Carpe Diem free porn video

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Dear Reader,

Nobody believed our story. But the events I relate to you below really happened. It may seem fantastic, but truth is always stranger than fiction.

You can make up your own mind—I only want to set the record straight before—well, you’ll see…

Our journey started one inauspicious evening almost five years ago; the seven of us unaware, as we embarked on our incredible adventure, that nothing would ever be the same again.


Date: 21 October 2015

Location: Frederick Blunden College of Science and Sorcery, Arthur’s Dent, Nottinghamshire.

Occasion: Meeting of the Time Travellers Club.

I was running late—I’d stopped off at the Tannen café, and time just seemed to disappear. Ironic, really, given what we were planning.

“Sorry, everyone—I come bearing gifts!”

“Dougie—finally!” said Emmett. “Are those for us?”

“Of course.”

“Ah—what would we do without Buford’s!”

“Spend less money on coffee?”


A huge grin broke out on Emmett’s face.

“Guess what?”

“No way! It’s really finished?”

“Yep! Jules and I have been tinkering all day. We’re good to go!”



“Wow! So soon?”


“But—what about field tests?”

“Well, that’s what we’ll be doing.”

“Yes, but…”

“No buts. Seize the day, my friend! Seize the day.”

I swallowed, suddenly unsure.

“Right! Let’s call this meeting to order! Roll call.”

Everyone groaned.

“We all know we’re here, Em,” called Gina. “Let’s crack on, before it gets too late.”

“Don’t be silly—it won’t get too late—he’s built a fucking time machine for Christ’s sake!” joked Marion.

“Just let him get on with it!” sighed Marlene.

“Okay, okay—keep your hair on!”

“Alright—you know the drill!” said Emmett.

I looked around at my fellow traveller’s as Emmett called each of their names.



Juliette was our engineering genius. Quiet and thoughtful, she’d helped Emmett with our project from the beginning. She was French, and here on a scholarship. I was also fairly sure there was something going on between her and Emmett.


“Here, Doc!”

Gina was the wild one, with her short, spiky red hair, green eyes and pale, freckled skin. Georgina was actually her middle name, which she preferred to Harriet. I had a huge crush on her, and was working up the courage to ask her out.


“Here,” she said quietly.

The strongest woman I’d ever met, Gwen was six feet two, and broad shouldered. She was here with her brother, Marion (yeah, I know—don’t ask!). Gwen loved fencing and kenjutsu and had represented England in both disciplines. Nobody messed with her!



Why his parents called him Marion, I don't know. Funnily enough, it seemed entirely appropriate in our little misfit group. Like Gwen, he knew sword fighting, but his main interest was archery. He was two inches taller than his sister, and built like Arnie in The Terminator—only better looking.



Oh yes, indeed! What could I say about Marlene?

She was a witch.

I mean that in the nicest sense. An advocate of alternative medicine, she had an incredible knowledge of plants and what they could do, was a student of Tai Chi and yoga, and very much interested in the eastern philosophies on healing.

And, of course, she studied witchcraft and sorcery—one of the specialities at this unusual school. She believed that magic only worked if you had faith in it, and that, historically, when people worshipped the old Gods, magic was in the very fabric of their lives, accepted and understood for what it was.

They say opposites attract. Marlene, tall and willowy, was Yin to Gwen’s Yang. They were a couple, and passionate about each other.



Yeah, that was me. The boring, traditional one. I saw my role as keeping the others grounded in reality; I wasn’t very good at it. And it was especially ironic if you considered the audacity of what we were trying to do.

“And, of course, me.”

“Yeah, we know you’re here, Emmett!” quipped Marion.

Emmett was the cleverest of us all. A prodigy, with vision to match, though some of his ideas were a little off the wall. He occasionally needed reigning in, which was where I was supposed to come in.

“Is that it over there?” asked Marion.

Emmett walked over to the apparatus in the corner.

“Yes, this is it. The Time Machine…” he said proudly.

“So—are you going to explain how it works?” asked Gina.

“Ah. Yes, of course.”

He indicated the array of complicated controls and levers. It looked like something out of a 1960’s sci-fi show.

“As you know, I’ve based it on the principle of time and relative dimensions in space. This is the actual device, and it remains here, in our present. When we travel, we stand on that platform over there—the launch pad, and when I push this lever, it will throw us back—or forward—in time, depending on how I set the parameters.

“Everything you are touching travels with you—the clothes you are wearing, fillings, contact lenses etcetera.

“More importantly, it transports what’s inside you!”

He reached into his pocket.

“I’ve prepared one of these for each of us.”

“What is it?” asked Marlene.

“It’s the key to getting you home again. A tiny capsule, containing some very clever nanoprobes.”

“How does it work?” asked Gina.

“I inject it into you, where it dissolves, slowly releasing the nanoprobes into your bloodstream. After about four days, the nanoprobes will decay and stop functioning—we must be back by that point!”

“What do the nanoprobes do?”

“Imagine you’re attached to a piece of elastic. When you leave here, the elastic stretches. Then, each time you activate the nanoprobes, they communicate through space and time with the master control here, a time jump is initiated, and you snap back towards home.”

“And how are they activated?” Gwen asked.

Now, Emmett looked incredibly sheepish.

“Ah, yes—that was the tricky bit. It was—challenging—figuring out how to trigger them.”

“And? How did you solve the problem?”

“They’re initiated by a—heightened emotional response.”

“What does that mean?”

“Well, it essentially needs…”

“What? Spit it out!”

He hesitated.

“Now, don’t panic. But, to be honest, the most potent, and reliable example would be—an orgasm.”


“What did you say?”

“You’re joking!”

“An orgasm,” he repeated.

“Yes, we heard you—we just didn’t believe you!” said Marion.

“Wait—you built a time-machine—that’s triggered by orgasms!” I said incredulously.

“I said don’t panic!”

“You mean, in order for this to work, we each need to…?” asked Gwen.

“No—not exactly.”

“What then? Come on, Em—don’t keep us in suspense!”

“Well, if you are touching someone else, they will travel with you, and…”


“The nanoprobes are linked, so if any one of us reaches the, ahh—appropriate emotional state, all the others will also be activated.”

“So—actually, only one of us needs to…” someone said—I didn’t register who.

There was silence whilst everyone absorbed what we would need to do to return home. I think we all shaken by his—explanation—of how the nanoprobes worked.

“So—is everybody ready?”

“Jeez,” someone whispered.

Quietly, we formed a line, and Emmett injected each of us.

“Er—if everyone’s happy, I’ll set the temporal parameters.”

