Drifter Ch.1 free porn video

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Kali woke to the sound of movement from downstairs. Rolling over she checked the time, squinting her eyes at the bright screen of her phone. 3:24.

Frowning, she pushed herself into a sitting position and listened again. The house should be empty apart from her. Her parents had left earlier that day and wouldn’t be home until Sunday. The noise came again, and she swung her legs over the side of the bed, padding to her door she opened it and called out.

“Misha?” The sound came again, a soft thud and she rolled her eyes. “Stupid cat.”

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she made her way down the stairs. Turning on the hallway light she checked the locking system on the panel beside the front door. It was armed. She made her way through to the kitchen. The light was on and she frowned, she could have sworn she had turned it off before going to bed. A soft breeze lifted her hair, and she saw one of the windows was open, she climbed onto the counter to pull it down and locked it.

Before she went back upstairs she poked her head into the lounge and saw the fat, black cat sleeping peacefully on the sofa. Rolling her eyes, she climbed the stairs and slid back under the covers. The house was once again quiet and she closed her eyes.

A hand clamped down over her mouth and a weight pressed on her hips. Her eyes flew open and she looked into the face of a young man, he pressed his finger against his lips with a smile.

“Shh, it’s OK eef.” He carefully stroked a lock of her hair back from her face. It was so blonde it was almost white and the moonlight coming through her window made it shine. “I’m not going to hurt you. Is there anyone else here?”

She shook her head. Her eyes were wide and he took a moment to study them. The left was electric blue, the right eye a bottle green with flecks of bright yellow. He smiled and shifted, he straddled her hips and his weight held her still against the bed.

“Now I'm going to take my hand away OK, but if you make a noise,” he left the threat unfinished.

Her eyes instantly filled with tears and he tutted.

“Come on, no tears. If you promise to stay quiet, I promise I won't do a thing. Can you do that?”

He saw her swallow but she nodded and he smiled at her again. “Good girl.”

He moved his hand from her mouth but she didn’t make a sound. He stayed straddling her and his eyes roamed over her body. She couldn’t see much of his face in the dark room but she could see his lips curve into a smile as he looked at her.

“In about five minutes there is going to be a knock on your door. It will be the police. They will ask if you have heard anything or seen a man in his early twenties. What will you tell them?”

His accent was strange; she couldn’t place it but it had a lyrical tone to it. He snapped his fingers in front of her face.

“Hey eef, I'm gonna need an answer.” He touched her cheek gently. “What are you going to tell them?”

“That I haven't seen anyone.” His smile widened as he heard the accent in her words. “I haven't heard anything. I've been sleeping.”

“An English girl?” He ran his hand over his chin. “Interesting. Now practice your answer again.”

“I haven't seen anyone. I haven't heard anything. I've been sleeping.”

“Very good.” He stood and moved to the window, peering through the curtains he watched the street below. Before long a blue light lit up the room and she heard the sounds of car doors opening. The stranger turned back to her.

“Better make this convincing eef.”

The doorbell rang and she slowly stood from the bed. As she made her way down the stairs she thought about her options. She could ask the police for help, but how could she let them know without tipping off the stranger?

Tousling her hair, she squinted her eyes, disarmed the alarm and opened the door. Two uniformed cops stood at her door and she forced her face into a frown.

“Hello?” Her voice was husky anyway but she played on it to make herself sound more tired.

“Sorry to disturb you, Miss," the first officer spoke. “Are your parents home?”

“No, out of town for a couple days.”

“OK, you mind if we ask you a few questions?”

“What time is it?” She rubbed her eyes.

“A little after half three.” The second answered, checking his watch. “We are sorry to wake you but there has been an incident a little way from here. One of the suspects was seen coming this way, have you heard anything?”

Kali shook her head. “No, I haven't heard anything. Sorry, what happened?” She made herself sound confused.

“A little altercation, nothing too bad but we have to follow it up you know?” the first man spoke again, smiling politely at her. “You got an alarm here?”

She nodded and patted the box beside the door. “Yes, sir.”

“And all the doors and windows are locked?” He stepped back to look up at the front of the house.

“Yeah, all locked.”

“OK.” The second scribbled down a number in his pad, tore off the sheet of paper and handed it to her. “If you hear anything or see a man in his early twenties, dark hair, a little over six foot, tattoos, we need you to call us OK?”

She took the paper and nodded, “Will do.”

They turned and left and she closed the door after them, without thinking she reset the alarm before remembering the man in her room. Spinning round she looked up the stairs, only the first two were visible from the front door but she waited until she heard the car pull away before shouting up the stairs.

“They're gone.”

There was no answer and she placed her foot on the bottom stair. Before she could start climbing she heard a noise from the kitchen and made her way through. The room was empty and she frowned.

“Very good kid.” His voice made her jump and she spun round to look up at him. “Quite the little actress aren’t you?”

“I did what you asked.” She backed up but he followed, closing the space between them with each step. “They’re gone; you can go now.”

Her back hit against the fridge and he moved in front of her. He stared down with a smile curving one corner of his mouth and she looked into his eyes.

“Oh.” A soft noise of surprise came from her throat. “Your eyes are like mine.” His eyes, like her own, were two different colours. One electric blue, the other bottle green. The only difference was they were switched.

He smiled and stroked his thumb over her cheek, he felt her shiver and gently moved her out of the way. He opened the fridge and bent to look inside.

“Where’s your beer eef?”

“You can't stay here.” She folded her arms across her chest. “And stop calling me eef.”

“What should I call you instead?” He straightened, he was holding two beers and twisted the tops off.

“My name is Kali.”

He looked surprised for a second. “Unusual name.” He handed her a beer and she took it without thinking. “Pretty though, it suits you.”

He brushed passed her and moved through to the living room. She stayed where she was for a moment, shocked at his brashness before scurrying after him.

“Hey, you have to leave.”

He shrugged out of his leather jacket and threw it on the sofa before collapsing down. Lifting his feet onto the coffee table he looked across at Misha, still sleeping peacefully.

“Cute pussy.” He saw her blush and laughed. “Sorry, bit crass for you eef?”

“Don’t call me that.” She tried to calm her burning cheeks.

He rolled his eyes. “Look I've had a long night. All I want is to sit and have a beer with a pretty girl.” He patted the sofa beside him. “Come on, one beer and I promise I’ll go.”

She still looked suspicious of him but perched on the sofa. He tutted and grabbed hold of her pyjama bottoms pulling her back towards him. He caught a glimpse of a mark on her back but she leant back before he could see it properly.

“Come on, at least pretend like you want to be here with me.”

She pulled her knees to her chest and watched as he took a deep pull on his beer, taking a moment to study his face. His hair was dark, curling messily around his head and down to his shoulders, his chin was covered in dark stubble but she could see a scar on his cheek and another that cut through his eyebrow. He had three earrings in each ear and three black, leather necklaces hung around his throat.  There was a ring on almost every finger on both hands and they tapped against the bottle as he moved. When he spoke she saw a flash of silver and knew he had his tongue pierced.

His jeans were ripped and dirty, his plaid shirt undone showing an equally filthy white t-shirt underneath and he wore heavy black boots. She could see tattoos on his arms and creeping up onto his neck. She looked back into his face and caught his eyes.

“Like what you see Princess?”

She blushed again and turned away. Her long hair fell over her shoulder and hid her face from him; he leant back, closing his eyes and relaxed back into the sofa.

