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The butterfly effect is the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. In other words, small events act as catalysts for starting conditions. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon - thus the butterfly effect.

I end the call and sink down into my chair. Maybe I should be crying, at least feeling some morsel of sadness, but I feel indifferent. The selfish bastard died of a brain aneurism. So what. Selfish bastard!

A few days later I tell my captain I will be taking a few weeks off work. The precinct will have to survive without Detective Chase Barrows for a couple of weeks as I head back to my birth home to sort through some details of my father's death. 


Woodstock, New York, 2020

I gaze upon the old, gray house with familiarity. Although I haven't seen it in over two decades, it has remained untouched by time. Memories I had driven from my mind come flooding back with ferociousness. I see sunshine everywhere except over this house. Here, I see a dark cloud hovering.

Keys in hand I walk up the stone steps to the wooden double-doors. The doors don't appear as massive now. Looking around, the whole house appears smaller, diminished in my eyes. After unlocking the door, I slowly turn the handle and push the door open. It loudly creaks - the first sign of aging I have seen. Peering inside, I see the house hasn't changed since the day I left. My father's lawyer told me my father employed staff over the years for upkeep. Now, it is up to me to keep them or not. 

Looking down at the keychain, I see the odd-shaped key and instantly knows what it unlocks - the west wing door. The west wing was my father's hideout from us. Noone was allowed. I recall the day I saw him leave without locking the door. As a curious child, I didn't miss this unique opportunity to sneak inside this mysterious part of our home. I still vividly remember the blackboards covered in random numbers, math equations, drawings. Gadgets covered work tables. I was so entranced, I didn't hear my father come back. The beating that followed would stay off any further curiosities on my part.

My father, Professor William Barrows, taught physics at a prestigious college nearby. When he was home, he spent his time locked away in the west wing. I remember all too well my parents constantly fighting over his distractions from family interactions. However, both my parents seemed to forget I was there, needing love from them. At eighteen, I left home and never returned. A few years later, I got word from a relative my mother passed away from cancer, but I knew what really killed her. She died of a broken heart. And I never forgave my father. 

To my surprise, my father called several times after my mother died, leaving a message about wanting to meet. I was bitter and would delete his message. I saw no reason to let the selfish bastard back into my life.

Years as a detective have served to fuel my inquisitive nature. Now, I want ... no need ... to learn whatever it was that took my father from my mother and me. What was more important than us? I climb the long staircase to the west wing, curiosity quickening my pace. I unlock the door and step into the room. A feeling of fear overtakes me, but I shake it off, telling myself I have nothing to fear now. My father is gone ... forever. 

I am surprised by what I see. Everything appears orderly, not the scattered mess of papers and blackboards I had remembered. I was just in this office that one time, but it made a lasting impression. The room has not seen a dust cloth in quite some time though. Obviously, his staff was not allowed in this room to clean. There are file boxes on the wooden bookcases labeled with the letters of the alphabet. Deciding to start at the beginning, I pull the box labeled "A", blow the dust off the top, and set it on my father's desk. 

Pulling out the papers one by one, I spend the next several hours reading. Leaning back in the chair, I can't believe my eyes. Oh my God, my father was a nut case ... mad scientist ... whatever you want to call him. From the looks of these notes, he appears to have thought he discovered a way to travel back in time. He notes that each moment/place in time can be defined by four coordinates. And he even sketched some sort of device with notes about creating a wormhole evidently allowing a traveler to return to that moment in time. 

Scratching my head, I really can't comprehend what I am seeing. The walls of his office seem to close in on me as a myriad of emotions overtakes me. First, I can't believe this actually works. Second, I am angry this is obviously the reason my father wasn't in my life. My mind spinning in a million directions, I am torn between thinking my father was crazy or a genius. Sometimes there is a very fine line between the two.

In his notes, it logs he returned to the same coordinates more than forty times before the coordinates change. I find these scribblings particularly interesting:

1st jump - Lambach, Austria-Hungary, March 27, 1897. Result: War still happened and worse outcome. Note: Killing Hitler won't stop World War II. Effects non-linear. Trigger a flutter. Side effects: headache for several hours, maybe unrelated

2nd jump, same coordinates. Result: War still happened. Earthquake added. Try a different flutter. Another headache.

And so on and so on until...

43rd jump, same coordinates. Result: No war. No other big events triggered. Success! Side effects: Headaches after each jump. Must be related!

I put my head in my hands, more confused than ever. Who is Hitler? I am a history buff and there was no World War II. And what does he mean by "flutter"? And why did he travel to some random place like Lambach, Austria-Hungary in 1897 forth-three times?

