Espada Y Brujeria 01 free porn video

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Emilie sostenfa la afilada daga ceremonial con la mano izquierda. La derecha apuntaba un poco m?s abajo, a un peque?o altar del tama?o de una mesa lleno de runas y glifos. Desde la palma de la diestra salfan peque?os rayos dorados de luz, ba?ando las piedras y activando los glifos uno a uno, mientras recitaba versos en un lenguaje desconocido para la mayorfa de mortales.

Para un observador externo resultarfa chocante observarla. Era una joven realmente hermosa. Ciertamente no destacaba por su altura. Le faltaban unos centfmetros para llegar al metro sesenta. Rubia, con el cabello dorado como el mismfsimo oro. Tenfa el rostro anguloso, m?s ancho por la parte superior, pero acabado en una barbilla fina y elegante. Tenfa los labios gruesos en forma de coraz=n, bastante prolongados. La nariz ni demasiado grande ni peque?a. Los ojos hundidos y grandes eran de color azul muy claro. Las cejas adem?s de rubias eran finas, poco pobladas. Costaba verlas de lejos.

En un dfa normal su rostro era espectacular. El de un ?ngel. En aquel momento lucfa incluso mejor, si es que eso era posible. Llevaba un poco de maquillaje para dar color en las mejillas. Los labios pintados de rojo claro. El pelo, con la ralla a la derecha, solfa mostrarse ligeramente rizado. Para la ocasi=n, sin embargo, lo habfa recogido a la altura de la nuca. Aunque su melena solfa ser larga, hasta mitad de espalda, en ese momento lucfa un elegante mo?o. Se habfa esforzado en apartar todos los mechones del flequillo, llev?ndolos hacia atr?s o sosteniTndolos encima de unas orejas del tama?o justo, para dejar a la vista el rostro. Llevaba pendientes de diamantes y plata.

Con un cuerpo como el suyo solfa ser f?cil elegir un vestido favorecedor. Tenfa complexi=n gr?cil, con curvas pero manteniendo siempre cierta armonfa natural. Sus pechos superaban por poco una ochentaicinco. El trasero, algo menos voluminoso, se marcaba a travTs de cualquier prenda gracias a su firmeza y su forma redonda. Entre medias mostraba un vientre pr?cticamente plano. Adem?s, habfa que sumar una piel suave, sin apenas imperfecciones, de color claro pero saludable. Todo acompa?ado de un porte elegante pero no altivo. El cuello era largo, tal vez un poco m?s grueso de lo habitual, pero con la misma apariencia gr?cil del resto del cuerpo.

Con tantos detalles a su favor, el vestido blanco la hacfa lucir radiante. Iba bien ajustado al torso, marcando las formas femeninas de Emilie con cuidado de no caer en la vulgaridad. No tenfa cuello ni tirantes. Simplemente la tela llegaba a la parte superior de los pechos. En la cadera llevaba una tira de tela, gruesa y ancha, que se cerraba con un lazo por delante a modo de cintur=n. Por debajo segufa siendo un vestido ce?ido, resaltando la esplTndida figura de su portadora, hasta mitad de muslo. Desde allf la falda adquirfa mucho vuelo y volumen. No solo llegaba al suelo, se extendfa un poco m?s a su alrededor. Cubrfa los zapatos blancos y las medias del mismo color. Podfa parecer un vestido de novia. No lo era. Era el vestido ceremonial de Emilie. Elegante como el de una princesa porque ella, con menos de treinta a?os, ya era la hechicera superior de su orden.

