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July 3, 2017

Dear Ms. Diary,

[Written on July 5, 2017]

Practice went very well, much better than I had anticipated. The team seemed to relish putting Heather through her paces, with the fullbacks being particularly enthusiastic about booting long balls for her. Some of them were just silly – and we had a good laugh, but a goodly number of them were useful and on the spot. I think that we wore Heather out.

Since we had the big bag of balls and cones [of course, if I’d have thought about it, I would have realized that we needed only a few balls; dopey me], we needed a ride back home, which Gracey’s mom offered. Since Heather was obviously exhausted from all that sprinting, I asked if she wanted to come home with Rhee and me. Since she didn’t live that far away from me and she could walk home after she was rested, she agreed, thanking me.

As we walked in the mud room door, I asked Heather if she wanted a shower.

“Oh, god, yes. That would be great. But I don’t have a towel.”

“Hey, no prob. We have towels aplenty. You have your pick of showers: my parents’ or the upstairs bathroom.”

“Oh. I’d feel too weird showering in your parents’ shower. I’ll take upstairs.”

“That’s fine. I like ‘my’ shower better, too.”

Rhee chimed in. “Oh, yeah. That’s the world’s best shower!”

“Great,” Heather responded. “But I’d like to just chill for a bit, if that’s okay.”

“Sure! Come on up.”

We trooped upstairs and Rhee and I started stripping on the way up and were topless by the time we hit my bedroom door. I opened the door and turned to let a wide-eyed Heather in.

“Uh ... You’re half naked.”

I figured that for the cause of her wide eyes and asked, “How’s this different from the locker room, other than the fact that there are only three of us?”

She started to open her mouth, but closed it, and nodded abruptly.

“Don’t sweat it, Heather,” said Rhee. “It’s not really different and none of us have anything that the others haven’t seen multiple times before.”

“Yea-aahh, but it seems different in a house. I understand your logic, and it is logical, but I guess that my upbringing makes me consider this different from the locker room.”

I answered, “Well, don’t worry about it, as long as you don’t object to us stripping down. We’re quite used to it.”

As I said that, both Rhee and I were stripping the rest of the way.

Heather looked like she was embarrassed and had questions, so I asked her, “What’s your question? I can see that you have at least one.”

She flushed pink all the way into her shirt. After a short hesitation, she asked, “But you’re both naked. Isn’t one of you going to wait for the other to shower?”

“Nope. We shower with the whole team at times, and Beth and I often shower together here. It saves time and a little bit of water.”

“Umm, won’t that be kind of tight with two people?”

“Ah,” I said. “Come look.”

I led her to the shower in the bathroom across the hall. When she slapped eyes on the huge, glass-enclosed shower with two shower heads, I think that we blew her mind. I could read her lips saying, ‘wow.’

“My parents’ shower is similar, but not as big.”

Rhee added, “The two water streams on you at the same time makes for a wonderful shower. No cold side! And the tank is huge. Well, bigger than normal.”

“If you don’t want to shower with us,” I added, “feel free to wait anywhere. Well, please don’t wait on my bed with those sweaty clothes and body. Even if you don’t shower with us, feel free to wait in here. We won’t be long. The longest part of showering with Rhee is drying her hair.”

During this time, Rhee had gotten the shower heads running, so I just opened the door and joined her. We did our usual quick shower in which, after hair was washed, one of us washed the back side of the other while she was washing the front and then both turned about and repeated. Yeah, it doesn’t save all that much time, what with the washee having to bend over to wash her legs, but it was certainly more enjoyable.

Heather had opted to stay in the bathroom, sitting on the chair there. I had kept the corner of an eye out after I got in the shower and she had immediately leaned back and closed her eyes. We did tire her out. We washed Rhee first.

[Come to think of it, I don’t think that we’ve ever discussed who goes first, and it’s not always Rhee. We seem to just know who was going first nearly every time.]

When we turned around, I was mostly facing in Heather’s direction and saw her when she opened her eyes. They immediately got huge. Of course, at the time, Rhee was washing my ass with one of those scrubby puffball things – loofa, I guess, but she then moved down the backs of my legs.

I got rinsed and we stepped out of the shower, leaving the heads on for Heather.

Rhee told Heather, “Chop, chop! We left the water going for you, so hurry up and get in. Yeah, I know that it’s more intimate than the locker room but showering in front of us here is not truly different.”

Heather jumped up and started stripping, while Rhee and I toweled off. As Heather went by us into the shower, I got a good view of her backside. Her proportions are odd, with those long legs on a fairly short torso, but those legs were quite nice, and her ass was lovely. Of course, those are my views; I don’t know what guys would think of them. Although I know that guys are supposed to like long legs, I don’t know what they consider shapely. It probably varies. It certainly seems to vary about asses, as there are websites devoted to large-, even huge-assed women, but other videos have men seeming to have more-than-enough fun with women with more-petite asses. My mom’s ass is not at all large and Dad seems quite fine with it.

By the time that Heather exited the shower, we were drying Rhee’s hair in the typical fashion, Rhee drying one side, me the other. Her hair is so thick that it takes quite a while to get it even towel dry compared to my not-all-that-much-shorter hair, as mine is thin.

I quickly noticed that Heather was just standing there with her towel in her hand, staring at Rhee. I was just about to ask her about it when she spoke.

