Nandita To Nandini
- 4 years ago
- 298
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Gosh, I don’t know where to begin. So much has changed since my niece came to live with me. My brother and sister-in-law died in an automobile accident. I was their daughter’s only living relative.
On my flight to Utah, I thought of Amy. The last time I saw her was three years ago. She was 10, blond with blue eyes, and tall for her age. I was visiting my brother for his 10th wedding anniversary, and I had enjoyed myself during that visit. My niece and I were inseparable. I was 12 years older than her, and our relationship was more like “big brother and little sister” than that of uncle and niece.
I had just spoken with my brother a few days earlier, so it was difficult for me to accept his death. I also talked to Amy; she said she missed me and wanted me to visit and take her swimming and bike riding. My brother said she was a typical ten-year-old.
I arrived in Salt Lake City late afternoon. I checked into the local Holiday Inn, called my brother’s attorney, and made plans to meet him the next day and settle his estate and Amy’s guardianship. Amy and I had a tearful reunion.
That following afternoon we were both on a plane heading for home. I live in a large house south of San Francisco. It has an extensive private backyard with a swimming pool and hot tub. My brother and I had inherited a substantial amount of money when our parents died. I took advantage of this windfall, and with my brother’s advice, I had invested it wisely. The result was I didn’t have to work for a living.
We arrived home late that night. I was tired from the flight and after showing Amy her room. I excused myself and went to my room. The first thing I did was strip naked. I was so glad to get rid of my clothes. I hadn’t worn clothes for such an extended period in years. Since I lived by myself, I spent all my time nude. I considered myself a full-time nudist. I wore clothes when I had to. And then, usually just my running shorts.
I showered and went to bed thinking about how I would manage my nudist lifestyle and Amy. I had no intention of giving up being a nudist. But, I had to take into account I had my 10-year-old non-nudist niece living with me.
The following day I woke up early and put on my running shorts. I was in the kitchen brewing coffee when Amy, wearing panties and a short top, came in.
“Good morning Uncle Bob,” she said smiling.
“Good morning, sweetie,” I replied.
“Are you hungry?” I asked.
“Yes,” she replied.
“I was just about to make some bacon and eggs,” I said, nodding towards the fridge. I added, “Go pour yourself some milk.”
I watched her walk to the fridge. I couldn’t help admire how her low-cut white cotton panties and short top exposed her midriff, showing off her flat stomach, narrow waist, and cute round butt. I had no idea a 10-year-old girl could be so curvy.
Since we were both so skimpily dressed, I thought this might be a good time to mention my nudist lifestyle. I remembered my brother had toyed with nudism before getting married and had a pretty lax dress code at home because of that. In many of my visits there, I often saw her and my brother in undies. The fact she wasn’t embarrassed to be seen in her underwear could make it easier for me to continue my nude lifestyle uninterrupted.
We ate breakfast and talked about school and shopping and the million or so things we needed to do so she could get settled in and feel at home. I casually let her know it was OK with me to run around in undies.
“Like your daddy, I too like hanging out in my undies ... but most of the time I like hanging out nude”, I said.
“You mean naked?” she exclaimed.
“Yea,” I answered.
“Since I don’t have to work and I live alone, I stopped wearing clothes a long time ago. I’d like to continue not wearing any clothes”, I explained.
For a second or two, we sat quietly eating, looking at each other, not saying anything. Then I said, “How about we make a deal?”
“I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable living here with me, so I’ll wear my shorts when you’re home. Of course, when you’re in school, I’ll be naked. And when you are here, I’ll be naked in my bedroom, my office, and the bathroom”, I added.
She got up and gave me a big hug. “I love you, Uncle Bob,” she said smiling and added, “It’s a deal.”
After breakfast, we didn’t bother getting dressed. We spent the morning in Amy’s bedroom unpacking and making a list of things she needed. Around lunchtime, I suggested we clean up and go out to eat, and then afterward, we could go shopping for the items on her list.
“Amy, you take your shower first. I have a couple of calls to make,” I said.
I left her and went to my bedroom, and took off my shorts. Naked, I sat on my bed and called my bank to confirm the transfer of Amy’s inheritance money from the bank in Utah. I had just finished when I heard Amy. “Your turn Uncle Bob,” she yelled from the hallway.
