Espada Y Brujeria 01 free porn video

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Emilie sostenfa la afilada daga ceremonial con la mano izquierda. La derecha apuntaba un poco m?s abajo, a un peque?o altar del tama?o de una mesa lleno de runas y glifos. Desde la palma de la diestra salfan peque?os rayos dorados de luz, ba?ando las piedras y activando los glifos uno a uno, mientras recitaba versos en un lenguaje desconocido para la mayorfa de mortales.

Para un observador externo resultarfa chocante observarla. Era una joven realmente hermosa. Ciertamente no destacaba por su altura. Le faltaban unos centfmetros para llegar al metro sesenta. Rubia, con el cabello dorado como el mismfsimo oro. Tenfa el rostro anguloso, m?s ancho por la parte superior, pero acabado en una barbilla fina y elegante. Tenfa los labios gruesos en forma de coraz=n, bastante prolongados. La nariz ni demasiado grande ni peque?a. Los ojos hundidos y grandes eran de color azul muy claro. Las cejas adem?s de rubias eran finas, poco pobladas. Costaba verlas de lejos.

En un dfa normal su rostro era espectacular. El de un ?ngel. En aquel momento lucfa incluso mejor, si es que eso era posible. Llevaba un poco de maquillaje para dar color en las mejillas. Los labios pintados de rojo claro. El pelo, con la ralla a la derecha, solfa mostrarse ligeramente rizado. Para la ocasi=n, sin embargo, lo habfa recogido a la altura de la nuca. Aunque su melena solfa ser larga, hasta mitad de espalda, en ese momento lucfa un elegante mo?o. Se habfa esforzado en apartar todos los mechones del flequillo, llev?ndolos hacia atr?s o sosteniTndolos encima de unas orejas del tama?o justo, para dejar a la vista el rostro. Llevaba pendientes de diamantes y plata.

Con un cuerpo como el suyo solfa ser f?cil elegir un vestido favorecedor. Tenfa complexi=n gr?cil, con curvas pero manteniendo siempre cierta armonfa natural. Sus pechos superaban por poco una ochentaicinco. El trasero, algo menos voluminoso, se marcaba a travTs de cualquier prenda gracias a su firmeza y su forma redonda. Entre medias mostraba un vientre pr?cticamente plano. Adem?s, habfa que sumar una piel suave, sin apenas imperfecciones, de color claro pero saludable. Todo acompa?ado de un porte elegante pero no altivo. El cuello era largo, tal vez un poco m?s grueso de lo habitual, pero con la misma apariencia gr?cil del resto del cuerpo.

Con tantos detalles a su favor, el vestido blanco la hacfa lucir radiante. Iba bien ajustado al torso, marcando las formas femeninas de Emilie con cuidado de no caer en la vulgaridad. No tenfa cuello ni tirantes. Simplemente la tela llegaba a la parte superior de los pechos. En la cadera llevaba una tira de tela, gruesa y ancha, que se cerraba con un lazo por delante a modo de cintur=n. Por debajo segufa siendo un vestido ce?ido, resaltando la esplTndida figura de su portadora, hasta mitad de muslo. Desde allf la falda adquirfa mucho vuelo y volumen. No solo llegaba al suelo, se extendfa un poco m?s a su alrededor. Cubrfa los zapatos blancos y las medias del mismo color. Podfa parecer un vestido de novia. No lo era. Era el vestido ceremonial de Emilie. Elegante como el de una princesa porque ella, con menos de treinta a?os, ya era la hechicera superior de su orden.

La orden de la nieve. Una orden de hechiceras del reino de Sharm. Dedicaban sus conocimientos m?gicos a la protecci=n del reino y sus gentes desde hacfa siglos. Solo admitfan mujeres, pues las consideraban de car?cter m?s templado que los hombres, y tan solo segufan =rdenes de la reina o de la hechicera superior de la orden. Esa era Emilie. Su talento para la magia era mucho. Adem?s se habfa preocupado de adquirir los conocimientos necesarios sobre hechicerfa, encantamientos, historia, ocultismo? Muchos la describfan como un genio. Ese fue el motivo para elegirla como nueva hechicera superior cuando su madre, la anterior en el cargo, desapareci= hacfa m?s de cinco a?os. Ninguna de las hechiceras m?s veteranas se habfa quejado. Emilie no solo tenfa talento en la hechicerfa. Era una persona agradable, de trato sencillo. Posefa dotes de liderazgo, carisma. Incluso habfa sabido conservar un toque de inocencia a pesar del n?mero de misiones en las que se habfa visto envuelta. Nadie hubiese dudado de sus capacidades de mando en tiempos de paz, pero muchos habrfan dudado de sus reacciones en momentos m?s turbios. Cuando esos momentos llegaron, pues la guerra azotaba todos los alrededores de Sharm, Emilie habfa sabido estar a la altura sin dejar de ser esa persona justa, generosa, y amigable.

