1994Chapter 24: K.O. free porn video

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Bolstered by the way John and Suzanne had accepted my handling of the Jack Piedmont matter, I walked into the office with a plan. I was making an appointment with HR when Wanda burst my bubble.

"Everyone's talking about the trouble you made for yourself," she said.

"What is everyone saying? Make it quick; I've got to run," I said, replacing the receiver in its cradle.

"Jack Piedmont threatened to kill you if you looked at his expense reports. Is it true that you laughed and told him to 'Fuck off'?"

"I don't remember. I may have said something like that."

"Watch your back. He's been known to do some things that defy logic," she warned.

"He's also a cheat. His expense reports show that he was taking advantage of his prominent position in the company," I told her before heading to HR.

Rita Parsons welcomed me into her office, saying that this was the first requisition for an executive position she'd had to fill in years. I knew her position had been downsized during the slowdown. In addition to losing her helper, she'd taken on additional duties.

We first discussed the opening created by Jack Piedmont. I suggested that one of the office managers might be a suitable replacement. Rita reminded me that company policy dictated we post the job and all who applied be considered. I agreed to write the job description and we went on to Mrs. Whinstone's position. I had Ruby in mind for the job, but like the VP position, the assistant's job had to also be posted.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked, fearing that Rita would want to drag it out as long as possible.

"I'll speak to Mrs. Whinstone, first to find out her reason for leaving, and second to find out what she does."

"Good luck," I said, and left her office without being given an estimate of how long the process would take.

I would have liked to interview the kid from the mail room to find out what had happened after I left Jack's office, but I didn't think I could trust him to keep our conversation quiet. There were enough rumors floating around the office about yesterday's incident as it was. Other than writing a job description for the VP position, making flight reservations for the next day, and letting my mother know that I was coming, I accomplished very little.

That evening, I told John and Suzanne about the disturbing letter I'd received from my mother.

Suzanne became alarmed. "Jane must be beside herself. How long will the hospital put up with her being away from work? You simply have to intervene."

John agreed with her, and for the next hour, they mapped out a plan whereby I would visit my hometown, and bring K.O. back with me. While the plan included Penelope agreeing to the addition of a rambunctious four year old to the household; there was no mention as to the method I'd employ to gain my sister's release of her son.

As I trudged up the stairs, I couldn't help but laugh to myself about how easy it had been to manipulate the old folks into seeing things my way.

Well, shit! They manipulated me, too. It had always been that way. They had a way of making me want to please them. Yesterday, all Suzanne had to do was to suggest that I work with HR to select a replacement for Jack Piedmont's position. Declining to serve was not an option. None of us knew the outcome would be unpleasant, but they must have known that by choosing me for the job, they were taking a chance that something would go wrong.

There was no need to pack because I was not planning to stay overnight. I went to sleep thinking how I would persuade my sister to let K.O. come home with me. Appealing to her regard for our mother was too logical. Somehow, I knew that money would be the determining factor.

The ringing telephone woke me from a deep sleep. Was it morning already?

"Hi, did I wake you? Would you like to come over?"

"What time is it?"

"It's still early, not quite midnight."

"Karen, I've got an early flight. I'm going to my hometown to take care of a family matter."

"Don't you want to see me? Kevin's not here and..."

"I'm on my way," I said, slipping into my travel clothes, and making sure I had my airline ticket, rental car reservation, cell phone, and my wallet. Just thinking of the way she'd said, "Don't you want to see me," made me disregard how annoying it must be for Ned and Penelope to hear the garage door open. I left a note on the kitchen counter, saying that I'd gotten up early and decided to take an earlier flight.

It must have been a few minutes after midnight when I climbed the wall and turned the floodlights on. It wasn't only the lights, either. Karen hadn't said anything about alarm horns blasting from all four corners of the property.

"Shit!" I said, as I ripped my pants on the metal spikes while jumping the wall for the second time.

I had started my car and was roaring down the alley when my cell phone rang.


"I should have warned you. Mr. Parker replaced the motion detectors with new ones. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," I said, wondering if she was sorry for the same reason as me.

She ended the call without telling me about her date with Gary. Was that the reason she wanted to see me? I retrieved the note from the counter and returned to bed, thinking that I would find another pair of pants in the morning.

I used the two hour flight to make a mental list of items that needed my attention:

1. Find out why Karen had decided to marry Gary Macon. Find out why she had wanted me to take her anal virginity, and once we had done it, why she never mentioned it again.