I stuck my head out into the hallway to see if the coast was clear and just in time to catch a glimpse of Amy’s bare butt as she ran into her room. I smiled to myself and walked naked to the bathroom. Just as I was stepping into the bathroom, I looked back towards Amy’s room and saw Amy peeking at me. I grinned from ear to ear. Her first day here, and we had both seen each other’s bare butts.
After eating we spent the rest of the afternoon shopping. We must have gone into every store in the mall. It was early evening by the time we finished. I stopped at the local pizza parlor and ordered a take-out to eat at home.
The first thing I did after we got home was head to my room and undress. Reluctantly, I put on my shorts.
I had promised Amy I would help her put away her new clothes. I walked into her room and was awed when I saw her topless in panties. She looked wonderful. She didn’t seem at all embarrassed. We finished unpacking and then went to the TV room to eat our pizza. We sat crossed-legged on the floor across from each other, eating and talking. I couldn’t help notice how the thin material of Amy’s panties clearly outlined the contours of her pussy
I did not realize that sitting on the floor had exposed testicles. “Uncle Bob, can I ask you a question?”
“Of course you can,” I replied.
“Do you go naked all the time?” She asked.
“Yes, I do.” and further explained, “I’ve been a nudist for a long time. I’ve grown accustomed to nudity, and now I feel uncomfortable and restricted in clothes.”
Since it was too late to try and cover-up, I ignored my exposed testicles and just sat there quietly eating. We didn’t say anything more.
We finished eating, and after cleaning up, we sat on the sofa and watched TV until bedtime. I stayed up a while longer before turning in for the night.
The next few days were hectic. I enrolled Amy in the local school, which was just a few blocks away, and then had to deal with the bank and Amy’s inheritance and see my lawyer, making sure my guardianship was registered and I was her legal guardian.
Amy soon got in the habit of coming into my room every morning to wake me up. Since I slept nude, I had to be careful to keep my hairy butt under the sheet. One particular warm morning, instead of her usual calling out to wake me up, she shook me until I woke up.
When she saw I was awake, she kissed me on the cheek and said, “I love you,” then quickly ran out of my room. I propped myself up on my elbows just in time to catch a glimpse of her in her bare butt. That’s also when I noticed my top sheet crumpled up between my legs, barely covering anything. My pubes and most of my fat cock were exposed. I just smiled to myself and thought, oh well.
Usually, while she was showering, I’d be in the kitchen naked making coffee. She would call out when she finished, letting me know the coast was clear for me to use the bathroom. After showering, I’d put on my shorts and join her for breakfast.
After several months of living together, there was no way she had not seen me naked. I never caught her looking, but deep down, I knew she had. She was only 10, and since we both barely wore anything at home, I figured her curiosity motivated her to peek and want to see naked.
I thought it best to leave it alone and not broach the subject of my nudity with her just yet.
I guess luck was on my side because that day came sooner than expected. She usually came home from school around 3:30 in the afternoon. I lost track of time while cleaning the pool when without warning, I saw Amy, in her panties, standing at the back door, not more than 10 feet away, staring at me. I was naked as the day I was born.
I had no idea how long she’d been standing there. There was no use trying to cover up. I calmly put the cleaning tools away in the storage shed. By the time I walked into the house, Amy had disappeared. I had by now put my shorts on and went looking for her. I found her in the bedroom crying.
“I’m so sorry, Uncle Bob, I didn’t mean to stare,” she said between sobs.
“Oh, Amy, sweetie, don’t cry,” I said, reaching out to her.
“I was busy cleaning the pool and lost track of time. I should have been more careful”, I explained, “Besides, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s only natural that you looked”, I said, hugging her.
“You’re not mad at me?” She sobbed.
“Of course not, sweetie. Why would I be mad at you.”
“Uncle Bob, I don’t care if you’re naked all the time. Honest!” she said between her sobs.
“You mean it?” I asked excitedly.
“Yes, Uncle Bob, I do,” she said.
“If you want to be naked all the time like you used to be before I came to live with you, it’s OK with me,” she said.
“Honest Uncle Bob, it’s OK with me,” she said again.
“Oh! Amy honey, I don’t know. I wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea”, I whispered.
“I would never tell anyone, and besides, I’ve already seen you naked,” she said again, pulling away and looking at me.