En frente de Emilie, un par de pasos a un lado, se encontraba Jenna. La mejor amiga de Emilie desde que ambas tenfan memoria. Era una hechicera igual de capaz. Su poder m?gico era inferior, lo cual resultaba normal ya que el de Emilie era simplemente descomunal, pero a cambio sus conocimientos sobre todas las disciplinas m?gicas eran muy vastos. Algunas hermanas bromeaban diciendo que con Jenna en la orden no hacfa falta una biblioteca, bastaba con preguntarle a ella. En combate, a pesar de detestarlo, tambiTn habfa demostrado su valfa. La mismfsima reina la habfa recompensado varias veces en el ?ltimo par de a?os. Todo a pesar de no ser una guerrera. Nada de eso. Era m?s bien una gran profesora. Las novicias aprendfan muchfsimo con ella, y ella disfrutaba enormemente ense?ando. Tan solo habrfa deseado vivir en tiempos menos revueltos. Ense?ar, investigar m?s sobre magia, y olvidarse de gestas y misiones.

TambiTn era una mujer hermosa, aunque su belleza era distinta de la de Emilie. En el caso de Jenna parecfa la clase de mujer bella sin proponTrselo. En realidad era un poco insegura en cuanto a su aspecto, pero no habfa ning?n motivo real para ello.

Medfa lo mismo que su amiga. Allf acababan las similitudes. Jenna no era tan esbelta. Su apariencia no era atlTtica, sin embargo tenfa encanto natural y unas formas muy femeninas. Sus pechos eran generosos, m?s de una talla noventa, de forma bonita aunque un poco cafdos. El trasero tambiTn era apetecible, grande y de la forma correcta, menos firme que el de Emilie, pero sin quitarle ni un ?pice de atractivo.

Su cara era sobre todo agradable. La frente estrecha. Las mejillas un tanto regordetas, d?ndole cierto toque infantil. El ment=n era peque?o y alargado, cerrando el ?ngulo inferior con una barbilla redondeada que le daba aspecto anguloso a todo el rostro. Las cejas tambiTn eran angulosas, de color oscuro. Sus ojos resultaban llamativos por el gran tama?o. De color marr=n muy oscuro, con forma de almendra. Tenfa la clase de mirada c?ndida, alegre, que uno jam?s se cansaba de contemplar. El labio superior era menos grueso que el inferior, aunque con la forma de coraz=n bien marcada. Ambos eran alargados y casi siempre esbozaban una jovial sonrisa. La nariz era fina, chata, y respingona.

Dada la ocasi=n llevaba un poco de maquillaje. Rosa suave en los labios, un poco de color en las mejillas. Todo muy sutil. El peinado tampoco era demasiado elaborado, pero le favorecfa mucho. Nunca usaba ralla. Dejaba que la melena casta?a oscura se deslizase libremente hasta un poco por debajo de los hombros, tanto por delante como por detr?s. Tenfa el cabello lleno de ondas, algunos mechones incluso rizados. Tan solo se molestaba en peinarse un poco para apartar el flequillo del rostro.

Su vestido tambiTn era blanco tal como mandaban las tradiciones de la orden. La falda llegaba hasta al suelo. El torso no tenfa escote. De hecho el cuello del vestido tampoco era demasiado amplio. Las mangas llegaban casi a mitad de bfceps. La parte superior estaba repleta de bonitos bordados, c=mo no, blancos. Era una prenda poco ce?ida, pero realzaba bien sus senos, levant?ndolos un poco para ayudarles en su lucha contra la gravedad. Aunque quedaban fuera de vista, tambiTn llevaba zapatos blancos.

