Espada Y Brujeria 01 free porn video

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Emilie sostenfa la afilada daga ceremonial con la mano izquierda. La derecha apuntaba un poco m?s abajo, a un peque?o altar del tama?o de una mesa lleno de runas y glifos. Desde la palma de la diestra salfan peque?os rayos dorados de luz, ba?ando las piedras y activando los glifos uno a uno, mientras recitaba versos en un lenguaje desconocido para la mayorfa de mortales.

Para un observador externo resultarfa chocante observarla. Era una joven realmente hermosa. Ciertamente no destacaba por su altura. Le faltaban unos centfmetros para llegar al metro sesenta. Rubia, con el cabello dorado como el mismfsimo oro. Tenfa el rostro anguloso, m?s ancho por la parte superior, pero acabado en una barbilla fina y elegante. Tenfa los labios gruesos en forma de coraz=n, bastante prolongados. La nariz ni demasiado grande ni peque?a. Los ojos hundidos y grandes eran de color azul muy claro. Las cejas adem?s de rubias eran finas, poco pobladas. Costaba verlas de lejos.

En un dfa normal su rostro era espectacular. El de un ?ngel. En aquel momento lucfa incluso mejor, si es que eso era posible. Llevaba un poco de maquillaje para dar color en las mejillas. Los labios pintados de rojo claro. El pelo, con la ralla a la derecha, solfa mostrarse ligeramente rizado. Para la ocasi=n, sin embargo, lo habfa recogido a la altura de la nuca. Aunque su melena solfa ser larga, hasta mitad de espalda, en ese momento lucfa un elegante mo?o. Se habfa esforzado en apartar todos los mechones del flequillo, llev?ndolos hacia atr?s o sosteniTndolos encima de unas orejas del tama?o justo, para dejar a la vista el rostro. Llevaba pendientes de diamantes y plata.

Con un cuerpo como el suyo solfa ser f?cil elegir un vestido favorecedor. Tenfa complexi=n gr?cil, con curvas pero manteniendo siempre cierta armonfa natural. Sus pechos superaban por poco una ochentaicinco. El trasero, algo menos voluminoso, se marcaba a travTs de cualquier prenda gracias a su firmeza y su forma redonda. Entre medias mostraba un vientre pr?cticamente plano. Adem?s, habfa que sumar una piel suave, sin apenas imperfecciones, de color claro pero saludable. Todo acompa?ado de un porte elegante pero no altivo. El cuello era largo, tal vez un poco m?s grueso de lo habitual, pero con la misma apariencia gr?cil del resto del cuerpo.

Con tantos detalles a su favor, el vestido blanco la hacfa lucir radiante. Iba bien ajustado al torso, marcando las formas femeninas de Emilie con cuidado de no caer en la vulgaridad. No tenfa cuello ni tirantes. Simplemente la tela llegaba a la parte superior de los pechos. En la cadera llevaba una tira de tela, gruesa y ancha, que se cerraba con un lazo por delante a modo de cintur=n. Por debajo segufa siendo un vestido ce?ido, resaltando la esplTndida figura de su portadora, hasta mitad de muslo. Desde allf la falda adquirfa mucho vuelo y volumen. No solo llegaba al suelo, se extendfa un poco m?s a su alrededor. Cubrfa los zapatos blancos y las medias del mismo color. Podfa parecer un vestido de novia. No lo era. Era el vestido ceremonial de Emilie. Elegante como el de una princesa porque ella, con menos de treinta a?os, ya era la hechicera superior de su orden.

La orden de la nieve. Una orden de hechiceras del reino de Sharm. Dedicaban sus conocimientos m?gicos a la protecci=n del reino y sus gentes desde hacfa siglos. Solo admitfan mujeres, pues las consideraban de car?cter m?s templado que los hombres, y tan solo segufan =rdenes de la reina o de la hechicera superior de la orden. Esa era Emilie. Su talento para la magia era mucho. Adem?s se habfa preocupado de adquirir los conocimientos necesarios sobre hechicerfa, encantamientos, historia, ocultismo? Muchos la describfan como un genio. Ese fue el motivo para elegirla como nueva hechicera superior cuando su madre, la anterior en el cargo, desapareci= hacfa m?s de cinco a?os. Ninguna de las hechiceras m?s veteranas se habfa quejado. Emilie no solo tenfa talento en la hechicerfa. Era una persona agradable, de trato sencillo. Posefa dotes de liderazgo, carisma. Incluso habfa sabido conservar un toque de inocencia a pesar del n?mero de misiones en las que se habfa visto envuelta. Nadie hubiese dudado de sus capacidades de mando en tiempos de paz, pero muchos habrfan dudado de sus reacciones en momentos m?s turbios. Cuando esos momentos llegaron, pues la guerra azotaba todos los alrededores de Sharm, Emilie habfa sabido estar a la altura sin dejar de ser esa persona justa, generosa, y amigable.