“Where—or rather, when—are we going?” asked Marlene quietly.

“Well—I thought into the past was probably best for a first trip—something we might recognise, rather than completely unknown.”

“How far?” Jules spoke for the first time. She’d been quiet until now, knowing most of what Emmett had to tell us.

“Well, I could throw us all the way back to the stone age, however, first time out, I want to keep it closer to home.”

“Like what?”

“I was thinking about fifty years?”

“Makes sense—far enough to be different, but not too different…” said Gina.


“Will we stay in the same location?”

Emmett looked hesitant.

“There might be some spatial displacement—but, like I explained with the elastic analogy, I think you will ultimately be pulled back towards the starting point.”

“You think?”

“Well, it isn’t an exact science—not yet, anyway.”

“Great. So, are we all up for this?” Gina asked the room.

“Well—you know what our motto is?”

“Carpe diem?”



The seven of us slowly stepped onto the launch pad.

Emmett looked at us.

“Seven companions,” he said. “Henceforth, we shall be known as the Fellowship of the…”

“Stop it!”

“Give it a rest, Em!”

“Alright—okay!” he grinned. “Sorry—I got carried away! Ready for the final countdown?”

Nods, and a few lickings of lips—my own lips were particularly dry. I felt an urgent need to pee.

“Five, four, three, two, one…”

There was an incredibly bright light, and a sense of being yanked backwards—my stomach was being pulled through my spine, and I felt like I was being sucked into a space much too small for my body.

I was sinking; dizzy, my vision was starting to tunnel. It was like looking through the wrong end of a telescope. Then a blackness started to close around me… It occurred to me that this was a bloody silly thing to be doing. Then everything faded as I lost consciousness.


Time: 483 AD

My body ached like it had been run over. I tried to open my eyes, but they were glued shut. Peripherally, I heard birds singing, and I could smell damp earth; something was sticking in my back. I finally managed to force my eyes open; I was lying on the ground with the sun shining into my eyes.

I rolled over and groaned. A wave of nausea washed over me and I desperately tried not to vomit. I could hear moaning all around me.

Squinting, I slowly pushed myself up, and looked around.

Through the dappled light, I could see we were in a wooded glade. There was a large, moss-covered boulder close by. Confused, I wondered how we had got there.

There was a roaring in my head and I thought I was going to black out again, before I realised that I was hearing the thunder of hooves.

I tried to stand up, and immediately fell down again, still disoriented.

Suddenly, we were surrounded by men on horses—Fifteen? Twenty? A rider tumbled out of his saddle, colliding with the boulder.

Swords were pointed at us.

“Who are you?”

The man who had fallen stood angrily and stomped towards us.

“Who are you?” he repeated. He was bareheaded, and wearing some sort of armour.

“Erm…” It was Marion speaking—only he, and his sister Gwen were on their feet.

“Are you Eloi?”

“What?” Like the rest of us, Marion was still discombobulated.

“They don’t look like Eloi!” said another rider.

“What are you doing here?” the bareheaded man demanded.

“We—we’ve just arrived.”

“We saw a flash of light. Was that you?”

“Er, no…” Marion was doing his best, but…

“Hmm. My name is Arthur. These are my warriors. That’s Percival, and Galahad,” he said, pointing.

Oh fuck—you had got to be kidding! Talk about a quantum leap!

“King Arthur?” asked Gina incredulously.

“What? King? Don’t be ridiculous. We’re warriors. Where’s my sword?”

“You dropped it when you fell, Arthur,” grinned the man called Galahad.

“The horse fell, not me—important difference!”

“If you say so.”

“Hey, Arthur!”

“What is it, Percy?”

“Your sword—it’s stuck in this rock!”

I thought I was going to pass out again. Get a grip, Dougie!

Arthur walked back to the boulder and tried pulling on his sword.

“What the bloody hell has happened here?”

He heaved on it again without success.

God, I was a stranger in a strange land!

I gave in, and fainted.


When I came to, Emmett, Gina and Marlene were sitting by me. There was a fire crackling, and people moving around, chatting.

“How are you, Dougie?” asked Gina, concern in her voice.

I groaned. “Okay, I think. What’s happening, Em...?”

“Well—we appear to be in the fifth century, and that is, in fact, Arthur sitting over there.”

“So—we overshot a little bit then?”

“Just a little.”

“What are you thinking?”

“I’m actually at a bit of a loss, to be honest.”

“I think it’s wonderful,” said Marlene. “I can sense the magic in the air—feel it responding to me!”


“Absolutely! These woods are crackling with it! This is a very magical place. That boulder…” She eyed it hesitantly.


“It’s got an aura that’s giving me goose bumps. It’s literally pulsing with energy. It’s important, somehow…”

“Well, it has got Arthur’s sword stuck in it,” grinned Gina.

“It’s difficult to explain, but since I’ve been here, I’ve felt—powerful! I’ve never been anywhere so enchanted!” She looked down. “Gwen feels drawn to this place too.”

Arthur wandered over and sat down.

“I see you have recovered. Your friends were concerned.”

I blushed. Apparently, I was the only one who had fainted again!

“Yes, much better, thank you.” I looked across at him, still not really believing my eyes.

“So—what are you and your men doing here?” I asked.

“One of the northern tribes has been giving trouble out here on the fringe. The Morlocks have been coming down by night and raiding. The local’s have asked for help. The Eloi don’t have many warriors—but they do have gold!”

“They’re paying you?”

“They certainly are!”

Hmm—Not exactly what I’d expected!


Later that evening, when we were settling down to sleep, Gina lay next to me.

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Yeah—it’s just a lot to absorb.”

“Too right!”

“How about you? How are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m okay I guess. Like you, a bit unsettled.”

“I always thought you’d be fine with something like this.”

“Only in my dreams,” she laughed.

“So much for ‘Seize the Day!’”

I glanced around. Gwen and Marlene were cuddled up under a blanket. Emmett and Jules were whispering to each other by the fire, and Marion was in deep conversation with Percival.



“Will you hold me?”

I looked at Gina. She really was wonderful, her radiant green eyes ensnaring me with their incredible depth. Right now, though, she looked scared and vulnerable. I carefully wrapped my arms around her and pulled her towards me.

“What did you think about the whole—orgasm—thing…?” she whispered uncertainly.

I smiled into her hair.

“Hmm—that was a surprise!”

She turned her head to look at me.

“Do you think… Do you think you and I could—you know…?”

I felt a sudden warmth inside.

“Yes, I think we could do that—only if you want to, of course?”

“I think it would be very nice.”

We went to sleep like that, wrapped in each other’s arms, fending off the uncertainty of the future with shared body warmth and soft kisses.


