The Accidental Time Traveler free porn video

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The cell door closed with a frightening finality. Vinci thought that he shouldn’t call it a cell since it had no resemblance to a Twenty-First Century jail cell, but the feeling was the same. He was confused as to why he was being held and hoped tomorrow would bring some enlightenment, as it did when he experienced the jail in the past. It was a shock to be back home after nearly a year lost in time. He never thought he would be returning, not after everything, but even though he was never meant to travel back to 2020, he did his best to stick to the rules about time travel. He thought back to when all this began. It wasn’t supposed to happen this way, it was just a test, a simple systems test…

The first thought that went through his mind was “Oh my god, it worked!” The second thought was “Oh, fark! It worked!” It wasn’t supposed to be active, the flash of light surprised him. He mentally freaked out quite a bit when everything crashed down on him as he realized something went horribly wrong. “I’m not supposed to be here,” was another thought, followed closely with “How the fark am I going to get back?”

Vinci knew he was in trouble, he was totally unprepared to be here. He stepped away from a brick wall in the short alleyway and glanced toward the whitish hard surface separating him from the roadway just a few feet away. He saw the old fashioned mobile autos, but then realized they weren’t old-fashioned, not just yet. He knew intellectually that was the case, but he kept looking at things from the point of view of his time, not the time he found himself in. Personal mobile autos were almost unheard of. Then he realized they weren’t mobile autos, but ‘automobiles’, “I have to remember the correct terminology!”. They were actually under the control of someone sitting in the front rather than an automated system, which struck Vinci as more than a little dangerous.

“They must have farked all over themselves when I disappeared. No briefing, no preparation, not even any of this time period’s currency. Just me, a multitool, and a simple hand-comp which was programmed for maintenance, not history. I need to think!”

That set the stage for the next several days. Vinci started looking less like the technic he was and more like a Twenty-First Century homeless person as he all but camped out next to his entry point, hoping the exit would appear. But he knew without the right equipment, they might never be able to find him for retrieval. It was a forlorn hope, but it was the only one he had.

As he looked more and more disreputable, the strangest thing happened, people walking past him started giving him money. He didn’t understand the phenomenon, but he couldn’t complain. It enabled him to eat at a small eatic around the corner from his wall. He kept thinking about his situation and realized he knew more than he thought he did about this time period. He had picked up a great deal simply by being on the periphery of the traveler briefings. He understood most of the rules.

He knew there were rules about traveling back in time, just like everything else. But unlike other rules, these were because traveling through time was dangerous, the so-called ‘Butterfly Effect’ named after a story from an even earlier time than he found himself. No one knew how true it might be because there was no way to check and see, but everyone was afraid of changing the future, so it was the most hard and fast rule for all travelers.

The paramount rule was you could not interfere with the time stream. It always sounded counter-intuitive to Vinci, since just traveling back would have some impact. But the idea was to minimize any impact. Traveling back was for study and historical purposes, especially after the ‘Time of Troubles’ in the latter half of the Twenty-First Century. The Archeologic Institute kept time travel a secret so they could re-learn all the missing history and knowledge from the time periods before the Troubles without running the risk of changing the present. So much had been lost in the civil unrest and major conflicts of that period which made the risk worthwhile, at least to the historics and archeologics who ran the program.

Vinci did know some history, mostly leftover from his own education, so he knew he probably wouldn’t get caught in the Troubles, that wouldn’t really start for another fifty or so years in the future. Yes, much of the groundwork was laid in these decades with the election of a couple of the worst leaders in known history. If rescue never materialized, he knew he might live long enough to see it, but the odds were against it with this century’s primitive medicintic. He also knew most of the other rules, like: minimize interaction with the people of the time period, use their reference places quietly, watch lots of their video transmissions and capture what you could on your hand-comp to bring back. Most of the other travelers referred to it as ‘being ghostic’, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible.

“Although I’m not sure that’s even possible for me!” Vinci thought as he compared his predicament with most travelers, who were here for one week or so at a time and their hand-comp would send a specific signal, using tech Vinci didn’t have. The tech that would let home know they were ready to come back. There was significant training and briefings on the specific time periods involved, training and briefings Vinci didn’t have either — after all, he was a technic, not a historic.

Like most of the members of the Institute, Vinci had seen several post-trip-briefs and thought those people were the bravest ever. “I mean imagine traveling back to a time where you really only had your wits to guide you.” He knew not every traveler made it back, especially those who went further back in time, but most did safely, enough returned to continue the project despite the risks.