En frente de Emilie, un par de pasos a un lado, se encontraba Jenna. La mejor amiga de Emilie desde que ambas tenfan memoria. Era una hechicera igual de capaz. Su poder m?gico era inferior, lo cual resultaba normal ya que el de Emilie era simplemente descomunal, pero a cambio sus conocimientos sobre todas las disciplinas m?gicas eran muy vastos. Algunas hermanas bromeaban diciendo que con Jenna en la orden no hacfa falta una biblioteca, bastaba con preguntarle a ella. En combate, a pesar de detestarlo, tambiTn habfa demostrado su valfa. La mismfsima reina la habfa recompensado varias veces en el ?ltimo par de a?os. Todo a pesar de no ser una guerrera. Nada de eso. Era m?s bien una gran profesora. Las novicias aprendfan muchfsimo con ella, y ella disfrutaba enormemente ense?ando. Tan solo habrfa deseado vivir en tiempos menos revueltos. Ense?ar, investigar m?s sobre magia, y olvidarse de gestas y misiones.

TambiTn era una mujer hermosa, aunque su belleza era distinta de la de Emilie. En el caso de Jenna parecfa la clase de mujer bella sin proponTrselo. En realidad era un poco insegura en cuanto a su aspecto, pero no habfa ning?n motivo real para ello.

Medfa lo mismo que su amiga. Allf acababan las similitudes. Jenna no era tan esbelta. Su apariencia no era atlTtica, sin embargo tenfa encanto natural y unas formas muy femeninas. Sus pechos eran generosos, m?s de una talla noventa, de forma bonita aunque un poco cafdos. El trasero tambiTn era apetecible, grande y de la forma correcta, menos firme que el de Emilie, pero sin quitarle ni un ?pice de atractivo.

Su cara era sobre todo agradable. La frente estrecha. Las mejillas un tanto regordetas, d?ndole cierto toque infantil. El ment=n era peque?o y alargado, cerrando el ?ngulo inferior con una barbilla redondeada que le daba aspecto anguloso a todo el rostro. Las cejas tambiTn eran angulosas, de color oscuro. Sus ojos resultaban llamativos por el gran tama?o. De color marr=n muy oscuro, con forma de almendra. Tenfa la clase de mirada c?ndida, alegre, que uno jam?s se cansaba de contemplar. El labio superior era menos grueso que el inferior, aunque con la forma de coraz=n bien marcada. Ambos eran alargados y casi siempre esbozaban una jovial sonrisa. La nariz era fina, chata, y respingona.

Dada la ocasi=n llevaba un poco de maquillaje. Rosa suave en los labios, un poco de color en las mejillas. Todo muy sutil. El peinado tampoco era demasiado elaborado, pero le favorecfa mucho. Nunca usaba ralla. Dejaba que la melena casta?a oscura se deslizase libremente hasta un poco por debajo de los hombros, tanto por delante como por detr?s. Tenfa el cabello lleno de ondas, algunos mechones incluso rizados. Tan solo se molestaba en peinarse un poco para apartar el flequillo del rostro.

Su vestido tambiTn era blanco tal como mandaban las tradiciones de la orden. La falda llegaba hasta al suelo. El torso no tenfa escote. De hecho el cuello del vestido tampoco era demasiado amplio. Las mangas llegaban casi a mitad de bfceps. La parte superior estaba repleta de bonitos bordados, c=mo no, blancos. Era una prenda poco ce?ida, pero realzaba bien sus senos, levant?ndolos un poco para ayudarles en su lucha contra la gravedad. Aunque quedaban fuera de vista, tambiTn llevaba zapatos blancos.

Jenna sostenfa la mano derecha de una tercera mujer. La ?ltima novicia que pasarfa a ser una hechicera de pleno derecho, con todos los deberes y responsabilidades, en aquella larga ceremonia. Todas las novicias pasaban por el mismo ritual el dfa de su decimo octavo cumplea?os.