Sleeping on the ground is not comfortable! But, with Gina’s warm body nestled against me, it was, without a doubt, my best night ever!

A cool spring dawn crept in, with a clear sky, and a heavy dew. Slowly, we all stirred into life.

Arthur’s men spent the morning sparring.

“So—can any of you handle a sword?” asked Arthur interestedly, as we watched.

“Gwen can! And Marion,” volunteered Marlene.

“Gwain—The big woman?”

“I can handle a sword, yes,” Gwen said, responding to Arthur’s comment.

“Well, this I have to see! Percival—lend her your sword! Let’s see what she can do!”

It was a joy to watch. Gwen systematically beat each and every one of them, including both Galahad and Percival. Her skill was obvious; Arthur was at first amazed, and then thoughtful, as he watched both Gwen, and then her brother defeat his best fighters.

Afterwards, he congratulated her.

“I’ve never seen anything like that. How would you like to serve with me?”

Gwen eyed him steadily. Then she looked across at us.

“I would be honoured to stay and serve with you, Arthur.”

Bloody Hell! Where did that come from?

Marlene stepped up beside Gwen.

“I’d like to serve with you too—though I’m not a soldier.”

“Gwen—no!” Marion cried, looking distraught.

“Marion—it feels right here! It—it’s like it was meant to be!”

Her look softened.

“I love you, brother—but look what a chance life has given me! Seize the day—remember? Ever since we arrived here, I’ve felt a—a pull—I can’t really explain it.

She sighed.

“We were always destined for different things. I’m sorry, Marion.”

“You would also be welcome, Marion—you fight as well as your sister; you would be a worthy addition to our band,” offered Arthur.

“I—can’t. I’m sorry, sis. You’re right. There’s somewhere else I’m meant to be and—and it’s not here…”


The rest of the day passed quietly in reflection. The mood was subdued. A change was approaching for our peculiar little group, and I sensed something coming to an end.

As night fell, Emmett came over.

“We need to move on,” he whispered. “We need to —you know—tonight.” He looked pointedly at Gina and me.


“You know what.”

“What about you and Jules then?” I said slightly belligerently.

He looked embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, Em—I didn’t mean it. I’m a bit on edge.”

“Let’s call it belt and braces, then.”

A thought occurred to me.

“Wait—what about Gwen and Marlene? Won’t they—travel with us?”

“Marlene said not to worry—she said she wouldn't be much of a witch if she couldn't deal with a few nanoprobes. ”


And so, we settled down for our second night in this mysterious otherworld.

As before, Gina and I lay together. We didn’t need to speak; we talked with our eyes, with our fingers, and with our lips and tongues.

Straddling me, Gina leaned down and tenderly kissed my lips. I gently stroked her nipples through her blouse with my thumbs, and could feel them harden under my touch.

Moaning, Gina rolled over. I undid her jeans and slipped my hand inside, working my way into her panties, relishing her warmth. My searching fingers scampered over her soft pubic mound and found her moist slit. She gasped as I slid a finger between her damp lips.

I wanted to taste her. Watching me, Gina giggled as I withdrew my finger from her pussy and sucked her juices.

“Like that, do you?”

“Mmm—very much.”


Her own delicate digits stroked me through my trousers. She opened my fly, pulled my hardness free and started to stroke and tease with her clever touch.

Then, quickly pushing her jeans down, Gina scooted around, and I felt her hot mouth envelop me.

Oh, my Lord—that was so good! I lay back and sighed as I felt her moist lips and tongue circle and lick, delighting me in ways I couldn’t begin to describe.

Gina shifted again, and straddled my face. She lowered herself onto me; my senses went into overdrive as her glorious aroma smothered me with its arousal. I felt her pussy lips touch my nose and I grabbed her hips, impatiently pulling her down.

She tasted of heaven; of sugar and spice, and all things nice. I found her core and sucked gently, teasing and probing, edging her towards the precipice, wanting to send her plunging over…

Her legs started to shake; I felt my own ardour rising, joining hers, our climax only moments away…

I felt a sudden pull, my stomach contracted, and…

Oh no! I thought. No, no, no! Too bloody soon, you bastards!


Time: 1192 AD

Dizzy; nauseous; breathless. Not as bad as last time, but still. Bugger! Talk about coitus interruptus! I felt Gina slide off me.

Zipping myself up, I cautiously looked around.

We were in a wooded glade. There was a moss-covered boulder…

“Weren’t we just here?” I whispered.

“I think so. That rock—it looks the same,” said Gina.

I caught sight of Emmett and Jules, a few feet away, scrabbling with clothes. Jules looked—sated—there was really no other way to describe her.


“Who’s there?” called Jules, startled.

I realised there was somebody sitting on the boulder.

“Where did you appear from?” the man called.


“Never mind. It’s not a good place to be hanging around right now, though. Especially in your condition.”

He eyed our state of undress meaningfully.

“What do you mean? Why?” asked Emmett.

“Bandits,” he said succinctly.

I glanced at Gina, who was doing her jeans up.

“Erm—where are we exactly?” I asked.

“This area of the forest is known as Arthur’s Dent.”


“Do you not know the story?”

“Er, no…”

“Legend has it that, centuries ago, King Arthur once travelled these woods with his sorceress, Merline. He fell from his horse and smashed his head on this very rock, denting his helm.”


“Utter nonsense, of course. Arthur was never this far north.”

“No—of course not.”

“It’s funny—I always feel drawn to this place. I don’t know why—but it’s as if there’s something magical about it—like I'm linked to it somehow!”

As I looked at the boulder more closely, I realised it was different. It looked like it had been—split open somehow.

“So, who are you?” asked Gina.

“I am Robin of Loxley—a village to the north. But for now, I live in the forest.”

“Oh, my God—you’re…”


“Don’t you rob the rich and give to the poor?”

Robin was startled.

“Certainly not! Why on earth would I do that?”

He looked affronted. Then his expression morphed into one of thoughtfulness.

“Though, now that you mention it, that doesn’t sound like a bad idea.”


“Well, the poor do get it a bit rough—and the local sheriff really is a tyrant.”

He gave us a querying look.

“And what are your names?”

“Oh—I’m Gina.”


“Juliette—but call me Jules—everybody does.”


“And the quiet one? The handsome lad moping at the back?”

“That’s Marion.”

“He’s just lost his sister.”

“Oh—I’m sorry!”

I was conscious suddenly, that we were missing two of our number, and felt a sadness come over me. For better or worse, Gwen and Marlene would have lived out their lives by now.