2. Investigate what made Jack Piedmont anxious when I mentioned his expense reports.

3. Devote ample time and consideration to recommend the best candidate to fill Jack's position.

4. Become involved in the selection and the operation of the homeless shelter.

5. Enjoy Karen as long as possible, but be prepared to move on to number thirty when she became engaged to Gary.

Possible candidates for my number thirty:

A. Sophie Scott, Newspaper Columnist – Too easy - Disqualified – I like a challenge.

B. Penney, Atlanta Sales Office –Disqualified – Company employees are taboo.

C. Linda Joyce, Investor's daughter – Possibility, although she lives in Atlanta.

D. Ginger Osborn, Homeless Committee member – Possibility.

E. Stephanie Macon, Attorney, Gary's half sister- Definite Possibility!

Clifford's junk heap was parked in front of the house so I knew that he and Heather were waiting for me. K.O. met me at the door. He had the soccer ball and wanted to play. I handed him one of the children's books that I'd brought, and told him that we would kick the ball after I finished talking to his mother.

"What's this about, Sammy?" Heather asked before I had a chance to give my mom a hello kiss.

Was she testing me on purpose? I'd promised myself that I was not going to let her get under my skin. She and Clifford were sitting on the same couch that had been my bed so long ago. I took a seat next to my mom.

"I'm here to help resolve a situation. Why did you fire Mrs. Caruthers?"

"She was mean to my son. K.O., show Sammy what she did to your arm."

He looked at his mother, questioningly. I motioned for him to come to me, and saw a bruise on his upper arm.

"How did this happen, K.O.?"

"I fall down."

"He's lying. The bitch pushed him," Heather spat out.

I picked K.O. up and sat him on my lap. "Do you like Mrs. Caruthers?"

He nodded his head, "She nice to me."

"Heather, how many times have you seen your son since we hired Mrs. Caruthers?"

"Lots of times."

I looked at my mother and saw her shake her head. "Let me talk to her on the phone. Perhaps we can make amends," I said, and heard Heather voice her objection.

"I will not have that lady come near my son."

I asked my mother to get Mrs. Caruthers on the phone before turning my attention to Heather. "You have an obligation to look after your son. Mom needs to go back to work before she loses her job. If we don't find a solution to your responsibility today, I'll be forced to call child services."

"You wouldn't," Heather screamed, and Clifford rose to his feet.

"Don't worry, Honey, he won't do anything like that," she said, trying to pacify the big guy.

Clifford and I were glaring at each other when mom handed the phone to me. The babysitter's version of what had taken place was totally different from Heather's. She said that she had quit when Heather demanded a cut from her pay. Her account of what had happened to K.O.'s arm matched his, and when I ask if she would consider coming back to work, she said, "Definitely not."

"Sit down, and stay out of this," I said to Clifford. He must have seen that I was in no mood to repeat myself, and didn't object when Heather pulled him down to sit next to her. She'd become timid after overhearing my discussion with the babysitter.

"The way I see it, you have four options, and none of them include having mom miss more work. Option one would be to find a suitable babysitter. Option two would be for you to take care of your son. Option three would be to let child services take him. Option four would be for K.O. to go home with me. We have a lady in our home who will give him the best of care. Would you like to go home with me, K.O.?"

"Don't answer him, K.O. Why would you want to take him away from me?"

"Heather, how many times have you seen your son since we hired the babysitter? My adopted family can give him advantages he'll never know if he goes into foster care. There is also the opportunity to make some money for his college account."

Heather's eyes shifted from me, to Clifford and back to me. "How much money?"

"My friends have an invention that requires a child to try it out. It might add as much as two thousand dollars to his college fund."

"What college fund? He's just a little boy. He doesn't have a college fund."

In retrospect, this is where I should have agreed with her. It was obvious that she wanted the two grand for herself. "I put some money away for his education when I was at school. I was selling some desks that I designed, and..."

"How much?"

"It amounted to a little over three thousand dollars as I recall. Another two thousand would..."

"Why wasn't I told about this? Where is the money? What will happen to the money if K.O. doesn't go to college? Anyway, that's a long way off."

"It's in a bank in at Pontiac, where I went to college."

"Sammy, I don't like you keeping secrets from me. He's my son. You should have told me."

"I wanted it to be a surprise; anyway, it's not that much. He'll need a lot more by the time he's ready to enter college."

"How long would it take him to make the other two thousand?"

"I don't know, a few months, I suppose."

Heather looked at Clifford, and I could tell that she was wavering.

"Would you like to go home with me, K.O.?"