“Sweetie, if it’s OK with you, I guess I can be OK with it too,” I said, feeling relieved and excited. How many months had it been? I hated wearing shorts and was beginning to resent having to cover up when she was home. “Let’s go hang these on the hook by the front door where they belong,” I said, taking her by the hand.
Together we walked to the front door, where she watched me take off my shorts. Her eyes widened when she got her first close-up look at my fat uncut cock and shaved balls.
I’m not a bad-looking guy. At the time, I was 23, 5’9” with black hair, blue eyes, smooth muscular chest and body, flat stomach, narrow waist, furry legs, and a firm round hairy butt. I have an average length fat uncut cock, a thick patch of black pubic hair, and shaved balls.
I was caught off guard and very surprised at the unexpected rush I felt standing completely naked in front of my niece.
Tingling all over, I asked, “Sweetie, are you sure you’re OK with me being naked?”
“Yes, Uncle Bob. Honest, cross my heart and hope to die”, she said, looking directly at my cock.
Except for the fact that I was naked every day, our daily routine didn’t change. I still caught the occasional glimpse of her bare backside on her way to and from the bathroom. For my part, I now enjoyed being naked at home again. And much more since now I had such a cute appreciative audience.
At first, I didn’t understand the feelings I felt being naked with her. It was undeniable she liked seeing me naked. We both spent as much time as possible together. In fact, by the time school let out for the summer, there was no denying Amy, and I liked our new living arrangement. A fact that became very clear to me after a relatively innocent encounter in the backyard.
I was out back on my hands and knees, pulling weeds, when Amy had walked up behind me and started laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I said, turning around and looking at her.
“Oh nothing,” she said, covering her mouth, trying to suppress her laughter.
I went back to pulling weeds. Amy started laughing again.
“Come on, tell me what’s so funny,” I said, this time kneeling up and looking at her.
“I can’t,” she said, laughing running to the kitchen.
I could still hear her laughing. Curiosity got the better of me. I left my tools and went into the house looking for her. She was in her bedroom.
“May I come in”? I asked.
“Of course, Uncle Bob,” she replied.
“Sweetie, what was so funny that made you laugh so much?” I asked, walking towards her.
“Oh, it was nothing really, just me being silly. Honest Uncle Bob”, she giggled.
“Oh, Please, Sweetie, tell me. I want to know”, I begged.
I sat next to her. She put her arm around my bare waist and hugged me tightly.
“You promise you won’t get upset?” she asked.
“You know I won’t,” I replied.
Still giggling, she said, “I went looking for you and found you in the backyard on your hands and knees.”
“I walked up behind you and saw ... you know ... hanging between your leg”, she said, pointing to my balls.
“It reminded me of Rusty, our neighbor’s dog back in Utah. Your balls hanging between your hairy butt and legs reminded me of how Rusty looked. Seeing you like that was funny. It made me laugh”, she said, giggling.
I started laughing too, and before I knew it, I was on my hands and knees. I was prancing around like Rusty, making her laugh when I shook my ass, so my balls swung. I also lifted my leg and pretended to pee. Her eyes never left my swinging cock and balls. I even barked and rolled over on my back just like Rusty, the both of us in hysterics laughing. The thrill I felt so innocently exposing my cock, balls, and hairy asshole to her was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
After that day, show and tell became one of our favorite games. There wasn’t any part of my body that she did not want to see or that I would not show her. Even though we did nothing overtly sexual, exposing myself to her like that was very exhilarating. Playing games where I lost and had to show myself was very exciting to me.
As Amy grew older, she had me buying her skimpier undies, including thongs and g-strings. She didn’t go nude like me, but she was always topless in skimpy bikini undies, thongs, or even g-strings. You can only imagine how I felt every morning seeing her lovely pink titties with their fat nipples and nothing on, well, practically nothing on.
I respected her privacy when she was in the bathroom or her bedroom. However, I didn’t mind if she came in when I was showering or using the toilet. My bedroom was off-limits if the door was closed. It’s where I would go and masturbate, often more than once a day.
Sometimes I’d ask her if she wanted to watch me pee. I would brazenly retract my foreskin 4 or 5 times, milking out every last drop of pee at the same time, exposing my shiny cockhead. My cock would engorge to double in size. Not quite an erection, but still a nice fat chub. I was hoping she would ask to hold it, even retract my foreskin—something she liked watching me do.