“What did you do?”

Her question surprised him and but he didn’t open his eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Those policemen were looking for you weren’t they?” He nodded. “Must have had a reason. What did you do?”

“Nothing special. He said something, I said something, he threw a punch, I threw a punch.” The man shrugged and drank from his bottle again. “Shit like this happens a lot. It’s just my luck that the cops always choose to follow me.”

 “How did you get in here?”

He jerked his head towards the kitchen. “You left the window open.” He sat up and started rooting through his jacket. “I should be saying thank you, every other house is locked up pretty fucking tight.”

He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket and rested one between his lips. He offered the pack to her but she shook her head.

“You can't smoke in here.”

He ignored her and lit the cigarette before blowing the smoke in a perfect circle towards her.

“You’re a jerk.” She went to stand but he caught hold of her, keeping her still.

“You’re right, I am, but I'm actually enjoying your company.” His thumb brushed over her wrist. “Stay a little longer?”

He flashed her a smile and she felt her stomach lurch. Sighing she settled herself back against the pillows.

“How come I've never seen you round here before?”

“My family just moved here.”

“This street?” He laughed at her question.

“You don’t know what I am, do you?” He looked at her innocent face. “I’m Romani, but you probably know us as Gypsies. We wouldn’t fit in on this street eef.”

“Is that why the police were after you?” She drank again.

“Afraid so.”

She looked almost sad. “That’s not fair.”

He smirked and drained his bottle. “We’re used to it.” He stood up and grabbed his jacket. She looked surprised and sat up straighter.

“Are you going?”

He nodded. “Like I said; one beer and I’ll leave.”

She fidgeted and he stared down at her. Her mouth opened, then closed and she looked at the ground.

“Something on your mind kid?” He reached out and tilted her chin up.

“I mean you don’t have to go?” She shuffled uncomfortably. “It sounds like you’ve had a rough night, least I can do is let you have a drink and sit down for a bit.”

He smiled. “Well, you’ve changed your mind quick.” He tapped his thumb against her lip. “Finish up.”

She drained the beer and he laughed softly.

“You got anything stronger?”

“My dad has some whiskey in there.” She nodded towards a cabinet and he knelt in front of it. Taking a bottle and two glasses he came to sit back beside her and poured her one. He offered it to her but she shook her head.

“No, I'm OK.”

“Come on eef, what could it hurt?”

She took the glass and drank.

“My parents don’t really let me drink.” She looked at the amber liquid. “They don’t really let me do anything.”

“Protective huh?”

“You don’t know the half of it, but not too protective to cancel their trip to Italy.” She sounded bitter. “But I’ll get something pretty out of it so I guess I can't complain.”

“A consolation gift, is there any other kind?” He saw a smile curve her lips. “I knew you would have a pretty smile.” He hooked his hand under her calves and pulled her legs to rest on his lap. His fingers danced over her and he watched as her cheeks heated. “I like it when you blush.”

She watched his hands, there were symbols tattooed on his fingers and she studied them carefully.

“You like those?” He asked and she nodded.

She reached out and gently ran her fingertips over the marks on his skin. “What do they mean?”

He smiled, watching her face carefully as her eyes flitted over each symbol. “Crossed paths, long journeys, new homes. They mean different things in different places.”

“Do you have any more?” She looked up at him, her eyes sparkled in the soft light of the living room and he raised an eyebrow.

“Some but I would have to get undressed to show you.”

Her mouth opened to reply but she couldn’t think of what to say. He finished his drink and poured another.

“So tell me, if your parents are out of the country and your dad keeps plenty of alcohol in the house, why are you alone?” He drank again. “Shouldn’t you be throwing a party?”

She shrugged. “I’m not big on parties; besides, even if I did throw one I doubt anyone would come. People think I'm weird.”

“A sweet little thing like you?” His hand moved higher up her leg, over her knee to brush her thigh. “How could anyone think you're weird?”

She finished her drink and put her glass on the coffee table. “I was new and quiet; they all had their groups and I just didn’t fit with them. That and my hair, and my eyes. There’s one real superstitious girl and she thought I was a witch.”

“I think your hair is beautiful eef,” he stroked his thumb over her soft skin. Her revelation about the girl struck a chord with him but he kept his face passive. “Though I did have to wonder, is it natural?” She nodded. “You may have to prove it.”

Her face remained innocent. “How?”

His eyes drifted down her body. “Is it the same colour all over?”

Immediately her cheeks burned and she knew they had flushed red. Suddenly she felt stupid, he was teasing her and she went to get up.

“You should go.”

He caught her round the back of the neck and pulled her close. He put his glass on the table and slid his arm around her waist.

“Don’t worry eef, you don’t have to tell me.” He pulled her closer, their lips were an inch apart and she felt her breath catch in her throat. His hand slid down her back, his fingers toying with the waistband of the pyjamas she was wearing. “I’ll wait and find out for myself.”

Then he kissed her. Her eyes widened in surprise, then closed as he pulled her onto his lap so her legs straddled his own. Her small hands rested on his shoulders, pushing his shirt and he leant forward shrugging it off.

He rested his hands on the small of her back, she wore a cropped vest that reached to her ribs and her skin was like silk beneath his fingers. His fingers brushed against something, a raised line moving down her back and he stopped gently brushing over it. She tensed and he felt her hands clutch at his t-shirt as he touched the marred skin. He focussed on her mouth, nipping at her lower lip until they parted beneath his on a soft moan and he slid his tongue inside her warm mouth. Slowly he edged her t-shirt up and she stilled against him.

She was trembling and he opened his eyes watching her face carefully. She was biting on her bottom lip and he stroked her ribs. He could feel the shivers chasing themselves across her skin as her breath stuttered.

Slowly he stripped her t-shirt off. Throwing it behind him he stared down at her exposed chest. Her skin was tanned and dusted with freckles; her breasts were small and he licked his lips as her pink nipples hardened in the cool air.

Kali brought her arms across her chest, hiding her breasts from him. She shivered, not from the breeze caressing her skin, but from the hungry look in his eyes. He pulled her closer and claimed her lips again. He felt her relax and ran his hands over her back, enjoying the soft warmth of her skin. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, and he could smell sweet strawberries and underneath something softer coming from her skin.

Twisting on the sofa he lay her back and knelt between her legs. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor before sitting back and running his fingers down her thighs.

Kali’s eyes slid down his body, he had broad shoulders, a slim waist and he was hard with muscle. Her eyes roamed over his tattoos; birds, flowers, wings and more adorned his skin. He was covered. An eagle sat proudly on his chest and above it there was a bright red rose tattooed on his throat. There was a gun on each of his hips and she ran her finger over one. He caught her wrist gently.

“Careful kid. You're very tempting.”

He lowered himself to lay over her and kissed her again. Her back arched subconsciously, her breasts pressing against his chest and he smoothed his hand up her stomach. Covering one breast with his hand he kneaded the soft skin and heard her gasp. Suddenly she pulled back and looked into his eyes.

“What’s your name?” Her voice was husky, breathless from his kisses and he felt a jolt go through him. Something about this girl struck him; she was young, innocent and completely under his spell.

“Danior.” He was still against her as he spoke but could feel her shiver. “It means born with teeth.”

“Born with teeth?” She tilted her head. “What does that mean?”

“Romany name, it’s because of my eyes.”

“I don’t understand.”