My inquisitiveness overtakes rational thinking and I spend the next three days pouring over boxes of notes. Time and time again, there are "jumps" listed with a faraway location and past date. All have events beside them that I never heard of and all eventually say "Success" before the coordinates change again. Slowly my mind absorbs the data, analyzes it, and I come to this farfetched conclusion - my father thought he was changing history. Who was this man I called "father"? My mind is truly boggled. Then, I find the device. A small hand-held metal device with dials to set the four coordinates. One end has a trigger and the other a hole. My father had to have built this as I have never seen anything quite like it. Another layer to this mystery.

Some force keeps pulling me into his research. I don't believe in time travel but can't walk away from what I am reading either. Oh for fuck's sake, just try the damn device keeps running through my mind. Obviously nothing will happen and I can stop spending any more energy trying to understand the writings of a lunatic. 

I finally get to the end of the recorded jumps and find something shocking. In addition to his notes, there are numerous drawings of a woman - the most captivating woman I have ever seen. So beautiful, I can't stop staring. She has shoulder-length hair with side-swept bangs, wide-set eyes, and very curvy, full lips. There is something about her eyes - they draw you in. In several pictures, she is wearing a costume of sorts ... maybe a dancer. I suppose my father drew these pictures, but like everything else I found, I have no clue why. All I know is I need to find out more about this woman. These sets of coordinates never have the message "Success" beside them or any results. What happened? Did he quit going for some reason? So, if I am going to try this, I want to use the last set of coordinates labeled New York City, 1943 for my time travel attempt. 

I can't really say I am nervous. However, I pick up the device and feel a slight sense of relief my father enabled the device to log the beginning coordinates, eliminating a worry to figure out which numbers will bring me back. "What am I thinking," I mutter aloud, "thinking this might actually work?"

And then it happens. Not sure why, but a growing possibility that this all might be real creeps inside me as I pick up the device. Taking a few deep breaths, I point the device to open space and wait. I am looking for something to happen. It does. A dot of swirling light appears and gradually grows until about six feet high and four feet wide. I stand there staring. Then rapidly blinking. Sputtering curse words. Then I close my eyes and step through the opening. When I open my eyes, I find myself standing in an alley, feeling very dizzy. 

I am across the street from the nightclub, Copacabana. At least I see something I recognize. Looking for street signs, I see I am on 60th Street. Trying to get acclimated to my surroundings, I take in the dress codes and cars of the people around me. It certainly looks like it could be New York City in the 1940s. I have to give it to him - he did it. The selfish bastard did it. Shaking my head, I still can't believe it. Then, I see her. Her! She walks right out of the nightclub. It has to be her. She is wearing the fur-collared coat my father had her wearing in one of his drawings. 

My attraction to her takes the lead and I dash across the street calling, "Ma'am. Excuse me, Ma'am."

"Yes," she says turning around to face me. Oh my God, her voice is like an angel. And she is stunning. His pictures could never capture her beauty in person.

"Do you have the time?" is all I can think to say.

"Yes, it's 2:00 am. If you are wanting to go into the club, you are too late, we just closed for the evening."

She eyes my clothing and continues, "Are you new in town?"

"Yes, I am. I ... ummm ... am staying at the hotel a couple of blocks away. I just got to town and am looking for a little something to eat."

"Well, you are in luck. I know a fabulous all-night diner a block away. Want me to show you?" she says, batting her long lashes. 

"Yes, thank you."

As we stroll along, I ask her many questions, trying to keep from sounding like a detective. I learn she is one of the Copa Girls and lives right around the corner from my pretend hotel.

"Here we are," she says, stopping in front of the diner.

"Thank you so much for your help. Could I convince you to let me buy you dinner? If it isn't too late for you. I would be happy to walk you home after."

She smiles and agrees, telling me she is hungry after performing in her shows. I quickly find her beauty is not the only thing about her that captivates me. She is charming, intelligent, and vibrant. I really haven't met another woman like her. I tell her I am a detective and she tells me about her career as a dancer. She hopes to work her way up from Copa Girl to a broadway show. My hand eventually ends up holding hers and our eyes keep locking. My cock strains against my dress pants. I don't remember the last time I felt this aroused. She is breathtaking and her name is Cathryn Peterson.

After what seems like hours of laughing and chatting in the diner, she tells me she needs to get home and get some sleep for she performs again tomorrow evening. She allows me to walk her home, her arm tucked in mine. The city apparently never sleeps, as there are still quite a few people walking the streets. We reach a narrow brownstone and she announces she lives here. We climb the stairs to her doorstep.

