Lady in Red Book 2 The Rise of the Warrior Chapter 19
- 2 years ago
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Ron didn't recognise her at first. She was shorter, a little wider, greyer, older. She sat in the restaurant with some dude with a ponytail tied back and flecked with silver. He maybe wouldn't have paid any attention to them in other circumstances. They appeared to be just an ordinary arty couple approaching middle age.
"Hey," she called to the disinterested waiter, "can we have two more coffees over here?"
Her American accent grabbed Ron's attention immediately. She looked up smiling hopefully at the waiter, who acknowledged her with a brief tilt of the head. Ron saw her eyes for the first time and they were unmistakeable.
He felt like going over, but he was embarrassed. He was far too old for all that 'dedicated fan' bullshit. He reckoned she'd be sick to death of her meals being interrupted by some arsehole wanting autographs or telling her how much they liked her music.
As Ron willed himself not to stare, her companion rose, smiled, and wandered to the door. Carrie remained, sliding a creamy éclair between her lips like a...
'No, ' Ron smiled. Such delicious fantasies were hardly appropriate. He wondered how many would turn up at the concert tonight. It was a small venue and he kind of doubted a lot of people would still be interested in an artist that had such a checkered career. But, he guessed, he may be surprised who'd come out of the woodwork. Not everyone obsessed on Classic radio or chased the mainstream like a trendy cellphone. This was a University town with eclectic tastes and you just never know.
The café was filling up and they were the only two hogging tables by themselves. Carrie suddenly stood, clutching a purse and a cigarette packet. Ron hadn't thought she'd be a smoker. He'd imagine she'd have more respect for her voice. Then, he thought, there was that so-called rock and roll lifestyle so why should he be surprised? In fact, why should he be surprised she was as susceptable to ordinary vices like the rest of the population?
On the spur of the moment he, too, got up and went outside with his cancer sticks. Ron's kids had been on to him for years about giving up but he always had some reason not to. 'It's not the right time.'
In any case, he found her out in the small garden bar impatiently pacing up and down while drawing down the smoke in deep puffs.
"Hi," he acknowedged briefly as she glanced enquiringly in his direction. She flashed a smile in the self-conscious way of a fellow addict.
Carrie was dressed casually in jeans and sweatshirt. Her long hair was dyed auburn and tied back with a silver clasp. Her face was fuller than her photos and defined a little by her mid forties age. Album art had always depicted her soft focussed and indistinct and she'd done few publicity shots.
She was one of those who eschewed the whole star bullshit and consequently had gained credibility on the alternative scene, and being completely ignored otherwise. She just wasn't a Madonna and never pretended to be.
"Got a light?" he mumbled as casually as he could and she tossed him a brass Zippo. He nodded thanks, lit a rollie, then tossed it back. "Ron," he told her.
"Rosalie," she replied.
'What?' his mind struggled with the confusion of mistaken identity. He remembered the embarrassment once of having to meet some guy at the airport who was arriving to give some lectures. His wife had just given birth and Ron was deputised. All he had was a photo to go by and he'd spent 10 minutes talking to some stranger who was nearly a spitting image. He felt an utter fool afterwards.
"Visiting?" he asked, regaining his composure.
"Working," she explained.
"What'yer do?"
'Ah!' he thought, "oh yeah? What'yer play?"
"Guitar and sing."
"Really? Where's the gig? Maybe I'll check it out?"
"Sure. Club called Shed 19. Down by the docks."
"I know it," he told her. Sure he knew it, he had a ticket already.
"You Carrie Power?"
"Yeah. I use that name on stage. Kinda dumb but I'm stuck with it. No-one'll turn up to a concert by Rosalie Feriera and I need to make a living."
"I understand. Tickets selling well tonight?"
"Selling out. You'd better get in fast if you want a seat."
"Actually, I have a ticket already," he confessed, "that's what I came down for... the gig. I didn't think that many people would remember you?"
"Surprising who comes out of the woodwork. Mostly old Toolbox fans wanting the old stuff."
"Do you give it to them?" he smiled.
"Some," she shrugged, "but I've moved on from those days. Y'can't keep pretending it's 1990 and still be true to what you are today. That stuff had its time and place. I hope you won't be disappointed?"
"No. I've got your solo CDs... all your later stuff." Ron was conscious he was beginning to act like a fan and immediately regretted it.