He considered my question for a second. "Can I bring my ball?"

"Absolutely, but you know you can't kick it while we're on the airplane."

"Sammy, will you help us get a loan? The bank says we need a co-signer."

"How much do you need?"

"Ten thousand dollars, will you help us get the loan?"

"When we talked about this before, you said you were saving your money to go into business. How much of the ten thousand have you saved?"

"We haven't ... Cliff's car needed work, and there's been so many other things that came up. Will you help us?"

"How did you arrive at the ten thousand dollar figure? Have you written a business plan?"

"What's that?"

"I'm surprised the bank didn't tell you they'd require a business plan. Have you calculated your expenses for rent, insurance, utilities, payroll, new equipment, and any work that needs to be done on the building before you open? The bank will need all that, plus your anticipated sales volume. I don't know very much about the restaurant business, but I assume you'll need to consider the cost of printing menus, licensing, the cleaning of uniforms or aprons, and advertising."

Heather's eyes became larger than normal. "Should we make the loan for more than ten thousand? How much should we ask for, Sammy?"

I looked to my mother for help, and was shocked to see her painful expression. Was she recalling the day I'd been taken from this very home? She been for a visit at the Oldham home, and witnessed the advantages that I enjoyed. More recently, we'd invited her to the Florida house. Couldn't she see that this was for the best? Was she feeling the same helplessness that had come over me?

"Mom, are you going to be okay with this? Do you know of a babysitter we can hire?"

"Yes, I'm okay with whatever you decide to do, and no, I don't know of anyone else," she said, looking resigned to the fate of her grandson.

"Heather, that leaves three options. Are you prepared to take care of your son?"

"I can't quit work. I told you we're saving to go into business."

"Shall I call Miss Baker? I assume she's still working in child services."

"NO! Don't call her. I couldn't bear to see her take him away."

I looked at K.O. He didn't understand what was happening, but he smiled at me. "It looks like you're going home with me, Buddy."

"Wait! What about our loan? Are you going to help us?" Heather asked, suggesting that my decision to help them, or not help them, was a deal breaker.

"Did you hear what I said? You'll need a business plan. I'll need to see a copy of the lease, and you need to check out the equipment to see if it runs. Get quotes to repair anything that doesn't work. Take pictures of the kitchen and dining room. Take an inventory of the dishes, glasses, silverware, and pots and pans. Why do I have to tell you these things? I thought you were experienced restaurant people."

Clifford took exception to my remark about his lack of experience, but Heather took it to mean that I was agreeing to co-sign their bank loan.

Mom was already packing a bag with a few items for K.O. to take with him when the arrangement came close to blowing up.

"Could we have an advance on the two thousand?" Heather asked.

"Have you heard nothing that I've been telling you?" Forget about the two thousand dollars. It will go into his education account, and that's final."

"Gee, Sammy, I've always known that you are a tight-ass, but I'm your only sister. Can't you spare something for us to get by until payday?"

She settled for fifty bucks, and they left without another word, not to me, not to our mom, and not to her son. I kissed mom goodbye, and carried K.O., his bag, his ball, a stuffed animal, and his new book to the car.

"Wave goodbye to your grandmother," I said, as I strapped him in to the jump seat. He waved, but I was sure that he didn't comprehend the significance of what had just taken place. I wasn't sure either, except that I knew the fifty bucks to Heather was only a drop in the bucket compared to the future demands she would place upon me. I didn't know it at the time, but my life had just been complicated enormously.

K.O. was welcomed to the house like a celebrity. He took it all in stride, and enjoyed the attention he was receiving. When he tired, I showed him the room that adjoined mine, saying that it was to be his. He showed no indication that he was impressed. It was not until the lights went out that homesickness set in.

It pained me to tell Karen that I couldn't meet her at the fishpond that night. She ridiculed me for taking on the responsibility of a four year old. I understood why she was upset at me. Hell, it had been over a week since we'd been together, and the alarms from the night before were still ringing in my ears.

I knew I shouldn't have let K.O. get in bed with me. Marcie warned me that I'd traded a short term solution for a long term dilemma. "Any time he feels lonely, your bed will become his refuge," she said.

"It worked, he fell asleep almost immediately," I argued.

"You'll see," she said. At least she understood why I'd brought K.O. home with me.

We alternated our time between three activities. Samantha showed K.O. how to maneuver the rover, he educated her on kicking the soccer ball, and I supervised their time in the swimming pool.

