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Truda - Fighting woman
Varick - Protecting Ruler
Harman - Man of the army

Alan tried to stare down all four of them as they not only blocked the exit but threatened to kick his ass if he made a move toward it. Shaking his head he knew that his mother would follow him to the ends of the earth, why the hell had he taught her that?

“So what’s it going to be Alan, you have us almost to the point that the doctor can’t touch us and you want to leave?” Angelika told him. “I would take you over my knee but,” here she stared at him, “you’d probably love that WAY too much!”

Alan nodded the more he thought of it the more he knew that she was right! Damn it! How in the hell had she gotten this good this fast? Reaching out his eyes flew wide when he felt several corrections that she had made to her own mind! The further he went the more he saw that she had done many of the same things he’d done so many years ago.

Looking within, Alan knew that they would one day be where he was now, but that meant only that he would have to keep going his self. Besides he owed this doctor person a major ass kicking for what he’d done to him. Sighing he knew he was beat for now, as tired as he was still he knew he had no chance to out run nor out last any of them.

“Alright I’ll stay for now,” then he looked at his mother. “Thing is if I continue to bring you guys only pain I am out of here. I didn’t start helping you just to have you experience all that shit all over again!” Alan told all of them but Harman most of all, Harman was good yes but Alan had a few tricks up his sleeve that he was sure would even make Harman proud.

“Then it’s all settled then, with all the extra space now we should be well secure now. While we train and remove the shackles the doctor put on all of us you can show us all what you have learned about our opponents.” Varick said after he was sure Alan wouldn’t run again.

Alan could only nod as he felt himself falter, ‘damn it, ‘ he thought, ‘I have done way too much!’ Then he felt his legs start to go as the world started to spin and darkness threatened to overtake him. “Shit! I think I need more sleep,” Harman and Varick both grabbed an arm when Alan tried to stumble toward the bedroom. Yeah he thought a bed would be really nice about now. Finally in the bed he’d created the day before Alan mumbled a thanks then let the darkness take him.

It seemed only moments later when Alan was floating above several hospital type beds; strange but they seemed an older model. Then several older teens were led in at gun point, what? Those were German soldiers! Where in the hell am I? One of the male teens chopped a guard and tried to escape but was gunned down a moment later in the hallway.

An older looking man addressed those left, “I’d advise against trying that again unless you all wish to die. No? Good, then we understand each other.” Funny Alan thought four of them looked like younger versions of Varick and the others. Strange thing was though this didn’t feel like a dream or memories. Tentatively Alan reached out and touched the older man’s mind. Drawing in a gasp Alan saw that it was the infamous Dr. Johann Bauer! This was the first time anything like this had happened to him!

Alan reached in and made the man’s heart skip a beat watched as the man grasped his chest. I could kill him right now Alan thought but who’s to say a worse Doctor wouldn’t take his place. Suddenly there were possible futures that played out in front of him. Shit! Had the Doctor died they all would have died, Hitler would have bombed the bunker. Damn it! There was nothing he could do; anything he did would erase himself. He went through a year in mere seconds then saw the day that the bunker exploded, thing was there was nothing he saw that was going to happen. What the hell, he had to make the place explode?

Sighing Alan reached out to the only thing that he felt would work a huge canister of experimental chemicals under pressure and highly explosive. Waiting Alan had to make sure they were all out, starting the canister leaking Alan only saw the Doctor and his assistant a moment too late as the canister exploded killing all there except the four, the Doctor and his assistant. Cursing Alan thought to kill the Doctor now but found the man actually was protecting himself.

The Doctor shouted in his mind.

Alan shouted back, Laughing Alan started to withdraw. As he left the place following Varick and the others, he could hear the Doctor screaming at him. ‘Good, ‘ Alan thought, ‘let the son of a bitch stew it was more than he deserved!’

Alan was about to follow his mother and the others when he felt a slight tap on his arm. What the hell he thought as he looked down at it there was nothing there. “Alan wake up, Alan!”

