50’s Family: A Sister’s Virginity free porn video

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Summary: Virgin sister becomes obsessed with twin brother’s big cock.

Note 1: Thanks to Tex Beethoven, Robert, Hey All, thor_pf and Wayne for editing.

50’s Family: A Sister’s Virginity

“Please, Dad,” I begged.

“I already told you,” my father insisted in his infuriating old school way. “The answer is no, you cannot. Not unless you double date with Adam and Tiffany.”

“But you let him go to the drive-in by himself,” I pointed out, feeling like a whiney teenager, which I guess at the moment was accurate.

“He's a boy,” Dad replied not at all aware of how sexist that statement was, sounding like a broken record. “And he’s older.”

“By nine whole minutes,” I pointed out, sounding like another.

Dad had illogically used those damn nine minutes against me my whole life… even stressing when I protested that Adam was born before Eve in the Bible too. ‘Adam is your big brother’, which was usually followed with, ‘You are his baby sister and God put him here to protect you.’ It was never quite spoken, but the message that always came across loud and clear was this: Adam, the big brother, was the take-charge competent male figure. Eve, the widdle sister, was the helpless widdle girl, and I needed to be protected at all times from the dangers of an evil world! It was like I’d stepped out of a Bible story as nothing more than my brother Adam’s blankety-blank rib! It had pissed me off for years. God, being twins sucked.

“And, well dear, I know it's a double standard, but I'm not worried about what he and Tiffany might do, my worries are about what some slime of a guy may try to do with you.”

See what I mean?

I sighed heavily. My whole life this condescending double standard had been a constant theme used against me every time I wanted to do anything even remotely independent. It was the 1950s and girls were supposed to be wholesome sweethearts, while guys got to play in the pig-wallow. “Dad, you’ve met Simon, and you know he’s not slime.”

“Still,” he said, “conversation done.”

I knew he meant just that, he wasn't going to change his mind. Have I mentioned the other Great Burden of my life? The one where I’m just a girl, and girls weren’t created to be debated with; just to do what we’re told?

“Fine!” I said, and stormed out with tears in my eyes. Tonight was supposed to be my first-ever drive-in date, and now if I wanted to go at all, I had to go with my twin brother and his vapid cheerleader girlfriend. I bet my ‘competent big brother’ didn’t even know the word vapid.

Adam was equally unhappy, but he too knew there was no reasoning with our father once he’d made a decision.

Even Mom couldn't move the stubborn church minister... who was protecting me like I was the last living virgin... which, based on the rumours at school, I probably was.

That said, I wasn't going to the drive-in to lose my virginity. I was saving myself for marriage, really I was, but a little making out would have been nice. I’d never even been kissed except by three nerds at band camp last year during spin the bottle, and even that was a letdown since they’d just kissed me quickly, then jumped away averting their eyes as if I was disgusting. I was disappointed when I didn't get seven minutes in heaven (and also thankful, because it would be gross). Simon was the first boy I really liked, and sometimes we held hands when nobody was looking.

Simon was sweet, funny, and had many similar interests as me. He was also the first boy ever to actually ask me out... so that helped.

And me… I probably sound pathetic at the moment, but I’m not... not really, although I do know I’m still whining right now. I’m simply a kind of bookish, super smart, awkward, shy daughter of an ultra-conservative church minister. A minister who lectures fire and brimstone every Sunday for two hours and usually focuses on today's youth and their unholy rock music, their inappropriate fashion (he actually calls the poodle skirt the devil's skirt), and rants on that today's teens need to be protected from themselves. So even if boys were interested in asking me out, their fear of a vividly described eternal hell, and even worse, having to come up my front step and talk to my actual father had always stopped any potential suitors in their tracks.

Now, I'm not cheerleader hot, you know the kind with blonde hair and blue eyes and a bitchy attitude, but I was cute in the girl next door sort of way.

I was a brunette, with green eyes, and large (but well hidden), 38D breasts. I wore loose fitting unflattering sweaters every day to hide them... at the insistence of my father who didn’t want me to tempt teen boys with the ‘sins of the flesh’… his actual words.

But in the decade where Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield set the standards for beauty, everyone saw me as plain.

Mix in my insecurity and shyness, and I was eighteen years old and had never been on a date.

Even though Adam and I had turned eighteen already, we were only starting our senior year in the fall, since our family had spent a year on a mission to Africa when Adam and I were five, so we started school a year late.

Anyway, that’s how I ended up in the back seat of my dad's car on my first real date, with my brother and his girlfriend in the front... and no one in the car happy with the situation.

Adam joked, once we got back from getting popcorn and sodas, “Now I don’t want to see any hanky panky back there, you two.”

I shot back with venom in my voice, hating his condescending attitude toward me, “Then you better keep your eyes forward.” Rebelliously, I took Simon’s hand.

Tiffany laughed, “Eve, you’re a riot.”

“Don't encourage her,” Adam rebuked.

“Good to see some spunk in your sister. She usually acts like the Virgin Mary,” Tiffany insisted.

I knew she was trying to be supportive, but that was actually insulting. Still, I joked, trying to bond with someone popular, “I'm surprised dad named me Eve, who sinned, instead of Mary.”

Adam laughed, “Yeah, you’re definitely not Eve the Temptress.”

“Whatever,” I said, annoyed that he always could, in a few words, deflate me like a leaky tire.

The movie started, and for an hour and a half there wasn’t much talking between us. Although Tiffany leaned over to rest her head on my brother and they did a lot of whispering to each other, Simon watched the terrible sci/fi movie with focused attention... not looking my way once. He wasn’t even holding my hand anymore.

I felt invisible. Like I did at school most days.

God, did I want to be the original Eve and tempt someone. Yet every time I thought of leaning over to cuddle Simon, my shyness took over and instead I sat there like a statue: frozen and paralyzed.

When the first movie ended, Tiffany turned and said, “Come for a walk with me, Eve.”

“Um, okay,” I agreed, happy to be seen with a cheerleader, even though I’d called her vapid… although that was only in my head.

“Get me a root beer and some fresh popcorn with extra butter,” Tiffany ordered my brother.

Trying to sound in control, but definitely not wanting any more popcorn - I’d eaten way too much during the first movie - I ordered Simon, trying to imitate Tiffany’s cool, “Get me some twizzles and a root beer.”

Simon nodded, surprised by my bossiness. That wasn’t like me.

As we walked to the washroom, Tiffany joked, “Always make sure you get all you can from your guy if you’re going to be pumping or sucking him.”

I breathed some spit and started coughing, I was so surprised by her words. “What?”

“Oh right, this is your first drive-in date,” she said. “The price of admission for the girls is always male ejaculation.”

“What?” I repeated, hearing her words but thinking they were ludicrous and impossible to fit anywhere into the real world.

“Nothing is free, Eve, even your daddy's Bible thumping rampages say that,” she explained. “The guys pay for the date, and they expect to be repaid in one of three ways.”

“Three ways?” I asked, not feeling at all smart.

“On first dates a hand job will usually suffice, and with a guy like Simon, that likely will be good enough for a while.”

“A guy like Simon?” I objected with a bit of tone. I hate stereotypes and being stereotyped.

She smiled, “Don't get your girdle in a bunch, Myrtle, I was just saying I don't think he’s very experienced.”

“Oh,” I said, assuming she was right. He was awkward, focused much more on the movie than on me.

“Unlike your brother, who has some pretty high expectations,” she added.

“Gross,” I said, as we reached the washroom.

“The admission price goes up based on the popularity of the guy or every once in a while, on the car he’s driving.”

“That's so shallow,” I pointed out.

“Agreed,” she nodded, “but society is shallow.”

We reached the line, where Tiffany bumped into some other cheerleaders and I was back to wallflower mode... until Tiffany announced to the girls, “Eve here is on her first drive-in date.”

“Does she know the rules?” Amber asked, looking at me with a look of complete dismissal, and confident that I didn't.

I responded, both to fit in and to shock, so sick of being judged by bitches like Amber, “First date hand job, unless you’re a skank then you blow him and probably take his jizz all over your face. If you’re a real tramp you fuck him and if you’re the ultimate tramp you let him pound your asshole.”

I rattled the whole thing off as if I’d said it a hundred times, even though I was just winging it and had no idea what I was talking about.

“Holy shit,” Amber gasped, impressed. “The Virgin Mary has a little devil inside. She’s gonna give birth to the wrong baby and God’s gonna be pissed!”

I don't know why I said it, but I quipped back, “A little devil isn’t what I want inside me at the moment.”

“The sweet ones are always the biggest sluts,” Jennifer opined loftily.

“Takes four to know one,” I shot back, looking at all four of them.

“Only three,” Allie said, “I'm a good girl.”

“Says the girl who lets Brian come on her face,” Tiffany shot.

“So do you,” Allie countered.

“I do not let Brian come on my face,” Tiffany joked.