He kissed her again. “I’ll explain it to you one day.”

He slid his arm under her neck, his fingers curling into her hair and crushed his lips to hers. They opened under his without hesitation and a soft noise, almost a growl, came from his chest. His hips rolled against hers and another gasp fell from her lips. His hand never stopped moving, his fingers toying with her small pink nipple and she brought her knees up to hug his hips.

Teasingly Danior moved his hand down her stomach and his fingers played with the waistband of her pyjamas. Tracing the line of them he pushed them down slightly and she moaned.


He smiled against her lips. “Call me Dani.”

He slipped his hands into her shorts but before he could touch the soft flesh between her thighs a shrill ringing broke the quiet in the room. He instantly stilled against her and dropped his forehead to hers.

“Shit.” There was laughter in his voice, and he stuck his hand into his back pocket to pull out his phone. Bringing it to his ear her answered brusquely. “What?”

He kissed her again as he listened, he couldn’t help it. She giggled quietly then jumped as he sat up straight.

“They what?” He listened again for a moment. “Fuck. OK. OK! I'm on my way.”

He hung up and shoved his phone back into his pocket. Grabbing his t-shirt from the floor he pulled it on before taking his shirt and guiding her forward. He dressed her quickly and buttoned the shirt.

“I’ve gotta go eef.”

“Is everything OK?” She looked worried and he stroked her cheek with his thumb.

“Course, everything’s fine.” His eyes faltered. “Just a little family situation. Happens all the time.”

He stood from the sofa and put his jacket on. He took her hand, pulled her to her feet and lead her through to the kitchen. Standing at the back door he waited for her to disarm the alarm before opening the door.

“I’ll see you around kid.”

She nodded and he reached out a grabbed her hand. Pulling her close he kissed her again. His lips lingering against hers and she melted into him.

Kali felt his hand leave hers and heard the door close. Opening her eyes, she looked out into the dark garden but she couldn’t see him. Punching in the code for the alarm she stood aimlessly wondering what to do now.

She tidied the living room. Collected the bottles, glasses and straightened the cushions on the sofa. Misha finally stirred and Kali laughed, picking up the fat cat she made her way back upstairs and crawled into bed. Tiredness hit her and she fell asleep instantly.

Kali woke late the next morning. The sun came through the gap in the curtains and she shielded her eyes against the bright light. Memories of the previous night came flooding back and she sat bolt upright in bed looking around her room. She was alone and she shook her head.

“The hell is wrong with me?” She pushed her hair back from her face and laughed at herself. Looking down she caught sight of his shirt and her stomach clenched. Standing she stripped out of her clothes and dressed quickly in black leggings, black sports bra and white trainers. Tying her hair in a ponytail she stroked Misha’s head before making her way down the stairs, she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and moved out into the back garden. A small building stood at the bottom of the garden and she pushed open the door.

It was filled with workout equipment. She dropped the bottle onto the floor and stepped onto the treadmill.

For the next three hours, she worked through the equipment before moving to the mat in the middle of the floor and starting her stretches. The muscles in her back were tight and she winced as they slowly loosened. Turning over her shoulder to look in the mirror on the wall she stared at the scar running down her back. It was red against her pale skin and the edges were jagged, instantly she went cold and walked down to the house.

Grabbing a hoodie from the dryer she shrugged it on and took a carton of ice cream from the freezer. Taking it through to the lounge with a spoon she flung herself on the sofa, digging out a spoonful of ice cream she leant her head back and sighed.

Her back was throbbing and her mind drifted to the pills she kept hidden under her bed. She knew that they would take the ache away and she was half way off the sofa before she remembered the look on her parents face as she lay in the hospital bed.

“You don’t need them.” She spoke to herself and shovelled another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth. “You don’t need them.”

A noise from upstairs made her jump and she glanced up at the ceiling. Casting her mind back she tried to remember if she had reset the alarm when she had come back inside. She heard the noise again and looked around the room. Misha was sleeping on the armchair and she frowned.

She made her way slowly up the stairs, she couldn’t hear anything but her bedroom door stood slightly open. She stepped into her room and looked around; there was no one there. Stepping further into the room she listened carefully and jumped when the door closed. Spinning round she saw Danior leaning against the door, his arms folded across his chest and a smirk on his face.

“Hungry kid?” He nodded to her hands and she looked down. She still held the carton of ice cream and the spoon.

“A little.”

He pushed himself away from the door and came towards her; leaning down he kissed her, tasting the sweetness on her mouth.

“I want to take you out eef.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yeah, it’s nothing fancy. Don’t expect any fine dining.”

“And what makes you think I like fine dining?”

His eyes flitted around the room. “You seem used to the finer things.” A dark look passed over his face before he shook himself and the half-smile curved his lips. “I thought maybe I could show you what I do for fun.”

Kali frowned but nodded. He reached out and took the ice cream from her.

“Get changed, I’ll wait here.” He sat on her bed, she didn’t bother to argue and turned and walked through to her en-suite bathroom. As she faced away from him he could see the scar that he had felt the night before. It slashed down her back, the red of it bright against her pale skin.

She closed the door and he heard the shower turn on. Settling himself back against the pillows he ate a spoonful of the ice cream and watched the closed door to her bathroom. He could hear a soft humming over the water and listened to the lilting melody. He forced himself to focus on that and not what he would see if he followed her into the bathroom.

Finally, the water shut off and a few minutes after that the door opened. Her slender frame was wrapped in a small white towel and she used another to dry her hair. His eyes roamed greedily over her body and he sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Rubbing his hand across his stubbled chin he watched her with his head tilted to the side.

Kali felt herself blushing but couldn’t tear her eyes from his. His gaze was hungry and he beckoned her. She went to him without hesitation and he took hold of her wrist, pulling her so she stood between his legs. With him sat on the bed and her standing their faces were almost level and their lips were inches apart.

He took the towel from her hands and dropped it to the floor before pushing her long hair over her shoulder. He caught a glimpse of the scar again, it started on the side of her neck then disappeared over her shoulder and he gently brushed his fingers against it. Her eyes dropped to the floor and again he felt her tense.

Danior held her face in his hands and kissed her lips; she sighed and leant into him as he deepened the kiss, pulling her closer. Moving his hands down to her waist, he held her round hips and felt her hands curl into his t-shirt. His hands continued down until he reached the bottom of the towel before moving back up against her skin and pushing the materiel out of the way.

Lifting her, Danior arranged her on his lap and his lips moved down her neck. He moved her in his lap. She could feel his hard cock through his jeans and she sighed, pushing her hips harder against him. Slowly she moved her hand down, over his chest and stomach to the hem of his t-shirt.

Pushing the material up she undid the button and slid the zip of his jeans down. Danior looked into her face, she smiled and her small pink tongue came out to wet her lips. She slid her hand into his jeans and stroked his thick length through his boxers.

“Goddamn.” His eyes closed and he leant back, resting his weight on one hand on the bed while the other stroked over the soft skin of her thigh. She teased him through his boxers, her free hand stroking the back of his neck, twisting the soft curls there around her fingers.

She slipped her hand into his boxers and wrapped her fingers around his cock. A guttural groan ripped from his throat and he opened his eyes to stare into hers. Her hand faltered at the look on his face.

“Don’t you like it?” Kali went to pull her hand away but he caught her wrist, his grip was tight making her gasp.