Jenna sostenfa la mano derecha de una tercera mujer. La ?ltima novicia que pasarfa a ser una hechicera de pleno derecho, con todos los deberes y responsabilidades, en aquella larga ceremonia. Todas las novicias pasaban por el mismo ritual el dfa de su decimo octavo cumplea?os.

Emilie us= la daga para causar un peque?o corte en la mano de la novicia. Esta se mordi= los labios pero no grit= ni protest=. Las gotas rojas cayeron sobre el altar para, de alg?n modo, fundirse con la piedra y desaparecer. Al hacerlo el resto de glifos se iluminaron unos instantes. Tanto Emilie como Jenna miraron al rostro de la muchacha. Ambas asintieron con aprobaci=n. Aquella no era una ceremonia m?s. La novicia era Erin, la hermana menor de Emilie. Tenfa casi tanto talento como su hermana y tambiTn disponfa de gran poder m?gico, aunque le costaba m?s controlarlo. A pesar de esos peque?os fallos, pronto serfa una hechicera de primera.

Como no podfa ser de otra forma, Erin era una jovencita preciosa. A sus dieciocho a?os reciTn cumplidos, ya era algo m?s alta que su hermana Emilie. Era de complexi=n delgada. Le habrfa costado ganar peso aunque lo intentase con todas sus fuerzas. Su piel se notaba un poco m?s bronceada, a pesar de lo cual estaba llena de pecas que se dejaban ver sobretodo en el rostro.  Al ser de complexi=n delgada, sus medidas resultaban menos espectaculares que las de Emilie o Jenna. Sus pechos, aunque firmes y bien definidos, eran m?s bien peque?os. Sus gl?teos eran otra cosa. Casi tan grandes como los de Emilie, pero al encontrarse en una mujer tan esbelta parecfan m?s grandes a?n. Sobre todo su figura era muy gr?cil, muy elegante. No parecfa tan delgada como para lucir poco saludable. Todo lo contrario. En su caso segufa teniendo un cuerpo muy femenino. Espectacular.

Su rostro era m?s alargado que ancho. Estaba enmarcado por una cabellera de color rubio muy claro. Lo peinaba con una ralla a la izquierda, al contrario que su hermana. Descendfa alrededor de la cara, dejando el lado izquierdo despejado, aunque tapando las orejas. El lado derecho casi estaba igual, pero algunos mechones del flequillo le pasaban por la frente y cubrfan un poco la mejilla. Como Jenna, la melena llegaba algunos centfmetros por debajo de los hombros, solo que en su caso casi no habfa ondas.

Sus cejas eran muy finas, a penas una lfnea por encima de los ojos,  y muy rubias. Tanto que pr?cticamente resultaban imperceptibles. Los ojos tenfan forma alargada, similares a los de las orientales, solo que m?s grandes. Eran de color verde apagado. La nariz ligeramente ancha y corta. Los labios, sobretodo el superior, bastante finos, no demasiado alargados. Iban pintados de rosa. La cara, especialmente entre boca y ojos, se encontraba llena de pecas. Daba sensaci=n de picardfa e inocencia a partes iguales, o quiz?s ganaba la inocencia por poco.

Vestfa de color rosa. Todas las novicias debfan hacerlo. Aunque al dfa siguiente ya podrfa ser llamada hechicera, la tradici=n le exigfa vestir asf una noche m?s. La ?nica diferencia entre su vestido y el de las dem?s novicias era que a ella le quedaba bastante mejor. No tenfa mangas ni escote. Resultaba bastante liso hasta llegar a la cadera, donde tenfa un cintur=n negro muy ancho. Erin lo ajustaba mucho para mostrar mejor su magnffico cuerpo, marcando asf los pechos y el vientre plano, pues si bien era humilde, conocfa sus propios encantos. La falda cafa, con bastante vuelo, lo justo para dejar ver unos zapatos tambiTn rosas, de color m?s claro que el vestido. Por supuesto no era la indumentaria de trabajo. Las novicias tambiTn debfan vestirse de gala para las ceremonias. Fuera de una ceremonia, tanto hechiceras como novicias podfan vestir como prefiriesen.