There was a loud rustling in the trees, and suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

“Bandits!” Robin whispered urgently.

He jumped down from his perch and held out his hand to us.

“Come with me if you want to live!”

Like a ghost, he quickly led the way into the trees.

“I know these woods like the back of my hand,” he whispered. “I’ll take you to my home—it’s deep in the forest!”

For several hours we followed silently, until we reached Robin’s hideout. It was a large wattle and daub structure, with a stone fireplace. Comfy for one, it was a stretch for six. 

Robin continued to chat as we helped him prepare supper.

“One of my ancestors was supposed to have been a powerful witch who lived hereabouts. I often wonder if the story is true.”

We looked at each other. Surely not…?


After we’d eaten, Robin said he was going to scout around to make sure everything was safe.

“I’ll come with you!” volunteered Marion.


Once they’d gone, the four of us huddled together.

“We can’t afford to stay here tonight,” whispered Emmett. “We’re clearly being pulled back, but not quickly enough. We'll move on again tonight, and see where—or rather, when—we get to!”

“But we're with Robin Hood!" said Gina.

“Yes, well I just hope we haven’t interfered too much…”

“I think it’s a bit late for that, Emmett—look what we already did with Arthur,” I said.

“Maybe that’s how it was meant to be in the first place?” wondered Jules.

“Oh, God—thinking about that hurts my head!” mumbled Gina.

Robin and Marion returned soon after, though Marion was looking very troubled. I wondered what was on his mind. It can’t have been easy, leaving his sister like that.

We thanked Robin for his generosity, and settled down for the night. I watched Robin and Marion talking intimately in the corner. It was strange; they looked—meant for each other—like a couple!

I thought about our little band of time-travellers, and what we had experienced in so short a time. I thought about change, and commitment, and love.

Carpe diem…

As we snuggled down, I once more took Gina into my arms. Conscious of the people around us, I kissed her softly on the lips. The last few days had been a whirlwind, but I knew what I wanted now—old-fashioned though it seemed.

I gazed into Gina’s hypnotic eyes. My throat was hoarse; I could feel myself choking up. I swallowed, suddenly nervous.

“Harriet Georgina Wells, will you marry me?”

She gazed back at me wondrously. I watched her eyes glisten in the firelight.

“Yes!” she whispered, sounding exultant.

I kissed her soft lips again. Her mouth opened and I explored tentatively with my tongue.

I slowly unbuttoned her blouse. undoing her bra, I delighted in the sight of her small, pale breasts with their pert nipples. I kissed each in turn, and Gina moaned, holding the back of my head.

I pushed down her jeans and panties. Impatiently, she shoved them off her legs with her feet. I kissed her firm stomach, and worked my way down to her mound. Drops of moisture glistened on her downy, red hair, demanding to be tasted. I made little noises of delight as I licked and sucked, eager to delve deeper into her box of delights.

Gina parted her legs, allowing me to slip my tongue between the lips of her delicate vulva. I drank in the tang of her essence as, once more, I revelled in her extraordinary flavour. We both moaned together with the pleasure of it, contentment washing over us. I could feel her fingers stroking my scalp, making my skin tingle.

I felt an urgent need. I desperately wanted her! As I moved back up, Gina’s hands frenziedly unbuckled my trousers and yanked them down.

I slipped inside her easily, my engorged member sliding home with one quick thrust; Gina’s blissful gasp of delight encouraging me.

I buried my cock deep inside her, Gina’s cunt devouring me; wrapped in her hot, velvet wetness, I was fast approaching the point of no return.

We kissed, our tongues devouring each other, hungry, yearning for togetherness.

Thrusting again, she clamped her muscles around me, squeezing, holding me in place, and we finally became one. I felt rapture overtake me; my world turned to ecstasy, and I started pulsing, erupting, filling her with my seed…

Oh God…

I felt my stomach pulling me away, my vision tunnelling again. Noooooo!


Time: May 2020 AD

It was getting easier each time. Still not pleasant—not by any means, but…

We were in a park. Scattered trees cast fragments of shade across the worn grass.

There was a boulder, fractured, broken…

“Who triggered that?” Emmett sounded disgruntled—serves him right! Dr Brown and Mademoiselle Verne would have other opportunities to satisfy their mutual desire!

Gina and I looked at each other, eyes somewhat glazed and wild, still wrapped up in those last few moments.

“Guilty…” I said, flushing.

Gina giggled.

As we dressed, we carefully looked around.

“So, when are we now?” Gina wondered.

“This is the park in Arthur’s Dent!”

“We must be home! That’s the high street!”

“Hey—where’s Tannen’s cafe?”

“It’s gone—I think that’s a restaurant, where it used to be…”

“What’s it called?”

“Mm—it’s hard to see. Milliways, I think.”

“Hmm, I wonder—remember the elastic analogy? I think we may have snapped back too far in the other direction. This feels like the future…” pondered Emmett.

“That restaurant looks closed. Actually—everything looks closed. I wonder why?”

“Actually—where’s Marion?” I asked.

We all looked at each other.

“I think—maybe—there is a stronger magic than Emmett’s nanoprobes at work here. Did you see how Marion and Robin were looking at each other?” Jules ventured.

Deep in thought, I walked towards the boulder. It looked very familiar, but I didn’t remember it being in the park.

Next to it, an old woman was sat on a park bench. Beside her was a cloth package.

As the other’s caught up, she smiled.

“I’ve been waiting for you,” she said.

Her voice was familiar; my eyes grew round. Surely it wasn’t… It couldn’t be! She would be…

“Oh, my God. Marlene?” Jules exclaimed.

A startled look crossed the woman’s face.

“It’s a long time since I’ve been called that,” she said with a chuckle.

“How—how is it that you’re alive—that you’re here?”

“Never mind that—I have something to show you.”

She lifted the package next to her and reverently unwrapped it.

It was a sword. Ancient, but pristine, it was adorned with a single, large green gemstone, inlaid into the pommel, and had the letters XLII inscribed on the blade.

“Is that…?”

“Yes. The sword, and the stone within it were brought together by the magic contained within the very fabric of this rock. They carry both the power and the knowledge that will help you find the answers you need.”

“What answers?”

“Ah, too many questions!”

She coughed.

“I am old, and a plague is upon us; my time is drawing to a close. Yours, however, is just beginning. The sword belongs to you now.”

“Why?” whispered Gina.

“Because where you’re going, you’ll need more than just nanoprobes to help you. Use it well, and…”

She smiled.

“…Carpe diem.”

And then, right in front of our eyes, she slowly faded from existence.


I’m out of time now, so I will have to finish our story there.