I turn to face her with my face very close to hers. I watch in amusement as her nervous eyes keep darting between my eyes and my lips. I tilt my chin, whispering, "I want to kiss you, Cathryn."

My lips part slightly making her tremble. Her hand presses against my chest, feeling my heart thumping ... for her. I nudge her chin up with my thumb. One hand mimics her hand and rests on the top of her chest. I become even more aroused feeling her heart beat faster as she bites her lower lip. My thumb moves up to graze her lips, watching as her breath quickens by my touch. Like an old romance movie, we stare into each other's eyes, feeling each other's hearts beating faster and faster. I am touched by the vulnerability in her eyes.

"I will kiss you now, Cathryn."

"Oh my," she gasps.

Ever so slowly, I bend toward her and brush my lips against hers. Her breath catches. I look in her eyes and then kiss her again.

Reluctantly, I pull back, deciding this is enough for tonight. Her eyes take a moment to reopen and I take a mental picture, not wanting to forget her beauty. After unlocking the door for her, I hand her key back, and we say our goodbyes. I remain on her doorstep until she is safely inside and I hear her lock click. Turning, I walk back to the alley to return home. I have her name now and can't wait to research her and discover the importance of Cathryn Peterson.

I immediately collapse in the chair upon my return, trying to come to grips with what just happened. I have moments of thinking I dreamt it. Other moments where I feel I must be crazy. And other moments where my hard cock forces me to believe it was real. And like my father's notes, I too have a headache. You might not understand this, but I don't check to see if anything has changed since I left. Did my interactions with Cathryn cause a flutter? I don't want to know. Nothing can interrupt these feel-good emotions.

Digging back into his last set of notes, I notice these coordinates vary ever so slightly. Only one number is changed. I deduce he was maybe returning to the time he left off on his last visit. But why? Then, I set about researching Cathryn Peterson. Nothing. She doesn't appear in any searches. She was in her 30s back in 1940, so she is surely dead now. I sift through the drawings of her once more. Without a doubt, my father found her stunning, but his drawings don't compare to her beauty in person. I haven't had much luck with women in my life. I supposed I am relatively handsome, but have been told I am emotionally unavailable. And women don't like that. So, I buried myself in my career, cutting off that side of myself. Cathryn has awakened me though. I feel alive with her. There is just something about her.

I awaken the next day and all I can think about is seeing Cathryn again. I have never felt this way about a woman. I have to see her today. It can only be described as an urgent craving. So, I pack a bag and head back to the roaring 1940s.

Back in New York, I check into Hotel Astor, not sure how long I will be staying. With my passion in the driver's seat and I end up knocking on her door and waste no time kissing her. Pressing my lips against hers, continuing my kissing until I feel her lips relax. Her stiffness goes away and she begins to kiss me back ... deeply ... possessively. It seems she missed me as well.

"Would you like to come in?" she says, after breaking my kiss.

"I would love to come in, Cathryn."

I follow her in and she gives me a tour of her tiny apartment, leaving her bedroom as last on the tour. As soon as we cross the threshold, I pull her in for a passionate kiss. I truly don't know what's come over me, but I must have her. Gingerly cupping her face, my tongue pries open her lips, exploring her delicious mouth. Her hands rake through my hair, with her fingers finding hairs to cling to and twist. Our bodies rub against each other with our needs growing. My fingers lightly trace down her neck, desperate to explore further below.

She breaks our kiss and looks for the light, reaching to turn it off. My hand catches hers, unwilling to let her hide her naked self from me. 

She reaches for the button on my trousers and I help her unbutton me. I reach behind her and unzip her dress, letting it fall to the floor. We remove the rest of each other's clothes and I back her up to the bed, pushing her onto her back. Her breasts are full and soft mounds adorned with rather large nipples. I take my time caressing them and dip my head to suck her as she writhes on the bed beneath me.

"I want to touch it," she whispers.

Rolling off her, I lay by her side and lay my cock in her open palm, closing her small fist around me. Slowly … almost painfully slow … I cover her hand with mine and slide it up and down my shaft, showing her what I like. Her eyes widen in amazement as she watches my cock lengthen within her grasp. She continues stroking me as tiny drops of pre-cum dribbles down over her curled fingers.

I need to make love to her and can't wait any longer to have her. Positioning her back on her back, I slide on top and press my cock against her opening. She lifts her legs and wraps them around my waist, pulling me toward her. I guide my cock inside her softness and we make love. My eyes never leave hers and I whisper sweet things to her while slowly thrusting my hardness inside of her. Only when she begs me to go faster, do I increase my intensity and fuck her harder until we both orgasm together. 