She loved watching me shave not just my face but also when I shaved my balsac. She would sit on the toilet, and I’d prop my leg up on the vanity and shave my balsac with her watching.
“Gee, Uncle Bob, that’s so cool how you do that,” she would say excitedly.
The summer of her 3rd year of HS, we sitting out by the pool. Amy was on her tablet, looking for a new bikini to buy. She showed me a few tiny g-strings, including a see-through mesh one.
“I want the one.” I looked at it and told her to save her money instead, go nudie like me.
She laughed at me and said she liked it and wanted it. I gave in and ordered it for her.
When it arrived, she modeled it for me. She looked stunning in it. It didn’t hide anything, including her pussy. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, gorgeous perky pink titties with large fat nipples, a flat tummy, a narrow waist, long legs, and a fabulous firm bubblebutt.
For her 16th birthday, we had decided to celebrate it at home. It would be just the two of us, in the backyard by the pool. I was outside setting up the BBQ and lounges near the pool when she joined me wearing the mesh g-string. I couldn’t help admire her beauty. Except for the small triangular mesh over her pussy, she might as well have been naked. The short soft blond pubic hairs of her landing strip were utterly exposed. Her bald pussy lips were visible through the mesh. The string holding up her thong disappeared between her beautiful round ass cheeks.
“Wow, you look gorgeous,” I said, winking at her.
“Uncle Bob, it’s only a bathing suit, you know,” she said, oblivious to the fact she was practically naked.
I watched as she bent over and spread her towel on the lounge. The bottom end of her mesh thong did not conceal her pussy lips or her perfect rosebud anus. I poured each of us a glass of wine and sat down between her legs, straddling the lounge facing her with the sun to my back.
“Here,” I said, handing her the glass of wine.
“Happy birthday, sweetie,” I said, bending towards her and giving her a light kiss on the lips.
“I love you so much,” I said, smiling at her.
“Oh, thank you, Uncle Bob. I love you too”, she said, sitting with her knees up and her legs wide open and her feet resting next to my knees.
My parents were nudists, or naturists, depending on who you talk to. From the time I was born they were bringing me to the Nudist Camp several towns away. So as I got older it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. We’d always spend our weekends and the whole Summer there. Being a nudist wasn’t that much different than anyone else. I had my friends, we swam, played baseball, basketball, hide-n-seek, whatever. Of course when I was eleven I started getting erections, my...
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IncestI remember the first time seeing my Uncle, after at least 10 years, he stood at 6ft 3 and weighed about 11 stone, he was well built for a 43 year old middle-aged man. I remember looking over the crowds in LAX airport, waiting to spot him, and then, I did, it was like nothing I had felt before, the fact that he was my Uncle was totally oblivious to me as I fancied him straight away. Big mistake. As we greeted eachother after all these years he reached out for a hug, what he didn't know was...
Hello, I’m Shivani here with the very first sexual experience of my life. It happened when I was 18. It was my sister’s wedding. All the relatives were staying at our house. I was happy with everyone’s arrival. But one of my grandfathers and uncle always made me uncomfortable. I noticed them many times staring at my private parts. And some times they also made attempts to touch them. I can’t really blame them I had a perfect set of tits. My figure was 30d – 28 -32. It was the night before the...
IncestVijay uncle pulled me close to him and buried his face into my neck, sniffing deeply. It caused tingling shivers in my body that originated at my neck and radiated all over my body. I loved the sensation. “Ah, Sweta,” he said in a guttural voice, “I have waited for so long to enjoy your body.” I could not help but reply, “Me too, uncle.” He laughed and turned my face towards him. He kissed my lips lightly and replied, “You smell so nice Sweta, like a flower in its bloom.” I giggled at the way...
IncestYe kahani aaj se karib 8 din pahale ki he mere ghar ke pas ek uncle aur anty rahete he uski umar karib 55 sal ki he aur anty ki 50 ke aas pas hogi vo bahut khubsurat thi uske boobs kafi bade the vo subah ko sirf gawn pahanti thi aur me subah jab bhi uske ghar jata to uske boobs ko hi dekhta rahata tha aur uske jukne ka intejar karta taki muje uske boobs dikhai de uske do ladake he vo dono america me rahate he yaha par sirf uncle aur anty hi rahate he anty agar koi chij lani ho to muje hi bulati...