La orden de la nieve. Una orden de hechiceras del reino de Sharm. Dedicaban sus conocimientos m?gicos a la protecci=n del reino y sus gentes desde hacfa siglos. Solo admitfan mujeres, pues las consideraban de car?cter m?s templado que los hombres, y tan solo segufan =rdenes de la reina o de la hechicera superior de la orden. Esa era Emilie. Su talento para la magia era mucho. Adem?s se habfa preocupado de adquirir los conocimientos necesarios sobre hechicerfa, encantamientos, historia, ocultismo? Muchos la describfan como un genio. Ese fue el motivo para elegirla como nueva hechicera superior cuando su madre, la anterior en el cargo, desapareci= hacfa m?s de cinco a?os. Ninguna de las hechiceras m?s veteranas se habfa quejado. Emilie no solo tenfa talento en la hechicerfa. Era una persona agradable, de trato sencillo. Posefa dotes de liderazgo, carisma. Incluso habfa sabido conservar un toque de inocencia a pesar del n?mero de misiones en las que se habfa visto envuelta. Nadie hubiese dudado de sus capacidades de mando en tiempos de paz, pero muchos habrfan dudado de sus reacciones en momentos m?s turbios. Cuando esos momentos llegaron, pues la guerra azotaba todos los alrededores de Sharm, Emilie habfa sabido estar a la altura sin dejar de ser esa persona justa, generosa, y amigable.

En frente de Emilie, un par de pasos a un lado, se encontraba Jenna. La mejor amiga de Emilie desde que ambas tenfan memoria. Era una hechicera igual de capaz. Su poder m?gico era inferior, lo cual resultaba normal ya que el de Emilie era simplemente descomunal, pero a cambio sus conocimientos sobre todas las disciplinas m?gicas eran muy vastos. Algunas hermanas bromeaban diciendo que con Jenna en la orden no hacfa falta una biblioteca, bastaba con preguntarle a ella. En combate, a pesar de detestarlo, tambiTn habfa demostrado su valfa. La mismfsima reina la habfa recompensado varias veces en el ?ltimo par de a?os. Todo a pesar de no ser una guerrera. Nada de eso. Era m?s bien una gran profesora. Las novicias aprendfan muchfsimo con ella, y ella disfrutaba enormemente ense?ando. Tan solo habrfa deseado vivir en tiempos menos revueltos. Ense?ar, investigar m?s sobre magia, y olvidarse de gestas y misiones.

TambiTn era una mujer hermosa, aunque su belleza era distinta de la de Emilie. En el caso de Jenna parecfa la clase de mujer bella sin proponTrselo. En realidad era un poco insegura en cuanto a su aspecto, pero no habfa ning?n motivo real para ello.

Medfa lo mismo que su amiga. Allf acababan las similitudes. Jenna no era tan esbelta. Su apariencia no era atlTtica, sin embargo tenfa encanto natural y unas formas muy femeninas. Sus pechos eran generosos, m?s de una talla noventa, de forma bonita aunque un poco cafdos. El trasero tambiTn era apetecible, grande y de la forma correcta, menos firme que el de Emilie, pero sin quitarle ni un ?pice de atractivo.

Su cara era sobre todo agradable. La frente estrecha. Las mejillas un tanto regordetas, d?ndole cierto toque infantil. El ment=n era peque?o y alargado, cerrando el ?ngulo inferior con una barbilla redondeada que le daba aspecto anguloso a todo el rostro. Las cejas tambiTn eran angulosas, de color oscuro. Sus ojos resultaban llamativos por el gran tama?o. De color marr=n muy oscuro, con forma de almendra. Tenfa la clase de mirada c?ndida, alegre, que uno jam?s se cansaba de contemplar. El labio superior era menos grueso que el inferior, aunque con la forma de coraz=n bien marcada. Ambos eran alargados y casi siempre esbozaban una jovial sonrisa. La nariz era fina, chata, y respingona.

Dada la ocasi=n llevaba un poco de maquillaje. Rosa suave en los labios, un poco de color en las mejillas. Todo muy sutil. El peinado tampoco era demasiado elaborado, pero le favorecfa mucho. Nunca usaba ralla. Dejaba que la melena casta?a oscura se deslizase libremente hasta un poco por debajo de los hombros, tanto por delante como por detr?s. Tenfa el cabello lleno de ondas, algunos mechones incluso rizados. Tan solo se molestaba en peinarse un poco para apartar el flequillo del rostro.