After, she sleeps nestled against my body, her head on my chest, with my arms wrapped around her soft, delicate body. I never believed in love at first sight before, but I do now. I love her ... and she lives in another century.

That night I go to the Copacabana to watch her in the chorus line. The girls have pink hair and elaborate sequined costumes. Mink panties cover toned asses. Fruited turbans are also part of their signature looks. Looking around, green palm fronds are painted on the mirrors, blue lights highlight the bar, and the well-known Carmen Miranda plaster fruit salads hang over the red banquettes. It is surreal sitting here at the elegantly clothed table in an iconic club. Watching scenes from the past play out around me, I think about the fact I wasn't even born yet. 

While she was timid at first, her sexual confidence grows exponentially with each passing day. Sitting up straddling me with her pussy grinding against my long shaft, her long bangs swing down, covering one eye. I reach up to brush her hair back so I can see both her beautiful blue eyes. I am anxious to make love to her but enjoy these playful moments too. She is exploring while atop me. When she leans forward, her long hair cascades over us like a canopy. Her voice like an angel as she giggles while swooshing her silky hair across my face.

“Kiss me,” she says.

I tangle my fingers in her hair and pull her mouth to mine, biting her lower lip, before giving her the kiss she craves. Her dress, gathered in the front, caresses my naked stomach with her smooth undulations. She is ready and maneuvers me inside her, gradually taking me, in inch by glorious inch, until she is full. Her vagina a tease – draws me in, just to push me out again. It feels unbelievable being inside her. Better than in my dreams. She torments me with her breasts too, dangling them close, yet out of reach of my hungry mouth. I want to suck one, but the closest I get is a nipple brushing my cheek.

I reach my limit with her teasing. In one deft move, I switch positions, pinning her down with my weight. She lies breathless beneath the mass of my hard body. Hooking my hands behind her knees, I raise her legs before plunging inside her pussy. She gasps at the instant fullness. I make love to her with slow, deliberate thrusts. Her release builds until she climaxes. My climax follows. 

"I love you," I say with certainty.

"I love you too," she says, smiling, reducing me to putty in her hands.

Sweeter words were never spoken to me. I don't remember the last time I heard these words.

While she sleeps, my thoughts travel back to my father. I don't yet understand everything that my father was doing, but I know what I am doing. I am in love ... with Cathryn. Was my father? I still haven't been able to find a connection between her and the future. Her name isn't in any history books, or Google searches. She is essentially a nobody to history, yet everything to me. 

Cathryn awakens before me and wants to make love again. She is delightfully insatiable. She tells me her pussy aches from overuse, but she doesn't care. She wants me inside her again and rolls over on all fours, wiggling her ass at me. I spread her cheeks and quickly fill her with my needy cock. A hard fuck ensues, rocking her body forward with each thrust. It looks like her pillow is her lover, the way she claws at it … squeezes it ... presses her face against it.

The next day I make a big decision. I love Cathryn and have never felt this happy in my life. I want to live here with her. In my mind, I plan out our future ... my new future. I will get a job as a detective. This is the time of the mobsters and dirty cops are everywhere. I know mob boss Frank Costello is part-owner of the Copacabana. There must be opportunities for an honest cop/detective like me. Maybe I will positively change history as I live out my life with Cathryn. I smile thinking about cheering on my girl on her dream for Broadway. Excited. Hopeful. Happy. These are all emotions lacking in my other life.

So, I travel back to the future, liquidate my bank accounts, and sell our family home, which provides me more than enough money to live out my life starting in the 1940s. And I don't pause to check what may or may not have changed on the timeline. Reckless? Maybe.

My last issue to resolve is my painful conflict over my father's research. After much internal debate, I decide to burn everything. Unlike my father, I see the danger of the wrong person finding this research and wreaking havoc on history. My years as a detective have shown me the lowest of the low life among us and I can't risk one of them getting their hands on his findings. When I return to Cathryn, I also intend to destroy the time travel device. 

I have some clarity about my father now. He was rolling the dice each time he time-traveled, then returning to see the outcome. He kept playing this game until the future suited him. And to his credit, he created a pretty good one. And now, I have probably fucked up by going back in time. 

There are many questions left unanswered. How is Cathryn connected? Why her? Was she the butterfly for a major event? Is each flutter in her life creating a ripple effect of changes building to a major change in the timeline? I remember the excerpt in my father's notes: The butterfly effect is the idea that small things can have non-linear impacts on a complex system. The concept is imagined with a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a typhoon - thus the butterfly effect.

