De Negro A Rosa (I) free porn video

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De Negro a Rosa La tarde transcurr?a con hast?o, me sent?a como enjaulado dentro de la casa, hacia mucho calor, el verano comenzaba, todos mis amigos hab?an abandonado la ciudad a disfrutar las vacaciones, y yo aqu? encerrado y aburrido. Sin muchas expectativas me dirig? al cuarto de mi hermana. -Hola Sandra, ?Qu? haces? -Me pinto las u?as, ?No lo ves? Mi hermana sentada sobre la cama pintaba las u?as de sus pies de un color negro intenso que le otorgaba ese aspecto medio "dark" que ella tanto cultivaba. -?Y tu que haces?, me contest?, mientras me echaba una mirada de reojo. -Nada, ?Es que acaso hay algo que se pueda hacer solo en esta ciudad?, dejando evidente que era absolutamente frustrante pasar todas las vacaciones en la ciudad, para mi representaba una especie de castigo. Nuestros padres hab?an decidido tomarse un viaje de segundas nupcias, viajando solos al extranjero y como Sandra y yo ya no ?ramos unos ni?os consideraron no habr?a demasiado problema en dejarnos solos por dos semanas. -Pues vamos a ver que podemos hacer "juntos", dijo Sandra, d?ndole un tono algo sarc?stico a sus palabras. -Sabes que mama me dej? a cargo, y desde ya te digo que espero te comportes como todo un "ni?o bueno", d?ndole un tono algo extra?o a sus palabras. -Vamos, ven aqu?, s?bete a la cama. ?Qu?tate los zapatos ? No pensaras subirlos a la cama!. Me quit? los zapatos y me tumbe en la cama a su lado, el calor me estaba matando, volv? mi vista al techo, todo de color rosa. Todo el cuarto era de un color rosa suave que hacia contraste con la fuerte personalidad de mi hermana. -Sonr?e hermanito, ya veras que seguro conseguimos muchas cosas que hacer. Sandra me contemplaba cuando de pronto me tomo un pie y me dijo, ?Quieres que te las pinte?. Mis pies eran algo peque?os para mi estatura, m?s largos que anchos y siempre los llevaba totalmente aseados de acuerdo a una estricta disciplina que mi madre nos hab?a ense?ado. -?Pintarme que?, le respond? -Tus u?as chico, me contest? Era claro que realmente no esperaba una respuesta de mi parte, ya que al volver la mirada hacia mis pies observ? como ya tenia al menos dos de mis u?as pintadas. -Qu?date tranquilo, me dijo mientras terminaba su labor en el pie derecho. - Trata de no mover los "deditos" hasta que seque la pintura. Sin contestarle volv? de nuevo mi mirada al techo, definitivamente me esperaban d?as de incertidumbre, -Total los pies no se ven, pens? mirando de nuevo el rosa del techo, mientras casi sin darme cuenta me dejaba pintar las u?as de los pies. -Ya esta, ?Te gustan?, pregunto mi hermana. Me encog? de hombros indiferente -Si est?n bien, le dije -Venga, ahora las manos, le dijo -?Las manos?, ? Pero all? se ver?n ? -Pues claro que se ver?n, ?Para qu? quieres pintarte las u?as?, ?Para esconderlas?, ?Te da pena?, hermanito, hermanito, tienes que aprender que importa mucho mas lo que tu sientas que lo que puedan pensar los dem?s. Adem?s hoy d?a muchos chicos las llevan pintadas, es de lo mas "nota", mira como a todas las chavas les fascina Tokio Hotel, no te apenes, adem?s es negro no rosa, si es eso lo que te "preocupa". Rendido ante sus argumentos, le tend? la mano. Sandra comenz? a inspeccionarlas cuidadosamente, abri? la gaveta de su mesa de noche y comenz? a sacar toda una serie de admin?culos que inclu?an tijeritas, esp?tulas, limas de u?as, algodones y una serie de botellitas de diversos l?quidos. -Como es tu "primera vez", te sale un tratamiento intensivo, me dijo mientras me gui?aba un ojo. Alrededor de cuarenta minutos mas tarde me encontraba con los dedos de ambas manos extendidos, mis u?as estaban completamente "arregladas" y pintadas de un negro intenso. -No muevas demasiado las manos, ni te soples las u?as, d?jalas quietas hasta que se sequen, me dijo Sandra. ?Te gusta la forma ovalada que les d??, a mi me parece que quedaron bellas. Yo escuchaba a mi hermana y en ese momento, en el cual no pod?a usar mis manos para nada, me sent? como indefenso, c?mo si la pintura que acababa de colocar en mis u?as fuese una especie de sujeci?n invisible que coartaba mis posibilidades de acci?n. -Ahora tienes que poner cuidado como agarras las cosas, no queremos se te desconche la pintura de alguna u?a. Me dijo mientras tomaba mi mano y contemplaba una vez m?s el resultado de su trabajo. ?Quieres venir esta tarde conmigo a la casa de Carolina?. Carolina era una de las mejores amigas de mi hermana, viv?a en un caser?n al otro lado de la ciudad con su madre, la cual era una reconocida artista de teatro. -Mejor eso que quedarme s?lo le dije. Mi hermana salt? de la cama, mene? su larga cabellera color miel como para desentumecerse, y comenz? a vestirse. Llevaba puesto un conjunto de bragas y sujetador negros de encaje, encima de los cuales se puso un pantal?n corto, short, tambi?n de color negro que dejaban ver toda la