“I didn’t know your hair was so long. I’ve seen it only in a braid.”

“Yeah, it’s been a long time since it got anything more than a trim. It’s really annoying when I have to wash it, and, with playing soccer, I have to wash it a lot. But it feels so good when it’s clean and loose that I haven’t quite managed to convince myself to cut it.”

As Rhee and I started the two hair dryers on her head, Heather was dried off and she had started climbing back into her sweaty clothes.

“Hey! Stop that!”

I had to yell to be heard over the hair dryers. I turned off the one in my hand and Rhee, seeing what I had done, turned hers off.

“You don’t want to wear those sweaty things. You can borrow some of mine. Your torso is shorter, but you look about my waist size, so shorts should be easy. Take those undies off. Oh. Are you saving the thong and short shorts for the game tomorrow?”

Rhee busted a gut and Heather turned scarlet down to her belly! But back she came!

“Yeah, I didn’t get enough to ‘waste’ them on practice. Besides, who would see them other than team members and they’ve all seen me naked.”

Rhee just about fell to the floor she was laughing so hard. I was grinning to beat the band.

“You go, girl,” I said to her.

Between chuckles, Rhee added, “Oh, you would make a great counter-point to Liya. We need to get you to hang out with us more. I can just imagine the great back-and-forths! Of course, we’d have to invest in oxygen tanks, then.”

Heather, who had gone pink again at Rhee’s first two sentences looked confused after the third, so I fixed her confusion.

“We’d be laughing so much that we’d find ourselves oxygen-deficient.”

She grinned and said, “Of course. I should have figured that on my own. I’m just not used to hanging with witty people.” She grinned again, but then the grin fell off her face. “Yeah, most people with whom I spend time usually don’t get my jokes. I would really like to hang with people that do.”

Rhee jumped in. “Well, then. That’s settled. We’ll call you anytime that we have something going on and, maybe, even when we don’t.”

Heather lowered her head and quietly said, “I’d like that.”

“Hang here with us now while we get Rhee’s hair dry and then we’ll look for clothes for you.”

“Okay,” she replied. “But this is no longer like the locker room. You guys don’t mind being naked so much?”

Rhee chuckled, which Heather took poorly.

Rhee quickly added, “Actually, most of the time that Beth is in her room, she’s naked. It’s just something that she’s done since before we met, and we met when we were nine. At soccer practice, actually.”

Heather’s eyes again got huge at the first sentence, but she almost smirked at the third.

“You know, that doesn’t surprise me. About your meeting, that is. You both seem like you’ve been playing soccer forever, you’re so good. It does surprise me about Beth’s ... uh ... extensive nudity. I couldn’t get away with that. I share a room with my younger sister, and she’d say, ‘I’m telling.’”

We both chuckled. I replied.

“Neither of us have siblings, other than that we’ve adopted each other, so we can’t really appreciate that problem. However, I can say that anytime you’re here, you can be naked all you want in my room, usually anywhere on this floor, and, when no one else is here, anywhere in the house.”

I know that we’ve surprised her a bunch already today, but that seemed to knock her socks off.

“What?! You mean that you go downstairs ... in the nude?!”

“Sure,” Rhee exclaimed. “One time I walked over to meet her to walk to soccer practice from here, and she thought that she’d be funny and be lounging around in the living room waiting for me in the buff.”

I didn’t think that it was possible, but Heather’s eyes got wider.

“Yeah, but both parents were at work, so I was here by myself. You’ve never left your room naked?”

“No-ooo. Well, I did once when no one was going to be home for a while, and I wanted to see what it was like. I was just so nervous that I didn’t make even five minutes before I put clothes on.”

“Well, there’s no need to be nervous here. If you want, after we get Rhee’s hair dry, we can go down and have lunch in our birthday suits.”

I didn’t expect it, but perhaps should have.

Heather lowered her head and quietly said, “I’d like that.”

When we finally got Rhee’s hair dry and shiny, Heather again simply stared at it. She started to reach out her hand but stopped it.

Her face turned red, and then she asked, “May I touch it?”

Rhee turned her back to Heather and replied, “Sure. Have at it.”

Heather seemed to very much enjoy Rhee’s hair; she played with it for minutes. “Wow. That’s just wonderful. I’d like to grow mine longer, but I’m not allowed. I have to admit though, that I might not think it worth the time and effort to keep it clean. But your hair feels really wonderful.”

Lunch was uneventful, other than Heather realizing that all the blinds and curtains were open. She was more than just nervous. I quickly explained that all the first-floor windows were of one-way glass and that people outside really couldn’t see in. It took a while for her to calm completely; not until Rhee and I showed her by standing by the large dining-room window as people passed on the sidewalk without noticing.

After we’d made, eaten, and cleaned up after lunch, we were comparing histories when Heather suddenly exclaimed, “Wow!”

“What,” I asked a bit nervously.

“I’ve been enjoying this so much that I just realized for the first time in a while that we’re all sitting here, gabbing away, and we’re naked. In the kitchen. This is SO cool!”

Rhee looked at me and I think that I could discern what she was thinking, so I nodded.

She then turned to Heather and said, “My house is clothing optional virtually all the time. The ‘virtually’ bit is just because very occasionally there’s a man there – nearly always it’s Beth’s father when the whole family is over. So, you’re welcome to hang out naked there if you want. My mom made the rule. If it’s just girls, then clothing is optional. And she’s not at all disgusting naked.”

