A Month To Die free porn video

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A month to die. By Tvstar Dear fictionmaniacs I hope you like this story comments are welcome, write me at: tvstar2@@gmail.com Prologue "Where am I?, where was I?, I was at work, wasn't I?.... My head feels like it was made of lead, hot lead; heavy, incandescent, pounding." "Why Are my eyes closed?, I can't see a thing, I can fell a blind fold... Where am I? I can feel I'm naked, but is not cold, there is a soft Surface under me like a leather couch, I should be scared but I feel mostly confused and disoriented, I must've been drugged." "Be logical what do you remember." Before day 1 I was at work, I'm pretty sure about it, think, be rational, remember... remember... This morning (Monday) I woke up earlier than usual, I was excited about something; I couldn't sleep anymore so I woke up at about 5:00 a.m., took a shower, and got dressed, I had a big breakfast, knew I deserved it, but why... Yes!, I remember I work as assistant manager in a food processing plant, it's a really shitty job, long hours, foul odors, measly pay and a lot of work politics to deal with every day; but even though I graduated as the best in the University the cost of my student loan forced me into this awful trade. My duties were a mix between dealing with the financial cravings of the union and balancing the ever decreasing budget, this was even harder considering that my boss is an overpaid ignorant fat slob who landed that job because of connections and brownnosing, well I did that too, but in Mexico is the only way to have a job by means of knowing someone on the inside. In my case after I graduated I gave my resume to all of my classmates, teachers and headhunters, but not being on the popular side just produced this terrible job in the middle of Sonora, I had never even travelled to the north of the country and now I lived in the worst violent miserable City of the country. This morning I was excited because my boss finally got to see my genius and my creativeness because I landed us a sweet negotiation between the workers union, political lobbyists and the management costs, the deal was sheer greatness and it was in every newspaper and the news, yes I remember It was recognized as a master stroke in business and politics and It had my name all over it, my promotion to branch manager was imminent. When I got to work, it was deserted and it would have been normal because I was almost two hours early, but the atmosphere was strange, even the security guards looked suspicious you can breathe a change in the air, something was bound to happen; there's a "Sense of impending doom," I tried to ignore it and started preparing for the day, Mondays were always tough. At 8:30 my boss got to his office (it was next to mine) and my worries arose again, he NEVER got here before 9:30 even considering that our starting hour should be 9:00 he never cared about firm policies and did whatever he wanted because of his connections. He immediately called me in his office, he looked more unkempt than usual (considering a man who never flossed and only shaved one or two times a week), his tie was stained, his hair wasn't combed and still wet from the shower, his shirt was a mess and of course he hadn't shaved. "You are in deep shit, you know?" he told me with his head bowed like in secrecy and I could smell his tobacco and decayed teeth stench. "The union is not happy, you moved the budget, talked to everybody and did everything for the workers" I nodded and was surprised because, that's exactly what I should have done, I found the resources to meet the demands of the workers and in my six years working here it had never been possible. "When you contacted the government and met the worker's demands you fucked all of us all..." I just saw him with a blank stare in my face, like a deer between two truck headlights. "You idiot if the workers are happy, the union doesn't make demands, there are no strikes and money doesn't have to flow anymore," He kept explaining and I was really lost. "How can we meet our quota of money laundering? When everybody has what they need, a contract review won't be necessary for at least two more years, how will we create special payments for officials, Union leaders and of course the real bosses?" I had heard more than rumors about money laundry, here in Sonora there was no business that wasn't involved with drug dealing in one way or another, but I was confused, the numbers always added, accounting was always clear. Then it struck me, they were on this too! Of course I'm such a prick, I was the only asshole not to get invited because I'm nobody. I was just a patsy. My boss read my face and saw understanding. "Now you get it moron, you are here because your little friends in Mexico City landed you here, but your work never mattered, neither does mine. The people who really runs this place are very, very far from here, we are just cannon fodder and now you are going down; I'm not falling for your shit." "It's too soon for the bosses to understand how you screwed them, but if we want to keep breathing you are out and I'm the one who fired you, so get your shit out and sign your resignation letter write something about health or family I don't care as long as you are out RIGHT NOW" He shouted. "you are not even getting paid severance..... GO, I don't want to see your fuck face ever again" He gesticulated a little more shouted a lot while I was leaving and there was no trace of a joke, I was being fired. My thoughts only dwelt on betrayal, not about this shitface, I had always felt betrayed by the system. Politics are rotten to the core, I live in a country where the cartels grind the population to have even bigger profit margins and the government is no better, they work only to rip the people of every dime they have, in some poor states they even retain the pay of their workers to pay for their elections and their own interests. I got to my office and there was someone waiting. "May I help you?" I started to say, but I felt sharp pain from behind me and everything went black. And now I'm here wherever here it is; be logical, that has always been the trick. I was obviously abducted, it has to be because of the union and work, DON'T PANIC, you are alive otherwise you wouldn't be thinking, and hurting. You are well, the only pain is from the head and it's subsiding, maybe it's from the blow you took or maybe drugs. Try to listen. Maybe you can hear voices or something. Suddenly my blindfold was loosened and light flashed brightly into my face. It was so bright that my eyes took some time getting used to it, I was in a very large and very nice living room with beautiful leather furniture and exquisite decorations, there were paintings, sculptures and tasteful furnishings, at the moment it looked somehow familiar in its d?cor, but I was positive I had never been here nevertheless the familiarity was still there I couldn't quite point my finger at why, then I turned in all directions and saw them. First I saw a big, overweight middle aged man with mirror ray ban eyeglasses a heavy mustache, and a cowboy hat, he unmistakably looked like a farmer or an outdoorsman of some kind, there were other two beside him with the same rugged look, three others near the door all looked almost the same with cowboy hats, boots, dirty jeans and they were ALL carrying guns. There was another more distinguished person in the back he was wearing an expensive suit and dark glasses, he approached slowly and when he talked I knew exactly who he was, that's when everything became completely surreal. I met Norberto at the Institute of Technology of Mexico City, one of the best undergrad programs in the whole country. We were both in the first class of the freshman year in the business management class, he was one year older than me, and only starting as a freshman, because of family issues; he liked all kinds of reading and electronic games just like me so we hit it off and were best friends from the very beginning. Right away I could notice that he came from a wealthy family and I was a struggling student with a scholarship and a forever payable student loan, we were both foreigners I was from the east part of the country and he was from the south so unfamiliar surroundings helped to fortify our friendship. I was a very big nerd and never had spending money so I always studied or spend time at my aunt's house near the University, even in holydays; I couldn't afford to go home to Merida City in the southeast of Mexico so I always stayed in the city; he was a lot more laid back he didn't study as hard and had a lot of absences, but was brilliant so never had a problem at school and had almost as good grades as me. We studied and played video games all the time either in his apartment or at my aunt's house, he was a really shy boy and even though he could pay it he almost never wanted to party, at first I thought it was weird because he never lacked confidence, but later it became common and I stopped thinking about it. In my case I was a huge nerd so I didn't go out as well so our chats were always about video games, comic books, movies, life and in some rare times we talked about what we liked in girls, but he was very shy and I was a big nerd so we never had any female company. Freshman years are always the worst, but we managed to obtain good grades, we did everything together and I'm pretty sure school would have been a lot harder without him by my side. It was at the end of our third school year when it happened, we were playing video games and having some beers in Norberto's apartment when his cellphone rang, he didn't have a home number and in 2008 it was a little unusual, he checked the caller's ID and became agitated, he stood up and ran to the bedroom, he took the call in private with the door closed. When he came back he looked like he had been crying, he excused himself and told me he had to travel to his family's house in the north, his father had just passed away. He missed all the next classes, and I didn't see him for a lot of time. Suddenly school became a very sad place and eventually graduation in 2009 was very lonely without my friend. As I said before I end up in my shitty Job in Hermosillo, Sonora and started one of the most miserable times of my life. I saw him again in 2011 when he came to Hermosillo and found me in my workplace, he looked very different he was very well dressed in a professional way, but looked tougher and colder., we went to an upscale bar in the nicest part of town, I could see he had guards with him and that we had been closely followed to everywhere. Then he told me everything that had happened. "When my father died," he explained, "my whole world changed. I knew it was bound to happen, but I was in denial; I wanted to live a normal life and every night I prayed for my father's wellbeing, mostly because I didn't want what would surely come from his demise. In my family's business there are things that nobody can escape. In my school years I lived l had a taste of a normal life and had a wishful thinking that my reality would be in the future magically changed." By this time I became curious, but also surprised. I thought I knew my friend completely, but now it seemed something different and even sinister was lurking. "When he died," he continued, "my family's safety became my responsibility and I'm not talking only about financial security, I'm talking life and death." He hesitated he sighed like lost in thought and continued. "You see my birth name is not Norberto, I changed it when I was 15 because of the notoriety, my birth name is Felipe Romero Loza, does it ring a bell?" Of course it did. That name had been on the news for years, Felipe Romero Senior had been the most important Drug dealer in the northwest of Mexico and in all of the United States of America. He had been in the most wanted list in all the international agencies for more than 20 years and had never been caught, when he was killed it was by a rival cartel, after his death a gang war started and when it finished (through incredible cruelty and bloodshed) his former allies became stronger; they even wiped out their entire competition. They became not the strongest, but the ONLY cartel in Mexico and the Colombian and Brazilian organizations where close to them and paid tribute to make business with them. They were not thugs they were Royalty and the whole western hemisphere bowed their heads in their presence, even in the United States the government dealt with them not by warring directly, they worked together, after the cartel war was over corruption grew exponentially in 2012 the elections favored the Institutional Party and Government restarted collaboration with the cartel that