Yes, you still have many questions, I know. I’m sorry I can’t answer them.

We did get back to our own time—for a while, at least.

We deeply miss our absent friends, and think of them every day. We toasted them at our joint wedding, and got very, very, drunk.

As for the sword—well, all I can tell you, is that it’s where it belongs.

I hope you enjoyed our tale—though, of course, I don’t expect you will believe it. Perhaps I will have another story to tell one day?

Dougie Adams,

24 August 2020


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Carpe Diem Molly Seizes The Day

Brenda and I were on holiday. We had really been looking forward to getting away from what had been a hectic year at work for both of us. Our hotel was right on the beach, about a twenty-minute walk from a small town, and we’d paid the extra for a gorgeous view of the bay, which we could enjoy with our breakfast on the room’s balcony every morning. On about day five of our stay, Brenda woke up, then woke me up, by rolling onto me and massaging my cock with her beautiful breasts until it was...

1 year ago
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Carpe Demi

Paul Rushton always thought about Demi when he jerked off in the shower those days. He considered briefly and sadly that morning, as he soaked under the steaming jets and lathered up his solidifying cock, how long it had been since he pictured his wife during his early morning manual efforts. Countless years, was the sorry answer. In the early days of his and Martha’s marriage solo self-manipulation had not even been necessary, so hearty had been their sex life. The only masturbation taking...

1 year ago
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Carpe Diem Sally Surprises Us

Hi Guys!I hope you and Brenda are both well and enjoying your holiday (as I’m sure you are, you naughty pair! lol) I hope you don’t mind me burdening you with this but my head’s in a bit of a muddle and I’m not sure what to do.You remember I broke up with Pete a little while back. It was a tough decision; not least because he was, it has to be said, a quite amazing lover! It was just... his need to be in charge was getting too much for me. Yes, yes! I know you’ve called me a control freak but...

3 years ago
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Carpe Diem Bill and Dianne

We wondered if Molly had meant it when she’d said “see you soon,” fresh from her orgasms with us in the woods and the subsequent public dumping of Ryan. Holidays can be full of such momentary intentions (except that Molly lived in the nearby town, of course) which are rarely followed through when people return to their routine lives. Time would tell, though, and we just had to avoid getting our hopes up. The next morning’s breakfast, shared with our neighbours, Bill and Dianne, across the space...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 95 Carpe Diem

July 30, 1997, aboard an Aeroflot flight to Saint Petersburg, Russia As we boarded our flight, Natalie had asked for permission to sit with me, and her parents had granted it. I wondered exactly what they thought, but there was no reasonable way to find out without creating potential problems for Natalie. Our seats were in front of her parents’ seats, which meant we’d be able to talk quietly without being overheard, due to the usual sound level in a cruising aircraft. “When did you finally...

3 years ago
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On that day we had asked a carpenter to repair the kitchen door and he came in the morning and I had not woke up after a while my husband was awake so he باستقباله the guidance to do ... Then I got up and I sleep shirt pink light under which they do not wear Stiana course ... I'm sleeping in my house with my husband when Alstiana? But I've over that dislocated Kiluti .. and with that nighty this not much Balchwev ... But breasts nipples shifts were impressions Ttercn and clear on canvas and...

1 year ago
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Carpenters Inside Work

Life had become hard for her since the divorce but she pushed ahead, telling herself there was a man out there for every woman. Her friends, her parents, and even one or two business associates agreed to that but for Julia life just wasn’t going that way. That is until four or so months afterward, when she had planned to have an addition put on the back of her home, and she knew they were coming that day and so she planned on being there when they got there that day. It was early, only 7:00 in...

Straight Sex
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Carpenters Apprentice

I was just eighteen, fresh out of high school when I landed my first real job working for a small construction company. The work required me to spend a lot of time away from home, which was a new and exciting experience. Dean, the owner of the company, was in his mid—thirties. He had a body that was like a rock and a handsome face. He gave the outward impression of being someone to reckon with if you dared cross him, but deep down he was as gentle as a lamb. Dean was the kind of boss who worked...

1 year ago
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Carpenter slut

A carpenter needs a brush to make it well screwed, and not to brush thinking that this should be so. Mine decided to do something at home without my knowledge and so called carpenter to povimieňal okná.To would be ok but she called the biggest bitch of okolia.Ten pussy when he felt right at home alone she just smiled zaliečal.Keď started it extends the legs she initially resisted but he was becoming stronger and she watered. "No, no, no .... let's go to the bedroom next to" povedala.Vtedy, it...

2 years ago
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Carpenter apprentice a Craigslist add

I had a add on Craigslist looking to hire a young person who wanted to learn the trade of Carpenter. I got a few applications. 4 guys and 1 female. The guys were shit all thinking they were entitled to $20 hr. Not knowing anything. k**s today...The job paid $10 hr and included lunch and a tool pouch filled with tools. But to learn the trade was a great opportunity. I was hesitated on hiring a girl, but there is a lot of women joining the workforce so I called her in for a interview.She never...

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I am gay…I m out to my family, friends and relatives, no fear of the social structure of the world. I have always been attracted to men and this opportunity came when we were getting our house renovated and had a team of carpenters come for making the furniture. The whole team comprised of rajasthani men who by profession are carpenters and they r expert at it. Coming back to the story in this team of old as well as young men a guy stood out, he was particularly good looking, curly hair and was...

Gay Male
1 year ago
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Carpenters Inside Work

Life had become hard for her since the divorce but she pushed ahead, telling herself there was a man out there for every woman. Her friends, her parents, and even one or two business associates agreed to that but for Julia life just wasn’t going that way. That is until four or so months afterward, when she had planned to have an addition put on the back of her home, and she knew they were coming that day and so she planned on being there when they got there that day. It was early, only 7:00...

3 years ago
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Carpeted by The Boss

Carpeted by the Boss?I waited patiently outside Mr. Sharp’s office, reminding myself that although it was "Master" once I was inside his office, or at home, it was Mr. Sharp out here in the foyer. My new colleagues were beginning to head home. It was 5:30 on Friday afternoon and everybody had plans, except for me. Nowadays, other people had plans for me. I just tried to do as I was told. I could hear nothing through the thick door. But my Master valued his privacy and I knew from bitter...

2 years ago
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Carpenter Part 2

I knew I was in trouble after he told me of the viagra! Ken fucked me me every position possible. After pinning my legs back several times and squatting over me, Ken rolled me on my side and placed one leg on his shoulder and straddled my other leg! I rolled my hips into his every stroke as he shoved deeper and harder with each stroke inside me! "Fuck me hard" I begged! I found out very quickly he was not all the way in yet! As he plunged every inch of his thick black cock inside me I felt a...