"What'yer think?"
"I like all your stuff... different reasons, of course. I'm an old folk fan and that last CD had a very folky feel."
"I'm glad you said that," she replied, "my roots are in folk music. I... we all had stuff to get off our chests back then. That's why I invented Carrie Power, this militant feminist bitch out to show the men she was as tough as them. It was fashionable then, too, and helluva lotta fun."
"I understand," Ron replied, "then came the Spice Girls."
"Oh yeah," she laughed, "killed everything. 'Girl Power' suddenly meant dressing up on stage in sexy outfits to please the guys. We've come a long way," she added ruefully. "See, the record companies realised there was money in the 'idea, ' but had to take the politics out of it first. That was far too threatening for them. After all, they'd been using women's bodies to sell records for years. This was just another opportunity. Ironic, they should turn the whole thing around."
"Inevitable," he suggested; he thought, profoundly.
"What was with the little school dresses and the backpacks?"
"Oh," she laughed, "the 'Riot Grrl' thing? Middle Class trust fund kids from a certain North Western arts college playing dress ups and trying to create their own little scene. We never took it seriously. All I ever wanted to do was start a band and play music that I wanted to play. The problem with the Riot bands was few of them were any good. Guitar wasn't an instrument their mummies gave them when they were twelve. They took singing lessons and learned keyboard. Every guy had played guitar since he was little, so the girls had a big gulf to bridge before they could play as well all those talented guys. Those women who stuck at it and really learned to play made it, most didn't."
"Funny how you all now say you were never a Riot Grrl band?"
"We were Riot Grrl when we got a write up in the New York Times. We were Riot Grrl when we wanted people along to our gigs. But you ain't seen me in a Kinderwhore dress like Courtney Love or ordering guys to the back of the hall like Kathleen Hanna. We only ever wanted to play punk and hard rock. I never went in for the bullshit."
"So now you play acoustic ballads?"
"Yeah, and no-one ever asks me to flash my tits."
"You might make more money?" Ron chuckled.
"Doubt it," she laughed, "who'd pay good money for 45 year old boobs?"
"45 year old guys, maybe?"
"C'mon," she replied, "you guys want them all fresh like a co-ed's."
"Now that's not true."
"Anyway, is there anything to see in this town?"
"Sure. I was born here. There's lots of views, the sea, green belt, parks..."
"What would you recommend first?"
"Mount Victoria," Ron told her, "then, maybe, a walk along the sea front?"
"Sounds fine. What bus do I catch?"
"No limo?"
"Y'kiddin'? I get a taxi to the gig if I'm lucky."
"Maybe I could show you around?" he suggested.
"No, thanks. You must have things to do." She looked wary and Ron wondered whether he'd stepped over the boundary.
"What about that guy you were with?"
"Paul plays guitar and a little keyboard for me," she explained, "he's local... gone to see his mom, he told me. Most like he's gone to see some friends to get stoned."
"You don't mind?"
"Nah. He's never stood me up for a gig in ten years. He's good even when he's trashed."
"So, I'm doin' nothing? I, uh, lost my wife a few year ago, and..."
"Sorry to hear that," she seemed genuinely sympathetic, "any kids?"
"Three, you?"
"Just the one. She's doing film at UCLA."
"Like Jim Morrison?"
"Yeah, and Coppola. Name's Aimee after Aimee Mann. Not my idea."
"Whose then?"
"Her Father. He produced our records back in the Toolbox days. Hooked up with some wannabe actress half his age now."
"Good for him," Ron said ruefully.
"Aw, he's alright. We're still good friends. Couldn't cut it as a couple, too much ego in there I think."
"Uh ha. I guess all that creative temperament..."
"Something like that," she laughed, "more like a couple of control freaks."
"And now?"
"And now I'm fine on my own. I have a house just outside of Portland that I don't get to see much. I mostly spend the year touring small venues, clubs. Toolbox royalties pays the mortgage, but if I want to eat, I have to work. It's okay, I like my life now. I can do without the hits, major label bullshit, pressure..."
"Sounds nice."
"It is."
Her cigarette was long dead and discarded in the bin by the door. She plucked another Marlboro Lite from the packet, however, and lit it. She offered him one and he took it.
"Why don't we go for a walk?" he asked, "there's a park down the road... or least there was twenty years ago."
"Probably a Bank now," she shrugged, "anyway... why not? I need some cash anyhow."