“I like it.” Danior's voice was low and a thrill went through her. “Don’t stop.”

Slowly, she began to move her hand again, his grip on her wrist loosened and he curled his fingers into the towel. His head dropped to her shoulder and she could feel his warm breath as he panted against her neck. He pulled the towel away and dropped it to the floor before running his hand over her hip. Her skin was damp and he could smell the sweetness of her shampoo in her hair.

He lifted his head and stared at her soft, round breasts. They bounced on her chest as her hand moved on him and he moved his hand up to cup one. She moaned and moved closer. He could feel her wet pussy against him and bit her shoulder, forcing back his lust.

Holding her tightly around the waist, he pushed her legs apart and stared down at her naked body. He saw the scar continue from her back and over her right hip, running his fingers over the mark he looked further down with a smile.

“That is your natural hair colour.”

A small patch of white curls sat just above the smooth lips of her pussy and he brushed the back of one finger against them. Kali's cheeks turned a deep red and she looked away, bringing his hand up to her cheek Danior turned her face back to his.

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed her, her lips opened beneath his and her hand began to move against him again. His hand moved back between her legs and he stroked down the wet flesh of her pussy. He teased her entrance with his middle finger and her hand stilled on him, her eyes closed as she pushed her hips forward, encouraging him.

Danior pushed his finger into her wet heat, her breath stuttered and her hand held his hair tighter. His lips moved over her cheek and down her throat. The room was quiet, save for their breathing and her soft moans.

Danior pushed a second finger into her and his thumb found her small clit.

“Oh.” Her word was a soft gasp. The skin of his hands was rough from calluses and his long fingers stretched her open. His other hand smoothed down her back and pulled her closer. Her hips moved against him and her hand moved faster on his cock. His stomach clenched, pleasure shooting through him and he moved his head down to take her small pink nipple into his mouth.

He was close and he twisted his fingers inside her until he hit the spot that made her gasp and squirm in his lap. He pressed his thumb harder against her clit and she giggled as her hips rolled against him.

“Dani.” He moved his head from her breast and gritted his teeth. His name was like music in her voice and he looked into her bright eyes.

“Cum.” His voice was a low command and her eyes closed as her orgasm washed over her. She trembled against him and he thrust his hips up, spilling his cum over her hand and stomach. His shoulders slumped and he watched as she brought her fingers to her lips and licked them clean.

“Holy shit.” He watched her before pulling her closer and kissing her. “The things I want to do to you.”

She shivered at his words, the was a dark glint in his eyes and his hands held her desperately. A noise, almost a growl, rumbled through his chest and he stood up. He let her slide down his body until her feet touched the floor; stroking his thumb over her cheek he looked down into her face. Her head didn’t even reach his shoulder and again the protective urge welled inside him.

“Get dressed eef, you stay like that much longer and we’ll never leave.”

Kali bent to pick her towel up from the floor and draped it around her shoulders, it fell down her back so when she turned her scar was hidden from him. There was a pair of double sliding doors on one wall and she pulled them open revealing a walk in closet. As she picked out her clothes he stared around her room. Nearly every surface was covered in books, shelves, bedside tables, her desk were all stacked high with them. Walking over to the shelf he stared at the titles.

“Do you like to read?” Her question surprised him and he turned.

“My mum used to read to me when I was a kid. After she passed I didn’t do it as much.”

“She died?” Danior nodded and he saw a sadness in her gaze. “I’m sorry.”

“She’s still around, I see her in everything.” He stepped forward and rubbed his hand over his stubbled chin. “You look beautiful.”

She was dressed simply; jeans, a loose fitting vest and trainers. Her face was free from makeup and her hair hung loose down her back but even so, she looked beautiful. She smiled.

“You think so?”

He leant and kissed her. “I could just eat you up.”

Taking her hand, he walked from the room. Outside he waited for her to lock the door before taking her hand again and walking down the sweeping drive to the road. A large black pickup truck stood waiting.

Kali could tell it was old, but the paint was shining and immaculate. Danior watched as a smile spread across her face and she moved towards the car.

“This is yours?” She looked over her shoulder as she asked and he nodded. “It’s beautiful.”

He watched as she inspected the car. Her long hair fell down her back, hiding her scar and thoughts ran through his mind as to how she had got it.

“I always wanted a truck like this.”

He laughed softly. “Then why not get one?”

She shrugged a delicate shoulder. “My parents won't let me drive. I was in an accident back home; they worry about me.”

“Then I’ll let you drive mine some time.”

Her smile came back. “Really?”

“Sure,” he opened the passenger door. Guiding her in with his hand on her ass he closed it behind her and walked around the car. Sliding in beside her, he started the engine and pulled away from the house.

He drove along the winding road and out onto the cliffs. He reached into the glove box and took out a packet of cigarettes, lighting one he dropped the pack onto the seat between them. She glanced down at them and he pushed them towards her.

“Go on, try one.”

She picked up the packet and shook one loose, placing it between her lips she lit it expertly and drew the smoke deep into her lungs. He raised an eyebrow.

“I used to smoke, my mum said I fell in with the wrong crowd. Bad influence friends and all that.” She took another drag. “I haven't had one in nearly a year.”

“What’s different now?”

“Nothing, my parents wanted me to give up but I like it.” Something white on the floor caught her eye. She leant forward and picked up a large sketchbook. “What’s this?”

He took it quickly from her hand and dropped it into the backseat. “It’s nothing.” His face had clouded over and his hand gripped the wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. She watched him carefully until his eyes cleared and his smile came back. “There it is eef.”

She followed his gaze and saw a mass of brightly coloured light ahead. She sat forward, resting her arms on the dashboard and stared out of the windshield. He watched as her eyes shone with the distant light.

“What is it?”

His smile grew. “You’ll see when we get there.”

She frowned but said nothing about his secrecy. Finishing her cigarette, she dropped the butt out of the window and focussed on the lights.

Finally, they pulled into a dirt parking lot and she looked up at the sign above them. She read the words and turned to him with a smile.

“A carnival?”

He nodded. “Longest running Romani carnival, my aunt owns it now.”

“I didn’t even know this was here.”

“Well, technically it’s not yet. They don’t open for a couple of days but she said she would let us in early.”

She turned to him. “So there’s no one else here?”

“Just us.” He slid from the truck and came around to open her door. Taking her hand, he guided her down and she stared up at the lights. He lead her to the ticket booth, a young man sat there reading a book but he put it down as they approached.

“Danior,” the man smiled before looking down at Kali. Surprise flitted across his face as he took her in but he said nothing, except, “and who is this?”

Danior slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “This is Kali, Kali this is my cousin Cam.”

She held out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Good to meet you.” Cam shook her small hand. “Kali? That’s real pretty.” He looked back to Danior. “And what did he have to do to get a date with a girl like you?”

“Even if I told you, you still couldn’t get a girl.” Danior smirked.

“Alright, you keep your secrets.” Cam waved his hand. “Go on in. Enjoy your night.”

“Thank you.” Kali walked through under the arch and Cam winked at Danior.

“So what do you want to do first?” He slid his hand down to rest on the small of her back, just above her round ass. “There are the games obviously, we could see some of the performers, the rides are down that way or there’s food?”

She looked up at him. “I want to do all of it.”