Emilie us= la daga para causar un peque?o corte en la mano de la novicia. Esta se mordi= los labios pero no grit= ni protest=. Las gotas rojas cayeron sobre el altar para, de alg?n modo, fundirse con la piedra y desaparecer. Al hacerlo el resto de glifos se iluminaron unos instantes. Tanto Emilie como Jenna miraron al rostro de la muchacha. Ambas asintieron con aprobaci=n. Aquella no era una ceremonia m?s. La novicia era Erin, la hermana menor de Emilie. Tenfa casi tanto talento como su hermana y tambiTn disponfa de gran poder m?gico, aunque le costaba m?s controlarlo. A pesar de esos peque?os fallos, pronto serfa una hechicera de primera.

Como no podfa ser de otra forma, Erin era una jovencita preciosa. A sus dieciocho a?os reciTn cumplidos, ya era algo m?s alta que su hermana Emilie. Era de complexi=n delgada. Le habrfa costado ganar peso aunque lo intentase con todas sus fuerzas. Su piel se notaba un poco m?s bronceada, a pesar de lo cual estaba llena de pecas que se dejaban ver sobretodo en el rostro.  Al ser de complexi=n delgada, sus medidas resultaban menos espectaculares que las de Emilie o Jenna. Sus pechos, aunque firmes y bien definidos, eran m?s bien peque?os. Sus gl?teos eran otra cosa. Casi tan grandes como los de Emilie, pero al encontrarse en una mujer tan esbelta parecfan m?s grandes a?n. Sobre todo su figura era muy gr?cil, muy elegante. No parecfa tan delgada como para lucir poco saludable. Todo lo contrario. En su caso segufa teniendo un cuerpo muy femenino. Espectacular.

Su rostro era m?s alargado que ancho. Estaba enmarcado por una cabellera de color rubio muy claro. Lo peinaba con una ralla a la izquierda, al contrario que su hermana. Descendfa alrededor de la cara, dejando el lado izquierdo despejado, aunque tapando las orejas. El lado derecho casi estaba igual, pero algunos mechones del flequillo le pasaban por la frente y cubrfan un poco la mejilla. Como Jenna, la melena llegaba algunos centfmetros por debajo de los hombros, solo que en su caso casi no habfa ondas.

Sus cejas eran muy finas, a penas una lfnea por encima de los ojos,  y muy rubias. Tanto que pr?cticamente resultaban imperceptibles. Los ojos tenfan forma alargada, similares a los de las orientales, solo que m?s grandes. Eran de color verde apagado. La nariz ligeramente ancha y corta. Los labios, sobretodo el superior, bastante finos, no demasiado alargados. Iban pintados de rosa. La cara, especialmente entre boca y ojos, se encontraba llena de pecas. Daba sensaci=n de picardfa e inocencia a partes iguales, o quiz?s ganaba la inocencia por poco.

Vestfa de color rosa. Todas las novicias debfan hacerlo. Aunque al dfa siguiente ya podrfa ser llamada hechicera, la tradici=n le exigfa vestir asf una noche m?s. La ?nica diferencia entre su vestido y el de las dem?s novicias era que a ella le quedaba bastante mejor. No tenfa mangas ni escote. Resultaba bastante liso hasta llegar a la cadera, donde tenfa un cintur=n negro muy ancho. Erin lo ajustaba mucho para mostrar mejor su magnffico cuerpo, marcando asf los pechos y el vientre plano, pues si bien era humilde, conocfa sus propios encantos. La falda cafa, con bastante vuelo, lo justo para dejar ver unos zapatos tambiTn rosas, de color m?s claro que el vestido. Por supuesto no era la indumentaria de trabajo. Las novicias tambiTn debfan vestirse de gala para las ceremonias. Fuera de una ceremonia, tanto hechiceras como novicias podfan vestir como prefiriesen.

Emilie y Jenna segufan recitando los versos del conjuro. Pronto algunos destellos dorados comenzaron a brotar, como ramas de una enredadera, desde el pecho de Erin hasta el altar. La joven se sinti= rara, mareada, unos segundos. DespuTs todo acab=. Ninguna de las dos hechiceras sigui= hablando. Los largos segundos de silencio solo se rompieron cuando Emilie volvi= a alzar la voz, con mucha m?s firmeza y solemnidad en aquella ocasi=n.