They walked out into the street and down towards the park. 'What was he doing?' he asked himself? 'Was he playing the fan or just being a local showing a stranger around?' The town was just a town and a hell of a lot smaller than US cities. But a local tends to overlook that which attracts a visitor. The city was cramped between harbour and hills, a kind of San Francisco in minature. It had charm, sure, and a nightlife. But it was nothing at all like the conglomeration of Los Angeles.
The park still existed, surrounded by glass towers. The Council had installed garish, incomprehensible sculptures in wire and tin and the lawns were immaculately edged and mown like green carpets. Ornamental paving had replaced the cement paths and the MacDonalds trash was evidently quickly removed from around the shrubs. There was no longer any graffiti or empty beer bottles: just a sterile place for stockbrokers to have their lunch in the sun.
"Not exactly as I remember," Ron said, appologetically, "no dogs feeding on discarded fast food and drunks on the benches."
"You like rubbish?" she raised her eyebrows.
"I guess I wanted everything to be how I remember, with the old buildings, the smell of gas, stalled trolley buses and the freezing rain."
"You like all those things?" she asked, sitting down, "I couldn't wait to get out West. I'm from Dayton, Ohio. Couldn't wait to get away from the Winters."
"So you went to California?"
"Actually, Seattle. There was that scene starting in the late eighties with Soundgarden, Mother Love Bone, Pearl Jam, Sub Pop Records..."
"Right, and Nirvana?"
"Oh yes, there was Nirvana all right," she chuckled, "Nirvana? Could we ever forget Nirvana?"
"Surely that brought the money in?"
"Well, yes and no. Soundgarden were the first to sign to Sony, but then everything really got crazy when 'Teen Spirit' got on MTV. Bands gone signed even if they couldn't play. Smack and fat check books... changed everything."
It was nearly two and Rosalie/Carrie looked at her watch impatiently. "They're putting dinner on for me at five," she said, "if we're going to see anything we'd better get going."
"Right, let's hook a bus and head up the mount?"
"Lead on."
The bus ride was around twenty minutes. Mount Victoria was quite close to the city centre and offered panoramic views of the harbour and surrounds. Ron failed to explain it was also a favourite for courting couples, although that early in the afternoon there was unlikely to be too much trade.
At least the view wasn't that much different. There were a few more tall buildings and development along the waterfront. Wharf cranes had been replaced by overpriced apartments and fake lagoons, but the harbour and rolling hills still remained with all its landmarks.
Ron pointed out the places where he used to live, grotty student apartments and far away in the hill suburbs where he was brought up. Surprisingly, Carrie was interested in these recollections although Ron couldn't fathom why.
"Personal stories," she explained, "grist to the mill for a songwriter."
"Oh," he shrugged, "so I'm likely to end up in a song?"
"'The ballad of Ron of the Hills, '" she teased, "this guy leaves his heart in a town and moves out to the country to tread in chickenshit."
"Is it that obvious? And it was sheepshit."
"Cowshit, whatever, and, yes, it's obvious. So why did you leave?"
He turned around out to sea to watch a container ship pass out through the heads. "I got married," he explained, "then the kids came. It was too expensive to live here on the one income. My wife always wanted to have a little cottage in the country with a couple of acres..."
"But that wasn't what you wanted?"
"At that time," Ron sighed, "we were so much in debt the strain was killing me. The idea of having a piece of land for the kids to run around in was attractive. But I had no idea of how isolated life is out there. I was used to cars, people, cafes, bars, and the sea. I couldn't get used to living without the smell of salt and the rumble of surf."
"The hills?"
"Oh, yes, I miss these hills plastered with houses. They hug you, protect... Wide open pasture, you feel so alone and exposed. It took me a long time to get used to miles upon miles of farms as far as the eye could see."
"'And the wind blows the chill of loneliness... ' You said your wife passed away?"
"Two years, last week."
"And your children?"
"Youngest is ten, a thirteen year old and my oldest is fifteen, all boys."
"They live with you?" Ron nodded, "you work?"
"Gardener and groundsman. I keep the town gardens."
"Ah! So you're good with plants?"
"My Dad was a greenkeeper at the local Lawn Bowls Club. I thought the green fingers had missed a generation. I don't really have a talent nor a desire, but I took whatever work I could get. The council put me through trade school."
"So what do you really want to do?"
