clouding his brain, he had no idea where he was going. Outside her door he turned toward the campus and let his feet follow the sidewalk. For the first hundred yards he prayed he’d hear Dawn’s voice begging him to come back but it didn’t happen. All he heard were the leather souls of his shoes on the pavement.

Her apartment was only five blocks from the college; they were the most secluded and desolate five blocks he’d ever walked. By the time he found himself at the front gate of the campus he knew it was definitely over between them. Obviously she believed that lying bitch over him. That was unforgivable.

Across the street from the campus was a park with weathered green benches that needed sanding and repainting. It was a good thing there was no traffic because Al’s mind was so preoccupied he didn’t even look before crossing. His legs seemed to give out on him as he started to sit and he almost fell onto the uncomfortable wooden structure.

His surroundings were nonexistent. He was totally focused on the lie Shannon had told and couldn’t understand how anyone could believe such a thing about him, let alone Dawn. He wondered what his future held for him. It was a no-brainer that word would spread throughout the small college. If Dawn believed it there was no reason to think others wouldn’t as well. What about after graduation; would this terrible lie follow him into the workforce?

He needed to get away--go home for a while where he could think and talk things over with his parents; although they were never very supportive of him. He never seemed to measure up in their eyes ... especially his dad’s. Still...

He needed someplace to go and he couldn’t think of anywhere else. Al pulled out his phone and tapped the picture taken at his parent’s twentieth anniversary party.

He heard his mother’s voice as she picked up the house phone. “Hello.”

“Hi, mom; it’s me.”

“Hi honey; this is a surprise. You don’t usually call on a Saturday. Don’t you usually spend Saturday’s with Dawn and your friends?”

“Yeah, well, not today,” he lamented.

“What’s the matter? You sound a little down. Is everything okay?”

“Ah,” he said, taking a deep breath. “Not really. You’re not going to believe this. A girlfriend of Dawn’s is accusing me of forcing myself on her. I...”

“What!” she shrieked. “You didn’t, did you?”

“Mom, how can you even ask me that?” Just then he heard his dad’s reaction to his mother’s question.

“Didn’t do what? What’s he done now? Here give me the phone ... Al, this is your father. What did you do?”

“Dad, I didn’t do anything. A girl on campus has accused me of forcing myself on her but...”

“Forcing yourself; you mean raping her? What the hell is wrong with you? I raised you better than...”

That was it, he’d had enough abuse. It was the last straw. “You know what, screw you too,” he yelled before disconnecting. That was it, the preverbal piece of straw. Throughout his entire life he could never figure out what he needed to do to measure up in his father’s eyes. He couldn’t remember a single time in his entire life when his dad stood by him. He recalled an instance in the fourth grade when he got into a fight on the school playground. The teacher even told his dad the other kid had started the fight—that I was just defending myself, he remembered. “But dad didn’t care,” he mumbled aloud. “I got punished anyway. Well, fuck him—fuck them all.”

A little earlier he’d never been hurt by anyone like he’d been hurt by the woman he loved. Since then the hurt had turned into anger, now it was metastasizing into something else again ... bitterness! He’d spent his whole life trying to be the best person he could be and what had it gotten him; parents who couldn’t care less whether he lived or died and a girlfriend who thought he was capable of rape.

He stood; “Fuck’em all,” he yelled as he threw his phone as far as he could. He turned his back while it was still sailing through the air. He didn’t care where it landed. There was no one he wanted to talk to anyway.

Never in his life had Al ever felt so lonely or so depressed. It was as if he was dangling above a dark, bottomless canyon just wondering when the rope would snap. He needed to get away; he needed to get his feet on firm ground again, if that wasn’t possible by going home then somewhere else, he didn’t much care where.

He looked at his watch. It was only four-thirty. If he hurried he still had time to get to the bank before they closed. He jogged across the campus grounds to his dormitory. Terry, his roommate was sitting in the hall outside the door, plunking on his guitar. He said nothing but just nodded his head as Al quickly stepped past him on his way into their room. A moment later Al came back out with his twenty-one speed road bike over his shoulder.

Terry looked up from his fretboard. “Hey, man, where you going?”

“Out,” he answered. He never looked back. If he had, he’d have seen the evil sneer on his roommate’s face.

Once outside again, Al hopped on his bike and took off for the mile long trip to the nearest branch of his bank. He had been banking there since he started college more than three years earlier. In addition to a small checking account, he had a secret savings account he started when he met Dawn. It was going to be a surprise so he could buy her a nice engagement ring. There was a little over thirty-one hundred dollars in it. That plus the hundred and fifty he had in the checking would hold him for a little while. He closed out both accounts and said goodbye to the tellers before leaving.

He unlocked his bike and let out a deep sigh as he placed his left foot in the toe strap and pushed off swinging his right leg over the seat and catching the other pedal at its highest point. A ghostly sense of death haunted his wake, the death of those he was leaving behind, not physically of course, but in his mind.

Al had been on the road for half an hour by the time Terry had showered and was on his way to Dawn’s apartment. She came to the door when she heard his knock.

“Oh, Terry; come on in. I thought it might have been Al.”

“Naw, he took off on his bike a little while ago. He didn’t look like he was in a very good mood so I figured you guys must have had it out. I thought I’d come over and see if there’s anything I can do.”

Dawn had never cared for Terry that much. His parents had big money and he always seemed a little arrogant, but since he witnessed Al leaving the apartment after attacking her roommate ... well, he seemed to be a kindred spirit of a kind.

“That’s sweet, Terry; thank you. I don’t really think there’s much you can do. Shannon will be back in a little while. She didn’t want to be here when Al came over.”

“Yeah, I can understand that. It’s still hard to believe he’d do something like that. You think you know someone...”