With a start Alan jerked awake, his mother was standing over him with a worried look on her face. “What the hell! What’s wrong Angelika?” Alan said he’d decided that calling her mother all the time would actually get distracting in the long run.

“You were groaning and almost screaming out in your sleep, we all came running as soon as we heard.” Still Alan could see that she had a worried look on her face. Alan was actually uncomfortable he’d never really had anyone worry about him like this. It was a little worrisome he could feel the deep concern and love that Angelika felt for him, problem was he wasn’t sure he could return the same feelings.

All four of them had run for Alan when they heard him start to yell and almost scream, thing is they really couldn’t understand him. That was strange because they understood almost all languages on earth including a few now dead languages. Angelika started to shake Alan again when she saw that he was getting glassy eyed as his head was flopping around loose.

Suddenly Alan was jerking awake and all four of his new friends were holding him down. He could see that Harman and Varick had both been struggling to keep him still. Angelika was still trying to get him conscious then just as suddenly he was still and his eyes snapped open. “What the hell is going on?” Alan asked when he saw that all four were standing next to him.

“We were wondering the same thing,” Angelika asked finally releasing him.

“What are you talking about,” Alan asked even more confused trying to figure out where he was. The dream had seemed so real almost as if he was really there. Thinking a moment Alan thought I think it was a dream, or could it have been memories that he’d seen in the others minds? No he thought the doctor had spoken to him directly in his mind.

Sitting up Alan shook his head everything here seemed so surreal it was almost like a dream within a dream.

“Can you remember much?” Varick asked a moment later. “I’ve seen Truda have that same look when she has had a premonition or a regression of memories. Tell me does everything here feel more like a dream?”

Alan nodded then looked over at Truda who was starting to stare at him. Then he felt Truda try to enter his thoughts but started to scream when she barely touched the surface.

“NO! Get away from me you bastard! Harman where are you?” She started to yell then she started to scream. Alan snapped out of his reverie and reached out to Truda, seeing the horrible experiments the doctor had done only to her to increase her visions. Growling Alan appeared next to her in the vision and grabbed her hand leading her away from the memory. Truda clung to him when he tried to withdraw.

“I cannot stay here, Truda,” Alan said as he tilted her face toward him. “Trust that you are now far more powerful than the memory is. Remember this and you can no longer be hurt by them.” A new light seemed to appear in her eyes as she stared at him and nodded letting him go.

Sucking in a deep breath Alan hadn’t realized that he’d been holding his breath. Truda’s eyes opened and she stared at Alan then got to her feet and threw herself at him. Tears were falling from her eyes. “Thank you I have been afraid for so long. Thank you for leading me out of that place; I will remember what you said. I am so glad that someone else understands now.” Hugging Alan tightly she let him go and ran to her brother and embraced him fiercely kissing his face with love.

Angelika could only smile she knew that Alan would pass beyond all of them and this proved it more than anything. This was the first time she’d seen Truda acting more normal almost the whole time she’d known the woman. Harman and Varick could only stare opened mouthed; they had to get Alan to teach them all he could. Harman loved the fact that his sister was more normal now but how? What exactly had Alan done? Shrugging Harman really didn’t care; the fact that his old sister was back was enough for now.

Alan decided that he had to get them all to a point that the doctor or his old assistant couldn’t touch them again. For now where they were they were pretty well protected, that would change though once they left this sanctuary of sorts.

Sighing Alan got unsteadily to his feet, “I need to increase all of your defenses. The doctor warned me before but I ignored him,” smiling a smug smile Alan continued. “I will continue to ignore him. As I was telling Angelika before I had tested all of your levels. Varick you are the only one that the doctor would have trouble doing anything to. Then again I feel that Angelika and Harman aren’t far behind, I intend to push all of you beyond his control.” Alan looked at Truda, “In your case I hope I have given you a defense against the things he would say and do.”