Su vestido tambiTn era blanco tal como mandaban las tradiciones de la orden. La falda llegaba hasta al suelo. El torso no tenfa escote. De hecho el cuello del vestido tampoco era demasiado amplio. Las mangas llegaban casi a mitad de bfceps. La parte superior estaba repleta de bonitos bordados, c=mo no, blancos. Era una prenda poco ce?ida, pero realzaba bien sus senos, levant?ndolos un poco para ayudarles en su lucha contra la gravedad. Aunque quedaban fuera de vista, tambiTn llevaba zapatos blancos.

Jenna sostenfa la mano derecha de una tercera mujer. La ?ltima novicia que pasarfa a ser una hechicera de pleno derecho, con todos los deberes y responsabilidades, en aquella larga ceremonia. Todas las novicias pasaban por el mismo ritual el dfa de su decimo octavo cumplea?os.

Emilie us= la daga para causar un peque?o corte en la mano de la novicia. Esta se mordi= los labios pero no grit= ni protest=. Las gotas rojas cayeron sobre el altar para, de alg?n modo, fundirse con la piedra y desaparecer. Al hacerlo el resto de glifos se iluminaron unos instantes. Tanto Emilie como Jenna miraron al rostro de la muchacha. Ambas asintieron con aprobaci=n. Aquella no era una ceremonia m?s. La novicia era Erin, la hermana menor de Emilie. Tenfa casi tanto talento como su hermana y tambiTn disponfa de gran poder m?gico, aunque le costaba m?s controlarlo. A pesar de esos peque?os fallos, pronto serfa una hechicera de primera.

Como no podfa ser de otra forma, Erin era una jovencita preciosa. A sus dieciocho a?os reciTn cumplidos, ya era algo m?s alta que su hermana Emilie. Era de complexi=n delgada. Le habrfa costado ganar peso aunque lo intentase con todas sus fuerzas. Su piel se notaba un poco m?s bronceada, a pesar de lo cual estaba llena de pecas que se dejaban ver sobretodo en el rostro.  Al ser de complexi=n delgada, sus medidas resultaban menos espectaculares que las de Emilie o Jenna. Sus pechos, aunque firmes y bien definidos, eran m?s bien peque?os. Sus gl?teos eran otra cosa. Casi tan grandes como los de Emilie, pero al encontrarse en una mujer tan esbelta parecfan m?s grandes a?n. Sobre todo su figura era muy gr?cil, muy elegante. No parecfa tan delgada como para lucir poco saludable. Todo lo contrario. En su caso segufa teniendo un cuerpo muy femenino. Espectacular.

Su rostro era m?s alargado que ancho. Estaba enmarcado por una cabellera de color rubio muy claro. Lo peinaba con una ralla a la izquierda, al contrario que su hermana. Descendfa alrededor de la cara, dejando el lado izquierdo despejado, aunque tapando las orejas. El lado derecho casi estaba igual, pero algunos mechones del flequillo le pasaban por la frente y cubrfan un poco la mejilla. Como Jenna, la melena llegaba algunos centfmetros por debajo de los hombros, solo que en su caso casi no habfa ondas.

Sus cejas eran muy finas, a penas una lfnea por encima de los ojos,  y muy rubias. Tanto que pr?cticamente resultaban imperceptibles. Los ojos tenfan forma alargada, similares a los de las orientales, solo que m?s grandes. Eran de color verde apagado. La nariz ligeramente ancha y corta. Los labios, sobretodo el superior, bastante finos, no demasiado alargados. Iban pintados de rosa. La cara, especialmente entre boca y ojos, se encontraba llena de pecas. Daba sensaci=n de picardfa e inocencia a partes iguales, o quiz?s ganaba la inocencia por poco.