hadn't been the norm with the former right wing party. Strangely, the people was at peace and prosperity came back, the Romeros became the modern twisted version of Robin Hood for every little impoverished inhabitant of every backwater town of the north and west of Mexico. Norberto saw my face and could easily read that I understood completely what he had told me and I really had no doubts that everything was true. "You know me, you know I'm not kidding," he said, "but more important, I came for you because I want you to work with me, there is a lot you can do for us, I?ll come for your answer tomorrow at this time in this place, if you are not here I'll understand your position and won't bother you ever again with this proposition." With that he stood up, instructed one of his men to pay and left. I couldn't sleep that night, I couldn't completely believe anything I heard that night, I really missed my friend, but convinced myself that he had changed, he became someone entirely different and that kind of life wasn't for me, yes I still had tons of money to pay in student loans and credit card debt, but I was sure I would find something better eventually, I had no desire or skills to become a criminal, so the decision was easy, that afternoon I was nowhere near that Bar, in fact I never returned there or saw my pal again, until now. Back to the end of summer of 2015, I was stupefied to see my friend after so many years, he had changed a lot. For starters he reeked confidence and inspired fear, he had gained weight, but didn't look heavy, he looked strong, the people around him treated him with respect and in collusion, he was surrounded by at least 6 men who were obviously his must trusted and the kind of relationship they projected was of strong camaraderie. This people had obviously sorted great ordeals together and loyalty was as strong as it could be, they knew each other to the bones and every one of them would kill for the other. This was clear as crystal, so why am I here? I don't belong to this brotherhood, even with my school friendship and long confident hours. "Marco," Norberto started saying. "Is good to see you." He came near to me but didn't make physical contact; I opened my mouth and tried to articulate some words, but one of his aids grabbed me by the shoulder and not so gently forced me to stay in in a sit down position and listen. "I'll state what is going to happen, today is September 8th you have been out for a little less than 24 hours; you are going to live in this house for almost a month, every of your needs and desires is going to be fulfilled by the house's staff you will learn how to be a woman, MY BRIDE, in the evening of October 1st I'll come back and if I'm satisfied we will continue our relationship if I'm not happy with the results; you'll die." "I have contacted your boss and he is happy to be rid of you, he thinks the mess with the union is your fault and he even thinks in suing you after firing you for incompetence and personal damages." "Let me tell you a secret: everything that happen at your work was devised by me." "Also I contacted your family, your Mom and sisters believe that you had a job opportunity abroad and went for a job interview in Malaysia, I have access to your personal email and I will be answering for you." "No one is looking, your email and Facebook profiles will be updated regularly and nobody will miss you." "If you try to escape you will be shot." "Also, here you are the Boss and everybody will help you in everything you want except escaping or contacting outside." "This house has everything you need to become a woman or if you need anything else you can ask for it; it will be provided, I'll see you in about a month. That should be enough time to learn everything if you work hard as I know you can." When he finished talking most of the men had already left and only Norberto and two men remained. "Good bye my dear, I'll see you soon," he finished that sentence and left, the guards waited for him to leave and expected me to talk or scream, but people with guns are intimidating so I remained quiet and in my place. Day 1 When they left I was angry and confused. No, I was hurt; how could he use me like that? We were best of friends, I couldn't believe he expected me to be a woman? His bimbo? HIS BRIDE?? That couldn't be correct. He was my closest friend, hell my ONLY friend and yes I suspected he might have gay tendencies, but that's wasn't my problem. That had never been my problem, he never did anything to me and we had very good times in innocent talk and play. But now he could go straight to hell and fuck with the devil or be fucked by him, I don't care, I'm not doing this, I'll just scape or if not possible I'll spend this month here and do nothing. Later on, we will talk and I will find my way out, he couldn't consider killing me because I was not a fairy. Or maybe this is just a misunderstanding, maybe I didn't hear correctly... "No, I've known him for a long time he had that serious face.... Could he be joking? Could he...? This seems completely surreal, yes that should be it, he's paying me a huge prank, in any moment he will come back and tell me it was a joke, he's just playing hard ball at his job offering, or maybe he knew and arranged all that thing with the union so I wouldn't have a choice." My mind continued working. But I knew my friend, I recognized his tone and deep inside my mind I was certain this was for real. "That's it I'll wait here and he will come back and tell me he was joking, he will show me my clothes and we will start playing in the 70 inch T.V. set like we used to." Ok we are not kids anymore, we were near 30, I was 28 and he should be 29 we were grown men and childish games didn't fit in this talk at all. But he didn't come back, I sat there all naked and waited, I could see in the distance through the windows his guards and in the back of my skull I knew something was not right, but the mind is a powerful tool and I tried to listen my conscious voice repeating that this was just a joke and nothing Norberto told me was real, but my inner self knew the truth. How could it be? It was stupid and disgusting, I wasn't going to use any girl's clothes, I was not going to "make myself pretty for him." This is just plain nuts. Hours passed, two or three I really don't know, I lost track of it, I nodded off and I didn't even knew what time was when I woke up and even then I kept waiting. Boredom kicked in and I stood up, I needed to explore this place if this wasn't a prank. This was my house, no my prison; at least for the next month, but "of course that was ridiculous so I better not think that way, I will check the house because is Norberto's and he is my friend, he will return in any moment and my clothes must be upstairs, I will cover myself because it's getting late and I don't want anybody to see me like this while he comes back." It was a really nice living room, very spacious, with great floor to ceiling windows that showed a very big garden a paved road and a front gate about 300 or 400 feet away, I could see a pool in between and in the distance I could hear the ocean, it's funny all this time had passed and I wasn't aware how near the sea I must have been, so where the fuck was I? Near the gate in the distance I could see two of the men who were here with Norberto they had machine guns hanging in their shoulders (Ak-47 of course the preferred tool of a Drug dealer) they were guarding the house, with my knowledge about my friend and his family I knew this was of course and important security measure for a safe house, they prevented people coming from the outside bursting in and avoid some possible danger to the family inside, but of course they could be here also to prevent me from going out. I just sighed and reality started burrowing in the back of my mind, this is not a joke, he has always had a crush on you, there were some signals all that time you dismissed them, but now you know it and have always known it. I continued my explorations and found myself in the kitchen, it was bigger than my living room, It had every appliance that I have ever heard of, blenders, toasters, microwave oven, radio, TV, etc., the stove was in the center and it looked like every meal of a small army could be prepared in here, a medium sized table with 8 chairs was in a corner, then I saw the fridge and started feeling extremely hungry, how much time had passed since my last meal? I opened it and it was full with all sorts of prepared meals, fruit and vegetables there were even some pastries, I took a big slice of cheese cake and ate it like I was a war refugee, after that I drank a beer and because I had lived alone for a very long time I knew very well how to cook so I prepared a steak with onions and some ready to fry French fries, also a canned soup and sat to eat with joy; It was all from premium quality so it tasted like ephemeral greasy poetry, but it only helped made reality sink even further to understand that this was my life for the time being even though I still didn't want to accept it. When I finished my meal it started to get dark outside and a little chill crept inside, I was still naked and felt uncomfortable but I was sure that something could be found somewhere to cover my stripped ass, I took another beer with me and continued my survey. The first floor had a living room, dining room with a big banquet table for about 20 people, a small reception with a little couch set, a small half bath, the kitchen and two locked doors, one should be to a garage and the other for a workshop or basement with laundry room and such, the front door wasn't locked, but of course it wouldn?t be with such a big fence and armed men on the outside. There was a second floor with 5 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms and a spacious TV room in the middle, where every electronic gadget was available, I turned the very big TV on and it had no cable or aerial signal there was only internet so it would only be Netflix or You tube or some streaming service, there was a sound system playing consoles, Blu-Ray player and such. 4 of the rooms were completely empty in another there was a fully equipped gym and in the last one there was an office with a desktop computer a printer, and every office Gizmo, there was a very big bookshelf stacked with trendy novels and some classics, he knew I loved to read, I also saw a very big comic book collection like the one we used to have in our youth but expanded and modernized with every issue in premium condition, yes this was set up specially for me, it couldn't be denied, this was the tipping point I finished feeling confused or surprised, I started to feel very angry, how could he believe that giving me everything I enjoy could make me want to be whatever he wants, it's insulting to even think he could buy me like a thing so I shouted aloud for the first time and wanted to kick something, but I wasn't stupid enough to do it barefooted, I turned on the computer, Obviously it was heavily guarded, the maps, and e-mail were blocked, I couldn't access anything outside the "Bookmarked sites" and they were all about fashion or a fixed account in Pinterest, but again who could I contact, according to Norberto my family believed that I was uncommunicated but fine, they weren't expecting any kind of coded communication, in my job I had been framed and maybe under an investigation for anything my boss told his superiors. I left the office and saw that again there was another stairwell to a third floor and I found the only bedroom with furniture upstairs it was huge because it covered the total surface of the upper floor, I got in and saw all the girly furnishings with a mauve carpet from wall to wall, there was a huge bed in the middle of the room, it had a purple comforter with black leopard spots (jeez you can't even have dignity sleeping in this thing) it was weird to see it in this tasteful house but the room looked like it had a different decorator all along or that it was to unmistakably be surrounded by a feminine atmosphere, the bed had lots of small pillows that matched the comforter and were in all kinds of animal print with silvers, whites and purples. There was a big couch also in purple velvet and the matching love seat in front of a very large TV set with gizmos of its own a small coffee table with two matching chairs a big vanity with every beauty product, there's stuff I don't have names for, obviously I have never used any of these so I didn't even know their names. I approached the vanity and saw my glasses they had a small rim, I tried them on and saw that they were unmistakably my pair, at least I could watch TV or play games with my own glasses. As every place in the house it was very spacious, very