However, my heart quiets my head for my heart has what is seeks and needs no more answers. All I need is to be with her. I use the device one last time, returning to my one and only love. One look into her eyes and I know, unlike my father, I don't want to see or control the future, but will ride out whatever is to come with the love of my life. 

Who is the selfish bastard now? The man who forsakes love to improve the future or the man who forsakes the future for love. You decide. 














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MyDirtyMaid Katrina Moreno Horny Maid Fucks For Money

This week I called up the maid service so that they could send someone to clean up our studio. However, I was not prepared for the beauty that they were about to send. This chick named Katrina showed up. She had a a huge pair of tits, and a gigantic ass. I couldn’t resist the urge, so I asked her if she would clean the studio naked for some extra cash. Once she agreed to that, I knew that it wouldn’t be that difficult to try and get inside of her. Eventually, I offered her more money to suck my...

2 years ago
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Mommy Is A Slut part 2

By the time she got home Gladys had formulated a plan of action. First order of business was to start the process of turning her daughter Kathy into a full fledged whore. Next would be an evening of sex chat with Michael on one of the websites he was using...without him knowing it was his mommy he would be sexting with. Before all that, however, Gladys had to place the wireless cameras she had purchased on her way home...one in Kathy's bedroom and one in Michael's. Hooking them up...

1 year ago
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Last visit to Germany

Amelia and I would go to Germany atleast once a year heading across for a weekend away either in the summer or winter. The last time we were there was during the summer. When the days are so hot there it is nice to spend the day in one of the many bath houses. They all seemed to be very busy and Amelia said we couldn't get into our usual one. She had been recommended another and so we tried out this new place.When we arrived Amelia said that we were only here because she had got a special...

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Deathblight Phantoms Infernal Hunt

Direction by Wolfenstahl http://wolfenstahl.blogspot.com/ Writing by Zhuan http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Zhuan/profile Artworks by Crescentia https://twitter.com/Crescentia4tuna Deathblight Games Patreon https://www.patreon.com/deathblight Deathblight Discord: https://discord.gg/DgbaH6f Our story takes place in a world where demons and gods walk among mortals. The 10 gods among which were the Three-Headed Hellwolf, Kerathos; the Snake, Jormungandr; the Phoenix, Phenixya; and the Kirin,...

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Bad Day At The OfficeChapter 6

When I drove into work on Monday, I felt thoroughly refreshed. I'd skipped the decorating just long enough for a haircut and to add a few additions to my wardrobe. My hair, or what is left of it, had remained unsuitably long for too many years. My casual clothes were modern enough, given my age, but work wise, I always stuck to dark suit, white shirt and plain tie. It was on the latter outfit that I'd splashed out; buying half a dozen brighter shirts, each with a matching tie. I'd ditched...

3 years ago
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Monthly madness

I headed to a bar I knew would be crowded with after work revellers as well as lots of young men. It also had booths along a dark wall – perfect for my plans. I went straight up to the bar and ordered a drink. I then turned to survey the crowd and found my first target. He was about 25, a big guy, not all that goodlooking and not too drunk. I am quite pretty, with long blonde hair and big brown eyes so getting a guy’s attention is never hard. I walked up to him and asked him if I...

4 years ago
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Pushpa Auntyin Kaama Kathaigal 8211 Part 1

Ellarum kaama kathaigalai padithu avaravar kaamam seithu sugathai anubavaika kadavulai vendi kolugiren. Enathu peryar Pushpa vayathu 36 naan ilamaiyaagavum thotrathil aunty polavum irupen pinbu enathu mulaigal parka perithaaga irukum, suuthu pilanthu thukalaaga irukum. En udal vadivam 40-36-44 ennai paarthaale aangal sunnigal natukolum. Enaku thirumanam aagi oru paiyan irukiraan avan peyar thanush vayathu 22 aagugirathu kalluriyil iruthi aandu padithu varugiraan. Enathu kanavan oru software...

2 years ago
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Girls School PetChapter 3

The next morning found Victoria once again out walking, by herself this time. Although the day was just as beautiful as the one before, the young coed walked with her head down, her beautiful blonde hair falling forward so that it half-hid her troubled face. Clearly Victoria was worried. Perhaps in another ten years she might look back on her present problems as almost humorously trivial, but now they loomed before her like a granite mountain. Of course, the main problem was sex, or the...

3 years ago
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Rumors of HavenChapter 24

“So, where are we now? Still in the Keystone State?” Bill Reiner wondered as they pulled off the highway into a rest stop area from the past. “Mercer County, Pennsylvania. There is a smattering of cities and towns left standing, many communities being deserted. There’s a lot of farms, too, many of them smaller ones formed when the big agribusinesses collapsed. A lot of the farmworkers even set up co-ops. They’re trying to hold it together, just like Crawford and other surrounding...