2 years ago
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Carpenter Part 2

I knew I was in trouble after he told me of the viagra! Ken fucked me me every position possible. After pinning my legs back several times and squatting over me, Ken rolled me on my side and placed one leg on his shoulder and straddled my other leg! I rolled my hips into his every stroke as he shoved deeper and harder with each stroke inside me! "Fuck me hard" I begged! I found out very quickly he was not all the way in yet! As he plunged every inch of his thick black cock inside me I felt a...

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Carpet Cleaning Chapter 2

He did think it might be close to worth it as that pussy was the warmest, tightest he had ever felt and would probably ever feel and her ass was even better. Yes, she was an incredible fuck but was it worth life in prison, he had to think about that one. However, Friday afternoon everything changed. She walked into the shop with her cute little blonde friend and actually requested that they return on Monday to “clean more carpets”. He had trouble believing it but he did see her wink at him...

1 year ago
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Carpet Cleaners Young Wife Part 1

Introduction: Introduction Jim meets a married couple who want to have a baby to get more welfare. The young girl is very immature and somewhat retarded but very horny. Jim was looking at porn videos as he started his evening jackoff session and came across a video of a dumb bitch getting screwed by several guys. The girl reminded him of Yolanda that he had knocked up last year. The video triggered all his memories of the strange incident with the dumb married couple who lived near him. They...

2 years ago
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Carpet of Roses

She looked down and smiled. Roses. She loved roses. But who would leave them at the door for her? She hadn’t heard from Billy since they broke up. Well she considered them broken up. She hadn’t heard from him from that stupid fight they had two weeks ago that had them both saying things she knew, or at least she thought she knew, they didn’t mean. They had both asked each other at the same time if the other one wanted to break up. No one really said a yes or no as a response. Just silence...

1 year ago
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Carpet Cleaning

This was one of the good times. Billy took the job off the list at the office because he recognized the street, it was in a really fancy neighborhood. The job looked tough though, all the carpets and all the furniture. Fuck, this could take all day, maybe more than a day and usually the rich housewives were in your armpit complaining the whole day. That was fun. He almost put the job back for some other sucker but he was so fucking tired of finding old food and clothes under couches and...

3 years ago
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Carpet Cleaners Young Wife Part 2

Introduction: They have sex in a bathroom and then Jim takes her to a porn store where he finds out a lot more about her husbands sex life. Once at the store Jim took her to the drug section and he picked up a Ovulation tester and also a box of pregnancy test strips. Jim noticed several men checking her out as Yolandas short skirt was just barely covering her ass and the sluts tits, although small, were bouncing around as she walked. Yolanda had said she seldom wore a bra and today was no...

1 year ago
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Carpet Cleaners Young Wife Part 3

Introduction: Yolanda finds out about sex toys, nasty mens lewd fetishes and gives her first blowjob. Jim discovers what her husband is doing with her panties and a lesbian takes her heart. Yolanda smiled mischievously at him as she slid the big 12 inch black cock slowly in and out of her mouth and then pulled it out with a plopping sound as he stood next to her. Dats a BIG cock! she giggled as a bit of drool ran out of her small mouth whose lips had just been stretched to the limit by the...

1 year ago
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Making Love To Cousin Sister

By: Ra_saheb I was at that time 18 years of age and had joined my engineering. My education from childhood had been in a convent school in Bangalore. My parents thought it fit that I study in the hostel away from home to get tuned best for life. My exposure to gals was very less as it was a boy’s school and all the youth energy went into sports. One fine day, I landed home after my first semester exams in December and found a gal at home of the same age as mine. My mom introduced me to her...

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A Room With a View

Jimmy O'Rourke sat on the living room couch as he and his parents watched the movie of the week. It was a hot summer night and the O'Rourke's apartment didn't have air conditioning. The outdated wiring of the old Brooklyn apartment house just couldn't handle the load. Instead the 16 year old had to settle for sitting around in his gym shorts and trying to cool off with the large fan over in the corner. The movie was pretty boring, but his mother seemed to enjoy it. His father had dozed...

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School Term Paper 3

“Do you think I’m blind? When we were over at Frank and Emma’s this past weekend, for their cookout, I saw you flashing you cock to Debbie and that’s not the first. I saw her looking at you and smiling. Are you fucking her? You know she’s only 16 and thank God Frank and Emma didn’t see what I saw. They aren’t stupid you know. You will be in so much trouble if they find out. Well! Are you fucking Debbie? If you aren’t, you were probably thinking about it while you were fucking me. You haven’t...

3 years ago
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A Wicked Addiction

He jumped slightly as the co-worker slapped him on the back “hey Jerry, another long night?”. Jerry looked up at the tall slim man who appeared to be around 24 years old “Yeah, you could say that.” Jerry grinned and then stretched back in his seat, “How about you?”. “You know me I live to party.” The two shared a chuckle then went back to work. Jerry hated his job, he hated typing all day long writing sensless computer codes for someone elses profit, it just didn’t make sense to him. He did...

2 years ago
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A Study in Scarlet Epilog

(There is no sex in this conclusion.) ******************** John Watson sat quietly, an untouched cup of coffee before him, gazing out the kitchen window at the gently swaying limbs and leaves of the aspen. He again glanced at the calendar on the wall, recognizing that it was exactly one year since the final divorce decree had been granted and the pain in his eyes was apparent. John looked inside himself, asking again if he had done the right thing, had he made an error, had he acted too...

1 year ago
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Junior Year Part IIIChapter 23 Capitn Cojones

I smiled when my guys hit the lobby in their new clothes. The three amigos all looked good. We all stood out, compared to the other ballplayers. It wasn’t that the others were dressed badly; they just looked like teenage boys. I wore the sport coat I’d gotten in Japan with the graphic on it. I also wore an Abercrombie light blue button-up shirt under the jacket and cream-colored slacks with my new oxblood-red leather tennis shoes. To finish it off I wore my Japanese designer sunglasses. I’d...

4 years ago
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Emma Taken By Surprise

Emma - Taken By Surprise by Sara R?ver ?viell? I had never had a good relationship with my sister Lisa, maybe because it seemed that my parents always favoured her, or maybe it was with her being one year older I had always been bossed around by her. Or even maybe it was because she was so pretty and clever, that even from an early age she had won some beauty competitions and had been the centre of attention of family and friends. By the time we reached senior school, she was one of ...