Vinci spent most of each day huddled against the wall, hoping the doorway back home would appear, but after a month, it hadn’t and he was rapidly losing hope, so he started planning for survival. He thought briefly that maybe his best bet to protect the timeline was to commit suicide, but he didn’t entertain that thought for very long. He had managed to collect a few things, including a large box to sleep in, apparently being homeless was a common enough condition that no one seemed to comment on it much. There was the occasional “Get a job!” from some of the passerby's, but most people ignored him, except for the few that gave him some money, usually coinage, a new experience for one who had never held physical currency before. But it did mean he could eat something every day or two at that eatic.

That was when he got a lucky break. The cook of the eatic was a large fellow who also owned it, well if you listened to him, he and a bank-owned it. It took Vinci a few listenings to understand what a ‘bank’ was, but he got the idea. The eatic employed several servers, a second cook for the late hours, and two that were called busboys, which confused Vinci at first because it was an eatic not a method of transportic.

But, like a trained traveler, he didn’t ask many questions, hoping not to reveal his ignorance nor make himself memorable in any way. One of the busboys got broken? Or at least that’s what Vinci thought ‘busted’ meant. No one seemed too heartbroken about it, unlike his own time when a co-worker got hurt. But in any event, Vinci saw the two servers working hard and getting behind between taking orders, delivering food, and also clearing and cleaning tables. When he realized this, he simply stood up and started helping.

He didn’t think anything of it, because that’s how things worked when he was from. You lent a hand without making a big deal about it. The servers seemed to appreciate the assistance, so he stuck around until near closing more because it was better than sitting against a brick wall and losing more hope. As the eatic closed, one of the servers pressed some money into his hands, “Thank you, we were a little short-handed.” He was tempted not to take it, but the look on her face told him to refuse would break the rules about ghosticing.

“Thank you, but I was only trying to help,” as he accepted the money with some reluctance.

“Listen, I talked to Darryl,“ giving a nod toward the cook who was watching them. “Our other busboy got busted and if you want it, Darryl will let you do this every day. You’ll work for a share of the tips and it’s all under the table, but we are usually busy enough that it would not just help us, but I think to help you out as well.”

Vinci thought about it and figured being such a menial laborer wouldn’t stretch the rules too badly, although if it was ‘under-the-table’ why was she just handing him money above the table? “This place is really confusing,” he thought for about the millionth time since his arrival.

“I would appreciate that,” he finally said, and the server smiled at him, more than a perfunctory service-with-a-smile look she gave most of the customers. He realized that he hadn’t ever seen such a lovely smile, then shook himself and remembered the rules!

She held out a hand, “I’m Marley, that’s Darryl, and Katerine just left. Marco is the other busboy who works in the mornings before school. Come by about eleven tomorrow and you can work.” She nodded at the handful of bills she had given him, “you’ll easily double that each day.”

He shook her hand, “Vinci, and thanks again.”

“Vinci? I like that!” She smiled again, giving him a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. Her smile was both sweet and oddly familiar.

The job, such as it was, enabled some welcome changes. Some were required after he was arrested for something called ‘vagrancy’. Lucking one of the servers saw him being taken away and between Katerine, Marley, and Darryl, they convinced an ajudic that he was gainfully employed at the ‘diner’, which he learned was the proper term. His night in the cell was actually more comfortable than his box, even if he shared it with several other people.

Since sitting by the wall didn’t seem to have much of a future, Vinci moved in with Marco, sharing a small flat not far from the ‘diner’. The biggest change was access to a shower, although the mechanism almost defeated him the first time he tried to activate it verbally. He and Marco got along okay, they didn’t really see much of each other most days. Marco would be up early and do mornings at the diner and then he would be off to school by the time Vinci showed up for the lunch and dinner shifts. By the time he got home most nights, Marco was already in bed. Friday and Saturday nights were overly busy, Marco would come in for some extra work. If things were slow, he would go out to a party, only he referred to it as ‘going out to party’. Vinci shook his head about how someone could be invited to a party nearly every weekend and an invitation never came in the mail. “Confusing, simply confusing,” was a constant thought.

The only time Vinci didn’t really like was after the lunch rush and before the dinner crowd, there was a lot of downtime. Which meant he, Darryl, the other cook who talked so low Vinci never got his name, and the servers had time to catch their breath and socialize while prepping for the next food rush. Which also meant getting peppered by questions mainly from an inquisitive Marley. Vinci found himself created a fiction for himself. He tried to keep it as vague as possible, but Marley wouldn’t take vague answers and kept after him for details. Vinci came to enjoy the attention but hated the questioning. It wasn’t that Marley was really pestering him, she was simply a naturally inquisitive person.