“Yeah, I’m still having a hard time with it. He’s always been such a gentleman. Hell, when we first met I had to practically throw myself at him before he’d make a move. It ... it’s just not like him.”

“Unfortunately, we can’t just look into someone’s heart and see what’s actually in there. I know it’s hard now but you really should consider yourself lucky that you found out when you did.

“Listen, you need some cheering up. Why don’t you jump in the shower. When Shannon gets here I’ll take you both out for a nice dinner. Maybe we can even squeeze in a little dancing somewhere, what do you say?”

“I don’t think so, Terry. It’s a great offer but I’m really not in the mood. Maybe Shannon would like to go.”

Before Terry could put up a fight, Shannon came through the door.

“Go where?” she asked.

“I was just telling Dawn I’d like to take you two out to dinner tonight. She and Al just had it out and she’s feeling pretty bad. I thought it might cheer her up.”

“Hell yeah,” Shannon jovially remarked.

Dawn thought her friend seemed awful cheery for someone who had been raped not twenty hours prior. “How can you be in such a happy mood?”

“Look, it isn’t like I’m a virgin. Yes, the bastard raped me but I’m not going to let it ruin my life. I do feel sorry for you though. What happened anyway? Are you going to continue seeing him? Because if you are...”

“No,” said Dawn, cutting off her friend. “We split up. He ... he took off.”

“Good,” commented Shannon. “I would be worried about you being out with him. Maybe he’s bi-polar or something but I wouldn’t trust him anymore, that’s for sure.” She saw a tear break free and run down her friend’s cheek. “Ah, I’m sorry, Dawn. I shouldn’t have said anything. Come on; let’s let money bags here take us both out to dinner. It’ll take your mind off things for a while.”

“Come on, Dawn,” Terry said, joining in. “We’ll go anywhere you want to go.”

“I don’t know. I’m really not in the mood.”

She looked at Shannon who was making a pouty face like she always did when she wanted Dawn to do something with her. “Oh, okay,” she said, giving in with a sigh. “Some place nice though. I don’t want to take a chance on running into Al somewhere. I just couldn’t handle it right now.”

“How about the Chez’ Paul.”

“Oh, Terry, I didn’t mean that nice. I just don’t want to go to Denny’s or Applebee’s. Besides, I doubt if we could even get in Chez’ Paul on a Saturday night. It’s by reservation only. You’d never get one this late.”

Without saying another word, Terry pulled out his cell phone, thumbed through the menu, and tapped on one of the contacts. “Yes, is Gene there, please? Tell him it’s Terry Belshaw.” He stared at Dawn with a smirk for minute while waiting. “Gene, hey old buddy; yeah, doing good, how about you? Listen, I need a table for three tonight. Yeah ... say an hour or so ... thanks, old buddy.” He broke the connection and looked up at Dawn with a big smile. “Done; you’ve got forty-five minutes to get ready.”

She had to admit—THAT was impressive! “Alright, I guess I can’t say no now can I? I’m not even sure what I’ll wear to a place like that.”

“Come on,” Shannon said. “You get your shower and I’ll pick out something for us to wear. Hurry up.”

The girls went into the bedroom while Terry went to the fridge and took one of Al’s favorite beers. He lounged back on the couch while waiting.

Dawn stepped in the shower. Being alone was not good. All she could think about was Al. She still couldn’t understand it. The sound of the shower covered the sound of her crying. The warm cascading water may have washed away her tears, but it did nothing for the pain in her heart. By the time she wrapped a towel around her and stepped into the bedroom, Shannon had their clothes lying on the bed.

“Are you wearing that little cocktail dress?”

“No, that’s for you. I’m wearing this,” she replied, holding up a white blouse and small, red skirt.”

“Shannon, I can’t wear that dress. It’s too short. It’s four inches above my knees.”

“So, it isn’t like you don’t have the legs for it.”

“It ... it doesn’t feel appropriate. I just broke up with the man I was going to marry.”

“All the more reason,” commented Shannon. “What’s that they say about getting right back up on the horse? Speaking of which ... I understand Terry is pretty well hung.”


“I’m just saying,” she said in a melodic speaking voice and with a big grin. “Come on, we don’t have time to debate it. Put the damn dress on and let’s go. It isn’t often we get invited to the Chez’ Paul.”

Reluctantly, Dawn adorned the short, black dress. She had to admit, she looked HOT.

“Damn!” was all Terry could articulate as they presented themselves. “I am going to be the envy of every guy in that place.”

Between Terry and Shannon they were able to keep Dawn’s mind off of her break up for most of the evening. It was Shannon mostly. It wasn’t the first time she had to cheer her friend up like that. She knew what buttons to push and she could always make her laugh.

Terry was at least tolerable, although every now and then the specter of conceit would peek out from his charm. It turned out that his dad had gotten him a membership at the local country club. That’s where he met Gene, the restaurant’s manager.

It must be nice to be so rich, thought Dawn; which brought up a question. “Terry, with your dad’s money you could go to college just about anywhere. What are you doing living in the dorm at a small college like Governor’s State?”

“It’s my dad’s alma mater,” he replied. “The dorm is his idea too. He wants me to have the full experience of college life,” he chuckled. “He wasn’t always rich. He made his fortune after going into business and credited the education he got here, so...”

“He wants the same for you,” Dawn said, anticipating what he was going to say.

“Yup,” he said with a smile. “I wanted to go to Northwestern and hang out with all the future movie stars but it wasn’t in the cards so here I am.”

Once again, as he said that, Dawn saw a sliver of that pretentiousness she didn’t like. Just the inflection in his voice; it was almost like he wanted to finish his statement by saying, ‘so here I am with all you peons.’

“What about you girls, someone said you’ve known each other for a long time.”

Shannon didn’t speak up so Dawn answered. “Yeah, we met in the fifth grade and been BFF’s ever since.”