“You know what I mean,” Allie laughed, realizing her miscommunication.

“I prefer it sliding down my throat,” Amber said.

“Or up my pussy,” Jennifer added.

“Or up my ass,” I added, trying to one up everybody.

All four looked at me with shock on their face and then roared!

Tiffany giggled, “That is definitely a date ten plus, and he better be driving a Thunderbird.”

“Or be at least eight inches,” Amber added.

“And thick,” Jennifer interjected.

“And rich,” Allie described.

“And smart,” I said.

“Who cares if he’s smart?” Amber objected. “I don't want to talk Shakespeare with him, I just want his spear shaking in me.”

“You Renaissance slut,” Tiffany said, laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

“Yep, I’m a slut alright,” Amber agreed, “which is why I’m here with a college guy in a Corvette.”

I couldn't help it, I tossed off, “Well you better get your axle grease ready, he’s going to expect a little parking in the rear.”

“Oh my God!” Amber gasped.

“I'm sure you’ll be screaming exactly that when he sodomizes your ass,” I continued, revelling in my first time fitting in with the popular girls... and my first time talking dirty.

“Eve,” Adam said from behind my rear, his tone firm.

I turned around and saw Adam and a couple other football players looking at me with the most shocked expressions you ever saw.

I quickly scurried past him and his friends and back to the car... feeling humiliated, but also horny… my vagina was liquid fire.

As I walked to the car I wondered how a vagina filled with wet fire could be a good thing. Was I being tempted by Satan? Daddy would sure say so!

I had definitely sinned more in the past five minutes than I had my entire life.

Yet, I wasn't being struck down by lightning.

The only fire and brimstone was between my legs.

And no, I didn't feel any guilt... just exhilaration at allowing myself to let go for the first time ever. Just a rush coursing through me because for once I was more than just the smart girl!

I reached the car and saw Simon leaning against the side... trying to look casual, but actually looking awkward.

I asked, “Miss me?”

“Yeah,” he nodded, so when I reached him, I kissed him.

He was shocked, but after a moment of me being the only one doing the kissing, he kissed me back.

It lasted a whopping five seconds, way longer than any of the pecks in spin the bottle, until Adam, again behind me, again his voice firm, said, “Eve, come here.”

Simon broke the kiss, even pushing me away from him slightly, as he stammered to my brother, “S-s-sorry, Adam.”

“What are you sorry for?” I demanded, instantly hurt.

“Eve, come here,” he repeated. When I turned and glared, he added, softer, “Please.”

“Fine!” I said, going to him, but at the same time glaring at him with the rage of a woman possessed.

“What are you doing?” he asked, looking embarrassed.

“Kissing my date,” I answered, before adding for shock value, “But I haven’t even shoved my tongue down his throat yet.”


“Adam!” I mocked back.

“We’re in public,” he pointed out. “People are everywhere!”

“So should I only play tonsil hockey in the car?” I asked, enjoying the chance to make my ‘capable big brother’ uncomfortable.

“Jesus, Eve,” he said, shocked.

“You shouldn’t use the Lord’s name in vain,” I pointed out, really enjoying standing up to my brother.

“What’s gotten into you?” he asked.

“Not Simon,” I retorted with a smirk.

“Eve,” he said, his tone suddenly authoritarian, sounding just like dad, “I'm responsible for you and I will not have you wrecking your reputation.”

I scoffed, “And what reputation is that? Prude church girl? Prim Virgin Mary? Those ones would be devastating to shatter.”

He noticed we were beginning to get an audience so he ordered, “Get in the car.”

“And what about your reputation?!” I asked, my feet not budging.

“What about it?” he asked, unsure what I was going to say next.

Truthfully, I had heard a lot of rumours about my brother, with the girl's bathroom being the truth serum for girls. One day I was in the bathroom back when Adam was dating another cheerleader, Ashley. She was giving everyone the vivid details of their night at Make-out Point.

I don't recall every word, but I did learn a lot about my twin brother and his sexual prowess.

1. He had the biggest dick in the school. Ashley swore it was over eight inches long, and thick like the skinny Tammy's wrist (Ashley's words, not mine).

2. He could come three straight times in under an hour.

3. Unlike other guys, he was willing to return the favour (at the time I had no clue what that meant).

4. He was very dominant, which Ashley loved. I recall her saying he was the only guy in the world she would let give her a facial or call her his jizz-bucket.

Yet I didn't say all that, instead I sarcastically said, “Oh nothing, you’re prince fucking charming,” using the ‘F’ word for the first time in my life except for back in the line just now when I thought there were only girls around.

I stormed back to the car, jostled past a sheepish Simon and jumped in the left-hand back door.

I saw Adam lecturing Simon briefly while he just kept nodding like a broken bobble head. I could only imagine what my brother was threatening him with.

Simon returned to the car while Adam walked back towards the canteen.

I asked, “Did Adam threaten you?”

Simon nodded, “He reminded me who your father was.”

“I'm pretty sure my dad kisses my mom,” I said.

“He was very convincing,” Simon said, looking terrified. Changing the subject, he said, “Here’s the snack you wanted, Eve.”

“Thank you, Simon,” I replied politely, even as I fumed inside.

Even at eighteen, I was still being treated like a child, and I wanted to be a woman. I leaned my boobs against his shoulder, placed my hand high onto his leg and said, “I’m sorry lover, let me thank you better than that.”

“What are you doing?” he asked, instantly nervous.

My hand moved from his leg to his crotch and I said, “Thanking my handsome date for the movie and snacks.”

“Stop that,” he said, pushing my hand away.

“What do you mean?” I asked, insulted he’d pushed my hand away.

“We can't do anything,” he said adamantly.

“We can't or you won't?” I demanded angrily. When we arrived I’d had no intention of doing anything but hold hands, maybe a kiss goodnight, but since learning the rules from Tiffany and then being forbidden to follow any of them... I suddenly wanted to do more.

“It's our first date,” he said.

Trying to be sexy, imagining what Marilyn Monroe, or better yet Jayne Mansfield, would do, I said, moving my hand back to his crotch, “I just want to inspect the merchandise.”

“Eve!” he gasped, but this time didn't push my hand away... likely because I had a firm grip on his hard penis and he didn’t want to lose it.

“Is this because of me?” I asked coyly, feeling it was completely hard.

“Y-y-your brother is going to kill me,” Simon stammered, looking completely scared instead of enjoying the feeling of having his penis squeezed by a girl.

“Fine, whatever,” I said, pissed off and moving my hand away. “I would have sucked you.”

I'm not sure that was true, but I’d been considering it.

Tiffany returned, and seeing us sitting far apart asked, “Something wrong?”

I snapped, “He didn't want his first date repayment.”

“Simon, you should never reject a girl's advances,” Tiffany said, scolding Simon. “That’s very rude!”

“Your boyfriend threatened to kill me,” Simon said.

Tiffany sighed. “Protective brothers,” she lamented, nodding, looking at me with sympathy. “Thank God mine’s away in the military.”

“Mine seems to be a drill sergeant,” I said, still annoyed, but appreciating the female understanding.

“Okay, that he is,” she smiled, the innuendo obvious.

“Gross, he is my brother,” I said.

“Just saying he knows what he wants and he takes it,” she said, looking at Simon... clearly giving him good advice.

“Do you know what you want, Simon?” I asked, trying to sound sexy.

Simon's eyes were big. He was clearly uncomfortable with the situation... and unprepared.

“I'll keep your brother distracted if you want to play nurse resurrecting patient,” Tiffany offered, just before the door opened and Adam got back in the car.

He glanced back at both me and Simon as he said, “Ready for the second flick?”

I was. I found James Dean super sexy and was looking forward to seeing the movie everyone was raving about: 'Rebel Without a Cause'.

“I’d leave you for James Dean in a heartbeat,” Tiffany joked to my brother as he settled back in his seat.

“As long as I have the same option for Marilyn, it's a deal,” he joked right back.

“You two will love this film,” Adam continued, turning towards Simon and me. “It's my third time seeing it.”

Tiffany quipped, her tone implying exactly what she meant, “Although you didn't see much of it last time, did you?”

“Not in front of my sister,” Adam objected.

“Yes, her Virgin Mary ears can't handle the shocking reality of whatever you were implying,” I said sardonically.

“Eve, please,” Adam sighed.

“What?” I cooed innocently. “Why didn't you see the whole film last time, did you doze off?”

The film started and Adam didn't answer, instead just shaking his head with annoyance.

I too was annoyed.

I was sick of being his baby sister and him treating me like he had to protect me from the big bad world.

I was sick of being seen as the minister's kid, a stigma that didn't seem to hinder Adam's popularity, but suffocated mine.

I was sick of being perceived as a goody two shoes because I got good marks in school and was nice.

I wanted to be seen as pretty and sexy.

I wanted to be seen as a sexual being.

I wanted to have an adventure!

Although I really wanted to see this movie, instead I stewed about how I was being treated by both my brother and my date.