extensi?n de sus largas piernas, se calz? unas zapatillas estilo bailarina, muy de moda por estos d?as y una blusa blanca de hilo, muy apropiada para el calor de la temporada, pero que al transparentar insinuaba la delicadeza del brassierre negro que llevaba debajo. -Venga chico, vamos, me dijo mientras tomaba su bolso y sal?a apresurada. Yo r?pidamente camine tras ella, de nuevo ese d?a sent? la sensaci?n de estar a la merced de la voluntad de mi hermana. Una vez en la calle, sent?a que todo el mundo miraba mis u?as pintadas, trataba de bajar un poco la mirada como tratando de no ver si me ve?an, tratando de eludir cualquier intercambio visual que podr?a resultarme embarazoso. Tomamos un autob?s que nos conducir?a hasta nuestro destino, el calor era insoportable, sentado sent?a como las gotas de sudor rodaban inquietas por mi espalda, tenia la sensaci?n que mis gl?teos comenzaban a humedecerse, esperaba que los jeans fuesen capaces de disimular esta consecuencia de mi abundante transpiraci?n. En el trayecto me miraba con mucho disimulo las u?as, en una de esas escuche la voz de mi hermana diciendo. -Si, ?Te quedaron bellas las u?as!, no haces mas que admir?rtelas. La casa estaba situada en los suburbios, por lo que el viaje demor? unos 40 minutos, las v?as estaban bastante menos congestionadas que de costumbre como es habitual en los per?odos vacacionales. La entrada de la casa era amplia con una gran vereda sembrada de grama y ?rboles, era evidente que Carolina y su madre viv?an "como quer?an", sin mas l?mite que el de sus propios deseos. Al tercero de nuestros llamados Carolina abri? la puerta, estaba con un bikini de color verde fosforescente que casualmente hacia juego con el vaso de limonada que llevaba en la mano. ? Sandra ?, Pasa chica, ?No estas medio muerta con el calor?n que esta haciendo?, ya veo que trajiste a la criaturita de tu hermano. ? Huy ?, si esta de lo mas mono hoy, se ve que el pollito se esta atreviendo a salir del cascar?n. Yo me ruborice un poco al escuchar el comentario, sin saber muy bien que contestarle me atrev? a sonre?rle y decir un poco a modo de disculpa - Mi hermana me dijo que viniera. -Pero entra chica, respondi? d?ndose vuelta, en una frase que evidentemente estaba dirigida a mi hermana. -Yo estaba en La Pileta, en el verano cuando estoy en casa casi no salgo de all?. ?Supongo que trajeron traje de ba?o? Mire la cara de mi hermana sin atreverme a contestar nada. -C?mo que no trajeron nada, interpretando r?pidamente nuestra tardanza en contestar, pasen a la alberca mientras veo que les consigo. Supongo no ser?n muy exigentes Mi hermana y yo seguimos hacia la alberca mientras Carolina sub?a apresuradamente las escaleras que conduc?an hacia las habitaciones principales. Dirig? mi mirada hacia la piscina, su superficie se me parec?a a un resplandeciente espejo donde el intenso sol generaba unas especies de chispas cuyo resplandor se bamboleaba al ritmo del movimiento del agua. Al lado derecho hab?a un peque?o muro en pendiente donde el agua ca?a asemejando una peque?a cascada. -Esto es bell?simo, dije a mi hermana. -Te das cuenta hermanito, que unas vacaciones juntos no tienen por que ser "taaaaaan" aburridas. Como te dije s?lo tienes que comportarte como un buen chico, no ponerte con malcriadeces y nos ira de perlas. En ese momento regresaba Carolina con los ba?adores en sus manos, a mi hermana le dio uno de una sola pieza, del mismo tono verde c?trico del que ella lucia, a pesar de ser un traje de ba?o enterizo por lo alto del talle, que resaltaba las largas piernas de mi hermana, y lo pronunciado del escote lo convert?an en una prenda muy sexy. -A ti lo mejor que pude encontrarte fue esto, ya sabes somos s?lo dos mujeres en la casa. No es lo ideal, pero al menos har? juego con tus u?as. Dijo, entreg?ndome lo que evidentemente era la parte inferior de un bikini de chica. -Pero .. -?Ay Hermanito! No le pares, total tenemos la casa entera a solas, la mama de Carolina est? de gira, as? que nadie mas que nosotras te vera, no le hagas. Tom? la prenda y pas? a uno de los vestidores que rodeaban el ?rea de la piscina. El traje de ba?o era de lycra negra y sus partes delanteras y traseras estaban unidas en los costados por unas especies de cadenitas plateadas met?licas, que se un?an en cada costado con un peque?o broche. Mi primera impresi?n fue que la prenda era demasiado peque?a. -No creo que esto me quede, pens? mientras lo sub?a por mis piernas, al tratar de colocarlo en su sitio me sorprendi? la elasticidad de la prenda, en realidad cubr?a algo mas de lo que mis expectativas esperaban. -o esto es mas grande de lo que a primera vista parece, o mis partes son mas peque?as de lo que pensaba, me dije sonri?ndome. De cualquier manera en la parte delantera se me hacia un bulto, lo mir? detalladamente, algo en mi cabeza parec?a decirme que hab?a una incongruencia entre la prenda y mi bulto, se me antojaba esto