3 years ago
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First Things First

Here's the best advice I ever got from a lover: Put your partner's sexual needs ahead of your own if you want him coming back for more. Show him every consideration. Show him how pleased you are to be pleasing him and then please him in every way. A backrub is a wonderful beginning and it can build into a full-body massage. But go slow. Take your time. And use more than just your hands. He'll be squirming if your lips or tongue follows the path made by your hands. Go just as slow once he's on...

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New Roommate 1

I knocked on the door of what was I hoped could be my new home. I heard shuffling and i suddenly realised I was not wearing what could be seen as polite i pulled my cardigan tight around me but it still didn't help much. The door opened and stood before me one of three new roommates. He was tall, tan, and kind faced. His eyes glanced over me and i felt i twinge as he stared. "Hi I'm Roxie, I am here about the room." I put my hand out for him to shake. His grip was firm but his hands...

2 years ago
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A Necessary Cuckolding Part VIII

Dawn Dawn took Bradley by the hand and led him into the lounge. They had a three-seater leather settee on one side of the room, a single matching armchair on the opposite side and another matching two-seater close to it. She stood by the armchair and kissed him before standing back and reaching around her back for the zipper to her dress.“Let me have a photo for Robyn first,” he interrupted.She smiled and sat down in the armchair before crossing her legs, making sure that there was a generous...

1 year ago
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My Lust For Sex

Hi all, its pleasure to write my experience here as this site been the source for me to relax for a while when I am on urge. I am Reema, working in a BPO; I am divorced 2 years back and my decision to stay single for life made me to be lonely. As I am well settled in life there is nothing much to bother except my office and my home. I was getting attention from all the corners as I am single again with attractive body, same at office too. I look pretty attractive at my 29th age with fair skin...

2 years ago
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Trading Places Boss to Office Girl

It sounds crazy that a one dollar bet completely changed my life. But if you read my story, you will see how my life became a total replica of the movie 'Trading Places.' My tale can best be told from the perspectives of the three protagonists?Jasmine, Christi, and myself. Jasmine's Story: I began working for Mr. Johnson about two years ago. I remember at my first interview that Mr. Johnson was more interested in my looks than in my abilities. Instead of asking me about...

4 years ago
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Hottest Cousin Sister

Hello friends !! This is my first story on Indian sex stories, I hope you like it and review at I have been reading a lot of incest stories on Indian sex stories and I am a big fan of incest involving cousin sister. This is a true story that happened a few days back between me and my cousin sis(mother’s brother’s daughter ).She is the angel of my life and my story.Now coming to the story my name is aryan, I am 21 yr old and my cousin sis naina is also 21 yr old, actually 24 days younger than...

1 year ago
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I thought Semenax was going to be a porn comic about a barbarian with a raging sword of flesh, hacking and slashing his way through big-titted orc sluts, elven nymphettes and probably some furry fox bitches in keeping with the typical formula. It turns out I was wrong. definitely still falls into a niche, one that may well be of more interest to the random pervert than some homemade hentai for neckbeards. What’s more appealing to you, a cum-based fantasy weapon or a real-life boost...

Male Enhancement Pills
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Male Escort In Pune 8211 Thirsty Tigress

Hi friends I am om living in Pune. I am student in AFMC college of medical and I am in forth year. I am a call boy this job is because I love to make ladies happy. Any girl want my service in pune mail me . And give me my feedback I am om one day when I search sex sites I found male escort sides ,i call them and take membership of these club after that I get my first client this is my previous story.You can read these story also, so lets start story Chapter-1 One day I am free I opened my...

2 years ago
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First gay experience

The first time I went to an adult video store, I was 18 years old. I went because I wanted to buy some porn magazines because there was no internet in 1994. I discovered some booths in the back where I could put money in and watch porn in private. I started to go there and masturbate in the booth. One time the door didn't close all the way and while I was masturbating some guy opened the door a little and watched me. At first I closed the door quickly, but then I realized how much it excited me...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a gold digger

Hello. My name is Lydia. I am 30 years old with (dyed) black hair, light blue eyes, and (real) 38d tits. I have been having a hot and steamy affair with my 65 year old neighbor Paul for going on 6 months now. He likes to call me his little gold digger. I didn’t start out to be one. In fact, until I moved into my grandmother’s old house, I hadn’t even been attracted to men over the age of 35. I started to change my mind after seeing Paul in his back yard enjoying his nudist lifestyle. I had...

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fast and furious

Alice's parents were going to be away for the weekend, and her friend Helenwas going to come round for sex. Just a month ago, the friends had wantedto try lesbian sex, gotten really into it, and now they were desperate forit.Alice was medium height with shoulder length brown hair, with dyed-maroontips that were about one inch long. He had a pretty face and reasonablysized breasts. She also had a great ass. Helen was blonde, with slightlylarger breasts and longer hair.It was 9pm, and her parents...

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MoneyChapter 6

A small body was lying on top of me and giving me kisses. The little woman was grinning from ear to ear as she gently woke me. Izzy said, "You didn't even notice last night." She took my hand with that said, and passed it over her nude rounded bottom. "I'm totally open for you. Just spread me out and take me. You know we're going to do it, so why not now?" I flipped her over, picked her up, placed her across my knees, and smoothed her cute bottom. I gave it a good whack, let her...

4 years ago
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Daddy guided my head with the leash as I sucked him. It had been a while since I had a cock in my mouth, so he only gagged me occasionally to get me used to it. 'Good, Stacey, mmm. You need more practice, but that's why you came today, right?' I could only nod and moan into his cock as he thrust it in again, gagging me. With my hands cuffed and locked behind me, I was helpless to his whims, just as we talked about. It was scary to be tied and exposed like this - dressed like a schoolgirl slut- ...

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my bbc gave her white pussy the deepest fuck

hello this is james and i have to give thanks to cindy for helping me wright this story!!quick add looking for couples and single women![video][/video]enjoy the story now!!I have had the distinct pleasure to be married to one of the most beautiful and hottest women on the earth. Renee and I have been married for about four years now and ever since we first started dating we have enjoyed an erotic love life. Renee has always been...

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The CureChapter 52

The delegates from the former Republic of Zelnot were allowed to communicate with various agencies and organisations within the territory and let them know the Empire’s conditions. The one that Amantil was keeping a close eye upon was the reaction of the Zelnot fleet who had the potential to cause major problems if they decided to mutiny against the Imperial regime. “I have spoken to Fleet Commander Collo of the Zelnot Fleet,” Abno informed her. “He has agreed to stand down and bring the...