-De ahora en adelante, Erin, tu vida estar? consagrada a proteger el Reino de Sharm. Tu magia y tu esencia alimentar?n la Gran Barrera. Ser?s una luz que gufe a los necesitados en los dfas m?s oscuros. +Comprendes estas palabras?

-Las comprendo, hermana

No la llamaba hermana por su lazo sangufneo. C=mo tantas otras cosas, formaba parte de la tradici=n. Sin embargo respondfa con sinceridad cuando decfa comprender esas palabras. La Gran Barrera era la medida de protecci=n definitiva. Creada por la Orden de la Nieve m?s de diez generaciones atr?s alrededor de todo el reino. Ning?n humano, enano, orco, elfo, demonio? en definitiva, ning?n ser racional, podfa atravesarla desde el exterior si alguna hechicera de la orden no lo habfa marcado previamente, y las marcas eran revocables. Irfan caminando, o corriendo, hasta chocar con una barrera invisible que jam?s iba a ceder. Pero semejante protecci=n requerfa mucha energfa. Toda hechicera al dejar de ser una novicia sellaba con su propia sangre el encantamiento de la barrera. Desde ese momento una peque?a fracci=n de su poder m?gico la alimentaba y mantenfa. Mientras la orden existiese la barrera existirfa.

-+Aceptas las responsabilidades de la Orden?

-Con orgullo, hermana.

El resto de las mujeres, toda la orden a excepci=n de quienes estaban realizando alguna misi=n fuera, aplaudi=. Ya no era momento de solemnidad si no de celebraci=n. Jenna abraz= a Erin desde un lado. Cuando acab=, Emilie lleg= llena de orgullo para hacer lo mismo. Erin tuvo problemas para no manchar a ninguna de las dos con su mano ensangrentada. Las abraz= como pudo con una sola extremidad. Cuando Emilie, algo nerviosa, se dio cuenta, record= tener un pa?uelo blanco preparado para esto. Le vend= la herida antes de volver a agarrarla por el hombro y dirigirse a la salida del templo.

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Maddy May is naked and alone, and decides to check out her husband’s laptop when she finds nothing but PORN! Maybe her husband is addicted to porn. He isn’t fucking her, so she might as well use it to fuck herself. She lands on a hot video with Donnie Rock, and she loves watching him stroke his cock. She pulls her toy out and gets to work on herself when her husband walks in and catches her fucking herself! Little did she realize she was watching his buddy fuck on camera the whole time! As soon...

4 years ago
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The Casimir Effect The Cause

Dressed in her tight fitting regulation underwear, he handed Astrid a bottle of EZ-Wake. She looked dazed, her eyelids still a bit heavy. “Thanks, are we there? I can hear the energy banks discharging.” He fought hard not to blurt it out there and then. He wasn’t going to risk putting himself on a court martial for endangering the ship. Feigning his best smile, it wasn’t enough to convince Astrid. She might have been in Cryo for three weeks, but she wasn’t stupid. “Jamie? What is it? Don’t pull...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The Lottery Winners ChallengeChapter 2 Each way betting

We had dinner at a local cafe before I went to bed early. Other members of the contest stayed up and while it was great comparing notes, and enjoying the company of the people I have played games with for years, I had walked a long way and just wanted to rest. My lie-in almost cost me my breakfast but I managed to just wander down in my pyjama shorts, without my top and eat the awful meal before the end of service. Angelina's mansion was big and imposing. Her sister claimed it had cost her...

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Daniel Wolf reedited Part 5

All participants are over 18 years old Chapter 8 Part V This had been a long day, It had been all we could do not to drop everything and just fall on the floor and screw like the town dogs. But we had refrained since we didn't really want the city elders to die of embarrassment. But now as the door closed between them and us clothes began to fly. At first it seemed that the clothes that were flying belonged to Marlu. Daniel was almost frozen in time as he watched Marlu disrobe. As each...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...

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Surprise Surprise

By Jax_Teller This story stands on it's own, but is the second installment of The Advert. I had just sat down in a local restaurant after receiving another email response to an advertisement I had placed on an adult web site. The adult website was a lot like face book, but adult themed. I had put on my profile that I was looking for playmates, friends with benefits or a long term relationship. I tried making friends but after months I was getting tired of trying to be polite. The...