“Yes, I can feel that he has held this over me for a long time; I know I am the weakest Alan. I also know I am the point that they will attack first to gain an upper hand on us. Please I am ready I need to be stronger to protect us all.” A tear stained Truda was telling Alan.

“I will do all I can but it is dangerous, the fact that all of you advanced as fast as you did after what I did before is a good sign. The thing is I don’t want to push too hard, too fast it could cause seizures in all of you ok?” Alan asked all of them. “I am sorry about earlier I have been alone for so long it is taking a lot to adjust to having all of you.”

The next few days Alan gently pushed Truda’s defense and offensive abilities higher. Though he didn’t feel they were high enough yet they were substantially greater. With Harman he actually managed to get his abilities high enough to resist the doctor, well for a short time. Angelika he felt finally was almost equal to doctor, at least his last attack though Alan felt that had only been about 75%. Varick what could he say? A hell of a lot higher than Alan at first thought he’d go; he was the only one that might even have a chance against the doctor.

Truda let out a frustrated angry shout, “I can’t get it! Why the hell can’t I thought move? I am nearly as strong as the others! I am as strong as Angelika was the first time she did it, I should be able to also! Damn it! What’s wrong with me Alan?”

Alan was dumb founded they all had learned it in practically no time at all. Alan looked at her and she calmly nodded, swiftly Alan moved through her mind (he could anyway but with her permission it was 10 times easier) looking for whatever was blocking her from thought movement. After what felt like hours Alan finally found her ability center, moving closer Alan saw that there was a block on part of it.

Alan heard a voice from the past at least the past that he’d seen. Turning he was suddenly face to face with an older version of the man from the dream.

Alan was saying.

The doctor’s visage yelled as it rushed at Alan.

Alan easily side stepped expecting the doctor to rush past him. Alan felt a vice grip like pressure from the arms of the visage as they wrapped around him. Cuffing the man in the face the doctor only laughed at him. Squeezing harder Alan changed tactics shooting an energy bolt into the face of the man. Stunned a moment Alan slipped from his grasp.

Alan shouted at the man, ‘hope Truda heard me, ‘ Alan thought, ‘this was her mind she had a hell of a lot more control than he did.’

the doctor boasted to Alan.

A series of root like strands suddenly appeared and tried to ensnare Alan. Barely managing to avoid them Alan knew he was in series trouble. He couldn’t destroy the strands as he didn’t know which were real and which were Truda. Another series of attempts and Alan was caught by his leg, then his other.

The doctor laughed wickedly as the root structures started to move up his body increasing their pressure as they got higher.

Alan tried to call Truda again, then told her he was sorry but he was going to have to destroy a little of her mind. There was a huge rushing then a screaming that approached at a rapid pace.

The doctor said momentarily loosening his hold on Alan, who broke free and again blasted the doctor in the face.

Truda appeared next to Alan and sneered at the doctor, Letting loose a titanic blast of her own destroying half of the doctor, oddly enough he was still trying to win.

The image of hundreds of needles and strange radiation flashed in her mind. Smiling Truda shook a moment then looked at Alan the doctor’s mouth dropped open.

Alan and Truda smiled at each other and both let loose even more titanic energy blasts as the visage of the doctor screamed then was gone. Alan reached out feeling for anything of the doctor, and then smiled relieved that there was nothing of the man left.

Alan told a now widely smiling Truda. Alan reached out and slowly broke through that part of her ability center that was blocked. Nodding Alan withdrew and was sitting beside Truda on the floor. Damn he thought that took a little out of me.

A moment later Truda opened her eyes, then her eyes flew wide as an almost clarity sprang up in them. Closing her eyes and concentrating Truda winked out of sight only to appear on the other side of the room. With a huge smile she concentrated again and appeared next to Alan. Well Alan thought that was one problem that was solved though she’d have to use it a lot to catch up to the others and unfortunately that involved going outside.