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Katie at the BBQ

I was pitching horse shoes at Uncle Bill's Labor Day B B Q when Annie walked by again. She was wearing a pair of short, cut off jeans and a halter top. She was looking fine. She had been teasing me all day. It was one of her favorite past times. She had to be a bit more subtle about it when we were among all these people.Annie was my first cousin-twice removed and four years older than I was. We'd had an on again off again affair since I had been twelve years old. To this day I think she is the...

4 years ago
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The Limo Driver part 3

Bonnie woke up and went through her normal routine and was thinking about a week and a half ago. She was thinking that if it keeps going like this she is going to have enough money in a year to buy a house. She drinks her coffee and heads out the door, on her way to work. The weekends are the busiest times for her. She gets requests for her to drive all the time, and she wonders what it is about her that people seem to like. At work, Don (her boss) tells her she has a...

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All Tomarrows Parties

This story has nothing to do with the song of the same name. I just liked the title, so I nicked it. I'm not above stealing song titles for stories, or even the occasional handle. ;) Many thanks to all the kind folks on the TF writers' list who helped me polish this monster. I get the feeling I could have spent the rest of my natural life rewriting it, but I've decided to cut it loose. It contains some pretty explicit sex, so if you don't like to read that kind of thing, you've...

2 years ago
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Fair GameChapter 6

It rained all night and the following day dawned cold, wet and windy. After breakfast Sophie overheard Charlie—with whom she had spent a torrid night— telling Al if the weather didn't improve they would pack up and leave the next day. She was just outside the door to the main room returning from the kitchen where she had taken the trolley. Neither man could see her. "So get the most out of your favorite little fuck-bunny while you can, Al. Before going home to the ice-queen, and a life...

1 year ago
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BangBus Riley Reign If You Show Me Yours

Riley Reign was walking somewhere in Miami when the white van stopped next to her. She was quickly intrigued by the guys especially by the idea that Damian Dayski has a giant dick. She traded to show her tits in order to see his dick. That dick looked so yummy that she immediately swallowed it. Then Damian fucked her well. Actually she could take that big dick. So they fucked in all positions that a moving van would allow. When mish was too much for Damian he pulled out and came in her face....

2 years ago
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Dianes Submissive Adventures 1 The Treadmil

Diane’s Submissive AdventuresThe TreadmillDiane tried to focus on her breathing and walked. It was difficult for many reasons, but the most pressing problem at the moment were the high heels. That and the fact that she was blindfolded . . . and her hands were tied behind her back. Whatever the main problem was, the entire situation made it difficult. The twins were masters at pushing her buttons, but now she was beginning to think they were going too far. They had stripped her down, tied her...

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Fifteen Minutes

Fifteen minutes late, April thought. Great. Fifteen more and she’d be free to go.A friendly waiter approached. “Are you ready to order, ma’am?”She stirred her water glass. “Maybe just the drinks menu?”He nodded, “Right away, ma’am.” And briskly walked away.Wow, she thought. So we’re really in the “ma’am” days now, huh? At thirty-nine years old, she’d hoped she had a few months left in her before people would catch a whiff of her rotting eggs.It was infuriating. No one, not one person had called...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Halloween Part 5

Halloween Part 5 Chapter 6: Wonderful Tonight "You look stunning Leanne," said the school sports teacher. "Is Michael coming?" Leanne looked round at me with a mischievous look in her eye, as if she was about to out me to the school sports teacher. I am sure I must have looked panicked but I tried to look calm as I passed Leanne a vodka whilst picking a glass of water for myself. "No, but I'm sure you'll be pleased to see that I brought his sister Michelle with me," Leanne...

1 year ago
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Fucking Up

Part One, some background. You're supposed to know who you are when you turn 18. I guess that is why they make such a fuss of that age. Well, I already knew all about myself when I turned 14. I knew by then all there was to know about who I was and always would be. I am 29 now and earn a lot of money as an advertising copywriter. 29 is an age where you can hide behind your wallet. You can buy yourself a mask. 14 is not an age where you can do that. At 14 you are what people say you are, and...

1 year ago
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Male Escort Diaries 8211 My First Client 8211 An MNC Worker

Hi fellas, its vincent again I am a male escort serving women from posch society who want safety and secrecy I giv companionship for reasonable rate Feel free to contact me at my mail id ( ) my services include massage dating house company and intimate services Now lets go to the story My last story is about a shy muslim woman with whom I made love this story is about a unmarried north indian women who is my first client After I registered as an escort I got my first call after 2hrs told her...

2 years ago
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A Naughty Neighbourly AgreementChapter 4

On Thursday afternoon, at just after 2pm, I stood in the bedroom of Alison once again for session number 3. Officially it was going to be the same routine again, but it felt like there was now more of an atmosphere between us as soon I'd gone through her front door. I knew I was going to do something very different this time anyhow. I had to, just had to. "Alison?" I said, before we started the rigmaroll of stripping our bottom halves. "This sounds ominous," she replied. "Not really....

4 years ago
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A Matter of Perspective

"You're sure this device will work?" John asked. He fidgeted his wrist as Billy tightened a watch-like machine on him. "Yeah, you should have been there, I was having a conversation with her, but it was like we were talking past each other." "But, where did you find this watch and the rest of these junk?" Looking at his watch, John could see it looked like a dead smartwatch except for a bright red button. Billy laughed as he shook his head. "This isn't junk, we're sitting on a fucking gold mine...

Mind Control
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The OldMan Part 2

By Docker5000 Part 2 Introductory. Joseph Montgomery now left the hotel where he had been staying for the last few weeks. He was now heading for somewhere new. He still didn't have any idea where he wanted to go. But this was Joseph all over. He would just pick a destination and go. Joseph was now in the small railway station of the small seaside town where he had been staying for the last few weeks. He had enjoyed his time in this small quiet seaside-town. But it was time for him...

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Chad The Babysitter Part 6

Tams wiped her face and went to the door while I hurriedly found an old pair of shorts as I knew it would be her mother at the door and the last thing either of us wanted was for Trish to see me in my boxers with her daughter present, an assumption I possibly got wrong.“Hi mummy” I heard Tams say and Trish seemed in a happy mood as they walked into the lounge, I walked out quickly and Trish looked down, “Oh WOW!” she said laughing, “Proper shorts for once” she continued and I giggled while...

3 years ago
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Ambers House

 I was visiting my friend Amber that night. Her roomate Kate was away at her boyfriend's house and we planned on getting together for a fun night of drinking and just enjoying each others company. Amber was cute, a blonde just like me, one of the many things we had in common. We were drinking and chatting away and as we became more and more inebriated, we decided to watch a film together. I don't really recall what it was about, but as it ended we found ourselves lounging on the sofa next too...


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