Six months had gone by and Vinci found himself thinking less and less of where he came from and more and more where he was going, which was still so up in the air. Marco graduated and left the area and Vinci managed to keep up the rent by working more hours at the diner. It was hard work, but Darryl really liked the fact he could fix many of the things that broke. He missed using his own multitool, but if anyone saw the tool head change based on need, they might start asking more questions than he could answer. It wasn’t easy at first to remember to change tools as you worked, but he got used to it. After he repaired the stove and cooling unit a couple of times, Darryl actually paid him for it, still ‘under-the-table’ which he finally understood meant not reporting the income or paying taxes which was perfectly fine with Vinci.

One evening Marley walked with him home. Actually she had walked with him to his home and when he realized she was going to have to walk much further for her home, he did what anyone in his time period would do, he walked with her to her door. She kissed him on the cheek and he stood there for several moments after she went in. That became a ritual quite often. Each time Vinci would have to remind himself forcibly about the rules! But he couldn’t explain that to Marley.

She started showing up at his flat and they would walk to work together. One day she suggested staying with him so they could just go to work together in the morning. Vinci didn’t think anything much about it, after all, it made perfectly logical sense.

When Marley came into his small bedroom, he really was surprised! People from his time simply didn’t do that, not after the sexually transmitted diseases that had run rampant after the Troubles. It was another thing he couldn’t explain to Marley and it was more than the rules, he didn’t want her to leave. He didn’t understand the feeling, but he knew her leaving the room would be the wrong thing. As she slowly entered the room, the lights from the street were bright enough for him to realize she was naked, he was at a loss for words.

“I know you are shy, but I don’t care.” She slipped in-between his sheets and pressed against him, his hands held her waist, touching someone else’s naked skin for the first time ever. He felt his own body responding as his mind told him all the bad things that could happen, but none of it came out of his mouth. The habit of not talking much had become ingrained.

Marley pushed him down and fished him out of his bottoms and took him in her mouth. Vinci couldn’t describe the sensation, there were no words for what she was doing. What little he had learned hadn’t prepared him for this. He felt himself get hard, harder than ever and, without warning, he came.

Marley choked a bit, and when she looked back up at him, she admonished him, “Give a girl a little warning next time.” He felt more than a little ashamed, but her face was simply amazing to look at. She had some of his cum on her cheek and hand and suddenly he understood a word that had been used often around him, ‘Sexy!’ It made sense because the feelings running through him were feelings he never realized he could have. Mating in the future was a much private affair and only after a battery of medical tests. The idea of losing your virginity before your mid-twenties was almost unheard of. It wasn’t a cultural or religious thing, but a medical one because of the Troubles and the aftermath.

She looked thoughtful like she had figured something out about Vinci, but she didn’t say anything. She simply took gentle control and guided him down on her. She encouraged him more with touches than words, but he got the messages easily enough. He was so hesitant, which confirmed her thoughts, she had realized Vinci was a virgin! Part of her was shocked, but when she thought about it, it made sense. Homeless at his age, even though he was obviously well-educated. When would he have time to spend with women?

“It’s okay, just do what I did to you. You’ll know what I like by how I react.”

He looked confused, but her smile made everything alright. In the darkness, he could barely see anything, but as he touched her and felt her move. The velvety feel of her skin on the inside of her thighs was incredible, so smooth and so warm. When he got higher, he could feel the heat pulsing. He wished there was more light to see, but touching held a magic all its own. She was slick and wet and the multitude of folds strange to the touch. Sexual education of his time gave him a small basis of knowledge, but the first time he heard her inhale sharply he pulled away.

She grabbed his hand, “No, Vin, that just shows how much I liked what you were doing. Don’t stop.”

He went back and tried to find that spot again, only she felt wetter than before. He learned there were many spots that made her react, some slight, others much stronger. Then she got verbally instructive with him, telling him what to do and in a few minutes she orgasmed. The dry descriptions he had learned years ago paled when examined side-by-side to what it felt like for him. Her whole body shook as she cried out and her grip on his hand tightened to the point he thought she would hurt herself or him.