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The Blind Date BluesChapter 6

When they got to the house George pulled Sam toward his bedroom. Phillip and Amy both knew what their siblings were going to do. Despite how close they had become, both were still a little nervous about ... things. "Our neighbor has a pool," said Amy. "He says we can use it any time we want to. You want to go swimming?" "Well, I didn't exactly bring a suit," responded Phillip. Amy looked at him with a frown. "After last Friday night I didn't think that would be a big...

2 years ago
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The butterfly effect is the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. In other words, small events act as catalysts for starting conditions. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon - thus the butterfly effect.I end the call and sink down into my chair. Maybe I should be crying, at least feeling some morsel of sadness, but I feel indifferent. The selfish bastard died of a brain aneurism. So what. Selfish bastard!A few days...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Andersonville 3 The Price of Revenge

Andersonville 3 - The Price of Revenge by Kelly Davidson This story is dedicated to all the survivors of child abuse, both physical and emotional. May you find the support and strength to deal with it like I did. Fade in... Linda Anderson - the do anything wonder woman. That's what the job title should have read. Not that I was good at everything I did; I was just expected to do everything around the office. That included making coffee, filing folders,...

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Superlove the White Angels AutobiographyChapter 7

I began this book, giving you a glimpse of my first conscious experience of flying or floating as it was. It actually happened during the summer, when Melissa and I were both 18. It was during the holidays before we would start University. Both of us had enrolled together in a local University. David was heading to Stanford to do computer science. However, he would visit us when he could, which was all holidays and each other's birthday. We never did visit David the whole time he was at...

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Gang Banged

Me and Anne had been living together for over a year now and were on our way back from the south coast, having been away on a week’s break together. I was driving back home along the M5 motorway and it was just going dark on a cool, late September evening. Now I’ve set the scene as to where we were and what we were doing, I’ll take some time out to tell you a little of the background stuff about us.  We’re both in our early 30’s and have an extremely broad-minded outlook towards sex. We both...

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Dirty Little Liar

Introduction: Chloe has to face her fears and fess up to her vexed boyfriend, Cody Chloe sighed and stretched her long white arms, waking up in the morning light. She stumbled out of bed and pulled on her robe, then opened the window to let in the fresh spring air. She breathed in deeply and watched the bunkhouses wake up, too. She turned around when she heard a knock on her door, and she shut the window hastily. She crossed her room and opened her door, revealing Cody, the farm hand that she...

4 years ago
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My wife and I have been married now for about 16 years. Kids have arrived, we are both getting a bit older now, and her work as a freelance tutor tends to keep her busy in the evenings. Sex is not as frequent as it used to be, and certainly not as frequent as I would like. Or her, I hope. Don't get me wrong; when we do get going it's fucking fantastic, and we are still very much in love, but it can sometimes get to be weeks between sex, and I do get frustrated. Once, a few weeks ago, we'd got...

Wife Lovers
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Summer Job

It was supposed to be a summer job. Easy money for when I went back to college in the fall. My father knew the guy, old connections from when he was in college. Introduced himself as Mr. Donaldson. He seemed nice enough, always smiling and laughing. I figured, why not. Couldn't be as bad as working fast food.Mr. Donaldson was probably in his early 50s. An inch or two over six feet, salt and pepper hair and a nicely trimmed goatee. He had a bit of a beer belly that jiggled a bit when he laughed,...

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Summer Discoveries

i was startled out of my deep thoughtsas a shiver ran through me. see, i sleep either nude or in just boxers every night. as my room tended to get hot during the lon, hot summer months. i always had my fan on, and usually set it on low before i fell asleep, but had forgotten to turn it down last night. the shiver ran through me again, this time more around my midregion. i looked down, and realized that i had a boner. "must have been a good dream," i thought. "if only i could remember...

3 years ago
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Mrs B part 2a

She sat back on her haunches, her hand still firmly gripping my rock hard cock through the duvet, and wiggled her shoulders making her towelling jacket fall from her shoulders and so openly expose her beautiful breasts to me.I was rock hard before seeing her dark beautiful breasts and even darker nipples, hard and full unlike any I’d ever seen in the flesh before. But now it felt as if I was going to burst out of my skin. I lifted my hips off the bed to rub myself against my hard cock, I...

