My Frustration Ch. 03 free porn video

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In the earlier parts of my story I spoke of the frustrating relationship that I endure with my wife and her mother.

Things had started to improve, with my mother in law lowering her defences and starting to shrug off some of her inhibitions. My wife also appeared to be encouraging me to bring her mother out of her shell, and I was of course only too happy to oblige.

A few days after my amazing photography session with Elizabeth, my wife Marcy took it upon herselfto tell her mother that she was fully aware of what had taken place. Elizabeth was not surprised because she was knew that Marcy and I did not keep secrets from one another.

She said to Marcy,

‘I have been thinking so much about my life recently, especially since I found the lump on my breast, and I know that I have been too uptight since your father left. I know now that I have been wrong to blame myself for his indiscretions. I am jealous of the relationship that you have with your husband and I have decided to start living again.’

Marcy asked her what she had in mind, and Elizabeth replied that she had noticed one of the gentlemen in her art class was paying her a lot of attention recently, and up to now she had ignored him but maybe it was time to throw him a bone.

Her method of encouragement was to wear much more revealing clothes when she next attended her class, and to her initial embarrassment but eventual delight, she received compliments from all of the male members in the group. As a result of this she became much more confident and took a more active role in the class.

Within a few months Elizabeth was unrecognisable from the little old lady she had been. A new hairstyle, low cut tops and shorter skirts had transformed her into a vibrant new woman. However there was still a problem!

Even though she was now a much less inhibited person, she admitted to Marcy and I that it was so long since she had actual physical contact with a man that she was afraid she would be a complete let down in the bedroom.

As a result of this she had failed to bond completely with any of her new admirers in the art class. When any of these men had initiated any form of sexual activity she pushed them away, and although outwardly she had changed, inwardly she was still having difficulty letting go.

I jokingly told her that I would help her with her studies and give her a few lessons. She laughed and said that I had already done enough to help her and it would be wrong of her to expect anything more.

Marcy was listening to this conversation and interrupted saying,

‘But he wants to help mum, so why don’t you take him up on his offer?’

I was just as shocked as Elizabeth, because apparently Marcy had decided that she was going to allow me to fuck her mother after all.

Elizabeth’s reply however shocked me even more when she said,

‘I would like both of you to be involved, because I am so grateful for what you have done so far, but I do not want to be the cause of any friction between you, so I will not agree to anything unless it is completely open and agreeable to all three of us.’

At this point I would like to say that Elizabeth was not the only one having problems with her new image.

For a number of months I had watched her change into someone totally different and when I saw her with one of her new male friends, I was torn apart with jealousy. I was the one who had drawn her out of her inner torment, albeit with Marcy’s encouragment, and now I was in danger of losing her to some old bastard who knew nothing about what she had gone through, and just wanted to get his hands on her tits.

So to say that I was delirious with joy when none of her relationships lasted would be putting it mildly. Then for her to consent to having sex with me was simply the metaphorical placing of the cherry on top.

We discussed how we were going to carry out Elizabeth’s re-introduction into a life of orgasmic delights, and decided that as the kids would be staying with friends on the following Friday night, Elizabeth would stay with us and we would proceed from there.

The next three days were probably the longest I can remember, and Marcy and I discussed the ground rules. I was of course hoping that the do’s would greatly outnumber the don’t’s, but once again Marcy surprised me when she said,

‘I am happy to go as far as mum wishes, even if that includes you and I screwing while she watches, or mutual masturbation, but you must remember that this is my mother and I am still a little freaked by the fact that she insists on me being there. I thought that I could encourage her to live a little and at the same time repay you for your friendship, love, and most of all your understanding throughout our relationship. You have never forced me to do anything I didn’t want to do and showed great patience when I couldn’t provide you with the kind of physical attention I know you craved. I love you dearly but it really upsets me when my illness prevents me from loving you in the way that I want to.’

She went on to say that despite her reservations she had no intention of backing out, and said that after all I had seen her mother naked which was more than she had ever done, so to be honest she was a little turned on at the idea of some form of physical contact with Elizabeth.

I couldn’t believe it when I heard myself telling her to slow down, that she was getting a little ahead of herself, and that nothing had happened yet, but at the same time I was telling myself that somehow, somewhere, someone had decided that I should receive all my Christmas and birthday presents at once. However, a little voice in my head was also warning me not to go through with it.