As she calmed down, she took his hand and licked and sucked her own juices off. He felt he should have been repelled, but what he could see and all that he felt made those thoughts fall away into nothingness. She felt him and guided him into her while they laid side by side, she hitched one leg over his hip.

“Now go slow, we aren’t in a rush, we have all night.” She guided him with those words and her warm hands as he got his first lesson in making love. One last time he thought about sex in his own time and realized there was something lost in the interval. He briefly wondered if coupling in the future, behind those closed doors, felt as incredible and then realized he didn’t care. He was a man of this century, Marley made him so that night in so many ways.

After that, the two were inseparable. They worked together, he learned more about this world than he thought anyone from the future would ever know. He thought dipping your toes in a few days of the past wasn’t nearly enough. Reading periodical in the libratic – no, library was the right term, wasn’t enough to give you a sense of the world of today. Watching the broadcast and online media only gave you a partial picture, and a very uneven one depending on which sources you frequented. The politics of the time were so incredibly confusing and matched little of what he knew the future thought of this time period. While much was laid at the feet of the two disastrous elected officials, the reality was much messier than that. He sometimes wished he could go back and try and straighten out all those conflicting viewpoints. At that moment, he fully understood the danger and temptation of time travel, and all the warnings the travelers were taught. To go back further and change what he knew was coming wouldn’t necessarily make things better, just different, and potentially worse.

Even as the idea of ‘fixing’ the future occurred to him, he would take one look at Marley and nothing else mattered. He even told her his story, not the full version, but couched it as a science fiction story, Marley loved it and was encouraging him to write it down and maybe sell it. That is, until one day about six weeks later.

He was walking to the diner, after stretching his legs between lunch and dinner when suddenly an arm reached out from a plain brick wall and yanked him through. As he passed he realized he was just around the corner from where he had entered this century.

After a brief disorientation, he found himself back at the Institute. The dull gray color of most of the equipment looked so boring after the color of the streets and buildings of what he had come to consider to be his home.

“Marley!” was the first thing he said. But what was unexpected was what happened next.

“She did well, Vinci, very well.” He looked up into the eyes of someone he had never met, but whose picture adorned the entryway of the Institute, Profess DaVin, the directic of the Institute and a direct descendent of the inventor of time travel.

“Profess …” Vinci started to say something else, but the Proftic stopped him.

“You are more confused now than you were when you went back. We’ll explain everything shortly. For now, we historics have some work to do and see how your unexpected journey might have impacted our own time.”

On that note, he was escorted to his ‘cell’, actually a comfortable bedroom with a cateric unit for refreshment. He didn’t want to sleep of be ‘refreshed’, he wanted to go back to Marey! If for nothing else, to say goodbye.

After several hours, he did fall into a restless sleep, and in the morning, or at least what he thought was morning, he showered and depilated the way he used to. If felt strange to talk to the devices again, and even found himself looking for a switch on the depilator. He sat in the rooms only chair and hoped for things he realized would never happen.

The door suddenly opened and the Proftic entered alone. She looked tired. Instead of asking him questions about his travel, she sat on the corner of the bed and simply smiled at him in a strange way.

“Good morrow, Grandfather.”

“Grand . . .”

“Yes, you are my Great-Great-Great-Great … and a few more Greats … Grandfather. Marley was pregnant when we brought you home.”

“Oh my god!”

“That must be one of the expressions you picked up. We never knew exactly how long you would be there.”

“You knew?” Vinci sounded as shaken as he felt.

“Let me tell you a story. When we realized you made the travel, we panicked a bit. But some of the more sensical of us realized that you were supposed to go.”

Vinci looked even more confused and also upset that he left a child in the past.

The Profess continued, “Just listen for a while. Marley saw you exiting and realized the story you had told her was true and you were from a different time. She really was a remarkable lady and self-educated herself in a number of sciences. You might not recognize her picture, but she invented the theories behind time travel.”

Vinci shook his head, “No that wasn’t Marley, that was …,” He paused as he remembered the name of the scientist whose picture hung on the wall right next to the Profess’s. “Marlene Dieter-Vinc!”

“Yes. Marlene Dieterhouse changed her name after the birth of her daughter and took part of the father’s name, your name. She wanted her daughter to know she had a father even if he wasn’t around anymore. We don’t know exactly what she told her daughter, Vina, but her daughter continued her work, only this time she got the education Marley lacked. Several generations later, after the Troubles, your family invented the system you were maintaining.”