Emilie y Jenna segufan recitando los versos del conjuro. Pronto algunos destellos dorados comenzaron a brotar, como ramas de una enredadera, desde el pecho de Erin hasta el altar. La joven se sinti= rara, mareada, unos segundos. DespuTs todo acab=. Ninguna de las dos hechiceras sigui= hablando. Los largos segundos de silencio solo se rompieron cuando Emilie volvi= a alzar la voz, con mucha m?s firmeza y solemnidad en aquella ocasi=n.

-De ahora en adelante, Erin, tu vida estar? consagrada a proteger el Reino de Sharm. Tu magia y tu esencia alimentar?n la Gran Barrera. Ser?s una luz que gufe a los necesitados en los dfas m?s oscuros. +Comprendes estas palabras?

-Las comprendo, hermana

No la llamaba hermana por su lazo sangufneo. C=mo tantas otras cosas, formaba parte de la tradici=n. Sin embargo respondfa con sinceridad cuando decfa comprender esas palabras. La Gran Barrera era la medida de protecci=n definitiva. Creada por la Orden de la Nieve m?s de diez generaciones atr?s alrededor de todo el reino. Ning?n humano, enano, orco, elfo, demonio? en definitiva, ning?n ser racional, podfa atravesarla desde el exterior si alguna hechicera de la orden no lo habfa marcado previamente, y las marcas eran revocables. Irfan caminando, o corriendo, hasta chocar con una barrera invisible que jam?s iba a ceder. Pero semejante protecci=n requerfa mucha energfa. Toda hechicera al dejar de ser una novicia sellaba con su propia sangre el encantamiento de la barrera. Desde ese momento una peque?a fracci=n de su poder m?gico la alimentaba y mantenfa. Mientras la orden existiese la barrera existirfa.

-+Aceptas las responsabilidades de la Orden?

-Con orgullo, hermana.

El resto de las mujeres, toda la orden a excepci=n de quienes estaban realizando alguna misi=n fuera, aplaudi=. Ya no era momento de solemnidad si no de celebraci=n. Jenna abraz= a Erin desde un lado. Cuando acab=, Emilie lleg= llena de orgullo para hacer lo mismo. Erin tuvo problemas para no manchar a ninguna de las dos con su mano ensangrentada. Las abraz= como pudo con una sola extremidad. Cuando Emilie, algo nerviosa, se dio cuenta, record= tener un pa?uelo blanco preparado para esto. Le vend= la herida antes de volver a agarrarla por el hombro y dirigirse a la salida del templo.

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Who Are YouChapter 13 Takedown

I called Hector, and we went out before dark to set up our spying equipment around the water tank and Hubbard Lake 5; where the LSAs were landing and off loading the drugs. I had been told by Alan that the DEA and DPS labs confirmed the sample I obtained from the truck on that first night was the same basic formula that was showing up in San Antonio, Austin, Waco, and Dallas. So we found a major source of the drugs being distributed along the I-35 corridor. They also thought that I was right...

4 years ago
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Up Against the Wall

OH MY GOD…That feels soooo good, baby. You must want me bad, the way you pushed me up against the wall and pinned me there with your hand while you slid down onto your knees and started unfastening my belt. More than the way you’re man-handling me (can I say that, since you’re a woman?!), it’s the way your eyes are locked on mine and never look away through your every move. That’s so sexy, so intense, to see you look at me that way, totally possessive and powerfully controlling. I see the...

4 years ago
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To K from R with Love

I arrive at your place with such a combination of emotions. I’m jittery certainly, to see what we both have in store for each other, but also could not be more excited. I have wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you from across the room. And I was fortunate enough to have you in some capacity, twice even. It has gone from being a nearly inconceivable notion to ever have you inside me to now having such opportunities. And so I have given into the hope of wanting you in a more involving...

Straight Sex
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My first real cock sucking adventure happened when I was in between my freshman and sophomore year. I went riding on my motorcycle going nowhere in particular and soon found myself by the truck stop about ½ mile from my house. I was really feeling horny, I then thought of the rest stop on the other side of the road that had dirty writing on the walls and where I'd heard of nefarious activity in the past. I wondered if it was possible that guys actually met there for sex, well I decided to check...

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BlacksOnBlondes Jackie Hoff 08022022

Jackie is really enjoying her vacation to Tuluum Mexico. The resort she is staying at is very relaxed and with everybody off on tours for the day she finds the pool all to herself. Soon she is joined by another American who also is taking advantage of the quiet time by the pool. Having spent a great night out partying in Mexico he is set to relax with a margarita by the pool when he spots the hot little brunette lying in the shade. He introduces himself and does his classic line of putting some...