Why wouldn’t Simon stand up for me?

The answer was obvious... my brother could twist him into a pretzel without even breaking a sweat.

Still... I wanted a man who would fight for me. A man who wanted me. A man who knew what I wanted, and also knew what he wanted and took control.

As odd as it sounds, I wanted a man just like my brother.

Tiffany was leaning on my brother's shoulder again and whispering, her right shoulder moving a fair amount. I wondered if she was giving my brother a hand job.

Feeling adventurous and wanting to push my boundaries, I scooted over to Simon and put my finger to his lips.

He shook his head no as I reached again for his penis.

I ignored his protests as I tried to unbutton his jeans, annoyed he was wearing a belt.

Yet again, he pushed my hand away.

Furious, I scooted all the way to my window and ignored him, staring at the movie, feeling completely unwanted.

A few minutes later, too angry even to watch anything, I closed my eyes, even as I heard Tiffany whisper, “Come on, Adam. I need that dick.”

“Tiffany, my sister is right behind me,” he whispered, even though I could tell by his tone he wanted to do whatever she was suggesting.

I kept my eyes closed and she said a minute later, “They’re both asleep.”

“No way,” he said.

Tiffany asked fairly loudly, “Simon, Eve, you awake?”

Thankfully Simon didn't respond and I, trying to make it believable, began to snore lightly.

“See?” Tiffany said.

“Well, she is a sound sleeper,” he said, clearly still unsure about doing something sexual with his baby sister in the car.

What he was saying was in a sense true, since once I was really asleep I was impossible to wake up.

“Come on, I need a load of that sweet jizz,” Tiffany purred.

“We can't fuck,” he stressed.

Tiffany said, “I just need your load. You know how much I crave it.”

“You are an insatiable little sperm slut, aren’t you,” he whispered.

“Your jizz is just so addictive, baby,” Tiffany purred. “I can never get enough.”

“Fuck it,” he gave in. “Get sucking, slut.”

“Yummy,” she said, as I opened one eye to see her blonde hair disappear into his lap.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned, and I could see the back of her head bobbing up and down like a yo-yo slightly using the rear-view mirror which was ajar from its usual position. “No one sucks dick like you, my little cock sucker.”

She moaned in agreement at a compliment that was usually an insult.

“Maybe I'll shoot this load all over your face and make you wear it the rest of the night,” he said, with his confident cocky tone somehow turning me on... even though it was demeaning and derogatory to women.

She whispered between bobs, “Shoot that hot jizz all over my face if you want, baby. You know I love being your little slut.”

“Oh yeah, remember when you had my load all over your face while you did your cheer at the year-end assembly?” he groaned, Tiffany's slobbery sucking sounds now echoing through the enclosed space.

I glanced over at Simon who appeared to actually be asleep.

I, on the other hand, was trying to get a closer look. Even though he was my brother, the Sex Act was turning me on and I wanted to see Tiffany sucking my brother's Big Penis.

And although people would call it sick and twisted, I was curious how big he was.

I know... but in my moment of sexual weakness I was no longer a good girl, but a very curious girl who longed to be bad for just one night.

So I leaned way up, my face just half a foot from the back of Adam’s neck trying to get a better view of him getting oral sex, even as he groaned, “You’re such a hungry slut, sucking my dick with my sister in the back seat.”

Tiffany looked up, saw me and smiled, then she agreed, winking at me, “Oh yes, I'm a dirty jizz slut, you sexy boy. Now fuck my face with that big fucking dick.”

I was about to move away since I was clearly busted, but I was paralyzed with awe at what I was witnessing and the hot wetness that was leaking into my panties. Plus, Tiffany’s wicked smile had seemed to say 'Enjoy the Show.'

So I resumed watching, lifting my body up and leaning forward even more, being careful not to breathe on my brother’s neck. I couldn’t really see much, just the back of Tiffany’s head bouncing around as my brother, as she called it, ‘fucked her face.’ It didn’t really matter: I was watching them having sex! The sounds and even the smells were really exciting, but just the knowledge of what they were doing was best of all!

After a few minutes, Adam pulled out for a minute; Tiffany looked up and with a smile at me, displayed his cock in one hand and gestured with the other at its very impressive length as if saying, “Tadaah!”

The first penis I ever saw in my life was my brother’s, and… Omigod was it magnificent! Long and powerful-looking, and glistening with a heavy coating of what was obviously Tiffany’s spit.

She raised a questioning eyebrow at me, and I nodded silently. My cautious response was not to alert Adam, who was only two inches away from me, but she could see from the awe in my face how I felt. I was in heaven… except I was just an angel unable to do more than watch the sinners sin.

“Are you going to stroke it or suck it?” he demanded, annoyed at the lack of action.

“I just wanted to admire this perfect dick for a moment, isn’t that alright?” Tiffany asked, again glancing up at me, wanting to know that I was still watching.

I was, with fascination.

My eyes were staring at my brother’s ‘dick’, as Tiffany called it, and Tiffany spat on it, getting it all shiny while her small hands began stroking up and down the thick shaft for his… and my… enjoyment.

He chuckled, “Well, hard to argue that logic.”

“Hard indeed,” Tiffany approved, taking it back in her mouth.

“Oh yeah,” he groaned. “No one sucks cock like you, my sexy jizz bucket.”

“You always say the nicest things.” Tiffany joked, as inches away from my brother, I moved my hand carefully to my hellishly heated vagina. It was full of liquid fire again.

“Less talking, more sucking,” he ordered, as he grabbed the back of her head and pushed her down on his ‘cock’... as he called it. “Take it all, my devilish cock sucker.”

It was bizarre, but at that moment as I slowly rubbed my burning inferno down below, I wondered what it would be like if I were the one sucking my brother's big cock. I wondered what it would feel like to be his cock sucker. I wondered what it would feel like to be used and abused… to be called such nasty names by him.

Then he began bucking his ass up, seemingly now, what did she call it... fucking her face.

Loud slobbering sounds vibrated through the car and I backed away just a bit so I could begin rubbing my clit faster... needing to release the Lake of Fire swarming inside me.

“Oh yeah,” he groaned, his breathing getting heavier... and mine.

I could feel pleasure in my body taking control and I wondered if I could come exactly when he did... as weird and sick as that was.

“Oh God yes, swallow every drop, you dirty jizz bucket slut,” he grunted a good thirty seconds later.

I leaned to the side, between the seats to get a good view of the blow job, no longer caring if he saw me. As I watched my brother ejaculate into Tiffany’s mouth, I imagined that I was the 'dirty jizz bucket slut’ and I came almost simultaneously and, oops, I screamed, unable to muffle my pleasure, “Yessssss!”

Adam gasped, turning around to look back at me, his eyes going big. “What the fuck?”

I kept rubbing, not caring that my brother was now watching me, as Tiffany took her mouth off his cock and his sperm fountained way up in the air, while mine gushed into my panties.

“Holy fuck!” Tiffany gasped, pumping Adam’s dick as his semen continued to spew up into the air like lava and fall back down like rain all over her hair and face.

“Ooooooh, sorry about that, big brother,” I moaned, while my first ever orgasm from anything kept rumbling through me like a train rolling down the tracks, as I kept staring at his firehose cock and I called him my big brother for the first time in my life.

Adam was confused, staring at me in disbelief, unable to see my vagina through my panties, but able to see my skirt hiked up and my whole hand stuffed down to my sex.

Even bathed in white, sticky jizz, Tiffany was having the time of her life, and she couldn’t stop grinning to save her life as she watched the effects of my virgin orgasm on my rapturous face! Playfully, she finally took his cock back in her mouth, which seemed to pull Adam out of his trance as he demanded, “Tiffany, stop!”

She did, but cooed, “But lover, your sister seemed to enjoy watching us so much!”

With my dying orgasm still making my body twitch, I suddenly felt an intense rush of guilt. I yanked my hand out of my sopping panties, my face burning red, and fled the car, glancing back at Simon who was finally awake and looking at me confused... as he had done all night.

I scurried to the bathroom, mortified by my behaviour and weakness. It felt like I allowed the devil to control my body, as tears began to form in my eyes, even as I felt a lake of juices swooshing around in my panties as I walked.

I went directly to a stall, sat on the toilet seat trembling and pulled down my sopping wet panties.

What did I do?

Why did I watch?

What was I thinking?

These and other questions swarmed in my head, guilt hitting me like a lightning bolt.

Yet, I also couldn't believe the pleasure that I’d brought on myself... or the sight of Tiffany sucking my brother's humongous cock.

Suddenly Tiffany called out, sounding very concerned, “Eve! Eve! You in here?”

“Yeah,” I called back.

“Let me in,” she ordered.

I did. She had tiny white blobs all over her hair and face, but didn’t seem to mind.

“You okay?” she asked.

“Just feeling real dirty,” I admitted.