4 years ago
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Teaching Luke sex Day One

Apart from the girls I work with at ‘Playthings’ I’ve told hardly anyone about the compact and bijou apartment that I acquired, and I promised them that once I was settled in, we’d have a little party.I love the peaceful and tranquil setting of my home in the countryside, but when they started a major highways upgrade about three miles from where I live, my journey to and from work became a complete nightmare. It’s the only route I can take, and the work was scheduled to last over eighteen...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare

There are some advantages to being divorced. Not many, but some. I can watch all the ball games I want without getting nagged. I can put my shoes up on the coffee table. I can…. actually the list is pretty short. But at least I can dream of having sex with any number of gorgeous girls, and no one ever demands to know what I’m thinking about. I was doing just that the other night, watching the Yankees playing some other team – I’ve forgotten which – wondering if I’d ever get laid again, when my...

4 years ago
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Vincent and Erin

And now, “Vincent and Erin”, Part One. Vincent looked longingly at the clock, just minutes before the day was over. He was done with his test early, and waited desperately for the time to end. He let his eyes wander over to his best friend, Erin, hard at work, poring over her own test. Allowing his mind to wander, he saw her clothes almost melting away, one by one. Lost in his own fantasies, he almost missed the bell. ”Shit!” he muttered as he gathered up his things. Snapped from his...

2 years ago
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Shocked By Wife Part 4

Following Karen upstairs I could see her ass below her short gown and just a glimpse of her puffy lips. Staring at this I wondered what was in store for us now and hoped I would not be left out of the loop anymore. As it happened I need not have worried. Colin was sitting in the bedroom chair and rose to greet us Karen with a kiss me with a hand shake, as I stared at his impressive appendage. "Thank you both so much and I can honestly say that Karen is the best lay I have had bar none," he said...

Wife Lovers
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The School Part Two

The School. Part Two. We entered the classroom in our pairings and all drifted to the futons that we had occupied the day before and sat down to await Penny and Peter. They duly arrived with Peter saying good morning to us all and getting a chorus of the same back. “As Penny said last night, you followed the basic pattern by going ahead with intercourse at the first opportunity. Slow down! Don’t burn yourself out. This is basically aimed at you men, as a woman can have sex almost...

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Lust on the Beach Part 4

Tracie had sensed something very sexual about Lori when she had first moved in, but had no idea that something like this would ever happen. She had come by innocently enough, curious to meet Lori’s friend Lexie. Had she really just licked and sucked Lexie’s pussy out in the hot tub? The taste of her juices still lingering on in her mouth answered that question. Now she had agreed to come inside with these women and take it further. She had just experienced tasting a woman for the first time and...

3 years ago
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Like most older men, I would have given anything to have known then what I know now. Nature plays a dirty trick on us men though: by the time we learn what we need to know about life, sex for example, we are almost too old and physically limited to do a lot about it. If we try to do something about it - to somehow recreate our lives and be sexual beings again - we're labeled 'dirty, old man.' We are supposed to simply give up, rest in our rocking chairs and reminisce. That is grossly...

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Skeletons in my Closet part 23

Skeletons in my closet chapter 23 Ms. K and the golden shower Sara, Megan, and Keith came walking into the family room. The girls were hand in hand. Keith walked straight to the bar he poured himself a glass of Scotch. ”Play you in pinball,” Sara said smiling at Megan. Keith kicked his drink back. He watched the girls as they played pinball. He shook his head from side to side as he tapped that glass twice. ”Everything OK boss?” Linda asked him. ”Nothing, that is what is wrong,” Keith...

1 year ago
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After the RunPart 2

But I wasn’t done, not yet. I picked you up, put you over my shoulder, and carried you over to the sofa. I pulled your shorts and panties off of your legs. You brought your legs together to make it easier. I put a pillow under your head, and then another under your ass. You spread your legs open, and I could see the inner wet pink pussy, which contrasted nicely with your dark outer pussy lips. The aroma of your recent orgasm was intoxicating. Your eyes, half closed, were begging me to lower my...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 18

Jeff picked the healer up from the table near the bed, and quietly made his way out of the room. In the sitting room, the light turned down low, he relaxed on the couch. Again, sleep or the trance-like state she helped him enter, engulfed him. {{{??}}} Little One, I need you to help two more of my friends. Like Helen, they're a little older, and I would like that to be corrected, if you would, and also for you to make them as healthy as you can. He tried to send the concepts over and over,...