1 year ago
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BackroomCastingCouch Ariel She Looks Like That Mermaid

27 year old social worker Ariel is a beautiful redhead. You should all know how I feel about redheads at this point. Ariel is sick of all the paperwork and red tape that comes with being a social worker. Lately she’s been wondering if putting wieners in her mouth for money is a better business venture. I’m here to say that it for sure is. I mean it for sure could be… you also should know how we feel about paying models too. What she is going to get today is a very valuable life...

1 year ago
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Hot in the City

“This crazy heat has got me acting so damn horny,” Karen muttered under her breath. Even as she said it, she knew deep down that was only partly true. Her hunger for some hot, dirty sex had been going unfulfilled for weeks and weeks, long before the summer heat wave had descended over the city.“What did you say?” Trish asked. She wiped away a heavy dew of condensation from the disposable cup she held before pressing her iced cappuccino to her forehead.“Just bitching about the heat,” Karen said....

3 years ago
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The Sea Cave Submerged Desires 2Part 2

“Where are you taking me?” Only the waning moon and stars lit their path down the seaside cliff. Cass’s stomach fluttered in anticipation, and fear. One wrong step, and she could go tumbling down. “Just wait. You’ll see.” He was subdued, and held her hand firmly, apparently unruffled by the darkness and the rocky shore beneath them. They hadn’t spent more than a few hours apart over the past several days, and it had been one of the best weeks of her life. Javier had shown Cass around the...

3 years ago
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Fucked Deepika Bhabhi

Hi this is Citu Sachin from Mumbai age 23 and please gives your comment about story on. My father normally goes on business tours. This incident took place few months back. My dad was out of station as usual. One day, dad called me and said that Prashant name changed will be coming to Mumbai with his wife Deepika name changed for few days. He told me to pick them from the airport the next day. He said he will be back within 2 days. Till that time, you take good care of them. Prashant lives in...

2 years ago
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All Play and No Work

God, Taeria was going to pay for this later, and she knew it. Scrolling through her phone's gallery under the mahogany table she was sat at during a business meeting, her pink lips twisted into a small smirk. She finally found a good picture, a small giggle building its way up inside her throat as she pressed it. Her fingers then found the "Share through Messaging" button, and found Tiffany's name. Attaching the picture of her in a red lacy bra and panties to match to a message, her thumbs...

3 years ago
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Foreplay With Recently Broke Off With Cousin Sister 8211 Part 1

First I will introduce myself, I am Rahul.I live in Hyderabad. I am an athletic guy . I have a very good physique. People say that I am very handsome indeed. To add to my value I am an extremely good singer,so this quality really keeps girls interested in me. Let us start the story.This is a real story which started when I was in 12th standard. About my cousin,she is 4 years elder to me. Her name is Nisha. She is my masi’s (mother’s sister) daughter. She is extremely fair .She is a bit...

2 years ago
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Growth SpurtMonth 6

The vehicle that picked me up in the desert was a Hummer. A Sheriff's Deputy, my dad, Jenny girl, and Hal Williams occupied the awkward-looking but spacious and powerful SUV. When the Good Samaritan neighbor called my dad, Dad called Jenny, and after learning about the abduction, she sicced Dad on Hal Williams and Royce Edwards. Two hours later, Dad and the police found the drunken foursome together at Hal Williams' house. Hal caved first when told the police would give him a break if he...

1 year ago
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Paige And The Old Guy PtII Cassidy And The Hole In The Fence

I had just finished mowing my lawn when I saw Cassidy waving to me from her back yard. She was looking very nice in her two-piece yellow bikini.“Hi, Mr. McDougal,” she said, waving to me.“Hello, Cassidy,” I said, waving back.There’s a wooden fence about five feet tall that runs between our yards. It hasn’t been stained in a while so some of the boards were starting to show signs of heavy wear. I had the wood to replace it, stacked off to the side, just hadn’t got to doing it yet.Cassidy trotted...