Angelika smiled from the doorway of her and Truda’s room; at this rate they should be ready very soon. She herself had found that more and more memories were returning, she could remember back another five years into the late sixties. Problem was the further she got back the more pain and loneliness she felt. I must be getting to when Alan was born, she wasn’t sure she wanted to remember it though she had a feeling it was going to be extremely rough when she got to it.

Alan shook his head it had obviously drained him more than he thought, looking at Truda then back at Angelika. Alan managed a weak smile then started to topple; Angelika was there in a moment as Alan’s head fell into her lap. Damn Alan thought she smells so damn good and why do I get the feeling that she has no underclothes on? Extending his failing feelings out he was shocked a moment, shit she was naked under the dress! Damn but she looked fine as hell! And then the darkness took him.

Both Truda and Angelika had both felt Alan reaching out then when he ‘looked’ under Angelika’s dress. They had also both caught his last thought causing Angelika to blush! What!? She never blushed at anything!

Both Varick and Harman had come running when they both had heard Angelika and Truda gasp. Then they felt the fading power of Alan as he passed out.

“What happened?” Varick asked as he passed a hand over Alan, though no where as strong as him Varick could not tell if something was seriously wrong with Alan.

“He was helping to remove a blockage the doctor put on my abilities. The doctor left a piece of himself in me; Alan took it on, he was losing ‘til I got there.” Truda told them all.

“Losing? He is far stronger than all of us! How was he loosing?” Harman asked.

“In order to win he would have had to destroy a piece of me, luckily I heard him and joined him to beat that son of a bitch! Though as Alan told me there are probably more in me. The doctor was extremely interested in my sight ability. Thanks to what Alan did last week, I am far too strong to be fooled or swayed by most of what the doctor can do. At least what he put in my mind, out here I can feel I am still too weak yet. Though I can resist a little I can’t for very long.

It was at least an hour later that Alan stirred, groaning when he tried to lift himself off the floor Truda was there in a moment helping Alan to a sitting position. “Well I guess I am getting stronger, seems like the last few times this happened I was out for hours.”

“Yes, we were all surprised when you recovered as fast as you did. How is your head? I remember the last time you had a headache for a while.” Truda told Alan.

“Surprisingly enough it is clearer than I thought it would be.” Alan replied.

“I’m glad that...” Truda stopped when she saw Alan’s face suddenly tense up and he started concentrating. “What’s wrong Alan?”

“Get the others now! We have to go I think they have found us or rather this location.” Alan said as Truda quickly ran to the others who appeared a moment later.

“I don’t feel anything,” Varick said. Alan touched Varick’s head and the man let out a hiss. There were at least 100 boosted ones, three of the enhanced ones and at least one increased one. “Damn it! They have sent one of their top enforcers!”

Alan had seen all of them too, he really hadn’t felt any threat so he was about to reach out and crush the toughest four when Varick warned him not to. “Is there anywhere we can go? I really need to finish up on all of you if we are going to take on this army.”

“We have numerous places all over the world we...” Varick started Alan had taken hold of all of them by their arms as they were suddenly thousands of miles away in another small bunker. “ ... go to. Wait! I thought you didn’t have the power to move all of us?” Varick asked.

“As I told Truda the more you use it the stronger it gets, before moving two was easy, but three impossible.” Alan looked at the unhappy faces of the women. “I am sorry I have time to bring them back be a second.” with that Alan blinked out.

Appearing in the old bunker Alan touched all the clothes and sent them to the other bunker. Smiling Alan then reached out. Alan could sense the surprise when the doctor’s old assistant realized it was him. Then again his surprise was compounded when Alan snapped both legs in three places. Amid the older man’s screams Alan told him, Reaching outside the bunker Alan crushed the ability centers of all four of the powerful men.

Appearing back in the second bunker Alan smiled widely as he saw that the women were overjoyed. Looking at the wall he saw the rooms and almost within two minutes the rooms were there. Smiling Alan made the room they were in bigger and added a few things they might need.