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Hello guys…. Mera naam arun hain aur mera age hain 22. Main abhi bangalore me engineering kar raha hoon. Humaara nuclear family hain aur mere ghar mein me, paapa aur mom rehte hain. Yeh kahanni hain chaar saal purani jab mein 12th mein tha aur me hamesha busy rehta tha kyon ki ghar me sab bolte the ki yeh tera life ka turning point hain.Mere paapa bank me clerk the aur mom housewife thi. Humaara ek middle class family tha. Papa subah 9 am se 5 pm tak bank me rehte the. Me bhi subah 9am se 5 am...
Nudist Beach Adventure I would love to tell you a really horny true story about an experience I had on a nudist beach in Fuerteventura. The beach is where all of the sand dunes are and is s**ttered with nests of rocks where people lay in to sun bathe and keep out of the wind. Obviously because there is a degree of privacy there is a lot of various actions going on and understandably there are guys continually walking around them and if they can peering in to try and catch some action. Well my...
Nudist Beach AdventureI would love to tell you a really horny true story about an experience I had on a nudist beach in Fuerteventura. The beach is where all of the sand dunes are and is s**ttered with nests of rocks where people lay in to sun bathe and keep out of the wind. Obviously because there is a degree of privacy there is a lot of various actions going on and understandably there are guys continually walking around them and if they can peering in to try and catch some action. Well my...
I wasn’t raised in a nudist family, but I’ve considered myself a nudist (or better “naturist”) since I was 18 years old growing up in Northern California. I started driving out to a local “clothing optional” beach as more a voyeur than anything else. Instead of finding it a turn-on to look at people sunbathing and playing volleyball in the nude, I saw that the people (especially the families) were just having a good time without being encumbered by clothing. It wasn’t long before I found myself...
"Two things," Cheryl said, ignoring my question. "First you have to give me a good morning kiss, and then we have to schedule what we're going to do today." Okay, now I had a new question, but I still wanted my first one answered. "Cheryl, what did you after you crawled in my bed last night?" "Didn't I just say that first you have to give me a good morning kiss?" "I have morning breath." That brought on the 'Are you Mandy Kuczynski or her brother?' look again. "So hold it...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...
Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...
Hi friends mera naam priya h main haryana se hu baat tub ki jub 18 yrs ki the. Mere gar k pass ek homopathic dr rehte the unka hamre gar kaafi aana jaana tha ek baar mere mummy papa ko 15 din k liye gaav jana pada to main un uncle k gar rahi the pehle b main bhot baar unke gar reh cukhi the. To main unke gar rehne chali gyi unke gar main uncle aunty rehte the unke 2no bache bahar rehte the. Main dfihne main kafi gori thebt muje mere boobs nhi pasand the vo bot bade the . Jub raat ko main so...
Cheryl lifted her glass. "To the best Sunday I've ever had. And to the uncle who made it happen." "To the best Sunday you've ever had." I pinged her glass with mine and we sipped. She gave her glass a skeptical look and then focused on me. "I guess it would have been better with wine, huh?" I motioned for her to sit and then took my own chair at the patio table. "Of course not. After all, you are much more like hand-squeezed lemonade than Beaujolais." "I am?" she asked with a...
Summers' fascination with Cheryl became more understandable when I met his wife, Joyce. She said they had lost a daughter at age ten, and Cheryl was practically a reincarnation of their girl, though Cheryl's face was proportionately wider and her cheeks a little fuller. Still, they could have been sisters. "He's never really accepted her death," Joyce said in a quiet conversation at the opposite end of their large living room where the mantel was covered with pictures of Kimberley...
Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...
Can't breathe! I woke up enough to realize it was because of a weight pressing down on my chest. I opened my eyes. Cheryl was lying on top of me. I knew it was Cheryl because my tongue remembered that she needed to shave again, and I could see stubble in the glow from the campground's light poles creeping in around and through the curtains. I lifted my head slightly and kissed the stubble, then kissed the opening in the middle. Thanks to the exposure to the air, she was dry now. She...
Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...
Nigel, Andrew, Stephen and I were downstairs in Nigel’s house, we sat in the garden smoking and drinking Cokes all in our underwear, laughing and talking, it was warm outside, and what we had just done was awesome. It was turning out to be a really good day. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door, Nigel looked at his brother, then at us, then Andrew went to the door and standing behind it he opened it slightly.“Uncle Brian” Andrew said astonished, “I promised your mum and dad that I’d...