un poco obsceno. Trat? de buscarle soluci?n, ?Qu? hacer?. Record? que el agua fr?a suele reducir el tama?o de los genitales, estos de alguna manera buscan el calor del cuerpo. Fui al ba?o del peque?o cuarto que hacia las veces de vestidor y moj? mis genitales, al momento estos empezaron a retraerse un poco, con mi mano los empuj? un poco mas dentro de mi cuerpo, intensificando de alguna manera el efecto del fr?o. R?pidamente coloqu? la parte inferior del bikini, la cual gracias al soporte que provee su elasticidad mantuvo mis partes en la posici?n en la que las hab?a colocado. Ya el "bulto" era bastante menos prominente. As? las chicas no se ofender?n, pens?, sintiendo una mezcla de satisfacci?n y extra?a culpa dentro de mi. Sal?, y ya mi hermana y Carolina estaban echadas en unas sillas de extensi?n, ambas charlaban animadamente con un vaso de limonada con abundante hielo en sus manos. Con algo de pena me aproxim? a las chicas. -?Vistes hermanito, qu? no pas? nada? No seas bobo, ac?rcate. -Si, hasta tiene muy buen cuerpo tu hermano, dijo Carolina a Sandra haciendo referencia a lo espigado de mi anatom?a. -A ver, date la vuelta. Algo nervioso aun, gire para que las chicas pudiesen ver como me quedaba el ba?ador, era clar?simo que la parte trasera dejaba al descubierto partes de mis gl?teos que rara vez hab?an sido expuestos al sol. -?Huy mira que pompis! Rosadito, las nalgas parecen los cachetitos de un bebe, escuch? a Carolina decirle a mi hermana, haci?ndole referencia a mis gl?teos -S?rvete algo y ven a sentarte con nosotras, me dijo Carolina. En una peque?a mesa hab?a un cubo con hielo granizado y una gran jarra de limonada, llene al vaso de hielo y lo llen? completamente. -Ups, ?Qu? es esto? -Vodka con lim?n, Hermanito -Je, je, je, tranquilo criaturita, que ya tienes edad para beber eso, venga ac?rcate, si?ntate aqu? y d?jame ver tus u?as de cerca. Dijo Carolina mientras me tomaba la mano para observarlas de cerca. -?Si est?n bellas! Me fascina la forma ovalada ?Te las pintaste tu mismo? -No, fue mi hermana. -?Si?, dijo Carolina con una pizca de iron?a, mientras le gui?aba un ojo a mi hermana, gui?o que mi hermana respondi? con una sonrisa que interprete de cierta complicidad. -Tranquilo, aqu? nadie te juzga, "ser y dejar ser" como dicen, anda ?chate, y disfruta del sol que estas algo p?lido. Me acost? en la silla playera a contemplar el agua de la piscina, con sus danzantes brillos, al fondo se escuchaba el rumor de la cascada artificial mezcl?ndose con la conversaci?n de Sandra y Carolina, solo escuchaba el tono de su voz sin reparar siquiera de que hablaban, supongo eran cosas de chicas, su chacharean tornabase cada vez mas mel?dico a medida que el l?quido de mi vaso comenzaba a descender. -Date la vuelta hermanito, escuch? a Sandra decirme al o?do, o te broncearas s?lo un lado del cuerpo, con un letargo inmenso gir? mi cuero hasta quedar totalmente de espaldas, al fondo la armon?a del aire y el agua se mezclaba confusamente con una lejanas risas de las chicas. Lentamente abr? mis ojos, el reflejo de la luz sobre el agua ya era tenue, como un fuego que lentamente se extingu?a, el sol ya estaba poni?ndose. -?Co?o! Me qued? dormido. Pens?. Mi cuerpo poco a poco trataba de retomar la conexi?n con mi conciencia. -Vaya, Vaya, c?mo que al fin se despierta "El Bello Durmiente". Expres? Carolina. Sin mucha prisa, poco a poco, como una maquina que trata de poner en funcionamiento sus enmohecidos engranajes gir? sobre mi mismo, tratando de incorporarme, de sentarme sobre la silla de extensi?n. ?Auch!. Exclam? al contacto de mis posaderas con la silla. -Como no te va a doler hermanito, si lo tienes rojito como un tomate, mientras se escuchaban las risitas. -La verdad es que dorm?as como un "querub?n" y no quisimos despertarte, adem?s est?bamos fascinadas con tus nalgas, pasaron del rosadito, al melocot?n, al rojo y siempre cubiertas de gotitas de sudor que parec?an un roc?o sobre una apetitosa fruta, era casi un espect?culo para la meditaci?n mas profunda, "OMMMMMMMM". Expres? riendo Carolina mientras se pon?a en una seudo posici?n de meditaci?n formando unas argollas con sus dedos ?ndice y pulgar. Cubr? con mis brazos mi cuerpo como queri?ndome abrazar a mi mismo. Con el sol ya derrotado por la penumbra el frescor de la noche comenzaba a hacer su aparici?n. -?Ahora tiene fr?o "Su Alteza"? Expres? Carolina, Venga vamos adentro de la casa a tomar una ducha y cambiarnos. Pas? por el vestidor, tom? mis ropas y segu? a las chicas adentro de la casa, subimos las escaleras que conduc?an a las habitaciones principales. Entramos a una que deduje era la de Carolina, de estilo moderno, nada que ver con una decoraci?n ani?ada o excesivamente recargada, los muebles eran de l?neas rectas, muy puros y sin vericuetos. Pos? mi mirada sobre la c?moda o peinadora, esta era larguisima, ocupaba todo el lateral y estaba adosada a un gran espejo que cubr?a toda la