“Ok I am convinced is this true for all of us?” Harman asked.

“Ummm yes and no, yes you all will increase but nowhere as quickly as I do. Don’t ask me why, though I have opened all of you up to increase faster than you were. Oh by the way the assistant pissed me off, I told him not to pursue me. So I took action.” Alan told all of them nonchalantly.

“Just what did you do?” Varick asked his eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“As I said I warned him, I told him, and then I took action. I broke both his legs in three places, and then I took all four of the strongest at the other bunker out. I crushed all of their abilities.” Alan told all of them, each one shocked that he’d had no resistance.

Angelika smiled she was glad Alan was on their side, plus the fact that having him near had made the loneliness a distant memory.


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Getting kinky while shooting a porno The Hot Blonde Part1

I had always focused on having a good body and participation in athletics had kept me fit. But today I was out of a job, being freshly fired. I hadn’t thought about what I would do as I had a mountain of debt and I was also raising my 1-year-old nephew. I needed something asap to pay the bills and feed ourselves. It is at this time that my cousin introduced me to Jofre who produced porn films. And tomorrow I was going for a screen test. Getting kinky while watching porn is different and being...

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Vixen Relatiates

Vixen’s elderly World History teacher was Professor Ivan G. Wainmoor who had a Ph.D. from a Midwestern college that no longer existed and was the long-time head of the history department as well as a respected member of the faculty council. He had been at Seaside for more than twenty years and could do almost all of his lectures from memory. He gave the same exams year after year, and any student who did not acquire a copy early on wasn’t really paying attention to campus life. Sometimes...

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Working Girl From Home Ch 02

A few hours ago, I couldn't have imagined that my penchant for girly clothing would put me in a situation where I would be fucked by my boss over a desk while dressed to the nines like a slutty secretary--replete with a skin-tight pencil skirt, towering Louboutins, and dramatic makeup--and then, with his cum still trickling out of my ass, coerced by my ex-linebacker concierge into what was certainly going to be another rough breeding session. To be fair, I hadn't put up much of a...

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A Little Sin

Deborah was sitting at her desk intently looking at her screen as she always did. I approached from behind. She was always so close to her computer monitor that if you didn’t approach from behind her monitor you were approaching from behind her. She was a very tall girl, all legs and attitude, a very strong, assertive attitude. I like to think I have the same attitude, but she had never seen it, because in her presence, I felt intimidated. I wanted to tell her how I felt about her, and...

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Contemplating Angelas First Foursome Leads To A Threesome Part 3 of 3

The restaurant had closed by now and was in darkness. No one seemed to be around. We could see 2 cars in the parking area. One of them was ours and was furthest away, at the other end. As we neared the other car we could see someone desperately trying to open it. As we got nearer we realized it was Barry.I called out to him, ‘Barry, are you okay?’Barry turned towards us and replied, ‘I have probably left my car keys inside the restaurant and the owners had locked and left before I...

Wife Lovers
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Cuddles With Mum

I'm Mark, and I'm in high school. I'm 14 years old. I live with just my mum Helen. My friends call her a milf, and deep down I agreed. Since, she has put on a little weight but not too much. She has dark hair with green eyes. She has a nice round butt which occasionally gets ogled when we go out. I say occasionally because she has 38D boobs which attract most of the attention.It all started last Friday.Finally, the weekend! I had a bad week of school, being nailed with homework. Over the...

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Mausi8217s watering vagina

This is true story. My name is Rahul. Now I am 21 year old. This life time experience happened 3 years back. At that time my mausi was 25, with black shaded body having figure 34-26-36. From the childhood itself I was attached to her. I saw her cleavage when she was cutting vegetables. I used to cum on her panty which was on bathroom for drying. She looks like desi village girl. This happens when one day she came from her home town to stay with us. She slept in my room. As she was too much...