clean and everything looked expensive, there as I said before was a large T.V. set although it wasn't as big as the one downstairs, it also had a Playstaion 4 console and an xbox one, it wasn't directly in front of the bed because the vanity was there so it was on the side and it could be watched from there, but it was used more comfortably from the couch. I walked all the way to the side of the room and opened the curtains, there was a glass door that lead to a big balcony with resting chairs and a plastic table all bolted to the floor maybe thinking in wind or storms. This obviously was the main bedroom, it was a lot bigger than any of the other empty rooms and on the other side there was a big bathroom with a shower and a Jacuzzi, also there was a huge walk-in closet, it had to be about a hundred squared feet, it had big doors and drawers on both sides for six or eight feet, after that it continued with seven shelves for shoes, they were completely filled with every kind of women's shoes, flats, heels, boots, sandals, wedges and mules in every color and heel size, I looked for some tennis shoes and I only found one pair and It was electric pink, unmistakably girl's tennis shoes. I looked inside the sliding doors and drawers and found dresses, skirts, shorts, blouses, jackets everything with a girl cut. Inside the closet there was a little table and a small individual sofa maybe to think about the choices in wardrobe, the drawers were all filled with all kinds of sportswear, swimsuits and all kinds of lingerie, I didn't even check them thoroughly. In another part there was a stand with breast forms, girdles and some fitting garments I don't have a name for. To look at all this stuff made everything a little more real, it disturbed me in many ways, I was angry and pissed so I yelled at the top of my lungs "Fuck you I'm not wearing any of this, I won't play your sick perverted game I will use the bed sheets, the towels or find a way, but I won't use these shit, if this is my last month to live like you stated; I will be a man all through it, I won't budge, I swear to myself I will resist" By this time it was pitch dark outside and I could hear some night insects. The rumbling of the sea was louder; everything else was silent, so I was left alone with my anger so, like any one would; I screamed, I cursed and I even threw a tantrum, but couldn't get myself to break or rip anything I that simply wasn't in my nature. After an hour or so I checked the towels and even those were girly, all pink or purple or with animal print, so I continued naked and defiantly went to the kitchen, took the whole box of beer with me with about 30 small sized coronas, I was sure I couldn't drink them all, but I didn't care so I filled the Jacuzzi and started drinking. I could even have had a good time if it wasn't so fucking ridiculous and I wasn't so dammed pissed. So I drank a lot and after one or two hours I stumbled out of the tub, dripping water everywhere, I couldn't care less about drying myself I just went to the purple bed and collapsed on top of it, thankfully it was a warm night and I didn't care about sleeping bare naked. Day 2 When I woke up, the sun was up in the sky and the heat should have been unbearable outside, but the AC was on and I could feel a light breeze right in my ass, that's when I remembered where I was and why I was naked, the velvet comforter was under my body and I had to admit that it felt quite nice, most of it in my privates, I just didn't want to accept anything in that house, so I stood up and the whole weight of last night beers came crashing into my head, stomach and bladder, so I ran into the bathroom and poured all that beer into the pink colored porcelain toilet bowl. When I climbed down the stairs I was so absorbed in my headache that I didn't notice there was someone chatting and eating in the kitchen. When I got in, there was a high pitched scream and the cleaning lady with amazing dexterity used one hand to cover her assistance housemaid eyes and another to throw me a small kitchen rag. "Madre de Dios, cover yourself Se?ora, that's indecent" she shouted at me in Spanish. It was Mrs. Lopez the eternal housekeeper of the Romeros. Mrs. L (like everybody called her) had been the housekeeper of the Romeros for many many years, she had been taken in by Norberto's father when she was just a small girl orphaned by a gang war in the early 1960's in a small town in Chihuahua Mexico, she was taken care, educated and grew up almost like a little sister to Mr. Felipe Romero, she became like a second mother to Norberto, his sisters and brother, her loyalty and ferocity was that of a Doberman, she was a member of "the help" but had had a good life, she got married to a respected small time store owner and her two sons went to the finest University in Mexico City (every aspect of her life paid by the immense wealth and power of the Romero family), even though she had a beautiful loving family she was the most loyal of the servants and NEVER even thought in changing her job or anything in her life, she lived to serve this family, nothing was above that and in that many years she understood that sometimes she would be called to do things outside the normal standards, but she would never falter in her duties, her resolve was never unwavering, never questioning and always fulfilling her role in the best way as humanly possible. Today wasn't the exception the new master Don Felipe Jr. (now Norberto) took care of every aspect of the business when his father died seven years ago and of course part of the deal was the service of Mrs. L. Two years ago he finished consolidating the family, he had been brutal many times and he did whatever was needed to enforce the control of the business, he was fast, he was ruthless, but at the end everybody understood that there was no contest on who was the Boss after six and a half years of gruesome consolidation he talked to his family about the future. He presented to everybody what was going to be the new direction. Like he was the CEO of a global enterprise (and that was what he was), everybody involved understood the role that was given and everybody bowed their heads in approval, anyone who could have dissented had been eliminated in the most efficient way a while ago, nobody stood to confront the head of the Family. Six months ago, Norberto talked to his blood family and admitted he was lonely, His Mother, his younger sisters, his little brother and of course Mrs. L knew that was true, he had become a bitter young man and even though he had been efficient, strict and meticulous he did that because he had to, he didn't enjoy it. The cause of his loneliness wasn't only the business he had inherited or the life he had been forced to lead; all his family had knew since a very young age that he was Gay and in this kind of life that could be fatal if known, he knew that any weakness would be employed by his enemies and that eventually it would be deathly to his loved ones, nevertheless he confided that he was still in love with his college friend and the life he had in that time even though he had been rejected. "You see that's the only time in my life that makes sense, the only moment when I was truly happy and I need to recover balance from a world that it's not crazy, I invited him to work with me, but I'm thankful he rejected me, as a colleague even as a general I would have been rejected." "We have lived this life for so many years that we forget that there is a parallel world in which violence is not the common rule, my little brother doesn't even believe me when I tell him life is different outside of the family, we need help to fit into society once again, I need help to regain perspective so I don't become a cold hearted killing bastard." "Go get him Mijo (My son in Spanish); find him," his mother told him, "you have proven in these years that you are a resourceful man, and you have selflessly done everything you inherited good and bad, you will find a way, I know you in a way only a Mother can and I think you are talking right now with us, because you have found a way, am I wrong?" Everybody turned to him and a mischievous smile appeared on his face, yes I think I found a way, so everybody gathered and listened, that was the way it had been for years in the Family and would continue to be. That's how Mrs. L came to know what was happening right now and she would do whatever it was necessary to help in her master's plan. I had met Mrs. L in one or two times that I had visited the Romero Family House in Guerrero (Southwest Mexico) and I was pretty sure she remembered me so I was very surprised when she called me "Se?ora" (Mrs. In Spanish), but I was very occupied covering my privates and not having my brains torn by the screaming that I let it slip, but I was pretty sure of what I had heard. "Cover yourself," she continued, "I won't allow a naked "person" (she remarked this in a derisive way like looking for a way to call me) in my Kitchen. Go for something to wear, RUN." Again I was intrigued by the way she said "person," avoiding the issue of gender in the sentence, she even had to remark the word, I was almost lost in thought when she shouted again, "GO, GO it's indecent." "But there's nothing for me to wear." It surprised me a little how girlish this sounded, whiny even, I started to talk again but she shouted "YOU HAVE TONS of clothing, GO!!." So that ended my plan of a month of unrestricted nakedness. I went up holding my hands at my head pounding from the hangover and the screaming, what kind of dork was I that the screaming of an old woman was enough to make me ignore the solemn bows I had taken last night. I got into the room and concocted a swift plan, I'm going to rummage through it all and find something, manly enough. Even girls wear pants or sweatpants, maybe some shorts that are not very feminine, I entered the closet and started looking for something to wear. First underwear, most of the panties wear lacy and extra girlish, maybe some cotton panties, but I couldn't find any so that was it. I was going commando, no more underwear for me, so now pants. Perfect! There were three folded jeans and I could see other four in the back, that's enough to last for the whole time, so I unfolded the one in the top and I could see it that they could be my size just a little tight, so I tried them on. It was very tight but clearly my size the only part it was very uncomfortable was on my "junk," the legs, the waist, and even my ass fit perfectly and it hit me. "Oh my god" I said loudly. "this clothing is REALLY for me, it's no accident, is not a half-baked plan" so I decided just to try something more ridiculous just to check on my theory. I took a very girly tight see through blouse and tried it on... It fit like a glove, then I took it off and tried some flats, it was a perfect match this scared the shit out of me. Yes Norberto and I were once the best of friends but I hadn't seen him for almost four years after the botched recruiting attempt and now he even had my shoe size, my actual present day measures. This was sick. He said that he controlled my mail and Facebook accounts, sometimes I had ordered clothing online but it had been two or three years ago, since when has he been spying on me? I stood there dressed only in a pair of girl's jeans in shock for about 15 minutes when hunger and thirst attacked again, so I reluctantly continued and found a light pink T-shirt with really small cap sleeves it was tight at my waist and had a print about "Paris" and "Love" in the front , it was obviously girly, but not as bad as the alternatives; I looked for some socks and only found really small ones with hearts painted on, well they'll work out for the time being, I grabbed the pink tennis shoes and my outfit for today was complete, I looked at the body length mirror and I looked stupid with a 24-36 hour beard growth and a very cute everyday outfit, I was only surprised by the jeans because my legs looked really hot, long, slender and even cute, I turned around and I could see my butt, it looked almost shapely and well-toned by the fabric, I can see why women try all the clothes before; if it can make even me look hot, how would this work in a real girl? The only problem was with my penis, it felt very uncomfortable and the denim was starting to rub so I was sure that later on it was going to be bruised, even without getting an erection, and considering that I was in my late-twenties I don't think I can be a whole day without one. Somehow satisfied or defeated I went downstairs and got into the kitchen, Mrs. L was there and sighed a relief. "Well is not a very distinguished look Se?ora, but it is certainly better," she served some Chilaquiles (traditional Mexican breakfast meal, made with