Throughout the many years of frustration I had suffered, my love for Marcy had never diminished and I knew that nothing could ever damage that no matter how badly our planned evening turned out, but it was not my union with my wife that worried me.

I had always adored Elizabeth regardless of her inhibitions and conservatism, and would have done anything to help her but at the same time I felt very protective towards her. After all I lived closer to her than her two sons and I was the one she called when she needed assistance or something repaired. Just as I mentioned earlier about feeling jealous when she started dating again, I was now concerned that she was drifting away from me. She may not need me any more after this!

On Friday evening, after the kids had left, I drove to Elizabeth’s house to collect her and decided that I was going to give her the opportunity to change her mind. I used my key to let myself in and called out to her as I entered.

She was in the upstairs bathroom and shouted to me to come on up. With my heart trying to punch a hole in my chest I walked up the stairs to be greeted by a truly beautiful sight. My naked mother in law was sitting on the edge of the bath

attempting to trim her pubic hair. Now this was the first time I had seen her naked since our impromptu photographic session and she looked so much more relaxed in my presence.

Without speaking she held out a small razor to me and opened her legs. I could see that she had already shaved her legs but had not yet started on her pubic region. She lifted a can of shaving gel and squirted some onto her hand and rubbed it

all over her pussy area.

‘I wanted to make sure that I was presentable for you both tonight,’ she said,

‘and I decided to have a downstairs haircut but my hands are shaking so why don’t you help me out.’

So much for my idea of letting her back out of our plan!

I got down on my knees in front of her and using my left hand to draw her wrinkled skin taut, I began to shave my mother in law’s sixty seven year old pussy. I don’t think I really thought about the significance of my actions. After all I was the first person, male or female, to touch this part o
f Elizabeth’s body in almosy thirty years.

She closed her eyes and whispered,

‘Gently, gently, don’t make me jump.’

I was in heaven and continued shaving until there was only a small patch of hair remaining. I held her vaginal lips between my fingers and trimmed all around them and used the opportunity to run my finger over her clitoris. She tensed up immediately and gripped the side of the bath even harder. I asked if she wanted me to stop or if she wanted me to remove all her pubic hair.

‘I don’t give a fuck if you remove it all’, she said,

‘but don’t you dare stop what you are doing with your finger.’

Well there you go then, not only was this the first time in twenty years that I had heard Elizabeth use any form of expletive but I had just been awarded a license to thrill, so like the obedient son in law that I am, I carried on shaving while at the same time stroking and teasing her clit.

When I had removed all her pussy hair and washed the area clean, I decided that the look of content on her face was all the invitation I needed so I gently inserted my index finger into her vagina.

She almost melted into the bath and I had to grab her before she fell backwards. In grabbing her my face came in contact with one of her breasts so my reflex action was to kiss it. Her body had relaxed so much that I don’t think she could have remained upright if I hadn’t been supporting her.

I licked around her nipples and then before things went any further, I lifted her and carried her through to the bedroom and laid her softly on the bed.

I proceeded to kiss her breasts again and slowly worked my way down her body. My tongue found her belly button and carried on its journey south. She screamed loudly when I licked her slit and shouted,

‘Yes, oh fuck yes, don’t stop,’ so I didn’t.

I was fully prepared to fuck her right there and then and I don’t think she would have objected, but then the phone rang!

Reluctantly I answered it and Marcy asked if everything was ok. She was beginning to think that her mother had changed her mind. I assured her that that was far from the case and told her that I was helping Elizabeth pick out an appropriate

outfit for the evening.

‘Tell her to come as she is,’ said Marcy,

‘I don’t think I can stand waiting any longer.’

Elizabeth liked the idea of arriving at our home wearing her birthday suit but decided that it might be too much for Marcy, to say nothing of the neighbours.

She dressed quickly in a chocolate brown dress with a full length zipper down the back and matching stilettos which brought her height to around 5’4′ tall.

She decided against underwear and we jumped in the car for the short five minute journey. She laughed as we were driving and commented on how far things had come since she had run from the room at the sight of my erect cock.

When we arrived home, we found Marcy in the lounge dressed in her favourite black evening gown which she usually wore with a bodystocking underneath because she is very self conscious about her figure and does not like her tummy bulging.

We were all very uncomfortable and as neither Marcy or I drink alcohol, we could not reach for any as dutch courage.