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Interviewinghellip Holly and Fearne

Interviewing… Holly and FearneAuthor: Bonercreator69My brand new TV show was one which I was looking forward to filming. The new interviewing show that I had presented to the producers had been passed without a second thought, the show that allowed me to interview famous women of the world, leaving no stone unturned as I could ask them absolutely anything. There would be different sections of the show: Sportswomen Uncovered, The Truth behind the Women of TV, Musician’s Mysteries: The Girls and...

4 years ago
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Class is in session

It was near the end of a long senior year. Jenna was the cheerleader right out of central casting from Hollywood. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, and long, long legs. She was smart, put played the role of a dumb blonde in order to please her cliq. Nikki was a stunner, but a brain. She was a brunette nerd who hid behind glasses. She was a c cup, but it fit her tanned body well. And then there was Miss. Nielson. Nielson was the object of much effect (and erections) of the boys in the class....

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Girlfriends Sister

It was going to be one of those long five days being away from my . Gina looked sad when I boarded the plane to go interstate for work. She told me that she will miss me and that her sister Becky would pick me up at the airport so that I could stay with her parents which I met two years ago. I was tired from the flight. It was five hours and being a frequent flyer, it still does take its toll on you. Becky met me at the airport. I remember meeting her two years ago when she was nineteen. Becky...

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wifes panties in the hamper part 2

I have decided to share one of the best experiences i have had with my wife..from my previous stories my panty fetish is clear. She now knows i sniff her panties and i lick them clean. Sometimes i dont play with them for a long time then other times i go daily to the hamper for relief. There is no pussy that compares to my wifes. and the way her pussy clings to her panties will leave you beggin to lick them as i do.Last week was one of those weeks where i couldnt get enough of her panties. Now...

2 years ago
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The ElectricianChapter 20

Adam and Kara sat on the porch at a small wicker table made of a synthetic polymer rattan. He sipped from his mug. “The garage is beautiful,” Kara remarked. “It did turn out nicely. I liked your suggestion of putting the extended-height overhead door in back. It makes the front look so much cleaner, as well as more discreet.” “They did a really good job. With the barnwood siding and the standing-seam metal hip roof, it looks like it belongs here.” “It looks like it’s always been here. You...

1 year ago
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Powerless Prisoner

Alyssa Rykers was stuck in a cell along with a mask gag over her mouth as well as an orange straight jacket too... Alyssa has terrible trust issues ever since her dad blamed her for his crimes against humanity... In fact Shes pretty much given up on being with a normal loving family as hers just flat out hated her, as her mom and sister pretty much also threw her underneath a big o bus of bullshit too... Alyssa then stood up as she saw a deformed bimbo woman being dragged to a cell...

2 years ago
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Wish Shift Spreading Her Broken Wings

Wish Shift: Chapter Thirty-One Spreading Her Broken Wings Year 1 A.S. Day 173 The sound of the washing machine rumbled through the kitchen. Jenny had just turned it on after loading it and walked into the dining room. She needed to sit down. The effort of loading the bedding had made her a little dizzy. She saw Derek at the table. He had his laptop open and was writing down some notes occasionally on a scrap piece of paper. He flipped between the open tabs and frowned before writing...

3 years ago
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When your Girlfriend discovers she is dating a CD

Part 1Meeting Sally.Arriving back from overseas and having had the amazing experience with Lars and Anna with them helping me to truly accept my other being, Samantha, it was time to get back into life here in South Africa.The experience of embracing my feminine side and accepting my cross-dressing was unfortunately going to have to take a back seat as I moved back in with my parents upon my return. For the next 3 months while I lived at home and found a job while finding my feet I was limited...

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Dorm Room Love

“Hi, Taylor.” Chandler replied. He stood up and put his phone in his back pocket before reaching down to grab his keys and sweatshirt off the desk he had been seated at. “She’s all yours. Have fun.” He called out as he left the office and headed back to his dorm. “Yeah, sure…” Taylor muttered under her breath. She liked being an RA. It meant that she got a whole dorm to herself and she got a tuition reduction. However, there was one part of it that she wasn’t so keen on. Every RA, (there...