3 years ago
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Mere Ghar Ke Pass Rehne Wali Ek Ladki 8211 Part 4

Hi friends I am back with another part of my series, who are new here lemme tell you my name is Aayushman and I am 25 year old from Delhi. For chat, share experiences and meet and sex then contact me my email is Don’t forget to read previous parts of this series, links given above. Ab main story ke last part per ata hoon.. Maine apko ab tak ye bataya tha ki maine kaise apne pados ki ladki k sath baato baato me masti krni start ki or sex ki starting krte hue kaise main ek din raat ko uske...

1 year ago
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Godess of Life

Goddess of Light I want to wake up every morning. Shower my beautiful, female body and slip into a silky pair of flimsy white panties and a delicate lacy bra. I want to pull on a pair of sheer, tightly clinging black pantyhose and see my white panties show through them. Just before I put on my short, grey office skirt, simple white blouse and my black heels I want my husband to approach me from behind and place his arms around me. I want to feel his hardness push against my back. I...

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ISB Ginger My Ugly Little Si ster

Ah,the Memories!*Ginger was a fat, mean spirited, ugly little four eyed bitch! She's just like Mom, even looks like her. What more can I say? Oh,yeah, She's also one Hell of a Fuck! At least, Now She Is!* It was a Saturday morning, Ginger and I were at the kitchen table eating our breakfast. Mom was leaning against the counter smoking a cigarette, and waiting for the potatoes to fry, that's when Ginger said "Guess what, Mommy?" Her mouth full of partially chewed scrambled eggs "I went to go pee...

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Mind over Matter Chapter 1

He sat in the corner of the library now. He had to get his studying done and this was one of the only places at Uni where there were so few people that he could concentrate. Except for a couple sitting a few tables away from him, he was alone in the library. Somehow Peter was aware that his headache would be less, if there weren't there. He wanted them to leave. The more he thought about it, there more his head hurt, and the more he just wanted them to leave. Suddenly, without a word...

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This is just a short story on the first affair I had. When you get married its forever. You have a wedding settle down have kids life moves onbut then after 10 years with the same personsrx gets boring. I know don't tell me you have to do stuff to keep the flame alive. Sorry therr is nothing like the sex you have with a guy the first time. The toe curling lust you feel. Well my husband and sex these days is about as exciting as watching reruns on tv. Don't geet me wrong I climax, but no...

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The second date

Mary put the phone down to him. He said that he would be coming round in an hour, and he had asked her to dress up for him. He had specifically asked her to put on her short black pencil skirt and white see through blouse. No bra to be worn. The excitement hit her deep in the groin, and she felt the beginnings of the fire that was lit between her legs. She wanted to rub herself, but resisted the temptation, wanting him to do it. Walking into the bedroom, she opened her wardrobe and took the...

2 years ago
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Power Chapter Eighteen The Dance Take Two

Valerie, Jay, Sylvia and I went to the next LGBT dance together. Since there were few dances, everybody attended the LGBT ones, straight, gay or in between. Remembering the last one, I vowed to keep Sylvia close to me. I also wore clothes I didn’t mind losing. The dance was already underway when we got there. I noticed Seth near the front of the stage. He was shirtless and some guy was behind him with his hands on Seth’s chest. I figured it was his roommate as Seth had said they would be...

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Show me what Im looking for

Rosa looked skeptically at the packet, turning it over and over with her fingers. About three hours ago, she was on her way to the market for her monthly supply of fresh fruits and vegetables when she passed a small store with darkened windows. What struck her was that she couldn't remember whether she had ever passed it before, whether it was new or not. It was the name, etched on the dark glass window, which had gotten her attention. The script and language was unlike any she had seen, and...

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The Captains Wife Chapter 2

Chapter 2 - The Aftermath I awoke to a shocking cold and wetness. I found my clothing soaked and as I tried to sit up I discovered my head was throbbing and spinning. It took me a few moments to understand where I was. I was on deck, apparently. It was day, a beautiful blue sky with scarcely any clouds was above us and the sea was calm as far as the eye could see. I struggled to my feet glaring at the stupid sailor still holding the incriminating bucket. "How dare you!" I shouted at him. "I...

2 years ago
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Binary Part 10

September 9th, 2016 Poe Cottage, Whateley Academy Classes went smoothly while Morgan received a slew of odd looks from students as word got around about Karma's new toy and the hell she was raising by getting people scared. She told everyone who would listen that is squirted a dangerous chemical then proceeded to shoot anyone in her way. It was a lot of fun as people screamed until they realized it was just water, with many earning looks of pity and head shakes as several power-hungry...