spicy tortillas, eggs and chicken or steak meat, often used for someone who has a hungover), Eggs, orange juice, coffee and some sweet bread, I was very hungry so I finished everything. She continued her chores, talking to the housemaid, the gardener and even the guards, one of them saw me with the T-Shirt and I could see a hint of a smile, but it wasn't a mock, it was more like satisfaction. Yes laugh you bastard I have a plan and you'll see, I lied to myself, my ego was very bruised, but I was confident I would recover. When I finished I felt a little more relaxed and less angry I called Mrs. L, she sat in a chair opposite to me and gesticulated in a way to make me understand she was listening. I asked her if she knew what was happening, if she remembered me, if Norberto was serious, and everything that was in my mind. "Se?ora," she began to say, "yes I met you in another life, you are a very important person for my boss. Yes this is completely serious, he doesn't do anything he is not committed and he is looking for your commitment, He know you also you are like the Pork and chicken story in eggs and bacon the chicken lays the eggs and that's it, the Pork has to give his life in the bacon, he and you are alike in this you both give life and soul to any situation and he knows it, so it became my job to watch for your every need and comfort while you get your bearings and understand that is your destiny to become the Lady of the house, even the queen of an Empire." My blood started to rush to my head, yes I knew how stubborn he was, and bratty! Like a spoiled child! Everything should be to his liking and everybody should be prepared to be at his service, but this was too much, I am not a toy! More important I am not a Doll and I am not to be abused this way! So I got up and started to go out when I said "How can he do that, we were friends, the best of friends and now he wants me to be his fuck slave, this is crazy... You know, you could help me," I hinted. "Help me go, or buy me other clothes." "I?m sorry Se?ora you are to remain here 'till you come to your senses and I will help you get to reach your potential, everybody here is to fulfill this task and we were all handpicked to ensure it happens before the deadline." After that I stormed out of the kitchen and threw myself into a couch to think about the situation, I felt a little relaxed and were still very tired for everything that happened the day before. I must've dozed off because when I opened my eyes most of the day had gone by, I was still angry and became very upset when I thought that I didn't like being a prisoner and possibly in the future a prostitute, but I really liked the time off and the attention if I wasn't in his situation this could almost be an All-inclusive Beach Resort, this dichotomy was very unsettling and made me angry about myself, how could I be thinking that horse shit. The smell coming from the kitchen was delicious and I found myself drawn to it, when I stood up again I felt the tight jeans and felt almost aroused, but the tightness in the front reminded me that I shouldn't be horny or it would hurt badly. Again I sat and angry or not I ate everything. This woman could really cook, and I complemented her for the variety and the exquisite mix of flavors, she thanked me and told me that she could teach me that a Lady should know her way around the Kitchen, that made me angrier "Go and make the perfect housewife out of somebody else" I said, so I started to go out of the Kitchen, when she called me: "Se?ora," I was surprised that I turned around but I did. "At night all the staff (except the guards of course) retires to the help quarters in another house at the back of the state, we are tired and we think there is going to be a storm, do you need anything? Can we retire for the night?" I was a little surprised she was asking for my permission, but she was only a maid, my situation wasn't her fault and my alleged ranking made me her superior so I let them go for the night also I'm not used to be with so many people around me so I was relieved to see them go. I let the staff go and saw the dark clouds in the horizon, it wasn't really late, it was about six in the afternoon but it looked like the whole world was about to come in an end because it was almost black outside. I felt a little cold and thought about the manly way of getting warm: I went into the Kitchen and started to drink directly from the bottle of Tequila, I didn't even had a glass of soda or lime wedges so I sat in the living room drinking until it was pitch dark, I didn't even turned on the lights. About two hours later the sky was illuminated by so many lightning bolts that everything looked like a mix of black and silver, the rain wasn't falling yet, but it was a sure bet that it would come pouring in a very short while, by that time I was slightly drunk and that's when you feel strong, and clever, but in reality you are only stupid. That's when I thought I could scape, I could probably sneak pass the guards and reach the outside, the darkness and rain would be on my side, of course I looked silly in those clothes but maybe a cop could help me if I explained everything. I drank a mouthful of Tequila (liquid courage) and tried the kitchen door, it was obviously not locked and I was in the back lawn, it was starting to get cold and I cursed because I had very little clothing, but I was committed to scape "I'm a pig you old hag" I muttered thinking in the parable from the afternoon, it was now or never (or so I thought). Using the shadows and the landscape I could almost get to the gate, I could see both of the guards, they were smoking and at ease they weren't fazed by the weather, you have to give them credit; they knew they had rough night coming but looked fearless, relaxed and even chatty. I could hear them taking about the Soccer match they would probably been missing by being on duty that night, I slipped near them and used my best "Solid snake" skills and made it all the way to the fence, I was a shadow... When I got there I saw it was locked and had a "Warning: Electric fence" sign, of course it couldn't have been that easy, just in that moment the rain started pouring down, it was thick and in seconds I was soaked, a lightning struck and one of the guards saw me. "Hey" he shouted. "this is dangerous, go back inside," fear filled me almost instantly and in an irrational thinking (drunken state) I ran back to the front door, at this moment I was VERY drunk and even though I believed that I was a great runner I was just making a fool of myself; the guard (Jos? now I know) followed me and watched how I fell directly into the pool, if I hadn't been so drunk I could swim but I almost drown, He reached and took me out of the pool even though I was a prisoner I was very grateful for his bravery. He reached me and almost at once he took me out, He's a strong man so it was an easy task for him also I was almost passed out so he picked me up like a rag doll. It's important to say that I'm not a very big man I'm about 5 and a half feet tall and couldn't weight more than 120 pounds my meals had always been erratic so I'm very thin and short. He carried me inside directly to the main bedroom sat me in the toilet and started the hot water in the tub. "Come on Se?ora, I won't peek take off that wet clothes and get in." I don't know if it was because of the Tequila, the rain, or the authority he projected, but I did it, I went straight into the tub and left all the wet clothes in the floor. "I'm going now, I have to change too, I will leave dry sleeping clothes in the bed, be a good girl and sober up I'll see you tomorrow." I finished my bath and felt a little better, mostly I was embarrassed for a very dumb situation, the long bath made me feel better, but it didn't completely erased the drunkenness. I got out of the bath, dried with a clean pink towel and got into the room in the bed there was a beautiful black silk long nightgown and a thong, I saw it for a while and remembered that nobody laughed or commented anything about my ridiculous outfit so I stood there for a moment and was about to put the flimsy clothes on, but decided that it was just too damn weird so I just threw it in the floor and went in the covers again naked, I fell asleep almost instantly, I was very drunk but not enough to do something that silly. Day 3 Again I overslept, it was very cold in the morning; surely an aftereffect of last night storm, also I remembered that I was sleeping naked, something I had never been able to do because I get cold very easily, so I wrapped myself in the purple satin bed sheet and walked to the closet, were I would choose again something stupid to wear, but first I really needed to shave, I looked like a bum and it was even weirder to be a bum with tight girly jeans. The bathroom of course had enough razors for the face and for the rest of the body, I took a quick shower and looked a little better, then looked for the other jeans I saw folded yesterday. Only that any of them were really jeans, the first remaining pair were denim colored leggings, and the other two were capris, one that barely passed the knee, the other even smaller. In the back there were other leggings of different designs and colors and some shorts in different fabrics, but that was it, I was out of pants and thanks to my "Rainy night stroll" the only pair of jeans was soaking wet in the bathroom floor, also the tennis shoes looked like they were never going to recover from the rain and the pool they were soaked and even smelled bad there was even a little pond of water were I had left them yesterday, I picked them up and took them to the balcony so the sun could dry them, but it was so cloudy that in looked like a long shot. Maybe I could ask Mrs. L to get them into the drier, but first I had to dress something. So what is going to be: To look like a pervert with tights or like a dork with small over the knee shapely pants; reluctantly I decided the leggings would be a little less stupid, but this time I needed underwear because my penis was very bruised by the denim and I didn't think I could stand something that tight again without the proper undergarment. Everything was spandex or lacy, soft or flimsy, seriously there wasn't any piece of clothing that didn't scream girly, I decided for a pair that was a spandex "Boy cut" (what a bunch of ironic bull's shit) that shaped my butt in a really sexy matter and even though I didn't care about it kept my package in place, then I put on the leggings and was astonished at how feminine my legs looked, I even looked like an average girl, I can't believe how much help girls have at looking great! The clothes do a lot of work in making a girl desirable and this was proof of it, here I was with only two pieces of fabric looking very good and because of the underwear there wasn't even a hint of my penis through the pants, hell it was even comfortable, if I was going to wear this kind of clothing I might try it again. Now it was time for a blouse... yes a blouse I had to admit in the closet there weren't shirts, there were still some tight small sleeved t- shirts but it was chilly and wanted to use something with long sleeves, so I took three different blouses and tried them on. First there was this emerald green made of something like gauze, it wasn't sheer and it was light, but the whole outfit seemed odd, blue leggings and green blouse just didn't seem right, later I tried a white tight cotton crossed blouse, but it had a small cleavage and just looked weird even with my three or four chest hairs, finally I tried a black loose fit blouse with some sequin decorations in the neck and cuffs it was little better. Shoes came later, I looked for the tennis shoes for about 10 seconds when I remembered last night and that how they would be unwearable for at least today, so if I had to use girl's shoes I had to look for comfort, there were at least 4 pairs of flats and I decided for a Tommy Hilghfiger pair with a grey and black checkered pattern and shiny black rounded toe decorated with a small bow, I was stunned by thinking the whole ensemble looked really neat on me and lots of girls couldn't look this good even on purpose. Before I mustered enough courage to go downstairs, I sat down and I tried to remember everything that happened the night before, it had been a very stupid idea, I could have gotten killed by the guards or drowned in the pool because of my ethylic state, but now that I was a little less upset and I had understood how things in the house worked I started to think about my situation. First I didn't know where I was, I could be miles from civilization, I hadn't walked the entirety of the grounds and I didn't know the layout of the state, if I contacted someone