“Because you touched yourself?” she asked as she casually wiped some jizz off her forehead with a finger and put it in her mouth, as if to say, ‘Why would you feel dirty?’

“Yes, I never done that before,” I revealed, kind of getting her point and relaxing a bit.

“Oh My God!” she gasped. “So that was your first time touching heaven?”

I laughed, her description of an orgasm the opposite of mine, “Or the flickering flames of hell.”

She pointed out, “God created us and gave us that organ just so we could feel that pleasure.”

“I suppose,” I said, thinking that might be true, but my father would argue that particular pleasure was reserved by God only for married couples when they wanted babies.

“Don’t you dare give me any of that ‘supposes’,” she said. “We’re born to be sexual beings, to give and receive pleasure.”

“But my brother saw me staring at his penis,” I pointed out, unsure how I could look him in the eye after that... even though I could still see his penis perfectly.

“I’ve already dealt with that,” she said.


“I simply explained to him that you were so shocked by seeing such a big dick, that it caused you to scream,” she said.

I laughed. “Well that’s true.” After a pause I asked, “Are all boys that big?”

“God, no. Your brother has the Cadillac of cocks,” she joked.

“Tiffany!” I giggled.

“And there is nothing I’d rather park in my garage, if you know what I mean,” she continued.

“You’re so bad,” I said.

She added, her naughty sexual innuendo somehow making my pussy tingle again, “Of course I’d rather he goes for a long drive while I go for a long ride.”

“Oh, my,” I moaned a little, embarrassed by how talking about my brother having sex was turning me on... again.

I sighed, “Simon wouldn't even take his car out to get some fresh air and maybe a car wash.”

“A car wash,” Tiffany said, roaring with laughter, “that is hilarious. I'm adding that to my metaphor repertoire.”

“I think maybe I’d like to go for a ride sometime,” I finally admitted wistfully, my pussy getting wet again and my guilt fading as my exhausted hormones woke back up.

“Too bad he's your brother,” Tiffany said. “Otherwise I'd let you take him for a drive.”

“Tiffany!” I gasped.

She nodded, “That would be pretty hot! Watching a brother and sister fuck.”

Although her words were ludicrous, my pussy gushed into my already soaked panties, and I let out the slightest of moans.

Thank goodness Tiffany didn't hear my moan, or ignored it, as she said, “We should probably get back to the car. Adam will be worried.”

I nodded, “Okay.”

She pulled me up and gave me a hug. “You know Eve, you’re a pretty girl with a great body. I wish you’d stop hiding it.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised by such a compliment from one of the prettiest, most popular, girls in the school.

She cupped my breasts, shocking me completely, “These jugs are even bigger than mine.”

Another gush into my panties as I got felt up for the first time... and it was by my brother's girlfriend.

Moving her hands away, she decided briskly, “We are going to give you a makeover.”

“What?” I asked, already missing her hands on my breasts... as I became even more flustered and confused.

“I'm taking you shopping,” she declared, as she opened the stall and walked out.

Horny, confused, questioning my sexuality as I followed her, was I a lesbian? I tried to understand my sexual awakening.

Once back at the car there was no talking. As soon as we got in the car Adam began driving. I glanced at Simon, who now looked even more uncomfortable than when I tried to seduce him.

Simon was dropped off.

Tiffany was dropped off.

Then Adam drove us home without a word.

Once I got to my bedroom, I got undressed and pleasured myself once more. While I did I replayed Tiffany's head bobbing up and down, Adam’s dominant tone, and mostly Adam's big hard cock... especially while his jizz rocketed out of him and rained down all over Tiffany.

Tonight’s discovery of the inferno that Tiffany said God gave me suddenly consumed my entire being for the second time as I came again... and fell asleep almost instantly with my hand still in my panties.


I woke up the next day mortified by my weakness.

What kind of girl watches her brother receiving oral sex?

What kind of girl gets all turned on watching her brother have sex?

I got up, took off my panties that were now sticky and crusty from last night, and tossed them in my laundry hamper.

I grabbed my robe and went to wash away my sin. Just my bad luck that the Jordan River wasn’t nearby, it mighta done the trick.

After a long shower, I went to have a late breakfast and Mom asked, “How was the drive-in?”

“Fine,” I answered, too quickly.

“Did your brother behave?” she asked, knowing that we didn’t get along too great.

“He was as big a fun Nazi as Dad,” I responded.

“Eve!” she shouted at my Nazi reference, then she calmed down and smiled, knowing he was a lot stricter towards me than to Adam. “At least it will make your father happy.”

“Peachy,” I sighed.

About half an hour later I was back in my room, looking through all my outfits that told me that I always dressed like a 12 year old church girl.

I sighed.

The phone rang and Mom called out that it was for me.

I didn't want to talk to Simon, unsure how much he had seen and what Adam said to him and asked as I went into the kitchen, “who is it?”

“Tiffany,” Mom answered, as surprised as I was.

I took the phone and said, “Hi?”

“I'm going to be there in fifteen minutes to take you shopping. Be ready,” Tiffany ordered.

I started to speak, but she hung up before I could refuse... not at all comfortable with being alone with her after witnessing what I did, not to mention getting felt up by her.

I sighed, unsure what I was going to say to her, yet also excited about the possibility of shopping with someone who had fashion sense and was popular.

I told Mom. “Apparently I'm going shopping with Tiffany.”

“Well, that will be fun,” she smiled.

“It will be something,” I joked.

She laughed, “Yes, it will definitely be something.” She went to her purse and handed me some bills. “Buy yourself a couple new outfits for the trip.”

“Mom, you don't have to,” I said, surprised because my mom never gave me money… Dad controlled all the money in the house.

“Have fun,” she said, ignoring my offer to give back the money.

“Okay, thanks, Mom,” I said, thinking it would be nice to have a couple new outfits for the trip which we were heading out on in two days.

Twenty minutes later, Tiffany was always late according to Adam, (who by the way was still sleeping at 12:30) Tiffany rolled up in her parent’s car in front of the house.

I went out and got in.

She smiled, “Ready for a makeover?”

“I'm not sure,” I admitted.

“Wrong answer,” she said, and started driving.

I won't bore you with the details of the three hour shopping marathon where I tried on dozens of outfits, but I did end up with two full shopping bags of clothing including a new bra that, as Tiffany said, would make my tits (her word choice) look utterly delicious, three pairs of sexy (rayon!) panties, two dresses, two shirts that were a size smaller than I was (again to showcase my huge tits according to Tiffany who cupped them at least a half dozen times during the day) and a pink bikini.

I refused to leave the changing room, so Tiffany came in.

It was a bikini that definitely left little to the imagination as it barely covered up my large 36D breasts and showed every curve of my butt. It was also so skimpy that my pubic hairs stuck out.

Tiffany asked, looking directly at my crotch, “Haven’t you ever shaved that thing?”

I blushed, as her tone said disgust.

I asked, confused, “Shave?”

“Yeah, can't have guys seeing your bush in that itsy bitsy teeny weeny bikini,” she pointed out.

“Oh,” was all I could say, feeling embarrassed that my hairy lower region was visible not just around the bikini, but even showed a bit through it.

“Don't worry, I'll help with that,” she offered, before adding, “Shit, you have an amazing body.”

“Thanks,” I said, flattered by words I’d never heard before from anyone.

“I mean, shit, I could play and suck on those babies all day,” she said, staring at me the way guys often stare at girls.

I blushed, flattered by her words even though they made me feel incredibly awkward.

“Guys are going to be all over you when you saunter around in that bikini,” Tiffany said, before ordering, “turn around. Let’s see that ass.”

I did, feeling like a model in one of those fashion shows we did in grade four (the mother and daughter fashion show and tea).

“Girlfriend, why have you been hiding this body from everybody?” Tiffany asked, walking up to me and squeezing my ass. “Shit, you have a nicer ass than me too, and mine is amazing.”

I stifled a moan as I answered, “Have you met my father?”

“Fair enough, but you’re eighteen,” she pointed out. “Old enough to make your own decisions and old enough to discover who you are.”

“You tell him that,” I scoffed, as Tiffany let go of my ass. “Remember, he made me double date with you and Adam yesterday.”

“But look how well that turned out,” she smiled. “You shoulda seen your face when you came!”

“I got rejected by Simon... twice,” I pointed out, frustrated.

“Well, don't worry about the Simons of the world. In this bikini, plus the other outfits you got today, the Adams of the world will be trying everything to get inside your joy-hole,” Tiffany predicted, her hand tracing my back.

Her touch felt so weird. It was actually stirring weird feelings as my pussy began to tingle and I knew I had to change before I got the bikini bottom wet even before I bought it.

I scoffed, turning away, “Unlikely.”

Tiffany walked around in front of me and said, “Eve, you’re a beautiful woman with a great body and a sweet personality. You’re a catch for any guy.” She leaned in and kissed me gently on the lips, “Or any girl.”