Did you ever notice how life never gives you straightforward, black-and-white situations? Everything is always shades of gray. Or worse, plaid. Take waking up, for instance. When it comes to waking up the bad way, it's hard to beat being jolted awake by a nightmare so horrible that you're glad you can't remember the details and wish you also couldn't remember that it had been a nightmare that horrible. When it comes to waking up the good way, it's hard to beat opening your eyes and...
I have always been interested in nudity. I tried for years to interest my late wife in visiting nudists sites like beaches, campgrounds, etc. But alas, she would have no part of it.Over the years I talked to various people about it and expressed my wonderment how a guy could go around without a perpetual hard-on. I was told it was a lifestyle, not a sexual thing. My thinking was, yeah right. I could not understand why people wanted to be nude around other people unless there was a sexual...
BisexualA breeze wafted in from the ocean, ruffling the pages of The Demon-Haunted World. I slipped a bookmark in and set it onto the warm, eburnean sands around me. Waves lazily marched towards the shore, only to crash and dissipate once they reached their goal, their rhythmic susurrus a natural lullaby. The scent of the tropical sea surrounded me with a brisk, briny, clean perfume. In the clear, cerulean waters, two young women played a game of their own devising, the object of which, so far as I...
The next week was relatively uneventful. Monday we painted Cheryl's room. "It stinks," she said as she climbed in bed, her pert nose wrinkled in disgust. "Maybe I should have gotten the bright orange after all." "That was oil based enamel, not latex. It would have smelled worse." "Worse than this?" "Yes. Do you want to sleep in one of the other rooms for a couple of nights?" "No. I just want this one to smell better." "It will in a couple of days." "What if the stink...
Hi, This is Sandhya again. I hope you read the first part of my adventure. For those who have not, I am giving you the link above. Please read it first, so that you can enjoy this part. When I and my house owner uncle were about to start the main game, Sri Latha aunty called me. Uncle was tensed and he remembered that he had forgotten his mobile in his house on the second floor. My room was on the first floor. I attended to her call and Srilatha aunty asked me about Prasanth uncle. Aunty: Sandy...
Hello friends, mera naam krish h or mai 18 saal ka hu maai aap sb ko aaj batane jaa ra hu ki meri mummy kaise mere dost k papa se chudi or unki rakhel bani mere ghar me meri maa mai or meri badi didi jinka naam shivani h 3 log rehte h papa ki job bhar hai dubai me or hum indore me rehte h .Meri mom ka figure bhaut sexy hai colony k mard sab ka lund khada kar deti h 36 ke doodh 32 ki kamar or 38 ki gaand hai unki …. To mai jada tym naa lete hue sidhe stry par aata hu jo ki bilkul sach h 100%...
There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...
"SHIT!" Despite the amused smile that suddenly jumped across his face, Maynard's face managed to remain sympathetic as he looked down at Cheryl, who'd collapsed to sit on the grass and mope. "I'd have told you, honey, but I didn't know." Cheryl put her elbows on her knees and rested her chin atop her fists. "Pardon my French. I can't believe I missed Tyrone Hayes! Of all the times for me to get sick! That makes this my worst Fourth of July ever." "I forgot he was from here," I...
Are story begins with Jesse a 18 year old girl who finally begin her pokemon journey.Normally trainers start their journey at the age of 10 but do to health problems (gone now) so her parents made her wait. Luck was in her favor when she saved professor birch from three poochyena. Now she gets to choose a starter. Their is one other thing about her that no one knows. She want to be a nudist; she loves being naked and has no shame, plus she wants to be the first nudist champion with a nude...
Fantasy nudist camp 1We own a property on a nudist camp in the Netherlands, where we spend much time. It has all the creature comforts, living room, dining room, a large kitchen, three bedrooms and both indoor and outdoor Jacuzzi’s. Over time we have got to know the camp staff, who like to visit not only for the food and the warmth or air con but also our internet which was set up to watch TV from any country.Or course the dress code of the house is naked, which my partner Fiona and I both...
True Nudist Story OneAs a teenager I went on a seaside family holiday to France. Where we went was not a nudist beach. There were however many women sunbathing topless which was causing an embarrassing bulge in my swimming trucks.I think it’s okay to say on here that I was sixteen as that is the legal age of consent in the UK and over that of France.Anyway as like any most teenagers I was always keen to get away from the rest of the family so I walked down the long beach. The further I walked I...