outside the house they could be colluded with the Romeros, I have seen yesterday Jimmy (the driver) go for errands to the town and he had been out for at least 2 hours so if it was a quick trip the nearest town could be from 30 to 60 miles depending on the road quality. I also knew the Romeros were very powerful and usually people from the local villages were on their payroll, if I ever got out I could say I was forced by someone else. So for the time being I have no life in the outside, my family is not looking for me, everybody in (possibly) miles would be working for my captor, I don't have any money or a Job. For the time being my rational mind couldn't find a way out, I was screwed, but at the end of the month if everything was the way Norberto wanted I would be literally fucked. I went downstairs a little worried about my look, but somehow I knew I wasn't going to be mocked or ridiculed, when I entered in the Kitchen there was everybody and I wanted to drop dead just then; Mrs. L and Maria (the house maid) were serving breakfast for Jimmy the driver and errand boy, both of the guard teams, four people of the six of them available, At the moment I saw all this people I wanted to turn around and run, but just froze in my spot until Mrs. L?pez turned around and saw me, she watched me closely and almost instantly said "Wow you look lovely this morning Se?ora, you certainly put some effort in it today" everybody turned at me and there were even some nods of approval, two of them smiled at me in a completely natural way and Maria even giggled in delight. At this point this made me think how clothing is a convention, a doctor's coat in a movie theater is out of place, but I could wear one in a hospital and don't raise any suspicion even though I know shit about medicine, of course at this time wearing girls clothes was still odd, but it was expected of me so nobody made a fuzz, this was very strange, but I have to thank this fine people for being so supportive in a situation that was obviously imposed to me and should be weird for them as well. Not knowing what else to do and not being snobbish with other people I sat down to share my meal with all this people. I had a great time, I entirely forgot about my plight and got into the life of this people, most of them had families and came to this line of work because everything else is very underpaid, other had been helped by the Romero's in dire times and stuck with them, but every one of them had an unshakeable faith in their boss even if he hadn't even turned 30 yet, we joked around had coffee and pan dulce (sweet pastries, common bakery for Mexican families) the only odd moment came when the men talked with double meaning albures (very common in male bonding throughout Mexican culture) and when I tried to reply they saw me like I shouldn't talk like that it was not Ladylike. When we finished, Mrs. L asked me, "What will you be doing today Ma'am?" "I really hadn't thought about it I've spend the last two days fuzzing and hadn't done anything, If I'm going to be secluded here I might as well enjoy it." "That's the spirit girl, Mr. Romero made a lot of arrangements so you could have a good time, so enjoy your stay." At the mention of Norberto I became angry, but it was a short lived outburst and again thought about the Housekeeper question. Considering the time being I was unemployed and Norberto assured me that if I played along my family was going to be Ok so I didn't have to worry about my Mom and siblings, so the question came to me again, what should I do today? It was like a strange veil would lift from my eyes, for the first time in YEARS I had unlimited amount of free time. Since I finished High School I have had to work even on summers to pay my stay through the University and I landed in my first job about three months before graduating so I hadn't have more than two or three days off in more than 9 eight years, what should I do? No let me rephrase that, what would I do? I stood up and my legs brushed together making me feel the softness of the fabric, it was an unexpected, sexy feeling and made me remember what I was wearing, but for the first time it wasn't important, that was the moment in which I decided to play along, my methodical mind even started to think how I could pull it off, wearing comfortable things and just enjoy my free time, later on I could deal with Norberto and find a way out. So I decided to let myself go and just enjoy the good things that were laid in front of me the free time, the videogames, the library. I went to the TV room and asked for a coke, I turned it on and thought I could drone out for some time, hell I hadn't watch a full T.V. show in months I might as well start now. I tried a lot of shows and movies not finishing any and nothing grabbed my attention, but was slightly surprised that I watched a little more closely at the outfits worn by the actresses, I mentally got some notes and dismissed them when I realized that I was thinking about how to wear and combine skirts, dresses and heels, or thinking how would I look with this or that. After three or four hours I was really bored, I couldn't remember what it was like to watch the T.V. just like a mindless Zombie, I was a hardworking man and I couldn't remember a time when I could just stare in front of a screen and drool my days away, well except with Video games so maybe I could try that later. Again I reflected on my just found free time and tried some Video games, there was the new Assassin's Creed and I was eager to play it, but it wasn't as satisfying when your body thinks you haven't earned the rest. After lunch I asked if I could explore the grounds a little, that I felt a little cooped in the house, in the back of my mind I knew I had a better chance at escaping if I knew the place. Mrs. L raised a two way radio and called Jose, she explained that he was going to be my guide, but I knew better that he was going to be my guard. Jose was a very tall, very strong man in his early twenties, he was very friendly, but kept his distance, he showed me the grounds at the front of the house and even joked about how I looked all drunk inside the pool, this made me feel a little embarrassed, but surprisingly didn't feel angry. The grounds were even bigger than I thought, the front lawn was exquisite with many trees and flowers, neat trimmed grass and a paved road for the vehicles also a little walking path all the way to the fence. Lopsided to the west there was the pool, how could I missed it yesterday it was Olympic size! I could only blame the darkness, the alcohol and the stupidity. The back grounds were even more majestic, there was a very big house that must be the workers quarters and the garage there was an S.U.V. a Mercedes a Porsche and another Sports Car that I didn't even knew the model, but it looked fast, expensive and European. Behind that was a garden with palm trees, tropical flowers and a lawn for about 500 yards, Gabriel the gardener really knew his stuff. When we reached the end of this part I could see a small cliff of about 40 feet tall and stairs carved and constructed directly in the stone with a firm handrail, it went down directly into a secluded private beach, it was imposing, I realized that this place must have cost a fortune, we only saw it from above we didn't go down to the beach. When we were getting back I was exhausted, I was very used to walk, but I had never done it with women's shoes and even though they were comfortable all that walking in grass made my feet sore, I really wanted Tennis shoes for tomorrow. There were still between 200 and 150 feet to go when I couldn't give another step, I asked Jose if we could sit there in the grass for a moment and he was about to agree, when he said, it's going to rain we better hurry, I could lift you if you want, I was really tired but even though I was wearing women's clothing I didn't want that role so I stood up and forced myself the rest of the way. There was a slight rain when we got into the house, we were a little wet but not much, Maria received us in the front porch with two towels, Jose said goodbye and told me that maybe later we could go to the beach, I was satisfied with today's walk and I told him that I'll consider it. The towel was enough so I didn't change the clothes I asked Maria if she could bring me a sweater because I was a little cold and maybe I could light the fireplace, she brought a blue open sweater with lace in the back it was nice and matched with the blue denim like leggings, I just put it on and went to the kitchen to grab a bite. That night was very cold and I looked for any Pajamas with pants, I found a yellowish silk two piece that was very soft to the touch and immediately gave me an erection, I was a little surprised that I felt that way but didn't think about it lot about it and hastily masturbated until I came, the pants got all smeared and had to change into something very similar but pink, by this time I started not to care about the color of my clothes. Day 4 Sun light poured in from the balcony window, I was getting used to the cloudy days; it looked like it was going to be a scorcher as I was already sweating and it should be about 8 in the morning. I had a great night sleep and remembered everything when the silky pj's pants rubbed against my crotch, it sent electric feelings and I was immediately aroused, I had to take care of that boner just then and there, the feeling of the fabric was just magnetic and indulged myself entirely in the feelings it gave me, I must have dropped like 30 ounces of cum into the clothes and linen. After some time I got up still aroused to my wobbling feet and got cleaned in the bathroom, took a long shower and shaved, the day before I understood that beard was very unsettling in my appearance, after my cleaning session I went to the closet and found myself surprised that I was a little eager to try new things, but dismissed it almost instantly because of the weirdness it implied. People here treated me with respect and even servitude, I liked it a lot, the only problem was that I had to be "Lady of the House" to achieve this power position. Pants were still on my mind and chose another "Boy cut" style of panties, those were comfortable, later again I picked a pair of leggings, this time they had a "Houndstooth" Pattern (I learned that word yesterday while watching TV) and looked good on me, but the moment I had them on I realized I was making a BIG mistake, the fabric was thick and very hot and I couldn't stand it in this weather, maybe turning the A/C at max I could wear them but that would mean to stay in the same room all day, so I took them off and was at square one on what to wear, just like the first day. I checked again what kind of pants were available, the Jeans weren't here so they must've been in some washing room I hadn't seen, that left me with the unbearable warm leggings and the Capris, so the second pair was the only logical option, I put them on and even with my narrow man shaped hips my ass looked really hot, I looked like a model, by this time I was getting used to wear really tight pants and my package started being at ease with it, the problem were my ankles, these were in plain sight and looked awful because of my hairy legs, ok I didn't chose to use a women's attire, but being things the way they were I couldn't get used to look at my legs that way. I finished dressing with a lacy baby blue spaghetti strap top, but again was upset by the hairy armpits. Should I shave my body? I really wasn't keen on it, but maybe if I can muster some courage I could ask Mrs. L or Maria for their advice. I went for the tennis shoes in the balcony but as it rained all night they were still wet or even more so, I tried other pair of flats, but then decided to use pink flip flops with a flower as decoration because heat was too much for that kind of shoes. After breakfast I noted that Mrs. L was staring at my calves and I knew exactly what was on her mind. I decided to ask anyway. "Mrs. L, do you want to tell me anything... Something on your mind?" She looked at me not sure how to answer, but nevertheless she said, "Ay Se?ora, You chose such a beautiful outfit, but something is not right, I'm pretty sure you know what it is." Yes I knew, but instead of feeling anger I wanted to look a little better, I started to like it here so I said. "Yes I know, I look like a dog with all this hair, but I really don't know anything about hair removal, I'm scared also to try it, what should I do?" "Look let me call a professional, go and rest in your room, when they are here I'll call for you," she answered. I got upstairs, but my mind was uneasy, what would happen? I'm really letting them wax my legs?, Am I spiraling into this mess? With this on my