4 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 13

I finally wake up around six o'clock in the evening. I am starving. I pull my sore body out of the bed and shower. I cannot believe how long I slept. I take a long hot shower and hope that my arms muscles will relax. I lather up with my favorite buff and soap. I look down at the rope marks that are still left behind on my ankles. I look at my wrists. The marks there are just about gone. Hunger is over powering me. I think about not shaving, but I decide better and take the time to shave. I...

1 year ago
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MylfXTeamSkeet Lolly Dames Selena Love 4th of July Wiener

Selena Love and her stepmom Lolly Dames are ready to celebrate 4th of July, but Lolly wants to make sure that Selena follows her diet and keeps practicing for her dance recital. When stepbrother Johnny arrives at the party, he starts grilling some hotdogs, and sneakily gives some to Selena who starts sucking on his wiener as a way to say thank you! Once their stepmom leaves to see some fireworks with their neighbors, Selena and Johnny go to the bedroom and finish what they started… Nothing like...

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The Bells of HomeChapter 6

"If she asks if you're a god, say 'yes'." Justin shifted his eyes around. Nobody really reacted. Daium did, though, nod her head in agreement. With a sigh, he let it go. Melinda would have gotten the joke. Probably Chuck, too. What was the point of making obscure geek jokes, if nobody was going to react? Laughs or groans, didn't matter. It probably didn't help that the movie in question wasn't among those in the store when they vanished, and thus was lost forever so far as they were...

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Aubrees First Apartment

Aubree’s First ApartmentChapter 1: PoolsideThe postman finished delivering the daily mail to Green Meadow Apartments. Closing the last mailbox, he turned and walked across the parking lot towards his van. He glanced at his watch. Three fifteen? Damn! My shift ends at four! Looking over towards the apartment pool, he noticed a beautiful girl wearing an extremely small bikini preparing to dive into the swimming pool. She looked young. Maybe eighteen or nineteen? Her long dark hair cascaded over...

1 year ago
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My StoryChapter 2

The week before they left I was doing both of them – Billy in my ass and Bert in my pussy – when Billy said: "We need to make a change here." "What?" I asked. "It doesn't seem right that you don't have a cock in your mouth. All of your holes should have something in them." I didn't say anything, just moaned as he slammed his cock into me. The he said: "Okay Jim, come join the party" and Jimmy Melbourne came out of the closet. Jimmy was naked and he had a hard on and it led the...

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I Enjoyed With My Brother8217s Friends

I’m Abhinaya(abi).now I am 24 years old ,working at a tech park at Bangalore.I’m going to day about my gangbang which happened to me @ the age of 19. Now coming to the story,my family consists of 5 members. I ,daddy, mummy,one sister younger to me and a brother 2 years elder to me. We lived in Coimbatore . when my brother finished his high school he joined engineering college at Bangalore. He lived in hostel. After two years passed when I finished my high school .I too decided to join in the...

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Mom Taught Me How To Be a Slut Part 1

nOTE : tHIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL! My mom and I had always been close. My dad apparently freaked when my mom got pregnant and never even wanted to see me so it was just me and my mom. My mom was only 18 when she had me so we got along great. When I was 18 my Aunt Megan, my mom’s sister, got divorced and came to live with us. She was even younger than my mom and I thought it was great, sort of like having 2 big sisters instead of a mom and an aunt. Both of them dated guys, and I was...

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We explored her body together

Hi, This is about me and my friends family. I am 30 and my friend was around 36. His wife was around 29. They live deep south in Cuddalore. My friend was working as a PT master in a sr. secondary school in pondicherry. I had go there for a business and stay there for a week. I was staying in a hotel room in pondicherry and he used to come and meet me in the evenings. On the third day, when he came in I was browsing some porn and gay sites. He saw that and wanted to see more. While watching...

3 years ago
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The Tgirl Factory

The Tgirl Factory This is a work of fiction and any similarity to real persons or events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18. Part 1 Sex dolls have been used for many years. In that time, a diverse range of types have become available; each being more life-like. First it was plain female sex dolls; then male sex dolls. With the more "gender-fluid" and "trans" affiliations; dolls which outwardly appeared one gender but had the anatomy of another started to appear....

1 year ago
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Summer of Strip Poker

All the people in this story are of the age of consent.My first real sexual experience was when I was 16 and my best friend, Bob, a school chum of mine convinced me one hot horny Summer that playing strip poker was a fun thing to do. I was an extraordinarily shy boy - especially when it came to my body and nudity. I didn’t even like going on a public beach because a bathing suit revealed so much of my skin. So, the idea of playing strip poker and getting totally naked with another guy - even...

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