"Books?" He nodded, "and do you?"
"I scribble whenever I have the time. Like during the Winter months after mulching and pruning when there's little to do."
"Ah! You have some manuscripts with you? I wouldn't mind taking a look."
"Just my notebook. I jot down ideas."
"So," she said, turning to face him, "this must be a big deal for you. Coming back to your hometown for, what, to see a concert?"
"Yeah, I guess. I packed the kids off to sleep over at their friends' places. I've planned this for weeks... saved the money up."
"I should be flattered, then?"
"I suppose. My friends urged me to go. They said I needed a break. There's always some reason not to do it."
"And you're glad you made the effort?"
"Hell, yes! Who'd think I'd get to meet Carrie Power in the flesh?"
"Steady, pal!" she laughed, "I still have my clothes on."
"Oh, shit, I didn't mean..."
"I know you didn't. I'm teasing. You're that much a fan?" she asked, "why?"
"Difficult question," he pondered, embarrassed. "I guess I built up this picture of the hard bitch with the gentle core. Y'know, I listened to all that early stuff where you pour out all this hatred against the men who fucked you over. I kind of pictured... this is stupid..."
"Go on."
"Well, I thought in my fantasies how someone like you needed the right guy..."
"You?" she laughed, "it turned you on?"
"No! Well, I suppose... in a way. But I like happy endings. I listened to your later stuff and I heard someone who was happier. Had maybe found love? Like the ending of a soap opera?"
"Ha!" she laughed, "except soap operas don't end. Now you understand that I was never all that full of resentment. Sure, I had some disappointments, but it was fashionable in the early nineties to dump on every guy. I like men... always have. My friends all knew why I was being superbitch and understood. Those guys who felt threatened probably needed to examine their attitude to women. I think a lot of guys thought, 'Oh well, he's a jerk but I'm so much better.' That's okay, you know, you don't have to take everything on board. At the end of the day, it's only the entertainment business."
"Sure, but songs have the power to touch people's hearts."
"Yes, and that's what I try to do. But I don't have any more take on the world than anyone else. I've just learned to sing about it. You write, so you must know. If you think you have more wisdom than your audience then you have a severe ego problem."
"If I had that much more wisdom I'd be a damned sight better off."
"See? Humble, yet recognising you have a gift and using it. I'm lucky I can make a living from it. I hope you make it, too, Ron. I get the feeling that's where your heart is, in your words. Just keep writing."
"I have to."
"I know," she replied, "have you sent anything to a publisher?"
"Just some motorcycle revues about thirty years ago. They were published in an Aussie bike mag... edited to hell, I hardly recognised my own writing."
"Yeah, they do that. Nothing since?" Ron shook his head. "Then it's time you got your butt off the seat and posted something."
"Nothing's ready. Not sufficient quality for a publisher. No-one want's to read my stuff... adventure stories, daft romances..."
"You've just condemned most modern literature," she laughed, "so how the fuck do you know if you've never given it to anybody to read? I'll give you my Email. You send me a 'daft romance' and lets see what happens. You show me how a sensitive guy treats his woman."
"Now you're taking the piss."
"I'm not, well, just a little," she laughed, "but, seriously, write me a story... promise?"
"Sure... sure, why not?"
"Who knows, it might become a song."
"You'd do that?"
"If you're as good as I think you are?"
"You haven't read anything of mine. How do you know how good I am?"
"Because I can hear the way you describe things, thoughts and feelings. The rest is technique and that's just advice and practice. Translating your vision to the page."
"It's getting on," Ron said, looking at his watch, "you've got a dinner date?"
"A buffet at the hotel. Why don't you come along, or do you have other plans?"
"No, I was going to grab some takeaways."
"Don't do that. Grab a free meal, but I'll have to ditch you about 6 for a sound check and warm up. Come backstage after, if you like. When are you going back?"
"Tomorrow. I want to look a few people up before I leave."
"Okay. Come back after and tell me how you liked the gig?"
He agreed, and they set off back towards the bus stop.
The buffet was standard hotel fare for guests and visitors. Rosalie and her small entourage sat at a large table in the corner of the dining room. Ron noticed she didn't drink any of the available wine, being content with some health-giving herb concoction. He had few qualms about grabbing an available beer.
Her guitarist Paul had swaggered in, his eyes glassy and speech slow. He sat next to Rosalie on her right and tore into a plate of savouries with such gusto Rosalie raised her eyebrows.