pared , pude ver claramente como a un extremo estaba una foto de Carolina con mi hermana, se abrazaban sonrientes, ten?an en la foto la sonrisa de complicidad que me parec?a haber visto antes. La cama era amplia igualmente de l?neas muy simple, blanca y daba la impresi?n de estar como suspendida en el aire. Al otro extremo unos paneles corredizos deb?an ser las puertas de un inmenso armario. A pesar de su aspecto minimalista, casi fr?o, se pod?a deducir que era el cuarto de una chica, una chica tal vez poco usual, pero no por ello dejaba de traslucir una sobria feminidad, era lo femenino concentrado bajo las formas simples. Yo estaba parado con mi ropa en la mano sin saber exactamente que hacer. -Chico pon esa ropa en la cesta que esta all?, se?alando una cesta de ropa que por su color blanco se me hab?a pasado desapercibida a primera vista. Ustedes pueden usar mi ba?o, yo usare el de mi mama, Sandra si quieres ba?ate primero, mientras yo veo si consigo algo para el irritado "rabito" de tu hermanito. Sandra entr? a la sala de ba?o, al cruzarse con Carolina intercambiaron de nuevo miraditas, definitivamente algo se tramaban estas dos. Carolina busc? entre las gavetas de la c?moda y sac? un tarro con una especie de gelatina transparente. -Aqu? esta, con esto se te calmar? un poco el ardor, es un gel ultrahidratante buen?simo, franc?s, lo trajo mama de su ?ltima gira, ven ac? y date la vuelta, veras como seguro te alivia un poco la irritaci?n. Me acerque, y en este momento tom? conciencia de nuevo de lo expuesto de mi cuerpo, aun sin verla mi mente me record? la min?scula prenda que aun llevaba puesta, que s?lo llevando al m?ximo sus propiedades pod?a cubrir mis partes mas intimas. Parado de espaldas a Carolina, sent?a que mis sentidos se encontraban en alerta, al m?ximo de su capacidad de percepci?n, incluso escuch? claramente el sonido de la tapa del frasco cuando Carolina la gir? para abrirla. Cerr? los ojos, como esperando el momento de una inyecci?n, en lugar del pinchazo sent? el contacto de su mano con nalga derecha mediado por el fr?o gel, en ese momento no pude contener una ligero estremecimiento que en el fondo era una demostraci?n de vulnerabilidad. -?Huy!, cuanto miedo, qu?date tranquilo, tranquilito y veras como te sentir?s mucho mejor. La masa gelatinosa que interced?a entre mis gl?teos y su mano se iba haciendo mas y mas delgada conforme era expandida, una variopinta colecci?n de sensaciones me invad?a; Por un lado mi mente inquieta imaginaba a la bell?sima Carolina detr?s m?o tocando mis longas, mientras mi piel conoc?a de las caricias de su mano, una fracci?n de tiempo despu?s, nunca de forma simultanea, la sensaci?n de un frescor ?rtico, intenso se desarrollaba en lo que hab?a sido el trayecto de su mano como queriendo marcar el recorrido suave de sus dedos, sent?a el olor mentolado, fuerte. Aspir? profundamente como si mis pulmones fuesen capaces de capturar las m?ltiples sensaciones que me abrumaban. -?Vistes?, Sabia que te gustar?a criaturita, el temor es siempre el enemigo que debes vencer para tener el placer, recu?rdalo siempre. Ahora Carolina acariciaba con sus dos manos mis gl?teos, su respiraci?n palpitaba cerca, muy cerca de mi, intu?a su cuerpo sobre mi espalda. Una de sus manos desplaz? hacia un lado el ba?ador, mientras la otra comenz? a recorrer la raja de mis gl?teos de arriba hacia abajo, desde mi espina dorsal en ruta hacia mi perineo, cruz? por el orificio de mi ano sin detenerse hasta llegar a mis constre?idos test?culos para acariciarlos, En ese preciso instante en que sus dedos jugueteaban con mis bolas, sent?a la g?lida replica del reconfortante discurrir de sus dedos unida a un escalofr?o que recorr?a todo mi espinazo, siendo para mi ya imposible determinar la temporalidad de los sucesos. ?Ups!, Exclam?. Al o?do Carolina susurr? -Shhh, c?llate tont?n, no queremos que tu hermanita nos oiga, ?o si?, Su mano ahora acariciaba lo que era mi inerte pene, el cual r?pidamente comenzaba a dar indicios de pretender salir de su letargo. -Muy pronto habr? que ocuparse tambi?n de este otro "Rabito". Luego de soltar la ir?nica frase, mordi? con fuerza mi oreja, tanto que tuve que hacer esfuerzos para contener un grito de dolor, simult?neamente ella se separaba de mi. -Voy a ba?arme, espera que salga tu hermana de mi ba?o y te lavas bien "todito", me desagrada el olor a cloro del agua de las albercas. Me dij? mientras dirig?a una mirada p?cara hacia m?. Sali? de la habitaci?n dej?ndome parado en el medio del cuarto, absolutamente desconcertado, y con la confusa sensaci?n del que no sabe que esperar despu?s. Si algo me hab?a quedado claro era que la amiga de mi hermana era absolutamente impredecible. Reci?n ahora escuch? el agua se la ducha comenzar a correr. Sandra apenas estaba iniciando su ba?o. El tiempo se me hizo interminable hasta que comenc? a notar indicios que se preparaba a salir del ba?o. Continuar?...