Elizabeth, however does enjoy a glass of wine so I broke the silence by offering her one. She accepted and sat down on the nearest armchair. I noticed that Marcy had done likewise but on the chair farthest away from her mother.

I tried to lighten the mood by suggesting we play strip poker to break us in gently. Elizabeth agreed but suddenly Marcy stood up, walked silently across the room and kissed her mother full on the lips. She told Elizabeth that she loved her and would do anything to help her.

Elizabeth told her that she was well aware of our love for her which was why she had insisted on both of us being there. She then told Marcy what we had really been doing when she had rung earlier.

Without speaking, Marcy reached down and lifted the hem of Elizabeth’s dress and began to raise it.

When her mother’s newly bald pussy appeared, Marcy began to cry which confused her mother and I.

I was about to make some excuse for my actions and try to console my wife, when she bent down and planted a delicate kiss on her mother’s pubis.

That was the signal for Elizabeth to ask me to unzip her which I did in a second and she let her dress fall to the floor. She stepped back far enough to allow her daughter to admire her naked form and spread her arms wide and went,

‘Ta Da, what do you think?’

Marcy was still emotional and couldn’t speak, but she turned around for me to unbutton her dress and she too was naked underneath although unlike her mother, she had neglected to shave her pussy.

I didn’t know what to do next but strangely felt embarrassed that I was still fully dressed so I stupidly asked permission to get undressed.

Both ladies laughed and told me to hurry up, so I obliged and before long I was standing in a room with two naked women and my cock was standing to attention like never before.

Elizabeth looked at my penis and smiled and asked for a group hug.

We all embraced and my dick was grabbed by both women who laughed yet again when they realised that they were both on the same wavelength.

However, the enormity of what we had done so far and where about to do suddenly dawned on Elizabeth.

In her hand she was holding an stiff cock for the first time in three decades. She had reached for it automatically but now that she was standing there in a naked huddle with the two of us, her fingers entwined with her daughter’s around my manhood, she decided that she didn’t want to continue.

For the first time in thirty years she was about to be sexually intimate with a man, and her daughter was there to witness it,

and that was the problem.

‘I know I insisted that you both be here and I admit I am extremely turned on, and do not want to reject the enormous compliment of an erect penis, but I don’t think I am ready to involve my only daughter in the process,’ she said.

‘That’s fine, mum,’ Marcy replied,

‘I know I kissed your bare pussy a moment ago but I was so overtaken with emotion that you

where allowing us to do this for you. It may sound funny as we are both holding my husband’s dick but I don’t think I am ready to get intimate with you. I am really horny just thinking about watching you both fucking or being fucked while you watch, and we won’t take it any further than that.’

I stepped back and allowed the two of them to embrace again and Marcy then lay down on the sofa and ordered me to fuck her.

In recent months I had been constantly amazed by how confident Marcy had become and I was filled with love and admiration.

It was a very emotional experience for each of us, but at that moment the sight of my beautiful wife spreadeagled in front of me begging for attention, while her mother stood nude only a few feet away was almost impossible to bear.

I kissed Elizabeth passionately on the lips and then joined my wife on the sofa where my hardness immediately found its way into her moist hole. We fucked like newly weds, covered in sweat and without the gentle probing which we were used to.

Marcy’s physical condition normally dictated the position that we made love in and the vigour with which it was carried out, but for the first time

in a long time, all that was forgotten.

I would like to say that we fucked for quite a while, but as it was the first time we had done it with an audience I came pretty quickly, too quickly for my ravenous wife. When I withdrew my shrinking erection from her pussy, she replaced it with her hand and began to rub her clit, all the while moaning and writhing around on the sofa.

Elizabeth, meanwhile had positioned herself so that she had a perfect view of our lovemak
ing and while I was distracted by my wife fingering herself, I suddenly realised that her mother had also resorted to manual stimulation.

She was sitting on a chair with her legs opened slightly and had two fingers buried in her vagina. She was biting her lip as if she was trying not to make a sound but was matching her daughter stroke for stroke.

I walked over to Elizabeth and kissed her once more and allowed my lips and tongue to slide down her neck to her tits. I kissed each one in turn, paying particular attention to her nipples, before slowly working my way down over her belly to the valley of heavenly delights below.

She opened her legs a little further and removed her hand to allow me access. I grabbed her hand and sucked her essence from her fingers,before teasing her clit with my tongue. Just as she had done earlier in the evening she cried out,

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck’ and grabbed a fistful of my hair and pressed my face tight against her cunt.