“At first, we didn’t know it was you, after all, her story was a closely held secret here in the Institute. There have been a number of Vinci’s over the years and we stopped expecting to see any make the trip. But when you disappeared through the portal, a few of us realized what was happening. We didn’t know what would happen since we only had an idea of the past, but we had her story and the stories of your descendants archived against the possibility.”

Vinci sat there and did something uncharacteristic, he cried. It was silent, tears were running down his face as his shoulder gently shook. He realized there was no going back, no matter how he longed to do so. So much has happened, there was no way he was going to be able to go back to Marley. Too much would change if it was even possible.

The Profess sat there and let him work through it. After a while, she seemed to know the time was right and pulled something from her jacket pocket. If was obviously old and quite yellow.

“Marley wrote this and in her will wanted her daughter to never read it, but to pass it on until one day it would make it to your hands. Our history records that she wrote it shortly before she passed away. Come join me after you read it, we do have a lot to talk about.”

Vinci turned the envelope over in his hands, being very gentle with it. It wasn’t thick, but there was some writing on the front. It simply said ‘Vinci’ in a handwriting he knew so well. He carefully opened it and slid out several folded pieces of paper and two images on plastic. One he recognized immediately as Marley as he knew her. He even recognized the image, he had taken it himself. She was smiling shyly in that way that always touched his heart.

He stared at it for a long time, wanted so much to touch her face and brush her hair as he did after taking the image. The second one was actually several images arranged in a collage. The first was a small baby, a toddler, a teen, and finally a lovely young lady. He didn’t need the note to realize he was looking at his own daughter, he and Marley’s daughter.

It took a while before he could bring himself to read the letter. He unfolded it with great care knowing how fragile it must be.

Dearest Vinci,

If you are reading this, then I know my life’s work has not been in vain. I started it to be able to find you again and when I knew that wasn’t going to happen, I simply kept working at it to be able to send this note to you. I imagine from your point of view it’s only been a short while since we were together. For me, it’s been many years. I have to tell you first of all that I love you! I know we didn’t use those words often, but you were the first man who looked at me, not as a waitress, but as a partner. You treated me not just with love, but respect as a person. You have no idea how rare that was when we met. You became a large part of my life and when I saw you disappear through that wall, I was shocked more than I can tell you.

I ran to the wall and beat on it hoping the doorway you passed through would let me in, but I learned it was not to be. I resigned myself to losing you, then I learned I was pregnant. Your daughter is amazing! She is smart and funny and became the light of my life. I don’t know if anyone remembers me, but I made sure your daughter knew you. If you are reading this then I know I had some success.

I need you to know how much you meant to me, to us. We weren’t together very long, but what we shared has kept me warm many a night with such loving memories. I know you still have the rest of your life in front of you and I truly hope you find happiness like what we shared. Don’t let yourself be mired in the past.

We cannot change what happened, and at this time in my life, I realize I wouldn’t want to. You gave me such a gift in your love and in our daughter, I can never change that. You were, no, you are the love of my life and as my life nears one end, I know I will see you again if the universe allows.

You loving wife,

Vinci looked stunned, he choked up at the word ‘wife’. He knew it was an archaic reference for the future, but he also knew what it meant for him. Marley, the wonderful, funny, and apparently brilliant Marley was his wife! He was torn between celebrating and mourning her.

He found looking at the picture of their daughter helped so much. He left the room and found the Profess thumbing through a large book.

“You might want to read this, your daughter’s autobiography.”

He took the book reverently, “Thank you, Granddaughter!” He smiled at her and when she smiled back Vinci realized why Marley’s smile was oddly familiar.

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She got more than she bargained for and loved it.Malika lowered her slim bronze frame into the bathtub filled with warm water and scented oils. She had position herself with her back to the main door as she knew William would want to enter unnoticed. He’d slip into the adjoining shower and rinse himself clean before joining her. The soft candle light and tender love songs playing on her iPod lolled her into a dreamy reverie. Her right hand reached between her thighs and caressed her pussy. Her...

3 years ago
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Accidental Anal

Malika lowered her slim bronze frame into the bathtub filled with warm water and scented oils. She had position herself with her back to the main door as she knew William would want to enter unnoticed. He’d slip into the adjoining shower and rinse himself clean before joining her. The soft candle light and tender love songs playing on her iPod lolled her into a dreamy reverie. Her right hand reached between her thighs and caressed her pussy. Her left hand gently pinched her nipples and...