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Negros Gang Bang My Wife

This story is about my wife – Rani. She is extremely beautiful, i mean having perfect figure of 36 32 and 38. I love her bumps. We are married for the last 4 years and don’t have any kid till now. We are planning to have one child but to continue sex adventure, we always postpone our planes. Let come to the story, We are staying in Hyderabad on rent at 2nd floor. On first and 3rd floor there are some Negros students which are staying and completing their studies. All are 6 feet plus heights and...

4 years ago
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La Zona Rosa

All rights reserved by the author, © 2002. No commercial re-prints authorized without express written permission of the author. I walked along looking at the buffet table. It was a shambles. The shrimp had been devastated. The crudités were scattered. The dips and chips had been thoroughly attacked. It was obvious an army had marched through the ballroom. I looked around the ballroom and saw the army in full retreat now that the free food was gone. I was in San Diego for a...

3 years ago
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Solace Rosanna

Solace “Sol” Tynan stood, swaying slightly, as she watched her now ex-best friend and lover, Rosanna “Sanna” Romero, stride purposefully across the street. It was a damned good thing she was holding tightly to her mobility cane because she might have made quite a spectacle of herself by crumpling to the sidewalk for no good reason that anyone could discern. Well, she new she would have a good reason, but no one else would. Rosanna neither looked left nor right, only straight ahead—which was...

4 years ago
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Negro Invasions

Do The Right Thing Gina Kramer came home late after partying all night with a bunch of her girlfriends. She left work early so that she could take advantage of the free drinks for ladies on Thursday nights at her favorite bar. She promised herself that she wouldn't stay out late. She had a major assignment that needed to be completed and on her boss's desk by noon time Friday. She promised herself that she would end her night early and get to the office before anyone else did. She worked...

4 years ago
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A guy and his 38 Rosalinda

Rosalinda's eyes grew wide as she looked at the retreating back of Jake. Then the tears started to flow, he hadn't forgotten about her! He still loved her then again she thought she'd know that instantly. Gen stood off to the side, she'd felt and heard everything. Their master truly was unique Gen had never heard in her life nor seen anyone in history that was even close to their master. Heaving a contented sigh she decided that she'd just fallen even in more in love with Master...

3 years ago
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little Rosalind

“Hey Jake you coming tonight?” I asked per usual. “Can’t tonight, I’m supposed to be getting a package later tonight that I have to sign for. Later!” He said walking over to his car. A package. At nighttime. This dumbass excuse peeked my interest even more and I decide to follow Jake wherever he was going. I got in my car and waited for him to get around the corner before following him. I kept a good distance behind. Jake lived in an apartment building only a few minutes away, but after a...

4 years ago
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Copyright© Ron didn't recognise her at first. She was shorter, a little wider, greyer, older. She sat in the restaurant with some dude with a ponytail tied back and flecked with silver. He maybe wouldn't have paid any attention to them in other circumstances. They appeared to be just an ordinary arty couple approaching middle age. "Hey," she called to the disinterested waiter, "can we have two more coffees over here?" Her American accent grabbed Ron's attention immediately. She looked...

3 years ago
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I wanted her from the moment I saw her. Full red lips, jet black hair, black lashes that threw shadows over her perfect cheeks. And a lush body that her tight clothing scarcely restrained. We made light conversation, but we weren't close. Convenience had made us roommates. I often wondered what she looked like beneath that tight clothing, and sometimes found my hand between my legs thinking about it. We slept in the same bedroom, in separate beds. I often hoped to "accidentally" catch a glimpse...

3 years ago
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Forever Inside Me II Marmalade Sequel to my story Rosalind

“Fuck! Aah, wow! Ooh, yeah! Aah, yes, yes, yes, that’s so good, so good! So fucking good! So, aah, yeah!” Any minute now she’ll start blaspheming, I thought to myself as I lay alone on top of my bed sheets. “Oh, Christ! Jesus fucking Christ, that’s, ha ha! Right there, yeah, right there! Oh fuck, keep it right thereaahh!” It had been my first night alone in my own room for three months. I’d given Daddy some ‘welcome home’ oral in the kitchen, but then, when Mommy had taken my hand to lead me...

2 years ago
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I’ve always been an ardent believer that a nudge can bring a person back on track, the only difference being that the most effective nudge usually emanates from someone totally oblivious to the effect they have had. Sedgwick now believes in the existence of such powers, particularly since an incident that occurred in his life about a year ago. The incident is based on a true event, and is best described in Sedgwick’s own words: After leaving university I was offered a job by my present...

4 years ago
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I really really love you Carmen Orosan

Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:11): I just wanted to tell you that Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:22): I was horny as hell all evening Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:27): thinking of you Ed (26/12/2008 21:58:33): tonight Ed (26/12/2008 21:58:35): ? Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:39): aha Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:59:00): my nipples are so hard, they hurt Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:59:32): and I feel my pussy pulsing….waiting for you Ed (26/12/2008 21:59:58): Why didn’t...

4 years ago
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Lady Rosalynne

The large wooden door closed behind her, leaving Rosalynne alone for the first time that she could remember since arriving here at Lord Vaughan’s castle. She sat on the stool, still warm from the bath that she had been given by two of the maidens, dressed in a gauzy ivory gown. Her hair was still wound in an intricate braid from the ceremony, but she noticed that the steam from the bath had caused some tendrils to fall loose, hanging in chestnut waves around her face. She looked away from the...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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I really really love you Carmen Orosan

Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:11): I just wanted to tell you that Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:22): I was horny as hell all evening Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:27): thinking of you Ed (26/12/2008 21:58:33): tonight Ed (26/12/2008 21:58:35): ? Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:58:39): aha Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:59:00): my nipples are so hard, they hurt Carmen Orosan (26/12/2008 21:59:32): and I feel my pussy pulsing....waiting for you Ed (26/12/2008 21:59:58): Why...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Meri Parosan

I am an avid fan of reading sex stories, and this site gave me a chance to share some of the stories that I have. This happened when I had just turned 18, and I had just started reading sex stories. Mein nay apnay doston waghaira say risalay aur tasveerien lay kay dekhna shuroo kien aur rozana muth marnay laga. Mein abhi tak virgin tha , mien nay kabhi hakeekat mien kissi larki ko nanga nahin dekha tha . Mein apnay paroosion kay ghar buhat aaya jaaya karta tha, aur ham wahan aksar bachon kay...