I traced out each leter of the alphabet on her moist cuntlips and when I got as far as T, I was rewarded with a sudden arching of her back,

another cry of pleasure and a face full of love juice which escaped her pussy in a hurry.

While she was still in the throes of ecstasy I looked over at Marcy who had also climaxed and was now watching her mother and I.

She nodded her encouragement so I changed my position and raised Elizabeth’s legs slightly and pressed my re-invigorated tool against her slit. I had no problem entering her because she was so wet but I did have difficulty staying inside her because of this wetness. I was about to try a different position when Marcy intervened and held my cock in place while I rode her mother.

Elizabeth was like a gusher, and she came in wave after wave, with years of pent up emotion and repression released at once.

We collapsed together totally drained. This was the first time I had ever cum twice in one night and I immediately decided that I didn’t care what I had to do from now on but this experience was going to be repeated.

Marcy wrapped herself around us both and we lay there as one.

After about 20 minutes I was hard again and as my cock was still inside Elizabeth, I began to grind against her once more and took up where I had left off except this time she was not as wet and there was a little more friction as I slid in and out of her cunt.

Marcy stood up at this stage and went to the bathroom and left her mother and I to finish what we were doing.

Elizabeth couldn’t take much more of this and reluctantly asked me to stop because she was in pain. She may have been willing to contiue but her aged body would not allow it. I did as she asked and lay back beside her.

After a few minutes she got to her feet and said she needed to use the bathroom also,

‘I’m busting’ she said and left the room.

I followed her because I needed to piss also but needed to get rid of my erection first.

Marcy was seated on the toilet when we walked in, and she wiped and stood up to allow Elizabeth to sit, but her mum was a little hesitant.

‘I know we have just shared something very special but toilet duties are something else. I have never had anyone present when I pee, not even

my husband.’

Marcy went to leave but I had decided to stay and told Elizabeth that this was part of the re-awakening process, and that from now on there could be no more closed doors unless the kids were present, and if a door was closed, there was to be no more knocking before entering. We three were now one and we were to be open minded about every situation.

Marcy agreed and when I went on to say that I would be pissing as soon as I got rid of my boner, she got on her knees in front of me and started to

suck my cock. Elizabeth was so busy watching this that she had forgotten she needed to pee. I suddenly thought that maybe she had not indulged in oral sex with her husband, if her reaction to my tongue licking earlier and the strange look she had on her face right now was anything to go by.

I asked her if she have ever given a blow job and she shook her head and said,

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A Friend in Need Part 6 Life Goes On

A Friend in Need Part 6 Life Goes On This part of the story is again told from Christina's (used to be Tony) side of the story and it continues to follow Christina as she really begins her new life after the wonderful first day of femininity this section of the story does contain some sex and some violence, though nothing extreme. Mothers Day 2013 What a life I am having indeed, and I would not change one single thing - I am blissfully happy. As a family we talked for a...

2 years ago
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Sex In a playhouse True Story no Lie

LOL ok peeps heres a crazy story about my first sexual experience. I met this beautiful chick named Raven we were about 11-12 at the time she was older and we both went to school together we were Very good friends(too bad i cant find her anymore:( ). We would always play house inside this playhouse that was at this...

2 years ago
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(Permission is granted to post this story on Fictionmania. Other free sites may post it if they email me and I agree.) Remnant By Scott K. Jamison Copyright 2000 I hate the Smurf song. You know the one. "La, la, la la LA la, la la la la LA." I just hate it. Tim knows I hate that song too. Which is probably why he sung it to wake me up. I was angry at first, then scared out of my gourd. Even being a sorceress, it takes a while to get magic flowing, so a man in my apartment...

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The Silent Entertainment

So i had left my number with man that accosted me in the public toilet and went about my daily routine as normal.I was at work a couple of days later when i recieved a message on my phone telling me to be at the same address the following Friday.I was secretly thrilled, as if im honest the whole experience with that old couple really turned me on,i couldnt wait for the day to arrive all be it with a bit of trepidation as to what was installed for me.I arrived at the time requested and knocked...