I snickered, and added, “Yeah, she looks a lot like Rhee, except with bigger boobs.”

Heather’s chin dropped. “You’re not putting me on, are you?”

“Nope,” answered Rhee.

“So, you guys spend most of each day nude?”


“Wow,” Heather said, with something of a dreamy look on her face.

Hmm, food for contemplation, I thought.

A bit later, I texted Mom, asking when she’d be home. She returned text a few minutes later, “About 4.”

When a lull in conversation came, I asked Heather if she wanted to stay for dinner. Rhee interrupted and told Heather that she wouldn’t be here, as she and her mom were doing something tonight.

“I can ask my mother.”

I nodded and Heather reached for her phone, only to discover that not only was her phone not in her pocket, her pocket wasn’t on her.

“Oh, yeah. I’ll go get my phone.”

She ran upstairs and was gone for long enough that she’d either gone to the bathroom or talked to her mother up there. She came running downstairs and announced that her mother said that she could stay. However, someone would have to drive her home, because her mother was working late, and she didn’t want Heather walking by herself after dark.

“No prob,” I said to her and started texting Mom. Atypically, she texted right back, saying that both requests were fine.

I then asked, “What about your sister if your mom’s not home?”

“Oh. My brother is home, so he can watch her. I made that point directly with her, as I’m usually the one that gets stuck at home watching Elsie, while my brother gets to do whatever.”

Ooh. Sore point touched. I glanced at Rhee and she nodded: Avoid discussions about home life unless Heather starts them. I get the feeling that she’s none too enamored of her family. And, no real surprise, she’s never mentioned a father.

Shortly thereafter, Rhee said, “I better be getting home. Mom will be home soon, and I need to get dressed more nicely than the clothing that I have here allows.” She stood up, then obviously had a thought. “Hey, why don’t you guys come with me. Heather will know where I live, and my mom can meet her.”

Heather quickly interjected, “Do I have to be naked when I meet her? I don’t know if I can do that?”

“No. Of course not. It would be funny, though. I’ve never introduced a new friend when she was naked. Hah!”

Heather looked at Rhee oddly, but then asked, “Is that all right, Beth?”

“Absolutely. Let’s go find you some clothes.” Then, a little to put her on the spot, but mostly just to know, I asked, “So-oo, how did you like the naked afternoon?”

“It was great! I feel ... I don’t know ... free. Yeah, that’s it. I feel free. It’s wonderful.”

I smiled at her, but then she dashed into the dining room, saying, “Come on,” over her shoulder. When Rhee and I got there, she was standing in front of the picture window, legs spread, and arms raised over her head waving frantically at a passerby.

“Hey! I’m naked. I’m free,’ she yelled at the window.

The man that was the unwitting recipient of the display glanced around briefly, but never stopped.

Rhee quietly said, “I guess she did like the naked afternoon.”

“Oh, yeah,” said Heather, who then proceeded to hug each of us. “I really did. It was great. This was the best afternoon of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Rhee and I looked at each other. Again, she nodded. We had to get this poor girl more fun if this was a spectacular time.

I found some clothes that were reasonable for Heather, and we all dressed, then headed out the door. Rhee was kind and didn’t start undressing until we reached her room. However, we were both surprised when Heather started stripping, so gawped at her.

“No, I need to do this. You two are so comfortable in your skins, and I’d like to be comfortable in mine. I’ve been uncomfortable in my skin, both figuratively and literally, for as long as I can remember, and I want to be comfortable. You guys can do it, so I know it can be done. I will be embarrassed being introduced to your mother while I’m naked, but I think that will help me. You guys must have noticed how easily I blush. Everything embarrasses me because I have no experience with anything. Well, I’m tired of it. There’s a happier, freer me somewhere inside, and I’d really like to find her.”

Hit me upside the head with a brick. Heather is so much more like Liya than I would ever have guessed. I quickly stripped down to my skin, then grabbed Heather in a ferocious hug. Rhee was only seconds behind me in doing the same, only from behind.

“You are amazing, girl,” Rhee said in her ear.

With that, Heather started sobbing. Wow. Sobbing girls in a naked double hug twice in three days. Rhee and I just held on, petting her head or arms, letting her get it out of her system. It was not a short cry, which was surprising considering her proven ability to clamp down on her emotions. Perhaps I was wrong thinking that that ability was a good thing.

Eventually, she settled. However, then she had another problem.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I’ve gotten you all snotty.”

I looked down. True.

“So not a problem, Heather. Come on. Let’s go to the bathroom and get us both cleaned up.”

We came out looking sharper, though Heather’s eyes were still pretty red. I got a washcloth wet with cold water and we all went to the living room. There, I had Heather lie on the couch and put the washcloth over her eyes. Hopefully, it would reduce the redness.

Rhee got us drinks and we chatted about inconsequential stuff until we could hear Carol’s car in the driveway, whereupon Rhee quietly said, “Mom’s home.”

Heather sat up abruptly, removing the washcloth from her face.

“How do they look?”

“Not too bad,” I answered.

“You’re not just saying that?”

“Nope, she’s not,” Rhee put in. “They’re far from perfect, but they’re also very far from as red as they were. Don’t worry. You’ll be fine. Just be that person with Mom that you’ve been with us all day.”