NUDIST family SEX CLINIC PART 4Nikki stirred first. Her nose was filled with the smell of him. She let herself enjoy it for a moment, savoring the odor of a man and sex. Then, she stuck out her tongue and tickled the hollow of his throat with it. Billy woke up with a little smile. Nikki moved her lips slowly up to his ear and whispered. “Let’s do it now. I want you to fuck me.” Billy’s smile faded slightly at the suddenness of it, but his trepidation didn’t last...
As the only son of a single mom in collage in the 1960's I got to do and see a lot of things. So when our camping trip was to a nudist camp I knew about them and I didn't show how excited I was thinking about seeing naked girls, and girls close to my age. There were lots of magazines of naked adult women, but none for girls. I didn't think about my reaction erections wold be seen as well. We got there in the afternoon and didn't see much of anyone else. The tents were s**ttered around, old...
He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...
I was wrong. She did not emerged until time for the final check She wore long jeans, a fully-buttoned blouse, and as angry a look as I'd ever seen. Her red eyes avoided me as she stormed into the kitchen for an apple, quartered it, and took it to the front door without a word. I listened to the door open, then close. I returned to the novel I was reading. Eventually I heard the door again. She started up the stairs without a word. "Good night," I said. She slowed long enough to say,...
Now I was really looking forward to sleeping with Ravi uncle. It was a few weeks later that Vijay uncle called me on a Sunday evening. He told me that he and his wife are coming over to pick me up to take me to the party. Vijay uncle’s birthday party! I wore a nice pink ghagra choli and accessorized it with necklace, bangles, and anklets. I looked nice but conservative. We went to a high-end restaurant where Ravi uncle was already in a full-fledged party mode. Vijay uncle managed to keep Ravi...
IncestHi,I am james and iam from hyderabad ,i usually see the stories but could not get the courage to write the story.But now i thought of sharing my experiences with u all guys.Let me tell u about my self before i narrating my experience i am 5.6 and iam dark in color.Ya i think u want to know my dick.This story is some years back when i was in my degree ie when i was 22 and now iam 26 .I came here for vacation to my uncle house for holidays and here things happened which i never thought will have...
LesbianHi again. Abhi tak aap pad chukka hai kis terha meri dharmik aur gharalu mummy ko papa ka dost chood chukka hay. Ub unho ne apna fayda ka lia mummy ka istmal karna shuru kar dia. Kaisa yah aap aagi padhia. Raju uncle building construction ka kam karta thy aur govt. Ka bada bada contract lay kar kam karty thy. Aak bhut bada contract nikla tha jus me nadi per bridge bana tha . 15 caror ka contract tha jisa raju uncle kisi bhi terha sa hasil karna chatha thy lakin usa pass karna ka lia officer 10...
Ravi uncle was doing things to my boobs that I couldn’t even imagine. I just had an orgasm! All over uncle’s lap! From being played with my boobs! Without even touching my pussy! How amazing is that! I figured I was in for a fantastic treat! I began apologizing to him, “Oh uncle, I am so sorry, I never even realized I -” But uncle caught my lips with his again to shut me up. “Oh shut up Sweta,” he said pulling back, “Do you know how long I had been fantasizing about making you do this in my...
Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...
Hi friend’s I am Vansh and I am writing a story here for first time so ignore my mistakes and dont forget to send me your valuable feedback to my email id I’ll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and...
I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...
I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...
Vijay uncle laughed and replied, “As I said, you should have called me if you needed company.” I was taking a sip of water and the statement hit me so hard that I choked on the water. Uncle was sitting with a smile while it took me a few minutes to get my coughing under control. I was about to reply something, but Aunty came at that moment to say that dinner was ready. We had a quiet dinner together at which time I could not look at Vijay uncle without getting a blush. Aunty probably must have...
IncestI wondered why my cell phone was ringing in the middle of the night. Then my eyes cracked open enough for me to realize it was bright inside the trailer despite the closed curtains. Sunshine, not street lamps. I probably didn't want a translation of the Earlymorningcherylese that was mumbled next to my ear, so I reached for the phone instead. "Randy Long." "Hey, it's Maynard. Have you left town yet?" "Ummm ... no." "Oh, good. I was afraid I was too late. It's after eight, and I...