“How come you have an apartment and don’t live in the dorm?”

Again, Dawn fielded the question. “They couldn’t guaranty we’d be able to live together so we looked around for a cheapo apartment. We really lucked out with that place. Mrs. Cooper, the landlady is very nice. After retiring, her husband built the apartment over the garage for extra income. He suffered a stroke a couple years ago so we don’t see him much anymore but she’s still pretty active.”

Dawn was ready to go back home after dinner but her escorts wouldn’t hear of it. Instead they took her to a bar that had live music. She did do some dancing, mostly with Shannon but she also danced a few with Terry and even a couple other guys. They didn’t make it back to the apartment until almost one in the morning. Terry tried to kiss her good night but she turned her cheek so he took what he could get.

The next morning Shannon was making coffee when Dawn sat down at the kitchen table feeling a little worse for wear.

Shannon took one look at her and laughed. “Don’t tell me you can’t take it anymore? You look like hell there, girlfriend.”

“Thanks, I love you too,” she snickered back.

Shannon took a couple of cups down from the cupboard and filed them both. She set them on the table then took Dawn’s creamer from the fridge and put it down next to her coffee.

“Thanks,” Dawn weakly acknowledged.

“Terry’s pretty nice isn’t he. Hey, Brian and I are going to the movies next Saturday night. Why don’t we double date? We haven’t done that in a while.”

“I don’t think so, Shannon. I’m not really crazy about Terry.”

“What? Are you nuts, girl? He’s good looking, smart, and his dad has more money than God; not to mention he’s crazy about you. Jesus, what’s not to like?”

“I don’t know, it’s ... I guess it’s his attitude. He comes off like he thinks he’s better than everybody else sometimes.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot, he’s honest too,” Shannon quipped.

Dawn just looked at her.

“Okay, okay, so he’s a little full of himself sometimes, big deal. You can overlook that once he starts buying you expensive jewelry.” Dawn didn’t say anything and Shannon knew her well enough to know conceited people turned her off. “Okay, the least you can do is give the guy a shot.”

She wasn’t convinced. “I don’t know...”

“Well at least think about it.”

“Yeah, okay, I’ll think about it,” Dawn promised.

The rest of the day was pretty quiet. Shannon left the apartment for a little while and didn’t say where she was going but she was only gone a couple hours. No more was said about her and Al although she couldn’t keep him from invading her thoughts from time to time.

When Monday rolled around, Dawn found herself very conflicted. She and Al shared a class together. It was a two o’clock class on nonfiction literature. She’d never tell Shannon but in spite of what he’d done, she missed him. She certainly didn’t want another confrontation, especially in public, but she did want to see him—just to make sure he was alright.

The problem was he wasn’t there. That concerned her. Rarely did Al ever miss a class. Maybe he didn’t come because he knew she’d be there? Well, she was convinced he’d show up sooner or later. He wouldn’t risk failing a class just because she was in it. Luckily, she had her part-time waitressing job to go to later that night. For the first hour of her shift she’d glance toward the door every time it opened to see if it was him but he never showed.

Later that night she had a hard time getting to sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she’d see the pain screaming from behind his eyes when she told him she was breaking things off.

Tuesday was a carbon copy of Monday, he wasn’t in class nor did he show at the restaurant that evening. When she didn’t see him in class again on Wednesday she was really getting concerned. She thought about calling Terry, after all they were still roommates. She had resisted calling him earlier because she didn’t want Shannon to know she was still worried about Al after what he did but after four days she had to check on him.

“Hi, Terry, it’s Dawn.”

“Hi, Dawn,” he answered, elated that she called. “Hey, I saw Shannon; she said something about double dating on Saturday. I guess we’re all going to the sh...”

“Terry, I haven’t made up my mind yet but that’s not why I’m calling. Al hasn’t been in class all week. Is he sick or something?”

He was a little ticked that she wasn’t calling to confirm their double date and even more ticked that she was asking about Al. He wanted to give her a little time to get over the guy so he wasn’t pressuring her but after talking to Shannon he thought everything was all set for Saturday. “Dawn, I haven’t seen Al since he took off on his bike last Saturday,” he said, trying to keep the anger out of his voice.

Dawn hadn’t even considered he hadn’t returned since then. She was speechless while her brain was processing what he’d just said. Finally it registered. “You mean you haven’t seen him at all since then?”

“Nope, now what about Saturday night; are we going or...” Suddenly he was talking to a dead line.

Again, she remembered the look of heart break and anger on Al’s face as he left her apartment and wondered what other emotions he may have been experiencing; emotions that she couldn’t read. For a moment her thoughts were frozen with fear. Finally reason worked its way through the fog. His parents ... of course, she thought. He went home. That was the logical conclusion.

“Dawn, break’s over,” she heard the restaurant manager call.

“Yeah, I know. I need another five minutes,” she answered. “I just have to make one more call.” She hurriedly scrolled through her contacts. “Hello, Mrs. McCain?”

“Yes, who is this please?”

“Mrs. McCain, this is Dawn Spencer. How are you?”

“Oh, Dawn; it’s nice to hear from you. How are you?”

“Ah, I’m okay. Listen, I just wanted to check and make sure Al is okay.”

“Al? Isn’t he there with you?”

“No, we, ah ... we had a falling out a few days ago and I haven’t seen him since. I ... I thought maybe he went home.”

“No, dear, we haven’t seen him. He did call last week. Does this have anything to do with some girl saying he attacked her?”

Dawn was trying to hold it together but was getting more frantic by the minute. “Yeah, Mrs. McCain. Did he say anything when you talked to him; where he was going or anything like that?”