3 years ago
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My New Career Chapter 3

MY NEW CAREER - PART 3 As I took the last, faltering steps to reach the sanctuary of my apartment, I reached into my trouser pocket for my keys. Only I didn't have a pocket ... and I wasn't wearing trousers. Swearing, I fumbled with the unfamiliar catch of the handbag slung over my shoulder. Digging inside, I found the keys, but as I pulled them out they slipped from my shaking fingers and fell to the floor. Reflexively, I reached down to grab them ... and very nearly toppled over head...

4 years ago
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My 30 year nephew and my wife

My 30 year old nephew Phil and hi sexy wife Amy visited us and Phil told my wife Fiona that he had seen videos and photos of her on the web. She asked him if he liked them and said he did and asked if he could call in by himself one evening when he was working away from home. Fiona said it was fine with her but to ask me.He told me about the videos and if he could spend an evening with us. I agreed as long as he bought me a worn and soiled pair of his wife Amy’s panties – he agreed and we...

2 years ago
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Innocent And Pure Sex

Hi ! This is Anuj here 24 years old. This story that I am sharing happened a year back. I am from Bangalore. Doing my post-graduation. I am good looking guy, I love body building. I have 6 inch penis and its thick. This story is about a cute, innocent and pure sex-story between me and my girl-friend chuii. If you want to enjoy do keep yourself into characters place. First time I m sharing this forgive my mistakes, its long story so have some patience. I m basically from Bangalore and gal was...

4 years ago
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In the Kitchen

That morning I had gotten in trouble. What else is new? I probably spoke too loud, repeated a question too many times or said something that pissed him off. I usually always do something to piss him off. Funny thing is I don’t know what it is until I see the consequence. But whatever it was this morning he was pissed at me. So my punishment was not being spoken to or acknowledged for the rest of the day. That’s fine I needed some me time anyway. I decided I would take a shower. Anything just to...

1 year ago
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Guilty PleasuresChapter 4

I'd actually been working on the manuscript for the better part of an hour, surprised that Jared hadn't come back and peeked his head inside the door, asking me if I wanted or needed anything. And to make matters worse, I really was horny too. The story was indeed erotic, parts of which I'd read and found myself flushed in the face after reading them. And then having to go back and read them again as an editor and not some horny young woman. I had to laugh at myself however still thinking...

3 years ago
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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi 11

Chapter Eleven:Randi introduces Jill to Sir.When they arrived at Sir’s house, they went in and Randi immediately stripped to her stockings and heels. Jill looked at her shocked, but then smiled, as she realized by this action that her Mom was owned by Sir.They went to the kitchen, where they found Sir preparing some coffee.He turned and smiled, not just by seeing Kitten submit to him, but also to the fact she had the beautiful 18-year old sweetheart standing next to her.“Who do we have here,...

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Charity Starts At Home Chapter 3 Gotta Hve Faith

Sitting in the pew I couldn’t believe I was no longer a virgin! The last 24 hours had been very intense and I felt as if they were happening to someone else. I had always planned on saving myself for marriage, but I admitted to myself I loved what had happened and I wanted more and more sex. It was hardly this secret ritual between married couples that the church had taught me.. It was hot , raw sex, oure fucking and I wanted to do it again. But not today, I was way too sore from last...

4 years ago
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Girls Are Wild And This One Is The Best

Hi ISS readers. This is my second story here. I got very poor response for my first story though I feel that I narrated it perfectly :p However this story is going to be rough and wild unlike the first story which is very soft… this is also pretty long story, which this time I will narrate in a single part. This is the story which describes how I have fucked an online chat friend, who turned out to be as wild as me in bed. The similarities doesn’t stop with sex, but continues till comics (Both...

2 years ago
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Summer of Love Week 12 part 1

“A hummer, dude! She gave me a fucking hummer!” J.J. enthuses to Aaron about his date with Danielle as the two studs have their Monday morning workout. “I was in that pussy all night long and then she rode my cock in the morning!” “Wow, dude! She sounds like a really wild fuck!” Aaron replies, feigning innocence. “She’s amazing dude! You’re in for one wild ride when you get her!” J.J. replies. “I can’t wait, dude!” Aaron replies, laughing inwardly… Aaron groans with pleasure as Jo Anne...

3 years ago
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Releasing His Stress

It had been almost a month,, since I joined and my manager and I had already developed a quite sensual relation. I used to tease him by flaunting my tits and he used to love it. Though I never had seen him naked. Whenever we made out, he always wanted to have sex with me. But, I never let him push the boundaries. As I knew, if I start having sex with him, he might as well start taking me for granted. At times, I used to loose myself while making out with him, but even then, I never broke the...