3 years ago
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El Ojo De MalicioChapter 6

I have a recurring nightmare about six surgeons playing Jenga with a human being, except they only take pieces out. From the bottom of the steps, I looked up at the house. Some rich kid was buying popularity with a party. His parents were away for the weekend. From the look of things, they were colluding to make sure their little boy and his friends had fun. The steps were steep; I'd hate to carry a piano up the damn things. "You can't come in," a giant, with about a hundred too many...

4 years ago
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Meri Pehli Raat Do Randi Ke Sath

Mera naam jay he me Ahmadabad se hu mera lund 6 inch badanor 3 inch mota hai yeh meri pehli kahani hai jo haal hi me meri saath hui hai. Mujhe sex ka bahot sex hai me roz porn dekh kar mooth marta tha par usme maza nai aata tha phir ek din mujhe teh online sex ke baare me pata chala yeh information mujhe internet se mili, muhe female escort service ka number mila toh mene call kia tabhi ek aadmi ne phone uthaya or bola haa bolo mene kaha muje ladkita chahiye usne bola ho jaega room book karwa...

4 years ago
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Sex with our guardian angel

My driver uses a sexy Flemish girl. Every day. Let´s call him Harald.We chose her together because of her sexy voice. Everytime we hear her we get hot and want to drive to her.She only talks so hot to us when we are in his car.We ask her to show the way. She usually answers: "Take the second at the right at the next roundabout.She is so boring. She almost always tells the same. She never listens to us. No hope for any answeres to our questions.She is polite, as she is silent when we talk to...

5 years ago
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Personal Journal of Dr Cindy Cox

August 15th - Doctor Davis has asked me to take over a couple of his patients while he honeymoons in Paris. It was a beautiful wedding, tastefully done. While Chris and I have had our ups and downs, I think Beverly will be good for him. Tall and statuesque, and just dumb enough not to argue too much. That was one of our downfalls, neither one of us could admit to being wrong. We could get past that, even laugh about it, as friends. As more than that...not so much. So, he moved on and found her...

4 years ago
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Rough Cut Ch 15

Rough Cut – A Moe Gafferson Mystery Written by Desdmona Edited by Poison Ivan Chapter 15 Moe was a light sleeper and had been ever since he was old enough to climb out of his crib. Most nights he could be roused by a cat tiptoeing on the roof. So he was surprised to wake up from his cramped position on the divan to find already Mona in the kitchen, all sharped up in her starched whites, fixing breakfast. He watched her from behind unnoticed until he drank his fill of her curvy silhouette. He...

3 years ago
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The Housekeeper Part 3 Parents Return

Over the course of several weeks while their parents were in Europe, Lori and Trevor and the housekeeper, Angie, spent several hours every day fucking like a****ls. Lori and Trevor tried everything that Angie suggested to them. She had what seemed like an endless supply and variety of porn to demonstrate some of the things she suggested. Trevor even discovered that he liked having a dildo up his ass and began to wonder if he would like to take a real cock up there. Lori was a big fan of anal...

3 years ago
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First Time As A Gigolo

Well, I’m Abhi from Hyderabad. I’m 22 years old tall(6.1ft) slim fit guy with a 7- inch black drilling tool. I’ve been reading stories on this site for a long time. I never expected that I would write a story. But here I am with the real experience that I had.  I’m the type of guy with wild sex fantasies and loves adventures. I always loved the concept of a male gigolo but never expected that I would become one. This story is really long because I want to share every detail so please bear with...

4 years ago
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Sapphic Nylon EnthrallmentChapter 2

It had been a dry month. Or a very wet month, depending on how you looked at it. At the beginning, some of the other women were still wearing, just in longer skirts to conceal any runs. But they weren't fooling anyone: aside from the gals who'd moved to boots, any briefly-revealed ankle demonstrated with its Cuban heel and stitching exactly what they were coated with. And what feelings must be prancing their way up from toe-tip to thigh (and beyond). Marnie seethed; catfighting them all to...

4 years ago
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Sex in KL

The jet lag was taking its toll, I would be sleeping one minute and awake the other. I had just landed in KL airport after a long 11 hour flight. I so needed some sleep. Then there were the little details of standing through immigration without falling asleep, finding the Hotel counter so that they could take to the damn hotel, before I could sleep. I had a 18 hour transit in KL before I came to India. I was coming home after a long 3 years. Thankfully the immigration was a breeze, and I had to...

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Adventures of Louise continuesAsian slut from Manila

It’s been a while since you (readers) have heard last from me (hubby came home for the Christmas vacation but has left again), so I guess it’s ok again to share my adventures to you all readers , as I had read most of your comments to hear more, well here it is …the adventure continues… Aaron used to pay me a visit once or two times a week after that first encounter (first adventure), I was excited and satisfied every time we would have sex in every corner of the...