“No, I’m sorry, Dawn. We didn’t talk long. His father got on the phone and started to yell at him and Al hung up on him. I wanted to call him back but Ralph wouldn’t let me. He says he made his bed, he can lie in it.”

Wow, Dawn thought; it certainly didn’t sound like he got a lot of support from his folks. She wondered if there was a reason. Had he done something like this in the past? She had to ask. “Mrs. McCain, I’ve only known Al for three years. Has he ever attacked anyone before?”

“Oh no, never,” she stated. “Al’s always been a good boy. His father’s just always been kind of hard on him. You don’t really think he attacked that girl, do you?”

“Ah, I ... I don’t know what to think, Mrs. McCain.” She was in silent thought again for a few seconds then wondered ... Mrs. McCain, is he really not there or did he just tell you to say that if I called. If he did, just say yes.”

“No, I’m sorry, Dawn but he’s not here, honest. When you see him though, ask him to call me when his dad’s not home. I know my boy. He’d never attack anyone so I’d like to find out what this is all about.”

“I will Mrs. McCain. I’ll tell him as soon as I see him.”

Suddenly Dawn felt like she was breaking out in a cold sweat. Where could he be? Al never spoke much about his parents. She’d only met them a couple of times and they were short visits. Now she understood why. She thanked his mom then decided there was only one more person to call.


“Yeah, just a minute,” she snapped back at her boss. She hit the call button.


What the hell? A Spanish speaking woman just answered Al’s phone. Now she was confused. “Ah, hello; who is this?”

“Who is this?” the woman responded with a heavy Spanish accent.

“I am Al’s girlfriend,” she snarled. “Now who the hell are you?”

Suddenly the woman sounded frightened. “I ... I did nothing wrong.”

Dawn was getting exasperated. “I didn’t say you did. I’m calling for Al McCain. Please put him on the phone.”

“I ... I’m sorry; I know no one named Al.”

“Then how the hell did you get his phone?” Her voice went up several decibels.

“My son, he found it in the park,” she replied.

“Dawn, if you don’t get your ass out here right now I’m sending you home for the night,” yelled her angry boss.

She was now bewildered and confused. She hung up because she couldn’t think of any more questions to ask the woman. It didn’t make sense. How could someone just find his phone like that? Where the hell was he?

“Dawn...” Her boss went to the break room to retrieve her but stopped when he saw she was white a sheet. “Ar ... are you feeling okay? You don’t look good.”

Her eyes were listless as she looked up at him. “Ah, I ... I have to go,” she said in a voice that matched her eyes.

She was normally a good employee, a hard worker, and reliable. Obviously something was wrong so he told her to let him know if there was anything he could do and let her go for the night. Dawn was so preoccupied she didn’t even think to thank him.

There was one more possibility. From Monday through Thursdays, Al worked as a bartender at Plato’s Place. She hated to spend the money on a cab but she had no choice. She nervously waited outside the restaurant until it came.

She was happy to see the owner behind the bar when she walked in. She’d met him a couple of times when she was in there with Al. He seemed like a nice guy.

“Hi, Steve...”

“Hey ... Dawn, right?” He didn’t wait for her to answer. He had his own questions. “Hey, where’s that lazy boyfriend of yours? Is he sick?”

Her heart sunk. “You mean he hasn’t been in?”

“No; I haven’t seen him since Friday night. Is he okay?”

“You mean Thursday night. He stays home and studies on Friday nights.”

“No, I mean Friday night. My other bartender’s wife was having a baby. Al came over to fill in for him.”

“A ... are you sure that was Friday night—last Friday night?”

“Last Friday night, yeah, of course I’m sure. The place was hopping. We worked shoulder to shoulder all night.”

“What time did he come in?” she asked with a frantic voice.

“Eight o’clock, just like always; eight to two.”

Dawn’s legs felt weak and she sat heavily on a barstool. She lied, she told herself. Her best friend lied to her. Why? Why would she do something like that? She started to tear up. Finally Steve’s voice broke through her cerebral daze.

“Dawn ... are you okay?”

“Ah, oh Steve, I’ve done a terrible thing. I ... I share an apartment with my girlfriend. Al always stays home on Fridays to study. It’s about the only time he gets all week so I usually leave him alone and go to the library. Last Friday night my girlfriend said he came over to the apartment and molested her.”

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I was heading out on a business trip and asked my wife is she wanted to join me. She was a bit reluctant as she did not enjoy flying. So I surprised her and said I had rented a care to dive the 13 hour there. She smiled and agreed to go with me, we had some planning to do with our k**s and get everything in order for the trip. To my surprise my wife handled everything in such a quick and orderly fashion. I came home from worth the day before our trip to find the house empty of our k**s just my...

2 years ago
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Hi Guys…it seems everyone loves their MOM very much as I do….and here is my story…its not true…it is totally fictional…though I hope all of you will enjoy it… I am 29 year old unmarried guy very horny and fantasizes about anything that comes to my mind….I have fucked all my families even my dog was not spared in my imagination… You know what else I can think of. This happened to me when we used to stay in Mumbai and my aunt used to stay in Surat…from Mumbai to Surat the distance is just about 6...

1 year ago
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PunishTeens Freya Von Doom Wanting To Be Broken

Poor little Freya was in the bathroom as she heard clamoring come through the door. It was her roommate and boyfriend getting involved in some super hardcore sex. Freya has never been fucked like that and couldnt help massage her pussy as she watched through the crack in the door. She needs to talk to this guy and see if maybe hes down to fuck her too. Sure enough she sat him down on the couch, and he could tell right away what she wanted. Bruno didnt waste any time. He grabbed her by the...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 6 Kara IChapter 52 Sorting Things Out Part II

March/April, 1982, Chicago, Illinois “What?!” I asked, incredulous. “How long have you and Elyse been fuckin’?” Stephie repeated. “Your pillow smells like her and I saw a small spot on the sheets. I wasn’t here since ‘fore you went to Ohio.” I sighed, “Since the first day she moved in. She basically had decided that it was eventually going to happen and so rather than spend months or years with that kind of tension, she decided to get it out of the way, so to speak. I tried to talk her...