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Accidental Icon

ACCIDENTAL ICONby themoonaticWHY THE FUCK DID I TELL HIM? She screamed inwardly as he squeezed and pulledher big engorged puffy nipples.She was naked in the 57 degree March weather except for her shoes, feeling helpless and vulnerable, the crowd laughing and jeering and recording.Her life was ruined now, she was certain. The whole world would see her disgrace.You LIKE that, you little white faggot BITCH?! he bellowed as he yanked again.You gonna cum for us, HO? Tell us when you gonna...

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The Traveler

Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine. If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy... The Traveler It’s funny how some of my most enjoyable kills have been planned in a matter of days or even hours. I was in...

2 years ago
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The Traveler

Warning: this story contains graphic rape and murder. Don't read it if this isn't your cup of tea. Conversely, if this is your cup of tea, so much so that you think you should try hurting someone in real life, please reconsider, as you are too stupid to get away with it and too soft for prison, where you will be raped more savagely than even my twisted mind could imagine.If, however, you are somewhere in the middle, then please enjoy...The TravelerIt’s funny how some of my most enjoyable kills...

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The Traveler

It is a long time since I began this odyssey. My name isn?t really important, mostly I call myself Traveler? or Trav Veler. I know, not very original. It is a long time since I began this odyssey. The machine I built was supposed to be a stasis cell. My idea was similar to cryogenics, but by freezing time rather than the person. Well, that didn?t pan out. I?m no longer entirely sure how it works but whenever I switch it on it flings me through the ether to another place, another time, but I...

3 years ago
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My First Accidental Sexual Experience Part 8211 2

Hey indian sex stories dot net friends; After all that happened, nothing changed. She pretended like nothing happened and didn’t talk about it. But I couldn’t think of anything else except what happened that day. How my hard-on accidentally touched her ass and we both got aroused and felt something between us. And how from all that seduction she didn’t allow me to have sex with her. And All from that, I was thinking that why didn’t allow me to penetrate her? This question was haunting me. Few...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

1 year ago
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The Accidental Anal Fuck Become Our Favourite Act Anal Sex Stories

Stephen and I are married for 9 years now and have earned the reputation of the most happening and happy couple in the neighbourhood. People aspire to be us- we have been setting couple goals for the younger generations. But behind closed doors, things were different. They were mundane. We both have reached an age where responsibilities are more important than romance. Hence, the slow death of romance and passion has already started crippling our lives. The first thing to vanish was sex. It had...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

2 years ago
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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...

4 years ago
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Accidental Gangbang

It seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything that can go wrong will' was proving true right before my...

4 years ago
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Accidental Gangbang

wife – anal – slut – gangbang – orgy – submissive – cum It seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything...

3 years ago
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Accidental Encounter With An AC Inspection Officer

There are some encounters which you don’t plan but it happens accidentally. This is one such encounter where I met a middle-aged ac guy for repair work and it turned out repairing work for our bodies. Well it happened around last week when there was so much dust storm and thunderstorm was happening in north of India. So because of that my ac stopped working as it is an old one. This ac I got installed using my office connection and because of that voltas guy sent this ac inspection guy to check...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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My First Accidental Sexual Experience

How accidentally I had my first accidental sexual experience at home. (this story can relate to someone, viewers discretion is advised) This is me. This is me still virgin(age not disclosed) and this is how my days ends; watching tv . Actually this was how my days used to end. Now I am a player. Jokes apart, we had this tv at our living room. I was not an extrovert kid, so the only companion I had was this tv set and my aunt’s daughter. I use to call her misha and she was really close to me. We...

3 years ago
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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed, pool side seat. Two hours earlier: Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the...

2 years ago
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Accidental WerewolfChapter 10

“What’s going on?” asked Raven. Benedict shuffled over, escorting her into the store. “Come in, come in, I will explain everything...” Cameron was still standing behind the store counter, unable to move. The last thing he wanted to deal with was all of Chelsea’s drama. Cameron realized that he was staring off into space, and the other two were standing in front of him like customers waiting to check out. “Hi, I’m Raven,” she said, holding out her hand like they’d never met. She had a ring...

3 years ago
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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

3 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 4 The Accidental Dominant Part One

"All right, you bitches, let's get to work." I received no answer from the girls. That was as it should be. The less trouble they gave me, the less abuse they'd get. Because right now, as I pulled my gloves tightly onto my hands, I was ready to take the misery of the last week out on every single one of them in turn. I honestly don't remember when I'd decided to name all of the gas-powered machines in Laura Stone's garage. I'd obviously been angry at something, and found that it was...