3 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 4 Grandmaster Kartion

"Prepare yourself to greet Grandmaster, Martial son". Kartius repeated a last time and averted his gaze to the staircase. "Big brother, I'm sure that you know ... We are waiting for you here". He called and then straightened his black humanoid form. Seeing his Master getting tense up Zax mimicked him and fixed his posture. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! ... Heavy hooves stomped stair after stair after stair with a dominating sound that reverberated through the room, to Zax's head...

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Sex Studio Secrets 9 Beth3

Blonde British beauty Beth comes to awesome Amsterdam to come often on camera in my sex studio thereBeth sees how I impregnate her lesbian love partner pretty Petra, nota bene my own great granddaughterBeth asks us permission to live a bit longer as guest at our studio at a small backside canal in A'damBeth is warm welcome as she is as yummy as young as my pretty Petra and as eager for my mighty member!Beth is open on her ideas how to spend time with us I also want you to impregnate me, as your...

2 years ago
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When I Was Sixteen Part 4

Mom came into my room a little after 9 pm. I’d been texting two friends, but I stopped and told them to have a good night.“What’s up?” I asked.Mom was just in her robe, which was totally normal for her after dinner and dishes and a little TV. Her hair was mussed up, but she looked lovely, with a big smile. She had an open box with her, which she put on the floor by the nightstand. She sat on the bed, by my shoulder.“Nothing much, honey,” she said. “I just thought I’d check on you.”OK, that was...

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Goosebumps On Her Thighs

Hi Everyone. This is Vikram and this is my first story on ISS. I hope you all like it. I would love to hear from you what you think about it. If u like it please write to me at intuitive.vagabond (at the rate of) gmail (dot) com It all happened without any plans. It was as normal as anything ever could have been. Rima is my neighbor. In fact she and her husband shifted into the house I had rented before. Me and her husband hit it off the day they came to see the house. A sweet Bengali couple....

4 years ago
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A Pregnant CruiseChapter 2 Serving the Crew

The boss took Lara by the hand, and moved to the door. "I feel the need for young pussy tonight. Sleep well, all." Lara waved her hand generally towards Paula and myself, and seemed quite unperturbed. In fact, her large nipples had sharpened to firm jutting points. After the boss had left, Sid took control. He turned to me. "There's a pack of cards behind the bar. Go get it, shuffle well, and deal one to each". So there I was left to deal cards to a bunch of men, to select who would...

2 years ago
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NaughtyBlog Big Tits

Hey, you sickos! I have a quick one. What’s the greatest thing in the world? The one thing worth dying for? It’s started wars and will likely end future ones. No. You’re wrong. It’s titties; big fat, god-given titties. The true fruit de la terre. They are the true builders of this world, and you should treat them as such!Do you agree? Well, you’re a man of culture! You’ve probably dreamt of being crushed under a pile of boobs with no room to breathe but all the room to cum. Forget everything...

Big Tits Porn Sites
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The DumontsChapter 2

I took flight on a Tuesday morning before daylight bound for Uruguay. I was to be in Mercedes three days and then I was to fly over the Andes Mountains to Chile, where I had meetings for four days. Then I had five days in Colombia. These were all places where the corporation either had interests in place, or were planning on setting up new ones. Everything was right on schedule up until my last day in the Southern Hemisphere. The last meeting was half-way between Medellin and Bogotá. Leaving...

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My Secret Life Vol02 Chapter 11 Molly in London

VOLUME-2 Chapter XI Out shooting. • A female carter. • A feel in the train. • Molly in London. • Giles in town.-Fred on the scene. • Molly at the Hall. • Copulation in uniform. • A sham illness. • An afternoon with Molly. • She turns harlot. • Gets clapped.-Her baby. I was in wonderful condition. Early to bed, out-of-door exercise, good plain living, everything to make me so. I felt as if I could fuck all day. If one day I had neither of the women, the next day my prick stood from morning...

5 years ago
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SamChapter 12C

"If I'm not there, anyone who answers can be trusted with a message." "You ought to get a cell phone," she said, handing me a card to keep. "Next thing on my list. I swear. This is early days for me, here. I'm still getting the equipment sorted out." 'Equipment' to her meant only one thing. She asked, "What sort of piece do you carry? Or is that a question you can't answer?" I grinned and looked around for something destructible. A few feet away, there was a temporary barrier...

4 years ago
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CindyChapter 59

We slid easily back into the routine of daily life. Cindy was back in school on a final slide to graduation. "Dan," she said, "I collected a few students that the teachers will let me work with to help them get along in math. It gives me something to do. And I spend a little time in the computer lab, too." "Doing what? I asked. Cindy was computer-literate. MORE than computer-literate. She knew quite a bit about what was under the hood. After her foray into programming the control...

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Your Mother Should Know

Copyright© "Remember to be at the banquet tonight, Stan!" yelled my wife as she ran out the door. "It really means a lot to my career." "Don't worry, I'll be there," I promised. I finished my cereal, put my dishes away and placed my cell phone on the table. Then I went back upstairs and changed into some comfortable clothes for golfing. I tossed my clubs and shoes in the car and away I went. I planned on meeting a couple friends at a course by Kutztown, about 100 miles down the...

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Meeting the Maddisons 7

Two days the phone rang. I picked it up. It was John. "Hi Jim. Thanks again for a great night. Your family is incredible and it did wonders for Chris's confidence."I wasn't surprised. Having one beautiful woman lick your ass and caress your balls while you're fucking another beautiful woman will tend to do that."That's good," I said, wondering where this was going."Jim, I've talked with Joanne about helping Chris build his confidence further and learn how to be with women. She feels he still...