2 years ago
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The Twilight Harem

I felt him stop the moment I closed my eyes. I kept them closed to wait until the pain subsided. “Open your eyes,” I heard him whisper. I opened them and was met with two startling green eyes for a moment. Time seemed to stop there. I saw nothing but his eyes at the moment. My senses had seemingly disappeared. I couldn’t feel the pain, nor could I even feel him on me. For one simple moment, all I saw were those beautiful, loving eyes. And then it all came back. The pain had returned to...

3 years ago
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Beating the Statistics

The winter of the year nineteen-eighty-four had been long and hard with a lot of work and no time for partying. It was hard work getting our newly started bio-tech firm up and running, but now Emma and I had decided to throw a party for all our friends that we had mistreated so badly over the last couple of months. There would be about twenty people all in all. While we were shopping for the party we ran into Emma's brother and his best friend and when I realized that we had been neglecting...

2 years ago
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Pomp and CircumstanceChapter 10

One week later... Apostolic Palace, Rome (former Vatican district), Italy “Those two pricks ... they’re really going through with it, aren’t they?” I slammed my open palm against my desk now. “The Two Witnesses ... it’s to be expected. Jehovah’s determined to follow the Revelation storyboard, you know. But who have figured those two for the Witnesses ... the Osmonds, of all people! They’re Mormon!” Tabby rolled her eyes at that part. “And brother and sister ... country singers!” Sabrina...

4 years ago
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Trust Fall Ch 12

Trust Fall Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Chapter Twelve ‘IT’S GOING TO BE MY last weekend in Cincinnati.’ ‘I know,’ I say. I snug the phone close to my chin. I wish I could see what he looks like when he says this. Is he sad? Indifferent? ‘Milwaukee is going to look even more cold and bleak when I get back…missing you.’ ‘You’re sweet.’ ‘I thought I might plan something special.’ ‘Every night we’ve been together has been special.’ ‘Thanks, but I’ll think of something even...

2 years ago
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Factory O Part 1

Introduction: Lonely Lesbian Tara visits the new sex place in town … Factory O May 15, 2038 Dear Diary, You may think that living in a city famous for lesbians would guarantee me a girlfriend by now, but thats just not the case for me. I spend every night alone with no one to pleasure me. Lucky for me, the city just built a new pleasure house, Factory O, for the women in this city like me, to keep down prostitution, and tonights the night that Ive been waiting for. Im gonna cash my paycheck...

4 years ago
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Ana and the movers gang

Anita and the movers gang After four months living in L.A., Anita and I finally decided to move to a bigger house in the suburbs, with a nice back yard and a pool.Ana called a movers company to help us. Early afternoon three young and muscled guys came in a big truck and quickly began to load all our stuff.They were two huge black guys and a Latino type one.We moved things for about two hours into our new home until almost everything was in. All of us guys sat on the couch in the living room as...

4 years ago
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My Sweet n sexy Girlfriend

Hi meri first story hai Main aj ap ko apni sex story sunanay ja raha hun. Ye aaj se 4 years pehle ki baat hai jo mere or meri classfellow k sath hua.Mere naam Sameer hai aur main Mumbai main rahta hun.Meri age 26 or meri gf ki age b 18 hai,us k boobs 32,waist 28, or ass(gand) 32 hai, rung gora. Ham log bachpan se hi saath parhty hain mujhe kabi bhi us main attraction feel nhi hua lekin ek din jab main ne use apne birthday ke party main gaur se dekha to mujhe laga ke wo jawan honay...

2 years ago
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My favorite sex toy Pt 2

Today I just could not focus on my work. Something just kept distracting me. I decided to set aside my plans for a moment and call him. My baby. My favorite sex toy. Ever since our last encounter and every one in between. What we gotten a closer and stronger connection. We were not a typical D/s couple 24/7 . We mostly kept our interaction in the bedroom. . I found it too strenuous keeping his cock under My lock and key. Literally putting a device on his slutty little ass. Locking his cock up...

2 years ago
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Selective Breeding

‘So then, you’re husband hasn’t even the slightest suspicion?’ Louis asked through the steam of his Dunkin Donuts coffee. ‘It was just one kiss, Lou!’ answered Martha, while absently rowing a spoon through her light and sweet, ‘Considering my lip stick and perfume, your girlfriend has more cause for suspicion than my husband.’ ‘Just washed it all away before she ever got the chance.’ Martha half expected a devilish smile to fill Louis’s face after his having made the remark. But, it...

3 years ago
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The Club

Bob and his wife Linda joined the club seeking new excitement and entertainment. It was a new and different place with an interesting twist on entertainment. The entertainment was a daily live sex show, but one put on by the club members themselves. This was different and exciting to the couple so they decided to join, despite the fact that sooner or later they would have to put on a sex show themselves. The process of selection was random so any couple could be selected any night to provide...

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Nickname Horse

Hi there. My name's Mike and I'm twenty-three-years old. I'm happily married to Shelly whom at twenty-five is just a little older or at least I thought we were. We'd been married for just over a year when once night as we laid in bed after sex, Shelly said "she'd often wondered what it was like to make love with other men." Shelly had been a virgin when we married and although I'd read a number of stories in this newsgroup about men that get off watching their wives fuck other men, I'm not one...