There was a key in the lock and time was up. Rhee was right. The look on Carol’s face when she saw three naked girls in her living room was more than worth what little effort was required to effect that view. Even Heather chuckled.

“I’m being played, right,” she asked.

“Yup, and it was well worth the effort to see that look on your face, Mom. Not that it was any effort on my part, at least.” She then grinned at her Mom and us. “Mom, this is my new friend Heather Wilkerson. Heather Wilkerson, this is my mom, Carol Devlin.”

“Hi, Mrs. Devlin. It’s nice to meet you. Thanks for, well, this opportunity,” and she ran her hand downward in front of her indicating her nudity.

“Oh,” said Carol. “I thought I recognized you, but your outfit was unfamiliar.”

Yup, you guessed it. Heather blushed. But, again, she came back whip-crack fast.

“Well, this outfit is mostly unfamiliar to me, too, so I don’t blame you for not recognizing it. I just spent the most wonderful afternoon at Beth’s house with Beth and Rhee. Do you find ... uh ... nudity as freeing as I did, today?” She then blushed and continued. “I’m sorry, that’s none of my business.”

“Don’t worry about it, Heather. To answer your question, yes, I do feel that it is ... umm ... liberating. That is one reason for the policy. I take it from your comments that you have not spent much time without clothing.”

“Yes. Just for bathing. Nudity is not something that happens at home. Not in my experience. It’s not that it’s officially forbidden, it’s just not an option.” She blushed again, then said, “I’m sorry again. Apparently, one can be too free. I seem to be letting my tongue run on its own. My home life is not something that you would or should care about. I apologize, Mrs. Devlin.”

“Okay. Let’s start from scratch, or nearly so, Heather. Please call me ‘Carol.’ Since you’re on my daughter’s team, you must be about her age, which makes you nearly an adult. I would appreciate treating you as such, and adult friends use first names. I hope that if you’re going to be around enjoying the house’s ... freedom ... that we’ll be friends. I see little doubt of that, as I’ve yet to dislike one of Rhee’s friends. Besides, ‘Devlin’ is my ex-husband’s name, not mine, but it’s a pain in the neck to get it changed, so...”

“Thank you, M ... Carol.”

“I do have a possibly-too-personal comment that I hope you’ll excuse. You are quite lovely, and I love your freckles. I guess that’s two comments.”

Heather, of course, colored, but, as per usual, she kept her head up and looked Carol in the eye.

“Ugh. You’re just saying that, aren’t you? I think they’re atrocious.”

“No, I mean it. Though I haven’t had a freckle since I was much younger than you are now, I do know that many boys and men find freckles quite attractive. In fact, one of my high-school boyfriends could never not look at a passing freckled girl or woman, even though we were dating, and he’d never seen me with a freckle. That he was always looking at such girls was a bit of an ego-degrader at the time. But then, most things can be ego-degraders for teenaged girls. It was less of a problem for me with my ex-husband, but only because my self-esteem was stronger, then. He, too, couldn’t not look at a freckled girl.”

Heather stared at Carol for quite a while, then dipped her head.

“Thanks. I’ll take that into consideration.”

Carol then cocked her head and looked oddly at Heather.

“You seem well-spoken and your mind seems more organized, more adult-like than most girls your age, present company excepted.”

I piped in. “Carol, Heather reminds us a lot of Liya.”

Carol looked at me, somewhat disbelievingly.

“Well, I can see the very strong physical resemblance.”

Rhee and I cracked up.

“Obviously,” she continued, “you’re not talking about physical similarity. That’s actually a bit scary.” She paused a bit, then continued. “I’m sorry, Heather, that we’re talking about you in your presence. That’s rude of us. But I find you something of an enigma. As they’ve been proven correct on many occasions, I trust both Beth’s and Rhee’s judgments about people. If they’ve come to believe that you fit with them, and that assessment is obvious if they’ve brought you here and informed you of the house’s clothing-optional policy, then I accept that they’re almost certainly correct. But Liya is quite special, a rare gem. If they’re comparing you to her, that suggests that you’re also a rare gem.”

Heather was vivid scarlet at this point.

“I have to come clean, Heather. I was a psych major in college, and I wasn’t kidding when I told you that I find you to be something of an enigma. I believe I will greatly enjoy getting to know you and I promise not to psycho-analyze you without your permission. At least, out loud. It’s not possible to keep my mind from doing it behind my eyes.

“Meanwhile, I’ve been wearing clothes too long today, so, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go ... Oh. No, I guess I won’t. Rhee and I were going out. I’m sorry, while I’ve been nattering on, time has been passing, and we’re going to have to hurry if we’re not going to be late.

“It was great to meet you, Heather, and I look forward to seeing you again. I will say one more thing in your favor. You’re awfully brave to meet someone’s mother for the first time while you’re wearing just your skin.”

Then she grinned.

Heather returned that grin, then said, “Thank you, Carol, for the kind words. I’ve never considered myself anything special. Then, I’d never considered spending an afternoon at two girls’ houses, two girls that I don’t really know all that well, wearing nothing but freckles.” She glanced at Rhee and me, then continued, “I had also never in my wildest dreams ever considered standing in front of a big picture window stark naked and waving madly at a passing man that was a complete stranger. Of course, I’m told that the glass in that window was one-way, but what do I know about glass?”