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When we arrived at the Blue Room for Drip's private dance, there waiting was a bottle of chilled expensive red wine, shrimp cocktails, rolled chronic and a mirror lined with coke. The beefy bouncer cracked the seal on the wine, laid some fresh towels on a fancy stand near the couch then exited with a sinister grin. About ten minutes passed then Drip glided into the room wearing only silk pajamas and Versace slippers. He looked really nice oiled and masculine." Ms. Taffy will you do the honors...

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Sex Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English chapter 8 SEX IN THE MARRIAGE RELATIONTHE WIFE

A wife is a female partner in a continuing marital relationship. The term continues to be applied to a woman who has separated from her partner, and ceases to be applied to such a woman only when her marriage has come to an end, following a legally recognized divorce or the death of her spouse. On the death of her partner, a wife is referred to as a widow, but not after she is divorced from her partner. The rights and obligations of a wife in relation to her partner and her status in the...

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The Silencers DaughterChapter 15

Nick finished writing his report and gave it to John's secretary. As he walked back toward the elevator, John came out of his office. "Nick come here." Nick turned around and walked back toward John. "Yes sir." "Max was arraigned this morning. He goes to court in five months. The court didn't grant him bail. They were afraid Melissa and the children would be harmed. I am setting them up in a safe house a long way from here. I need you to bring the children to the helicopter pad...

2 years ago
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Flat Tire leads to BBC PT3

I awoke the next morning with Jerome next to me. I put on a robe and went to make coffee. When I went outside to get the paper I saw Jerome's car in the driveway, I got nervous.I went back inside. I started to get excited all over again when I felt Jerome's semen leaking down my thighs.Jerome woke up while I was pouring my first cup of coffee. He walked out to the kitchen naked. "Oh my god! does that ever go down?" I said to him."Not since I met you," He walked up behind me giving me a...

4 years ago
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Classy ConversionsChapter 34

It was a normal Friday night at Findley. After David had given the usual summary for the week, Barbara intercepted David as he was leaving to go to his office. "David, I have a issue we need to talk about. Abby and I have both noticed that there is an uptick in the percentages of fetal males we are detecting in exam. It has jumped from ten to sixty percent." "That is great, Barbara. Just please don't tell me it was because of the technology." "No. This is not about the machines,...

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Taming your Brat Sub in the Shower

A concept: Fucking your brat in the showerYou come home to hear the shower water running, clothes tossed on the floor creating a trail from the entrance into the bathroom. You acknowledge me by calling my name but hear no answer. Not surprising as the water is running, you try again as you start getting comfortable by beginning to take your clothes off. You wait for another moment and then with still no reply, you start walking to the bathroom.The closer you get, you start to hear muffled moans...

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Mystery Motel 25

Donald, Elizabeth, Regina, and Jason got up early and they had eaten breakfast and were quickly cleaning up. Regina said, "We need to get going. What is wrong with me? I am ordering around like you are my butler or something." Donald kissed her and he said, "You are worried about the latest people who stayed at that motel." Donald said, "Let's get going." Donald held out his arm and she took it and they walked out with Jason and Elizabeth followed behind when they got to the car...

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Betseys Execution

STATE OF Pacifica DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS   Pacifica Women?s Correctional Institute - Sing Sing   EXECUTION REPORT Inmate ID No. 00-9602850 Name: Betsey {last name deleted} Date of Birth: June 14, 2064 Crime(s): none Sentence: Death by Electrocution Height: 5?10? Measurements: 32B-24-26 Hair: Auburn Eyes: Brown   BETSEY?S Execution - PART ONE The Euthanasia and Right to Die Act of 2105, passed by our Legislature a few months ago, permits terminally-ill persons to...