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The Falling Oak Learning How to DieChapter 11 EEG

Oct. 23d, 2018 Tomorrow, I have an EEG scheduled. It’s purpose is to try to discover the reason for the seizures and some of the other cognitive issues I experience. Yesterday, was emotionally a hard day for me as I discussed possible diagnosis’s and their consequences with two close friends. As you know, there has been a lot of turmoil in my life due to this illness and I’m at the point where I need some firm answers. “We don’t know” and “Let’s try this.” isn’t cutting it. One decision I...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 9 Purity Clubs Anal Delight

Chapter Nine: Purity Club's Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara had made a list of who she wanted to spread rumors about at her school. In her stuffy bedroom, locked from the world, she felt like a god. Everything she typed out was believed. The terrible human beings at her school would make fake photos, the very best deep fakes technology could create, to make it look like Mrs. Daniels gangbanged her students, that the home ec club was all pregnant by...

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EvilAngel Nella Jones Gaping Anal And A2M BJ

Blue-eyed Nella Jones pulls her panties down and snaps pics of her tight pussy as she sexts with hookup specialist Bryan Gozzling. The dominant fucker chokes her and kisses her tight cunt, making her squirm in heat. Bryan gives Nella a thorough rim job, and he fingers her juicy pussy. Nella sucks his big cock, collecting her drool in a water pitcher. Bryan slides his throbbing dick into her butthole, making her scream in anal orgasm. Her butthole gapes as he teases her sphincter relentlessly....

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Rock Star Ch 03

Taylor and the rest of the band arrived early at the stadium Friday afternoon, they still had about four hours to go before it was their turn to perform. The band received ten backstage passes from the organizers, and since they carried their own equipment to and from every gig, they had four extra passes. They flipped a coin for the left over passes, and Taylor, Paul, Mike, and Shawn won, so they each could invite a guest. Taylor gave the pass to his sister, and the rest handed theirs to whom...

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When Kim came calling

When Kim came callingKim is a friend of ours who Margit and I have known for a while. She is gorgeous, has a great body and always looks sexy. Margit and I have often thought about her and maybe in our fantasies we could imagine her in bed with us both but that was only a fantasy of course then one night Margit and I was home when she knocked on the door asking if she could stay with us for a while because she was alone now her Hubby is away for a few days with his bikie mates and she needed...

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Tropical Heat

View notes please. Diana stepped out of the shower and snagged a towel that had been hanging on a hook. The clear glass walls of the shower and the tan tile and marble surfaces of the bathroom were damp from the steam. Brian had taken his shower half an hour before because her shower was larger than his. His basketball shorts, t-shirt and boxers lay in a pile on the counter where he had left them, he must've changed directly into his day clothes after his shower. Diana noticed a large wet spot...

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The Adventures of Ray The Bankers Daughter

The Adventures of Ray – The Bankers Daughter How it all started…. Ray lived in a small town of about 10,000 people. He owned a little computer shop repairing computers for a living. Ray was 25 years old rather good-looking and single. Ray had a few girlfriends here and there but nobody seemed right for him. Over the years Ray had seen all this friends computers and the pictures inside them he'd seen most of his client’s wife's and girlfriends completely naked from the pictures they left...

2 years ago
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The ParkersChapter 33 Jack Matt and Laurie

That Thursday night, Linda Parker watched TV for hours. She didn't know, but she was the only one under that roof that wasn't having sex. Roger and Lucy simply had to fuck. They had plans for the next day, and those plans were very exciting. Matt and Jack were also excited. While their parents were fucking, they skipped to Laurie's bedroom. Yes, Laurie. Their sister. At last. Matt had already fantasized a lot about Laurie, and the fact that he had seen her naked, once, in a play, only...

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Wild Naked FamilyChapter 8

Well, it hadn't been just a dream, Millie knew. She was too sore all over for that. And her father's jizz still oozed from her fucked ass and pussy. Yet, somehow it was all so disconnected. After she'd soaked in the tub and put on fresh clothes, Millie went outside in an attempt to get her bearings. Her father was putting the finishing touches on the yard he'd mowed and she wasn't sure how to confront him. "Hi, hon," he called with a big grin, kneeling up from a flower bed to...

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Gothic Amy And Me Part 11END

Introduction: A Twisted end to the series…thats why my name is Psycho AUTHORS NOTE* SORRY I HAVENT WRITTEN IN A WHILE IVE BEEN REALLY LAZY I KNOW IM SO SORRY BUT IM BACK. Im sorry to say&hellip,this is the end of the series. I have an idea for two series but I dont know which one im going to do first. This is going to be a P.O.V Story SO REJECT AND SHEJECTS THE FINALLY (SAD) FINALLY OF GOTHIC AMY AND ME! 11 A TRAGIC END OR THE TESR OF FUCKED UP LOVE I woke up to the sound of Amy humming some...