2 years ago
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The Grocery StoreChapter 4 What next

It was Sunday and I took Mary to see her kids. I even went in to meet them. At first the receptionist told me I wasn't allowed in but I think I gave her a mind-changer look she wasn't overly happy with. "Lady, Mary is my fiancée and these will be my future step-children. I suggest you let me see them or I'll get a court order and have a marshal down here in five minutes." I just made up the fiancée part but it worked. "Ok, I'm sorry but the kids aren't allowed to leave the...

3 years ago
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DannyChapter 4

Three weeks into school, and something horrible happens. School has been going great, and so far I have managed to steer clear from Danny, except from a few (actually a lot) of evil stares, and a glare when I show some kind of affection towards Scott. I know, I think it's weird too. I am walking home from school on Wednesday afternoon after cheerleading practice when I notice a navy blue car coming very slowly down the street. My guess is that the driver is trying to find someone's house...

4 years ago
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Around once a month I love having a second man to pleasure me, before I pleasure him while my man watches, and often he will pleasure my man: oral sex only – no intercourse is the rule. To be fair to my man we share another female sometimes, which we both enjoy. Today, a sunny, lazy Sunday afternoon we are suntanning naked, though I am wearing my watch, on our patio. “Magic sex last night baby, you really are a wonderful lover. And a brilliant fuck,” Roger tells me as he smears my body with...

2 years ago
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Chance Encounter

[A Note From The Author: I thought I could quickly adapt an old short story to see how everything here worked. As I got into it though I realized I needed to rework almost everything. Some of the reworking was to make everything fit into a choose your own adventure type story. The rest of the reworking was to try and make the story more interesting, and not suck like the original. I’m not sure I’ve accomplished any of that, but I’m continuing to work at it slowly, and I plan to add new content...

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Andersonville 1 Home Sweet Home

Andersonville 1 - Home Sweet Home! by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to Susan M. Bidwell - a young lady who died before her time. Andersonville is based on the story "The life and death of Al Parker". Reading the story is recommend to understand some of the discussion in the follow series. Fade in... Dennis Butz worked on some last minute paperwork with a certain relief. In a few hours his dream would become a reality and then the real work would begin. He heard...

2 years ago
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First Fuck

I ring the doorbell and wait, excited and yet nervous. All morning, I’ve been like a cat on a hot tin roof. I've shuffled papers, looked at emails, even made a few calls, but my mind was elsewhere. I recall the first kiss: deep and passionate, sensuous and erotic. Our faces had pressed together, eyes sizzling with desire and animal lust. Then came the first fondle of her breasts and sucking her hardened nipples. All these sexy thoughts ran in a loop through my mind. Annie’s hot pussy had been...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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MyWifesHotFriend Sydney Hail 23949

Tony just wants to make sure that everything went exactly as planned on his wife’s girl’s night out. He learns that it did, though he didn’t think his wife sneaking off to cheat on him was going to be part of the deal. His wife’s friend Sydney Hail breaks the news, as she lends him a sympathetic shoulder. Soon, they learn that they’ve both been fucked over by Tony’s wife, and decide to get back at her in their own way, by fucking each other! Lucky for Tony, Sydney Hail is wearing some sexy...

3 years ago
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Second Encounter Ch 4

I awaken at the first rays of light streaming through the curtains. I slip out of bed, freshen up in the bathroom, and make my way to the kitchen. I start the coffee pot, and soon the rich aroma fills the cottage. I hear you in the bathroom, and soon you make an entrance into the kitchen. "Good morning, Sunshine," I quip, " How did you sleep?""Solid as a rock," you say as you rub your eyes."Coffee?" I ask."Absolutely!" you say with gusto."What would you like in it?" I ask."Cream, and lots of...

4 years ago
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Twin sisters and the younger stepbrother

A month ago Lilly and Penny came back to their parents house after finishing their studies at their grandpas house. Lilly and Penny were twin sisters, they were not identical twins, but still looked quite similar in body measurements, hair and eyes color. They both had 34C size boobs and blonde hair. Lilly and Penny were sexually involved with each other. At their grandpas house they shared same room, and their grandpa was quite old and had a little hearing problem, so the sisters had no...

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Super by Gingerfred Man Chapter One - Helping my friends The Kents were about my best friends in the world. They were older than me - in their 30s. I was just 18. They had been married five or six years and had two kids - a four-year-old son, Jorel, and a two-year-old daughter, Lara. Odd names, I know. Mr. Kent said once that the kids were named after his parents. But his Mom and Dad visited them a lot and I knew their names were Jonathan and Martha. Oh, well. Anyway, my Dad...

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SisLovesMe Serena Santos Vienna Black Road Trip Stepsister Ramming

When Serena Santos and Vienna Black take a road trip to the Keys with Serenas stepbrother, they want to meet some guys for a fun time. But Serenas stepbrother comes around to ruin the fun. Luckily Vienna has an idea of how to smooth things over. She chokes on his fat dick until he is putty in her hands. His pervy stepsister even joins in on the action! Later, the girls get some dirty ideas. They cannot stop thinking about Serenas stepbrothers cock, so they help him get over his ex by riding his...

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A transvestite meets up with a guy and his dog

As I lazily drove along in the evening’s dim light and looked down at the hem of my black PVC mini-skirt, I saw that as I passed under the orange glow of the street-lights, the knob-end of my semi-hard cock, my black suspenders and my stocking-tops were plainly visible between my nylon-clad thighs! I seldom if ever wear panties or briefs preferring to let my cock and balls dangle naked and unhindered underneath a short skirt or dress. Maybe I should explain right here and now that...

4 years ago
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The Neighborhood MILF Erica Lauren

We have our share of characters on our block, with lesbians, swingers, cougars, studs and horny old men. But the biggest sexpot of all has to be Erica, the 60-year-old blonde lady that lives on the other end of the street. She’s a retired sexual ther****t and I think she was more than hands on in her work the past forty years. Her husband died years ago when we first moved in here, and she’s had plenty of suitors ever since. It seems like all the single males in Dubuque over the age of thirty...