Same as Beth
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~~Julias~~ A taxi would not do, not for this. Perhaps it was too ridiculous, too absurd, or just too over-the-top, but Julias took great delight in the magnificent limousine they were in. Other Kindred would arrive in their usual ways, but the Prince expected a certain level of presentation for her ball, and Julias got that. There was something beautifully innocent in the mindless indulgence of expensive vice, jewelry, and wearing someone on your arm. Jack was in the limousine with him,...

4 years ago
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Double TearsChapter 100

“I can’t help what I have any more than you can help what you don’t.” —Neal Shusterman, UnSouled “WELCOME TO MY little strip of Hoosierland paradise,” Donna said when we’d kicked off our shoes on the porch and entered through French doors to a dining nook off the kitchen. Donna set about getting a pitcher of iced tea from her refrigerator and pointed Rachel to the glasses. When we all had a drink, we settled into a sun room with a view out the back windows. It was beautiful. “Do you...

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Fulfilling Casual Lovers Second Impregnation Wish

I ran some more hot water to make sure the suds covered my erection. Shelly came into the bathroom putting the tray down on the floor before resting on the edge of the tub, I could smell her perfume. Her gown slipped open revealing smoothly crossed thighs, she absentmindedly pulled it back over her knee. She looked very tired and sad but more beautiful than ever, tall and slim with an attractive face, piercing blue eyes, full red lips on a very pale but flawless complexion, and long straight...

1 year ago
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The Ultimate Test

I had been waiting by the phone for weeks to hear from him then one night he shows up at my door. He is so handsome and so much in control of me. Even though I’ve been upset that he hasn’t called me or answered my calls I melt in his arms when I see him. His embarrass is so comforting. He kisses me looks deep in my eyes and tells me to go change clothes, because he has a surprise for me. I ask no questions and immediately do as he has instructed. He leads me to the car in silence and as...

2 years ago
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I Never Knew She Liked To Watch Part 6

Kristina and Krystal were two friends of my step-daughters that enjoyed spending the night at our house.Krystal, a bit on the heavy side, had a mouth on her like no one I'd ever heard. Me, being somewhat of a pervert and having a dirty mind, always loved hearing what she had to say. My wife, being somewhat prude and stuffy, always found it offensive, and would often ask my step-daughter why on earth she would want to associate with someone like her.My step-daughter would just laugh, and...

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Stars Trump Tower Other Public Sex

I'd forgotten him in the course of 7 years, but when we got together again, it was for keeps. I'd also newly discovered sex and the art and gentle strokes oral sex ushered, and I was in afterglow heaven. Peter taught me everything I know about sex, I taught him to have a grand sense of adventure. What a pair of .... we are. Those times were puntuated with the freak shows we'd given on an AmTrak train to see his mother, the ten minute doggy style bangfest in Trump Tower elevator,...

1 year ago
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CHAPTER 19A: STARTING A NEW LIFE—AGAIN!As suggested by the attorney, Mom gave her response for the divorce settlement terms. We, Tim and I, discussed the options available to her over the next day. It really wasn’t that hard for her to come to terms with what she wanted to come back with. She really just had to come to grips with the reality that she was being abandoned by her husband while in her fifties and based on that determine what she would need. She had no real work skills that she...

2 years ago
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Melanie and Evelyn

Hi, everyone; Melanie here. Claire has told you all about our hot encounter with Evelyn, so you'll know just what a sexy thing our new Asian friend is. I wanted to tell you what happened when I met Evelyn one day and we decided to go out for a bit of fun.We were both feeling a bit naughty and worked out a plan for the evening which involved me pretending to be a stranger and coming on to her in public. So we set out for a bar we both knew but once we got there we arranged to go our separate...

2 years ago
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SusanChapter 6

Susan and Megan didn't go much further than they had the first time in the hour or so they were parked out there by the river, but they kissed some more and talked some more without settling anything, except for perhaps a little of the confusion in Megan's mind. After a while, they decided enough was enough and drove down to the Frostee Freeze, a one-time A&W that was still a drive-in, and the predominant teenage hangout in Spearfish Lake, at least when it was open in the summer...

3 years ago
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Turning my GF into My BBC slut

This is a true story about me and my now sub GFit started out in a movie theater were we both worked at. We were both dating someone else at the time but that soon all changed. One day we both were working the same shift. We would casually talk about random stuf from movies to boyfriends. She told me that her BF was horrible in bed and that she was never experienced an orgasm before. Right then and there I knew I would turn her into my dirty little submissive bbc cumslut.As the day goes on I...

1 year ago
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BangBros18 Kimberly Snow Seducing the Tutor

Kimberly Snow needed some urgent biology tutoring. As she never paid attention in class she had no clue about photosynthesis. Such a complex topic. So many hard to memorize words. Nobody in the world could ever understand this. Except for maybe James Angel her tutor. So he tried to explain how it works but all she could make out was bla, bla, bla. But he was kind of cute. She wondered if he worked out. She wondered how big his dick was. Ooops. Did she say that out loud? Indeed she did. So she...

3 years ago
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An Officer and a GentlemanChapter 3 February Special Valentine

Tory left work early the Friday of Valentine's weekend, knowing Trent would be going to his father's right after school. She had packed the night before, so she immediately headed to Mitch's house. She remembered fondly the conversations she and Mitch had had over the past month, especially one of the last ones. He always seemed to know what to say to put her anxiety to rest. Tory let out a nervous chuckle as the memory of her shopping trip with her girlfriends came to mind. Terri Larson...