They made their way around every tent. They watched the performers as they rehearsed and Danior watched her smile as she danced through the horses on the merry-go-round. He won her a prize on every stall and she laughed like a child as she skipped in front of him. He carried the toys in his arms and watched as she spoke with each of the vendors. Her white hair shone in the brightly coloured lights. Everyone she spoke with seemed to light up when she came to them and he felt pride well in his chest. She fit in perfectly.

They stayed for hours and when they finally made their way back to the car, Cam took her hand and kissed it.

“I hope to see a lot more of you, Miss Kali.”

“Me too.”

Danior nodded to his cousin and they walked away from the carnival.

“Let’s go for a walk.” He stopped at his truck and threw the toys into the backseat, turning back he noticed the goosebumps on her arms. “You cold?”

“A little.”

He grabbed his worn, brown leather jacket and helped her put it on. It swamped her small body and he straightened it before stroking his thumb over her bottom lip.

“Come on.”

He linked his fingers with hers and they walked through the parking lot. At the edge, trees lined the road leading up and he stopped suddenly. Spinning her, he pushed her back against a tree and pressed his body close to hers. Sliding his hands around her waist under the jacket he leant down and kissed her roughly.

“Fuck,” he groaned against her mouth. “I want you so bad.”

She arched her back, pushing herself hard against him and flicked her tongue out catching the corner of his mouth.

“Then have me.”

He growled and sliding his hands down to her thighs he lifted her; she wrapped her legs around his waist and her fingers dug into his messy curls. She could feel his hard cock pressing against her through their clothes and she rolled her hips listening to his deep groan. She did it again and he dropped his head to her shoulder, gritting his teeth against the urge welling in his stomach. She felt so good.

He moved his hand up her stomach to cover her breast, her clothes were in the way and he growled. Yanking her vest down, he kissed over her bra strap before sliding it down over her shoulder. Lifting her higher he took her nipple into his warm mouth and she dropped her head back against the tree. Her fingers tightened in his hair as she pulled his head closer.

Danior moved his hand down her waist and between her legs. His fingers quickly undid the button on her jeans and he groaned as he slid his hand inside, feeling her wetness through her panties.

Bright headlights made her look up and he laughed in frustration. He raised his head from her breast, she pushed his messy hair back from his face and kissed him. He placed her back on her feet as they car came towards them and turned to look.

“Oh shit.”

The police car pulled up beside them and she tidied her clothes as the officers stepped out.

“Are you alright ma’am?” The first spoke to her and she nodded pulling his jacket tighter around her. Without him against her, she felt cold and she moved closer to him.

He pushed her behind him instinctively. “Can we help you?” His voice was low and she saw his hands curl into fists. Gently she pried one open and linked her fingers with his.

“Well well well, who do we have here?” The second officer came forward with a smirk on his face.

“Really? I thought cops only said that in the movies?” Danior forced his voice to sound light but he could feel anger in his chest.

“Seems we’ve found our runaway. Wanna tell us where you’ve been hiding?”

“Haven't been hiding at all, it’s not my fault you can't do your job.”

The second man came forward menacingly. “I think we should have a little talk down at the station don’t you?” He grabbed Danior’s arm and spun him round.

“Leave him alone!” Kali stepped forward but Danior shook his head.

“Stay out of this sweetheart.” The police officer cuffed Danior. “His type is no good for you.”

“Don’t you fucking talk to her,” Danior spat out, the yanked him back around and drove his fist into Danior's gut. He doubled over coughing and Kali grabbed the man's arm.

“Don’t touch him.”

“You should go home.” The officer turned to his partner. “Get her out of here.”

The second came forward and touched her arm gently. “Come on love.”

The first officer was already radioing for another car and Kali looked down at Danior. “I’m not leaving him here.”

“It’s fine, I’ll be OK.”

“Don’t fucking talk.” The officer stood over him and slammed his fist into Danior's stomach again. Danior dropped to his knees and the officer hooked his foot under his stomach, kicking him back against a tree.

“Stop it!” Kali pulled him away and fell to her knees in front of Danior. He forced a smile but he could see tears welling in her eyes. She touched his cheek and smoothed his hair back.

“Go on eef. Get home safe.”

“I don’t want to leave you with him.” She touched the scar on his cheek. “I want to stay with you.”

“Don’t worry, I've dealt with assholes like him before. I’ll see you tomorrow OK?”

“Don’t be so confident.” The officer spoke with a nasty smile. “Who knows how long these questions will take.”

The lights of another car coming up the road made her turn and the second officer took her arm gently.

“Come on sweetheart.”

He pulled her to her feet and lead her to the car. Opening the passenger door, he guided her inside and closed it after her. The second car passed them and she watched as two more officers stepped out. They crowded around Danior who smirked up at them. As the car pulled away she turned to look over her shoulder and saw the three men laying into Danior. He wasn’t smiling anymore.

“Dani!” She screamed and the officer driving rested his hand on her arm.

“Don’t watch.”

They turned a corner on the road and she couldn’t see them anymore. She slumped in her seat and tears spilled down her cheeks. She pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

“You’re a nice girl, you shouldn’t be hanging around with someone like him.” The officer turned and looked at her. “He’s bad news and he’s only after what he can get from you.”

“You don’t know him.” She stared out of the window. She didn’t speak for the rest of the journey save to give the officer her address and when they reached her house she was out of the car before he could even stop completely.

He shouted after her but she ignored him, running up the drive she unlocked the door and reset the alarm. Locking the door, she turned and leant against the wood, sliding down the floor she dropped her face into her hands and fought back the tears.

The only thing she could think of was the pain on Danior's face from the punches and kicks of the police officers. She searched her mind for something she could do. She had money, she could pay his bail.

Running upstairs, she wrenched open her underwear drawer and pulled out the wad of bills she stashed there. Turning back, she swore under her breath. She had no way of getting to the station, checking the clock she swore again. It was close to midnight.

“Fuck!” She shouted and dug her fingers into her hair. Pulling on the ends in frustration she sank onto her bed.

Curling up against the pillows she breathed in the scent of his cologne from his jacket and lay staring at the window until the sun came up.

At nine o’clock the next morning she grabbed her phone and found the number for the local station. She paced her room as the phone rang.

“Good morning,” she didn’t give them a chance to finish.

“I want to speak to Danior.”

The voice was female and warm. “Do you have the last name?”

Kali paused a moment. “I don’t know it. Look he was brought in last night. Tall, dark hair, lots of tattoos. Please, I just want to know he’s OK.”

“I am sorry but we can't let you do that. If he’s here, then he is in our custody and he can't speak to anyone until we charge him.”

“Please,” Kali heard her voice break and she sat back on the bed. “Please let me speak to him.”

She heard a sigh from the other end of the line. “Look I can tell you're upset. I shouldn’t do this but if we formally charge him I will make sure he calls you.”

“But won't that be his one phone call?”

“Don’t worry about that. Is this the best number to get you on?”

“Yes.” Kali sniffed and wiped her eyes. “Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it, honey.”

The line went dead and Kali dropped her phone to the bed. She felt lost. She wandered the house aimlessly, she tried to watch some TV but her mind kept drifting to Danior. Misha came across the sofa and sat beside her, mewling pitifully. Kali laughed.

“Sorry puss, you haven't been fed have you?” She forced herself off the sofa and walked through to the kitchen. Filling the bowl with cat food she placed it on the floor and dragged herself upstairs. In her bathroom she turned the shower on and stripped out of her clothes, stepping under the water she washed quickly.