When Karen called on Sunday night, she said the front gate would be open, and I could drive right in. You could almost hear the need in her voice, but it was nothing compared to my need. K.O. had had a busy day, and was sleeping soundly, so I took a chance he would stay in his bed.

Same as 1994
Chapter 24: K.O. Videos

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Call Girl

I will in particular like to thank the ladies for their invaluable suggestions. This story happened recently. My flight was cancelled at the last minute and the airline gave the normal stupid explanations and dumped us in a 5 star hotel. I was getting thoroughly bored in the evening and so I decided to go down to the bar to spend some time. The bar was largely empty and so I at down to nurse the drink. I was approached by a slinky young beauty who introduced herself as Kim and sat...

4 years ago
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I did a quick time check. It was eight PM. Only an hour had passed. It seemed like a lot more time had elapsed. I was fully relaxed in the “ringside” chair. My wife stood alone, in the center of the mat. Lady Bianca had gently extricated herself from June’s embrace. And, without saying a word, she went off somewhere into the dark. After a few minutes I sniffed a familiar fragrance in the air, over the incense.The Lady returned with some of that herbal tea she served the other night. We all...

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A Much Needed Encounter

It had been a long, hard day and Haley was looking forward to the weekend. Not that she had any major plans; her social life was that of a single mom. Her two BFF's were the dishwasher and the vacuum cleaner, and her love life generally consisted of a hot bubble bath, a glass of cheap wine, and a set of fresh batteries. Life was not bad; sure, she could have had a lot more, but at the end of the month she always seemed to make ends meet. Haley's top priority was to make sure Jasmine had...

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College Town Part 2 Rough Initiation

"I heard you had a fun night last night" she said, opening her mouth, pushing her tongue into her cheek and moving her hand to make a blowjob gesture. Vicky scowled, wondering how she found out already and what she knew. "How did you hear that?" Vicky asked. "One of Greg's friends told me" she said. "Fuck" Vicky thought to herself -- she knew Greg was the type to blab about something like this. "What did he tell you?" Vicky asked, already prepping herself to be...

4 years ago
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Fucking Neighbor Arpana

Hi! let me introduce myself first. I am Prem Kapoor from Mumbai but now I live in USA…I am a new reader of ISS. After reading this I used to think that does this really happen? But one day it happened to me. I am 23 yrs old with height 6`2 feet. I have 9.3 inch long. One Friday night I was reading one of these stories and I was masturbating too. Suddenly, mine neighbor Arpana who is 19 yrs old (She is Indian too) knocked the door of my house. She is the one whom I mostly think and masturbate....

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My SSBBW Granny Part II

Well, when my grandmum woke up she was stuck in the shower/tub. She had collapsed after me and my 3 brothers and had given her her best orgasm since grandpappy had passed away. Weighing nearly 400 lbs when she passed out she slumped to the floor and had wedged herself into the small tub. She woke up and saw all 4 of us standing there looking helpless with our growing cocks in our hands. She asked "Are you boys just going to stand there with your peckers in your hands or are you going to...

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Decembers Steamy Night

On a cold January morning, December woke up shivering. It was freezing in her apartment and she didn’t know why. She thought, “didn’t you turn the heater on before you went to bed last night?” Not being able to remember, she got out of bed to go check. Looking at the thermostat, it showed it was set at 76 degrees. She was right, she had turned it on. Still confused as to why the heater wasn’t on, she fumbled for her cell phone and called her landlord. Mr. Forbes informed December that he...

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Super Boys Last Visit to the 30th Century

Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. Here is a story line I have worked up with help from my new friend Rafael in Brazil. We are going to be doing a large number of stories using comic book characters, somewhat along the line of the JLA stories I did with FFCSKRULL2 a few months ago. Watch for massive numbers of changes to...

1 year ago
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Her Animal ActChapter 2

As they neared the downtown section of Juarez, Elliott reached across the seat of the taxi and took Ruth's hand. They'd decided it best to go by taxi and leave their car at the motel, thinking rightly there would be little available parking space during the early evening rush, and fearing possible theft of the clothing and cameras in their car, if not the car itself. Feeling the tenseness in his pretty wife, Elliott suggested, "You can still go back to the motel, honey." She pulled her...

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virgin love

She gazed at me with her blue eyes. I could see her desire; feel her desire. My bulge throbbed, yearning for her hands. I took her hand and kiss it gently. She leaned in and kissed my passionately on the lips, slowly moving her hand over my crotch. She squeezed my cock. She quickly undid my pants and gripping my growing shaft in her hand. Taking some lube, she put some in her hand and moved her hand over my rod. She gripped me gently and moved her hand up and down my shaft, taking care...