There was a technician called 'Feral, ' with orange hair and a stud through his nose. He was responsible for both sound and lighting. Glen, the promoter and owner of the club, was the other guest. He was a clean cut man of about 40 wearing an open jacket and a 'Toolbox' T-shirt.
Glen did most of the talking and was clearly in awe of his 'talent.' He asked her about the other ex-members of the legendary Toolbox, but Rosalie had mostly failed to keep in touch.
"Sammie's drumming for an LA outfit called 'Droog'," she explained, "they're okay," she shrugged, "one of 400 or so LA bands playing punk, but they're getting some work. I think Jane's out of the business living somewhere in Oklahoma. Rache is living in Rhode Island with some Record Company executive. She was always good at giving the guys head."
Paul burst out laughing, spitting out pieces of pie crust. Glen smiled self-consciously and Feral just ignored everyone.
"And you?" queried Glen.
"Me? I have three cats the neighbours feed because I'm hardly home. They like me in New York, for some reason, and I do a couple of clubs there regularly. Hey, but the best gig I ever did as a solo artist was at Miami Beach. Can you fucking believe it? Florida? Jeb fucking Bush land?"
"Playing to the over seventies set," Paul added, grinning.
"They weren't that old!" Rosalie said, batting him on the shoulder.
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Love StoriesIt all began when I completed my 12th from our local suburb college and secured 90% in 12th. I was 18 that time. I decided to go to one of the top colleges in Mumbai and due to my high percentile even I got into one of them. But now question arises how could i travel from my home to college daily?It was almost 2.5-3 hours daily single journey. My mom suggested if we can ask her sister who lived in Mumbai about this situation. Because mom's sister - Radha aunty and Ramesh uncle had a very nice...
That afternoon, after Tom and Lynette had returned home, Tom told Angela what had happened to him in the Avery class. “Oh, Tom!” Angela exclaimed when he told her about how he had felt about the holding of hands and how the touching made him begin to have signs of anxiety. “But it wasn’t at all like the panic I used to get, Mom,” he assured her. “This was more of a feeling of ... discomfort ... anxiety, I guess. I was really uncomfortable at first, and as I tried to push that feeling away,...
‘Hey Kody, wanna go campin?’ If I heard that line one more time from him I was going to knock him on his ass. Ever since the first time I’d met him, Trevor had been trying to get me to sleep with him by using that line. At 5’11’, 160 lbs with long brown hair and those bright blue eyes that most women swoon over, not to mention his tanned athletic body, Trevor had come to the conclusion that he was God’s gift to women. Not that I blame him for reaching this conclusion, for as I look around, I...
“It’s just a spider, sweetie.” Mr. Housened grabs a paper towel from the kitchen and stands up on the end table to get the creepy crawly. Mr. and Mrs. Housened are high school sweethearts, married right out of high school. Married a few months after graduation. “Flush it!” Melody Housened demands. “No, I want to keep it as a pet.” Jake Housened jokes. He gets a glass jar from the recycling bin and sticks a piece of lettuce inside. “See, it won’t hurt us.” “NO! FLUSH IT! KILL IT!” she...
sorry about the spelling no name will be said thru out this about a month ago are girlfriends broke up with us around week a part so we hanging out at my place and talking but the girls and when we where talking about the girls we realize hoe horny we where so we hear about the lady lager from a friend that's said he bought one and it's work its better then your hand he said so we finger we should buy one each so we went online to look at them we ended up liking what we seen it was 60 bucks for...
CHEAPER BY THE QUARTER Christine, Judy, Karen and Beth asked me to come to their apartment at noon for Champagne. They had finally saved enough money for complete make-overs and were ready to go to the clinic. By make-overs I don't mean just new hair styles and exciting new make-up. Far from it. What had taken them so long to save the money - a couple of years I was told -- was that they each had wanted to have substantial -yes, substantial - - plastic surgery. They knew exactly...
“Dru, Coach Jan wants all of us in the dressing room. Be sure the last one in locks the door ... and the deadbolt as well,” Bobby said, as he gathered up his clothes and Coach Jan’s and Faith’s clothes too. “Bobby, is there anything wrong?” “No, we’re just going to have a fun meeting in the dressing room ... take some pictures, then we’ll take a shower together.” “Wow, you’re really going to take a shower with us, Bobby Joe?” “Yes, that is if no one objects to me being naked in the shower...