Back in her bedroom, she dressed in his shirt that he had left the first night. Buttoning it up she crawled under the covers and waited for her phone to ring.

She must have fallen asleep because the shrill ring woke her. Sitting bolt upright she grabbed her phone and held it to her ear.


“Hello sweetheart, we’re back.” Her mother's voice filled her head. “We’re about five minutes away. We picked up some food.”

“Did you have a good time?” Kali forced her voice to sound light.

“Amazing. We’ll tell you all about it when we’re home.”

She hung up and Kali dropped her phone back to the bed. Standing she shrugged out of his shirt and dressed in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt. She heard the door open and went downstairs to greet her parents.

She only half listened to their stories, a question made her raise her head and she looked at her parents.

“Are you OK baby?” Her father looked worried. “You’ve barely touched your food.”

Kali shrugged. “Sorry, I'm not feeling very well.” She pushed her plate away. “I think I should go to bed.”

“Wait, we have something for you.” Her mother pulled a box out of her bag and handed it to her. Kali smiled and looked down at the black box in her hands.

“You didn’t have to get me anything.”

“Don’t be silly, open it.” Her mother's voice was excited and Kali lifted the lid of the box. A necklace lay inside, nestled in blue silk. The fine chain was silver and a shining opal hung from it. Kali's eyes widened and she looked back at her parents.

“It’s beautiful.” She came round the table. “Thank you.”

She bent down but her mother raised her hand. “Oh, sweetie I can't get sick.”

Kali nodded. “I’m gonna go to bed.”

She left the dining room and slowly climbed the stairs. Back in her room she placed the box on her bedside table and checked her phone again. Nothing. Undressing she pulled his shirt back on, her mind flitted to the pain pills under her bed and she fought with herself for a moment.

“Fuck it.” Dropping to her knees she reached underneath the bed and pulled up the floorboard. Grabbing the bottle, she tipped some into her hand and swallowed them. Instantly her head went fuzzy and she blinked, sinking back onto the bed she lay her head against the pillows and closed her eyes.

She dozed, she heard her parents come up to bed then quiet. Her head sill swam from the medication so when she heard the light tap at her window she assumed she was hearing things. Only when it came again, louder, did she lift her head and look over. Her stomach flipped.

“Dani?” Her voice was a whisper. He stood on the balcony outside her window and she blinked, making sure he was really there.

Standing she made her way over and swung the window open. He stepped inside and she looked up into his face. A huge bruise had bloomed on his cheek and his left eye was black. She felt tears burn her eyes and gently touched his cheek.

“Oh my god. What did they do to you?”

“It’s OK eef, I've had worse.” He looked down at her body. “Is that my shirt?” She nodded. “It looks good on you.”

He saw her swallow and her lower lip trembled. Tutting, he pulled her to his chest and shushed her gently.

“Are you crying?”

She shook her head before burying her face in his chest so her words were muffled. “No.”

“Sensitive little thing aren’t you?” He forced his voice to sound cheerful. “I think you're overtired, maybe we should get you to bed.”

He lifted her, wincing as pain shot through his ribs and walked her back to the bed. Laying her down he stroked her hair back. Her small hand reached out to grab his wrist.

“Will you stay here?”

“What about your parents?”

“They take sleeping pills. They won't be awake until after I go to school tomorrow.”

He smiled and kicked off his boots. Laying down beside her, he turned her onto her side and curled his body around hers. She wiggled backwards, her round ass pressing against his groin and she took hold of his hand, linking their fingers together.

“What did they do?” she spoke softly. Her voice was always husky and sent a thrill through him.

“Nothing much got me on a bullshit charge of assault but lucky for me, they let me go with a slap on the wrist.”

“Looks like more than a slap.”

“You get used to it.” Something she said struck a chord and he propped his head up. “Wait did you say school?”

She nodded. “Yeah, why?”

“How old are you?”

“I’ll be seventeen in a couple weeks.”

“What?” He moved his hand slightly. “I never realised you were so young.”

“I’m not young.”

“I’m seven years older than you. Jesus.”

She felt him move back so there was a gap between them and she rolled over.


“You’re so young. I should go.”

“Why?” Her voice was beginning to sound angry.

“Because you're a kid and I'm too old for you. Plus, I'm not good news eef, you should stay away.”

She moved quickly and before he had a chance to react she straddled his hips and pushed on his chest so he lay flat on the bed. He looked up at her in surprise but didn’t touch her.

“Don’t.” Her voice was low and he raised an eyebrow. “Don’t treat me like a fucking child. You were the one who came here. You broke into my fucking house then you showed me the best night I have had since we moved here. You introduced me to your fucking family and now you're going to give me all that shit about how you're no good for me. You think I can't decide for myself?”

She shook her head. “Look if you don’t want to see me anymore then fine, just tell me, don’t give me all that shit about how you're doing this for me.”

He was quiet for a moment before speaking. “I’ve never heard you swear before.”

Her top lip curled in a sneer. “That’s all you have to say?” She went to move off him but he caught hold of her waist, keeping her still.

“You think I don’t want you?” His eyes were burning. “I want you so bad, you're all I think about.”

She looked at him before slowly unbuttoning his shirt she wore. “Then do something about it.”

Danior pushed the shirt off her shoulders and threw it down on the floor. Rolling them he knelt between her legs and stripped his t-shirt off. She saw more bruises on his torso but before she could do anything he lay back down over her and kissed her. He smoothed his hand up her body and covered a breast, groaning as he felt her arch against him.

Her small hands undid his jeans and he pushed them down along with his boxers. He could feel her wet pussy against his cock and shuddered. He looked into her eyes.

“Are you on the pill?”

She nodded and he smiled. “Thank god.”

He teased her entrance before pushing deep inside her, her pussy was tight and hot and he dropped his head to her shoulder with a growl.

“Fuck, you feel so good.”

He rolled his hips against her and a soft moan fell from her lips; she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him deeper and her hands held his shoulders. He slid his arm under her neck and his hand held her long hair tightly, he kissed down her neck feeling her pulse beat erratically.

Kali arched her back, his thick cock stretched her open and she winced slightly. It had been so long since she had felt anyone inside her and she shuddered as he thrust against her. He felt her tense against him and lifted his head.

“I’m not hurting you am I?”

She could hear the worry in his voice and shook her head. “No, please don’t stop.” He still didn’t move and she pushed her hips against him, her eyes shining up at him in the soft light. “Dani.”

Just the sound of his name in her husky voice was enough to almost send him over the edge. Pushing her leg up to her chest, his fingers curled into her thigh and he thrust against her. Her pussy was hot and tight around him and he gritted his teeth.

“Ugh fuck.” He thrust harder, listening to the soft moans that fell from her lips against his ear. “You’re gonna make me crazy.” She whimpered softly and he felt her nails dig into his back. “Do you even know how good you feel? Your tight little pussy, you're so wet.”

“Dani.” She said nothing else, only his name but another jolt went through him a

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Angels Birthday tourture Ch1

Kary stood back and admired her handy work. Her personal pleasure slave was chained naked to the wall. Fresh blood fell from the new cuts on his chest. The blood flowed from the word “Angel” carved into his skin. In parts of the cuts the blood was smeared on his chest as well as Kary’s lips. The boy was moaning and groaning over the pleasure of the pain he received, begging for more threw the tight gag around his lips. She was giving him his 18th birthday present. From the moment...