Vestfa de color rosa. Todas las novicias debfan hacerlo. Aunque al dfa siguiente ya podrfa ser llamada hechicera, la tradici=n le exigfa vestir asf una noche m?s. La ?nica diferencia entre su vestido y el de las dem?s novicias era que a ella le quedaba bastante mejor. No tenfa mangas ni escote. Resultaba bastante liso hasta llegar a la cadera, donde tenfa un cintur=n negro muy ancho. Erin lo ajustaba mucho para mostrar mejor su magnffico cuerpo, marcando asf los pechos y el vientre plano, pues si bien era humilde, conocfa sus propios encantos. La falda cafa, con bastante vuelo, lo justo para dejar ver unos zapatos tambiTn rosas, de color m?s claro que el vestido. Por supuesto no era la indumentaria de trabajo. Las novicias tambiTn debfan vestirse de gala para las ceremonias. Fuera de una ceremonia, tanto hechiceras como novicias podfan vestir como prefiriesen.

Emilie y Jenna segufan recitando los versos del conjuro. Pronto algunos destellos dorados comenzaron a brotar, como ramas de una enredadera, desde el pecho de Erin hasta el altar. La joven se sinti= rara, mareada, unos segundos. DespuTs todo acab=. Ninguna de las dos hechiceras sigui= hablando. Los largos segundos de silencio solo se rompieron cuando Emilie volvi= a alzar la voz, con mucha m?s firmeza y solemnidad en aquella ocasi=n.

-De ahora en adelante, Erin, tu vida estar? consagrada a proteger el Reino de Sharm. Tu magia y tu esencia alimentar?n la Gran Barrera. Ser?s una luz que gufe a los necesitados en los dfas m?s oscuros. +Comprendes estas palabras?

-Las comprendo, hermana

No la llamaba hermana por su lazo sangufneo. C=mo tantas otras cosas, formaba parte de la tradici=n. Sin embargo respondfa con sinceridad cuando decfa comprender esas palabras. La Gran Barrera era la medida de protecci=n definitiva. Creada por la Orden de la Nieve m?s de diez generaciones atr?s alrededor de todo el reino. Ning?n humano, enano, orco, elfo, demonio? en definitiva, ning?n ser racional, podfa atravesarla desde el exterior si alguna hechicera de la orden no lo habfa marcado previamente, y las marcas eran revocables. Irfan caminando, o corriendo, hasta chocar con una barrera invisible que jam?s iba a ceder. Pero semejante protecci=n requerfa mucha energfa. Toda hechicera al dejar de ser una novicia sellaba con su propia sangre el encantamiento de la barrera. Desde ese momento una peque?a fracci=n de su poder m?gico la alimentaba y mantenfa. Mientras la orden existiese la barrera existirfa.

-+Aceptas las responsabilidades de la Orden?

-Con orgullo, hermana.

El resto de las mujeres, toda la orden a excepci=n de quienes estaban realizando alguna misi=n fuera, aplaudi=. Ya no era momento de solemnidad si no de celebraci=n. Jenna abraz= a Erin desde un lado. Cuando acab=, Emilie lleg= llena de orgullo para hacer lo mismo. Erin tuvo problemas para no manchar a ninguna de las dos con su mano ensangrentada. Las abraz= como pudo con una sola extremidad. Cuando Emilie, algo nerviosa, se dio cuenta, record= tener un pa?uelo blanco preparado para esto. Le vend= la herida antes de volver a agarrarla por el hombro y dirigirse a la salida del templo.

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Another hot afternoon with black guys

Another hot afternoon with black guysThis time was twin Clifton who came home to pick me up that afternoon.He told me we could spend a good time at his home, with some of his friends.When we arrived there, I found some black men unknown to me; but they were handsome … and very well endowed as I could notice.The only girl there was the same little blonde slut that I had met the previous time we had been fucked by a bunch of hard huge black dicks.She smiled to me and introduced herself as Tammy.A...