3 years ago
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I Dream of Angels Pt 03

Chapter 3 It was the first day after vacation, and everyone was following his or her morning routine. Angel and I were trying to figure out how we would survive the day without each other. ‘The tutor will be here at eight, and he’ll be home-schooling you for a few months while we figure out where you can go for a real education,’ I said as I pulled on my backpack. ‘I’ll miss you,’ she murmured while kissing me. We tried to ignore everyone watching us. My siblings, parents, and I went...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 263

Why don’t Elise’s parents look the least bit surprised that I know Anna? Elise and her parents drove off in the beaten-up minivan. Anna got into one of Elise’s family’s cars, and the person that drove the van here got into the other. I left first, and instantly, I could feel a seeker nearby with someone who could detect Elise, if she was still the same as when she slid onto my dick last night. The seeker wanted to be a seeker and hated all of those like us for no reason whatsoever. She just...

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My old neighbour

I've got a real fetish for panties.and take every opportunity to have some fun with them...I think the more daring is more fun...for about the last year I've been taking the opportunity to have a little fun with the neighbours...shes 70 something..good set of tits..not huge..reasonable shape and still quite fuckable...whenever I get the chance I like to go into the house,have a little rummage through her knickers drawer...if I have the time maybe try them on .even take a few pics ..I also found...

2 years ago
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On Golden LakeChapter 5

Meg eased slowly into the waking world, disoriented and unsure where she was. She was lying on her side on a soft bed, and although she had no covers on, she felt warm and cozy - she could sense sunlight bathing her naked body. But where was she? This wasn't her own bed, she was sure of that. Slowly, she opened her eyes, squinting in the bright sunlight. Her big, brown eyes blinked, and came into focus. She saw a nightstand next to the bed, and wood paneled walls. Then, she remembered. She...

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Beginnings Chapter 1 Veronica

The easiest decision of my life had been to undertake a law degree; the most difficult had become deciding what to do with it. In spite of three years of relentless study, locked away in a law library with little on my mind beyond the obsessive desire to obtain a first class honours degree, when I eventually achieved that ambition I realized that I had no real idea what to do next. It was the summer of 1993. My mother, on the other hand, had no such doubts and was insistent that I should go...

2 years ago
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HorseplayChapter 14 Dissolution

Neil staggered into the stable on time, ready to get done and hit the sheets for the morning. Andrea was on duty. She took one look at his bloodshot eyes and sent him to the storage shed to pick through the leather for useful bits. It was something he could do without having to standup. His speculation about Leah's whereabouts were answered quickly. She arrived and located him as he was trying to move old furniture out of the large steel shed to reach the boxes of broken leather in the...

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Sucking him

I love to suck a cock. I love the cum and can suck for as long as he lets me. My boyfriend loves his cock sucked and I usually suck him as we drive in the car. I have sucked many cocks and in school sucked the cock of most of the football team and the coaches.I was at my boyfriends house watching tv as his parents were not home and decided to suck his cock and make him cum. He has a thick nine inch cock and is alway full of cum. I unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. I ran my tongue over...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 4 Strays

As we prepared dinner, Alana and her friends pulled up in their car on their way out of the campground. Alana expressed her jealousy at missing the impending meal, Megan griped about the hour, Alana rolled her eyes as she waved one last time, and then they drove off. Just like that, I knew I’d never see her again. There was a feeling of deep relief to that realization. Even if I’d done nothing wrong, I didn’t think it was wise to keep pushing the boundaries. If I made a mistake, I’d never...

4 years ago
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The Devils Sorority 4 Pee Wrestling

“Eventually it’s going to happen,” Sandra said. “I can see some of you squeezing your legs together, trying to hold it back. You might as well let go.”My hands were over my bare vagina, trying to keep myself from going. But I knew she was right. I just couldn’t make myself go in front of a throng of hooting and whistling men. At least not until I was a little more desperate…But how much more waiting could any of us take? Twelve of us stood naked in a kiddie pool in front of the crowd. We were...

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Friendly Neighbor

Our neighbor Tom was in his forties, divorced, and very friendly. He always had many women visiting him all the day. I started doing chores for him to earn extra money. He always paid me very well and I really like him. Many times when I went there in the morning he would just be wearing a short robe that was loosely tied. When he would walk the robe would open showing his massive cock hanging down between his thighs. I couldn't help but look at his long, fat cock and it did excite me. My young...

1 year ago
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One Month of Chuck Steve an Alternative ScenarioChapter 10

CHUCK - Tuesday DAY 9 part # 1 We were enjoying our hotel breakfast when I turned to speak to John. "Please make sure that Steve doesn't over stretch himself after I leave," I told him. "That's totally unnecessary,." Steve protested, "I'm fine today." Unfortunately, he winced slightly as he turned; the girls saw this and ganged up on him, insisting that he certainly wasn't fine yet... He had to accept their ruling... We decided to go get the Citation from McCarran and fly it...