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Luck By Chance With Friends Wife 8211 Part 2

Hi readers, this is Sarfaraz Khan back with another story. This is the continuation of the story with the same title about my friends wife. I had received many requests and pleas to complete the second part. Though I tried writing, compiling, and lengthening it many times, I couldn’t complete it due to various reasons. But now I’m back with it. Those who don’t know about me, I’m a 23-year-old male from a South Indian city. I never force a lady for sex. It’s always the other way around. I let...

3 years ago
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Seduced by Mallu MILF Teacher 8211 Part 1

Hey bhabhis with wet dripping wet pussies and my dudes ready to jerk off, hand wrapped around your boners. I am HarDick69. I am a mallu. Scroll down and read on as I tell you something I have never said to a single soul before. I am currently 22 years old and the incident I am about to tell you happened when was studying in science college. I was very weak in physics. To be honest, I was the most poorly performing student in that subject. My physics teacher’s name was Beena. I started to have...

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Lydias Dream Ch 0708

Please read these chapters in order. There is a very important message before Chapter 1. Thank you for reading my stories and I hope you enjoy them. Chapter 7 It’s never easy to admit you were wrong. I was the first to wake. After bathroom duties and starting the coffee pot, I returned to bed and crawled under the warm covers to lie next to her. She was sleeping soundly as I studied her face and wondered what the future held for us. In less than a week, I had gone from not even knowing her...

2 years ago
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Renaissance Festival P 1

“I like liquor…”“And lick her!”There was a collective chortle from the crowd as the buxom singer moved her fingers into a v shape, miming oral sex while her sister looked on. The pair of women were dressed in a pair of leather corsets that emphasized their heaving chests, hands rumpling up matching peasants smocks to add a hint of sensuality to the score. The song continued until the chorus rose up past me. I followed Samuel and Nicole, my eyes unable to focus on the flood of colorful costumes...

2 years ago
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Those Days ofCh 0105

The following material is sexually explicit erotica. If you are offended by hard-core pornography close this file. Chapter 1 An Accidental Introduction I was lucky, unlike those who have to face the hassle of the commuter rush, I lived close enough to where I worked to be able to walk, so when the weather was fine I had a very pleasant start and finish to the day. Like most of us I’m a creature of habit and left home at around the same time most mornings, so got used to seeing people who...

1 year ago
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Master PC Leftovers

I. Dan McCarthy entered the condo stunned. His cousin, Cash, who he hadn't seen, nor talked to in over a year, died the previous month in car accident, and strangely enough, made him sole beneficiary of his entire estate. This included his condominium, all his belongings, and liquid assets of over two million dollars. Shocked... ? That was an understatement as he had no idea his cousin had this kind of money. As Dan walked through the condo, he was impressed with the size. The place was huge...

2 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 4

"Um, unless you have an accountant in your pocket, I don't know that I have a lot of choice. From what Minerva said when I asked her, there is a list of approved people that Agents can contact. People that the Agency trusts not to divulge information and so on." "Kat, I don't have one in my pocket, but I have the number of one programmed into my Comm." Pan's expression turned pensive, for a moment, as if trying to make a decision. He pulled Kat back down into his lap before...

1 year ago
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NFBusty Clary Made For Love

Bigtit babe Clary is waiting for her boyfriend Oliver Trunk to get off the phone and join her for a romantic dinner. Dressed in a bra and panties, she sips her water and stares at Oliver while hoping he’ll get the hint. When that doesn’t work, she makes her way to the couch where she can release her knockers from her bra to dangle over Oliver’s mouth. Kissing and sucking at Clary’s nipples is a natural thing for Oliver to do as he finally puts the phone away. His busty...

3 years ago
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BJ Training

Alan and Trevor were having a beer together. They weren’t exactly friends but had gotten to know each other through a mutual acquaintance named Alicia. Both had dated Alicia at separate times. Guy talk ensued and before long they were sharing stories of their attempted sexual advances towards Alicia. Both were surprised that neither of them had even gotten to first base with the hot woman they had dated for a brief period of time. Alicia is a twenty-five year old woman who is hot enough to...

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