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HotMovies Parodies

Are you fucking horny as hell and ready to get off to the kind of content that speaks to you? Well, mother fucker? What the hell are you in the mood for? Midgets? Lactating midgets? Midgets that are put on a spinning pedestal and suck dick while zooming around in circles?Oh, you are horny for parody adult films, eh? You may think that there is not a place you can go to get your parody XXX films fix, but I want you to know that you’re fucking wrong! Because once you head over to Hot...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
4 years ago
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Jpb 2006 Invitional What To Do About Edie

Deuce's answer - When I went back to work, I got lucky. My boss had been called away his son had a minor accident at school. The dispatcher was a woman about my age, or just a little younger who seemed to really like me. Her name was Beverly. The other guys teased me about her being sweet on me. While I was gone, she covered for me, using other guys to cover the runs I would have normally made. When I checked in with her, she noted my time back as just after the boss left. I was a few...

4 years ago
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Breaking In Sadie

"I married a little sissy fag. You like my fingers up your ass, don't you, you fag? You wish it was a man's cock. You want to get fucked, don't you? You want to suck a cock, get it all slippery then have it shoved up your ass, like my greasy fingers. You do, don't you, you little sissy fag? Do you, Hope?" My naked wife was lying next to me on her side. I was lying on my front, my ass up in the air, while she had two fingers stroking in and out of my lubed ass. She was pushing them in...

1 year ago
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My Sister Sadie

However, Sadie wasn’t always the beauty she is today. As a young girl in middle school, she was skinny and awkward. Sadie was uncoordinated and didn’t have any self-confidence or assertiveness. Sadie didn’t really start to blossom into what she is today until Mom enrolled her in ballet classes. I am still amazed at the transformation that took place in Sadie with those ballet classes. Mom knew best, and by the time Sadie entered high school she was a real knockout. She was the proverbial ugly...

1 year ago
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It was dark and peaceful here at the lake as I parked my little foreign sports car in the picnic grounds. We walked in the dark to the lake shore where it was ghostly quiet. We could still see the dark outline of the trees against the inky black sky, and the silvery smooth water of the lake in the fading light of the summer night. I was thinking how lucky I had been bumping into her in the pizza place because I was otherwise alone and desperately wanting some female company, as usual. While we...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Eat shit and Die

Slave #31 ?What do you say we raise the stakes a little?? Priya asked with a twinkle in her eye. She was sitting across the couch from me, wearing her black t-shirt and her light denim mini-skirt. There was a mischievous smile on her face as she concealed a set of playing cards in her hands. She had such a seductive grace to everything she did; just being near her made my heart race. ?What kind of stakes are we talking about?? I asked stealing a glance at her upper thigh. I could stare at...

2 years ago
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A Charming ChoiceChapter 8 Maddie

Maddie felt refreshed and invigorated. She fiddled with the shower controls and selected a tropical waterfall setting, complete with warm, misting sprays. She finished her shower, making sure that all her creamy spunk was washed away. She dressed in one of the inn's fluffy cotton robes and made her way to the kitchen. There was a fancy one cup at a time coffee maker on the counter, so she fired it up and ordered breakfast from room service while the coffee was brewing. She was only halfway...

3 years ago
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A Lover for Maddie

Authors note: This is an edited version of a story I wrote a few years ago. * Maddie took a final look at the small plastic shot glass, took a deep breath and tossed it back. The tequila burned all the way down as her friends laughed and watched her raise the can of Coors to wash it down. It was the beginning of a long four day weekend and she was at an afternoon party in the country. She had at first not wanted to go but finally agreed to meet her friends there. Maddie was not that used...

3 years ago
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Slutty Tales Be a Slut Maddie

Maddie grew up in a small village and has lived nineteen years of her life being a good girl. Unlike all her peers she rarely went out and almost never got drunk. She tried cigarettes when she was sixteen but she saw no fun in the coughing and smelly breath that followed. So it was her first and last time.Having been accepted to her first choice university, she has been studying towards becoming a teacher. She even went to church every Sunday with her family. Not because she believed in any of...

4 years ago
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Sexy Sadie

We’d only been married two years and I thought we were happy -- planning a future together, talking about having kids, maybe getting a dog, the whole nine yards. Then I got a text.  My wife had left me for her boss. And it was over.In the middle of a fucking pandemic she’d walked out on me, deciding she’d rather go into lockdown with her asshole boss instead of me.Angry, hurt, and so fucking confused, I didn’t know what I should be feeling.  Tina was my whole world, and now she was off...

3 years ago
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Mad At Maddie

I had been planning this revenge for years. You see, when my wife, Julie, and I were dating she still lived at home. We would, on occasion, enjoy a quickie after her parents went to bed. I'd bend her over the living room couch and lift up her skirt. She rarely wore panties when I was visiting, on the off chance that we could steal a few moments of horny bliss. Sliding my stiff cock up and down her wet slit, I would rub her pussy until she hissed her need to me. "Don't tease me," she...

1 year ago
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My wife, Mary, and I had married in our twenties after dating for a couple of years. We both wanted children and were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. We loved the name Sadie and decided that would be what we'd call our beautiful angel. Being her parents became the greatest joy of our lives. Watching her grow up and turn into a bright, beautiful woman filled us with great pride and happiness.~~~Our twenty-year-old daughter, Sadie, has long blonde hair just like her mother. I know all...