Any girl? What the hell was that supposed to mean? And what was up with that kiss? My entire being burned as her soft lips, my first girl kiss, so much softer than the spin the bottle guys, sparked another fire inside me.

I couldn't believe the head cheerleader and my brother’s girlfriend was kissing me, nor could I believe how it made my entire body melt or that my mind shut off when I kissed her back.

It lasted only a few seconds, but enough to completely confuse me. She smiled and said, “I'll let you change.”

She walked out and I tugged down the bikini just before a gush of wetness leaked from my burning inferno of lust.

I shook my head at the strange lesbian encounter... unsure if Tiffany saw me in a sexual way or was just crazy friendly.

I got dressed and bought the bikini, Tiffany bought a couple of my items too, cos I didn't have enough money.

“Have fun?” she asked.

“I feel like Cinderella, except instead of a cool glass slipper I have a hot bikini,” I joked.

“Well, the story is similar. Like Cinderella you hid your beauty, had an overbearing parent controlling you and hiding you in ashes… when with one swoosh of a fairy godmother,” she said, doing a spin just like she was my fairy godmother, “you are transformed into a sexy princess. Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!”

“I don't think the fairy godmother kissed Cinderella,” I joked.

“It's the 50s, not the dark ages. I'm a sexy liberated fairy godmother,” she smiled. “Actually, I prefer the term fairy sex goddess.”

Feeling comfortable bantering so scandalously with Tiffany, I gave her a deep, formal curtsey, “Yes, my fairy sex goddess.”

She smiled, “Much better.”

Back in her car, she said, “Now to finish the transformation.”

“What else is there?” I asked.

“Never question your fairy sex goddess,” Tiffany scolded, giving my leg a sexy squeeze.

The squeeze, although harmless, sent an electric trigger directly to my pussy.

Back at her house, we spent an hour as she taught me how to use all types of make-up... transforming me from a wallflower to a beautiful woman. I couldn’t believe how make-up could change my looks. I barely recognized myself!

She then said, “Now take off your skirt and panties. Time to deal with that thorny forest and wake up Sleeping Beauty.”

“Really?” I asked.

“Really,” she nodded, “and then sit on the edge of my bed.”

“Um, okay,” I said, unsure.

“Just do it. Your fairy sex goddess knows what is best for you,” she playfully replied, as she grabbed one of her pom poms and waved it over me like it was fairy dust. “Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!”

I laughed, “Am I a cheerleader now?”

“You could definitely be a cheerleader,” she nodded as she left the room.

I took off my skirt and panties and sat at the end of her bed, my legs crossed.

She returned, grabbed a pom-pom again and waved over me, “Spread your legs nice and wide.”

“Like the parting of the Red Sea,” I joked.

“Hopefully there is no Red Sea today, neither from a period nor a cut if you move while I shave,” she warned, before adding as she grabbed the scissors, “So don't move.”

“Okay,” I nodded, as I watched her start snipping off my hair.

“I'll cut as much as I can before I use the razor,” she said, as she worked.

“Okay,” I repeated, still in awe that I was at Tiffany's about to get shaved down there.

She cut hair for a good five minutes, until I could actually see my pink, slightly wet, labia.

She noticed and smiled, “Your pussy is a little wet.”

I blushed at her observation, as she leaned forward and before I could say anything she licked my pussy! Just three all-too-short laps, creating sensations I didn't know existed, before sitting back up and saying, “You taste as sweet as you look, Cinderella.”

“Oh God,” I gasped, using the Lord's name in vain for the first time ever.

“No one has ever licked your licorice I assume?” she asked.

I shook my head no, even as my legs twitched from the aftershocks of the incredible brief, surprising stimulation.

“Your brother eats snatch amazingly,” she revealed.

“Yuck!” I said.

“You didn't seem to think he was yuck yesterday when you were drooling over his dick,” she pointed out, as she put shaving cream on my much less hairy pussy.

“This feels weird,” I pointed out.

“Oh, it's going to get even weirder,” she smiled, “Now we wait a minute.”

“So any summer plans?” I asked, trying to be casual, while my legs were spread open in front of a kneeling girl less than a foot away.

“Fucking your brother as much as possible,” she answered.

“Oh Jesus,” I said, before realizing I’d now used His name in vain too.

“What?” she asked. “You saw his dick. Wouldn't you ride that stallion any time you could if he wasn't your brother?”

“Last night I would have rode any dick,” I answered, which in my heated lust last night was likely true.

“Even your brother’s?” She asked.

“I didn't say that,” I protested.

“You said any dick and your brother has a dick, and a very nice, juicy dick I might add,” she smiled wickedly at me.

It was so weird. It was like she couldn’t get over the idea of me having sex with her boyfriend... with my brother.

“Fine,” I clarified. “Any dick but my brother’s.”

“I don't know,” she purred mischievously, “you looked pretty enthralled with his magic wand last night.”

“I was enthralled watching you suck his… magic wand,” I clarified, which was partly true for sure. “I've never seen a girl do that before.”

“Ohh, so you were enthralled by me?” Tiffany asked, her tone sexy as hell. “Step into my pumpkin!”

At the time it wasn't because of her, it was about the act and my brother's impressive package, but now that she’d felt me up, kissed me and even licked me a bit, all three times taking liberties so casually as if she was saying ‘hi’, she had me confused... horny and confused.

I tried to imagine what she would say to such a question. And going for shock value and with the secret hope she might go back and lick some more between my legs, I answered, “I did say I'd fuck anyone!”

She gasped. “You little minx, hiding behind that conservative smoke screen!”

“My fairy sex goddess chased away all the dwarves and woke up my inner slut,” I joked.

“I'm about to awaken your outer slut too,” she said wickedly, “but first let’s get this pussy looking ripe and ready to eat.”

“Like an apple,” I quipped, loving the religious metaphor of Eve's temptation and sin of eating that first apple.

“Soon you will be eating it right to the core, and this ripe apple won’t be poison,” she promised using a different metaphor, as she began to shave me.

I was so horny and yet as she shaved me, guilt raised its ugly head again.

Not at the lesbian innuendo that was so full of magical promises.

Not at sinning... God made us all sinners, and as Tiffany pointed out, he created this pleasure for us to experience, not to run away from... and God did I want to experience it!

Not at helping Tiffany cheat on my brother. He was a good guy overall, but overprotective, like most brothers were.

What would he say if he found out Tiffany and I were fooling around?

To my surprise, Tiffany was done quickly, patted my pussy possessively and said, “Much better!”

I looked down, having closed my eyes during the shaving in an attempt to relax (although I sure didn't relax... but instead wallowed in new anxiety) and was shocked that my pussy didn't have a single hair around it!

It was as bare as the day I was born. Okay, as a baby’s bottom.

“Wow, now that is a transformation,” I said, in awe of how nice it looked, my swollen sex with glistening pussy lips in my clear view... and in Tiffany’s.

“Oh, but now the final transformation begins,” she crowed, before leaning in and burying her entire face between my legs.

“Oh, God!” I gasped, with a loud moan.

She licked my vagina, parting my lips with wide, long tongue strokes.

The self-pleasure yesterday was intense, but that was nothing to the crazy stuff I was feeling now! My body twitched and my head went light as my body went gonzo with the unimaginable pleasure. I was powerless to do anything but sit there and shudder! And moan!

“Don't stop,” I moaned, as I could feel my orgasm rising quickly. “Whatever you do, PLEASE Don’t Stop!”

“Not until I get a taste of your full flood, Eve!” she promised, as her lips went to my little nub I hadn’t even known before that I had, and tugged. “Now, this is your clitoris,” she continued between tales, “your clit. It’s going to become your very best friend, right this moment!”

It was like the heavens had opened up and rained pleasure all over me as I instantly came with the intensity of a thousand liquid fires... as electricity coursed all through me from the tip of my toes to the burning of my fiery cheeks... as I fell back onto the bed.

“Thus concludes your baptism into sexuality,” Tiffany purred, as she kept licking me even though she was wrong about the concludes part… I kept coming and coming.

“Oh God,” was all I could muster over and over as every ounce of energy was sapped from my body.

Tiffany moved away from my legs, crawled onto the bed, and kissed me.

Her lips were covered with my own sweet juices as she slid her tongue in my mouth. I returned the kiss feverishly, my mouth and tongue the only body parts still working after that orgasm… everything else was totally limp.

I explored her mouth, trying to reach every corner.

When she broke the kiss, she asked, as she pulled off her panties, “Ready to go tongue spelunking?”

“I don't think I can move,” I said, before adding, “I think you may have thrown away Eve and replaced her with Raggedy Ann.”

She laughed as she straddled my head, “I think I awoke the dormant lust slut inside.”

As her own shaved pussy hovered over me, I joked, “You awoke me from the zombie slumber I’d been living in.”

I then leaned up, extended my tongue and tasted pussy for the first time. It was heavenly! So sweet and fruity that I was instantly addicted to this natural taste unmistakably created by God.