1 year ago
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My Name Is EdChapter 46

The rest of the week I did almost nothing. I took a quick course in growing Bamboo from seeds. For the first installment I went to the home depot ‘expert’. From her I drove directly to the Lowe’s store to take the course from the lady there. I combined several bits of information from both to come up with my plan. At 2PM on Friday we closed the sale on the three acres of land. By that time I was exhausted. Rufus took his money and headed out to the bank. Whether it was to deposit it, or to...

1 year ago
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Boots"It still makes my bottom tingle when I hear the clip-clop of a woman wearing boots," he said.The interviewer listened attentively. "Take all your clothes off," she instructed.She smiled to herself when he immediately stood up to remove his clothes. She knew that most guys have no reservations about undressing for a female they find attractive, and more so with a submissive male. "Those too," she said, referring to his briefs.For an uncomfortable moment, he stood naked before her with...

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The Pirate Nicolette

I know what you’re thinking. What happened to Earth? Was it blown up by aliens, you’re thinking. Nope. Hell, after the few humans that managed to escape and found other suitable planets to live on only a few had aliens AND they called the humans aliens, most were hostile, some nice, and only two races annihilated everyone. But that was decades ago. Now just about everything is half or part human or has some sort of connection with the human race. Not only because humans fall in love with...

3 years ago
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Basement Blessings or The Summer They InvadedPart 3

Journal: 12-17-03 Pat During the following days there seemed to be something more special in Raquel's glances. Something more meaningful in her touches, a greater joy when she laughed at my little jokes. Still, it was three days before Raquel and I were alone together again and it was once again she coming into my curtained bed space after her sisters and our parents had gone to sleep for the night. I was sitting up late, reading Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy", one of the boring...

2 years ago
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Rogues Story Part Four a Absorption

Rebecca thinks back to the first night with Travis. The relief she felt when she gave in, admitting out loud that she wanted him. The pleasure she felt when his fingers pushed deep inside her pussy. She had in the past heard woman talking about orgasms. She always thought that they had been exaggerating the feelings, to get one up on each other. She had never realised that her body could feel like that. Like a drug she knew she needed more. She is unable to get back to sleep after her dream....

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Summer Vacation Ch 31

Tommy arrived at Tina’s early Sunday, excited at the prospect of spending the day with her and Bobby. Even if she didn’t see him as a potential suitor, she seemed to have a good time when they were together. The Inn had been busy the previous night, and even though he drove her home, they were both so tired they didn’t talk much. He parked in front of the apartment building, walked up the steps to the, then rang the doorbell. Tina buzzed him in. On his way over, he bought a Hamster Warrior...

4 years ago
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Surviving The VicePresidentChapter 3

The Cessna Stationair 206 was a sweet little single engine airplane. It held six passengers and its load capacity was a little over 1400 pounds. The plane was used by Howell mainly for jumping between jobsites, as the range was only about 730 nautical miles at cruising speed, which equated to 830 statute miles. The flap down, power off stall speed was 54 knots. The Stationair had a ceiling of a little over 15,000 feet. The 910 feet it needed for takeoff made it suitable for the short runways...

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The Wet Vibe

A soft moan escapes my lips as I sit at the computer. I try to concentrate on what I am doing but it’s proving difficult as the vibrator teases the fleshy insides of my tight pussy with its soft buzzing. I can’t help another small moan escaping as I shift in my chair from arousal, the vibrator sending tingles all over my sensitive body. I look at the clock on the wall and realise with a mix of eagerness and anxiety that it has only been 5 minutes since Jon walked out the door. I groan a bit...

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Cuckold for the first time

I do sense that one of the guy is intersted in my wife and when he agrees to join the group for dinner or outings, I would make an effort to go and get Karyn to go along. I always made sure that she is sitted near him and hope she gets attracted to him. His name is Mark, we have become closer friends and we talk alot about sex. He will tell me tales of him fucking some lady he pick up and how he make them go crazy. I was hoping that my wife would be soon to be his victim.i started organizing...