1 year ago
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The Madness of Maddie

Maddie, as Madeleine was known to all her friends, walked down the street brooding. She was a feisty little thing and she had had a bad day. She was in a bad mood; and only one thing cheered her up when she was in a bad mood. Cock. Nothing cheered up a girl, she thought, like the sight of a good cock. She was a girl; she was in a bad mood; and she wanted a cock to play with. A pair of nice firm round balls would be nice too, but what she mainly wanted was a cock; and what Maddie wanted,...

2 years ago
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I'd known my friends Matt and Julie for almost ten years. Through that time frame, I'd watched their behavior get stupid, I'd seen them cheat on each other repeatedly, I'd seen and heard about the lies and I'd watched as their family fell apart. I wasn't sure when it started but having heard and seen it all through the years, I knew the outcome was not going to be good. The worst part? Seeing how their kids had to live through their bullshit. Matt's wife Julie had multiple boyfriends,...

2 years ago
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Treating Maddie

I’m a nurse, 48, married with two c***dren, and I help chaperone a cheerleading team that was in the state finals. The team captain, Maddie, had a hip injury, so we decided I would room with Maddie to make sure she got the necessary treatments. For her last treatment before bedtime, Maddie changed into a snug football jersey that reached mid-thigh.“Ready?” I asked.“Yes Mrs. P, I’m all yours,” Maddie said.“Please, Maddie, you can call me Laura,” I said. Maddie smiled. “OK, nurse Laura, I’m...

1 year ago
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Maddie by: Stacilynn Brown [email protected] Please feel free to email me with your comments! CHAPTER ONE Maddie walked into her bedroom, inhaling the flowery fragrance from the dozen roses she had received Friday afternoon from Jeremy. Standing there she felt right with the world..., almost. So much in her life had been groomed for who she was today. A young woman with a wonderful attitude about life..., and love. Yes, love. Jeremy had swept her off her feet the moment...

3 years ago
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The aion Of Jodie

It had been a long day at the Postal Service Jodie had delivered male in the hot Texas sun and was ready to get home to her husband Bob. She opened the door and called to Bob but got no answer. Suddenly a black gloved hand covered her mouth and and an arm pinned her neck. Bob is not here the man said, but if you do as I say and do not scream you may live to see him. Jodie nodded that she did and was d**g into her "play room" I noticed that there are a lot of fun "toys" in here as he shoved her...

3 years ago
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Melissa Wont Let Go Chapter 1 Jodie

Melissa Won't Let Go. By Tanya H. -1- JODIE. By the time the magistrates had imposed the restraining order on Melissa I had already moved away, down to the South West, after my bosses sympathetically arranged a transfer. I went to a bigger store in Plymouth, with slightly less money and responsibility, but they needed to make sure my personal life wasn't going to blow up again. Who could blame them? I hated having to leave my life and friends behind in York, but both were...

4 years ago
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My Gift to Freddie

I met Freddie in the summer of 1980. San Diego was my home town, but I lived in a rural community in the Laguna Mountains, of San Diego County. I was major radio junky, and I always called into to win what ever contest was being promoted at the time. I won movie tickets, shirts, food coupons, albums, and money. But the jewel in my contest crown was Queen’s The Game Tour. The contest consisted of being the correct caller, and answering some trivia questions. The trivia questions were: 1. What is...

1 year ago
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Starbucks Sadie

I was driving to my girlfriend's, realizing that I was making better time than I anticipated. She wasn't supposed to be off work at Starbucks until 2:30, but it was only 2:10. I decided I'd swing by and say "hi". I could tell by the parking that it was busy inside, and when I walked in, my suspicions were confirmed. I joined the line for the register, pondering what I was going to grab. While waiting, I watched her as she worked. Seeing her move about without realizing I was there felt like a...

2 years ago
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So Youre Gonna Fuckin Die

So, You’re Gonna Fuckin Die: A Self-Help Manual Andrew J. Kolesar, N.A.M.D. Copyright © – 12-17-2001 After hearing that my ex-wife was dying of cancer (which was a lie of course) I was encouraged to write a self-help manual. * * * * * Do you smell that putrid stench of something rotting? Does it seem like you’re the only one who can smell it? Does it follow you wherever you go? If you answered ‘yes’ to these questions then that might mean that the Ol’ Grim Reaper is gonna be knocking on...

3 years ago
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Copyright© 2003 It was my month to be a woman again. I get a couple of days warning as my penis shrinks and the testicles first recede, then gradually disappear up into my torso. My muscles and bony angles transform into soft feminine curves. The shoulders narrow and the hips swell. The breasts become puffy and sore, then start to grow. Padding accumulates around the upper thighs and butt. The final change is when the skin between my legs splits and the cavity opens. For the first...

1 year ago
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Digital PlayGround Parodies

People have this totally wrong image of depraved porn addicts. They think we’re just a bunch of humorless creeps jerking off in dank basements, our only utterances the primal grunts and groans of men, little more than apes, caving in to their basest desires. Well, those people have never heard me cranking it to the parody pornos over at Digital Playground. That shit is sexy and laugh-out-loud hilarious.Parody scenes can be a quick and easy way for porn studios to cash in on current trends....

Premium Porn Parody Sites
1 year ago
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Sexy Sadie

My senior year of high school was filled with college apps, schoolwork, and spending most of my time hanging out with my friends, especially since we all would be going our separate ways when we went off on our separate ways to college. One day during lunch, my best friend Anthony invited all of us to the annual Halloween party his parents threw. The previous two years, I had been busy so I was often unable to go. However, this year I really wanted to go and get a chance to spend time with...

1 year ago
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My favorite step-cousinI've always admired my step-cousin Madeliene. She's sweet kind redhead with a beautiful smile and an incredible body. She's about 5 feet tall with nice legs and great breasts. For a girl her height she had amazing breasts and I couldn't help but take a look every time I saw her. Her butt was nice,,firm and tight you could give it a good slap if you had the chance. She usually kept her hair long so it flowed down towards her breasts. Her voice was very sweet and gentle and...

2 years ago
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My mom and Sadie

My dad left when I was just fifteen. I never knew why till three weeks later my moms friend Sadie moved in our house and into mom's bedroom. I could hear them at night moaning and I had to go peek. Both were naked laying on top of the covers and Sadie was sucking mom's tits and then went down to her pussy and spread it and began to lick it. My mom then started moaning and twisting loud. I would sneak and watch them every night. I loved seeing the two women having sex and loved them fingering...

3 years ago
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He lay on his bed, lost in his thoughts. Should he go to her and try to win her over or should he be the honorable gentleman? She had a family she loved… a husband and two boys. He didn’t want to take anything away from her, or take her from anything… but he wanted her. 17 years ago he had wanted her. Since then, he had never NOT wanted her. For the last 15 years, with no contact between them, he had never stopped thinking about her, no matter how much he wanted to. They had never been lovers...

2 years ago
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It was 1958 and I had just graduated from high school. My step-father, a construction worker, had been divorced from my mother for several years. That summer he was working in a town a hundred miles away and, as usual, he was living out of a cheap motel room. Donny, one of my high school buddies, was working on the same job and staying with John, so it was inevitable that I should drive over for a weekend visit. I arrived on Friday evening to find a woman about my mother's age in the room...

3 years ago
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Carpe Diem

Dear Reader,Nobody believed our story. But the events I relate to you below really happened. It may seem fantastic, but truth is always stranger than fiction.You can make up your own mind—I only want to set the record straight before—well, you’ll see…Our journey started one inauspicious evening almost five years ago; the seven of us unaware, as we embarked on our incredible adventure, that nothing would ever be the same again.          -----Date: 21 October 2015 Location: Frederick Blunden...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
4 years ago
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A woman named Freddie

By anon y mouse First of all, I should tell you a little about myself. I never in my whole life imagined that I was anything but heterosexual. I was raised in a small town, I was expected to marry, have babies...yadda yadda yadda. Well, of course, I did all that...well mostly. I went to college, became a teacher, married my high school sweetheart, tried to have babies...to no avail. I wasn't fertile so Mr. High school sweetheart left me after 6 years of marriage. In the eyes of my...

3 years ago
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The Girl Scout 5 Die Bitch Die

The Girl Scout – 4 Tag Teamed Brothers Bubba and Tyrone were banging the Dago Girl Scout Lisa tied to a saw horse. Bubba was deep inside her while Ty was abusing her, talking shit, slapping her face, pulling her air, abusing her face while the others looked on. Again desperate she tried to reason with Tyrone. She would offer to do anything, just stop the madness. Tyrone laughed , yanked her hair and looked her in the eye. Stupid Bitch were’ gonna FUCK YOU TO DEATH. YOU ARE...

2 years ago
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The Kingdom Chapter 1 Enter Jodie

When I pulled my moped up to the Notts’ Faire entryway, I was surprised to see a brand new security checkpoint with a car barrier. Several uniformed guards sat inside the security hut.As I approached, a burly guard exited the hut and stepped up to me with a clipboard. Once I came to a stop, he asked, “Can I help you, ma’am?”“I’m here for a meeting with James Mason,” I replied.“What’s your name?” The guard asked, looking down at his clipboard.“Alison Rook, Operations Manager,” I said.The guard...