No way could anything that tasted this good be a sin.

I lapped hungrily, wanting to both taste this delicacy and get Tiffany off.

She moaned, as she began to move her hips up and down and all around and slowly grind every which way on my face, “Yes, you’re a natural pussy pleaser, just like your brother.”

Hearing her compare me to my brother sent guilt rushing back in a big way. I was having sex with my brother’s girlfriend and that was definitely a sin, thinking ‘Thou shalt not covet thy brother’s slut’. As I played ever loosely with the 10 Commandments.

Now, obviously that part of scripture was aimed at two brothers, but I'm pretty sure my case was similar.

Yet the guilt didn't stop me from my hunger to get Tiffany off and taste the full nectar of her flood.

“Don't stop,” Tiffany moaned, as she ground all over my face.

I thought to myself that I couldn't stop even if I wanted to with the way she was grinding on me.

Thirty seconds later, as I kept trying to lick the best I could, I felt her full flood of juices splatter my face as she screamed, “Yessssss!”

I couldn't believe how good her nectar tasted as it coated my face, lips and mouth.

Even as guilt washed through me, so too did insatiable lust, the sweet taste of perfection exploding on my tongue.

After a couple of minutes, she got off me and smiled, “You sure you’ve never had a boxed lunch before?”

“Boxed lunch?” I asked confused, as I licked my lips searching for any last remnants of her sweetness.

She laughed, “Your innocence is so cute.”

Trying to shock her, I used the 'c' word for the first time in my life. “Your cunt tastes so good!”

“Good, because I'm going to expect you to be munching my box regularly,” she said as she grabbed a pink robe.

“But you’re dating my brother,” I pointed out.

“So?” she asked, not seeming to understand such an obvious concern.

“That's wrong,” I said.

“Like I said, you’re so fucking cute,” she replied, before slipping out of her bedroom.

I lay there in her bed, completely confused. Was I a lesbian?

I definitely got turned on by Tiffany, but I found guys cute, and got wet seeing my brother's big cock. All I had to do is think of it, and I could see it again now.

What was wrong with me?

Why had I allowed myself to get sucked into this pleasure of sin?

Tiffany came back in, two cucumbers in her hands, closed the door and dropped her robe.

My guilt faded instantly, distracted by her amazing naked body.

“So,” Tiffany said, joining me back on the bed, casually pinching one of her own nipples. “Time to teach you how to suck dick.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, even though I’d heard her fine, and suddenly deduced why she had cucumbers in her hands.

“These, Eve, have multiple purposes and multiple homes,” Tiffany said, as she moved a cold cucumber between my legs.

I yelped as I joked, “Besides eating?”

“Exactly,” she nodded, moving the cucumber to my pussy, “It's a great cock substitute when the real thing isn't available.”

“Which is always, for me,” I sighed.

“You have a big thick dick living right near your bedroom,” she pointed out, as she continued teasing my pussy with a long green vegetable that I suddenly wanted inside me.

“You’re fascinated with me having sex with my brother. What’s that about?” I asked, even as I let out a moan because the cucumber was parting my pussy lips.

“If I had that dick living in my basement I’d be playing doctor all day and all night,” she relished, resting the cucumber just a tiny bit inside my pussy lips... teasing me relentlessly.

“Even if he was your brother?” I asked, even as I lifted my ass up and spread my legs wider, trying to get the cucumber inside my wanton hole.

“I don't know,” she shrugged, pulling the cucumber away from my pussy and tapping my clitoris with it. “The idea of incest is a real turn on. I may try fucking my brother when he returns from the war.”

“You wouldn't,” I dared, my legs twitching with each teasing tap. “Though it would be a nice gesture to a serviceman, brother or not.”

“Oh, I'll fuck pretty much anybody as long as the cock is good,” she shrugged, as she moved the cucumber away from my fevered box and to my lips. No, those lips this time. “Now back to the topic at hand. A cucumber is also a great way to practice sucking dick.”

“Really?” I asked, seeing my shiny wetness on the end of the green phallic vegetable.

“The first key is to breathe through your nose,” she explained.

“Okay,” I said, thinking that was obvious if your mouth was totally full.

“Open up,” she ordered.

Although I thought this was silly, I was completely at the whim of this beautiful, intriguing girl. Plus, like in all my academic endeavours, practice does make perfect.

So I opened my mouth and she slid a couple inches of the cucumber into my mouth.

“Now just get used to having that pretty mouth filled up,” she instructed.

I wanted to say, 'I’d rather it be full of your pussy,' but of course I didn't because I wasn't that brazen yet and I had a cucumber stuffed in my mouth.

So I did what she said.

I was surprised how much the cucumber, which was long but thin, stretched my mouth. After only a couple of minutes of this, I began to get uncomfortable.

“Don’t strain to keep your mouth open, just relax your jaw and let Dick do the work,” she instructed, “big cocks like your brother’s take a while to get used to.”

Again mentioning my brother’s penis, which made me replay watching her suck it yesterday yet again.

I could still vividly see his hard shaft and hear his dominant tone. God!

I tried relaxing my jaw as she continued, “And use your tongue to swirl around the top, imagine it’s Adam’s thick mushroom top. He loves that.”

And although it was weird and wrong, I imagined it was my brother's cock in my mouth as I obeyed, swirling my tongue around the warm head of his delicious… cucumber.

She explained, “When you do things to him with your tongue, that relaxes your jaw because you’re focused on something else.”

Which it did. My eyes closed, I continued to suck on Adam’s big delicious cucumber cock, which was so wrong and yet made me so wet. I even moaned as I swirled my tongue around the cucumber and actually began to bob on it a bit, wondering what his sperm would taste like, trying to get more of it into my mouth, recalling how deep this cock had gone into Tiffany’s mouth last night. I hoped he’d come soon, I wanted to taste him!

“Oh yes, you little slut,” she purred, her free hand going to my fevered pussy, bringing my fevered brain back to reality and cucumber, “you really want his big dick in your mouth, don't you?”

I moaned both in response to the question and to her hand on my pussy.

Her finger slid inside my pussy as she continued, “I bet you’d suck your brother right here and now if his big cock was available.”

“Yes,” I moaned, not completely in response to the question, but to the fact that her fing

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Sizzling Young Sisters Incest

Introduction: hot sisters 12 & 14 overcum guilt to have hot lesbian sex It wasnt supposed to happen this way. Sara wasnt supposed to have her hand entangled in her sisters silky blonde locks. Naomis bright blue eyes shouldnt have been closed, while Saras lips fit perfectly together with her sisters that tasted so addicting. Saras other hand shouldnt have been slipping under the hem of her sisters tank top, stroking the soft cream colored skin of Naomis lower back hidden beneath the fabric. ...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Three

Also due the story line the names of characters have been changed. To help the reader from being confused by these changes here is a listing of the changes. Molly is now Brothel Whore 3567-A Megan is now Brothel Whore 3567-B Unnamed twin # 1 is now Brothel Whore 3569-A Unnamed twin #2 is now Brothel Whore 3569-B The stepmother Shannon is now Mistress 3567 Chapter Three Sisters become lovers As her training began to progress Brothel Whore 3567-B had learned the truth...

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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Five part 2

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters are under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual immaturity of the main characters. Also this story features themes of rape, sexual slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you don't like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with comments about how sick individuals in the story are or about people that read or write...

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Stephanies Virginity

They met in the break room on a Friday while Jasmine was preparing her boss' cup of coffee and he was there looking for something to eat. They started talking and the attraction was obvious from the very beginning. He offered to take her out to dinner that same evening and she accepted. By the end of the evening they were back at her place with her ass in the air as Peter pounded her pussy hard from behind. Jasmine was a single mom to her daughter Stephanie, a beautiful girl starting off...

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the sisters part 1

Main characters: Ryan: 17, high school senior, blonde hair, 5’9, athletic, tall, 6-pac, 7.5” dick Lisa: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan‘s sister, slim, 5’4, slim, slender frame, 36B, nice round ass Lindsey: 14, high school student, blonde, Ryan’s sister, slim, 5’3, 34B, nice round ass Chapter 1 “ Hey Ryan, tomorrow could you accompany us to this advert we saw on the net, please?” Lisa, my 14 year old sister asked me with one of her puppy eyes look. I saw the ad with the address...

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Day One "Ha Ha Hee Hee! Stop!" Tom cried breathless from laughing. "You are done being a brat. Understand?" "Yes! Yes! Just stop! Please!" Tom looked up beseechingly at Kate, his sixteen-year-old sister who was sitting on his arms, pinning them to the floor above his head. Her fingers remained poised over his exposed armpits. "Now apologize to your sisters," she said. "Or we're going to tickle you silly." Tom gulped. They'd already tickled him silly once. He didn't want to...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets 3 Quarterback and His Naughty Little Sisters

Chapter Three: Quarterback and His Naughty Little Sisters By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by n1one and the story was crafted by fans on his discord server. Clara has a big grin on her face. Rumors are whispering about that those two skanks, Juliet and Annabelle, are having slut-off competition with creepy Mr. Finch as the judge. Some tweet that the two are always asking people for crazy sex acts for them to prove who's the biggest...