4 years ago
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Archie Andrews gets Laid ch1

“Archie, chill. Midge loves it.” “But, she’s Moose’s girl!” Archie stopped and turned to Reggie on the sidewalk and said, “do you wanna get pummeled? If Moose caught you two together, what do you think he’d do? You’d get punched straight up to the moon!” Archie Andrews had walked in on his good friend Reggie Mantle and their classmate Midge Klump hooking up behind Pop’s the day before. Archie knew he had to confront Reggie about it. “Archie, you'd...

4 years ago
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The Accidental Fuck CH1

The Accidental Fuck Chapter 1 I work nights four times a week at a call centre start at 9pm finish at 7 in the morning normally get home about 7.30 the straight to bed. And today was no different I unlock the half ton of locks on the front door, dump my coat and bag some were near the front door and work my way up to the attic to my bed. Wile undressing say the customary morning love and in return I get the customary grunts from under the sheets. Slipping in beside her naked scoot across...

3 years ago
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How we became depraved ch1

It was quite clear from very early in our relationship that my wife and I were never going to remain faithful to one another, Dont get me wrong we love each other to pieces but we just love fucking too much and I had weakness for younger girls. Claire and I cheated on each other lots of times while we were dating but managed to keep it a secret until I caught her swallowing cock in the gents toilets of a bar we were drinking in one evening, I later found out that the more risky the sex the more...

4 years ago
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The fy Sucks A Lot ch1

Chapter 1 Tess pulled her mouth off her b*****r’s pulsing cock. ‘Mmmm, God,’ she grinned. ‘Is that good!’ ‘Just hurry up,’ Jeff panted. He clutched the back of her head and pressed it closer to his glistening prick. He swiveled his hips upward, trying to f***e his cock back into her mouth. Tess swung her head to fling blonde hair out of her face. ‘Just hold your horses!’ she gasped. ‘I’m doing the best I can!’ She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the bulbous prickhead. Jeff...

4 years ago
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The Alchemists Path Ch1

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy. (in no way is any of this true.) A lone professor scribbled mixed notes and complex formulas on a chalk board. A child outside yelled about today’s news and what it entailed, which he cared little for. In the professor’s line of work politics and history mattered little. Only numbers and theories, some mixed idea that something else could be discovered just a throw stone away. And with so many scientists throwing stones, someone has to break glass at...

2 years ago
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Beastly passion ch1

Introduction: Werewolfs beastly passion and animal lust Ok, I have never wrote before, all constructive criticism is very welcome just dont ass rape me with it. I chose Werewolves because of the sheer carnal passion I associate with the myth. This is just the opening and first chapter. If I get positive feed back on it I will keep writing. Thanks everyone Dallas, Texas&hellip,.Date Today (opening) Hungry, Ivory, teeth watches her with coal black eyes. Her trek from work to home always has its...

1 year ago
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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

3 years ago
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Rachel And Roxanne Ch1

Day 1, Sunday, April 21. Dear diary, Alice is a bitch. She's a cunt, a dick, a heel, and a shitty friend. And I'm talking Judas Iscariot level bad friend. Here's what happened: Since we live in different parts of the country, we agreed to meet on board. After all the hassle of travel and the security screening, I made my way down to our cabin. It's small, with twin beds and a tiny, cramped, bathroom, although with a shower. There's no window since we booked as cheaply as possible. After all, we...

Straight Sex
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Slaves Ch1

Chapter 1: Introduced to the Art Lenarta had been idly fingering herself on the bed, as Galifssae and Reesha walked the boy into the chambers. She smiled. She'd been trying to imagine how he'd look, and she was pleased to say that he was even prettier than she'd hoped.The boy looked frightened. That was good. He had all the reason to be.The left the guards to wait outside the door. The huge, muscular women were ready to come in as soon as called.As he was walked further in, the boy's eyes went...

4 years ago
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The story of Dan Jane Ch1

Dan and Jane have been married for 10 years. Dan is 46 and it’s fair to say that he is punching. Jane is 32 and if honest she was attracted to Dan because of his money and the life that he could offer her. She was fit when they met and she’s as fit, sexy and attractive now. Jane has shoulder length blonde bobbed hair, is a size 8 with natural, firm 36dd tits. Dan keeps himself in shape for his age, his wealth enables him to eat well, go to the gym often and have a personal trainer, he’s...

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Andys new life ch1

Andy was out running in the country lanes near his home. At 32 he had not yet married, but he’d had a number of girlfriends. He enjoyed running, besides it kept him in shape. He was pretty attractive and had an athletic body. As he rounded a corner he saw a young lady struggling with a puncture on her horsebox. “Can you help me please?” she asked. Andy went over to have a look at the situation, helping was the least that he could do. “The spare is in the horsebox, but it’s a bit heavy for me”...

2 years ago
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Sophies Secret Seduction Ch1

Sophie sat at her desk, bored, gazing out of the window. Her mobile pinged again, another tinder message, she opened her phone. Surprise, another middle aged bloke with a shitty chat up line. She stared off into space wondering why it seemed only on TV women her age had young guys chasing them. "Hey, how's it going" snapped her out her day dream.Sam, one of the new guys walked past, before she could stutter a reply he'd dissppeared around the corner with a wink.Oh my god she thought, had he...

3 years ago
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Alexs craigslist adventures Ch1

My Night With TimMy name is Alex, I'm a 27 year old Bi guy who more than occasionally meets guys. I love top guys who treat me like their little fuck toy. This is the first story I'm sharing of my most recent hook up. I hope to share more of my true stories in the future.-----My night with Tim started out when he answered a craigslist ad of mine. He was only 2 or 3 years older, dark hair, roughly the same height and build as me (I'm about 160 and 5'11" tall) It had been awhile since I'd been...

3 years ago
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Thats What Good Boys Do CH1

That's What Good Boys Do Ch. 01 by Grassmonkeym I came home early from my summer job at the landscaping company, feeling tired, dirty, and, as usual, more than a little depressed. I was eighteen years old and still coming home to my mother's house each night. Not that she minded—we had lived together, just me and her, for most of my life. My first year away at school had been tough on her, and I knew she liked having me around, at least for the summer.What bothered me more, I guess, was that...

1 year ago
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Anna Saves the Company Ch1

Anna thought she had the perfect life, at 27 years of age she was young, beautiful and intelligent. Married to her husband of 2 yrs, they both had good jobs and made each other very happy. They weren't rich by any means but they both had good salaries and were particularly careful with their money. This however was about to be put in jeopardy, as the world braced itself for a recession. Anna was one of six office staff working for a small clothing firm. The company had taken off extremely fast...

4 years ago
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Links New Look Playing Princess Ch1

The pink door slowly creaked open, a small sliver of light illuminating the pitch-black room as a small head poked in. "Good... she's not here..." a young voice muttered to itself as its owner slipped into the room, switching the lights on. Link, or Young Link as he was sometimes known, grinned upon seeing the large, elaborate room. The huge, fluffy bed was perfectly made, the light from the chandelier above completely showing the pale blue wallpaper and multiple portraits on the...

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Mistress StepDaughter Ch1

Tim was 42, chubby, not that attractive, and had a very small penis. He had been married once for three years but his wife left him for her boss, and since had only dated casually. Then he met Cathy, the woman of his dreams! She was 38, chubby as well, great personality, and most importantly, didn't mind his tiny member! She too was divorced and she also had a daughter named Kassi. Tim and Cathy dated for a few months and decided they wanted to get married, so they had a quick wedding and Cathy...