1 year ago
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Private Eye

The Case of the Cheating Husband I am a Private Detective, I’ve been in this business over 18 years since dropping out of College, I’ve Seen some strange things in that time. I deal mainly in cases of infidelity, Husbands or Wives trying to catch their spouse in a cheating situation. One of the rewards of this job, is not just the catching a cheating spouse to the relief or disgust of the paying customer, but the tapes I have collected of them in the arms of their lovers. People would be...

1 year ago
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My Very Own Tentacle MonsterChapter 2

I was so mad! I just wanted to scream at the top of my lungs! But my dorm room walls were pretty thin and I could hear my next door neighbors when they were loud. I knew if I screamed they would hear me and I didn’t want to have to explain myself to a nosy neighbor. I know someone would ask. Having kept this crazy secret bottled inside only seemed to make it worse. I needed an outlet, but couldn’t find one. It had been a week since I had my encounter with the Tentacle Monster. Part of me...

3 years ago
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Being Watched

It was a Saturday morning and mum and dad were out shopping; we knew they would be a while. My girlfriend Sara, 24 at the time, had a cute little body and face, with brown shoulder length hair. She came to visit and before we knew it I was randy as hell and stripping her off on my bed. I got her naked and was looking down at her great little body when I was aware of a noise at the back of the house. I then remembered that the window cleaner was due on his monthly visit. We had often fantasized...

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Watching my wife meeting a black stranger

That evening during dinner, my lovely Anita told me she had met one of her former office mates from Savannah and they had arranged to have a coffee.I started getting a bit suspicious, as my sweet wife had not mentioned any of this before; but maybe she just forgot to tell me.Before getting bed I enjoyed a warm shower. I slipped inside the fresh bed sheets close to Ana, who was already dozed. I put my hand on her firm butt and started caressing her. But she grunted anything and pushed my hand...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Ch4

  The next morning everyone got up early. My Dad got ready to go fishing. I was prepared for him to ask me to go, but he surprised me. Lin wanted to go down to the beach/swim area and he didn't want her to go alone. He asked me to go with her to keep her company, but also watch out for her. He packed a lunch and said he would see us tonight. It was barely light outside when he left. Lin and I had the whole day to ourselves. We took our time and packed up to make a day of it at the beach. Lin...

3 years ago
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My Sexual Adventures In Toon Town

**I was a normal human being who lived in the real world, I once visit toon town and their laws of physics is different from the real world. One day, I was invited to meet Jessica Rabbit. I went to the elevator and got to the floor I wanted to go, it was a bumpy ride but I survived. I got to the apartment and I was unaware that this is the wrong apartment number and as I open the door she looked at me and shouted** Lena: A man!!!! **I saw the hearts in her eyes as she eye ball me** Oh damn!...

4 years ago
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Sexual Adventures of a Young man 6 The Sugar Daddy for two families

The story is by one of my friend Montu Kumar starts around the year-2011-12, around 7-8 years back from the present time. He become friend with me during a fashion show in Delhi.. Where he was the Event Planner for the comapny which has organised this fashion show.. He has narrated his story to me during our several meetings. He was left alone in night with his maid Asha and then he fucked Asha for a whole week. This is a story about how he become a Sugar Daddy of Two families. Maanvi...

3 years ago
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Just In Time Ch 04

**All characters are over 18 and FICTIONAL **This is a SERIAL, like my other series TRIPLE THREAT, so it is a running story so please look for the previous/following installments! * ~ * ~ * ~ * Previously on Just In Time: Justin is sent back in time and goes undercover in Cleopatra’s palace as a servant of the historian Strabo to prevent the theft of Cleopatra’s poison! Justin rules out two of the three suspects when he decides the hunchback doctor isn’t the time bandit and the beautiful...