2 years ago
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BBC seductions of a hotwife at the dance club

I have to say when you are a dom master bbc stud like me it truly is like taking candy when you can have a night out at the club scene and by nights end have some discreet married white female discovering ther first taste of bbc....well this little black cock tale is a gem of real life events I had when I went out with buddy at this hot spot dance club in LA last summer when I was there visiting from Nor Cal...this club was really cool and banging cus most of the people in there was over 30 and...

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LEGACY By Jenny North "Whatcha reading?" I asked, seeing my wife's smile as she sat on the couch, thumbing through a book. She held it up and as I saw the cover, my heart sank. My high school yearbook. "I hid that," I told her. "Poorly! So I knew it was juicy. And with your reunion coming up..." "Which I will not be attending." "Aww," she pouted. "Do I embarrass you...Tinker Bell?" she beamed, holding up the page with pictures from the Halloween dance. Ugh, I'd really...

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The Translucent Bikini

My wife, Linda, loves to flirt with other men. She flirted with other men while we dated and she flirts with other men to this day. She even flirted with a guy at our wedding. I was impressed with how masterfully Linda could draw a man, any man, into her sphere. I enjoyed watching so much that we would sometimes have her act as if she were alone in a bar just so I could watch the guys come on to her. The closer she allowed a guy to get, the more excited I became. Once, Linda allowed a guy to...

3 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess9e11 Meghan Given 58 bored gran

Series 9, Episode 11: Meghan Given (58), from Guildford This week’s show begins with a shot from inside a car as we head down a quiet suburban residential street, slowing down to turn into a private tree-lined side-street, driving through gates designed to keep the ‘wrong kind of people out’... Then we’re outside a very classy house, very exclusive. Not the biggest garden or driveway, but the street provides privacy for all residents. We watch as the car pulls up infront of us and parks at...

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The Sauna

The SaunaMy girlfriend had always been keen on sex, often instigating lovemaking and suggesting new things to try even asking if we ever had a threesome with another guy would I want to share him with her. These conversations either ended up in fabulous sex or if we were already fucking then an extra special hard on for me. After she asked if I could be persuaded to make it with another guy and share him with her that I told her of the gay sauna I’d been to before we met. She kept questioning...

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Pathways Part 9

This story has been kicking around in my subconscious for years but it has taken a long time to get it on to paper. I will warn readers now that the story takes some darker paths latter on and hopefully some unexpected turns. Although still a work in progress the story arc is complete and hard to move. This is my first submitted story so please provide your feedback and input. I am a slut for public opinion. Special thanks to Rezai Balo for helping edit the story and bring it...

1 year ago
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XXXPawn Samantha Parker Native Gunz

When your working at the XXXPAWNSHOP, sometimes you get a little surprise that you never see coming. This little NAVAJO GIRL walked into my shop looking to sell her EXBOYFRIENDS gun. She told me her name was SAMANTHA and that she was DESPERATE for CASH to get away from her psycho ex. Samantha told me he was a gun collector and one of those survivalist types, so that got me nervous and asked her to conduct our XXXPAWNSHOP business in the back. Where there were no window and I had a chance to...

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Ann and the HandymanChapter 85

Crouching on the sofa, I trembled slightly in anticipation of what was to come. Lena's fingers lovingly moved over the skin of my big round arse, gently pressing and squeezing the soft yielding flesh. I quivered again as I felt the first light sensual touch of her moist mouth moving across the broad expanse of my cheeks. Her tongue began to expertly probe the crease of my arse, coming to rest at my open hole. I gripped the back of the sofa knowing that the next thing I would feel would be...

3 years ago
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My Husband Made Me Sleep With His Boss

Everything was normal in our 2 years of married life. I got married when I was 23. We are living in a 1 bedroom apartment. Leading a simple life. My husband works as a sales representative. After a long week, it’s been a week since we had a good time with each other. So, that Friday evening I took a head shower and was cooking a nice food. At 8 pm my husband came with his boss. He didn’t inform me regarding the guest arrival before. I was inside the kitchen busy cooking. He called me to the...

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Alex and Sophie Pt3

It was Sunday morning, the morning after our eventful afternoon in the woods. My eyes fluttered open, there he was, bare chested, staring at me with loving eyes, a knowing grin spreading across his face. I began to grin too, I couldn’t believe what we had managed to get up to yesterday! I couldn’t believe it but I loved trying to to! The fact that we had some of our most mind blowing sex in view of any dog walker or hitchhiker was utterly exhilarating. He leant over a kissed kissed me, locking...

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drunk Wife Cheats

I have been married to the same woman for twenty-three years. Never cheated on her, sure I thought of it a time or two. But I never did it. I just couldn't face myself if I cheated on her. I wish that were true of her though. No, I never thought she would cheat on me. Then again, in all the years we have been together I never saw her drunk either. All that changed last summer.We had been having some difficulties. She was going through a mid-life crisis and everyone was paying for it. She went...

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Banging Soniya 8211 Part 1

This is Raj and currently live in US but this story goes back to when We were living in Pune and unlike other stories this story is a legitimate real story which you will know once you finish reading. My parents are hard working govt employees and are very strict in upbringing. Me and my Elder sister Soniya hated our parents right from childhood as they never provided what we need and always forced us on studies and nothing else. We never had respect for our family and we never had this brother...