1 year ago
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Jim The Cuckhold Ch1

Jim felt his whole world crashing down around him as he stared at the cum-stained panties he held in his hands. They were his wife's, but the cum staining the crotch wasn't.........nor was it his! He tried to think about what to do....... Jim and his wife Dana had been married for fifteen years, had two beautiful c***dren, and a nice home. A few years back, Jim was in an accident at work and hurt his back badly. Since then he hadn't been able to work, and was on painkillers, leaving him spaced...

3 years ago
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Sissy Butt Licker Ch1

I hook up with quite a few women I meet online. They all know how tiny my penis is, and they all know of my fetishes, and most of them just want a no strings attached encounter with a guy that's not looking for anything in return. Of course they would all prefer a hot young stud, but they settle for a gross, disgusting slob like myself because most of them are no better looking! The fact I'm willing to meet them and eat them out and leave, intrigues a lot of them! Now I get shot down more often...

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Butt Sniffing Ch1

I've had such a good response to my "Butt Sniffing At Wal Mart" story, I thought I'd share some more memerable bum smelling experiences! This chapter is about my earlier experiences. Like I said before, my ass smell fetish ties directly into my panty fetish, and every since the first time I smelt panties, I fell in love with the smell of butt! If you've read my first chapter of "My Fetish For Panties" then you'll know my first smell of ass was my friends sister. After that, I would try and...

2 years ago
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Hookers Ch1

I'd like to share with you now some of the experiences I've had with hookers! I was nineteen the first time I picked up a hooker and I still use their services to this day! I'm not going to bore you with every hooker I've been with and what we did! For the most part the majority of the time it's just a quick suck on my car and off they go! But I have had several experiences I think are worth sharing and hope you enjoy them! Like I said the first time I picked up a hooker I was nineteen. I had...

1 year ago
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My Fetish For Panties CH1

I LOVE dirty panties! Yes I have a panty fetish........BIG TIME!! I would like to share my experiences on xhamster here with like minded individuals or those who are just curious about panty fetishism. This is one of many chapters I would like to share, so I hope everyone enjoys! I would like to start from the begining, the first time I ever held a pair of dirty panties in my hands...........I was 8, and being an only c***d, never had the opportunity to check out girls undies before going over...

1 year ago
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Busty Adventures of Brittany Ch1

Brittany Clarkson was playing volleyball in gym class today with all of the other senior students. She was really the only one hitting and chasing after the ball for some reason. She had known the reason. It was because everyone else including the gym coach, Coach Phillip was gawking at her enormous sport bra cased tits.They would bounce and wobble and just about go all over the place. She thought the sport bra would hold them down but she was wrong. She never really paid any attention to...

1 year ago
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The family Sucks A Lot ch1

Chapter 1Tess pulled her mouth off her brother's pulsing cock."Mmmm, God," she grinned. "Is that good!""Just hurry up," Jeff panted. He clutched the back of her head and pressed it closer to his glistening prick. He swiveled his hips upward, trying to force his cock back into her mouth.Tess swung her head to fling blonde hair out of her face."Just hold your horses!" she gasped. "I'm doing the best I can!"She opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around the bulbous prickhead.Jeff raised his hips...

3 years ago
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Rainy Day Woman Ch1

Rainy Day Woman.... Chapter 1 Author:- Pollymeric Copyright: Pollymeric 11.05.2016 This is a work of fan fiction based upon work of John Entwhistle's novel " A Northern Tale" A story set in 1950's As usual, I recognise that this may be a very niche subject. Chapter 1: Latimer was surprised to receive a phone call from Mr. Hawkins, although he had been with the internationally celebrated Management Consultancy of McIntyre for 3years after gaining his MBA from Manchester...

4 years ago
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Natasha Ch1

Natasha, age thirty, was born and raised on a farm in Nebraska. Today, she still resides near there with her husband Robert. Her five foot five figure isn’t the thin model type, but slightly heavier with the curves in all the right places. With a full firm breasts and large pink nipples that stand out an inch, when aroused, a slight puffy stomach, wide hips, and a pussy with thick blonde hair, large lips, and a big clit. When you look into her face you’ll see her flawless ivory colored...

2 years ago
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The Alchemists Path Ch1

This is my first story. I hope you enjoy.(in no way is any of this true.)A lone professor scribbled mixed notes and complex formulas on a chalk board. A child outside yelled about today’s news and what it entailed, which he cared little for. In the professor’s line of work politics and history mattered little. Only numbers and theories, some mixed idea that something else could be discovered just a throw stone away. And with so many scientists throwing stones, someone has to break glass at some...

4 years ago
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A shot in the dark Ch1

Robert and Trisha had been dating for some time and finally Robert proposal to Trisha. She happily accepted. Everyone was happy for the couple. Trisha's mom secretly thought her daughter would never get married because she was flat-chested. Robert's mom never thought he would get married because he was too nice and thin and short for a guy. About six months before the wedding they took a trip and got a nice hotel room. They made out passionately and soon they were naked. Robert...

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Book Store Stories Ch1

MY WEEKEND OF FREEDOMIt's Tuesday morning and I'm in my office at work. Well, not really "At Work". See, I sat here yesterday trying to do my job, but with the events of last weekend still fresh in my mind, I just could not concentrate. So now I'll write about it. Then, I might get back to work.I still can recall the salty taste of his cum.Last year when I saw that TV commercial, I thought, that was my life. I'm sure you remember the guy, the one with a half of a smile saying, I have a nice...

2 years ago
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Glory Hole Surprise Ch1

I love to suck cock when I'm horny, and on this particular day I'm quite turned on.It's late summer and school is starting up again soon. I've just turned eighteen and can't wait to start my senior year - so many football player dicks to suck! Never mind the male teachers. They hook up with students a lot more often than you think.Craving the taste of cock, I decide to pay a visit to my favorite place on earth: the gloryhole down the street. Yes, I live within walking distance of a gloryhole....

3 years ago
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Enjoying his Daughters Ch1

Jerry's wife had just left for the doctors, leaving him alone with his 16-year-old daughter Mindy at their house. She was tall for her age, almost as tall as her 17-year-old sister Laura who had left early for cheer leading practice. Laura had begun to fill out her cheer leading sweater rather nicely, but Mindy was just in the beginning stages of growing matching titties like her sister. Jerry liked it when his wife left, not because he didn't love her but because he loved to go online and...

4 years ago
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My Story Ch1

First of all, welcome! This is my first attempt at writing about my journey, and it has been a journey, into experiencing sex with hung, dominant black men. I have had a lot of inspiration from other authors on this site, namely Originalanonymous, Floridaguy2001 and Pantyboy4mistress. Thank you to all that you've done for me over the years. I will definitely welcome feedback from authors and readers alike because as it says in the title, this is only chapter 1 of a very fun and naughty...

1 year ago
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Covid Gloryhole Ch1

To make matters worse i lost my job but still had the payments to make on my new car. My parents helped me out but they’re struggling and I don’t want to have to sell it. I’d applied for hundreds of jobs and been rejected from hundreds of jobs. There was only one that I had instantly ruled out!! Sales assistant in a sex shop on the industrial park. As much as I needed money there was no way I was going to sell sex magazines and videos to dirty old men and have to look at them. The thought...

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