2 years ago
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The Accidental Flash

I stepped out on my patio in my boxer shorts, shirtless and without shoes. I felt comfortable doing so, since I had a large back yard and a privacy fence. I turned on the garden hose and began watering the dozen or so potted plants when I looked over and saw my neighbor, a young twenty-something, doing the very same thing. Her patio was a wee bit lower in elevation than mine, so in actuality I wasn’t looking over as much as I was looking down. Our houses were typical suburban houses, about...

5 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 6 The Accidental Blackmailer Part Three

As I cycled to the school late on Sunday morning, I was starting to have doubts about whether I was going to be able to survive this entire weekend. Laura had left at eleven last night, and I had finished tidying up and airing out the room just before my parents breezed back into the house. In fact, I had only spotted Laura's handcuffs underneath the bed less than twenty seconds before my mother showed up at the door to my bedroom. Laura had obviously forgotten them in her departure. In any...

4 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 9 The Accidental Menage Part Two

In retrospect, any rational person would have realized that a week-long district attorney conference wouldn't really last an entire week, from Monday to Sunday. If I'd thought about it at all, I would have known that, duh, it was only a work week, and that Mom would be back on Friday night. And I certainly wouldn't have invited the girls over to play on Friday night. They had been "checking in" on me all week. Monday was Natalie, Tuesday was Pam, and Wednesday was Laura. I had Thursday...

4 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 5 The Accidental Dominant Part Two

I figured that it would take me a little less than an hour to wash and wax my dad's car to my mom's satisfaction. That would still give me five hours or so to get online and learn everything I could about Mrs. Stone's unusual, er, preferences before she arrived. That was the theory, anyway. Subtracting the time that my mother insisted I spend mowing our lawn so that it looked nice when Mrs. Stone was going to arrive — arrive after dark, mind you — left me with three and a half hours....

3 years ago
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The Accidental Girl

The Accidental Girl Please note - this is a work of pure fiction and includes a brief but graphic description of an accident involving severed genetelia. If I have made any mistakes with transgender surgery that you find distressing I offer my sincere apologies. And Its my first real attempt at story writing writing since school twenty odd years ago, so please be honest with any feedback (but gentle with me as its my first time.......) I simply didn't see it. If I had I wouldn't be...

2 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 10 The Accidental Menage Part III

"God damn it," I screamed at her. "Just bend over and fucking stick it in!" "I can't," my mother turned her tear-streaked face toward me and sobbed in abject humiliation. "Of course you can," I sneered at her. "Pam can, can't you Pammie?" "Oh, sure," Pam chuckled as she sat cross-legged on the floor watching us. "Natalie?" "Since I was twelve," the hot little housewife giggled. "Laura probably used to do it two or three times a day," I pointed at the fourth member of...

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The Accidental GigoloChapter 7 The Accidental Casanova

With the last two weekends under my belt, I was actually quite disappointed with the way that this one was starting out. My plan to visit Laura and trim her bushes was scotched when her son announced that he was coming home from college for the weekend. My backup plan fell through, too, when Pam informed me that she and Maryanne Nelson had a day of shopping planned. She laughed at my invitation to bring Maryanne; a vibrator was apparently as close to a naked man as Ms. Nelson was willing to...

3 years ago
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The Accidental Nudist CabinChapter 9

Once more I was the last to awake, but this time it was nowhere near as glorious as the previous day. Not only was I sore from head to toe, but my 'alarm clock' was shaking the bed like a Jiffy-pop shaker. I opened my eyes and growled, "Enough." "Man, you're a hard sleeper," Dan teased sitting on the bed opposite. "You already missed all the drama." A lifetime's worth of amazing memories created in one night. It was all coming back to me. "Jesus! What a night!" I stretched and...

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The Accidental Fuck CH1

The Accidental Fuck Chapter 1 I work nights four times a week at a call centre start at 9pm finish at 7 in the morning normally get home about 7.30 the straight to bed. And today was no different I unlock the half ton of locks on the front door, dump my coat and bag some were near the front door and work my way up to the attic to my bed. Wile undressing say the customary morning love and in return I get the customary grunts from under the sheets. Slipping in beside her naked scoot across...

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The Accidental Plan Which Turn My Life 8211 Part 2

A warm welcome to all Indian sex stories readers and this is second part of The accidental plan which turn my life and I thank all the ISS writers who put up their effort in penning down their experiences. Thanks for your reply and messages. I am Reji, 26 years old guy working as a sales executive in Thrissur,  Kerala. About me 5.11 feet tall had dick of almost 7 inch and 3 inch thick also good looking. Give your valuable feedback on my email Aunties and ladies in and around Thrissur and...