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The Three Sisters

The orange sun was dipping behind the distant hills, its remaining light shimmering across the still pond. Yesh and Shalay knelt in the soft grass at the edge of the woods, facing the water. Yesh pushed her round, muscular haunches against Shalay's persistent hips as his cock invaded and retreated from her. Her forehead rested between her arms against the ground, aware of nothing save the bliss between her legs. Shalay closed his eyes just for a moment, savoring her warmth as Yesh squeezed...

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This happened long back. I was in college doing a degree course. And as a young boy, I was always horny and thinking of sex. The pastime at that time was going near our pond and watching girls and middle-aged women taking bath. Getting the glimpse of many naked pussies was a matter of great thrill at that time. Of course still, it is so.I had two sisters and they also used to take bath in that pond, which was in our compound. They knew I was hanging around the pond to see the bathing scene of...

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Soft Silky Sisters

This happened long back. I was in college doing a degree course. And as a young boy, I was always horny and thinking of sex. The pastime at that time was going near our pond and watching girls and middle-aged women taking bath. Getting the glimpse of many naked pussies was a matter of great thrill at that time. Of course still, it is so. I had two sisters and they also used to take bath in that pond, which was in our compound. They knew I was hanging around the pond to see the bathing scene of...

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Twins Share My Virginity

This is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...

First Time
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Twins Share My Virginity

This is Sue’s story of her loss of virginity. Twins are involved. This a story can be read in conjunction with a” Bisexual” story titled - Jan And Sue’s Affair Begins At The Beach. I was seventeen and was studying in a boarding school and did not have much experience with guys beyond a bit of touching and kissing. I had a few experiences with girls who had encouraged me to join them in bed after lights out and we masturbated a few times. I quite enjoyed it even though it had been with other...

First Time
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Incestuous Mind Control Explodes Chapter 4 MindControlled into Lesbian Sisters

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Mind-Controlled into Lesbian Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Deidre Icke, President of the failing Institute of Apotheosis, had to act. Her son, transformed into a new god by usurping the Halo from its proper owner, had broken out of the storage room they'd locked him in. With his powers, he could bend the Institute to his will. She had to buy time for the others to destroy...

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Sisters weekend visit with their big brothers chapter 1

Matt and I, (Roger), are sitting home Friday night waiting for our sisters to arrive they are staying the weekend to go shopping, and look for an apartment for school next year. The girls arrive around 8 pm Nikki Matt's sister is wearing a short white skirt and a low cut yellow top her big round boobs look fantastic, Gracie is also in a white skirt and a tight pink t-shirt her perky boobs look great her nipples straining the material. The girls smile and say hello each hugging their older...

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Story of a fat girl losing virginity

Hello all, I am Ritika, 39 years old. I am married with a kid. I work in an IT company. I am going to share my real incident with you all. I am not a sexy girl. My weight is 95 kgs, and my waist size is 38, and my bra size is 42. I don’t have any obesity, but still, I am a fat girl. I completed my engineering and was placed in a good reputation company. My colleagues and roommates were having multiple affairs, but I didn’t find any boyfriend in the office. On weekends, my roommates’...

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Schoolgirl Sisters

?Schoolgirl Sisters  Part 1  The two naked female bodies swung gently in chains hanging from the ceiling of the darkened chamber. The slim bodies were of two teenage sisters who were bound tightly together, hanging by cuffs around their wrists to the ceiling above. Both girls were crying ?please help me? but their cries were the sole sounds heard in the half-lit chamber. No one was going to help them in their ordeal. The two girls faced each other, their beautiful young bodies crushed...

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Harry Potter and the Sisters Black The Complete Saga PART ONE THE BEGINNING

This is my story that I originally posted on *******.net, under the moniker oldwolf. I think it is my best story and so I am posting it on as many sites that I can find. If you like it, please visit my other stories on that site. But first, remember that JK Rowling owns the characters and settings, I own a computer. Enjoy. HARRY POTTER AND THE SISTERS BLACK – THE COMPLETE SAGA Harry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room hes in looks to be a...

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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 6 Breeding His Mermaid Sisters

Chapter Six: Breeding His Mermaid Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my...

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Afternoon with the Sisters

Copyright© 1996-2003 "Said a lesbian lady, 'It's sad; Of All the girls that I've had, None gave me the thrill Of real rapture until I learned how to be a tribade.'" -author unknown "And she liked to lick my clit while pushing a small four inch vibrator up my ass!" "No!" Both ladies took a sip of wine, and the elder brunette again crossed her long silk covered legs again. The blonde continued, "You haven't had oral sex if you haven't felt this girls tongue between...

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Myself and three sisters

Hi friends this is vicky again from jaipur city, i m a manager 27yrs working in a reputed firm,i had submittedmy some experiences on this site n i got a wonderful response from u ,mujhe kyi calls aur bahut mails milli regarding problems n meets,if any girl or ldy from jaipur or around jaipur wanna meet me or wanna discuss her problem she can mail me its my assurance tht the meet will be kept a secret u can mail me at this is the story when i was at school I was seventeen and in last year of my...

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3 Sisters An Incestual Lesbian Orgy

Introduction: Jasmine and her two sisters cross every taboo line. 3 Sisters: An Incestual Lesbian Orgy Summary: Jasmine and her two sisters cross every taboo line. Note 1: This story came about one night when trying to console my sister after a rough break-up. A lot of good food, and exotic wine and the conversation got very, very personal. The dialogue at the restaurant in this story is mostly authentic as best as I could recall it a few days later…the rest of the story as well as the...

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The World of Erasthay The Son of Lust Chapter 1 Two Sisters in Need of Their Brothers Seed

Chapter One: Two Sisters in Need of Their Brother's Seed By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Las, God of Lust – The Aquamarine Palace The storm howled around the...

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SISTERS.TXT by Cindy V - femdom, TV, humiliation A fantasy story inspired by a two page ad for Loreal lipstick with two models with different looks who could be sisters. Sherry and Terri are two sisters getting ready for a double date. Their dates arrive to pick them up before the ladies are quite finished getting themselves ready. As they open the door to let their dates in, the sisters sigh in disappointment. The guys are in T-shirts and jeans; they didn't bother to get dressed...

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Harry Potter and the sisters Black The Complete

I am sharing this story on special request. And this is not my story.HARRY POTTER AND THE sisterS BLACK - THE COMPLETE SAGAHarry awakens with a groan. He feels the back of his head as he looks around the room. The room he's in looks to be a cell, one steel door, one cot, one chamber pot, and four gray stone walls. He doesn't feel anything unusual.He thinks to himself. "Ok, let's try to figure this out. I was at Privet this morning. I went for my normal run. I thought I saw something in an...

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Experience With 2 Sisters

Hello people, once again it’s Jatin with his new story. First, thanks to all the ISS readers to have taken interest in reading my real life incidents and coming to me with their feedback and also thanks for the emails and getting in touch with me. If you like my stories do email me on Those who haven’t read my previous story, here is some brief information abt myself. I am Jatin, 26 years old living in UK (soon returning to India), but I spent most of my life in India as my parents have a...

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Aastha Family Reunion 8211 Pt 3 Naked Indian Sisters Fucked On The Lawn

When the doorbell rang, I peeked from behind the curtains. 8 men were standing outside the door. I was completely naked and Nisha (my sister) was in the bathroom. My elder son Kush was in my arms. He was playing with my breasts. It was his favorite pass time. My other two kids were already in the room. I put Kush on the bed, took out a pink silk gown from the closet, and put it on. The gown was a little tight and short. It was just slightly below my ass, long enough to cover it while I was...

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Sisters Of Eden

My mother’s decision to send me away to the Sisters of Eden Convent School to complete my education was made, she claimed, for entirely altruistic reasons; to save my soul and to instil the ‘necessary discipline’ to enable a young woman to survive and flourish in a harsh and increasingly immoral world. However, as she began to enthusiastically strip bare my wardrobe and feed items of my clothing and other essentials into a wide-mouthed and hungry silver-stucco Mossman, it seemed to me that it...

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Incestuous Harems Passion 9 Marrying His Naughty Sisters

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Nine: Marrying His Naughty Sisters By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! April 3rd, 2027 – Detective Nelson Tucker “Thank you for meeting with us,” my partner, Detective Sunny Savage said. “We really appreciate it.” “Anything to help out the police,” said the black-haired, green-eyed young woman when she opened the door to her home. She had a bright smile on her face, though there was that nervousness that most...