3 years ago
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Ex Sets Me Up For RapeGangbang0

I woke some and was tied legs and arms apart. Someone was fucking me and was not caring if I liked it or not and I didn't. "The party girl is waking up." he said as he filled me with cum. Another jumped on and drove into me and humped some and dumped his load. There was not even any attempt at pleasure but just one after another fucking me and making room for the next guy. I do not know how many but they turned me over and put a cushion under my hips and began assaulting me in the ass. If...

3 years ago
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Alodies Dog Revelation

Alodie is just like any other 15 year old girl you might meet. Perhaps prettier than most, she had a pretty that's quickly developing into sexiness as she develops. Her small nose, bright skin, and raven black hair made the boys her age really want into her pants. Not that she would let them though. Having been on a few dates, she was rather repulsed by the total immaturity of the boys. Her C-cup breasts were almost always being stared at by the boys, who were awful at hiding their watchful...

2 years ago
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The Girl Beneath the Skin

Sometimes, you can tell the sound of a man. It was that way with Grinsworth. Coming down the quiet emptiness of the late Friday afternoon hallway, I knew his gait, the rhythm of his stumpy little stride. I knew this would happen sooner or later. Word gets around. It always does. I didn’t want it to happen, but I was ready for it. I heard my secretary through the open door. “Good afternoon, Mr. Grinsworth. He’s in. Please let me tell him that you’re here.” I smiled. She’d never met the man, but...

4 years ago
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A guy has a surprise encounter with a pregnant Jamaican woman

I grew up in southern Florida with my dad. When I graduated high school, I received a full scholarship and applied to Yale University and got in. Mom lived with her sister up there so I stayed with them through college. After college I found a position right away and got my own efficiency apartment. I was with the company six years when in conversation with a supervisor it came up that I grew up in southern Florida. He informed me corporate recently finished building a new facility down there...

1 year ago
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Chloe An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe

Chloe, An adventure that followed Maria and Guadalupe Chapter 1 After Maria and Lupe left, I placed another ad and interviewed many more young women. The one I want to share with you is about a young 18 year old runaway who had barely survived one week on the streets before answering the ad. Chloe was very nervous. She had run away from her home near San Antonio and had found out the hard way that she was simply incapable of living on the streets. She was a tall, 5’10”, well-proportioned,...

1 year ago
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First Time With a Guy

A forty-year-old man, nearly 20 years younger than me made contact through a nudist website I belonged to and we began to correspond about things. We exchanged a few pics and discovered that we were both in the same area. Then one day he was pushing to meet. I didn’t know about that, I mean, it’s one thing to enjoy fantasies… but to really… you know… with a guy and all… I suppose that’s why it took me a little time to agree to meet this fellow. Finally, I decided to just take the bull by the...

Gay Male
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We never make msitakes

WE NEVER MAKE MISTAKES. BY OLIVIA EVANS. The silver haired man in the white doctor's coat frowned in obvious annoyance at my complaint that a terrible mistake had been made. "Excuse me, but it is _you_ who are mistaken, we never, ever, make mistakes," he said frostily, offended that I would have the audacity to even think of suggesting it. "Then how do you explain these?" I demanded as I pointed towards the alien objects. "Explain what?" he asked, looking again where I had...

3 years ago
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Three weeks

THREE WEEKS I was standing in front of the door of the beautiful expansive home. I stepped back looked up at how majestic it was and looked down at the crumpled want ad in my hand. "Wanted experienced live in cook and general housekeeper, excellent salary." I sighed to myself and thought, "What have I become." I was once a chief for two of the largest restaurants in New York, but drugs and booze ruined my reputation and my career. I was now sleeping on park benches, cardboard beds and...

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My hot encounter with Y

I've gotten to know Y through a dating site back in early 2010. We had a good chemistry online and soon started talking by other means of communication as well. Eventually, I decided that after being single for a longer time, I might as well give a relationship a shot again and that I'd try this with Y. So we agreed to meet each other in Jakarta in March.Y is originally from Pasuruan, so it was a nice gesture of her to come all the way from there to Jakarta to meet me. We picked Grand Indonesia...