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Mortimer and Myrtle A Love Story

Note: This is not your usual Lush story. It is an experimental play in a theater of the absurd style. There is no sex but it is an entertaining comment on marriage. I encourage you to indulge in something different. I think it will make you laugh and maybe cry.Scene: A formal living room. Mortimer is seated on a sofa in the center of the room when Myrtle enters and sits on the sofa next to him. She is wearing a blue floral dress and a pearl necklace, her gray hair is tied in a bun. Mortimer is...

Love Stories
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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An Accidental Love God Ch 09B

So, my ranch. I wanted to have a place with lots of space for several reasons. First, I’ve always loved the solitude. I am not much of a crowd and city person, but fishing, hunting, tramping through the woods and skiing, sign me up. Second, I wanted to minimize the possibilities of accidental contact with a normal. No more fiascos like Ms. Obesity or that Irish step dancer in the elevator (thankfully you can only see my back on the video posted to You Porn). Third, my wife loves animals and...

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Accidental Discovery

When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...

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An Accidental Love God Ch 08B

Jana’s Tale The first thing you should know is that both Gina and I are actors living in LA. What you probably do not know is that acting in video games is turning into a very lucrative enterprise for actors, in particular women of a certain body type. Just check the acting credits on What ‘certain body type’? You ask a brilliant question. That would be the porn star body type. Both Gina and I have done everything possible to enhance our bodies. We both have surgically enhanced...

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Chapter 1 Accidental Encounter Nancy Series0

Accidental Encounter Nancy and Paul met by coincidence and at the time, neither would by imagined how they would have developed into close friends an5d then lovers. Nancy was 55 years old, and her body showed the signs of childbirth and a fairly sedentary life. She became pregnant and married Ben, her high school boyfriend, shortly after they graduated from high school together. She quickly found herself in a supporting role to his life. Since they couldn't afford for both of them to go to...

2 years ago
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Accidental Master pt 1 edited

Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...

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Accidental Cheating III

Introduction: Not really accidental this time, and its not cheating when your wife is involved. Thanks for all the positive comments from part I and II. Please remember these are true stories as they happened and the only thing not exact is what was said by people. In those instances I wrote as close as I remembered. Hopefully you like this part and i truly hope that I have another part to write about whenever it happens. —————– —————– —————– Its been a long while since I hooked up with Kat,...

4 years ago
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Literotica Mobile XXX WebcamsLive 24/7, view live web cams now on your iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android device!Free Original Erotic Stories.tagi****t/TabooAccidental i****tAccidental i****tbyScott_Heywood©I pulled into the parking lot, We noticed that the Adult bookstore in as busier than usual.Marie only ever had one real complaint about Our monthly visit...She didn't get fucked enough. Most of the Guys just wanted blowjobs.Marie and I walked across the parking lot...the thin, skin-tight...

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Accidental erection

The door is unlocked so I open it and the entire space of the hotel room reveals in front of my eyes. The large bed is visible from the entrance and on it, bended on the edge, is Mel. She is humping the furniture. Her hard cock is rubbing against the soft white sheet. She is completely naked and moaning. I close the door behind me. ‘What is this, Mel?’ ‘This… is one… fiery erection I… am dealing with…’ I can see her ass muscles to clench and move with every hump she is making on the bed. I see...

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It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...

2 years ago
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Accidental Incest Not so accidental anymore

I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...

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Accidental Love II

Lori's husband had taken Ben to have his cast removed today. Lori was as excited as a high school girl on her first prom date. She had put a roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker for when they returned home as a sort of celebration. Ben, a lifelong friend of her husband, had fallen from a faulty ladder at their construction business and broken some bones near his neck. This made it necessary to put his upper body in a cast, which made both arms immobile. Lori, a nurse, had volunteered...

Straight Sex
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Interrupted Journey Accidental Swingers

Interrupted Journey – Accidental SwingersKezza’s StoryLisa and I rarely got the chance to accompany each other on business trips. This occasion was an exception. We’d already had a couple of days away from home when we decided on a back road short cut to the next large town before nightfall. Our route took us through the mountains and valleys past farming country. The rain started as we drove down from the mountain into the valley. I slowed the car to match the conditions. We came round a bend...

2 years ago
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Accidental Nudity

Hi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...

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