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Delights of Dark Magic

"Well Potter, I must admit I had not expected this from you," hissed the serpentine Dark Lord, Voldemort from his throne. Before him stood an angry, recently of-age Harry Potter, fresh from a brutal duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. Surprisingly, Lord Voldemort's most favored Death Eater is still quivering in pain on the floor behind her younger opponent. Harry smirked, "You've seen the way they treat me, their so called 'savior'. I hate the Ministry, Voldemort... and I've grown to despise the...

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How to Install Kitchen Cabinets

Well, we decided to take the plunge and update our kitchen. The first step was new cabinets. We went to the local kitchen shop and picked out some that we liked and would work both for the décor and our budget. The owner, a very pretty blond, dressed in a business suit and heels, assisted us. She told us all about pulling down the old cabinets and installing the new. I was thinking that this woman doesn’t look like she would know very much about installation, but she’s a good saleswoman just...

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Holiday Work

Holiday Work. The gang and I prepare for the upcoming holidays. Peace. Belle. This tale starts after Veteran's Day. It was Saturday. Wild Bill had a meeting planned for us in the Irish before he opened for the day. Three of the waitresses came in to set up the bar. Bill had us in the Mile High Club Section. Bobbie, Barry, Jo, Larry, Hedi, and Herman were there. Nicole was on patrol. Helga was on a call. Hilda was baby sitting and Henery was coaching the Salem High Wizards at the...

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EvilAngel Lisa Ann Interracial DP BBC Gangbang

Beloved MILF superstar Lisa Ann lounges on her bed in stiletto heels and classic black lingerie that can’t contain her jumbo jugs. The brown-eyed beauty’s twat is topped with fur. Five shirtless, muscular dudes surround her to kiss, caress and grope her trim-but-busty body. It’s blowjobs all around as Lisa gasps and strokes the five big black cocks encircling her face. She keeps on sucking as one big boner packs her pussy doggie-style. The men trade off fucking Lisa’s...

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Star Stuffed

Tom and Anna love to watch TV, go to the movies and listen to popular music. They have their favorite stars, and of course, they always hope that someday they would be able to meet them. This year Tom has been particularly effective in gaining two large accounts for his firm. He received a large bonus and six months vacation. The couple decided to chase their dreams, and chase around the country to see their favorite stars. Tom has three stars he is particularly fond of: Jennifer Aniston,...

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Ruhrwellness 14112017

Der Tag war kalt und grau. Da braucht der Körper Wärme und Nähe. Ich fuhr also wieder in die Ruhr Wellness nach Mülheim. Dort angekommen begab ich mich als erstes unter meine Lieblingsdusche und genoß das warme Wasser. Ich merkte, wie mein Körper sich entspannte und sich von dem tristen Novemberfeeling befreite.Ich begab mich in die Dampfsauna. Es war gerade mal 13 Uhr, also noch recht früh für einen Dienstag, und die Sauna war auch nicht sehr warm. Ich tastete mich langsam voran, meine Augen...

4 years ago
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A Deal

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here… Sue Anderson walked into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She knew that it would not be long before Jim, her husband, would be in to join her. She had left him watching the news while she got ready...

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Three Wishes

THREE WISHES "That dumbass..." Sandra muttered as she walked along the beach, kicking the sand with her feet. It had been two months since her divorce, and she was still bitter. After everything she had done for him... everything she had given up to be with him, and he tossed her out with the trash as soon as he was done. She should've known better than to be blinded by his wealth and good looks, but she was young... she was stupid... and now she was heartbroken. The fact she got half...

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Chatting with Stephanie

Chat Guest: Stephanie On Friday June 18, 1999 6PM PST Moderated by Wendy-J Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail her at: [email protected] She has posted nearly all her stories on Usenet. Wendy starts out... (*Wendy-J) Log file opened! (Janice) Break out the spare folding chairs. (*Wendy-J) Get it out of your systems now people! After an hour of inactivity the server will knock you out, so say something now! (Liz Bennett) Gobble. (Janice) Now? (katee)...

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