My heart was racing, just 2 days earlier I was your average straight white 30 something, pussy always on my mind. Then I made a financial blunder and needed to come up with a couple grand fast. I couldn't borrow that amount from anyone and regular work would take at least a month or more to make that. I was lost on what to do. I needed to go for a walk and clear my head, hoping for my eureka moment. When it came it wasn't what I had expected. I decided to stop in my favorite bar for a drink....
Bigtit stunner Siya Jey is looking fine in sheer lingerie that shows off her nipples and her luscious curves for Raul Costa. Siya faces a mirror as she gradually pops her jugs from her bra, giving Raul a show from the front and back simultaneously. Then she struts over to the couch, where she kneels in front of Raul and lets him feel her up from tits to twat. Getting up from his seated position, Raul eases Siya down on the couch. He kneels before her, using his big hands to part her thighs and...
xmoviesforyouIn the light of recent comments in reviews to some of my stories, I think it's time to nail my colours to the mast. And perhaps it's not too difficult to guess what shape and hue those colours would be when displayed on the Good Ship Sissy. Although there is a great deal of variation in body shapes and sizes, there are still some generalisations that can be made about the differences between men and women. I emphasise the word generalisations. Women tend to have breasts, men tend not...
My older brother Kenny was my hero. He taught me everything…well, maybe just the most important things. Last summer he taught me a whole bunch…Ken was a tall athletic guy, a real ladies man, and kind of a trouble-maker in his day. A year and a half my senior, he always had time to help me out of a jam or to give me advice. One weekend last summer, Kenny was staying in for the night, and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I was psyched; he usually was out on Friday nights with his friends or...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Middle of the night and I come back from the bathroom. The bright moon light filters through the curtain, casting a soft glow on her sleeping on her back. The roar of the surf can be heard through the open window. The sheet has been tossed towards the bottom of the bed leaving just one foot covered, the toes of the other revealed. I stand beside the bed, one hand resting on the headboard and marvel at how beautiful she is. Even at 58, her beauty rivals...
IncestENCOUNTER WITH DESTINY - PART 9 By slave ruthie "Good morning, my pretty little slave." Although he was smiling as he looked down on her, she was aware of a slightwarning in his voice. He had emphasized the word 'pretty' to remind her itwas HIM who set her value, not her. "Umm, g-good morning, my uhh kindmaster!" He frowned. "I am going to assume my kindness has nothing to do withdescribing my own property as 'pretty', slave, and that last night's lessondoes not need repeating. Hmmm?" He waited...
Eddie's mom, Susan, was one of those sexy women in her 30's who you could hardly bring yourself to believe was a wife and mother, much less the mother of your buddy. Susan was so hot and so sexy that Philip found himself frequently going home after he'd spent an afternoon with Eddie and having to jack himself off in the shower because Susan had gotten him so hot and horny. Philip had been Eddie's good friend for many years and when he'd begun to notice Susan, Philip had found himself...
The kids can't get enough of their mom and dad. Later that night. Susan Fourteen year old Susan woke in the dark with someone in her bed. Her arm was over a man's chest. She was waking from an unremembered dream and not fully into reality yet. She felt herself cuddling up to him. She knew it was safe to do so. In fact she felt her face smiling and knew it was wonderful to do so. Oh Yeah, it was her wonderful father. Then she remembered passing for a 22 year...
Isn’t it amazing how quickly the second week of a holiday seems to go? That’s exactly how I felt the other day after returning from a two week trip to Europe. Just as I was wallowing in that post vacation melancholy, it was time for a girlie weekend at my place with my usual crowd plus a couple of Laura’s friends from uni. The most I have ever put up in my apartment was five, but with seven of us, I had to be a bit creative and organised for Laura’s Mum to bring over a folding bed and some...
Group SexFor me, this was the first day of school. I pulled up just as Mike did. I thought about sitting in my car until he went in, but decided I might as well tackle this now. He didn’t see me until I was right next to him. “Oh, shit!” he said as he jumped when he saw me. “Relax.” We walked in without saying a word to each other. Mike kept glancing at me, as did half the people who hung around the front of the school. I think we disappointed them when we didn’t throw down right there. Pam saw us...