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Megans New ClothesChapter 2

As Megan drifted awake, she felt a strange feeling of discomfort mixed in with the deep-body bliss that effused her consciousness. With the fog drifting from her waking mind, she tried to figure out the problem without moving or waking Heath, whose warm body she could feel close to her own. She tugged her arms free of the tangle of bed sheets and started to move them over her body. Her fingertips traced down from her face, feeling the sensation of the smeared lipstick and makeup, down her...

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Going Bi 3

Once again, remember that all of these are strictly gay, boy/boy. Please don't bother reading if you are not interested in that. You would be disappointed. *** For the remainder of the evening, Tyler and I stayed close to one another. After his second beer, David fell asleep on the billiard room couch. Close to three, Dad and Rachael came home, leaned into the billiard room, and barely said hi before Rachael dragged dad off to bed. "I'm crashing, too," Brandon said. "I'll take...

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HotMilfsFuck Cate Today Im 18 Youre My Stepmom

Webster’s Dictionary defines ‘MILF’ as follows: MILF /milf / slang – “a sexually attractive older woman, typically one who has children.” Way too vanilla of a description for me. Now if it were up to me to define it, it would read a little more something like this: MILF /milf / slang – “an attractive older woman who loves baking, yes baking, and is commonly regarded as a sexual object, whom also enjoys fucking ‘of age’ neighborhood kids and stepsons.” | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and...

3 years ago
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About Tuesday A Letter To My Children

Dear Children, Within the brain of almost every living American there are dates that are indelibly etched there. Numbers that are as real to us as figures written into a granite stone. We carry these dates with us in our heads until we at last rest under the stones bearing our own final numbers: December 7, 1941. November 22, 1963. April 19, 1995. And now, September 11, 2001. Your Mother asked me to write something about this last date, so that when you get older we can talk about how it...

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Roommates A Different Point Of View

Chapter One: Chad and Isabella break up "TELL ME THAT YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!" A loud shriek breaks the dead of night and startles me so completely that it not only wakes me up, it also causes me to fall out of bed besides. I've fallen out of bed a few times in my life without any injury, but this time was different because I managed to bang my head on my brown study chair on the way down to the floor. I knew that I should have moved it back to my desk where it belongs. I now find myself...

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Dirty Wives Club

Hello to all you horny peeps. I am glad to be back after a long time. This story is about how the Mumbai rains helped me to get laid by a hot sex-deprived married woman. I used to go for Football practices in one of the gymkhanas in South Bombay. The football field that we used to practice on was surrounded by a race track, where many people used to jog or run. Since our practice was during the evenings, I used to get distracted a lot by watching all the hot women jog and workout. It’s not my...

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The Cyber SeriesCyber 005

Tendal says: Grins... feeling very loved Tigana says: I adore you... soft smile Tendal says: I like some amount of jealousy... it shows that I am important enough to you for you to care that much Tigana says: omg... if that pleases... I'll drizzle you with sweet jealousy... Tigana says: Soft smile Tendal says: Kneels in front of you sliding my hands slowly down the fronts of your legs to your feet and bending down places little kisses on each of your toes Tigana says: Toes...

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A Vivid Unreal Dream

The other night I had such a vivid dream, but it was so surreal. I have to tell you about it. I was at an afternoon party at my sister's house. The whole family was there. It was like a family reunion. My other brothers and sisters, and almost all of their c***dren and grandc***dren were there also. I must tell you that I am in my mid-forties, married, without any c***dren of my own. I am the youngest of my siblings by several years. Many of my nieces and nephews are my age or just a few...

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NIGHTMARE Chapter 1 My name is Jason Conners, or at least it used to be. I had the perfect life. I was 6'2" with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, and from what I've been told, a movie star face. I was 18 with the whole world about to open up for me. I was the star quarterback of my high school football team with tons of full ride scholarships being offered to me. My parents pretty much made sure that I had everything I needed and most of whatever I wanted, but what really made my...

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RewriteChapter 2

I visited Becky at the restaurant on my way home. She was ecstatic. I had to remind her not to call me Master in public. She did her best not to appear to be playing favorites, conscientiously taking care of other customers in between visits to my table. She had also brought me a new story to read. It certainly wasn't anything I'd expect a mind-controlled sex slave to write. I smiled and began to think that maybe I hadn't completely eradicated her personality with the Pen. She had...