2 years ago
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He finally admits hes bi and I get to give anal

It had been roughly 4 months since thomas and I had started our regular sessions. We had continued with the anal, and had recently started 69'ing, since he was reciprocating blowjobs now. He was getting quite good at it too. He could make me cum in seconds, or could drag it out until I exploded all over him.This time, however, was different. He had been acting differently all night.We made our way to my room, as we always did. But when we walked in, he stopped."Matthew. I've realised recently,...

Gay Male
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Sex mit AnniTheDuck

Ich bin ein 20 Jahre alter Fotograf, der sich sein Geld meistens durch Cosplay Fotoshootings verdient. Normalerweise werde ich nur für NoName Personen gebucht und verdiene damit mein Geld. Mein Traum war es immer, irgendwann groß zu werden und für Cosplay Stars zu shooten. Umso mehr war ich überrascht als ich eines Tages eine E-Mail öffnete in der Stand: "Guten Tag! Ich habe gehört, dass Sie ein aufstrebender Cosplay Fotograf sind. Mein Name ist Anissa Baddour (auf YouTube "AnniTheDuck") und...

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Me and Aunt Sydney fiction

You need to read valentines surprise to see how this all began.I was on my way home from work when I decided to visit my aunt Sydney. I called her to let her know that I'm on my way. "Hello Sydney." "Hello lover. How are you feeling?" "I'm alright. I just called to let you know I'm coming to your house." "really, what would you like to do lover?" "first I'd like you to suck my dick in your front yard. That means I want you totally naked waiting for me to pull into the driveway. I'll be there in...

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The Wonderful Adventures of Miss K TRACYS TURN Part 10

Hello, fair fans, and welcome to more of my wild, unbridled sex romps. If you want to read more of my stuff after reading this, please visit my website. I reserve all commercial and all non-electronic rights to this work. If you are not permitted to read this work in your legal jurisdiction, please don't read it. I am also stating that the name "Brett Lynn" is a pen name I use. Any persons who have this name as their birth name has no connection whatsoever with this story, nor any...

2 years ago
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Fucking A Horny Aunty

Hey friends, I am a regular Indian sex stories reader please ignore if any mistakes. This a real incident happened to me 2 months ago My name is Avi from Faridabad. Age 20 So coming to my story it is about me and a horny bhabhi in our locality. She use to come to gym she was well maintained I liked her juicy ass the most she has a perfect figure . Her name was Neha . She had a daughter of 6 year. She was quite horny type so one day I saw her changing in gym she was wearing a black panty her...

4 years ago
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Sluts Have More Fun

Stella and Agnes were hitting the town tonight. These sexy ladies were keen to get out and have some fun. Dressed to kill in hot flesh-revealing outfits guys wouldn’t know what hit them.Agnes is Dutch but had lived in LA for a few years. She is medium height, smoking body with short blonde hair, cute nose and the biggest green eyes. She wore glasses and had several pairs which she turned into a fashion statement depending on whether she was at work or out to play. And she loved to play!Her...

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This son of the boss

My name is Julia. I am a 35 years old Muscovite, a married woman. I have a husband, his name is Vladimir, a 12 years old son, Yuri, and our pet, a Rottweiler, dog Stan.I have been married already for 15 years. We was always a good friendly family.In winter weekends we often went threesome to forest for ski walks.In spring, summer and fall on Sundays we had fun in Moscow Gorky Park.Always threesome we flied on holidays to Turkey and Thailand.And I was always considered as a very decent woman...

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A Small Price To Pay

Your eyes flutter open like energetic butterflies as you awake to the familiar sight of your bedroom ceiling. Only sparing a second to let your eyes wander,you jump off your bed like a five year old on a trampoline as you turn your attention to a digital clock on a small table,the time clearly reads 9.05am. "Haha!No annoying sound from you today" You mock the electronic clock as you turn the alarm clock you set last night off,heading straight to your bathroom. Quickly,you strip yourself of your...