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The scent of sex wafted through my nostrils as I unzipped Glenn's jeans, the musky smell growing as I fished out his cock. Matted pubic hair, damp with the juices of his recent escapade, was further proof. He'd fucked his wife, or some other whore, before getting in touch with me. With his good looks, beautiful cock and insatiable libido he had a stable of willing mouths and holes at the ready. I had to admit I was jealous of his other conquests, often wishing I was his only lover.Not that I...

Gay Male
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Rekindling The End

I lie my wife down on the bed, slowly pulling her t-shirt up and over her head. I reach behind her unclasping her bra, freeing her beautiful breasts. I gently squeeze each soft mound, before my hands rake down her naked tummy to unfasten her jeans. I pull her jeans and panties down her shapely legs. After standing up and removing my own clothes, I slip in bed beside her.I pull her closely against my chest, running my fingers through her hair. She exudes peacefulness at this moment. Her peace...

Love Stories
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You Name It

Dan hasn’t dated for a year, ever since his three-year relationship ended. At 27 years old, he is an okay looking guy. Five feet nine inches tall, 155 pounds. Some might call him skinny. He’s not athletic but he is toned enough to pass for it. His blonde hair is cut short and combed straight down. He had a couple of girlfriends in High School but, nobody serious until he met Jackie in college. On their third anniversary Dan decided to propose, she said no just before ending the relationship....

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Sex With A Neighbor Girl Neha

I used to live in a village near Indore MP before being employed at Mumbai. This is a story about the sexual encounter with a neighbor girl named “Kavita”. First of all I will describe her. She is 5ft tall, with beautiful assets 34 26 34. She has a lovely face, fair in color. She had blue eyes and long hairs.She was a year or 2 younger than me. Coming to the story, as you all know we have big houses at village with a terrace and a backyard, I and Kavita used to see each other at terrace or...

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I love being his favorite servant

*Revised 100%* ...The following is estimated to have taken place sometime back in the early 18th century... This story is fictional...My name is Benjamin. I was always fascinated by the "extravagant lifestyle" of the royal members, ever since I was little. Even though growing up in the poor side of the kingdom was not the best way to observe "royalty". But I had heard the stories about the great lives of kings and queens, so I thought it would've been just grand to work for such fine people....

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Cat and Mouse A Cresswell Industries Story Pts 7 and 8

VII: Tammy Timmy had chosen to remain dressed in the catsuit once he had gotten back home. He was a little concerned over the absence of his mother, but he surmised that this was another of her late evenings and didn't think much more of it. He just drifted upstairs, still basking in the glow of his Mall experiences, and went into his bedroom. As Rita had music playing in the car during the ride home, it was at the debutante's suggestion that he place the vibrator he had been given...

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Stay At Home DadChapter 3

About nine that night mom's phone rang. I knew it was Cara. She must have just gotten home. I told mom to answer it and tell Cara that the boys were already in bed and I wasn't in the mood to talk. I would see her tomorrow. I could hear mom saying it was no use, that I was too bullheaded. My mom liked Cara, unlike how Cara's parents felt about me. Mom ended by telling her she would take care of things and that I would see her tomorrow. My mother spoke to me, "John, there is something...

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No condoms 8211 Part 2

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Any relation to people or circumstances in real life may or may not exist. Don’t think too much, just enjoy. Sometime in the middle of the night, I woke up. All that fucking made me hungry. I saw that Shruti was in a deep sleep. I walked to the kitchen to get a little snack. I was surprised to find the kitchen lights were on. It turned to excitement when I saw my mother-in-law there. She was drinking some milk. “Oh, hi! Feeling hungry?” Somehow, I felt...

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dance floor seduction

I was on the dance floor. moving my tall athletic built body to the beat of hip hop trying to out dance the guys in my group. as i was pulled to the side by what seem to be a medium height 120 pound black woman curved like a sports she started dancing with me.we got intimate as i felt the lump in my pants grow hard by her bumping and touching against me with her firm apple bottom shaped ass. she looked back at me smiling. as she was impressed to feel my 8inch white shaft getting hard....

2 years ago
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The College Roomate

It was a surprise getting the call from Tim. I mean it had been only 5 years ago and I really haven't stayed in touch with him so I never thought I'd be getting a call from him. I answered him in the kitchen and put it on speaker phone. At first I didn't know who he was but when I recognized his voice I immediately regretted answering him on the speaker phone because my wife was right here at the table. I told Vicky about Tim but I didn't tell her everything about Tim. I guess he was just one...

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