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The bottle a fisting story

I am in town and we agree to meet for a coffee or something. I can’t stay long, as I have a plane to catch. You meet me and we go to a no-tell motel for a quick bit of no-strings fun.. I kiss you deeply my hand on your ample, mature ass, pulling your dress up to probe you. As your legs part, my fingers slip inside the leg band of your panties. I push two fingers into your most willing cunt and you moan as I enter you.I finger you and as you get so wet, you put one foot up on the chair as I...

2 years ago
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Good Day

Her name was Mary. She was beautiful. She looked good in his t-shirt. She smiled as she noticed he was looking. "Yes?" "Nothing." She laughed. "Breakfast?" "We can go out," he offered. "Where's your kitchen?" All of his eggs. Some Worcestershire sauce. Some chopped green pepper. A little milk. Grated cheese. Omelet. Coffee. Toast. "Delicious," he decided. "Yes, you were," she laughed. He shifted his shorts. "Tease." "Oh, no. I please." She took a bite. He laughed....

3 years ago
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Jen and I

I am NOT the simply sharingJen and Dontholien are best friends and get even closer on a tropical island.Jen and I [Dontholien] became best of friends when we started working at the same company about a year ago. We have much in common, including both being in our early 20s, loving the same type of music, reading the same types of books, on the same social network, addicted to dancing, and being almost always horny and having active sex lives [we both really love morning sex]. We look...

4 years ago
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Be A Good Boy

I have no idea why this is so hard. My hand shaking with a lit cigarette. Already half way through my third in ten minutes. That feeling of anxiety in the pit of my stomach. Taking another long drag, I tell my self to calm. You are going to survive this, I think to myself. Every fiber of my being wanting to get out of here, I take another drag. Ash falling sporadically from nervous shaking. Either way I will have to pass through and go where I fear. I have no idea what is so frightening about...

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Drifter Ch1

Kali woke to the sound of movement from downstairs. Rolling over she checked the time, squinting her eyes at the bright screen of her phone. 3:24.Frowning, she pushed herself into a sitting position and listened again. The house should be empty apart from her. Her parents had left earlier that day and wouldn’t be home until Sunday. The noise came again, and she swung her legs over the side of the bed, padding to her door she opened it and called out.“Misha?” The sound came again, a soft thud...

Love Stories
3 years ago
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Kanwal Patrick Ka Khawab Sach Huwa

By: A. W. Chohan A Young pussy in search of forgiveness and penance. A neat sex story Kanwal Patrick confession bench par bethi soch rahi thi keh kaya really voh apni tamaam desires isqadar jawan aur handsome priest ko unload kar sakay gi. Ajeeb ittfaq tha keh voh aik dafa apni mother kay saath is church mein aayee aur phir almost every Sunday aanay lagi. Zayada time nahi guzra tha keh jub Father Neil Khokhar yahan new Pastor thay. Kanwal ne kabhi dhayaan se ounkay sermon ko nahi suna tha magar...

2 years ago
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My wife gangbanged by Jamaicans

Ana had convinced me to spend some vacation days at the sandy beaches of this nice resort in Jamaica.During the second night there, after a wild hard fuck session, my sweet wife confessed she needed much more than my cock.I had made her cum twice before I could fill her cunt with my warm semen, but Anita insisted she wanted more and more…She added that we could find a nice Jamaican black cock there…She convinced me next evening we should go to an interracial swinger club downtown… of course,...

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Forbidden Fruit

Hello, my name is Ali and I belong to Islamabad capital of Pakistan. This is story of a moment that I and my sister share. The one we promised ourselves to never speak of again. As for the introduction, I am an average nerdy guy with a really hot sister named Rubia. I’m 20 years old and she is just an year younger than i am. We belong to a middle class Muslim family with high moral values. Both me and my sister has been virgin before this incident, infect we never had even kissed anyone. Rubia...

4 years ago
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Kittys emergency service

A friend of mine once told me that he knew a great guy and gave him my number. Soon I received a message. It was from a 23 year old college student named Mohit. He was going to college in the next town, said he was packed just over 7 inches, and sent a pic that made it look like he had a telephone pole sticking out of his groin. We traded a few emails and next thing I knew I was over to his apartment. I was kinda nervous when I knocked on his door but that went away when a good looking guy...

3 years ago
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Black bodybuilder and bi sluts 2

Grant and John each held one handle of the cooler as they carried it down to the beach. “I got that,” yelled Flex. The black man was already shirtless and wearing long baggy shorts that nearly reached his knees. “I’ll be drinking most of it anyway.” He grabbed the cooler and tucked it under one muscular arm. “Wimps,” he said. John was carrying a bag filled with snorkeling equipment. He dropped it at a spot near the water. Marisa came up beside him and...

3 years ago
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What I Wanted

Could this really be happening? I’m a fifty-eight-year-old man, and Lauren, who lives next door, is just twenty years old and I have this ridiculous fantasy that she would spank me one day, but knew it would never happen.My fantasy started when I heard her, ‘Do as I say,’ voice soon after she first moved in with her family four years ago, and whenever I saw her after that I just thought, ‘Spank me.’ I wasn’t after sex but wanted to do exactly as she said if only she would put me across her lap...

4 years ago
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One Last Job With VengeanceChapter 19

Getting a seven and a half tonner will not be a problem but this had to be the exact same model. A Mercedes Benz Atego would be another matter. These trucks are the workhorse of delivery firms. Once a firm gets one, they don't usually get rid of it until they have run it into the ground or it's so battered up it's not good for the firms' image. Not only that, it had to be white and in a good condition. There would be no chance of fooling anyone if the crew rolled up in a truck that...

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