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Lesbian Lovers at Last

I don’t do a diary anymore but record now and then things of importance so that I won’t forget in years to come. What happened last night was mind-shattering and life-changing. I will never forget Sophie's pain and then our ecstatic pleasure but some of the details may blur unless I write about it.~~~~~~~~~I’d had a bath and was on my sofa with my second glass of wine and well into my box of chocolates. I eagerly wanted to finish off my book, One Day, when the phone rang. It was Sophie and she...

2 years ago
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Stephanie Pt 01

CHAPTER ONE It’s been over three years since my husband James left me. I don’t think I’ve recovered from the devastation of the man I thought was the love of my life abandoning me for a younger woman, if you can call her a woman, she was more of a child. James and I met in Junior High, he was my first and only boyfriend, I was 12 he was 13. We went to the same college and married my senior year. We made it through 8 years of college, residency and internships, I thought it would last...

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Shashuri Jaamai Upakhyan

By: Arundev Dayal Aamar ei kahini ta besh boro, kaaron ta porlei bujhtey paarben pathok kul. Dhoirjyo dhorey porbaar jonyo tai aagam dhonyobad janiye raakhlaam. Aami ek nobin jubok. Boyesh 26, 6ft 3 inch lomba deher goron 42-28-34. Aamar biyer thik holo ekta poribare, jaar korta teen baar biye korechhen. Prochondo moddo paan korten bole prothom dui bou chhere chole jaay. Ei bou bhodroloker cheye onek chhoto. 42 bochhorer buro biye korlo ek 19 bochhorer juboti ke. Ei dompotir ek matro meyer...

3 years ago
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Carpenter Part 2

I knew I was in trouble after he told me of the viagra! Ken fucked me me every position possible. After pinning my legs back several times and squatting over me, Ken rolled me on my side and placed one leg on his shoulder and straddled my other leg! I rolled my hips into his every stroke as he shoved deeper and harder with each stroke inside me! "Fuck me hard" I begged! I found out very quickly he was not all the way in yet! As he plunged every inch of his thick black cock inside me I felt a...

3 years ago
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My Steamy Session

Hi guys I thought of sharing my recent sex experience with my ex boyfriend while hubby outstation for work. Hi and Thanks for the wonderful response to my previous story. I am Prarthana here. I am 29 years old and my husband is 33 and we have been married for 6 years. I am 5’6″ and figure is 34d-29-35.I ensure that I keep my self fit and trim as I love being active and catch with Tennis and swimming whenever I am free. Let’s come to the story. Recently my ex boyfriend Manish(I used to date...

1 year ago
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A Chance Meeting

I was just finishing lunch at a little deli when I saw someone outside who I thought I recognized. The woman looked like a Mom of kids who played with my kids when they were younger. I finished my sandwich and went into the store that I saw her enter. I remember her as a even though she tried to hide her hot body under baggy clothes. I entered the store and immediately figured I was in the wrong place. I must have seen wrong. I was in an adult video store with rack after rack of tapes, dvds and...

4 years ago
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New Year In Eden Again

The day after our orgy on New Year, my wife, Lorraine and I slept for a few hours before we had brunch with other nudists/swingers next to the large crystal-clear pool. Although everyone was naked, no one had enough energy left to fuck or even engage someone in serious conversation. We ate in silence.After our hearty meal of cold meats and various salads some life returned to my weary brain and flaccid penis. I looked around our table and introduced myself to Lee-Ann, a beautiful...

Group Sex
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Mom And My Best Friend

We were on holiday in Corrnwall and my best friend Jay came with us, during the first night he kept admiring my mom whenever dad wasnt around, he also kept getting a good eyefull of my moms rarther big tits which she noticed as she looked at me looknig at Jay she gave me a devilish smile, fancy a cigarette Jamie she asked him knowing i didnt smoke and off they went outside, moms short red skirt was riding up her ample married ass, during the day my mom and dad had a argument and he went out for...

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