2 years ago
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Solace Rosanna

Solace “Sol” Tynan stood, swaying slightly, as she watched her now ex-best friend and lover, Rosanna “Sanna” Romero, stride purposefully across the street. It was a damned good thing she was holding tightly to her mobility cane because she might have made quite a spectacle of herself by crumpling to the sidewalk for no good reason that anyone could discern. Well, she new she would have a good reason, but no one else would. Rosanna neither looked left nor right, only straight ahead—which was...

2 years ago
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Mom the Lipstick Lesbian

I can't tell my story without telling the storyof my mother. She was born in the suburbancommunity between Disneyland and Knott's BerryFarm in Orange County, California. She was arelatively popular girl in school. The first time shegot fucked would be a truly traumatic experiencefor anyone, but for a young p*****n even more so.She was only twelve years old and just turning froma girl into a woman. She had only had a couple ofperiods. Her breasts were just starting to swell andpubic hair...

4 years ago
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Missing Cats and Found KittensChapter 3

The next morning, after headcount and breakfast. A really bland oatmeal with a carton of milk and a slice of dry toast. No coffee. We were told to stand by in the pod commons area. Ten minutes later, my name was called, and I was cuffed up. This included a waist chain and ankle shackles. At best, all I could do was shuffle my way along. I was taken off the pod and escorted by four correctional officers to a room. Inside was a steel table and chair bolted to the floor. 2 other chairs on the...

1 year ago
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Lacy Lennon 150 380000

Racy Lacy Lennon was born in North Carolina, United States, on January 23rd, 1997. In late middle school, she moved with her family to Nevada, where she began studying lyrical singing.A Calling From GodNevada is a slut hotbed. I assume it wasn't until she breathed in that hot, dry Nevada desert air that she felt a tingle in her panties. The unmistakable tingle of a vagina demanding large amounts of penis. Once this process starts, it can't be stopped, even by moving to Utah. In fact, Utah will...

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Seduced by two black businessmen

I am a Nordic woman, living in one of the Scandinavian countries in Northern Europe. I want to share this encounter that took place seven years ago. I wrote most of this right after it happened. Both the encounter and the memories of it have given me loads of pleasure. But it also caused a lot of grief and guilt.I was 32 years old back then, married with two k**s, age 3 and 6. My husband and I were living a traditional busy small c***dren life. I was not working with my professional job at that...

2 years ago
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Married guys start fucking

He said he likes to get fucked. Like, to have a dick fucking him in the ass.“You gotta be fuckin k**ding me, man,” I said. The beer bottle was cold in my hand - we’d just cracked our fourth, which is I guess about the time that people start admitting they like to get fucked in the ass.But this was my buddy, and we’re both married. To women. And while I haven’t known him too long I just never would’ve suspected. But I guess nobody would ever suspect that I’ve had my dick in more than a couple...

2 years ago
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The Officer

I have been a part of the New York Police Department for some time now. I have made many arrests. Some criminals give up easily, some want to play rough, and some try putting up a fight. They even try to escape, but in the end, they never win.Well, let me tell you about today. As I start off my day like any other, I wake up in the morning and get dressed in my uniform. I'm looking sharp, and just hoping for a good day.I usually work the day shift, from, five o'clock in the morning until five...

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Seduced My Mami And Fucked Her

Hii friends me aaj aapko apne jeevan me hui sachi ghatna batane jaa raha hu ki kaise meine apni mami ko seduced kia aur choda. Mera nam kunal hai me delhi ka rehne walla hu aur engineering kar raha hu aur meri mami gujarat me rehti hai unka fir 34-30-36 hai. Aur kafi achi dikti hai dekar to lund khada ho jata hai. Ye kuch 2 mahine phele ki baat hai jab mera vacation chal raha tha may me. Toh me apne grand parents ke yaha gaya hua. Mujhe toh bas mami se millne ka mouka chaie tha bas aur kuch nai...

1 year ago
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Hollys Tale

One of the most satisfying ways I have found to enjoy Fictionmania is to read a story and then imagine how it may have turned out very differently had the main character been one of my acquaintances of very different temperament to the person in the tale. Usually a crossdressing friend, but sometimes a non-CD, or even a person whose company I do not especially enjoy... After thinking in this way for too long, the motivation to actually put some of these thoughts into writing finally...

3 years ago
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Ron And Ronnie Chapter 5 Trying To Get To The Truth

Our good friends Ron and Ronnie had split up. No one had any idea why Ronnie suddenly left Ron with their three kids. I had been out to talk to Ron at the earliest opportunity and he had started to tell me a little about what Ronnie had been doing. It seemed that she knew quite a bit about my wife’s cheating which I had suspected. Ron told me that Ronnie had told him that she wanted to do something similar and as a result, she had, with Ron’s approval, joined Sue with a group of men.After...

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My slutty ex

She was a lovely girl and he was a nice guy, they were good for each other. Once we had left school we lost contact and didn’t really ever talk or see each other. One day I was lying in bed and I had a phone call from her. She was her old flirty self and did not sound any different. We talked for about an hour or so catching up. Then she starting really flirting asking how good my sex life had been and she remembered the feel off my cock. She told me about her and her bf’s sex life was so...