You are home alone in your apartment, and feeling a little lonely. You begin to stroke your cock while watching hot women on the TV. As you are sitting on the couch stroking yourself, your really getting into it and are about to cum. Just as you are about to cum someone knocks on the door! As you are lonely you have to answer it, after all someone has come to visit you. You wonder who it could be.
IncestWas it tomorrow already? Let’s see, I remember getting sucked off in the middle of the night. I remember waking at six a.m. and looking at a happily sleeping woman. I remember taking a leak, getting back into bed, closing my eyes and then having a damp pussy slide onto my face. Yeah, I remember that real well. Now, it’s nearly eleven and we’re first rolling out of bed. I watched as Caren got out of bed and I marveled at her magnificent curves. She walked over to my side and pulled my hand,...
“We had an engagement party planned for tonight,” Katelyn said when everyone was gathered in the apartment. “I guess that’s off. We’ll need to call everyone to let them know.” “I am not changing my plans!” Phil declared. “Yes, I will put up with having someone shadow me but I’m still going to go to the park tomorrow if the weather clears up. I’m still going to work on Monday and I’m going to have lunch at the deli like I always do. If you planned something for this evening, we’ll do it. Just...
Dear ISS Reader, This is my first time I’m sharing my experience with you.If anyone from you people like my story or wanna share something or want to experience something new in your life then mail me on I would like to tell you something about myself.I am 24 years name is Andy (name changed).The story involves me,my gf and a guy named sergey which happened 2 years ago when i used to stay in hostel in foreign country during my study days. I and my gf (now ex-gf) used to have a very...
He was shocked. As much as he confessed not to be, I could tell what I had said had taken him aback. “You’re repulsed.” “No, no …” he stammered. I turned away from him. I just told him my deepest darkest secret and even though he attested to having “heard it all”, I knew my confession had him mentally spinning. And Nolan doesn’t suspect …” “No. He suspects nothing.” I sat up and grabbed the pillow next to me, clenching it in front of me like it was a shield and I was going into battle.
‘Oh god what have done?’ he asked himself as the door closed behind her leaving him alone in the hospital room. ‘I haven’t called her Krys in years. Not since before…’ his voice faded out as the darkness wrapped around him again. The monitors surrounding him kept close count of his vitals, but he lay there unmoving and unresponsive once again. Angel stood just out of sight of the windows behind the nurses’ station. Her eyes were still full of tears, but there was nothing she could do. There...
(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Eight: Mommy's Incestuous Deal By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah “Faizel,” I smiled as my eldest son leaned against the entrance to the kitchen, a hungry smile on his dusky face. He had such bold eyes, staring at me like he wanted to feast. On his own mother. I loved it. Beneath my dress, my pussy grew hotter, remembering how hard he fucked me an hour ago. A shiver ran through me, my...
I woke up the next morning, Courtney was already gone for work. I stared at the ceiling fan, unable to move. Courtney was due to come home in a few hours. I dreaded seeing him walk through the door. I got back from the restaurant and pulled up the credit card statements. From what I gathered, my husband had been having multiple affairs. I found receipts and credit card statements showing where he had been lying to me for at least a year. When he said he was going to his mother’s house, he...
Part TwoWe arrived at our home, about twenty minutes after picking up my bimbo dressed slut wife. I picked her up outside one of the most notorious pick up joints in our town. A lot of the journey home involved my wife regaling some of the saucy and naughty moments she claimed she had been enjoying recently at the hands of the lounge lizards and alpha males. She had confessed to being finger fucked by five different guys and admitted that one aroused her so much, she allowed him to finger her...
Shelly clicked her ruby red heels through the International Terminal, her tight pinstripe mini skirt accentuating a firm, rounded ass. The blue, curve-hugging cashmere sweater with plunging neckline displayed her ample assets. Meticulously manicured nails were lacquered in red, and her honey blonde hair curled over straight shoulders. Rounded, innocent looking eyes looked out of a beautiful face. The thin, black, leather choker with the gleaming silver wings was slightly out of character. She...
BDSMIt was 3rd period and I was bored to tears in my English class, sitting next to my best friend. Kelly and I had been inseparable since primary school and we were lucky enough to have gotten most of the same classes together for our third year of high school. Sat at the desk behind us was Cassie, she was known as the bitch of our year and for some reason althroughout primary school she had always hated me, playing tricks on me and my friends but especially me. I had never found out why...