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Seven Sisters in Seven Days

Have you ever felt tired, so tired that you can't even get it up? I don't think I'm there yet, but it can't be far away. I never thought too much sex could ever wear me out, but I was wrong, so wrong. Maybe it wasn't the amount of sex, but the style, the variations, the number of partners, the immoral circumstances and God knows what else finally got to me. Right now, I feel so tired that if my dick fell off it could be a blessing. I suppose I should explain. My name is Sloan. I'm 22 years old...

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Kinky Sisters sex story

Joan, 18 years of age and a student at Notaname College, left the library late Friday night after spending the evening doing research for a term paper. She had entered the freeway and traveled about five miles on her way to the apartment she shared with an older sister when the old VW she drove quit running. Joan managed to get it over to the side out of the flow of traffic, got out of the car and was standing in front wondering what to do. Deciding to get off the freeway and find a...

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A sisters loveing arms

Thunder flashed through the window and Kate sat bolt upright in her bed. She looked around wildley not realiseing were she was untill she calmed down. She looked over to the clock beside her bed and it read 1:30am. She breathed deeply telling herself it was just a bad dream and there was nothing to worry about. Another flash of lightning and a roar of thunder sent her flying from underneath the covers and to the door. She shurredly slipped on a silk night shirt over her black laced bra. She...

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Teacher Take Students Virginity

John is a teacher of history, science and math at the local all-girls high school. He is 32 years old, single, and at 6 feet 2 inches weighing in at 200 pounds the students consider him a hot one. He cannot understand how he ever got a job at the school, given it is all females, but he has never complained as the views are always great. Larraine is a senior with a good record. She is sort of quiet but anything but a prude and she has been around some. She has had a couple of...

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Loosing my virginity

I was 19 and so was she. Here is the true story of how i lost my male virginity! It was Sheila’s 19th birthday and i had missed her birthday party. The party was over by the time i reached her flat and sheila was a bit cross with me. I gave her the watch that i had brought as a present for her. She liked it, smiled and gave me a ‘thank you – forgive you’ peck on the cheeks. Sheila had an extremely beautiful face, dazzling eyes, and an amazing figure. She was dressed in a fantastic long dress...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 02 Louise Virginity

VOLUME-2 Chapter II Undressing. • Silk stockings and garters. • A tough virginity. • Triumphant. • Sanguinary proofs. • The second entry. • My foreskin. • Twenty-four hours fucking. • Gamahuching. • Six days pleasure. • Camille returns. “The bonnet will be home”, said I, “let us go.” “Allons, allons”, so off we went. It was dusk when we got in the cab. “I am to put on the stockings if I give you a pair, and to feel”, I said. “No man has, c’est trop fort, you ask too much; you may put on...

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Andrea Corr And the Corrs sisters orgy

Sharon Corr and her fiancee Gavin opened the door to the hotel roomto see Caroline, wearing only a body stocking, cradling her boyfriendFrank's lap on the bed. His hands were planted firmly on her arse ashe sucked on her tits through the fabric. Frank turned his head tothe newcomers and let out a big smile. "Beers in the fridge if youguys want them" he told them. Sharon and Caroline were sisters,famous sisters in a band called The Corrs, sisters who had no problemwith sharing their men with...

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The Vander Hoos Sisters Part One

The Vander Hoos Sisters By ShannonQ Part One PROLOGUE The Vander Hoos sisters had just finished their breakfast. Sylvia grabbed her walker to enter the adjacent living room. Being the healthier of the two, Sarah stayed back to do the few dishes. She heard the television flip on to the game show 'The Price Is Right.' Finishing up, Sarah felt something was wrong. She hurried into the room with the program blaring to find her sister slumped over in her chair. She grabbed Sylvia's...

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Brothers MindControlled Sisters 2 Baby Sisters Sweet Cherry

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Baby Sister's Sweet Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister's pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The eighteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy,...

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Three Pregnant Sisters

Three Pregnant Sisters I’ve just got to tell you what happened seven months ago. But first I guess I should tell you about us. I am a twenty-five-year-old male, my wife Ella is twenty-three years old, and then she has two younger sisters, Gina age twenty-one and Lily age nineteen. Well since all of the girls were June brides all three of us couples decided to go on vacation together one year. Lily was the newlywed celebrating her first year of marriage. Gina had been married...

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Scissor Sisters Chapter One

Scissor Sisters - By: Beverly Taff List of Characters. Me: Peter. Mummy: My mother. Grandma: My granny. Aunty Pauline My mothers twin sister. Charlotte: My younger sister. (By one year); Persephone & Stephanie: My younger twin sisters. (By 3 years.); Emily and Judith: My twin cousins. (2 days younger than me.) Scissor Sisters - Chapter One I was only five when the police knocked on our door to inform my mother that my father had been...

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Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters

Golden Locks And The Three Bear Sisters Formally known as Goldilocks and The Three Bears Players: Chuck, nicknamed Golden Locks for his curly blond hair; Sam, Chuck's best friend; Paula Bear, Mona Bear and Brenda Bear also known in wrestling as the Bear Sisters. Synopsis: Chuck is a huge fan of the huge sisters that wrestle as a tag team known as the Bear Sisters. A big enough fan to throw caution to the wind when he discovers they live near by. He missed a chance one night to get...

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Shrunken at home with Futanari Sisters

With the blessing of Mr.z I am transferring his story "Shrunken at home with Shemale Sisters" to this site. First thing you may have noticed is I changed the name slightly. I just like Futanari better than Shemale personally. If you know the original then you know the ages where lower then what this site allows, so I've gone to the liberty of upping the characters ages. While I don't think this will cause too much issue with the chapters, it does mean that the majority if not all of the younger...

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Penthouse Slaves 2 Slave Sisters Want to Play

“Clean faster you dumb bitch,” I bark. “Or the next puddle you lick up will come out of your ass.” Cum drips from her mouth as she looks over her shoulder and eye fucks me. “I want to lick up all your cum daddy. Please pump your hot sticky cum wherever you want, this stupid slut will lick it up. Mmmmmm.” Jess licks her cum covered lips and resumes her cleaning. Once again I’m impressed with Damon’s handiwork. Only a few nights ago Jess had been combative, rebellious and...

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Mom sisters and me watch a DVD with them

This is sort of long, I hope you enjoy it. If you do I will post more of me and my sisters. So vote. Mom had found a flick for us to watch (which meant I had to watch it to.) Just before we started to watch it she told us to go change for bed. She winked at the girls and then told me to ware what she had laid out. Going into my room I found a pair of shorts and that was it. They were red satin short pants. Just then mom walked into my room. Mike"ware just them no...

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My sisters their friends and me their sissy

Part One My oldest sister Vickie, was 18 when my mom died. My middle sister Michelle, was 14 and my youngest sister Joy, was 11. I, Mark was the baby of the family at 7 and had been the only male in the house since father had passed away when I was 2. He left us well off and with his money well invested we lived very nicely indeed. We had a private tutor/governess, Ms Wells, a young lady of some thirty or so I suppose. A live-in housekeeper Ms Dee Dee, a French exchange student...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 6 Breeding His Mermaid Sisters

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Coral Isle, Jyou Sea “Save our father?” I asked, shocked by the words of my three mermaid sisters—and they were my sisters, they looked identical to Lasla...

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My Sisters Sleepover3

“What’s up?” she said, without reverting her attention from the tv. “Where were you?” “Hey sis, I was just at the gym, what are you watching?” I moved out of my house after graduating college and finding a job that paid well. My little sister, Chrissy, didn’t get along with my parents, and a few weeks ago just showed up, so I have been letting her sleep on the couch. “Nothing really, I've been really bored” She never even left the house, mainly because she hadn't gotten her license...

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Lisa first time Chapter three he takes my virginity

Chapter 3: Lisa’s First Love – Don wants to take my virginity….I think I want that too. I awoke the next morning, thinking that the word eventful does no justice to the past twenty-four hours. Yesterday, I kissed Don for the first time, he felt my breasts, fingered me, driving me to a wonderful orgasm. He introduced me to his penis, and ejaculated all over my stomach as we humped together in my bedroom. I could not resist masturbating last night as I lay in bed, recalling the wonderful day...

First Time
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little sisters birthday wish 2

After the movies I decided to take a shower and get cleaned up before bed. Once I got cleaned up I decided it was time for bed, and off to bed I went. We had a lot of family members but we had a big enough home that we all had our own rooms. I went in, then closed and locked the door. I walked up to the bed and leaned over and pulled the note from out of the jeans I had left on the floor. I opened the note and it read "there is only one thing I want for my birthday present. I can't get it...

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brother Caught Peeking at sisters

Growing up as the only boy in a house with three older sisters and a mom can be a real drag. Every aspect of family life is female. Shopping, talking, even what they watched on television or what music they listened to. The girls got all of the easy inside chores while Norm was left with mowing the lawns, trimming the shrubbery, raking leaves, etc. He often wondered if life would have been different for him had his dad not been killed by a drunk driver when Jim was only 3. He barely remembered...

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