4 years ago
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She was not prepared for the blast of heat as she left the artificial cool of the Metro station. The summer was like an oven and bathed the street in brilliant, harsh, white light. The sand in the vacant block beside her blazed brilliant  white, while the breeze lifted it into little columns and eddies which seemed to hang in the air for the moment before collapsing. The ubiquitous hotel and apartment buildings lined the street, behind which rose the odd oblong of the Ski Dubai construction....

4 years ago
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I Submit Pt 2

As soon as I get a friendly stray to follow me somewhere I can drop my pants, my cock is rock hard before I even get on the ground on my knees. They are always curious and usually do not need much coaxing. Sometimes I have to masturbate a while which then gets the dog's interest enough to give a few licks of my cock. I quickly turn around so my ass is in their face. They then sniff and right after that start licking my asshole. Oftentimes I shoot precum and when the dog suddenly...

3 years ago
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Good Morning Master

I stretched and yawned, my nipples hardening in the winter morning air. Turning over I saw Master was still asleep, and a smile slid across my face. I pulled the covers down and saw the stiff member laying erect on his stomach. I licked my lips. Turning around and sticking my ass in the air, I wrapped my lips around his beautiful cock and started to suck and bob, I felt him move under me and smiled at the pleasure I would bring him and the joy I would get in return. I loved swallowing his...

1 year ago
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HotMovies Classics

Hot Movies Classics! Let me take a guess. Either you have a fetish for older people; enough reason that made you sneak on your old grannie while she took showers or changed clothes and fapped to her wrinkled body and fallen titties, or you are a fucking old dude. How do you even get hard on looking at her lifeless wrinkled body? Now that your dad doesn't want your grannie around and has dumped her in a nursing home, where else would you run to yet must fap to an old-school hairy pussy? Maybe...

Premium Vintage Porn Sites
2 years ago
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FateChapter 18 Brouden

I loosened my seatbelt a little so I could relax as the plane reached altitude. We were the only two in first class. I was surprised Tony had OKed first class. Pam looked very professional in a suit but still sexy as hell. The skirt was tight and short displaying the goods nicely. The coat was open and her full breasts looked yummy. You just can't hide some things. She was sitting on the inside and the Flight Attendant was kneeling in the seat in front of Pam leaning over the back of the...

3 years ago
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The Family Resemblance

Janice stood there, watching Carl through the open patio doors, and gasped. Then she smiled indulgently, her eyes twinkling. He obviously hadn't heard her come home because, if he had, he certainly wouldn't be lying on the couch doing that. She licked her lips, moistening them, the movement unconsciously sensual. He was a handsome boy, and bore a remarkable resemblance to his father, despite the obvious generation gap. Nineteen years old. Fast approaching manhood but not quite there yet,...

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Simulations and Safety NetsChapter 5

Meagan found herself numbly walking back to her room considering the possibility of letting Peter cum on her again. Would there be any way that her mother would even consider such an idea? Shucking off her robe, Meagan put a pair of panties on, but was having difficulty with her bra. For one thing, her nipples were rock hard after the long posing session, and the pressure of the cups of her bra was making her realize that she was very jealous of Peter having had an orgasm. She would need to...

4 years ago
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Flames of LifeChapter 07

The dinner conversation on Ernie’s second Tuesday at the farm is on what Jason’s daughter, Linda, can take to school for her turn at ‘Show and Tell.’ A big issue with this program is so many of the students are farm kids with limited options of what to bring in, so it’s hard to find something another child hasn’t taken in over the last couple of years. It’s because of this each child has to do this just once a year due to the program being one child in each class once a week for each week of...

3 years ago
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Military DelightsChapter 7 The Infantry

There were six of the infantry in the patrolling platoon who were ordered to clear any resistance out of a short street of small houses. Their orders were to take any men they found between the ages of fifteen and sixty to the town square as prisoners. It was not a street where they expected to find much in the way of wealth, and so they also expected little resistance. Any males they found would probably be deserters, and there wouldn't be much loot either. They went the length of the...

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The Revenge of the Latexdoll

The Revenge of the Latexdoll By LatexBondageBoy Chapter 1 Making of the Latexdoll Dr. Lex Hunter has a fasiciation with latex and women. Something about a woman in latex turns me on in the worst way. Due to his working long hours, his social life suffered. One day he was looking at a latex magazine, he got an idea. He thought to himself, " What if I created a latex woman of my dreams?" He thought what he need. First he need a person. So the next day, he put an ad in the paper,...

1 year ago
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Tale of the Bitch That Went Soft

My name's Samuel or Sam for short and... my sister... Samantha. Yeah, two Sams. Oh joy. Sam and Sam. Sam's Club. But I'm eighteen and my sister's is four years older (that would make her twenty-two for those of you with impaired math skills). And now for the best thing about her return is that she's such a bitch she doesn't really have friends which means she just stays home all day assuming her reign as queen bitch and ruling over all that live in her miserable kingdom. Now my...

2 years ago
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Sally And DukeChapter 6

As he entered the swinging door of the bank, Ray Denham was keeping his fingers crossed, mentally. In recent days he had come to understand that he was hoping to acquire the drugstore almost as much for his wife Sally's sake as for his own. At the party they had attended at the country club, she had been so different... and it was only then he had realized how routine and boring her life must have been since he brought her here to Quiggville. The excitement of an evening out had brought a...