Place: CollegeAge: 19Sex: Boy ...............................................I sat in my dorm, staring at the blank computer screen wearing a pair of jeans and a clean white t- shirt. Today was a Friday night and I had nothing to do. All my buddies were busy with their girls, and there I am, left with no one. Yeah, a billion girls asked me out this year but the only girl I was into was Delaney. A 19 year old, sexy teenage girl, who had long silky brown hair, a fine curved ass,...
Panic set in instantly. Carlo's (for he had returned immediately) fingers flew to his mouth in a shocked movement that was instinctively feminine - though he was in no state of mind to appreciate it - as his mind raced with a hundred panicky thoughts. "Er, ..... Mrs Ver..., Tanya...., what...?" His spluttering, hesitant reply was cut off abruptly. "Look, Carlo, I've come quite a distance in this awful weather, on Christmas Eve, to bring your Christmas present, I need you to let me...
Corey looked down at his cell phone, and felt a shock of adrenaline wash through his body when he saw who the call was from. It was just a game, Corey reminded himself. Just because she convinced him to put her in his contact list as ‘Demonic Temptress Desiderata’ didn’t really mean that she was some kind of succubus or something. It was just her nickname, or persona or whatever you wanted to call it, just something she pretended to be in her blog posts and her chats. For fun. As a fantasy, to...
Scat XXX Porn is quite a website. Oh, I have this permanent look on my face over it. You couldn't tell if I'm making this face out of pleasure or out of... pure wonder. Understand that this website is scat porn. It's not sptting, not pissing, not choking. Although, some of those fetishes can also be in this website, too. Regardless, we're talking straight scat.ScatXXXPorn has done a good job in becoming absorbed in this fantasy and lifestyle of brown pudding. "Pudding" is me keeping the words...
Scat Porn SitesIf there was one thing that annoyed the crap out of me it was a straight boy who gave off mixed vibes. That boy was named Daniel Taylor and I’d simply become fed up with his games. When he wasn’t making fun of me along with all the other basketball players, he was smacking my ass or humping me when no one was paying attention. He sat behind me in our calculus class and would always put his feet on the legs of my desk and cause it to shake. And with me being on the cheerleading team, me and the...
"God damn it," she thought, "I am fucked now.." Since this was her third strike she would be in county jail for at least 3 months, then spit back out on the street. As a nineteen year old community college drop-out, she had little to look forward to. Other than her long legs and pretty face, she had little redeeming qualities. She had been out on the street for too long, and had fucked too many people for not enough money. She was tired, lonely, and sore. She laid down to rest on the hard...
“I’m going to fuck your wife.”“Really, how’d you work that out?”“It’s obvious that she needs a real man. One that can show her what it feels like to have six-and-a-half inches of prime meat in her.”“Oh, is that right?”“Yep, I’m glad she brought you today. I’m glad I can explain it to you, face to face, mano-a-mano.”“Mano-a-mano implies I’m a man and therefore if she’s had me then she won’t need you.”“It’s just a saying, you know what I mean. There’s no point trying to outwit me, cleverer men...
Wife LoversThe party had been progressing nicely, the music and drinks were flowing. Early on Brooke cornered Jamie into an intimate conversation and then led her downstairs and out to the parking lot to sit in Ted s car so they could light up a joint. Jamie followed Brooke into the back seat of Ted s station wagon. Brooke told Jamie about her parent s relationship with Dot and Ted. She told Jamie about the sexual adventures that had occurred in the car they were sitting in that very moment. Curiosity...
My friend and i invited about 2 girls to a party that my other friend was having.It was an all girl party for bisexuals and lesbians only.Me and my friend saw a very sexy girl walk in her eyes were hazel,her boobs were geourgeous her body was flawless. I walked up to her and said "just wondering are you bi or lesbian" she said "I'm bi-sexual" I smiled She told me to follow her so I did. She said hi im Jade you? I'm Kelsea then..... She removed her shirt then her very short shorts.She said want...
LesbianOut of the trees on the pathway appeared about fifty Celt warriors, painted in their blue war paint and wearing thick woollen dresses with belts around their waists. Each had a sword or spear in their hand and a round wooden shield attached to their forearm. Some of the warriors had human heads hanging from their belts, with the blood marks on their legs from the skulls, which showed the beheading was quite recent. I saw the heads all had blond hair and was almost certainly the heads of the...