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New Years Eve Part 3

I stand at the bar and I feel like I’m part of a bad dream. I can’t get Kenny’s sex scene out of my mind, it is running through my thoughts in a continuous loop. The young blond thrashing her head side to side, thrusting her tight little ass against Kenny’s hard cock. I must admit it was definitely exciting to watch as he rode her hard doggie style slapping her ass and pulling her hair. My body is still feeling the effects. I can only describe the feeling as nervous excitement throughout my...

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The Office Part 1

Monica looked up and saw Pete come out of his office and joke with Sandra before turning back and asking for coffee. Monica had high hopes for Sandra, as she seemed to have brought Pete out of his depression. Monica wanted Pete to find someone and Sandra was pretty enough with her hair pulled back in a severe style and light make up, but her clothing was just a disaster and no one could tell her body shape or size. Sandra stood up to Pete that was a good and her height helped as she knew he...

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Just recently I had let my gf use my phone so she could log into one of her social media accounts. She had left her phone at home and we were out of town so there was no way of turning back just to go back for her phone. After letting her use it she gave it back to me and I had forgotten about it for a few days. It was until I had clicked on the app that I realized I wasn't in my account but instead I opened up her account. I wasn't trying to be nosy, but I scrolled down her messages. Seeing...

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EvilAngel Eveline Dellai Gaping Anal Model

On the set, brunette beauty Eveline Dellai spreads her long legs for the camera as director David Perry takes photos. He plunges his dick into her tasty asshole, and she gives him a slobbering, ass-to-mouth blowjob. Her asshole gapes, and she opens her mouth wide to suck David’s balls. David fucks her sensitive pussy, and Eveline masturbates sensually. She has a spasmodic orgasm! Eveline gets her fetish on, giving David a seductive foot job. The dirty girl gives him a sloppy rim job,...

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Campground Shower Fun

I have always loved camping! Ever since I was a young boy, I loved to go camping. One summer while I was in college, a few of my guy friends and I were going to a nearby lake to go fishing and camping. Since the campgrounds tended to book up on the weekends, I went up on Thursdqy to make sure we got a campsite. My friends were coming up after work on Friday.I got to the campground around 5 pm that Thursday. I quickly went about setting up tents and getting our campsite all set up and ready to...

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ManuelFerrara Indica Flower Buxom Babe Indica Flower

Blue-eyed Indica Flower tries to calm Manuel’s meat in this scene from Sex Machines 2. The stacked starlet named after everybody’s favorite flavonoid unleashes her wicked curves. Wearing flesh toned lingerie that is see through, Indica performs a tantalizing tease. You can just make out her oreo sized nipples during the dance but we see the massive mams a few minutes into her wiggles. She eventually leads us to the bedroom and twerks her ass while splitting her bent legs. The claps...

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Mallu Girl And Beggar Saga 8211 Part 2

Hi guys, this is mallu girl Jenny back with the second part of the story. Read the first part before reading this part. I got a lot of responses for my previous story. Thank you guys for your support. I have made changes on the basis of your response. I hope you like this story too. There are conversations in this part which are exchanged in Malayalam and translated it for the ease of understanding. After the incident with the beggar, my lust increased and I started to masturbate thinking the...

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Jackie is a smalltown Montana girl that loved the outdoors. She wasn't into all that girlie stuff, but she wasn't a tomboy either. She was 5'7" with light-brown hair and green eyes. She had a fit body with not so large 34B breasts. With a light tan to top it all off. Suni is a girl born and raised in Hollywood. She was Daddy's girl and always the popular one. Standing at 5'5" she has a supermodel body with 34C breasts. Blonde hair (that was always in a pony-tail), blue eyes, and not a spot on...

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MrLuckyPOV Jenna Fireworks Gets Creampie

Jenna Fireworks is ready to launch herself onto some dick in this hot, sexual encounter. This blonde-haired, blue-eyed babe is ready to show off her body and take cock deep in her wet hole. This kind slut brings some accessories with her for some extra stimulation. Enjoy the view as her pussy gets fucked and stretched while her asshole is stuffed with a butt plug. She moans with pleasure as she begs for a load of cum. And with a warm hole like hers, it only makes sense to pump her pussy full of...

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Do You Trust Me

He knew that she was his responsibility. Luckily all those around him trusted him, and he knew that one day so would she. Victoria had lived in the same house, on the same ten-acre property, with the same friends and family around her from the moment she was born. Her life just got a little more dramatic as time passed on. It all began when her parents revealed that her mum would be moving out and she would be, from that point onwards, splitting her time between houses. Due to this...

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