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Moana in Australia second day pls read the f

Next day we went back to the beach, same place, relaxing, swimming, sun bathing. In the early afternoon all over sudden two guys appeared next to us and asked us whether we would like to join them again. We looked at each other and agreed. We wanted to take our clothes but the guys told us just to come with them barely naked as we were. We looked again at each other and followed the guys. It was bit strange because we were naked and they were clothed. After a few minutes we arrived at the same...

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Not given a chance chapter 2

I slept peacefully that night and woke early in the morning. I got dressed ate some food went to the bathroom brushed my teeth before finally deciding I was ready and padding to the basement door watching it accept my eye and swing open. I closed it before padding father down the hallway to watch her through the one way glass. She was awake that was for sure from my position on the glass I was inches away from her face. Her mascara and makeup was smeared across her face and dried up tears...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Kennedy Kressler Ready To Please

Kennedy Kessler has a surprise for her beau Brad Sterling. She goes to into the bathroom and peels off her clothes down to her underwear. Then she pulls out a sexy maid outfit that she’s been saving for a special occasion. After she slips into the lingerie, she gives herself one last look in the mirror and then struts out the door to make Brad’s day. When Brad lays eyes on his girlfriend, he can’t help the grin that crosses his face. She’s hot as hell as she uses her...

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TriptychChapter 24

GYPSY, HAVING GOT WHAT SHE WANTED, consented to sit while I sketched her at the table with the deck of cards in her hand. She even signed a model release for me. Kate didn’t get back from her walk with Willow, Sunday, and Rainbow until Gypsy rang a big bell for lunch. By that time, I’d been outside and sketched the entire enclave. Then went behind the house and sketched the caravan. I had a whole village at my fingertips—and pretty much no one had ever seen it. Kate’s grandfather joined us...

1 year ago
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BlacksOnBlondes Gwen Vicious 04272021

When a delivery driver stops by to drop off a package she soon gets more than she bargained for. A group of guys has assembled to watch a football game and it looks like sexy little Gwen picked the perfect time to come by. When she drops off the package at the door the owner of the house stops her and asks if she would not mind waiting to make sure it is exactly what he ordered. When he opens the package she is shocked to see a massive thick cock inside. Well he did not order the dick but she...

3 years ago
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Mothers Friends

my moms friend are all sexy. either one has huge tits or huge ass. i love when they come over the house they always give me a huge hug and kiss. one day they were all playing cards, my mom and her 4 friends. they were drinking and let me drink as well. when these girls drink they piss every 10 mins lol..but my downstairs bathroom was being redone so i went and took a shower and left the door cracked so they could go when i shower. i wasnt in there 5 mins and my moms friend donna came in. she...

2 years ago
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the divide part 2

" what Amy what's going on what am I doing on the floor and why is my head killing me" " do you really expect me to know that im just as curious as you are so are you feeling ok" "apart from my head yeah fine but I cant remember what happened last night at all the only thing I remember was being at work walking home and then its a blank" "stay here ill get you some coffee see if that helps you wake up or at least remember something" I kept trying to remember what happened...

3 years ago
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My hiking trip part 1

My name is Allen. I am a black man, 56, bald, 5'10", 245, 9" fat dick with huge heavy balls, shaved clean. I have a stressful job in public service. I decided to take an extended vacation and get away from the city and as many people as possible. We have a very large state park that caters to all outdoorman from beginner to expert, I fall just inside of halfway. I like to spend time in the woods when I need to be alone. Anyways, you can check in at a rangers station at one end of a trail that...

4 years ago
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The Awakening Part 2

The Awakening Part 2 I awoke to the sound of running water and reached over beside me and found the bed still warm where David had been. A smile came to my lips as I realized where I was and what we had done. Sitting up on the side of the bed I worked my jaw as it was a bit sore. I decide to join David in the shower, only to hear the shower stop as I stand up. I make a mou with my lips as I pad into the bathroom and see David toweling himself dry. "You should have awoken me -...

3 years ago
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Ethel hated her name. She was born during the tenure of I Love Lucy. The beloved Ethel Mertz from the television show was the bane of the real life Ethel's existence. There were the jokes about her having to marry Fred. There was only one Fred in her high school class. He wasn't her type; not even if he was the last man on earth. Ethel was every bit the epitome of her name. At five feet even her looks, dress and vocabulary mimicked the character she despised. Although she fought to break the...

1 year ago
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My first time The sister3some

I still remember this as if it was yesterday. Walking up the stairs going into my 8th grade free period class. I turn the corner and I see the Martinez sisters standing at the end of the hallway. Turning into the classroom, nobody was there. They come into the doorway and sayy hey! come here. I go and they bring me to the janitor's closet and tell me to get the box off the shelf. As i reach up and I touch the box, I feel a hand grab my cock from in between my legs. I then fling the box further...

4 years ago
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Me and myself

It was a sunny day sun shining birds singing so i thought to myself im guna make the best of today. With that i dressed up in my silky panties under my normal clothing and went on my way, i was going for a walk down the river bank it was beautiful on a summers day even better when i was feeling horny and slutty! As i got further away from public i slowly kept taking items of clothing off one by one as strutted more slutty like now wiggling my little ass i did this till all was left was me in...

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