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Urvashi and servant

As I already told, urvi mostly wears short skirt and strip t-shirts, sleeveless t-shirts and shirts. Her skirts mostly just covering half thigh. And, while wearing such clothes, certainly sitting in some position will expose her panty. Often, her shirts, t-shirts are much of transparent. So, her bra in most cases is visible. She likes to wear thin strip bra and her bra’s are matching with her dress. With pink t-shirt she wears pink or red bra and like that same with panty. Our new servant,...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Kira Queen Candy Alexa An eXXXplosive Threesome

Hands On Hardcore has got a real stroker for you in this premium porn masterpiece featuring voluptuous vixens Kira Queen and Candy Alexa getting it on with hotel butler David Perry. The bi-sexual babes are already in the midst of some hot pussy licking action when David knocks on the door, his cock more than up to the task of pleasing the two eager hunnies. Everyone is getting the attention that they need as David takes turns prodding each of their pussies from the back while the babes lick at...

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Audrina and Serena Part 2

I've included the conclusion of the last part, but if you haven't read the first part you really should go and read it. Also: another part to come soon. (: --- Serena stood, eyes locked on mine as she started walking towards me. "It's what I do too." She said quietly when she reached me, moving her body even closer and making it so that our chests touched and so that there was no room between us. "And you know.. after watching that video, I'm wondering if you want to...

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My wife wanted a BBC

My name is Frank and my wife's Susan. I am now forty-seven soon to be forty-eight. In November of 2007 my wife and I began practicing Oral Sex, after twenty long years of straight missionary sex. This and a variety of sex toys, and the sharing of some of each other's fantasies gave a much needed boost to our sex life and restored much of the waning desire we'd been experiencing.I had read Playboy magazines for several years prior to this, and had always desired to see Susan fuck or suck another...

4 years ago
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From Loving Wife To SlutChapter 6A

She was up before Gary in the morning. She put on the coffee and then made her morning visit to the bathroom. As she wiped her pussy she noticed how loose it still was and she was glad that her time of the month was due. Even though it hadn't yet started she would still wear the sanitary napkin to keep Gary away. It looked like it might be a day or two, maybe even three, before she would tighten up enough that Gary wouldn't notice when they made love. She thought back to the night before...

2 years ago
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Wife desires fulfilled

This is first time I am writing here. I have some stories here and feel my story will be appreciated. I’m now 52 years old and my wife is 45. This happened approximately about 4 years ago. My wife and I used to have a healthy sex life but 4 years ago and I started to reduce coupling when I checked with doctor I found to be diabetic and I was told that sexual activity will reduce but not the desire. It was at that time that I noticed my wife being angrier and always frustrated instead of our...

4 years ago
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Huge Boobs Favor Return

THE CONVERSATION“We’ve been stranded on this island for a week. So far, you’ve fed me, and taken care of me,” said Patsy. “There must be some way that I can carry my weight with you?”“It’s not a big deal, Patsy,” I informed her, “You have been my friend for a long time, and I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”“I am always in your debt. Its hard enough taking care of yourself, but if you add me in the mix its probably super stressful.” Patsy kind of looked shyly at me. “I also know how guys...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Eight

Driving west on U. S. 50 was a nice diversion for me. This was a historic route. I was taking it because I had taken the western portion from Kansas to California before, but had never driven the eastern portion. I loved to get off the interstates when I could and just see my country a little more slowly. I was heading to new friends but I didn’t have to be in any hurry. Time was not important. I had left Long Island and driven down to Maryland to catch the highway where it started in Ocean...

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Christmas Holly

My buddy George and I have had this competition going on for years, each trying to out-gift the other at Christmastime. Last year he gave me a parrot. The damn thing hasn’t shut up since, so I was a little worried when I got to the company Christmas party. After all the other gifts had been exchanged, George took me aside and said, “Well pal, with the economy being what it is, all I could afford to get you was a little Christmas Holly. I left it in your office. I hope you’re not too...

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Chuck and LisaChapter 57

Steve and I were talking about the situation waiting for the next event or events. I had just commented that Aunt Etta's gold discovery was going to be successful regardless of outside enfluences. My phone made its new call noise, so I said, "Johnson." Major Williams said, "You and your partner, Steve Sharp, must think I'm your lackey. What's the deal with the people you want us to take?" "They are probably child molesters, rapists, drug distributors, and could even be guilty of...

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A Room With A View Beth Daisy

There is little I enjoy more of an evening than grabbing a seductive bottle of Tempranillo or Malbec, and with that in one hand and an over-large wine glass in the other, I tiptoe my way up creaking stairs to the sanctuary of my bedroom. Kicking off my heels I curl myself up in my Lloyd Loom chair and settle in as dusk's purple hues weave and merge amongst the gathering gloom. Settled and content, I survey the smattering of lighted windows and brooding brickwork that is my world, my...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 15

Randall Howard strode into the courtroom purposefully. He stopped beside the defendant's table, glanced at the bandage across Mayfield's face and the bruising around the kid's eyes. His face broke out into a wide smile. He didn't acknowledge anyone else in the courtroom before he took the stand to be sworn in. "Good afternoon, Mr. Howard," Allyson said genially as she stood from the table. She introduced herself. "Please state your full name, your age and your occupation for the...

1 year ago
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GangbangCreampie Gia Di Bella G293

Gia has never had this much cock at once before. Even though she is the quiet type on the surface, it doesn’t take long for that inner freak to come out to play. Of course the Cocksmen begin by fondling her natural DDs under that blue sweater. She just looks better naked, so it doesn’t last long on her. Those clam-hugging panties come off quickly too so GUESS THE V winner, Scotty P. can have the first round inside Gia’s strawberry pussy. The rest of the Cocksmen take their...

2 years ago
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Ms Marca Mother and I

  MS. MARCA                   My teen years   Mother and I       Part 1   After getting back from my week with Bert at the trade show in Houston and school was just a month away, mother and I took a trip that made our relationship a whole lot different toward each other for the rest of our lives. After our 7 days in paradise mother had help further my education in how to be a more perfect woman or a better slut than I already was. She didn’t just tell me about the facts of life, which...

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