3 years ago
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Damsels in Need Sadie

I was greeted at the front door by a bubbly very attractive young lady. “This must be Sadie” I thought as she showed me in. She was a carbon-copy of her mother Erica - tall and slim with curves in all the right places. She was beautiful. She instantly took my hand and drew me into a hug which pressed her substantial breasts into my chest. “It’s good to finally meet you, mummy has told me so much about you”. I wondered just how much that Erica had shared with her daughter. Sadie was...

2 years ago
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Tiny Way to Die

Hi all, so this is a story that I have brought over from writing.com. This story was originally called "Tiny Way To Die," and it was originally created by a chap by the name of 'chaos'. Link to said story here: https://www.writing.com/main/interact/item_id/1381651-Tiny-Way-to-Die Now as for why I brought this story over from writing.com, well, I noticed that the original has been largely neglected by the site, only getting updated once every 3-4 months or so. I decided to bring the story over...

1 year ago
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Back in 1971 I,d only recently emigrated to England and was still settling in. Most of the jobs I tried weren,t very satisfying or even helped pay our bills, but I was trying hard. Wife Sarah was a very sexy a****l, but we couldn,t afford babies so it was the pill and worrying that at times she,d forget to,take it so late periods could be worrying. When she was really sexy she,d put on the tightest minidress she possessed with no bra(she has magnificent 40D cup boobs) and crotchless fishnet...

4 years ago
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The Best Way to Die

The Best Way to Die?, by MaxDeathI succumbed to a bizarre neurological illness while in Atlanta on church business. After a fine presentation to a large congregation, I was eating lunch when I felt food fall out of my mouth; it felt like some dentist shot me with Novocaine! And right in the middle of my afternoon presentation, I lost control of all of the muscles in my face, followed shortly thereafter in my hotel lobby, with an inability to use my right arm while signing out. Concerned, of...

1 year ago
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Group Fuck with Oldies

Hi. I am Anjali. I am a divorcee, 32 years with figure 38-28-38. This is story happened with me in last December. I went to meet my friends in Bangalore. It was new year time, so I wanted to enjoy in Bangalore. But I had to urgently return to my place Chennai. It was overnight journey and I got easy tickets. I presumed that no rush will be there and easily get sleeper without reservation. I was right. It was rush towards Bangalore but not for return way. I caught night train. I entered the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Jessica Colie and Sadie

This story begins with an inappropriate and i*****l sexual experience for two people. I"m not putting it up here. You will have to imagine it!"Oh, god Colie, that feels so fucking good...""Wow" was all she said. She quickly reached over, got a bit on her finger, and put it on her tongue..."Daddy, you better not get me pregnant.." Giggling like mad, she tasted the semen :"Eeeeeewwwww. oh, that is gross...see you later, alligator.......thank you daddy...I love you..." She kissed my forehead and...

4 years ago
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Sissy Boy Slave and His NEW Playmate Sadie

sharleesisterboyYes, Sadie, I am a 'Lil Slave Bitch' for My Big 'brother's Cock use, when He and His friends get in the Mood for Young Sissy Boy meat to strip and abuse on the livingroom floor, inside the 'Big House'! I'm f******n and have been His Secret Sissy, Piss-Whore Slave since He traded for me five years ago when I was Nine! He KEEPS Me Locked Up in a rusty, smelly old trailer, parked inside a dark, Old Red Barn. I'm Locked up inside and I sleep on an old, Urine Smelling, Stained...

2 years ago
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Side Show Sadie

Back a few years ago, I should probably say, quite a few years ago, there came a girl to our quiet little Mississippi town reputed to be a star performer in the world famous Florida-based circus side show that visited almost every little town along the mighty river’s shores at least once each and every year. It was probably the highlight of the year for the youngsters in our rural town and I was one of the devoted aficionados of the gaudy affair as far back as I could remember. I remember...

4 years ago
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Delta OriginalChapter 13 Diesel

A couple of days later, Justin dropped in on the Anzacs. Several of them jumped when Justin suddenly appeared. “Sorry, we need to get a bell so we can ring it before we appear,” Justin said with a big grin. “I hope you don’t mind, but my old mate Diesel expressed a wish to see my family again. Would anyone mind if I borrow him? I can bring him back tomorrow.” Trish laughed at the look of hope on Diesel’s face. “I don’t think it would be a problem, Justin. We are already months ahead of our...

2 years ago
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No Time To Die

“Naked!? Even Youtube won’t let that slide,” Candy told her manager even knowing that the fires of creation in his eyes meant his mind was made up. She thought she was game for anything if it helped her gain a more mature fanbase but already had cold feet. “Nicki Minaj did it already. Just pasties on your nipples and those big melons of yours will still leave plenty to show. Anyway, so we have a guy plowing you from behind, right? Like this huge, hung pornstar guy.” “Jesus…” “It’s OK, you...

3 years ago
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Capture Candies

Your name is John Doe. You are a 20 year old college student at the local university. You live with her stepmom Cathy and her two daughters, Krissy and Missy. And you have just recieved a special box. It looked like a normal box of chocolate balls, but you knew better. The chocolates, if consumed by the fairer sex, would make them obey your every order as if it was normal. They were also super powerful, so it would only take a single ball to enslave a woman. They could never run out, assuring...

Mind Control
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Fun with Freddie

Mindy was a high school senior at Elm Street high. She had long dark hair, tanned skin, large ample breasts and I nice round ass. As she sat there threw 2nd period history she could barley keep her eyes open. She had been partying the night before and got absolutely no sleep. As the teachers slow monotone voice rambled on and on about god knows what. She laid down her head and quickly fell asleep. Once she entered the dream world, Freddie took a moment to look the girl over. She was quite a...

2 years ago
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Seeding Hope Among the AshesChapter 5 Sickening the Soon to Die

Alice and Mattie described their process while Thomas explained what happened in Washington. "We'd heard a sub surfaced in the Potomac, fired a single shot to demonstrate their nuclear subs were functional and President Daniels folded." Thomas smiled at the simplicity of Mattie's scenario. "Alas, it wasn't nearly so smooth." He glanced skyward at the scarred visage of the Washington Memorial overhead as the memories of the day came rolling back. "I wasn't near enough to witness the...

4 years ago
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Saving Maddie

Rescuing a damsel in distress pays off in pussy and head like you cannot imagine!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I walked out of the crowded club and debated just going home. It was hot, the place was packed and after two hours of striking out and consuming more alcohol than I should have I figured it was time to walk the three blocks in the shopping district to the apartment that I had leased after I made senior partner at the prestigious accounting firm that I work for.I turned to walk down the...

2 years ago
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No More Hassles from Eddie

Note: The following is in Black & White. "No More Hassles From Eddie" School was finally out for the year and with the Memorial Day three day weekend at hand Ward had put his golf game aside and kept his promise to take the boys on that camping trip to Friend's lake that they had been talking about all winter. June had decided not to go and had mentioned it more than once. She'd been on family outings before and even camping once but the camping part just...

2 years ago
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Finger Training Eddie

Finger Training - EddieFinger training was just the beginning for sweet Eddie. Rocco held out his large powerful hand with the palm up. Eddie looked at him shyly and flushed. Eddie’s face was pink and warm. It glowed with health… and with shame. He had never been nearly naked before and the fact that Rocco was completely naked, caused his eyes to lower. His downcast eyes immediately rose. He was startled. He had caught sight of Rocco; an important, very scary part of the man. His (what...

3 years ago
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Montherly Love

I was at the age of 15 when i began to masterbate constantly, 3 or 4 times a day becuase of my intorduction to the female body. I had sceen my step dad watching a movie one night while i was comming upstairs. A woman was getting undressed in a room, fully exposing her titties and giving me a rock solid hard on, that took me 3 jerk sessions to get rid of before i could go to sleep. My mom was 39, a beautiful woman, perfect sized chest, wonderfull body and a very very nice ass. I had not...

1 year ago
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Jenny Blondie

Diplomatisches Korps Arbeite doch für einen Diplomaten hatte sie gesagt. Ein leichter Job, repräsentative Aufgaben, viele schöne Auslandsaufenthalte und gute Bezahlung. So einen Mist hatte sie erzählt. Jetzt Stand ich vor diesen Zweimeter hohe Holzwand - Einfache Büroarbeit für einen Botschafter hatte ich mir anders vorgestellt. “Mach schon Blondie. Alle warten auf dich.“Brüllte der Ausbilder. Ich schaute ihn verzweifelt an und versuchte mich an seinen Namen zu erinnern. Dann denke ich mir auch...

3 years ago
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An Afternoon With Jason Eddie

I had just hung the phone up after talking to Jason - some young guy that I had met almost a month ago at an ABS. I had talked him into coming back to my place where I gave him his very first blowjob...and his second! We both loved it. In that phone call, I invited him back again in the near future. He said that he would be looking forward to it. I had just asked him, as a favor, to not jack off until then...about a week away. He said, "Wow, Yes! I'll try my best"...and then there was a...

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