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Trust Fall Epilogue

Book One of The Trust Trilogy Tess Quince Epilogue IT’S SATURDAY AND I CHECK the mail. There’s a letter from Ben Sheppard. There’s no return address, but I know it’s from him. It’s postmarked from Milwaukee. It’s nice to see my name and address written out in that crisp script in his usual blue ink. It reads: ‘I had a meeting at a restaurant today. They had a TV on and the Brewers were playing the Reds. Seeing the Reds made me think of Cincinnati and when I think of Cincinnati I only think...

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The Rape of Maya Chapter two

Introduction: Mayas abduction and trip from Chenai to Bombay/Mumbai and her introduction to Mistress M and her being marked as a Slave! The Rape of Maya Chapter two Mayas abduction and trip from Chenai to Bombay/Mumbai and her introduction to Mistress M and her being marked as a Slave! Maya cannot see with the hood, and still covered with cum, hears the sound of a big truck then more voices, as she is helped out of the taxi and left standing. Her legs are barely able to hold her after the...

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Submissive Stepmother

Laura stood against the wall, wearing only panties. The chains made sure she stood there. The 10-inch vibrator humming in her pussy and the C-clamps on her nipples kept her aroused. She'd been Barbara's sex slave for most of the summer. Long enough to appreciate everything Barbara had done to her. She'd even lost twelve pounds. As she watched Barbara watch television, she thought about how her life had turned out. Barbara's mother had died in a car accident when she was nine. After the shock...

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Family Feud an Alternate Reallity FanficChapter 10

As they were loading everyone into Bill's little Ford Ranger, Bill realized that they were going to need a larger vehicle to haul everyone around in now that Cathy was gonna be around for a while. They had gotten Wendy's car back yesterday, but it was a small car and wouldn't seat five with any level of comfort. He decided that he and Wendy would have to do some car shopping Monday while the kids were in school. The girls were also finding things a bit crowded in the back of the truck....

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The Deranged Dentist of Darien

1996 at Delta Dental in Tacoma Washington I was returning from taking X-Rays of Mrs. Rappaport's bicuspids for evaluation when Waverly, one of the other hygienists at the Delta Dental office in Tacoma where I worked pulled me aside and had me follow her to the ladies room. She said, "Di, you'll never believe what Marshall Arrington did. He's such a perv!" Always up for some good dish. I replied, "He's the new dentist from Yakima, isn't he? I thought he was rather cute. Of course,...

2 years ago
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Watching and being watched

A last minute cancellation meant that Ali and I had the chance of a long weekend break skiing. So we picked up Dave and Chrissy and all their gear for the 3 hour drive to our chalet. As soon as we set off Chrissy couldn’t wait to hog the conversation to tell us what they’d seen last night“We’d been to see the latest Harry Potter and were coming back to the car park when we noticed three or four men peering into a car and shining flashlights. Now we thought they were breaking in. I wanted to...

Group Sex
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Road Rules

Copyright© Chapter 1 The first day I met the others at the starting point. There were just six of us and we came from all over the country. Donnel was a 23 year old, heavyweight black man with a great sense of humor and an equally great appetite. Sean was a 22 year old Italian American who was rather moody but athletic. Mary Beth was a 21 year old college student with long brown hair and better looks than most high fashion models. Brittany was a 20 year old with short blonde hair and...

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First Time Sex With Shruti

Hello friends my name is Ryan and I am new to this site. I am 19 years old and live in NCR. I would like to share my sexperience with my girlfriend an year back. At that time I was in 12th class. My classmate’s name was Shruti(name changed) she had a good figure with good round boobs. At first when we met we didn’t talk much. But one day when our school was on a trip to adventure island I sat next to Shruti in the bus. Shruti turned back and asked that am I having some new songs in my mobile...

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A long time coming

I've always wanted to do this, but I had no clue that it would happen like this.I should explain: My name's Max, I've got an ok job and I'm saving up to try and get back into college. I'm 21, and I just broke up with my girlfriend of eight years. She was smart, cute, very sexy... But she had this little problem. Her problem was that she liked fucking big cock, and while I've got a pretty good sized dick (7 and a half inches long and about 2 inches thick), she just couldn't live without fucking...

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